barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-06 23:59:47











1. 不要把其他人牵扯进你犯下的错误里。

2. 他在几年前接受的训练使得他现在成为了一名合格的医生。

3. 我没有想到你竟然会不赞成她。

4. 如今,摇滚乐对年轻人极有吸引力。

5. 科学家们在太空船上加载了一个能将其发送至太空的推进器。

6. 出人意料的是,在这个国家有超过一半的人都定期参加体育运动。

7. 工会宣布将于两日内开展政治抗议游行运动。

8. 这是一张独一无二的邮票;没有跟它相同的。

9. 这种编织软网能防止建筑工人在意外失足的时候身体受到损伤。

10. 在你裁减布料之前,要确保两端的图案能对得上。



题目: 1.Don " t______other人民在您的错误。


3.It didn"t______me ,你将不会同意她的。


5.The scientists______a电机的飞船,将推动它进入空间。

6.Surprisingly ,一半以上的人口的country______sports定期。


8.This邮票is______ ;有没有其他喜欢它。





1.Don"t involve other people in your mistakes.


2.His training a couple of years ago qualify him as a doctor.


3.It didn"t______me that you would not agree with her.

4.Nowadays rock music______greatly to young people.

5.The scientists mount a motor to the spaceship that will push it into the space.


6.Surprisingly,over half the population of that country participates in sports regularly.

令人意外的是, 这个国家超过一般的人口经常参加运动.

7.The labor union announced it ____ a major campaign of political protest in two days.

8.This stamp is unique ;there are no others like it.

这个邮票是独一无二的, 其他的都不像它

9.This flexible net can prevent construction workers from being injured if they fall off.


10.Before you cut the cloth, make sure that the pattern matches up on both edges.




译文:participate英[pɑ:'tu026asu026apeu026at]释义:vi.参与,参加;分享vt.分享;分担[过去式participated过去分词participated现在分词participating][第三人称单数participates;现在分词:participating;过去式:participated;过去分词:participated]短语:participate in参与;参加;加入扩展资料:词语辨析:attend,join,participate,take part in这些动词或词组均含“参加,加入”之意。1、attend侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。2、join普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。3、participate正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。4、take part in侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。
2023-08-05 13:02:441


vi. 参加某事;分享某事 vt. 得到或接受某部分东西
2023-08-05 13:03:162


participate[英][pɑ:"tu026asu026apeu026at] [美][pɑru02c8tu026asu0259u02ccpet] 生词本简明释义vi.参加某事;分享某事vt.得到或接受某部分东西第三人称单数:participates过去式:participated过去分词:participated现在分词:participating
2023-08-05 13:03:312


您是不是要找:participantsparticipants英 [pɑ:"tu026asu026apu0259nts] 美 [pɑ:"tu026asu026apu0259nts] n.参加者,参与者; 参加者,参与者( participant的名词复数 )adj.有份的,参与的形近词: participable participance participator participates participated数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典百度知道1He described himself and Altman as victims rather than participants in the scandal.他把他自己和奥尔特曼描绘成这一丑闻的受害者而不是参与者。
2023-08-05 13:03:571


我来逛逛哈看看回答后的效果 见谅!!
2023-08-05 13:04:205

老师希望全班同学都参加这次讨论。(用“participate in")

2023-08-05 13:04:485


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 哪位高手帮忙翻译下简历吧,在下不胜感激!从下面开始翻译: 尊敬的领导: 你好!衷心感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的这份简历,并祝愿您身体健康,贵单位事业蒸蒸日上! 我是浙江理工大学经理管理学院2007届应届毕业生。在大学四年中,我努力加强自身素质,增强自身文化修养,提高自身实践能力,不失时机地参加校内的实践锻炼活动及校外用人单位的实习活动。通过2年学生会的锻练,使我在组织能力、协调能力方面有了不同程度的提高;通过1年校外业务的代理,使我对业务流程、工作流程有了更清晰的思路;通过几次大型的比赛,使我对团队精神、沟通协作有了更深刻得理解;通过3次的企业实习,使我更加认识到待人处世、学有所长的重要。我坚信这些实践能给予我更快更好地适应将来的工作的优势。在校期间,我勤奋学习专业知识,主修电子商务,不仅熟练掌握应用软件的使用,而且顺利通过省计算机二级考试。在英语方面,我较为注重口语,并积极参与英语交流活动,目前已通过英语六级的考试,正准备英语口译考试。在业余学习方面,我顺利通过C1驾驶考试、汉语言文学考试及公共关系资格考试。 走过大一曾让我在学习与工作之间找不到平衡的无助;走过大二,曾让我不知与同学更好相处的失落;走过大三,曾让我在对就业充满焦虑的迷茫。走到了今天,我收获了坚定,细心, *** ,信心,勇气…… 大学里,丰富多彩的社会生活和井然有序而又紧张的学习气氛,是我得到多方面的锻炼和考验;正直和努力是我做人的原则;沉着和冷静是我遇事的态度;众多的朋友使我倍感富有;很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战! 我真诚地希望加入贵公司,我定会以饱满的热情和坚韧的性格在贵公司步步实干,点滴积累,进一步充实自己,切实为贵公司作出贡献,共创未来! 如有机会与您面谈,我将十分感谢。恭候您的佳音! 此致 敬礼! 解析: Respect leadership: Hello! Heartfeltly thank you in spite of being very busy to glancethrough my this resume, and wishes your health, the expensive unitenterprise progresses day by day! I am Zhejiang technical University manager manage the institute 2,007session of graduating student. In the university four years, Idiligently strengthen own quality, strengthens own cultural education,sharpens own practice ability, instantaneously participates in theschool practice exercise and the extracurricular employer"s practiceactivity. Through 2 years student association"s exercising, enable meat the anization ability, the coordinated ability aspect to havethe varying degree enhancement; Through 1 year extracurricular serviceproxy, enable me to the service flow, the work flow to have a clearermentality; Through several large-scale petitions, enable me to theteam spirit, the munication cooperation to have has been moreprofound the understanding; Through 3 enterprises practices, makes meeven more to realize to treats people 处世, study has manager"sunimportance. I believed these practices will be able to give mequickly well to adapt the future work superiority. In school period, I diligently study the specialized knowledge, majorsin the electronic merce, not only skilled grasps the applicationsofare the use, moreover *** oothly through province puter olevels of tests. In English aspect, I pay great attention to thespoken language, and positively participates in English exchange, atpresent through the English six levels of tests, has been preparingEnglish interpretion test. In extra-curricular study aspect, I *** oothly through C1 driving test, Chinese word literature test andpublic relation qualifications test. Walked oversized one once lets me cannot find the balance beeen thestudy and the work not to help; Walks oversized o, once let me notknow better was together losing with the schoolmate; Walks oversizedthree, once let me in fill anxious to the employment confused. Walkstoday, I harvested have been firm, careful, fervor, confidence,courage... ... In the university, the richly colorful social life and is systematicand the also intense study atmosphere, is I obtains the variousexercise and the test; Honest and the endeavor is I makes person"sprinciple; Calm and is calm the manner which is I encounters adifficulty; The multitudinous friend causes me to double feels richly;The very strong dedication to work and the sense of responsibilityenable me to face any difficulty and the challenge! I sincerely hoped joins your firm, I surely can by be full warm andthe tenacious disposition work step by step in your firm, theintravenous drip accumulates, further enriches oneself, practicallymakes the contribution for your firm, altogether will create thefuture! If has the opportunity to speak face-to-face with you, I extremelywill thank. Awaits respectfully you the good news! I herewith offer Salute!
2023-08-05 13:05:041

帮我翻译一下 谢谢 在线等

建议您用金山翻译 自己去找一下或者爱词霸
2023-08-05 13:05:135


2023-08-05 13:05:452


During the colledge life,not only learn the major knowledge earnest, I positively participated in the activity in colledge, enhanced the ability and individual quality. I believe I have aleady gain the working and team cooperative ablity.Diligent、earnest、easy to accept the innovation, bravity to confront the challenges,and exert effort to success.
2023-08-05 13:06:249

您好!谢谢在这么短的时间就帮我翻译好了。其实我还有一个更长的要翻译 我会把我所有的分都给你。谢谢啦

您好:I was born in Fuzhou, Fujian. My dad is a worker and my mom manages a supermarket. I"ve got a little sister. I have a happy family and I had a very happy childhood. When I was a kid, my dad paid much attentiont o my education. In order to get better education, my dad decided to move to the town despite my grandmother"s objection. It was dad"s decision that changed my life. But for dad, I don"t know what my life would be life now. I"m very grateful to my dad.My junior middle school went smoothly. I was an excellent student and I was recommended to go to the senior middle school directly. My high school life has been hard for me to forget. I experienced ups and downs which made me stronger. I had to a temporary absence from school, I was transferred to another school, whch were heavy blows to me. Now on looking back, I know it"s all these setbacks that help me to grow up and teach me to be positive, optimistic when facing misfortunes in life. Life is like a box of chocolate. You will never know what"s coming next. So take it. In 2007, I came to Fujian Normal University and started my independent life. I came to realize what my future goal is and what was on my shoulder. I started to plan my college life and my career life I took an active part in all kinds of social activities and tried hard to improve my abilities. It can be seen now my plan has been practical and effective. Not only have I made reasonable use of my 4-year college time, I"ve also set up my own mode of thinking and value of life. I"ve grown up from a frustrated middle school student to a mature, steady, enthusiastic and responsible young man. 希望采纳
2023-08-05 13:06:424


Sea big butterfish Vietnam, day Gao Renniao flies! After the college entrance examination, only then feels on own body"s insufficiency. To will be able better to base in the future in the society, I must through learn more abilities in the university period study, enhances itself to know the thing judgment thing ability. This is I in the university period main purpose and the duty. University"s life compared to the home, in university anything do not depending on oneself, this also be is exercising my survivability, I will do my life in good order, will do the simplicity and substantial, will raise own habits and customs, will exercise own life will, will enhance own life to take care of oneself ability. The university campus is a big classroom, inside has from each every national schoolmate and each kind of disposition person, will arrive at the university I as far as possible to change own shortcoming, will be together with the shortest time and schoolmate and teachers, will deal with own interpersonal relationship. The university, is I before entering social a most important station, better adaptation here is also for the better adaptation society"s premise, not only I must study Korean in here simultaneously also to learn the professional course and to learn the literacy class diligently, for example English, has a good command of English is a modern people"s indispensable ability, it can enhance at the same time own accomplishment and the verbal skill may also expand the exchange scope, is bases on society"s important ability, in university period I will sharpen my English ability diligently, will sharpen own spoken language ability, the breakthrough language difficulty. This is I big most main duty. Big one besides learns Korean, English, but must learn the basic course, increases each kind of interest and the hobby! Participates in each kind of activity positively. And participates in some essential work. The specialty is the important means which we will make a living in the future, was we finds the work the important skill, I will strengthen in present"s study with teacher schoolmate"s exchange, ordinary day in earnestly studied the practice, gained the newest skill knowledge from each channel, I must in the university these four year study middle school to a body good ability, I march into the society seek position to increase my chip. About takes a test I certainly to observe the school the stipulation. Because must achieve the curriculum which needs to take a test not to be possible to participate in the activity and to look that the extracurricular book relaxes, must argue vigorously each schoolwork to test the highest score which can achieve to me. As soon as about the exams for postgraduate schools, from starts greatly. The time takes the exams for postgraduate schools the goal. In university period, I must achieve love myself, treasures oneself have done endeavor, displays own strong point fully, sets up to own absolute confidence, simultaneously also hopes the institute, teacher, schoolmate the guardian to be able to support me, encourages me, helps me, but most essential must depend upon I own endeavor, forgot the regret, pulls oneself together, from now on will take a step from the beginning to jump over. the study is the accumulation process, also cannot relax, also cannot finish in a hast. In order to study my vigilant each kind of matter"s influence. Insisted throughout oneself studies the first principle.
2023-08-05 13:06:523

求翻译 (植物生物方面)

2023-08-05 13:06:592

写一篇80词左右的英语短文,简单介绍Mary和她将来的理想职业. 哪位大大帮帮忙啊?感激不尽

Mary is a middle school student. She is about average height. She studies very hard.She is willing to help others, and has provided assistance to many of her classmates. The teachers and the classmates all like her very much.She actively participates sports, and keeps fit.She would like to be a doctor in the future to help people get rid of dicease.Mary thinks she will realize her wishes if she works hard.
2023-08-05 13:07:201


2023-08-05 13:07:305

有join sb with sth这个搭配吗

join in
2023-08-05 13:07:473


Directly communicate with customers product performance information, customer needs analysis, collected customer information, build customer files, tracking regular visit, the good sales performance. OUR customer service and participate in the work of perfecting the system. Responsible for assisting domestic companies to participate in international projects in the procurement tenders to participate in the tender production, the owner communication bidding process, the independent handling tenders related operations. Responsible for international trade links in the logistics management, organizational, communication, coordination of transport as a whole.
2023-08-05 13:07:552

帮我翻译成英文 我写论文用

With the rapid popularization of the Internet as a new way trade and business models, e-commerce is the future direction of development of trade, but also the realization of China"s independent innovation, and actively participate in international competition. However, in the field of e-commerce in China there are many constraints to its development, has yet to rise to the relevant departments attach great importance to. Honesty and lack of social credit system, the trading activities of the security system is not perfect, and so lead to consumer rights and protection of intellectual property rights is difficult to implement, has seriously hampered the healthy development of e-commerce, e-commerce development in China has become a major bottleneck. China must speed up the development of e-commerce serious constraints to identify the main reason for the healthy growth of e-commerce, e-commerce development as soon as possible to resolve the existing problems
2023-08-05 13:08:033


2023-08-05 13:08:114


2004-9 - 2005-11 management institute propaganda departmentvice-minister is in office the period splendidly organizes topropagandize the school each kind of literary activity, suppliesideas, has the good organization ability and the team cooperationability, obtained the school high praise. 2004-9 - until now the Red Cross volunteer positively participates inthe school society each kind of Red Cross volunteer"s public welfareactivity. Participates in the Shanghai science and technology museumvolunteer using the summer vacation to move; Participation every year"under the blue sky to loves, ten thousand people takes to the streetsten thousand people to contribute" the charitable fund-raising; TheEastern pearl mobile picks the blood vehicle regular propaganda dutyto give blood the activity; Ten thousand German elementary schoolteaching assistants; In affection community public welfare activityand school each kind of volunteer activity and so on
2023-08-05 13:08:182


2023-08-05 13:08:262


2023-08-05 13:08:502


participate 英[pɑ:"tu026asu026apeu026at] 美[pɑru02c8tu026asu0259u02ccpet] .vi. 参加某事;分享某事 vt. 得到或接受某部分东西 第三人称单数:participates;过去分词:participated;[例句]They want to participate , not be passive recipients of campaign instructions.他们希望参与、而不是被动接受竞选指示。
2023-08-05 13:09:351


2023-08-05 13:09:431


participated参与英:[pɑu02d0u02c8tu026asu026apeu026atu026ad]美:[pɑu02d0ru02c8tu026asu026apeu026atu026ad]v.参加;参与;词典:participate的过去分词和过去式;例句:I participated in the transformation of my era.我参与了我所处时代的转变。原型:participate
2023-08-05 13:10:082

“on competion”还是“in competion”

competion 应该是competition 的笔误!没有上下文,相信您是指参加比赛,那是 in competition. 例:He participates in the competition. He has won first prize in the competition.
2023-08-05 13:10:191


中华人民共和国国庆节又称十一、国庆节、国庆日、中国国庆节、国庆黄金周。中央人民政府宣布自1950年起,以每年的10月1日,为中华人民共和国宣告成立的日子,即国庆日。People"s Republic of China National Day is also called "eleven national day", "National Day", "national day of China" and "National Day golden week". The Central People"s government has declared that since 1950, the date of the founding of the People"s Republic of China in October 1st every year, namely the national day.希望采纳
2023-08-05 13:10:312


  到了英语三级的时候,我们的英语作文是否能够写得更好呢?下面是我带来英语三级优秀范文,以供大家学习参考。   英语三级范文篇1. Friendship   Friendship is the most precious thing in the world. No gold can buy I; no force can pel it. Everyone may have friendship no matter who he is, rich or poor, black or white, and male or female. Friendship is a warm hand when you are in trouble. Friendship is a happy song when you succeed.   True friendship is rare, and the only way to get to it is through our own efforts. Show our true love and care for others and always be faithful to our friends. We should remember a friend in need is a friend indeed. When we seek friendship, we should never care about someone"s power and money. Treasure the true friendship that has built because they are difficult to gain in life.   英语三级范文篇2.College Students and Learning   Some students don"t like to study. They are more interested in doing other kind of practical work or relaxing and enjoying themselves. They say that it is no use learning the knowledge from textbooks when you won"t use this at all in your whole life. Even when you look for a job, they won"t pay much attention to your academic records. They put more emphasis on who you are, where you are from and whom you know.   In fact, it is very important for college students to study hard. Firstly, a college student without much knowledge wouldn"t be very useful to the society. What he can reward the society is very little. Secondly, he may hardly find a good job and live a respectable life on account of lack of knowledge. This is also a great loss to himself when he couldn"t find a place in the society. Finally, college students are young and energetic and a college provides the best place for them to grasp science and technology. If they can make full use of time, they are certain to learn something and improve themselves. Therefore, college students should realize the importance of learning and try to obtain as much knowledge as possible.   英语三级范文篇3. Hobbies   Different people have different hobbies. Hobbies are activities in which one participates for amusement. A hobby can be anything, such as listening to music, playing various musical instruments, reading books, collecting stamps, going for sports and so on. It mainly depends on one"s interest and character.   There is no doubt that hobbies have a great influence on people"s life and society. Good hobbies can benefit people in many ways. They are both helpful to people"s growth and development, either physically or spiritually. On the other hand, bad hobbies are harmful to people. For example. Excessive drinking and *** oking not only affect study and work but also hurt one"s mind and body.   英语三级范文篇4. A Successful Interview   To be successful in a job interview, you should show certain personal and professional qualities. You need to create a good impression in a limited time, usually from 30 to 45 minutes. You must take a positive impression which the interviewer will remember while he interviews other candidates.   You should pay attention to some questions during the interview. First of all, you are expected to dress properly. The right clothes worn at the right time can win the respect of the interviewer. The first and lasting impressions of you is partly determined by the clothes you wear. Secondly, you should pay close attention to your manner of speaking. Since speech is a reflection of personality, you should try to speak in a clear and loud voice to show your confidence. Finally, you should make full preparation for the position you are applying for. Talking about it in a professional way will impress the interviewer deeply. If you take all the problems into account, you will probably succeed in a job interview.   英语三级范文篇5. Sports   Many people have realized the importance of regular physical exercises. Physical exercises increase the blood circulation. It can strengthen our muscles and make our bodies strong. Physical exercises may prevent us from getting too fat and keep us healthy. Anyone who does not have a good health, can do nothing for his country.   Sports can promote international munication and understanding. It is believed that international sports may create goodwill between nations. If countries play together they will learn to live together. Understanding es from contact. International sports give different nations a chance to get to know each other. In this way, different countries may have better understanding between each other.   >>>下一页更多精彩“英语三级范文”
2023-08-05 13:11:161


强者 好强啊!!
2023-08-05 13:11:265


2023-08-05 13:11:411


Along with the computer application swift and violent development, the application expands unceasingly, like teaching and hypothesized university"s appearance and so on, these applications are penetrating gradually into everyone.The people urgent need uses these technologies to come to the student to reward carries on the inquiry, lightens teacher"s work load and enhances the working efficiency, enhances the inquiry the quality, thus enable the inquiry to tend to easily, quickly, even more stimulates student"s study interest. The student rewards the inquiry system is through the concrete inspection, passes through the actual demand analysis, uses the function formidable VB technology to take the development kit, unifies the Access database to carry on the development the inquiry system.Overall system contact surface design succinct clear, the function module layout is reasonable.System divides into four big modules: The debarkation module, the student inquire the module, the student basic situation module and the system administration module.The system administration module carries on manager"s increase, the revision, the deletion and the increase, the revision, the deletion which rewards to the student, is the system movement foundation; The student inquired the module to realize has rewarded the information to the student the inquiry, like according to student number, name, class and grade, reward situation (one and so on scholarships, two and so on scholarships and so on); The student basic situation module student to rewards and the curriculum result inquiry, the manager may to the curriculum input and the result input. The system in line with lightens the teacher work load, the enhancement working efficiency, optimizes the student to reward the inquiry the flow, the enhancement participates in manager"s status recognition, saves the manpower financial resource and the time compared to the traditional inquiry pattern.累死我了,给分吧,谢
2023-08-05 13:11:533


Dear Li,With this letter i"m introducing my student Liu Ming to you who graduate from Guangdong Construction Vocational Technical institute.His major is environmental monitoring and management technology.In the school period study diligently,the result outstanding and participates in each kind of group activities positively.What"s more,he is a talented and ambitious young man.If you give him a chance,i think he will be a very good employee.Sincerely,Zhang Qiang希望对你有帮助
2023-08-05 13:12:151


生物皮肤是遮盖在动物身体表面一种结构,最重要的功能是保护体温和感受刺激等。皮肤生物指标系统分析 解析皮肤耐受刺激能力,皮肤屏障状况,抗衰老试验。通过专家系统的分析得出皮肤衰老的状况,甚至能给出相应的治疗意见。
2023-08-05 13:12:302


作为一个项目经理在网站项目中到底应该和客户沟通些什么?无可否认,沟通是项目经理80%以上时间的工作内容,虽然项目管理有九大知识领域,四十多个过程组,众多的分析,决策,和执行绩效评估的工具,但是对于网站项目来说,项目时间最多几个月到半年,大多项目规模也就是几万到二、三十万,真正需要关注的反而是最基本的东西 - 沟通,那么沟通什么?怎么沟通呢?作为乙方, 到底该怎么做来应付那些难缠的甲方呢?首先回到基本点,一个网站到底有哪些东西需要关注呢?我们是否已经被客户折磨得忘记了我们才是专业的服务提供者?我们到底给客户灌输了什么概念呢?Webby作为网站方面的专业奖项,其评估的标准可以说给了我们一个相当可靠的基准,那么我们看看都有哪些方面是专家看重的。我觉得原文所表达的含义实在增一字太多,减一字太少,所以放在下面,给出简单的翻译。Content 内容Content is the information provided on the site. It is not just text, but music, sound, animation, or video -- anything that communicates a sites body of knowledge. Good content should be engaging, relevant, and appropriate for the audience. You can tell it"s been developed for the Web because it"s clear and concise and it works in the medium. Good content takes a stand. It has a voice, a point of view. It may be informative, useful, or funny but it always leaves you wanting more. 内容是指网站所提供的信息,不仅仅是文字,还包括音乐,声音,动画,或者视频只要这些被用来传递网站所要传递的知识。 好的内容应该是吸引人的,和浏览者相关而且合适的。你甚至可以清楚地知道这些内容是专门为了网站而准备的,因为它们清楚,简洁而且特别适合这种媒介方式。好的内容总是有自己的特点,它可能表达一个声音,一种观点,它也可能是见多识广,开卷有益,或者仅仅是好玩,总之,它总会让你想要更多。Structure and Navigation结构和导航Structure and navigation refers to the framework of a site, the organization of content, the prioritization of information, and the method in which you move through the site. Sites with good structure and navigation are consistent, intuitive and transparent. They allow you to form a mental model of the information provided, where to find things, and what to expect when you click. Good navigation gets you where you want to go quickly and offers easy access to the breadth and depth of the site"s content. 结构和导航指的是网站的框架,内容的组织方式,信息提供的优先次序,以及你在站内浏览的方式。具有好的结构和导航的网站是保持一致,顺从你的直觉,并且简洁明了的。 这些结构和导航允许你建立一个接受信息的心理定式,你可以知道在什么地方会找到什么,点击之后又会发生何事。好的导航让你迅速地到达你想要去的地方并且为网站内容的广度和深度提供便捷的通道。Visual Design视觉设计Visual design is the appearance of the site. It"s more than just a pretty homepage and it doesn"t have to be cutting edge or trendy. Good visual design is high quality, appropriate, and relevant for the audience and the message it is supporting. It communicates a visual experience and may even take your breath away. 视觉设计是网站的外观,它不仅仅是一个漂亮的首页,也不必是前卫新潮。好的视觉设计意味着高质量,恰如其份,和受众以及其支持的信息内容相关。它应该提供视觉体验甚至可以给你带来意外和惊喜。Functionality功能Functionality is the use of technology on the site. Good functionality means the site works well. It loads quickly, has live links, and any new technology used is functional and relevant for the intended audience. The site should work cross-platform and be browser independent. Highly functional sites anticipate the diversity of user requirements from file size, to file format and download speed. The most functional sites also take into consideration those with special access needs. Good functionality makes the experience center stage and the technology invisible. 功能是网站上使用的技术,好的功能性意味着网站工作正常,页面载入迅速,链接有效,任何使用的新技术都工作正常而且和那些目标受众相关。网站应该跨平台,适应多种浏览器。高度功能化的网站可以预期用户需求的多样性,比如文件大小,格式,下载速度。好的功能性网站甚至会考虑那些有特殊需要的用户。出色的功能性让体验成为闪光灯下的焦点,而技术隐居幕后。Interactivity交互性Interactivity is the way that a site allows you to do something. Good interactivity is more than a rollover or choosing what to click on next; it allows you, as a user, to give and receive. It insists that you participate, not spectate. 所谓交互性是指网站允许你做些什么好的交互性绝不仅仅是鼠标滑过的效果或者下一步该点击什么,它允许你做为一个用户可以给予也可以获取,强调你的参与而不是旁观。It"s input/output, as in searches, chat rooms, e-commerce and gaming or notification agents, peer-to-peer applications and real-time feedback. It"s make your own, distribute your own, or speak your mind so others can see, hear or respond. Interactive elements are what separates the Web from other media. Their inclusion should make it clear that you aren"t reading a magazine or watching TV anymore. 交互是输入和输出好比你在搜索,在聊天室,使用电子商务,游戏或者通告,点对点应用,实时反馈。交互是指完全自主,从制造到发布,表达你想要表达的,其他人可以看见,听见或者响应。正是交互的元素使得网站变得和其他的媒介不同。交互性的存在让你清楚地知道你不是在读一本杂志也不是在看电视。Overall Experience综合体验Demonstrating that sites are frequently more -- or less than the sum of their parts, the overall experience encompasses content, structure and navigation, visual design, functionality, and interactivity, but it also includes the intangibles that make one stay or leave. One has probably had a good overall experience if (s)he comes back regularly, places a bookmark, signs up for a newsletter, participates, emails the site to a friend, or stays for a while, intrigued.应该说一个网站通常不是它的各个部分的简单累加,综合体验包含内容,结构和导航,视觉设计,功能性以及交互性。但是它还包含那些不可触摸的东西使得浏览者停留或者离开。如果一个浏览者经常回到网站访问、设置了书签、订阅了简报、参与、用邮件告诉朋友或者因为有兴趣停留很长时间,那就说明他/她的综合体验不错。通常国内的网站项目,客户和项目经理最关心的是视觉设计,而非内容和结构。比如说内容本是客户最熟悉,却让项目团队负责整理,而结构和导航应该多听项目团队建议,却由客户武断的决定,就算是大家都看重的视觉设计也是由那些对设计并没有太多专业知识和判断的客户方的经理甚至董事长来对专业设计师的设计评头论足,甚至直接枪毙。这其中一方面是客户的问题,太多的中国企业老总不知道什么是最重要的,但是务求事事参与并发言,好像非如此这般就不能树立全才全能的权威,而下属也把这种体会领导意图作为自己在公司政治版图上纵横捭阖的能力体现。而我们项目经理长期在生存的压力下,忘记了自己的本分和专业性,渐渐的屈从妥协。但这给行业带来的伤害远大于短期获得的苟延残喘。 我们不是没有办法,我们必须从自己开始努力。 请作者联系本站,及时附注您的姓名。
2023-08-05 13:12:371


Resume a few convenient words: Educate background: Seek job an intention: The related work of the software engineeringThe school work: Hold the post of the publicity minister of the astronomy association in 2006, incumbency period attended the Na of association lately work, for many times participate organization astronomy to prognosticate phenomenon and be responsible for the publicity work of astronomy stanza an etc.. Hold the post of an assistant class leader in the class, actively attend the activity that school and class organize, on the help study from difficult classmate. Pass to participate these activities, strengthenned organization to moderate and communicate ability. Have certain French foundationPractice experience: Obtained excellent result in the xxx, raised to begin ability and knowledge to make use of ability. Can carry on English dialogue with person, have good English reading abilityMeet with a prize circumstance: The xxx scholarshipExcellent totally green member
2023-08-05 13:12:466


lu xun is my faverite write.because he spisk keep on goinguff0cnever give up.
2023-08-05 13:13:473


Analysis of internal audit -- Internal audits to participate in corporate governance and risk managementKeyword: The inside is audited, financial responsibility, legal liability
2023-08-05 13:14:004


About Allen IversonAbout Allen IversonFather. Aspiring fisherman. Basketball star.A great example of someone who has grown, matured, and learned from his mistakes, Iverson has had to overcome struggles and obstacles that most can only imagine. Raised by his hard-working mother (his father was in prison), Iverson lived in poverty his entire childhood. In his senior year of high school he went from being wooed by numerous colleges for both basketball and football, to serving time in jail and having those prospects disappear. But he persevered and went to Georgetown where he played basketball while majoring in Art. Since then he has become a basketball legend and role model – pretty amazing results for someone who to this day says football is his #1 sport.Yet with all the fame and glory, Iverson remains incredibly grounded, insisting that basketball isn"t who he is but simply what he does. Baller, artist, rebel, devoted family man – has been able to thrive as an outspoken start without ever having to compromise who he is.“A lot of people don"t know I"m just like them...just human. You know, I play with a lot of attitude but they don"t understand when I leave that arena I"m somebody"s husband, I"m somebody"s dad.”General Facts Full Name: Allen Ezail IversonNick Name: The Answer, BubbachuckJersey Number: 3Team: Philadelphia 76ersPosition: Point / Shooting GuardDate of Birth: June 7, 1975Place of Birth: Hampton, VAHeight: 6"0" / 1.83 mVertical Leap: 44" / 1.1 mWeight: 165 lbs / 75.8 kgCollege: Georgetown (Hoyas)High School: Bethel High (Bruins)Aquired: 1st overall,1996 draft (Philadelphia)Salary / Contracts: Philadelphia 76ers - 71 million over 6 years(2000) Reebok - 40 million for 5 years(1996) Personal InfoParents: Father: Allen BroughtonMother: Ann IversonSiblings: Two sisters, Brandy and IieshaGirlfriend / Fiancée / Spouce Tawanna Turner (highschool sweetheart since 16 years old, married on August 2001)Children: Daugther: Tiaura (born in 1994, while A.I. was at college)Son: Allen II or "Deuce" (born in 1997)Favorite Actor: Samuel L. JacksonAl PacinoFavorite Actress: Halle BerryFavorite Song: "Unbelievable" by Notorious B.I.G. Favorite Book: "The Color Purple"Favorite Food: LasagnaHobbies/Interests: Enjoys drawing during his free time Enjoys reading Sports Illustrated Charities / Organizations Since 1998, has hosted annual Allen Iverson Celebrity Classic: to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Hampton Roads, VA Also founded the Cross Over Foundation Interesting FactsIverson was sent to jail in 1993 He was later granted clemency. A professional hairdresser drives from New Jersey twice a week to do Iverson"s hair.Iverson only wore Jordan sneakers as a kid. Whenever they came out, his mom would do anything to get him a pair. When he was in jail, friends and family created t-shirts saying "Free Allen" or "Free Bubbachuck". During games, Iverson"s mom can always be seen behind the basket with a big poster saying "That"s my boy #3!" When Allen was young, he drew a life-size mural of Michael Jordan on the door. Allen Iverson is a GREAT artist.While at college, Allen and Tawanna had their first child, a girl named Tiaura.Philadelphia was the only NBA city Allen visited..he loved the cityThe draft summer of "96 Allen played in Japan with other college standouts and won silver medal.Iverson gave his Rookie of the year award to his mom, saying that he wouldn"t have been anywhere without her. Allen is good friends with Mase, Da Brat and Jermaine Dupree.He drives a Mercedes,a Bently Azure,and a Range Rover.He has jewelry worth $300000 and a watch worth $80000.Sometimes, Allen"s house gets so noisy that he checks into the closest Holiday Inn. Iverson is afraid of his mother dying, and has said that he wants to go before her. He wants to have the word "Misunderstood" on his grave.His jersey is among the top 5 selling jerseys in the country.Allen"s daughter, Tiaura sticks to her father like glue. She watches daddy"s every move and gets grumpy if Allen even hints that he"s going somewhere.Tiaura is a lot like Allen, talkative and friendly.Has a daughter, Tiaura, and two sons, Allen II and Isaiah Rahsaan
2023-08-05 13:14:192

求一篇关于“My Cousin”的英语作文、一百个单词的

我的志愿是:要么考军校,要么考北大。 周末,我想让妈妈开心,要么陪她逛商场,要么就在家搞卫生。
2023-08-05 13:14:382


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2023-08-05 13:14:302

现有一台天平,只有3个分别是3g、9g和llg的砝码,要求你一次 就能称出17g黄金来,怎么称?写

2023-08-05 13:14:311


我心永恒 My Heart Will Go On 歌词:每一个寂静夜晚的梦里 Every night in my dreams 我都能看见你,触摸你 I see you, I feel you, 因此而确信你仍然在守候 That is how I know you go on 穿越那久远的时空距离 Far across the distance 你轻轻地回到我的身边 And spaces between us 告诉我,你仍然痴心如昨 You have come to show you go on 无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are 我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on 当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door 清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you"re here in my heart 我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on 爱曾经在刹那间被点燃 Love can touch us one time 并且延续了一生的传说 And last for a lifetime 直到我们紧紧地融为一体 And never let go till we"re one 爱曾经是我心中的浪花 Love was when I loved you 我握住了它涌起的瞬间 One true time I hold to 我的生命,从此不再孤单 In my life we"ll always go on 无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are 我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on 当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door 清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you"re here in my heart 我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on 真正的爱情永远不会褪色 There is some love that will not go away 你在身边让我无所畏惧 You"re here, there"s nothing I fear, 我深知我的心不会退缩 And I know that my heart will go on 我们将永远地相依相守 We"ll stay forever this way 这里会是你安全的港湾 You are safe in my heart 我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on
2023-08-05 13:14:321


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2023-08-05 13:14:381


英语rp是人教版,rp是人教版的缩写。人民教育出版社,英文People"s Education Press,有时也可缩写成PEP版,rp版是习惯写法。人教版即由人民教育出版社出版的教材版本名称。人教版教材涵盖小学到高中的内容,是大多数学校所用的教材。比如我国中小学教育辅导报刊中,《语文报》、《中学生学习报》、《学苑新报》等均有着不同版本的教辅报纸,诸如人教大纲版、人教新课标版等。这两个版本名称均是配合由人民教育出版社出版的教科书的报纸,是新课改前后的版本名称。随着新课改的深入,前者逐渐退出历史舞台,后者便统一称为人教版。人民教育出版社:人民教育出版社(People"s Education Press,简称PEP)成立于1950年,其前身是华北联合出版社,上海联合出版社和华北教科书编审委员会,1961年与高教出版社合并,是教育部直属的主要从事基础教育教材和其他各级各类教材、教育图书的研究、编写、出版、发行的专业出版社。2014年,人教版第十套教材,即按照教育部新课程标准研究、编写的21世纪义务教育全套新教材正在陆续出版之中,其中一部分已在教育部确定的实验区进行实验。截止到2019年,累计出版各种出版物万余种,总印数达数百亿册。
2023-08-05 13:14:222

sign signal symbol的区别

symbol一般是指象征意义性的标志,可是实物也有可能是虚有的;sign多指不可见的,很常见的一句话“give me a sign" ;signal也都是虚幻不可见的,例如danger sinal.
2023-08-05 13:14:202


  1.分析教学案例中的理论要素  教师要注重从教学案例中分析出理论观点,要认真研究哪些教学行为体现了怎样的教师观、质量观、学生观,哪些教学行为注重了从认知的角度或从知识结构的角度去展开教学。要把教师课堂教学的经验、行为提升到“说清其理论依据”的层面上,从中学习和体验从教学实践经验“如何上升”为教育理论的过程,促进教师从经验到理论的升华,从自发的行为转变为自觉的行动。  2.分析教学案例对教学的启示  教师要注重从教学案例情景中归纳出问题并进行分析,分析要着重于其对教学的启示,即有何成功之处,闪光点是什么;不足又在哪里,问题的根源又是什么?使得在今后的教学实践活动中可以有效地运用这种逐步培养起来的思维方法来观察、分析和解决问题。要关注案例中教师的创造能力以及解决实际问题能力的发展脉络,而不仅仅是获得那些固定的原理、规则。  3.提出对案例中教学工作的改进意见分析只是一种手段、一种过程,其目的在于通过分析寻找解决问题的最佳方案。因此,教师要对案例中的教学设计进行认真的分析、研究,提出教师独到的改进意见,这应该成为教学案例分析的一项重要内容。因为,教师一旦将这种认识表达出来,可以增进教师的自我理解,而自我理解的更新,又是教师改进教育教学观念和教育教学方式的基础,并以此达到理解这些教学案例背后更为深远的教育教学意义的目的。坚持撰写教学案例分析,坚持长期的学习、积累,不仅能厚实教师的专业基础,也是教师专业成长的一个记载,对今后教师形成自己的教育思想、教学风格起着重要的作用,可以说也是造就专家型教师的一个重要途径。
2023-08-05 13:14:191


2023-08-05 13:14:143


怎样进行案例分析? 1、分析案例的基本方法 分析案例首先要站好角度,案例分析应注意从两个基本角度出发: 当事者的角度。案例分析必须站到案例中的主要角色的立场上去观察和思考,设身处地的去体验,与主角同命运。 全面综合的角度。这是综合型案例而言的。要针对相关案例选用恰当的理论知识来分析案例。 2、案例分析的具体技巧。 案例分析包括两个互相关联的方面。第一方面就是要对所指定的将供集体讨论的案例做出深刻而有意义的分析(包括找出案例所描述的情景中存在的问题和机会,找出问题产生的原因及问题间的主次轻生关系,拟定各种针对性的备选行动方案,提出它们各自的支持性论据,进行权衡对比后,从中找出抉择,制定最后决策,作为建议供集体讨论。)第二方面是以严密的逻辑、清晰而条理的口述方式,把自己的分析表达出来。 案例分析过程包括五个主要步骤: 确定本案例在整个课程中的地位,找出此案例中的关键问题。 确定是否还有与已找出的关键问题有关。 选定适合分析此案例所需采取的一般分析方法。 案例分析一般可采用三种具体的分析方法: 系统法。就是把所分析的组织看成是处于不断地把各种投入因素转化成产出因素的一个系统。 行为法。这种方法,在分析时看眼于组织中各种人员的行为与人际关系。 决策法。就是要使用各种规范化、程序化的模型和工具评价并确定各种备选方案。 明确分析的系统与主次关系,并找出构成自己分析逻辑的依据。 将分析转化为口头发言的有效形式。 3、分析案例应注意的问题。 在案例分析中要做好学习记录; 对撰写案例的方面分析报告要简明扼要,一针见血,开门见山,一般不超过2500字。要用一句话把案例分析的主要成果概括出来,并成为报告的主题。 如何做案例分析 转载以下资料供参考 如何进行案例分析 准备阶段 1)负责人(一般由培训指导员、主持人担任)确定培训课程的具体目的、内容、范围及对象。 2)从平常收集的资料中选择恰当的案例作为讨论的个案,个案的范围应视培训对象而定。 3)确定会议室、会议时间,制定培训计划。 4)指导员应准备下列知识:个案研究法的操作方法,在实际应用中应注意的问题,讨论前个案的选择标准,讨论后如何总结问题。 实施阶段 1)指导员向参加者简单介绍下列知识: 个案研究法的背景、方法大意、特色; 个案研究法应用时注意的问题及应用后能达到的效果; 计划安排。 只有让参加者对本法有了大概的了解后,才能使他们顺利进入角色,使培训工作顺利完成。 2)通过自我介绍,使参加者互相认识并熟悉,以培养一个友好、轻松的氛围。 3)将参加者分成三到四个小组,每组成员八到十名,并决定每组的组长。 4)分发个案材料。 5)让参加者熟悉个案内容,并且主持人要接受参加者对个案内容的质询。 6)各组分别讨论研究个案,并找出问题的症结所在。 7)各组找出解决问题的策略。 8)挑选出最理想、最恰当的策略。 9)全体讨论解决问题的策略。 10)指导员进行整理总结 实施要点 1、由于案例是从实际工作中收集的,学员一般无法完全通过材料了解个案的全部背景及内容。因此指导员分发完材料后,应仔细解释说明并要接受参加者的咨询,以确定他们对材料的掌握正确无误。 2、若小组在研究问题时思考方向与训练内容有误差,组长或指导员应及时修正。 3、问题的症结可能会零散而繁多,因而归纳出来的对策也会零乱不整,因此小组有必要根据重要性太相关性整理出适当的对策。 4、各组挑出最理想策略时,若指导员发现各组提出的对策仅为没有新意的一般性对策,则指导员应加以提示,以促使他们更深入地思考。 5、在全体讨论解决问题的策略时,其它几组提出质询,并阐明与自己观点差异所在,以相互激发灵感,然后再作进一步的讨论。 6、指导员进行总结时,既要对各组提出的对策优缺点进行点评,又要对个案的解决策略进行剖析,同时还可以引用其它案例进一步说明问题。 7、指导员挑选案例时,应根据研习课程的目的,挑选适当的个案。 4特别提醒 1、指导员在开始培训前,应该先让大家了解培训的目的、实施方法、主题及计划安排,以使训练顺利完成。 2、全体讨论解决问题的策略时,要注意控制时间,尤其注意能否进行更深入的讨论,以免草草收场使训练半途而废。 3、在挑选最理想策略时,应依据现实状况进行选择。 4、案例是由现场工作中收集而来的,因此应先说明训练目标、方法和主题,然后再提示个案,让学员了解其内容,最后再进行其它步骤。 如何做好一个案例分析的ppt 主要是你的内容要好,案例找到要输和需求分析的也要到位,至于ppt的样式,可以去网上找一些ppt的模板去修改一下就好了。 如何撰写案例分析文章 如何撰写案例分析文章 案例分析文章主要是针对特定而典型的事件、问题或工作,运用一定的理论知识和实践经验.对其进行剖析、反思、归纳、总结,进而提炼出经验、教训、对策、建议等而撰写的理论性文本。下面就从几个方面对其撰写方法作些介绍。 一、主要特点 案例分析文章以实际发生的事件为对象,注重对事件发展过程中理论与实际互动关系的分析,注重对事件发展过程中各种因素对最终结果不同影响的研究。它不是用实例来说明理论、图解理论,而是从实际中分析、概括、抽象出理性的认识,并进而举一反三,将其用于对现实问题的观察、思考和分析。 基层党政干部都很熟悉工作总结与探讨型的文章,平时写得较多。如将其与案例分析型文章作一比较,就更容易把握后者的特点:前者是针对某部门一段时期的工作,是个综合的对象,后者是针对某个事件或问题,是单个的对象;前者主要是总结经验,或者说对正面的积极的东西进行总 结,而后者是正反两个方面都可进行分析,可以总结经验也可以分析教训;前者所写的对象一定是自己所从事的工作,或至少是本部门所从事的工作,而后者既可是自己经历过的事件,也可以是别人经历过的事件,甚至是历史事件。 二、基本结构 案例分析文章的基本结构包括标题、案例、思考与分析三大部分。 1.标题 案例分析文章的标题主要分为三大类:一是直接表明中心观点的结论型标题,如《校庆必须虚实结合,以实为主———我校78周年校庆工作的思考》,直接点明了文章所要表述的观点:学校校庆工作必须虚实结合,实为主。二是表明论述思考对象的对象型标题,如《关于“孙志刚事件”的思考》等.表明了作者要论述的是不久前在广州发生的孙志刚事件。三是点出文章要论述思考的问题型标题,如《校内文流转缓慢原因初探》,提出了要思考的问题:校内公文流转缓慢的原因。 还有些标题属于混合标题,如《从基建部门负责人被查处看加强工程审计的重要性》,既表明了思考的对象也表明了要论述的观点;《从校务公开看依靠教职工办学的思路》.既表明了思考的对象也表明了思考的问题。 2.案例 案例是思考的源头、分析的基础.一个好的案例必须具备以下四个特征:一是典型性。只有典型的案例才能揭示出具有普遍指导意义的规律。何为典型?就是这样的事件并非只在某一个特定环境中才能发生,而是在基本相同的环境下都有可能发生。 二是真实性。实践出真知。我们分折的案例必须是来自实践的真实的事。又有真实的案例才能让分析者获得仿真的实践锻炼,获取经验、提高理论运用水平和实践能力。 三是目的性。案例并不是实践活动的全面并现,不是材料的任意堆积,不需要将案例所涉及事情的方方面面都记下来,而是以要思考的问题为主践,经过去粗取精、去伪存真、去“枝叶”留“主干”的I作而精lc组织的。 四是完整性。有的案例本身就是一个故事,情节不完整,信息不全面,往往会影响案例本身的可读性.乃至丧失案例分析的价值。 3.思考与分析 案例思考是案例分析的开始.案例思考的深度和角度直接决定于案例分析写作者的思维 敏锐力、分析能力、判断能力和创新能力;也决定了案例分析文章写作的质量。案例分析主要包括原因分析、对策建议等内容。在这一部分,作者主要是运用所学的理论知识结合案例材料进行剖析、归纳、总结、提炼,提出对策、建议、措施、方法等,它充分展现作者的逻辑分析能力、思维创新能力、解决问题能力、行政决策能力、文字表达能力等。 三、几种主要的案例分析文章的写作 1.总结型。又可分为成功经验总结型和失败教训总结型。此类案例分析的特征在于针对一个完整具体的案例材料,结合有关理论眷重分析成功或失败的原因。如《创办校区经验总结》一文就指出了...... 如何做案例分析研究 先对案例浏览一遍:目的是对案例有一整体的概念,发觉其中的关键点与要注意的事项,并记录下来。 2.仔细阅读案例:当您已对案例浏览一遍,接着就是要细读并作记录,去发觉案例的真相并找出有那些问题存在,可从那些关键点切入,找出有那些主问题(majorproblems)与子问题(subproblems),那些是可控制变量(controlablevariables)与不可控制变量(uncontrolablevariables),有那些限制与条件式,是何有那些不同的替代性(alternatives)、替代方案,那些OR技术可使用来解决问题,也是将这些要点条列记录下来。 3.将问题具体化:完成以上二个步骤,就较易将问题具体化,这个步骤就要去芜存精,抓住问题重点,这时您暂不必*心用什么技术解问题,必要时还是要反复阅读案例的一些地方,将案例做更仔细了解。 4.设定变量(variables):当问题具体化后,便可以定义必要的变量,如RedBrand案例中,将变量定义为产品的生产量,当然定义的变量是要与问题有关。注意有时为了描述一些复杂的逻辑关系,是有必要再多设间接变量,这些变量并不是直接用来求问题的决策量,而是用来辅助建立一些逻辑关系。接着界定可控制变量与不可控制变量,可控制变量的量是可由决策者控制(如某项产品的生产量),不可控制变量的量则是决策者不易或完全无法决定(如某项产品的某月的销售量、存货量)。 5.决定目标:决定目标非常重要,如目标选择不当,那求解出的方案也就较不具参考价值,甚至导至严重的错误决策。通常目标是要”寻求最大利润”或”最小成本”,但有时是须考虑多重目标,如”多目标规划(Multi-objectiveprogramming)”,“目标规划(GoalProgramming)”,“多阶目标规划(Mult-levelprogramming),此时尽可能用数学式来表示。 6.决定问题有那些限制与条件式: 7.列出所有的替代方案:找出用来解问题的所有可能替代方案,一般常患的错误是没有一条一条列出所有可用的替代方案,想象力与创意思考的发挥在这个过程就很重要,如有某些替代方案未能列入,那在以后阶段的分析,将被忽略没机会考虑进去,失去采用一些更好的替代方案,必须牢记。 8.分析假设(Assumption)条件:所有的假设条件与限制都意必须具体化,并很明确地建立起来。 9.选择适当的OR技术来解问题:如何选择适合的技术,当然和案例分析者的专业素养、经验、背景知识有关,有必要就须去查阅相关资料或请教别人。 10.收集必要的输入数据与数据:确定要输入那些信息,当然也不限于数值数据,而必须注意的是做案例或实务问题,常常必要的信息不一定原先就由别人完整的提供,是自己主动要去取得,有些错误的信息也注意要避免误用,有些信息也可以用合理的假设,当然这些假设的信息,也要自在步骤8中记下来。 11.求出答案:当您采用了模式如LinearProgrammingProblem,IntegerProgrammingProblem,InventoryProblem等,就可以透过现有的软件包(softwarepackages)求出答案,必要时也可开发一些子程序(subprograms)协助解问题,当然必须注意有些非量化的信息要考虑,答案必须包含”量化”与”非量化”,记住”是由您来解问题,不是模式在解问题”。 12.分析结果与验证答案的正确性:一组答案只是众多输入数据的一种,有必要多试几组输入数据,可更客观察觉模式与数据的正确性,验证含”内在”与”外在”...... 如何进行案例分析 在一个教学班里,总会遇上个别学习困难或行为偏差的学生,采用常规的教育教学方法很难奏效,需要对其进行全面而深人的研究,必须给予特别的处理。通过收集有关个人的资料,可以了解学生的实际情况或问题的症结所在,诊断形成问题的原因,然后有针对性地提出矫正方案或提供正确的指导策略,帮助学生解决问题。这就是我们常说的个案研究。一、个案研究及其特征个案研究,指采用各种方法,收集与研究问题相关的资料,对单一个体或一个单位团体作深人细致研究的过程。个案研究一般采用评判法进行,即以系统的方式对个体、个别事件或案例作深人的研究及调查,结合主观评判试图用推理方式解释、分析所收集来的事实材料,提出解决问题的方案或策略。个案研究的任务是对个案的行为特征提出描述性的报告,并为最终判断提供现实的证据。它是一种综合多种研究手段进行研究的方法。在教育教学研究中,个案研究往往运用于差生转化研究,或对某些难以重复,难以预测和难以控制的个案进行研究。如学生辍学、学业失败、家庭破裂、道德不良、青少年犯罪等,还适用于尖子学生、特长学生、优秀学生的培养研究。研究对象的单一性、研究方法的综合性、研究内容的深人性,是个案研究的三大特征。研究对象的单一性,顾名思义,个案研究的对象通常是单一个体或单一群体,即使研究中有多个被试,通常把它作为一个单位或某个问题去看待,研究的对象往往是那些具有特殊行为表现的个体或具有反常行为的个体,如天才儿童、弱智儿童、辍学儿童,问题儿童。研究方法的客观性,指收集个案资料的方法是多样的,研究的手段是综合的,常常要综合测验法、访谈法、调查法、观察法、实验法、文献法等多种方法进行。研究内容的深人性,指研究的周期较长,需要进行连续的跟踪研究,不但要研究个案的现状,也要研究个案的过去,还要跟踪研究个案的发展,由于对象的单一,便于进行深人细致、全面系统的分析和研究。二、个案研究的六个基本步骤一般来说,个案研究的过程,围绕“问题”展开研究,可以把实际操作程序分为六个步骤:确定问题的性质把握问题的关键~了解问题的背景一提出解决问题的方案一探究解决问题的方法一形成解决问题的最佳决策。首先,提出问题,问题是什么,必须加以确认及界定。其次,问题的关键是什么,必须通过资料的收集,从问题的性质中找出相关资料,再加以校对、评估和分析,进而确定问题要解决的答案。第三,个案问题的发生有其独特的背景和原因,必须通过各种渠道了解问题发生的过程、条件,了解个案的内在动机和社会环境等外在因素。第四,根据过去处理类似问题的经验和方法提出处理意见,也可以创新,提出解决问题的方案。第五,解决问题的方法会有很多,必须在行动过程中加以检验,探究解决问题的科学方法,循环重复,直至问题的最终解决。最后,在比较多种结果的基础上,选择解决问题效果最好的方法,形成最佳的研究决策。六个步骤是一个互相联系的整体,前一步是后一步的基础,一旦哪个步骤出现问题,可以返回到前一步,重新探究。对个别学生进行个案研究,或差生转化,或优生培养,参照下列六个基本步骤进行。(一)确定研究对象与问题。根据个案研究的目的和内容,以及对个案问题行为的界定,选择典型的人或事为研究对象。例如,探索优秀学生的成长规律,就应该选择智商高、学习成绩出众的学生作为研究对象。在教育教学研究中,个案研究的对象通常是生理心理障碍者,学习成绩差的学生,行为偏差学生,情感异常学生,资优学生等。(二)资料收集与整理。收集资料的方法是多样的,可采用书面调查、口头访问的方式,也可采用观察、侧验、评定的方式,还可以通过查阅个人资料的方式获得信息。其资料来源大致有:l、个案的个人资...... 如何做案例分析 新知识是在旧知识的基础上发展、变化、引申而来的,因此教师在备课时要根据所教知识的内容,找出与新知识有关的旧知识,看一看哪些知识学生已经把握了,哪些知识还没有完全把握,确定需要跟学生补哪些知识漏洞,课始安排什么温习内容,新授选择什么学习方法和教学方法等,这就是我们常说的备学生的知识水平,只有这样,我们在备课、上课时才能有的放矢。 如何才能做好案例分析 做好案例分析题的前提是,必须有了扎实的知识基础。案例分析考察更多的是对于法条的灵活运用。而运用的前提是你必须掌握,否则空谈运用就毫无意义了。 不论对于民商经济法、刑法还是行政法,还是程序法的案例分析题,首要做到的就是对该部门法当中的重要内容融会贯通。对于刑法中的问题,还更应当注意类似罪名的区别,自己常做分类总结。对于案例分析中涉及的到问题感觉模棱两可的时候,拿出法条来查 仔细比较各种可能的情况。 第二个就是对于案例中出现的各个重要信息应当做到足够敏感才可以。仔细分析 找到做题切入点。这个就只能多练了,做多了案例分析就会有感觉了。 第三,最好能经常看些相关的资料,比如看看法制栏目 我一直觉得法制频道的法律讲堂和庭审现场很不错,没事读读法制晚报等报刊,经常接收这方面信息,经过一段时间,在做案例分析题 就会很带感! 个人经验,希望能给你带来帮助 如何进行案例分析 三个故事:一、甲不喜欢吃鸡蛋,每次发了鸡蛋都给乙吃。刚开始乙很感谢,久而久之便习惯了。习惯了,便理所当然了。于是,直到有一天,甲将鸡蛋给了丙,乙就不爽了。她忘记了这个鸡蛋本来就是甲的,甲想给谁都可以。为此,她们大吵一架,从此绝交。二、有一年,很热的夏天,一队人出去漂流。  女孩的拖鞋在玩水的时候,把拖鞋掉下去了,沉底了。到岸边的时候,全是晒的很烫的鹅卵石,他们要走很长的一段路。于是,女孩儿就向别人寻求帮忙,可是谁都只有一双拖鞋。女孩心里很不爽,因为她习惯了向别人求助,而只要撒娇就会得到满意地答复。可是这次却没有。她忽然觉得这些人都不好,都见死不救。后来,有一个男孩将自己的拖鞋给了她,然后自己赤脚在那晒得滚烫的鹅卵石上走了很久的路。还自嘲说是铁板烧。女孩表示感谢,男孩说,你要记住,没有谁是必须要帮你的。帮你是出于交情,不帮你是应该。女孩记住了男孩的话,自此以后学会了对施以援手的人铭记在心,并给以更大的回报。很多时候,我们总是希望得到别人的好。  一开始,感激不尽。可是久了,便是习惯了。习惯了一个人对你的好,便认为是理所应当的。有一天不对你好了,你便觉得怨怼。其实,不是别人不好了,而是我们的要求变多了。习惯了得到,便忘记了感恩.三、傍晚,一只羊独自在山坡上玩。突然从树木中窜出一只狼来,要吃羊,羊跳起来,拼命用角抵抗,并大声向朋友们求救。牛在树丛中向这个地方望了一眼,发现是狼,跑走了;马低头一看,发现是狼,一溜烟跑了;驴停下脚步,发现是狼,悄悄溜下山坡;猪经过这里,发现是狼,冲下山坡;兔子一听,更是一箭一般离去。山下的狗听见羊的呼喊,急忙奔上坡来,从草丛中闪出,一下咬住了狼的脖子,狼疼得直叫唤,趁狗换气时,怆惶逃走了。回到家,朋友都来了,牛说:你怎么不告诉我?我的角可以剜出狼的肠子。马说:你怎么不告诉我?我的蹄子能踢碎狼的脑袋。驴说:你怎么不告诉我?我一声吼叫,吓破狼的胆。猪说:你怎么不告诉我?我用嘴一拱,就让它摔下山去。兔子说:你怎么不告诉我?我跑得快,可以传信呀。在这闹嚷嚷的一群中,唯独没有狗。真正的友谊,不是花言巧语,而是关键时候拉你的那只手。那些整日围在你身边,让你有些许小欢喜的朋友,不一定是真正的朋友。而那些看似远离,实际上时刻关注着你的人,在你快乐的时候,不去奉承你;你在你需要的时候,默默为你付出、关心你的人,那才是真正的朋友。 如何做案例分析研究 随着新一轮国家基础教育课程改革的不断深人,“教师成为研究者”的观念逐渐深人人心。开展和参与课题研究是教师获得自我持续发展能力的最佳途径。事实证明,通过开展课题研究,边学习边做课题,边研究边实践,逐渐成为研究型的教师不乏其人。 课题研 - 简介: 随着新一轮国家基础教育课程改革的不断深人,“教师成为研究者”的观念逐渐深人人心。开展和参与课题研究是教师获得自我持续发展能力的最佳途径。事实证明,通过开展课题研究,边学习边做课题,边研究边实践,逐渐成为研究型的教师不乏其人。工作方案 课题研究是教育科研活动的一项重要内容。“凡事预则立,不预则废”。对于课题研究,开题报告(计划或方案)如同建筑师的蓝图。有了好的开题报告,才能使研究工作者有计划、有系统、有组织地开展研究工作,以保证课题研究任务的顺利完成。因此,制定开题报告是课题由设想转化为实际行动的关键步骤。当前许多教师由于过去从未做过课题研究,现在要申报课题,撰写课题开题报告不知从何人手。为了使广大教师更加积极而有效地开展课题研究活动,培养、提高教师撰写课题开题报告的能力和水平,本文针对当前教育科研的实际,结合从事教育科研课题研究,从科研课题开题报告的含义、作用、结构等方面来谈教师应该如何规范撰写开题报告,力求对想开展教育科研的教师提供一点启示。演讲稿 一、科研课题开题报告的含义与作用 著名的物理学家爱因斯坦说过,提出一个问题比解决一个问题更重要。何谓有价值、有创见性的问题?这样的问题从何而来呢?这需要研究者长期实践、细心观察和深思熟虑。当课题或自己提出的问题赢得社会认可后,就要把自己的研究方案设计好,即撰写科研课题开题报告。 科研课题开题报告(研究设计)就是课题研究方案的设计、规划和制定。换言之,就是当课题方向确定之后,课题负责人在调查研究的基础上撰写的报请上级批准的选题计划。开题报告主要说明这个课题有价值进行研究,自己有条件进行研究以及准备如何开展研究等问题,也可以说是对课题的论证和设计。 撰写科研课题开题报告是提高选题质量和水平的重要环节,是创新新知,不是可有可无的。正如学者文翁说过,“搞好开题报告的主要目的是促使大家理清研究思路,完善研究设计”。制定课题研究计划和安排,是为解决自己提出的问题提供探索的途径。科研课题开报告,它初步规定了课题研究各方面的具体内容和步骤,对整个研究工作的顺利开展起著关键的作用。对于科研经验较少的人来讲,一个好的方案,可以使他们明确课题研究的方向,避免发生进行一段时间后不知道下一步干什么的情况,保证整个研究工作有条不紊地进行。可以说,课题开题报告水平的高低,是一个课题质量与水平的重要反映。没有科学的开题报告(研究设计),就没有科学而有价值的成果。随着教育科研管理工作规范化不断加强,开题论证问题越来越受到教育科研管理部门的重视。 二、撰写科研课题开题报告的基础性工作 写好科研课题开题报告要了解它们的基本结构与写法,但“汝果欲学诗,功夫在诗外”,重要的还是要做好基础性工作。首先,要了解别人在这一领域研究的基本情况。研究工作最根本的特点就是要有创造性,熟悉了别人在这方面的研究情况,才不会在别人已经研究很多、很成熟的情况下,重复别人走过的路,而是站在别人研究的基础上,从事更高层次、更有价值的东西去研究;其次,要掌握与研究课题相关的基础理论知识。理论基础扎实,研究工作才能有一个坚实的基础,否则,没有理论基础,你就很难深人进去,很难有真正的创造。因此,我们进行科学研究,一定要多方面地收集资料。要加强理论学习,只有这样制定出的报告和方案才能更......
2023-08-05 13:14:101