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2023-08-08 00:23:30

There are three people of different nationalities to be put into prison, the warden said to them: "before the jail, I can allow each of you make a request。”

American love cigars, so he asked for a full three boxes of cigars; French nature extremely romantic, he asked for a beautiful woman in hand; While the jew said, he wants a phone to communicate with the outside world.

Looking over the past three years, to free prisoners of the three days.

The first rush out is American. Filled with a cigar in his mouth and nose, Shouting: "give me fire, give me fire!" It turned out that he always forgot to the fire

Then is French. See his hand holding a child, beside beautiful woman"s hands still holding another child, and high stand big belly shows that she is pregnant with her third child.

The last is the jews. He firmly holding the warden"s hand and said: "the past three years by phone, I kept in touch with the outside world, every day my business did not pause, it grew by 200%. In order to thank, I decided to send you a Lao shi rice!"




take-no-prisoners是(追求目标时)富于进取的,毫不妥协的意思。属于习惯用语。take no prisoners。 Prisoners就是在战争中抓到的士兵。Take no prisoners这个说法是出自一个神秘的军官。他在战争中命令他手下的士兵杀死那些已经举手投降的敌军。所以,take no prisoners这个习惯用语就是指一个对别人很强硬的人,一个很难对付的人。用法:形容词,或者作为习惯用语。例句:Follow at will. And take no prisoners!尽管追别留活口!You will take no prisoners!我们杀个痛快!Let the siege begin. Take no prisoners. Kill them all.开始攻城。不要俘虏,一律杀光。This new manager knows the business, I guess. But he"s really tough on our staff - he takes no prisoners. You make one mistake and he"ll fire you without giving you a chance to do better, and you"ll be out looking for another job.我猜想这个新来的处长很懂行。但是他对雇员实在是很厉害;他毫不留情。你出一次错他马上就会解雇你,不给你任何改进的机会。这样你也就只好另找工作了。
2023-08-06 00:29:571


take no prisonersu200bto be very determined and not care about other people"s feelings when trying to achieve something(为达到目的)咄咄逼人,不择手段,不顾他人感受When Eric"s anger is aroused, he takes no prisoners.当埃里克被激怒时,他就丝毫不会理会别人的感受
2023-08-06 00:30:072


2023-08-06 00:30:151

囚禁 英文怎么说

internmentimprisonincage embarenjail
2023-08-06 00:30:484

prisoners of war是什么意思

prisoners of war 战俘
2023-08-06 00:30:564


2023-08-06 00:31:031

prisoner of war是什么意思

prisoner of war[英][u02c8prizu0259nu0259 u0254v wu0254:][美][u02c8pru026azu0259nu025a u028cv wu0254r]n.战俘; 复数:prisoners of war例句:1.Before I was born, she was a prisoner of war in germany. 在我出生之前,她曾是被关押在德国的战俘。2.As for garros, he managed to escape from a prisoner of war camp in early 1918. 至于加洛斯,1918年早些时候他成功从战俘营中逃了出来。3.One 89-year-old man who was held by the japanese as a prisoner of war told ms. lung he waited all his life to tell his story. 一位89岁的老人告诉龙女士,他被日本人当作战俘关押过,他等了一生的时间就为了把自己的遭遇告诉世人。4.Denying involvement in war crimes, he has said he served in the soviet army and became a prisoner of war when he was captured by germany in 1942. 他否认自己在战争期间犯下的罪行,曾在苏联军队中服役,后于1942年在德国被俘虏。5.His comrades perish, and alfie becomes a german prisoner of war. 战友遇难,阿尔菲自己成了德国人的囚犯。
2023-08-06 00:31:111


美国的许多习惯用语都已经在民间流传了大约两百年了。可是,今天我们要讲的三个习惯用语都是在最近十年内才开始普遍使用的。 1. go-to guy 关键球执行者;关键人物 Go-to就是在go和to这两个词当中加一个连接号。Guy这个词是一个非常口语的说法,意思是:“那个人”。中文里有的时候说“那个家伙”。 过去,guy只是指男人,可是现在也可以用guy来指女人。Go-to guy就是当你需要真实信息的时候你可以靠得上的人,或者是这个人会采取有效的行动来完成某件事。 Go-to guy这个习惯用语原来是来自体育界,具体地说是来自职业篮球。比方说,在一场篮球比赛中,对方球队比你们的球队多了一分,而比赛还有十秒钟就要结束了。 在这关键时刻,你就会想把球传给那个最可能投篮得分的球员。这个球员就是go-to guy。我们就拿大名鼎鼎的篮球健将乔旦来举一个例子吧。例句-1:Michael Jordan is over 40 now, and that makes him older than anybody else on the team. But in the frantic last few seconds when his team is a point or two behind, put the ball in his hands - he"s still the best go-to guy in the game! 乔旦现在已经四十出头了,他是那个球队里年纪的一个球员。可是,当他的球队落后一、两分,比赛到了最后几秒钟的紧张关头,把球传到他手里就行了。他仍然是篮球界里最靠得上的球员。 2. take no prisoners 态度强硬;毫不留情 Prisoners就是在战争中抓到的士兵。Take no prisoners这个说法是出自一个神秘的军官。他在战争中命令他手下的士兵杀死那些已经举手投降的敌军。所以,take no prisoners这个习惯用语就是指一个对别人很强硬的人,一个很难对付的人。 下面我们来举一个例子,看看take no prisoners在日常讲话中是怎么用的。说话的人是在讲他们公司里新来的人事处处长。 例句-2:This new manager knows the business, I guess. But he"s really tough on our staff - he takes no prisoners. You make one mistake and he"ll fire you without giving you a chance to do better, and you"ll be out looking for another job. 我猜想这个新来的处长很懂行。但是他对雇员实在是很厉害;他毫不留情。你出一次错他马上就会解雇你,不给你任何改进的机会。这样你也就只好另找工作了。
2023-08-06 00:31:521

囚犯两难博弈(prisoners dilemma game)的案例研究。

案例研究 囚犯两难处境的比赛假想你正与被关在另一个屋子里的“嫌疑”人进行囚犯两难处境的博弈。而且,再设想这种博弈不是进行一次而是多次。你博弈最后的得分是你被监禁的总年数。你希望使这种得分尽可能地少。你应该用什么战略?你应该从坦白还是保持沉默开始?另一个参与者的行动会如何影响你以后的坦白决策?多次的囚犯两难处境是极为复杂的博弈。为了鼓励合作,参与者应该相互惩罚不合作行为。但以前描述的杰克和吉尔的水卡特尔的战略——只要另一方违约,一方就永远违约——得不到宽恕。在反复许多次的博弈中,在不合作时期之后,允许参与者回到合作结果的战略,可能是较合人意的。为了说明哪一种战略最好,政治学家罗伯特?阿克塞尔罗德(Robert Axelrod)进行了一场比赛。人们通过输人为反复进行囚犯的两难处境而设计的电脑程序进入比赛。每个进行博弈的程序都对应于所有其他程序。得到狱中总年数最少的程序的是“赢家”。赢家结果是被称为一报还一报的简单战略。根据一报还一报,参与者应该从合作开始,然后上一次另一个参与者怎么作自己也怎么做。因此,一报还一报参与者要一直合作到另一方违约时为止;他违约到另一方重新合作时为止。换句话说,这种战略从友好开始,惩罚不友好的参与者,而且,如果对方改变就给予原谅。令阿克塞尔罗德惊讶的是,这种简单的战略比人们输人的所有较复杂的战略都好。
2023-08-06 00:32:081


2023-08-06 00:32:446


【 #英语资源# 导语】《追寻生命的意义》是2003年8月1日新华出版社出版的图书,作者是维克多·E·弗兰克尔,译者弗兰克尔,何忠强,杨凤池。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.《追寻生命的意义》英语读后感   Nietzsche said, "people who know why they live can survive." In Victor"s Autobiography of the concentration camp in pursuit of the meaning of life, he describes the miserable life of Auschwitz prisoners and expresses the positive attitude of "meaning therapy".   "It"s a long way to go. I"ll seek it from top to bottom". An ordinary person"s life will pursue his unique ideal. Ordinary people have their own meaning of existence. If a prisoner who lives in a concentration camp every day has lost his personal freedom and experienced all kinds of hardships, does his life still need to pursue the so-called meaning of life? Victor used his personal experience to tell us the psychological course and life story of the prisoners in the concentration camp.   The prisoners who first arrived in the concentration camp, from the struggle after suffering in the concentration camp for a period of time to indifference, and finally a state of numbness and despair. Human nature can not be simply divided into good and evil, especially in the extremely harsh environment, the deepest human nature is extremely easy to be exposed, and the boundary between good and evil becomes so blurred. The bad living environment often stifles the hope of survival, and people die in despair.   "Whenever we see a cellmate smoking, we know that he has lost the courage to live. Once courage is lost, it is almost impossible to recover it. " Why should people live? What is the meaning of life? Victor did not give us a direct answer, and the meaning of existence is different because of the uniqueness of each life body, but he elaborated three methods: creating or engaging in work that can reflect the value of life, experiencing love and being loved, and a positive attitude of enduring and surpassing pain.   The first two are easy to understand and accept, but is it the meaning of life to endure and surpass pain? Why should we live? To live is to endure the inevitable suffering and adopt a positive attitude. Asking the meaning of living is a sublimation of self spirit. 2.《追寻生命的意义》英语读后感   When you are in an extremely bad environment for a long time and have nothing to lose except your own life, what will happen to your psychology? Is it like teacher Ju Sanbao"s inner cry, where is the meaning of life? What is the value of living? Living can not change the comfort of life and inner satisfaction. What is the purpose of living like this?   Austrian psychologist Frankel, as a survivor of the World War II concentration camp, in the autobiographical book "pursuit of the meaning of life", Dr. Frankel spoke from his own experience, invented the "meaning therapy", and explained the prisoners" treatment of life in the concentration camp from the perspective of psychology. It also explains why some people can survive strongly in the environment of concentration camps, while others give up their lives early!   There is no emphasis on human nature in the concentration camp. The people living in it are equal to half of your body entering the loess. If you are sick or injured, you will lose the value of existence as long as you lose your ability to work. The only thing waiting for you is death. Such a life and death are only in one thought, and all kinds of torture make people miserable. In the face of such a life, not a few people give up their life, but some people insist all the time! As a keen observer and witness, he further led to a serious topic from these painful and real experiences - where is the meaning of our life? That is, why do we live?   Live only for the good memories of the past. The sweet memories of the past can also bring comfort to people in trouble. Maybe it"s just a candlelight dinner with the people you love, maybe it"s just a walk away trip, but these trivial things will make you laugh foolishly and want to be as sweet as honey. More importantly, this is hope: in the future, we may have these happy moments again! As a member of the world, who doesn"t want it?   Dr. Frankel was a doctor before he entered the concentration camp. Whenever he recalled the scenes of treating patients and saving people, he was happy. He wants to live, even if he has only a bare body, and there is the possibility of death at any time, but when he recalls the beauty of that moment, the whole person will be excited. He wants to immerse himself in this world, because the world has given him too many beautiful memories, and he is reluctant to leave this world. 3.《追寻生命的意义》英语读后感   When people are in an extremely bad environment for a long time, all human values are destroyed and always shrouded in the shadow of death, what changes will happen to people"s psychology under high pressure? Is there any meaning in this painful and hopeless life? Austrian psychologist Frankel, as a survivor of the World War II concentration camp, in the autobiographical book "pursuing the meaning of life", tells about the profound impact of that extreme environment on the psychological state of ordinary prisoners, as well as the cruel survival struggle of prisoners in order to survive for themselves and their friends. As a keen observer and witness, he further led to a serious topic from these painful and real experiences - where is the meaning of our life? That is, why do we live?   In the concentration camp, prisoners are deprived of all their property and rights. They are not only hungry and cold, but also may die at any time. Prisoners who are judged to be weak and ill will soon enter the gas chamber. Here, their lives are particularly small and fragile. However, according to Frankel"s observation, people who are not so strong but have rich mental activities seem to be more likely to survive. He himself is an example. His thoughts and love for his wife made him outline her image very clearly in his mind, and talked and laughed with her vividly and interestingly. Love transcends the barriers of time and space and even life and death, and brings inner enrichment and strong support to those who have love“ Put me on your heart like a seal, and love will be as strong as death. "   The sweet memories of the past can also bring comfort to people in trouble. Maybe it is just a small success, maybe it is just an ordinary family gathering. Can the joy and satisfaction you have felt stay in these memories, make up for and nourish people"s emptiness and pain in reality, and more importantly, point to the hope of the future: the future, We will have these happy moments again!
2023-08-06 00:33:021


2023-08-06 00:33:114

英语翻译 我写了一段《肖申克的救赎》的感悟,请帮我翻译一下吧。用来演讲的,务求准确。

The Shawshank Redemption, the surface is about prisoners in prison after the systemof reeducation through labor, etc. inside the standard way to salvation. But the true salvation is from the heart of self. Like Andy, even though the prisoners in prison,there is no "system", because he has a firm belief in pursuit of freedom. Using a hammer, 18 years, rely on their own strength to gain new. At the same time, he also helped the inmates won "".The film gives the greatest touches me is:Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, agreat man can save another. regardless of where position, only hold the firm belief,never give up the courage, we can "Redemption" yourself.
2023-08-06 00:33:182


很抱歉.. 偶给你的是网页翻译的,所以很明显的就能看出有很多的错误..不过 大概意思还是差不多啦.. 将就著看哈..5月13.1787 ,舰队的英语船舶出航,澳大利亚与约750people.these男人和女人不是一般的passengers.they被囚犯被送往澳大利亚作为惩罚他们的罪行法律在英格兰在此期间非常努力,和人民受到惩处严重,即使是最小的crimes.a名男子可能被判处死刑,狩猎对另一名男子的propery或他可以把死刑削减有人else"tree 。许多其他罪行,处罚是“运输” 。囚犯被运到一个遥远的土地,如他是被迫工作没有pay.often妇女和儿童被运到其他土地,太。 在1770年,库克船长发现澳洲大陆并宣布它属于england.at第一,英格兰并没有发现使用这片土地上另一边的世界,但当时的美国革命的place.england可以不再船舶她的囚犯向美国colonies.so该转向澳大利亚作为一个好地方,她的囚犯。 一位前海军上尉被钦点采取囚犯向新country.his的工作是帮助他们建立一个解决,他将执政。船长很高兴去。他认为,囚犯可以学习到生活在peace.he觉得他们将服从法律,在一个新的国家。 在1788年1月,英国舰队和其奇怪的货物降落在australia.after天的搜寻,船长发现罚款harbor.the的土地,附近的树木和溪流和他们取得了一个新的开端here.australia "历史已经开始。
2023-08-06 00:33:422


没透露名字国家的国王从不在一个法庭中试他的囚犯。他测试他们。在首都的谋反期间,三位男人被带 prisonal 了而且被带给国王了。 这是测试。 他让囚犯遮眼而且到有五个杆的一个领域,在那里白种人和二黑色。杆在从东方到西方的一条直线中。当囚犯被系到杆和移动的 blidfolds 的时候,每个囚犯只可以在他之前见到杆 (s) 。 国王说,"如果你的其中之一能告诉我他被系到的杆的颜色,我将会释放你三个全部都。如果你没有一个能告诉我,你将会必须留在十年的监狱。如果任何的错误你猜测,你全部决意是注射。在那里有白色的杆和二黑色一。如果他能告诉我他的杆的颜色,我现在将会问你每一个。你只可能回答 "Yes"or"No"or"I 不知道".”囚犯 X 被系到中央的杆。 紧邻 X 的杆和紧邻 Y 的囚犯 Z 的囚犯 Y。 国王首先问 X,Y 秒和 Z 第三。每个听到另一个回答。最后,他们每一个提供了适当的答案,而且他们被释放了,当做国王答应。 什么每个囚犯答案当他的轮到的机会来的时候?
2023-08-06 00:33:572

Bob Greene的文章the land of the lock最后一句 all of us prisoners怎么没谓语,求语法达人解释

因为我没看过这篇文章,单从你的问题来看,貌似是同位语结构,类似We students~
2023-08-06 00:34:073


一、读音不同1、jail:英 [du0292eu026al],美 [du0292el]2、prison:英[u02c8pru026azn],美[u02c8pru026azu0259n]二、含义不同1、jail:一般指的是用来关押等待判决的嫌犯、服刑期在一年以下的犯人以及未能保释的犯人,译为看守所、拘留所更合适。2、prison:则指关押长期罪犯的监狱。功用国际音标严格规定以“一符一音”为原则,即“一个音素一个符号,一个符号一个音素”是读好英语单词必备的发音方法。使用拼音方案的语言,同一字母在不同词中常有几种读法。例如:英语like和lit中的“i”,用国际音标注音,分别为[au026a]和[e],又如:普通话bān(班)和bāng(邦)的a,用国际音标分别为[a]和[e]。此外,在不同的语言中,同一个音有不同的拼法。例如,英语的sh,法语的ch,德语的sch,波兰语的sz,捷克语的s ,实际上都是国际音标的[u0283]音。
2023-08-06 00:34:177


弹丸论破英文简介DanganronpaDanganronpa is a Japanese video game for the PSP and Android. The series currently consists of three titles: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, and an upcoming Zettai Zetsubō Shōjo: Danganronpa AnotherEpisode.The series" name comes from the Japanese words for "bullet" (弾丸 dangan) and "refutation" (论破 ronpa).如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励!如果有疑问可以追问
2023-08-06 00:35:401


2023-08-06 00:35:595


2023-08-06 00:37:241

prisoners carlos jean中文歌词

Artist: Mariah Carey艺术家:玛利亚凯莉Title: Prisoner标题:囚犯You don"t think that I"ll be strong enough你不认为我会坚强的Nooo baby now不宝贝I won"t be a prisoner of your love我不会被你爱的囚徒(Prisoner of your love)(你爱的囚徒)Maybe you don"t think I love you strong enough也许你不认为我爱你足够坚强But I"m not gonna be a prisoner of your love但我不想被你爱的囚徒I know you"re lyin", denyin"我知道你在说谎,否认的All of your actions, so listen up对你所有的行动,所以听好了Cause here"s my reaction这里的原因是我的反应Here comes the night晚上的到来No more living in the shadow of your love在你爱情的影子没有更多的生活This is my life这是我的生活Always tried so hard to keep me down总是努力让我下来But now I"ll rise above但现在我要超越Those empty lies那些空的谎言Stop pretending that my accusations停止假装我的指责Take you by surprise让你惊讶I"ve realized我意识到Now I"m ending all the secrecy现在我要结束所有的秘密I see through your disguise我看穿了你的伪装All the dreams we planned我们所有的梦想计划I believed so I held on我相信,所以我坚持I understand我理解So when the morning comes所以当清晨来临You know that I"ll be gone你知道,我要走了You don"t think that I"ll be strong enough你不认为我会坚强的Nooo baby now不宝贝I won"t be a prisoner of your love我不会被你爱的囚徒(Prisoner of your love)(你爱的囚徒)No longer blind不再盲目I can focus on deception我可以专注于欺骗Used to keep me by your side曾经使我在你的身边I read your mind我读了你的头脑Don"t believe it"s all a mystery不相信这些都是一个谜There"s nothing you can hide你没有什么可以隐藏It"s all defined这是所有的定义There"s nothing you can tell me now你没有什么可以告诉我To change the way I feel inside改变我内心的感受All the dreams we planned我们所有的梦想计划I believed so I held on我相信,所以我坚持I understand, yeah我明白了,是的So when the morning comes所以当清晨来临You know that I"ll be gone你知道,我要走了(You don"t think) that I"ll be strong enough(你不认为),我会坚强的Noo baby now不宝贝(I won"t be) the prisoner of your love(我不能)你爱情的囚徒(Prisoner of your love)(你爱的囚徒)I"m just not the girl you thought I was我不是女孩,你以为我是Not gonna be a prisoner不会是一个囚犯I won"t be the prisoner of your love我不会被你爱的囚犯Of your你的Looove死的Don"t wanna be a prisoner不想成为一个囚犯I don"t wanna be a prisoner我不想成为一个囚犯No没有Mmmh嗯Don"t wanna be a prisoner不想成为一个囚犯I don"t wanna be a prisoner我不想成为一个囚犯So if you wanna be my love所以如果你想成为我的爱You can"t be all wild你不可能所有的野生Play up when玩的时候You see me and then say "Mariah I miss you"你看我然后说“玛丽娅,我想你”Expect me to hug and kiss you?希望我的拥抱和亲吻你?Don"t that dis you?不,你呢?But I guess I"m not the kind of girl you thought I was但我想我不是我是那种女孩你的思想I"ve had enough of "Now I"ll see ya later "cause..."我已经受够了”,现在我要再见因为……”Boy make me know that I"ll be strong enough男孩让我知道,我会坚强的But I won"t be a prisoner baby of your love但我不会被你爱的囚徒的宝贝No more no more no more no more no more no more不再不再不再No nooo, baby now不不,宝贝I won"t think我不想Prisoner of your loooove你喜欢里面的囚犯(No no no)(不)(Prisoner of your love)(你爱的囚徒)(I"m just not) the girl you thought I was(我不是)你以为我是Oh哦Not gonna be a prisoner不会是一个囚犯(Not gonna be)(不会)(I won"t be) the prisoner of your(我不能)你的囚犯Love爱Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊Yeah是啊I"m not one of those girls who"ll wait around我不是那种女孩会等待Cryin" "cause you wouldn"t take me all over town哭泣,因为你不会把我整个小镇You can"t do that你不能这样做I"m not a door mat我不是一个门垫You"re just a player你只是一个球员That"s not my format那不是我的格式CyaCyALoverboy (Remix Feat. Da Brat Ludacris Twenty Ii And Shawnna)亲爱的(混音的壮举。小家伙Ludacris二十II和萧娜)
2023-08-06 00:37:321


maltreat prisoners.
2023-08-06 00:37:413


prisoners-of-war双语例句1. Three prisoners were sharing one small cell 3 metres by 2 metres. 3个囚犯关在一个3米长2米宽的小牢房里。来自柯林斯例句2. This will mean more remand prisoners being held in police cells. 这将意味着更多候审犯人会被拘押在警局拘留室。
2023-08-06 00:37:491


俘虏英语怎么说? 俘虏英语怎么说? capture和captive 那个战俘怎么逃出来的仍然是个谜英文怎么说 How to get out of the prisoner of war is still a mystery 英国释放了大部分战俘英语翻译被动语态 英译可以是:Britain released most of the prisoners of war.如果要改为被动,那该是: Most of the prisoners of war were released by Britain. 他们把俘虏交给了侵略军英文翻译用到deliver 他们把俘虏交给了侵略军 => they deliver the soliders that had been captured to the invasion forces. 用英语翻译我们是中国人民 *** ,优待俘虏,缴械不杀 We are the People"s Liberation Army, preferential treatment of prisoners, disarm not kill 我们宽待俘虏交枪不杀的英语怎么翻译 We are kind to captives! Lay down your arms / guns and we"ll not kill you!
2023-08-06 00:37:571


01.MainTitles  02.StringsofPrisoners  03.InkingThePlan  04.SaveABrother"sLife 05.InTheYard  06.T-Bag"sComingForDinner  07.Sucre"sDilemma  08.Sarah&Michael  09.AbruzziIsTheTicket  10.InTheTunnels  11.Unconditional  12.Conspiracy  13.Sarah  14.C-Note  15.AnIn-Be-Tweener  16.PrisonBreak  17.TheManhuntBegins  18.SpecialAgentMahone  19.VeronicaIsMurdered  20.Linc&Li  21.Stand-Off  22.Cat&Mouse  23.(Classified)  24.Remorse  25.Origami  26.EscapeIsJustTheBeginning  27.Panama  28.Maricruz  29.Execution  30.TroubleInParadise  31.Sona  32.NineThou    越狱主题曲2PrisonBreakTheme  3NineThou  4OrangeSky  5Teardrop  6TakeMe  7Renegade  8TheOutsider 9BuffaloStance  10TheMercySeat  11第四季片尾曲Layitdownslow  12ThisisWar是出现在第二集18"43""很不错  13krwlng(是Crawling的混音版本)越狱的官方的主题曲来自linkinpark  14It"sNotOver片尾曲ChrisDaughtry  15willingtodie.特别是里面黑人的那段说唱音乐大结局片尾曲:LayitDownSlow
2023-08-06 00:38:051


Black Hawk Down BY ROGER EBERT / January 18, 2002 Cast & CreditsEversmann: Josh Hartnett Grimes: Ewan McGregor McKnight: Tom Sizemore Hoot: Eric Bana Sanderson: William Fichtner Garrison: Sam Shepard Columbia Pictures Presents A Film Directed By Ridley Scott. Written By Ken Nolan And Steve Zaillian. Based On The Book By Mark Bowden. Running Time: 143 Minutes. Rated R (For Intense, Realistic, Graphic War Violence, And For Language). Ridley Scott"s "Black Hawk Down" tells the story of a U.S. military raid that went disastrously wrong when optimistic plans ran into unexpected resistance. In Mogadishu, Somalia, in October 1993, 18 Americans lost their lives, 70 more were wounded, and within days President Bill Clinton pulled out troops that were on a humanitarian mission. By then some 300,000 Somalis had died of starvation, and the U.S. purpose was to help deliver U.N. food shipments. Somali warlords were more interested in protecting their turf than feeding their people--an early warning of the kind of zeal that led to Sept. 11.The movie is single-minded in its purpose. It wants to record as accurately as possible what it was like to be one of the soldiers under fire on that mission. Hour by hour, step by step, it reconstructs the chain of events. The plan was to stage a surprise raid by helicopter-borne troops, joined by ground forces, on a meeting of a warlord"s top lieutenants. This was thought to be such a straightforward task that some soldiers left behind their canteens and night-vision gear, expecting to be back at the base in a few hours. It didn"t work out that way.What happened was enemy rockets brought down two of the helicopters. The warlord"s troops gathered quickly and surrounded the U.S. positions. Roadblocks and poor communications prevented a support convoy from approaching. And a grim firefight became a war of attrition. The Americans gave better than they got, but from any point of view, the U.S. raid was a catastrophe. The movie"s implied message is that America on that day lost its resolve to risk American lives in distant and obscure struggles, and that mindset weakened our stance against terrorism.The engagement itself seems to have degenerated into bloody chaos. Ridley Scott"s achievement is to render it comprehensible to the audience. We understand, more or less, where the Americans are, and why, and what their situation is. We follow several leading characters, but this is not a star-driven project and doesn"t depend on dialogue or personalities. It is about the logistics of that day in October, and how training did help those expert fighters (Army Rangers and Delta Force) to defend themselves as well as possible when all the plans went wrong and they were left hanging out to dry.Scott"s visual strategy takes advantage of the presence on that day of aerial spotter planes with infra-red sensors that could detect the movements of the humans below. As the battle unfolds, Shepherd and his fellow officers can follow it on screens, but are powerless to use this information. It is a useful tool for keeping the audience informed. (In my original review, I questioned the possibility of these eye-in-the-sky shots; countless readers told me they were based on fact and are described in Mark Bowden"s book about the battle.) His longest day begins with a briefing by Maj. Gen. William F. Garrison (Sam Shepard), who explains how intelligence has discovered the time and location of a meeting by lieutenants of the warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid. A taxi with a black cross on its roof will park next to the building to guide the airborne troops, who will drop down on ropes, be joined by ground forces, secure the building, and take prisoners. The problem with this plan, as Garrison discovers in steadily more discouraging feedback, is that the opposition is better armed, better positioned, and able to call on quick reinforcements.We follow several stories. A man falls from a helicopter and is injured when he misses his descent rope. A pilot is taken prisoner. Desperate skirmishes unfold in streets and rubble as darkness falls. The Americans are short on ammo and water, facing enemies not particularly shy about exposing themselves to danger."Black Hawk Down" doesn"t have heroic foreground figures like most war movies. The leading characters are played by stars who will be familiar to frequent moviegoers but may be hard to tell apart for others. They include Josh Hartnett, much more convincing here than in "Pearl Harbor," as a staff sergeant in command of one of the raiding teams; Ewan McGregor as a Ranger specialist whose specialties are paperwork and coffee-making until he is pressed into service; Tom Sizemore as a veteran who provides steady counsel for younger troops, and William Fichtner as a fighter who seems to have internalized every shred of training, and embodies it instinctively.The cinematography by Slawomir Idziak avoids the bright colors of upbeat combat movies, and its drab, dusty tones gradually drain of light as night falls. The later scenes of the movie feel chilly and forlorn; the surrounded troops are alone and endangered in the night. The screenplay by Ken Nolan and Steve Zaillian, working from a book by Mark Bowden, understands the material and tells it so clearly and efficiently that we are involved not only in the experience of the day but also in its strategies and unfolding realities.Films like this are more useful than gung-ho capers like "Behind Enemy Lines." They help audiences understand and sympathize with the actual experiences of combat troops, instead of trivializing them into entertainments. Although the American mission in Somalia was humanitarian, the movie avoids speechmaking and sloganeering, and at one point, discussing why soldiers risk their lives in situations like this, a veteran says, "It"s about the men next to you. That"s all it is."
2023-08-06 00:38:121


A prisoners-of-war 合成名词的构成: A)如果有主要名词,在其后加s. 如:sisters-in- law B)如果没有名词,在最后一个词加s. 如:never-forget-mes 勿忘我(花名) go-betweens 中介
2023-08-06 00:38:311


游戏用语,1UP指得到一条命,依此类推2UP……,Saves 15 Prisoners指解救15人质, Infin Credits指身份验证
2023-08-06 00:38:411

The general ordered that the prisoners of war be put to () immediately.

2023-08-06 00:38:491

the prisoners were let go let变被动 不是要加上省略的to吗 ?为什么这个句子不加

常用的不能加to 动词不定式的动词: see /watch /observe /notice /let /make / feel /help死记就可以了
2023-08-06 00:38:573

whatever ,however这类词是派生词还是合成词?

2023-08-06 00:39:072


let 的用法 1)当let后只有一个单音节动词,变被动语态时,可用不带to 的不定式.例如: They let the strange go.他们放陌生人走了. ---> The strange was let go. 2)当let 后宾补较长时,let 通常不用被动语态,而用allow或permit 代替.例如: The nurse let me go to see my classmate in the hospital.那护士让我去探望住院的同学. ----> I was allowed / permitted to see my classmate in the hospital.
2023-08-06 00:39:151

流利说 懂你英语 Level6 Unit3 Part3 Listening

Level 6 Unit 3 Part 3 Listening: Prison Experiment 1 In 1971, psychologists created one of the most important experiments in the history of psychology. The experiment, known as the Stanford Prison Experiment, looked at the impact of situations on human behavior. The researchers, led by Philip Zimbardo, wanted to know how situations could affect how people behave. In particular, they wanted to know if good people would change their personalities and lose their values. In the experiment, participants were divided into two groups. One group became prison guards and the other group became prison inmates. The experiment was set up in Stanford University"s psychology building. A group of 24 students was chosen to play the roles, 12 guards and 12 prisoners. The students came from a large group of volunteers who wanted to participate in a psychology experiment. Those who were chosen had no criminal background and had no significant medical or psychological problems. They agreed to participate in the experiment for one to two weeks" period. The prisoners had to remain in prison 24 hours a day during the experiment. Guards worked in teams of three and were assigned to work in eight-hour shifts. Unlike the prisoners, they were free to return to their homes between shifts. Hidden cameras and micro-phones were used to observe the behaviors of both the prisoners and guards. The simulated prison including three small prison cells, six feet by nine feet. Each cell had three small beds and held three prisoners. There was also a closet that served as a solitary confinement room. This was used to isolate prisoners who needed to be punished for bad behavior. Guards were instructed not to physically harm the prisoners in any way. Prisoners were to be addressed by their assigned numbers and never by name. To prevent eye contact with the prisoners, guards wore mirrored sunglasses. This was done to dehumanize the relationship between guards and prisoners. Level 6 Unit 3 Part 3 Listening: Prison Experiment 2 Though the experiment was designed to last for 14 days, it had to be stopped after just six days. It had to be stopped because of what was happening to the participants. The interactions between the prisoners and guards had become hostile and degrading. The guards had become aggressive and brutal, and the prisoners were passive and depressed. As a result, five of the prisoners had to be released early because of the severe negative emotions. Even the researchers were affected, and they began to overlook what was happening. Instead of halting the experiment, they let it continue. They themselves had become dehumanized by the situation they had designed. Finally, they realized that the experiment had to be stopped. What the experiment demonstrates is the powerful effect that situations can have on human behavior.Given a position of power, people can begin to behave differently than they normally would. They can begin to behave in an aggressive manner while those with no power can became passive and depressed. In other words, the experiment shows that situations can cause abuse of behavior. There are some important criticisms of this experiment. One criticism is that it is an example of unethical research. It went on longer than it should have. It is also unrepresentative since the participants were mostly white, middle-class males. Despite the criticism, the experiment remains an important study of human behavior. Recent examples of the Stanford Effect may include the treatment of prisoners of war by American soldiers in the Iraq war. Other possible examples including bullying at school and gang behavior. According to the head researcher, Philip Zimbardo, it helps to explain how ordinary people sometimes turn evil. If situations do influence people behavior, then managing situations can be a way of controlling people.
2023-08-06 00:39:221


这是ost曲目主人公唱的应该是I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow Po Lazarus - J. Carter & Prisoners Big Rock Candy Mountain - Harry Mclintock You Are My Sunshine - Norman Blake Down In The River To Pray - Alison Krauss I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow - The Soggy Bottom Boys Featuring Dan Tyminski Hard Time Killing Floor Blues - Chris Thomas King I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow (instrumental) Keep On The Sunny Side - The Whites I"ll Fly Away - Gillian Welch & Alison Krauss Didn"t Leave Nobody But The Baby - Gillian Welch, Alison Krauss & Emmylou Harris In The Highways - The Peasall Sisters I Am Weary - The Cox Family I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow (instrumental) - John Hartford O Death - Ralph Stanley In The Jailhouse Now - The Soggy Bottom Boys Featuring Tim Blake Nelson I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow (with Band) - The Soggy Bottom Boys Featuring Dan Tyminski Indian War Whoop (instrumental) - John Hartford Lonesome Valley - The Fairfield Four Angel Band - The Stanley Brothers
2023-08-06 00:39:511


feed pets没有用raise pets好~`一般都说raise pets 的
2023-08-06 00:39:592


2023-08-06 00:40:232


(Text / Imari) Institute of Physics 13th Royal Park University, the Research Office of Science Associate Professor Yukawa (Masaharu Fukuyama decorated), IQ extraordinary handsome appearance, there is a "Galileo" nickname. He often by the North Department, Interpol, Kaizuka Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Hang ornaments) of the trust, to apply scientific theories to solve the mystery of a variety of seemingly paranormal phenomena. One day, shell mounds found in the North under the jurisdiction of the Department of a male body, this is a murder case, the victim"s time of death was presumed to be at 18 o"clock on the December 2 to 10 between the points. Search classes inland, and inland predecessors Yuge Shiro (Commodities Chuanyou ornaments), and Metropolitan Police Department"s Caoti Junping (North Village, Hui decoration), the three together to investigate this case. The victim naked, not carrying any identification, fingerprints are destroyed, suffered blunt force and disfigured face. After a series of investigations, the police quickly confirmed the identity of the deceased - Fu Jian Shen 2 (Nagatsuka Keishi decoration), 39-year-old, dereliction of duty in Kawasaki City, Saiwai Ward lived without the economic ability to afford even the rent is a month ago Start slowly move more than simple hotel. Before death, Fu Jian in the fan housing Kamata hotel accommodations, and soon disappeared with a room key. Police in the hotel room, collected hair DNA, and the body found not far from the scene on a bicycle stolen to collect fingerprints, these two things have been identified belonging to the victim Fu Jian Shinji. Cause of death was suffocation death oppressed the neck, according to the traces left in the neck of view, weapon most likely heating wire table. Fu Jian compartment in the investigation of the process of personal files, police found he had a wife, called spent Gangjing child (Song-Snow Yasuko ornaments), inland and Caoti visited her home immediately. Fu Jian Jing and gave birth to son with the daughter of Mei-li (Kanazawa Miho decorative) lived in a apartment in Koto Ward. The United States in the current junior high school in Reading, Yasuko has Kinshichō do Peijiunvlang, but now the bridge Bang-cho in Japan opened a lunch shop. The face of the police, Yasuko said the victims had no idea what her ex-husband, while she and her daughter are the victims died that day alibi. At this time, lived next door at the Hanaoka Tetsuya Ishigami (Shinichi Tsutsumi Jewelry) happens to go out, they called and came face to face with the inland sea. Utsumi immediately stepped forward to show him pictures of Fu Jian, and asked whether the evening of December 2 to hear the family next door Hanaoka and abnormal movement. God answered the stone side, while out mail in the mail. Inland to see the email on the clearly marked "Imperial Capital University" the words, can we say that the stone gods and Yukawa, Caoti like them, are all graduates of the University Royal Park. So once again rise from the sea and Caoti visited the Royal Park University"s "Galileo", hope to get the Yukawa help. However, Yukawa that "this case has nothing to do with scientific theory," but refused to participate, but later learned that one of the suspected case is a big beauty Yasuko after the start Yukawa became interested in this case. After listening to the Inland Sea and Caoti Yasuko alibi statement, the Yukawa said with a smile, "You come across very powerful in this powerful enemy," and so "to refuel Oh!" Royal Park including the University of the sea they were leaving when Caoti played with Tom Chuanti Yasuko neighbors - Tetsuya Ishigami things Yukawa face drastic change immediately, "As far as I know, the stone God is real in this world "genius ". " A few days later, found a stone Yukawa God, this is the genius of the two Royal Park University, meet again after 17 years. Two sat in the apartment Ishigami drinking whiskey, talking about why the Stone God willing in a regular high school math teacher, and university two times with what happened after climbing so. A few days, with Yukawa borrowed from the Department of Mathematics, the latest report also came to rock god, he wants God to verify the stone, "the report"s inference is correct," answered Stone God "may take some time," performed immediately forget them lying on the table, sitting beside Yukawa looked hard at the stone in the mathematical formula God, fell asleep. The next morning, next door closed when Yasuko sound to work, so that Yukawa woke up from sleep. Ishigami spent watching the direction of Yasuko room. "Still do calculus?" Yukawa said such a stone God turned, began to discuss their reasoning. Yukawa was staring at this genius, revealing "It"s a relief," the look. At this time, had come to office hours Ishigami, Yukawa decided to go along with the stone god school, and then their own home. Together to stop the process, Yukawa God heard from Stone Yasuko mother and daughter about something, "usually run into a hit in advance. Every morning I would go to her shop to buy lunch lunch to work, largely it was only then will meet, "Stone God quietly describe his relationship with the neighbors. "What a pity ah, she was a big beauty ah, you say it?" In the face of this problem Yukawa, stone silence of God. However, the two were about to, when God suddenly emerge a stone: "We envy you, ah, now or so to look younger." In the Yukawa impression, stone God is a matter of mathematics has no interest other than the guy, why he would suddenly care about their appearance since then, Yukawa seemed to sense something. On the other hand, the police will spend Gang Jing Fu Jian cases of child as the first suspects to carry out comprehensive searches, but they Yasuko perfect alibi, always can not find any doubt, Fu Jian searches case an impasse ... ... At this point, take the initiative to contact Yukawa Utsumi, propose to the scene to look at the requirements. In addition, Yukawa Utsumi also wanted to tell them, the police are being transferred prisoners will bear a large circle, all of these cases, after all controlled by the prisoners, but prisoners Why do this, do not sort out Yukawa clue. Yasuko face perfect alibi Yukawa can not find out the truth, just as he refused to give up when an accident happening, the whole mystery there possibility. However, the closer the truth Yukawa, the more is the feeling of pain. Utsumi previous Yukawa help solve the case different is that the sea inwards Yukawa want to hide the core of the case, so he was in deep distress in. Who is the real prisoners? This case and the only recognized genius Yukawa God has a lot to rock it? When reasoning Yukawa picture of the entire case, he took what action?(文/伊万里)帝都大学理工学院物理学专业第十三研究室的准教授汤川学(福山雅治 饰),智商过人外表英俊,还有个“伽利略”的外号。他常受贝冢北署的刑警内海薰(柴崎幸 饰)之托,运用科学理论解决各种看似超自然现象的疑案。 某天,贝冢北署管辖范围内发现一具男尸,这是一起杀人案件,被害者死亡时间被推定为12月2日下午6点到10点之间。搜查课的内海,以及内海的前辈弓削志郎(品川佑 饰),还有警视厅总署的草剃俊平(北村一辉 饰),三人一起负责调查这起案件。 被害者全身赤裸,未携带任何身份证明,指纹被烧毁,脸部遭受钝器打击而毁容。 经过一系列调查,警方很快确认了死者的身份——富樫慎二(长冢圭史 饰),39岁,失职中,家住川崎市幸区,无经济能力,连房租都支付不起,一个月前开始辗转于多家简易旅馆。死亡前,富樫在蒲田的扇屋旅馆投宿,不久就带着房间钥匙失踪了。警方在旅馆的房间中,采集到头发的DNA,并在尸体发现现场不远处一辆被盗的自行车上收集到指纹,这两样东西已被确认属于被害者富樫慎二。死者的死亡原因是颈部受压迫窒息身亡,根据留在颈部的痕迹来看,凶器极有可能是取暖桌的电线。 在调查富樫隔个人档案的过程中,警方发现他有一个前妻,名叫花冈靖子(松雪泰子 饰),内海与草剃立即上门拜访了她。靖子带着与富樫生下的女儿美里(金泽美穗 饰)一起住在江东区的一家公寓中。美里目前初中在读,靖子曾在锦糸町做陪酒女郎,但现在在日本桥浜町开了一家便当店。面对警察,靖子称完全不知前夫被害的事,同时她与女儿还有被害者死亡当天的不在场证明。这时,住在花冈隔壁的石神哲哉(堤真一 饰)恰巧出门,与内海他们打了个照面。内海立即上前向他出示富樫的照片,并询问12月2日晚是否听到隔壁花冈家中有异常的动静。石神一边回答着,一边取出信箱中的邮件。内海看到那封邮件上清楚地印有“帝都大学”字样,难道说这个石神与汤川、草剃他们一样,都是帝都大学的毕业生。 于是,内海与草剃再度走访了帝都大学的“伽利略”,希望能得到汤川的帮助。但是,汤川以“这个案件与科学理论没有任何关系”而拒绝参与,不过,后来听说案件的嫌疑人之一靖子是个大美人之后,汤川开始对这个案子产生了兴趣。在听完内海与草剃对靖子不在场证明的陈述后,汤川笑着说“你们这次遇上相当厉害的强敌了”,所以“要加油哦”! 在内海他们即将离开帝都大学的时候,草剃跟汤川提起了靖子的邻居——石神哲哉的事,汤川的脸色立刻大变,“据我所知,石神是这个世界上真正的‘天才"”。 几天后,汤川找到了石神,这是两位帝都大学的天才时隔17年后再次相见。 二人坐在石神的公寓里喝着威士忌,谈论着为何石神甘愿在一所普通高中做数学老师,以及大学时代的两人一起登山后发生的事等等。又过了几天,汤川带着从大学数学系借来的最新报告又来找石神,他希望石神能验证“报告中的推论是否是正确的”,石神回答“可能会花点时间”,便立即趴在桌子上演算了起来,坐在一旁的汤川看着埋头于数学公式的石神,不知不觉地睡着了。 第二天早上,隔壁靖子上班时的关门声,令汤川从睡梦中醒了过来。石神呆看着靖子房间的方向。“还在演算吗?”汤川说了这样一句,石神转过头来,开始论述自己的推论。汤川看着眼前的这个天才,露出“这我就放心”了的神情。这时,已经到了石神上班的时间,汤川决定与石神一起走到学校,再自行回家。 一同走向车站的过程中,汤川从石神那里听说了一些关于靖子母女俩的事,“平时碰上了就打个招呼。每天早上我都会去她工作的便当店买便当,大体上也就只有那个时候才会见面”,石神静静地形容他与邻居之间的关系。“真可惜啊,她可是个大美人啊,你说对吧?”面对汤川的这个问题,石神沉默不语。但是,俩人即将分别的时候,石神突然冒出一句:“真是羡慕你啊,现在看起来还是这么地年轻”。在汤川的印象中,石神是一个对数学以外的事没有任何兴趣的家伙,他为何会突然在意起自己的外表呢,汤川似乎感觉到了什么。 另一方面,警方将花冈靖子作为富樫案件的第一嫌疑人展开全面搜查,但是,他们在靖子完美的不在场证明中,始终找不出任何疑点,富樫案件的搜查工作陷入了僵局……就在这时,汤川主动联系内海,提出去案发现场看一下的要求。另外,汤川还小声告诉内海他们,警方目前正被犯人兜着转大圈,案件发生后所有的这一切都在犯人的掌控之中,但是,犯人为什么要这样做,汤川还没有理出头绪。 面对靖子完美的不在场证明,汤川无法找出真相,就在他死心的时候,一件意外事情的发生,令整个谜团出现了解决的可能性。然而,汤川越是接近真相,就越是感觉痛苦。与以往汤川协助内海破案不同的是,汤川很想向内海隐瞒案件的核心,因此他陷入了深深的苦恼中。 真正的犯人究竟是谁? 这个案件与汤川唯一承认的天才石神有着很大关系吗? 当汤川推理出整个案件的全貌时,他采取了怎样的行动呢?
2023-08-06 00:40:311

高中英语 这几个哪几个对 为什么

上学期是必修1 和必修2 ,下半学期是必修3 和必修4,,嗨 ,我当时觉得内容又多又杂,现在高二毕业学完了必修5和必修6,再回过头看前面的四个必修简直太简单了,内容又少~还有更可怕的必修7等着我呢。。。
2023-08-06 00:40:504


【越狱】中的音乐 01. Main Titles 02. Strings of Prisoners 03. Inking The Plan 04. Save A Brother"s Life 05. In The Yard 06. T-Bag"s Coming For Dinner 07. Sucre"s Dilemma 08. Sarah & Michael 09. Abruzzi Is The Ticket 10. In The Tunnels 11. Unconditional 12. Conspiracy 13. Sarah 14. C-Note 15. An In-Be-Tweener 16. Prison Break 17. The Manhunt Begins 18. Special Agent Mahone 19. Veronica Is Murdered 20. Linc & Li 21. Stand-Off 22. Cat & Mouse 23. (Classified) 24. Remorse 25. Origami 26. Escape Is Just The Beginning 27. Panama 28. Maricruz 29. Execution 30. Trouble In Paradise 31. Sona 32.Nine Thou
2023-08-06 00:41:362


有一个监狱有100细胞中,所有在一长排。典狱长觉得很欢乐的一天晚上,告诉他的助手,他想给所有的囚犯一个惊喜。睡着的时候,他希望秘书解锁所有细胞。这应该是完成了,他告诉助理,通过将关键在每个锁,并把它一次。以下订单,解锁所有的细胞助理,然后报告说,工作是做的。与此同时,然而,监狱长第二的想法。他的助理说,“回去和离开第一个细胞开放,但锁第二个,通过将钥匙和把它一次。然后离开第三开放,但锁第四,继续这种方式对于整个行。”助理不是惊讶这个请求,因为管理员经常改变主意。完成这项任务后,再回来,助理监狱长经常的思想。“这是我真正想要你做的。”他说。“回去了行。离开前两个细胞,他们都是,把你的关键在第三的细胞后,就把它一次。然后离开第四和第五的细胞,把关键的独自第六。继续沿着行。”助理又行指示。幸运的是,囚犯们还在睡觉。作为一个事实,得到漂亮的助理是困乏,但没有机会休息但。典狱长又改变了主意,和助理不得不走回去,把锁在第四单元,在每一个第四单元沿着行。  这一直持续到深夜,下一把锁在每个第五单元,然后在每一个第六,,直到最后之旅,助理就不得不把关键在一百细胞。  当囚犯最后工作,哪些可以走出他们的细胞?细胞应该是监狱室吧
2023-08-06 00:42:044

越狱第三季第十集 那个黑人sammy 临战前听的饶舌歌曲名字是什么?谁唱的?

作曲者Ramin Djawadi,是伊朗裔德国人,1974出生,目前在美国发展。曾经给Batman Begins,Blade: Trinity(Dominic Purcell主演),Ask the Dust,Open Season和Mr.Brooks等电影作曲作曲。《越狱》的音乐是他独立创作的作品,主题音乐曾获得2006年EMMY奖的提名 专辑曲目: 01 main titles 02 strings of prisoners 03 inking the plan 04 save a brother"s life 05 in the yard 06 t-bag coming for dinner 07 sucre"s dilemma 08 sarah & michael 09 abruzzi is the ticket 10 in the tunnels 11 unconditional 12 conspiracy 13 sarah 14 c-note 15 an in-be-tweener 16 prison break 17 the manhunt begins 18 special agent mahone 19 veronica is murderer 20 linc & li 21 stand-off 22 cat & mouse 23 (classified) 24 remorse 25 origami 26 escape is just the beginning 27 panama 28 maricruz 29 execution 30 trouble in paradise 31 sona
2023-08-06 00:42:191

The general ordered that the prisoners of war be put to () immediately.

be put to death被处死刑,固定结构。句意:将军命令这些战俘立被即处以死刑。值得一提的是,这里order that后面用了should do的虚拟,即The general ordered that the prisoners of war (should) be put to death immediately. should可以省略。
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业务流程设计的步骤 业务流程设计的步骤,业务流程是企业一份工作开始的前提,它就像是一个目标,一个计划,如果没有这个业务流程的指导,工作将无法有序进行,因此,企业管理人员需要了解业务流程设计的步骤。 业务流程设计的步骤1 先将此业务流程所有相关的部门或者外部单位(下文简称“单元”)完整罗列出来,比如说某公司的物料管理流程包括:供应商、采购部、质量部、工程部、物流部、仓库。 找到每一个部门或外部单位相应的“知情人”,逐一沟通,了解清楚每一个“单元”在此业务流程上是如何发挥作用的,将这个单元想象成为一台生产“机器”,主要包括三方面: 1、 生产需要的原料——上一单元的输出,即别的单元给它提供什么,可以是实物、文件、信息、指令等; 2、 运作需要的辅料——除上一单元输出以外的其他实物、信息等输入 3、 这台机器生成什么产品——此单元的输出 根据实际的情况,将完整的业务划分为“过程”,以“生产物料供应商定点”流程为例,可以划分为拟定报价单、问题澄清、供应商报价、分析报价/核价、谈判议价、确定推荐供应商、采购委员会讨论定点、签署提名信等。理清每一个过程实施方法及涉及的相关部门。 上手绘制流程图,工具可以使用Visio,Excel,Word,PowerPoint等等,何种工具不重要,只要你会使就行。下面以Excel为例说明。流程图应包含以下要素: 1、 流程图本身 2、 所涉及的职能部门或个人 3、 每一子过程需要的输入 4、 每一子过程产生的输出 为绘制好的流程图配制文字/语音/视频详细说明。最普遍的是文字性的程序说明文件。可以参考以下要点逐一填写相应内容即可: 1、 程序的目的 2、 程序的适用范围 3、 程序涉及的专业术语及定义 4、 相关职能部门或人员在本流程中的主要职责 5、 程序的内容(就是匹配流程图每一步的详细解释) 6、 引用的文件或相关文件(就是你这个流程是否是某个流程的子流程,你的流程是否需要某个流程作为输入) 7、 相关输出表单(就是每一个过程产生的输出文件,把它们都罗列出来) 8、 程序的附件(流程图就是这个程序文件的附件) 文件审批、释放。注意以下事项: 1、 调整好格式,整理文件名称、编号及控制版本,确保关键信息清晰准确 2、 获得相关领导的审批 3、 做好存档及版本控制,以便将来修改调整 业务流程设计的步骤2 一、业务流程设计: 业务流程设计是业务流程管理中最为重要的一个环节,它直接影响到未来流程实施中的效率和效果。在流程的设计阶段需要强调的系统化的设计,流程的系统化设计包括以下几个方面: 1、流程设计的目的 业务流程的目的主要包括管理稳定、规范运做、控制风险、增值服务和支持业务目标的实现。也就是说在公司业务目标的指导下,以风险分析为基础而制定的有助于管理稳定、规范运做和服务增值的业务流程。 风险可以用数学方程式表示如下:R=pr(E) R代表风险,E代表潜在的损失,pr代表由于管理失当而导致损失的可能性。换言之,潜在损失越大,损失的可能性越高,就是越需要加强业务流程管理和控制的环节。 2、流程的层级归属:通常我们把企业的各种流程归属为三大类: 1)战略类流程:直接促进和服务于公司战略目标达成的流程。 2)营运类流程:是指导各部门、各业务单元运做的流程。 3)支持性流程:是那些提供支持和保障作用的流程 3、流程设计的实务: 1)有效、完整、清晰的定义和设计过程:之所以叫流程,就是要求相关的管理要素能够按照既定的程序化方式进行流动。因此一个好的流程,应该至少让以下六个要素同步流动: 工作任务的流动 责任的流动 目标和绩效指标的流动 时间的流动 相关资源的流动 信息的流动等。 只有这六大业务流程管理要素的同步流动,才能保证业务流程的有效、效率和效果。在我们对企业的辅导过程中,很多企业的流程所关注的要素都不完整,通常集中在工作任务的流动上,而忽视了其他要素的同步流动,因此导致授权不明确、责任不到位、目标不清晰、流程的流通时间拖沓、资源不充分、信息不完整等等缺陷。 2)流程的设计关注了顾客和业务需求:这里所指的顾客包括企业的内部顾客和外部顾客。也就是说,在满足业务需求的基础上,需要流程的设计人要有开阔的视野和事业心,关注流程的输入及输出的结果的增值和效率,消灭无效流程的存在。 3)支持公司的方针和政策:流程的设计是以公司的业务目标为导向的,而业务目标直接产生于公司的方针和政策,不同的流程要在不同的层级归属上支持和服务于公司方针和政策的实现。像企业家般的思维方式和企业家精神要贯穿于流程管理的始终。 4)流程是连续的和有关联的:扁平化组织结构的发展趋势和以顾客满意为导向的服务模式,都要求业务流程需要强化连续性和关联性。“跑马圈地”和“诸侯割据”式的流程设计,无论对于整个公司、部门还是员工都是灾难。 业务流程设计的步骤3 业务流程的改进是业务流程设计中一个重要的步骤。 时移法易是业务流程管理的宗旨之一,在执行和评估的基础上不断发现改进方向,并积极加以改进是保持企业竞争力的根本。业务流程的改进同样需要遵从一定的管理方式,不能在无规则、无秩序的状况下进行改进。同时,业务流程的改进必须强调增值、创新和突破,要避免换汤不换药的改进和简单的“合并同类项”式的改进。 1、业务流程改进的动力来源 :外部环境的压力、执行和评估过程中发生的偏差、管理风险的变化、企业经营目标发生的改变、组织结构的"改变、业务的改变等等都会推动业务流程进行必要的改进。这就要求企业的各级管理人员必须直面挑战、勇于承担压力、敢于挑战传统。 2、业务流程改进的管理实务: 1)高层管理人员的参与和榜样作用: 检讨和改进自身的领导方式,并积极向未来的领导要求而努力 以身作则积极参与到改进活动中 激励、鼓励授权、创新和改革,例如改变组织架构,财务学习和改进行动等 鼓励、支持和积极参与到学习活动中 优先致力于改进行动 激励和鼓励组织中的协助者 2)改进要点: 公司的运作重点集中在一些关键过程,而员工都知道那些过程是公司成功的关键。通过分析、控制和改善对业务流程进行管理,是公司内存在的一种文化。 清楚介定主要的业务流程,指派流程的负责人,用图表显示流程,并清楚介定需要控制的地方。 挑选某些过程(关键、分支或工作过程),令改进工作可以集中。员工都明白分析流程偏差,是他们工作的一个重要部分。 公司内的每一位员工都清楚了解到透过分析、控制和改进来进行业务流程管理,尤其是自已日常工作的过程。 3)有结构性的改善: 改进小组介定改善的机会然后采取行动,这些小组根据明确的指引在一个有利于改善的结构中运行。 各层面的改进小组定期开会,并按照明确的操作指引进行。缺席或会议延期的情况鲜有发生。 改进小组制定改善目标,介定表现指标,定立改善机会和计划并著手改进的活动。 用于改进小组上的时间,与公司目标和业务增值的目标协调。 改进小组采用PDCA循环(或同类方法)来计划和实行改善活动。 在实行改进活动前,改进小组考虑过该活动的结果对相关联流程上其他方面的影响。 管理层实行以培训来支持达到改善的目标。(例如管理层亲自提供培训)。 小组接受正式的培训以改善工作技巧,培训内容针对自已小组特殊需求而制定。 所有员工接受有关公司管理概念和工具的正规培训,新的员工得到定期和及时的训练机会。 最后必须强调的是对于业务流程管理,在企业发展和管理水平的不同阶段,其目标和方向也有不同。当企业管理还不完善的时候,需要规划大量的流程来强化和稳定管理。另一方面,我们也看到相当多的管理优秀的企业,为了避免官僚作风和教条主义,也在积极地进行业务流程的“瘦身行动”,通过简化流程来提高内部的运做效率和应变能力。所以对于业务流程管理是一个动态的过程,但其根本目标是一样的,就是:管理稳定、规范运做、控制风险、增值服务、支持业务目标的实现。
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   在远古的时代,有位国王叫米若斯,他统治着爱琴海的一个岛屿克里特岛。他的儿子在雅典的阿提刻被人阴谋杀害了。为了替儿子复仇,弥诺斯向雅典的人民挑战。在神的惩罚下,雅典正充满灾荒和瘟疫。在弥诺斯的挑战下,雅典人向弥诺斯王求和。弥诺斯要求他们每隔9年送7对童男童女到克里特岛。      弥诺斯在克里特岛建造了一座有无数宫殿的迷宫,迷宫中道路曲折纵横,谁进去都别想出来。在迷宫的纵深处,弥诺斯养了一只人身牛头的野兽米诺牛。雅典每次送来的7对童男童女都是供奉给米诺牛吃的。     这一年,又是供奉童男童女的年头了。有童男童女的家长们都惶恐不安。雅典的国王爱琴的儿子忒修斯看到人们遭受这样的不幸而深深不安。他决心和童男童女们一起出发,并发誓要杀死米诺牛。      雅典民众在一片哭泣的悲哀声中,送别忒修斯在内的七对童男童女。忒修斯和父亲约定,如果杀死米诺牛,他在返航时就把船上的黑帆变成白帆。只要船上的黑帆变成白的,就证明爱琴国王能再见到自己的儿子忒修斯了。      忒修斯领着童男童女在克里特上岸了。他的英俊潇洒引起弥修斯国王的女儿,美丽聪明的阿里阿德涅公主的注意。公主向忒修斯表示了自己的爱慕之情,并偷偷和他相会。当她知道忒修斯的使命后,她送给他一把魔剑和一个线球,以免忒修斯受到米诺牛的伤害。      聪明而勇敢的忒修斯一进入迷宫,就将线球的一端拴在迷宫的入口处,然后放开线团,沿着曲折复杂的通道,向迷宫深处走去。最后,他终于找到了怪物米诺牛。他抓住米诺牛的角,用阿里阿德涅公主给的剑,奋力杀死米诺牛。然后,他带着童男童女,顺着线路走出了迷宫。为了预防弥诺斯国王的追击,他们凿穿了海边所有克里特船的船底。阿里阿德涅公主帮助他们,并和他们一起逃出了克里特岛,启航回国。经过几天的航行,终于又看到祖国雅典了。忒修斯和他的伙伴兴奋异常,又唱又跳,但他忘了和父亲的约定,没有把黑帆改成白帆。翘首等待儿子归来的爱琴国王在海边等待儿子的归来,当他看到归来的船挂的仍是黑帆时,以为儿子已被米诺牛吃了,他悲痛欲绝,跳海自杀了。为了纪念琴爱国王,他跳入的那片海,从此就叫爱琴海。1900年,英国考古学家阿瑟·伊文思和他率领的考古队来到了地中海的克里特岛,他们想找出传说中有关迷宫的历史古迹。经过三年的艰苦发掘,他们终于在克里特岛的克诺萨斯发现了弥诺斯王宫的遗址和大量文物,找到了迷宫。迷宫坐落在克诺萨斯一座叫做凯夫拉山的缓坡上,占地面积有22000平方米,有大小宫室1500多间,周围曾经古木参天。迷宫由东宫和西宫,由国宝殿、王后寝宫、有宗教意义的双斧宫、楼房、贮藏室、仓库等组成。占地1400平方米的长方形中央庭院把东宫和西宫联结为一个整体。位于高坡地位的西宫大部分宫室是三层建筑。这些华丽的建筑物之间,有长廊、门厅、通道和阶梯相连,真是千门万户,曲经通幽。     这些建筑廊道迂回、宫室交替,一走进去特别难于找到出路,说它是迷宫,真是恰到好处。直到今天,人们仍用“迷宫”这个词比喻错综复杂,难以找到明确方向的东西呢。在迷宫的墙上,还有壁画。这些壁画历经3000多年,但刚出土时,还色泽鲜艳。墙上的壁画有斗牛戏的内容,这些也许和希腊神话中所说的南海迷宫和宫中饲养的吃童男童女的人头牛身怪物米诺牛的情节隐隐约约相符合。在宫殿的长廊中,有表现国王、贵族活动和集合的壁画。有一幅是塑造王国的,他戴的王冠是用百合花编成的,他脖子上戴着项圈,手上套着镯子,正在百花丛中散步。有的壁画中,男子们拿着金银器皿,女子们穿着镶白边的黑裙,体态婀娜,神情栩栩如生。      在迷宫中,还发现了2000多快泥板,上面刻着许多由线条构成的文字。在一些印章和器皿上也发现了一样的文字,后人学者称它为线形文字。一直到1953年,才有学者破译了这些线形文字的意思,原来它记载着王宫财物的帐目,其中有国王向各地征收贡赋的情况,计算法是十进位。这些文字和古希腊使用的文字只有细徽的不同,从中可以推算出也许克里特岛文化和希腊文化之间有密切的联系。      在迷宫的周围,还发现有豪华的住宅,里面居然有冷热水管俱全的浴室。在豪华住宅的旁边,有极为简陋的小屋和茅舍,这显然是穷人和奴隶居住的地方。      由于地下迷宫的发现,人们发现了公元前15世纪曾有过的灿烂文明,这一文明被后人誉为“克里特文化”。
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