barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-11 14:17:19
必需品; 必需品( necessary的名词复数 ); 必要物; 必要,必须; [用复数][法律]生活必需品;
必需品必须做的事; 必需品,必须做的事; 必要设备;

必需品; 必要(性)( necessity的名词复数 ); (迫切)需要; 自然规律;


n. 必需品(necessary的复数)


adj. 必要的;必需的;必然的


n. 必需品(necessity的复数)


n. 需要;必然性;必需品




necessity[英][nu0259u02c8sesu0259ti][美][nu0259u02c8su025bsu026ati]n.必要(性); (迫切)需要; 必需品; 自然规律; 复数:necessities例句:1.Asem has yet to prove its necessity. 亚欧会议的必要性还有待证实。2.Yet the main prompt has been necessity. 然而主要的推进政策是必要的。
2023-08-07 18:04:152


2023-08-07 18:04:241


necessity[英][nu0259u02c8sesu0259ti][美][nu0259u02c8su025bsu026ati]n.必需品; 必要(性); (迫切)需要; 自然规律; 网络必要性; 需求; 必然性; 复数:necessities1For a married couple to own a property in a big city is a luxury, not a necessity.对于新婚夫妇来说,在大都市拥有一处房产是种奢侈品,而非必需品。2Mr Casey said he could see no necessity to add any rider on the use of firearms by police.凯西先生说他觉得没有必要增加任何有关警察使用枪支的附加条款。
2023-08-07 18:04:521


2023-08-07 18:05:034


  必要性是达到一定目标所需要的条件、因素。如:这句话对于这篇 文章 来说是有一定的必要性的。那么你知道必要性用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来必要性的英语说法,欢迎各位同学们学习!   必要性的英语说法1:   necessity   必要性的英语说法2:   necessary   必要性相关英语表达:   休息的必要性 Need for Rest   必要性专利 Essential Patent   速度的必要性 need for speed   必要性的英语例句:   1. Eisenhower was intensely aware of the need for long-range planning.   艾森豪威尔深谙长远规划的必要性。   2. The need for change has been dramatized by plummeting bank profits.   改革的必要性由于银行利润的暴跌而凸显。   3. The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise.   总统谈到了在领土问题上达成和解的必要性。   4. I"ve impressed upon them the need for more professionalism.   我已使他们深刻认识到提高专业素养的必要性。   5. There is agreement on the necessity of reforms.   对改革的必要性已经达成了共识。   6. She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.   她拒不承认改革的必要性。   7. the need for absolute secrecy in this matter   在这件事情上绝对保密的必要性   8. I remain unconvinced of the need for change.   我仍怀疑改革的必要性。   9. We"re going to focus on the relationship between freedom and necessity.   我们将集中讨论自由和必要性之间的关系这一问题.   10. Newspaper editorials spoke of the need to sweep away corruption.   报纸社论论述了清除腐败的必要性.   11. She spoke eloquently about the need for action.   她雄辩地阐述了采取行动的必要性.   12. You must understand the necessity of education.   你必须懂得 教育 的必要性.   13. The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear.   防止核扩散的必要性似乎清清楚楚.   14. He was arguing with the King about the need to maintain the cavalry at full strength.   他正和国王讨论保留骑兵全部力量的必要性。   15. The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights.   联合国秘书长谈到保证个人自由和人权的必要性。
2023-08-07 18:05:321


2023-08-07 18:05:582

“必须的” 英文怎么表达

2023-08-07 18:07:204


三楼的是对的 我就不重复了
2023-08-07 18:07:444

necessity essential区别

2023-08-07 18:07:522

Is of great necessity是什么意思

Is of great necessity是非常必要的例句1.Therefore it is of great necessity to reform and improve the regulation. 该机制具有改革和完善的必要性。2.It is of great necessity to probe into the origin, research object, and research method of national economics. 对国民经济学的缘起、研究对象和研究方法等问题进行梳理与分析非常必要。3.Therefore, the application of undubbed English movies into teaching listening is of great necessity. 文中介绍了运用英语电影的理论依据、实施过程及学生的反馈。
2023-08-07 18:08:092


2023-08-07 18:08:261

it is a necessity

根据以下搭配: a necessity to do sth. a necessity to sb. a necessity for do sth. a necessity for sth. driver"s license is a necessity for a job 或者 driver"s license is a necessity to find a job 是对的. 但是 for finding a job 也不能算错.只是这样的说法用的少而已.
2023-08-07 18:09:051

necessity ; reassurance ; equation 这英语怎么读?

2023-08-07 18:09:122


讲内容是以字母n开始的短语辨析 1、near, nearly near用作副词时,有nearly(几乎,差不多)的意思,等于almost, 这时候可以通用。不过,往往在表示这一层意思时,人们习惯用nearly,而很少用near,尤其是用来修饰数词时。例如:it is nearly ten o"clock. 差不多十点钟了。dinner is nearly ready. 晚饭就要好了。i was near (or: nearly) being killed; it was a very near thing. 我几乎丧命,真悬。there are nearly enough people here to do the job. 干这项活,这里人手差不多够了。 near在作形容词时,主要用来表示场所、时间,有“在附近”和“逼近”的意思。例如:don"t go far away; stay somewhere near. 别走远,就在附近呆着。the spring festival is drawing near. 春节即将来临。 注意:副词nearly要尽可能靠近它所修饰的那个词或词组,否则,有可能会影响全句的意思。试比较:our production brigade nearly lost fifty cattle in the flood. 我们生产队在发洪水时几乎损失了五十头牛。(事实上没有损失)our production brigade lost nearly fifty cattle in the flood. 我们生产队在洪水中损失了差不多五十头牛。(事实上损失了将近五十头)  2、necessary, necessity necessary作名词用时,尽管与necessity同义,均可表示“必需品”,“必要的东西”的意思,但用法有别。necessary尽管是可数名词,但通常用作复数形式necessaries; necessity可用作可数名词,既可用作单数,也可用作复数,但常见作复数。试比较:these are our necessaries of life. 这些是我们的生活必需品。the shop is selling daily necessaries. 那个商店正在出售日用品。air is a necessity. 空气是必需品。good maps are a necessity to travellers. 好的地图是旅行者必不可少的东西。food, water and clothes are the basic necessities of life. 食物,水和衣服是基本的必需品。 necessity主要用作不可数名词,表示抽象的概念,有“必要性,必然性”的意思,necessary作名词则没有这些含义。例如:there is no necessity for me to do this. 我没有做这件事的必要。he feels the necessity to have an outing. 他觉得有必要出外游玩一次。  3、near to, next to near to的意思是 “接近,靠近”,指时间、空间及距离上的接近。next to的意思是“紧靠着”,指位置上的相互紧靠。例如:it"s getting near to our spring festival. 春节快要到了。the chemical works is built too near to us. 这个化工厂造得离我们太近了。as we got near to the town it began to snow. 当我们快到镇上时,天开始下雪了。the girl came and sat next to me. 这个女孩走过来并坐在我边上。the two cinemas are next to each other. 这两个电影院靠得很近。i don"t like wool next to my skin. 我不喜欢直接穿羊毛衫。 next to另可表示“几乎”及“仅次于”,它常用于next to nothing结构,表示“几乎没有”,相当于almost nothing。例如:i knew next to nothing about the matter. 对这件事我几乎一无所知。next to dancing, i like playing the guitar. 除了跳舞,我最喜欢弹吉它。new york is the largest city next to london. 纽约是仅次于伦敦的最大城市。  4、no more...than, not more...than no more...than等于not...any more than,意为“同...一样不”,意味着两者都否定。no more后可接名词,形容词,副词或动词;than是从属连词,常引出省略的比较状语从句。两个分句的重点往往在前一个分句,翻译时要把分句的次序颠倒,才能表达出重点来。例如:a fool can no more see his own folly than he can see his ears. 愚人之不能自知其蠢,如同其不能自见其耳。i am no more fond of playing the guitar than he is. 我和他都不喜欢弹吉他。 no more than连用,等于not any more than, 其后多接数词,表示“只不过是,仅仅”的意思,相当于only。例如:there are no more than ten tickets left. 仅剩下十张票。 not more... than等于less...than或not,表示“不及,不如;不比...更”的意思,意味着两者都肯定,但着重点往往在从句,翻译时按原来顺序译出即可。例如:it goes without saying that this subject is not more important than that one. 毋庸质疑,这个问题不比那个问题更重要。 not more than连用,其后也一般接数词,表示“不超过……,至多(=at most)"的意思。例如:i read not more than twenty pages every day. 我每天最多读二十页书。the reservoir was built by a productive brigade of not more than 200 households. 这个水库是由一个不到二百户人家的生产大队建造的。  5、no one else, no other one 这两个词组都表示“没有别人或别的东西”的意思,两者可以换用。其中的one均为代名词,指代人或物;else和other均为形容词,不同的是前者作后置形容词,后者作前置形容词。例如:there is no one else (or: no other one) to compare with him in this respect. 在这方面无人能比得上他。no other one(or: no one else) knows about it. 再没有别的人知道这件事。 值得注意的是, else作形容词时,通常用来修饰疑问代词,复合不定代词(如:somebody, anything, anyone等)或者含有数量意义的代名词(如: much, little, all等)。else也可作副词,用来修饰疑问副词或者以where 结尾的复合疑问副词(如:anywhere, nowhere等)。例如:what else did she say? 她还说了什么?it must have been somewhere else. 肯定是在其他什么地方。you should put your honor above all else. 你应当把荣誉放在其他一切之上。not much else is known. 其他都不清楚。 other作形容词时,只用来修饰名词或者代名词one/ ones, 其位置只能位于所修饰的(代)名词之前。例如:i am studying maxism-leninism, mathematics and other subjects. 我正学习马克思列宁主义,数学和其他课程。 注意:else和other均可用来修饰带any, some, a few等的名词。例如:i don"t want any books else.(= i don"t want any other books.) 我再不需要其他书了。  6、no use, of no use 这两个词组都用在连系动词be的后面作表语,表示“没有用”的意义,两者在意义上没有什么差别,可以通用,只是它们的语法结构不一样。no use作表语是因为use前面有形容词no的缘故。如果没有形容词no, use则不能单独作表语。不能说this book is use.只能说:this book is of use或者:this book is useful.再例如:this book is (of) no use. 这本书没有用。complaining is (of) no use. 抱怨是没有用的。 of no use属于“of+抽象名词”结构,这种结构相当于相应的同根形容词。它有肯定形式和否定形式,否定形式一般也是在抽象名词前加形容词no(如of no use)。例如:this reference material is of no use to us. (= this reference material isn"t useful to us.) 这种参考资料对我们是没有用的。this medicine is of no use to your cold. 这种药对你的感冒没有用。 注意:以下五句的意思相同,但用法都不一样,请注意它们的区别: reading without remembering is no use. reading without remembering is of no use. it is no use reading without remembering. it is of no use reading without remembering. there is no use in / of reading without remembering.读而不记是没有用的。  7、none, no one none主要用作代词。作代词时,可以指人,是“没有什么人”的意思;也可以指物,是“没有什么东西”的意思。none往往受of引起的介词短语的限制,of后可接复数可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词多用复数形式;of后接不可数名词时,其谓语动词只能是单数形式。none of之后的可数名词或代词必须指三个以上的人或者事物。例如:none of the passengers were aware of the danger. 这些旅客中没有人意识到危险性。none of us are interested in the story. 我们都对这个故事不感兴趣。none of the money was ever recorded. 一点钱都没有得到。 no one中的no是形容词,one是代词,常用于口语中,一般用来指人,其含义是“not even one(连一个人也不/没有)”因此它比none的意思要强。no one作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式。例如:no one was killed in that battle. 在那次战斗中没有人牺牲。apart from him, i had no one to talk to. 除了他以外,我没有人可以交谈。  8、now that, only that 这是两个由“连词+that"组成的复合连词,其连词是中心词,that是一个虚词,常可省去。now that本是“副词+that"而构成的复合连词,但由于that可省略,于是now就被认为是连词了。now that引导的是原因状语从句,但它主要是说明一种新的情况,从句与主句的因果关系很小,含有“推论”的意味,因此有的语法学者把它称为“推论条件连词”。此短语一般译为“既然,由于”,相当于since。例如:now that jane had gone and left, or as good as left him, it would have been a comfort to see his son. 简既然走了,离开了,或者说几乎是遗弃了他,那么他就可以和儿子见面了,这是多么快慰的事。now that the weather has improved, we"ll be able to enjoy the game. 由于现在天气已经好转,我们将能观赏这场比赛了。 only that主要引导条件状语从句,与except that的意义相同,表示“要不是,除...之外”的意思,从句通常位于主句之后;它有时还可引导目的状语从句,作“只是为了”解。例如:he would probably do well in the examination, only that he gets rather nervous. 要不是他有一点紧张,他可能考得很好。i have nothing against him, only that i dislike his manner. 我除了不喜欢他的态度外,并没有反对他。he often praises others only that he may be praised. 他常常只是为了求得别人的表扬而称赞别人。  9、no tailor, not a tailor no tailor和not a tailor在句子中充当主语、宾语时,两者均表示“没有一个裁缝”,可以替换用。如下列两句都表示“没有一个裁缝想要接受这份工作”:no tailor wants to take this job.not a tailor wants to take this job. 当no tailor和not a tailor在句子中用在be动词后,充当表语时,两者意义完全不同。前者表示“不懂裁缝,决不是裁缝”,指某人不具备当裁缝的条件,是外行,无资格做裁缝;后者“不是个裁缝”,指某人的职业或身份不是裁缝。试比较:don"t ask me to shorten the trousers for you. i"m no tailor. 别叫我为你改短裤子,我不懂裁缝。you"re mistaken! he is not a tailor. he has a job as a barber. 你弄错了!他不是个裁缝,他是个理发师。 no加上一个表示职业的名词的例子还有:she is no cook. she will probably get all the food from a restaurant. 她不会做饭,她可能会从餐馆里买来所有的饭菜。this is no joke. i am no judge. 这决不是开玩笑的事,我根本没有审理的资格。  10、noise, sound, voice noise表示“噪音,喧闹声”,一般指嘈杂,吵闹等令人不快的声音。例如:the noise of the street kept me awake. 街上的吵闹声让我睡不着。the noise of the rain nearly drowned our conversation. 雨声大得几乎超过了我们的谈话声。 sound表示“声音”,含义很广泛,指任何可以听到的声音,包括悦耳及令人不快的声音。例如:all of a sudden there was the sound of shots and a cry. 突然,有了枪响声和哭声。did you hear the strange sound from the next room this morning? 今天早上你是否听到隔壁房间发出的怪声音? voice表示“嗓音”,一般指人说话,唱歌或笑的声音。例如:the little girl has a beautiful voice. 这个小女孩有一副好嗓子。the singer has lost her ringing voice as a result of a bad cold. 这位歌手由于重感冒而失去了银铃般的嗓音。  11、not to say, not to speak of 这两个短语形似而意义不同。not to say作“虽不能说,即使不能说”解,表示一种让步的口气。not to speak of作“更不用说,更不待言”解,相当于to say nothing of, 用来表示追补意义。例如:it is rather cool, not to say cold. 天气虽不能说冷,但也算是相当凉了。he sounded impolite, not to say rude. 他那样说话,即使不算粗鲁,也是不礼貌的。she knows german and french, not to speak of english. 她懂德文和法文,更不用说英文了。he cannot find money for bread, not to speak of fish and meat. 他连面包也无钱买,更不用说鱼和肉了。   下一讲,我们将学习以字母o开始的短语辨析。
2023-08-07 18:09:211

daily necessity可不可数呢

necessity1.[u]~ (for sth).~ (of sth/of doing sth).~ (to do sth)必然;必要;需要the fact that sth must happen or be done; the need for sth2.[c]必需的事物;必需品a thing that you must have and cannot manage without所以daily necessity是可数的,有例为证:For many old people, tea is a daily necessity.对很多老年人来说,茶是每日必需的。
2023-08-07 18:09:301


no need强调的是不想告诉你,而且你问了也不告诉。no necessity是不告诉你。
2023-08-07 18:09:3812

by necessity是什么意思

by necessity按需要 拼音 双语对照 by necessity英 [bai niu02c8sesiti] 美 [bau026a nu0259u02c8su025bsu026ati] 词典必然地,不可避免地网络不得已; 必然地;
2023-08-07 18:10:132

'Necessity is the mother of Invention '.

2023-08-07 18:10:227

Necessity is the mother of invention是什么意思

Necessity is the mother of invention需要是发明之母-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-08-07 18:10:393

求高手帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢啦~ 不要翻译机翻译成的!翻译好的话我会追加分!

The little boy was riding on his father"s shoulders. ( ride on ) 2. she went to work and no his own volition. it was necessary ( necessity ) 3. she put the water spilled all over my painting and ruined it. ( ruin ) 4. the children to the expedition. ( explore ) 5. he wanted to know what happened. ( curious ) 6. the weather favours our 出航. ( favorable ) 7. social scientists guess is almost all the behaviors are all learn to behave. 8. he was convinced that the lakers have won the game. 9. the most to my astonishment, he can"t speak english. 10. a week before all things will be ready, this you can rest assured. 11. when the school sports meet is still undecided. 12. his mother was ill, so he was late for class.
2023-08-07 18:10:474

have no necessarily to married him有语法错误嘛?

2023-08-07 18:11:253


2023-08-07 18:11:3716


问题一:充满活力英语翻译? full of energy 问题二:我们是充满活力用英语怎么说 We are energetic 问题三:因为它使人充满活力用英语怎么说、 I l订ke to play frame beat, because it makes people full of vitality 问题四:"有活力"用英语怎么说? 沉 sink 严肃 serious, stern , strict. 热 hot , hotter, hottest. 必要necessary, necessity 少 less , few, little 粗鲁 rough, rude, blunt. 关心 care, concern, regards 嘲笑 tease, mock, 打败 defeat , conquer, 问题五:“她是一个来自北京的充满活力的年轻人” 用英语翻译怎么写 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:她是一个来自北京的充满活力的年轻人 翻译:She is a from Beijing"s energetic young people 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题六:有活力的 英语怎么写 active active 问题七:形容一个人很阳光很有活力用英文怎么说 最好是用 vim and vigor。 这是固定用法。 he/she is full of vim and vigor.
2023-08-07 18:12:121


英语1.necessity 读音:[ni" sesu0259ti]最接近中国小品中出现的以及网络上广泛流传的必须的口语化英文翻译:necessity其实在英语交流中,也有 必须的 这种口语的表达的方式。表示对已经实现或即将实现某件事情或目标的肯定看法。不过只是偶尔个别人使用,在英文交流中还不是流行语句。例如: 乔布斯就曾经在一次访谈中用 ”必须的“ 这种表达方式。在《乔布斯:遗失的访谈》中 10:25秒, 乔布斯回答记者的问题,如何进入个人电脑领域的? 乔布斯,想了一下,回答: well...... necessity . 必须的。 表达了当时在IT行业大发展的时代,以及他无以伦比的创新能力,这就是他的使命,是命中注定的。“necessity” 和网络上广泛流传的必须的 是同样的表达方式和意思。2.must读音:[mu028cst]词组:of course,have to辨别:must和have tomust, 表示主观的“必须”, 由说话人主动做出的决策。have to, 表示客观的:“不得不”,之由于客观条件被迫动作主语要做某件事。3.necessary读音: 英音:["nes?,s?ri] ; 美音:["n?s?,s?r?];还有have to以上都是直译,而真正接近于近几年中国小品中出现的以及网络上广泛流传的必须的一次的英文单词或短语为:1,Definitely [u02c8defu026anu0259tli] adv.明确地;确切地;一定地;肯定地 2,Sure [u0283u028ar] adv.当然;确实地;无疑地 3,Certainly [u02c8su025atnli] adv.无疑地,确定地;当然地;必定;准 4,Of Course [u028cv ku0254u02d0(r)s] 当然,自然;敢情;自是;理当 例如:A: 那场比赛你赢了吗?B: 必须的此时的必须的一词表示的并不是: must 或者 have to而是表示当然,那还用说,毫无疑问这样的意思.并不是说必须的一次在传统上就该翻译为Definitely或者Sure这样的词.而是最近十年来,特别是调侃及诙谐的语境中,必须的一词在词义上发生了很大的转变,不再表示不得不这样的意思,转而表示当然日语必ず…しなければならない法语nécessaire德语muss韩语?? ?俄语Должны
2023-08-07 18:12:231


necessity必要性双语对照词典结果:necessity[英][nu0259u02c8sesu0259ti][美][nu0259u02c8su025bsu026ati]n.必要(性); (迫切)需要; 必需品; 自然规律; 复数:necessities以上结果来自金山词霸例句:Asem has yet to prove its necessity. 亚欧会议的必要性还有待证实。
2023-08-07 18:12:491


必要性 必需品 自然规律
2023-08-07 18:12:583


necessity 英[nu0259u02c8sesu0259ti] 美[nu0259u02c8su025bsu026ati] n. 必需品; 必要(性); (迫切) 需要; 自然规律; [例句]There is agreement on the necessity of reforms对改革的必要性已经达成了共识。[其他] 复数:necessities
2023-08-07 18:13:052


  必要性是达到一定目标所需要的条件、因素。如:这句话对于这篇文章来说是有一定的必要性的。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来必要性的英语说法,欢迎各位同学们学习!   必要性的英语说法1:   necessity   必要性的英语说法2:   necessary   必要性相关英语表达:   休息的必要性 Need for Rest   必要性专利 Essential Patent   速度的必要性 need for speed   必要性的英语例句:   1. Eisenhower was intensely aware of the need for long-range planning.   艾森豪威尔深谙长远规划的必要性。   2. The need for change has been dramatized by plummeting bank profits.   改革的必要性由于银行利润的暴跌而凸显。   3. The President spoke of the need for territorial promise.   总统谈到了在领土问题上达成和解的必要性。   4. I"ve impressed upon them the need for more professionali *** .   我已使他们深刻认识到提高专业素养的必要性。   5. There is agreement on the necessity of reforms.   对改革的必要性已经达成了共识。   6. She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.   她拒不承认改革的必要性。   7. the need for absolute secrecy in this matter   在这件事情上绝对保密的必要性   8. I remain unconvinced of the need for change.   我仍怀疑改革的必要性。   9. We"re going to focus on the relationship between freedom and necessity.   我们将集中讨论自由和必要性之间的关系这一问题.   10. Newspaper editorials spoke of the need to sweep away corruption.   报纸社论论述了清除腐败的必要性.   11. She spoke eloquently about the need for action.   她雄辩地阐述了采取行动的必要性.   12. You must understand the necessity of education.   你必须懂得教育的必要性.   13. The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear.   防止核扩散的必要性似乎清清楚楚.   14. He was arguing with the King about the need to maintain the cavalry at full strength.   他正和国王讨论保留骑兵全部力量的必要性。   15. The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights.   联合国秘书长谈到保证个人自由和人权的必要性。
2023-08-07 18:15:071


这个是be of + 抽象名词 = be + 抽象名词对应的形容词of是表示属性关系比如: be of importance = be importantbe of necessity = be necessary等等。其他的be + 介词情况 都与此用法不一样。比如: The book is on the table.Your expection is over the ceiling.Their unprecendented plan is beyond their ability.这些介词都是表示范围的。
2023-08-07 18:15:161


2023-08-07 18:15:272


necessities[英][nu026a"sesu026atu026az][美][nu026a"sesu026atu026az]n.必要(性)( necessity的名词复数 ); (迫切)需要; 必需品; 自然规律; 例句:1.They"re having trouble affording basic necessities. 他们无法给孩子提供基本必需品。2.He and tamitha crammed necessities into their suitcase and a garbage bag. 他和塔米莎把必需品塞进了提箱和一个塑料袋里。
2023-08-07 18:15:481


是不是打错了,应该是:necessarily:adv. 必要地;必定地,必然地necessity:n. 需要;必然性;必需品
2023-08-07 18:16:091

by necessity是什么意思

by necessity的必要性双语对照词典结果:by necessity[英][bai niu02c8sesiti][美][bau026a nu0259u02c8su025bsu026ati]必然地,不可避免地; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.By necessity, it was entrepreneurial in china. 来到中国,通用汽车必须重新创业。
2023-08-07 18:16:161

by necessity和in necessary的区别

2023-08-07 18:16:241

英语谚语:Necessity knows no law 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Necessity knows no law 中文意思: 铤而走险。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A bad beginning makes a bad ending 恶其始者必恶其终。 A bad bush is better than the open field 有胜于无。 A bad promise is better than a good lawsuit 吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。 A bad conscience is a snake in one"s heart 做贼心虚。 A bad custom is like a good cake better broken than kept 坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。 A bad padlock invites a picklock 开门揖盗。 A bad thing never dies 坏事传千年。 A bad workman quarrels with his tools 拙匠常怨工具差(人笨怨刀钝)。 A bargain is a bargaain. 达成的协议不可撕毁。 A beggar"s purse is bottomless 乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。 英语谚语: Necessity knows no law 中文意思: 铤而走险。
2023-08-07 18:16:311

《The Beautiful Necessity》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Beautiful Necessity》(Bruce Smith)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 51us书名:The Beautiful Necessity作者:Bruce Smith出版社:Gibbs Smith Publishers出版年份:1996-09页数:159
2023-08-07 18:16:391

the necessity of saying “NO”是什么意思?

2023-08-07 18:17:033


2023-08-07 18:17:243


1、near, nearly   near用作副词时,有nearly(几乎,差不多)的意思,等于almost, 这时候可以通用。不过,往往在表示这一层意思时,人们习惯用nearly,而很少用near,尤其是用来修饰数词时。例如:it is nearly ten o"clock. 差不多十点钟了。dinner is nearly ready. 晚饭就要好了。i was near (or: nearly) being killed; it was a very near thing. 我几乎丧命,真悬。there are nearly enough people here to do the job. 干这项活,这里人手差不多够了。   near在作形容词时,主要用来表示场所、时间,有“在附近”和“逼近”的意思。例如:don"t go far away; stay somewhere near. 别走远,就在附近呆着。the spring festival is drawing near. 春节即将来临。   注意:副词nearly要尽可能靠近它所修饰的那个词或词组,否则,有可能会影响全句的意思。试比较:our production brigade nearly lost fifty cattle in the flood. 我们生产队在发洪水时几乎损失了五十头牛。(事实上没有损失)our production brigade lost nearly fifty cattle in the flood. 我们生产队在洪水中损失了差不多五十头牛。(事实上损失了将近五十头)  2、necessary, necessity   necessary作名词用时,尽管与necessity同义,均可表示“必需品”,“必要的东西”的意思,但用法有别。necessary尽管是可数名词,但通常用作复数形式necessaries; necessity可用作可数名词,既可用作单数,也可用作复数,但常见作复数。试比较:these are our necessaries of life. 这些是我们的生活必需品。the shop is selling daily necessaries. 那个商店正在出售日用品。air is a necessity. 空气是必需品。good maps are a necessity to travellers. 好的地图是旅行者必不可少的东西。food, water and clothes are the basic necessities of life. 食物,水和衣服是基本的必需品。   necessity主要用作不可数名词,表示抽象的概念,有“必要性,必然性”的意思,necessary作名词则没有这些含义。例如:there is no necessity for me to do this. 我没有做这件事的必要。he feels the necessity to have an outing. 他觉得有必要出外游玩一次。  3、near to, next to   near to的意思是 “接近,靠近”,指时间、空间及距离上的接近。next to的意思是“紧靠着”,指位置上的相互紧靠。例如:it"s getting near to our spring festival. 春节快要到了。the chemical works is built too near to us. 这个化工厂造得离我们太近了。as we got near to the town it began to snow. 当我们快到镇上时,天开始下雪了。the girl came and sat next to me. 这个女孩走过来并坐在我边上。the two cinemas are next to each other. 这两个电影院靠得很近。i don"t like wool next to my skin. 我不喜欢直接穿羊毛衫。   next to另可表示“几乎”及“仅次于”,它常用于next to nothing结构,表示“几乎没有”,相当于almost nothing。例如:i knew next to nothing about the matter. 对这件事我几乎一无所知。next to dancing, i like playing the guitar. 除了跳舞,我最喜欢弹吉它。new york is the largest city next to london. 纽约是仅次于伦敦的最大城市。  4、no more...than, not more...than   no more...than等于not...any more than,意为“同...一样不”,意味着两者都否定。no more后可接名词,形容词,副词或动词;than是从属连词,常引出省略的比较状语从句。两个分句的重点往往在前一个分句,翻译时要把分句的次序颠倒,才能表达出重点来。例如:a fool can no more see his own folly than he can see his ears. 愚人之不能自知其蠢,如同其不能自见其耳。i am no more fond of playing the guitar than he is. 我和他都不喜欢弹吉他。   no more than连用,等于not any more than, 其后多接数词,表示“只不过是,仅仅”的意思,相当于only。例如:there are no more than ten tickets left. 仅剩下十张票。   not more... than等于less...than或not,表示“不及,不如;不比...更”的意思,意味着两者都肯定,但着重点往往在从句,翻译时按原来顺序译出即可。例如:it goes without saying that this subject is not more important than that one. 毋庸质疑,这个问题不比那个问题更重要。   not more than连用,其后也一般接数词,表示“不超过u2026u2026,至多(=at most)"的意思。例如:i read not more than twenty pages every day. 我每天最多读二十页书。the reservoir was built by a productive brigade of not more than 200 households. 这个水库是由一个不到二百户人家的生产大队建造的。  5、no one else, no other one   这两个词组都表示“没有别人或别的东西”的意思,两者可以换用。其中的one均为代名词,指代人或物;else和other均为形容词,不同的是前者作后置形容词,后者作前置形容词。例如:there is no one else (or: no other one) to compare with him in this respect. 在这方面无人能比得上他。no other one(or: no one else) knows about it. 再没有别的人知道这件事。   值得注意的是,else作形容词时,通常用来修饰疑问代词,复合不定代词(如:somebody, anything, anyone等)或者含有数量意义的代名词(如: much, little, all等)。else也可作副词,用来修饰疑问副词或者以where 结尾的复合疑问副词(如:anywhere, nowhere等)。例如:what else did she say?    她还说了什么?it must have been somewhere else. 肯定是在其他什么地方。you should put your honor above all else. 你应当把荣誉放在其他一切之上。not much else is known. 其他都不清楚。   other作形容词时,只用来修饰名词或者代名词one/ ones, 其位置只能位于所修饰的(代)名词之前。例如:i am studying maxism-leninism, mathematics and other subjects. 我正学习马克思列宁主义,数学和其他课程。   注意:else和other均可用来修饰带any, some, a few等的名词。例如:i don"t want any books else.(= i don"t want any other books.) 我再不需要其他书了。  6、no use, of no use   这两个词组都用在连系动词be的后面作表语,表示“没有用”的意义,两者在意义上没有什么差别,可以通用,只是它们的语法结构不一样。no use作表语是因为use前面有形容词no的缘故。如果没有形容词no, use则不能单独作表语。不能说this book is use.只能说:this book is of use或者:this book is useful.再例如:this book is (of) no use. 这本书没有用。complaining is (of) no use. 抱怨是没有用的。   of no use属于“of+抽象名词”结构,这种结构相当于相应的同根形容词。它有肯定形式和否定形式,否定形式一般也是在抽象名词前加形容词no(如of no use)。例如:this reference material is of no use to us. (= this reference material isn"t useful to us.) 这种参考资料对我们是没有用的。this medicine is of no use to your cold. 这种药对你的感冒没有用。   注意:以下五句的意思相同,但用法都不一样,请注意它们的区别:   reading without remembering is no use.   reading without remembering is of no use.   it is no use reading without remembering.   it is of no use reading without remembering.   there is no use in / of reading without remembering.读而不记是没有用的。  7、none, no one   none主要用作代词。作代词时,可以指人,是“没有什么人”的意思;也可以指物,是“没有什么东西”的意思。none往往受of引起的介词短语的限制,of后可接复数可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词多用复数形式;of后接不可数名词时,其谓语动词只能是单数形式。none of之后的可数名词或代词必须指三个以上的人或者事物。例如:none of the passengers were aware of the danger. 这些旅客中没有人意识到危险性。none of us are interested in the story. 我们都对这个故事不感兴趣。none of the money was ever recorded. 一点钱都没有得到。   no one中的no是形容词,one是代词,常用于口语中,一般用来指人,其含义是“not even one(连一个人也不/没有)”因此它比none的意思要强。no one作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式。例如:no one was killed in that battle. 在那次战斗中没有人牺牲。apart from him, i had no one to talk to. 除了他以外,我没有人可以交谈。  8、now that, only that   这是两个由“连词+that"组成的复合连词,其连词是中心词,that是一个虚词,常可省去。now that本是“副词+that"而构成的复合连词,但由于that可省略,于是now就被认为是连词了。now that引导的是原因状语从句,但它主要是说明一种新的情况,从句与主句的因果关系很小,含有“推论”的意味,因此有的语法学者把它称为“推论条件连词”。此短语一般译为“既然,由于”,相当于since。例如:now that jane had gone and left, or as good as left him, it would have been a comfort to see his son. 简既然走了,离开了,或者说几乎是遗弃了他,那么他就可以和儿子见面了,这是多么快慰的事。now that the weather has improved, we"ll be able to enjoy the game. 由于现在天气已经好转,我们将能观赏这场比赛了。   only that主要引导条件状语从句,与except that的意义相同,表示“要不是,除...之外”的意思,从句通常位于主句之后;它有时还可引导目的状语从句,作“只是为了”解。例如:he would probably do well in the examination, only that he gets rather nervous. 要不是他有一点紧张,他可能考得很好。i have nothing against him, only that i dislike his manner. 我除了不喜欢他的态度外,并没有反对他。he often praises others only that he may be praised. 他常常只是为了求得别人的表扬而称赞别人。  9、no tailor, not a tailor   no tailor和not a tailor在句子中充当主语、宾语时,两者均表示“没有一个裁缝”,可以替换用。如下列两句都表示“没有一个裁缝想要接受这份工作”:no tailor wants to take this job.not a tailor wants to take this job.   当no tailor和not a tailor在句子中用在be动词后,充当表语时,两者意义完全不同。前者表示“不懂裁缝,决不是裁缝”,指某人不具备当裁缝的条件,是外行,无资格做裁缝;后者“不是个裁缝”,指某人的职业或身份不是裁缝。试比较:don"t ask me to shorten the trousers for you. i"m no tailor. 别叫我为你改短裤子,我不懂裁缝。you"re mistaken! he is not a tailor. he has a job as a barber. 你弄错了!他不是个裁缝,他是个理发师。   no加上一个表示职业的名词的例子还有:she is no cook. she will probably get all the food from a restaurant. 她不会做饭,她可能会从餐馆里买来所有的饭菜。this is no joke. i am no judge. 这决不是开玩笑的事,我根本没有审理的资格。  10、noise, sound, voice   noise表示“噪音,喧闹声”,一般指嘈杂,吵闹等令人不快的声音。例如:the noise of the street kept me awake. 街上的吵闹声让我睡不着。the noise of the rain nearly drowned our conversation. 雨声大得几乎超过了我们的谈话声。   sound表示“声音”,含义很广泛,指任何可以听到的声音,包括悦耳及令人不快的声音。例如:all of a sudden there was the sound of shots and a cry. 突然,有了枪响声和哭声。did you hear the strange sound from the next room this morning? 今天早上你是否听到隔壁房间发出的怪声音?   voice表示“嗓音”,一般指人说话,唱歌或笑的声音。例如:the little girl has a beautiful voice. 这个小女孩有一副好嗓子。the singer has lost her ringing voice as a result of a bad cold. 这位歌手由于重感冒而失去了银铃般的嗓音。  11、not to say, not to speak of   这两个短语形似而意义不同。not to say作“虽不能说,即使不能说”解,表示一种让步的口气。not to speak of作“更不用说,更不待言”解,相当于to say nothing of, 用来表示追补意义。例如:it is rather cool, not to say cold. 天气虽不能说冷,但也算是相当凉了。he sounded impolite, not to say rude. 他那样说话,即使不算粗鲁,也是不礼貌的。she knows german and french, not to speak of english. 她懂德文和法文,更不用说英文了。he cannot find money for bread, not to speak of fish and meat. 他连面包也无钱买,更不用说鱼和肉了。
2023-08-07 18:17:321

wildness is a necessity什么意思?

2023-08-07 18:17:402

Independent thinking is an absolute necessity. 这句

2023-08-07 18:17:552

Is there any necessity___sending such a cruel letter? A with Bto Cof Dabout答案选D,为什么不选of

答案是错的!正确答案绝对是 C.
2023-08-07 18:18:032

that computer will of necessity be installed microsoft operating system.

of necessity 是一个固定词组,意思是“必然地,不可避免地”。computer will be installed microsoft operating system. will和be installed 一起看,明白了吧
2023-08-07 18:18:272

请教老师一句英语句子理解。No necessity

No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children人们没有必要离开家园去谋生,而使孩子无人照管。No necessity 没有必要
2023-08-07 18:18:362


2023-08-07 18:18:487


2023-08-07 18:19:065


   高三英语作文:My View on Luxurious Moon Cake   The Mid-autumn Festival is around the corner. As a tradition of Mid-autumn Festival, moon cake is popular during this period that is the necessity for this festival. Previously, people often made moon cake by themselves, but now most people buy it from market. As time goes by, more and more moon cakes that are beautifully made are sold in the market. However, the prices of moon cakes also increase correspondingly. Some people even pay hundreds or thousand yuan to buy a box of moon cake. In my opinion, it is totally not necessary. Moon cakes just a tradition of Mid-autumn Festival that owns good meaning. But more and more people regard it as gift to others and some others buy it to show their wealth, or take it as the symbol of status. These are the reasons that increase the prices of moon cakes. I think it"s not a good phenomenon and we should enjoy this tradition or delicious food simply in such a good holiday.   中秋节即将来临。在这个传统的节日,月饼作为这个节日的必需品在这一期间很受欢迎。以前,人们经常自己做月饼,但是现在大部分的人到超市购买。随着时间的流逝,越来越多制作精美的月饼在超市出售。然而,月饼的价格也相应上涨。有的人甚至花好几百或上千元买一盒月饼。在我看来,这完全没有必要。月饼只是传统中秋佳节的一种美好含义。但是,越来越多的人把它当做是送人的礼物,有的人买月饼是为了显示其富裕或者是把它当做是社会地位的象征。这些就是月饼价格上涨的原因。我认为这并不是一种好现象,我们应该在这一美好的节日单纯的享受这一传统和美食。    高三英语作文:Self-introduction   Good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows. My name is Qing Cheng and I"m in my 17 years old. I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city. Its campus is as beautiful as ours. My favorite subject is math, because it"s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy. But I am a student who likes challenges and I can feel great achievement when I solve a math problem. Besides, I like various extra curricular activities, because they can bring me a colorful life. In my opinion, study is just a part of our life, so that we should not be constrained by it. The most important is that I am happy to be a classmate of you. I hope we can study as well as play together.   尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好。我叫秦成,近年十七岁。我毕业于天桃中学,它是我们市里最好的中学,校园和我们校园一样美丽。我最喜欢的科目是数学,因为它是使很多学生抓狂的复杂科目。但是,我是一个喜欢挑战的学生,每当我解答出一道数学问题的时候,我感到一种巨大的成就感。除此之外,我喜欢各种各样的课外活动,因为我它们给我带来了多姿多彩的生活。在我看来,学习只是生活中的一部分,因此我们不应该被学习束缚。最重要的是,我很高兴能成为你们的同学。我希望我们可以一起学习,一起玩。    高二英语作文:The Necessity of Saving Water   With the increasingly serious shortage of water resources, protecting water resources and water conservations has become an urgent task for human beings. If we do not cherish the water, then the last drop of water in earth would be our tears. At present, some countries are facing with water shortage, and there are more than one billion people can"t drink clean water. Therefore, water conservation must be attached more attention than ever before. The problem of water shortage of the urban population has become increasingly prominent. Some people may think that we can do nothing for water conservation or our efforts make no use to it. However, great things may be done by mass effort. As long as each of us has the sense of water conservation and take actions, we can see huge changes.   随着水资源短缺不断加剧,保护水资源和节约用水已经成为人类的一项紧急任务。如果我们不珍惜水,地球上的最后一滴水就是我们的眼泪。目前,一些国家正面临着水资源的短缺,超过十亿人口喝不到干净的水。因此,我们必须比以前更注意节约用水。城市人口水资源短缺问题已经日益突出。有的人可能认为我们不能为节约用水做些什么,或是我们的努力对此没有用。但是,伟大的事情是从很多努力而来的。只要我们每个人都有节约用水的意识并行的起来,我们就可以看到巨大改变。   高二英语作文:Hope Project   Hope Project is a Chinese public service project organized by official organization. It aims to help children go back to school, build Hope Primary School and improve rural conditions in poor regions. In many poor areas in China, there are many school age children can"t go to school because their families do not have enough money. As a result, they have to stay at home and help their families do the farm work. We often say that knowledge changes fate. Therefore, only study can help them go to the outside world and change their lives, even change the poor condition of their hometown. Through the Hope Project, much money and books and other materials can be collected to improve the poor conditions. That makes children can share more resources to get knowledge. Besides, many people in city have a chance and channel to show their kindness. The most important and meaningful is that they can help those children who are desperate in need.   希望工程是由官方组织举办的中国公益项目。该项目旨在帮助孩子们重返校园,建立希望小学以及改善贫困乡村地区的条件。在中国,很多贫困地区的适龄儿童由于家里没有足够的钱不能去上学。因此,他们不得不待在家帮助家人做农活。我们常常说知识改变命运。因此,只有学习能够帮助他们走出外面的世界,改变他们的生活,甚至是改变他们家乡贫困的现状。通过希望工程,我们可以收集到资金、书籍以及其他材料以改善贫困的现状。这样一来,孩子们就可以分享更多的资源,学到更多知识。除此之外,城市里的很多人就有机会和渠道显示他们的善良。最重要且有意义的是他们可以帮助那些极需帮助的孩子们。   高二英语作文:Invitation Letter Dear Petty,   I hope you didn"t make any plane for this weekend. You know I am moving into the new house, and I sincerely invite you to come to my new house. I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is fantastic that I am sure you will like it. On Saturday, you can walk around my house after you get here. The party will begin at 7:00. You can live in my house that night. On Sunday, we can go fishing or play table tennis. So please do some preparation for them. You can drive here and you will see a board “Kelly"s Home” near the road. It only takes you one hour to get here. I hope there will be nothing stopping you to come.   Yours affectionately,   Kelly 亲爱的贝蒂:   希望你这个周末没有什么安排!你知道我就要搬到新房了,我真诚的邀请你来我的.新房。星期六晚上我会举行一个庆祝晚会。那里的景色漂亮迷人,我相信你一定会喜欢的。星期六到这里后你可以在我家到处看看。晚会将在7点开始,到时候你可以住在我家。你可以开车过来,然后你会看见路边的一块板上写着“凯丽家”。你到这里只需一个小时,我希望你不会有什么事情而不能来。    高二英语作文:High School Life   Generally speaking, life in high school is busy and fulfilling, due to the ultimate goal---College Entrance Examination. Many people say that there is no fun left but bored study and endless exercises. However, as a high school student, I can"t agree with them. Personally, I live a fruitful but happy life in high school. It can"t be denied that study is my priority that I must spend most of my time and energy on it. Sometimes, study may make me frustrated or even drive me crazy, but I still can adjust my mood to enjoy my life. Besides, I can also get a sense of achievement when I do well in my study or make progress. The most important is that my friends bring much happiness to me and my parents" care inspires me to go on. I think friends in high school are my best friend forever, because they know me a lot and witness all of my emotions. They are the persons who grow with me. In addition, teachers in high school care much about our students both in study and life, and classmates are always friendly to each other. We build deep friendship together. All of these make up my fruitful life in high school, which I will cherish forever.   一般来说,高中生活是忙碌而又充实的,因为我们最终的目标都是高考。很多人说,除了无聊的学习和无止境的练习根本就没有乐趣可言。然而,作为一名高中生,我不同意他们的说法。在我看来,我的高中生活充实而又快乐。不能否认,学习是我的首要任务,去必须把握大部分的时间和经历花在上面。有时候,学习是我感到沮丧,甚至快要发疯;但是我仍然能够调节我的心情去享受生活。除此之外,当我在学习上做得很好或者是取得进步的时候,我感到一种成就感。最重要的是,我的朋友给我带来了很多快乐,父母的关心也激励着我继续前进。我认为高中时期的朋友永远是我最好的朋友,因为他们了解我,见证了我所有的情感,他们是和我一起成长的人。另外,高中的老师在学习和生活上更关心学生,同学彼此之间也很友好。我们一起建立了深厚的友谊。所有的这些构成了我充实的高中生活,我将永远珍惜它。
2023-08-07 18:19:201

语法问题 帮看下 非常感谢!!

out of necessity作宾语,修饰migrate。back home做状语,修饰family members。对。while引导宾语从句,also做副词。那要看动词类型,如果是及物动词,就没有连词;如果是不及物动词,就有连词。in times of(在...的时期);in time of(在…的时候);in the times of(再次);in the time of(在...这段时间)。首先否定第三个,与语义不符;第二个短语通常是描述某个人的一段时间,不是一个群体;最后一个则表示一个时间段,通常是左某一件事情的时间区间。而这里表示的是客观事物或者客观规律持续发生的时间。time通常表示一个点;times表示时代,是宏观的东西。介词短语作后置定语。状语成分。是副词短语,等于particularly。是。all是形容词。是。严格说来加,你看看经典和规范写作的东西,单个副词可加可不加,不过作状语的那些短语,就好比 Generally speaking, as far as I am concerned, ....这一类,一般都加上。是。作定语。是不定式。
2023-08-07 18:19:291

一个机构有必要的情况下产生的迫切需要,通常是从一些事故是不可能的代理人接触的人,他在其利益的行为。申请的机构的必要性受到限制,因为在当今时代,由于现代形式的通信,这是罕见的,该代理人或受托人不能沟通的人的利益,他设法保护。一个实例的情况下,一个机构有必要将设立是易腐货物的保管受托人开始恶化。受托保管人必须采取行动,然后以诚意和造福货主通过行使权力出售货物的法律赋予他或采取措施防止局势进一步恶化。 一旦代理关系是建立了代理投资的法律授权来约束主要仿佛代理的主要是个人,如果代理行为,赋予他的权力,主要是受合同。============================================= 一个机构的情况下,迫切需要的必要性,通常是由一些意外,这是不可能的,受托人联系,他在他的利益的行为。申请机构的必要性是限制在现代社会,因为,因为现代传播的形式,它是罕见的,受托人或受托人无法与人交流的利益,他寻求保护。例的情景的代理将是必然的易腐物品受托人开始下降。受托人必须诚实守信,为货主或者通过行使权力推销商品,在他的法律或以原有的措施来防止进一步恶化。 一旦建立代理关系是由法律的代理人有权约束委托人都好像个人,如果代理人在权力在他身上,主是受合同。(仅供参考)
2023-08-07 18:19:491


Mobile phone has became the necessary in our life,9,The mobile phone has became a necessities in our life.,2,The mobile phone has bee a necessity in our life. 手机也可以说成是cellphone。,2,Mobile phones have bee a necessity in our lifves.,1,中午12点前央视天气预报的背景音乐名字,1,cell phone has became a necessity in our daily life,0,The mobile phone has bee a necessity in our daily life bee-became-bee 所以完成时应该是bee 楼上的都错了,0,
2023-08-07 18:20:011