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2023-08-06 17:03:38

1. 英语日记作文怎么写

Nowadays, with the improvement of the people"s living standard, some people form a habit of raising *** all or domestic animals as pets. Some raise *** all dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets. There are still even some people raising snakes and other unusual animals as their pets.

Does anyone have the same opinion of raising animals as pets? No, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets. To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings. On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings such as dogs" barking at midnight, dogs" chasing people on the street and so on. What"s more, some animals will tran *** it some diseases.

In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals at pets. Animals have their own right to lead a life as they like. We should not deprive them of their natural right. In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures.


2. 日记英语 作文

1,I think most people like traveling because they can feel the beauty of the nature and breathe the fresh air at the same time. What"s more they can make friends. But there are some disadvantages of travelling, such as, the weather may change quickly and you may be wet in the rain. So my suggestion is that before you travel, you should listen to the weather report and get to know about the weather and you"d better travel with others so that you are not into trouble.

(A Trip To Beijing),


On summer holiday my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.

it is very fun!


3. 英语日记怎么写






4. 日记用英语怎么说

日记的英语:diary ["dau026au0259ru026a]



n. 日志,日记;日记簿。


Exchange diary 交换日记

Future Diary 未来日记

Dear Diary 亲爱的日记

My Diary 我的日记

site diary 地盘工程日志

diary microbiology 乳品微生物学


1、Before we met, you showed me your diary.


2、I know this because, before we met, you showed me your diary and you wrote about this day.


3、Yes, but then I never look at my diary.


4、The Thots application serves as a diary or a personal journal where you can post random thoughts to it.


5、Note that you want to call them in your diary, otherwise you may fet!


6、They were fascinating — a diary of a troubled war from the ground up.


7、All you then do is slot these into the gaps beeen the diary stories.


5. 怎么写英文日记


第一篇 My savings-box 我的存钱罐

I had a baby pig.It was a lovely one.It was as white as snow and with red patterns on its back.It was so fat that it looked like a ball.It had a big mouth and a *** all nose.Its tail was very short.It had four strong leds.Oh,I fot to tell you that there was a hole on(或者是用in我也不太确定)its back.So it was not a real pig but a savings-box.

I like my little"pig" very much and often fed it with my pocket money as food.The pig was very *** iling。It seemed to be saying thanks to me in return.The pig was heavier and heavier,at last,it was full of money.

One day,I was very sad to break the pig into pieces because I was going to contribute the money to the 29th BeiJing Olympic Games.

The night,I dreamed a sweet dream,the money I had saved was sent to BEIJING

第二篇 写得是去给奶奶过生日的事 也很复合实际

It was Grandma"s(应该是一个撇,我打不出来)birthday。Father,mother and I went to visit her.She lives with my uncle in a villagenot too far away.Early in the morning we brought some presents and took the bus to get there

Grandma and uncle were so glad to see us.We gave the presents to Grandma and she was so happy.Then wo sat down to talk,while tncle prepare lunch. The meal was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much. At 4 o"(还是一个撇)clock,we said goodbye and returned


6. 英语日记如何写




有朋友来你家作客,你可以写:We had a wonderful time together. 春节快到了,你或许可以这样写:The Spring Festival is around the corner. It"s the most important occasion for the family reunion.甚至在夏天与蚊子的“斗争”也可以成为日记的内容:These annoying mosquitoes didn"t seem to be afraid of the mosquito coil(蚊香)I burned. So I had to hang up a mosquito-. It was fun to lie inside the reading a favorite magazine while those unpleasant *** all insects were looking at me helplessly outside. 实际上,用英语写日记是最有效的练习英语写作的形式。它能够让你从各种生活细节及感受中学到最生活化、最地道的英语词语。

比如:你今天吃了龙虾,英语是 lobster;你想说某个女同学堪称“校花”,那是 school beauty;考试作弊是 cheat in the exam,等等。因此,可以这么说:如果你能流利地写出好的英语日记,你的英语就已经成功了一大半。




这一部分中天气状况比较难写。下面是一些常用的描写天气的英语词语:晴 clear 阴 overcast 多云 cloudy 小雨 light rain大雨 heavy rain 毛毛雨 drizzle 阵雨 shower东风 east wind 南风 south wind 西风 west wind 北风 north wind 西南风 southwester 东南风 southeaster 东北风 northeaster 西北风 northwester 气温 temperature炎热 scorching heat 寒冷 icy cold 下雪 snow 冰雹 hail 虹 rainbow日记正文可以是叙事、描述、说明、议论等各种形式。



3)英语日记中的缩写与省略英语日记中的第一行的月份与星期通常都是缩写的:Sunday----Sun Monday----Mon. Tuesday----Tues. Wednesday----Wed. Thursday----Thur. 或 Thurs. Friday----Fri. Saturday----Sat. January----Jan. February----Feb. March----Mar. April----Apr. May----May. June----Jun. July----Jul. August----Aug. September----Sept. October----Oct. November----Nov. December----Dec. 另外,英语日记中由于频繁出现I,因此,常常省略,如:In the evening went with Xiao Li to the cinema. Finishing exercises, went to play tennis. 但如果省去I,会造成语义不清时,则不可省去:My sister is good at English, but I am just so-so. 实际上,省与不省I,只是作者的一种习惯,为了记日记的方便。最后需要一提的是,英语日记习惯一年一本,因此日期不必写年份,而只是在每年一本的日记本封面上或者在日记的第一页和最后一页加以注明即可。

下面三则学生日记供读者参考:Sun., Feb. 1Overcast The night before the examination The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked gloomily before me at a huge pile of that disgusting stuff they call“books”. I was going to have my examination the next day. “Whencan I go to bed?” I asked myself. I did not answer. In fact I dared not. The clock struck 12.“Oh, dear!”I cried. “Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!”We students are the most wretched creatures in the world.考试是学生日记“永恒的主题”,写得真实有趣。Mon., May 9Clear A watermelon Got a present of a watermelon cooled down in the well(在井里冷却过的)from my next-door neighbour. As I was very thirsty, enjoyed it very much. They say the watermelons have turned out very well this summer due to the dry weather.“邻居送西瓜”这样一件小事,充满生活乐趣。


Thurs ., Jan . 7Very fine A sunny dayI got up early today to watch the sunrise. While I waited for the sun to rise, I sat beside my window and thought of my future. 。

7. 英语作文 日记

It"s sunny in last Saturday. I went to the West Lake to take part in the activity of tirp. The West Lake is far away my home o miles ,so I decide to ride a bike to get here. I set off at 8.00 and went home at 5.00 . There are many interesting things that i experienced. I took many pictures and row a boat in the lake. The most happy thing was watched the animal "s perform ,and then ,I had a delicious lunch and i saw many parents with their children ,the teachers , the students. When i went home ,a thing appear in my brain, i think this experience not only wide my views,but also make me feel more enthusia *** with my life. 内容都写了,感受也写了! 打到手酸。

8. 英语日记怎么写

















日记用英语怎么说 日记的英语是什么

1、日记的英语是diary,读音:英[u02c8dau026au0259ri];美[u02c8dau026au0259ri]。 2、相关短语: Exchange diary 交换日记 Future Diary 未来日记 Dear Diary 亲爱的日记;情人日记;桫椤札记;贵日记 My Diary 我的日记;电子日记本;心情故事;原野草屋 site diary 地盘工程日志;上盖面积
2023-08-05 10:28:381

日记用英语怎么读 日记用英语如何读

1、日记 - diary英[u02c8dau026au0259ri]美[u02c8dau026au0259ri]。 2、词典:diary; journal; journaling; jour. 3、例句:Her diary was a record of her inner conflict.她的日记记录了她内心的矛盾。
2023-08-05 10:29:001


回LL,日记=diary 或者 journal(日志)
2023-08-05 10:29:103


   一、英语 :diary; journal; jour.; journaling   二、双语例句:   1   埃莉诺开始记日记了。   Eleanor began to keep a diary.   2   她手里拿着日记和一支笔。   She is holding her journal and a pen.   3   他掩盖形迹,烧毁了信件与日记。   He covered his tracks, burnt letters and diaries.   4   你看了我的日记了吗?   A: Did you read my journal?   5   他在飞机上写日记。   On the plane he wrote in his journal.   6   萨拉在日记中倾诉心事。   Sara confided to her journal.   7   我刚才看了他的日记了。   I read his diary just now.   8   你读了她的日记!   You read her diary!   9   这名匈牙利导演已经完成了她震撼人心的“日记三部曲”,故事是以发生在她本国的事件为背景。   The Hungarian director has completed her powerful Diary trilogy, set against the background of events in her country.   10   1974年元旦我开始记日记。   On New Year"s Day in 1974, I started keeping a journal.   11   历史学家对日记选篇进行加注、核查以及阐释。   Historians annotate, check and interpret the diary selections.   12   如果记不住自己的号码,可以用代码记在日记簿里。   If you can"t remember your number, write it in code in a diary.   13   偷看孩子的日记一定是对个人隐私的严重侵犯吗?   Is reading a child"s diary always a gross invasion of privacy?   14   我很高兴你读了我写的日记。   I"m glad you read my journal.   15   你看了我的日记?你怎么敢?   You did? How dare you! 日记用英语怎么说
2023-08-05 10:29:191


diary 日记 I keep diary every day . 我每天都写日记。 journal 日志 杂志   你是想问怎么用英文的习惯和语法写日志吧?只要每天多加练习,多读些英文文章,掌握常用语法,培养语感,应该不是难事!   这个是我初中时候放假老师留的日记里写的,稍微改了一下,第一篇写的是有关自己为奥运会捐零花钱的事,应该复合你的要求 第一篇 my savings-box 我的存钱罐 i had a baby was a lovely was as white as snow and with red patterns on its was so fat that it looked like a had a big mouth and a *** all nose.its tail was very had four strong leds.oh,i fot to tell you that there was a hole on(或者是用in我也不太确定)its it was not a real pig but a savings-box. i like my little"pig" very much and often fed it with my pocket money as food.the pig was very *** iling。it seemed to be saying thanks to me in return.the pig was heavier and heavier,at last,it was full of money. one day,i was very sad to break the pig into pieces because i was going to contribute the money to the 29th beijing olympic games. the night,i dreamed a sweet dream,the money i had saved was sent to beijing 第二篇 写得是去给奶奶过生日的事 也很复合实际 it was grandma"s(应该是一个撇,我打不出来)birthday。father,mother and i went to visit her.she lives with my uncle in a villagenot too far away.early in the morning we brought some presents and took the bus to get there grandma and uncle were so glad to see us.we gave the presents to grandma and she was so happy.then wo sat down to talk,while tncle prepare lunch. the meal was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much. at 4 o"(还是一个撇)clock,we said goodbye and returned 英文打着怪别扭,可能有的单词有点错误~一定要选我的啊,我打了半天了,态不容易啦~
2023-08-05 10:29:261

日记 用英语怎样说

2023-08-05 10:29:359


日记的英语:diary ?["da??r?] 扩展资料 词性: n. 日志,日记;日记簿。 短语: Exchange diary?交换日记 Future Diary?未来日记 Dear Diary?亲爱的日记? My Diary?我的日记? site diary?地盘工程日志? diary microbiology?乳品微生物学 造句: 1、Before we met, you showed me your diary. 在我们相遇之前,你给我看了你的日记。 2、I know this because, before we met, you showed me your diary and you wrote about this day. 我知道这些,因为在我们相遇之前,你给我看了你关于这天的日记。 3、Yes, but then I never look at my diary. 是的,我会写,但我从不再翻看日记。 4、The Thots application serves as a diary or a personal journal where you can post random thoughts to it. 随想志应用就像是一个日记或者个人日志,你可以将你随机的想法张贴到这里。 5、Note that you want to call them in your diary, otherwise you may fet! 那就在你的日记中记下你想联系他们,否则你就会忘了的。 6、They were fascinating — a diary of a troubled war from the ground up. 它们很吸引人——关于一场麻烦的战争从头到尾的日记。 7、All you then do is slot these into the gaps beeen the diary stories. 你所要做的就是在日记稿件之间的间隙处插入这些东西。   日记的英语:diary 英?["da??r?]??美?["da??ri]? n. 日志,日记;日记簿 [ 复数 diaries ] 相关短语 Exchange diary?交换日记 Future Diary?未来日记 Dear Diary?亲爱的日记 ; 情人日记 ; 桫椤札记 ; 贵日记 My Diary?我的日记 ; 电子日记本 ; 心情故事 ; 原野草屋 site diary?地盘工程日志 ; 上盖面积 拓展资料 双语例句 1. In his diary of 1944 he proclaims unswerving loyalty to the monarchy. ? 他在1944年的日记里声称对君主忠贞不贰。 2. Ever since I saw the diary excerpts I"ve been cast down. ? 自从看到日记摘录,我就一直非常沮丧。 3. As I scribbled in my diary the light went out. ? 我正草草地写着日记,灯灭了。 4. She kept a diary until shortly before her death. ? 直到去世前不久她都一直在记日记。 5. Mr Wilson"s diary is booked up for months ahead. ? 威尔逊先生后几个月的日程都已经排满了。   diary ["da??r?]日记簿 journal["d???n(?)l]日记,日志,期刊 day book. [会计] 日记帐,日记簿;航海日记 可以下载一个有道辞典用,还好   日记 [rì jì] diary 更多相关: 例句与用法: 她的日记发表後, 补充了一些有关这些事件的趣闻. there was an interesting postscript to these events when her private diaries were published. 他的父亲规定他要用英文写日记。 his father ordered that he (should) keep a diary in english. 她因母亲偷看她的日记而生气。 she was angry for her mother"s peeping at her diary.   diary
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2023-08-05 10:30:1015


2023-08-05 10:30:331


I am going to write the diary
2023-08-05 10:31:145


写英语日记的方法如下:1、格式:一般是在左上角记上当天日期,星期,时间的排列法与书信一致,星期写在日期之后;右上角写上当天的天气情况,表示天气情况的词一般是形容词,例如:fine(晴朗的),cold(寒冷的),snowy(下雪),sunny(阳光充足的),rainy(下雨的),cloudy(阴天的)等。日记的小标题写在下一行,也可省略不写。2、时态:写日记的时间一般是在下午、晚上,有时也可以在第二天补写。因此,日记中所记述的事情通常发生在过去,常用一般过去时;但当记述天气、描写景色或展望未来时,可以用一般现在时或一般将来时。写法大致和写汉语日记相同,都是在正文之前有日期、星期几及当天的天气情况。注意内容表达要清楚连贯、准确。英语日记范文:July 21 20XXIt was cooler than yesterday.One of my father"s friends invited me to eat red bayberries.You must know it is unusual.Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries.There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don"t live in Beijing.On the hill,you can breathe the fresh air,you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries.It was enjoyable.It is said there are wild pigs in the hill.What a beautiful natural.20XX年7月21日今天比昨天凉快。我父亲的朋友邀请我吃红色杨梅。你必须知道,这是不寻常的。因为我们会爬上山吃红杨梅。不住在北京山上的人是没有机会吃红色杨梅的。山坡上,你能呼吸新鲜空气,你可以听鸟唱歌,你可以吃红色杨梅。这是愉快的。据说有野猪在山上。这是一个多么美丽的自然。日记的要求:日记的正文是日记的主要部分,写在星期和日期的正下方,可以顶格写,也可以内缩3至5个字母的空间。由于记载的内容通常已经发生,谓语动词多用一般过去时。但也可根据具体情况,用其它时态。如:记叙天气、描写景色,为了描写生动,可以使用现在时,以表现当时的情景。再如文后发表感想或评论可用现在时态或将来时态。记日记力求简单明了,有连贯性。若有文字提示,则应重视提示,把握要点。在句式上尽量使用简单句,以防繁杂,造成语法、句型错误。
2023-08-05 10:31:321


写日记keep a diary。学生们在纸上做作业、写日记。Students do homework and keep a diary on paper.write a diary (中式)。keep a diary (正解)。写日记的“写”不是write,英文中固定搭配的动词是keep。写作的英语分别有以下:writing;pen and ink;pencraft;penmanship。
2023-08-05 10:32:571


1、英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见、所闻、所做或所想的事情。2、中、英文的日记三格式大致一样。英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。3、左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Windy,Snowy,Cloudy等。3、英语日记的时态:写日记的时间,通常是在当天的下午或晚上,特殊情况下也可以是第二天补记,因此,所用时态多为过去时。但也应灵活掌握,如在说明天气、描写景色、议论某事、对话引语等情况下,也可以使用现在时,以表现当时的情景。4、英语日记的类型: 日记可分为记事、议论、描述及抒情等类型。记事 型日记,就是用英语记述当天自己生活、学习中发生的事情。议论型日记,就是对生活中的某一事情或情况、现象谈自己的看法,发表议论。描写型、抒情型,则是对某人物、事物的特征做细致的描述,或针对某事物抒发自己的感情。5、 其他:日记多是记录自己经历过的事情, 故多用第一人称。日记一般按事情发生的先后顺序记述,所以有时需要借助一些表示先后顺序的词语,如:at first, afterwards, then, later on, soon, finally, at last等,以便使文章连接紧凑,过渡自然。
2023-08-05 10:33:131


notebook 笔记本
2023-08-05 10:33:442


I lived very happily today! In the morning, it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family.The air on the mountain was very fresh and the flowers on the mountain seemed extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I went to friend"s home to play. The friend entertained me warmly. He showed me a lot of books of his, then he also asked me to eat a sumptuous dinner. I came back home in the evening. I sat and watched TV with my parents.We ate fruit while chatting.The whole family was happy and harmonious!(以上是正文部分。此外你还要加标头:日期,天气等)
2023-08-05 10:33:543

写英语日记 用英语怎么翻译?

写英语日记的英语:Keep an English diary或者可以写成keep a diary in English
2023-08-05 10:34:011


the growing-up diary
2023-08-05 10:34:112

写日记 英语怎么说?

I keep an English daily every day to improve my writing skill
2023-08-05 10:34:2010


好好学哦:Keep a journal every day
2023-08-05 10:34:444


问题一:英文日记格式怎么写 英文日记格式 英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成.日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见、所闻、所做或所想的事情.中、英文的日记三格式大致一样.英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的.左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期.右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Windy,Snowy,Cloudy等. 1.日期表达有多种形式.年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开.例如:December 18,2003 或者 Dec.18,2003 A) September 1,2004或September 1st,2004也可省略写成Sept.1,2004或Sept.1st,2004;B)the 1st of September in 2004(月份不可以缩写) B)只有月、日 September 1或September 1st(月份可以缩写) C)只有年、月 September 2004或the September of 2004(月份不可以缩写) 以上的1或1st都应读作the first. 2.星期也可以省略不写,可将其放在日期前或后,星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写.如: Saturday,October 22nd,2004;October 22nd,2004 Saturday 3.天气情况必不可少.天气一般用一个形容词如 :Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Snowy 等表示.写在日期之后,用逗号隔开,位于日记的右上角.如: Saturday,March 4,2004,Windy;1st January,2004,Fine 英文日记和汉语日记一样,是用来记叙一天中所发生的有意义的事情或对将来的打算等.日记可分为记事、议论、描写及抒情等. 记事型是用英语记述当天自己生活学习中发生的事情. 议论型是对生活中的某一事情或情况现象谈自己的看法,发表议论. 描写型或抒情型,则是对某人物事物的特征做细致的描述,或针对某事物抒发自己的感情.1.格式:一般是在左上角记上当天日期,星期,时间的排列法与书信一致,星期写在日期之后;右上角写上当天的天气情况,表示天气情况的词一般是形容词,如:fine (晴朗的),cold (寒冷的),snowy(下雪),sunny(阳光充足的),rainy(下雨的),cloudy(阴天的)等.日记的小标题写在下一行,也可省略不写. 2.时态:写日记的时间一般是在下午、晚上,有时也可以在第二天补写.因此,日记中所记述的事情通常发生在过去,常用一般过去时;但当记述天气、描写景色或展望未来时,可以用一般现在时或一般将来时.写法大致和写汉语日记相同,都是在正文之前有日期、星期几及当天的天气情况.注意内容表达要清楚连贯、准确. 下面是一篇关于寒假的日记. January 18,2011 Friday Sunny I am free now as I am spending my winter holiday. Although we have some homework, we can finish them in several days.And the rest time we can make good use of. My god!We have been very tired after hard studying.In winter holidays,I want to have full sleep and eat good......>> 问题二:英语日记格式 Friday Feb.15th 2006 sunny 星期和日期写在左上角,天气写在右上角 日期格式用月日年(美式)或日月年(英式)都可以 1. 年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如:December 18, 2003或者Dec. 18, 2003。 2. 如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期前面,也可以放在日期后面,星期也可以省略不写。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。例如:Thursday Dec. 18, 2003或Dec.18,2003 Thursday 3. 天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy等表示。天气通常位于日记的右上角。 下面列出了一篇日记的开头,有兴趣的同学可以回忆一下,再接着往下写。 Mon.Sept. 1, 2003 Sunny 问题三:英语,外语,旅游。。。。英语的小说(或者日记类)的,有没有关于旅游描写的??? 求推荐 15分 n her presence, 问题四:吸血鬼日记里面的一句话:我是一个人类,至少以前曾是,用英文怎么说? I am a human being, at least once wa恭. 或者I am a human being, at least it used to be. 望采纳,谢谢
2023-08-05 10:35:441


Do you know?I have a pair of trousers,but its broken today,i am sad,there is a history examination at night,have you enjoyed it?Anyway,i don"t.Today i feel my fatness,i think i should begin to lose my weight.byebye,my diary.
2023-08-05 10:35:531


, when the man suddenly asked, "Can you speak
2023-08-05 10:36:033

日志 英语怎么说

2023-08-05 10:36:236


I wrote a diary every day
2023-08-05 10:36:405

我今天开始用英语写日记 英文 英文怎么说啊

it is not until this day since i keep a diary in english i begin(start) to keep a diary in english today. 不知道你想说个啥意思,上面两句,按自己想表达的意思选吧
2023-08-05 10:37:041

视,频日记 用英语怎么说

Video diary
2023-08-05 10:37:123


日记通常用一般过去时叙述,英文日记格式和中文日记稍有区别。中文日记格式先写日期,再写星期几,最后写天气。英文日记格式则先写星期,再写日期,对于天气,英语国家人士已经很少写. 英语日记网:)~里面有分类的 下面几个英语短文网,有各个方面的,你可以根据自己的情况,参考下格式和内容:)~~ 这里也有不少英语的优秀短文::)~~
2023-08-05 10:37:222


英语日记写作格式——寒假日记例文一篇 英文日记和汉语日记一样,是用来记叙一天中所发生的有意义的事情或对将来的打算等.日记可分为记事、议论、描写及抒情等. 记事型是用英语记述当天自己生活学习中发生的事情. 议论型是对生活中的某一事情或情况现象谈自己的看法,发表议论. 描写型或抒情型,则是对某人物事物的特征做细致的描述,或针对某事物抒发自己的感情.1.格式:一般是在左上角记上当天日期,星期,时间的排列法与书信一致,星期写在日期之后;右上角写上当天的天气情况,表示天气情况的词一般是形容词,如:fine (晴朗的),cold (寒冷的),snowy(下雪),sunny(阳光充足的),rainy(下雨的),cloudy(阴天的)等.日记的小标题写在下一行,也可省略不写. 2.时态:写日记的时间一般是在下午、晚上,有时也可以在第二天补写.因此,日记中所记述的事情通常发生在过去,常用一般过去时;但当记述天气、描写景色或展望未来时,可以用一般现在时或一般将来时.写法大致和写汉语日记相同,都是在正文之前有日期、星期几及当天的天气情况.注意内容表达要清楚连贯、准确. 下面是一篇关于寒假的日记. January 18,2011 Friday Sunny I am free now as I am spending my winter holiday. Although we have some homework,we can finish them in several days.And the rest time we can make good use of.My god!We have been very tired after hard studying.In winter holidays,I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself.Last but not the least,I will have a good rest. I have rested for a week.I began to feel bored.So I went out with my friends.They are my best friends in the middle school.We didn"t go to someplace special.We just saw the other.We had lunch together.While we were having lunch,we were still talking about the new school and new friends.Yes!A year later,we have grown riper.And we learned much more things and got new life.We haven"t enough time to play,to waste and to lose the way.We only have two years.Two years to go,we will get the real life which belongs to us. 2011-03-01 人教网 下载:
2023-08-05 10:37:291


It was the first day of our summer holiday.All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have o months to do things we love to do.We are free.Although we have some homework.But we can finish them in several days.And the rest time we can make good use of.My god! We have been very tired after hard studying.In summer holidays,I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least,I will have a good rest. 这是我们暑假的第一天,我们都很高兴。为什么?因为我们有两个月的时间去做我们喜欢做的事情了。我们自由了。尽管我们有很多家庭作业。但是我们几天就可以完成,剩余的时间我们可以自由支配.上帝啊,在努力的学习之后我们很累。在暑假,我想睡好吃好为了放松我自己。最后,我将可以好好休息。 It was a sunny day today,when I got up in the morning,I decided to see my I took the bus got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too. In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and I was happy to see the flowers *** iling in the wind. In a word,today is a unfetive day.because I saw my relatives helped people. 今天是个晴天,当我起床时候,我决定去看我的爷爷和奶奶。因此在中午的时候我乘公交车去了,他们很高兴见到我,我也很高兴。在下午,我的父亲让我去帮他中枢,我很高兴去看花儿在风中微笑。 宗旨,今天是一个令人难忘的一天,因为我发现我亲戚乐于助人的。 I have rested for a week.I began to feel bored.So I went out with my friends.They are my best friends in the middle school.We didn"t go to someplace special.We just saw the other.We had lunch together.While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. A year later,we have grown riper.And we learned much more things and got new life.We haven"t enough time to play,to waste and to lose the way. We only have o years.Two years to go,we will get the real life which belongs to us. 我一周都休息,我开始感到厌烦。因此我和朋友一起出去。在中学的时候他们是我最好的朋友,我们没有去什么特殊的地方。我们只是见了见彼此。我一起去吃了午饭。当我们都去吃饭,我们仍然讨论着新的学校新的朋友。一年之后,我们都成熟了些。我们学到了更多的东西,并且有新的生活。我们再也没有足够的时间玩了,去浪费,失去。我们仅仅有两年,两年之后,我们将得到真正属于我们自己的生活。 It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I don"t usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation es, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my heart"s content. My room maybe *** all, and the sun maybe hot, but I"m free, I"m happy, I"m really living! Oh, how I love summer! 夏天真的很热很热。但是刺目的夏季太阳对我来说不算什么,因为我不经常出去。在这漫长的夏季暑假里我最喜欢的干的就是呆在我自己的小屋子里读书。我喜欢读书,但是在学校里我很难找到一点空闲的时间阅读。无尽的学习像个小山压着我。我感觉好像被监禁和关押了一样。一旦暑假来临,我就可以一直读书读书读书。我读我想读的一切书,我用心读书。我的屋子可能很小,太阳可能很热,但是我是自由的,我很快乐,我真的是充满生气的。噢,我多么热爱夏季啊! Today,when I waked up,I found the air-conditioner didn"t work. I used the control,but it still didn"t work. I knew the air-conditioner was in trouble.I went downstairs.My father told me o air-conditioner and o puter had been broken.Because my father used electric making machine to make electric,so the voltage was not stable. It led to the trouble.Oh! Whenever the government will let the factory use electric?If it lasts longer,I will be crazy! 今天早上,当我醒来的时候,我发现空调坏了。我使用遥控器,但是空调仍然不工作。我知道空调有毛病了。我下了楼,我的父亲告诉我两个空调和两个电脑都坏了。因为我父亲使用发电机发电,电压很不稳,导致所有的事情。哦,什么时候 *** 才给工厂供电?如果这要很长时间,我将会疯的!   was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to seven. I made a appointment to meet at nine o"clock. After I had my breakfast, I went to the Wanjia Market . It was hot outside. When I arrived, my friends didn"t arrive. I waited for him in front of the KFC"s door. I haven"t seen them for a year. And in a year, we didn"t e into contact with others frequently. About ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted,we went to play basketball in Liwan Gymnasium. The match last for tow hours.Oh!I fill very happy today! 这是今天阳光明媚。我很兴奋。我得到了在六时四十五分。我的任命,以满足九点钟。之后,我有我的早餐,我去了万家市场。这是热外面。当我到达,我的朋友们并没有达成。我等待着他前面的肯德基的大门。我还没有看到他们为一年。并在一年内,我们没有接触到其他人频繁。约10分钟离开,我的朋友们来到一个又一个。在我们迎接,我们去打球荔湾体育馆。这场比赛最后的拖车小时.Oh ,我非常高兴今天填补!   Today my parents took me to my grandfather"s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that"s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day!   I have rested for a week.I began to feel bored.So I went out with my friends.They are my best friends in the middle school.We didn"t go to someplace special.We just saw the other.We had lunch together.While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. A year later,we have grown riper.And we learned much more things and got new life.We haven"t enough time to play,to waste and to lose the way. We only have o years.Two years to go,we will get the real life which belongs to us. 我一周都休息,我开始感到厌烦。因此我和朋友一起出去。在中学的时候他们是我最好的朋友,我们没有去什么特殊的地方。我们只是见了见彼此。我一起去吃了午饭。当我们都去吃饭,我们仍然讨论着新的学校新的朋友。一年之后,我们都成熟了些。我们学到了更多的东西,并且有新的生活。我们再也没有足够的时间玩了,去浪费,失去。我们仅仅有两年,两年之后,我们将得到真正属于我们自己的生活。   如下: july 9 2009 it was the second day of our summer holiday. i felt good. i felt i am free. i had a lot of time to do things i like. my parents are in zhongshan. so i live alone but i don"t feel lonely. but i didn"t do something special. i stayed at home and watched tv. oh! i wrote an englishdaily position. it was my homework. today, i have slept for 14 hours.i thought i was very tired. it was time for dinner. i must go! i am very hungry. 这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。噢!我写了英语日记组成。这是我的功课。今天,我睡了14 小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃晚饭。我必须去!我非常渴望。july 10 2009 i am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my clas *** ates and i will form a *** all team and play basketball together. sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and i do enjoy the sense when we win the game. 我计划花费我暑假体育今年。打篮球是我最喜欢的,所以我的一些同学和我将组建一个小团队,一起打篮球。有时,我们可能有一些其他的比赛队伍和我喜欢的感觉,当我们赢了这场比赛。   二丫
2023-08-05 10:37:361


1. 要求学生以《如何用英语记日记》为题写一篇作文 一般用一般过去时表达做了什么 如:I really had a busy and happy day last Sunday.I got up early because my parents and I decided to go to the beach.After breakfast,we set out early.It was a fine day.The sun was shining and the birds were singing.There were thousands of people on the beach.We walked about o hours ,played with the sand,picked up the beautiful seashells,went boating and swam in the sea.We also ate delicious sea food.Although we were tired,we felt very happy.In the evening,I did my homework,reviewed what I learnt,prepared for the new lessons and surfed the inter.I didn"t go to bed until 10:00. 2. 英语作文:日记一则 My Day I often get up at 6:30 , First I have my breakfast at 7:00 o"clock . Then I go to school by bus .School starts at 8:10 .My fast class is English .I always have lunch at school .My first claas is the afternoon.After school I play basketball.I go home at 5:00. The early bird catches the worm . Yesterday, I had a really good day! In the morning, I was busy doing my homework.This done, I went to help mom with housework.I was greatly happy seeing mother"s *** ile. In the afternoon, I went to school to attend a conforence discussing who will be the new monitor of our class. I hoped to be chosen, but Tom is the more suitable one, so at last we chose Tom to be the leader. After the conforence, our class went to play basketball.How happy we are! But the more cheerful thing was that all that I had done during the day made sense.I grew up a lot. It was really an unfettable day! 《提示:可自加First,首先 Next,接下来 Then,然后 Finally,最后However ,可是 觉得可以的地方,就可以加,我感觉加上去的语法,不会有严重的错误,以上两个例文,仅供参仿,误“临摹”!O(∩_∩)O~~。 3. 简短的初中英语日记(10篇,急求) 1.写英语日记与英语学习的关系 人们常说:要真正学好英语,就要培养用英语思想的能力。 但是,要做到这一点是不容易的。有一个简单易行的办法可以帮助我们练习用英语思想,那就是用英语写日记。 日记是十分自由的文体,不像作文,必须有正式的主题,讲究文体。日记是思想,是感情,是内心的一切。 有朋友来你家作客,你可以写:We had a wonderful time together. 春节快到了,你或许可以这样写:The Spring Festival is around the corner. It"s the most important occasion for the family reunion.甚至在夏天与蚊子的“斗争”也可以成为日记的内容:These annoying mosquitoes didn"t seem to be afraid of the mosquito coil(蚊香)I burned. So I had to hang up a mosquito-. It was fun to lie inside the reading a favorite magazine while those unpleasant *** all insects were looking at me helplessly outside. 实际上,用英语写日记是最有效的练习英语写作的形式。它能够让你从各种生活细节及感受中学到最生活化、最地道的英语词语。 比如:你今天吃了龙虾,英语是 lobster;你想说某个女同学堪称“校花”,那是 school beauty;考试作弊是 cheat in the exam,等等。因此,可以这么说:如果你能流利地写出好的英语日记,你的英语就已经成功了一大半。 2.写好英语日记的要点 1)养成积累词语的习惯 从某种意义上说,写英语日记又是最难的写作,因为它包罗万象,涉及到生活的各个方面,对词汇的要求特别高。因此,在日常学习中,必须做一个“有心人”,准备一本笔记本,对一些英语的习惯表达法及时记录下来,以便在以后记日记的时候可以使用。 在开始记日记时,碰到一两个英语词汇不会写,不妨用汉语先写上,以后学会了英语表达,再补上去。千万不要因为一两个词写不出,就没了记英语日记的兴趣,以至放弃用英语记日记。 只要你注意积累,一定会发觉自己英语日记中夹杂的汉语会越来越少,最后变为全部地道的英语日记。 2)英语日记的写作格式 日记的第一行,要写明年、月、日与星期,然后要写明当天的气候状况,如果是游记,还要写明地点。 这一部分中天气状况比较难写。下面是一些常用的描写天气的英语词语: 晴 clear 阴 overcast 多云 cloudy 小雨 light rain 大雨 heavy rain 毛毛雨 drizzle 阵雨 shower 东风 east wind 南风 south wind 西风 west wind 北风 north wind 西南风 southwester 东南风 southeaster 东北风 northeaster 西北风 northwester 气温 temperature 炎热 scorching heat 寒冷 icy cold 下雪 snow 冰雹 hail 虹 rainbow 日记正文可以是叙事、描述、说明、议论等各种形式。 其实,由于日记是非常随便的,因此上述文体常常结合在一起使用。日记内容取自生活,可长可短,有时无事可记,一两句也可以。 切忌今天记,明天不记,三天打鱼,两天晒网,破坏了记日记的情趣。另外,日记也应该尽可能讲究一些文采,切忌写成流水账。 3)英语日记中的缩写与省略 英语日记中的第一行的月份与星期通常都是缩写的: Sunday----Sun Monday----Mon. Tuesday----Tues. Wednesday----Wed. Thursday----Thur. 或 Thurs. Friday----Fri. Saturday----Sat. January----Jan. February----Feb. March----Mar. April----Apr. May----May. June----Jun. July----Jul. August----Aug. September----Sept. October----Oct. November----Nov. December----Dec. 另外,英语日记中由于频繁出现I,因此,常常省略,如:In the evening went with Xiao Li to the cinema. Finishing exercises, went to play tennis. 但如果省去I,会造成语义不清时,则不可省去: My sister is good at English, but I am just so-so. 实际上,省与不省I,只是作者的一种习惯,为了记日记的方便。 最后需要一提的是,英语日记习惯一年一本,因此日期不必写年份,而只是在每年一本的日记本封面上或者在日记的第一页和最后一页加以注明即可。 下面三则学生日记供读者参考: Sun., Feb. 1 Overcast The night before the examination The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked gloomily before me at a huge pile of that disgusting stuff they call“books”. I was going to have my examination the next day. “Whencan I go to bed?” I asked myself. I did not answer. In fact I dared not. The clock struck 12.“Oh, dear!”I cried. “Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!”We students are the most wretched creatures in the world. 考试是学生日记“永恒的主题”,写得真实有趣。 Mon., May 9 Clear A watermelon Got a present of a watermelon cooled down in the well(在井里冷却过的)from my next-door neighbour. As I was very thirsty, enjoyed it very much. They say the watermelons have turned out very well this summer due to the dry weather. “邻居送西瓜”这样一件小事,充满生活乐趣。 当然可以作为日记的材料。文中有省略I的地方。 Thurs ., Jan . 7 Very fine A sunny day I got up early today to watch the sunrise. While I waited for the sun to rise, I sat beside my window and thought 。 4. 日记英语 作文 1,I think most people like traveling because they can feel the beauty of the nature and breathe the fresh air at the same time. What"s more they can make friends. But there are some disadvantages of travelling, such as, the weather may change quickly and you may be wet in the rain. So my suggestion is that before you travel, you should listen to the weather report and get to know about the weather and you"d better travel with others so that you are not into trouble. (A Trip To Beijing), 2, On summer holiday my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall. it is very fun! 给我分吧! 5. 英语日记50字带翻译 30篇 Today ,my mother and I cleaned the house. I cleaned the windows hard because it is so dirty. Then I cleaded it again. After that, I cleaned the floor and swept it. I thought it is dirtier than windows. Then I cleaned the tables and lots of chairs. We washed all of the clothes and quilts. Until four o`clock, we tidied all of the rooms up. My room was the cleanest and brightest. I was so happy and satisfied. Then my mother said: "You`re successful." 今天,我的母亲,我打扫了房间。 我擦窗户难的,因为它太脏了。然后我cleaded一遍。 之后,我打扫地板和清扫。我认为这是肮脏窗口。 然后我打扫桌子和大量的椅子。我们所有的衣服和棉被。 4点钟之前,我们整理所有的房间。我的房间是最亮的。 我非常高兴并且很满意。然后我母亲说:“你是成功的。” Today is my shopping day. I wanted to buy some delicious food.there were many kinds of food. I wanted to eat more and more fruits. I wanted to eat apples in order to lose weight. I liked eating bananas, straw berries, pears and watermelons, I wanted to buy some books, I thought they can help me study not long after my holidays, I wanted to buy a pair of golves for myself because my golves were lost. And I bought some CDs.今天是我的购物日。我想买一些可口的food.there被许多种类的食物。 我想要吃更多的水果。我想要吃苹果是为了减肥。 我喜欢吃香蕉、浆果、梨、西瓜,我想买一些书,我认为他们可以帮助我学习后不久,我的假期,我想买一副手套,因为我的手套丢了。我买了一些cd。 I got up early this morning and had breakfast quickly. Then my mother and I took the bus to my grandmother`s home. My grandmother was glad to see me again. She gave me candies and a cup of milk. She was really kind to me. At noon, we had lunch, There were lofts of people. After that, I talked with my grandmother. She laughed again an d again. Then I played with my brother and my little sister. Finally , I said "see you " to each other.今天早晨我起床很早,吃过早餐很快。然后,我妈妈和我搭公共汽车去外婆家。 我的祖母是很高兴再见到我。她给我的糖果和一杯牛奶。 她真的很仁慈地对待我。中午,我们吃午饭,有阁楼的人。 之后,我跟我的祖母。她笑了一遍又一遍。 然后我与我的兄弟和我的小妹妹。最后,我们互相道别。 I went to my new house to my room. It is very big and beatiful. I will use a blue wardrobe and a blue bookcase. I saw a big bed and there was a blue sheet on it, I really liked them, because my favorite color is blue. But my desk was brown. In fact, I like brown, too. And there were many pet dogs and pet bears. They were cute, really eute. I loved them very much. 我去了我的新房子,我的房间。这是非常大的和美丽。 我将用一个蓝色的衣柜和一条蓝色的书架。我看见一张大床上有一个蓝色的纸上,我真的很喜欢它们,因为我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色的。 但是我的桌子是棕色的。事实上,我喜欢棕色,真是太好了。 有许多宠物狗和宠物的熊。他们是可爱的,真的eute。 我非常爱他们。I plan to do lots of homework today. First , I read english articles, next I wrote my science tests snd math tests. I had some questions. So I called to my clas *** ates to ask, then I listened to the music, I enjoyed it. In the afternoon, I drew some bananas, I believed I can draw it well. In the evening ,I played puter games. After that , I read a famous book on the bed. It was a happy day today.我打算今天做很多作业。 首先,我读英文文章,接下来我写我的数学考试测试snd的科学。我有一些问题。 所以我打电话给我的同学去问,然后我听音乐,我很喜欢它。在下午,我画了一些香蕉,我相信我能画得很好。 在晚上,我在玩电脑游戏。之后,我读了著名的书放在床上。 这是一个快乐的一天。My father is a manager. He likes singing and playing cards. He liakes drinking tea in his office. He likes watching TV and *** oking. He likes making friends very much. So he has many friends, He`s outstanding and calm. I like his personality. My mother is a history teacher. She likes drinking juice in her free time. She likes playing volleyball and badminton. She likes watching tv ,too. And she also likes listening to the music. She always does housework because she wants to have a beatiful and clean house. She`s economical and *** art. I love my parents.我的父亲是一位经理。 他喜欢唱歌、玩扑克牌。他在他的办公室liakes喝茶。 他喜欢看电视和吸烟。他非常喜欢交朋友。 所以他有很多朋友,他是优秀的平静。我喜欢他的个e69da5e887aae799bee5baa631333431343565性。 我的妈妈是一位历史教师。她喜欢在业余时间喝果汁。 她喜欢打排球和羽毛球。她喜欢看电视。 她也喜欢听音乐。她总是做家务,因为她想要有一个美丽又干净的房子。 她的经济和聪明。我爱我的父母。 Today is New Year`s day. Today I`m not doing homework. I`m 。 6. 英语日记作文怎么写 Nowadays, with the improvement of the people"s living standard, some people form a habit of raising *** all or domestic animals as pets. Some raise *** all dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets. There are still even some people raising snakes and other unusual animals as their pets. Does anyone have the same opinion of raising animals as pets? No, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets. To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings. On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings such as dogs" barking at midnight, dogs" chasing people on the street and so on. What"s more, some animals will tran *** it some diseases. In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals at pets. Animals have their own right to lead a life as they like. We should not deprive them of their natural right. In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures. 照着写吧 7. 英语作文50字带翻译 My favorite holiday is New Year, Chinese New Year we can eat dumplings and a lot of good things to eat, but alsoReceive lucky money, parents will acpany us to the amusement park, parks,We are very happy New Year everyone likes, and I also like the Spring Festival. 我最喜欢的节日是春节,在春节我们可以吃饺子和很多好吃的东西,还可以收到压岁钱父母还会带我们去游乐园,公园,所有人都会很开心,所有人都喜欢春节,我也非常喜欢春节。
2023-08-05 10:37:431


您好,成长日记 [网络] Ceanza; Growth diary; Growing diary; [例句]想了很久了,应该每天给麦根记成长日记。Think of this for a long time that I should record Megan"s growing steps via Diary.请关注进口车市
2023-08-05 10:37:531


日记 [词典] diary; journal; jour.; journaling; 日记 [词典] diary; journal; jour.; journaling;    diary n.[c] 1. 日记,日志;日记簿 i don"t see why you should keep a diary at all. 我不明白你为何要记日记。 2. 日程安排登记簿 3. 日记似的记录
2023-08-05 10:38:121


2023-08-05 10:38:201

日记用英语怎么读 日记用英语如何读

1、日记 - diary英[?da??ri]美[?da??ri]。2、词典:diary; journal; journaling; jour.3、例句:Her diary was a record of her inner conflict.她的日记记录了她内心的矛盾。
2023-08-05 10:38:281


2023-08-05 10:38:351

日记英语怎么读 日记的英语怎么说

1、日记 diary,读音:美/u02c8dau026au0259ri/;英/u02c8dau026au0259ri/。 2、释义:n.日志,日记;日记簿。 3、例句:Her diary was a record of her inner conflict.她的日记记录了她内心的矛盾。
2023-08-05 10:38:421


日记的英语:diary,读作:[dari]拓展资料——双语例句1.Recently I"ve started keeping a small study diary.最近,我开始写简短的学习日记。2.Keeping English diary is a good way to improve English.写英语日记是提高英语的好方法。3.Wood"s diaries soon attracted the world"s attention.伍德的日记很快就引起了全世界的关注。4.Wood"s experience in China shared in his diaries.伍德在他的日记中分享了他在中国的经历。5.Up to now,Wood has published more than 60 diaries.截至目前,伍德已经发表了60多篇日记。6.But as adults we also have the luxury of being able to control our own diaries.但是作为成年人,我们有能力掌管自己的日记。7.Rarely is it anything more alarming than a diary or off-color book or CD.很少有比日记或低俗的书籍或光盘更令人担忧的东西。8.I find it very easy to lose myself in my diary when I am away from my usual activities.我发现当我远离日常的活动时,很容易在日记中迷失自己。
2023-08-05 10:39:201


日记 [词典] diary; journal; jour.; journaling; 日记 [词典] diary; journal; jour.; journaling;
2023-08-05 10:41:011


日记用英语怎么说 diary ["dau026au0259r丁18;]日记簿 journal["du0292u025cu02d0n(u0259)l]日记,日志,期刊 day book. [会计] 日记帐,日记簿;航海日记 可以下载一个有道辞典用,还好【写日记】用英语怎么说 [diary] 例句 全部keep a diary 他在飞机上写日记。 On the plane he wrote in his journal. 日记用英文怎么写,,,,, diary 日记 I keep diary every day . 我每天都写日记。 journal 日志 杂志 “我的日记”用英文怎么写? My diary 英文“日记本”怎么写? diary "日记”用英语怎么说? diary 日记用英语怎么说 keep a diary 记日记用英语怎么说 keep a diary 日记的英文怎么写 diary ["dau026au0259ru026a]日记簿 journal["du0292u025cu02d0n(u0259)l]日记,日志,期刊 day book. [会计] 日记帐,日记簿;航海日记 可以下载一个有道辞典用,还好
2023-08-05 10:41:241

旅行日记 英语怎么说

travel diary
2023-08-05 10:42:182


问题一:日记用英语怎么说 diary ["da??r丁18;]日记簿 journal["d???n(?)l]日记,日志,期刊 day book. [会计] 日记帐,日记簿;航海日记 可以下载一个有道辞典用,还好 问题二:【写日记】用英语怎么说 [diary] 例句 全部keep a diary 他在飞机上写日记。 On the plane he wrote in his journal. 问题三:日记用英文怎么写,,,,, diary 日记 I keep diary every day . 我每天都写日记。 journal 日志 杂志 问题四:“我的日记”用英文怎么写? My diary 问题五:英文“日记本”怎么写? diary 问题六:"日记”用英语怎么说? diary 问题七:日记用英语怎么说 keep a diary
2023-08-05 10:42:481


记日记的英语是:diarize。diarize 英 ["dau026au0259rau026az]     美 ["dau026au0259rau026az]    vt. 记日记。埃莉诺开始记日记了。Eleanor began to keep a diary.其他人记日记。Others keep a diary.临近词:diary  英 ["dau026au0259ri]     美 ["dau026au0259ri]    n. 日记;日记簿。His father ordered that he (should) keep a diary in English.他的父亲规定他要用英文写日记。I keep a diary every day.我每天记日记。
2023-08-05 10:42:551


问题一:【写日记】用英语怎么说 [diary] 例句 全部keep a diary 他在飞机上写日记。 On the plane he wrote in his journal. 问题二:“我的日记”英语翻译 My diary 问题三:日记用英语怎么说 keep a diary 问题四:日志用英文怎么说? 以下为相关回答:英文是blog.就是人们常说的博客 lognote基本解释 日志 log 例句 Onewhokeepsajournal. 记日志者记日志、日记的人 Torecordinajournal. 把记入日志(或日记帐) Apersonalrecordofoccurrences,experiences,andreflectionskeptonaregularbasis;adiary. 日志,日记对于事件、经历及感想的有规律进行的私人记录;日志 logbook 航海日志 Aputerlog;atriplog. 电脑日志;旅行日志
2023-08-05 10:43:101


问题一:【写日记】用英语怎么说 [diary] 例句 全部keep a diary 他在飞机上写日记。 On the plane he wrote in his journal. 问题二:“我的日记”英语翻译 My diary 问题三:日记用英语怎么说 keep a diary 问题四:日志用英文怎么说? 以下为相关回答:英文是blog.就是人们常说的博客 lognote基本解释 日志 log 例句 Onewhokeepsajournal. 记日志者记日志、日记的人 Torecordinajournal. 把记入日志(或日记帐) Apersonalrecordofoccurrences,experiences,andreflectionskeptonaregularbasis;adiary. 日志,日记对于事件、经历及感想的有规律进行的私人记录;日志 logbook 航海日志 Aputerlog;atriplog. 电脑日志;旅行日志
2023-08-05 10:43:181


2023-08-05 10:43:277


【写日记】用英语怎么说 [diary] 例句 全部keep a diary 他在飞机上写日记。On the plane he wrote in his journal. 日记用英语怎么说 diary ["dau026au0259r丁18;]日记簿 journal["du0292u025cu02d0n(u0259)l]日记,日志,期刊 day book. [会计] 日记帐,日记簿;航海日记 可以下载一个有道辞典用,还好 我在写日记 用英语怎么说 谢谢 I am writing my diary. 写日记 英语怎么说? 是write a diary I write a diary in English every day.
2023-08-05 10:43:451


nootkook 日记本。diary 日志,日记,记录簿。
2023-08-05 10:43:541


2023-08-05 10:44:343

写日记 英语怎么说?

2023-08-05 10:44:411


July 6 2009 It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 这是第一天,我们的暑假。我们大家都非常高兴。为什么?因为我们有一个月的事我们都爱做的事。我们很空闲.虽然我们有一些功课。但是,我们可以完成他们的若干天。其余的时间我们可以好好利用。我的上帝!我们已经很疲惫后很难学习。在冬季假期,我希望能有充分的很好吃的食物,以补充自己。最后但并非最不重要,我会好好休息。 July 9 2009 It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don"t feel lonely. But I didn"t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily position. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。噢!我写了英语日记组成。这是我的功课。今天,我睡了14 小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃晚饭。我必须去!我非常渴望。 July 10 2009   Thurs.,Feb.7 Fine 2月7日 星期四 晴 Lucky money 红包 I"m so happy today because I got RMB 3,000 in "Lucky Money."Grandpa alone gave me RMB 1,000.I must try to save this for college though and not waste it.But I think I"ll allow myself to use part of it to buy a new dress tomorrow and then I"ll put the rest un the bank. 今天我很高兴,因为我拿了三千元的红包.祖父一个人就给了我一千元.我必须尽量存起来以后作上大学之用而不去花掉.不过我想我会让自己明天用一部分钱去买一件新衣服,然后将其他的钱存到银行里去. -------------------------------------------- Wed.,Feb.3 clear Movies Today was very clear with no wind. I practiced basktball in the morning.Then I went to the movies with Sandy.We saw White Nights.It was a very nice movie!I liked "Say you,say me"best of all the songs.I"m fond of seeing musicals.The dancing is very beautiful and the music is pretty. 二月三日 星期三 晴 电影 今天是晴空万里,没有风的日子. 早上我练习篮球,然后和珊蒂一起去看电影<飞跃俄罗斯>,它真是一部相当好的的片子.所有歌曲中我最喜欢"说你,说我".我喜欢卡们歌舞片,舞蹈十分美妙,而音乐也很好听. ------------------------------------------- Fri.,Feb. 5 Rainy In my dream Last night ,I dreamed I became a very beautiful brid.I dreamed that I was in a forest. In tht forest,there were a lot of animals.Then,an old bird told us,"we have a very beautiful forest,we should therefore protect it from pollution."All the animals agreed with him. But the second day,people came into our forest.Many animals were caught.The people wanted to build house and parks in our forest.Many old trees were felled.And then suddenly,nothing was left standing. I was so shocked and then I bursted out crying.I woke up at midnight.It was only a dream. 二月五日 星期五 雨 在梦中 昨晚我梦见我变成一只非常漂亮的鸟.我梦见我在一座森林,森林里有很多动物.然后有一只老鸟告诉我们,"我们有一座非常美丽的森林,因此我们应该保护它,免受污染"所有的动物都赞成他. 但是第二天,人们进入我们的森林,许多动物被逮捕.这些人要在我们的森林地上建造房子和公园.许多年老的树木被砍下,然后,突然间,一切都被夷平了. 我很震惊,接着突然大哭起来.我在半夜醒来,原来只是个梦. ---------------------------------------- Sat., Feb.6 Fine later cloudy A book exhibition Dropped in at National Library to see the National Book Exhibition which will close today.Suprised at the fact that so many kinds of books are published in our country.Thought the children"s books with many pages of colorful illustrations were made very nicely.Bought a copy of the Chinese version of English and American Short Stories at a 20 per cent discount.Am going to read this through in this good season for reading. 书展 信步走到图书馆看即将在今天结束的全国书籍。惊奇的是发现我们国家竟然出版了这么多种的书籍。我觉得富有多页彩色插图的儿童书籍印刷的相当精美。我买了一本打八折的《英美短篇小说》中文版。我要在这读书的好季节里将它读完 -------------------------------------------- Sun.,Feb. 14 Rainy Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,have their hair cut,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion. And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends adn wish each other good luck in the new year. 二月十四日 星期日 雨 春节,即中国人的新年,是中国最重要的节日。从一月末到二月初人们忙着为新年做准备。他们打扫房屋、理发和买新衣服。饺子是最受欢迎的。对那些远离家乡的人们,春节是一个合家团聚的时刻。他们经常回家和家人欢度春节。新年第一天人们访友并互祝新年好运。    *** 哦?.你个傻HI.自己写啊
2023-08-05 10:45:591