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2023-08-11 11:57:26
TAG: 英语

I am trying hard to learn English.

learn 和 study 不同的,这里用learn比较合适。

然后try my best是尽全力,相对也有一些不贴切~


I learn english very hard.


I learn English very hard


I STUDY EngliSh Very hard.


I am trying very hard to study English.



my english learning is too much hard.


I try my best to learn English.


I study Enlish hard.


I spend lots of energy on studying Engish.


I learn English very hard.

I try my best to learn English.


I learn English very hard


I learn english by my soul



2023-08-07 16:38:484


We are making a poster on the Great Wall
2023-08-07 16:38:584


I have never seen in this beautiful scene all my life!
2023-08-07 16:39:098


well,I have another tip to remind you that you can buy some accessories locialed and had beeter not buy prious goods in tourist sites nearby.
2023-08-07 16:39:277


Shanghai aquirum is the largest in China, it is located in the middle of Pudong, Lujiazui area, it attracts millions of visitors each year. It has marine animals from all over the world. 上海灵格风英语
2023-08-07 16:39:442


2023-08-07 16:39:542

我想学几句地道的英语足球解说词 就像实况里的英语解说那样的 哪位高人能够提供 谢了

wonderful goal!
2023-08-07 16:40:012


Please bring these things to school. Your ID card is in the drawer. I need a notebook, a pen and an eraser.
2023-08-07 16:40:234


在美国, 我们科目是 Subjects.语文 Language、数学 Math、英语 English、体育 Physical Education (PE)、科学 Science、写字 Writing、班会 Class Meeting、信息(电脑)Information Technology (IT), 或者 Computer Science、美术 Art、音乐 Music、品德 Moral Education (美国没有的)社会 Social Studies 上海灵格风英语
2023-08-07 16:40:301


I said he would rather go to the seaside , am unwilling to get rid of a hike
2023-08-07 16:40:396


Sail is up,wind is ready. No matter what a challenges ahead,we need to motivate ourselves. Go forward until we reached our destination. 上海灵格风英语
2023-08-07 16:40:531

随着社会的发展,人们生活水平的不断提高 越来越多的城市人开始买车 翻译成英语

2023-08-07 16:41:173


1.Because of the hard rain, they have not gone to watch the movie.2.Let us keep in touchthrough the email!3.We should make well use of this opportunity.4.You had better not talked loudly in classroom.5.I prefer walk home to take taxi.
2023-08-07 16:41:285


What is there in the kitchen?
2023-08-07 16:41:464

learn from和learn with的区别

一、learn fromfrom 是从...地方来,所以learn from 是指从某个地方或者人学到知识.learn from是从……得知,向……学习,是指从某个地方或者人学到知识。通常语法是learn from sb向某人学习短语learn French from him 向他学习法语 learn English from me 向我学英语 learn lessons from mistakes 从错误中吸取教训 二、learn with释义:学习with可以是和人一起,也可以是和某样物品一起。1.I am prepared to follow and to learn, with a thankful heart.我现在打算用一颗感激的心跟从你不断的学习。2.Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?学而时习之,不亦悦乎?3.I learn with regret of the failure of messrs. P. R . & amp co.听说P. R. 公司破产,甚为遗憾。
2023-08-07 16:41:553


1.住在大城市让我非常方便2.看球赛会让我非常兴奋 3.听到这些坏消息我非常惊讶 4.他太小了以至于不能上学 5.她很高因此可以摘到树上的苹果 6.选择正确的造型对于我来说很难 7.你太小了以至于不能买酒和烟 8.我的头发是否够长去系到后面? 9.在中国用手去抓饭食非常粗鲁的 10.你做了如此错误的事真是太不小心了
2023-08-07 16:44:186


1.Current situation 2.mean doing3.Shakespear Era / addict in 5.present oneself/be going to close7. believe in each other8.change the situation9.ignore someone"s feelings
2023-08-07 16:44:354


上课一定要认真 课后做点练习 平时多积累
2023-08-07 16:44:444


sorry, I was just informed by the chorus that there would be a performance tomorrow moning. I can"t visit you.
2023-08-07 16:45:027


2023-08-07 16:45:195


1 He felt happy for the first time all through his life.2 Just make yourself at homg,and would you like a cup of coffee?3 Jeny said nothing on her way back.4 Although John kept running all the way,he missed the train at last.5 The little girl has a good knowlwdge of the surroundings of London.6 Parents offen found it difficult to communicate with their children.7 I can answer all the questions except for the last one.8 The city has a population of more than one million.9 There are 40 people in the room in total .10 I am studying French as well as English.11 The child has a dream to be a scientist in the future.
2023-08-07 16:46:106

如果明天要下雨,我们的野餐会推迟 。怎么翻译?

if it rained tomorrow,our picnic would be put off(delayed)
2023-08-07 16:46:374


1沿着这条路走三个街区,然后右转,医院就在你的左边(block)walk 3 blocks along this road and turn right, the hospital will be at your left. 2我们有很多工作要做,所以要利用好时间(make use of)since we have a lot of work to do, we"d better make full use of time. 3他直接去了纽约,没留在香港(straight)he went straight to new york, instead of staying in hong kong. 4这座城市在初夏季节常下雨(frequent) rains are frequent in the eary summer of this city.
2023-08-07 16:46:473


1.He asked I can breathe in the chemical plant to the fresh air2.Mother tells me to say the manufacture noise is not good 3.How Kang did Kang ask his friend he mother 4.He said his mother like this already three months5.In past, this plant production fearful gas
2023-08-07 16:46:595


那里的老师如何?我能不能问你几个关于你的学历/所受的教育的问题? I major in history. / I am a history major.I am looking for my wallet/purse, but I haven"t found it yet.She has beeen working at the company for eight years, she will be working there for a lot more years.He waters the flowers every day. He is watering the flowers right now in the yard. He has already watered the flowers.
2023-08-07 16:47:174

"能够有机会跟您合作/共事/学习,我将感到非常荣幸“ 的英文翻译

it"s my honour that I can learn from you and work with you
2023-08-07 16:47:274


This is a very old quotation about that I know nothing.Do you want to update the price now?
2023-08-07 16:47:397


We can use China Post"s EMS to mail your goods that you requiredYou can use Western Union money transfer will transfer to the following address: to mailed to you the pastplease tell me your specific addressPrice per packPostageTotalYou can use Western Union money transfer and transfer to the following address:I will fax the receipt of goods and sent after the
2023-08-07 16:47:588


I applogize, the battery that you are searching for can"t not be found in China.上海灵格风英语
2023-08-07 16:48:167


1 I improve my english level through writing diary.2 The best method to learn maths well is doing more exercises.3 Take part in a summer camping can help us make a lot of foreign friends.4 These kids are very exited about the good news.5 I have been wearing the glasses for five years.6 Whether you will come to take part in the party is not important.7 Li Ming met many difficulities on the study of chemistry this semester.8 What"s your favouriate way to keep fit?9 This article have told us the importance of morning.10 The journalist who come from the newspaper of school asked the students some questions about summer holiday life.
2023-08-07 16:48:325


I can learn many things from the net.
2023-08-07 16:48:589


2023-08-07 16:49:151


从冰心的一件小事说起 ----- 谈语音语调的魔力和重要性 作家冰心正在路上走着,听见路边的喇叭正播放她的一篇作品。听着听着,就不由自主地停了下来。冰心怎么也没想到,自己的文章经过播音员读出来,竟变得如此感人!文章经过播音员的朗诵加工,得到了升华,达到了一个更高的境界。这里是播音员的动人的语音语调的魔力起了作用。冰心激动不已,决心要找到这位播音员,好好地跟她谈一谈,好好地向她学习。经过多番努力,冰心的愿望终于实现了。两人一见如故,很快就成了莫逆之交。 说起语音语调,我就不禁想起我的一位大学老师。他说的是一口标准的灵格风贵族式英语,对语调研究得很深。他说的英语很有味道,而且他的话也很有内涵。听他的课简直就是一种享受。有一天,他给我们讲语调,在黑板上写了大大的:‘Come in. ‘让我们上去划出尽可能多的语调曲线,并说出各种语调的背景。同学们热情很高,纷纷抢上去发言,并划出各种语调曲线。可是划出了六条曲线之后就没人上去了。因为大家再也想不出还有什么别的语调了。这时老师就来帮大家分析:那六种语调实际上才是五种,里边有两种是重复的。老师又在黑板上划出了八种曲线,并一一加以解释。这时我们才如大梦初醒。语调里竟有这么大的学问,一个小学生都会的‘Come in.‘读起来竟然有这么多的变化!从此以后,我们再也不敢小瞧英语的语音语调了。 我教学生时,我对学生的语音语调十分重视,让他们背课文时是先检查语音语调,如果背得一字不错,但是语音语调错了,我也算他错。有一次,有个学生背诵时字字正确,但语调错了。我说他错了。他不服气。我就说:"这句话是主人公在生气时说的,而你平平淡淡的读出来。如果让你来当电影导演,你的演员这样背台词,你能让他通过吗?"他才没话说了。 图片和文字的不同大家都很清楚,但讲出来的话和文字的不同就有很多人没注意到。语音语调里含有很多感情成分,情绪成分,有时还有很多非常微妙的东西,都是用文字很难以表达的。所以对语音语调是万万不可掉以轻心的。要认真揣摩里边细微的变化,掌握语音语调的真谛。 学英语的很多朋友只注意单词,不注意语音语调,用中国的语音语调来听英语,结果很多单词老是听不出来。他们就埋怨录音不好。其实这是因为英语的语调和汉语的语调的不同所致。英语的语调像一条丝带,或是一段歌曲,词词相连,轻的(介词,冠词,代词,连词,叹词)可以轻到几乎听不清楚,没经过训练的人有时一句只听到几个重读的词(名词,动词,副词,形容词,数词)。汉语的语调则像锯齿,字字另起音,字字清楚。因为英语读起来是像一条带子,所以就有所谓的连读,有时一连起来滴里嘟噜的,很难分辨那个音是那个词的,这在汉语是没有的。用听汉语的方法来听英语,当然听不清楚了。 最后我还要谈一谈[新概念英语]。有一位学者在[英语世界]上发表文章说:‘[新概念英语]的录音完全可以和最经典的[灵格风英语]相媲美。‘这就是说,[新概念英语]的录音是英语录音的又一巅峰之作,是英语录音的瑰宝。全国的外语院校每年都要举行一年一度的学术交流会。参加的有老师和一些优秀的学生。有一次交流会上,一位北外的学生上台讲了他的学习体会。他的语音语调令所有的在场学生佩服得五体投地。他的讲话一结束,就被同学们围了起来。大家纷纷问他是如何学到如此精彩的语调的。他说他是背[新概念英语]学来的。大家都不相信。要知道,能参加这个交流会的都是各校的尖子,谁没学过[新概念英语]?他是个聪明人,马上就看出来大家的想法了。他问大家是怎么背的。大家都说是先读,然后听录音并跟读,最后背下来。他笑了笑,说:‘我不是这样学的。我是先读,然后听并跟读,再把课文连同语音语调一起背下来,反复练习,直到自己认为读得和原录音差不多了,就录下音。再用两台录音机同时放原录音和我的录音。要两台录音机放出来的音听起来好像是合唱时我才罢手。‘高手是如此珍爱新概念英语的录音,而我们很多朋友对新概念英语的录音只是听几遍就放到一边去了,岂不是把这举世瑰宝给白白浪费了!希望大家也能像那位高时一样好好珍爱[新概念英语]的录音,让这块举世瑰宝放出更耀眼的光芒! 我说了这么多,就是希望朋友们学英语一定要认真的学好语音语调,才能学得快,学得好,真正把英语学到手。 Yours Micropiggy
2023-08-07 16:49:221


oh gosh, I got lostToday I went to pick up my buddy, but on the way, I got lost.then by buddy found me.I am such an idiot when it comes to directions.I am very happy, I saw my best friend. Tomorrow early morning, We will go to the beach and look at the sunrise. Can"t wait.Also wish you have a great day.上海灵格风英语
2023-08-07 16:49:304


问题一:美剧用英语怎么说 美剧有很多 连续剧 = Soap Opera 短期连续剧, 2-4集的叫做 = Mini Series 电影式的连续剧, 比如 24小时 = Series, 如果它实在有线电视上播放的叫做Cable Series. 希望对你有所帮助。 上海灵格风英语 网上搜的。网址是 问题二:我喜欢看美剧,用英文怎么说 I like watching American TV series. 问题三:美剧的英文怎么说? 两种都对的 U.S.TV drama 是比较正式的说法 比较书面 口语中都用U.S.TV series TV se矗ies就是指 电视连续剧 希望能帮上楼主~~ 问题四:我喜欢在课余时间看美剧。用英语怎么说,英语翻译 I like watching American tv show in spare time. 问题五:我正在看美剧英语怎么说 I am watching American TV Series. 问题六:美剧用英语怎么说 美剧有很多 连续剧 = Soap Opera 短期连续剧, 2-4集的叫做 = Mini Series 电影式的连续剧, 比如 24小时 = Series, 如果它实在有线电视上播放的叫做Cable Series. 希望对你有所帮助。 上海灵格风英语 网上搜的。网址是 问题七:我喜欢看美剧,用英文怎么说 I like watching American TV series. 问题八:美剧的英文怎么说? 两种都对的 U.S.TV drama 是比较正式的说法 比较书面 口语中都用U.S.TV series TV se矗ies就是指 电视连续剧 希望能帮上楼主~~ 问题九:我喜欢在课余时间看美剧。用英语怎么说,英语翻译 I like watching American tv show in spare time. 问题十:我正在看美剧英语怎么说 I am watching American TV Series.
2023-08-07 16:49:451

同事工作上犯了错误,在邮件里道歉“Again, I apologize for my mistake.”我应该怎么回?

I think we can keep our friendship by our both fogetting it>
2023-08-07 16:50:082


2023-08-07 16:50:169


value boys rather than girlsprefer boys rather than girls
2023-08-07 16:50:438


1,Li Hua made a great progress and he will catch up with other classmates.2,He didn"t do well in the exam,in other words,he was failed.3,Suzhou is a beautiful city which was not far from Shanghai.4,We are looking forward to see you in Beijing.5,The teaching method of Teacher Wang is better than my old/former teacher.
2023-08-07 16:51:095


2023-08-07 16:51:296

闻花香 用英语怎么说?【急】

Smell the scent of flowers
2023-08-07 16:51:496


Different colors represent different personalities.
2023-08-07 16:52:087


Can you thach me to drawing?
2023-08-07 16:52:266


China has the highest population.上海灵格风英语
2023-08-07 16:52:554


1,Lincoln accepted by the school education does not add up more than a year
2023-08-07 16:53:046


2023-08-07 16:53:215

英语 多人对战类游戏用英语怎么说 在线等

Multiplayer games求你把最佳答案给我吧~ 我需要9个最佳答案
2023-08-07 16:53:405

时间不可以缺少,时间不可以替代,时间不可以存储,时间不可以增减,但时间可以管理。 用英文怎么说?

Cannot have lack of time, time cannot be replaced, time cannot be stored, time cannot be increased, but time could be managed
2023-08-07 16:54:112


It"s our duty to protect the forest. We must lay emphasis on the protection of the forest.
2023-08-07 16:54:195


Road different, do not seek to
2023-08-07 16:54:344