barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-13 02:35:34






  The angel has eggs lily-white

  On the liliad hull as a dream kite.





  The endocentric love has burst out

  As a flash of lightning rush out.

  The calling language wakens,

  The first fire is burning in the wild.





  First time

  I owned with floral of fragrant kissed,

  And it is the first time

  I become a complete person as an artist.





  You have your flower full blossomed,

  My water current runs into the original country.

  The lightning infuses into infinite happiness,

  We bear a dark joss-stick floating as a witness.



  May we embrace each other as you like——

  Such is the happiness in brief.


  A Complaint

  There is a change—and I am poor;

  Your love hath been, nor long ago,

  A fountain at my fond heartu2019s door,

  Whose only business was to flow;

  And flow it did; not taking heed

  Of its bounty, or my need.

  What happy moments did I count!

  Blest was I then all bliss above!

  Now for that consecrated fount

  Of murmuring, sparkling, living love,

  What have I? shall I dare to tell?

  A comfortless and hidden well.

  A well of love—it may be deep--

  I trust it is,—and never dry:

  What matter? if the waters sleep

  In silence and obscurity.

  —Such change, and at the very door

  Of my fond heart, hath made me poor.





















  I think my dad is Dracula.

  I know that sounds insane,

  but listen for a moment and

  allow me to explain.

  We don"t live in a castle,

  and we never sleep in caves.

  But, still, there"s something weird

  about the way my dad behaves.

  I never see him go out

  in the daytime when it"s light.

  He sleeps all day till evening,

  then he leaves the house at night.

  He comes home in the morning

  saying, "Man, I"m really dead!"

  He kisses us goodnight, and then

  by sunrise he"s in bed.

  My mom heard my suspicion

  and she said, "You"re not too swift.

  Your father"s not a vampire.

  He just works the graveyard shift."



近些年,泰星不仅在泰国火热,在国内也得到了不少迷妹或迷弟。无论男泰星还是女泰星,他们的颜值都是有目共睹的。有网友表示,男泰星穿上女装,妥妥地变身女装大佬,绝对惊艳。或是应粉丝的心声,泰国最近流行了一款变装软件,不少男星变身女装大佬,让粉丝又惊又艳。GMM的实力是非常浑厚的,旗下拥有诸多大牌明星。潮流下,该公司的男明星开始解除了封印,纷纷化身女装大佬。joss joss是泰国的人气明星,身材好,演技也棒,在电视剧《爱情复仇 游戏 》中与Noon搭戏表现非常好,吸引了很多粉丝。他是新一代的人气偶像,多次登上热门话题。身材健硕性感的joss化身女装也是妥妥的女神,高挑的身材搭配清秀的面孔,化身性感女强人。krist krist毕业于泰国农业大学,演过不少的电视剧,在2016年出演GMM的《一年生》大火,得到了不少粉丝的关注。他的演艺经历较早,2008年也就是在他十二岁的时候就出演电视剧,当年青涩的他,岁月并没有改变其容颜,依然清秀。穿起女装,也很是清秀像邻居大姐姐。off off毕业于泰国艺术大学,他的兴趣爱好广泛,是个多才多艺的演员,又是主持人。《一年生》中,他饰演的配角给观众留下深刻的印象,又在《单身公寓》中饰演一个经常流鼻血的角色,又被称为鼻血小哥。帅气的外表却挡不住逗比的心。变成女装的他,却是个妖娆的奇女子。Lee 泰星lee的颜值不用说的,进选2020年全球最帅100张面孔的提名。不知道多少人看过《租赁男友》,在lee的颜值与演技下被攻,再加上弹得一手帅气吉他,不知道成了多少少女心目中的男神。lee的女装是最让我震撼的,不是女装是男神,女装变形则是女神,男女老少通杀。
2023-08-08 06:03:381


2023-08-08 06:03:451


泰国d团其实是泰国Domundi团的简称,这个男团主要由10个成员组成。他们分别是 zee、park 、jimmy 、toy、mark 、max、poppy 、tommy 、 nat以及joss。zeezee李海海,泰国男演员。parkpark是92年的,朱拉隆功大学毕业。jimmy、 tommy小学鸡CP,日常撒狗粮,没眼看!toytoy是2000年的,身高186,粘人精属性。markMark就是点赞狂魔,舞蹈担当。maxmax是1993年的,max和nat组成监狱CP。poppypoppy是1994的,明明是有着麒麟臂和六块腹肌的猛男,穿上女装,好像也挺好看的。natnat是2002年的,在团里是儿子担当,团宠。jossjoss和zee的关系很好,在《爱就报复回来》中演的“鲜鸭小哥”,大总攻气质get。
2023-08-08 06:03:521


杰斯·麦卡兰因在美剧《情妇》中扮演了“熟女帮”里的Joss而成名,她在中国也非常受欢迎,剧中成功饰演了剧中那位生性风流的浪荡“肉食女”。剧中的她精神自由,追寻自我,她也非常热爱生活和体验,充满了激情 。(腾讯娱乐评)
2023-08-08 06:04:001


2023-08-08 06:04:145


2023-08-08 06:06:462


观世音: 1. Guanyin2. Goddess of Mercy 观世音菩萨: Kwan-yin菩萨: 1. Bodhisattva2. bodhisatva3. joss4. boddhisattva5. bodhisat6. enlightened being who seeks to enlighten others7. Bhodisattva
2023-08-08 06:06:562


2023-08-08 06:07:172

joss sticks是什么意思

joss sticks n. (中国人拜佛时焚的)香( joss stick的名词复数 )[例句]Hong kong : performers twirl staffs of joss sticks during the annual fire dragon dance at the opening of the mid-autumn festival in taihang香港:在港岛大坑于每年中秋伊始举行的舞火龙活动中,表演者快速转动香烛。
2023-08-08 06:07:261


泰国七台今年是要将翻拍进行到底了,继上次提到的weir和pinky的《旋转的爱》翻拍新版后,由noon和paul主演的《嫉妒的密码》也翻拍了。 由noon和paul主演的《嫉妒的密码》在泰国首播是2007年,已经播出13年,曾经被安徽卫视引进播出,这应该是我看的月亮姐姐的第一部电视剧。 该剧讲述了女主帕莱父母车祸去世,家产被阿姨所夺,女主怀疑父母是被阿姨和男主父亲所害,为了查清真相和复仇,就以手上握有男主父亲犯罪证据威胁男主希瓦和自己结婚。于是女主婚后正大光明的搬进男主家,两人就开始了相爱相杀的生活。 虽然泰剧总是打着复仇的名义让男女主谈恋爱,不过在那些年流行的白花女主里,noon饰演的女主帕莱应该算是一股清流了,外能怼女配,内能捆绑男主,时刻智商在线,又刚又美。 新版《嫉妒的密码》将由bank和pinkploy主演,不过今天也不聊新版,来说一说原版男女主noon和paul。 作为泰国第一美女,《嫉妒的密码》里的noon真的是美得冒泡,气质更是出众,怼人的时候又美又飒,哭的时候是我见犹怜,笑起来又非常可爱。 2012年noon和七台解约,成为一名自由艺人,不过不在大台也并未影响她的发展,反而戏路是越来越宽。 她主演泰剧《赤金》是当年三台年度冠军剧,和pong的《毒爱》也获得无数的好评。 不得不说,noon可以驾驭各种角色,业务能力绝对好的没话说,而且像noon这种温柔模样,演起腹黑霸气的女主特别带劲。 今年已经40岁的noon依旧那么美,那股清新优雅又端庄的气质,让人莫名的舒服。 所以就算在《爱就要报复回来》里面和1996年出生的joss演对手戏,完全没有一点会让人觉得违和,说真的,在颜值和气质这块,有人就是被上帝眷顾的。 虽然今年3月份的noon时候宣布要停止拍戏休息一段时间,不过她现在已经接新剧了,粉丝不用担心没有新剧追。 《嫉妒的密码》里的希瓦绅士又温柔,因为受制于帕莱,斗嘴经常输给她,喜欢女主后的别扭劲,还挺可爱。 paul出道作品《迷》饰演的男配,不过之后主演的所有电视剧就都是男主了。 除了泰剧《嫉妒的密码》,paul主演的电视剧还包括《爱恨交织》《替身女友》《掩饰的爱》等。 paul不是第一眼帅哥,不过很有魅力,曾被中国媒体评为泰国第一偶像男星。 泰国有些男星在做演员的同时还有其他身份,paul就是其中一个了,他在拍戏的时候就已经是一名成功的商人的,还以商人的身份上过杂志,做过访谈,生意面也非常广,包括 娱乐 ,餐饮等。 现在paul已经完全退出 娱乐 圈,没有在接拍电视剧了,他也在2018年和女友结婚了。 如果喜欢泰剧,喜欢本文,欢迎关注! #泰剧#
2023-08-08 06:07:331


C罗代言的品牌有CR7品牌服饰、Nike、清扬男士洗发水、BES银行广告、Modelo航空公司广告、 新世界七大奇迹评选代言人、可口可乐、阿迪达斯、 swift汽车、CR9品牌、实况足球、阿玛尼、吉列、 奥迪、英国Pepe Jeans品牌、印尼运动饮料Extra Joss、日本铃木轿车、FIFA街头足球、castrol edge、 葡萄牙食品MS、富士施乐(Fuji Xerox)等等、曾因为训练拒绝了Brylcream的代言、乐视网、嘉士伯。
2023-08-08 06:07:421


2023-08-08 06:07:505

Joss Stone的《L-O-V-E》 歌词

歌曲名:L-O-V-E歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Super Duper Hits: The Best of Joss Stone (2003-2009)Joss Stone - L-O-V-EL is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore canLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please dont break itLove was made for me and youL is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore canLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please dont break itLove was made for me and youLove was made for me and youLove was made for me and youJoss Stone - L-O-V-E
2023-08-08 06:08:481


2023-08-08 06:09:242


袁咏仪演过的鬼片实在太少,严格来说也就几部电影1995年《夜半一点钟》 饰 啊美 (合作演员:叶玉卿、陈小春、宣萱)1996年《嫲嫲帆帆》(又名《鬼婆婆》)(合作演员:谭咏麟、陈小春、杜丽莎)《怪谈协会》饰 啊敏 (合作演员:舒淇、徐锦江)2000年《唔该借歪》饰 箫明荃 (合作演员:黄子华、叶德娴)电视剧1992年《他来自天堂》饰 凌珊珊(合作演员:李克勤、周文健、刘玉翠)2001年《祖先开眼》 饰 童芷君(合作演员:葛民辉、冯淬帆)另外灵异片和惊悚片的还有几部1993年《李洛夫奇案》 饰 Joss(合作演员:吕良伟、任达华)戏份很少,打酱油的(惊悚)1994年《珠光宝气》 饰 高秀萍(合作演员:谷德昭、陈小春、钟丽缇)(灵异)《沉默的姑娘》 饰 邝美枝(合作演员:金城武、邵美琪)(惊悚)《救世神棍》(客串饰嫦娥)(合作演员:梁朝伟、陈家瑛)戏份很少,打酱油的(灵异)1996年《运财智叻星》 饰 阿美 (合作演员:陈百祥、钟丽缇、谷德昭、陈家瑛)(灵异)1997年《憨星先生》饰 阿MOON (合作演员:葛民辉、张达明)(灵异)
2023-08-08 06:09:342


这年头吃饭,如果去好一点的餐厅,最担心的可能就是邻桌出现熊孩子,吵吵闹闹坏了大家的雅兴。这个难题最近终于在新加坡的一家餐厅有了解决方案:吵闹儿童附加费!这家餐厅在写给客户的邮件中宣布了一项新政策:针对“带有吵闹孩子的家庭”收取10新加坡元(约等于50元人民币)的额外费用。开宗明义,这家餐厅就表示:“我们并未配备婴儿椅,因为Angie"s Oyster Bar & Grill并非是一家儿童友好型餐厅。”而关于10元的额外收费,餐厅将其名为“Screaming Children Surcharge”(尖叫儿童额外收费)。当然,这并不代表餐厅不欢迎小朋友,而是表示:“我们欢迎所有孩子光临餐厅,但为了保证其他客户的用餐体验,孩子们‘尖叫吵闹"或者‘不受控制"的行为将不会被容忍。”据悉,之所以推出这一新政策,是因为餐厅员工已多次收到有关“儿童发出噪音、打扰其他顾客就餐”的投诉,因此才决定用“额外收费”来吓退一部分熊孩子家长(宁可不做这笔生意)或者让家长上点心。事实上,自从餐馆这么做后,相关投诉已经有所减少。餐馆的创始人Joss透露,“大多数客人都理解,此条规是出于好意,并赞赏我们为使每个人,而不仅仅是少数人获得愉快的用餐体验所做的努力”。
2023-08-08 06:09:4213


2023-08-08 06:14:542

Joss Stone的《Headturner》 歌词

歌曲名:Headturner歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Introducing Joss StoneHeadturnerJoss StoneWork itGirls we gotta work it like we doTurn a head or twoCause we"re worth itSo I ain"t gonna waste my time waiting on youGotta make your moveYou"ve had my number fot two or three days or moreIf you"re a real man then you can"t ignore mmmm, mmmm thisSometimes it"s physicalBut I want supernaturalI don"t have wings but I"m ready to fallI deserve it allHeadturner yeahSoul burnerYa gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkHeadturner yeahAre you a slow learnerCome and take my handCause I"ll find another manIf you"re gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkYa gotta earn itNothing in life is free you gotta bring your love to me baby, baby, babyEmotional, mmm I got itSexual, mmm I got itSpiritual, God knows I"ve got itWhat you want, baby I got itHeadturner yeahSoul burnerYa gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkHeadturner yeahAre you a slow learnerCome and take my handCause I"ll find another manIf ya gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkUh huhNo one can love you like I love youNo one can do the things that I would do to youI"d do something about it if I were youOr feel my heels as I"m walking over you ...~~~~~~Headturner yeahSoul burnerI ya gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkHeadturner yeahAre you a slow learnerCome and take my handI"ll find another manHeadturner yeahSoul burnerI ya gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkHeadturner yeahAre you a slow learnerCome and take my handI"ll find another man
2023-08-08 06:15:191


2023-08-08 06:15:262


2023-08-08 06:15:472

求一首英语歌名。。。L is... O is....V is....E is...

La Isla Bonita 这个?能具体点么、?
2023-08-08 06:15:544


著名景点推荐: 巴黎圣母院(Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris) 巴黎圣母院亦译“巴黎圣母大堂”,是世界著名的教堂
2023-08-08 06:16:021


2023-08-08 06:16:121

Joss Stone的《Understand》 歌词

Understand歌手:Joss Stone(乔丝史东)I hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youI keep our song on repeatOn my ipod, even when I sleepAnd in my dream I"m holding youAlone on an island just us twoI hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youThe last guy had me so wrongHe kept complaining I was away too longDon"t treat me that way cause in your headYou"ve got to trust me I won"t be ledI hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youI hope your mind ain"t working overtimeI hope your memories are full of good times with meDon"t trip if right now I can"t answer the phoneCause you know that soon I"ll be coming homeI hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youDo you understandCause I understandDo you understand that I"m in love with you boyI"m so in love with you, so in love with youCause I understandDo you?Do you understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand I"m in love with you
2023-08-08 06:16:421

求 joss stone 的 it s a man s man s man s world, 就是chanel coco coco mademoiselle香水广告的歌词

This is a man"s world, this is a man"s world这是一个属于男人们的世界,这是一个属于男人们的世界But it wouldn"t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl但若这个世界失去任何一个女孩或女士,都会变得一无是处 黯然失色You see, mn made the cars to take us over the road如你我所见,男人发明了外燃机 使汽车带我们遍地周游Man made the trains to carry heavy loads男人发明了火车 让火车来背运沉重的负荷Man made electric light to take us out of the dark男人发明了电灯 让人们走出了夜晚的漆黑一片Man made the boat for the water, like,like Noah made the ark男人为了使于水面 发明了船只 就像 就宛如诺亚创造了方舟This is a man"s, a man"s, a man"s world这是一个世界 充满了男人 男人的创造But it wouldn"t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl但若这个世界失去任何一个女孩或女士,都会变得无任何意义 暗淡无光Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys男人对于柔弱娇小的女孩子的所思所想和小男孩所见Man makes then happy,Cause man makes them toys男人必将喜笑颜开 因为男人们给他们发明了玩具来玩乐And after man has made everything, everything he can并在之后 男人创造了更多的东西 任何他力所能及的You know that man makes money to buy from other man而且如你我所知 男人用钱来购买他人所拥有的东西This is a world,a man"s world这是一个世界 充满了男人But it wouldn"t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl但若这个世界失去任何一位女士或女孩 就会变得一无是处
2023-08-08 06:16:512


泰国d团其实是泰国Domundi团的简称,这个男团主要由10个成员组成。他们分别是 zee、park 、jimmy 、toy、mark 、max、poppy 、tommy 、 nat以及joss。 zee zee李海海,泰国男演员。 park park是92年的,朱拉隆功大学毕业。 jimmy、 tommy 小学鸡CP,日常撒狗粮,没眼看! toy toy是2000年的,身高186,粘人精属性。 mark Mark就是点赞狂魔,舞蹈担当。 max max是1993年的,max和nat组成监狱CP。 poppy poppy是1994的,明明是有着麒麟臂和六块腹肌的猛男,穿上女装,好像也挺好看的。 nat nat是2002年的,在团里是儿子担当,团宠。 joss joss和zee的关系很好,在《爱就报复回来》中演的“鲜鸭小哥”,大总攻气质get。
2023-08-08 06:17:091


卡美隆·菲利普斯(萨默·格萝 饰)约翰的高中同学,但其实是一名终结者机器人,她的任务就是负责保护约翰。这个?详细资料没查到
2023-08-08 06:17:284

求歌词joss stone的drive all night

joss stone - drive all nightJust when I thought I put you upSilly old me, I called too many timesThought you were about to love me upHere I am getting all messed up by fucking firesideCHORUS:Then you drive all night saying what use is the night, when you can"t sleepAnywayYou might be tired, but the fact to the matter is you"re standing right inFront of my faceYou saved me, saved me from hate, it"s so close to loveNo one"s ever done anything like this for me beforeNo one"s ever drove for miles to make me smile beforeI started to worry, do I smell nice?Like a fool I left my gum on the sideThan I go and kiss you and the follow up from that was whole bunch ofNothingWondering where you"re atCHORUSNo one"s ever done anything like this for me beforeNo one"s ever drove for miles to make me smile beforeI"m happy, always grown, at least I can sing a love songThere"s no reason to believe the life outside the thisI"m glad that I was wrong, I can see that we"re highI can see that we"re feeling
2023-08-08 06:17:361

求joss stone《stalemate》的歌词~

joss stone - stalemateDid I let you down?NoDid I give you up?NoSo what"s it all aboutNow?Was it not enough?No, no, noIt"s alright, yeahIt"s okay, yeahIt"s alright with meI"ll be fine, yeahI don"t mind, yeahI"ll pretend at leastBut if you give me somethingThat I believe inGive me somethingI will waitBut if you give me nothingI can"t help feelingI"m in stalemate with youStalemate with youUsed to pick me upYeahLike a sunkenPillAnd I"ve been thinkin" itThroughAnd we worked soWellBut it feels wrong, yeahWhen I"m strong alone, yeahStrong alone by youAnd the words you say, yeahJust to get your way, yeahWell, they just won"t doYou got toGive me somethingThat I believe inGive me somethingAnd I will waitBut if you give me nothingI can"t help feelingI"m in stalemate with you, oh, I"m in stalemateOh, I"m in stalemate, pretty baby(Stalemate with you)I need more, I need moreWhat are you waiting for?It"s so frustrating(So frustrating, baby)You got toI"m so frustrated with your loveWhat you do to meOh, yeah, yeah, yeahHeyYou got me in stalemateOoh, ooh, ooh, woo, woo, woo, wooNo, no, no, no, no, noHey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heyHey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heyYou got me in stalemate, hey, yeahOoh, don"t hurt me, babyDon"t hurt me, loveYou breakin" my heart nowDon"t you break my heart, noDon"t you break my heart
2023-08-08 06:17:431

Joss Stone的《4 And 20》 歌词

歌曲名:4 And 20歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Valentine"S Day OstJoss Stone - 4 And 20They say time wasted for no man and neither, does this one meanI"ve been trying hard to understand what it meanMany more have come and gone, and it"s a little hard to holding onTo what could be, baby, should be baby, crazy all it"s making meI"ve been holding on, for way too longIt can"t go onYou"ve got four and twenty hours, just one day to prove to meThat your love has got the power, make me believeYou take me where I want to be, four and twenty hoursAnd that"s meThey say Rome wasn"t built in a day, but heyThey got nothing on the patience bed, it"s taking me awaySee the shade of the hour glass, I"ll slip it through your handEvery grain has got to hurt you, takes you further from your chaiseI"ve been holding on, for way too longEither you"re in or you"re outYou"ve got four and twenty hours, just one day to prove to meThat your love has got the power, make me believeYou take me where I want to be, four and twenty hours, whooahAnd that"s meSo everydayI walk out of my front doorAnd I"ll be wishing it"ll beThat today is gonna be the dayThat you smile at my face and tell me somethingSomething that words cannot vow,And tell me that you love meTell me that you"re gonna be a manAnd show up on me babyYou got one day, I"m gonna give you twenty four hours babyThat"s all you should need right nowOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (Four and twenty hours)To make me remember your love (Four and twenty hours)To make me believe (Four and twenty hours)Make me believe that you"re the man for me babyOooh, yeahI cannot believe you baby,I"m gonna be more than flowers on a try(Four and twenty hours)(Four and twenty hours)(Four and twenty hours)Four and twenty hours, should beIt should be more than enough for you
2023-08-08 06:17:501

Joss Stone的《4 and 20》 歌词

歌曲名:4 and 20歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Valentine"s Day (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Joss Stone - 4 And 20They say time wasted for no man and neither, does this one meanI"ve been trying hard to understand what it meanMany more have come and gone, and it"s a little hard to holding onTo what could be, baby, should be baby, crazy all it"s making meI"ve been holding on, for way too longIt can"t go onYou"ve got four and twenty hours, just one day to prove to meThat your love has got the power, make me believeYou take me where I want to be, four and twenty hoursAnd that"s meThey say Rome wasn"t built in a day, but heyThey got nothing on the patience bed, it"s taking me awaySee the shade of the hour glass, I"ll slip it through your handEvery grain has got to hurt you, takes you further from your chaiseI"ve been holding on, for way too longEither you"re in or you"re outYou"ve got four and twenty hours, just one day to prove to meThat your love has got the power, make me believeYou take me where I want to be, four and twenty hours, whooahAnd that"s meSo everydayI walk out of my front doorAnd I"ll be wishing it"ll beThat today is gonna be the dayThat you smile at my face and tell me somethingSomething that words cannot vow,And tell me that you love meTell me that you"re gonna be a manAnd show up on me babyYou got one day, I"m gonna give you twenty four hours babyThat"s all you should need right nowOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (Four and twenty hours)To make me remember your love (Four and twenty hours)To make me believe (Four and twenty hours)Make me believe that you"re the man for me babyOooh, yeahI cannot believe you baby,I"m gonna be more than flowers on a try(Four and twenty hours)(Four and twenty hours)(Four and twenty hours)Four and twenty hours, should beIt should be more than enough for you
2023-08-08 06:17:571

Joss Stone的《Spoiled》 歌词

歌曲名:Spoiled歌手:Joss Stone专辑:The Best Of Joss Stone (2003-2009)I kinda thought that I"d be better off all by myselfI"ve never been so wrong beforeYou made it impossible for me to everLove somebody elseAnd now I don"t know what I left you forSee I thought that I could replace youHe can"t love me the way you do"Till now I never knewBabyI"m spoiledBy your love boyNo matter how I try to change my mindWhat"s the point it"s just a waste of timeI"m spoiled by your touch boyThe love you give is just too hard to fightDon"t want to live without you in my lifeI"m spoiledI tried to tell myself that I"d be over you in a week or twoBut baby that was "bout a year agoI"ve never seen the word love so personified as I do with youAnd that is why I just can"t let go, oh noI"m spoiledBy your love boyNo matter how I try to change my mindWhat"s the point it"s just a waste of timeI"m spoiled by your touch boyThe love you give is just too hard to fightDon"t want to live without you in my lifeI"m spoiledSpoil meAnd I would only be fooling myself if I tried toBelieve there"s room for someone else in my heartThere ain"t no way I"m getting over youI don"t know what I"ve been trying to proveI"m hopeless, helpless when it comes to youI"m spoiledBy your love boyNo matter how I try to change my mindWhat"s the point it"s just a waste of timeI"m spoiled by your touch boyThe love you give is just too hard to fightDon"t want to live without you in my lifeI"m spoiledI"ve been spoiled yeah yeah
2023-08-08 06:18:041

Joss Stone的《You Had Me》 歌词

歌曲名:You Had Me歌手:Joss Stone专辑:You Had MeJoss Stone - You Had MeYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindSpitting in my eyes and I still seeTried to keep me downI"m breaking freeI don"t want no part in your next fixSomeone needs to tell youThis is itHeyListen you"ll be missin"Out on all my love and my kissingMake your mistakes on your own timeWhen you come down you"re just no good to have aroundInstead of making money you took mineYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeYou tried to trade on my naiveteBut the things you do and say embarrass meSee once upon a time I was your foolBut the one I leave behind he is youHeyListen you"ll be missin"Out on all my love and my kissingMake your mistakes on your own timeWhen you come down you"re just no good to have aroundInstead of making money you took mineYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeVodka and a packet of cigarettesThat"s all it used to be but nowYou"re sniffing on snow when you"re feeling lowSuffocating dreams that could haveMaybe for a minute I"d be down with thatBut it didn"t take long for me to see the lightYou swore you had control of itBut when I stepped back you slipped on your supplyYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeAin"t nobody got no business stressing all the timeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeAin"t nobody got no business stressing all the timeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my life
2023-08-08 06:18:111

Joss Stone 的 Right To Be Wrong 歌词翻译

I"ve got a right to be wrongMy mistakes will make me strongI"m stepping out into the great unknownI"m feeling wings though I"ve never flownI"ve got a mind of my ownI"m flesh and blood to the boneI"m not made of stoneGot a right to be wrongSo just leave me aloneI"ve got a right to be wrongI"ve been held down too longI"ve got to break freeSo I can finally breatheI"ve got a right to be wrongGot to sing my own songI might be singing out of key But it sure feels good to meGot a right to be wrongSo just leave me aloneYou"re entitled to your opinionBut it"s really my decisionI can"t turn back I"m on a missionIf you care don"t you dare blur my visionLet me be all that I can beDon"t smother me with negativityWhatever"s out there waiting for meI"m going to faced it willinglyI"ve got a right to be wrongMy mistakes will make me strongI"m stepping out into the great unknownI"m feeling wings though I"ve never flownI"ve got a mind of my ownFlesh and blood to the boneSee, I"m not made of stoneI"ve got a right to be wrongSo just leave me aloneI"ve got a right to be wrongI"ve been held down to longI"ve got to break freeSo I can finally breatheI"ve got a right to be wrongGot to sing my own songI might be singing out of key But it sure feels good to meI"ve got a right to be wrongSo just leave me alone我有权利是错误的 我的错误,让我坚强 我走出去到大未知 我感觉,虽然我从来没有飞行的翅膀 我有我自己的心 我血肉的骨头 我不是石头做的 得到的权利是错误的 所以只要给我一个人 我有权利是错误的 我一直压得太久 我得挣脱 所以,我终于可以呼吸 我有权利是错误的 我得唱自己的歌 我可能是唱出来的关键 但可以肯定的对我感觉很好 得到的权利是错误的 所以只要给我一个人 你有权你的意见 但它真的是我的决定 我不能回头,我的使命 如果你关心你敢不模糊我的视线 让我做的一切,我可以 不要扼杀我与否定性 凡是在那里等着我 我要面对的是自愿 我有权利是错误的 我的错误,让我坚强 我走出去到大未知 我感觉,虽然我从来没有飞行的翅膀 我有我自己的心 血肉的骨头 你看,我不是石头做的 我有权利是错误的 所以只要给我一个人 我有权利是错误的 我一直压得长 我得挣脱 所以,我终于可以呼吸 我有权利是错误的 我得唱自己的歌 我可能是唱出来的关键 但可以肯定的对我感觉很好 我有权利是错误的 所以只要给我一个人
2023-08-08 06:18:362

Joss Stone的《Free Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Free Me歌手:Joss Stone专辑:The Best Of Joss Stone 2003 - 2009Joss Stone - Free MeHey!All right nowAin"t I got you on my back footAnd you know I got you really goodCause there"s something deep inside of meI got to beAnd if you find it hard to follow meIf I loose you in my creative streamThen you only got to raise your eyesAnd see me flyDon"t tell me that I won"tI canDon"t tell me that I"m notI amDon"t tell me that my master planAin"t coming throughDon"t tell me that I won"tI willDon"t tell me how to thinkI fellDon"t tell me cause I know what"s realWhat I can doSomething that you don"t see every dayA little girl who found her wayTo a world that tries to take awayAll of your dreamsI think there"s one thing I will say to youThat there is nothing that you can"t doCause it"s all about your attitudeDon"t let them get to youDon"t tell me that I won"tI canDon"t tell me that I"m notI amDon"t tell me that my master planAin"t coming throughDon"t tell me that I won"tI willDon"t tell me how to thinkI fellDon"t tell me cause I know what"s realWhat I can doAnd we"re singing it out our voiceWe can make that choice to be freeAnd we"re singing it out our voiceWe can make that choice to be free nowMusic, hey, l-u-v, I love itYeah, yeahMusic, now, now, now, whatI love it, yes, I doDon"t tell me that I won"tI canDon"t tell me that I"m notI amDon"t tell me that my master planAin"t coming throughDon"t tell me that I won"tI willDon"t tell me how to thinkI fellDon"t tell me cause I know what"s realWhat I can doFree meFree meFree meFree me...
2023-08-08 06:18:441


世界上第一部全电脑制作的动画长片是? 玩具总动员 玩具总动员皮克斯动画系列电影是世界上第一部全电脑制作的动画长片。 美国第一部动画长片是? 《白雪公主和七个小矮人》 世界第一部动画电影《白雪公主》 中国第一部动画长片 打闹天宫 那扎闹海 第一部完全由电脑制作的三维动画片是什么 迪斯尼与皮克斯公司合作的玩具总动员 各位知道世界上第一部反恐动画片吗? 反恐恐怖女人 第一部完全由电脑制作的三维动画片? 第一部完全用计算机制作的三维动画片是:《玩具总动员》 《玩具总动员》 1995年.导演 约翰·拉斯特(John Lasseter).81分钟. 电影剧本 Joss Whedon, Andrew Stanton, Joel Cohen, Alec Sokolow。胡迪是小主人安迪最心爱的玩具,但安迪得到现在最热门的玩具太空战警巴斯,安迪的最喜欢强烈嫉妒的无线索的太空人。拉斯特和公司通过在电脑世界里创造出两个可信真实的的玩具,友谊、忠诚的故事。 皮克斯的第一部动画长片《玩具总动员》由迪斯尼发行,于感恩节在全美影院上映,这是影史上第一部完全由电脑制作完成的动画长片。美国本土票房成绩高达一亿九千二百万美元,成为1995年美国票房冠军,在全球也缔造了三亿六千万美元的票房记录。由于角色深入人心,约翰·拉萨特决定拍摄《玩具总动员2》。 1996年约翰·拉萨特获得奥斯卡特殊成就奖,《玩具总动员》获得奥斯卡最佳配乐(音乐喜剧类)、最佳主题曲、最佳原著剧本提名,同年还获得金球奖音乐喜剧类最佳影片及最佳主题曲提名。 我记得是 电子竞技争霸战1 吧~~~~ 我国第一部有声动画长片是哪部? 中国动画片的发展经历了6个时期。 1922~1945年是萌芽和探索时期。1918年《从墨水瓶里跳出来》等美国动画片陆续在上海登陆,使处于半殖民地半封建社会的中国人对神奇的动画片着迷。抱着创造中国人自己的动画片的信念,以万籁鸣、万古蟾、万超尘为代表的第一代中国动画人应运而生,成为中国动画片的开山祖。经过他们艰苦的探索与研制,1922年摄制了中国第一部广告动画片《舒振东华文打字机》。之后,1924年中华影片公司摄制了动画片《狗请客》、上海菸草公司摄制了动画片《过年》。这两部影片是中国最早的动画片。但它们都没有产生影响,产生影响的是万氏兄弟于1926年绘制的《大闹画室》。1935年,万氏兄弟推出了中国第一部有声动画片《骆驼献舞》,1941年又推出中国第一部长动画片《铁扇公主》。 所以中国第一部有声动画片是《骆驼献舞》,如果说中国第一部有声动画长片是《铁扇公主》。 铁扇公主(绝对正确) 世界上第一部漫画是由谁画的? 美学者的历史研究显示,数百(甚至数千)年前,在南亚洞穴中发现古老的漫画;在佛教寺庙中,一份十二世纪遗留的日文故事图画滚动条、中国古代仰韶文化时期人民的陪葬用品与德国十六世纪宗教改革前大幅故事图,皆可见早期漫画文化足迹。漫画文化学家均认为漫画的起源,应该以石雕造型、洞窟壁画…等图腾为出发点。当在十七、十八世纪时,英国的一位讽刺画家荷加思就正式为「近代漫画」揭幕。 日本第一个多格(由四格到十格左右)漫画是明治十四年七月二十七日本多绵吉郎在《骥尾团子》中的《草丛打蛇图》,是六格漫画。
2023-08-08 06:18:551


2001年正值13岁的乔丝参加英国广播公司举办的 Star for a Night 电视选秀节目,演唱艾瑞莎·弗兰克林的《(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman》和惠妮·休斯顿的《It"s Not Right but It"s Okay》顺利取得晋级,决赛时演唱唐娜桑玛的《On the Radio》而获得优胜。2001年12月葛莱美金奖唱片制作人兼纽约唱片公司 S-Curve Records 的执行长史蒂夫·格林伯格在某场慈善节目听到乔丝的歌声后,他说:“我听到英国有史以来最伟大的歌手”,在2002年初进一步为乔丝试镜,乔丝在试镜演唱奥蒂斯·雷丁1968年的《(Sittin" On) The Dock of the Bay》、葛蕾蒂丝奈特与种子合唱团 1973年的《Midnight Train to Georgia》和艾瑞莎·弗兰克林的《(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman》,史蒂夫·格林伯格随即与乔丝签下唱片合约。 与 S-Curve Records 签约后,在美国乔丝的专辑是由 S-Curve Records 发行,国际上是由 EMI 发行。乔丝飞往迈阿密和费城,为她的第一张专辑录音。《The Soul Sessions》于2003年11月24日发行。专辑翻唱60年代与70年代出名的灵魂乐歌曲。这张专辑在英国专辑榜获得前五名的好成绩,在告示牌二百强专辑榜亦取得前40名的成绩。《The Soul Sessions》的主打单曲是《Fell in Love with a Boy》,这是一首翻唱白线条乐团2001年的《Fell in Love with a Girl》的歌曲。这张专辑在2005年4月中旬获得英国唱片业协会 3x白金的认证,以及在2004年3月尾获得美国唱片业协会金唱片的认证,专辑也获得了2004年水星音乐奖的年度最佳专辑提名。2004年1月乔丝获得 BBC 评选的新声报到第五名,前四名依序为基音乐团、法兰兹·费迪南、威力和剃刀光芒。经过《The Soul Sessions》的成功后,乔丝随即为她的第二张专辑录音。《Mind, Body & Soul》于2004年9月27日发行。乔丝对外描述这才是她的第一张专辑,她解释说:“《The Soul Sessions》刚开始只是一张半玩票性质的专辑,完全没想到会这样轰动”。《Mind, Body & Soul》令她获得比上张专辑更大的成功,这张专辑在英国专辑榜获得第一名的佳绩(这使乔丝打破了纪录,成为英国专辑榜获得第一名最年轻的女歌手,先前的纪录保持人是艾薇儿·拉维尼)。这张专辑亦在告示牌二百强专辑榜获得第11名。《Mind, Body & Soul》的首支单曲是《You Had Me》成为乔丝最成功的单曲,获得英国单曲榜第九名。这张专辑在2005年9月初,获得英国唱片业协会 3x白金的认证,以及在获得美国唱片业协会白金唱片的认证。2004年乔丝开始与和她合写专辑中《Spoiled》一曲的 Beau Dozier 交往,Dozier 是摩城唱片制作人 Lamont Dozier 的儿子,两人分手于2005年11月。 乔丝在2005年的全英音乐奖获得最佳英国女艺人和最佳都会艺人(这使乔丝成为吉尼斯世界纪录大全最年轻的全英音乐奖最佳英国女艺人得主),乔丝亦获得英国突破艺人的提名。乔丝还获得2005年英国MOBO Awards 英国年度最佳表现的提名,以及2005年格莱美奖最佳新进艺人、最佳流行女歌手和最佳流行演唱专辑提名,在颁奖典礼上,乔丝与摇滚女歌手玛丽莎·伊瑟莉姬联手演唱《Piece of My Heart》向摇滚乐皇后珍妮丝·贾普林致敬。2005年3月,乔丝挤下莎拉·洁西卡·帕克成为 GAP 服饰品牌新的代言人并受邀演唱全系列广告歌曲,分别是翻唱纳皮·布朗《Night Time Is the Right Time》改称《The Right Time》与翻唱海滩男孩的《God Only Knows》,这两首广告歌曲之后收录在《Mind, Body & Soul》改版专辑(Special edition 纪念盘) 中。2006年:《Introducing Joss Stone》丝丝入扣 2006年5月乔丝在巴拿马拿索开始为她的第三张专辑录音。乔丝坦承与前男友 Beau Dozier 分手是灵感的泉源,并记录在第三张专辑当中。《Introducing Joss Stone》于2007年3月12日发行。EMI 描述这张专辑是结合复古灵魂乐的温暖、70年代节奏蓝调精髓以及摩城女子美声团体风韵的作品。乔丝自己说:“这张专辑是真正的我,这就是为什么我要取名为《Introducing Joss Stone》,这是我作为一个歌手想表达的”。这张专辑在英国专辑榜取得第12名,虽然不及之前两张专辑成功,但是在告示牌二百强专辑榜上以首周销售 118,000 张的成绩获得第二名,成为有史以来在美国榜上获得最高名次的英国女歌手。(先前纪录保持人是艾美·怀丝的《Back to Black》,但这个纪录很快就被里欧娜的《Spirit》取代)。乔丝获得2007年英国MOBO Award 上获得英国女歌手奖的提名,但落败于艾美·怀丝。《Introducing Joss Stone》的主打单曲是《Tell Me "bout It》,在英国榜获得第28名(只停留三周),在美国方面也只获得第83名的成绩。2006年11月,乔丝在英国音乐名人殿堂奖上演唱《Son of a Preacher Man》向达斯蒂·斯普林菲尔德致敬,乔丝以惊人的歌艺与舞台魅力震摄全场。乔丝在2007年格莱美奖与约翰传奇和梵杭特翻唱史莱和乔丝家族合唱团的《Family Affair》获得最佳节奏蓝调组合。2007年5月乔丝应邀为奥斯卡提名女星绮拉·奈特莉代言演出的香奈儿香水广告,重新诠释纳·京·高尔招牌歌曲《L-O-V-E》,歌曲收录在《Introducing Joss Stone》改版专辑(Special edition 摩登香氛纪念盘) 中。2009年:《Colour Me Free!》彩绘自我 , 唱片公司纠纷 2008年初乔丝在英国德文郡开始为她的第四张专辑录音,仅花一个礼拜就将专辑录音完成。乔丝说:“有天早上醒来,我想要做一张专辑,那是在非常自然的情况下,基本上,就一群乐手,歌曲创作者跟我一起即兴唱作,专辑没有受到任何的要求或是强迫,每一位乐手在创作的过程中大胆的创作他们的音乐,这是一张真诚且精准的体现我的艺人本色与天性的作品,我为这张专辑感到骄傲,迫不及待的想要让大家听到这些歌曲”。据报道,乔丝愿意付出200万英镑与终止其四张专辑的合约。EMI 则对乔丝采取法律行动,声称乔丝毁约,未能提交《Colour Me Free!》的母带。乔丝原本预计2008年底提交母带,因此专辑可能在2009年2月发行。2009年3月乔丝接受采访说:“EMI 应该在四月发行专辑,现在推迟到七月,我不晓得发生了什么事”,乔丝还说:“直到 EMI 确定发行日期以前,我一直不晓得计划是什么,我对它们很失望,它们真的需要先对自己理解一下”。最终专辑在2009年10月20日发行。《Colour Me Free!》的首支单曲是《Free Me》,由于与 EMI 的纠纷,导致未能积极宣传,在主流排行榜均未打入百名内。2010年-至今:首张精选辑 ,《LP1》, Superheavy 超重量级乐团 2010年8月下旬乔丝离开了 EMI。2010年12月下旬,EMI 宣布,它们将发行乔丝的首张精选辑,最初命名为《Super Duper Hits: The Best of Joss Stone》,后来改为《The Best of Joss Stone 2003–2009》,精选辑确定于2011年9月30日发行。2011年6月14日,英国警方在中德文区乔丝家附近拘捕两位男子,他们计划抢劫和谋杀乔丝。2011年香奈儿继《L-O-V-E》之后再次使用乔丝的歌曲为同款香水作为广告歌曲,歌曲为翻唱詹姆士·布朗的《It"s a Man"s Man"s Man"s World》,广告同样由绮拉·奈特莉演出,歌曲收录在乔丝首张专辑《The Soul Sessions》(French limited edition法国限量盘) 中。2011年乔丝成立了自己的独立唱片公司(Stone"d Records),并开始着手为她的第五张专辑录音,她说:“基本上在这世上没有人能够告诉我怎么去做音乐、怎去做自己。在初期能有人指导当然有帮助, 但慢慢地去到一个位置,你会想自己尝试看看,那就是我现在所处的地方。”。《LP1》是乔丝和舞韵合唱团的成员 David A. Stewart 合作,在美国田纳西州纳许维尔仅仅花了六天时间就将专辑录音完成,专辑于2011年7月22日发行。2011年乔丝加入了 SuperHeavy 超重量级乐团,团员有滚石乐队的主唱米克·杰格、舞韵合唱团的成员 David A. Stewart、巴布·马利的儿子 Damian Marley 和印度音乐家A·R·拉曼所组成,首张同名专辑在洛杉矶录音完成,由 A&M Records 于2011年9月19日发行。2011年9月乔丝在接受华尔街日报采访时提到接下来计划发行两张专辑,其中她提到《The Soul Sessions 2》。后来在脸书发表专辑封面和专辑名称,专辑名称为《Homemade Jam》。[10]这张专辑和《LP1》一样和 David A. Stewart 合作,专辑发行日期尚未公布。
2023-08-08 06:19:021

joss stone L-O-V-E

L is for the way you look at me L是你看着我的方式O is for the only one I see O是唯一我能看得到的V is very, very extraordinary V是非常非常特别的E is even more than anyone that you adore can E是你所爱慕的超越任何人的Love is all that I can give to you 爱是我能够给你的一切Love is more than just a game for two 爱不只是两个人游戏Two in love can make it 两个爱中的人可以制造爱情Take my heart and please dont break it 保护我的心 请不要伤害它Love was made for me and you 爱是因为你我而生L is for the way you look at me L是你看着我的方式O is for the only one I see O是唯一我能看得到的V is very, very extraordinary V是非常非常特别的E is even more than anyone that you adore can E是你所爱慕的超越任何人的Love is all that I can give to you 爱是我能够给你的一切Love is more than just a game for two 爱不只是两个人游戏Two in love can make it 两个爱中的人可以制造爱情Take my heart and please dont break it 保护我的心 请不要伤害它Love was made for me and you 爱是因为你我而生Love was made for me and you 爱是因为你我而生Love was made for me and you爱是因为你我而生
2023-08-08 06:19:162


导语:下面是我收集整理的《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵经典台词,希望大家喜欢。 1.She"s my guest. If anyone should offer her anything, it should be me. Elizabeth, can I get you something? Perhaps a feminine hygiene product, or a bowel regulating yogurt? 她是我的客人。要招待她的话也该由我来吧。伊丽莎白,我能为你效劳吗?你想要女性卫生用品还是调节肠道的酸奶? 2.Oh, Penny. This is Dr. Plimpton, a leading expert on quantum cosmology. Dr. Plimpton, Penny is a waitress who doesn"t understand the role gasoline plays in an internal combustion engine. 佩妮,这位是普林顿博士,量子宇宙论权威专家。普林顿博士,这是佩妮,一名不理解内燃机需要汽油做燃料的服务生。 3.Roommates agree that Friday nights will be reserved for watching Joss Whedon"s brilliant new series, Firefly. 室友同意在每周五晚上观看乔斯.威登最新导演的惊世力作《萤火虫》。 4.The apartment flag is gold lion rampant on a field of azure. 公寓旗帜是一头在天蓝色背景下两腿站立的狮子。 5.I"m here because you violated our roommate agreement, specifically Section Eight, "Visitors", sub-section C, "Females", Paragraph 4, "Coitus". Roommates shall give each other twelve hours" notice of impending coitus. 我来是因为你违反了我们的室友协议,确切来说是第八部分“宾客”里的.c小部分“女性”里的第四段“交媾”。在进行交媾之前,室友需要提前12小时通知对方。 6.I assure you, you"ll be sorry you wasted your money on an iPod, when Microsoft comes out with theirs. 等到微软出了自己的播放器,到时你就等着后悔吧,把钱浪费在一文不值的苹果机上。 7.Yes, in 1917, when Albert Einstein established the theoretic foundation for the laser in his paper "Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung," his fondest hope was that the resulting device be "bitchin". 1917年,当爱因斯坦在他的文章《关于辐射的量子理论》中阐述了激光的理论基础时,他最诚挚的希望就是最终的仪器和很他妈的帅。 8.When one gets beaten up every other day in school, one of necessity develops a keen sense of hearing. Incidentally, one can get beaten up in school simply by referring to oneself as "one." 隔天就在学校挨揍的某人必然会进化出更敏锐的听觉。而且在学校挨揍的某人通常都把自己称为“某人”。 9.Itu2019s a time of day I invented. It better defines the ambiguous period between afternoon and evening: prevening. Fairly certain it will catch on, as it fills a desperate need. 是我发明的描述时间的方式,更好地定义了个模棱两可的时段,下午和晚上之间,就是傍晚。我确信因为急需精确描述,这词定会广为流传。 10.In a few minutes, when I gloat over the failure of this enterprise, how would you prefer I do it? The standard "I told you so" with a classic "neener-neener"? Or just my normal look of haughty derision? 在几分钟后,等我幸灾乐祸地冷眼旁观着本次相亲的失败,你们更愿意我怎么做?是标准答案,“我早说过会这样”?还是经典的“哦也哦也”?还是用我平常那副高傲嘲弄的表情?
2023-08-08 06:19:351


Right to Be Wrong 播放歌手:Joss Stone语言:英语所属专辑:The Best Of Joss Stone (2003-2009)
2023-08-08 06:19:571

Fell In Love With A Boy 歌词

歌曲名:Fell In Love With A Boy歌手:Joss Stone专辑:The Best Of Joss Stone 2003 - 2009Fell In Love With A BoyJoss StoneFell in love with a boyI fell in love once and almost completelyHe"s in love with the worldAnd sometimes these feelings can be so misleadingHe turns and says, "Are you alright?"Oh, I must be fine cause my heart"s still beatingCome and kiss me by the riversideSarah says it"s cool, she don"t consider it cheatingOooh ooh ooh (x4)Red hair with a curlMellow roll for the flavor and the eyes were peepinCan"t keep away from the boyThe two sides of my brain need to have a meetingCan"t think of anything to doMy left brain knows all of love is fleetingHe"s just lookin for somethin newI said it once before but it bears repeatingOooh oooh ooh (x4)~~~~~~Can"t think of anything to doMy left brain knows all of love is fleetingHe"s just lookin for somethin newI said it once before but it bears repeatingOooh oooh ooh (x4)~~~~~~Fell in love with a boyI fell in love once and almost completelyHe"s in love with the world and sometimes these feelings can be so misleadingHe turns and says, "Are you alright?"Oh, I must be fine cause my heart"s still beatingCome and kiss me by the riversideSarah says it"s cool, she don"t consider it cheating, ohDon"t go telling no moreDon"t go telling no moreDon"t go telling no more lies on SarahDon"t go telling no moreDon"t go telling no moreDon"t go telling no more lies on SarahOoooh oooh oooh (x4)Can"t think of anything to doMy left brain knows all of love is fleetingHe"s just looking for something newI said it once before but it bears repeatingOooh oooh oooh (x4)Gonna tell you what"s on my mindI"m gonna tell you what"s on my mindoh...Cause it bears repeating
2023-08-08 06:20:051


2023-08-08 06:20:213


2023-08-08 06:20:431


The sparrow out of the window is talkative on the telegraph poleYou says that this has the felling of the summer very muchThe pencil in the hand come up the return back in the paperI permit with a few forms you is my whoThe taste cat of the mackerel pike wants to understand with you allThe flavor of the first love was thus look for by us backThe sunlight that that is warm is like lately- take off fresh strawberryYou say that you loathe to give up to eat up this fellingRain rains the over the night my love spillage to be like the rain waterThe yard sheds leaves to remember fondly with me thick and thick on foldA few right and wrongs also can"t cool off my enthusiasmYou appear each page in my poemRain rains the over the night my love spillage to be like the rain waterThe window sill butterfly be like in poem beautiful chapter that fall thick and fastI write immediately after love the knot tail that you write into the poem foreverYou are my unique desirable understandingThat full 稻 穗 happiness this seasonBut your cheeks be like the farmland in the thoroughly cooked tomatoYou say the name of seven miles joss-stick to me suddenly very beautifulI at the moment but think only of to kiss your obstinate mouthSong:Seven miles joss-stickSinger:ZHANG HAN2 YUN4The sparrow out of the window is talkative on the telegraph poleYou says that this has the felling of the summer very muchThe pencil in the hand come up the return back in the paperI permit with a few forms you is my whoThe taste cat of the mackerel pike wants to understand with you allThe flavor of the first love was thus look for by us backThe sunlight that that is warm is like lately- take off fresh strawberryYou say that you loathe to give up to eat up this fellingRain rains the over the night my love spillage to be like the rain waterThe yard sheds leaves to remember fondly with me thick and thick on foldA few right and wrongs also can"t cool off my enthusiasmYou appear each page in my poemRain rains the over the night my love spillage to be like the rain waterThe window sill butterfly be like in poem beautiful chapter that fall thick and fastI write immediately after love the knot tail that you write into the poem foreverYou are my unique desirable understandingThat full happiness this seasonBut your cheeks be like the farmland in the thoroughly cooked tomatoYou say the name of seven miles joss-stick to me suddenly very beautifulI at the moment but think only of to kiss your obstinate mouth
2023-08-08 06:20:523

求一部科幻片的名字 ~~里面有个人发明了一个可以穿越时空的旋转仪器 ~一个女科学家做上去~结果真的去

超时空接触求助编辑百科名片埃莉是一位对宇宙生命充满探索欲望的天文学家。尤其是对她产生深远影响的父亲去世时,她对科研的投入更加上了对父亲的强烈怀念。她决心找到外太空生命迹象的努力,只得到少数人的理解,但绝大多数人都认为她的行为是疯狂的。终于有一天,埃莉的研究有了突破,她收到了来自外太空的信号。这一发现惊动了美国政府,官员们决定关注这一事件,让埃莉本人代表地球上的人类,飞越宇宙,去与外太空的生命进行理智的接触。然而,人们却不相信埃莉所叙述的太空经历……中文名: 超时空接触 外文名: Contact 其它译名: 全面接触,接触未来 制片地区: 美国 导演: 罗伯特·赞米基斯 主演: 吉娜·马龙,大卫·摩斯,马修·麦康纳 等 类型: 剧情 科幻 悬念 片长: 153分钟 上映时间: 1997年07月11日 美国 目录影片信息故事梗概影片剖析导演介绍演员介绍幕后制作花絮穿帮镜头精彩视点影片阵容经典对白影片评价同名专辑演职员演员表编辑本段影片评价  1997年朱迪.福斯特主演的影片《接触》也许是最能体现人类渴望接触宇宙思想的一部影片。影片讲述 剧照了幼时的伊莉(朱迪.福斯特)在父亲的引导下,对宇宙有着浓厚的兴趣,长大后投身于对宇宙的研究中,致力倾听宇宙中的各种声音,寻找外星生命的讯息。在研究经费即将被终止的情况下依旧不屈不挠。对群星的搜寻间她从织女星接收到一个强大而又清晰的讯息,经转换是一张载人用交通工具的工程蓝图。人类终于开始向宇宙进发。   影片选择朱迪.福斯特担任女主角是最明智的选择。就象是《被告》中那个誓将恶少绳之以法的小太妹,《沉默的羔羊》中孤军作战的FBI探员一样,影片中福斯特消瘦的身躯、薄薄的嘴唇在固执眼神的配合下成为一种坚强的象征。影片中有这样的镜头:在沙漠里巨大的碟状天线群下,伊莉头戴耳机凝神聆听来自宇宙的杂音。高大的天线与她瘦小的身躯形成强烈的对比,这让人想起在《沉默的羔羊》的电梯里,福斯特与众多身体强壮的FBI男探员之间形成的反差,这种对比突出了福斯特所表现出的坚定内心。影片中伊莉遇到许多困难和挫折,包括父亲的死、研究经费的短缺、工程蓝图的技术难关、因宗教信仰的落选、政府对她接触经历的不信任等等,朱迪.福斯特赋予伊莉的始终是一种不问后路的勇气。而正是凭借这种勇往直前的坚定信心,伊莉最终实现了她接触宇宙的梦想。这种对比也可以引申到弱小的人类和庞大的宇宙之间的对比,显示人类征服宇宙的决心。   狂热沉醉于科学研究的伊莉显然不善于人情世故,这种缺陷使得她在政府科学基金会削减她科学预算时一筹莫展,也因为固执于自己的“无神论”而在第一次接触实验中落选。相反汤姆.斯凯里特扮演的科学家却能在科学和政府、民众之间游刃有余,并成为人类与宇宙第一次接触实验的先驱,在这里影片想表达两层含义。第一,相对于科学发展的早期而言,现在的宇宙科学的研究与社会大众的距离越来越远,科学家不应该只着眼于科学研究,还需要多与民众接触,在提高人类整体科学水平的同时获得大众对科学研究的支持。   另外,影片中汤姆.斯凯里特在第一次接触实验因为异教徒的破坏而殉职,他因此而成为为科学献身的人类英雄。可见影片对这一部分科学家也抱宽容之心,即使科学家中好名者有之,好利者有之,但毕竟他们为人类做出的科学贡献是首要的。我们不能忽视他们的成绩。   作为一部科幻影片,《接触》中科学的成分远大于幻想的成分,而影片中幻想的成分也是建立在科学的基础上,这与好莱坞其他   科幻商业片相比要高了一个层次。影片中没有浑身黏液的吃人怪物,也没有一心占领地球的太空蝗虫,更没有激光交错的星球大战。《接触》中的科学幻想细微而合情合理,有的更作为推动影片情节发展的关键而成为不可替代的元素。   在影片一开始,镜头从地球上拉开,耳边伴随的是代表人类文明的各种声音。镜头远离地球向宇宙的深处倒退,声音也逐渐向历史追述,80年代、70、60….年代,终于没有任何声音。人类的历史已经倒退到了起点,而宇宙却更穷尽。这一组镜头将人类贬低得无以复加的渺小。配合伊莉父亲所说的:如果宇宙中只有我们人类,不是太浪费了吗?激起我们探索宇宙的无比雄心。   影片中按照外星人给出图纸而建造的交通工具以及其运作的过程更象是人类受精孕育新生命的一种象征。伊莉乘坐的小球进入两个旋转光环所形成的球体中心,意味着精子穿透进入卵子,象征着这一过程为人类展现出一种前所未有的新天地。工程蓝图的三维拼接也使我耳目一新。从此知道不拘常理而能换个角度看问题。而伊莉与外星人的接触更是影片扬长避短,发挥科学想象力,虚写未来的一种典范。编辑本段同名专辑  【专辑名称】星Mobile超时空接触演唱会    【简称】超时空接触演唱会   【艺人姓名】华人群星2   【发行公司】英皇唱片   【发行日期】2005年01月20日   【演唱语种】粤语   【专辑介绍】    Twins于2004年12月19日连同师弟Boy"Z和师妹梁洛施梁洛施举行《星Mobile超时空接触演唱会》,各人落力演出之余,有不少崭新的合作及个人演出部分∶Steven大唱大跳“眼红馆”、“最爱演唱会”;而Kenny独奏萨克斯风也甚具个人特色。另外,五位青春偶像的开场及安歌medley,再加上演唱会主题跳舞快歌“超时空接触”更是全场瞩目的演出,他们载歌载舞的演出令观众热血沸腾!编辑本段演职员演员表
2023-08-08 06:21:004


  夜的第七章英文版!!!  An alley was clear December in 1983  Face chapter 7s  The typewriter continues to push toward final outcome profound code next  Smell fog of that cigarette butt  The tree tree that lookings at to wither away also cries to me in flurry  See as far as the circular square in the front  Go home just sad  Moonlight under of the badge is tiny and cool  No man makes a noise to remember fondly of north  The draft that the improbity writes down under the moonlight of the Victoria  The green acrid ending hands over to remit of palm  Ideal of melt who not present  The picture hangs the appearance that breaks on the wall  The antinomy leads to an alley of his across street  Fight for becoming perfect movement  That manipulate there in no tell to control of the offense be like  I wrote a head gorgeous ruthlessness movement  This kind of ideal I visit relatives handwritten top  The light of the first sun rays in the morning dries by air to blew away together grieved  The of the black burned joss-stick  Can blow toward the soil that has no footprint at this time  The unreal imagination that is suddenly can with conviction of unfaithful to ruler  Everybody takes mask lying for the different reason  Arrive tonight one specific name word only that is called desire  farfartherfarther  Cross the public"s building to make reality can be not make dirty  We can be mild before essential  Until the true facts is move  The destructive skylight is till the last a piece of to all surmount usually  My hearing the footstep voice is the soft skin heel of shoe for anticipate  He pushes away a night breeze very cold have no of prepare to advertise for  He hears by himself Be telling to say of name I turn round  The night sky that puts out a hour starts seethe  The azalea is mastering to bloom at the mid-night of first light of day  I taste the end one mouthful sweet to think  Remember this also just peaceful growth  Violin"s shore in Thames bums ground fish to tread in a sudden  I wrote a head gorgeous ruthlessness movement  This kind of ideal I visit relatives handwritten top  The of the black burned joss-stick  If I wrote a head gorgeous ruthlessness movement  This kind of ideal I visit relatives handwritten top  The light of the first sun rays in the morning dries by air to blew away together grieved  The of the black burned joss-stick
2023-08-08 06:21:271

What Were We Thinking 歌词

歌曲名:What Were We Thinking歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Introducing Joss StoneWhat Were We ThinkingJoss StoneTry to turn it offBut it"s hard to seeThrough this emptinessSlowly breaking meMaybe hurt me just a little lessThen I can start to breatheBut still your heart is out of reachWhat were we thinkingAnd what will we do nowAh haRight nowRight nowRight nowOoh oohThe sun hasn"t shined today at allA funny thingYou haven"t calledTell me whyOr should I be asking?How would I respond to it allTimes were goodI wish you were around moreI can feel you at my doorBut it"s not youIt"s someone elseWhat can I doOoh, what did we doWhat were we thinkingWhat were we thinkingWhat will we do nowRight nowRight nowRight nowAnd tell me you made up your mindIt wouldn"t be the first timeSee absurd,it"s my own heart that hurts meO"m a prime myself the fool,"cause I fell in love with youWhat were we thinkingWhat were we thinkingWhat will we do nowRight nowRight nowRight nowTry to turn it offBut it"s hard to seeThrough this emptinessSlowly breaking meMaybe hurt me just a little lessThen I can start to breatheBut still your heart is out fo reachWhat were we thinkingWhat can we do nowRight nowRight nowTry to turn it offBut it"s hard to seeThrough this emptinessSlowly breaking meMaybe hurt me just a little lessThen I can start to breatheBut still your heart is out fo reach ohh...I should have known its was right in front of meScreaming girl just walk away,see it can"t ever beWe carried on making our mistakes,thinking love was freeNow you"ve taken part of meOh,what will we do noe,babyRight now
2023-08-08 06:21:341


Congratulations on passing the college entrance examination
2023-08-08 06:21:552

L-O-V-E (Long Version) 歌词

歌曲名:L-O-V-E (Long Version)歌手:Joss Stone专辑:L-O-V-EJoss Stone - L-O-V-EL is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore canLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please dont break itLove was made for me and youL is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore canLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please dont break itLove was made for me and youLove was made for me and youLove was made for me and youJoss Stone - L-O-V-E
2023-08-08 06:22:031


2023-08-08 06:22:331