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求准确翻译歌词 AC/DC BIGjack

2023-08-14 12:01:02






















































请注意 很基本的字母顺序要正确:如果是rcak:RCAK is RCA Korean 的简称即是美国知名电子公司韩国分公司;如果是rack: 一般的置物架子;
2023-08-08 23:41:411

racking 和shelving有什么区别

区别是:racking 指的是拷问的,痛苦的; 使痛苦,使焦虑 。shelving 指的是架设棚架,作棚架用的材料;将(书等)放置在架子上。例句辨析:racking 1、She was now shaking with long, racking sobs. 她正剧烈地抽噎着,浑身颤抖。2、India while not racking up such an impressive score beat Japan 3-0. 印度尽管没有大胜,却也以3比0击败了日本。3、In order to quit dad"s smoke, racking my brains, total came up with three his sleeve.为了戒掉爸爸的烟,我绞尽脑汁,共想出了三条妙计。shelving1、I particularly like the type of shelving that screws to the wall. 我尤其喜欢那种用螺钉固定在墙上的搁板。2、The Duke"s study was very masculine, with deep red wall-covering and dark oakshelving. 公爵的书房颇具阳刚气,深红色墙纸,深色的橡木搁板。3、Up close, the objects assume primacy; from afar, the shelving system creates athickened field. 截至收盘时,承担的首要对象,从遥远的地方,搁置系统创建了一个加厚领域。
2023-08-08 23:41:501


(1) 绞尽脑汁 译文: rack one"s brains 其它相关解释: wrack one"s brains cudgel one"s brains for (2)这道题我绞尽脑汁也想不出来,真难倒我了。 译文: I couldn"t work out the problem even after racking my brains,I was really floored by it. 注意:翻译的时候要关注主语的一致性。 另外,再给你几个例子,深入理解一下: 1. 绞尽脑汁,他还是连一个例子也想不出来。 Even after【 racking his brains 】he couldn"t think of a single example. 2、I believe that you can【work out】 this problem by yourself. 我相信你自己能想出这道题的。 3、我被那个题难倒了。 I 【was floored by 】that question. 4、I 【really】 don"t know how to read this word. 我真的不知道这个字怎么念。
2023-08-08 23:42:011


2023-08-08 23:42:292

货架 用英语怎么说?

2023-08-08 23:42:376


我来明确告诉你吧,普通集装箱的铭牌上都标有横向刚性实验载荷值,这是CSC标准的要求。这是必须的。横向刚性实验值就是RACKING TEST LOAD VALUE,一般是15240kg。
2023-08-08 23:43:061


阁楼式货架可以翻译成:Attic shelves或者是Mezzanine racking
2023-08-08 23:43:163


2023-08-08 23:43:241


葡萄酒的做法: 一个的大玻璃瓶(大概20块一个,按地区差异价格部一) 可以装10斤的水。 5斤葡萄, 5斤葡萄一斤冰糖(5:1),要那种白冰糖,然后盖好玻璃盖子,密封好。 (买那种磨砂瓶盖的玻璃瓶,比较耐用密封性好)。 2个星期15天后开封就可以喝了,果香浓,度数低,干净卫生又保健,不比西班牙进口的红葡萄汁差。 这里要注意的是,葡萄最好选大颗点的,水多,这样发酵的酒精度会低点;1个月后若还没有喝完,就过滤一次葡萄酒,把酒渣倒掉,否则酒精度会越来越高的;而且葡萄酒最好在3个月内喝完,天气热时容易坏,天气冷时放上5、6个月是没问题,但是开封时间要相对延长(1个月左右),因为发酵时间与温度是有关的。 简单的方法如下-- 材料:葡萄、白砂糖、密封的罐子、纱布 做法:将葡萄与白砂糖用3:1的比例放入罐子中,用手捏碎,最好捏得除了皮和籽外基本上都是水状时就好了。把罐子密封好,放在阴凉干燥处20天左右基本上就可以了。最后用纱布把皮和籽滤出就可以喝啦。(其实不过滤也可以)。 备注:罐子与食品一直都不要沾油,否则就该坏了。在发酵的20天内不要打开罐子看。 恩。就这些啦。一个月前我就是用这个方法做的,很成功呢。。
2023-08-08 23:43:417


法律分析:如果是直槎形式,那么在墙体副筑过程中,临时间断处的上下层块体间进退尺寸不小于1/4块长的竖直留槎形式。如果是牙槎,即砌体结构构造柱部位墙体的一种砌筑形式,每一进退的水平尺寸为60mm,沿高度方向的尺寸不超过300mm。砌体的转角处和交接处应同时砌筑,当不能同时砌筑时,应按规定留搓、接搓。法律依据:住房和城市建设部发布的《砌体结构工程施工规范》【GB50924 - 2019】2.0.5 斜槎 stepped racking墙体砌筑过程中,在临时间断部位所采用的一种斜坡状留槎形式。2.0.6 直槎 serrated racking墙体副筑过程中,在临时间断处的上下层块体间进退尺寸不小于1/4块长的竖直留槎形式。2.0.7 马牙槎 toothing indenting砌体结构构造柱部位墙体的一种砌筑形式,每一进退的水平尺寸为60mm,沿高度方向的尺寸不超过300mm。3.3.3 砌体的砌筑顺序应符合下列规定1.基底标高不同时,应从低处砌起,并应由高处向低处搭接。当设计无要求时,搭接长度L不应小于基础底的高差H搭接长度范围内下层基础应扩大砌筑;2.砌体的转角处和交接处应同时砌筑:当不能同时砌筑时,应按规定留槎、接槎;3.出檐制体应按层砌筑,同一砌筑层应先砌墙身后砌出枪;4.当房屋相邻结构单元高差较大时,宜先砌筑高度较大部分,后砌筑高度较小部分。
2023-08-08 23:44:461


2023-08-08 23:45:106


  生活的道路上的困难无处不在。这些困难是你成功的障碍,你要勇敢的去克服它,才能成功。下面是我为大家精心整理的关于克服困难的初中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。   克服困难   Me with my math today have such a problem: sister walked 100 meters per minute, sister walked 80 meters per minute. Two people back at the same time with the line for 5 minutes, sister sister turned about to pursue and catch up with my sister, sister a total of how many meters?   Method I left think again, let me call back later, I want to again, right way let me call back later again. I left no stone unturned, racking their brains, think along while also didn"t think out the solution to this problem. Ten minutes passed, and 20 Zhong Guo thirty-five minutes, 30 minutes passed, the past... I don"t want to come out a clue. I thought of a good idea, the Internet. I sit to the front of the computer, switch on, press the refresh button, check online, check in, turned out to be in so doing, no wonder I can"t think, this to the problem is really ah. Originally, overcome the difficulties so simple ah, only by constantly to overcome difficulties, you can succeed, even a little bit of success. As long as we face the difficulties, don"t give up, not back, always can solve difficult.   In everyone"s life, the path of the may not always smooth, each person will encounter difficulties and setbacks. When you face difficulty and setback, you don"t fear, never retreat, must be brave to face them, to find a way to overcome, and overcome, so that you beat yourself.   今天我做数学题的时候有这样一道题:姐姐每分钟走100米,妹妹每分钟走80米。两人同时同地背行了5分钟,姐姐调转方向去追妹妹,追上妹妹时,姐姐一共行了多少米?   我左想一遍,方法让我给打回去了,我右想一遍,方法又让我给打回去了,我想尽了一切方法,绞尽脑汁,想了半天也没把这道题的解法想出来。十分钟过去了、二十分钟过去了、三十分钟过去了、三十五分钟过去u2026u2026我一点头绪都没想出来。我想到了个好点子,上网查。我坐到电脑前,开机,一直按刷新键,上网查,查到了,原来是这么做,怪不得我想不出来,这到题是奥数题啊。原来,克服困难这么简单啊,只有不断的克服困难,就可以成功,哪怕是一点点的成功。我们只要面对困难,不放弃,不退缩,总是可以解决困难的。   在每个人的一生中,走的路不可能总是平坦的,每个人一定会遇到困难和挫折。当你面对困难和挫折时,你千万不要胆怯,千万不能退缩,一定要勇敢的面对它们,想办法战胜,并且克服,这样你就等于战胜了你自己。   克服困难   The life of people facing difficulties, but really overcome countless again a few?   Life is short, only learned to overcome difficulties, it is learned to live. In you meet the time of difficulty, is still the head on back; Is escape or face; Is halfway or like summer by associating sisters as never say die?   Ask yourself: I learn to overcome difficulties? 13 years, a long long time, after years of wind and rain ", "a few years of experience, we more or less understand what, isn"t it? As we get older, and the way the difficult like tree rings, also in going growth. Childhood we have "home" to the "haven, can now," we can"t be dependent on my parents, because always hide in "", we haven never grow up, it is the sparrow will leave mom, soar alone in a symbol of freedom and liberty sky, learn to overcome difficulties is our way of growing up in the essential part of. In the face of difficulties, we can choose only win over.   In my own baby talk met countless difficulties, that is I still don"t understand what is called a "no way at suspected a siler lining." In and unexpectedly in difficult, but that is given to escape, often with a cry to face obstacles in front of. For at that time the me difficulties, just like a place not climb mountain, and I, I can stand on its feet, just looked up at it, never want to go to go over it.   人们的生活面临困难,但真正克服无数几?   人生短暂,只有学会了战胜困难,学会生活。在你遇到困难的时候,仍然是头回;逃避或者面对;一半还是喜欢夏天永不言败姐妹相关联?   扪心自问:我学会战胜困难?13年,很长时间,经过多年的风雨”、“几年的经验,我们或多或少的了解,不是吗?随着年龄的增长,和困难的方式就像树的年轮,也在增长。儿时的我们有“家”“天堂,现在可以,”我们不能依赖父母,因为总是躲在“”,我们还从来没有长大,麻雀会离开妈妈,独自翱翔在象征着自由和自由的天空,学会战胜困难是我们成长的重要组成部分。面对困难,我们只能选择战胜。   在我自己的宝宝说遇到了无数的困难,这是我仍然不明白所谓的“不可能怀疑黑云。“在困难和意外,但这是逃避,经常哭泣面对面前的障碍。当时我的困难,就像一个地方不是爬山,和我,我可以站在它的脚下,只是抬头看着,别想去走。   克服困难   When it comes to the difficulties of learning English, different people have different opinions, such as hard of hearing, less word, confusion of grammar, even poor writing skills etc. As for me, I believe that, in addition to what is mentioned, I don"t have enough time and energy to learning, as a full-time job and a lot of housework.   How to solve these problems? I think a strong will is the key to success. Therefore, some measures must be taken as follows.   First, I make full use of all available time. I usually study English until 11 o "clock at night. Then I made records the new words and MP3 player, so I can participate in the way of new words, both from home and from unit to unit at home. In addition, the most important thing is, I always in the classroom, good notes and review again and again carefully after class. In the end, I do some simulation component through the translation of English composition into Chinese and then translate it into English and imitate it again and again.   As the proverb goes "slow and steady will win the game. Finally, I have a great progress in learning English. Of course, progress is limited. So I still eager to achieve available Suggestions of teachers and students.   当谈到英语学习的困难,不同的人有不同的意见,如重听,更少的字,混乱的语法、甚至比较穷的写作技巧等。至于我,我相信,除了什么所提到的,我没有足够的时间和精力去学习,而由于一项全职工作和了许多家务。   如何解决这些问题?我认为坚强的意志是成功的关键。因此,必须采取某些措施如下。   首先,我充分利用所有可用的时间。我通常学英语晚上直到11点钟。然后我做记录在新单词和MP3,这样我就可以参与新单词方式,既从家到单位和从单位在家里。此外,最重要的是,我总是在课堂上,好笔记和复习一遍又一遍地仔细下课后。最后,我做一些模拟成分通过翻译英语作文进中国然后把它译成英语和模仿它一次又一次。
2023-08-08 23:45:281

英语翻译 一定要准确 希望可以尽快给我

Chinese as a foreign language teachers have encountered difficulties in the process of teaching Chinese language, is different from other Chinese teacher a lot. However, only directly in the face of such difficulties, can do the job. First difficulty is Chinese teaching Chinese language is very difficult, for foreigners, the lack of rules of grammar, Chinese characters, like painting, pronunciation intonation more nerve-racking, and strange ancient Chinese. Chinese itself is also constantly changing at the same time, because Chinese society is experiencing unprecedented changes, new words emerge in endlessly. Dialect of today, tomorrow may has become a popular word in mandarin. Chinese as a foreign language teacher"s eyes should not be short. Another difficulty producing factors, is, of course, the students all kinds of background. Is not only the difference of nationality, before the students accept the education about Chinese difference is very big also. Oral English is very fluent, but have difficulty in reading Chinese characters Chinese and can read Chinese characters say to goofs off of the Japanese people in the same class, this is a common situation. Want to meet the needs of the two extremes students, its difficulty cans be imagined. Differences also cannot look down on other languages, such as the difference of culture, ideas and requirements for teaching and students are completely different, this will also increase the teacher"s trouble. This needs us to improve our professional quality at the same time, also constantly supplement extracurricular knowledge.
2023-08-08 23:45:412


1.密室的相关词语 密语 mìyǔ 〖cipher〗∶秘密的通信用语。也叫“暗语” 〖talksecretly〗∶秘密交谈 低头密语 密谋 mìmóu 〖conspire;scheme;plot〗秘密地谋划,也指秘密地计划 荣禄密谋。——清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》 密排 mìpái 〖solidmatter〗行与行之间不加铅条的排版方式,或者在机械排版时活字按字体本身的大小浇铸 密切 mìqiè 〖close;intimate〗彼此间关系亲近;使关系接近 经济、政治和法律原则的密切关系 密切 mìqiè 〖carefully;closely〗慎密,仔细 密切注视 密商 mìshāng 〖holdprivatecounsel;discusssecretly〗秘密地商榷计议 密商计策 密室逃脱 mishitaotuo 逃出封闭的房间.比如网上很流行的密室逃脱小游戏 2.密室的相关词语 密语 mìyǔ〖cipher〗∶秘密的通信用语。 也叫“暗语”〖talksecretly〗∶秘密交谈低头密语密谋mìmóu〖conspire;scheme;plot〗秘密地谋划,也指秘密地计划荣禄密谋。——清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》密排mìpái〖solidmatter〗行与行之间不加铅条的排版方式,或者在机械排版时活字按字体本身的大小浇铸密切mìqiè〖close;intimate〗彼此间关系亲近;使关系接近经济、政治和法律原则的密切关系密切mìqiè〖carefully;closely〗慎密,仔细密切注视密商mìshāng〖holdprivatecounsel;discusssecretly〗秘密地商榷计议密商计策密室逃脱mishitaotuo逃出封闭的房间.比如网上很流行的密室逃脱小游戏。 3.武侠小说里的密室怎么描写 现给你写的,仅供参考吧! 如果是金庸写实风格的,可以这样:整间密室由青色的大麻石砌成,长约五丈、宽三丈有余,阴暗的室内空无一物,唯有一张方桌置落于中央,桌上尚有一盏油灯,豆大的火苗不时跳跃着,散发出微弱的光亮。 如果是古龙写实风格的,可以这样:微弱的光亮永远照不清眼前的阴暗,正如人脸上的“光明磊落”永远照不清江湖中的阴霾。油灯里的火苗闪烁着,在这间数丈见方的密室里留下了点点微光,却只能照亮它身下的那张木桌。密室的四壁由麻石砌成,密不透风,密不见光,谁又能透过那厚实的壁垒窥探这方寸黑暗中的一丝光明呢? 光与暗,便是这般难测吧! 4.求哈利波特与密室的好词好句摘抄 陋居的生活和女贞路的生活有着天壤之别。德思礼一家喜欢一切都井井有条,韦斯莱家却充满了神奇和意外。厨房壁炉架上的那面镜子就把哈利吓了一跳。他第一次照镜子时,镜子突然大叫起来:“把衬衫塞到裤腰里去,邋里邋遢!”阁楼上的食尸鬼只要觉得家里太安静了,就高声嚎叫,咣啷咣啷地敲管子。弗雷德和乔治卧室中小小的爆炸声被认为是完全正常的。但是在哈利看来,罗恩家的生活最不寻常的地方不是会说话的镜子,也不是敲敲打打的食尸鬼,而是这里所有的人好像都很喜欢他。 韦斯莱夫人为他补袜子,每顿饭都逼着他添四次。韦斯莱先生喜欢让哈利吃饭时坐在他身边,并一个劲儿地向哈利打听麻瓜的生活,问他插头和邮局是怎么回事。 哈利眯眼看看窗外,粉红淡金的天空中笼罩着一层薄薄的轻雾。外面的鸟叫声那么响亮,他奇怪自己刚才怎么没被吵醒。 终于,学期结束了,像地上的积雪一般厚重的寂静,笼罩了整个城堡。哈利不觉得沉闷,反而觉得很宁静,一想到他、赫敏和韦斯莱兄妹可以在格兰芬多城堡里随意进出,他就感到很开心。这意味着他们可以大声玩噼啪爆炸而不妨碍任何人,还可以秘密地演习决斗。弗雷德、乔治和金妮决定留在学校,而不和韦斯莱夫妇一起去埃及看比尔。珀西对他们的这些孩子气行为不以为然,便很少待在格兰芬多的公共休息室里。珀西曾经很自负地告诉他们,他之所以留下来过圣诞节,只是因为他作为全优生,有责任在这段动荡的时期支持老师的工作。 圣诞节的黎明到来了,天气寒冷,四下里白皑皑的。 一些个人比较喜欢的描写的摘抄 5.哈利波特与密室的好词好句 Good expressions from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret---by J.K. Rowling. 1998. Bloombury London1. As a matter of fact, he was as not normal as it is possible to be. P.8 事实上,他最是一个不正常的孩子了。 2. Harry knew he shouldn"t have risen to Dudley"s bait。 P.13 哈利知道,他不该上Dudley的钩。 3. Can you think of anyone at school with a grudge against you? P.27 学校里有没有谁和你过不去?4. Draco Malfoy made Dudley Dursley look like a kind, thoughtful and sensitive boy. P.27 和Draco Malfoy相比,Dudley Dursley似乎是一个善良、体贴而敏感的男孩。5. 。 he would be quite within the law to do that。P.34 他那么做完全在法律允许的范围之内。 6. 。they"ll go to any lengths to ignore magic, even if it"s staring them in the face。 P.34 即使魔法就在他们面前,他们也会不顾一切地忽视它。7. I hope my son will amount to more than a thief 。 (P.44) 希望我儿子比小偷有出息。8. Feeling jumpy, Harry set off, trying to hold glasses on straight, and hoping against hope he"d be able to find a way out of there. P.45 哈利感到激动而紧张,赶紧离开,扶着眼镜,抱着一线希望,想找到出去的路。 9. He had to take three steps to every stride of Hagrid"s enormous boots. P.46 Hagrid的大脚每跨一步,哈利就得赶三步才能跟得上。10. 。 don"t go biting off more than you can chew。 P.47 不要巴多嚼不烂11. We"ll have to watch our step from now on。 P.65 从现在起,我们要小心行事。 watch one"s tongue 小心说话12. skip the lecture P.66 别说话了,别训话了13. 。 give you a taste for publicity. P.71 让你尝到了出名的滋味。14. But when I was elve, I was just as much of a nobody as you are now. In fact, I"d say I was even more of a nobody! P.71 但是我12岁时和你现在一样是个无名小卒。 其实,我现在更是个无名小卒。15. Everything Harry had learned last year seemed to have leaked out of his head during the summer. P.74 哈利去年学的东西在暑期好像全都从脑袋里漏出去了。 16. If you put another toe out of line 。P.69 如果你再胡作非为。 17. The Slytherin team were paralysed with laughter. P.87 Slytherin队都笑瘫了。18. 。 he ran up the next flight of steps three at a time, trying to listen over his own pounding footsteps. P.105 他一脚踏三层楼梯,跑到上面一段楼梯,努力透过自己的脚步声去听。19. Lockhart"s ments were punctuated by Filch"s dry, racking sobs. P.108 Lockhart的话不时被Filch干巴巴刺耳的哭泣声打断。 20. 。 it was the last place anyone in their right minds would go. P.124 脑袋正常的人一般是不会去那个鬼地方的。 21. I never thought I"d see the day when you"d be persuading us to break rule. P. 125. 我从来没想到有一天你会劝我们违反校规。22. The air was suddenly thick with rumour and suspicion. P. 125 空气中突然弥漫着谣言和怀疑。 23. This is out of my hands. P.152 这不归我管。24. Rather sensible to stop now, before I came down hard on them. P.176 现在停止非常明智,以免我对他们不客气。 25. Play to your strengths, Harry. P.187 哈利,发挥你的优势。26. Harry and Ron lagged behind the others so they could talk out of earshot. P.199 哈利和Ron故意落到别人后面,以便他们的谈话别人听不见。 27. "OK," Ron sighed, as though resigned to the worst, "I"m ready. Let"s go." P.207 “好吧”,Ron叹道,好像做好了最坏的打算,“我准备好了,走吧。”28. The darkness seemed to be pressing on their eyeballs as they stood, terrified, waiting. P.203 他们站在那儿,在惊恐中等待着,黑暗似乎直逼眼球。 29. Harry thought of getting to his feet, but decided against it; he didn"t think his legs would support him. P.205 哈利想站起来,但是又打消了这个念头,他想他那两条腿肯定是站不稳的。30. Harry didn"t want to press the subject, not with the spiders pressing closer on all sides. P.206 Harry不想再追问这个问题,因为无数的蜘蛛正从四面八方逼近。 31. I walked in on them kissing in an empty classroom on day. P.250 有一天我撞见他们两个在空教室里接吻。 6.《哈利波特与密室》的好词好句有哪些 1. It is not our abilities that show what we truly are , it is our choices. 你想成为哪类人,并不取决于你的能力,而是取决于你的选择。 2. It does not do to dwell on dreams and fet to live. 不要依赖梦想而忘记生活。 3. Dumbledore says people find it far easier to five others for being wrong than being right. 人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确。 4. It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more. 当我们面对死亡和黑暗时,我们害怕的只是未知,除此之外没有别的。 5. It does not do to dwell on dreams and fet to live, remember that. 沉湎于虚幻的梦想,而忘记现实的生活,这是毫无益处的,千万记住。 《哈利·波特与密室》(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)是2000年9月人民文学出版社出版的图书,作者是【英】J.K.罗琳。 《哈利·波特与密室》描写了邪恶巫师伏地魔以一种新的形式归来。 书中发生的事件表明邪恶只能被暂时避免,而不会被永久地铲除;密室则显示了巫师世界跟麻瓜的世界有许多共同点。任何世界都没有完美安宁的最终结局。
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等待offer面试后的阶段   面试是通过书面、面谈或线上交流(视频、电话)的形式来考察一个人的工作能力与综合素质,通过面试可以初步判断应聘者是否可以融入自己的团队。是一种经过组织者精心策划的招聘活动。下面是我整理的等待offer面试后的阶段的内容,一起来看看吧。   Job interviews are nerve-racking. In fact, they are downright terrifying. Sitting behind a desk while an authority figure pores over every detail of your work experience is enough to put anybody into a state of panic. But you know what"s even worse? Waiting to see if you got the job after the interview. Nail biting, constant pacing, and heavy drinking may ensue. Not to worry, we are right there with you. Check out the 13 stages of waiting to see if you snagged that job below. And take a deep breath while you"re at it.   面试总是令人紧张的。事实上,它们特别恐怖。坐在一张桌子后面,有个权威人士在凝视你工作经历中的每一个细节,这足以让任何人陷入恐慌。但是你知道更糟的是什么吗?那就是面试坐等是否被录取的消息。可能产生咬手指甲,经常踱步,酗酒这些行为。不用担心,我们在这陪着你。看看如果你得到了工作会有这13个阶段。深呼吸。   1. You go into your interview feeling confident.   1. 你自信地去面试了。   After preparing for this moment all week, what do you have to be nervous for?   为这一刻准备了一个星期,有什么好紧张的?   2. You keep your cool until the very end.   2. 一直到结束你都表现得很好。   And strut out of the office like you already have the job.   然后昂首阔步地走出办公室,好像工作胜券在握。   3. But when you get home you immediately stare at your phone.   3. 你一回家就开始盯着电话。   They will call any second . . . right?   他们随时都会来电话……不是吗?   4. Then you kind of start to freak out.   你开始有点抓狂了。   Why. Aren"t. They. Calling? Or emailing? Or something?   为什么?他们不打电话来吗?不发个邮件吗?不发点什么吗?   5. So you look over your résumé again in search of glaring errors.   你开始检查简历中明显的错误。   Oh my god, did you spell "experience" wrong?   天哪,你把“experience”拼错了?   6. People start to ask about how the interview went.   人们问你面试如何。   But you just can"t even discuss it. Go away, caring friends and family.   但是你不想谈这个。让关心的朋友和家人走开。   7. You no longer know what to do with your life.   7. 你不知道该怎么做了。   Constantly waiting for a job has put functioning like a normal human at a standstill.   经常等待工作让正常的人类变得停滞不前。   8. It"s time to give up on any hope for this job.   8. 是时候放弃对这份工作的希望了。   Allow yourself a period of mourning.   给自己一点哀悼的时间。   9. And it"s time to start the Internet search for other job listings.   9. 可以开始在网上找其他职位了。   Dive into that black hole of cover letter and résumé building all over again.   再次跳入撰写求职信和简历的黑洞中。   10. Then suddenly, the phone rings . . .   10. 突然,电话响了……   Who could it possibly be?   谁打来的?   11. You get the news that you are hired.   你被录用了。   All of a sudden you miraculously emerge from your bout of unemployed depression.   你突然从没被录用的失望中恢复过来了。   12. It"s time to celebrate your triumph!   12. 是时候庆祝胜利了!   Pop those bottles.   干杯!   13. Enjoy your victory now, because it"s time to get to work.   享受现在的胜利,因为该去工作了。   And building a career for yourself is no walk in the park.   发展职业可不是在公园里散步。   成功面试技巧   求职面试攻略1、进取心和热情   在工作中具有强烈进取心和热情的人,往往能够全面调动自己的综合能量,而且这种积极正面的工作状态会传染别人,带动身边人群乃至整个团队的良好发展。   求职面试攻略2、沟通技能   在职场中能够有效沟通,意味着能够清楚而有说服力地传递信息、想法以及态度,如果你能表明自己具有高超的沟通技能,而且能通过书面和口头语言有效地影响别人,那么你成功的.机会就会大大增加。   求职面试攻略3、成功经历   阐释自己的成功原因,从中提炼自己所具备的核心技能和特长,并说明这些核心技能和特长可以直接转换并应用于当前应聘的职位。向阳生涯认为,如果能够指出这个成功经历与企业的未来需求之间存在着某种紧密联系,这将能够引起面试官的很大兴趣。   求职面试攻略4、理性思考过程   在面试中显示出解决问题的能力,或表现出能以解决问题为出发点进行思考是很重要的一个环节。比如对自己的职业生涯发展有着较为明确的定位及规划,面试中能够向面试官明确表达,自己希望在工作中得到什么,自己为什么能胜任这类工作,自己能够在工作中发挥哪些优势,更好的为企业服务同时也能够挖掘自身潜力。有了这种理性思考,将令面试官刮目相看。   求职面试攻略5、职商表现   职商是指职业情商即职场EQ,职商可以通过体验式学习获得。职商高的人通常表现为,人际关系良好,工作态度积极,有较好的人格魅力,为个处事正面、阳光,其职业发展较为顺利,能够较好地应付职场中各种复杂局面。据JCP超级规划家学员训后反馈表明,通过专业培训后,他们的职商得到了较大幅度的提升,这为他们在职业生涯中得到良好的发展打下了基础。   求职面试攻略6、计划与组织   在面试中,注意体现清晰的思路,并将这个思路在分析问题、制定目标、形成解决问题的策略等过种中体现出来。比如,面试官问你如果给你这个职位,你将怎样快速进入状态,并将如何开展下面的工作。这个时候往往就是表现你的计划与组织能力的最佳时机。   求职面试攻略7、抗压能力   一定程度的压力是动力,职场中做成任何事都会有压力,面对压力问题采取一种积极进取的态度,就能在面试中脱颖而出。 ;
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第一部分 1 nerve-racking 2 diligently 3 memorising 4 revise,stumped 第二部分 1 darkens 2 cramming 3 scowled 4 competitors, competitor,podium. 第三部分 1 battle out 2 electricity 3 neck and neck 4 Meanwhile
2023-08-08 23:47:134

英文慢摇歌词里有to long time是什么歌

应该是 (it s been a too long time)ready for the times to get better -crystal gayleit"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.i"ve got to tell you i"ve been racking my brain hoping to find a way out.i"ve had enough of this continual rainchanges are coming, no"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get seem to want from me what i cannot give.i feel so lonesome at times.i have a dream that i wish i could liveit"s burning holes in my"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get,na,"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.(music)it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.fade out...参考资料:
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haking的意思是:作名词时译为“震动;震惊;挥动,摇动”作动词时译为“握手;摇动;颤动;使劲甩动;扰乱(shake 的现在分词)”。例句A study of the separation mechanism in shaking sluice摇动溜槽分选机理的研究She was now shaking with long, racking sobs.她这时身体随着长而痛苦的啜泣颤抖着。He roared with laughter, shaking in his chair.他放声大笑,身子在椅子里直摇晃。
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【 #英语资源# 导语】生活的道路上的困难无处不在。这些困难是你成功的障碍,你要勇敢的去克服它,才能成功。下面是由 为大家精心整理的关于克服困难的初中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。 【篇一】克服困难的初中英语作文   Me with my math today have such a problem: sister walked 100 meters per minute, sister walked 80 meters per minute. Two people back at the same time with the line for 5 minutes, sister sister turned about to pursue and catch up with my sister, sister a total of how many meters?   Method I left think again, let me call back later, I want to again, right way let me call back later again. I left no stone unturned, racking their brains, think along while also didn"t think out the solution to this problem. Ten minutes passed, and 20 Zhong Guo thirty-five minutes, 30 minutes passed, the past... I don"t want to come out a clue. I thought of a good idea, the Internet. I sit to the front of the computer, switch on, press the refresh button, check online, check in, turned out to be in so doing, no wonder I can"t think, this to the problem is really ah. Originally, overcome the difficulties so simple ah, only by constantly to overcome difficulties, you can succeed, even a little bit of success. As long as we face the difficulties, don"t give up, not back, always can solve difficult.   In everyone"s life, the path of the may not always smooth, each person will encounter difficulties and setbacks. When you face difficulty and setback, you don"t fear, never retreat, must be brave to face them, to find a way to overcome, and overcome, so that you beat yourself.   今天我做数学题的时候有这样一道题:姐姐每分钟走100米,妹妹每分钟走80米。两人同时同地背行了5分钟,姐姐调转方向去追妹妹,追上妹妹时,姐姐一共行了多少米?   我左想一遍,方法让我给打回去了,我右想一遍,方法又让我给打回去了,我想尽了一切方法,绞尽脑汁,想了半天也没把这道题的解法想出来。十分钟过去了、二十分钟过去了、三十分钟过去了、三十五分钟过去……我一点头绪都没想出来。我想到了个好点子,上网查。我坐到电脑前,开机,一直按刷新键,上网查,查到了,原来是这么做,怪不得我想不出来,这到题是奥数题啊。原来,克服困难这么简单啊,只有不断的克服困难,就可以成功,哪怕是一点点的成功。我们只要面对困难,不放弃,不退缩,总是可以解决困难的。   在每个人的一生中,走的路不可能总是平坦的,每个人一定会遇到困难和挫折。当你面对困难和挫折时,你千万不要胆怯,千万不能退缩,一定要勇敢的面对它们,想办法战胜,并且克服,这样你就等于战胜了你自己。 【篇二】克服困难的初中英语作文   The life of people facing difficulties, but really overcome countless again a few?   Life is short, only learned to overcome difficulties, it is learned to live. In you meet the time of difficulty, is still the head on back; Is escape or face; Is halfway or like summer by associating sisters as never say die?   Ask yourself: I learn to overcome difficulties? 13 years, a long long time, after years of wind and rain ", "a few years of experience, we more or less understand what, isn"t it? As we get older, and the way the difficult like tree rings, also in going growth. Childhood we have "home" to the "haven, can now," we can"t be dependent on my parents, because always hide in "", we haven never grow up, it is the sparrow will leave mom, soar alone in a symbol of freedom and liberty sky, learn to overcome difficulties is our way of growing up in the essential part of. In the face of difficulties, we can choose only win over.   In my own baby talk met countless difficulties, that is I still don"t understand what is called a "no way at suspected a siler lining." In and unexpectedly in difficult, but that is given to escape, often with a cry to face obstacles in front of. For at that time the me difficulties, just like a place not climb mountain, and I, I can stand on its feet, just looked up at it, never want to go to go over it.   人们的生活面临困难,但真正克服无数几?   人生短暂,只有学会了战胜困难,学会生活。在你遇到困难的时候,仍然是头回;逃避或者面对;一半还是喜欢夏天永不言败姐妹相关联?   扪心自问:我学会战胜困难?13年,很长时间,经过多年的风雨”、“几年的经验,我们或多或少的了解,不是吗?随着年龄的增长,和困难的方式就像树的年轮,也在增长。儿时的我们有“家”“天堂,现在可以,”我们不能依赖父母,因为总是躲在“”,我们还从来没有长大,麻雀会离开妈妈,独自翱翔在象征着自由和自由的天空,学会战胜困难是我们成长的重要组成部分。面对困难,我们只能选择战胜。   在我自己的宝宝说遇到了无数的困难,这是我仍然不明白所谓的“不可能怀疑黑云。“在困难和意外,但这是逃避,经常哭泣面对面前的障碍。当时我的困难,就像一个地方不是爬山,和我,我可以站在它的脚下,只是抬头看着,别想去走。 【篇三】克服困难的初中英语作文   When it comes to the difficulties of learning English, different people have different opinions, such as hard of hearing, less word, confusion of grammar, even poor writing skills etc. As for me, I believe that, in addition to what is mentioned, I don"t have enough time and energy to learning, as a full-time job and a lot of housework.   How to solve these problems? I think a strong will is the key to success. Therefore, some measures must be taken as follows.   First, I make full use of all available time. I usually study English until 11 o "clock at night. Then I made records the new words and MP3 player, so I can participate in the way of new words, both from home and from unit to unit at home. In addition, the most important thing is, I always in the classroom, good notes and review again and again carefully after class. In the end, I do some simulation component through the translation of English composition into Chinese and then translate it into English and imitate it again and again.   As the proverb goes "slow and steady will win the game. Finally, I have a great progress in learning English. Of course, progress is limited. So I still eager to achieve available Suggestions of teachers and students.   当谈到英语学习的困难,不同的人有不同的意见,如重听,更少的字,混乱的语法、甚至比较穷的写作技巧等。至于我,我相信,除了什么所提到的,我没有足够的时间和精力去学习,而由于一项全职工作和了许多家务。   如何解决这些问题?我认为坚强的意志是成功的关键。因此,必须采取某些措施如下。   首先,我充分利用所有可用的时间。我通常学英语晚上直到11点钟。然后我做记录在新单词和MP3,这样我就可以参与新单词方式,既从家到单位和从单位在家里。此外,最重要的是,我总是在课堂上,好笔记和复习一遍又一遍地仔细下课后。最后,我做一些模拟成分通过翻译英语作文进中国然后把它译成英语和模仿它一次又一次。   正如谚语所说的“缓慢且持续的人会赢得比赛”。最后,我有一个巨大的进步学习英语。当然,进步都是有限的。所以我还是渴望能达到可用的老师和同学的建议。
2023-08-08 23:48:181

Pepper的《Green Hell》 歌词

歌曲名:Green Hell歌手:Pepper专辑:No ShameI can hear your soft, soft voice sliding down the wallsAnd I feel a green light kissing my faceTell me when you wake up is this where your gonna beYou don"t think I"ll notice but I can wait for you to leaveSo when I saw this place that I couldn"t resistAll these beautiful things yes I had to persistWhen I went to touch them they"d act so tameBut underneathe the glitter there was so much painSomeone started talking, way below the pitch I readI couldn"t really hear what they were saying, but it really didn"t bother me oh noI was on my way yah, to being lost all over againI"m following this girl into the ocean, now I"m drowning in a mermaids bedTil I hold my breathe, I shoot thru the chamber on my way to losing some friendsI can hear your soft, soft voice sliding down the wallsAnd I feel a green light kissing my faceTell me when you wake up is this where your gonna beYou don"t think I"ll notice but I can wait for you to leaveNow all your life has been wasted, chasing after meAnd now you got the nerve, to come and put it all on me yahI love how these things come full circle, everytimeSwinging around like a racking ball in your fragile soulYou can run, but the scars you can never hideOh your face is giving you awayAnd the truth hurts more than the matterAnd the sun screams louder at nightI can hear your soft, soft voice sliding down the wallsAnd I feel a green light kissing my faceTell me when you wake up is this where your gonna beYou don"t think I"ll notice but I can wait for you to leaveOh, do you know where you are, do you at allDo you know where you are, do you at allKnow where you are, my green hell
2023-08-08 23:48:371

ready for the times to get bet 这首歌的中文意思谁帮我翻译出来啊

ready for the time to get betterit"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.i"ve got to tell you i"ve been racking my brain hoping to find a way out. i"ve had enough of this continual rain changes are coming, no doubt. it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get seem to want from me what i cannot give. i feel so lonesome at times. i have a dream that i wish i could live it"s burning holes in my mind. it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better. na,na,na............ it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better. it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better. 《迎接美好时光》心绪不宁有好长一段时间了。 我打算要好好改换一下心境了。 老实告诉你,我近来挖空心思地想, 就是想找个出路。 下个不停的雨,简直让我烦透了。 这一切就要改变了,无疑的。心绪不宁有好长一段时间了。 我打算要好好改换一下心境了。 你想要的,我无法给你。 有时我真的觉得好寂寞。 在我梦里,我盼望活下去。 这个欲望,烧得我五内具焚。 我太烦乱了, 我需要定下来,好好地改变一下了。心绪不宁有好长一段时间了。 我打算要好好改换一下心境了. (重复..)
2023-08-08 23:48:451


关于阅读对写作很重要的英语如下:阅读对写作很重要的英语——Reading is important for writingIt is certain that reading is so important. In my opinion sooner or later you have to read and try to comprehend.there are variety of benefit for reading. If you read, you can widen your vocabulary.With consistent reading you may speak logically and write easily for anyting.阅读对写作很重要英语——Reading is significant for writingA great pleasure in reading than when you when you are racking their brains for a problem, mystery, or on a particular question seems to smell, open the book, you will find that has been done to the full.阅读对写作很重要英文——Reading is an important thing for writingReading gives a person is calm, quiet, comfortable happy, is fame, money can not be replaced, the spirit of the book, like the human nutrition agent, without it, life will be defect. Let us not leave a regret, picked up the book!
2023-08-08 23:48:521

“虽然我们相处的时间不长” 怎麽翻译

信的格式及内容如下To my teacher: Hello! Though we get along with that not long, but our age has been that there is minimal difference between in what I contact teacher , we have been to communicate with best. I can perceive you wanting to let us study in best environment although we are acquainted for that not long, you are afraid that we learn being tired out very much racking one"s brains being thought that game waits by us. Best wishs to you! Yours: 某某
2023-08-08 23:49:354


2023-08-08 23:49:524


1i was amazed that he could be talking so long a time without any interesting things2books are calssified by themes in the library3althougt these plants are similar to each other,yet in fact they are totally distinct4bob has racked his brain but still cannot remember where he left the book5this question should be dicussed first,because it takes precedence over others 6he will buy every thing she wants regardless of the expenses7you have no reasons not to tell them that you want to go to in advance8mary can get by with her old coat in winter
2023-08-08 23:50:176


1.The earthquake happening that day before dawn has destroyed all miracles owned by one 20 centuries cities2.In 26 former the make communication system be caught in a paralysis , by the thousands and tens of thousands that time of intense earthquake people who happens gets killed in the earthquake3.The conflagration is getting more scorching as having a temperature more , The flames leapt up , how long entire factory not having gone over having been burned through right away to come forceful boreas being blown,4.One bomb has exploded within one automobile , the people in groups having dashed about with fear , has breathed out greatly to save life.5.This is that one small town , population are seldom, raining do not have person nearly in the evening, on the highway6.The nobody believes that what his was saying , his argument is very superficial7.This little girl is both clever and beautiful, therefore, get much"s help , accept less punishment within school8.During the period of the child, we know person is allotted good person bad person , good person is beautiful , bad person is ugly right away9.One people accepts fine education , has possibility to work doing much better right away very much , also can be advanced quicker to higher location10.Although good looks can attract our attention,we ought to remember it but change happened in the moment11.That young people needs to deliver a lecture to the boss every day report, for what to saying , saying a number but racking one"s brains12.Edward has already been engaged to me, but has asked be that we keep secret13.Whom this police is that the murderer composes out conjecturing only to14.That the news program anchorperson opposes some one TV reporting this under the situation that the government does not allow right away is news15.Andrew is very angry, because of news report foundation is not true16.The football team that he leads has participated in much time of international games , 10 time of companies have beaten the queen , only the first time has lost one competition17.The teacher should lay stress on priority and difficult point , grasps to give way to a student really when giving lectures18.He takes active attitude , what to goes all out no matter be acted as always to the job19.If Wolunde worries about self safety within reason at noon that day time wirewalking , he cannot be therefore likely die20.He is a excellent manager , corrects that just immediately once having made wrong decision
2023-08-08 23:50:344


直裂浆,竖裂浆,手工拉裂浆Vertical racking paste应用:有纹路、有弹性的针织面料。特点:1、耐水洗,竖纹效果,手工拉裂;2、操作简易,比常规胶浆有特色;3、符合欧盟纺织品环保要求。调配比例:印浅色:直裂白胶浆70-100% + 直裂透明浆0-30% + 色浆?% + 固化剂2%印深色:直裂白胶浆20-30% + 直裂透明浆70-80% + 色浆?% + 固化剂2%工艺流程:1、丝网选用80-100目,用丝印硬方刀75度刮印,先用直裂透明浆打底印1-2次, 第一板用力刮4-6刀;2、将直裂白胶浆,透明浆,色浆,固化剂搅拌均匀印2-3次(每次刮3-4刀);3、吹干表层并起布;4、160度烘烤1-3分钟;5、待冷却30分钟后手工拉裂。注意事项:1、印裂纹浆必须先打底才能保证水洗牢度;2、若胶浆印前太稠可加水,切勿加固浆以免影响裂纹效果。贮存期:在室温条件下,保质期为6个月包装:25KG、20KG/桶品牌:广印牌造商:东莞市幸运印花材料有限公司
2023-08-08 23:50:424


《功夫熊猫》观后感 最近,一部动画电影《功夫熊猫》受到了人们的广泛喜爱。一向喜欢看动画片的我一连看了好几遍。这部电影给我带来快乐的同时,也给了我许多启示。 故事讲述了一只肥嘟嘟的熊猫阿波从一个普通村民成为一名龙斗士的历程。阿波生活在一个开面馆的家庭。父亲希望他继承家里的面馆生意。但他却一直拥有一个大侠梦。梦想成为一名武功盖世的侠客。终于,机会来了。和平谷要选出龙斗士,去迎战太郎。由于阿波去晚了,玉殿的大门关闭了,阿波被拒之门外,他绞尽脑汁想了许多办法,终于进入了玉殿。智者大师龟仙人感受到了阿波身上龙斗士的气脉,将阿波选为龙斗士。武林高手们对这个笨拙胆小、毫无武功的阿波不断嘲笑和讽刺,使阿波很伤自尊。但是他没有因此而放弃,他知道:“龙之斗士永不放弃.”终于,他通过不断努力,获得了武功秘籍--龙之典。可秘籍上一片空白,只能映照出自己的样子。经过反复思索,阿波悟出了其中的奥秘:只有相信自己,才能成功。最后,他击败了太郎,保护了整个和平谷。 成功,是每个人的愿望,成功的捷径,被许多人苦苦寻找。在阿波身上,我们得到了成功的公式:拥有梦想+抓住机遇+相信自己+不懈努力=成功! 在现实生活中,这个公式曾被多次验证。如今红遍歌坛的小天王周杰伦,曾经只是个普通的待业青年。他热爱音乐,有自己的音乐梦想,可是他资质平平,在巨星云集的乐坛只是个无名小卒。他的作品一度不被看好,在音乐的路上屡屡受挫。但是他没有轻易放弃,不断地寻找机会,为着自己的梦想而奋斗。终于,人们发现了他的音乐才华,他才得以逐渐走红,成就了今日的辉煌。 现在,我已经懂得了成功的公式。即将升入初中的我,一定怀揣着自己的梦想,抓住时机,带着自信,不懈努力,争取走向成功! 记住这个成功的公式吧,只要你学会运用,你就一定能踏上成功之路 译"Kung fu panda," about itRecently, an animated movie "kung fu panda," widely loved by people. Always like to watch cartoon I watched several times in a row. The film brought me joy, also gave me a lot of inspiration.O story tells the story of a fat chubby panda wave from an ordinary villagers become a dragon warrior. , living in an open family noodle shop. My father hope he inherited family noodle shop business. But he has always had a warrior dream. Dream of becoming a kung fu against the paladins. Finally, the opportunity came. Choose the dragon warrior, and pinggu going against aso. As the wave to late, closed doors of the temple of the jade, the wave was rejected, he"ve been racking my brains to think of many ways, jade finally entered the house. The wise master turtle fairy ah wave at the dragon fighter nadis, o will be selected as the dragon warrior. Wulin on this clumsy and timid, no fighting skill of constant ridicule and sarcasm, wave o make very hurt self-esteem. But he didn"t give up because of this, he knew: "dragon fighter, never give up." at last, through continuous efforts, he got a secret - the dragon Canon. Can be kept secret on a blank, only which reflects their own way. After repeated thinking, the wave of wu of mystery: only believe in yourself, to be successful. At last, he defeated the aso, protect the whole and pinggu.Success is everyone"s wish, a shortcut to success, struggling for by many people. In the wave, we obtained the formula for success: dream, seize the opportunity and believe in yourself + unremitting efforts = success!In real life, this formula has been repeatedly validation. Now very popular pop singer jay Chou, once just a ordinary young unemployed. He loves music, have their own music dream, but he"s average in qualification, in stars gathered in the world of pop music is just a nobody. Once his works, in a frustrated on the way to the music. But he did not give up easily, constantly look for opportunities, and strive for my dream. Finally, it was found that his music talent, he was able to gradually, made today"s brilliant.Now, I already know the formula for success. Will go to junior high school, I must be with my dream, seize the opportunity, with confidence, unremitting efforts, strive for success!Remember this formula for success, as long as you learn to use, you must be on the road to success亲,望采纳
2023-08-08 23:51:081


阁楼用英语怎么说 garret loft attic 阁楼的英文 attic 阁楼"楼阁"的英文怎么写? 40分 楼阁 [lóu gé] 基本翻译 pavilion 阁楼式货架英文怎么说 阁楼式货架估计是所有货架型别里最不好翻译的词了。 我们也是做货架的,刚才问了公司的外贸部经理,他给我说了一下,几种翻译,好吧我这个英文盲记住的不多,不过最有用的一句就是,我们公司刚出的图册中有标准的翻译。以下翻译摘自河北沃克金属的海格里斯品牌货架产品说明书,阁楼式货架专栏。 阁楼式货架:Mezzanine racking 这个是最常用最准确的,当然也有翻译成Attic shelves。做这个图册(说明书)的时候,我记得以前穿梭车式货架那页也挺难翻译的,当时外贸部所有人都去工厂的去工厂,去国外的去国外,整个部门都没有人在,我们为了翻译头疼了好久。而我们的穿梭车又是公司发展重点和拳头产品,毕竟是国内少有的有自主智慧财产权和发明专利的产品。当然,最后外贸部通过其他通讯方式给我们做了讲解和线上翻译,解决了这个问题,不过当时确实让我们这些英语水平不佳的美工人员头大不已,当然我们当时自己翻译的英文词现在已经是公司众所周知的笑料之一了。 这是我的家,一楼是客厅和厨房,二楼是书房和卧室,上面还有一间小阁楼.用英语翻译出来 这是我的家,一楼是客厅和厨房,二楼是书房和卧室,上面还有一间小阁楼. This is my house, the first floor is the living room and kitchen, the second floor is the study and bedroom,and there is also a *** all attic.
2023-08-08 23:51:171

类似于JUST DO IT 够流行的话还有什么啊意思告诉我一下

2023-08-08 23:51:322


基础的就不说了重点的说下:1 是内容要对用户有用 内容为王 2 你的网站要对互联网世界有用 链接也不可少 3 你的网站要对用户友好用户体验很重要。呵呵,细节你自己琢磨吧,每个人的seo都可能不一样,行业不同,手法也不同
2023-08-08 23:52:075

找一首歌。歌词里有一句“it s been a too long time”

是Cake的Long Time吧
2023-08-08 23:52:202


绞心的解释 (1) [greatly distressed]∶内心万分痛苦;心里 非常 难受 绞心地痛 (2) [nerve-racking]∶费神 绞心之作 详细解释 费尽 心机 。 郭沫若 《洪波曲》 第五章五:“这无疑是 张 、 柳 、 何 、 谢 四大 秘书 的绞心杰作,而他们的 用意 也就不外是绞杀三厅。” 词语分解 绞的解释 绞 (绞) ǎ 拧,扭紧,挤压:绞车。绞痛。绞心。绞肠痧(霍乱病的俗称)。绞 尽心 力。 用绳子把人勒死:绞刑。绞杀。 缠绕 :绞缠。绞结。 量词, 用于 纱或毛线等。 部首 :纟; 心的解释 心 ī 人和高等 动物 体内主管血液 循环 的器官(通称“心脏”):心包。心律。心衰。心悸。 中央, 枢纽 ,主要的:心腹。中心。 习惯 上指 思想 的器官和思想情况,感情等:心理。心曲。心魄。心地。 心扉 。衷心。心旷神
2023-08-08 23:52:271


问题一:阁楼用英语怎么说 garret loft attic问题二:阁楼的英文 attic 阁楼 问题三:阁楼式货架英文怎么说 阁楼式货架估计是所有货架类型里最不好翻译的词了。 我们也是做货架的,刚才问了公司的外贸部经理,他给我说了一下,几种翻译,好吧我这个英文盲记住的不多,不过最有用的一句就是,我们公司刚出的图册中有标准的翻译。以下翻译摘自河北沃克金属的海格里斯品牌货架产品说明书,阁楼式货架专栏。 阁楼式货架:Mezzanine racking 这个是最常用最准确的,当然也有翻译成Attic shelves。做这个图册(说明书)的时候,我记得以前穿梭车式货架那页也挺难翻译的,当时外贸部所有人都去工厂的去工厂,去国外的去国外,整个部门都没有人在,我们为了翻译头疼了好久。而我们的穿梭车又是公司发展重点和拳头产品,毕竟是国内少有的有自主知识产权和发明专利的产品。当然,最后外贸部通过其他通讯方式给我们做了讲解和在线翻译,解决了这个问题,不过当时确实让我们这些英语水平不佳的美工人员头大不已,当然我们当时自己翻译的英文词现在已经是公司众所周知的笑料之一了。问题四:这是我的家,一楼是客厅和厨房,二楼是书房和卧室,上面还有一间小阁楼.用英语翻译出来 这是我的家,一楼是客厅和厨房,二楼是书房和卧室,上面还有一间小阁楼. This is my house, the first floor is the living room and kitchen, the second floor is the study and bedroom,and there is also a *** all attic.问题五:有谁帮忙把契科夫《带阁楼的房子》翻译发上来?谢谢! read/...16
2023-08-08 23:52:351


GOOd morning 早上好 Good afternoon 下午好 Good evening 晚上好 How much is is? 这个多少钱?I a"ll take it 我要买这个 I eat (食物) 我要吃(……)
2023-08-08 23:52:445


2023-08-08 23:53:111


问题一:蓝莓用英语怎么读? blueberry 英[?blu:b?ri] 美[?blu:beri] 问题二:蓝莓用英文怎么说? 蓝莓(Blueberry),意为蓝色的浆果之意。一种是低灌木,矮脚野生,颗粒小,但花青素的含量很高;第二种是人工培育蓝莓,能成长至 240公分 高,果实较大,水分较多,花青素含量相对偏低。全世界分布的越橘属植物可达400余种,原产和主产于美国又被称为美国蓝莓。我国主要产在大兴安岭和小兴安岭林区尤其是大兴安岭中部,而且都是纯野生的。近几年来才成功进行人工驯化培植。蓝莓果实中含有丰富的营养成分,它不仅具有良好的营养保健作用,还具有防止脑神经老化、强心、抗癌软化血管、增强人机体免疫等功能。 问题三:蓝莓用英语怎么说 blueberry 问题四:蓝莓用英语怎么说? blueberry 问题五:蓝莓的英文是什么? 英文名称:Blueberry 问题六:蓝莓的英语单词? blueberry
2023-08-08 23:48:271


自行车: bicycle;bike 摩托车:motorcycle;motorbike 轿车:saloon car 跑车:sports car 出租车:texi 卡车:truck 公共汽车:bus 地铁:subway;metro 火车:train;railway 飞机:plane;aeroplane 轮船:(大)ship;(小)boat
2023-08-08 23:48:281


二氧化硫的漂白作用是由于它能与某些有色物质生成不稳定的无色物质。这种无色物质容易分解而使有色物质恢复原来的颜色,因此用二氧化硫漂白过的草帽辫日久又变成黄色。漂白粉漂白的原理:漂白粉的主要成分是次氯酸钙和氯化钙,有效成分是次氯酸钙。漂白粉的漂白原理是次氯酸钙与酸反应产生有漂白性的物质次氯酸: Ca(ClO)2+CO2+H2O=CaCO3↓+2HClO
2023-08-08 23:48:332


truck 卡车,货车train 货车metro 地铁plane 飞机bus 公交车car 小轿车jeep 吉普车taxi / cab 出租车,计程车aircraft 宇宙飞船bike 自行车motorbike 摩托车
2023-08-08 23:48:391


2023-08-08 23:48:391


漂粉精漂白的过程就是发生氧化还原反应的过程。漂粉精:又名高效漂白粉,主要成分是次氯酸钙,根据生产工艺的不同,还含有氯化钙或氯化钠及氢氧化钙等成分,其有效氯含量大于60%。漂粉精具有很强的杀菌、消毒、净化和漂白作用,在洗毛、纺织、地毯、造纸等行业具有广泛的应用。主要是由次氯酸钙与水和二氧化碳发生反应生成具有强氧化性的次氯酸。由次氯酸消除污渍.白色粉末或颗粒。有强烈氯臭。具有腐蚀性和较强的氧化性。易溶于冷水。在热水和乙醇中分解。加热会急剧分解而引起爆炸。与酸作用放出氯气,与有机物及油类反应能引起燃烧,遇光也易发生爆炸和分解,产生氧气和氯气。漂白粉是由氯气与氢氧化钙(消石灰)反应而制得。因为绝对干燥的氢氧化钙与氯气并不发生反应,氯只能被氢氧化钙所吸附。为此,在工业上系采用含有1%以下游离水分的消石灰来进行氯化,所用的氯气也含有0.06%以下水分。利用这些原料中的游离水分,使氯气水解生成酸(HClO、HCl),生成的酸为消石灰所中和。随后,依靠氯化反应时由氢氧化钙析出的水分,使氯继续进行水解,使更多的氢氧化钙参与反应过程,生成一系列化合物。漂白粉就是这些化合物所组成的复合体。漂白粉容易露置空气中失效: Ca(ClO)2+2H2O+2CO2=Ca(HCO3)2+2HClO应用:主要用于棉织物、麻织物、纸浆等的漂白。利用其消毒杀菌作用广泛用于饮水、游泳池水净化、养蚕等方面。还用于制造化学毒气和放射性的消毒剂。日常生活中漂粉精起作用时的化学方程式:Ca(ClO)2+2CO2+2H2O=Ca(HCO3)2+2HClO主要用于造纸工业纸浆的漂白和纺织工业棉、麻、丝纤维织物的漂白。也用于城乡饮用水、游泳池水等的杀菌消毒。化学工业用于乙炔的净化,氯仿和其他有机化工原料的制造。
2023-08-08 23:48:442

MAC OS X Yosemite 10.10.5系统无法升级应该如何升级?

检查内存空间是否充足,按照以下步骤重试即可。工具/原料:演示电脑:MacBook Air系统版本:macOS Mojave 10.8.51、打开电脑,点击主界面【设置】图标。2、进入后,点就【软件更新】选项。3、点击后,勾选【自动保持我的MAC最新】选项,让系统可以自动检查更新。4、弹出输入密码对话框,输入正确密码,然后点击【解锁】按钮。5、最后,查看可更新的版本,注意看更新包的大小,准备足够的存储空间,点击【现在升级】即可。
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2023-08-08 23:48:202


由于到了近代,有人把“造园艺术”等相关内容称做“园艺”,而且在词典上,多是没有预见性地把英语的“gardening”翻译为中文的“园艺”,由此,则和农业术语中的“园艺”一词发生同名冲突,出现两个“园艺”,因而形成“园艺现象”。“gardening”用英语解释为:“Gardening is the practice of growing flowering plants, vegetables, and fruits. Residential gardening most often takes place in or about a residence, in a space referred to as the garden.”建议在翻译英语“gardening”时尽量避免翻译成中文的“园艺”,以减少与农业术语“园艺”混淆的现象。在一些名为《园艺学概论》的书中由于穿插了一些与造园、植物栽培过程中的造型艺术、插花艺术等内容,以致部分学生误认为园艺学包含造园艺术、插花艺术等。应当指出的是,造园、插花艺术等只是作为现代园艺学跨学科的延伸内容,这是现代园艺学的综合性应用等因素所决定的。园艺学作为一门应用学科,一般认为包含果树、蔬菜和花卉三个领域。学科发展离不开产业,或者说产业对学科的拉动,同时也离不开其它相关学科的进步,即其它学科的推动。而以赏心悦目为目的“gardening”因与生活和艺术的关系越来越密切,所以在现代园艺学中,或多或少地穿插了诸如造园、插花艺术的跨学科内容。
2023-08-08 23:48:191