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2023-08-08 12:00:30
TAG: 英文 硕士


Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy): 博士学位。而有些领域的博士课程会有不同的学位名称,如D.A.(Doctor of Arts)、Ed.D.(Doctor of Education)

M.B.A.(Master of Business Administration): 商学管理硕士。

M.A.(Master of Arts)硕士;B.A.(Bachelor of Arts)学士: 两者皆属于人文、艺术或社会科学的领域,如文学、教育、艺术、音乐。

M.S.(Master of Science)硕士;B.S.(Bachelor of Science)学士: 两者皆属于理工、科学的领域,如数学、物理、信息等。

Associate Degree(副学士学位): 读完两年制小区大学或职业技术学校所得到的学位。 Dual Degree(双学位): 是由两个不同学院分别授与,因此得到的是两个学位。 Joint Degree:为两个不同学院联合给予一个学位,如法律经济硕士。 major 主修 minor 辅修


博士一般直接用Dr. 不用专业






不过这些都用来介绍,称呼别人不会直接放前面,没有人会说" Hi, MSC Smith!"






leting your elegant fashi


大专学历,本科学历,研究生,硕士,博士等的英文怎么说, 谢谢各位童鞋啦。。。

2023-08-06 06:51:152


2023-08-06 06:51:242


1、博士,英文表达为:Doctor(缩写:Ph.D)博士是对攻读博士学位的研究生的称呼,同样也可用来称呼已获得博士学位的人员。主要通过拥有博士点的普通高等学校和拥有博士研究生培养资格的相关科研机构进行招生。2、硕士,英文表达为:master(缩写:M)硕士是一个介于学士及博士之间的研究生学位,拥有硕士学位者通常象征具有对其专注、所研究领域的基础的独立的思考能力。3、本科生,英文表达为:Bachelor of Science(缩写:B)本科生,即普通高等教育本科层次的在校生、毕业生。区别于预科、专科,学生毕业后可获学士学位。扩展资料中国国民教育序列按照层次高低,分为基础教育和高等教育。基础教育是国民的基本教育,包括幼儿教育、小学教育、初级中学教育和高级中学教育。高等教育是培养社会高级人才的教育,包括高等专科、本科和研究生教育。研究生又分为两个层次:硕士研究生、博士研究生。研究生是学历,而学士、硕士、博士是学位。博士后不是学位,而是指获准进入博士后科研流动站从事科学研究工作的博士学位获得者,也可以说博士后表示的是一种工作经历。因此我们说的“研究生”就是指硕士研究生和博士研究生,对于本科同学而言,提到“研究生”,通常指硕士研究生。参考资料来源:百度百科--硕士参考资料来源:百度百科--博士
2023-08-06 06:51:511


2023-08-06 06:52:141


各种学位的英文缩写 Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy): 博士学位。而有些领域的博士课程会有不同的学位名称,如D.A.(Doctor of Arts)、Ed.D.(Doctor of Education) M.B.A.(Master of Business Administration): 商学管理硕士。 M.A.(Master of Arts)硕士;B.A.(Bachelor of Arts)学士: 两者皆属于人文、艺术或社会科学的领域,如文学、教育、艺术、音乐。 M.S.(Master of Science)硕士;B.S.(Bachelor of Science)学士: 两者皆属于理工、科学的领域,如数学、物理、信息等。 Associate Degree(副学士学位): 读完两年制小区大学或职业技术学校所得到的学位。 Dual Degree(双学位): 是由两个不同学院分别授与,因此得到的是两个学位。 Joint Degree:为两个不同学院联合给予一个学位,如法律经济硕士。 major 主修 minor 辅修
2023-08-06 06:52:341

硕士的 英语简写是什么??。

MS (Master of Science) 理科硕士MA (Master of Arts) 文科硕士
2023-08-06 06:52:533


2023-08-06 06:53:136


“专业型硕士研究生”的英文:Professional Master"s Degreeprofessional1、作形容词的意思: 专业的;职业的;职业性的2、作名词的意思:专业人员;职业运动员短语1、professional wrestling,摔角2、legal professional,法学家 ; 法律工作者 ; 法律职业道德 ; 法律职业者3、professional history,职业经历 ; 职业履历 ; 职业阅历扩展资料:专业型硕士研究生的国内发展现状:国内2015年专业型硕士将与学术型硕士持平。由于专业型硕士起步较晚,众人对它的了解有限,除了北上广等职场竞争比较激烈的城市,在福州这样的二三线城市,其重要性并不明显。但是据福建农林大学管理学院副院长陈贵松博士介绍,教育部已出台相关文件表示,2015年,学术型硕士和专硕的招生比例将为1:1,学术型的硕士必须读博,专搞学术研究。而据美国海归留学专家刘伟明老师介绍,其实在西方国家,很多人都是工作几年后再读硕士的,这样在有一定工作经验之后,对某一个领域的应用有一定了解之后,再次补充学习往往事半功倍。通常西方国家专业型硕士占到总硕士比例的70%-80%。很多去国外读研的同学,其实他们拿到的就是专业学位的硕士。而专业型硕士和西方的硕士教育比较接近,偏向于应用。据悉,越来越多的高校在扩大专业型硕士的招生比例,有些高校已经达到了专、学硕士1:1的招收比例。其实专业型硕士的培养就是为企业输送人才的,有一定的针对性,在动手能力和实践性上非常强,就业发展情况非常好。参考资料来源:百度百科-专业型硕士
2023-08-06 06:53:371


“硕士学位”的英文是“Master"s Degree”。硕士是一个介于学士及博士之间的研究生学位(Master"s Degree),拥有硕士学位(Master"s Degree)者通常象征具有基础的独立的思考能力。硕士课程主分为两种,分别是修课式和研究式。硕士条件:修课式硕士一般只需要完成特定的课程,并且达到学院所要求的成绩便可以毕业,而大部分哲学硕士课程则除了要求在修学课程上取得优异成绩和担任教学助理(Teaching Assistant)外,还要进行全职学术研究,并且撰写硕士论文才能毕业。完成修课式硕士课程所需的时间为一年到两年不等,入学资格一般为学士毕业便可。另一方面,由于哲学硕士需要进行全职研究和担任教学助理,所以入学资格要求会高很多,通常需要申请者拥有学士学位,并且取得二级荣誉一等,甚至一级荣誉或以上的成绩。完成哲学硕士课程所需的时间一般为两年到两年半,有些时候也会因为在研究上有困难而延长修业时间,但通常不会超过四年。工商管理硕士除了需要学士资格外,通常还会要求学生拥有若干年的工作经验。以上内容参考 百度百科-硕士学位
2023-08-06 06:54:411


本科生 undergraduate student;硕士生 graduate student;博士生 doctorate student各学位英文简写及全称1、本科生毕业获学士学位:BD,bachelor"s degree 或 the degree of bachelor分成两种:BA,即:bachelor"s degree of Arts, 文学士;BS,即:bachelor"s degree of Science, 理学士。2、硕士研究生获硕士学位:MD,master"s degree;MA ,Master of Arts ,文学硕士MS, Master of Science 理学硕士3、博士研究生获博士学位:Doctor of Philosophy,缩写成ph.D.如:DA, Doctor of Arts, 文学博士;DDS, Doctor of Dental Science, 牙科博士;DE, Doctor of Engineering, 工程博士;扩展资料:1、学士学位:BD,bachelor"s degree 或 the degree of bachelor普通高等学校本科毕业生(包括统招专升本)毕业考试成绩合格,在校表现良好,就可以获得学士学位。有的学校要求过大学英语四级。2、硕士学位:MD,master"s degree;硕士是一个介于学士及博士之间的研究生学位(Master`s Degree),拥有硕士学位(Master`s Degree)者通常象征具有基础的独立的思考能力。3、博士学位:Doctor of Philosophy,缩写成ph.D.博士学位是标志被授予者的受教育程度和学术水平达到规定标准的本专业的最高学识水准的学术称号。参考资料:百度百科——学士学位百度百科——硕士学位百度百科——博士学位
2023-08-06 06:55:031


2023-08-06 06:55:191


Master"s Degree in 专业;很多时候,就是master就行了。 Master of artsmaster of ScienceMAster of Edcationetc.
2023-08-06 06:56:472

新一届研究生 新的硕士生 用英文怎么说~ 请教~

2023-08-06 06:56:582


研究生考试的英文名称是:postgraduate qualifying examination研究生考试一般指全国硕士研究生统一招生考试全国硕士研究生统一招生考试(简称考研)指教育主管部门和招生机构为选拔研究生而组织的相关考试的总称,由国家考试主管部门和招生单位组织的初试和复试组成。拓展资料全国硕士研究生统一招生考试(简称考研)指教育主管部门和招生机构为选拔研究生而组织的相关考试的总称,由国家考试主管部门和招生单位组织的初试和复试组成。思想政治理论、外国语、大学数学等公共科目由全国统一命题,专业课主要由各招生单位自行命题(部分专业通过全国联考的方式进行命题)。硕士研究生招生方式分为全日制和非全日制两种。培养模式分为学术型和专业型硕士研究生两种。选拔要求因层次、地域、学科、专业的不同而有所区别。考研国家线划定分为A、B类,其中一区实行A类线,二区实行B类线。一区包括:北京、天津、河北、山西、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、江西、山东、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、重庆、四川、陕西。二区包括:内蒙古、广西、海南、贵州、云南、西藏、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆。
2023-08-06 06:57:211


问题一:研究生 英文怎么说 master"s degree 硕士学位 攻ostgraduate 是研究生 问题二:“硕士学位”用英语怎么说 Master DegreeMA 文学硕士MSc 理学硕士Med 教育学硕士LLM 法学硕士MEng 工程硕士 问题三:硕士学位用英语怎么说 学士学位 Bachelor degree 荣誉学士学位 Bachelor degree with honors 硕士学位 Master degree 博士学位 Doctor degree 问题四:研究生 用英语怎么说 ? 研究生,统称graduate student或postgraduate(推荐后俯);具体为分硕士、博士俩阶段 在读期间,分别说 硕士研究生:Master degree candidate,master candidate,graduate student for a Master"s degree(最后太长,不推荐) 博士研究生:Doctoral candidate,doctor-postgraduate,Doctorate postgraduate 俟毕业 则为(获取)相应学历 硕士:Master/Master"s degree,或Master 博士:Doctorate/Doctor"s degree,或Doctorate(个人不推荐Doctor,有时或与“医生”混淆) 未完处,LX补充。供参 问题五:我2013年毕业于XX学院XX系并获得硕士研究生学位英文这句怎么说? I graduated from XX department of XX Institute with master‘s degree in 2013. I graduated from XX department of XX Institute with bachelor‘s degree in 2008. 问题六:研究生院 英语怎么说 研究生院_有道词典 研究生院 graduate school更多释义>> [网络短语] 研究生院 graduate school;postgraduate education;Graduate Studies 海军研究生院 Naval Postgraduate School;United States Naval Postgraduate School 国际研究生院 GSIS;Graduate School of International Studies;ISGS CENTER 详细用法>> 问题七:硕士学位英文怎么说 master"s degree 问题八:我今年六月份将要硕士毕业(现在还未毕业) 英语怎么说 I will graduate with a master"s degree in June this year.
2023-08-06 06:57:411


attend graduate school希望帮到你、
2023-08-06 06:57:514


硕士(master)根据学位可分为很多种,比如工商管理硕士Master of Business Administration,英文缩写为MBA;教育学文学硕士Master of Arts in Education,英文缩写为M.A.Ed。 扩展资料 硕士英文缩写如M.B.A.(Master of Business Administration)是商学管理硕士;M.A.(Master of Arts)硕士;B.A.(Bachelor of Arts)学士: 两者皆属于人文、艺术或社会科学的领域,如文学、教育、艺术、音乐;M.S.(Master of Science)硕士;B.S.(Bachelor of Science)学士: 两者皆属于理工、科学的领域,如数学、物理、信息等。目前我国硕士根据学位可分很多种。学术型学位包括哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学等。专业学位包括工商管理硕士、高级管理人员工商管理硕士等。
2023-08-06 06:58:381


The equivalent postgraduate study
2023-08-06 06:59:591


Master Candidate或者Master degree candidate均可表示硕士在读Master&PhD Candidate硕士或者博士在读本科生是undergraduate, 毕业是graduate(既作动词,又可是名词)。毕业后继续学习是graduate study。这种学习可以是硕士阶段,也可以是博士阶段。正在读的学生就是 graduate student。可以指硕士,也可以指博士。
2023-08-06 07:00:102


研究生英语的英文:English for Masterenglish是什么意思:n. 英语;英格兰人adj. 英格兰的;英格兰人的;英国的;英国人的;英语的A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English.你的英语程度教书不够格。John tutored the child in English.约翰辅导那孩子学英语。 His knowledge of English is fair.他的英语水平尚可。 Her English is indifferent. 她的英文很一般。This is not in agreement with standard English usage.这不符合标准英式用法。master是什么意思:n. 雇主;统治者;硕士;艺术家;大师;能手adj. 主人的;主要的;熟练的;优秀的v. 控制;精通;指挥,统治a master of disguise伪装的能手. This is the work of a master hand.这是一位名家的作品。 Sir, you are truly a master of disguise.长官,你真是伪装大师。 MC (master of ceremonies)司仪|节目主持人 Russian is a difficult language to master.俄语是门难以精通的语言。
2023-08-06 07:02:111


1、学士学位的英文缩写为B.S.,全称是:Bachelor of Science。2、硕士学位的英文全称为:Master degree 。硕士学位大致分以下几种:①MA.Sc(master of science科学硕士);②MA.Eng(master of engineering.工程硕士);③MBA.工商管理硕士3、博士学位的英文全称为:Doctor degree,哲学博士简称为:Ph.D。扩展资料:其他关于学历的英文表达:1、师范大学:Normal University2、专科学校:Postsecondary Specialised College3、广播电视大学:Radio and Television University4、中等专科学校:Secondary Specialised School5、技工学校:Skilled Workers School6、业余大学:Spare-Time University7、职工大学:Staff and Workers University
2023-08-06 07:02:471

title of degree是指本科/研究生/博士.还是指专业?

2023-08-06 07:03:483


研究生考试的英文全称是“Unified National Graduate Entrance Examination”。拓展资料:全国硕士研究生统一招生考试(Unified National Graduate Entrance Examination,简称“考研”或“统考”)是指教育主管部门和招生机构为选拔研究生而组织的相关考试的总称,由国家考试主管部门和招生单位组织的初试和复试组成。是一项选拔性考试,所录取学历类型为普通高等教育。普通高等教育统招硕士研究生招生按学位类型分为学术型硕士和专业型硕士研究生两种;按学习形式分为全日制研究生、非全日制研究生两种,均采用相同考试科目和同等分数线选拔录取。思想政治理论、外国语、大学数学等公共科目由全国统一命题,专业课主要由各招生单位自行命题(加入全国统考的学校全国统一命题)。选拔要求因层次、地域、学科、专业的不同而有所区别。考研国家线划定分为A、B类,其中一区实行A类线,二区实行B类线。
2023-08-06 07:04:021


2023-08-06 06:58:524


2023-08-06 06:58:554


精选作文:《穿靴子的猫》 读后感 (250字)作文 我最近读了一本《穿靴子的猫》,我 来给大家说一说里面的大体内容吧! 书主要讲述了从前有一个磨坊主,他得病死去后财 产很快被儿子们瓜分了。最小的儿子只分到了一只猫。小儿子很担心以后的生活。而猫却对 主人说:主人,只要你给我一双靴子,你就会发现一切并不那么糟糕。小儿子虽然有些半信 半疑,但还是照办了。猫帮小儿子获得了国王的好感还让国王认为小儿子很有钱,后来猫凭 着自己的智慧让小儿子过上了好日子。 我觉得这只猫非常聪明,想出了一切办法让主人 过上好日子。如果我就是那只猫该多好啊!山东莱芜钢城区新兴路三年级:刁程程 篇一:《穿靴子的猫》读后感 《穿靴子的猫》读后感 我最近读了一本《穿 靴子的猫》,我来给大家说一说里面的大体内容吧! 书主要讲述了从前有一个磨坊主,他 得病死去后财产很快被儿子们瓜分了。最小的儿子只分到了一只猫。小儿子很担心以后的生 活。而猫却对主人说:“主人,只要你给我一双靴子,你就会发现一切并不那么糟糕。”小儿 子虽然有些半信半疑,但还是照办了。猫帮小儿子获得了国王的好感还让国王认为小儿子很 有钱,后来猫凭着自己的智慧让小儿子过上了好日子。 我觉得这只猫非常 聪明,想出了一切办法让主人过上好日子。如果我就是那只猫该多好啊! 山东莱芜钢城区新 兴路三年级:刁程程 篇二:穿靴子的猫读 后感 feeling after reading russ in boots 稻田镇赵庙初中六 年级二班 董雨欣 指导教师:张杰 feeling after reading russ in boots during the summer vacation, i read a story book named russ in boots. i like the story and i also like the hero—russ. now i want to share the story to you. long long ago, there was an old miller he was going to die. he had a mill, a donkey and a cat. he gave the mill to the older son, gave the donkey to the second son and gave the cat to the youngest son. the youngest son was very sad. he thought that miller could mill flour and donkey could be ridden, what use did a cat have? if i killed him. i could get a pair of gloves. but suddenly the cat russ said to his master, if you gave me a pair of boots and i could work for you. the youngest son did as russ said. the cat helped his master get lots of treasure with his wisdom. the king married his daughter to him and his master lived happily from then on. can help us. 篇三:穿靴子的猫 穿靴子的猫 石岩塘头小学 二(2) 班 王凯锋 从前,有一个磨坊主 死了,他的三个儿子分了他的家产。最小的儿子汉斯得到了一只猫。这只猫是一只神猫,汉 斯给它买了一只布袋和一双靴子后,这只猫竟然获得了国王的喜爱。有一天,汉斯刚跳进河 里准备洗澡,只见猫把他的衣服、靴子和帽子全都扔进河里。这是,国王和公主坐着马车, 从河边经过。猫向国王求救,国王立刻派兵前来帮助。汉斯被人从河里救出来,国王命人把 宫中最华丽的衣服送给汉斯。此时,汉斯英俊极了,公主对他一见钟情。后来,在猫的帮助 下,汉斯终于娶了公主为妻了。从此,过上幸福的生活。 (指导老师:陈春霞) 篇四:习作《读后感》 习作 一、教学目标 ①交流自己爱看的 有关毛泽东或其他革命领袖、英雄人物的影视作品或故事。交流时做到内容充实、表达流利。 ②从本组课文中学 习一些写作方法,从“描写一个场景”、“写一个性格突出的人”、“写一篇文章或影视作品的 梗概”中任选一个角度进行写作。 二、教学重难点 从本组课文中学习 一些写作方法,从“描写一个场景”、“写一个性格突出的人”、“写一篇文章或影视作品的梗 概”中任选一个角度进行写作。 三、课前准备 课前观看或阅读有 关毛泽东或其他革命领袖、英雄人物的影视作品或故事。 四、教学过程 (一)谈话导入 ①在这段时间里,我 们在课内外阅读了不少有关毛泽东主席的故事,了解了这个伟人平凡而又不平凡的事迹,感 受了他那普通又不普通的情怀。你还看过哪些毛主席或其他革命领袖、英雄人物的电影、电 视呢? ②学生汇报已看过 的影视作品。 (二)分组交流 在你们看过的这些 影视作品中,哪一部给你留下的印象最深呢?让我们在小组内交流一下。没看过影视作品的 话,可以讲述自己听过或读过的相关故事。可参考交流提示进行交流。 提示: 讲清影视作品的名 称,主要讲了谁的什么事。 讲述出给你留下深 刻印象的情节,还可以谈谈自己的感想。 认真听别人的讲述, 有不清楚的地方可以询问。 (三)全班交流 推荐同学在全班交 流。 听的同学要认真倾 听,给讲述的同学评选出“内容充实奖”、“感受真实奖”、“表达流利奖”等等。 (四)拓展交流 ①听了同学们的介 绍,此时此刻,你最深的感受是什么? ②其实,在当今社会 也有许多令人感动的英雄事迹。如果你是一个摄影记者,你会拍摄我们周围的哪些英雄人物 的哪些事情呢? (五)提炼写作方法 回忆本单元课文中 的一些写作方法: 《开国大典》:开国 大典的过程和场景写得很清楚。 《青山处处埋忠骨》、《毛主席在花山》中人物描写的方法:通过语言、动作、神态、心理描 写刻画人物性格。 (六)运用写作方法 a.可以运用《开国 大典》中描写场面的方法,选取一个场景,按时间顺序写下来。 ①师生共同回忆记 忆深刻的场景,要紧密结合学校生活或者社会生活。②要将场面描写得真实、具体、清楚。 b.可以借鉴人物描 写的方法,写一个性格突出的人。 ①说说你要写谁的 什么性格。他有哪些最能表现他性格的事例。 ②要通过人物的语 言、动作、神态、心理描写等,将人物的性格写生动。c.把你在课堂上介绍的一部影视作品 或者一本书,用写梗概的方法用文字介绍给大家。 ①把你在口语交际 课上讲到的或听到的一部影视作品或一本书的主要内容用简练的语言说一说,请同学提出意见。 ②根据同学意见进行修改。 (七)进行写作练习 从以上提供的三个角度任选一个进行写作。 同步作文 《开国大典》读后感 1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国中央人民政府成立了!这个日子,是每个中国人灵魂上的烙印,它标志着一个民族的崛起,它代表着一个文明的再次复兴。 1949年10月1日下午2时,中央人民政府委员会
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  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是我整理的七年级英语作文5篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 七年级英语作文 篇1   My father is thirty-five years old. He is an attractive middle-age. He is an engineer, working in a big factory of my city. His working time is regular, going to office at eight o"clock and coming home at six o"clock. He works hard and becomes an important person in his factory. At weekends, he does not go to work, so that he usually stays at home or take my mother and I go out. In my opinion, my father is a great person. He brings happiness to my family.   我父亲三十五岁。他是一个充满魅力的中年人。他是一名工程师,在我市的一个大工厂工作。他的工作时间是固定的,六点到办公室,八点回家。他工作很努力,成为一个重要的人在他的工厂。在周末,他不去工作,所以他通常呆在家里或带我的母亲和我出去。在我看来,我的父亲是一个伟大的人。他给我的`家庭带来幸福。 七年级英语作文 篇2   The mother line, wandering clothing leaving thick seam, Italy to the fear of delay who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments?" The famous Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao"s several lines, lively and vivid expression of the mother"s deep affection and gratitude to their mother.   Mother love is great, the love of my mother "s meticulous mother not only in the everywhere in the life care, often inquire after sb."s life, still learning encouragement, be good at giving systematic guidance mother usually tells me, great and little famous scientists study hard story, teach me to want to be example with them, learn from them, to do a a diligent, civilized, polite good all-round development of children a mother to me like the spring sunshine brings me warmth as in reading daughter, I always warn myself to study hard, with excellent results to repay his mother.   Today is mother"s day, it is Sunday, I changed the previous Sunday the habit of sleep, make one"s way noiselessly to ground up, took out two eggs from the refrigerator, and then imitate the grandmother usually boiled method, in the pot with water, lit the gas stove after the water is boiled in boiling water, to beat two eggs, not while the two white oval eggs in a pot in the formation of a I turn off the gas, from the cabinet took out two bowls, each bowl with each containing an egg, a bowl for the grandmother, a bowl to the mother.   When my mother took me on the egg, excitedly asked me:" how do you think of this to my eggs?" I smiled and said to her mother:" your grandmother and prepare breakfast for me, today is mother"s day, I think I made a breakfast as a mother"s Day gift for you!" Listen to me, my mother hugged me and said: " you are a good boy!" My mother and I tightly hold together, my heart welled up in a warm heat flux. 七年级英语作文 篇3   My sister is a lovely girl. She has a nice English Name, “Elsa”. She is very clever and pretty. She is eight years old so she is old enough to go to school. This year, she tells me that she is a student now.   One day, my aunt took her to my home. My aunt had something important to do and had no time to look after her, so she told me to take care of her. First, I played with her for a short time.   I thought the game was boring, so I taught her some polite words, such as hello, please, sorry… She listened carefully. Suddenly, there was a person knocking on the door.   Elsa went to the door to open it. Afterwards, she was polite to say, “Please come in.”   Do you think she is lovely and clever? I think you will say, “Yes, I do.” 七年级英语作文 篇4   Hello, I"m Pang Bo Yu. I have a very happy family.   My mother is a worker. How old is she? Guess! She"s thirty-five, she like zebras. On Saturdays and Sundays, she likes swimming. She doesn"t work on Saturdays and Sundays.My grandfather and grandmother likes running on Saturdays and walking on Sundays. They like ducks, but I don"t. I like horses very much. In the evening, we watch TV. Some times I listen to music. But my mother, grandfather and grandmother doesn"t, they like reading.   I love my happy family very much. Do you like my family?   你好,我是庞博宇。我有一个非常幸福的家庭。 我妈妈是一名工人。她多大了?猜一猜!她三十五岁,她喜欢斑马。在星期六和星期天,她喜欢游泳。她星期六和星期天不上班。我爷爷和奶奶喜欢在星期六跑步,星期天散步。他们喜欢鸭子,但我不喜欢。我非常喜欢马。晚上,我们看电视。有时我听音乐。但是我的母亲,爷爷和奶奶不喜欢,他们喜欢读书。 我非常爱我的幸福家庭。你喜欢我的家庭吗? 七年级英语作文 篇5   How to learn English well?   How to learn English?Do you know?Here is some advice on me: You should listen to the radio and listhe to the music.You can learn many new words from it.But you can"t understand every word.You only need to listen to the key words and main ideas.Why not speak English as much as possible in class?let"s try to find some English friends and talk to them.How about reading?You should read English newspaper and English magazines.I think writing is important too.Why don"t we write down our mistakes in the notebook?And don"t forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.   I hope my advice can help you improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing.
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实验室用温度计: 水银温度计的原理很简单--就是因为水银的热涨冷缩,至于未何不用水呢,因为水在4度时,热胀冷也胀,而且水银的膨胀系数比较大,变化较明显 也有里面装酒精的,就是红红的那种 酒精温度计适合测低温(-78~+110度左右),水银温度计适合侧较高的温度(约15~300度多).另外还有煤油温度计. 还有一些工业用的温度计: 压力式温度计的原理----依据液体膨胀定律,即一定质量的液体,在体积不变的条件下,液体的压力与温度呈线形.气体、蒸汽的压力与温度也是呈一定的函数关系,因此压力式温度计的标尺应均匀等分.压力式温度计是由充有感温介质的温包、传压元件(毛细管)及压力敏感元件(弹簧管)组成. 红外线测温计的原理----红外线测温计由光学系统,光电探测器,信号放大器及信号处理.显示输出等部分组成.光学系统汇聚其视场内的目标红外辐射能量,红外能量聚焦在光电探测器上并转变为相应的电信号,该信号再经换算转变为被测目标的温度值. 热电偶温度计的原理-----热电偶温度计的原理是将「电流计-铜线-铁线-铜线」串联成一个回路,此时铁线的两端和铜线连接处,会形成两个「接合处」(junction),如果这两个接合处的温度不同,它们之间就会产生电压,在微安培计可测量出流经铁线和铜线上的微弱电流.要将热电偶用作温度计,必须先作下面的校准.把一个接合处放入冰水中,把另一个接合处放入沸水中,记下这时的电流强度,这便是温差100℃时的电流值.对两种已知的金属导线来说,电流值跟两接合处的温度差成正比,量度范围很大,即由-200℃到1700℃,灵敏度很高.
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  在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都写过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是我帮大家整理的七年级英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 七年级英语作文1   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name"s Gina. She has a good eating habit. For breakfast, she likes milk and eggs. She likes eating chicken, rice, vegetables and salad for lunch. For dinner, she likes fruit. She likes bananas and apples. She doesn"t want to be fat. She is a healthy girl. 七年级英语作文2   My English Teacher   Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very young. She"s aboutthirty years old, and she wears glasses. She"s funny. But she is strict withus. She wants usto study hard. Her lessons are interesting. We are very happyin her class and we all likeher lessons. She is a good teacher, and we all like her.   我的英语老师   王老师是我的英语老师。她看起来很年轻。她大约三十岁,她戴眼镜。她很有趣。不过,她严格要求我们。她要我们努力学习,她的课很有意思。在她的课上,我们非常快乐,我们都喜欢她的课。她是一位好老师,我们都喜欢她。 七年级英语作文3   My name is 七年级下册英语作文. I study in No.2 Middle school.   My favourite subject is English. Because I think it is very easy and we can talik with foreigners by it.But I don"t like Maths,it"s not easy at all.   I am not good at it.   I am good at Music,so I like it, too.   Do you think so?   翻译:   我叫七年级下册英语作文.我在第2中学读书。我最喜欢的科目是英语。   因为我觉得它很容易,而且我们可以用它和外国人讲话。但是我不喜欢数学,它一点都不简单。我不擅长这方面。我的音乐很好,所以我也喜欢它。   你觉得呢? 七年级英语作文4   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name"s Gina. She has three meals a day. She likes milk and eggs for breakfast. This is healthy food. At lunch, she likes chicken, some rice, vegetables and salad. She doesn "t like hamburgers. Why? Because she thinks it"s not healthy. She likes fruit very much. So she eats bananas and apples for dinner.   She eats well! What about you? 七年级英语作文5   Hello, everyone! I don"t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot 。 For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice. 七年级英语作文6   One afternoon, an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand. she was going to do some shopping.   just then a car ran up fast and she was knocked down.   One of her legs was hurt and she couldn"t move any more. A kind cleaner saw this and rushed to her at once.   He helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital. What a warm-hearted man he was! 七年级英语作文7   I like blue, because blue likes sky   I like blue, because blue likes water   I like blue, because blue likes water dragon   I like blue, because my dad"s cat is blue   Blue, I love you.Yshhh!   班主任评语:Very good! 老师很高兴看到你能写出这组排比句,其实模仿也可以学到很多东西,继续加油!希望你可以再听话一点,上课再积极一点,你就可以学到更多的东西,写得更好! 七年级英语作文8   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name"s Gina. She is a good girl. For breakfast, she likes milk and eggs. But she doesn"t like tomatoes. For lunch, she has chicken, rice, vegetables and salad. But she does not like carrots. And for dinner, she likes bananas and apples. But she doesn"t like hamburgers. She thins it"s not healthy. She has a good eating habit. 七年级英语作文9   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name"s Gina. For breakfast, she eats milk and eggs. For lunch, she eats chicken, rice, vegetables and salad. But I don"t eat salad for lunch. Gina only eats fruit for dinner. She likes bananas and apples. Gina has a healthy eating habit. 七年级英语作文10   Hollywood movie is popular around the world, in China, people are willing to buy tickets and go to the theater to enjoy the great show. The trend of Hollywood movie has changed, many movies have added the Chinese features, such as the scene is taking place in Chinese cities or Chinese faces appear in the movie. Chinese film market is booming and many foreign directors have sense its potential, so they want to attract more audience by adding Chinese feature. There is no doubt that our country is becoming stronger and the world is watching us. We feel so proud that we are part of it. 七年级英语作文11   我的英语老师姓陶,她有一双明亮的眼睛,一张可爱的圆脸,还有一个长长的辫子。陶老师很爱笑,不管遇到什么事,她都会微笑着给我们上课。但是她对我们的要求很严。   课堂上,老师特别注重我们的.发音。有时候,因为我们发音不准,一个单词要教好多遍。有的同学老是不行,我们都替他着急,但是陶老师不急,她耐心地教,一个音,一个词,一个句子,直到满意为止。   为了让我们都能快点进步,陶老师想出了很多办法,除了课后亲自辅导外,她还让我们同学结对子,一个帮助另一个,没事的时候,两个人就一问一答。这样,不会的有人帮,会了的又多了一遍复习,两个人都有收获。为了记得更牢,陶老师还经常给我们排练一些小节目,我们扮演小白兔,大老虎,还有可爱的小熊,讨厌的大灰狼,大家学得兴致勃勃。   这个月底有英语节,我们都想好好展示一下自己。陶老师更忙了,她挨个儿辅导我们,希望我们每个同学都能表现得更优秀。我们都信心百倍,盼望着那一天的到来。   我爱上英语课,我更爱我们的英语老师——陶老师。 七年级英语作文12   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name "s Gina. She has good eating habits. She eats healthy food every day. What does she like every day? For breakfast, she likes milk and eggs. She likes chicken, rice, vegetables and salad for lunch. For dinner, she likes bananas and apples. She likes fruit and vegetables. She doesn "t want to be fat. How about you? Do yu like fruit and vegetables? 七年级英语作文13   Today is Monday,I get up at 6:30.Then,I take a shower and brush my teeth. Then I eat breakfast at 7:00. After breakfast I go to school at 7:30.   In the morning, I have many subject. they are English,math,and two Chinese. Then is eat lunch time,today I eat some bread. In the afternoon I have four class,too. They are computer,P.E.,biology and music.   After school I do my homework. then I eat dinner at 6:30. After dinner I read my book . Then I go to bed on 9:00. This is my day. Please tell me with your day. 七年级英语作文14   I have a good friend,he"s a lovely boy. He"s strong and tall,he has short black hair and small eyes,he has a small mouth and a big nose,he likes sports and computer game.   He"s a good student,too. He studies hard,he listens to his teachers carefully and likes to answer her teacher"s questions,he likes chinese and english,he likes reading books,too.   Oh! he"s lv xuanyu,i love him very much!
2023-08-06 06:59:101


自由战士兰博 《Rambo》 一共差不多60集左右,剧情和电影不同为当代的反恐提材,Rambo发挥高度作战能力与罗蒙诺将军率领的部队进行战斗,动画中Rambo与高科技还有机器人等多次交锋... 片子较老不一定完全,在这网里你看哪一集你就搜一下
2023-08-06 06:59:122

如何解决“access violation at address”错误

2023-08-06 06:59:151


说说这边吧,初中起步入学电竞 it 等 建议考虑学电脑方向的专业的,比如互联网it,电商、电竞,设计等,毕竟吃香
2023-08-06 06:59:188


春江花月夜 年代:【唐】 作者:【张若虚】 体裁:【乐府】 春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生。滟滟随波千万里,何处春江无月明?江流宛转绕芳甸,月照花林皆似霰。空里流霜不觉飞,汀上白沙看不见。江天一色无纤尘,皎皎空中孤月轮。江畔何人初见月?江月何年初照人?人生代代无穷已,江月年年只相似。不知江月待何人,但见长江送流水。白云一片去悠悠,青枫浦上不胜愁。谁家今夜扁舟子?何处相思明月楼?可怜楼上月徘徊,应照离人妆镜台。玉户帘中卷不去,捣衣砧上拂还来。此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君。鸿雁长飞光不度,鱼龙潜跃水成文。昨夜闲潭梦落花,可怜春半不还家。江水流春去欲尽,江潭落月复西斜。斜月沉沉藏海雾,碣石潇湘无限路。不知乘月几人归?落花摇情满江树。注释【注释】: 被闻一多先生誉为“诗中的诗,顶峰上的顶峰”(《宫体诗的自赎》)的《春江花月夜》,一千多年来使无数读者为之倾倒。一生仅留下两首诗的张若虚,也因这一首诗,“孤篇横绝,竟为大家”。 诗篇题目就令人心驰神往。春、江、花、月、夜,这五种事物集中体现了人生最动人的良辰美景,构成了诱人探寻的奇妙的艺术境界。 诗人入手擒题,一开篇便就题生发,勾勒出一幅春江月夜的壮丽画面:江潮连海,月共潮生。这里的“海”是虚指。江潮浩瀚无垠,仿佛和大海连在一起,气势宏伟。这时一轮明月随潮涌生,景象壮观。一个“生”字,就赋予了明月与潮水以活泼泼的生命。月光闪耀千万里之遥,哪一处春江不在明月朗照之中!江水曲曲弯弯地绕过花草遍生的春之原野,月色泻在花树上,象撒上了一层洁白的雪。诗人真可谓是丹青妙手,轻轻挥洒一笔,便点染出春江月夜中的奇异之“花”。同时,又巧妙地缴足了“春江花月夜”的题面。诗人对月光的观察极其精微:月光荡涤了世间万物的五光十色,将大千世界浸染成梦幻一样的银辉色。因而“流霜不觉飞”,“白沙看不见”,浑然只有皎洁明亮的月光存在。细腻的笔触,创造了一个神话般美妙的境界,使春江花月夜显得格外幽美恬静。这八句,由大到小,由远及近,笔墨逐渐凝聚在一轮孤月上了。
2023-08-06 06:59:182


  在平平淡淡的日常中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我精心整理的七年级英语作文6篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 七年级英语作文 篇1   The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival.It"s on the fifth of August.We can hang lanterns in the house.In the evening,we have a big dinner.Look,there is lots of food on the table.They are chicken,fish,crabs and so on.They"re very delicious.   We can drink a glass of juice.We stand beside the table and we say,“Cheers,cheers,happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other.At night,the moon is usually round and bright.   It looks like a ball.We can enjoy the moon.Moon cakes are the special food for this festival.We can eat moon cakes,too.In the Mid-Autumn Festival,my parents and I are all very happy and excited. 七年级英语作文 篇2   at college, i missed my parents a lot. as the term was drawing to an end, i eagerly looked forward to going home. and i planned to do a thousand and one things during the vacation. above all, i wanted to help my mother with housework. i also wished to read many hooks which my teachers had recommended.   however, at home, my mother would never let me do anything. she completely deprived me of sharing her work. as soon as i opened a book to read,she would sit down beside me and ask me about all kinds of things at the college. to please her,i told her one thing after another,and soon i forgot all about books. even when i was actually reading,she would, now and then,insist that i should eat an egg or drink a cup of tea.   when i left home at the end of the vacation, not a thing in my plan had been carried out. but i felt very happy. i believed much more deeply than before in the old saying: home, sweet home. there"s no place like home!   在大学里,我想念我的.父母说学期即将结束,我热切地期待着回家。我打算在假期里做一千零一件事情。最重要的是,我想帮我母亲做家务。我也想读许多钩子老师推荐。   然而,在家里,我妈妈不会让我做任何事。她完全剥夺了我分享她的工作。当我打开一本书阅读,她会坐在我旁边,问我关于大学各种各样的东西。请她,我告诉她一件接着一件,很快我忘了所有关于书籍。即使我实际上是阅读,她会,现在,然后,坚持认为我应该吃一个鸡蛋或喝一杯茶。   当我离开家的假期结束的时候,没有一件事在我的计划已经完成了。但我觉得很开心。我认为比以前更深入的说:家,甜蜜的家。没有地方比得上家! 七年级英语作文 篇3   Winter has been going on for a whole week, this week off is all very nice. Whenever he woke up every day, do something which they want to do, take a look at books, watch TV, look at their own cross-stitch embroidery. In general it is quite substantial. And there are many activities.   According to the last Monday finally went to the wedding, though not very satisfied, but the process is very happy. Boyfriend seemed keen on this than I would also like photography, Tiao Yifu, makeup, and so the process, I finally had a feeling going to be married, although only slight, but still very happy. Both were enjoying the process, the result is not very important for us, but also had some experience. Pleased me the most is the photo process, he told me to take care of, so I really think that is a very happy   There are two important gathering of students, one junior high school graduates to meet again ten years. This gathering the greatest reward that I learned to ski, Burongyia, sense of balance so bad finally learned, of course, also paid a price for two days could not lift up his arms during these gatherings, I found that I was into the is not into this group, probably in the school have this feeling that I was not very good results, but also the time of my junior high school when the ugliest. And everyone exchanges is also relatively small, although he now has a teacher, but to see the original a little stammer when they talk to the teacher during these gatherings, girls in class I was the only one who never went to high school, they still kind of feeling, full of sense of superiority, but I do not think they are much stronger than I am, on the contrary feel a bit silly. together went out to play is not very comfortable, there are several wheat Pa has been singing, other people had their heads bowed energetically Eat eat, really bored ~ ~   On another occasion, the students gathering is undergraduate student classes, it is a gathering of happy, because we finally passed the exam to get a graduation certificate, is excited to celebrate class boys drank down several, the process is very happy, we said, joking笑. 1:00 do not think time off is very slow. Only now that worries me the most is my work, there is no point Otonobu really anxious people. And I is a relatively heavy person"s mind, a day passes without regularization Unable to come on the day. Her boyfriend said that I want to live like you do, there really is worn out, alas ~ ~ ~ I also feel very tired, just do not know how to adjust a little memory to work, at least a very busy day, there is no time for cranky.   Oh, really a little know how fortunate who are in it. 七年级英语作文 篇4   My name is ***.I have a happy family.There are three people in my family.They are my father,my mother,and I.They love me,and I love them,too.   I like having any food.My favourite food is potatoes.They are very delicious.I usually have it for my lunch.   And I"m a basketball player.I like basketball very much.   I have a dog called ***.He only eats meat.I often play with it.And he always runs around me.We are good friends.   That"s me.Let us be friends. 七年级英语作文 篇5   My Day   I get up early at six every day. After doing some morning exercises, I read English for twenty minutes. At seven I have breakfast. After breakfast I take my schoolbag and go to school. Our class begins at eight, and we have four classes in the morning. After lunch at 12 o"clock, I take a short rest in the classroom. We have three more classes in the afternoon. Afterschoolat five , I go back home. I often help my mother do some housework. Sometimes I watch TV. After dinner, I begin to do my homework. Then I take a shower. I go to bed at nine thirty.   我的一天   我每天早上六点起床。做了早操后,我读英语20分钟。七点吃早餐。早饭后,我带上我的书包去上学。我们的课在八点开始,早上我们上4节课。12点吃完午饭后,我在教室里稍微休息一下。下午,我们还有3节课。5点放学后,我回家。我经常帮我的妈妈做一些家务。有时候我看电视。晚饭后,我开始做我的作业。然后我淋浴。我九点半上床睡觉。 七年级英语作文 篇6   It was Mother"s Day.Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother.He decided to help his mother do some housework.After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home.   When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn"t do the cooking well. Thenhe cleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was very happy.   When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren"t so nice, they were very happy。They had their supper together. His mother said, "Thank you,my child!"
2023-08-06 06:59:201


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2023-08-06 06:58:481


DVD是只读的 只能播放CDVCDDVD格式文件 不能刻录 而Rambo是全刻录DVD 就是既可以播放CDVCDDVD格式文件,也可以将它们刻成关盘。 Rambo和DVD刻录是有一定去别的 Rambo刻录的光盘在Rambo或DVD刻录机上可以随意删除文件或格式化光盘,并且Rambo刻录的光盘拿到普通DVD上只需要加一个刻录软件就也以删除光盘文件或格式化 而DVD刻录的光盘不能随便删除文件或格式化
2023-08-06 06:58:401


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2023-08-06 06:58:301


  在学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是我为大家整理的七年级英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 七年级英语作文1   My English Teacher   Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very young. She"s aboutthirty years old, and she wears glasses. She"s funny. But she is strict withus. She wants usto study hard. Her lessons are interesting. We are very happyin her class and we all likeher lessons. She is a good teacher, and we all like her.   我的英语老师   王老师是我的.英语老师。她看起来很年轻。她大约三十岁,她戴眼镜。她很有趣。不过,她严格要求我们。她要我们努力学习,她的课很有意思。在她的课上,我们非常快乐,我们都喜欢她的课。她是一位好老师,我们都喜欢她。 七年级英语作文2   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name"s Gina. She has a good eating habit. For breakfast, she likes milk and eggs. She likes eating chicken, rice, vegetables and salad for lunch. For dinner, she likes fruit. She likes bananas and apples. She doesn"t want to be fat. She is a healthy girl. 七年级英语作文3   I like blue, because blue likes sky   I like blue, because blue likes water   I like blue, because blue likes water dragon   I like blue, because my dad"s cat is blue   Blue, I love you.Yshhh!   班主任评语:Very good! 老师很高兴看到你能写出这组排比句,其实模仿也可以学到很多东西,继续加油!希望你可以再听话一点,上课再积极一点,你就可以学到更多的东西,写得更好! 七年级英语作文4   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name"s Gina. She has three meals a day. She likes milk and eggs for breakfast. This is healthy food. At lunch, she likes chicken, some rice, vegetables and salad. She doesn "t like hamburgers. Why? Because she thinks it"s not healthy. She likes fruit very much. So she eats bananas and apples for dinner.   She eats well! What about you? 七年级英语作文5   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name"s Gina. For breakfast, she eats milk and eggs. For lunch, she eats chicken, rice, vegetables and salad. But I don"t eat salad for lunch. Gina only eats fruit for dinner. She likes bananas and apples. Gina has a healthy eating habit. 七年级英语作文6   Hello, everyone! I don"t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice.   嗨,大家好!我不喜欢运动,但我很喜欢吃。我每天吃很多食物。早餐,我非常喜欢牛奶,鸡蛋和面包。午餐,我喜欢薯条,鸡肉,汉堡包和苹果。对于晚餐,我喜欢水果,蔬菜和米饭。 七年级英语作文7   I have a good friend,he"s a lovely boy. He"s strong and tall,he has short black hair and small eyes,he has a small mouth and a big nose,he likes sports and computer game.   He"s a good student,too. He studies hard,he listens to his teachers carefully and likes to answer her teacher"s questions,he likes chinese and english,he likes reading books,too.   Oh! he"s lv xuanyu,i love him very much! 七年级英语作文8   My name is 七年级下册英语作文. I study in No.2 Middle school.   My favourite subject is English. Because I think it is very easy and we can talik with foreigners by it.But I don"t like Maths,it"s not easy at all.   I am not good at it.   I am good at Music,so I like it, too.   Do you think so?   翻译:   我叫七年级下册英语作文.我在第2中学读书。我最喜欢的科目是英语。   因为我觉得它很容易,而且我们可以用它和外国人讲话。但是我不喜欢数学,它一点都不简单。我不擅长这方面。我的音乐很好,所以我也喜欢它。   你觉得呢? 七年级英语作文9   the First Day of Spring Festivaltoday is the first day of the chinese new year. i wear a new sweater and shoes. some one always take the presents and smile at every one. they wear red clothes.   you can play the firework but don"t play in the room. we can eat many chinese food ,zong-zi,jiao-zi…. today may be a good day,because many marry—cars running in the street.   older people always say today we must eat many good luck food. 七年级英语作文10   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name"s Gina. She is a good girl. For breakfast, she likes milk and eggs. But she doesn"t like tomatoes. For lunch, she has chicken, rice, vegetables and salad. But she does not like carrots. And for dinner, she likes bananas and apples. But she doesn"t like hamburgers. She thins it"s not healthy. She has a good eating habit. 七年级英语作文11   my name is gui chun zi , my english name is annabelle ; im elven years old . im a lively girl .i like reading good books and play computer games. my favorite color is purple and pink. i like eat hanburger and fruit .i dont like eat lobster. so i refuse eat lobster .   whats your name ? how old are you? lets be good friends! 七年级英语作文12   I "m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name "s Gina. She has good eating habits. She eats healthy food every day. What does she like every day? For breakfast, she likes milk and eggs. She likes chicken, rice, vegetables and salad for lunch. For dinner, she likes bananas and apples. She likes fruit and vegetables. She doesn "t want to be fat. How about you? Do yu like fruit and vegetables? 七年级英语作文13   Hello, everyone! I don"t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot 。 For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice.
2023-08-06 06:58:301


2023-08-06 06:58:263

什么是access violation at address错误?

电脑上有“access violation at address”指的是非法访问,解决步骤如下:1、我们首先需要知道打开应用程序出现access violation at address错误,是应用存取内容没有未被指定使用的存储区问题导致的,需要对应用程序启用DEP,鼠标右键此电脑,选择属性,进去之后,点击高级系统设置。2、进去之后,点击性能的设置。3、在性能设置中,点击数据执行保护。4、进去数据执行保护界面,可以看到默认勾选的是仅为基本windows程序和服务启用DEP。5、勾选“为除为除下列程序之外的所有程序和服务启用DEP”,点击确定之后,就解决了access violation at address错误。
2023-08-06 06:58:251


2023-08-06 06:58:231


  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是我精心整理的七年级英语作文4篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 七年级英语作文 篇1   I have a warm family, There are three people in our family, they are my father,my mother and me. my family name is Wang, my first name is run ting , They love me very much, I am the apple of their eyes. I am a middle school student, My academic record is average.   I have an attractive room, although it is very young, but I very much like it, My computer is on the dask, The skirt, shirt, jeans and coat is in the garderobe, The English book,math book, story book and chinese book is in the bookcase.   I love my family   我有一个温暖的家庭,我们家有三个人,他们是我的父亲,我的母亲和我。我姓王,我的姓是run ting,他们非常爱我,我是他们眼中的苹果。我是一名中学生,我的学习成绩是平均水平。 我有一个很有吸引力的房间,虽然它很年轻,但我很喜欢它,我的`电脑在dask,裙子,衬衫,牛仔裤和外套在garderobe,英语书,数学书,故事书和中文书在书柜里。 我爱我的家庭 七年级英语作文 篇2   There are two dormitories(宿舍) for our class"s boys. I live in 2114.   We seven boys share the dormitory 2110. Every morning we get up at 6 o"clock. Sometimes one or two boys may wake up a little later. After washing, we go to the playground to do morning exercise.   At night, after the self-teaching classes, we go back to the dormitory. Some roommates enjoy singing loudly before the lights go out, some enjoy sharing their snacks and drinks with others, some go to bed early, and others read books or listen to the pop music late. We often tell jokes in the dormitory. The room is always full of cheers and laughter.   On the evening of Oct.18th, the Chinese national football team got their place in the World Cup. It"s the first time for our Chinese team. The Chinese people have dreamed of it for 44 years. Though the light was out we jumped up and down and shouted: “We are the winner! We are the winner!” At the very moment, “Bang! Bang! Bang!” We heard the noises of knocking at the door and a teacher shouted:“Don"t be so excited. Go to sleep now.” So we dared not make any noise. We even smiled in our dreams that night. 七年级英语作文 篇3   This is our house.It`s nice and big!It`s a warm world. All family are live in it. Ha!This is my parents`room.It`s big.My father is sit on the this chair.My mother is sleep on this bed. This is my room.It`s big,too.It`s name`s "Ann park" beacause it`s very lovely and interisting.This is my desk.Everyday I do homework here.This is my bed.It`s pink beacause pink is my favourite couler. This is our sitting room.It`s tidy.It has a table,four chairs,a TV,a mat and a flower.We often sing songs here and watch TV here. This is our book room.It`s big but small than the sitting room.It has many many wonderful books.We are read books and newspapers here. This is our bathroom .It`s big.We take baths,wash faces and brush teeth here. Our house!Our warm world!I love U!   这是我们的房子。很高兴和大!这是一个温暖的世界。所有家庭都住在这。哈!这是我父母它。它是大的。我的父亲是坐在这把椅子上。我妈妈是睡在这张床。这是我的房间。它很大。它的名字叫“安公园”因为它很可爱和乐趣。这是我的办公桌。每天我都在做作业。这是我的床。因为它是粉红色的粉红色是我最喜欢的外壳。这是我们的客厅。它是整洁。它有一张桌子,四把椅子,一个电视,一个垫子和一朵花。我们经常在这里唱歌和看电视。这是我们的书的房间。它比客厅大,但小。它有许多美妙的书。我们在这里读书和报纸。这是我们的浴室。它是大的。我们洗澡,洗的脸和刷牙。 我们的房子!我们的温暖的世界!我爱你! 七年级英语作文 篇4    My Day   Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.   We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer claand art classes.   I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.
2023-08-06 06:58:201

Access Violation at address 00449190 in module

Access Violation(非法访问), 原句:Access violation at address 00449190 in module 意思是:(非法访问00449190 <十六进制值>应用程序名) Access Violation常常在计算机用户运行的程序试图存取未被指定使用的存储区时遇到。第一个十六进制数oo5919D6是发生Access violation的编译代码(skyvision)的运行期错误的地址。在IDE里选择菜单项“Search|Find Error…”,在对话框里输入错误发生的地址(0043F193)后点击“OK”按钮。Delphi将会重新编译你的工程文件,然后显示发生运行期错误的那一行代码, 遇到Access Violation的一些解决方法可以看这里面:)
2023-08-06 06:58:181


  毛绒玩具的绒毛容易沾上灰尘,一年下来,不免会带上一层污垢,其实除了送到干洗店外也可以自己清洗一些不太大的毛绒玩具,但是首先要了解毛绒玩具的内部成分,有些内部填的是稻草、豆壳这些是不能清洗的,一洗容易坏,只能用湿毛巾擦和软毛刷梳理。下面,我就为你们介绍介绍两种清洗方法:   清洗毛绒玩具方法   第一种方法:   对于可以清洗的毛绒玩具,先将洗涤剂加入水盆,并冲入一些水,用一般的软毛刷搅动盆中的水,搅出丰富的泡沫,接着用软毛刷沾着泡沫将毛绒玩具表面刷干净,一定要注意刷子上不要沾太多的水分。刷干净毛绒玩具表面后用浴巾把毛绒玩具包起来,放入盛满清水的水盆中压洗,这样可以将毛绒玩具内的灰尘和洗涤液清除干净。然后将毛绒玩具放入加有柔顺剂的水盆中适当浸泡几分钟,再在盛满清水的水盆中压洗若干次,直至盆中的水由浑浊变得清澈。将清洗干净的毛绒玩具仍用浴巾包好,放入洗衣机中脱水,脱水后的毛绒玩具经过整形并梳理后放在通风处晾干,毛绒玩具又会像新的一样。   第二种方法:   买一包大粒盐即粗盐,再把粗盐和脏了的毛绒玩具一起放入一个塑料袋,然后把袋口系紧,用力摇晃几十下。发现毛绒玩具变干净了。取出的粗盐因吸附了污垢而变成灰黑色。   这种妙招的原理是利用了食盐即氯化钠对污垢的吸附作用。毛绒领子、车内的毛绒靠垫之类的小东西也能用这种方法来“清洗”。同时,盐起到杀菌的作用。   如何选购毛绒玩具   1、明确年龄段,对于宝宝来说,毛绒玩具首先考虑实用性和安全性。   2、看布料质量   毛绒玩具的布料首先要干净,其次是质量。布料有高低档划分,长短毛绒、天鹅绒、拉毛绒TIC布等,这是决定一个玩具价格的一个重要的因素,有的卖家以次充好,欺骗消费者。   3、毛绒玩具的填充物   好的填充棉全都是PP棉,就象超市里的九孔枕蕊一样的材料,手感好很均匀。差的填充棉都是黑心棉,手感差,危害宝宝健康。   4、配件是否稳固   配件不稳固或者过小,容易在宝宝玩耍时误入口中,发生危险。另外,也要看同色或同体位原料毛向是否一致,否则会出现阳光下颜色不一,毛向相反,影响美观。   5、观察外型是否美观   除了图案是否美观之外,也要看玩具左右体位是否对称,用手积压是否柔软蓬松,各部位缝合是否牢固,玩具配件是否有划痕,残缺。   6、查看是否有商标、品牌、安全标志、厂家通讯地址等,装订是否牢固。   7、查看内外包装情况,标志是否一致,防潮性能是否良好,内包装为塑料袋的,开口尺寸超过一定范围必须开有气孔防止小孩误套头部发生窒息。   毛绒玩具品牌   1、品牌名称:russ   英文名称:russ   发 源 地:美国   创建时间:1963年   主营行业: 玩具   美国RUSS?品牌玩具由Russell Berrie先生于1963年,以自己的家为办公室、以车库当仓库开始,创立的小型的礼品专卖店开始。Russ?的产品千变万化,除了毛绒娃娃之外,Russ?的精致巧思,也让熊熊造型为各式各样的日常用品赋予了新的生命;Russ便由此发展成为美国最成功的复合礼品专卖店。   Russ?的主要出品为长毛绒、滚球绒、短毛绒及刷布绒公仔,涵盖范围很广,除了手感柔软的Softies动物造型毛公仔、栩栩如生的Peeper大眼睛造型公仔,还有提供小孩充分发挥想像力的Activity Toys毛绒工具玩具等等。Russ?推出的最新的Peeper大眼睛系列,特别把西方童谣中主人公全都化身成生动逗趣的大眼睛公仔。   2、品牌名称:喜羊羊与灰太狼   英文名称:Goat and Wolf   发 源 地:中国   创建时间:2005年   主营行业: 玩具   喜羊羊与灰太狼描述的是生活在羊村里的一群小羊们与生活在狼堡里的两只大灰狼之间发生的故事。动画片充满知识性和趣味性,还不失中国式的幽默,内容贴近现实生活,不但为孩子们喜爱,更获得不少成年人的青睐,喜羊羊与灰太狼中的卡通人物已成为中国孩子生活中的伙伴。   3、品牌名称:飘飘龙   英文名称:piaopiaolong   发 源 地:   创建时间:   主营行业: 玩具   浙江飘飘龙网络科技有限公司是一家带有自主研发和网络销售能力的智慧工厂。这里不仅仅是玩具的销售店铺更是一个集自主开发,线上网购,实体批发和零售的综合性多元化的企业。其产品不仅在网络上独占鳌头,更在世界范围内热销,广受各界美誉。   4、品牌名称:瑞奇比蒂   英文名称:ruiqibidi   发 源 地:   创建时间:   主营行业: 玩具   瑞奇比蒂品牌为北京瑞绮特公司旗下注册自主玩具品牌,公司拥有专业毛绒玩具开发、设计、生产、技术、销售及售后等部门。生产基地位于北京、青岛等地。产品以形象时尚,神态可爱,做工精良,手感舒适赢得年轻人的喜爱。   5、品牌名称:迪士尼   英文名称:Disney   发 源 地:美国   创建时间:   主营行业: 哺喂 玩具 服饰 其他   迪士尼全称为The Walt Disney Company,取名自其创始人华特?迪士尼,是总部设在美国伯班克的大型跨国公司,主要业务包括娱乐节目制作,主题公园,玩具,图书,电子游戏和传媒网络。皮克斯动画工作室(PIXAR Animation Studio),惊奇漫画公司(Marvel Entertainment Inc),试金石电影公司(Touchstone Pictures),米拉麦克斯(Miramax)电影公司,博伟影视公司(Buena Vista Home Entertainment),好莱坞电影公司(Hollywood Pictures),ESPN体育,美国广播公司(ABC)都是其旗下的公司(品牌)。   当今的迪士尼已经远远不止于从事动画电影这一个行业了,迪士尼手表、迪士尼尼饰品、迪士尼少女装、迪士尼箱包、迪士尼家居用品、迪士尼毛绒玩具、迪士尼电子产品等多个产业。由于许多人都是从小看着迪士尼的动画片长大了,所以迪士尼所涉及的各大产业都受到了广大消费者的一至好评,取得了丰硕的商业价值。
2023-08-06 06:58:171