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英语翻译: 购物中心(是shopping centre吗?)

2023-08-22 12:45:57

英国英语中说shopping centre(一般在英国英语中,常常用-re这个字母组合,但是在美国英语里,拼写和发音趋于一致,所以常常用-er这个字母组合,而且发的是一个轻的卷舌音),但在美国英语里常说shopping mall,或mall。如:

There are malls that people shop in.



一般不说 shopping centre,更常用 shopping mall 专指购物中心、购物区!


一般可以说shopping mall


shopping centre和shopping center都可以






  购物中心是指一群建筑,是组合在一起的商业设施,按商圈确定其位置、规模,将多种店铺作为一个整体来计划、开发和经营,并且拥有一定规模的停车场。那么,你知道购物中心的英语怎么说吗?   购物中心的英文释义:   shopping center   MALL   shopping centre   plaza   购物中心的英文例句:   我们尽量走小路以绕过购物中心区。   We managed to bypass the shopping centre by taking side-streets.   `修建新购物中心是践踏民意,"她抗议道。   `The building of the new shopping centre is an outrage, " she protested.   从这儿去购物中心怎么走?   How can I get to the shopping centre from here.   警察给我指明去购物中心的路。   The policeman directed me to the shopping centre. 购物中心英语怎么说   该购物中心同意不再作假 广告 。   The shopping centre agreed to desist from false advertising.   许多强盗抢劫了购物中心里的珠宝店。   Many robbers raided on the jeweller"s in the shopping centre.   但是,在未来岁月里,只有一个购物中心将会被人们记住。   But only one mall would be remembered in the years to come.   我马上就打扫完房间了,如果你等一下的话,我们可以一起去购物中心.   Iu2019m almost done cleaning my room, if you hang on, we can go to the mall together.   我妈妈和我妹妹都喜欢新的购物中心。   My mother and my sister like the new shopping center.   学生们在学校和购物中心也唱圣诞颂歌。   Student groups also sing carols at schools and shopping centers.   像苹果公司,他们租赁了大型购物中心和有趣的店铺,以及雇佣那些熟知内情的员工,这些费用开支也很高。   Like with Apple, they have those rents in the shopping malls, fancy stores and allthose hip people working there. That costs a lot.   所以,当消费者可能不像平常那样去购物中心,你可以确定的是——人们会继续生病、支付税金和使用能源。   So while consumers may not hit the mall as often, you can guarantee that peoplewill continue to get sick, pay taxes and use energy.   另一项新规定是"提前投票"。 选务人员可在选举日前最多三个星期之内在购物中心和其他公共场所设立投票设备。   Another new provision is "early voting," for which voting machines are set up inshopping malls and other public places for up to three weeks before election day.   也许今天我们可以试一下 其它 的菜u2026u2026不久前一天我们经过的小吃一条街怎么样,就是购物中心里面的那一家?   Maybe we can try some other food todayu2026 What about that all-you-can-eat placewe passed the other day, the one over in the shopping center?   “我在购物中心遇到帕蒂,”她解释道,“我跟你说过了。   "I ran into Patty at the mall, " she explained. "I told you that.   市场或者购物中心卖印有美国总统(奥巴马)的鞋子、袜子、内衣、领带等等。   Markets or shopping centers sell shoes, socks, underwear, ties, etc. with the faceof U.S. president.   买电脑可以去铜锣湾的皇室大厦购物中心。   For computers, go to Windsor House shopping center in Causeway Bay.   任荣说,区域性购物中心将成为未来10-15年中国大陆下一个有利可图的地产领域。   "Regional shopping centers will become the next winning property sector in Chinafor another 10 to 15 years, " Mr. Ren said.   以苹果为例,那些付给购物中心的租金、精品店还有所有这些店面的内部工作人员,着实是花了一大笔钱的。   Like with Apple, they have those rents in the shopping malls, fancy stores and allthose hip people working there. That costs a lot.   然而,由于中国的年轻人旅游去香港甚至国外例如米兰或伦敦的购物中心,他们越来越习惯于良好的服务并且现在对内地商家也这样要求。   However, as Chinese youth travel to Hong Kong and shopping centers furtherabroad in Milan or London, they are becoming accustomed to better service andare now demanding the same at home   单一个隐藏在葡萄牙大型购物中心的花园就比四个 网球 场大,科威特还有一个,大小也差不多。   One inside a Portuguese shopping mall is larger than four tennis courts, andthere"s one in Kuwait that"s almost as big.   2002年开业的格罗夫购物中心看起来一点也不像购物商城,却拥有购物商城所有的功能特点。   The Grove shopping centre, which opened in 2002, performs all the functions of amall without looking at all like one.   陌生男人:你会想乘89号公交的,它能直达购物中心。   MAN: You want to take Bus 89. It goes straight to the mall.
2023-08-13 16:59:431


go shopping
2023-08-13 16:59:581


您好,很高兴为您解答,答案如下:We are going to the shopping mall满意请采纳,不懂欢迎追问 谢谢U0001f604
2023-08-13 17:00:337


at the shopping center常用释义为您找到2个相关内容at the shopping centerat the mall在购物中心;相关例句1·Today I was at the shopping centre and I spent a lot of time reading the Father"s Day cards.今天我在购物中心,我花了好长时间读父亲节贺卡。2·He bought her some roses at the florist"s in the mall.他在购物中心的花店里为她买了一些玫瑰。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》3·People like to go shopping at shopping centers.人们喜欢在购物中心购物。在购物中心的英语翻译是"at the mall",在日常中也可以翻译为"at the shopping center",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到97个与在购物中心相关的短语翻译和用法。英语翻译1. at the mall在购物中心翻译为at the mall。示例:人们喜欢在购物中心购物。People like to go shopping at shopping centers.来源:荷林斯高阶英汉词典2. at the shopping center在购物中心翻译为at the shopping center。示例:今天我在购物中心,我花了好长时间读父亲节贺卡。Today I was at the shopping centre and I spent a lot of time reading the Father"s Day cards.来源:英汉简明词典
2023-08-13 17:01:571


2023-08-13 17:04:139


2023-08-13 17:05:391


shopping mall shopping centre
2023-08-13 17:05:514

一个关于购物中心的英语作文 100字

shopping mall There is a big shopping mall around my apartment. The shopping mall have 6 floors in all. On the 1st floor, sell the daily matiral for defferent ages people, and on the second floor, there are lots of beautiful clothes for the young lady; on the 3rd floor, sells the mens wears; on the 4th floor, sells the ladys suit, and luxry things for the old lady; on the fifth floor, is a garden for the kids, and it also sell icecream and noodles; on the 6th floor, is a very big swimming pool, lots of people swimming in there now.
2023-08-13 17:06:001


Mall n. 购物商场, 商业街, 林荫路。欧美的一种郊区大型娱乐购物中心,跟中国历史上的“瓦肆”类似。特指规模巨大、连成一体、包罗众多专卖店和商铺、集购物、休闲、娱乐、饮食为一体的商业中心或加盖的林荫道商业街。Mall原意是“林荫道”,现在也可译为“购物林荫道”,意指在Mall里肯定有一条或多条步行街,身临其境购物、消费或漫步,犹如在林荫道上闲逛一样舒适和惬意。较新版本的美国词典释意:“在毗邻的建筑群中或一个大建筑物中,许多商店和餐馆组成的大型零售综合体。
2023-08-13 17:06:443


Shopping Mall常见释义[名词] Shopping Mall; plaza; arcade; shopping center/mall; [例句]购物中心承受了全部爆炸力。The shopping centre took the full force of the blast.短语Shopping g Center Leasing 购物中心租赁shopping g center 购物中心 ; 市场Urban Shopping e Center 市区购物中心
2023-08-13 17:07:491


购物中心英文:shopping centre例句:1、We managed to bypass the shopping centre by taking side-streets.我们尽量走小路以绕过购物中心区。2、The building of the new shopping centre is an outrage,she protested.修建新购物中心是践踏民意,她抗议道。3、How can I get to the shopping centre from here.从这儿去购物中心怎么走?4、The policeman directed me to the shopping centre.警察给我指明去购物中心的路。5、I"m almost done cleaning my room, if you hang on, we can go to the mall together.我马上就打扫完房间了,如果你等一下的话,我们可以一起去购物中心.6、My mother and my sister like the new shopping center.我妈妈和我妹妹都喜欢新的购物中心。7、Student groups also sing carols at schools and shopping centers.学生们在学校和购物中心也唱圣诞颂歌。8、Many robbers raided on the jeweller"s in the shopping centre.但是,在未来岁月里,只有一个购物中心将会被人们记住。
2023-08-13 17:07:581


2023-08-13 17:08:483

商场 用英语怎么说

2023-08-13 17:09:223


2023-08-13 17:09:523


仅供参考In Mississauga, Ontario, Canda, there is a shopping mall called Squareone, it is the biggest shopping mall in Canada, which is pretty fucking awsome. There are lots of famous brands that opened their branches in Squareone, such as Guess and LV. for what is impressing is the fact that there is a huge water fount at the center of the mall. It is used to let people make wishes and have hopes for what they are wishing for. I love the mall very much. 答案补充 密西沙加,安大略省,加拿大,还有一个大型购物中心,名为Squareone ,它是加拿大最大的购物中心 ,这是非常惊叹的。有很多著名的品牌,打开他们的分行Squareone ,如猜测吕。印象深刻的是,在商场中心有一个巨大的喷泉。它是用来让人们许愿,让他们憧憬能得到他们所希望的。我非常喜欢这个商场。注意:把awsome改为awesome
2023-08-13 17:11:041


英语翻译:Is this the shopping center?这是购物中心吗?
2023-08-13 17:11:122


购物的英文单词:shopping音标:英 [u02c8u0283u0252pu026au014b] 美 [u02c8u0283ɑu02d0pu026au014b] 释义;从商店采买的东西v.去商店买;在商店购物;逛商店;(向警察等)告发shop的现在分词记忆技巧:shop 买东西 + ing 行为,状态,情况 → 购物双语例句The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex. 建筑师为提议建设的购物中心做了一个比例模型。The shopping centre took the full force of the blast. 购物中心承受了全部爆炸力。The shop is now under new management. 这家商店现由新的经营者管理。I"ve got a bit of shopping to do. 我要买点东西。I"ve been busy shopping and things. 我一直忙于购物之类的事情。The union presented a shopping list of demands to the management. 工会向资方提交了一份写明各项要求的清单。
2023-08-13 17:11:241


Describe a shop or shopping center. You should say:Where it is?What it sells?How often you go there, and why?Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.1. a) The High Mall shopping center is well known in the city of Shenyang.b) If you have been here for some time, you have probably been there.2. a) It is situated at 217 Long Street, opposite the public library.b) When traveling from Government Square, you should take bus no. 242, and it will take you there.3. a) It is what is called a ‘one-stop" shopping mall.b) It means I am able to do most of my shopping in one center at the same time.There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about the “High Mall”. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.4. a) The High Mall contains a wide variety of shops and stores.b) For example, there is a large department store that sells almost anything, a Mac Donald"s outlet, a jeweler, and so on.5. a) It has a good security system, so I always feel save there.b) For instance there are many security officers on duty, looking out for robbers and so on.6. a) Secondly, it is a nice place to kill some time in the evenings or on weekends.b) One can spend hours browsing through the shops, or sit in a restaurant, have something to drink, and watch the crowds.Those are some thoughts on my favorite shopping center.
2023-08-13 17:13:041


hotel,hospital,shopping center,store,company,restaurant
2023-08-13 17:14:083


宾馆hotel[hu0259u028au02c8tel], 医院hospital [u02c8hu0254spu026atl], 购物中心shopping centre[u02c8u0283u0254pu026au014b u02c8sentu0259], 商店shop[u0283u0254p], 公司company [u02c8ku028cmpu0259ni], 饭店restaurant [u02c8restru0252nt]
2023-08-13 17:14:171


big store
2023-08-13 17:15:215


Huamao shopping mall
2023-08-13 17:15:394


My favourite shopping centre My favourite shopping centre is century supermarket.It is in the city centre.It is far away from my home.But it is big so i usually go shopping with my mother.There is a KFC near this supermarket.It has many things.For eample,clothes,food,fruit and stationery so on.When i go to this supermarket, i buy a lot of things i need.That"s why i like this shopping centre.
2023-08-13 17:15:521


巴厘岛的本地人将海滩漫步购物中心称为Beachwalk Mall。 Beach Walk Bali海滩步行街结合住宿、餐饮、购物、娱乐为一体,再注入巴里岛当地的文化与建筑艺术建构而成的大型商业广场。 Beach Walk Bali是一家四层楼的建筑(地上三层+B1),商场设计从天空鸟瞰就像是巴里岛传统农村的梯田,主题建筑的屋顶设计也特别运用传统的Alang-Alang 工法,不仅能藏风纳气更有冬暖夏凉,节能省碳的绿色环保概念在里面。在 Beack Walk 里面散步,你不仅可以尽情享乐购物,这里还是库塔海滩上拍照与看夕阳的最佳景点。
2023-08-13 17:16:021


海南最大的购物中心,日月广场的英文翻译_百度翻译海南最大的购物中心,日月广场The largest shopping center in Hainan 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译
2023-08-13 17:16:201


1、公司法定中文名称:深圳香江控股股份有限公司 公司英文名称:Shenzhen Heungkong Holding Co., Ltd公司英文名称缩写:HKHC5、公司股票上市交易所:上海证券交易所公司股票简称:香江控股公司股票代码:6001626、公司成立日期:1994年1月30日7、 公司变更注册登记日期:2006年12月15日公司变更注册登记地点:深圳市工商行政管理局8 、注册资本:76781.2619万元9、公司直接和间接拥有50多个控股子公司,主要从事以下经营业务:房地产开发,物业管理,国内贸易、国内商业、物资供销业、信息咨询(不含专营专控商品及限制项目),物流,运输服务(凭许可证经营),开办市场,会展服务,仓储(不含易燃易爆化学危险品)服务等。商贸物流业务方面,公司将通过控股公司建成多个规模大、种类全的大型综合商贸批发物流基地,并通过收购、兼并、合作开发等方式继续投资商贸物流项目,从而在全国范围内构筑一个较大规模的市场网络,实现资源共享,降低流通成本,缩短市场培育周期,促进公司持续、健康、稳定地发展。
2023-08-13 17:03:221


2023-08-13 17:03:248


2023-08-13 17:03:263


2023-08-13 17:03:281

求 09国庆阅兵式 讲解词,有英文更好。

2023-08-13 17:03:342

iphone有什么好玩游戏? 类似熊猫屁王、跑跑卡丁车、愤怒的小鸟等

2023-08-13 17:03:354


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2023-08-13 17:03:432


一 ih二 nyi三 se四 sy五 ng六 loh七 chih八 pah九 cieu十 zeh
2023-08-13 17:03:452


during 60 years. the glory years snap fingers to wield 60 years China vicissitudes great change. in 2009, our great motherland has welcomed her 60th birthday. in 1949, the People"s Republic of China established! Full finally stood after the war vicissitudes and backwardness misery"s Chinese people! China looks like a big dragon to be the same, stands erect by a great nation"s status East the world! , brings the daydream, brings the expectation, brings the hope, but this year"s autumn, must with general, is more unusual. In this happy season, Republic each square kilometer well-loved place soaks is being delighted and is happy, the flow with is singing happily. 1,40000000China children release for flight the golden color ideal by the heroic intense singing sound and the rosy expectation, releases for flight the rock-solid faith with the line which praises to the great motherland. the ancient Great Wall very draws out the unyielding chest, galloping Yangtze River whirls around the crystal clear spray, the great distance prairie reverberation affection wharf tweedle, Lhasa forest card main story comes the herdsman to rush toward the well-off happy song joke. Therefore, I saw on the motherland vast earth, the China children sing joyfully in a loud voice in the world between. Joyfully celebrates a motherland mother 60 year-old birthday, by the Republic children"s name, expresses best wishes to the motherland, prays for heavenly blessing for the mother. the motherland, sail of your like hope, rumble in the salute sound drives from the Republic founding ceremony; Roams through the outer space from the divine land 7th airship in the good news to drive; Give free reign to the imagination Qu Zhongshi from the urban reform promotion"s blueprint and the village wealthy civilization. Therefore, I saw the spring breeze insufflates trillion leaf of happy windows and doors, heard “spring"s story” to resound through the motherland. The vast coastal territory speeds along hero"s war ship, the western border region leaps the rocket which soars to the heavens. In endless more than a half century"s course has excessively magnificently, has had the setback. Under the industrious brave Chinese in three generation of leaders and the Central Party Committee leads, the unity is strength, overcomes all difficulties, by the enormous warm investment “invigorate the Chinese nation, is strong my national prestige” the economic development.
2023-08-13 17:03:505


2023-08-13 17:03:506


2023-08-13 17:03:542


兔子高防""cdn自主研发的高效拦截引擎,无上限零误伤CC防御,迅速识别自动防护,100%拦截无漏传, 无视各种变异CC,穿盾CC。
2023-08-13 17:03:553


2023-08-13 17:03:565


2023-08-13 17:03:194


2023-08-13 17:03:161

olive skin是什么意思

olive=Olea europaea意思是油橄榄
2023-08-13 17:03:113


Kow是平衡状态下有机化合物在N-辛醇和水两相平衡浓度之比。根据研究发现,辛醇对有机物的分配与有机物在土壤有质的分配极为相似,所以当有了化合物在辛醇和水中的分配比Kow以后,就可以顺利地计算出Koc。通常,有机物在水中的溶解度往往可以通过它们对非极性的有机相的亲和性反映出来。亲脂有机物在辛醇-水体系中有很高的分配系数,在有机相中的浓度可以达到水相中浓度的101~106倍。例如常见的环境污染物PAH、PCBS和邻苯二酸酯等。在辛醇-水体系中的分配系数是一个无量纲值。Kow值是描述一种有机化合物在水和沉积物中,有机质之间或水生生物脂肪之间分配的一个很有用的指标。分配系数的数值越大,有机物在有机相中溶解度也越大,即在水中的溶解度越小。Kow反映了有机物的疏水性或脂溶性大小:Kow越大,表明化合物越容易溶于非极性介质中,越容易被生物体细胞吸收;另外,Kow反映了有机物在水中环境行为的重要参数:有机物的水溶解性、土壤沉积物吸附系数、生物富集因子及毒理学性质都与起Kow有关。 j精锐化学老师
2023-08-13 17:03:081


2023-08-13 17:03:012


2023-08-13 17:02:592


潜水艇是根据鱼膘的原理自由上浮的 。人们在潜水艇的两侧安装了主压载水舱,要下潜的时候 里面注满了水 ,如果要上浮 就排空水 。
2023-08-13 17:02:524


Red dragon group (Italy) Holdings Limited
2023-08-13 17:02:491


2023-08-13 17:02:4510


答: 实际上,潜艇的沉浮原理是相通的。 潜艇沉浮的原理是基于阿基米德定律。阿基米德定律指出,浸入静止流体中的物体受到一个浮力,其大小等于该物体所排开的流体重量,方向垂直向上并通过所排开流体的形心。 在潜艇上都设有压载水舱,只要往空的压载水舱里注水,潜艇就变重了,这时潜艇的重量就会大于它排开水的重量(即大于浮力),潜艇就逐渐下潜。当潜艇正常上浮时,用高压空气分步骤把压载水舱里的水挤出去,使之充满了空气,使潜艇在水下的重量减轻了,当潜艇的重量小于它同体积的水的重量时(即小于浮力时),潜艇就会上浮,直至浮出水面。
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2023-08-13 17:02:372


证券代码:000668证券简称:荣丰控股公司名称:荣丰控股集团股份有限公司公司英文名称:RONGFENG HOLDING GROUP CO.,LTD.交易所:深圳公司曾用名称:中国石化武汉石油(集团)股份有限公司证券简称更名历史:2009年1月23日,公司股票简称由“S武石油”变更为“荣丰控股”公司注册国家:中国省份:湖北省城市:武汉市工商登记号:42010011010653办公地址:北京宣武区广安门外大街305号荣丰嘉园2号楼10层注册地址:上海市浦东新区浦东大道1200号1908室注册资本:14684.19万元邮政编码:200135法人代表:王征总经理:王征成立日期:1988-09-02经营范围:房地产开发经营、商品房销售、租赁;物业管理;建筑装修;园林绿化;实业投资;投资管理(国家有专项审批的项目经审批后方可经营)。上市日期:1996-12-10上市推荐人:国泰证券有限公司 武汉市信托投资公司 中国南方证券有限公司审计机构:武汉众环会计师事务所有限责任公司经办会计师:王郁 肖昊来法律顾问:湖北正信律师事务所资产评估机构:武汉市国有资产管理局
2023-08-13 17:02:361