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2023-08-15 09:12:25


I hope the worls can become peaceful, there is no bloody masscare and no world war.

i hope everyone can have enough food to eat. in Africa people is so poor and they do not get enough food to eat.

i also hope the environment can get better. in recent years polution become a big problem in the world and many people get disease and died. those stuff happened because of the polution and not rfresh and clean air.

i have many wishes but i know it"s hard to achieve immediately so i must work hard and do my best to acheive this wish!!



  愿望泛指心中期望实现的想法,多指美好的想法,它对某一特定物或情感的欲望、向往或强烈倾向性。那么你知道愿望用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   愿望的英语说法1:   desire   愿望的英语说法2:   wish   愿望的英语说法3:   aspiration   愿望相关英语表达:   express a desire; indicate a wish;   表示愿望   cherish a desire;   抱有愿望   realize one"s expectations;   实现愿望   not fail to live up to *** ."s expectations;   不辜负某人的愿望   satisfy *** ."s wish;   满足某人的愿望   愿望的英语例句:   1. She confessed to her parents her desire to act.   她向父母坦言了自己想演戏的愿望。   2. They will go all out to get exactly what they want.   他们将尽最大努力实现自己的愿望。   3. Ministers are making no secret about their wish to buy American weapons.   部长们毫不隐瞒他们想要购买美国武器的愿望。   4. Home ownership has been an overarching and innate desire of the British.   拥有私宅是所有英国人心中压倒一切和根深蒂固的强烈愿望。   5. People should understand how thirsty for revenge they are.   人们应该理解他们复仇的愿望是多么强烈。   6. It all backfired on me!   一切都与我的愿望背道而驰!   7. He spoke of his yearning for another child.   他说起了自己想再要一个孩子的强烈愿望。   8. The people make their wishes known through the ballot box.   人们以投票方式表达他们的愿望。   9. a burning desire to win   取胜的迫切愿望   10. Parents" natural desire to protect their children should be counterbalanced by the child"s need for independence.   父母保护孩子的本能愿望应当与孩子独立的需要相平衡。   11. He evinced a strong desire to be reconciled with his family.   他表现出与家人和好的强烈愿望。   12. She had to learn that her wishes did not take precedence over other people"s needs.   她必须懂得,自己的愿望不能先于别人的需要。   13. He"s been nourishing the hope of a trip abroad.   他一直怀着出国旅行的愿望.   14. He was fired with the wish to visit Japan.   他被激起了访问日本的愿望.   15. Her wish to be a doctor has e true out of hand.   她想做一个医生的愿望终于实现了.
2023-08-09 06:39:311


问题一:愿望的英语怎么写 wish,愿望。 但是一般情况下都会用dream,I have a dream 问题二:愿望的英语单词怎么写 wish,愿望。 但是一般情况下都会用dream,I have a dream 问题三:心愿的英语翻译 心愿用英语怎么说 你好! 心愿 wish 英[w??] 美[w??] v. 希望; 祝愿; 想要; n. 希望; 愿望; 祝福; 希望的事; [例句]She was sincere and genuine in her wish to make amends for the past 她真诚地希望弥补从前的过失。 问题四:他的愿望实现了用英语怎么写? His wish came true. His wish has been realised. 问题五:我有一个小小的愿望 的英文怎么写 I have a little wish
2023-08-09 06:39:391


2023-08-09 06:39:481


my wish
2023-08-09 06:40:043


new year resolution
2023-08-09 06:40:142


梦想和愿望的区别如下:1. 意思不同:梦想是对未来的一种期望,心中努力想要实现的目标,诸如事业与爱情等等。它更多是一种目标,完成之后会非常有成就感。愿望是对某一特定物或情感的欲望、向往或强烈倾向性,指希望未来能达到原心的期望。2. 出处不同:梦想出自唐·李咸用《送人》诗:“眼前多少难甘事,自古男儿多梦想。”愿望出自巴金《随想录》十三:“把想做的事都做好,把想写的作品全写出来,使自己可以安心地闭上眼睛,这是我最后的愿望。”3. 侧重点不同:梦想是对未来的一种期望,指在现在想未来的事或是可以达到但必须努力才可以达到的情况。愿望是心中的期望,更多指向于对美好事物的期望。以上就是梦想和愿望的一些区别,希望能够帮助到您。
2023-08-09 06:40:422


我的新年愿望英语是:My New Years Resolution。范文:The new year is coming!Now,its the time to make plans for the new year.Here is what I will do: 1.I will get better grades.Im good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my Math.Ill study better! 2.I will break my bad habits.I often get up very very late. To get early is good for my health. So Ill get up earlier than usual. 3.I will eat better.Ioften eat a lot of junk food. They are not good for my health.I should eat more fruits and vegetables.Theu will make my body healthier and stronger. This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.Ill work hard to keep my resolutions.译文:新年即将来临,现在我要为新年定下目标1、我希望能有更好的成绩,我擅长英语和语文,但是我的数学需要提高,我要更加努力学习2、我希望能够改变坏习惯,我时常赖床,但是早起有利于身体健康,所以我要比平时早起。3、我希望能够吃更好的东西,我经常吃垃圾食品,它们不利于我的健康,我应该多吃水果蔬菜,让我的身体更健康强壮。
2023-08-09 06:41:151


我有一个愿望:My wish Several months ago,my father has suffered a serious disease. I once made a vow to god on my birthday,but until now it"s never come true. I hope that this wish can come ture on new year"s day. My wish is that father can get well as soon as possible,and have a health body to get rid of the torture of the illness.This is my new year"s wish.
2023-08-09 06:41:391


1、你的愿望,就是我的命运。 Your , and dare to dare to be myself. 19、人们对神许下愿望,那神的愿望又能够让谁实现? people wish to god, the god of desire and to whom? 20、生命被迫结束时,唯一的愿望应该是表达希望吧。 At the end of life is forced to, only desire should be expressed hope. 21、生命是属于你的,你应该根据自己的愿望去生活。 Life belongs to you, you should according to their own desire to live. 22、谁的内心都有柔软持久,微小得算不得愿望的愿望。 e true. 29、我的愿望就是,我心系之人的愿望里有我,和我一样。 My wish is that I have me in my heart is the desire of those who, like me. 30、有愿望想要表达,结果发现,能表达的是愿望不是人。 Have a desire to want to express, the results found that can express is not desire. 31、夜梦是愿望的满足;白日梦即幻想,也是愿望的实现。 A dream is the satisfaction of desire; The realization of the dream or fantasy and desire. 32、任何人都有愿望,当愿望实现时,人们会称之为幸福吗? Anyone wishes, when the desire to achieve, people will call happiness? 33、出世理想生于生命意志之衰弱,因空无愿望而愿望空无。 e true. 36、愿望之所以叫愿望,就因为他只是个幻想,无法被实现啊! Desire is called desire, just because he is a fantasy, cant be realized! 37、命运有两种方式摧毁我们,拒绝我们的愿望,以及实现愿望。 There are t. 41、最痛的不是你不知道我爱你,而是你的愿望我没有本事帮你实现。 The most painful not you dont knoething, e to hand in advance to others, you will lose the desire of the fight for. 57、上天会厚待那些勇敢的,坚强的,多情的人,只要你有足够大的愿望,你就是不可战胜的! Will god dealt well with those brave, strong, passionate person, as long as you have enough desire, you are invincible! 58、如果你突然兴起一个愿望,然后马上便能实现,即使日后需要付出一点代价,那也是值得的。 If you suddenly rise a wish, and then can be implemented immediately, even if need to pay a price in the future, it is worth it. 59、愿望代表了追求,代表着希望。希望可以带来力量,而欲望不行。欲望只能带来更多的欲望。 Desire represents the pursuit, representing the hope. Hope can bring strength and desire. Desire can only lead to more. 60、幸福,不是长生不老,不是锦衣华食,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望的达成。 Happiness is not about being immortal not jinyi China food, rights in ones hand. Happiness is every tiny life desires to achieve. 61、当你到达你的顶峰时,你将感到愿望只是为了愿望,饥饿为了饥饿,干渴为了更强烈的干渴。 When you reach your peak, you will feel desire to wish, just hungry to hunger, thirst for greater thirst. 62、原来想念你,既能让我笑,也能让我哭。我不贪心。我只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。 The original miss you, can make me laugh, also can let me cry. Im not greedy. I only have a small wish: life always have you. 海明威英文名言 1.The the title epitaph also can shoe keen,is a persons youth intrinsic mark。在这个世界上,欲望并非痛苦,他可以使感觉变得敏锐,是一个人的青春的内在标志。 8.bstone)恕我不能站起来。海明威(墓碑上刻) 11.In t the springs that fed it。我懂了一个道理:永远不要倒空我的创作之井,但当创作之井还有一些水的时候应该停止,然后让夜晚补给它的泉水自行将其注满。 16.Although the love betething for each other。You mon - they are truer than if they had really happened。好书都有一个共同点它们都比真实事件还真实。 23.Strong than others,is not noble;stronger than before,is the true nobility。比别人强,并不算高贵;比以前的自己强,才是真实的高贵。 24.Each person is not an island,a person must be the innocence。所有邪恶的事一开始都是纯洁的。 29.No,its easy to say it back。不过话得说回来,没有一桩事是容易的。 30.The ego is the God e it?只要你不计较得失,人生还有什么不能想法子克服? 35.Noe our most strong place。生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。 39.Better than others,not noble,the true nobility should be better than the past。优于别人,并不高贵,真正的高贵应该是优于过去的自己。 40.It is extremely easy to do nothing in the daytime,but at night it is another thing。在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事了。 41.There is no failure,only。没有失败,只有战死。 42.If you are lucky enough to have lived in paris,paris e。只要不计较得失,人生便没有什么不能克服的。 45.paranoia is a strange thing。paranoid people are bound to believe that they are right,and restraint,to maintain the right idea,is the most can contribute to this self thinking and integrity of vieeone to talk with him openly。A man may be very brave,but he may be very lonely。每一个人都需要有人和他开诚布公地谈心。一个人尽管能够十分英勇,但他也可能十分孤独。 50.The majestic iceberg outdoor because he was only 1/8,is on the surface of the water。The bottom part of the iceberg accounted for 7/8 of the whole iceberg。冰山户外之雄伟壮观,是正因他只有八分之一在水面上。水底的部分占整座冰山的八分之七。 51.e it?只要你不计较得失,人生还有什么不能想法子克服的? 巴尔扎克英文名言 1、无知是迷信之母。 Ignorance is the mother of superstition. 2、到处是真苦难,假欢喜。 Everyplacent, arrogant and credulous of life of the three reefs. 19、天才是人类的病态,正如珍珠是贝的病态。 Genius is the sickness of man, as the pearl is the sickness of shellfish. 20、独处很好,但你需要一个人来告诉他独处很好。 Its nice to be alone, but you need someone to tell him to be alone. 21、科学的领域是广大的,人类的生命却是很短的。 The realm of science is vast, and human life is short. 22、自尊和自利同属一个整体,是自私的两个层面。 Self esteem and belong to a person to person. 27、平等或许是一种权利,但却没有任何力量使它变为现实。 Equality may be a right, but there is no poething good, be kind and generous to others; in short, use your modesty to avoid bad luck. 36、要达到婚姻的幸福,必须攀登一座有着狭隘的山路和峭岩的高山。 In order to achieve the happiness of marriage, we have to climb a mountain with a narrow mountain path and high mountains. 37、扩大自己的欲望,无异于将悬崖下的深谷挖得更深,事情就是如此。 To expand their oen is a simple, natural, rich, never lost things, like a major element of life. 47、每当人生中出现重大转折之际,我们的心总是与发生这悲欢离合事件的地方紧紧相依。 the depths of the soul. This kind of surgery is called experience. 53、一件不公道的事情,触动了其他人的心境,就会一变二、二变三地把人数增加起来,酵母是会发酵的。 An unfair thing, touched the mood of others, it y. 56、艺术在于有本领在针尖上建筑一座宫殿。我思想的奥妙之处在那根能够在十秒内把沙漠变成城市的仙杖里面。 Art lies in the ability to build a palace on the needle. The secret of my mind is the one who can turn the desert into a city within ten seconds. 57、真有才能的人总是善良的,坦白的,爽直的,决不矜持;他们的讥讽只是一种精神游戏,并不针对别人的自尊心。 Really talented people is almon for children and old people to get close. 60、机会是极难得的,但他具备三大成功的条件,那就是:像鹿一般会跑的腿,逛马路的闲功夫,和犹太人那样的耐性。 The opportunity is very rare, but he has the three conditions of success, that is: like the deer ee just as the seed fell on the rock, dead and buried. 67、世上的事情,永远不是绝对的,结果完全因人而异。苦难对于天才来说是一块垫脚石,对于能干的人是一笔财富,而对于弱者是一个万丈深渊。 Things in the . 69、正派的男人连工作的时间还嫌不够,他哪能白浪费时间去打扮自己,去做降低自己身份的事情?我宁愿一下子牺牲自己的生命,也不愿意把它减价为零。 Decent men dont have enough time to work. How can he waste his time trying to dress up and do his own thing? I would rather die at my own expense than to reduce it to zero. 70、爱情异常协调一致,从来没有流露过不和谐的一句话、一种感情和一个手势。他每逢注视我的时候,嘴唇永远带着友好的微笑,眼睛闪耀着快乐的光芒。 Love is so harmonious that it never shows a discordant word, a feeling, a gesture. Every time he looks at me, he always wears a friendly smile on his lips, and his eyes shine with joy. 71、一清如水的生活,诚实不斯的性格,在无论哪个阶层里,即使心术最坏的人也会对之肃然起敬。在巴黎,真正的道德,跟一颗大钻石或珍奇的宝物一样受人欣赏。 There instinct thought too simple, too harsh, it is not at all clear, thought than understanding, both sides should be roughly the same for intelligence. 73、阿谀奉承绝不会源于伟大的心灵,这只能是那些卑鄙小人的特产。他们只会设法削尖自己的脑袋,以便能钻进那些他们成天围着转的人群之中。阿谀奉承,其言外之意就是要从中捞取好处。 Can only be those despicable peoples specialty. They e of the cool elderly soon, the e of the matter than to estimate the relationship, the hinge, and the chain of forces that link many spiritual phenomena. 78、遗忘是一般刚强的,有创造力的人的法宝,他们会像自然一样的遗忘,自然界就不知道有什么过失,弱者不是把痛苦作为惩前毖后的教训,反而在痛苦中讨生活,浸在里头,天天回顾以往的苦难,折磨自己。 Forgetting is generally strong, magic creative people, they e more and more small, spring noble thoughts gradually rust, and the chain of mediocre but more wear the more loose, do not push the rotation. 离别英文名言 1、盼暂别后再见,分离时有甜蜜想念。 Looking forent of you go aent, may be a permanent fareotes love, but long separation eone alique. 32、你有光的温暖,可我没有光的速度,这是我望尘莫及的原因。 Do you have the warmth of the light, but I dont have the speed of light, this is the reason why I should be. 33、我也并不是总舍不得你走,只是总想看见你的笑容,听你的笑声。 I also dont ale role in each others lives. 37、我们拥有世界,就算梦想离再遥,无论多少离别,那也不等于眼泪。 etoent of separation, from your heart. 50、要是没有离别和重逢,要是不敢承担欢愉与悲痛,灵魂有什么意义?还叫什么人生? If there were no separation and reunion, if cant bear the joy and sorrow, soul whats the point? What is the life also? 51、离情愁苦是因为相聚欢乐,假如重逢有加倍的欢乐,那么,我宁愿承受更大的愁苦。 Leave feeling joy and sorrow because meet meet if a double joy, so, I would rather take more sorrow. 52、若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见,也要在心里存着感谢,感谢他给了你一份记忆。 If have to separate, also want to say goodbye, also want to himwith gratitude in your heart, a beautiful memory he has given you. 53、认识你是快乐,离开你是痛苦,在离别的日子里,支持着我是对重逢之乐的深切期盼。 Know you are happy, leaving you is painful, in the time of parting, support I am deeply looking forward to the joy of reunion. 54、我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见,心里存着感谢,感谢你曾给过我一份深厚的情谊。 fort.
2023-08-09 06:41:461


New Year"s wishes
2023-08-09 06:41:573


1. 有关于计划和愿望的英语作文(带翻译的) Summer holiday is coming. I am happy that i can relax myself in my own way. I will spend one half of my holiday finishing my homework and the other half relax myself. First, i am going to visit my grandparents in a beatiful village. I can breath fresh air on the farm and catch fish in clear rivers there. Then, i"d like to travel to Beijing because i want to see the Bird"s Nest and the Water Cube, in which the 2008 Olympic Games were held. At last, i plan to help my parents to do some housework. i think it not only can make my parents happy but also be beneficial to myself. I wish i can have a good time in the coming summer holiday. 暑假快要到了。我很高兴能够用自己的方式放松自己,我将用暑假的前一半时间学习,后一半时间自我放松。首先,我打算去拜访我的爷爷奶奶,他们住在一个美丽的村庄。我可以在那里呼吸新鲜的空气,还可以在清澈的河里抓鱼。然后,我想去北京旅行,因为我想参观一下鸟巢和水立方,那是2008年奥运会举办的地方。最后,我还打算帮父母做一些家务,我想这样不仅能让父母开心同时还对自己有好处。我希望自己能过一个愉快的暑假。 (也没说多少字,就写这么多吧。) 2. 十个关于梦想的英文句子 1. You have to make the call you"re afraidto make . 2. You have to get up early than you want to get up early. 3. You have to fight when you are already injured,bloody,and sore . 4. You have to lead when no one else is following you . 5. You have to try and fail and try again . 6. You have to keep moving towards where you want to be no matter what"s in front of you. 7. You have to do the hard things. The things that no one else is doing. The things that scare you.The things that make you wonder how much longer you can hold on. 8. No pain ,no gain. 9. You don"t have to be great to start , but you have to start to be great. 10. The only disability in life is a bad attitude. 3. 好一点的关于未来梦想的英文句子,最好用上make it possible for sb I dreamed a dream in time gone by 时光不在,梦境再次到来。 When hope was high and life worth living 当时希望满怀,生命澎湃。 I dreamed that love would never die I dreamed that God would be forgiving 在我梦里,真爱不渝,主爱无限。 Then I was young and unafraid And dreams were made and used and wasted 想我当时,年轻无惧;梦想荒唐,肆意浪费。 There was no ransom to be paid No song unsung, no wine untasted 想我当时,钱若轻烟;无歌不唱,无酒不欢。 But the tigers come at night With their voices soft as thunder 远方战火,低沉如雷;忧心恐慌,如夜将至。 As they tear your hope apart 希望与期待已被现实撕裂。 And they turn your dream to shame 4. 初中2年级英语作文《计划与愿望》 Passage 1: Next Tuesday,we are going to take part in an English exam.So I have to spend much more time on my English than before.And there will be a football game between our class and class 4.I am a little bit worried about it,only because one of our team members is ill at home.I don"t know whether he could be back or not.I am thinking that we may borrow one football player from the another school to support us.Oh,so many things to worry about!I must work harder this week.I have already made up my mind to save time and fully use my time. Passage 2: My plans for this coming summer vacation Summer vacation is coming.So I really want to make a plan for this coming summer vacation.Well,first,I"ll take exercise everyday,so that I can keep healthy.Second,I"m about to improve my English grades,because my English is very poor.Besides,I"m going to look for a part-time job,so that I can have enough money to buy something useful.I"ll also relax myself by watching TV for a short time,for I can learn more knowledges from watching TV.In a word,I think my summer vacation will be very meaningful. 5. 用英文写自己的愿望(4句话) I hope I can get the CET6 certificate. In the near future I hope I can work in the foreign company. I believe I can be the manager of this department next year. I wish all the stricken guys can recover well in the future. 6. 谁知道生活经历,语言学习,计划与愿望的英语作文怎么写 Is love, sweet love. What the world needs now, Is love, sweet love;t need another meadow, sweet love. What the world needs now;s just too little of. What the world needs now, Is love;t need another mountain, sweet love, It". What the world needs now.oh。 What the world needs now, Is love, There are cornfields and wheatfields enough to grow, There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine, Oh listen Lord, if you want to know, There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb, There are oceans and rivers enough to cross, sweet love, Is love, sweet love, It"s the only thing that there"s just too little of, everyone;s just too little of. What the world needs now, Is love. What the world needs now, not just for some oh but just for every, every, It", No;s the only thing that there", sweet love, No;s the only thing that there", Is love, sweet love, No, not just for some but for everyone. Lord, we don"。 Lord, we don", not just for some but for everyone, Enough to last "til the end of time. What the world needs now, Is loveWhat the world needs now 7. 求hope词组短语句型 hope for 希望,期待 in the hope of 怀着……的希望 in hopes of 希望能…;怀着…的希望 in the hope that 怀着…的希望;希望能… only hope 只有希望 last hope 最后的希望或被寄托最后希望的人 project hope 希望工程 hope to do 希望做某事 in hope of 怀着……的希望 hope project 希望工程 good hope 良好愿望;美好的希望 false hope 假希望 bob hope 鲍勃·霍普(美国喜剧演员) cape of good hope 好望角(南非) white hope n.被寄予厚望的人 beyond hope 没希望的;绝望的 forlorn hope n.敢死队;孤注一掷的 hold out hope (在不利情况下仍)对。 抱希望 hope against hope 抱一线希望 hope表示希望和祝愿的意思.作动词时,hope之后常跟一个现在时,表示将来的意思,第一人称尤其如此.例:I hope she likes (=will like) the flowers.我希望她喜欢这些花.I hope the cavalry arrive (=will arrive) soon.我希望轻便装甲部队很快就能到达.在否定句中,否定词通常与动词一起放在hope之后.试比较:I don"t think/ suppose/ expect/ believe/ imagine she will come.我认为/猜想/估计/相信/想她不会来.然而:I hope she won"t come.我希望她不来.(不能说:I don"t hope she will come.)I hope she doesn"t dislike the flowers.我希望她不会讨厌这些花.在简短的答语中,so和not可以与hope连用.例:"Do you think Andrew realizes?" —"I hope so." (or:"I hope not.") 你认为安德鲁认识到了吗?——我希望他认识到了.(或:我希望他没有认识到.)hope可以用于过去完成时中,谈论未实现的希望或令人失望的事.例:I had hoped that Jennifer would become a doctor,but she wasn"t good enough at science.我曾希望詹妮弗能成为医生,然而她对于科学不太在行.hope之后也可以跟一个动词不定式.这一结构可以表达更有把握的希望和计划.I hope to spend a year in American after I leave school.我希望毕业后能在美国呆一年.。
2023-08-09 06:42:181


生日愿望英文是Birthday wish。生日,汉语词汇,拼音:shēng rì,顾名思义是指人出生之日,也是每年满周岁的那一天。但有些地方的民俗认为,这同时也是母亲的“受难日”。因为以前的科技不像如今日新月异,那时的母亲生孩子,有“一只脚在棺材里,一只脚在棺材外”一说。所以,他们觉得在那天,应该以孝敬母亲为主。按民间说法,生日可分为公历(阳历)生日和农历(阴历)生日。在希腊文化里,希腊人相信人人都有一个精灵保护。精灵在人出生时已在旁侍候,并且看顾他的一生。这个精灵跟某个神有神秘的关系,而精灵所看顾的人正是在这个神的生辰出生的,罗马人也有同样的看法。这个观念一直流传下来,至今还可见于有关守护神、仙母和主保圣人的信仰里。在蛋糕上点燃蜡烛的习俗源于希腊人。希腊人在圆月般的蜜饼上点燃小蜡烛,然后放在阿耳特弥斯神的庙坛上,以供奉这个月神。根据民间的传统信仰,在生日点燃的蜡烛具有神奇的力量。生日祝福短信:1、爱一生之父母,爱父母之一生。爸爸,不管您是穷是富,是贵是贱,我都永远爱您,您都是我心目中的好爸爸。2、在你的生日到来之际,诚挚地献上我的三个祝愿:一愿你身体健康;二愿你幸福快乐;三愿你万事如意。3、爸爸在这特殊的日子里,所有的祝福都带着我们的爱,拥挤在您的酒杯里,红红的,深深的,直到心底。
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I have a little wish, that is to have wings, in that case, I can lay across the sky in the clouds, when I look down on the ground of the house like a toy, the crowd like ants. I have a small wish, that is, when the inventor, then I can make a lot of useful things, I want to create the atmosphere, if where water shortage and drought, I could press the green button. Quickly gathered steam and soon, there will be heavy rain to fall. Have invented a kind of sugar, as long as eat a piece of, can a few months without eating, no hungry people in the world.  我有个小小的愿望,那就是有翅膀,那样的话,我就可以穿越天空在云彩上躺着,当我往下看的时候 ,地上的房子像玩具,人群就像蚂蚁。我有个小小的愿望,那就是,当上发明家,那样的话我就可以制造出很多有用的东西,我要制造出大气层,如果哪里缺水和干旱的话,我就可以按下绿色的键;迅速聚集水蒸气,不一会儿就,那里就可以下起暴雨来了。还要发明一种糖,只要吃下一块,就可以几个月不用吃饭,世界上就再也没有饥饿的人了。  I have a little wish, that is to let all the bad people disappear, let the good left in this world. I have a little wish, and that is as magic as harry potter. I have a little wish, that is, to read first. I have a small wish, that is the body is like superman and can take a force of the earth. If there is one bad guy want to rule the earth, I will stand up and save the planet.  我有个小小的愿望,那就是让所有的坏人都消失,让好人存留在这个世上。我有个小小的愿望,那就是像哈里波特一样有魔法。我有个小小的愿望,那就是读书第一名。我有个小小的愿望,那就是有像超人一样的体魄和能够举一个地球的力量。如果有坏人要统治这个地球的话,我就要挺身而出,救这个地球。
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看看这篇怎么样?My hope As the song goes “ My hope isn"t a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I "d like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they are far away . How time flies! Who is able to give a definition to his future ? I know clearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . As a student , I should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it"s hard work , and I "ll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I"ll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there "s only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won"t achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my life .建议你提取里边的句型和词组结合自己的实际情况写。希望能帮到你!:)
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   我的愿望_My Wish篇一   On the New Year"s Eve, my family gets together and has a big meal, we talk so happily and share the happy moment. After dinner, we play the firework, it is so beautiful, I make many wishes. I wish all my family members be healthy and happy, I wish I can make progress on my study. I hope all my wishes can realize.   在新年的前一天,我的家人聚在一起,吃了一顿大餐,我们聊得很开心,分享着这个愉快的.时刻。晚饭过后,我们放烟花,烟花是那么的美,我许下了很多愿望。我希望我所有的家人都健康和开心,我希望我学习上有所进步。我希望所有的愿望都能实现。    我的愿望_My Wish篇二   I have no other wish except to be an English teacher.This is the only dream I have because I think being an English teacher is very cool.I can speak to foreign people smoothly and read English books and caricature easily.I can see English movies and some albums without titles.   There is another reason why I want to be an English teacher.My first English teacher was Mr.Gao in my primary school.I never went to an English class before in primary school so I was not as good as my classmates.But he always encourage me and helps me a lot.He always smiled at me and said,"Don"t worry.I believe you can be better."So every time when I am too lazy to study English I remember what he said to me and keep on studying.   Now I am the English teacher"s aide in my class.I love English and I love to teach my classmates,too.I always encourage my classmates and say,"Don"t worry.I believe you can be better."just like Mr.Gao always said to me.I think with this perfect model I will be an English teacher in the future. Wish me luck!    我的愿望_My Wish篇三   I am a primary school student. And I am the only child in my family. My families take too good care of me. They often work too much for me. Therefore, I hope they can help me to be independent. I want to do the things by myself. I know they love me, but I think it"s not so good to me. After all, I have to grow up by myself.   我是一名小学生。我是家里唯一的孩子,所以我的家人都过度地关心我了。他们常常替我做很多事情。因此,我希望他们能帮助我学会独立。我想自己去做一些事情。我知道他们这是爱我,但是我认为这对我不太好。毕竟,我是要自己成长的。
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"许愿"的英文是"wishing". 这个词通常表示一个人希望或者盼望某件事情或者结果能够发生。以下是例句:On New Year"s Eve, people often gather to make wishes for the coming year.(在除夕之夜,人们常常聚在一起为即将到来的一年许愿。)As the bride threw her bouquet over her shoulder, all the single women made a wish that they would soon find true love.(当新娘将她的花束扔过肩膀时,所有单身女性都许了一个愿望,希望他们很快会找到真爱。)It is traditional to make a wish before blowing out the candles on a birthday cake.(以及生日蛋糕上的蜡烛在吹灭前许愿是传统习俗。)We hung up a wish tree and invited everyone to write their wishes on paper and tie them to the branches.(我们挂了一棵许愿树,邀请每个人写下他们的愿望,把它们系在树枝上。)As the shooting star streaked across the sky, we all closed our eyes and made a silent wish.(当流星划过天空,我们都闭上眼睛默默许了个愿。)The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants the wishes of critically ill children, giving them joy and hope during difficult times.(Make-A-Wish 基金会为重症儿童实现他们的愿望,在困难时期给他们带来快乐和希望。)
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my birthday wishes :
2023-08-09 06:44:236


  愿望泛指心中期望实现的想法,多指美好的想法,它对某一特定物或情感的欲望、向往或强烈倾向性。那么你知道愿望用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   愿望的英语说法1:   desire   愿望的英语说法2:   wish   愿望的英语说法3:   aspiration   愿望相关英语表达:   express a desire; indicate a wish;   表示愿望   cherish a desire;   抱有愿望   realize one"s expectations;   实现愿望   not fail to live up to sb."s expectations;   不辜负某人的愿望   satisfy sb."s wish;   满足某人的愿望   愿望的英语例句:   1. She confessed to her parents her desire to act.   她向父母坦言了自己想演戏的愿望。   2. They will go all out to get exactly what they want.   他们将尽最大努力实现自己的愿望。   3. Ministers are making no secret about their wish to buy American weapons.   部长们毫不隐瞒他们想要购买美国武器的愿望。   4. Home ownership has been an overarching and innate desire of the British.   拥有私宅是所有英国人心中压倒一切和根深蒂固的强烈愿望。   5. People should understand how thirsty for revenge they are.   人们应该理解他们复仇的愿望是多么强烈。   6. It all backfired on me!   一切都与我的愿望背道而驰!   7. He spoke of his yearning for another child.   他说起了自己想再要一个孩子的强烈愿望。   8. The people make their wishes known through the ballot box.   人们以投票方式表达他们的愿望。   9. a burning desire to win   取胜的迫切愿望   10. Parents" natural desire to protect their children should be counterbalanced by the child"s need for independence.   父母保护孩子的本能愿望应当与孩子独立的需要相平衡。   11. He evinced a strong desire to be reconciled with his family.   他表现出与家人和好的强烈愿望。   12. She had to learn that her wishes did not take precedence over other people"s needs.   她必须懂得,自己的愿望不能先于别人的需要。   13. He"s been nourishing the hope of a trip abroad.   他一直怀着 出国 旅行的愿望.   14. He was fired with the wish to visit Japan.   他被激起了访问日本的愿望.   15. Her wish to be a doctor has come true out of hand.   她想做一个医生的愿望终于实现了.
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问题一:心愿英语怎么写 wish 或者Aspiration 都是心愿的意思 问题二:心愿的英语翻译 心愿用英语怎么说 你好! 心愿 wish 英[w??] 美[w??] v. 希望; 祝愿; 想要; n. 希望; 愿望; 祝福; 希望的事; [例句]She was sincere and genuine in her wish to make amends for the past 她真诚地希望弥补从前的过失。 问题三:心愿实现的英文怎么读 Wish realization 例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1. 我猜你的心愿实现了。 I guess your wish came true. 问题四:心愿卡的英文是什么? 5分 Wish card 问题五:愿望的英语怎么写 wish,愿望。 但是一般情况下都会用dream,I have a dream
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心愿的英语翻译 心愿用英语怎么说 你好! 心愿 wish 英[wu026au0283] 美[wu026au0283] v. 希望; 祝愿; 想要;n. 希望; 愿望; 祝福; 希望的事; [例句]She was sincere and genuine in her wish to make amends for the past 她真诚地希望弥补从前的过失。 心愿英语怎么写 wish 或者Aspiration 都是心愿的意思 愿望的英语怎么写 wish,愿望。 但是一般情况下都会用dream,I have a dream 愿望的英语单词怎么写 wish,愿望。 但是一般情况下都会用dream,I have a dream 心愿实现的英文怎么读 Wish realization 例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1. 我猜你的心愿实现了。 I guess your wish came true. 英语心愿卡都该写什么 1、A friend is a loving panion at all times. 朋友是永久的知心伴侣。 2、At this time of sorrow, deep sympathy goes to you and yours. 在这悲戚的时刻,谨向你和你的亲人致以深切的慰问。 3、Have a wonderful brithday! 祝你度过一个美妙的生日! 4、You"re wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year. 你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。 5、Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness! 祝你生日妙不可言,整年沉浸在幸福里!
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问题一:心愿的英语翻译 心愿用英语怎么说 你好! 心愿 wish 英[w??] 美[w??] v. 希望; 祝愿; 想要; n. 希望; 愿望; 祝福; 希望的事; [例句]She was sincere and genuine in her wish to make amends for the past 她真诚地希望弥补从前的过失。 问题二:我有一个小小的愿望 的英文怎么写 I have a little wish 问题三:愿望的英语怎么说 愿望 desir/wish/ aspiration: 例句: 1. express a desire/indicate a wish; 表示愿望 2.cherish a desire; 抱有愿望 问题四:从现在开始,我要给自己一个小小的愿望!加油!用英语怎么说?"" 英文原文: From now on,I will make a simple wish!e on! 英式音标: [fr?m; fr?m] [na?] [?n] [a?] [w?l] [me?k] [?; e?] [?s?mp(?)l] [w??] [k?m] [?n] 美式音标:yinbiao5 [fr?m] [na?] [n] [a?] [w?l] [mek] [e] [?s?mpl] [w??] [k?m] [n] 问题五:我心很小但我的愿望很大英文怎么说 My heart is *** all but my wish is big. 问题六:我会满足你这个愿望,用英文这么说? i will meet you this wishdesire. 问题七:"表达人们美好的愿望"用英语怎么说 to express the nice wishes of the people
2023-08-09 06:45:531


心愿的英语翻译 心愿用英语怎么说 你好! 心愿 wish 英[wu026au0283] 美[wu026au0283] v. 希望; 祝愿; 想要;n. 希望; 愿望; 祝福; 希望的事; [例句]She was sincere and genuine in her wish to make amends for the past 她真诚地希望弥补从前的过失。 英语 “心愿”用英语怎么说啊 wish,hope,dream都可以解释成心愿~! 心愿的英语怎么说? wish (心愿)英语怎么读了? 心愿用英语是Wish! 丿玄蝶灬殇丨为你解答! O(∩_∩)O~~ 2016心愿用英语怎么翻译 wishes in 2016 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳,谢谢。 星愿用英语怎么说? 10分 wish upon a star 虽然短短的几句祝福,但是包含了我最真的心愿。。。英语怎么说。。 10分 Although it was short pharse for my wi亥hes that contains my realest desire. 愿望的英语怎么说 愿望 desir范/wish/ aspiration: 例句: 1. express a desire/indicate a wish; 表示愿望 2.cherish a desire; 抱有愿望 心愿英语怎么写 wish 或者Aspiration 都是心愿的意思 一百个心愿,用英语怎么说 one hundred willings
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1、愿你合家美满,新年愉快!Wish you a happy family and a happy New Year!2、祝你新年快乐,永远开心!I wish you a happy new year and always!3、新年到了,祝您在新的一年里,万事如意、阖家平安。The new year is coming. I wish you all the best in the new year.4、愿你开心幸福,平安围绕。Wish you happiness and peace.5、致新年贺忱与最美好的祝福!New Year"s greetings and best wishes!6、愿你的新年光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐!May your new year be bright and brilliant! Happy New Year!7、祝你好运连连,事事如意!Good luck and good luck!8、愿你新年快乐,万事顺心。Wish you a happy new year and all the best.
2023-08-09 06:46:131


问题一:新年愿望英文怎么写 new year"s wishes new year"梗s resolution 问题二:新年愿望(英语) May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness. 愿圣诞的欢乐和温馨,带给你家无边的幸福。 May peace and love be your gift at Christmas and always! 献上祥和与爱心,在圣诞以至永远! Wishing you the peace, joy and happiness of Christmas! 祝圣诞安宁、欢乐、幸福! May happiness follow you everywhere ...just like we do. 愿快乐随时与您同在,就如同我们与您寸步不离一般。Much joy to you in the uping year. 愿您在新的一年里充满快乐。Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas. 祝福您及您的家人圣诞快乐 问题三:生日愿望加新年愿望的英文翻译? 10分 Birthday(生日) wish(愿望) plus(加) New Year(新年) wish(愿望) 希望能帮到您。
2023-08-09 06:46:331

用英语写一写关于自己的愿望! 一共六句! 记住是英语啊!

我的愿望(My wish)I have a lot of wishes,get five million lottery is my daydream.everyday I miss school is very beautiful in summer.there are so many flowers and trees.there are five studying b...
2023-08-09 06:47:181


I have a wish that with you together forever!!
2023-08-09 06:47:283

你的愿望是什么 英语 翻译下..用hope,还是wish啊.

what"s your wish?
2023-08-09 06:47:351


2023-08-09 06:47:446

心愿的英语翻译 心愿用英语怎么说

2023-08-09 06:48:213


我有一个愿望”英文翻译I have a wish. "
2023-08-09 06:48:312


问题一:希望用英文怎么说? wish、hope wish和hope都表示“想”“希望”,宾语可为to +动词原型,不可是动词的ing形式。 I hope (wish) to visit Guilin . 不同点: (1)wish +宾+ to +动词原形表示命令,hope无此用法 I wish you to go意思是我要你去 (2)hope后不能直接跟名词作宾语,可跟for +名词,表示可实现的“希望”,丹ish虽也跟for +名词,但表示难实现的“愿望”。 I hope for success .我希望成功。 I wish for a car .我很想得到小汽车 (3)hope和wish可跟that从句,但hope + that表示希望 wish + that表示“愿望”,且从句动词用虚拟语气 I hope you”ll be better soon . I wish I were ten years younger . (4)wish可跟双宾语 We wish you a happy New Year 问题二:我希望 英语怎么说 I hope / wish / expect / look forward to / am eager to / desire 问题三:希望的英文怎么写? 30分 1.假设你要的是名词,最正宗的其实是possibility,用英文的思维方式希望就是可能性。 2.要的是动词:hope wish bless 问题四:希望的名词用英文怎么说 hope wish 问题五:< 我希望这些英语会对你有用>英语怎么翻译 I hope these will be useful to you in English 问题六:我希望练好口语 用英语怎么说 I hope that i can do well in the spoken English .I hope i can exchange with others more and morei hope my memory can be better. 问题七:我希望在这里我能够有所收获用英语怎么翻译 I hope l"ll learn something here. 问题八:我希望你能参加用英语来说怎么说 您好,下面两句都可以表达您的这个问句: I hope you can attend. I hope you will e. 英式音标: [a?] [h??p] [ju?] [k?n] [??tend] . [a?] [h??p] [juu02d0] [w?l] [k?m] . 美式音标: [a?] [hop] [ju] [k?n] [??t?nd] . [a?] [hop] [ju] [w?l] [k?m] .
2023-08-09 06:48:391

英文写作:我的愿望 My Wish

I am a primary school student. And I am the only child in my family. My families take too good care of me. They often work too much for me. Therefore, I hope they can help me to be independent. I want to do the things by myself. I know they love me, but I think it"s not so good to me. After all, I have to grow up by myself. 我是一名小学生。我是家里的孩子,所以我的家人都过度地关心我了。他们常常替我做很多事情。因此,我希望他们能帮助我学会独立。我想自己去做一些事情。我知道他们这是爱我,但是我认为这对我不太好。毕竟,我是要自己成长的。
2023-08-09 06:48:461


美好愿望WonderfuI Dream
2023-08-09 06:49:072

my hope (我的愿望) 英语作文

My hope As the song goes “ My hope isn"t a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I "d like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they are far away . How time flies! Who is able to give a definition to his future ? I know clearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . As a student , I should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it"s hard work , and I "ll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I"ll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there "s only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won"t achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my life .
2023-08-09 06:49:301


wish、hopewish和hope都表示“想”“希望”,宾语可为to +动词原型,不可是动词的ing形式。 I hope (wish) to visit Guilin . 不同点: (1)wish +宾+ to +动词原形表示命令,hope无此用法 I wish you to go意思是我要你去 (2)hope后不能直接跟名词作宾语,可跟for +名词,表示可实现的“希望”,wish虽也跟for +名词,但表示难实现的“愿望”。 I hope for success .我希望成功。 I wish for a car .我很想得到小汽车
2023-08-09 06:49:391


2023-08-09 06:50:071


更新1: dream will es true 得唔得? 愿望:desire/ wish/ dream/ will 成:e/ bee/ turn into/ change into 真:real/ true/ authentic/ actual/ factual 最简单和常用就系My will es true. 2006-11-20 18:25:03 补充: 小心 这个 will 之后既 verb 系不变的.应该系 will e / esdream will e true 系将来式future tense.dream es true 系现在式present tense. Dreams e true 愿望﹑梦想成真 I agree! dream es true Dream es true 2006-11-20 17:17:22 补充: 唔得...dream will e true ORdream es true啦 Dream e true wish to e true 参考: me
2023-08-09 06:50:281


我的新年愿望英语是:My New Years Resolution。范文:The new year is coming!Now,its the time to make plans for the new year.Here is what I will do: 1.I will get better grades.Im good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my Math.Ill study better! 2.I will break my bad habits.I often get up very very late. To get early is good for my health. So Ill get up earlier than usual. 3.I will eat better.Ioften eat a lot of junk food. They are not good for my health.I should eat more fruits and vegetables.Theu will make my body healthier and stronger. This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.Ill work hard to keep my resolutions.译文:新年即将来临,现在我要为新年定下目标1、我希望能有更好的成绩,我擅长英语和语文,但是我的数学需要提高,我要更加努力学习2、我希望能够改变坏习惯,我时常赖床,但是早起有利于身体健康,所以我要比平时早起。3、我希望能够吃更好的东西,我经常吃垃圾食品,它们不利于我的健康,我应该多吃水果蔬菜,让我的身体更健康强壮。
2023-08-09 06:50:361


实现愿望的英文:satisfy one"s desires。例句:1、The frustration of their wishes.对他们实现愿望的阻挠。2、The acquittal gave me hope to express my desire.无罪的宣判给了我实现愿望的信心。3、We know it won"t be long before Alec fulfills his wish.我们知道他要实现愿望是不会太久的。4、What benefit does it seek through its wish fulfilling action?通过实现愿望的行动它能得到什么好处呢?5、Eyes closed as you learn to pray I wish really wishes come true.闭上眼学你一样祈祷但愿真的能够实现愿望。6、So fulfillment of desires is a prerequisite to unity.所以实现愿望是到达统一的先决条件。 。7、You didn"t shut your eyes before you made the wish, so it doesn"t count!你祈求实现愿望时没闭上眼睛,所以不算数!8、Please help Korea and Japan to achieve their desired wishes and dreams with your precious ideas.请大家协助日韩实现愿望和梦想,大家献计献策吧。9、Few people were lucky enough to see a 8-tail cat since every 8-tail cat only realize wishes from the offsprings of the first master he selected.因为八尾猫不会随便帮助人,它只会帮它第一任主人的后代实现愿望。10、Have you ever wanted to learn how to read faster? Now you can with these amazing speed reading techniques .你曾经想要学习如何更快地阅读吗?现在这些神奇的速度技巧将让你实现愿望。
2023-08-09 06:50:581

3个愿望 英文

2023-08-09 06:51:374


实现愿望的咒语实现愿望的咒语邪门的心理测试,不过有高达98%的准确率,不信试试!很诡异喔!! 我已经试过了,很准,真的很准,至少很符合我现在的情况,同志们,来做下吧~~~~人 格测验 : 每一个人只能够许一个愿望 ...... 试试看 , 可是千万不要作弊 , 不要先看结论 ! 你会对你的答案感到非常讶异 . 我们的脑海就像是一个降落伞一样 ;当它在於开放的状态下就能够达到更好的运作 . 这是非常有趣的 ,但是你必须百分之百的遵守所有的指示 . 千万不要作弊哦!~~~*** 在开始本测验之前请先许一个愿望吧***注意 ! 请依照顺序来回答本问卷 .一共只有4个问题 ,但是如果你在回答之前先偷看了结论 ,你就无l-a-w得到真正诚实的答案 .现在请慢慢的阅读并且回答 .不要事先偷看请准备笔和纸来写下你的答案 .在於问卷的最后你将会须要它来解读你的人格这是一个非常诚实的问卷 ,它将会告诉你许多关於你 真正的自我 的事情 .*************************************************************请将以下的5种动物 , 依你对它们喜爱的顺序排列:- 母牛 - 老虎 - 绵羊 - 马 - 猪-*******************************************************请在於以下的每一句话之后写出一个你对於它所感觉的形容词 :- 狗 - 猫 - 老鼠 - 咖啡 - 海********************************************************请想一些人 (这一些人必须认识你 ,并且对你来说是非常重要的人)请将这一些人与以下的颜色联想在一起(不要重复名称或颜色)每一个人只能和一个颜色联想而已 .- 黄色 - 橘红色 - 红色 - 白色 - 绿色*******************************************************最后 , 请写下你的幸运号码以及一个星期中你最喜欢的日子********************************************************你已经写好了吗 ? 请确定你所写出的答案是你内心真正的感受 这是你最后的机会来作出任何的更改. 现在请看以下的解说 :但是在阅读之前请再度许下你之前所许的愿望 .下面是答案哦,准备好了没有啊??这将会解说你心目中许多重要事件的顺位 : 牛 , 代表事业 老虎 , 代表自信 绵羊 , 代表爱情 马 , 代表家庭 猪 , 代表金钱************************************************************你对於 狗 的形容词就是形容你自己本身的人格. - 你对於 猫 的形容词就是形容你的伴侣的人格 . - 你对於 老鼠 的形容词就是形容你的敌人的人格 . - 你对於 咖啡 的形容词就是形容你对於性的看l-a-w . - 你对於 海 的形容词就是形容你对於你自己本身的人生的看l-a-w .********************************************************黄色 : 这是一位你永远不会忘记的人 . 橘红色 : 这是一位你永远可以当他为 真正的朋友的人 . 红色 : 这是一位你真正深爱的人 . 白色 : 这一位是你灵魂的双胞胎 . 绿色 : 这是一位你终身难忘的人 .********************************************************你的幸运数字的数就是要发给别的贴吧的数``然后你的愿望就会在一个星期内,你最喜欢的那一天实现
2023-08-09 06:51:454


dream,英文单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意为“睡梦;梦想,愿望;恍惚;极美好的人(或事物);幻想;梦境般的事”,作动词时意为“做梦,梦见;梦想;虚度光阴;想到;开小差;想象”,作形容词时意为“理想的,完美的”。短语搭配:Dream Theater 梦剧院 ; 梦剧场 ; 梦剧场合唱团 ; 梦剧院乐队Georgian Dream 格鲁吉亚梦想 ; 乔治亚之梦 ; 格鲁吉亚之梦Dream Home 维多利亚壹号 ; 维多利亚一号 ; 梦想之家Dream Mall 统一梦时代购物中心 ; 梦时代购物中心 ; 梦时代 ; 购物中心Dream Aquarium 梦幻水族馆 ; 梦幻水族馆屏保 ; 梦想水族馆 ; 梦幻水族馆动态屏保Dream Saga 梦幻传说 ; 梦境传说 ; 黑甜乡传说Pipe dream 白日梦 ; 管道之梦 ; 幻想 ; 美梦Elephants Dream 大象之梦 ; 大笨象之梦 ; 英Dream Concert 梦想演唱会 ; 韩国梦想演唱会 ; 第三十六章双语例句:1、The only one I dream of.你仍是唯一我梦想的人。2、I dream of it, where?我的梦想它在那里?3、I only dream of you.我唯一的梦想就是你。
2023-08-09 06:51:531

我的新年愿望 用英语怎么说

my new year wish
2023-08-09 06:52:104


每个人都有愿望,我也有一个小小的愿望。 Everyone has a wish, and I have a little wish。 我的愿望是希望妈妈永远年轻美丽;希望妈妈不要那么忙,能多陪我读书,能多陪我一起游戏...... My wish is to hope that my mother will always be young and beautiful; I hope that my mother will not be so busy, can accompany me to read more books, can accompany me to play more games。 妈妈的愿望是让我和哥哥健康快乐的成长;能刻苦学习,考上一个理想的`学校;将来能有一份自己喜欢的工作。 My mother"s wish is to let my brother and I grow up healthily and happily; to study hard and get into an ideal school; to have a job I like in the future。 你们的愿望是什么呢?快快快告诉我吧。 What"s your wish? Let me know。
2023-08-09 06:52:491


2023-08-09 06:52:585


三个愿望英语为wishes。拓展知识:1、wishes和wish有什么区别1)意思不同wishes表示祝愿、希望,而wish是单数形式,表示希望可能性小的事发生。2)用法不同wishes作名词时,表示祝愿、希望;而wish作为动词时,表示祝福、希望,常与schedule搭配使用。3)语气不同wishes比较客观,而wish则比较主观,通常带有一定的命令或期待语气。用wish造句如下:1、However, they did not wish for a fundamental change.但他们并不希望发生根本性的变化。2、If you wish really hard, maybe you"ll get what you want.心诚则灵。3、They wish to limit the power of the State.他们希望限制政府权力。4、I wish to God you"d learn to pay attention!我真希望你能学会集中注意力!5、You may do as you wish outside working hours.不在上班时间,你爱干什么就干什么。6、The director says "Living in Emergency" is a story about how things are, not how you wish things were.导演称,“紧急救护”讲述的是一个有关事情真相的故事,而不是你所想象希望发生的事态状况。7、I wouldn"t wish something like that on my worst enemy.即使是我的死对头,我也不想他出那样的事。
2023-08-09 06:53:151


您好翻译为答:I have a lot of wishes at Children"s Day希望帮助你
2023-08-09 06:53:522


许一个生日愿望用英语怎么翻译 make a birthday promise
2023-08-09 06:54:001


我的愿望,就是希望你的愿望里,也有我My wish is to hope that you will have me.我的愿望,就是希望你的愿望里,也有我My wish is to hope that you will have me.
2023-08-09 06:54:091