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2023-08-18 08:21:40

原因机长离岗两副手配合失误  据黑匣子记录显示,进入风暴区前,资深副驾驶进入驾驶舱,上左座,换机长出去休息。不久右座副驾驶注意到气象雷达设置不正确,重新调整后发现风暴的强度比预想要强得多而且很难避让。此时机外温度异常高,这表明空气对流程度极其剧烈,造成飞机爬升性能下降,不足以上升到更高的高度。  空速管(一种让气流通过来测量空速的输气管)遭遇暴风冻结,飞机除冰失效,自动驾驶仪脱离。右座副驾驶接管了飞机的控制,并立即拉杆爬升(尽管爬升性能不足)。失速警报在右座拉杆不久就被触发,但两人都未作出任何回应。左座一度曾注意到速度变化,并提醒右座注意,右座答应下降,但事实上仍在拉杆爬升。  很快,一个空速管恢复了工作,机组开始得到正确的空速信息。左座多次要求下降,右座减小了拉杆力,飞机空速逐渐恢复,但仍在缓慢拉升。失速警报解除,但右座仍保持拉杆。




3.2 Causes of the Accident

The obstruction of the Pitot probes by ice crystals during cruise was a phenomenon that was known but misunderstood by the aviation community at the time of the accident. From an operational perspective, the total loss of airspeed information that resulted from this was a failure that was classified in the safety model. After initial reactions that depend upon basic airmanship, it was expected that it would be rapidly diagnosed by pilots and managed where necessary by precautionary measures on the pitch attitude and the thrust, as indicated in the associated procedure.The occurrence of the failure in the context of flight in cruise completely surprised the pilots of flight AF 447. The apparent difficulties with aeroplane handling at high altitude in turbulence led to excessive handling inputs in roll and a sharp nose-up input by the PF. The destabilisation that resulted from the climbing flight path and the evolution in the pitch attitude and vertical speed was added to the erroneous airspeed indications and ECAM messages, which did not help with the diagnosis. The crew, progressively becoming de-structured, likely never understood that it was faced with a “simple” loss of three sources of airspeed information. In the minute that followed the autopilot disconnection, the failure of the attempts to understand the situation and the de-structuring of crew cooperation fed on each other until the total loss of cognitive control of the situation. The underlying behavioural hypotheses in classifying the loss of airspeed information as “major were not validated in the context of this accident. Confirmation of this classification thus supposes additional work on operational feedback that would enable improvements, where required, in crew training, the ergonomics of information supplied to them and the design of procedures.The aeroplane went into a sustained stall, signalled by the stall warning and strong buffet. Despite these persistent symptoms, the crew never understood that they were stalling and consequently never applied a recovery manoeuvre. The combination of the ergonomics of the warning design, the conditions in which airline pilots are trained and exposed to stalls during their professional training and the process of recurrent training does not generate the expected behaviour in any acceptable reliable way.In its current form, recognizing the stall warning, even associated with buffet, supposes that the crew accords a minimum level of “legitimacy” to it. This then supposes sufficient previous experience of stalls, a minimum of cognitive availability and understanding of the situation, knowledge of the aeroplane (and its protection modes) and its flight physics. An examination of the current training for airline pilots does not, in general, provide convincing indications of the building and maintenance of the associated skills. More generally, the double failure of the planned procedural responses shows the limits of the current safety model. When crew action is expected, it is always supposed that they will be capable of initial control of the flight path and of a rapid diagnosis that will allow them to identify the correct entry in the dictionary of procedures. A crew can be faced with an unexpected situation leading to a momentary but profound loss of comprehension. If, in this case, the supposed capacity for initial mastery and then diagnosis is lost, the safety model is then in “common failure mode”. During this event, the initial inability to master the flight path also made it impossible to understand the situation and to access the planned solution.

Thus, the accident resulted from the following succession of events:

Temporary inconsistency between the airspeed measurements, likely following the obstruction of the Pitot probes by ice crystals that, in particular, caused the autopilot disconnection and the reconfiguration to alternate law;

Inappropriate control inputs that destabilized the flight path;

The lack of any link by the crew between the loss of indicated speeds called out and the appropriate procedure;

The late identification by the PNF of the deviation from the flight path and the insufficient correction applied by the PF;

The crew not identifying the approach to stall, their lack of immediate response and the exit from the flight envelope;

The crew‘s failure to diagnose the stall situation and consequently a lack of inputs that would have made it possible to recover from it.

These events can be explained by a combination of the following factors:

The feedback mechanisms on the part of all those involved that made it impossible:

To identify the repeated non-application of the loss of airspeed information procedure and to remedy this,

To ensure that the risk model for crews in cruise included icing of the Pitot probes and its consequences;

The absence of any training, at high altitude, in manual aeroplane handling and in the procedure for ”Vol avec IAS douteuse”;

Task-sharing that was weakened by:

Incomprehension of the situation when the autopilot disconnection occurred, Poor management of the startle effect that generated a highly charged emotional factor for the two copilots;

The lack of a clear display in the cockpit of the airspeed inconsistencies identified by the computers;

The crew not taking into account the stall warning, which could have been due to: A failure to identify the aural warning, due to low exposure time in training to stall phenomena, stall warnings and buffet,The appearance at the beginning of the event of transient warnings that could be considered as spurious,The absence of any visual information to confirm the approach-to-stall after the loss of the limit speeds,The possible confusion with an overspeed situation in which buffet is also considered as a symptom,Flight Director indications that may led the crew to believe that their actions were appropriate, even though they were not,The difficulty in recognizing and understanding the implications of a reconfiguration in alternate law with no angle of attack protectice



n. 货摊;畜栏;托辞vi. 停止,停转;拖延vt. 拖延;使停转;使陷于泥中
2023-08-10 18:08:252


2023-08-10 18:09:011


小摊 [词典] stall; booth; vendor"s stand; [例句]她从街角的小摊上买了个热狗。She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.
2023-08-10 18:09:171


这是鹰击长空正式版的第五关吧(用F-15 ACTIVE飞的那关)这个提示是让你拉高机头,然后按W加速,这样就可以从失速状态中改出..我记得这关是这样的,先是让你爬升到3000米,然后要你按CTRL进入辅助模式的关闭状态,然后要你按S进入失速状态,然后马上拉高机头加速改出失速状态..之后就分三批让你摧毁11架敌机..翻译的话..飞机里的nose指的是机头(也叫机鼻)..STALL是失速..这句话的翻译是:抬高机头并加速以脱离失速状态
2023-08-10 18:09:272

CPU性能中-stall cycle

stall 当CPU执行时,所需的数据不在寄存器或cache中。需要去内存加载数据,这期间CPU没有工作,等待,称stall。 CPU的利用率的数据包括了CPU的stall。stall通常包含数百 clock cycles。 一般由资源竞争、数据依赖等原因造成。管厂商通过增大 cache 容量、优化 cache 策略、提升总线带宽来试图缓解访存瓶颈,但我们的程序仍深受 CPU stall 困扰。 核心度量指标是 IPC(instructions per cycle)。  如果 IPC < 1.0, 很可能是 Memory stall 占主导,可从软件和硬件两个方面考虑这个问题。软件方面:减少不必要的访存操作,提升 cache 命中率,尽量访问本地节点内存;硬件方面:增加 cache 容量,加快访存速度,提升总线带宽。   如果IPC > 1.0, 很可能是计算密集型的程序。可以试图减少执行指令的数量:消除不必要的工作。火焰图CPU flame graphs,非常适用于分析这类问题。硬件方面:尝试超频、使用更多的 core 或 hyperthread。作者根据PMU相关的工作经验,设定了1.0这个阈值,用于区分访存密集型(memory-bound)和计算密集型(cpu-bound)程序。读者可以根据自己的实际工作平台,合理调整这个阈值。 除了访存导致的 stall 容易让人误解 CPU 利用率外,还有其他一些因素:   温度原因导致处理器 stall;   Turboboost 干扰了时钟速率;   内核使得时钟速率加快;   平均带来的问题:1分钟利用率平均 80%,掩盖了中间 100% 部分;   自旋锁: CPU 一直在被使用,同时 IPC 也很高,但是应用逻辑上并没有任何进展。
2023-08-10 18:09:481


2023-08-10 18:09:564


2023-08-10 18:10:061


stall前面加at。我们的英语老师也说是at the stall,我觉得这才是对的。因为书上也是这么说的呀,我的课外辅导书上也是这么写的。
2023-08-10 18:10:131


2023-08-10 18:10:211

猪栏翻译 pen ,stall ,crate这三个有啥区别

pen畜栏,一般家畜的窝都可以用 stall一般指马厩和牛栏 这两个有时候可以互换,比较难区分 crate一般指柳条箱,或者筐子,就是我们常见的用竹子编织的那种.美国英语里还用来指 棺材
2023-08-10 18:10:291


2023-08-10 18:10:393


bot-tom 两个音节,but-ton 两个音节,stall 一个音节
2023-08-10 18:10:481


而当攻角随时间急速变化时的失速称动态失速(dynamic stall)。
2023-08-10 18:11:083


2023-08-10 18:11:183


2023-08-10 18:11:262


2023-08-10 18:11:351

关于浏览器处理请求时Network的stall 时间了解

昨天,当我美滋滋的在划水等着下班迎来我“五一”小长假的时候,突然有人找上来了。 有人跟我反馈一个问题,是说“浏览器在对同一页页面tab超过五个的时候,就出现了明显的卡顿,加载慢的问题” 本着对非专业人员表达能力质疑的态度,我重试了一下她的骚操作,发现他们反馈的话果然不能完全信,但也不能完全不信。并不存在卡顿,CPU也没有明显升高,但确实出现了加载慢的问题 于是我试着慢动作开tab,每个tab在间隔5秒的时间再去新开,发现加载速度明显上来了。这不禁让我对之前“浏览器对同一个域名的最大并发请求数”的理解出现了质疑。 一直以来我理解的是: 浏览器对同一个域名的最大并发请求数的相对于一个进程而言 。但是我质疑了,到底这个最大并发请求数指的是“整个浏览器”还是对于某一个进程的? 我细看了每个请求,确定了之前我的理解是正确的,因为这个时候并不是浏览器阻塞了请求发出,请求的queueing 只花了0.93ms,而connection后才是花了大量的时间。 但是这个耗费了那么多时间的stalled,到底是什么东西? 准确的说, 就是从TCP连接建立完成,到真正可以传输数据之间的时间差 。而此时在Stack Overflow上我看到有前端在Chrome浏览器上同样面临着这个问题,为了不被后台打脸,我点进去看了下 显然这不是我的问题,因为我早已经对每个请求都增加了?r=随机数的操作,而且这种情况只会出现在Chrome浏览器,但是我的问题是在任何浏览器都会重现 最后总结: stalled阶段是TCP连接的检测过程,如果检测成功就会继续使用该TCP连接发送数据,如果检测失败就会重新建立TCP连接。所以出现stalled阶段过长,往往是丢包所致,这也意味着网络或服务端有问题。 最后证明确实是后台的问题,说是实习生在做这个操作的时候并没有加索引导致查询很慢。 参考:
2023-08-10 18:11:421

stall idea创建新项目不可以运行

stall idea创建新项目不可以运行解决办法如下:首先,查看sdk是否设置了。可以在 File Project Structure Project里面查看,没有设置的话设置了就好了。如果设置了还无法运行,并且类上面显示橙色,这是因为IDEA不能自动对源代码识别出来src目录,要我们手动设置:选中src目录 右键 make Directory as Source Root,然后就可以运行了。希望我的回答能够帮助到你 。
2023-08-10 18:11:501


摊在床上是这个摊。基本解释:1.摆开,展开:摊牌。把问题摊到桌面上。2.把糊状物倒在锅里做成薄片:摊鸡蛋。摊煎饼。3.摆在地上或用席、板摆设在路旁、广场空地的售货处:摊子。摊位。摊贩。4.分担:摊派。分摊。5.遇到,碰上:这事让他摊上了。6.量词,用于摊开的糊状物:一摊稀泥。详细解释:【动】1.(形声。从手,从难,难亦声。“难”本义为“逮住的鸟”。“手”与“难”联合起来表示“用手把逮住的鸟儿逐个摆放出来”。本义:市场的铺位木板上平铺着许多哀鸣之鸟。引申义:平铺)2.同本义〖spreadout;unfold〗。如:摊书(摊开书本);摊底(摊开底牌。比喻摆出事情的全部实况);把豆子摊开晒一晒;摊摊看3.摊派〖prorate〗。如:摊配(摊派分配);摊损(分担损失);摊认(认可摊派到的数额);摊征(摊派征收);摊还(分期偿还)4.分摊(分担)〖takeasharein;contribute〗。如:每人摊五毛钱5.把糊状食物倒在锅中使成为薄片〖scrable;frybatterinathinlayer〗。如:摊鸡蛋;摊黄菜(炒鸡蛋)【名】1. 摊子〖stall;stand;booth〗。如:香烟摊;测字摊;摊家(摊贩。摆摊的小商贩);摊档(售货摊);摊点。2. 古代博戏名〖akindofgame〗。如:摊本(下本钱);摊铺(摊戏,摊钱。
2023-08-10 18:11:591

请教stall on CPU的问题

  pu执行的指令和数据是从L1高速缓存的指令缓存和数据缓存中获取,一旦cpu要执行的指令或数据无法从高速缓存中获取,就会产生cpu stall。你这种情况是程序要求的cpu性能要高于你现在使用的cpu,你得考虑升级设备才能运行此庞大程序。
2023-08-10 18:12:352


install installation taller tallest
2023-08-10 18:12:465


2023-08-10 18:13:031


4.3 根据需要下面的循环并进行指令调度,直到没有任何延迟。指令的延迟如表4.4。 LOOP: L.D F0,0(R1) MUL.D F0,F0,F2 L.D F4,0(R2) ADD.D F0,F0,F4 S.D F0,0(R2) DSUBI R1,R1,#8 DSUBI R2,R2,#8 BNEZ R1,LOOP 解:将循环两次,进行指令调度,即可以消除延迟,代码如下: LOOP: L.D F0,0(R1) L.D F10,-8(R1) MUL.D F0,F0,F2 MUL.D F10,F10,F2 L.D F4,0(R2) L.D F14,-8(R2) ADD.D F0,F0,F4 ADD.D F10,F10,F14 DSUBI R1,R1,16 S.D 0(R2),F0 DSUBI R2,R2,16 BNEZ R1,LOOP S.D 8(R2),F10 4.4 假设有一条长流水线,仅仅对条件转移指令使用分支目标缓冲。假设分支预测错误的开销为4个时钟周期,缓冲不命中的开销为3个时钟周期。假设:命中率为90%,预测精度为90%,分支频率为15%,没有分支的基本CPI为1。 (1) 求程序执行的CPI。 (2) 相对于采用固定的2个时钟周期延迟的分支处理,哪种方法程序执行速度更快? 解:(1)程序执行的CPI = 没有分支的基本CPI(1) + 分支带来的额外开销 分支带来的额外开销是指在分支指令中,缓冲命中但预测错误带来的开销与缓冲没有命中带来的开销之和。 分支带来的额外开销= 15% * (90%命中×10%预测错误×4 + 10%没命中×3)= 0.099 所以,程序执行的CPI = 1 + 0.099 = 1.099 (2)采用固定的2 个时钟周期延迟的分支处理CPI = 1 + 15%×2 = 1.3 由(1)(2)可知分支目标缓冲方法执行速度快。 4.5 假设分支目标缓冲的命中率为90%,程序中无条件转移指令的比例为5%,没有无条件转移指令的程序CPI值为1。假设分支目标缓冲中包含分支目标指令,允许无条件转移指令进入分支目标缓冲,则程序的CPI值为多少? 解:设每条无条件转移指令的延迟为x,则有: 1+5%×x=1.1 x=2 当分支目标缓冲命中时,无条件转移指令的延迟为0。 所以 程序的CPI = 1 + 2 × 5% ×(1 -90%) =1.01 4.6 下面的一段MIPS汇编程序是计算高斯消去法中的关键一步,用于完成下面公式的计算: Y = a uf0b4 X + Y 其浮点指令延迟如表4.3所示,整数指令均为1个时钟周期完成,浮点和整数部件均采用流水。整数操作之间以及与其它所有浮点操作之间的延迟为0,转移指令的延迟为0。X中的最后一个元素存放在存储器中的地址为DONE。 FOO: L.D F2,0(R1) MUT.D F4,F2,F0 L.D F6,0(R2) ADD.D F6,F4,F6 S.D F6,0[R2] DADDIU R1,R1,#8 DADDIU R2,R2,#8 DSUBIU R3,R1,#DONE BNEZ R3, FOO (1) 对于标准的MIPS单流水线,上述循环计算一个Y值需要多少时间?其中有多少空转周期? (2) 对于标准的MIPS单流水线,将上述循环顺序4次,不进行任何指令调度,计算一个Y值平均需要多少时间?加速比是多少?其加速是如何获得的? (3) 对于标准的MIPS单流水线,将上述循环顺序4次,优化和调度指令,使循环处理时间达到最优,计算一个Y值平均需要多少时间?加速比是多少? (1) 对于采用如图4.8前瞻执行机制的MIPS处理器(只有一个整数部件)。当循环第二次执行到 BNEZ R3,FOO 时,写出前面所有指令的状态,包括指令使用的保留站、指令起始节拍、执行节拍和写结果节拍,并写出处理器当前的状态。 (2) 对于2路超标量的MIPS流水线,设有两个指令流出部件,可以流出任意组合的指令,系统中的功能部件数量不受限制。将上述循环4次,优化和调度指令,使循环处理时间达到最优。计算一个Y值平均需要多少时间?加速比是多少? (3) 对于如图4.13结构的超长指令字MIPS处理器,将上述循环4次,优化和调度指令,使循环处理时间达到最优。计算一个Y值平均需要多少时间?加速比是多少? 解:(1) L.D F2, 0(R1) 1 Stall MUT.D F4, F2, F0 2 L.D F6, 0(R2) 3 Stall Stall ADD.D F6, F4, F6 4 Stall Stall S.D F6, 0[R2] 5 DADDIU R1, R1, #8 6 DADDIU R2, R2, #8 7 DSUBIU R3, R1, #DONE 8 BNEZ R3, FOO 9 所以,共有14 个时钟周期,其中有5 个空转周期。 (2)循环顺序4 次,不进行任何指令调度,则指令1~5 及其间的stall 都是必要的,只是指令6~9 只需执行一次,因此,共有 10 × 4 + 4 = 44 个时钟周期,计算出4 个Y 值,所以计算一个Y 值需要11 个时钟周期,加速比为:14/11 = 1.27 。加速主要是来自减少控制开销,即减少对R1、R2 的整数操作以及比较、分支指令而来的。 (3)循环顺序4 次,优化和调度指令,如下: L.D F2, 0(R1) L.D F8, 8(R1) L.D F14, 16(R1) L.D F20, 24(R1) MUT.D F4, F2, F0 MUT.D F10, F8, F0 MUT.D F16, F14, F0 MUT.D F22, F20, F0 L.D F6, 0(R2) L.D F12, 8(R2) L.D F18, 16(R2) L.D F24, 24(R2) ADD.D F6, F4, F6 ADD.D F12, F10, F12 ADD.D F18, F16, F18 ADD.D F24, F22, F24 S.D F6, 0[R2] S.D F12, 8[R2] S.D F18, 16[R2] S.D F24, 24[R2] DADDIU R1, R1, #32 DADDIU R2, R2, #32 DSUBIU R3, R1, #DONE BNEZ R3, FOO 共用了24 个时钟周期,则计算一个Y 值平均需要 24/4 = 6 个时钟周期, 加速比:14/6 = 2.33 (4) 指令 指令执行时钟 流出 执行 写结果 确认 L.D F2, 0(R1) 1 2 3 4 MUL.D F4, F2, F0 2 4 5 6 L.D F6, 0(R2) 3 4 6 7 ADD.D F6, F4, F6 4 8 9 10 S.D F6, 0(R2) 5 11 12 13 DADDIU R1, R1, #8 6 7 8 DADDIU R2, R2, #8 7 8 9 DSUBIU R3,R1,#DONE 8 9 10 BNEZ R3, FOO 9 10 L.D F2, 0(R1) 10 11 13 14 MUL.D F4, F2, F0 11 13 14 15 L.D F6, 0(R2) 12 13 15 16 ADD.D F6, F4, F6 13 17 18 19 S.D F6, 0(R2) 14 20 21 22 DADDIU R1, R1, #8 15 16 17 DADDIU R2, R2, #8 16 17 18 DSUBIU R3,R1,#DONE 17 18 19 BNEZ R3, FOO 18 名称 保留站 Busy Op Vj Vk Qj Qk Dest A Add1 yes ADD.D Regs[F4] Regs[F6 ] Add2 no Add3 no Mult1 yes Mult2 no 项号 ROB Busy 指令 状态 目的 Value 1 yes ADD.D F6, F4, F6 执行 F6 Regs[F4]+Regs[F6] 2 yes S.D F6, 0(R2) 流出 Mem[0+Regs[R2]] #2 字段 浮点寄存器状态 F0 F2 F4 F6 F8 F10 … F30 ROB项编号 1 Busy yes … (5) 整数指令 浮点指令 时钟周期数 L.D F2, 0(R1) 1 L.D F8, 8(R1) 2 L.D F14, 16(R1) MUT.D F4, F2, F0 3 L.D F20, 24(R1) MUT.D F10, F8, F0 4 L.D F6, 0(R2) MUT.D F16, F14, F0 5 L.D F12, 8(R2) MUT.D F22, F20, F0 6 L.D F18, 16(R2) ADD.D F6, F4, F6 7 L.D F24, 24(R2) ADD.D F12, F10, F12 8 DADDIU R1, R1, #32 ADD.D F18, F16, F18 9 S.D F6, 0(R2) ADD.D F24, F22, F24 10 S.D F12, 8(R2) 11 S.D F18,16(R2) 12 S.D F24, 24(R2) 13 DADDIU R2, R2, #32 14 DSUBIU R3, R1, #DONE 15 BNEZ R3, FOO 16 计算一个Y值需要 16/4 = 4 个时钟周期,加速比 = 14/4 = 3.5 (6) 访存1 访存2 浮点指令1 浮点指令2 整数指令 时钟 周期 L.DF2, 0(R1) L.D F8, 8(R1) 1 L.DF14, 16(R1) L.DF20, 24(R1) L.DF6, 0(R2) L.DF12, 8(R2) MUT.DF4, F2, F0 MUT.DF10, F8, F0 3 L.DF18, 16(R2) L.DF24, 24(R2) MUT.DF16, F14, F0 MUT.DF22, F20, F0 4 ADD.DF6, F4, F6 ADD.DF12, F10, F12 5 ADD.DF18, F16, F18 ADD.DF24, F22, F24 DADDIU R1, R1, #32 6 DADDIU R2, R2, #32 7 DSUBIUR3, R1, #DONE 8 BNEZ R3, FOO 9 S.DF6, -32(R2) S.DF12, -24(R2) 10 S.DF18,-16(R2) S.DF24, -8(R2) 11 计算一个Y值需要 11/4 个时钟周期,加速比 = 14/(11/4) = 56/11
2023-08-10 18:13:111

at the vegetable stall里vegetable要不要复数

2023-08-10 18:13:182

解释什么是load delay slot

2023-08-10 18:13:261

stall current

2023-08-10 18:13:411


你好!stall 英[stu0254:l] 美[stu0254l] n. 货摊; 托辞; 畜栏; (房间内的) 小隔间; vt. (使) 熄火,(使)停止转动; vi. 拖延; [例句]The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.社会民主党誓言要将该议案拖到本次议会会议结束之后。
2023-08-10 18:14:251

摊子的英语翻译 摊子用英语怎么说

stall - 摊位 、 货摊
2023-08-10 18:14:352

store 与 stall 的区别???

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: store: [ stu0254:, stu0254u0259 ] n. 商店,贮藏,仓库 v. 储存,贮藏,供给 例句与用法: 1. There is a large store in the village. 村里有家大百货店。 2. He stored foods in his cupboard. 他把食品存放在碗橱里。 3. There"s a surprise in store for you. 你一定要大吃一惊的. 4. He always keeps several cases of wine in store. 他总是备有几箱酒. 5. I don"t set (much) store by weather forecasts. 我认为天气预报(有些)靠不住. 6. They"ve stored their furniture while they go abroad. 他们出国时把家具送到仓库保管起来. 7. This cupboard can store enough food for a month. 这个食橱能装下足够一个月之用的食物. 8. I can see trouble in store. 我预见到以后要有麻烦. stall: [ stu0254:l ] n. 货摊,托辞 v. 停顿,推托,使...陷于泥中 例句与用法: 1. Never buy food from a market stall. 千万别在小摊上买食物。 2. Every time I ask her to set the date she stalls. 我每次请她定一个时间,她总是借故拖延。 3. The plane stalled suddenly. 那飞机突然失控下降。 4. The car stalled at the roundabout. 那辆汽车在环形交叉处抛锚了. 5. Learner drivers often stall (their cars). 见习司机常造成(汽车)熄火现象. 6. The opening of a market stall is governed by municipal fiat. 开设市场摊位受市政法令管制. 7. The car has an inclination to stall on cold mornings. 这辆汽车天冷时早晨常常熄火. 8. If you try to start off in top gear you"ll stall. 要是刚一发动就用最高挡, 那就会熄火. 推荐下面的网站!
2023-08-10 18:14:421

stall bar是什么意思及反义词

stall bar中文释义: phr. 肋木,墙梯英语解释a gymnastic apparatus used for strengthening exercises; uprights fastened to a wall and connected by horizontal rungs相似短语stall bar phr. 肋木,墙梯stall-feeding [ stall-feed ]的现在分词;[ stall-fed ]的现在分词front-stall n. 保护马头前部的盔甲fish stall 鱼档food stall n. 大排档,食品小摊换一组更多短语相似单词stalls n. 戏院正厅前排座位,前座观众stall n. 1.厩,畜栏 2.摊,棚 3.熄火,停止转动 4.(房间内的)小隔间,淋浴间,洗手间 5.(剧场的)正厅前排座位 6.(教堂内)唱诗班和牧师的座位 7.(车辆发动机的)熄火;(车辆的)抛锚 8.(飞机的)失速 v.[I,T] 1.(使)熄火,(使)停止转动 v.[I] 1.拖延 v.[T] 1.搪塞 2.暂缓;搁置;停顿stallion n. 种马stallout 失速stallimycin 【化】 司他霉素满意的请采纳哦!
2023-08-10 18:15:101


摊档的解释[stall] 〈方〉∶售货摊 详细解释 亦作“ 摊挡 ”。方言。售货摊。 《花城》 1981年第1期:“路的两旁,摆满了各式各样的摊档,卖菜心的,卖红萝卜的…… 应有尽有 。” 《人民文学》 1981年第3期:“街岸边一个少女摆着小摊挡。” 词语分解 摊的解释 摊 (摊) ā 摆开,展开: 摊牌 。把 问题 摊到桌面上。 把糊状物倒在锅里做成薄片:摊 鸡蛋 。摊煎饼。 摆在地上或用席、板摆设在路旁、广场 空地 的售货处:摊子。摊位。摊贩。 分担:摊派。分摊。 遇到,碰上:这 档的解释 档 (档) à 存放案卷用的带格子的橱架:存档。 分类保存的文件、材料等:档案。 件,桩:一档子事。 (商品、产品的)等级:档次。高档。 部首 :木。
2023-08-10 18:15:181


2023-08-10 18:15:251

in还是at the stall

in at
2023-08-10 18:15:451

in the section 和at the stall的用法

in the section是指这个部分 ,at the stall是指在这个摊位。_热缭炀洌_n this section,you will hear a short passage,在这个部分,你会听到一个短文,He"s got a market stall.他有个市场摊位。_硎灸骋坏阄恢?,用 at,在什么里面用in。
2023-08-10 18:15:531


2023-08-10 18:16:012


Mike is 1.65 meters tall. Tom is 1.62meters tall. 合并为:Mike is taller than Tom.
2023-08-10 18:16:101


2023-08-10 18:16:191


4.3 根据需要下面的循环并进行指令调度,直到没有任何延迟。指令的延迟如表4.4。 LOOP: L.D F0,0(R1) MUL.D F0,F0,F2 L.D F4,0(R2) ADD.D F0,F0,F4 S.D F0,0(R2) DSUBI R1,R1,#8 DSUBI R2,R2,#8 BNEZ R1,LOOP 解:将循环两次,进行指令调度,即可以消除延迟,代码如下: LOOP: L.D F0,0(R1) L.D F10,-8(R1) MUL.D F0,F0,F2 MUL.D F10,F10,F2 L.D F4,0(R2) L.D F14,-8(R2) ADD.D F0,F0,F4 ADD.D F10,F10,F14 DSUBI R1,R1,16 S.D 0(R2),F0 DSUBI R2,R2,16 BNEZ R1,LOOP S.D 8(R2),F10 4.4 假设有一条长流水线,仅仅对条件转移指令使用分支目标缓冲。假设分支预测错误的开销为4个时钟周期,缓冲不命中的开销为3个时钟周期。假设:命中率为90%,预测精度为90%,分支频率为15%,没有分支的基本CPI为1。 (1) 求程序执行的CPI。 (2) 相对于采用固定的2个时钟周期延迟的分支处理,哪种方法程序执行速度更快? 解:(1)程序执行的CPI = 没有分支的基本CPI(1) + 分支带来的额外开销 分支带来的额外开销是指在分支指令中,缓冲命中但预测错误带来的开销与缓冲没有命中带来的开销之和。 分支带来的额外开销= 15% * (90%命中×10%预测错误×4 + 10%没命中×3)= 0.099 所以,程序执行的CPI = 1 + 0.099 = 1.099 (2)采用固定的2 个时钟周期延迟的分支处理CPI = 1 + 15%×2 = 1.3 由(1)(2)可知分支目标缓冲方法执行速度快。 4.5 假设分支目标缓冲的命中率为90%,程序中无条件转移指令的比例为5%,没有无条件转移指令的程序CPI值为1。假设分支目标缓冲中包含分支目标指令,允许无条件转移指令进入分支目标缓冲,则程序的CPI值为多少? 解:设每条无条件转移指令的延迟为x,则有: 1+5%×x=1.1 x=2 当分支目标缓冲命中时,无条件转移指令的延迟为0。 所以 程序的CPI = 1 + 2 × 5% ×(1 -90%) =1.01 4.6 下面的一段MIPS汇编程序是计算高斯消去法中的关键一步,用于完成下面公式的计算: Y = a uf0b4 X + Y 其浮点指令延迟如表4.3所示,整数指令均为1个时钟周期完成,浮点和整数部件均采用流水。整数操作之间以及与其它所有浮点操作之间的延迟为0,转移指令的延迟为0。X中的最后一个元素存放在存储器中的地址为DONE。 FOO: L.D F2,0(R1) MUT.D F4,F2,F0 L.D F6,0(R2) ADD.D F6,F4,F6 S.D F6,0[R2] DADDIU R1,R1,#8 DADDIU R2,R2,#8 DSUBIU R3,R1,#DONE BNEZ R3, FOO (1) 对于标准的MIPS单流水线,上述循环计算一个Y值需要多少时间?其中有多少空转周期? (2) 对于标准的MIPS单流水线,将上述循环顺序4次,不进行任何指令调度,计算一个Y值平均需要多少时间?加速比是多少?其加速是如何获得的? (3) 对于标准的MIPS单流水线,将上述循环顺序4次,优化和调度指令,使循环处理时间达到最优,计算一个Y值平均需要多少时间?加速比是多少? (1) 对于采用如图4.8前瞻执行机制的MIPS处理器(只有一个整数部件)。当循环第二次执行到 BNEZ R3,FOO 时,写出前面所有指令的状态,包括指令使用的保留站、指令起始节拍、执行节拍和写结果节拍,并写出处理器当前的状态。 (2) 对于2路超标量的MIPS流水线,设有两个指令流出部件,可以流出任意组合的指令,系统中的功能部件数量不受限制。将上述循环4次,优化和调度指令,使循环处理时间达到最优。计算一个Y值平均需要多少时间?加速比是多少? (3) 对于如图4.13结构的超长指令字MIPS处理器,将上述循环4次,优化和调度指令,使循环处理时间达到最优。计算一个Y值平均需要多少时间?加速比是多少? 解:(1) L.D F2, 0(R1) 1 Stall MUT.D F4, F2, F0 2 L.D F6, 0(R2) 3 Stall Stall ADD.D F6, F4, F6 4 Stall Stall S.D F6, 0[R2] 5 DADDIU R1, R1, #8 6 DADDIU R2, R2, #8 7 DSUBIU R3, R1, #DONE 8 BNEZ R3, FOO 9 所以,共有14 个时钟周期,其中有5 个空转周期。 (2)循环顺序4 次,不进行任何指令调度,则指令1~5 及其间的stall 都是必要的,只是指令6~9 只需执行一次,因此,共有 10 × 4 + 4 = 44 个时钟周期,计算出4 个Y 值,所以计算一个Y 值需要11 个时钟周期,加速比为:14/11 = 1.27 。加速主要是来自减少控制开销,即减少对R1、R2 的整数操作以及比较、分支指令而来的。 (3)循环顺序4 次,优化和调度指令,如下: L.D F2, 0(R1) L.D F8, 8(R1) L.D F14, 16(R1) L.D F20, 24(R1) MUT.D F4, F2, F0 MUT.D F10, F8, F0 MUT.D F16, F14, F0 MUT.D F22, F20, F0 L.D F6, 0(R2) L.D F12, 8(R2) L.D F18, 16(R2) L.D F24, 24(R2) ADD.D F6, F4, F6 ADD.D F12, F10, F12 ADD.D F18, F16, F18 ADD.D F24, F22, F24 S.D F6, 0[R2] S.D F12, 8[R2] S.D F18, 16[R2] S.D F24, 24[R2] DADDIU R1, R1, #32 DADDIU R2, R2, #32 DSUBIU R3, R1, #DONE BNEZ R3, FOO 共用了24 个时钟周期,则计算一个Y 值平均需要 24/4 = 6 个时钟周期, 加速比:14/6 = 2.33 (4) 指令 指令执行时钟 流出 执行 写结果 确认 L.D F2, 0(R1) 1 2 3 4 MUL.D F4, F2, F0 2 4 5 6 L.D F6, 0(R2) 3 4 6 7 ADD.D F6, F4, F6 4 8 9 10 S.D F6, 0(R2) 5 11 12 13 DADDIU R1, R1, #8 6 7 8 DADDIU R2, R2, #8 7 8 9 DSUBIU R3,R1,#DONE 8 9 10 BNEZ R3, FOO 9 10 L.D F2, 0(R1) 10 11 13 14 MUL.D F4, F2, F0 11 13 14 15 L.D F6, 0(R2) 12 13 15 16 ADD.D F6, F4, F6 13 17 18 19 S.D F6, 0(R2) 14 20 21 22 DADDIU R1, R1, #8 15 16 17 DADDIU R2, R2, #8 16 17 18 DSUBIU R3,R1,#DONE 17 18 19 BNEZ R3, FOO 18 名称 保留站 Busy Op Vj Vk Qj Qk Dest A Add1 yes ADD.D Regs[F4] Regs[F6 ] Add2 no Add3 no Mult1 yes Mult2 no 项号 ROB Busy 指令 状态 目的 Value 1 yes ADD.D F6, F4, F6 执行 F6 Regs[F4]+Regs[F6] 2 yes S.D F6, 0(R2) 流出 Mem[0+Regs[R2]] #2 字段 浮点寄存器状态 F0 F2 F4 F6 F8 F10 … F30 ROB项编号 1 Busy yes … (5) 整数指令 浮点指令 时钟周期数 L.D F2, 0(R1) 1 L.D F8, 8(R1) 2 L.D F14, 16(R1) MUT.D F4, F2, F0 3 L.D F20, 24(R1) MUT.D F10, F8, F0 4 L.D F6, 0(R2) MUT.D F16, F14, F0 5 L.D F12, 8(R2) MUT.D F22, F20, F0 6 L.D F18, 16(R2) ADD.D F6, F4, F6 7 L.D F24, 24(R2) ADD.D F12, F10, F12 8 DADDIU R1, R1, #32 ADD.D F18, F16, F18 9 S.D F6, 0(R2) ADD.D F24, F22, F24 10 S.D F12, 8(R2) 11 S.D F18,16(R2) 12 S.D F24, 24(R2) 13 DADDIU R2, R2, #32 14 DSUBIU R3, R1, #DONE 15 BNEZ R3, FOO 16 计算一个Y值需要 16/4 = 4 个时钟周期,加速比 = 14/4 = 3.5 (6) 访存1 访存2 浮点指令1 浮点指令2 整数指令 时钟 周期 L.DF2, 0(R1) L.D F8, 8(R1) 1 L.DF14, 16(R1) L.DF20, 24(R1) L.DF6, 0(R2) L.DF12, 8(R2) MUT.DF4, F2, F0 MUT.DF10, F8, F0 3 L.DF18, 16(R2) L.DF24, 24(R2) MUT.DF16, F14, F0 MUT.DF22, F20, F0 4 ADD.DF6, F4, F6 ADD.DF12, F10, F12 5 ADD.DF18, F16, F18 ADD.DF24, F22, F24 DADDIU R1, R1, #32 6 DADDIU R2, R2, #32 7 DSUBIUR3, R1, #DONE 8 BNEZ R3, FOO 9 S.DF6, -32(R2) S.DF12, -24(R2) 10 S.DF18,-16(R2) S.DF24, -8(R2) 11 计算一个Y值需要 11/4 个时钟周期,加速比 = 14/(11/4) = 56/11
2023-08-10 18:16:341

peak stall和continuous stall下的扭矩有什么区别?

2023-08-10 18:17:051


2023-08-10 18:17:253


good on the street是这样吧~~`
2023-08-10 18:17:366


  滑翔伞是一批热爱跳伞、滑翔翼的飞行人员发明的一种飞行运动,目前在欧美和日本等国非常流行,下面整理了一些滑翔伞运动的操作要领,一起来看看吧!   起飞   滑翔伞的起飞需要长度为10米,坡度为15度左右的向风面山坡。起飞须正对风向,飞行员控制伞翼充气到头顶后即开始加速起飞。通常当伞翼的空速达到6米/秒左右时会将人带离地面,对于有经验的飞行员来说起飞会在3步之内完成。   转向   滑翔伞可以自由转向。滑翔伞拥有刹车组伞绳,刹车组连接在伞翼的尾端,飞行时左右手各持相应一侧的刹车手柄。当拉下一侧刹车手柄后,该侧尾段被拉下,阻力增大,伞翼会向该方向旋转,从而达到转弯的目的。   爬升   滑翔伞自身没有动力,必须依靠外力进行爬升。在晴朗的.天气里,飞行员通过控制飞行方向进入热气流可以爬升到当天积云的高度,通常为2000米~4000米的露点高度。或者在风力较强的天气下依靠山形造成的动力气流徘徊在陡坡峭壁,通常依靠动力气流得到高度有限,基本相当于山的高度。   下降   如无外力影响,通滑翔伞会以每秒1米至1.5米的速度下降。   单鞭(Bigears):   用两手抓住A组最外侧的伞绳然后拉下,以减少有效翼面面积,从而达到增大下沉率的效果。需要注意的是进行此操作以后无法使用刹车线(Brake Code), 旋回必须完全靠重心移动来完成。同时,这项操作有可能会引起滑翔伞失速,单鞭操作和加速器的并用会减轻失速的危险。结束此项操作时,先解除加速器操作, 然后再开放拉着的A组最外侧的伞绳。(注:有一部分早期的滑翔伞是用A组的最外侧两根伞绳进行此操作。)   B组失速 (B Stall):   双手抓住B组,同时用力拉到胸前使伞面变形并造成失速,这样可以获得较大的下沉率(大约5到7m/s)。这种失速状态与完全失速(Full Stall)不同,是 可以被控制的。结束此项操作时,将拉着的B组完全开放即可。但需要注意的是滑翔伞并不会立即开始滑翔,因此过早的刹车线操作将会导致滑翔伞完全失速。   螺旋下降(Spiral Dive):   下沉率大于14m/s。进行此项操作的飞行员需要有高度的技术,同时此项操作伴有飞行员黑视(Black Out)的危险性。   着陆   与飞机跳伞的冲击着陆不同,滑翔伞着陆要轻柔得多。着陆前滑翔伞须正对风向减小对地速度,在距离地面数米处通过双侧施加较大幅度的刹车可以实现接近零速度零下落的雀降。
2023-08-10 18:17:531


2023-08-10 18:18:142

which is the best place for a street stall是陈述语序吗?

Which is the best place for a street stall?是特殊疑问句 结构是 疑问词+一般疑问句?所以不是陈述语序
2023-08-10 18:18:212


2023-08-10 18:18:412


"分期付款"在英语中可以翻译为"installment payment"或者"payment by installments"。这个短语指的是将一笔款项分为若干期进行支付的方式。"Installment payment"的发音为 [in-stawl-muhnt pey-muhnt]。其中,第一个单词"installment"的重音在第二个音节上,即在"stall"上。第二个单词"payment"的重音在第一个音节上,即在"pay"上。"Payment by installments"的发音为 [pey-muhnt bahy in-stawl-muhnts]。其中,第一个单词"payment"的重音在第二个音节上,即在"pay"上。第二个单词"by"的发音为 [bahy],重音在第一个音节上。第三个单词"installments"的重音在第三个音节上,即在"stall"上。"分期付款"是一种常见的消费方式,它允许人们在购买商品或支付费用时分批支付。这种方式对于一些较贵的商品或服务来说,可以减轻消费者的经济负担,提供更灵活的支付选择。在分期付款中,消费者需要按照约定的时间表和金额进行支付,直到全部款项支付完成。在商业交易中,分期付款也被广泛应用。许多银行和金融机构提供分期付款计划,以便消费者可以购买大件商品或支付高额费用,例如汽车、家电或医疗费用,而不需要一次性支付全部金额。分期付款通常会涉及一定的利息或手续费,这是为了补偿银行或金融机构提供的额外服务和风险。分期付款的好处在于,它可以让消费者更容易获得需要的商品或服务,同时分摊支付的压力。此外,分期付款还可以帮助消费者建立良好的信用记录和信用评分,对于未来的贷款申请和信用卡申请可能会有帮助。然而,消费者在选择分期付款时也需要注意一些事项。首先,要确保自己能够按时支付每期的款项,避免逾期付款导致的额外费用和信用记录受损。其次,要仔细阅读和理解分期付款合同的条款和条件,包括利率、手续费、提前还款和违约责任等。最后,要选择可信赖和有良好声誉的金融机构或商家合作,以确保自己的权益和利益得到保护。总之,"分期付款"在英语中可以表达为"installment payment"或者"payment by installments"。它是一种常见的消费和商业交易方式,可以帮助消费者分摊支付压力,同时提供更灵活的支付选择。然而,在选择分期付款时,消费者需要注意合同条款和条件,并确保自己能够按时支付款项。
2023-08-10 18:18:491


In the end, she was found hiding in her stall with her head buried among the hay in the manger.【1】时间状语:In the end【最后】【2】主语:She【她】【3】谓语:was found【被发现】【4】主语补足语:hiding in her stall 【躲藏在她的畜栏里】【5】方式状语:with her head buried among the hay in the manger【并把她的头隐藏在食槽中的干草中间】句子重点短语解析:【1】in the end=最后/终于【2】sb be found doing sth =某人被发现正在做某事【3】in one"s stall= 在某人的畜栏里【4】with one"s head +(过去分词)buried=某人的头被埋藏【5】among the hay =在干草丛中【6】in the manger=在食槽中句子中文意思:最后,人们发现她躲藏在她的畜栏里,并且她将她的头隐藏在食槽里的干草中间.如果满意,请立即采纳,谢谢!
2023-08-10 18:19:241


以下是BEA于2012年7月发布的报告结论部分的原文(因为机翻错误太多且无法避免,无法阅读,我个人又没时间一点一点翻,所以直接把原文写上去了):3.2 Causes of the AccidentThe obstruction of the Pitot probes by ice crystals during cruise was a phenomenon that was known but misunderstood by the aviation community at the time of the accident. From an operational perspective, the total loss of airspeed information that resulted from this was a failure that was classified in the safety model. After initial reactions that depend upon basic airmanship, it was expected that it would be rapidly diagnosed by pilots and managed where necessary by precautionary measures on the pitch attitude and the thrust, as indicated in the associated procedure.The occurrence of the failure in the context of flight in cruise completely surprised the pilots of flight AF 447. The apparent difficulties with aeroplane handling at high altitude in turbulence led to excessive handling inputs in roll and a sharp nose-up input by the PF. The destabilisation that resulted from the climbing flight path and the evolution in the pitch attitude and vertical speed was added to the erroneous airspeed indications and ECAM messages, which did not help with the diagnosis. The crew, progressively becoming de-structured, likely never understood that it was faced with a “simple” loss of three sources of airspeed information. In the minute that followed the autopilot disconnection, the failure of the attempts to understand the situation and the de-structuring of crew cooperation fed on each other until the total loss of cognitive control of the situation. The underlying behavioural hypotheses in classifying the loss of airspeed information as “major were not validated in the context of this accident. Confirmation of this classification thus supposes additional work on operational feedback that would enable improvements, where required, in crew training, the ergonomics of information supplied to them and the design of procedures.The aeroplane went into a sustained stall, signalled by the stall warning and strong buffet. Despite these persistent symptoms, the crew never understood that they were stalling and consequently never applied a recovery manoeuvre. The combination of the ergonomics of the warning design, the conditions in which airline pilots are trained and exposed to stalls during their professional training and the process of recurrent training does not generate the expected behaviour in any acceptable reliable way.In its current form, recognizing the stall warning, even associated with buffet, supposes that the crew accords a minimum level of “legitimacy” to it. This then supposes sufficient previous experience of stalls, a minimum of cognitive availability and understanding of the situation, knowledge of the aeroplane (and its protection modes) and its flight physics. An examination of the current training for airline pilots does not, in general, provide convincing indications of the building and maintenance of the associated skills. More generally, the double failure of the planned procedural responses shows the limits of the current safety model. When crew action is expected, it is always supposed that they will be capable of initial control of the flight path and of a rapid diagnosis that will allow them to identify the correct entry in the dictionary of procedures. A crew can be faced with an unexpected situation leading to a momentary but profound loss of comprehension. If, in this case, the supposed capacity for initial mastery and then diagnosis is lost, the safety model is then in “common failure mode”. During this event, the initial inability to master the flight path also made it impossible to understand the situation and to access the planned solution.Thus, the accident resulted from the following succession of events:Temporary inconsistency between the airspeed measurements, likely following the obstruction of the Pitot probes by ice crystals that, in particular, caused the autopilot disconnection and the reconfiguration to alternate law;Inappropriate control inputs that destabilized the flight path;The lack of any link by the crew between the loss of indicated speeds called out and the appropriate procedure;The late identification by the PNF of the deviation from the flight path and the insufficient correction applied by the PF;The crew not identifying the approach to stall, their lack of immediate response and the exit from the flight envelope;The crew‘s failure to diagnose the stall situation and consequently a lack of inputs that would have made it possible to recover from it.These events can be explained by a combination of the following factors:The feedback mechanisms on the part of all those involved that made it impossible:To identify the repeated non-application of the loss of airspeed information procedure and to remedy this,To ensure that the risk model for crews in cruise included icing of the Pitot probes and its consequences;The absence of any training, at high altitude, in manual aeroplane handling and in the procedure for ”Vol avec IAS douteuse”;Task-sharing that was weakened by:Incomprehension of the situation when the autopilot disconnection occurred, Poor management of the startle effect that generated a highly charged emotional factor for the two copilots;The lack of a clear display in the cockpit of the airspeed inconsistencies identified by the computers;The crew not taking into account the stall warning, which could have been due to: A failure to identify the aural warning, due to low exposure time in training to stall phenomena, stall warnings and buffet,The appearance at the beginning of the event of transient warnings that could be considered as spurious,The absence of any visual information to confirm the approach-to-stall after the loss of the limit speeds,The possible confusion with an overspeed situation in which buffet is also considered as a symptom,Flight Director indications that may led the crew to believe that their actions were appropriate, even though they were not,The difficulty in recognizing and understanding the implications of a reconfiguration in alternate law with no angle of attack protectice
2023-08-10 18:19:343


  变矩器失速转速就是指失速转速就是所谓的stall speed, 可以这么解释:当变矩器的输出转速为0时,此时对应的变矩器的输入转速即为失速转速。通常通过这个转速可以找出机器在最大牵引力状态下,对应的发动机转速。x0dx0a  液力变矩器(Fluid Torque Converter)由泵轮、涡轮、导轮组成的液力元件。安装在发动机和变速器之间,以液压油(ATF)为工作介质,起传递转矩、变矩、变速及离合的作用。x0dx0a  液力变矩器的液流分为涡流和环流。涡流方向是由泵轮到涡轮再到导轮,最后回到泵轮,从而不断循环。环流方向就是液体随同工作轮一起绕轴线做圆周运动。环流与涡流合成后的螺旋方向即为实际的液流方向。x0dx0a  在前进位(D)或倒挡(R)中,踩住制动踏板并完全踩下节气门踏板时,发动机处于最大转矩工况,而此时自动变速器的输出轴和输入轴均静止不动,变矩器的涡轮不动,只有变矩器壳及泵轮随发动机一同转动,此工况称为失速工况,此时发动机的转速称为失速转速。x0dx0a  失速试验用于检查发动机输出功率、变矩器及自动变速器中制动器和离合器等换挡执行元件的工作是否正常。
2023-08-10 18:19:551


你好!亡羊补牢的道理It"s never too late to mend
2023-08-10 18:20:062