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2023-08-22 09:01:05
TAG: 英文

Stay in the past.



在过去的 英文翻译

in the past
2023-08-13 07:23:206


2023-08-13 07:23:561


in the past in the old time
2023-08-13 07:24:076


2023-08-13 07:25:075


in the past
2023-08-13 07:25:246


  过去是指现在我们所处时刻前的任意一个时刻或者时间段,可以是一个时刻,但大多指的是一个时间段。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    过去英语说法1:   go over    过去英语说法2:   pass by   过去的相关短语:   过去时态 Past tenses ; Les temps du pass ; Simple Past ; preterit   回想过去 think back to ; Tagging the Past ; Recall that in the past ; In retrospect   走过去 e over ; Just walk on by ; go over ; Walk   感知过去 Clairsentience   看过去 look over one"s shoulder   挤过去 edge one"s way ; push one"s way ; bored ; break through   过去将来 should ; Past Future ; would been done ; past future    过去的英语例句:   1. A fellow doesn"t last long on what he has done. He"s got to keep on delivering as he goes along.--Carl Hubbell, Baseball Player   靠过去完成的无法让人保有成功,必须在路上持续交出成绩。   2. We"ll manage somehow, you and me. I know we will.   我和你,我们总能应付过去的。我知道我们会的。   3. After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.   失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。   4. As the day goes on, the pollen dries up and bees hard.   日子一天天过去,花粉干结成了硬块。   5. When Myra told Karp she"d expose his past, he blew up.   当迈拉告诉卡普她会把他的过去全抖搂出去时,卡普大为光火。   6. In a dream you can be transported back in time.   在梦里你可以回到过去。   7. They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump.   他们过去常买10公斤重的整块牛肉。   8. He squeezed through a narrow opening in the fence.   他从围栏上的狭窄缺口里挤了过去。   9. He is impatient as the first hour passes and then another.   一个小时、两个小时过去了,他不耐烦了。   10. This club has grown in stature over the last 20 years.   这家俱乐部在过去20年间知名度大增。   11. In the past he dallied with actresses and lady novelists.   他过去曾与许多女演员和女小说家调情。   12. Amy went and kissed him, and then danced out of his reach.   埃米过去吻了他一下,接着就从他怀里跳开了。   13. The stationmaster pounced and wrestled the gun from him.   站长猛扑过去,奋力夺下他手中的枪。   14. In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult.   过去这一过渡过程常常很艰难。   15. These last four years have been hard on them.   过去的这四年里他们吃了不少苦。
2023-08-13 07:25:411


2023-08-13 07:26:415


in the past, used to
2023-08-13 07:26:592


in the last decade(十年) over the last ten years是可以的 over就表示时间跨越 during是期间的意思,可能不太好 decade这个词很好啊,a decade就等于ten years
2023-08-13 07:27:061

在过去的几年里我总是 英文怎么说

In the past few years, i always```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
2023-08-13 07:27:144


happened, occured, took place, used to
2023-08-13 07:27:244

过去 用英语怎么说

2023-08-13 07:27:355


In the past five years
2023-08-13 07:28:067


She has changed a lot in the past five years.
2023-08-13 07:28:234


如果是指动作,可以是:go there! be there!如果是指时间,可以是:past(过去,往时),old-time(以前的,旧式的),foregone(先前的,过去的,预知的),forepassed(过去的,既往的)
2023-08-13 07:28:401


In the past few years....记得后面要接现在完成时,这个后面接这个时态的题目常考哦。
2023-08-13 07:28:471


during the past twenty years/ two decades
2023-08-13 07:29:402


2023-08-13 07:29:516


2023-08-13 07:30:203


in the last year
2023-08-13 07:30:325


2023-08-13 07:30:498


最近过去的英文:Recently双语例句1.可预测的视域比不熟悉的刺激触发较少脑子活动,支持看法脑子不是仅仅易反应的,但是引起根据最近过去的预言。Predictable sights trigger less brain activity than unfamiliar stimuli, bolstering the view that the brain is not merely reactive, but generates predictions based on the recent past.2.但是,在最近过去的几个月中,由教师和官员实施的该类犯罪行为已经多次登上头版头条。But there have been multiple headline-grabbing incidents over recent months of abuse by teachers or public officials.3.卡比在这儿上大学的四年中,我对她真的没有什么帮助。但是在最近过去的几周里,每当有人问我在做什么时,我都会说:“我正准备去斯坦福。”I really had nothing to do with her graduating from Stanford, but every time anybody"s asked me in the past couple of weeks what I was doing, I would say, "I"m getting ready to go to Stanford."4.你最近跟过去判若两人,我希望你不要故态复萌。I hope you"ll never change back from the person you have recently become.5.路易威登(LVMH)最近表示过去一年在中国的销售业绩平平之后,股价应声下跌。LVMH MC.FR shares dropped recently after the company said China sales were "flattish" in the last year or so.6.在最近的过去;仅仅过去了一段很短的时间。In the recent past; only a short time ago.7.紧接着的事件;直接接触;紧邻;最近的过去。Contiguous events; immediate contact; the immediate vicinity; the immediate past.8.我要把你带到最近的过去I"m taking you to the nearest past
2023-08-13 07:31:041


She went to the park yesterday.
2023-08-13 07:31:276


一般过去时一般过去时是表示在说话时间以前发生的动作或者状态的动词时态,它是英语时态体系中最重要的时态之一。1) 一般过去时规则动词的构成形式:规则动词在其原形后面加-ed:to work-worked以字母e结尾的规则动词,只加-d:to love---loved对所有人称均无词形变化。否定式均由did not + 动词原形构成I / you / he / she / they / we did not work.疑问式均由 did + 主语 + 动词原形 构成拼写注意:情况 变化 例词动词为单音节,以一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾 辅音字母双写,再加-ed Stop-stoppedAdmit—admitted以y结尾的动词,在y 前为辅音字母时 Y 变为 I ,加 – ed Carry –carriedHurry –hurried以y 结尾的动词,在y 前为元音字母时 加—ed Obey—obeyedEnjoy---enjoyed在英语当中有一部分动词的过去式变化形式是不规则的,这类动词被称为不规则动词。总数大概不过200多个,但是使用频率很高。主要分成三类:1》 第一类不规则动词的三种形式同形,如:cost cost costcut cut cuthurt hurt hurtshut shut shutset set set注意,有些动词的过去式与过去分词有两中形式,如:bet bet / betted bet / bettedwed wed / wedded wed / weddedwet wet / wetted wet / wetted2》 第二类不规则动词的过去式和过去分词同形,如:bend bent bentbring brought broughtcatch caught caughthide hid hid / hiddenget got got/ gotten(AmE)lead led led3》 第三类不规则动词的原形、过去式和过去分词都不相同,如:原形 过去式 过去分词begin began begunbreak broke brokenforbid forbade forbiddengrow grew grownring rang rungwake woke / waked woken / waked此外还有少数不规则动词的过去分词与原形相同,如:come came comebecome became becomerun ran run一般过去时的功用1) 表示一个没指明具体时间的过去的行动,如:He worked in that bank for four years. (没说明起始时间,但是现在不在那里工作了)。They once saw Deng Xiaopin.Did you ever hear BackStreet Boy sing?2) 表示在过去特定的时间结束的行动,如:When did you meet him?I met him yesterday.When we lived in Phoenix, we studied at Arizona State University.Where have you been?I"ve been to the opera.Did you enjoy it?3) 表示过去的习惯He always carried an umbrella.They never drank wine.
2023-08-13 07:31:461

英文,在过去的几年。over the past few years为什么不用a few,

a few表示的数量多一些 不是几年。望采纳
2023-08-13 07:31:532


在过去的英文:in the past。in the past+一段时间名词应该用现在完成时(以现在时间为基准);或用过去完成时(以过去时间为基准)。 扩展资料   in the past的用法   如果是用作时间状语,可连用一般过去时或现在完成时,两者的"区别是:用一般过去时,客观地叙述过去的情况;用现在完成时,强调持续到现在的状态或对现在影响。   例句:   In the past he had to read by candlelight.   过去他只得在烛光下攻读。   I"ve been there many times in the past.   我从前去过那儿很多次。   如果是用于名词后作定语,句子时态可根据情况选用。   例句:   He could remember events far back in the past.   他能记得很早以前的事情。   He will never forget his miserable childhood in the past.   他永远也忘不了自己过去的悲惨的童年。
2023-08-13 07:32:471


2023-08-13 07:32:551

在过去 翻译成英文

In the past
2023-08-13 07:33:032


问题一:在过去 的英语短语怎么说 in the past 问题二:英语,过去和现在怎么翻译? 你好! 过去和现在 In the past and the present 问题三:“在以前”用英文怎么说? In the previous 问题四:英语”在过去的一个月中”怎么说在过去的一个月中,用 in the past month. 问题五:在过去的两年里我变化了很多用英语怎么说 您好,翻译为 I have changed a lot in the past two years 希望帮助你 问题六:现在事情已经过去了用英文怎么说 现在事情已经过去了 全部释义和例句>> Now things have passed. 现在事情已经过去了 全部释义和例句>> Now things have passed. 问题七:"在过去的一周里"用英语怎么说 in the last week
2023-08-13 07:33:121

在过去 英文词组

在过去 in the past
2023-08-13 07:33:211


问题一:过去就是过去了 用英语怎么翻译 Let bygones be bygones.(让过去的都过去吧) 满意请采纳 问题二:以前,过去用英语怎么说 in the past time long ago 问题三:过去,曾经用英文怎么写? 过去: in the past formerly previously go over pass by 曾经: once 问题四:在过去 的英语短语怎么说 in the past 问题五:放下过去的英文怎么写 ? let the past go. 经常在英文电影中听到:let it go. 问题六:关于过去英语怎么说 go by过去 past 过去 over time 过去 In the p唬st 过去 问题七:过去的时光 用英语怎么说? The time pass away 问题八:都过去了用英文怎么说 All that has gone都过去了。望采纳,谢谢。 [第七维King] 问题九:过去,曾经用英文怎么写? 过去: in the past formerly previously go over pass by 曾经: once 问题十:在过去 的英语短语怎么说 in the past
2023-08-13 07:33:381


in the past three years
2023-08-13 07:33:473


2023-08-13 07:34:081


“在之后的十年里"的英文翻译_百度翻译“在之后的十年里"In the next ten years" 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译next_百度翻译next 英[nekst] 美[nu025bkst] adj. 紧接在后的; 次于的; 贴近的; 紧邻的; adv. 接下去; 然后; 居后地; 依次的; n. 下一个; 下一位; [例句]Let"s plan a big night next week
2023-08-13 07:34:281


问题一:过去就是过去了 用英语怎么翻译 Let bygones be bygones.(让过去的都过去吧) 满意请采纳 问题二:以前,过去用英语怎么说 in the past time long ago 问题三:都过去了用英文怎么说 All that has gone都过去了。望采纳,谢谢。 [第七维King] 问题四:过去,曾经用英文怎么写? 过去: in the past formerly previously go over pass by 曾经: once 问题五:英语”在过去的一个月中”怎么说在过去的一个月中,用 in the past month. 问题六:你过去是什么样子的用英语怎么说 What did youlook like in the past? 问题七:以前,过去用英语怎么说 in the past time long ago 问题八:都过去了用英文怎么说 All that has gone都过去了。望采纳,谢谢。 [第七维King] 问题九:过去就是过去了 用英语怎么翻译 Let bygones be bygones.(让过去的都过去吧) 满意请采纳 问题十:过去,曾经用英文怎么写? 过去: in the past formerly previously go over pass by 曾经: once
2023-08-13 07:34:361


你好!在过去的一段时间里In the past period of time
2023-08-13 07:35:061


在过去的一年里英文:in the past year.扩展:year:英 [ju026au0259(r)];美 [ju026ar],释义:n.年;年纪;一年的期间;某年级的学生短语:last year去年;new year新年;next year明年;of the year本年度最杰出的for years好几年;every year每一年相关例句:1.Winter is the coldest season in a year.冬季是一年中最冷的季节。2.The thief was put into prison for one year.小偷被监禁一年。3.She was designated sportswoman of the year.她被指定为本年度的体坛明星。
2023-08-13 07:35:131


Living in the past
2023-08-13 07:35:332


2023-08-13 07:35:432


问题一:放下过去的英文怎么写 ? let the past go. 经常在英文电影中听到:let it go. 问题二:过去,曾经用英文怎么写? 过去: in the past formerly previously go over pass by 曾经: once 问题三:过去就是过去了 用英语怎么翻译 Let bygones be bygones.(让过去的都过去吧) 满意请采纳 问题四:过去 的英语单词怎么写 ago 英[??gu0259?] 美[??go?] adv. 以前; 之前; 过去; [例句]He was killed a few days ago in a skiing accident 几天前他在一场滑雪事故中丧生。 问题五:过去的五个小时的英文怎么写 the past 5 hours 或者5 hours in the past
2023-08-13 07:36:021


2023-08-13 07:36:104

过去 的英文

in the past 名词 past 过去,往事,昔,往时 old 过去,往昔,往事,老龄 heretofore 过去,往事 foretime 过去 具体的运用可以参照例句: 1.The two sides signed a peace accord last July.x05 在刚过去的七月,双方签订了和平条约. 【这里使用last 】 2.It"s too wide.We can"t swim across.x05 这太宽了,我们游不过去. 【这里使用across 】 3.The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade.x05 过去十年,农业从业人数已经下降. 【这里使用in the last decade,也可以使用in the past】 4.Two days after the accident she still looked pretty banged up.x05 事故过去两天后她看上去伤势仍然很重. 【这里使用after 】 5.He barged past me to get to the bar.x05 他经过我的身边向卖酒的柜台硬挤过去. 【这里使用past ,表示经过】
2023-08-13 07:36:371


in the past several hundreds of years
2023-08-13 07:37:041


  你知道吗?一起来学习一下吧!    : past    : formerly    : previously   例句:   1. I must have driven past that place thousands of times.   我得有上千次开车经过那里。   2. When Myra told Karp she"d expose his past, he blew up.   当迈拉告诉卡普她会把他的过去全抖搂出去时,卡普大为光火。   3. They had almost reached the boat when a figure shot past them.   他们差不多快到船边时,一个人影从他们旁边飞奔而过。   4. This boat was formerly used on the rivers of China.   这船从前航行在中国内河里.   5. Formerly most of our household utensils were made of brass.   以前我们家庭用的器皿多数是用黄铜做的.   6. Formerly he often lingered around a park doing nothing.   从前他一直在公园闲荡,无所事事.   7. Formerly he often lingered about [ around ] a park, doing nothing.   从前他时常在公园里 逛荡, 无所事事.   8. This formerly inaccessible place can now be reached by road and rail.   这里过去是穷乡僻壤,现在铁路公路都畅通了.   9. I know him well because he was formerly my fellow worker.   我所以对他熟悉,是因为我和他一起工作过.   10. Formerly [ In the past ] the place was a heap of ruins.   当初这里是一片废墟.   11. Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.   辐射可能以一种我们过去未能预见到的方式破坏细胞。   12. Spassky had never previously lost to his antagonist.   斯帕斯基以往从未输给过他的对手。   13. Marine life was discovered at depths previously thought to be azoic.   在先前被认为没有任何生命迹象的海洋深处发现了海洋生物。   14. deviation from the previously accepted norms   违背事先接受的准则   15. a previously undiscovered talent   以前没被发掘的天才
2023-08-13 07:37:111


in the past few years/in the recent years
2023-08-13 07:37:311

英文 在过去一段时间

in or duringin some time of the past, during...
2023-08-13 07:37:412


过去就是过去了 用英语怎么翻译 Let bygones be bygones.(让过去的都过去吧) 满意请采纳 都过去了用英文怎么说 All that has gone都过去了。望采纳,谢谢。 [第七维King] 以前,过去用英语怎么说 in the past timelong ago 过去的,就过去了 用英文怎么说 What"s past is past. 才是对的。。。 过去的生活 用英语怎么说? 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: past life 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。 过去的两个月用英语怎么说 the past two months 英语”在过去的一个月中”怎么说在过去的一个月中,用 in the past month.
2023-08-13 07:37:481


In the past six months
2023-08-13 07:37:551

“在过去的十年中” 英语中的多种说法

in the last ten years
2023-08-13 07:38:055

在过去的几年中 英语翻译(两种)

2023-08-13 07:38:252