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2023-08-14 15:04:06
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石哨 距今有14万年(根据下文*) * 昨日,中国科学家经过长达两年的考察和发掘,在重庆奉节县云雾乡兴隆洞发现了大批古生物化石和具有明显人工制作痕迹的石哨、石鸮、剑齿象牙刻,这些14万年前的中国古人类手工创制的乐器和石刻、牙雕,成为人类最早的艺术制作品。 中国艺术研究院音乐研究员王子初对一小段淡水碳酸钙石钟乳研究后认为,如果石钟乳孔洞(鹅管)及其两边的斜切截面排除了自然因素,“那么它就是一个14万年前人类制作的可以吹奏的发声石哨”。专家们认为,三峡奉节县出土的14万年前的石哨,显然是人类最古老的乐器,吹奏它可以获得一个清晰悦耳稳定的音频。* 乐器及其发明者 ▲《乐器之王》——钢琴,意大利人克里斯托福于1711年发明。 ▲《乐器皇后》——小提琴,意大利人阿格利科拉于1528年发明。 ▲《大号》——德国人韦普莱希特于1835年发明。 ▲《大管》——意大利人阿尔方尼奥于1540年左右发明。 ▲《萨克斯管》——比利时人萨克斯于1840年发明。 ▲《大提琴》——意大利人安德烈阿玛第于十四世纪发明。


最早的乐器 石锣(Stone Gong):圆形的、悬挂着的石头,当敲击时,能发出鸣响。在今天,东方和非洲一些地方仍然用石头作为发生器。 树干(Tree Stump):用棍棒敲击中空的树干能产生一种特殊的声音。 树枝(Branches):一些树的树枝,当拉弯后松开时,能发出砰然声。有报道说,西伯利亚熊就经常这样做来自娱自乐。 草(Grass):将草绷直,用嘴唇吹奏能发出尖锐的音调,这是簧片木管乐器的起源。 海螺(Conch Shell):空的海螺上如果有一个破口,则在往里面吹气时能发出很大的声音。今天,一些原住民仍然使用海螺作为乐器。 芦苇(Reeds):在某些时候,风吹过的芦苇会发出一种嗡嗡声,这也是风鸣琴(又叫爱奥利亚竖琴)的制作原理。 竹(Bamboo):中空或者有裂缝的竹茎在微风中有时能产生不同调子的声音。由此,大自然发明了爱奥利亚管风琴。




红海为什么叫红海 揭秘红海的命名由来?

后来,阿拉伯人开始统治这片海域,并将它命名为“红海”。有些人认为,这个名称可能来源于红海沿岸的红色珊瑚礁,或者是因为这片海域的水域呈现出一种红色的光泽。还有一种说法是,这个名称可能与阿拉伯语中的“红色”(ahmar)有关,因为红海的水域在日出和日落时呈现出一种红色的光泽。红海的名字来源于古代。据史书记载,早在公元前2500年左右,古埃及人就已经开始征服红海沿岸的地区,建立了一些港口城市。而在那个时候,红海被称为“热海”(Sea of Reeds),因为当时的红海沿岸大片的芦苇丛生长在海边,形成了一道道绿色的屏障,从远处看去像是一片绿色的海洋,所以古人称之为“热海”。无论是哪种说法,红海的命名由来都与古代的历史和文化有着密切的联系。如今,红海已经成为了一个重要的航运通道和旅游胜地,吸引着来自世界各地的游客前来观光和休闲。红海的名字也成为了一个历史的符号,让我们记住了古代人类的智慧和勇气。红海的名字来源于古代。据史书记载,早在公元前2500年左右,古埃及人就已经开始征服红海沿岸的地区,建立了一些港口城市。而在那个时候,红海被称为“热海”(Sea of Reeds),因为当时的红海沿岸大片的芦苇丛生长在海边,形成了一道道绿色的屏障,从远处看去像是一片绿色的海洋,所以古人称之为“热海”。随着时间的推移,这片海域的名字发生了变化。据说在公元前5世纪的时候,古波斯王国的国王德里约一世为了纪念他的妻子,将红海改名为“波斯湾”,但这个名称并没有得到广泛的认可。
2023-08-09 01:18:394


ee和ea在单字里念的是长元音/i/的音。这个音可出现在字首、字中和字尾的位置,比如:reeds 芦苇eel 鳗鱼bee 蜜蜂peel 剥皮jeep 吉普车feet 脚,英尺see 看见teeth 牙齿sea 海meat 肉peanut 核桃eagle 鹰peach 桃子tea 茶leaf 叶子pea 豌豆我们在发这个音的时候,千万不要和i的发音混淆,发ee、ea时,舌尖靠近下齿,舌前部抬高,但不接触上颚,没有摩擦,牙床接近合,唇形扁平,而发i的短音时,舌尖靠近下齿,舌前部抬高,较/i/略低,牙床半合,比/i/稍微张开。下面是含i、ee、ea的一些单字。注意长元音和短元音的发音区别。id 它(拉丁语) Sid 西德 kid 小孩Ig 伊格 pig 猪 dig 挖ill 生病的 Jill 吉尔 hill 丘陵,小山it 它 sit 坐 hit 打击 pit 坑Tim 蒂姆 Jim 吉姆 Kim 金 dim 昏暗的in 在……里面 fin 鱼鳍 tin 锡 win 赢ding 叮 ring 铃响 king 国王 sing 唱歌ink 墨水 pink 粉红的 sink 下沉 link 联系fish 鱼 dish 盘子 wish 愿望Ick 伊克 pick 采摘 kick 踢 tick 滴答声发i时,牙床要接近半合。bee 蜜蜂 see 看见 free 自由的 tree 树deed 行为 need 需要 feed 喂养 seed 种子sleep 睡觉 sheep 绵羊 deep 深的 jeep 吉普车feet 英尺,脚 meet 遇见 beet 甜菜 sweet 甜的pea 豌豆 tea 茶 sea 海 flea 跳蚤read 阅读 bead 珠子 lead 领导Jean 琼 Dean 迪安 lean 倾斜 clean 干净的eat 吃 heat 加热 meat 肉 neat 整洁的 treat 请客,对待meal 一餐 seal 海豹 deal 交易发ee、ea这个音的时候,口型要扁平,牙床接近合,这是长元音,发音时间要比i长一些。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。WYZZWB2011 | 2013-04-029214
2023-08-09 01:18:481


2023-08-09 01:19:171


2023-08-09 01:19:242


摩西带领希伯来人穿越的水域,其实是更北边的芦苇海(Sea of Reeds,Yam Suf)即大苦湖。
2023-08-09 01:20:081


亚鲁(Aaru),即芦苇原(Field of Reeds),是埃及人死后生活中一个被认为天堂的世界。新逝者通过冥界的旅途到此结束,此地也被认为是灵魂的终点。 因为明白人终有一死,埃及人还活着的时候许下在亚鲁团聚的诺言并不罕见
2023-08-09 01:20:151


日本的公卿是指,从平安时代以来从公家中升格的从三位以上的贵族,从参议至当时最高位的太政大臣都属于公卿。 太政大臣、右大臣、左大臣、内大臣、参议、大纳言、中纳言都属于公卿阶级才能担任的官位。平安时代末期最出名的四大姓氏分别是源氏,平氏,藤原氏,橘氏。到了战国时代,地方豪族四起,不但拥有了权利还获得了官位,真是名声盖过了那些贵族。公卿们对于那么地方大名来说只能是些获虚名的工具和吸血鬼而已,当然公卿里面也有不少书画,和歌高手,毕竟贵族都喜欢做些风雅之事。清华家清华家,公家u2022公卿家族拥有的家格、大臣家族中仅次于五摄家的家格。一般兼任近卫大将u2022大臣等职位。最高可晋升到太政大臣。也被说成是英雄家。在摂家之间清华家的子弟被称做公达(きんだち)。明治时代以前、华族就是指的这一批人.清华家一共包括九大家族(之前有七个称“七清华”。后来加入了2个改称“九清华”)前七家 :久我氏三条氏西园寺氏德大寺氏花山院氏 大炊御门氏 今出川氏(菊亭氏) 后二家:醍醐氏广幡氏
2023-08-09 01:20:242


悲惨世界 雨果1802一1885是法国浪漫主义文学的领袖人物,他一生几乎跨越了整个十九世纪,他在诗歌、戏剧、小说、文论及政论各方面进行了大量的创作,并均卓有成就。他的《<克伦威尔>序》是法国积极浪漫主义的纲领;他的剧本《欧那尼》的演出成功是浪漫主义在戏剧领域战胜古典主义的标志;他的长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》和《悲惨世界》被列为世界杰作。 《悲惨世界》是以真实的事件为蓝本而创作的,当时一个贫苦农民因偷了一块面包被判五年苦役,出狱后又因黄色身份证而不能就业,这深深触动了雨果,他花了十七年的时间完成了这部巨著。在“作者序”中雨果指明了创作目的:揭露因法律和习俗造成的压迫,暴露这个世界如何因贫困使男子潦倒、因饥饿使妇女堕落、因黑暗使儿童羸弱,企图使小说对社会问题的解决有所裨益。这部作品结构庞大,枝叶繁复,全书共有五大部分:《芳汀》、《柯赛特》、《马吕斯》、《卜吕街的儿女情和圣丹尼街的英雄血》及《冉阿让》;围绕的中心问题是穷苦人民的悲惨的命运和处境,可以说它描写的是主人公冉阿让的悲惨生活史。 主人公冉阿让原是个诚实的工人,一直帮助穷困的姐姐抚养七个可怜的孩子,有年冬天找不到工作,为了不让孩子饿死而偷了一块面包,被判五年徒刑;又因不堪忍受狱中之苦四次逃跑,刑期加到十九年;出狱之后。苦役犯的罪名永远地附在他的身上,他找不到工作,连住宿的地方都没有。后来他受到一位主教的感化决心去恶从善;改名换姓埋头工作,终于当上了市长,成了大富翁后他乐善好施,兴办福利,救助孤寡;然而法律去滥判无辜,他为了不嫁祸于人毅然上法庭承认自己的真实姓名,并为救助孤女而逃出法律的魔爪。然而法律不容他,社会不容他,连他辛辛苦苦带大的孤女也误解他,他多年舍已救人,最后却在孤寂中走向死亡,这是悲惨世界中的悲惨典型。作品中还通过一个不幸女子芳汀的一生和她的私生女柯赛特的遭遇来揭示社会逼良为娼、儿童身心受虐,从而全面地展开对社会的批判。 这部小说集中地体现了雨果的人道主义思想。雨果认为,世界上存在合两种法律:高级的法律是仁慈和爱,它可以杜绝罪恶,唤起良知,进而改革社会拯救人类,低级法律是刑罚,它依靠惩治只能加深犯罪。前者的体现者为米里哀主教,他用道德感化和博爱唤醒了冉阿让的良知,使他成了真正的人;而后者的代表警官沙威,则如鹰犬一般跟踪冉阿让,迫害孤女寡母,如同冷血的动物,他最后的精神崩溃投河自尽,表现了现存法律在崇高道德面前的渺小、虚弱及它的破产。作者企图以抽象的人道主义作为消除社会痼疾的武器,有其局限的一面。 《悲惨世界》在反映现实生活方面达到了很高的成就,这里有惊心动魄的历史事件、巴黎的贫民窟、修道院、法庭、监狱、资产者的沙龙、大学生居住的拉丁区,构成广阔而典型十九世纪法国的社会画面;小说的人物也是典型的。但占主导地位的是浪漫主义风格,雨果倡导的美丑对照原则在人物塑造、场景描写等多方面广泛地得到运用;作者善于用夸张的手法塑造不同寻常的人物,用虚构的偶然的因素来推动情节的发展;同时小说还充满着浓郁的抒情气氛,整部小说弥漫着浪漫主义气息。 1958年人民文学出版社出版了李丹先生翻译的五卷本《悲惨世界》,1979年至1984年重新印刷出版,它是至今为止的权威版本。
2023-08-09 01:20:323

2023-08-09 01:20:547


july  edwardthomas    naughtmovesbutclouds,andintheglassylake  theirdoublesandshadowofboat  theboatitselfstirsonlywhenibreak  thisdrowseofheatsolitudeafloat  toproveifwhatiseebebirdormote,  orlearniftheshorewoodsbeawake.    longhourssincedawngrew,—spresd,—andpassedonhigh  anddeepbelow,—ihavewatchedthecoolreedshung  overimagesmorecoolinimagedsky:  nothingtherewasworththingkingofsolong;  allthatthering-dovesay,farleavesamong,  brimsmymindwithcontrntthusstilltolie.    1、宗白先生译:    七月    万物宁谧,惟有流云,晶莹的湖泊,  云影缓移,浮泛着舟影。  扁舟轻荡,我用桨儿划破  沉沉的炎热,和迷离的寂寞,  为了辨认:望见的是鸟和纤尘。  为了探明:湖畔树林是否苏醒。    晨曦早已微明——弥漫——飘向晴空  又溶于碧波;我久久凝视冷冷的芦苇  影入云天毵毵的水中,凉意更浓;  在这悠悠的时光,物我两忘  远处树丛,斑尾鸽禺禺细语,  我静卧啼听,恍惚置身仙境。    2、周伟弛译:    七月    移动的只有云,在如镜的湖面  它们的分身,以及我的船影。  我听任船儿自己走,偶尔  举浆打破这昏沉沉的闷热,和飘荡的孤寂  好弄清我看见的是鸟还是灰尘,  岸边的树林是不是还清醒。    好久了,自从黎明破晓——伸展——升高  低沉,——我见到冷冷的芦苇斜倚  在倒映天空里更冷的影子上:  那里没有什么值得长久地思想;  远方树叶里,斑尾鸽所说的一切。  静静地溢满了我的心房。
2023-08-09 01:22:073

糯米团子 的英文是什么

2023-08-09 01:22:225


20台瑞士苏尔寿鲁蒂公司 1995年 P7200型片梭织机,踏盘(凸轮)开口,机幅宽度3600mm,UNS128000-129000系列钢片梭。20台比利时毕佳乐公司GAMMAX型剑杆织机,2003年机幅宽度2200mm,配1.5倍经轴,1.5倍卷布棍,每台12片综框,20片多臂连杆,16片已用过。10000停经片,10000综丝,多臂机开口。20台比利时毕佳乐公司GAMMAX型剑杆织机,2003年,机幅幅宽度1900mm,20片多臂龙头拉刀,10000停经片,10000综丝,配1.5倍经轴,1.5倍卷布棍,多臂机开口。比利时毕佳乐公司OMNI Plus 800型喷气织机2010年190厘米史陶比尔 2861B×20多臂机,工厂交货方式,每台$28,000。凸轮1661×20开口装置,工厂交货方式,每台$26,600。4喷嘴,经轴1.1倍,综框8-10片,储纬器4台,钢筘2片。比利时毕佳乐公司OMNI Plus 800型喷气织机2006年190厘米凸轮1661×48开口装置,工厂交货方式,每台$18,500。2喷嘴,经轴1.1倍,综框8-10片,储纬器4台,钢筘2片。以上内容谨供参考。因为似二手织机的报价附件,具体内容及规格不清楚的地方可详细询问卖方公司,不宜以此译文为准。
2023-08-09 01:22:521


2023-08-09 01:23:014


The harmonica is a free reed wind instrument which is played by blowing air into it or drawing air out by placing lips over individual holes (reed chambers) or multiple holes. The pressure caused by blowing or drawing air into the reed chambers causes a reed or multiple reeds to vibrate up and down creating sound. Each chamber has multiple, variable-tuned brass or bronze reeds which are secured at one end and loose on the other end, with the loose end vibrating and creating sound.Reeds are pre-tuned to individual tones, and each tone is determined according to the size of reed. Longer reeds make deep, low sounds and short reeds make higher-pitched sounds. On certain types of harmonica the pre-tuned reed can be changed (bending a note) to another note by redirecting air flow into the chamber. There are many types of harmonicas, including diatonic, chromatic, tremolo, orchestral, and bass versions.The harmonica is used in blues and American folk music, jazz, classical music, country music, rock and roll, and pop music. The harmonica has other nicknames, especially in blues music, including: "harp," "blues harp", "french harp", and "mouth organ."
2023-08-09 01:23:111


一天夜里,一场可怕的风暴刮过森林。许多树被吹倒了,到处是树枝。一棵长在河边的橡树被刮倒在水里,顺流而下。橡树在河中漂流的时候,发现两岸依然长满芦苇,觉得很奇怪。“你们是怎么设法活下来的?”橡树问道,“你们看上去那么纤细而脆弱,而我,一棵大树,却快要死了。”“这没什么可奇怪的,”芦苇细声细气地说,“你和风暴进行搏斗,所以你被摧毁了。我们为它让路,对最轻微的风也屈身相让,所以我们得救了。【橡树与芦苇的寓意】橡树与芦苇这篇伊索寓言故事说明了,有时候不要硬和比自己强大的人去抗争。凡事要能忍则忍,这样或许对自己更为有利。THE OAK AND THE REEDSAn Oak that grew on the bank of a river was uprooted by a severe gale of wind.and thrown across the stream.It fell among some Reeds growing by the water,and said to them.“How is it that you.who are so frail and slender,have managed to weather the storm.whereas I.with all my strength,have been torn uD bv the roots and hurled into the river?”“You were stubborn,”came the reply,“and fought against the storm,which proved stronger than you:but we bow and yield to every breeze,and thus the gale passed harmlessly over our heads.”
2023-08-09 01:23:196


There was only one thing in it,
2023-08-09 01:23:592


2023-08-09 01:24:104


Exuberant, exuberant - reeds in darkish greens;There shimmers a light frost instead of dewdrops agleam.My dear beloved, where can you be found?You"re there ahead, to be sure, the waters beyond.望采纳哦~
2023-08-09 01:24:205

白洋淀苇编英文 简介

Baiyangdian,located in Hebei central plain,abounds in fishes and reeds from the ancient time by now,named county of fish and reed. With water areas for 460 thousands Mus,including 120 thousands reed field,Baiyangdian produces reeds about several hundred thousands tons every one year.The reeds with color in white,quality in soft,fiber in slender,are the ideal material for running reed weaving business. Reed weaving products is the traditional articles of handicraft art in Baiyangdian.With many skillful craftsmen,Water County produces reed weaving products which is not only made from pure white reeds of Baiyangdian,but also have strong local feature. Reed weaving products imported has five types and 28 article numbers,such as vertical curtain,line curtain,fence shade curtain,reed ceiling and so on.Line curtain has five specifications,both of which is got form reed poles with 8mm diameter in series. Line curtain,with woven design,is produced by using brown strings as wrap yarn,and by reeds without peel as weft yarns,which is mainly used as curtain to shade and door curtain in bedroom.It is not only useful products but decoration. Fence shade curtain is made by reeds with peel in series,used as screen in taking bath on beach or as screen for flowers. Reed ceiling,a kind of craftsman is woven by more than two layers of reeds into different pictures and then stick on plywood,mainly used as wall paste,ceiling in room.The pictures are designed in many ways,such as crosspattern,Square patterns,Triangle pattern,herringbone,pepper eye and son on.With the decoration of reed ceiling,room will be show quite and elegant,even make people feel he is in natural scenery. Baiyangdian Reed weaving products with delicate crafts ship,pretty design and color mild,are quite popular in Japan,French,U.S.A.and Italy and so on.
2023-08-09 01:24:461

英语谚语:Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds 中文意思: 光说好话而不见行动,一文不值。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The wealth of the mind is the only true wealth 精神财富是唯一的真正财富。 The wife is the key of the house 妻子是一家的钥匙。 The wine in the bolttle does not quench thirst 瓶中之酒不解渴。 The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs which are brief and pithy 国家智慧,寓于格言,它们精辟,而且简练。 The wise are instructed by reason; ordinary minds by experience; the stupid by necessity; and brutes by instinct 聪明人循理智办事,平常人照经验办事,蠢人按需要办事,畜生凭本能办事。 The wise hand doth not all that the foolish mouth speaks 聪明人的手不做愚笨人所说的事。 The wise man has long ears and a short tongue 聪明人耳朵长,嘴巴短。 The wise man is always a good listener 智者善听人言。 The wise man knows he knows nothing but the fool thinks he knows it all 聪明人知道自己不懂什么,蠢人则以为自己什么都懂。 The wise man"s tongue is a shield not a sword 智者之言,是保卫而非攻击。 英语谚语: Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds 中文意思: 光说好话而不见行动,一文不值。
2023-08-09 01:24:541


tree green three cheese feet
2023-08-09 01:25:3610


2023-08-09 01:26:192


所谓伊人,在水一方 That person of whom I think, Is on the water somewhere...或者my love is on the other side of the lake/river.全文如下:蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。溯洄从之,道阻且长。溯游从之,宛在水中央。蒹葭萋萋,白露未晞。所谓伊人,在水之湄The reeds and the rushes grow green;The dew is changed to rime.That person of whom I thinkIs on the water somewhere...Against the stream I go to him:The way is hard and long.Down the stream I go to him:He is here is the midst of the water.The reeds and the rushes grow green;The dew is not yet dry.That person of whom I thinkIs on the water, near the banks...Against the stream I go to him:The way is rough and hard.Down the stream I go to him:He is here, on a ledge, in the water.The reeds and the rushes grow green;The dew has not yet gone.That person of whom I thinkIs on the water, near the dam...Against the stream I go to him:The way is hard and steep.Down the stream I go to him:He is here, on a rock, in the water!希望可以帮到你!
2023-08-09 01:26:261

新概念大学生英语2006版 grade4 第一二单元听力答案

Unit 1、2Listening Comprehension1. A. She"s a little tired. (4)B. She wants to listen to music. (1)C. She is going to study. (26)D. She"s going to make a reservation. (11) 参考答案:She is going to study. 2. A. He wants the woman to fix his watch. (1)B. He will call her when the watch is fixed. (32)C. He wants her to fix the watch within one week. (7)D. He doesn"t want to go home. (0) 参考答案:He will call her when the watch is fixed. 3. A. Please sit down. (35)B. She doesn"t want him to sit down. (0)C. She"ll mind if he sits down. (3)D. She doesn"t want the man to sit with her. (0) 参考答案:Please sit down. 4. A. She should be careful about her money. (30)B. She should buy the brown suit. (2)C. She should find another job to make more money. (2)D. She shouldn"t buy the brown suit. (5) 参考答案:She should be careful about her money. 5. A. She just had her new car come in. (1)B. The car is not ready for road yet. (15)C. She hasn"t got her driver"s license. (17)D. She wants to ride in the car herself. (6) 参考答案:The car is not ready for road yet. 6. A. Husband and wife. (13)B. They are dating each other. (26)C. Teacher and student. (1)D. Manager and his secretary. (0) 参考答案:They are dating each other. 7. A. Six hours. (2)B. Ten hours. (3)C. Four hours. (32)D. One hour. (1) 参考答案:Four hours. 8. A. Buying a new typewriter. (10)B. Finding a new place for the typewriter. (2)C. Finding a better typist. (19)D. Questioning the typist. (5) 参考答案:Finding a better typist. 9. A. Barry no longer lives in New York. (27)B. Barry doesn"t know how to economize. (2)C. The woman called Barry in California. (5)D. The woman didn"t ever meet Barry. (3) 参考答案:Barry no longer lives in New York. 10. A. Richard is hard to find. (13)B. Richard speaks with difficulty. (9)C. Richard"s roommate doesn"t talk to him. (7)D. Richard doesn"t work very hard. (8) 参考答案:Richard doesn"t work very hard. Holidays in the USA Easter It is not a 11 holiday and most Americans spend Easter Sunday with the family.Many believers in this time remember the 12 made by Jesus Christ. Mother"s and Father"s Day Both days are 13 to our parents because they are really worth it. Memorial Day It honors Americans killed or missing in action in all 14 . National Birthday It commemorates the day in l776 when the 15 adopted the 16 and established the USA. Thanksgiving Day It was a day of thanksgiving and prayer 17 to be shared by all the colonists and 18 Indians. Christmas Even though it is 19 a religious holiday, people are used to many 20 celebrations. national sacrifice dedicated past wars thirteen colonies Declaration of Independence proclaimed neighboring traditionally secular The History of Gardens in the UK At Roman conquest The Romans began to leave 21 for gardens when building houses.The Roman gardens we know the most about are those of the large 22 and 23 .Fishbourne has been partly 24 The gardens of Anglo-Saxon England The warlike Anglo-Saxons did not 25 gardening to be important. After Normandy conquest in 1066 French people brought not only French 26 but also gardening to Britain. The Middle Ages Gardens once more became 27 in British life.Monasteries had both kitchen gardens and herb gardens to provide the 28 of food and 29 . Nowadays Gardens and gardening are 30 of British daily life. space villas palaces reconstructed hold civilization important practicalities medicine part 31. Through staying with friends, children learn the give and take of social behavior in general. True 32. By interacting with friends, children learn that different people should behave similarly. False 33. Friends can provide both companionship and hostility. False 34. Friendship can help children improve their sense of self-esteem. 参考答案:True 35. Friendships are necessary to our health psychologically. 参考答案:True 36. Friends can help each other by copying class assignments and homework. 参考答案:False 37. Friends make school more fun. 参考答案:True 38. The amount of time with friends will be very important during middle childhood. 参考答案:True 39. Teenagers spend almost half of their waking time in the company of friends. 参考答案:False 40. Adolescents view friendship as a strong and stable tie. 参考答案:True 41. A. In the past two centuries. (6)B. In the Middle Age. (9)C. From the very beginning of human history. (6)D. In the Bronze Age. (27) 参考答案:In the Bronze Age. 42. A. Because it was cheap. (8)B. Because it was easy. (16)C. Because the walls could not sustain much weight. (20)D. Because it was popular. (3) 参考答案:Because the walls could not sustain much weight. 43. A. Cement. (0)B. Wheat straw. (36)C. Reeds. (8)D. Bricks. (3) 参考答案:Wheat straw. 44. A. Lack of straw. (3)B. Lack of money. (12)C. Better transportation. (17)D. Lack of skillful persons. (15) 参考答案:Better transportation. 45. A. Because they prefer the thatched cottages. (8)B. Because thatched cottages are pretty. (3)C. Because thatched cottages can have a good price. (29)D. Because thatched cottages are easy to be built. (7) 参考答案:Because thatched cottages can have a good price. 46. A. In 1700. (16)B. In 500. (2)C. Under the reign of Charles II. (2)D. By the 18th century. (6) 参考答案:In 1700. 47. A. Because the government loved coffee. (0)B. Because the government did not like the smell of tea. (1)C. Because the government"s tax revenues from liquor sales were reduced. (25)D. Because tea would do harm to human bodies. (0) 参考答案:Because the government"s tax revenues from liquor sales were reduced. 48. A. The government made an act to tax tea. (18)B. The government began to tax coffee. (4)C. The government asked the citizens to give up drinking tea. (1)D. Tea was banned by the government. (3) 参考答案:The government made an act to tax tea. 49. A. Tea planting. (0)B. Tea making. (1)C. Tea processing. (7)D. Tea smuggling. (17) 参考答案:Tea smuggling. 50. A. Because they did not like pure tea. (0)B. Because pure tea was too strong. (3)C. Because they wanted to earn more money. (17)D. Because pure tea was not so popular. (5) 参考答案:Because they wanted to earn more money. An important aspect of American culture is the value placed on progress. In four different areas, we can see how the value of progress 51 the American people. The first area concerns the relationship between parents and their children. Most foreign students have been raised to 52 their parents. They consider and value highly what their parents have taught them. Moreover, what their parents have taught them has 53 become their own standard for living. Because of the idea of progress, most American children believe that their parents" ideas and 54 are not necessarily the best. Americans think that there is always some change to be made for the better. A second area affected by the idea of progress concerns the material world. Many Americans 55 that there are enough material goods for everyone; they tend to think that the supply is 56 . So they are always trying to work for more, more, and still more. A third area 57 the Americans" concept of time. They are very time-conscious, perhaps because time is such an important factor in the world of business and material 58 . Americans tend to live by the motto, "Time is money." They believe you should use your time well and get the most that you can. The fourth concern is education and 59 . Americans are quite interested in education and new knowledge and they 60 the famous saying, "Never too old to learn." They will make good use of their life to learn as much as possible. affects respect generally standards assume endless involves acquisition learning appreciate In the toddler years children begin to establish contact with peers, develop the basic skills of play behavior and show 61 for certain playmates. Preschoolers identify specific children as friends and interact differently with friends than non-friends. With toddlers friendship is not reflected in language, but in the time they spend together 62 in a common activity. During the 63 school years children generally choose friends who are similar to themselves and who share their interests. At this age children become 64 group-oriented; the most well-liked children are those who can manage social relations within a group and think of activities that are fun. Groups reflect most of the problems that exist in all social relationships--inclusion/exclusion, 65 , independence, fear of rejection. They also reflect sex differences. Groups become more 66 ; girls usually have more intimate and supportive relationships with their friends than boys do. Their play groups reflect this difference; boys tend to 67 with peers in large groups centered on sports while girls are more likely to be involved in small groups and spend more time in personal conversation. Girls" friendship groups are usually smaller and more exclusive than boys" during childhood, and then in 68 the situation reverses. As children mature and rely less on their parents for guidance, they turn to their peers. Cliques can be based on appearance, 69 ability, academic achievement, social or economic status, talent, ability to attract the opposite sex, or seeming 70 -- the jocks, the nerds, the brains, the cool kids, etc. Some kids care about belonging to a certain group, suffer from feelings of rejection if they are not included and can become victims of teasing and bullying. preferences :engaged elementary increasingly conformity single-gender associate adolescence athletic sophistication 71. The man asks his father whether he needs some water. 参考答案:True 72. His father says that having a baby will change everything in life. 参考答案:True 73. His father says that he did do a lot about raising up a kid. 参考答案:False 74. The man asks his father to drink the whole can. 参考答案:False 75. The father does not think it is the time for him to die. 参考答案:True 76. The lady tells the man there is something that the man doesn"t know about her. 参考答案:True 77. The man guesses there must be something wonderful. 参考答案:True 78. The lady says that she has a three-year-old girl. 参考答案:False 79. The man says he loves kids. 参考答案:True 80. The man says that he is so glad that she doesn"t have any child. 参考答案:False
2023-08-09 01:26:341


出埃及记是描述摩西与他的门徒犹太人逃出埃及法老王奴役的经历. 摩西沉着镇定,凭着对主的信心拯救了以色列人。“正如杖在摩西手中,摩西也在神的手中” 以色列人出埃及以前,在埃及经受长期的奴役与迫害,迫害最甚的时期被认为是埃及新国王拉美西斯二世(Ramses Ⅱ公元前1292~1225)当政的年代。拉美西斯二世年逾九十才死去,拉美西斯二世死后,他的儿子梅尼普塔(Merneptah公元前1225~1215)继位,公元前1223年,他还一度出兵镇压巴勒斯坦迦南人的叛乱。在他十年的统治期间,努力稳定动摇的帝国局势,但是已力不从心,这时出现了被压迫的以色列人争取脱离被奴役境地的大好时机,摩西和亚伦就在这期间,经过艰巨的斗争率领被奴役的以色列人出离埃及。 一般认为出埃及的年代是梅尼普塔法老统治的中期,即相当于公元前1220年。以色列人从埃及的兰塞起行,向巴勒斯坦进发。以色列人出埃及的路线,按照地理位置,从埃及到巴勒斯坦,最近的路线是沿地中海海岸北上。据说当时这条路线虽短,但沿线都有埃及防兵,不易通过,所以出离埃及的以色列人宁可绕道南行,沿现在的西奈半岛南下。以色列人在进入圣经所记的西奈半岛之前曾渡过红海,《出埃及记》第14章记埃及法老的追兵在以色列人渡海之后,全部被淹死于海中。《出埃及记》中的“红海”一词, 希伯来文读作Yam Suph,直译为“芦苇海”(sea of reeds),由于《七十子希腊文译本》将Yam Suph译为“红海”,于是被沿用了下来(马丁路德重译的德文圣经,改译为“芦苇海”)。今日地理上的红海全长达1932公里,最宽处402公里,最窄处209公里,而红海北端,从西奈半岛南端处分为两汉,东为亚喀巴湾(长145公里,宽24公里)西为苏伊士湾(长200公里,宽29公里)。原来“芦苇海”指的地段即红海西北段的苏伊士湾以北的湖海地区。今日的芦苇海地区,地理上可能已有变化, 并且在公元1869年开凿、修通了著名的苏伊士运河,所以已无法寻索当年渡海之处。以色列人渡海后进入今日的西奈半岛,《出埃及记》上记载有经过的各站路程,从名称上看今日亦已无法确定其精确的地点。 摩西是犹太人民族立国之父,他依靠上帝的力量带领犹太人逃离埃及, 在上帝应许之地迦南恢复本民族民族简朴、自由的生活,并重新建立对上帝的信仰,直到建立犹太人的国家。
2023-08-09 01:27:051


蒹葭苍苍、白露为霜。所谓伊人、在水一方。溯洄从之、道阻且长.溯游从之、宛在水中央。蒹葭凄凄、白露未晞。所谓伊人、在水之湄。溯洄从之、道阻且跻.溯游从之、宛在水中坻。蒹葭采采、白露未已。所谓伊人、在水之涘。溯洄从之、道阻且右。溯游从之、宛在水中沚.  the reeds and rushes are deeply green ,and the white dew is turned into hoarfrost . the man of whom i think ,is somewhere about the water . i go up the stream in quest of him ,but the way is difficult and long . i go down the stream in quest of him ,and lo ! he is right in the midst of the water .  the reeds and rushes are luxuriant ,and the white dew is not yet dry . the man of whom i think ,is on the margin of the water . i go up the stream in quest of him ,but the way is difficult and steep . i go down the stream in quest of him ,and lo ! he is on the islet in the midst of the water .  the reeds and rushes are abundant ,and the white dew is not yet ceased . the man of whom i think ,is on the bank of the river . i go up the stream in quest of him ,but the way is difficult and turns to the right . i go down the stream in quest of him ,and lo ! he is on the island in the midst of the water .
2023-08-09 01:27:131

蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜; 所谓伊人,在水一方 英语翻译

the reeds and bushes are deeply green and the white dews are turned into hoarfrost ,the man who ilook forward to is somewhere about the water
2023-08-09 01:27:243


有一首《在水一方》的歌曾经翻译为 Memory In Water 《诗经》中的原话“蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜.所谓伊人,在水一方”的翻译是: Reeds green and white dew frost.The so-called Iraqi people,in the water side.
2023-08-09 01:27:401


2023-08-09 01:27:471


古代中国万里の长城1素晴らしい作品の。戦国(770〜476年)に建てられた 生存者は今日の明朝に构筑されます。ウェスト嘉甘粛省では、辽宁省丹东鸭绿江は东からタイガーパス、スパン甘粛省、宁夏、陕西省、山西省、モンゴル、河北省、辽宁省と他の场所に。戦略的にゲートウェイに沿って位置し、またはハブは、山海関、居庸関、Niangziguanので、などの提供されます。参照する万里の长城など。万里の长城の最初の建设は戦国时代燕赵およびその他の国は、北部の混合の侵入を防ぐことを目指します。 秦の始皇帝は、これらの万里の长城からリンクをされた。これは、兵士たちが过ごした报告された300000人と奴隷の何百万人。しかし、万里の长城は、完全にエイリアンの侵略の影响を防ぐためにはありません。万里の长城が完了するので、北朝鲜はまだ多くの万里の长城の村の境界攻撃全体、混合作物や家畜を夺う。 万里の长城は宇宙空间に见られる、3次元构造ができます。现代の技术を构筑し、简単ではないが私たちの国は、春と秋の期间の建物から2000年前、まれであるから逃れることができます。部は、万里の长城建材のではなく、さまざまな部分をローカルリソースを使用します。汉万里の长城は泥や苇で构筑された。壁のサイズは居庸関地域に异なりますが、约8.5メートル、幅8.5メートル低く、5メートルの上部の幅の高さ。フォート(タワーに相当する)すべての70から100メートル、约12.3メートル、高要塞の重い大半は、土地の重要な部分は、ホームの2つのトリプルです。 力"とイースト山や丘陵万里の长城、カットヒル冢"と呼ばれるから"と、"保険制度、巻起伏、雄大なフォームは、地域の乾燥西部の中央まばら、格纳されます色だけが荒凉とした。 Yanmenguan、居庸関、クーペイコウや山海中搭乗は、中国の大河川の状况に直面して、入植者が、困难な魅力的な境界を利用する场合无制限の野望は、兴奋されます。
2023-08-09 01:28:032


Banyan Hey, you stand beside the pool蓬头of the banyan, you can forget those little kids, just like that nest in your branches also leave your bird like children? You do not remember how he sat in the window, looked at you surprised deep roots entangled么? Often to the woman beside the pool, had absorbed a full tank of water to go, you big shadow in the water shaking, as if the person fell asleep to wake up like struggling. Sunlight dancing on the microwave, it seems non-stop ever small shuttle in weaving a golden flower carpet. 2 ducks next to Reed, in the shadow of the upper reaches of reeds to swim to, the children quietly sitting there thinking. He wanted to wind, blowing your Xiaoxiao"s枝杈; want your shadow in the water, with the sunlight and are long; want a bird living in your highest branches; also want the two ducks in the reeds and the shadow between swimming.
2023-08-09 01:28:234


潘是羊角和羊下半身,也不是恶魔,人家是正经的神~。。。羊头人身应该是撒旦 也就是西方传送的魔鬼
2023-08-09 01:28:365

英语s special weave怎么翻译?

special weave年代特殊的编织
2023-08-09 01:29:285


see的意思是看见。look和see,这两个单词都有“看”之意,但表示的意义和用法却不同。look强调“看”的动作,提醒别人注意“看”,不强调“是否看到”。而see则表示“看到”,see强调“看”的结果,意思是“看见(到)”。元音字母组合ee在单字里发长元音/i/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬得很高,但不接触上颚,不发生任何摩擦,牙床接近合,唇形扁平,出现在字首、字中或字尾。如:reeds 芦苇eel 鳗鱼bee 蜜蜂peel 剥皮jeep 吉普车feet 脚,英尺(美制长度单位)(复数)see 看见teeth 牙齿(复数)。
2023-08-09 01:29:501

to a waterfowl译文

2023-08-09 01:30:004

C++ 函数最后的返回值return后面加两个冒号什么意思

2023-08-09 01:30:572

Reeds green and white dew cream. The so-called Iraqi people, in the water side. Back from the whirl, road resistance and long. Dating back from the tour, Wan in the central water. Reeds grass, Bailu Not Xi. The so-called Iraqi people, in the water of the Mekong. Back from the whirl, road resistance and Ji. Dating back from the tour, Wan islet in the water. Reeds tsetse, the dew is not already. The so-called Iraqi people, in the water of the riverbank. Back from the whirl, road resistance and the right. Dating back from the tour, Wan Zhi in the water.
2023-08-09 01:31:041

请问帕斯卡的那句 人是有思想的芦苇 如何翻成英文?

Man is a thinking reed.
2023-08-09 01:31:154


wet wipes
2023-08-09 01:20:455


2023-08-09 01:20:501


2023-08-09 01:20:516


就是皮坏了 用备用皮换不换掉。LV包的材质一般常见的是Monogram帆布,Epi皮革面料,Damier Ebene涂层帆布。除此之外,还采用鳄鱼皮等珍惜动物的真皮。采用Monogram帆布材料的LV包主要有常见的LV老花和棋盘格帆布经典款,其中TUILERIES 手袋、CLUNY 中号手袋等热销的LV包都是使用这种材质。Monogram帆布细分为Monogram Vernis系列、Monogram Denim系列、Monogram Mini Lin系列以及Monogram Multicolore系列。KLEBER 小号手袋,TWIST TOTE 手袋都是使用Epi皮革面料进行制作。Epi 皮革面料具有很强的防水、耐刮痕的实用性,而且其波浪形纹路让人看起来很舒服,让人联想到大自然。这类皮革尤其忌拉扯,随着时间的推移,皮革会展现出迷人的光泽。
2023-08-09 01:20:521


Reduce the degree of difficulty
2023-08-09 01:20:543


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2023-08-09 01:20:348


2023-08-09 01:20:341

餐厅 英文 求一些基本用语,如询问对方不吃什么?忌讳什么? 还有一些可能会用到的语句和单词!

刚刚进入餐厅的时候We have n person/people. 我们有n个人。Can I get the seat over there? 我(们)可不可以坐那里?(亦可以说: I want that seat over there. 我想坐那里。)坐下后Please have a seat. 清坐。(亦可以用:Have a seat. 坐吧。)Can I have the menu? 我可不可以有菜单?(通常服务员都会自动给你的,但是在忙的时间里,他们可能会忘记的。 亦可以用 I want the menu. 我想要个菜单。)Is there anything that you want? 你有没有什么想吃的?Is there something that you can"t eat? 你有没有不可以吃的食物?Do you know what you want to eat? 你想好吃什么了吗?What is tonight"s special? 今晚有什么特别的食物?有时候,服务员会过来问: 你门可以落单了吗?(Are you ready to order?)可以回:Yes, we are ready. 可以/ We are still thinking. 我们还在想/ We are not ready yet.我们还没准备好。I(We) want to order. 我(我们)可以落单了。I would like to get…/ I want to get… 我想要...Is there tea/wine/soda? 有没有 茶/酒/汽水?What kind of tea/wine/soda/meat? 有那种 茶/酒/汽水/肉?Excuse me, where is the toilet? 不好意思,厕所在那里?Can I get another napkin/spoon/fork/chopstick/knife? 我可不可以要另一个 餐巾纸/勺/叉/筷/刀?*Can I get one more napkin/spoon/fork/chopstick/knife?我可不可以要多一个 餐巾纸/勺/叉/筷/刀?** I want to (我想。。。)可以代替 Can I get (我可不可以...)I want to add a order of… 我想添加。。。We are done. 我们吃好了。(通常这样告诉服务员的话,他们会自动自觉的给你你的收据,但是如果他们没有给的话,可以对他们说:I want to pay now. 我要付钱)Do you accept credit card? 可以用信用卡吗?我试过配汉语读法, 但是配得不好所以就没有写在这里.希望帮到你. 回答者: asapare | 三级 | 2011-9-14 10:52
2023-08-09 01:20:342


九一八事变和七七事变区别如下:区别一、时间不同。九一八事变发生在1931年9月18日;七七事变发生在1937年7月7日夜。区别二、性质不同。九一八事变(又称奉天事变、柳条湖事件)是日本蓄意制造并发动的一场侵华战争,是日本帝国主义侵华的开端;七七事变是日本帝国主义全面侵华战争的开始,也是中华民族进行全面抗战的起点。区别三、地点不同。九一八事变发生在中国东北;七七事变发生在北平西南卢沟桥。区别四、影响不同。七七事变标志着中华全民族抗日战争的开始。 中国人民经过流血牺牲、艰苦抗战,终于在1945年8月15日以日本宣布无条件投降赢得了民族解放战争的伟大胜利;九一八事变标志着亚洲战争策源地的形成和第二次世界大战序幕的揭开,同时打破了第一次世界大战后形成的相对稳定的世界格局。
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2023-08-09 01:20:302