barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-11 17:51:42




I hope she soon sees sense and stops fighting a battle she cannot win.


2. I hate fighting and arguments.


3. You"re what I"m fighting for.


He struggled to control his temper.


2. Life is a struggle, accept it.


3. Life is a struggle, accept it.



fighting:when people or groups fight each other in a war, in the street etc 指团体性的打斗例如战争,街道群殴等

Struggle:1)to try extremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very difficult 尽最大努力去达成某个目的,虽然很困难的说

2)a long hard fight to get freedom, political rights etc




你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:struggling苦苦挣扎的望采纳 谢谢
2023-08-07 20:08:173


  struggle是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和不及物动词,可以翻译为搏斗、奋斗,等等。以下是由的我为您整理的一些关于它的用法,欢迎阅读参考。   struggle   [英]["stru028cɡl][美][u02c8stru028cɡu0259l]   vi.搏斗;奋斗;努力;争取;   n.打斗;竞争;奋斗;   第三人称单数:struggles过去分词:struggled复数:struggles现在进行时:struggling过去式:struggled   例句:   1.Why should we struggle so?   我们为什么要如此奋斗?   2.Germans struggle to create companies.   德国人一直努力去创办公司。   3.We all have to struggle against self-doubt.   我们都不得不因不自信而挣扎。   4.Now a power struggle will begin.   现在,权利的斗争就要开始了   5.In 2007,mr.swartz wrote a bouthis struggle with depression,distinguishing it from the emotion of sadness."   2007年,亚伦·斯沃茨描述了自己与抑郁症的斗争,确定并不是一时的悲伤情绪。
2023-08-07 20:08:241


2023-08-07 20:08:333

struggle out of什么意思

2023-08-07 20:08:414


struggle是奋斗,努力,挣扎的意思 be+动词过去分词表被动,有挨斗的意思,也有争取的意思
2023-08-07 20:09:002


2023-08-07 20:09:112


Struggle是一个动词,意为“斗争”、“奋斗”、“挣扎”等,也可以作为名词使用。以下是一些常见的用法和固定搭配:1. Struggle for:为...而斗争- The workers are struggling for better wages and working conditions.(工人们正在为更好的工资和工作条件而斗争。)- Women have struggled for equal rights for many years.(妇女们多年来一直在为平等权利而斗争。)2. Struggle against:与...作斗争- The government is struggling against corruption.(政府正在与腐败作斗争。)- The country is struggling against poverty and inequality.(这个国家正在与贫困和不平等作斗争。)3. Struggle with:与...搏斗/与...斗争- He struggled with his opponent for hours before finally winning the match.(他与对手搏斗了几个小时后,最终赢得了比赛。)- The company is struggling with declining sales and increased competition.(这家公司正在与销售下降和竞争加剧作斗争。)4. Struggle to:努力做某事- She struggled to finish the project on time.(她努力在规定时间内完成这个项目。)- The team struggled to come up with a solution to the problem.(团队努力想出解决问题的办法。)5. Life struggle:生存斗争- Many people in developing countries face a daily struggle for survival.(许多发展中国家的人们每天都在进行生存斗争。)- The book tells the story of a family"s struggle to overcome poverty and hardship.(这本书讲述了一个家庭克服贫困和困难的斗争历程。)总的来说,struggle是一个常用的动词,用于各种场合,尤其是在政治、社会、经济等领域中。掌握这些用法和固定搭配可以帮助你更好地理解和运用这个词。
2023-08-07 20:09:181


struggled 后面的 in their transition to college level courses是一个介词短语,它修饰动词谓语struggled,所以它不是定语而是状语。全句汉语意思:它通常仅限于大一新生,如果他们在过渡到大学水平课程的过程中遇到困难,可以在第一年给他们第二次上课的机会。
2023-08-07 20:09:521


the sailors(主语) struggled(谓语) to reach land (宾语)on three lifeboats(状语) they dragged across ice and rowed through frigid waters(定语从句)全句:水手们在三只他们从冰面拖来和划过寒冷水域的救生艇上,努力划向陆地。
2023-08-07 20:10:092


struggle:vi. 挣扎;斗争
2023-08-07 20:10:199

sruggle to her feet 是什么意思?急!struggle to加名词时是什么意思?

2023-08-07 20:10:331


2023-08-07 20:10:555

has struggled to 是什么意思?

2023-08-07 20:11:135

The man struggled to control of the situation.怎么填

struggle的固定搭配为struggle for/against/with sth/sb. struggle可作 名词和不及物动词两种词性,作为名词时,含义为”斗争”、”搏斗” 、”难事” 、"挣扎脱身” ;作为不及物动词时,含义为”奋斗”、"抗争” 、"吃力地进行”。struggle用法精析:(1) struggle (with sb) for/against. (和某人) 为……而进行的斗争/ (和某人)为……而进行的.斗争Political contests become a struggle for total power.政治竞争成了夺取全部权力的斗争。(2) struggle (with sb) to do sth (与某人)作斗争去做某事It was a hard struggle with him to make new advances, but he nerved himself to it and entered.经过一番激烈的思想斗争,他镇定下来,走了进去。I struggled through the mass of people to the exit.我在人群里挤来挤去,挤到了出口处。He struggled to retain control of the situation.他曾努力保持对局势的控制。l struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新溜冰鞋,努力保持平衡。
2023-08-07 20:11:381


中间没有少哦。where这句是非限定性定语从句,where指代at each corner.我们知道there后面的谓语动词单复数形式是要看哪个词离there最近。所以a salt cellar离它最近,谓语动词就用单数形式了。希望帮到你哦!
2023-08-07 20:11:494

高中完成句子 帮忙一下

1.infected2broken suddenly3.were called4struggled5in all directions6one thirds of them majority ones do8.9was bought yesterday.10.
2023-08-07 20:12:054


struggle的读音:英["stru028cɡl]美["stru028cɡl]。一、详尽释义n. (名词)。1、斗争,战斗,战争。2、努力,奋斗,拼搏。2挣扎,使劲。3、努力奋斗的目标。4、要认真对待的事。5、麻烦事,难事。6、角逐,抢夺。7、打架,搏斗,扭打。7挣扎脱身。v.(动词)。1、奋斗,努力,奋勉。2、斗争,搏斗,对抗,抗争,同...斗争。3、艰难地行进,奋力前进。4、挣扎,使劲,竭力,争取。5、费力搬动或放置。6、竞争,争夺。7、争论,辩论,8、扭打。9、奋力向...前进,向...挤过去。二、例句用作不及物动词(vi.)。1.He struggled to control his temper.他努力控制住自己的脾气。2.They should therefore unite to struggle together.因此,他们要联合起来,共同努力奋斗。用作名词(n.)。1.He gave up the struggle in despair.他绝望地放弃了斗争。2.He came off very well in the struggle.在这场竞争中,他非常成功。
2023-08-07 20:12:591

struggled for power和struggled for living是什么意思

struggle for 表示“为...而斗争/努力/挣扎,这两个短语分别表示: struggled for power 就是为权力而斗争 struggle for a living 为生活而挣扎
2023-08-07 20:13:181

in the struggle to fight not lazy in fall and perish 是什么意思

in the struggle to fight not lazy in fall and perish秋天的斗争中,打击不懒惰和灭亡struggle英 [u02c8stru028cgl] 美 [u02c8stru028cɡu0259l]vi.搏斗; 奋斗; 努力; 争取n.打斗; 竞争; 奋斗挣扎;抗争;奋斗;斗争复数: struggles 过去式: struggled 过去分词: struggled 现在分词: struggling 第三人称单数: struggles派生词:struggler fight英 [fau026at] 美 [fau026at]vt.& vi.战斗; 斗争; 打架; 吵架n.打架; 吵架; 战斗; 斗志打架;战斗;打仗;斗争过去式: fought 过去分词: fought 现在分词: fighting 第三人称单数: fights
2023-08-07 20:13:391


2023-08-07 20:13:471

Dina,for months—to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local

what r u saying?
2023-08-07 20:14:093


2023-08-07 20:14:202


选A,不要被主句中的took迷惑。中间的_____ for months to find a job as a waitress这一大堆都是形容主语的,很明显这句话想说明她一直在找一份服务员的工作,for months 表示几个月她都在做。所以这个状态的状语从句要有一直在做这件事的进行时。
2023-08-07 20:14:292

struggle to his feet

struggle to one‘s feet 是固定结构,struggle 在这里的意思为“尽力;挣扎”. 例如: He struggled to his feet from the chair. 他吃力地从坐着的椅子上站了起来.
2023-08-07 20:14:361

he is like normal farmers .for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.

He is like normal farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.这个句子主句主语He,系动词is,表语like,并列表语farmers,后面的一个定语从句,前置词是famers,从句主语he 谓语用一个现在完成时has struggled表示持续了50年,for whom作为从句的前置定语存在。希望你满意翻译为:他就像那些普通农民一样,那些他为之奋斗了50年得农民一样。
2023-08-07 20:14:441

[D87] Dian , ______ for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a advertising

戴安,为了找分服务生的工作努力了好久,终于在一份广告中找到了个职位。having struggled 对应for months
2023-08-07 20:14:533


不可以,都不成句子了。 The girl struggled up the cliff towards the light 是主句,后面she had seen 是一个定语从句。
2023-08-07 20:15:043

struggle to do中to do的成分?

to do 是不定式。例句:They struggled just to pay their bills.他们辛苦所得仅敷日用。还有一个用法是:struggle for sth 奋斗,努力,争取。Tom struggled for breath. 汤姆艰难地喘着气。
2023-08-07 20:15:221


1.非谓语动词的完成式不能做后置定语,也不能做(宾语)补足语,一般只能做状语. 2.此题答案为C. 翻译:蒂娜努力了几个月找到了一份女侍应生的工作,最后她终于在当地的一家广告公司找到一个职位. 1.此题答案中的非谓语动词的完成式并非做后置定语,而是做时间状语,出题人只是为了设置思维陷阱而把它放在句子主语Dina之后. 2.句子主语Dina和非谓语动词struggle之间的主动关系,使用现在分词做状语,排除BD; D为不定式,一般做目的状语或出乎意料的结果状语. 3.struggle和谓语动词took之间有着明显的先后关系,所以使用现在分词的完成式having struggled引导词状语. 排除A,选择C.
2023-08-07 20:15:321

she struggled to the make end meet

She struggled to the make ends meet她努力维持收支平衡(维持开销)make ends meet使收支相抵双语例句1I"m trying to make ends meet. So I have to sell all my furniture.我努力使收支平衡,不得不卖掉所有家私。。2With prices going up, I find it hard to make ends meet. 物价在不断上涨,我觉得难以维持开销了。
2023-08-07 20:15:391

has been stuggling是不是has stuggled的延续性动词

这是关于被动语态。has struggled 他一直在努力 (由自己控制)has been struggling 他一直在努力斗争 (由他人或他事控制, 是被动的)
2023-08-07 20:15:471


怎么区别fight. war. battle. Struggle答:fight, war, battle, strugglefight 意为“战争”,指战争的动作。They fought back in self-defence. 他们进行了自卫还击。war 指全面战争,包含多次。We experienced two world wars in the last century.上个世纪我们经历了两次世界大战。battle 战役,指大的、连续数小时数天的战争。the battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役struggle 指较长时间的激烈的争斗,常指肉体、精神上的战斗。They had to struggle for their freedom. 他们不得不为自由而战。The army struggled against Japanese Imperialist. 这部队与日本帝国主义作斗争。
2023-08-07 20:15:561


struggling with与…斗争 挣扎着(费劲;疲于应对)struggling with taking dictation听写很费劲 / 听写方面疲于应对
2023-08-07 20:16:051

Dina,having struggled for months,took a job .

原句=having struggled for months,Dina took a job .这是现在分词的完成形式作状语 因为动作发生在谓语动词之前故 用现在分词的完成形式现在分词 短语作状语 相当于一个状语从句原句=after Dina had struggled for months, she took a job 当从句中的 主语 和 主句的主语 一致时 可以用 分词短语 代替状语从句注意 非谓语动词的形式 变化 与谓语动词的时态变化 是两个概念不明白 可追问
2023-08-07 20:17:091


英文: These day of I am dispirited, moreover dark was as if already swallowed…All turning points - - April 22, 2010.<dnt> the </dnt> light rain from now on, will have slightly coolly, I walk in hers front, will be very at heart contradictory - - should (love letter) give the letter she! When the red candle shines time, I have stopped down, and is waiting for after death her…Then, I have aroused the courage, has given very lightly the letter she. …As soon as her surprise smiles, actually was still that beautiful, the gentle smiling face imprints in my moral nature. My first love! My goddess!however , the matter becomes very bad, I and she also gradually become estranged; Until today, also does not have what exchange…Perhaps, was I has been too weak, because I did not have the qualifications to undertake “the love”! I only want to say to her:if does not have that one day-long matter, we whether still
2023-08-07 20:17:204

struggle with sth和struggle with sb翻译

struggle with sth努力应付某事struggle with sb与某人斗争
2023-08-07 20:17:404

struggle, expand ,therefore,rid,export,regret,focus,reduce,comment,skim. 用这些单词造句并翻译。

He struggled to control his temper.他努力控制住自己的脾气I hope to expand our exchanges and cooperation . 我希望扩大我们彼此的交流与合作。One lesson therefore is to avoid unbalancing the marine environment . 因此一个教训是,避免是海洋环境失去平衡。But now we are rid of these brands , and things are good . 不过现在我们已经剥离了这些品牌,情况很不错。It would export excess supply , instead . 相反,它将输出过度的供应。I regret having stayed in your hotel . 我真后悔住进你们这样的饭店。Instead , focus on helping your child understand and deal with his or her experiences . 相反,你的重点应当在于帮助你的孩子理解并处理他/她的经历。I think we must reduce our prices , or spend more money on advertising . 我想我们必须降低价格,或者是在广告上花更多的钱。China in past comment has sought to portray the matter as a straightforward criminal case . 在过去的言论中,中国努力将此事描述为一起简单的刑事案件。When you skim milk you take the thin layer of cream off the surface . 撇牛乳就是把牛乳表面上薄薄一层的奶油撇去。
2023-08-07 20:17:491


I like the basketball, but my technology is ordinary. Good, Jordan"s is impressive in basketball court result, but this is not I worships him the primary cause, those who let me subdue is on the Jordan body"s spirit and the quality. His life is not problem-free, Jordan on junior middle school"s time fails to be elected in the school team, this has become the very big injury to other party, his unusual depressed. But he said to himself: “I cannot let this kind of matter occur again”. Then, he does not stop practice, every day the first one who goes to the field is he, finally walks is also he. Finally, he enters NBA finally. Just started their team"s result not to be good, but they wears in unceasingly under Jordan"s leadership, the practice, has become a strength very strong team slowly. Because once Jordan ate has thrown over Sa, but food poisoning, but Jordan still went on stage hits has competed and takes 38 divides into the team to gain the victory, was really incredible. After undergoing these hindrance, he finally at he 31 year-old time obtained the total champion, he is holding the awarding cup, tearss well up, that is really very moving, that was he has struggled the honor which 7 years only then obtained! Afterward several years, he not arrogant, but still does not stop the practice promotes own ability, to 1998, he had already obtained the innumerable glory and becomes in the history the greatest basketball athlete. This looks like a myth actually is also a fact, his self-confidence, his rigid, his endeavor, his that kind for the energetic quality which ideal struggles is worth us studying really. This am why do I regard him for heart"s in super star.
2023-08-07 20:18:0813

有succeed to do sth.吗 麻烦各位高手告诉我有关scucceed的一些短语

succeed to do sthsucceed in doing sth
2023-08-07 20:18:562


Our now is in persistent pressure, to work a longer time, to produce more, having more, many people have a kind of wrong ideas: happiness lies in work harder, struggled to make.Many women feel the same pressure today, to work, will make it to the top, and meanwhile, and to raise a family, take on the burden of the family responsibilities.Research shows that, the workaholic (workaholism) often make our relationship with family apart. It will force us long hours of hard work, only a small time with our relatives to stay together, the exchange feelings. The close relationship between family members in this process is doomed
2023-08-07 20:19:053


读音:[pc:]倒,灌,注/倾注;大量投入/倾吐,诉说 Work to do不是短语
2023-08-07 20:19:286

At the start of this semister, I struggled with my math.是什么意思

在这一学年开始的时候,我学数学感到很困难。(semister:学年,struggled with:挣扎,努力)
2023-08-07 20:19:472

under control 和in control 在用法上有什么区别吗

"Under control" 和 "in control" 在英语中都与控制有关,但是它们的语境和含义有一些不同。1. "Under control":这个词组通常是用来描述一种情况或者事件已经被控制住,不会再恶化或者扩大。例如,"The fire is under control"(火势已经被控制住了)。2. "In control":这个词组通常用来描述一种状态,某个人或者某个组织有能力控制或者管理某种情况或者事件。例如,"He is in control of the situation"(他控制了这个情况)。所以,"under control" 更侧重于描述已经被控制住的状态,而 "in control" 更侧重于描述有能力控制或者管理的能力。
2023-08-07 20:20:005

she struggled up the cliff towards the light 请问英语中一个动词后边加2个介词是什么结构

变下句子结构就看的明白了:Towards the light, she struggled up the cliff.那个女孩朝着灯光,挣扎着爬向悬崖。
2023-08-07 20:21:282

Dina,横线 for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a

答案是 C. having struggled这个句型叫 Perfect Participle (完成式分词)这是固定的句型。having struggled for months to find a job as a waitressafter having struggled for months to find a job as a waitressafter struggling for months to find a job as a waitress上面三个句子有相同意思 现在分词的完成式表示其动作在谓语动词的动作之前已完成。例句:Having finished her homework, the little girl began to watch TV.做完作业后,这个小女孩开始看电视。Having lived in Beijing for many years, Carter knew the city well.(因为)在北京住了多年,卡特对这个城市很熟悉。百度对这个句型有详细解释:
2023-08-07 20:21:351


没必要 朋友。自己好好学英语吧。
2023-08-07 20:21:484

On arriving at the shore ,the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.

had seen强调以前看过(估计是arrive的时候)而saw没有, 所以最佳的是had seen, 但其实saw也没错
2023-08-07 20:22:016

Dina___for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency

2023-08-07 20:22:214


2023-08-07 20:12:012


  范文一:大学毕业自我鉴定  光阴荏荏,时光如梭,在师大的学习生活即将临近尾声,此刻我的心情很激动,这一路走来经历了很多事,也遇到了很多朋友,让我备感珍惜。在菁菁校园中,老师孜孜不倦的教诲,同学之间的友爱互助,课堂的温馨和暖意,以及来自各方面的熏陶,使我在获得知识储备的同时,也懂得了许多人生的道理,可以说这段经历让我受益非浅,也注定将是我人生道路上又一个深刻的转折点。  学习期间,我始终以提高自身的综合素质为目标,以自我的全面发展作为努力的方向,在树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观的同时,一直秉承以刻苦的学习态度,和扎实的学风来完成全部学业,并注重点滴积累,并努力实践,逐渐将理论知识转化,并牢固掌握以适应社会的发展,锻炼自身,完善己身,开阔眼界,用更多的金融知识来武装自己,让自己拥有理性的头脑,使得所学可以更好的所用,成为一门实用的技能。  当初选择继续读书纯粹是出于偶然,或许也是很多人口中的“为了混一个更高的文凭”,但或许偶然事物之间往往也存蓄着些许必然,人的一生注定是一个不断自我充实、自我完善的过程,汲取知识、掌握技能的方法势必是多种多样的,但系统化的学习对于工作后再次迈入校园大门的我们来说,可以说是一次巨大的挑战,边工作边学习确实很辛苦,或许这其中的点滴和感悟只有经历过的人才懂得。  我很庆幸这一路走来纵然很辛苦,但我依然坚定的一如往昔,不后悔自己当初的选择,也感谢这样的一段经历让我成长,变的成熟,逐渐褪去了往日的羞涩,腼腆,真正的长大成人,敢于去承担起更多的责任,而不是说多做少。  在求学生涯里,我始终保持“勤奋,刻苦,用心,真诚”的生活和学习原则,学习成绩名列前茅,获得过优秀学生干部的荣誉,我积极投身到知识这个浩瀚的海洋里,工学结合,纲举目张,不耻下问,珍惜时间,切实的让自己学习到更多的技能,并勤于思考,注重方法,与人为善,结交了很多志同道合的朋友,大家互帮互助,克服难关,彼此之间缔结了很深厚的友情,也开启了自己的人脉关系,为将来的发展打下了一个扎实而坚定的基础。  随着学习的进步和深入,我觉得自己不止是学到了公共基础学科知识和很多专业知识,我自身的心智也有了一个质的飞跃,我能够比较快速的掌握一种新的技术知识,并从中体会到了学习的乐趣,也因此提高了自己的工作效率和工作能力,同时升华了自己的理论政策水平和分析能力。  周总理曾经说过“人要活到老,学到老,改造到老”,可见学习是一辈子的事情,即使离开了课堂依然如此,知识注定将是我们人生不可随意屏弃的宝贵财富,在华师大的学习生活是我人生轨迹中的一小段,是闪闪发光的一段,它包含了汗水和收获,为我划平人生的线起着至关重要的作用,但未来我注定还有更长的路要走,有更多大大小小的三岔口需要我去独自作出正确的选择,需要靠我自己来把握自己的人生,但目标坚定一点,信念永远不改变,我会努力将一切做到最好,始终不断的学习用知识来武装自己。  作为一名即将离开校园的学生,我所拥有的是年轻和知识。年轻也许意味着欠缺经验,但是年轻也意味着热情和活力,我自信能凭自己的能力和学识在以后的工作和生活中克服各种困难,不断实现自我的人生价值和追求的目标。  范文二:大学毕业自我鉴定  我即将完成在X学X专业的学习了。在大学三年,是我一生的重要阶段,是学习专业知识及提高各方面能力,为以后谋生发展的重要阶段,从跨入大学的校门的那一刻起,我就把这一信念作为人生的又一座右铭。这是充实且有难忘的三年。毕业之际,回顾3年来的学习、工作以及生活,做自我鉴定如下:  在思想上,我始终对自己有较高的要求,关心国家大事,认真学习"三个代表"的重要思想,热爱祖国,热爱人民,及时了解和关心党和国家的方针、政策和路线,学习了马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论。能用科学的发展观来认识世界认识社会,能清醒的意识到自己所担负的社会责任,对个人的人生理想和发展目标,有了相对成熟的认识和定位。我将再接再厉,不辜负党和国家对我的培养。  在学习上,我觉得大学生首要任务还是学好文化知识,所以在学习上我踏踏实实,一点也不放松。我认为好的学习方法对学好知识很有帮助,所以在每次考试后,我都会总结一下学习经验。一份耕耘一分收获,每每看到自己可喜的成绩,我就会感叹只要你有决心,没有什么事是不可能的。学习就是学生的职业,这份职业同样需要有智慧、毅力和恒心。在当今这个快速发展的信息时代,我们只有不断汲取新知识,才不会落伍,根据这个理念,我利用课余时间经常用网络带来的便利,关注最新科学技术动态;尤其是有关于本专业的知识,有针对性的自学了有关经济管理学的课程,掌握了很多有关这方面的知识,为专业课程的学习打下扎实基础,使自己始终紧跟世界最新发展潮流和时代的步伐。还熟练的掌握了Windows,Office 等软件的操作和安装系统,熟悉网页设计,一直以“一专多能,全面发展”,勤奋拼搏、刻苦好学来严格要求自己,踏实并系统地学习所开设的课程知识,并取得了优异成绩。  在大学三年里,我提高自己科学文化素质的同时,也努力提高自己的思想道德素质,使自己成为德、智、体诸方面全面发展适应21世纪发展要求的复合型人才,做一个有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义建设者和接班人.在能力和其他方面上都有了质的飞跃。在同学有困难的时候我尽我所能的帮助他们的同时,他们也在我有困难的时候,向我伸出了无私的援助之手,使我懂得了除学习以外的个人处事能力的重要性和交际能力的必要性。在实习工作时,我虚心求学、刻苦认真、吃苦耐劳,及时总结,注重理论联系实际,培养自己的自学能力以及分析、解决问题的能力,从学业到工作到个人素质,都得到了充分的培养和锻炼。诚信、坚毅是我引以为豪的优点,也在我的工作中。为我争取来了别人的尊重。在父母的严格要求下,我从小就以主动承认错误、言而有信为荣,以阿谀虚伪为耻。  我个人认为,自己最大的缺点就是过于执着,有时甚至可以说有些固执。这可能与我在学习中爱动脑筋、常钻牛角尖有关。这在某些方面确实有些裨益,但是很多时侯,这也会影响到对事物的全面认识,甚至不经意地会在某些程度上伤害到他人。我应该学会变通,不能古板得像不谙世事的书呆子。 对以后的努力方向,我始终以提高自身的综合素质为目标,以自我的全面发展为努力方向,树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观,我认为,品德不仅是本身的素质修养,更是个人对整个社会的责任。我们享受了活在这个世界上权利,就有义务对社会为自己的言行负责。高尚的品德,是我们在贡献中实现自身的价值的基本要求,是我们不辜负父母养育和祖国期望的前提。大学3年,塑造了一个健康的我;大学3年,塑造了一个积极向上的我;大学3年,塑造了一个崭新的我,一个对社会有用的我。这是我人生道路上的一小段,闪闪发光的一小段,但它包含了多少汗水与多少收获……  相信这些经历和积累都将成为我人生道路上辉煌的里程碑,它们为我的人生道路指明了方向。只要时时回顾,不管多远,我都不会迷失方向。
2023-08-07 20:11:552