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2023-08-08 17:29:32
TAG: 英语 健康

你锻炼的越多你就越健康英语是The more you exercise, the healthier you will be.


He does exercises to develop his muscles.


I have to build up my body.


It"s important to exercise regularly.


If you want to stay healthy, you must exercise.


She tries to do some exercise every day and stay active.


I work out regulary to keep fit.


Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.


In short, my way to hearth is rational diet, physical exercise, and regular somnus.




2023-08-06 09:51:393


2023-08-06 09:52:121


exercise 运动,锻炼
2023-08-06 09:52:362


2023-08-06 09:52:511


2023-08-06 09:53:026

锻炼 英文怎么写

锻炼的英文单词有temper、anneal。具体释义如下:一、temper 英[u02c8tempu0259(r)] 美[u02c8tu025bmpu025a] n.性情,脾气;特征;(钢等)回火;怒气vt.锻炼;调和;使回火;缓和vi.使调和二、 anneal英[u0259u02c8ni:l] 美[u0259"ni:l] n.退火;锻炼;焖火;磨炼(意志)vt.使退火;韧炼,锻炼近义词区分temper,character,disposition,nature,personality这组词意义相近。1、personality指日常表现出来的“性格”。2、character作“性格”解,指一个人真正的根深蒂固的、永久具有的内在的本质。3、disposition意为“性癖”,强调一个人对其周围的生活所表现的一贯的态度。4、nature指天生的、无法改变的性格或品质,有时也指“脾气”。5、temper可作“脾气”解,指心境的好坏。扩展资料一、temper常用短语1、ina(bad,rotten,etc.)temper 发怒,发脾气2、keep〔lose〕one"stemper 忍住〔发〕脾气3、outoftemper 发火的,发怒的二、temper词汇搭配1、动词+~fly〔get,go〕intoatemper发脾气keep〔control,hold〕one"stemper忍住不发脾气2、形容词+~calm〔even〕temper平和的性情good〔bad〕temper好〔坏〕心情3、介词+~inatemper闹脾气,生气afitoftemper一阵脾气
2023-08-06 09:53:401


锻炼 1.[Metallurgy] to forge (metal); to take exercise; to have physical training; to lick into train (oneself); to discipline
2023-08-06 09:53:481


正在锻炼的英文:Working out,Im exercising; 锻炼 ake exercise; have physical training; exercise n. (身体或脑力的)活动,锻炼,运动;(保持健康或培养技能的)一套动作; v. 行使;使用;运用;锻炼;训练;操练;锻炼(身体某部位) 扩展资料   她正在锻炼自己成为一名医生。   She is training to become a doctor.   假如你正在锻炼自控力例如不吃第二块蛋糕,或者是不买不需要的电子玩具那就尝试绷紧你的肌肉吧,任何肌肉都可以。   Youre trying to exercise willpower to avoid eating that second piece of cake or buying an electronic toy you dont really need. Try firming up your muscles. Any muscles.   这第一本小说是作者正在成长锻炼中的作品。   This first novel is the work of a writer in the make.   一些专家已经指出,在食物价格日益下降的`情况下,人们正在为锻炼身体花费更多的金钱。   Some experts have pointed out that while food has grown increasinglycheap, getting exercise can be costly.
2023-08-06 09:53:551


2023-08-06 09:54:052


每天锻炼对你的健康有好处:It is good for your health to exercise every day.关于锻炼身体的英语作文:The benefits of exercise. Of course, exercise is good for us. Running is one of the best exercises for people"s body and brain.Therefore, I go jogging in my free time. It is free. I think running has many advantages.Running is the best way to strengthen the heart and ensure the effective flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body. In addition, running can not only improve our immune system, make our body function more effective against bacteria, but also increase bone density, thus preventing osteoporosis. In addition, because every time I run, I can reduce the pressure after joining school, I am in a good mood.There is no doubt that exercise is healthy. Physical exercise can release my pressure, keep healthy and get along well with others. In any case, we should exercise regularly, it will make us live a better life.中文翻译:锻炼的好处当然,锻炼身体对我们有好处,跑步是人们对身体和大脑最好的锻炼之一。因此,我在我的空闲时间去慢跑,它是免费的,我认为跑步有很多优点,跑步是强健心脏、保证血液和氧气在全身有效流动的最佳方式。此外,跑步不仅能提高我们的免疫系统,使我们的身体机能更有效地对抗细菌,而且还能增加骨密度,从而预防骨质疏松症,除此之外,因为每次跑步,我都能减轻加入学校后的压力,我心情很好。毫无疑问,锻炼身体是健康的,体育锻炼可以释放我的压力,保持健康,与人相处融洽。无论如何,我们应该经常锻炼,它会使我们过上更好的生活。
2023-08-06 09:54:491

关于 锻炼 的英语作文 以exercise为主题,大约80字左右

Exercise is important for our health and wellbeing. It helps us to stay fit, strong, and healthy. Regular exercise can also help to reduce stress, improve our mood, and increase our energy levels. So, let"s all make sure to take some time to exercise every day, even if it"s just a short walk or a quick workout at home. Your body will thank you for it!
2023-08-06 09:55:382


This year I will insist to take exercise
2023-08-06 09:55:464


我应该多做锻炼。翻译为英文是:I should do more exercises.
2023-08-06 09:56:171

多锻炼的英文 get a lot of

get a lot of exercise
2023-08-06 09:56:393


跑步锻炼英语是Running exercise.跑步的定义是指陆生动物使用足部移动。它在运动上的定义是一种步伐,双脚不会同一时间碰到地面。它亦可以是一种有氧的运动或厌氧的运动。动作要领:听到“跑步”的预令时,两手迅速握拳(四指蜷握,拇指贴于食指第一关节和中指第二关节),提到腰际,约与腰带同高,拳心向内,肘部稍向里合。听到“走”的动令后。上体微向前倾,两腿微弯,同时,左脚利用右脚掌的蹬力跃出约85厘米,前脚掌先着地,身体重心前移,右脚照此法动作;上体保持正直,两臂前后自然摆动,向前摆臂时大臂略直,肘部贴于腰际,小臂略平,稍向里合,两拳内侧各距衣扣线约10厘米;向后摆臂时,拳贴于腰际。行进速度每分钟170-180步。听到“立定”的口令,再跑两步,然后左脚向前大半步(两拳收于腰际,停止摆动)着地,右脚靠拢左脚,同时将手放下,成立正姿势。跑步的第一步一定要跃出去,跑步过程中要根据实际情况调整落脚姿态(前掌跑、全掌跑以及后掌跑);立定时,要注意靠腿和放臂的一致性。跑步是一门学问,最科学的锻炼方法才能达到最好的效果。
2023-08-06 09:56:471


健身:Fitness 强身健体Bodybuilding 健美Exercise 锻炼,"Exercise" 是一个广泛意义上的锻炼,所有形式的运动都可以被概括在内,举重、游泳……甚至可以是随意的伸伸腿,弯弯腰。这个单词也是我们最初从英文课本上学到的关于"锻炼"的表达。Work out 健身,这个词是通常意义上的"健身",一般指在健身房,做些有氧、无氧和体操伸展运动。如果你只是出去跑个步,千万不要跟别人说你去 work out,说 "I" m going for a run." 即可。如果你要跟小伙伴相约下班后健身房见,不妨说: "Let"s hit the gym after work."
2023-08-06 09:57:421

关于锻炼的短语 英语

take exercisedo physical training build up
2023-08-06 09:57:534


她每天都锻炼的英文是:She exercises every day。锻炼的好处:1、提高身体免疫力:通过锻炼能够促进身体各系统的血液循环,能够增加肌肉的耐力,提高皮肤的防御能力,有助于身体免疫能力的提高,可以有效预防常见疾病。2、改善睡眠:通过锻炼身体,可以缓解精神紧张,去除神经上的疲劳,有助于改善睡眠质量。促进新陈代谢:锻炼能够促进胃肠道蠕动,能够提高食欲,促进新陈代谢。4、控制体重:坚持锻炼身体可以加速皮下多余脂肪的燃烧和代谢,能够有效控制体重。5、其他:还可以降低罹患高血压、冠心病、糖尿病等慢性疾病的风险。锻炼会改善你的心情。锻炼可以刺激多种大脑化学物质产生,这些化学物质让你感到快乐,轻松很多。6、锻炼能抗击慢性疾病。定期运动可以帮助防止和高血压的产生,胆固醇水平也会控制。锻炼会帮助控制体重,这并不是一件简单的事情。运动的时候会消耗一些热量,运动得越激烈,热量消耗的越大,体重控制得越好。7、锻炼能让心脏和肺功能得到加强。运动会使身体的组织输送氧气和营养,实际上定期的锻炼,会帮助身体的心脏血管的血液循环更有效的运转。锻炼可以促进更加的睡眠,一夜好的夜间睡眠会提高注意力,提升生产力,以改善心情。
2023-08-06 09:58:001


go to the gym for exercises.
2023-08-06 09:58:261


以下是四篇关于锻炼的英语作文,希望能对你有所帮助。作文一:Title: Benefits of Regular ExerciseRegular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Engaging in physical activity every day can have numerous benefits for our mental and physical health.First of all, regular exercise can help improve our cardiovascular health. When we exercise, our heart rate increases, which helps strengthen our heart and improve blood flow throughout our body. Not only can this help prevent heart disease, but it can also reduce our risk of developing other health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure.Additionally, exercising on a regular basis can be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. When we exercise, our body releases endorphins, which can help improve our mood and reduce feelings of stress or depression. Furthermore, regular exercise can also help us sleep better at night and improve our overall mental health.Lastly, engaging in physical activity can also help us maintain a healthy weight. Regular exercise can help burn calories and boost our metabolism, which can make it easier to maintain a healthy weight over time.In conclusion, regular exercise has numerous benefits for both our mental and physical health. Regardless of your age or fitness level, incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can be an effective way to improve your overall health and well-being.作文二:Title: Tips for Getting Motivated to ExerciseGetting motivated to exercise can be a struggle for many people. However, there are several strategies that you can use to help boost your motivation and get yourself moving.Firstly, it can be helpful to set clear and specific goals for yourself. Whether you want to lose weight, improve your fitness level, or run a 5K, having a clear goal in mind can help provide direction and focus for your workouts.Another strategy that can be effective is finding a workout buddy. Working out with a friend can not only make exercise more fun and enjoyable, but it can also help hold you accountable to sticking to your workout routine.Additionally, it can be helpful to mix up your workouts and try new things. Doing the same exercise routine over and over again can become boring and monotonous, making it harder to stay motivated. Trying new exercises or workouts can help keep things interesting and prevent boredom from setting in.Finally, it"s important to be kind to yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. It"s easy to get discouraged if you feel like you"re not making progress fast enough, but remember that any progress is still progress. Celebrating small victories along the way can help boost your confidence and motivation to keep going.In conclusion, getting motivated to exercise can be a challenge, but there are several strategies that you can use to help boost your motivation and stay on track. With a little bit of determination and effort, you can make exercise a regular part of your routine and enjoy all of the benefits that come with it.作文三:Title: The Importance of Warming Up Before ExerciseWarming up before exercise is a crucial component of any workout routine. Not only can it help prevent injury, but it can also improve our overall performance and make our workouts more effective.When we warm up before exercising, we help prepare our body for the physical activity that is to come. This can include activities such as light cardio, stretching, and practicing movements that we will be doing during our workout. By warming up, we are able to gradually increase our heart rate and body temperature, helping to prevent injury and improve our overall performance.Furthermore, warming up can help increase our flexibility and range of motion, making it easier to perform certain exercises and movements. By stretching and practicing movements before our workout, we can help loosen up our muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injury and allowing us to perform exercises more effectively.Lastly, warming up can also help us mentally prepare for our workout. By taking the time to focus on our breathing, preparing our muscles, and setting our intentions for our workout, we can help improve our focus and performance, allowing us to get the most out of workout.In conclusion, warming up is an essential part of any workout routine. By taking the time to warm up properly, we can help prevent injury, improve our overall performance, and get the most out of our workouts.作文四:Title: Tips for Staying Motivated to Exercise at HomeExercising at home can be a convenient and effective way to stay active, but it can also be a challenge to stay motivated. However, there are several strategies that you can use to help stay motivated and on track with your workouts.Firstly, it can be helpful to create a dedicated exercise space in your home. Whether it"s a corner of your living room or a separate room entirely, having a dedicated space for your workouts can help provide structure and routine to your exercise routine.Another strategy that can be effective is setting aside specific times each day for your workouts. By scheduling your workouts into your daily routine, you are less。
2023-08-06 09:58:422


exercise英文单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼”,作及物动词时意为“锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐”,作不及物动词时意为“运动;练习”。短语搭配Exercise Price 行使价格 ; 合约价 ; 行使价 ; 行权价格Kegel exercise 凯格尔运动 ; 凯格尔训练法 ; 凯格尔训练 ; 凯格尔式运动Exercise Zapad 西方演习morning exercise 晨练 ; 朝会 ; 早操 ; 最紧要运动
2023-08-06 09:59:091

锻炼用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达锻炼

1、锻炼的英语是take exercise,音标:[teu026ak eksu0259sau026az],释义: 锻炼 做运动;运动;进行锻炼。 2、短语:Take Wee Exercise Video 韦氏婴儿体操教程。 3、例句:Take exercise together, possibly by playing sport or jogging.一起做运动。一起跑步或进行其它健身运动。
2023-08-06 09:59:171


锻炼的英文:Exercise汉英词典1.forge and smelt2.take exercise; have physical training锻炼肌肉exercise one"s muscles缺乏锻炼lack exercise他打高尔夫球主要是为了锻炼身体。He plays golf chiefly for the exercise.如果你不多锻炼,就会发胖。If you don"t take/get more exercise, you"ll get fat.3.steel; toughen; make stronger through trials锻炼体力和耐力build up one"s strength and endurance锻炼意志temper one"s will power他在战争的熔炉中锻炼过。He had been steeled in the furnace of war.
2023-08-06 09:59:261

锻炼用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达锻炼

1. 锻炼的英语是train。英 [treu026an] 美 [treu026an]n. 2.“锻炼”英文表达有:anneal、temper、take exercise、exercise等。
2023-08-06 09:59:481


1、练出一身汗,小病不用看。 If you sweat all over your body, you don"t have to look at minor diseases. 2、跳绳踢毽,病少一半。 Rope skipping and shuttlecock kicking are half as sick. 3、淡泊名利,动静相济,劳逸适度。 Indifferent to fame and wealth, dynamic and static, moderate labor and leisure. 4、身体健康者常年轻。 Healthy people are often young. 5、运动是一切生命的源泉。 Sport is the source of all life. 6、运动劲出来,歇着病出来。 Exercise, rest and illness. 7、一日舞几舞,活到九十五。 Dance a few dances a day, live to 95. 8、冬天动一动,少闹一场病;冬天懒一懒,多喝药一碗。 In winter, if you move around, you will have less disease; if you are lazy in winter, you will drink more medicine. 9、夏游泳,冬长跑,一年四季广播操。 Swimming in summer, long-distance running in winter, broadcast exercises throughout the year. 10、发展体育运动,增强人民体质。 Develop sports and enhance people"s physical fitness. 11、水停百日生毒,人歇百日生病。 The water stops for a hundred days and poisons, and people get sick after a hundred days" rest. 12、生命在于运动。 Life lies in movement. 13、卫生是妙药,锻炼是金丹。 Health is the best medicine, exercise is the golden elixir. 14、若要身体健,天天来锻炼。 If you want to be healthy, exercise every day. 15、饭后百步走,活到九十九。 After a meal, you will live to ninety-nine. 16、练练力出,缩缩病出。早起做早操,一天精神好。 Practice strength, contraction disease. Get up early and do morning exercises. 17、人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动。 People"s health depends not only on diet, but also on exercise. 18、跑跑跳跳浑身轻,不走不动皮肉松。 Running and jumping all over the body light, do not walk can not move skin meat floss. 19、天天练长跑,年老变年少。 If you practice long-distance running every day, you will grow old. 20、运动好比灵芝草,何必苦把仙方找。 Exercise is like Ganoderma lucidum. Why bother to find the fairy formula. 21、以自然之道,养自然之身。 By the way of nature, cultivate the body of nature.
2023-08-06 10:00:111


问题一:锻炼 英文怎么写 珐语中更常用的是 workout n.健身, 练习, 考验,锻炼 如果是动词就用 work out v.做出, 可以解决, 设计出, 计算出, 锻炼, 开采完 见下面的例句: 1. I believe that you can work out this problem by yourself. 我相信你自己能做出这道题的。 2. I work out regulary to keep fit. 我经常努力锻炼身体以保持健康。 3. What does your share of the bonus work out at? 算出你应得的红利是多少? 4. I"ve never been able to work her out. 我一向无法了解她。 5. How will things work out? 事情将成什麽样子呢? 6. The total works out at 10. 总数为10英镑。 7. Things worked out quite well. 事情的结果很不错。 8. I"ve worked out your share of the expenses at 10. 我已经计算出你应分摊的费用是10英镑。 问题二:锻炼的英语怎么说 30分 锻炼的意思有很多,下面列出三种揣境: build up a strong constitution锻炼好身体 train regularly to keep fit经常锻炼(运动)以保持健康 be tempered in the great storms在风浪中经受锻炼(历练) 问题三:锻炼身体用英语怎么说 take exercise 问题四:进行大量的锻炼用英语怎么说 take much exercise 问题五:坚持锻炼身体的英文怎么写? N多种。 body肯定。 问题六:加强锻炼用英语怎么说。。 Strengthening exercises 问题七:他说这是很好的锻炼用英语怎么说 他说这是很好的锻炼 He said it was a good exercise. 问题八:进行大量的锻炼 用英语怎么说 to the a lot of exercise
2023-08-06 10:00:191

锻炼 英文怎么写

英语中更常用的是 workout n.健身,练习,考验,锻炼 如果是动词就用 work out v.做出,可以解决,设计出,计算出,锻炼,开采完 见下面的例句: 1.I believe that you can work out this problem by yourself. 我相信你自己能做出这道题的. 2.I work out regulary to keep fit. 我经常努力锻炼身体以保持健康. 3.What does your share of the bonus work out at? 算出你应得的红利是多少? 4.I"ve never been able to work her out. 我一向无法了解她. 5.How will things work out? 事情将成什麽样子呢? 6.The total works out at 10. 总数为10英镑. 7.Things worked out quite well. 事情的结果很不错. 8.I"ve worked out your share of the expenses at 10. 我已经计算出你应分摊的费用是10英镑.
2023-08-06 10:00:291


锻炼的英文是Exercise,复数是 exercises. 例句: Lets start off with some gentle exercises. 我们先来做点强度小的练习。 Deep breathing exercises will help you relax. 深呼吸运动有助于放松自己。 扩展资料   These exercises will help to keep you supple.   这些锻炼项目有助于你保持身体的.柔韧性。   These exercises help free the body of tension.   这些锻炼可使紧张的身体放松。   It is important never to overdo new exercises.   重要的是,千万不要过度进行一项新的锻炼。   There are exercises that tauten facial muscles.   有些练习可以让面部肌肉紧绷起来。   These exercises will help to flatten your stomach.   这些身体锻炼有助腹部变平。
2023-08-06 10:00:421


redominance of courage ove
2023-08-06 10:00:533


问题一:锻炼身体用英语怎么说 take exercise 问题二:锻炼身体用英语怎么说? 问题三:锻炼身体用英语怎么说? 1.have胆sports exercise 3.exercise 以 1,2为佳 问题四:锻炼身体有利于健康怎么用英语表达 Exercise is good for health 问题五:它能锻炼身体的英文翻译。 它能锻炼身体 It can exercise 它能锻炼身体 It can exercise 问题六:锻炼身体用英语怎么说 take exercise 问题七:锻炼身体用英语怎么说? 问题八:我会努力的锻炼身体.............用英文怎么说? I will work hard to the exercise. 问题九:锻炼的英语怎么说 30分 锻炼的意思有很多,下面列出三种揣境: build up a strong constitution锻炼好身体 train regularly to keep fit经常锻炼(运动)以保持健康 be tempered in the great storms在风浪中经受锻炼(历练) 问题十:锻炼身体用英语怎么说? 1.have胆sports exercise 3.exercise 以 1,2为佳
2023-08-06 10:02:111


问题一:锻炼身体用英语怎么说 take exercise 问题二:锻炼身体用英语怎么说? 问题三:坚持锻炼身体的英文怎么写? N多种。 body肯定。 问题四:锻炼身体用英语怎么说? 1.have胆sports exercise 3.exercise 以 1,2为佳 问题五:我会努力的锻炼身体.............用英文怎么说? I will work hard to the exercise. 问题六:锻炼的英语怎么说 30分 锻炼的意思有很多,下面列出三种揣境: build up a strong constitution锻炼好身体 train regularly to keep fit经常锻炼(运动)以保持健康 be tempered in the great storms在风浪中经受锻炼(历练) 问题七:锻炼身体用英语怎么说 take exercise 问题八:锻炼身体用英语怎么说? 问题九:我会努力的锻炼身体.............用英文怎么说? I will work hard to the exercise. 问题十:坚持锻炼身体的英文怎么写? N多种。 body肯定。
2023-08-06 10:02:211


2023-08-06 10:02:336


do exercise take exercise do sports exercise当锻炼讲,不加s 而做早操,则是do morning exercises 具体的练习,exercise也是复数
2023-08-06 10:03:141


exercise more
2023-08-06 10:03:366


问题一:早锻炼英文怎么写 早锻炼 Morning exercise 问题二:我每天早晨锻炼 用英文怎么说阿 i take exercise every morning 问题三:早锻炼的英文 Morning exercises 问题四:在早晨锻炼用英语怎么说 Do morning exercises. Practice in the morning. 问题五:用英语怎么翻译我可以很熟练的做好早锻炼 我可以很熟练的做好早锻炼 I can be very good to do morning exercise 问题六:我经常每天早上做运动用英语怎么翻译 我经常每天早上做运动 I do sports in the morning everyday
2023-08-06 10:04:181


Can exercise the body
2023-08-06 10:04:344


How often does Harry take exercise?
2023-08-06 10:04:422


take/do exercise 注意:exercise 用单数
2023-08-06 10:04:501


积极锻炼英语:Active exercise。active,英语单词,形容词、名词,作名词时意为“主动语态;积极分子”。作形容词时意为“积极的;活跃的;主动的;有效的;现役的”。Active assets[经]活动资产 ; 有收益资产 ; 流动资产 ; 勾当资产active plate活动板 ; 移动板块 ; 勾当板 ; 运动板active crossover有源分频网络 ; 主动分频 ; 有源分频 ; 电子分频Active agent活性剂 ;[助剂]活化剂 ; 表面活性剂 ; 促进助剂active substance活性物质 ; 相关活性物质active material[物][化学]活性物质 ;[核]放射性材料 ;[材]活性材料 ; 放射材料Active Area显示区域 ; 有效面积 ; 显示面积 ; 显示区域尺寸active learning积极学习 ; 主动式学习 ; 自主学习Active duty现役 ; 现役职务 ; 现役军人 ; 现行的义务
2023-08-06 10:05:011


问题一:运动中心 用 英语怎么说 运动中心 Sports Center 问题二:锻炼身体用英语怎么说 take exercise 问题三:激烈的 用英语怎么说,用于形容运动的 The fierce 问题四:体育运动的英语怎么写 sport 问题五:锻炼的英语怎么说 30分 锻炼的意思有很多,下面列出三种揣境: build up a strong constitution锻炼好身体 train regularly to keep fit经常锻炼(运动)以保持健康 be tempered in the great storms在风浪中经受锻炼(历练) 问题六:“锻炼身体”用英语怎么说 exercise the body 问题七:锻炼身体用英语怎么说 take exercise 问题八:常见的体育运动项目用英语怎么说啊 1、跳高:the high jump ; 跳远:the long jump ; 赛跑:the race; 接力赛:the raly race 男子 / 女子100米赛跑:the men"s / women"s 100-meter race ; 马拉松:marathone 2、足球:soccer ; 篮球:basketball ; 排球:volleyball ; 乒乓球:table tennis ; 网球:tennis ; 橄榄球:football ; 冰球:ice hocky 曲棍球:hocky ; 水球:water polo ; 手球:handball ; 藤球:cane ball ; 台球:billards ; 斯诺克:snooker pool ; 马球:polo ; 曲棍球:户ockey ; 3、游泳:swimming ; 跳水:diving ; 潜水:scuba diving ; 冲浪:surfing ; 赛艇:boating ; 花样游泳:water ballet ; 皮划艇:boat ; 帆板:sailboard ; 4、举重:lifting ; 5、拳击:boxing ; 6、滑冰:skating ; 短道速滑:short track speed skating ; 女子500米短道速滑:women"s 500 m speed skating ; 花样滑冰:figure skating ; 单人花样滑冰:single skating ; 双人花样滑冰:pair skating ; 冰壶:curling stone ; 7、滑雪: 问题九:激烈的 用英语怎么说,用于形容运动的 The fierce
2023-08-06 10:05:371


2023-08-06 10:06:221


出门锻炼:Go out for exercise
2023-08-06 10:06:483


2023-08-06 10:06:586


问题一:健身,用英语怎么翻译?? 告诉你最地道的英语说法 body building 我保证你说出去别人都以为你出过国相信我 问题二:锻炼身体用英语怎么说 take exercise 问题三:锻炼用英语怎么说 锻炼 (体育锻炼) take exercise或have physical training: 例句: build up a strong constitution; 锻炼好身体 train regularly to keep fit; 经常锻炼以保持健康 短语 (磨炼) temper; steel; toughen: 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校憨O(∩_∩)O 问题四:健身的英语怎么说 bodybuilding 英 [?b?dib?ld??] 美 [?b:dib?ld??] n. [体]健美运动 例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1 I want to debunk this bodybuilding myth right now. 我要揭穿这种健身神话了。 2 But this one is about bodybuilding. 但是,这是关于健身的。 3 Bodybuilding that increases muscle mass and body weight. 增加肌肉和体重的健身活动。 4 Jogging is an effective way to keep fit. Similarly, swimming is helpful for bodybuilding. 慢跑是一种锻炼身体的有效方法,同样地,游泳对于保持健康也有帮助。 问题五:请问(健身)的英文怎么说~~~~~~~~在线等 健身: body-building I"ve got to start working out. 我必须开始做健身运动了。 Outline of the nationwide body-building plan 全民健身计划纲要 Fitness equipment; fitness centers. 健身器材;健身中心 Where is the health club? 健身俱乐部在哪里? An exercise bicycle. 一种健身用的自行车 The National Fit-keeping Program was further promoted. 全民健身活动进一步开展。 Sorry, exercise circle is sell out. 对不起,健身圈卖完了。 Sorry, exercise circle is sold out. 对不起,健身圈卖完了。 Keeping fit is a topic on the nail. 健身是人们在谈论的话题。 bodybuilding that increases muscle mass and body weight. 增加肌肉和体重的健身活动。 Mr.Smith needs more exercises to keep fit. 史密斯先生要健身还需要更多的锻炼。 问题六:去健身房锻炼肌肉,用英文怎么说? Work out at a gym.或者 go to the gym to work out. 问题七:健身 用英语怎么说 exercise (动词)如果把exercise用作名词有do exercise,这里译为做运动故exercise不可数 如果译为做一套健身操则有do exercises 问题八:锻炼身体用英语怎么说? 问题九:进行大量的锻炼用英语怎么说 take much exercise
2023-08-06 10:07:131


体育锻炼用英语说为physical exercise。体育锻炼是指人们根据身体需要进行自我选择,运用各种体育手段,并结合自然力和卫生措施,以发展身体,增进健康,增强体质,调节精神,丰富文化生活和支配余暇时间为目的的体育活动。体育锻炼是运用各种体育手段,结合自然力和卫生措施,以发展身体,增进健康,增强体质,娱乐身心为目的的身体活动过程。它是群众性体育活动的主要形式。对促进人体生长发育,培养健美体态,提高机体工作能力,消除疲劳,调节情感,防治疾病,益寿延年乃至提高和改善整个民族体质,都有重要作用。其特点是群众面广,各种年龄、性别、不同职业和健康状况的人,都可根据个人情况进行适宜的锻炼。形式与内容灵活多样,可独自锻炼,也可集体进行。锻炼的内容极其丰富,可分为:健身运动、健美运动、娱乐性体育、格斗性体育、医疗与矫正体育等5类。体育锻炼的作用如下:1、使关节囊和韧带增厚。2、加强身体柔韧性。3、使肌纤维变粗,肌肉粗壮。4、增强心脏输血功能。5、增大心输出量。
2023-08-06 10:08:531


2023-08-06 10:09:225


饿了么外卖app官方版是一款由饿了么官方重金打造的网上订餐平台软件。平台主要订购美食、鲜花、超市、甜品、生鲜、水果等等无所不能,足不出户就可办理一切事物。准时必达,超时赔付,为您甄选资质齐全,卫生可靠的优质商家,提供安全、方便、快捷、贴心的高品质外卖服务,现全国已覆盖1400+城市,覆盖近1000000+外卖餐厅,2265+高端品牌连锁餐厅,如必胜客、麦当劳、肯德基、汉堡王、海底捞等。“饿了么”是2008年创立的本地生活平台,主营在线外卖、新零售、即时配送和餐饮供应链等业务。创业12年,饿了么以“Everything 30min”为使命,致力于用科技打造本地生活服务平台,推动了中国餐饮行业的数字化进程,将外卖培养成中国人继做饭、堂食后的第三种常规就餐方式。基础功能:1.快速搜罗附近外卖,不用打电话直接预订。2.我们会在第一时间利用通知您外卖状态。3.看到大家对喜欢的外卖美食的点评和照片。4.收藏您喜欢的餐厅和美食,方便点餐。5.各种赠饮打折活动,优惠不断。
2023-08-06 09:54:261


平安夜英文为"Christmas Eve"。下面将从以下几个方面展开相关内容的分析:首先,平安夜源自于基督教的传统节日——圣诞节。在圣诞节前夕的12月24日,人们习惯欢聚一堂,在家中或教堂里庆祝平安夜。除了在美国等英语系国家“平安夜”的称呼之外,还有其他各种语言称呼。其次,平安夜和圣诞节有很密切的关系。它标志着圣诞节真正的开始,也象征着基督降生带给世界的和平与祥和。在平安夜这一天,人们会点亮蜡烛、唱歌、念经等,庆祝慈善、分享与团结等美好品质。此外,不同地区也有不同的传统节目,如庆祝晚会、送礼物等。平安夜在英语文化中有着举足轻重的地位。人们会在平安夜前后进行全民性的庆祝活动,以及商家推出的圣诞促销活动,如圣诞市集、购物中心装饰等等。同时,跨年夜也通常是在平安夜过后的第二十四小时内进行,表明了平安夜对于整个圣诞假期的重要性。最后,我们来谈谈与平安夜相关的英语单词。除了常见的“Christmas Eve”之外,还有一些成语、动词等,如“The night before Christmas”(圣诞节前夕)、“Deck the halls with boughs of holly”(以冬青树枝装饰房间)等等。同时,在英语各课程中也会涉及到与平安夜有关的话题,如听力、口语、写作等。总结起来,平安夜是一个庆祝团结和分享的美好节日,它具有丰富的文化内涵,而平安夜英文为"Christmas Eve",是与圣诞节密不可分的充满喜庆与祥和的节日。
2023-08-06 09:54:261


在物理实验中使用的密度计,是一种测量液体密度的仪器。它是根据物体浮在液体中所受的浮力等于重力的原理制造与工作的。密度计是一根粗细不均匀的密封玻璃管,管的下部装有少量密度较大的铅丸或水银。使用时将密度计竖直地放入待测的液体中,待密度计平稳后,从它的刻度处读出待测液体的密度。常用密度计有两种,一种测密度比纯水大的液体密度,叫重表;另一种测密度比纯水小的液体,叫轻表。密度计原理物体的重力将物体拉向地面,但是如果将物体放在液体中,一种名为浮力的力量将产生反方向的作用力。 浮力的大小等同于物体取代的液体的重量,或者说是排开的水的重量。密度计根据重力和浮力平衡的变化上浮或下沉。一个功能完好的密度计仅能处于漂浮状态,因此浮力向上推的力量要比重力向下拉的力量稍微大一点。但在平衡的时候,其受的重力大小等于浮力。因为密度计的体积没有发生变化, 其排开水的体积相同。但是,因为其中包含了更多的水而变得更重。 当重力大于浮力时,密度计会下沉。 密度计的重量小于相同体积水的重量,所以密度计重新浮起。密度计的读数是下大上小,当它浸入不同的液体中,体积不变示数发生变化,密度计底部的铁砂或铅粒是用来保持平衡的!
2023-08-06 09:54:231


2023-08-06 09:54:171