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2023-08-04 19:54:29
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作文标题: 鸡蛋英语作文
关 键 词: 鸡蛋 小学四年级 350字
字 数: 350字作文
本文适合: 小学四年级
作文来源: https://Zw.l******.com
本作文是关于小学四年级350字的作文,题目为:《鸡蛋英语作文》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 The Chinese news agency Xinhua says the People"s Daily newspaper have both carried reports suggesting that the addition of industrial chemical melamine to animal feed in China is an open secret. Quentin Sommerville reports from Beijing.   Animal feed in China is routinely contaminated with industrial chemical melamine, according to the country"s state media. Chemical firms have been repackaging scrapped melamine as protein powder and selling at home. When added to the feed, it gives the illusion of boosting nutritional levels. China"s melamine scandal began in the dairy industry, 4 babies died and 20 thousand children were hospitalised after the chemical was added to milk. This week, the authorities in Hong Kong discovered melamine in 4 brands of Chinese produced eggs. It"s believed they have got there because of contaminated animal feed.



routinely[英][ru:"ti:nlu026a][美][ruu02c8tinlu026a]adv.例行公事地; 常规地,惯常地; 老一套地; Vitamin K is routinely given in the first week of life to prevent bleeding. 出生后第一周通常要服用维生素K,以防止出血。
2023-08-04 18:59:531


1、勉强2、作前提 3、营业成本 4、商业杂志 5、连络 6、定期地 7、骑士 8、威吓 9、推迟某人 10、折叠 11、可实行或生活能力 12、人口统计学 13、在最前面的 14、内容说明书
2023-08-04 19:00:435


2023-08-04 19:01:212

英译汉3000词 急用

才15分啊…… 我了个去,小弟果断匿了,楼上保持队形……
2023-08-04 19:01:452

英语作文生日礼物 要有翻译

珍贵的生日礼物Precious birthday gift 母亲节不知不觉地就到了,她的脚步走遍了山山水水,这是为了告诉人们母亲的辛劳,也为了给每一位母亲带来欢乐和喜悦。记得母亲节的那天中午,天气十分炎热,太阳像个大火球似的烤着大地。我们吃完午饭,妈妈就抱着一大叠衣服去天台晒,我一看,赶紧跟着妈妈一起去,看我能帮上妈妈什么忙。一到天台,我就觉得一股热气扑面而来,我的汗也跟着向下流,我很快帮着妈妈把衣服一件件地挂上去,回到家我感觉身上潮潮的,头上的汗水顺着头发直往下淌,一摸,原来我的衣服已经湿透了。晚上,我正在做作业,看见妈妈拿起拖把,像要干活,我赶紧站起来,边从妈妈手里抢过拖把边认真地说:“妈,您歇会儿,今天让我帮您拖一回地板吧。”妈妈赞赏地点了点头。我接过拖把开始干了起来,刚开始还行,越到后面我就越累,动作也慢了许多,真是“老牛拉破车-慢慢呑呑”,我心里开始着急。这时,妈妈走过来心疼地问我要不要休息一会儿,我一开始还有点犹豫,可是一想到妈妈平时的劳累,我坚决地回答:“不,我不休息。”说完,我埋头继续拖,终于完成了。我放下拖把伸了伸胳膊,抬起头正好看见妈妈慈爱的目光:“儿子,你今天的表现是送给妈妈母亲节的最好的礼物,妈妈真的很高兴,你长大了,妈妈也真心地谢谢你。妈妈爱你。”说完,妈妈轻轻地在我的额头亲了一下。Mother"s day is unknowingly came, her footsteps and traveled massif, this is to tell people of their mother"s toil, and to give each a mother bring joy and delight. Remember the day at noon, the weather is very hot, the sun is like a ball of fire like roast on the ground. We had lunch, mother will hold a stack clothes to tiantai bask in, once I see, hurriedly follow mom go, see can I help mother what busy. One to tiantai, I would think a puff of steam on my sweat also follow to dirty, I soon to help mother put clothes pieces to hang up, return the home I feel body, head of the tide tide sweat streamed down hair straight downward, a touch, originally I clothes drenched. In the evening, I was doing his homework, he saw the mother picked up mop, like to work, I hurried to stand up, the side from mom hand grabbed the mop edge seriously say: "mama, you have a rest, today let me help you drag one floor!" Mother appreciated nodded. I received the mop began to dry up, just start a line still, the more behind the more I would tired, action also much more slowly, really "the cow pull broken car - slowly 呑 呑", my heart began to worry. At this moment, mom came along and lovingly to ask me if I want to rest for a while, I started to have some hesitation, but the thought of mother usually overworked, I firmly replied: "no, I don"t rest." Say that finish, I immersed continue to drag along, finally finished. I put the mop stretch out his arm, and looked up at the right moment see mother loving eyes: "son, performance today is to mom on mother"s day is the best gift, mom really very happy, when you grow up, mother also sincerely thank you. Mother love you." Say that finish, mother gently on my forehead kissed. 虽然,我帮妈妈做的只是些小事,但我从中知道了妈妈的辛劳,我知道了妈妈为我付出的有多少,她所做的一点一滴,是多么的、多么的无私,是无价之宝,是一种用语言也无法形容出来的啊!Although, I help my mother do just some simple, but from which I know mother"s hard work, I know mother done for me how much she could do bit by bit, is how, how selfless, is invaluable, is a kind of language to also can"t describe out! 母亲节的一天让我学到了书本上无法学到的东西,妈妈的爱是博大的,她唯一的要求就是希望我将来能自食其力,成为对社会有用的人。为了回报我的妈妈,我一定会好好学习的。Mother"s day day let me learn in books cannot learn things, a mother"s love is great, she only request is hope I can someday self-reared, become useful person in society. In order to return my mother, I will study hard. 礼物gift 周五放晚学时,朋友林对大家说:“同胞们,可别忘了,下周一我过生日,望大家踊跃送礼,届时本人将恭请诸位吃蛋糕。”我们都笑他居然跟人要礼物,心里却盘算着送什么好。Friday put later hours, friend Lin to everybody said: "my fellow citizens, don"t forget my birthday next Monday, looks at everybody enthusiastically, when I will give gifts given you eat cake." We all laughed incredibly with people to gift, but his heart is contemplating send what is good. 周五回家照例是大包小兜,尽是该洗的衣服和吃剩的零食。一进门,母亲就喜滋滋地招呼我,让我看看锅里做的红烧花鲢,每次回家都是大鱼大肉,我象征性地瞧了眼就要出门。“你要去哪儿?”母亲喊住我,我一笑:“有人过生日,买礼物去!”父亲这时从厨房里猛地探出头来说:“别乱花钱了!”我答道:“那可不行!”就小跑出了门。Friday"s home is small pocket, routinely lymph are should wash clothes and leftover snacks. A door, mother crossed to call me, let me see pot do braise in soy sauce, each flower of silver carps come home is fatty food, I symbolically look eye shall go out. "Where are you going?" Mother shout me, I a smile: "someone"s birthday, buy a gift to go!" Father then flung from the kitchen poked his head to say: "don"t waste money!" I replied: "that can not line!" Just trotted out the door. 礼物买回来,丰盛的饭菜也摆上了桌,像以往每个周末一样,尽是我爱吃的东西,一向不轻易沾酒的父亲拿出了一瓶红葡萄酒,还对我开玩笑道:“闺女,喝点红糖水。”我一边躲一边说:“老爸,今天开酒戒了,离过年还远呢,你可说过这酒要留到过年喝呀!”“你这孩子,你爸高兴就让他喝吧!今天你回来恰好赶上你爸的生日。”母亲随口插上一句。Gift to buy back and hearty meal also place on the table, as ever, as every weekend is I love to eat, always not easily with wine father took out a bottle of red wine, I joked: "girl, and drink hot red-sugar water." As I hide and said: "daddy, today open a wine to quit, Spring Festival is still far from? Can you said this wine for the Chinese New Year to drink!" "You this child, your daddy glad to let him drink! Today you back just to catch your daddy"s birthday." Mother freely plug in a word. 啊,今天是爸爸的生日!我的筷子一下子停住了,我这当女儿的,竟然不记得爸爸的生日了,怪不得爸爸听我说有人过生日那么高兴呢!父亲见我愣着,忙说:“快,多吃点!”我边点头边拿起了筷子,看看桌上的菜全是我最爱吃的,再看看父母那刻满了皱纹的笑脸,唉!真不知是父亲过生日还是我过生日。Ah, it"s daddy"s birthday today! My chopsticks suddenly stopped, I this when my daughter, didn"t remember dad"s birthday, no wonder father listen to me say someone so happy birthday! Father saw I leng wear, favour say: "quick, eat more!" I and nodding edge picked up the chopsticks, look at the table of dishes & # 0; & # 0; All is my favorite, and then see parents that carves full wrinkles smiling face, alas! Is not really a father"s birthday or me for my birthday. 我的心一颤,想起了小时候,我曾用一张硬纸片给父亲做生日贺卡,我在上面歪歪扭扭地画了我们一家三口手拉手快乐地做游戏,我还记得父母当时欣慰的笑脸;又想起了父母每年给我过生日的情景,即使再苦再累,他们也从来都没漏掉我一次生日。随着年龄的增长,我竟淡忘了父亲的生日,当然还有母亲的,却能随口说出几个要好同学的生日;平时也一直漠视父母的关爱,只重视和同学之间的友情……想到这,一股懊悔之情不禁油然而生。我犯一个多大的错误!但愿这个错误还可以弥补。My heart a thrill that reminds me when I was young, I used a hard pieces to father as a birthday card, I drew a ragged on hand in hand we all happy to do game, I still remember parents was gratified laugh, Remember again a year to my birthday parents scene, even if again no tired, they also have never miss me a birthday. Along with the growth of the age, I unexpectedly dismissed father"s birthday, and, of course, but mother, to name a few better schoolmate"s birthday, Usually also always disregard of parental love, only attention and between the classmate of friendship... Think about it, a stream of remorse of love can not help arises spontaneously. I made a big mistake! I wish this error can also make up. 吃完饭,我拿出了给同学林买的礼物,现在只有它能表达一下我对父亲的爱了。我捧着它来到父亲跟前说:“爸,这个礼物送给您,只是上面刻着的是”友谊地久天长”。”我始终没说出这礼物是买给同学的,没说不孝女儿忘记了父亲的生日。父亲左瞧右看后高兴地说道:“没关系,况且我们父女俩也需要友谊,是吗?”我若有所悟地点了点头,心里却流着泪。After dinner, I took out to the classmate Lin buy gift, now only it can show me to my father"s love. I hold it to his father and said: "daddy, this gift to you, but only is engraved with" friendship forever "." I didn"t say it was a gift from buy to a classmate, without saying unfilial daughter forgot my father"s birthday. Father left see right to see after happily say: "it doesn"t matter, besides we porters both also need friendship, be?" If I have to pass nodded, but in his heart he shed your tears. 这份将错就错的礼物让我懂得了许多……This will wrong gift that taught me many...
2023-08-04 19:01:581


(一)形容词与副词的互相转译   1. 英语名词译成汉语动词时,修饰该名词的形容词往往转译成汉语副词。如:   1) Occasionally a drizzle came down, and the intermittent flashes of lightening made us turn apprehensive glances toward Zero.     偶尔下一点毛毛雨,断断续续的闪电使得我们不时忧虑地朝着零区方向望去。   2) It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the President"s reasons for willing to begin a Chinese-American dialogue.     这篇发言清楚明白、心平气和地说明了总统希望开始中美对话的原因。   2. 英语动词译成汉语名词时,修饰该动词的副词往往转译成形容词。如:   1) He routinely radioed another agent on the ground.     他跟另一个地勤人员进行了例行的无线电联络。   2) The President had prepared meticulously for his journey.     总统为这次出访作了十分周密的准备。   3. 由于英汉两种语言表达方式不同,还有一些英语形容词可译为汉语副词。如:   1) This is sheer nonsense. (这完全是胡说。)   2) Buckley was in a clear minority. (巴克利显然属于少数。)   3) By dialing the right number, you may be able to select a play, golf lesson or lecture in physics, from a pretaped library in a remote city, for showing on your home screen.     只要拨对了号码,你就可以在家里电视机上选看到有远方城市一座图书馆发出的预先录制的一出戏、一堂打高尔夫球的讲课,或者一次物理学演讲。   (二)名词与副词的互相转译   1. 名词转译成副词   1) When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor.     只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这人争取过来。   2) The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor.     新市长有礼貌地前来访问城市贫民,获得了他们的一些好感。   2. 副词转译成名词   1) They have not done so well ideologically, however, as organizationally.     但是,他们的思想工作没有他们的组织工作做得好。   2) He is physically weak but mentally sound.     他身体虽弱,但思想健康。 (一)形容词派生的名词往往可以转译成形容词。   1. The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.    她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她那时的情绪。 2. The security and warmth of the destroyer"s sick bay were wonderful.    驱逐舰的病室很安全也很温暖,好极了。   3. He talked for some time with Bundy, and his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts.    他同邦迪谈了一会,他提出的问题反映出他有很大的怀疑。   (二)有些名词加不定冠词作表语时,往往可以转译成形容词。如:   1) The blockade was a success.     封锁很成功。   2) As he is a perfect stranger in the city, I hope you will give him the necessary help.     他对这城市完全陌生,所以我希望你能给他必要的帮助。   3) Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.     独立思考对学习是绝对必需的。
2023-08-04 19:02:271

译|比赛-The start of the break-up 分手之初(英国脱欧之余波初现)

原文选自The Economist 2016-08-06的Europe板块 原文:MUCH of the European Union is still smarting from Britain"s vote to leave the club on June 23rd, according to data released on August 4th by Ipsos Mori, a pollster. In the nine member states surveyed, 55% think an exit vote was a bad choice for Britain, while 58% think it was also bad for the EU as a whole. Outside the Union feelings are slightly more sanguine. Only 35% of those polled in seven countries with big economies think Britain made a mistake.90 译文:民意调查人Ipsos Mori于8月4日发布的数据显示,受6月23日英国脱欧公投影响,很多欧盟成员国仍处于余波阵痛之中。在调查的九个成员国中,55%的人认为此举对于英国来说是个糟糕的选择,58%的人认为整个欧洲也不能幸免于难。而欧盟之外的民众则稍微乐观一些。七大经济体国家的受调民众中只有35%的人认为英国走错了一步棋。 原文:Of all the countries surveyed, Russia is by far the happiest. Only 10% believe it was the wrong decision for Britain. By contrast, the Swedes are the most overwrought: 68% think it will be bad for Europe. These two extreme reactions may well be connected. Swedes fear Brexit could lead to the dissolution of the EU. This would leave them even more exposed to the whims of the Kremlin, which routinely makes aggressive gestures in their direction, such as sending submarines into Swedish waters. By contrast Russia is delighted by the prospect of a weaker Europe. 译文:在调查的所有国家当中,目前最喜形于色的当属俄国。只有10%的俄国人认为英国的决策是错的。相比之下,瑞典人表现出最明显的过度紧张情绪:68%的瑞典人认为这对欧洲不利。这两种极端的反应可以联系起来。瑞典人担心英国退欧可能导致欧盟解体。俄国常常对瑞典表现出侵略姿态(例如,俄国潜艇入侵瑞典水域),欧盟解体会造成俄国政府对瑞典的蹂躏更加变本加厉。而欧洲日渐疲弱却令俄国异常欣喜。 原文:Another reason the Swedes may be anguished is trade. Britain is their fourth biggest trading partner. As with the other countries surveyed, that factor seems to sway respondents" feelings about Brexit. Broadly speaking, the more a country exports to Britain, the more upset are its citizens by the split. 译文:瑞典人苦恼的另一个原因是贸易受到影响。英国是瑞典的第四大贸易合作伙伴。与其他受调国家的情况相似,这个因素可能动摇受调者对英国脱欧的看法。一般来说,一个国家向英国出口的商品越多,该国民众因英国脱欧产生的情绪越低落。 原文:In almost every country surveyed the better educated are more likely to think Brexit was unwise. On average 42% of people who did not finish secondary school thought it was the wrong choice, compared with 58% of those who had been to university. Moving up the income ladder also tends to lower the likelihood of backing Brexit. 译文:几乎所有受调国家当中,受过良好教育的人更倾向于认为英国脱欧并非明智之举。中学教育程度以下的民众当中平均42%的人认为英国脱欧是错误的选择,相比之下,上过大学的人口中有58%的人持此观点。如果以收入“阶梯”为尺度,收入越高,支持英国脱欧的可能性也越低。 原文:Slightly more Europeans want the EU to be tough with Britain (28%) than those who want a softer approach (26%). France is harshest: 39% of its people want Britain to be clobbered. Britons, unsurprisingly, are the most eager for generous terms. 译文:欧洲人当中,一些人希望欧盟对英国采取强硬态度(28%),一些人希望欧盟采取较温和的方式(26%),前者略多于后者。法国的态度最严苛:39%的法国人希望英国一败涂地。而英国人最渴望得到宽容,这也不足为奇。 原文:Britons diverge from continental thinking in another regard. They are more likely than those in any other EU state to believe their departure will spur others to leave. Fully 64% of them also reckon that Brexit will leave the EU economy weaker, the joint-highest estimate among all the countries asked. Breaking up a relationship is never easy, but when one side thinks it is God"s gift to political unions it becomes tougher still. 译文:英国人与欧洲大陆观点的分歧还体现在另一方面。与其他欧盟成员国的民众相比,英国人拥有更强烈的信念:英国与欧盟“分手”会促使其他国家脱离欧盟。高达64%的英国人还相信英国脱欧会造成欧盟经济疲软,这在受调国家当中综合估值最高。关系破裂绝非易事,但如果一方将其视为政治联盟获得的上天恩赐,这种情形则更加雪上加霜。 【文中词汇释义】
2023-08-04 19:02:351


Most of us like potatoes because they are delicious. Scientists tell us that they are good for our health. Potatoes are the best-known vegetables in the world. The potato is one of the main food in Europe. About a half of the world"s potatoes are grown in Europe. Europeans think potato flowers are beautiful. By the beginning of last century, the potato had been eaten in almost all the countries of the world. Eat more potatoes, and you will bee stronger. 我们大多数人喜欢土豆,因为它们是美味的。 科学家告诉我们,他们对我们的健康有好处。 土豆是世界上最著名的蔬菜。 土豆在欧洲的主要食品之一。 世界上一半的土豆种植在欧洲。 欧洲人认为土豆花是美丽的。 到上个世纪初,马铃薯已经被吃掉了几乎在世界所有国家。 吃更多的土豆,你将变得更强大。 本作文仅供参考 满意请采纳 谢谢
2023-08-04 19:03:082


1.Purple Mountain is the highest mountain that i see in nanjing.2.David is one of the most helpful friends that we have.3.The more i see him,the more i love him.4.We regret to inform you that you didn"t pass the exam.5.The boy who develops an interest in Stamp-collecting comes everyday. 6.Please pay attention to listen to the content that your teacher say in class.7. Experience is the best teacher, from which you can learn a lot. 8. The teacher who is preparing papers requires all students to prepare. 9. To his regret that he gave up teaching career in 1997.10. You should pay attention to the window that can not close. 11. It is important that your ability, not your count.(有疑问) 12. We should not be ashamed of our appearance. 13. In order to maintain a slim figure, he work out to the gym to exercise regularly. 14. I think that his recommendations are worth considering. 15. People are more likely to concentrate on things that they are interested. 16. They all think that it is my first visit to the city. As a matter of fact, I have lived here for two years.17. He attempted to speak, but asked to remain silent temporarily. 18. A number of chemicals are used in modern agriculture has a tremendous effect on the environment .19. You can not rule out the possibility that he made up the story , so you ought to investigate it. 20. We have taken steps to protect natural resources.21. We should not be curious about what we needn"t know. 22. If invited, he will come . 23. I stood there until the car they are taking is out of sight. 24. Whether we hold sports competition tomorrow depends on the weather conditions.25. Newspapers should accurately report everything as it was.
2023-08-04 19:03:278


routinely 常规routinely 常规routinely 常规routinely 常规
2023-08-04 19:04:072


routine的记忆方法:rout- 破产,毁灭 + -ine 表形容词,经常性地破产,即日常的,常规的。一、发音英:[/ruu02d0u02c8tiu02d0n/];美:[/ruu02d0u02c8tiu02d0n/]二、中文翻译n. 常规;例行公事;日常工作adj. 常规的;例行的;平常的三、形式复数:routines派生词: routinely adv.四、短语搭配daily routine 日常生活morning routine 早晨的例行公事exercise routine 锻炼常规routine check 常规检查routine work 日常工作五、双语例句1.I have a daily routine that helps me stay organized.我有一个日常的例行程序,帮助我保持有条不紊。2.My morning routine includes exercise and meditation.我的早晨常规包括锻炼和冥想。3.The doctor gave the patient a routine check.医生对患者进行了常规检查。4.We need to change our exercise routine.我们需要改变我们的锻炼常规。5.He has to deal with a lot of routine work.他需要处理很多日常工作。六、用法1."routine"作为名词,通常指常规的、例行的、日常的工作或活动;2.作为形容词,常用于描述事物或行为的常规性,例如"routine check"(常规检查),"routine work"(日常工作)。
2023-08-04 19:04:141


您好,routine英语发音音标:英 [ru:u02c8ti:n];美 [ruu02c8tin]汉语贴近字音:[乳忊]意思:n. [计算机] 程序;例行公事;日常工作;固定节目adj. 例行的;常规的;日常的;普通的复数: routines派生词:routinely例句:We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.我们试着让婴儿按时进食和睡觉。The operator has to be able to carry out routine maintenance of the machine.操作员必须能对机器进行日常维护。Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。
2023-08-04 19:04:441


  汉语词语,指平时的,经常的。那么,你知道日常的英语怎么说吗?   日常的英文释义:   daily   everyday   routinely   日常的英文例句:   我们须在我们日常公务中建立一些制度。   We must introduce some system into our office routine.   有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。   Many items in daily use are made out of plastic.   在日常会话中,你是请求别人做事,而不是 "命令" 他们。   In everyday conversation, you request people to do things, not "order" them.   我还可以看到在日常生活中是怎样使用英语的。   I can see how English is used in everyday life as well.   很多日常生活用品是用塑料制成的。   Many items in daily use are made of plastic.   对于其他参与者,专案可以很好地融入日常生活,适合作为日常散步的一部分。   For others the project fits nicely into everyday life as part of a daily walk.   固定单位时间用日常生活中所使用的固定时间单位去分析市场价格活动是正确的观念?   Is this fixed time concept a right way to *** yze the market activities?   我也看到了日常事务的显著改变。   I do see markable change in routine activities.   在日常生活里,我们看到很多事物。   In everyday life we see a lot of things.   我们应当使日常生活规律化。   We ought to regulate our daily life.   他们的日常工作是用旧轮胎再生橡胶。   Their daily work is to reclaim rubber from old tyres.   在处理日常遇到的困难时,人们往往倾向于把小问题看得过于严重。   When it es to dealing with daily obstacles, people have a tendency towardcatastrophizing.   原子能已发现多年,但至今仍未广泛用于工业或日常生活方面。   Atomic energy has been discovered for many years, but so far it has not beenwidely used in industry or in our daily life.   但我们要怎样在忙碌的日常生活中得到它呢?   But how can we find it in the busy daily life?   在他们每个行动阶段和日常决定,他们都会想到他们的未来。   At each stage of their actions and daily decisions, they thought of their future.   虽然我也付钱了,但是对于这些日常方便设施的发明或发现我却什么都没做过。   I pay for all of these things, but I had nothing to do with the invention or discoveryof these daily amenities.   你的日常工作是什么?   What is your day job?   我去做志愿者是因为它能让我从日常生活中抽身而出。   I volunteer because it takes me out of my daily life.   在日常生活中,它暗示一旦我给了你某样东西,你就会感觉被强迫要给会我某件东西。   On an everyday level it means that if I give you something, you feel pelled togive me something back.   你对日常生活中周围的物体有什么样的想法呢?   What do you think about the objects around you in daily life?   把我们的经验复述给朋友和同事是我们日常生活中都做过的事情。   Retelling our experiences to friends and colleagues is something we all do as part of everyday life.   要做到这一点,我们首先要把它们找出来,从日常生活的种种中搜寻出来以备进一步的调查。   To do so, we first have to identify them, to pick them out of the flow of daily life forcloser examination.   假如你的目标当中有一个是写一本书,那么你为了写这本书就要有一个简单的日常习惯,至少是每天写一个小时。   If one of your goals is to write a book, a simple daily habit would be to work onyour book for at least one hour per day   下面是一个如何自动化一个日常活动的例子。   This is an example of how to automate a routine activity.   这个问题已经不是关于我是否能够在日常生活是使用开源软体;真正的问题是,如果没有开源软体,我能够做这样多的事情吗?   The question is no longer whether I can use open source software in my daily life;the question is whether I could do much of anything without it.   每当我思考这些事情,将它们应用到我的日常生活并从中受益时,如果每次我能做正确的事情...   When I"m thinking about these things and applying them to my daily life and they work, I go, “Ah ha!   让你所做的成为你日常生活的一部分,成为你自己的一部分。   Make what you do part of your daily life, part of who you are.   在日常生活中,如果你使用这个句子,人们将会对你掌握英语的程度目瞪口呆。   If you use this in your daily life you will stun people with your mastery of English.   但是我们都同意这一点,那个每天在日常生活中奔忙的自己,并不是我们真实的自己。   But we all agree that the busy self occupied in our daily activities is not quite thereal self.
2023-08-04 19:04:511


Regarding to the letter I received from personel department on July 22 2009 I would like to express my deepest apology for it and explain here for the reason of the missing records on my attendence card as below: 1. I fot to record my attendence when back to office (In my hurry I always habitually walk into the office with no sense to take a record at the entrance. 2. After that I lost my staff card in mid June (it was found later). Therefore I was unable to record my attendence. (Sometimes using USB to take records failed) Except on July 14 as my annual leave I have gone to work every working day in June and July according to attendence record. And on July 7 I have gone outside to work in Wanchai. (Due to tight time I did not e back office to take an attendence record) And on July 21 I have gone to see doctor in Tuen Mun clinic that could be proved with my sick leave certificate which will be provided later. I understand the principal and standpoint of the pany in issuing that warning letter to me for my explanation on the matter. I will be alerted of the importance of keeping a good track in attendence record afterwards for personnel department"s record. Thank you so much for its reminder on this! Eventually I promise to coordinate well with the department in taking attendence record when working outside in the future thanks! 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! I had received the notice from the Human Resources Department on 7/22/09 and I deeply apologize for this matter. I have also listed the reasons of absence as follows: I fot to punch in the card when arriving the pany (I was in a hurry and I had no sense of punching in the card after opening the door). I lost my working ID in the middle of the month (Had retrieved later) so that"s the reason why there was no records of punching in (Sometimes I will fail to punch in due to the fact that I am using my fingers to do so). In the reporting to work records of June and July I have been going to work everyday except the annual holiday of July 14th. On July 7th I was on the field in Wanchai (I didn"t return to the pany to punch in due to the time constraints). On Jly 27th I consulted the doctor in the Tuen Mun Clinic. Proof of doctor notice will follow. Based on the aforementioned reasons I totally understand the principle and standing of the pany. Therefore I wrote this letter to explain my situations. I understand this is a warning and I will remember to punch in from now on. Thanks for the reminder from the Human Resources Department! Lastly I will coordinate with the Human Resources Department in regards to the matters of out on the field. Thank you! Myself in 22/7/09 have received human resources departments notice deeply feels the apology regarding this matter myself. But myself this as follows indication related does not have the demonstration to go to work now the attendance record reason: 1. Myself return to when the pany fot has hit the card (time caught up with anxiously routinely opened the door on has not hit card consciousness) 2. After that in June middle ten days has lost the work identification now because of myself (after has retrieved) therefore period has not hit the card record. (because certain time hits card with finger to be able to have defeat situation) In June and July attendance record the entire month's workday has goes to work (besides July 14 new years vacation) Moreover on July 7 works myself morning to Wanzai (obstructs in time limits therefore does not have to return to pany to hit card first) Based on the above all sorts of reasons myself understand to pany principle and the standpoint therefore sends out this letter to inform myself to explain myself understand and take this as the security will hit the card to make the record sincerely in the future for the human resources department and will thank human resources department reminder! Finally like related will hit the card going out on duty matters concerned in the day to be able in the future to coordinate surely with the human resources department to thank mutually! But on July 21 goes see a doctor myself morning to the Tuen Mun clinic (attaches medical unfinished paper proof) later makes up. 22/7/09 I had received notice of the Ministry of Personnel I deeply apologize for this matter. And below I present this expression does not appear to work on the attendance records of the reasons for this: 1. I have fotten to return to the pany playing cards (longer than the rising habitually opened the door there would be no sense of playing cards) 2. Then in mid-June it is because I lost a work permit (in the latter have been recovered) the record did not play cards. (For some time to play cards with your fingers there will be failure) In June and July of attendance records the The entire working day every month to work (with the exception of the July 14 annual leave) July 7 In addition I am working in Wan Chai (due to time constraints there is no card to play back to the pany) And July 21 I am to see a doctor in Tuen Mun clinic (with doctor"s certificate) later. For all these reasons I understand that the pany"s principles and position so I sent this letter to inform the interpretation and use it as I understand the warning that it will I would like to have to fight for record cards for the Ministry of Personnel and thanked the Ministry of Personnel reminder! Finally in the ing days if the attendance of playing cards will co-ordinate with the Ministry of Personnel Thank you! 参考: me
2023-08-04 19:05:201


  托福写作除了词汇量要达到以外,还有很多提分点的哦。为托福栏目大家带来托福考试写作范文素材:名人的坏影响,希望对大家备考托福有所帮助!    新托福写作范文素材:名人的坏影响   The recent 2015 MTV Video Music Awards event was notable u2013 not for the recognition of award recipients, but for the public spat between host Miley Cyrus and hip-hop artist Nicki Minaj.   Whether real or staged, the hurling of insults and aggressive behavior dominated mainstream press coverage of the ceremony surely much to the delight of MTV.   Both Minaj and Cyrus are known for courting controversy and have been criticized for being “bad” role models for young people, particularly girls and young women. But what if the mainstream media considered that young people actually use incidents such as this and celebrity culture in a wider sense in a whole host of complex ways to negotiate their identities?   A well-publicized survey of UK parents with children under ten years old voted both Cyrus and Minaj as the worst role models for their daughters. This came even before the recent spat.   The dislike of Minaj and Cyrus appears to be centered on their penchant for dressing provocatively and being outspoken about their sexuality. In predictable contrast, the Duchess of Cambridge was considered the most positive influence on young girls. The worst male offenders were musicians and performers Kanye West, Justin Bieber and former One Direction band member Zayn Malik.   Obsessed with celebrity   Discourse in this vein is not a new phenomenon. Musicians and performers have long been considered to influence young people in negative ways. In the 21st century, the impact of celebrity culture on society, especially on young people, has come under scrutiny.   Are todayu2019s youth obsessed with celebrity? Is this detrimental to society? Can celebrities ever have a positive influence on young people? Does celebrity culture really matter? These are complex and plural questions to which there are few, if any, concrete answers. However, what is routinely ignored in mainstream media is young peopleu2019s sense of agency.   Much of the research and commentary surrounding such questions is centred on how celebrity culture may impact upon health and well being in terms of eating disorders or mental health issues.   The rise and dominance of social media sites such as Instagram and their links to the glorification of “super-skinny” celebrities have been cited as influences in the rise of eating disorders in young people.   The British Psychological Society recently said experts warned that youngsters arefinding it increasingly difficult to cope with images permeating from a celebrity culture in which thin bodies are celebrated, larger ones are ridiculed and children are sexualised.   Sense of identity   It is logical to suggest that continual exposure to celebrity culture impacts in negative ways on some young peopleu2019s senses of identity. This may well affect health and well being, but how this happens and to what degree is incredibly complex. We must also consider the ways in which the media choose to present rather narrow ideas about how celebrities u2013 particularly female ones u2013 should behave and how they should look.   Those whose behaviour falls outside of these narrow ideas are often condemned as being wayward, controversial and difficult. Indeed young people may well negotiate their own gendered identities through the celebrity and by talking about them with their peers. The Celeb Youth project in the United Kingdom is an excellent example of much needed academic research into the field of celebrity and identity. It focused on the influence of celebrities in the construction of young peopleu2019s aspirations.
2023-08-04 19:06:381


照例的英文是:as a rule。as a rule:通常;一般说来。as usual:像往常一样。usually:通常;经常;一般;向来;一直。as a rule的近义词:in generalin,the ordinary,course of events。双语例句:1、照例,他每周五回家。As a rule,he goes back home every Friday.2、春节照例放假七天。As usual people will have seven days off for the Spring Festival.3、涉及国家安全的文件照例不得出版。Documents of national security importance are routinely embargoed.4、其余大臣们的任命照例得晚一些。The appointment of other Ministers usually takes a little longer.
2023-08-04 19:06:452


  都有哪些?下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   1   As he has been in prison several times, he is a prime suspect for the case.由于他坐过几次牢,他是此案件的主嫌犯。   Now that these studies have provided us with more convenient, versatile antibiotic strategies for treating low-risk patients with fever and neutropenia, outpatient treatment of these diseases seem justified.由于这些研究提供我们较方便、多用途的抗生素,以治疗患有发烧以及嗜中性白血球减少症的低危险群患者,那么以门诊方式处理这些疾病似乎就显得名正言顺。   Critici *** is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes.批评是必要的,因为批评有助于我们改正错误。   The reason why we failed is that the costs were too high.我们失败的原因是成本太高。   He plains with reason that he has been punished unfairly.他有所抱怨,理由是他受到的处罚不公平。   There is no reason to believe that he is dishonest.我们没有理由相信他是不诚实的。 Give me your reasons for doing it.告诉我你这么做的理由。   For these reasons, it appears that the patients we studied viewed "alternative" medicine as a plement to rather than an alternative to established medical practices for treating breast cancer.基于这些理由,我们研究的病患似乎把另类疗法视为治疗乳癌的补充疗法,而非替代疗法。   The decline in sales is due to several factors.销售下降要归咎于若干因素。 Many people are unemployed as a result of the economic slump.很多人因为经济不景气而失业。   As a result, physicians may be reluctant to treat the mother aggressively at the time of initial diagnosis.因此,医生或许会不愿意在初次诊断的时候,就积极的治疗这位母亲。   As a consequence, many researchers routinely violate its requirements.因此,许多研究人员经常违反规定。   As a consequence of the results of the aforementioned *** yses, patients referring pain located at the right epigastrium were selected and further evaluated.基于前述分析之结果,病患称右上腹部疼痛的,我们会加以筛选,再进一步评估。   Thanks to the new technology, these problems have largely been eliminated.感谢这个新科技,这些问题大体上都消除了。   2   I lost my card so I have to apply for a new one. 我的卡掉了,所以我必须申请一张新卡。   I think, therefore I am.我思故我在   I gave him my advice; I hope he may profit thereby.我已经劝告他了,我希望他会因此而受惠。   He worked hard, and hence his success.他努力工作,因此就成功了。   From this evidence it follows that he is not the murderer.从这项证据推定,他不是凶手。   According to the weather forecast, we will have rain tomorrow.根据气象预测,明天将下雨。   Based on a true story, the book portrays the village as a pleasant place.根据真实故事,此本书把这村庄描绘成一个令人愉快的地方。   In view of the prisoner"s good character hitherto, he was placed on probation.有鉴于此囚犯到目前为止所表现的品行,他获得缓刑。   In light of the new evidence, we decided to take the manufacturer to court.由于这项新证据,我们决定控告厂商。   Seeing that he is young, his salary is not so bad.因为他还年轻,他的薪水还不错。 In consideration of his hard work, we paid him well.因为他工作努力,我们给他丰厚的报酬。   Out of consideration for his family, they didn"t di *** iss him.考虑到他的家庭,他们没有开除他。   Owing to the rain, the match was canceled.因为天雨,比赛取消了。   Accordingly, we infer that the cognitive structures proposed by Piaget is not valid for explaining the course of cognitive development during the stage.因此,我们推论,Piaget所提出的认知架构,无法解释此阶段的认知发展。   Cell types have been implicated in the etiology of autoimmune diseases.细胞型态一直是自动免疫系统疾病的肇因之一   Other factors may all play important roles in the development of progressive liver disease.其他因素在进行性肝病的发展上,也都可能扮演重要角色。   Genetic factors are important in the development of most autoimmune diseases.基因在大部分自动免疫疾病的发展上都是重要的因素。   What the researchers found, after adjusting for age and other risk factors, was a direct link between how much the men *** oked and how sick they got.调整年龄以及其他危险因素后,研究人员发现,抽多少香菸与病情的严重性,有直接的关连。   Recreational physical activity was inversely related to the risk of cholecystectomy.休闲活动越多,越不会发生胆囊切除手术的需要,两者在因果关系上成反比。   The storm was responsible for most of the damage.这次损失的大部分都要归咎于这场风暴。   We observed a significant association between temperatures and crime rates.我们观察到天气温度与犯罪率之间有重大关连。   Our studies support the idea that there is a correlation between genetic defects and certain diseases.我们的研究支援一种看法,那就是,基因缺陷与某些疾病之间有关连。 The increase is attributable to the ad campaign.此项增长要归功于广告活动。 The fair weather contributed to the success of the expedition.良好的天气促成了这次探险的成功。   3   1.due to   due to表示“由于”,可作表语,用于be due to结构,to为介词,其后需跟名词、名词性短语或代词等;due to也可用作状语。例如:   The high rate of unemployment is due to the recession. 失业率高是由于经济不景气造成的。作表语 His success is due to hard work.   他的成功是努力工作的结果。作表语   The match was cancelled due to rain.   因为下雨比赛被取消了。作状语   2.cause/lead to   在主动语态的句子中,to cause/to lead to意义相近,表示“导致,引起”。需注意在lead to中to为介词,其后需跟名词、名词性短语或代词等,另外,lead to不能用于被动语态。例如:   The recession caused/lead to the higher rate of unemployment.   经济的萧条导致了失业率增高。   The higher rate of unemployment was caused by the recession.   3.because of   because of 是复合介词,表示“因为”。例如:   The high rate of unemployment is because of the recession.   I came back because of the rain.   因为下雨我就回来了。   Crime can occur because of poverty.   犯罪可因贫穷而造成。   Because the duration of action of the toxin is limited, treatment of ten must be given about every three months. 因为此毒素的作用时期是有限的,每三个月必须治疗一次。 Because of his inpetence, we lost a lot of business.因为他的能力不足,我们失去很多生意。   Just because I don"t plain doesn"t mean I"m satisfied.就因为我不发怨言,并不表示我很满意。   Since this research cannot be justified on the basis of its therapeutic benefit for the patient, it must be considered nontherapeutic.由于此研究不能以治疗带来的利益来衡量,我们必须从治疗以外的角度来看此研究。   The argument is fallacious, for it is based on a set of factual flaws.这段论述是谬误的,因为它的基础与事实不符。   21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源入口网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网    看过的人还:
2023-08-04 19:06:531


  英语新闻如何翻译呢?和我一起从新闻英语开始着手吧~以下是详细内容:   美英新闻刊物形形色色,内容涉及十分广泛,如时事报导、社论、述评、特写、广告等,所以其采用的文体也不尽相同。本文中所讨论的新闻文体主要是新闻报导(news story, news report)、评论(comments)和特写(features)等。新闻有其独特的文体特征,新闻报导的翻译,除遵循一般的翻译原则外,还应遵循新闻翻译的基本规律。    1. 语言总体风格   首先从语言风格上讲,不同刊物有不同的语言风格,不同类型的文章也有不同的文体特点,然而其写作都受一些共同因素的影响,因而也形成了共同的新闻英语特色。第一,新闻刊物是大众传播媒介,读者面较宽,其语言必须适应广大读者的阅读水平——大众性是其一大特点。第二,西方新闻界十分注重阅读趣味。有的新闻学家称它为“新闻价值(news values)的试金石”。为了增加报导的趣味性,不仅要求报导内容,而且要求它所运用的语言要适应读者的爱好和阅读习惯。第三,节俭是精练语言的重要手段,也是出于报刊节约篇幅的实际需要。在西方社会,广告利润丰厚,报刊十分珍惜版面篇幅。要在有限的篇幅里报导尽可能多的内容,新闻写作人员就得采取一切手段来浓缩和精炼语言。上述三个因素,即大众性、趣味性和节俭性构成了新闻英语在语言风格上的特色。   新闻英语的语言有趣易懂,简洁精炼,用非常经济的语言表达丰富的内容。因此我们在翻译过程中应尽可能删去可用可不用但又不影响表达内容完整与准确的词。此外,新闻语体语言清晰,不能模棱两可,更不应晦涩难懂,但同时,新闻语体又讲究表达有力、叙述生动,因而我们翻译时必须在用词上多加锤炼,表现出新闻文体的总貌。    2. 词汇特点   其次,新闻英语也有其明显的词汇特点。第一,常用词汇有特定的新闻色彩。新闻报导常使用某些词汇来表达事实和事件,因此这些词汇经过长期使用后逐渐取得与新闻报导相联系的特殊意义,成为新闻体词语(journalistic words)。例如,horror一词是新闻标题中长用的词,用以表示不幸事故和暴力行动,再如nadir常指“两国关系的最低点”。此外,新闻报导中还有一些约定俗成的套语,如according to sources concerned (据有关方面报导),cited as saying(援引u2026的话)。第二,使用“小词”。小词(midget words)即简短词,一般为单音节词。小词的广泛使用一是由于报纸篇幅有限,用小词可以免于移行,二是由于小词的词义范畴很宽,一般比较生动灵活。新闻英语称这类词为synonyms of all work (万能同义词),如back(支持), ban(禁止)等。第三,大量使用缩略语。这主要是为了节省时间和篇幅。比如WB(world bank世界银行), ASP(American selling price美国销售价), biz (business商业)等。第四,临时造词。为了表达需要和追求新奇,新闻报导常常使用“临时造词/生造词”, 即临时创造或拼凑起来的词或词组,例如Euromart(European market 欧洲市场),haves and have-not(富人和穷人)等。   从词汇方面的四个特点来看, 我们在汉英翻译过程中要做到以下几点:   第一,要熟悉英美报刊经常使用的特定词汇,比如   新闻词汇 普通词汇   ban prohibition   clash disgreement   curb decrease   cut reduction   round a serious of action   shock astonishment   boost rise increase   第二,平时多留意“小词”、“生造词”和缩略词。   第三,准确理解词义,不可望文生义。   例: In a society where many people routinely break laws against blackmarket activities just to get by, everyone is vulnerable to denunciation by a neighbor or friend who has his own sins to hide.   译文:许多人为了糊口经常搞违法黑市买卖。在这样一个社会里,人人都有被告发的危险,个个都有违法的事要隐瞒。   在这个例子中,just to get by 不应从字面意思理解为“仅仅去一下”,而对于 “sin” 的理解,“违法的事”显然比“原罪”要贴合原文。    3. 语法特点   再次,新闻英语的语法特点也很显著。第一,时态的使用。在英语新闻中现在时被广泛使用。为了造成事件正在进行中的效果,给人以真实感,无论是标题或是正文都常常采用现在时代替过去时。另外,甚至在said, told, reported, added等动词过去时后面的that宾语从句中,过去时也常常为现在时态所替代。第二,较多使用扩展的简单句。由于报刊篇幅有限,新闻文体在语法方面一个重要特点是句型的高度扩展,结构严谨,将丰富的信息压缩在有限的篇幅中。常见的方法有使用同位语、介词短语、分词短语等语言成分扩展简单句,有时还较多的使用插入语代替从句,从而简化句子结构。第三,前置修饰语高度浓缩。新闻文体为了使句子结构紧凑严密,大量使用前置修饰语修饰名词,如a hand grenade and machine gun attack。   基于这些语法特点,在翻译过程中,要结合汉语的语言习惯,注意以下几点。第一,翻译时注意中英文在新闻中不同时态的表达方法:英语中多用现在时态,汉语中多用过去时态,且汉语往往借助时间词,如“昨天”、“明日”、“将”等以衬托时间关系。第二,针对新闻英语在句式和修饰方面的特点,可以采用切断、拆译、倒译、插入和重组等方法进行英汉和汉英对译。   例:But one White House aide said the Administration had all but abandonedhope of resuming the political talks in Jesusalem which were suspended when Sadat withdrew his delegation three weeks ago.   译文:但有一名白宫助理人员说,政府几乎已放弃了在耶路撒冷恢复政治谈判的希望。这次谈判是两个星期前由于萨达特撤出谈判代表团而宣告中断的。    4. 文化因素和国情因素   要做好新闻的翻译工作,译者除了应具备语言知识外,还需要具备必要的文化常识和政治常识,要注意扩大知识面,这样才不会误译或导致严重后果。比如有过这样一条电讯:“1956年7月,尼克松再度来到远东,他到菲律宾、南越、台湾、泰国、巴基斯坦和土耳其六国活动。” 这条电讯可能来自外文资料,但译者在翻译此资料时,把台湾和南越当成独立的国家。这样的报导可能会引起严重的后果。    5. 语言差异——编译和解释性翻译   此外,考虑到中英两种语言习惯的差异,尤其是在很多情况下,对外新闻报导的翻译往往采用非逐字对译法,这就需要引入另外两种翻译方法——编译和解释性翻译。   编译——由于新闻价值的作用,在对外新闻报导的翻译中,要考虑外国受众的要求和兴趣,对新闻内容进行选择,有的放矢。因此有时在国内报导中占相当篇幅的新闻,在对外报导中则被编译成简讯、图片新闻等。   例: 从容上阵枪响世惊   李对红喜摘射击金牌   以687.9环创下新的奥运记录   我国女子运动员李对红今天在女子运动手枪决赛中,以687.9环   战胜所有对手,并创造新的奥运记录。她为中国射击队在本届奥运会上夺得了第一块金牌,也使中国代表团夺得的金牌总数上升为6枚。(《光明日报》 1996.7.2)   译文: Li Shoots Nationu2019s 6th Gold   Chinau2019s Li Duihong won the womenu2019s 25-meter sport pistol Olympic   gold with a total of 687.9points early this morning Beijing time. (China Daily, July 27, 1996)   从这个例子中我们可以发现译者并不是逐字翻译,而是兼顾了中英文两种语言特色,句子结构和语态也发生了变化。   解释性翻译——新闻讲求清晰易懂。同英语新闻一样,汉语新闻报导词语求新,“行话”、“历史典故”等丰富多样。要想清晰通俗易懂地把它们翻译出来,介绍给国外读者,常常需要使用解释性翻译的方法。具体说来,有关历史事件、地理名称、我国独有的机构、节日、习俗、行话、套话和历史典故等都需要采用解释性的翻译方法。比如“巴金”译作“Chinese writer Ba Jin”, 又如“江苏”译作“Jiangsu in east China”,以便让外国读者了解以上这些地方的地理位置及特点。   下面这个例子就进行了必要的解释性翻译。   译文:Every child entering the world in the lunar year that began last Saturday is born in the year of the Rooster, according to traditional Chinese reckoning.   这篇报导就对中国人特有的“生肖”做了一番解释。    6. 结束语   通过本文的上述阐释,我们在新闻的对译过程中,除了要遵循翻译的一般原则,还需注意新闻的文体特点;而要提高新闻的翻译水平就需要做到语言知识丰富、词义理解正确、语法概念清晰、文化知识广博。
2023-08-04 19:07:411

翻译A year ago August, Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan

百度一下“酷影模式” 你懂得
2023-08-04 19:07:492


羊是一个临时控股区,应用程序指令、数据和操作系统。在个人电脑芯片,通常是几个小电路板,或插入主机计算机系统内的单位。 公羊是“候车室”为计算机处理器。它拥有原始数据,这是等待处理,以及对数据处理程序指令。此外,羊的结果直到他们能储存处理更永久磁盘或磁带和操作系统的基本功能,控制指令的计算机系统。这些指令装入RAM每次你启动你的电脑,他们留在那里直到你关掉你的电脑。在内存中,微小的电子零件称为电容举行的位代表数据。你能想象电容器与微观灯可开启或关闭。带电的电容器是“打开”和“1”。一个排放电容器是“关掉”和“0”。各银行拥有8 bits-one电容器byte-of数据。一只公绵羊在各银行都有助于解决计算机,定位数据进行处理。 羊的内容可以改变仅仅通过改变电荷的电容器。与磁盘存储,大多数羊不稳定,这意味着它需要电力数据。如果电脑关机,或如果没电了,所有的数据都存储在RAM立即和永久消失了。内存容量是通常表示在兆。今天的个人电脑的典型特征,512mb的64之间的公羊。内存电脑所需要的软件,取决于你所使用的。RAM要求照例在外面的一个软件。如果你需要更多的内存,你可以购买和安装额外的存储器上设定的电脑制造商。今天的个人电脑操作系统是非常adep
2023-08-04 19:08:083

帮忙翻译下 谢谢

两天后,一个阿尔伯特·销售代表耗资2,159买一个整体,slow-smoked猪、桃子鞋匠和其他固定装置一起去烧烤野餐晚宴Midei家患病的一份报告称,周一公布的法案。晚餐被,只是一小部分,在数以百万计的工资,患病的肥Midei津贴为让更多的患者支架在几乎比其他任何医生在巴尔的摩。 参议院财政委员会开始调查医疗保险监管在今年2月Midei患病的一系列文章巴尔的摩的太阳说博士Midei至医疗中心,在约瑟在陶森天体支架的患者中不需要他们,采取从高类医疗保险和私人保险。 虽然参议员从10000份档案听取“艾博特和至约瑟。预先准备好的报告给《纽约时报》,认为“可能会Midei患病,585支架植入不必要的医疗“从2007年增加到2009年。380万美元买下了医疗660万美元的指控那些程序。 该报告还描述了患病的密切关系,Midei和阿伯特·实验室收费咨询心脏科医生费用,他离开医院后。”严重指控患病人索赔有关Midei心脏支架植入不必要的医疗似乎并没有阻止雅培公司帮助他的兴趣,”报告状态。 该案件已变成了一个合法的困境,Midei约瑟至为患病,数百名患者的起诉的人宣称他们收到了不必要的植入物。一些医生说此事件已经揭示了不适宜的治疗的水平,比大多数患者知道更常见。 “究竟发生了什么事情在巴尔的摩正在现在在美国的每个城市都Nissen博士说:“人的首领,史蒂文·克利夫兰诊所的心血管医学,他说他照例只治疗病人经受了多个不需要的支架。“我们会花费一大笔钱工作流程为一个国家
2023-08-04 19:08:191


What makes a good teacherGood teachers have a sense of purpose. You can"t be good in a generic sense; you have to be good for something. As a teacher, this means that you know what your students expect, and you make plans to meet those expectations. You, too, have expectations about what happens in your classroom, based on the goals you"re trying to achieve. If you want to prepare your students for employment, you expect punctuality and good attendance. If you teach a GED class, you spend time explaining the format of the test and helping students to improve their test-taking skills. And if you want your students to become better, more involved readers, you allow time for reading and provide access to books.Good teachers have expectations of success for all students.This is the great paradox of teaching. If we base our self-evaluation purely on the success of our students, we"ll be disappointed. At all levels, but especially in adult education, there are simply too many factors in students"lives for a teacher to be able to guarantee success to all. At the same time, if we give up on our students, adopting a fatalistic, "it"s out of my hands" attitude, students will sense our lack of commitment and tune out. The happy medium can be achieved with a simple question: Did I do everything that I could in this class, this time, to meet the needs of all my students, assuming that complete success was possible? As long as you can answer in the affirmative, you"re creating a climate for success.Good teachers know how to live with ambiguity. One of the greatest challenges of teaching stems from the lack of immediate, accurate feedback. The student who walks out of your classroom tonight shaking his head and muttering under his breath about algebra may burst into class tomorrow proclaiming his triumph over math, and thanking you for the previous lesson. There is no way to predict precisely what the long-term results of our work will be. But if we have a sense of purpose informing our choice of strategies and materials, and we try to cultivate expectations of success for all our students, we will be less likely to dwell on that unpredictability, choosing instead to focus on what we can control, and trusting that thoughtful preparation makes good outcomes more likely than bad ones.Good teachers adapt and change to meet student needs.Can we really claim to have taught a class in geography if no one learned any of the concepts in the lesson from our presentation? If none of our students ever pick up a book outside of the classroom, have we really taught them to be better readers? We don"t always think about these issues, but they are at the heart of effective teaching. A great lesson plan and a great lesson are two entirely different things; it"s nice when one follows the other, but we all know that it doesn"t always work out that way. We teach so that students will learn, and when learning doesn"t happen, we need to be willing to devise new strategies, think in new ways, and generally do anything possible to revive the learning process. It"s wonderful to have a good methodology, but it"s better to have students engaged in good learning.Good teachers are reflective. This may be the only infallible, absolute characteristic of all good teachers, because without it, none of the other traits we"ve discussed can fully mature. Good teachers routinely think about and reflect on their classes, their students, their methods, and their materials. They compare and contrast, draw parallels and distinctions, review, remove and restore. Failing to observe what happens in our classes on a daily basis disconnects us from the teaching and learning process, because it"s impossible to create connectivity if you"ve disconnected yourself.
2023-08-04 19:08:291


2023-08-04 19:08:481


  Oceans Claim our Attention   Weu2019ve already pushed the world oceans close to -and in some cases, past-their natural limits, according to a recently released report on the state of our oceans by the World Watch Institute.   The increasing number of citizen groups, business and governments taking an active interest in slowing down the destruction and pollution of the ocean is encouraging, says senior researcher and author Anne platt Mcginn, citing a host of efforts already under way: 1. Unilever, which controls 20 percent of the whitefish market in Europe and US, has agreed to buy only fish caught and produced in an environmentally sustainable manner. 2. Volunteers in the philippines, Thailand, India, and Ecuador are replanting mangrove areas to repair earlier damage from shrimp farming. 3. In northern Sulawesia, citizens have cleared coral reefs of harmful invasive species. 4. The United States and Canada have each banned oil drilling on large portions of their continental shelves.   0n the downside, Safeguarding the Health of oceans says that seven out of ten commercial fish species are fully or overexploited and even worse, many of their spawning grounds have been cleared to make room for shrimp ponds, golf courses and beach resorts. Habitat degradation, resulting from development, agricultural run off, sewage pollution and destructive fishing practices has led to a tripling in the number of poisonous algal species identified by scientists, increasing fish kills, beach closures, and economic losses.   The impact on the economy is significant. people obtain an average of 16 percent of their animal protein from fish, and people in developing countries are extremely dependent on reef fisheries for both food and income. Tourism accounts for a large piece of coastlines and medicines are being found in reef ecosystems every day. Even toothpaste and ice cream depend on the gel-forming properties of brown algae.   The problems facing the oceans are legion: the marine conversation community is fragmented, bans on destructive activities are routinely ignored, too many regulatory organizations have a development-first mindset and enforcement and oversight are ineffective, if not altogether lacking. oceans need to be protected locally, nationally, and internationally, according to McGinn. Right now, the United Nations General Assembly spends just one day a year covering issues that affect more than half of the planet. The report suggests that a tax of one tenth of one percent on industrial and recreational ocean activities would generate $500 million a year, more than five times and the annual budgets the International Maritime organization and the Fisheries Department of the UN Food and Agriculture organization.   However, the most productive areas of the ocean are under national jurisdiction and 80 percent of oceanic pollution originates on land. This means that addressing global marine issues requires strong national and local policies. problems remain far from resolved.   1. The word sustainable in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .   A. maintainable   B. reasonable   C. understandable   D. respectable   2. Whatu2019s the probable relationship between mangrove growing and shrimp farming in the philippines?   A. The growth of mangroves kept shrimps from reproducing.   B. Large areas of mangroves were damaged because of shrimp farming.   C. Mangroves helped shrimps grow fast.   D. Shrimp farming gave rise to rapid growth of mangroves.   3. Which of the following statements is not the result of destructive fishing practices?   A. Seventy-percent commercial fish species are over exploited.   B. Many of fishesu2019 spawning grounds have been destroyed.   C. Economic losses are on the increase.   D. Each country has already taken measures to destructive activities.   4. What will happen if an organization takes a development-first attitude in environmental context?   A. It will take strong measures to prevent oceans from being further polluted.   B. It is going to exploit the oceanic resources first regardless of environmental protection.   C. It will not ignore bans on destructive activities.   D. It will not place development above other factors.   5. We can infer form the passage that .   A. problems at the international level continue to be difficult to resolve.   B. all countries are going to impose taxes on fishers and tourists.   C. the UN General Assembly has made strong policies with regard to oceanic protection.   D. the problems facing the oceans have already aroused sufficient attention.   参考答案:   1. A   第二段有这样一段话:---buy only fish caught and produced in an environmentally sustainable manner.即只购买那些环境上 sustainable 的地区捕获和生产的鱼类。据此可以推断,此处的sustainable 指可持续发展的。与之相近的词是maintainable   2. B   第二段告诉我们菲律宾的红树生长与虾养殖的关系。文中说:志愿者重新种植红树,以修复早期虾养殖引起的破坏。可见,虾养殖破坏了红树的.生长。   3. D   从第三段我们可以看出:70%的商业鱼种被过分捕捞;许多鱼类的产卵地被清理掉,以给虾池滕出地方;破坏性捕捞还使经济损失进一步增加。所以,A,B,C都是破坏性捕捞行为的结果。通过全文,我们可以看到,只有一些国家采取了措施禁止破坏性捕捞,并不是每个国家都采取了措施。   4. B   文章的第五段指出:那些对环境问题持有发展优先态度的组织忽略了禁止破坏性捕捞这一规定。由此可以推断,他们将无视环境保护问题,把海洋资源的开发放在第一位。   5. A   这篇文章实际上要通过一系列海洋破坏引起的后果给人们敲响环境保护的警钟。 文章在谈到环境保护的问题时称:这一问题还有待解决。由于海洋的多数富饶区都处在各个国家的管辖内,并且80%的海洋污染来源于陆地,所以我们可以由此推断:国际级的环境问题仍然很难解决。B 在捕鱼和观光中征税还是一个建议,文章没有告诉我们是否有国家会采纳这一建议。C 联合国某机构一年只花一天时间讨论这一问题,可见他们对海洋保护不够重视,文章也没有告诉我们联合国是否已经采取了有力的措施来保护海洋。D 从文章展示给我们的世界各国的海洋保护的现状来看,海洋问题并没有引起人们足够的重视。
2023-08-04 19:08:561


  Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day1 in the United States, often regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. In recent years, most major retailers have opened extremely early and offered promotional sales to kick off the holiday shopping season, similar to Boxing Day sales in many Commonwealth Nations. Black Friday is not an official holiday, but many non-retail employees and schools have both Thanksgiving and the day after off, followed by a weekend, thereby increasing the number of potential shoppers. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005, although news reports, which at that time were inaccurate, have described it as the busiest shopping day of the year for a much longer period of time.   The day"s name originated in Philadelphia, where it originally was used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic which would occur on the day after Thanksgiving. Use of the term started before 1961 and began to see broader use outside Philadelphia around 1975. Later an alternative explanation began to be offered: that “Black Friday” indicates the point at which retailers begin to turn a profit, or are “in the black”.   For many years, it was common for retailers to open at 6:00 am, but in the late 2000s many had crept6 to 5:00 or even 4:00. This was taken to a new extreme in 2011, when several retailers opened at midnight for the first time. In 2012, Walmart and several other retailers announced that they would open most of their stores at 8:00 pm on Thanksgiving Day (except in states where opening on Thanksgiving is prohibited due to blue laws, such as Massachusetts where they still opened around midnight), prompting calls for a walkout among some workers.7Another New Term—Black Thursday   In recent years, retailers have been trending towards opening on Black Thursday, occurring8 Thanksgiving evening. In 2011, Walmart began its holiday sale at 10:00 pm on Thanksgiving Day for the first time. In 2012, Walmart began its Black Friday sales at 8:00 pm on the day before Thanksgiving; stores that are normally open 24 hours a day on a regular basis started their sales at this time, while stores that do not have round-the-clock shopping hours opened at 8pm. A number of media sources began referring to this instead by the name Gray Thursday.
2023-08-04 19:09:021

Your company or organisation is becoming more successful. In order for this success to continue, yo

2023-08-04 19:09:342


问题一:“定期存款”和“活期存款”用英语怎么说 定期存款: [经] fixed deposit; term deposit; 有的国家喜欢叫time deposit,有的国家喜欢叫term deposit。还有叫bond的,叫 fixed deposit的。 term deposit 定期存款:有银行和贷款公司接受的,有着不同存放时间、不同利息和不同提款或赔付通知期的一笔存款。长期存款的利率通常略低于短期存款,提款通知期短的存款利率也低于提款通知期长的存款 。 time deposit 定期存款: (美国)存在一家银行的存款账户上,有利息、提款通知期至少需要30天的存款。 活期存款 [金融]current deposit; demand deposit; 问题二:定期账户用英文怎么说 定期账户 Regular account 问题三:定期做某事用英语怎么说如题 定期做某事 do something regularly 定期做某事 do something regularly 问题四:定期组织活动用英语怎么说 可以是 organize activities routinely 问题五:“定期存款”和“活期存款”用英语怎么说?? 10分 fixed deposit;time deposit定期存款 current deposit活期存款 问题六:定期刊物的英文怎么说 定期刊物 [词典] journal; periodical; [医] Jour; jour.; [例句]它包括过去对相关定期刊物、书本、报纸等的调查、研究和清楚表达。 It covers past research and studies and articles from relevant journals, books, newspapers, etc. 问题七:谁知道“存款单, 定期存款”用英文怎么说? 2. a deposit form 3. deposit slip 一种分条细列各个项目的凭证,能够表明存入特定账户的纸币、硬币和支票的确切金额。 4. CD(certificate of deposit) 经济人佣金 brokerage fee 存款单 CD(certificate of deposit) 营业额 turnover定期存款: 1. time deposit 2. fixed deposit 定期存款(Fixed Deposit)对投资者来说,是一个比较安全的投资方式,利率是固定的,可以进行短期和长期存款,但是,最长期限为五年。
2023-08-04 19:09:421


服装造型和配合的基础上建立的一个尺寸范围内,通常被指定为船长或样本大小。最常见的样本中的妇女的服装是一个错过8或10。每一个新的服装风格所介绍的产品开发人员的需要,主图案块的规模为大尺寸在较小的尺寸,正在考虑生产。这一过程的分级技术之间的差异的大小件的服装应该从人体测量从一个尺寸图。潜在的错误过程中的分级是伟大的,但技术已达到令人满意的效果。数额增加(或减少)从每个测量它的变化从一个大小下有时称为等级规则。大多数公司已经制定了一套规则,他们通常适用于新的风格的发展。该套测量反映之间的增量大小为每个年级的规则被称为等级规则表。有几种方法可用于分级。它可以通过手起草,其中每一件都是由手。然而,在今天的商业环境,分级通常是用机械或采用计算机分级系统。圆周分级评分规则制定适应大小变化,周长,长度,宽度。圆周等级显示多少服装增加环从一个大小下。重要的是,生长均匀分布点周围的身体而不是被添加在一个地方。这些测量通常是最的变化从一个到另一个尺寸大小,作为个人往往更多地反映不同周长比在高度。长度分级长度的等级是指被添加到服装长度作为大小进展到下一个。大多数这些测量有关的高度。长度必须按比例加入到身体的自然生长。典型的量的1 /4英寸长,每级的紧身应均匀分布的应用1 /8英寸以下的水平。这种增加必须适用于每件是参与等级。宽级配宽级配量是指测量添加到一个跨机构的地区,如从肩点到肩点。一级规则表有助于确定这些增量,因为往往是比较小的其他测量。
2023-08-04 19:09:533


摘要 结合在水化学和柠檬酸盐络合诱捕效果,经过一个辅助的有机凝胶提供了 简单和迅速的可能性高质量的组份合成氧化粉。稳定的解决方案的强烈的螯合物阳离子 得到控制,pH值的配体。这些方案是那么容易被原地形成的胶凝聚丙烯酰胺凝胶。 这是直接为积水凝胶热处理,导致罚款和纳米粉体。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶使 柠檬酸过程更简单、更迅速。化学均匀的粉末,通常很高的过程中,可以提高) 经过有机凝胶的效果。这个过程中,经常用于数以百计的准备工作进行了综合的四个 化合物的例子。CaAl六铝酸钙的近单相单拍运行了热处理后,阿11008C 1小时在。纯12 19 manganite镁和钡本文MnO La Sr BaZrO形成,分别在10008C 650,。合成0.8 0.2三3 anorthite CaAl阿斯是一个例子,使用这一过程中对硅酸盐和辛烷值较高水化学无枸橼二2 8 螯合。在10008C无定形的前兆crystallises成六边形anorthite之前任意配对方式转变成稳定状态。这个 诱捕效果的影响,空间效应的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶便于水化学过程的影响,在同样的方式,同样的概念 可用于其他有机凝胶在有机介质。2001卷有限公司。版权所有。 关键词:聚丙烯酰胺凝胶、柠檬酸过程;多元氧化物;水、钙hexaluminate;Anorthite合成;Manganites
2023-08-04 19:10:011


引言:黑根腐病是草莓的一种复杂疾病,它能降低草莓的活力和产量(Wing 等, 1994). 几种病原菌包括丝核菌属(Rhizoctonia)和腐霉菌属(Pythium)等是这种疾病的病源。它可通过传染的植物材料导入移植苗床和大田生产体系中 (Abad 等 2002; Martin, 2000)。此外,疫霉菌属(Phytophthora spp)也会导致草莓的冠腐烂、根腐烂甚至植株死亡。在先前的草莓试验中,我们已经按照常规方法从定植前后的受损根组织处分离出几种病原菌,其中最频繁出现的是:恶疫霉(Phytophthora cactorum), 拉曼被孢霉(Pythium irregulare), 丝核菌(Rhizoctonia fragariae)和镰刀霉(Fusariumspp.)(Ferguson 等, 2003).定植前从裸根和匍匐茎茎尖分离病菌能表明其被土壤性病原菌损害的基础水平。目前,无病植株(disease-free)已由NC(北卡罗来纳州)认证项目投入实用,尽管它的使用可减少叶片和果实疾病的发生,但对复杂的根腐病的效果却是有限的。现在,对付草莓根腐病的手段几乎全依靠使用化学药剂,特别是利用溴甲烷(Methyl Bromide)来进行熏蒸。在东南部几个州实施的试验也表明,同溴甲烷熏蒸相比,如果不采取土壤熏蒸会导致减产高达25%(Ferguson等, 2001, 2002)。虽然我们在开发取代溴甲烷(MB)的化学药剂或混合药剂方面取得了重大的进展(Ferguson 等, 2003;Fernandez 等,2000;Louws等, 2000),但对生产者来说,即使采用这种替代的熏蒸剂仍存在移植苗受感染的严重风险。因此,有必要利用生物防治技术以减少草莓生长季节发生根腐病的风险。本研究的目的就是开发并实施一项强调利用生物学途径的有害生物综合治理方案(IPM)来防治草莓根腐病。众所周知,木霉菌(Trichoderma sp.)对土壤性病原菌具有显著的生物防治功能。(在本研究中),我们对两种木霉生物防治菌株在抑制根腐病、促进植株生长和提高草莓产量方面的有效性进行了评价。本人也是搞微生物的,有什么问题请发送留言!
2023-08-04 19:10:113

soft 同类词是什么?

2023-08-04 19:07:004

some of the apples were rotten

为你提供精确解答 选【 B】 have to do sth不得不做某事. 翻译为:一些苹果在到达市场之前都腐烂了,不得不扔掉. can be done,可以的意思. 所以【B】对.
2023-08-04 19:07:061


好看的!真心不骗你,这个绝对不只是小朋友看着好看,我一个成年人都觉得很好看的啊~~ 而且豆瓣评分都8.5呢!你也了解豆瓣电影那些人,逼格都高的不行
2023-08-04 19:07:0610


  scanf与printf函数一样,都被定义在头文件stdio.h里,因此在使用scanf函数时要加上#include <stdio.h>。它是格式输入函数,即按用户指定的格式从键盘上把数据输入到指定的变量之中。  scanf函数原型:  int scanf( const char *format, ... );  scanf()函数是格式化输入函数,它从标准输入设备(键盘) 读取输入的信息。  其调用格式为: scanf("<格式化字符串>",<地址表>);  函数 scanf() 是从标准输入流 stdin 中读内容的通用子程序,可以读入全部固有类型的数据并自动转换成机内形式。  scanf的返回值:  scanf()函数返回成功赋值的数据项数,读到文件末尾出错时则返回EOF。  如:  scanf("%d,%d", &a, &b);  如果a和b都被成功读入,那么scanf的返回值就是2  如果只有a被成功读入,返回值为1  如果a和b都未被成功读入,返回值为0  如果遇到错误或遇到end of file,返回值为EOF。  且返回值为int型.  例:使用scanf函数输入数据。  #include<stdio.h>  int main()  {  int a,b,c;  printf("输入 a, b, c ");  scanf("%d,%d,%d", &a, &b, &c);  printf("a = %d b = %d c = %d ", a, b, c);  fflush(stdin);  return 0;  }  注意上面的scanf("%d,%d,%d",&a,&b,&c);中%d,%d,%d之间如果有逗号,在输入数据时也要加逗号,如果去掉逗号,输入时就不用逗号,而用空格、tab键或回车键将各个数据隔开
2023-08-04 19:07:088


2023-08-04 19:07:081


Do you understanduff1f
2023-08-04 19:07:086


加湿器其工作原理是将水在加热体中加热到100度,产生水蒸气,用风机将蒸气送出。所以电加热式加湿器是技术最简单的加湿方式,缺点是能耗较大,不能干烧,安全系数较低、加热器上容易结垢。市场前景不容乐观。电热式加湿器一般和中央空调配套使用,一般不单独使用。扩展资料适用范围适用于小加湿量及工况条件较好,需全气化条件下,局部加湿使用。纺织行业、造纸行业、计算机房、 电子行业、手机电池行业、 喷涂行业、塑料行业、火药行业、印刷行业、实验室、烟草行业、暖通行业、保鲜储藏。市场分析随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对生活质量和健康的要求愈来愈高。空气加湿器就是这样慢慢的走进全球的很多家庭当中,成为干燥地区家庭不可缺少的一种小型家电产品。空气加湿器在我国仍属于新兴产物。加湿器特点:1.箱体采用不锈钢制造,雾化机芯。2.模块化集成,单机芯可独立更换芯片。3.无机械运转,自带水位保护开关,运行可靠。4.雾化效率高的特点,整机雾化颗粒直径只有1~10μ,气化效率可达100%。5.设有自动补水缺水保护和溢水功能,可选配排水装置与软水器装置,达到无钙化白粉污染要求。参考资料来源:百度百科-加湿器
2023-08-04 19:07:111


圣诞节快乐 Merry Christmas跟圣诞有关的英语单词与短语:Christmas Eve:平安夜,也就是圣诞节的前一天。每年的12月24日。这跟我们的大年夜有点相似(New Year"s Eve)。Christmas Day:圣诞节当天,每年的12月25日。相当于中国的大年初一。Everybody goes for various parties to celebrate the festival on Christmas day.(在圣诞节那天,大家都去参加各种各样的派对来庆祝节日。)Christmas gift或者Christmas present:这两个词都可以表示圣诞礼物。我们经常会说:Here is a Christmas gift for you. 或者:I have a present for your Christmas Day.即表示要送对方圣诞礼物的意思。Santa Claus:圣诞老人。他赶着驯鹿,拉着装满礼物的雪橇挨家挨户给每个孩子送礼物的形象已深深地留在人们的记忆中。Christmas tree:圣诞树。与之相关的还有Christmas decorations(圣诞装饰物);Christmas wreath或者Christmas garland(圣诞花环);Christmas Waits:报佳音的人。圣诞夜指12月24日晚至25日晨。教会组织一些圣诗班(或由信徒自发地组成)挨门挨户地在门口或窗下唱圣诞颂歌,叫作“报佳音”,意思是再现当年天使向伯利恒郊外的牧羊人报告耶稣降生的喜讯。报佳音的人称为Christmas Waits,这项活动往往要进行到天亮,人数越来越多,歌声越来越大,大街小巷满城尽是歌声。、Christmas carol:圣诞颂歌。《平安夜》等圣诞颂歌人们耳熟能详。Christmas pudding:圣诞布丁。圣诞节吃的一种应节食品。Christmas stocking:圣诞袜。传说圣诞老人会把礼物放在里面。Christmas recess:圣诞节暂停营业、上学、工作期间。
2023-08-04 19:07:141


法律分析:公司催款函范文XXXXXX有限公司:贵公司承建XXXXXX汽车厂房联合车间工程施工,后将该工程分包给xxxxx个人。因XXXXX不具备相关资质和施工能力,XXXXX以贵公司XXXXX项目部的名义与我公司签订了建筑钢结构工程承包合同,将其承包工程中的钢结构系统安装与制作工程分包给我公司,合同约定工程造价款为xxxxxxxx元。合同签订后,我公司积极履行合同,目前工程已基本完工。但是贵公司XXXXX项目部及XXXXX个人未按照合同约定按施工进度将工程款打入我司账户,拖欠工程进度款 元,造成我公司资金周转困难,拖欠工人工资。时近岁末,工人如果不能及时拿到工资必定引起公愤,势必对贵公司的声誉造成恶劣影响。我公司就拖欠工程款一事多次与贵公司XXXXX项目部及XXXXX个人协商未果。近日,因贵公司项目部工作人员与我公司驾驶员发生口角,现已被当地公安机关立案处理。故特致函提醒,请贵公司确保我司工作人员人身安全,请贵公司按照合同约定将所欠工程款汇入我司账户。法律依据:《中华人民共和国民法典》第四百七十条 合同的内容由当事人约定,一般包括下列条款:(一)当事人的姓名或者名称和住所;(二)标的;(三)数量;(四)质量;(五)价款或者报酬;(六)履行期限、地点和方式;(七)违约责任;(八)解决争议的方法。当事人可以参照各类合同的示范文本订立合同
2023-08-04 19:07:171


这不是2006年的全部歌曲,只是个人感觉听着还可以的部分歌曲。秋天不回来-王强 (2006年王强词胡力曲)完美世界-水木年华 (2006年网游完美世界主题曲 卢庚戌词曲)三国恋-吕建忠 (2006年电视剧七剑下天山主题歌 吕建忠词曲)七子之歌-台湾 (2006年袁忠宜曲 1925年闻一多(创作于美国)词)隐形的翅膀-张韶涵 (2006年电视剧爱杀17主题歌 王雅君词曲)今天你要嫁给我-蔡依林.陶喆 (2006年 QQ炫舞歌曲)滴答-侃侃 (2006年)不要在我寂寞的时候说爱我-T.R.Y水中月亮-云丹久美 (2006年绍兵词曲)毕业歌-额尔古纳乐队 (2006年鸿雁专辑里的一首歌曲)我相信-杨培安 (2006年刘虞瑞词 陈国华曲 2010电视剧新兵日记片尾曲)白狐-陈瑞 (2006年李旭辉(枫林)曲)玫瑰花的葬礼-许嵩 (2006年李毅杰.许嵩词 李毅杰曲)老婆有交代-梁辉 (2006年赵伯乾曲)我们都是好孩子-王筝 (2006年王筝词曲)QQ爱-S翼乐团(孙辉,蓝若兮) (2006年孙辉曲)爱上贝克汉姆-王麟 (2006年刘原龙(艺名老猫)词 王蓉曲)是非功过任评说-徐千惠 (2006年贺沛轩词 王原平曲 电视剧双枪老太婆传奇片尾曲)香烟爱上火柴-张政 (2006年张政词曲)做你的爱人-饶天亮 (2006年谢军词曲)桃花朵朵开-阿牛 (2006年阿牛.友弟词 阿牛曲)菊花台-周杰伦 (2006年方文山词 周杰伦曲 古装电影满城尽带黄金甲片尾曲)我爱人民币-吴品醇 ( 2006年刘正标词 吴品醇曲)坏女人-王建树 (2006年)爱情乞丐-牛朝阳 (2006年牛朝阳词曲)狼爱上羊-汤潮 (2006年汤潮曲)飞舞-王冰洋 (2006年胡海泉词 胡海泉.吕雯.秦天曲)求佛-誓言 (2006年陈超词曲)爱上你是一个错-杨培安 (2006年陈国华词曲)老婆老婆我爱你-火风 (2006年火风词曲)我是重庆崽儿-润土.布衣乐队 (2006年润土词曲 电影疯狂的石头片尾曲)西海情歌-降央卓玛 (2006年刀郎词曲 原唱刀郎)喜欢你没道理-张韶涵 (2006年晨瑀词 梁思成曲)谢谢你-韩晶 (2006年刀郎词曲 原唱刀郎)不怕不怕-郭美美 (华语版2006年 Shabu Shabu-2Moro 原曲Dragostea Din Tei-O-Zone)
2023-08-04 19:07:191

if you would not be fortten as soon as you are daad and rotten.什么意思?

2023-08-04 19:06:593


2023-08-04 19:06:574


圣诞节Christmas 或Christmas Day短语at christmas 在圣诞节at Christmas 在圣诞节Christmas party 圣诞晚会例句1. Christmas is coming up soon.圣诞节很快就要来到。2. I"ll go to see you round Christmas.我将于圣诞节前后去看你。3. Do you still remember that Christmas?你仍记得那个圣诞节吗?
2023-08-04 19:06:551

求会英语的大神帮我写五句英语形容暑假干了什么去哪里玩 五句就好

2023-08-04 19:06:522

if you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten怎么翻译

2023-08-04 19:06:492


2023-08-04 19:06:482


2023-08-04 19:06:463

scanf 怎么用

scanf格式输入函数函数作用:按照变量在内存的地址将变量值存进去。一般格式:scanf(格式控制,地址表列)其中,格式控制:%d:以带符号的十进制形式输出整数%o:以八进制无符号形式输出整数%x:以十六进制无符号形式输出整数%u:以无符号十进制形式输出整数%c:以字符形式输出,只输出一个字符%s:输出字符串%f:以小数形式输出单,双精度数,隐含输出六位小数%e:以指数形式输出实数%g:选用%f或%e格式中输出宽度较短的一种格式,不输出无意义的0在格式控制的字母前面可以用几种常见的格式符的修饰符,作用如下:l:用于长整型整数,可加在格式符d,o,x,u前面m(代表一个正整数):数据最小宽度n(代表一个正整数):对实数,表示输出n位小数;对字符串,表示截取的字符个数地址列表:是由若干个地址组成的表列,可以是变量的地址,或字符串的首地址举例:用scanf函数输入数据。#includevoidmain(){inta,b,c;scanf(“%d%d%d”,&a,&b,&c);printf(“%d,%d,%d ”,a,b,c);}运行情况:345(回车)(输入a,b,c的值)3,4,5(输出a,b,c的值)使用scanf函数时应注意的问题:(1)scanf函数中的“格式控制”后面应当是变量地址,而不应是变量名。(2)如果在“格式控制”字符串中除了格式说明以外还有其他字符,则在输入数据时在对应位置应输入与这些字符相同的字符。(3)在用“%c”格式输入字符时,空格字符和“转义字符”都作为有效字符输入(4)在输入数据时,遇以下情况时认为该数据结束。①遇空格,或按“回车”或“跳格”(tab)键;②按指定的宽度结束,如“%3d”,只取3列;③遇非法输入。
2023-08-04 19:06:461


不念you(阴平)对不起,我记错了,不过上面这一位字典也查错了.应该念 men(二声)又读mi(二声),是谷的一种,即赤色粱.
2023-08-04 19:06:422


早期曲多为潘协庆,黄韵仁,李正帆等,现在来源更广,像鸦片丹的《我决定》《属于》,伍冠谚的《情歌》《我还记得》,易桀齐的《C"est la vie》《别再为他流泪》《如果有一天》等。 词有陈没的《情歌》、《别人的天长地久》、《亲亲》、《崇拜》、《一秒的天堂》、《属于》等,黄婷的《爱情之所以为爱情》、《别再为他流泪》、《给未来的自己》,小寒的《为我好》、《用力抱着》等…… 他们共同组成了梁静茹歌曲创作的基本骨架,他们的风格多为细腻,但不分拘于小节;温婉又不失执着,有时候沉郁顿错,但没有颓废;善良真诚,其中蕴藏着一股积极向上的心态。我们总能从这些歌曲中找到我们的影子,触动我们的心灵。 梁静茹——温柔女神!
2023-08-04 19:06:413