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2023-08-08 05:37:44

MODE 模式 HOUR 小时 MIN 分钟






闹钟的英文单词:clock,读音:英 [klɒk];美 [klɑk]释义:n.钟,时钟;计时器;秒表;仪表;vt.记录(时间或速度);测…的速度;vi.打卡;记下时间变形:复数:clocks过去式:clocked过去分词:clocked现在分词:clocking第三人称单数:clocks短语:alarm clock闹钟;around the clock日以继夜地;clock in打卡上班clock on打卡上班;digital clock数字显示式时钟;clock tower钟楼;钟塔against the clock分秒必争地;round the clock连续一整天,昼夜不停;毫不疲倦地biological clock生物钟;system clock系统时钟;electronic clock电子钟例句:1.The clock shows half past two.时钟的针指著两点半。2.This clock has outlasted several owners.这座时钟的寿命比它的几个主人的寿命都长。3.The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock.时钟鸣响声打破了寂静。
2023-08-06 03:09:111


2023-08-06 03:09:3412


alarm clock[英][u0259u02c8lɑ:m klu0254k][美][u0259u02c8lɑrm klɑk]n.闹钟;
2023-08-06 03:10:041


c lock
2023-08-06 03:10:1411


2023-08-06 03:10:431


闹钟单词怎么写 你好! 闹钟 alarm clock 燕子,鱼,闹钟,16,老鼠等英语单词怎么写 依次: swallow fish alarm clock sixteen mouse / rat 闹钟英语单词怎写 clock 小闹钟怎么写 不就这么写么 背单词闹钟软体 有道,英语流利说这样都可以的,里面有帮你记单词,还有练发音的软体,我就在abc36O跟着学,我觉得交流起来英语会容易很多,自己也要用心,坚持做下去,这样才能见效。 闹钟、直到、动画片、郊区、海滩、的英文单词分别怎么写? Alarm clock, until the cartoon, the suburbs, the beach 闹钟、直到、动画片、郊区、海滩 闹钟 : alarm clock 直到 : until 或 up to the time 动画片 : cartoon film 郊区 : countryside 或 a rural district 海滩 : beach 闹钟听音怎么写 你说的是拼音吧,nao zhong,nao是第四声,zhong是第一声。闹钟的英文单词是clock 闹钟英语怎么写 alarm clock [英][u0259u02c8lɑ:m klu0254k][美][u0259u02c8lɑrm klɑk] n.闹钟; 作文《闹钟声》怎么写? 闹钟,一个不起眼的东西。但是,它在我们的生活中却起著一个很大的作用,如果没了它,后果不堪设想。尽管,它是那么的微小。 在早晨的时候,他会叫人们起床,让我们开始新一天的工作。在人们忘记时间的时候,它就会让人们看一看自己,这样就会知道现在是什么时候。它每天无声无息的待在角落里,不像百花那样争芳夺艳,让人么心生犹怜。它每天只做好自己的分内工作,从来没有任何怨言,只有人们在需要闹钟的时候,它才不会被忽视,尽管这样,但闹钟还是不求回报,任劳任怨。闹钟每天在显示时间,为人类做出贡献,而人类每天却只知道浪费时间,吃喝玩乐。 作为一个人,我感到深深地自责。随着时间的流逝,闹钟会逐渐的变老,人也一样。在人老的时候,房间里经常只有自己一个人,非常的安静。这是,只听得见闹钟“滴答滴答”的声音,这才意识到,自己以前都在浪费时间,浪费生命,觉得非常惭愧。而闹钟却不一样,它是在奉献自己的生命,为世界作出贡献,即使人们淡忘了它,甚至不知道它存在的价值,但它还是不求回报的为人类做出巨大的贡献,闹钟的这种精神,值得全世界人民的敬畏。 闹钟,它虽然非常的不起眼,它无声无息地为人类做贡献,但不求回报,它的精神,值得所有人学习,值得所有人的称赞和敬仰。我们一定要学习闹钟的这种品质。
2023-08-06 03:10:511


2023-08-06 03:11:002


闹钟alarm clock
2023-08-06 03:11:092


alarm clock额哦,你好`~是alarm clock~愿楼主学习进步哦~
2023-08-06 03:11:2014


2023-08-06 03:11:594


  闹钟和钟的英语表达是不一样的,因为它们两个的性质是不同的。下面我为大家带来闹钟的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   闹钟的英语意思   alarm clock   闹钟的相关英语例句   这孩子把闹钟弄坏了。   The child has bust up the alarm clock.   闹钟的簧断了。   The main spring of the alarm clock is broken.   这一步有点取决于闹钟的质量,也有可能不需要这么做。   This depends somewhat on the quality of the clock. and may not need to be done.   为什么我们在某些夜晚会被床单发出的沙沙声吵醒,却没有理会那些吵醒别人的闹钟声而睡过头呢?   Why does the rustle of sheets wake us up on some nights, but we sleep through the sound ofour alarm clocks going off on others?   我们可以从这幅图中推断出,这个人摆了这么多闹钟就是为了提醒自己不要轻易地放弃。   We can infer from it that the man sets these many clocks just to remind himself that he should never give up.   如果你想要大幅度降低花在写文章上的时间,我建议你拿出一个煮蛋计时器或一个平常的闹钟,给每篇文章设定一个时间限制。   If you want to dramatically cut down the time you spend writing articles, I suggest you get an eggtimer or a regular clock and set a deadline for each article.   我一点都不怀疑地说任何一个人都能抛弃他们的闹钟并且学会自然地醒来。   I have no doubt in saying that anybody could ditch their alarm clock and learn to wake upnaturally.   我的动力就是去控制我的思想和情绪,在没有闹钟的情况下早起是非常有经验的并且在思想方面上控制着我。   The motivation for me was to discipline my mind and take control. getting up without an alarmclock was an experiment in mind control for me.   他指着墙上的闹钟,手指已经高出了他的小椅子。   He points high above his chair to the clock on the wall.   把你的闹钟放在离床远的地方。   Put your alarm clock far away from your bed.   把你的闹钟放在离床远的地方 。   Put your alarm clock far from you bed .   但当闹钟响起的时候,你觉得你像完全没睡过一样!   But alas when the alarm rings, you feel as if you had no sleep at all!   因为我的闹钟没有响所有今早睡过头了。   I overslept this morning because my alarm did not go off.   我的新闹钟宣布着新的早晨的突然到来。   My new alarm clock announced the abrupt arrival of morning.   如果你使用一只可以闪光的闹钟来确保自己醒过来,请把它放在一个你不能看见它确切时间的位置;   If you use an illuminated clock for a wakeup alarm, place it where you can"t keep looking at it tocheck the time.   你相信任何一个人都能把闹钟丢弃并且变成一个快乐的早起者吗?   Do you believe that anyone can ditch their alarm clock and become a happy early riser?   打定主意,第二天我房间里这个闹钟不会再响起了!你可以安心休息了。   You can rest assured that by the second day this clock would no longer function in my house!   每天早上当我的闹钟响的时候,我会把它关掉,伸一个长长的懒腰,然后坐起来。   When my alarm goes off every morning, I turn it off, stretch for a couple seconds, and sit up.   我的闹钟今天早上没响。   My alarm clock failed this morning.   这款创意闹钟用熏肉的香味吸引你起床。   Creative alarm clock that wakes you up with the smell of bacon.   闹钟的英文例句   他忘记给闹钟上弦了。   He forgot to wind up the clock.   那个时候我很困,所以以为是闹钟在响。   I was so sleepy, I thought it was my alarm clock.   当闹钟在五点钟响的时候,拉尔夫立即把它按掉。   Ralph stopped the alarm-clock at once when it went off at five o"clock.   鲍勃关掉闹钟以便早上能睡懒觉。   Bob turned off the alarm so that he could sleep late in the morning.   他把闹钟塞在枕头底下,想减低声音。   He tried to muffle the alarm clock by putting it under his pillow.   他把闹钟拨到六点。   He set the alarm clock at six.   年轻人很高兴地拿了闹钟,谢了老头儿。   The young man took the clock happily and thanked the old man.   他们会像闹钟一样准时地在不同时间回来给庄稼浇水。   They will return like clockwork at different times.   闹钟大响,打断了他的梦。   The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dreams.   闹钟的双语例句   1. If an alarm gives you that feeling of security, then it"sworth carrying.   如果带着闹钟让你感到心里踏实,那就值得携带。   2. They slept till the alarm bleeper woke them at four.   他们一直睡到4点钟被寻呼机闹钟叫醒.   3. Will somebody for God"s sake shut that alarm off.   看在上帝的份上,谁去关掉那个闹钟吧。   4. I set my alarm clock for 4.30.   我把闹钟定在4点半。   5. Clock-radios blast away until you get up.   收音机闹钟会一直响到你起床为止。   6. I set the alarm clock for 7 o"clock.   我把闹钟定在7点钟闹响。   7. Do you know how to deactivate the alarm?   你知道如何让闹钟不响吗?   8. an alarm clock with a luminous dial   夜光闹钟   9. He tried to muffle the alarm clock by putting it under his pillow.   他把闹钟塞在枕头底下,想减低声音。   10. The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dreams.   闹钟大响,打断了他的梦.   11. I"m sorry I"m late; I slept through the clock this morning.   对不起我迟到了, 今早我睡得太沉,没听见闹钟响.   12. I know it was my little brother"s practical joke again.   凌晨三点钟,我忽然被闹钟惊醒,我知道这又是我小弟弟的恶作剧.   13. The main spring of the alarm clock is broken.   闹钟的簧断了.   14. The alarm clock awoke me on time.   闹钟按时把我闹醒了.   15. The alarm clock was wound.   闹钟上过发条了.
2023-08-06 03:12:141


2023-08-06 03:12:232


闹钟的英语是alarm clock,其正确的读音包括英式[u0259u02c8lɑu02d0m klu0252k],美式[u0259u02c8lɑu02d0rm klɑu02d0k]。闹钟的英语是alarm clock,它的复数形式为:alarm clocks。闹钟的英语释义为:a clock that wakes a sleeper at some preset time.The main spring of the alarm clock is broken.闹钟的簧断了。扩展知识:英语单词(English words)的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有中国特色的名称和概念进入了英语词汇,同时还有一些英语词汇进入了汉语,在文化环境中衍生出新的含义,形成了英语词汇的语义文化特征。背单词记忆算法的特点是结合权威的记忆理论,充分调动用户的眼、耳、口和手等各种感官,根据用户的实际情况和使用环境智能确定内容和方法,根据用户的使用情况进行动态调整。单词的记忆算法设计的宗旨是以最大限度的计算机资源耗费取代学习者的精力耗费。单词的记忆算法基于两个比较成熟的记忆理论或算法,一个是艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论,另一个是Super Memo记忆算法。艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论在1885年提出,通过大量数据,证实了人的记忆存在着一个相似的遗忘规律。而Super Memo算法作者则从1985年开始研究,在长时间和海量的数据基础上,总结出了Super Memo算法。该算法至今还在研究,在差不多20年的时间里已发展成为世界上最科学最有效的记忆算法之一。
2023-08-06 03:12:301


SAT=Saturday 的缩写, 周六的意思 C/F 摄氏/华氏 (度数转换)TIME (目前时间)
2023-08-06 03:12:596


alarm clock英 [əˈlɑ:m klɔk] 美 [əˈlɑrm klɑk] n.闹钟复数: alarm clocks双语例句 I set my alarm clock for 4.30. 我把闹钟定在4点半。
2023-08-06 03:13:151


闹钟响了英文是The alarm goes off要想要闹钟叮铃铃,你总得先设一个闹钟吧?设闹钟英语可以说set an alarm clock。比如说,你明天要5点钟起床,你需要设个5点的闹钟,英语可以说:I set my alarm clock for 5:00 am.我将闹钟设置为凌晨5:00。除了设置闹钟,咱们烹饪的时候会用到一些计时器,特别是烘焙的时候,定一个30秒钟,这种设备我们叫timer。I set the timer for 30 seconds.我给计时器设了30秒钟。“闹钟响了”英语怎么说?难道是什么ring吗?闹钟英文可以说alarm clock,alarm强调警告,提醒。当我们说闹钟响了,比较地道的表达有:The alarm clock goes off.闹钟响了。go off通常表示警报声突然响起,类似铃声大作。英文例句:Then the fire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.当时火险警报器响了,我一把抓起衣服就往外跑。ring可以表示铃声,也可以作为动词“铃响”,所以“闹钟”响了的第二个英文表达是:The alarm clock rings.
2023-08-06 03:13:481


Goog moru2026
2023-08-06 03:14:152


2023-08-06 03:14:252

(闹钟)响 的短语怎么写?

get off
2023-08-06 03:14:364


2023-08-06 03:14:583


我的闹钟 My Alarm ClockI get up early in the morning, because I have to go to school. I have a lovely alarm clock. I bought it two years ago. It"s a pink hello kitty. I like it very much, except it wakes me up in the morning. There are three hands in it. The longest one is second hand. It runs fast. The minute hand is shorter and runs slower. When the second hand makes one revolution, it moves 1/60 revolution. The shortest one is hour hand and it runs the slowest. It only makes two revolutions a day. Under the three hands is the face of hello kitty. I like my little lovely alarm clock. 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-08-06 03:15:071


2023-08-06 03:15:271


2023-08-06 03:15:382

设定闹钟 英语怎么说

Setting alarms
2023-08-06 03:15:484


1、闹钟在桌子上吗用英语怎么说。 2、书桌上有一个闹钟用英语怎么说。 3、一个闹钟在桌子上用英语怎么说。 4、有一个闹钟在桌子上用英语怎么说。
2023-08-06 03:15:551


2023-08-06 03:16:053


2023-08-06 03:16:141


"Tick, tick......" Small alarm clock and sing beautiful songs. I like it, because it isthe first grade when my father from his home to the "friends" to bring back to my.It accompanies me to pass for two years.The little clock very chic, super like a small house, blue roof, herringbone. The roof and a small white chimney. The upper right side clock is a door plastic"window", which is the calendar. It said 12 digital hour, uniformly dispersed in a beautiful picture, there is a small red line in the "12" below, if you toggle button on the alarm clock, let the figures at the red line, and wound up, at the same hour you alignment, a ringing the bell it will remind you. The clock dial there are many subtle lines, very beautiful.Small alarm clock clockwise like a short arrow, the minute hand is like a swordlike the second hand, as long as a fine needle, regularly turning, it always tick,tick, rhythmically rang. Do not think that the name is a small alarm clock must be a little noisy, is a little demon, it can be disciplined! Stick to post it day and night,constantly turning. Whether The dripping dripping water freezes weather, orPerspiration came down like raindrops. days, it still be loyal to their duties,accurate expression of time. It is the name of "downtown" character is the outstanding performance in its discipline!Two years, in the small alarm clock"s help, I also became a discipline, hard to learn a good student.“嘀嗒、嘀嗒……”小闹钟又在唱动听的歌了.我喜欢它,因为这是一年级时爸爸从家乡把这位“小朋友”带回来送给我的。它陪伴我度过了两个春秋。这只小闹钟很别致,看超来像一座小房子,天蓝色房顶,呈人字形。房顶上还有一个白色的小烟囱。钟的右上侧有一扇塑料“小窗”,里面就是日历。那表示钟点的12个数字,均匀地镶嵌在美丽的图画中,在“12”的下面有一条红色的小线,如果你拨动闹钟上的按钮,让数字对准那条红线,并上足发条,到了你对准的那个钟点,一串清脆的铃声就会提醒你。钟盘上还有许多精巧线条,美丽极了。小闹钟的时针像一支短箭,分针像一把宝剑似的,秒针长如细针,有规律地转动着,它总是嘀嗒、嘀嗒,有节奏地响着。别以为名字叫小闹钟就一定是个小闹将,是个小调皮鬼,它可遵守纪律啦!它日日夜夜地坚守岗位,一刻不停地转动着。不管是滴水成冰的天气,还是挥汗如雨的日子,它照样忠于职守,准确地表达时间。它名字中的“闹”字正是它遵守纪律的突出表现呢!两年来,在小闹钟的帮助下,我也成了一名遵守纪律、勤奋学习的好学生了。 如果觉得长就自己改下吧(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-08-06 03:16:231


alarm clock 英[u0259u02c8lɑ:m klu0254k] 美[u0259u02c8lɑrm klɑk] n. 闹钟; [例句]I set my alarm clock for 4.30.我把闹钟定在4点半。
2023-08-06 03:17:331

闹钟用英语怎么说 闹钟翻译成英文是什么

1、alarm。 2、英 [u0259lɑu02d0m] 美 [u0259lɑrm] 。 3、n. 闹钟;警报,警告器;惊慌、vt. 警告;使惊恐。 4、例句:Dad set the alarm for eight the next day. 爸爸把闹钟设到了第2天8点。
2023-08-06 03:17:481


问题一:闹钟用英语怎么读音 alarm clock 英[??l:m kl?k] 美[??lrm klk] n. 闹钟; [例句]I set my alarm clock for 4.30. 我把闹钟定在4点半。 问题二:闹钟用英语怎么读 clock 问题三:闹钟的英文怎么写? 闹钟:clock 现在几点? What time is it?It"s ten o"clock. 现在几点了?现在十点。 问题四:闹钟的英文怎么拼 20分 alarm clock 问题五:闹钟英语怎么说? The alarm clock 问题六:一个闹钟用英语怎么说 an alarm clock 因为一元音字母开头的要用a 问题七:闹钟 英语怎么说 alarm clock.呵呵,为何别人不一样,再告诉你一个吧,闹钟响了,可以说the alarm供clock goes off 问题八:闹钟用英语怎么读音 alarm clock 英[??l:m kl?k] 美[??lrm klk] n. 闹钟; [例句]I set my alarm clock for 4.30. 我把闹钟定在4点半。 问题九:闹钟用英语怎么读 clock 问题十:闹钟的英文怎么拼 20分 alarm clock
2023-08-06 03:17:561


英文:Alarmclock。“闹钟”中英文对照例句:闹钟确实响了,但我只是打了个哈欠,翻个身又接着睡着了。ThealarmdidgooffbutallIdidwasyawn,turnoverandgobacktosleep. 闹钟的簧断了。Themainspringofthealarmclockisbroken. 安德鲁,很抱歉我迟到了。我忘了设闹钟,结果睡过头了。I"mreallysorryI"mlate,Andrew.IforgottosetmyalarmandIoverslept. 我忘了定闹钟,结果睡过了头。IforgottosetmyalarmandIoverslept. 收音机闹钟会一直响到你起床为止。Clock-radiosblastawayuntilyougetup. 她定了闹钟,以便及时醒来给两个儿子服药。Shesetthealarmsoshe"dwakeupintimetogivehertwosonstheirmedication. 如果他把闹钟设在午夜响,那会把全家人都吵醒的。Ifhesethisalarmclockformidnight,itwouldwakethewholehouse 如果带着闹钟让你感到心里踏实,那就值得携带。Ifanalarmgivesyouthatfeelingofsecurity,thenit"sworthcarrying. 看在上帝的份上,谁去关掉那个闹钟吧。WillsomebodyforGod"ssakeshutthatalarmoff. 他怕醒晚了,总是在床头桌上放一个闹钟。Heisafraidofwakinguplate,andsohealwayshasanalarmonhisbedsidetable.
2023-08-06 03:19:141


AL是英文ALARM是闹钟的意思、SET是设定,按 SET 键进入闹铃设定状态1,按AL键一次,在正常情况下调到闹铃模式.2. 按 SET以激活设置闹钟上按下报警通过按UP/DOWN.
2023-08-06 03:20:432


问题一:闹钟用英语怎么说 The alarm clock 问题二:闹钟的英文怎么写? 闹钟:clock 现在几点? What time is it?It"s ten o"clock. 现在几点了?现在十点。 问题三:一个闹钟用英语怎么说 an alarm clock 因为一元音字母开头的要用a 问题四:闹钟用英语怎么读 clock 问题五:闹钟英语怎么说? The alarm clock 问题六:闹钟的英文怎么拼 20分 alarm clock 问题七:闹钟 英语怎么说 alarm clock.呵呵,为何别人不一样,再告诉你一个吧,闹钟响了,可以说the alarm供clock goes off
2023-08-06 03:21:041


闹钟的英文翻译是alarm clock它的音节是[əˈlɑːm] [klɔk] 。Oh, no. I forgot to turn the alarm clock on!糟了!我忘了定闹钟!
2023-08-06 03:21:411


2023-08-06 03:21:511


an alarm clock 因为一元音字母开头的要用a
2023-08-06 03:22:011


1(用铜或铁制成的响器) bell:晨钟暮鼓matin bells and vesper drums2(计时器) clock: 石英晶体钟
2023-08-06 03:22:101


时钟的英语是clock。cl在英语里是一个辅音连缀,发/kl/的音,c的爆破与l的发音需要同步进行:clean 干净的clever 聪明的class 课classic 经典的classify 分类cloth 布clothes 衣服claim 声称climate 气候climax 高潮。
2023-08-06 03:22:501


2023-08-06 03:23:191


时钟的英语怎么读? 10:40 twenty to eleven 10:20 ten twenty 超过一半的一般是 XXto下一时刻 没到一半的一般就直接读 一个时钟用英语怎么说 一个时钟 a clock 时钟[仪] clock 时钟的英文怎么念 时钟 [仪] clock更多释义>> [网路短语] 时钟 Clock;CLK;clock 时钟频率 Clock rate;Clock Speed;CPU Clock Speed 时钟座 Horologium;Horologium Pendeluhr;horologium 钟表用英语咋说 colock 钟用英语怎么说。 钟在英语中:clock 闹钟用英语怎么说 The alarm clock 请记住,你曾答应他两点钟打电话给她。用英语怎么说 请记住,你曾答应他两点钟打电话给她 Remember, you promised to call her at two o"clock.请记住,你曾答应他两点钟打电话给她 Remember, you promised to call her at two o"clock. 请记住,你曾答应他两点钟打电话给她 Remember, you promised to call her at two o"clock. 请记住,你曾答应他两点钟打电话给她 Remember, you promised to call her at two o"clock.
2023-08-06 03:23:271


请帮我定一下明早六点的闹钟的英文翻译 请帮我定一下明早六点的闹钟Please help me set the alarm clock at six in the morning.
2023-08-06 03:23:441


闹钟发出响声的英文:The alarm clock sounds.双语例句:I glanced at the clock and realized I was running late for my meeting. (我瞥了一眼钟,意识到我上班迟到了。)Can you please set the alarm clock for 7 o"clock tomorrow morning? (请你明天早上把闹钟设置为7点好吗?)The clock on the wall is ticking loudly, making it hard for me to concentrate. (墙上的时钟嘀嗒作响,让我很难集中注意力。)The digital clock in my bedroom shows the time in bold red numbers. (我卧室里的数字钟用醒目的红色数字显示时间。)My grandmother has a beautiful antique clock that chimes every hour. (我奶奶有一座漂亮的古董钟,每个小时都会发出报时声。)It"s important to synchronize all the clocks in the house so that they show the same time. (重要的是要将房子里的所有钟表同步,以便它们显示相同的时间。)The clock tower in the city center is a popular landmark and tourist attraction. (市中心的钟楼是一个受欢迎的地标和旅游景点。)The clock struck midnight, signaling the start of the new year. (钟声敲响午夜,标志着新年的开始。)The clock is ticking, we need to finish this project before the deadline. (时间在流逝,我们需要在截止日期之前完成这个项目。)My watch stopped working, so I need to take it to the repair shop to get it fixed. (我的手表停止工作了,所以我需要带它去维修店修理。)
2023-08-06 03:24:581


Draw the alarm clock
2023-08-06 03:25:231


SAT=Saturday 的缩写, 周六的意思C/F 摄氏/华氏 (度数转换)TIME (目前时间)
2023-08-06 03:25:311


I have a good friend. It"s my little clock. It has a round face. On its face, it has three hands. One is short, the other two are long. It has no arms, but its hands turn round and round. It was no feet and no legs, but it can go all day and all right. It has no eyes or ears. It has no mouth, but it can talk to me. Can you hear? Tick-tock, tick-tock... Every morning it can wake me up on time and tell me, "Hey, it"s time to get up! It"s time to go to school!"I like the little clock very much.
2023-08-06 03:25:391


2023-08-06 03:25:573


I have set the clock to go off at 7 tomorrow morning.
2023-08-06 03:26:052


The alarm clock rings.
2023-08-06 03:26:264


My Alarm ClockI get up early in the morning, because I have to go to school. I have a lovely alarm clock. I bought it two years ago. Itu2019s a pink hello kitty. I like it very much, except it wakes me up in the morning. There are three hands in it. The longest one is second hand. It runs fast. The minute hand is shorter and runs slower. When the second hand makes one revolution, it moves 1/60 revolution. The shortest one is hour hand and it runs the slowest. It only makes two revolutions a day. Under the three hands is the face of hello kitty. I like my little lovely alarm clock.
2023-08-06 03:26:351