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Do you live in a city? Do you know how cities began? Long long ago, the world had only a few th...



肢,分支the east limb of the sun太阳之东边缘末端,极端in an extremity of pain 在极端痛苦中

请问 Stocks 同 Equities 有咩分别?

更新1: 本人系想问从金融投资学上,呢两个既分别. 咁又何谓普通股? ,可以是同义,但要看文章的性质,及你在哪学科看到此字? e.g........在principles of accounting的角度,stocks可以指生产出来作贸易的sumption货品,如皮鞋。而股票不是 consumption goods. stock 亦可指股票(finance角度)。 equity 的定义较窄(在accounting及finance角度)。多指......股本,普通股.........e.g. equity financing→股本融资 但在OXFORD.......EQUITY亦有其他意义.......如...公平、公正.......衡平法 suggestion 1 :买本financial dictionary........去各大书局问 suggestion 2 :quote 引起你发问的文章来..........方便回答 2007-07-23 02:07:59 补充: EXPLAIN ordinary shares(普通股)要与 preference shares(优先股)比较.....近来好忙,WED....先答到你,参考: 我查开oxford,HELLO, 首先,给你一个remedy.......金融学的scope.....不是只有投资。 还有......理财(个人or企业)、分析、风险管理(FRM)、financial engineering、企业融资.......and so on。 second.......此两字在金融学上都有部分意义相同,自己在annual report(ex网上所见)中亦经常见此二字混合使用,唔好执著字面上的意义.....好吗?! 传达意思........有时只是「约定俗成」......只要ex approve(指上市公司监管部门)......及.....你我明白便行,学一门学问是考应用.......accounting考入帐原则......金融学考以上我所讲的scope在生活上的实践.......而不是考英文..........领悟字面上意思是低层次的学问 third.....普通股.....讲之前...要问你知否......股票是什么? 股票=Share capital: Funds raised by issuing shares in return for cash or other considerations. The amount of share capital a pany has can change over time because each time a business sells new shares to the public in exchange for cash, the amount of share capital will increase. Share capital can be posed of both mon and preferred shares. 普通股....可称为mon shares、equity、ordinary shares.........and so on ordinary shares(普通股)要与 preference shares(优先股)比较..... 1. ordinary shares.....有voting rights.......选出董事 preference voting rights 2. ordinary shares......派息率不固定 preference shares.....派息率固定.......而且会先于ordinary shares的股东....收到股息,Equity 普通股,

the qualities of a best friend

Qualities of Friendship To have a friend, be a friend; be friendly. As in the word, a friend is like a ship that carries us, abides with us unfailingly, through the calm and rough seas of life. Is there any purer relationship than friendship? It is unconditional loyalty and love. Friendship is a bond of steadfastness and acceptance that allows us to be who we are, fully, without fear that love will be withdrawn. Over a lifetime, it is the bond of friendship that allows us to explore our depths with non-judgmental feedback and supportiveness. Sometimes, the friendship we give is not returned, but we benefit in another way: The process of extending friendship expands our consciousness. While giving and in the afterglow, we feel a sense of connection. Once we experience the connection we feel while giving with care, we know that it is not just what we receive in life that makes us happy. It is mainly the connection that we feel when our own boundaries of self-centeredness break down through our lovingness, that we feel our internal sense of peace and happiness. HONESTY in friendship: Honesty is a quality that allows us to look in the mirror and see the reflection of how we really are. In honesty we see clearly and can make course adjustments. If we live each day in accordance with our conscience, our reflection in the mirror and how others see us will be well-balanced. Thoughts are forms of energy and produce their exact genetic offspring. Good thoughts produce good; selfish actions lead to repeated dissatisfactions. Just as swimming in cloudy water puts us at risk of facing hurtful obstacles, a cloudy thought process keeps us from viewing and resolving situations clearly. Congruency between our words, feelings and actions, keeping our intentions for the highest good, breeds happiness in living. Honest to good feelings with an attitude for the best resolve reap honest to good thoughts and actions. LOYALTY in friendship: Loyalty -- doing what one has committed to amidst changing circumstances. Loyalty is a quality that develops our consciousness. Loyalty leads us deep into a situation, through it, and out the other side -- emerging as a more developed person. Loyalty is an essential in friendship. Acquaintances become friends through mutual loyalty. Loyalty is an essential in friendship that has developed into the commitment of hearts between two people. Loyalty in a heart to heart relationship develops mutual trust. Above all else in this world is friendship, unconditionally given, unconditionally received. And with the addition of love, life is made beautiful. Above all else in this world is loving friendship, unconditionally given, unconditionally received. Unconditional love -- the best quality of friendship.


quantitiesof的意思是:许多。quantitiesof的意思是:许多。quantitiesof的例句是Thepoorgirlfromanisolatedvillagewasdeeplyimpressedbythecopiousquantitiesoffoodinthebigcity.大城市里大量丰富的食品给这个来自荒僻的小山村的穷苦的小女孩留下了深刻的印象。一、网络释义点此查看quantitiesof的详细内容 大量的2.牛肉的生产过程放出了大量的(quantitiesof)二氧化碳(carbondioxide)。 许多的...compareto把比成,比较两者的相似之处。quantitiesof大量的,许多的solongas=aslongasconj只要,如果... 修饰可数或不可数名词quantitiesof修饰可数或不可数名词,其短语作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。例如: 许多...physicalquantity物理量quantitiesof许多productionquantity生产量...二、例句Thepoorgirlfromanisolatedvillagewasdeeplyimpressedbythecopiousquantitiesoffoodinthebigcity.大城市里大量丰富的食品给这个来自荒僻的小山村的穷苦的小女孩留下了深刻的印象。Thefactoryturnsoutalargequantityofpaperproducts.这家工厂生产大量的纸制品。Smallquantitiesofpoisonweredetectedinthedeadman"sstomach.在死者胃中找到了少量的毒药。Ithideslargequantitiesofnutsinsidetrees.它把大量的坚果贮藏在树里面。quantitiesof的相关临近词quant、quantiy点此查看更多关于quantitiesof的详细信息


quantitiesof的意思是:许多。quantitiesof的意思是:许多。quantitiesof的例句是Thepoorgirlfromanisolatedvillagewasdeeplyimpressedbythecopiousquantitiesoffoodinthebigcity.大城市里大量丰富的食品给这个来自荒僻的小山村的穷苦的小女孩留下了深刻的印象。一、网络释义点此查看quantitiesof的详细内容 大量的2.牛肉的生产过程放出了大量的(quantitiesof)二氧化碳(carbondioxide)。 许多的...compareto把比成,比较两者的相似之处。quantitiesof大量的,许多的solongas=aslongasconj只要,如果... 修饰可数或不可数名词quantitiesof修饰可数或不可数名词,其短语作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。例如: 许多...physicalquantity物理量quantitiesof许多productionquantity生产量...二、例句Thepoorgirlfromanisolatedvillagewasdeeplyimpressedbythecopiousquantitiesoffoodinthebigcity.大城市里大量丰富的食品给这个来自荒僻的小山村的穷苦的小女孩留下了深刻的印象。Thefactoryturnsoutalargequantityofpaperproducts.这家工厂生产大量的纸制品。Smallquantitiesofpoisonweredetectedinthedeadman"sstomach.在死者胃中找到了少量的毒药。Ithideslargequantitiesofnutsinsidetrees.它把大量的坚果贮藏在树里面。quantitiesof的相关临近词quant、quantiy点此查看更多关于quantitiesof的详细信息

英语问题。请问Liberal Arts和Humanities 分别是什么意思?有什么区别吗?

前者 人文科学, 自由艺术。 后者人文科学,主账号人文精神,人文关怀。

penalities 和fines有什么区别


my leisure activities 英语作文 带中文

My Leisure ActivitiesIn my free time, I enjoy doing a variety of activities that help me relax and recharge. One of my favorite leisure activities is reading. I love to read books on various topics such as history, science, and literature. Reading helps me expand my knowledge and imagination.Another activity that I enjoy is playing sports. I love to play basketball, tennis, and badminton. Sports not only help me stay active and healthy but also allow me to socialize with others who share the same interests.When I"m not reading or playing sports, I like to spend time with my friends and family. We often go out to watch movies, have dinner together, or simply hang out and chat. Spending quality time with loved ones is always enjoyable and rewarding.Finally, I also like to travel and explore new places. Whether it"s a nearby city or a far-off country, traveling allows me to experience different cultures and traditions, and learn more about the world we live in.Overall, these leisure activities bring joy and fulfillment into my life, and I am grateful for the opportunities to pursue them.我的休闲活动在我空闲的时间里,我喜欢做各种各样的活动来帮助我放松和充电。我最喜欢的休闲活动之一是阅读。我喜欢阅读有关历史、科学和文学等各种主题的书籍。阅读帮助我扩展知识和想象力。另一个我喜欢的活动是打运动。我喜欢打篮球、网球和羽毛球。运动不仅能帮助我保持活跃和健康,还可以让我与其他有相同兴趣爱好的人社交。当我不读书或打运动时,我喜欢和朋友和家人一起度过时间。我们经常出去看电影、一起吃晚餐,或者简单地聊天。与亲人和朋友共度美好时光总是令人愉快和有意义的。最后,我也喜欢旅行和探索新的地方。无论是附近的城市还是遥远的国家,旅行都让我体验不同的文化和传统,更多地了解我们所生活的世界。总的来说,这些休闲活动为我的生活带来了快乐和满足感,我很感激有机会追求它们。

以leisure activitie为题,写一篇150个单词的作文

After stepping into the 21th century, our citizens" life became busier and busier. Under the stressful work and the pressure of the life, most people feel unhappy and tired. So I think we need to have more entertainments in our daily life. I like doing sports in my leisure time. Generally, I would like to play basketball with my friends. Between playing the games, not only our playing skills will be better but also strengthen our friendships. Although after playing a basketball match that I would felt tired, I didn"t feel nervous anymore. Furthermore, I like singing too. When I singing in the open air, I felt my heart was losing its weight. And then, I was very happy at that time. What"s more, I usually read a book or some essays. When I learnt some new knowledge from the books or the essays, I had a satisfy feeling. Nowadays, the new world is a competitive world. No matter how smart you are, you need a strong body. So when you feel there is something wrong with yourself, no matter physical or psychology. Please put down your work, go outside and do anything what you like. I am sure when you finish your leisure activities, you will feel better.

有没有关于“My leisure activities"的英语作文

Leisure Activities(2011/10/12英语作文)As we all know, the most important duty for us college students is study. We channel the majority of our energy and time into study everyday. Sometimes college students have little time to participate in and enjoy leisure activities. However, in my opinion, leisure activities are as important as study for every college student in daily life. After a whole day study, students" body and heart are tired, and it is harm to students" health. Therefore, college students should spend the member of their time taking part in leisure activities so that they can relax themselves and enjoy their lives.There are many ways to spend the spare time on leisure activities. Some people like playing basketball or football, another people may enjoy swimming or skating, others will be used to reading or listening music. Each one has his or her special style to engage in leisure activities. Take myself for example, I am mostly a stay-at-dormitory type, but I do love cycling. I used to ride my bicycle alone wondering around the Hang Zhou. I was enjoying the views and theexcitement of discovering new places. The heart when I cycled by myself was so delightful and the taste of freedom was fantastic. I was addicted to it. Whenever I decided to go further about a direction, I was always as excited as a kid who just got a new toy. My leisure activities make my heart peaceful and develop me positive attitudes towards life.In a word, I hope that everyone will take active part in leisure activities like me and enjoy personal life.

In 1890 there were many American cities and towns w

A more than 不仅仅.




首先我们要知道,文章被拒是很常见的事。大多期刊的拒稿率在50%-60%,有些可能还更高。比如Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 拒稿率约有85%。就连获得诺贝尔奖的文章也曾被拒绝发表。比如,Nature 曾拒绝了关于切伦科夫辐射 (应用于核反应堆)的手稿和 Deisenhofer等人关于光合作用的重要工作 。二、文章被拒,不代表没有发表机会文章被拒稿并不意味着失败,再次投稿依然有成功发表的机会,这一点已被很多期刊编辑部的调查证实:Journal of bone and joint surgery-American volume编辑调查发现,在被 JBJS-A 拒稿后的五年内,有75.8%(696 篇)的手稿已经成功发表。Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation研究分析了被NDT拒稿的论文的随机样本(10%)。在编辑初审和同行评审后被拒稿的论文中,分别有59%和61%被其他期刊接受。进一步的分析显示,随后发表的期刊少部分影响因子高于NDT,大部分低于NDT(当然,影响因子仅作为参考标准)。Kidney Research and Clinical Practice在被KRCP拒绝的文章中,约有69%的文章被拒稿后发表在其他期刊上。这可能是因为作者采纳了审稿人和编辑提供的改进建议,重新修改了文章。Clinical Otolaryngology研究发现,55.7%的拒稿论文发表在其他期刊上。这些论文的发表时间平均延迟约1年。有8%的论文发表在影响因子高于CO的期刊上。Medicina Intensiva (English Edition)69%的文章被拒稿,其中48.8%的手稿随后发表在其他期刊。三、论文被拒后,可以考虑的策略1. 重视细节,材料完整据调查,被JBJS-A拒稿的主要原因里有一项是利益冲突披露。这类拒稿理由可以归类于投稿材料不完整或者投搞格式不正确,其实是最容易避免的问题。投稿前认真查看期刊投稿指南,根据要求准备就可以了。千万不要草率提交,然后花费更多的时间去弥补问题。2. 一鼓作气,尽快提交同样的,在JBJS-A的调查中,那些被拒稿后5年还没发文章的作者表示,影响他们的主要原因是缺乏时间(51.4%)。虽然研究者大多都很繁忙,但是文章越拖越难发表也是事实~3. 分析拒稿理由,对症下药如果期刊拒稿后提供了审稿意见/编辑意见,作者最好根据意见仔细修改,还可尝试重投该期刊。如果期刊没有提供意见,有可能是研究没达到期刊要求或者不符合期刊范围/风格,作者应该选择更合适的期刊重投。在重投之前,建议全面检查手稿,进一步提高研究质量。总的来说,根据已有调查,大多文章都是有机会发表的,我们不必因一时的拒稿而沮丧。就像KRCP期刊编辑所说的:Authors can turn failure into opportunity by publishing their valuable discoveries in other peer-reviewed journals.作者可以在其他同行评审期刊上发表他们有价值的发现,将失败转化为机遇。

mortgage-backed securities是什么意思

mortgage backed securities [财]抵押支持证券 [例句]Funding remains scarce for loans backed by commercial mortgages , with the market for bonds backed by such loans commercial mortgage backed securities still dysfunctional.商业抵押支持的贷款融资仍然稀缺,此类贷款支持的债券商业抵押贷款支持证券市场仍运转不灵。您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

logix5000 utilities 文件夹里面没有 Move Activation 32bit ,该怎么授权呢



necessariesn. 必需品(necessary的复数)necessary adj. 必要的;必需的;必然的necessitiesn. 必需品(necessity的复数)necessityn. 需要;必然性;必需品一个是形容词,一个是名词,不一样的


necessities[英][nu026a"sesu026atu026az][美][nu026a"sesu026atu026az]n.必要(性)( necessity的名词复数 ); (迫切)需要; 必需品; 自然规律; 例句:1.They"re having trouble affording basic necessities. 他们无法给孩子提供基本必需品。2.He and tamitha crammed necessities into their suitcase and a garbage bag. 他和塔米莎把必需品塞进了提箱和一个塑料袋里。

为什么华硕k550j,重装系统后,bios中boot option priorities没有选项了,该如

请尝试按以下操作更改BIOS设置:1,在BIOS界面,通过方向键进【Secure】菜单,通过方向键选择【Secure Boot Control/menu】选项,将 Secure Boot Control设定为 “Disabled”。2,通过方向键进入【Boot】菜单,通过方向键选择【Lunch CSM】选项,将其设定为“Enabled”3.点击F10保存设置 后机器自动重启。按开机键后,反复按ESC键,会出现一个启动菜单,选择相应设备启动即可。

写一篇题为on job-hunting priorities的英语作文

There have been dramatic changes in people"s lives in the 21st century, especially for the world"s youths. The challenges they face are fierce and range from personal problems to work-related issues. As a result, some sociologists argue that compared to young people in the past, young people today encounter more distinct challenges in more diverse areas of their lives. I cannot agree more.Initially, with the advancement of science and the development of technologies such as the Internet, personal challenges have shifted patterns. Take dating as an example: in the past, people got to know each other mainly through middlemen or day to day encounters, and their contacts were limited. Thus there were fewer opportunities to compare individuals, and this decreased the chances for an individual to find someone suitable. Nowadays, with so many online dating platforms such as Zhen"ai and Baihe, people can easily get in touch with one another, which greatly increase people"s range of choices. Besides, the Internet also allows people to get to know each other virtually before deciding whether to meet, which greatly reduces awkward situations.Secondly, the economic boom also altered the work-related challenges faced by the youngsters. An example would be the job seeking process. In China, decades ago, people"s job allocations were mainly determined by state or local governments. This was especially true for college students. As a result, there was no need to worry about finding a job. But today it is different. College graduates swarm all over the country, and they have to find jobs on their own and compete with numerous counterparts. The number of well-paid jobs is quite limited. According to a recent survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, nearly 7 million college students are graduating in 2013, and so far only one fourth of those have found jobs. It was also mentioned by some educators that this year would be the hardest time for job hunting due to both the exploding number of students and the limited number of qualified candidates.To sum up, under the dual influences of science and technological progress as well as economic development, personal or work-related problems confronted by young people today are quite different from those of the past. 打了半天累死了 帮个忙给分哦


所谓自动档,就是不用驾驶者去手动换档,车辆会根据行驶的速度和交通情况自动选择合适的档位行驶 P代表泊车档,停车时使用 R代表倒车档, N代表空档,相当于手动档的空档 D表示前进档,这个档位下变速箱会在1~5档根据速度和油门情况自动切换 S表示运动模式(sport)在这个档位下变速箱可以自由换档,但是换档时机会延迟,使发动机在高转速上保持较长时间,使车辆动力加大。当然显然这个会造成油耗增加。 L表示低速档,这个档位时变速箱会保持在1档而不升档。 雪花按键的意思是用于湿滑路面起步,按下此键时车辆将不从1档起步,而从2档起步,以减低扭力输出,避免车辆在湿滑路面上起步时打滑。 OD OFF按键表示的是最高档禁止,有这个按键的车辆往往就没有D3了,因为按下此键最高档位(4速变速箱)4档就已经被禁止使用了,起作用等同于D3。 变速箱上面的2,并不代表的是单2档,而是1~2档,用这个档位时变速箱会在1、2间自动切换,而不会往更高档升。

戴尔游匣笔记本重装系统过后Boot Option Priorities选项下无硬盘启动选项。

如果你真的没有办法,那不妨再重新装一次系统试试看:可以选择易启动u盘启动制作工具来进行系统重装。安装步骤如下:1、首先将u盘制作易启动u盘启动,重启电脑等待出现开机画面按下启动快捷键,选择u盘启动进入到易启动主菜单,选取“【02】进入win8pe环境安装系统”选项,按下回车键确认2、进入win8PE系统,将会自行弹出安装工具,点击“浏览”进行选择存到u盘中系统镜像文件。3、等待易启动pe装机工具自动加载系统镜像包安装文件,只需选择安装磁盘位置,然后点击“确定”按钮即可。此时在弹出的提示窗口直接点击“确定”按钮。随后安装工具开始工作,请耐心等待几分钟。4、完成后会弹出重启电脑提示,点击“是(Y)”按钮即可。5 、此时就可以拔除u盘了,重启系统开始进行安装,我们无需进行操作,等待安装完成即可,最终进入系统桌面前还会重启一次

求大神解救电脑boot出现boot option priorities


三星笔记本boot option priorities 下没有选项

是什么型号?每个型号的主板设置可能不太一样。一般的做法是: 开机F2进BIOS,找个Fast bois mode 设置为 disable 如果系统原自带win8,需要找个secure boot设置为disable同时下拉选项中选择csm os选项。 F10保存重启。 放光盘或插U盘,要插2.0的接口。 开机再按F10(个别型号是Esc键)。进入一个快捷选项。此时可以选择U盘或光盘启动。 个别PE系统第一次进时会自动跳出,再重新进一次即可。

fixed boot order priorities这是什么意思?

fixed boot order priorities固定的启动顺序优先级

华硕笔记本重装系统bios设置 hard drive bbs priorities选项中没有制作

试在BIOS界面中点击F9键--回车键--F10键--回车键,若仍无法进入系统,请按以下操作更改BIOS设置:1.开机的时候长按F2键进入BIOS界面,通过方向键进【Secure】菜单,通过方向键选择【Secure BootControl】选项,将其设定为 Disabled”2.通过方向键进入【Boot】菜单,通过方向键选择【Lunch CSM】选项,将其设定为“Enabled”3.点击F10保存设置,重启电脑试试。

hard drive bbs priorities是什么意思

计算机术语 说明下面的代码举例说明了用 Drive 对象来访问驱动器属性:Sub ShowFreeSpace(drvPath) Dim fs, d, s Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d = fs.GetDrive(fs.GetDriveName(drvPath)) s = "Drive " & UCase(drvPath) & " - " s = s & d.VolumeName & vbCrLf s = s & "Free Space: " & FormatNumber(d.FreeSpace/1024, 0) s = s & " Kbytes" MsgBox sEnd Sub.编辑本段过去式 drive - drove开放分类:VB“Drive”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典):driveKK: []DJ: []n.1. 驾车旅行;(开车)兜风;车程[C]2. (私人住宅的)车道,汽车路[C]3. 击球;击出球的飞行距离[C]4. 运动;宣传活动[C]5. (人的)本能需要,欲望[C]6. 魄力,干劲[U]7. (机械)传动装置[C][U]8. 【英】比赛,纸牌赛[C]vt.1. 驾驶(汽车等)2. 用车送(人)[O]3. 驱赶,赶走[O]4. 驱动(机器)5. 把(钉,桩等)打入[O]6. 挖掘(隧道)[O]7. 迫使;逼迫[O][O2][O8]vi.1. 开车2. (风、雨)狂吹猛打;疾驰3. 用力击球;【网】抽球

为什么华硕k550j,重装系统后,bios中boot option priorities没有第一二

随便插入一个光盘或者插入U盘就能看到add new boot option

电脑显示 boot option priorities无法开机了 怎么办 三星笔记本

你这个应该改动了BIOS中的Boot devices,需要进入到BIOS中按F9重新恢复到默认状态,即可正常进入系统

华硕X205TA 开机自动进入BIOS 。boot option priorities 灰色.怎么办.

尊敬的华硕用户,您好!建议您开机F2进入bios设置如下:Boot->Launch CSM->EnabledSecurity->Secure Boot Control->Disabled如果CSM无法设置,建议您首先设置Secure Boot Control之后保存设置退出bios,然后重新进入设置CSM。希望以上信息能够对您有所帮助。若以上回复还是没有帮您解决您的问题,您也可以登录华硕在线即时服务: 进一步向工程师咨询,感谢您对华硕的支持和关注,祝您生活愉快!

boot里没有选项了,只有Boot Option Priorities


Jan reminded me how important it is as a parent to remember our priorities.语法分析U0001f64f

is faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and,

hard drive bbs priorities 没有u盘启动选项怎么办?

解决方法:1,进入启动盘的方法有两种,华硕快速启动键是esc,很多网友在使用快速启动键之后找不到u盘启动项,进入bios调整,同样看不到u盘,如同下图这样:2,进去后先找到 Hard Drive BBS Priorities 更改硬盘驱动器启动优先级设置,,进入之后,更改boot option #1为你的u盘;3,然后按f10保存之后,重启电脑,然再次按快速启动键,就可以看到u盘了;4,另外,如果出现以下uefi启动现象,请调整为兼容模式或者使用uefi版本制作启动盘,uefi版本制作方法点我快速转到。调整兼容模式方法如下;5,按照错误提示,进入Security选项,找到Secure Boot Control选项,将其设置为Disabled ,在回到boot界面,将launch csm设置为enable就能解决问题,调整完成之后界面如下。


give priority to,优先考虑;给…以优先权例句:Give priority to your way of thinking prior to learning. 在学习之前,优先考虑一下你的思维方式。固定词组是give priority to,除了个别中国人写的英语出现give priorities to外,其他基本见不到这样的表达。但priority确实有复数形式。如果说一定要用复数来表达give priority to一样的意思,可以用put priorities on。

boot option priorities 灰色的,如何选择USB启动

1、首先打开电脑,在弹出开机页面的时候,按“F1”进入BIOS设置。2、进入BIOS后用方向键与回车键操作,在Boot菜单下(有时也在其他菜单如Security),将Secure Boot改为Disabled(表示禁用安全引导)。3、再将UEFI/Legacy Boot设置为Legacy only或Legacy first。4、然后在boot界面启动优先级设备选择(Boot Device Priority)。5、在第一启动设备(1st Boot Device)里选择U盘。6、有些像下图这样的选中用 “+” 键移动到最上面。7、最后设置完成按F10保存退出,重启电脑就会进入U盘启动页面了。

Boot Option Priorities空的,怎么打开

朋友,你好:你选进安全设置看一下,就是security中,关闭安全启功,开启传统模式,就可以看到b00t option.……:.这一项就可以看到启动项了。希望对你有所帮助,祝你快乐~

get our priorities straight是什么意思

意思是优先考虑我们的事项。例句:You should get our priorities straight because you have promised it.你应该优先考虑我们的事项,因为你已经答应了。词汇解释:get 英[get] 美[ɡu025bt] vt. 得到; 抓住; 说服; 受到(惩罚等); vt. 到达,来; vi. 成为; 开始; 设法对付; 获得利益或财富; [例句]The boys were getting bored.男孩子们开始感到厌烦。priorities n. 优先; 优先权; 先( priority的名词复数 ); 优先考虑的事; [例句]Their priorities are antithetical to those of environmentalists.他们心中的当务之急和环保人士的想法背道而驰。straight 英[streu026at] 美[stret] adj. 直的; 连续的; 直率的; 整齐的; adv. 直地; 直接地; 坦率地; 立即; n. 直线; 直线部分; [例句]Keep the boat in a straight line.让船保持直线航行。

time is priorities为什么复数

time is priorities 时间优先priorities n. 优先; 优先权; 先( priority的名词复数 ); 优先考虑的事; [例句]The tenor of the opening remarks reflects the divergence in the priorities of the two sides.开场白的要旨反映了双方在何为当务之急上存在分歧。[其他] 原型: priority

boot option priorities 灰色的,如何选择USB启动

如果是装XP或者32位win7,就将UEFI Boot那项选关闭,Boot option filter那个改成Legacy,然后看看能不能设置,如果原来装的是win8 64位系统,硬盘应该是GPT分区格式,还要用磁盘工具DiskGenius改成MBR格式,UEFI改普通模式步骤比较复杂,建议还是找专业人员帮你装系统

neighbourhood priorities

邻里的首要需求 NCMs are held to address local crime, disorder and neighbourhood priorities.NCM会议是为了对付当地的犯罪行为、骚乱,以及邻里的(安全)需求。

give priority to 和 give priorities to 什么时候用?和主语的单复数有关吗?

首先明确一定,固定词组是give priority to,除了个别中国人写的英语出现give priorities to外,其他基本见不到这样的表达。但priority确实有复数形式。如果说一定要用复数来表达give priority to一样的意思,可以用put priorities on。比如We should put priorities on this issue.============================================give priority to给 ... 以优先权, 优先考虑 ...He should have given priority to his safety rather than to the loss of money.他本来应该优先考虑他的安全,而不是金钱的损失。He always give priority to others rather than to himself.他总是优先考虑别人而不是自己本身。

华硕FX80G开机自动进入BIOS且Boot Option Priorities选项为黑色无法进入?

可以参考以下步骤,若不行, 那就关机,拆下主板电池,过5分钟装回去,开机进入BIOS,恢复出厂设置,按F10保存退出,之后再设置。1、开机点按F2进入BIOS中,在security选项卡中选择secure boot menu,secure boot control按Enter选择Disable,按F10保存;2、电脑重启后,点按F2进入BIOS中,在boot选项卡中选择Launch CSM,按Enter选择Enable,按F10保存;3、重新开机点按esc选择启动项,选择对应的启动方式,确认是否可以进入系统

be honoring your priorities 为什么翻译为 分清轻重缓急

字面翻译是:请尊重你的优先次序。其实意译过来就是说 做事情要分清轻重缓急的意思。


寒假12月1日-次年3月31日暑假6月1日-9月30日其余时间不得发售学生票: 1. 除上面两个时间段,其余时间不得发售学生票; 2. 不得在非学生票发售期的时间内购票学生票发售期的学生票

hard drive bbs priorities是什么意思?

意思是:硬盘bbs优先级。该术语出自于电脑硬盘BBS系统,具体意思是指硬盘驱动器启动优先级设置,多个硬盘那个硬盘优先启动。其解决方法是:硬盘没有被正确识别。检查一下硬盘电源线和数据线是否连接正确。更换另外插口看看,如果连接没问题,可能是硬盘问题引起的;或者把硬盘连接到别的电脑上测试一下。扩展资料:BIOS设置选项。1、第1页用于设置系统时间和日期,以及显示基本的系统信息,例如CPU型号,L2 Cache大小,显卡类型,显存大小,内存大小,光驱、软驱配置信息等。2、第2页用于设置启动顺序和启动选项。3、第3页用于设置外置端口,包括串/并口,PS/2接口,USB接口等。也可以在此设置鼠标和按键触发时的声响(建议用户不要打开该功能,否则击键频繁的时候可能因为声卡负荷太重而死机)。4、第4页用于显示电池的充放电情况,从中可以看到两个电池槽,因为Dell lnsprion和Latitude系列的笔记本电脑都可以使用光驱、软驱插槽来安装第二块电池。5、第5页用于设置电源管理,但提供设置的选项较少,倒是可以单独设置电池供电和市电供电时的屏幕亮度,这个功能还是比较实用的。6、第6页用于设置开机密码、管理员密码和硬盘密码。Dell笔记本电脑的密码虽然没有IBM笔记本电脑那样难以破解,但其保密性也是相当好的。

hard drive bbs priorities 没有u盘启动选项 已经设置好了就是最后一步没有


电脑hard drive bbs priorities是什么意思?

硬驱动器 BBS 优先事项Boot Options Priorities ---启动顺序Boot Option #1 第一启动 【sata:HL-DT-STDV..】第一启动是你的硬盘。Boot Option #2 第二启动 【Disabled】第二启动被禁止了--------------------------------------Hard Drive BBS Priorities 硬盘驱动器启动优先级设置,多个硬盘那个硬盘优先启动CD/DVD ROM Drive BBS Priorities //光驱优先级设置,可能你的电脑上装了两个光驱,设置那个优先启动

set priorities是什么意思

set priorities设置优先级双语例句1Plan your day each morning or the night before and set priorities for yourself.每个早上或者前天晚上做计划,保证比时间先行一步。 2This allows them to set priorities for research and generate regional andinternational cooperation.这些都使发展中国家可以设置研究的优先顺序,并开展区域和国际合作。

boot里没有选项,只有Boot Option Priorities,这是怎么回事?

一、进入BIOS1.Lanch CSM改成Enable。2.找到Fast bois mode 设置为 disable。3.F10保存重启。二、Secure Boot 设置Disabled不同的BIOS设置是不同的,已昂达G41主板为例:进入BOOT页面找到:Boot Device Priority(启动顺序设置)进入后可以看到1st Boot Device2nd Boot DeviceBoot Option #1就是第一启动设备,设置成你想要的就可以了,保存退出就可以了。

hard drive bbs priorities是什么意思?

意思是:硬盘bbs优先级。该术语出自于电脑硬盘BBS系统,具体意思是指硬盘驱动器启动优先级设置,多个硬盘那个硬盘优先启动。其解决方法是:硬盘没有被正确识别。检查一下硬盘电源线和数据线是否连接正确。更换另外插口看看,如果连接没问题,可能是硬盘问题引起的;或者把硬盘连接到别的电脑上测试一下。BIOS设置选项。1、第1页用于设置系统时间和日期,以及显示基本的系统信息,例如CPU型号,L2 Cache大小,显卡类型,显存大小,内存大小,光驱、软驱配置信息等。2、第2页用于设置启动顺序和启动选项。3、第3页用于设置外置端口,包括串/并口,PS/2接口,USB接口等。也可以在此设置鼠标和按键触发时的声响(建议用户不要打开该功能,否则击键频繁的时候可能因为声卡负荷太重而死机)。4、第4页用于显示电池的充放电情况,从中可以看到两个电池槽,因为Dell lnsprion和Latitude系列的笔记本电脑都可以使用光驱、软驱插槽来安装第二块电池。5、第5页用于设置电源管理,但提供设置的选项较少,倒是可以单独设置电池供电和市电供电时的屏幕亮度,这个功能还是比较实用的。6、第6页用于设置开机密码、管理员密码和硬盘密码。Dell笔记本电脑的密码虽然没有IBM笔记本电脑那样难以破解,但其保密性也是相当好的。

bios设置里的boot option priorities下面是空的,怎么办?

bios设置里的boot option priorities下面是空的是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、首先点击开机键进行开机。2、快速的点击f12键,这个要根据电脑品牌来定,f12比较多,进入如下界面。3、然后按键盘Tab键切换到App menu上面,然后点击enter键。4、在bios选中Startup,然后选择network boot。5、按enter键进入boot,然后选中要启动的项。就可以了。




  national priorities的中文翻译  national priorities  国家优先  双语例句  1  Official development assistance should be more predictable and more focused on national priorities.  官方发展援助应当更加具有预测性,并且更加注重国家优先事项。  2  India noted that Sri Lanka has identified its own national priorities and technical assistance needs.  印度指出,斯里兰卡确定了其本国的要务和技术援助需要。  3  Countries will also recall national priorities and review the national ageing situation.  各国还将回顾国家的优先事项并审查国家的老龄化状况。

priorities straight什么意思


急求英语作文 voluntary activities

Volunteer activities are the volunteers do not accept the voluntary participation of the public activities of remuneration. It is an individual community are of considerable significance. First of all, for the community through these activities can help the weak, for those who really need help to help bring warmth. It can also be large-scale activities to provide greater convenience, to be held smoothly. Just as the Beijing Olympic Games volunteer activities, they guide the approach for the athletes play in venues outside the guide and so on, through the hard work of these volunteers to make a successful Olympic Games held. Volunteer activities reflect the value of volunteers. Volunteers learned through these activities are not a lot of books on the knowledge, get more exercise, which is a personal growth to help. In short, the volunteer activities is very positive, not only helping others and their own happiness. Let us now actively involved in volunteer activities.

英语作文 Educational responsibilities

Educational responsibilities 翻译:教育的责任The paper Compared the content of traditional audio-visual education andmodernized educational technique, analyzed the development of modernizededucational technique, suggested the responsibilities that the educational techniquedepartment of universities should take during the transformation from traditionalaudio-visual education to modernized educational technique. 本文比较了传统电化教育与现代教育技术的内涵,分析了现代教育技术的发展概况,提出了高等院校教育技术部门在电化教育到现代教育技术改变过程中应承担的任务。

翻译一段中文,关于free-time activities

Free-time activities After bustles about study work, the people may engage in theleisures activity When weekend, the people may engage in the outdoorsactivity, for example: Plays the basketball, kicks soccer and so on,my usual free time activities is playing basketball. Regarding theretired people, may fish, fly the kite, folkdance and so on, in brief,the people may have the very many leisures activity

our commitment is fulfilled by offering numerous activities ranging from muscle training on the bes

我们通过提供许多的活动履行了我们的承诺,从在最好的器械上进行肌肉锻炼到一天的忙碌后在独一无二的果汁吧里品尝小吃点心。1.见上2.许多的活动 ranging是与from在一起的,固定搭配,表示范围3.ranging是与from在一起的,固定搭配,表示范围4.是品尝的意思5.from....to固定搭配

entertainment activities 和entertaining activitie

entertainment activities 是名词+名词;entertaining activities是形容词+名词


opportunity opportunities 机会


equities指权益,stock是权益融资的一种方式,是种金融工具.分common stock and preferred stock.知识点相关讲解equities 是普通股的意思(利息不定) stock 泛指,股票,股本,股份equities的意思是股票和指数的期权,资产,权益证券. stock偏重于指股票这种金融工具,一般正式的股票交易都是说的stock exchange,还有股票经纪人stock strokerequities的意思是股票和指数的期权,资产,权益证券. stock偏重于指股票这种金融工具,一般正式的股票交易都是说的stock exchange,还有股票经纪人stock stroker

veto-proof majorities 是什么意思?在美国国会上用到的.

Veto-proof describes those votes with a margin sufficient to override a veto, should it occur.veto proof 就是投票超过一定数量而使到反对无效.如2/3投票投到"支持", "反对"就显得无效了veto-proof majorities 就是多数投票的意思咯

unearned revenues在balance sheet 里面的current assets 还是current liabilitie

预收帐款(unearned revenues)当然是流动负债(current liabilitie)



英文简历中 eatracurricular activities写什么内容

extracurricular activities 课外活动比如学科竞赛、志愿者经历、社团活动等等都可以写进去

申请美国大学什么样的 Extracurricular activities 写在申请材料里会比较出彩?

你好,我是美中国际杨老师,针对你提出的问题,我的回答如下:在ExtracurricularActivities & Work Experience这一部分,需要注意在为数不多的10个填选表格中,应该参考两个原则:principal; in their order of importance to you。一方面,如果在某些领域特别擅长且有突出成就时,建议着重刻画此类能力、潜力,以专长的角度入手;另一方面,如果涉猎领域宽泛且收获相对均衡时,建议平衡各个方面的能力、潜力,以全面的角度入手。在填写时需要关注所在的年级(录取需要考虑时效性原则),每周/年的耗时(关注参与的深度),何时参与(上学期间/假期中),扮演的角色(影响力的问题),所获成就(结果导向性)等等,综合考虑诸多因素后评定课外活动背景中的TOP 10。也就是说,你需要对自己的活动首先进行评估和排序,同时注意整个活动要与你的其他申请材料如推荐信、文书结合起来,你所填写的活动应该是能塑造你的个人形象并表现你的性格特点的。

community activities与extracurricular activities 的区别

extracurricularadj.课外的, 业余的communityn.公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共同体, 共有, 一致, 共同体, (生物)群落这些 你应该可以知道 有什么区别了

申请美国大学,需要的Extracurricular Activities和Work experience指什么?




minorities 什么意思

少数( minority的名词复数 );小部分;少数民族;未成年

Assign responsibilities around the classroom and make sure homework deadlines are metu3002


during the period of recent terrorist activities,people____not to touch any unattended bag

翻译:在近期的恐怖袭击活动期间,人们被警告不要去触碰任何无主的包裹。解释:从句意来看,句子主语people和warn之间明显是被动语态,排除D;从句子的时间状语(during the period of recent terrorist activities)尤其是recent来看,选项动作必定发生在过去,排除C;A为过去完成时,要求句中比如有一个发生在其后的过去动作或时刻,但是全句不存在这种明显的先后对比,排除A。




矛盾约束的数目 一般不可行的问题里面才会不为0 可行的都是0或者很接近0

Possibilities 歌词

歌曲名:Possibilities歌手:Weezer专辑:MaladroitDon"t break my heart before I give it to youDon"t tell me no before I ask you toDon"t say it doesn"t fit before you try it onThere"s too much to lose to be wrongAnd it feels like there"s something hereBut I wanna see it before it disappearsAnd if there"s something real between me and youWell are we both open toAll these possibilitiesSo many little possibilitiesRight in front of usClose enough to touchAnd far enough to have some time to seeAll these possibilitiesOh these possibilitiesAre written in the starsWe are who we are babyAnd I can"t help but think that possiblyThere"s possibilityDon"t give me hope if there"s nothing to thisDon"t let me in if you"re not thereWhat I"m feeling doesn"t happen every daySo baby please play me fairAnd it feels like there"s something moreThan those crazy little crushes I"ve felt beforeWhen you move in closer I can feel the rushAnd now we"re so close we can touchAll these possibilitiesSo many little possibilitiesRight in front of usClose enough to touchAnd far enough to have some time to seeAll these possibilitiesOh these possibilitiesAre written in the starsWe are who we are babyAnd I can"t help but think that possiblyThere"s possibility

Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Products (产品) arc not produced in a "g.

小题1:No, it isn"t.小题2:They often think about the environmental safety.小题3:8129小题4:It is possible.小题5:Because people are caring about a safer and cleaner environment, and they prefer the environment-friendly products. 小题1:根据The waste problem is difficult to deal with.及本段描述,可知答案为否,故答:No, it isn"t.小题2:根据However, today, more and more people are choosing “green” and expecting that the products they buy should be safe for the environment.描述,可知答:They often think about the environmental safety.小题3:根据Among them, 8129 people say that they now consider the environmental safety of a product before they buy it. 可知答:8129小题4:根据A few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds.描述,可知是可能的,故答:It is possible.小题5:根据The growing need for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. 描述,可知答:Because people are caring about a safer and cleaner environment, and they prefer the environment-friendly products.

a large quantity of 和large quantities of的用法区别?

都可以接可数和不可数名词区别:a large quantity of + 名词做主语时, 谓语用【单数】large quantities of+ 名词做主语时, 谓语用【复数】如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

a large quantity of 和large quantities of的用法区别?

a quantity of+名词 和quantities of+名词做主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数,不同的参考书有不同的说法,请问,究竟该怎么用? 答:该问题主要涉及的知识点为:quantity 与后面谓语动词单、复数搭配(即主谓一致)。但是关于quantity 与谓语单复数搭配,现在说法不统一。主要有两种观点: 1、与词形保持一致 a quantity of /quantities of 不管后面接复数还是单数(包括不可数)名词,只看quantity 本身。即:a quantity of 中的quantity 是单数,谓语动词就用单数;quantities of 中quantities 是复数,谓语动词则与复数保持一致。例如: Quantities of nuts were on the table. A quantity of nuts was on the table. 2、与意义保持一致 这种观点认为,不应该看a quantity of / quantities of 本身,而应该看这个词组后面所接的是什么名词,如果后面的名词是单数(或不可数),则谓语用单数;如果名词是复数,那么谓语用复数。这一点与a lot of 相同,即遵循意义一致原则。例如: There is only a small quantity of wine left. Great quantities of sand was washed down the hillside by the rain last night. A large quantity of air conditions have been sold since the summer came. Huge quantities of oil were shipped to Japan last year. 结论:目前,比较倾向于与quantity 的词形保持一致,即 a quantity of 是单数,quantities of 是复数,而不管后面接单数或复数的名词。例如,某省一道高考题如下: With many forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth ______ each year. A. is washing away B. is being washed away C. are washing away D. are being washed away 它所给的答案是D. 此题中,earth 是不可数名词,但quantities 是复数,所以谓语采用了复数形式D.

Quantities of用法

quantities of无论修饰可数还是不可数名词、谓语动词都用复数.例如:Quantities of food (nuts) were on the table.桌子上有许多食品(坚果).a quantity of+可数名词复数、谓语动词用复数;+不可数名词、谓语动词用单数.即修饰可数或不可数名词均可,作主语时采取就近一致的原则,其谓语动词通常与短语中of后面的名词的数保持一致.例如:A large quantity of beer was sold out.大量的啤酒被售出.A large quantity of blouses were on sale.大量罩衫有售.

quantities of和a quantity of的区别

"quantities of"和"a quantity of"都可以表示"数量"的意思,但它们在用法和语义上有一些区别。1. "quantities of"(大量的,许多的):- "quantities of"通常用来表示不确定的或未具体量化的大量或许多的事物。它可以用来描述单数名词或复数名词。例句:- There are quantities of books on the shelf.(书架上有许多书。)- He bought quantities of fruits and vegetables from the market.(他从市场买了很多水果和蔬菜。)2. "a quantity of"(一定数量的,一些):- "a quantity of"通常用来表示特定的、已经量化的数量,或者表示某种程度的数量。它通常用来修饰单数名词。例句:- He purchased a quantity of apples.(他买了一些苹果。)- We need a quantity of sand to fill the hole.(我们需要一定数量的沙子来填补洞。)总结:"quantities of"和"a quantity of"都可以表示"数量",但前者通常用于不确定的大量或许多的情况,后者则用于特定的、已经量化的数量,或者表示某种程度的数量。具体使用哪个表达方式取决于上下文和描述的具体情况。
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