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2023-08-04 14:46:30


In honor of our ancestors



In order to express the memory of ancestors



2023-08-04 07:43:373


问题一:“祭拜祖先”用英文怎么说啊?? offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祀祖宗eg.Traditionally,Chinese people offer sacrifices to ancestors in Qingming Festival. 中国人有清明祭祖的习俗。 问题二:祖先,英语怎么说 ancestor 问题三:“祭拜祖先”用英文怎么说 祭拜祖先 Ancestor worship 英 [??nsist?] 美 [??n?s?st?] n. 祖先,祖宗; 被继承人; 原型; (动物的)原种,先祖; 问题四:祖先的英文怎么说 ancestor 问题五:"祖宗"用英语怎么翻译? ancestor 祖先, 祖, 先人, 宗, 老祖宗, 祖辈 grandfather 祖父, 爷爷, 祖, 老大爷, 爷 forefather 祖先, 老祖宗, 祖宗, 祖, 先人, 祖辈 问题六:“祖宗”的英语怎么说? Ancestors 问题七:祖宗用英语怎么说? Small son 问题八:祖宗用英语怎么说用zhong文咋说 ancestor 祖先 问题九:祖宗的英语翻译 祖宗用英语怎么说 祖宗的英语翻译:ancestors
2023-08-04 07:43:461

ancestors days

2023-08-04 07:44:091

一个类名下面 加 * 是什么意思

2023-08-04 07:44:204


2023-08-04 07:44:401


英语阅读与写作2答案   大家在做完练习之后,可以看看参考答案,看自己做对了没有。下面是我分享的英语阅读与写作2答案,希望能帮到大家!   Unit 1   3.   1) A person can look for a job in several ways.   2) Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.   3) Oneu2019s personality plays an important role in foreign language learning.   4) Living in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages.   4.   Paragraph 1: All inventions are either basic inventions or improvements on earlier inventions.   Paragraph 2: There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab yesterday.   Paragraph 3: Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly.   5.   1) topic sentences   Paragraph 1: The world had enjoyed many benefits from the invention of the telephone.   Paragraph 2: I had a terrible morning today.   2)sentences that do not support the topic sentence in the paragraph   Paragraph 1: Many people do not like writing letters to each other. And nowadays, the Internet   has brought us more convenience.   Paragraph 2: I heard that he was also very strict with his own children.   6.   Topic sentence: 5) Generally speaking, there are many attractions of living in a city.   Logical sequence of the sentences: 5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 9, 8, 3, 2.   7.   (1) First of all   (2) Secondly   (3) By and by   (4) In addition   (5) In short   8.   1) repetition of key words : junk food, students   2) use of transitional signals: for one reason, also, as a result, however   3) use of pronouns: they, their, this   Unit 2   Part III Follow-up Exercises   3.   Topic sentence: When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas Eve ritual.   1) , when 2) 3)   As soon as 4) , 5) 6) Meanwhile, 7) Finally, 8) After 9), 10) and 11) Ad 12) , 13)   Then 14) 15)   4.   Logical sequence of the sentences:   4, 10, 5, 12, 3, 7, 15, 9, 14, 2, 11, 8, 13, 6, 1   Topic sentence: My family spent two fun-filled days at Disney World last year.   Concluding   sentence:   Although   we   were   very   tired   at   midnight,   we   agreed   that   our   two-day   vacation at Disney World was one of the best we had ever had.   5.   (1) Then   (2) morning   (3) afternoon   (4) Then   (5) After that   (6) when   (7) already   (8) after   6.   The New Year celebration was so unforgettable for me when I was a child. Weeks before the   New Yearu2019s Day, my mother would let me help her send out New Yearu2019   s cards and go shopping   with her. In the crowded markets, I bought firecrackers, like all the other kids.   Then,   beginning on   New   Year   u2019   s   Eve,   the   sound   of   exploding   firecrackers   was   everywhere,   day   and   night.   On   New   Year   u2019   s Day, I watched huge parades go by in the middle of the streets. People wearing costumes   danced   past   us   .   Some   o   f   them   were   playing   instruments,   some   were   having   lion   dances,   and   dragon   dances.   Afterwards,   we   worshiped   our   ancestors   in   a   temple   and   visited   friends   and   relatives to wish them happy.   Unit 3   3.   logical sequence of the sentence:   3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 5, 2   Relationship: Primarily, the organization of the paragraph represents movement in geographical   space.   4.   1) in   above   in front of   under   through   behind   2) The central focus is “a shocking experience.” To support the main idea, the writer uses a lot   of   descriptions and organizes these details according to the space relationship, and thus coherence   is achieved.   5.   (1) into   (2) crosses   (3) In the center of   (4) Outside   (5) inside   (6) On the front   (7) over   (8) down   (9) lined with   (10) At the rear   6.   This paragraph is developed in a circular order, i.e. from east to north, and then to south ;
2023-08-04 07:44:491


The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games makes the world know the four great inventions of China is, otherwise, how many foreigners. Why not? The wisdom of our ancestors, and our inheritance has achieved in sleep is inseparable, we sleep when others are in development, therefore, we should take the responsibility to develop vigorously the national study
2023-08-04 07:45:064

My parents died young,I have done well in this respect as regards my other ancestors.

2023-08-04 07:45:131


使用递归查询,可以使用MySQL中的WITH语句来实现递归查询。WITH语句允许用户指定一个递归查询,在查询中可以使用表达式来指定查询的开始和结束条件,以及查询的结果如何被收集with recursive cte as (select id, name, parent_id from table1 where parent_id is nullunion allselect,, t.parent_id from table1 tinner join cte c on t.parent_id = * from cte;
2023-08-04 07:45:402


Our ancestors mainly relied on farming to live and the weather for harvest
2023-08-04 07:45:5415

forefathers与ancestors 有什么区别

2023-08-04 07:46:371


1.祭拜祖先:ancestorworship例:Afterreturninghome,Isaidtomymotherwhatdoweworship,andmygreatgrandfatherthatnexttimeancestorworship,Imusttakemymothertogo.?回家后,我还对妈妈说了我们怎么祭祖,和我曾祖父的事,下次祭祖,我一定要带妈妈一起去。 2.词语解析ancestor?英?[&amp。 3.#39。 4.?nsest?(r)]。 5.美?[&amp。 6.#39。 7.?nsest?r]??n.?祖宗。 8.祖先。 9.原种例:Duringthefestivaltheinvestorinvestigatedhisancestor.节日期间投资者调查了他的祖宗。 10.例:Theysaidtheirancestorwasafamoushunterandacrackhunter.他们说他们的祖宗是个有名的猎人,也是个神枪手。 11.worship英?[&amp。 12.#39。 13.w????p]。 14.美?[&amp。 15.#39。 16.w??r??p]??n.?崇拜。 17.爱慕。 18.做礼拜vi.?做礼拜vt.?崇拜。 19.爱慕例:Hedeservesallthepraiseandworship.他值得我们一切的赞美和崇拜。 20.例:Shescornthegirlswhoworshipfootballstars.她看不起那些崇拜足球明星的女孩子。 21.扩展资料相关词语用法ancestor?作为名词时,含义如下:祖宗,祖先。 22.原型。 23.前身。 24.【律】被继承人。 25.【生】先祖,原种。 26.动物的祖先,动物品种的原型(后来的品种由此进化而来)。 27.常用词组:acommonancestor同一个祖先、remoteancestor远古祖先、nobleancestors名门和其对应的阴性名词为ancestress[&amp。 28.#39。 29.nsestrIs](女祖先)。 30.引申可作“原型,先驱”解。 31.ancestor表示“…是…的祖先”时,须用介词to。 32.worship作为名词时,基本意思为“崇拜”,可指崇拜神灵,也可指崇拜有名望的人。 33.用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 34.用作不及物动词时,常表示“做礼拜”。 35.作为动词时,有如下含义:敬爱。 36.崇拜。 37.参拜。 38.信奉。 39.仰慕。 40.恋慕。 41.朝拜。 42.祭奉。 43.对…顶礼膜拜。 44.把…奉若神明。 45.佩服得五体投地说。 46.礼拜。 47.爱戴。 48.用作动词时,常用词组如下:worshipdeity崇拜神明、worshipgod崇拜上帝、worshiptheground拜倒在…的脚下、worshipmoney崇拜金钱、worshipamoviestar崇拜影星。 49.worship一词直接源自古英语的worthscip,意为值得……的。
2023-08-04 07:46:441


2023-08-04 07:47:131


你好,追溯的英文是:Trace back,Retrospect,Ascend,Date back例句:She could trace her family tree back to the 16 th.她能把本族家谱追溯到16世纪。There are few precedents for this sort of retrospective legislation.此类有追溯效力的立法还鲜有先例。Her ancestors ascend to the 15th.她的祖先可上溯到15世纪。It actually dates back to at least 1335.实际上,它至少可以追溯到1335年。
2023-08-04 07:47:311

缺词填空。(10分)China is a large country with a long h__小题1:__ . Our ancestors(祖先) created(

小题1:hisrory小题2:strongest小题3:reasons小题4:show小题5:However小题6:second小题7:taken小题8:about小题9:students小题10:better 试题分析:这篇短文讲述了中国的历史,以前中国是世界上最强大的国家,尤其在唐朝,但后来中国开始落后于其他国家,并遭到侵略。但中国人民勤劳勇敢,在最近30年里发生了巨大变化,现在又成为了经济大国。作为学生,我们应该好好学习将来能为祖国服务。小题1:根据前后文,此句为:中国是有着悠久历史的大国。History历史,名词。小题2:根据前后文,此句为:曾经中国是世界上最强大的国家,尤其是在唐朝。Strongest最强大的,是strong的最高级。小题3:根据前后文,此句为:但是一百多年后,由于一些原因,中国落后其他国家。Reasons原因,可数名词,注意用复数形式。小题4:根据前后文,此句为:其他国家一点都不尊重我们国家甚至侵犯中国。Show展现;show respect to尊重……。小题5:根据前后文,此句为:然而,中国人勤劳并热爱和平。However然而,表转折。小题6:根据前后文,此句为:中国现在成为世界经济第二大国。Second第二,序数词。小题7:根据前后文,此句为:在过去的三十年,我们国家发生了很大改变。Take place发生;句中用了现在完成时,take用过去分词taken。小题8:根据前后文,此句为:当有人问我对中国的感情。About 关于,ask sb. about sth.问某人某事。小题9:根据前后文,此句为:作为学生,我们应该努力学习来报效祖国。Students学生,可数名词,要用复数形式。小题10:根据前后文,此句为:我们越努力学习,将来就能更好的为国家服务。Better更好,good的比较级。
2023-08-04 07:48:031

急需英语作文:honor my ancestors

honor my ancestorswhen everybody talks about own ancestor, we have one kind of sacred feeling and express the incomparable respect to the ancestor; But studies according to the archaeologist, before very long time, on the Earth did not have any animal, only then the plant is growing, then evolves unceasingly, the evolution comes. Therefore, we treasure the plant, is respecting own ancestor. In our present"s life, some person of love trees do not chop randomly cut down randomly, cultivates the lawn randomly, does not treasure the trees, causes on Earth"s plant to reduce massively, causes the sand storm, the sand dust weather, the land desertification to be serious, enables people"s life to obtain the worsening; The flood is in flood unceasingly, causes the innocent people to receive implicates .So, we should cherish the plant, protects our livelihood environment, this is our responsibility, is also we voluntarily, for therefore better respects us the ancestor, asks us even more to cherish the plant!!!! For us in the future happy and the rich vitality, will fill with the green breath the life, will ask everybody to treasure the plant well, will respect own ancestor.
2023-08-04 07:48:112

雅思写作 人为什么爱找家族史

 个人+直接原因:好奇心,有趣的探索(curiosity;a vivid and exciting exploration;);寻找家庭名人,为了出名(for fame);了解祖先的生活方式;(acknowledge about their ancestors" lifestyles);发扬传统价值观念(;promote emotional exchange; honor their heritage, enhance traditional value) 社会+根本原因:社会变迁(social change);人口频繁搬迁(frequent relocation) ;生活方式与家族祖先的生活方式差异明显(disparity in life style);信息发达与信息获得的便利促使(informative, convenient to get information) 增长见识,更好认知世界(broaden one"s horizon, and get to know the outside world) 丰富情感经历、传承优良传统(enrich emotional experience,carry forward the excellent customs) 促进文化交流(increase the regional, national and international cultural communication)
2023-08-04 07:49:061


很多人把他翻译成:The Ghost Festival(中元节)。实际上百度翻译标准是:Obon或者The jar orchid basin saves;农历七月十五日的“盂兰盆节”是我国佛教中两个的节日之一,又称为僧自恣日、佛欢喜日,是佛教徒举行供佛敬僧仪式及超度先亡的节日。根据戒律的要求,僧尼在每年农历的四月十五日至七月十五日必须结夏安居,即在此动植物生长繁衍期间,定居一处,一者可免伤虫蚁,二者可专心诵经或禅修。至七月十五日则须各作自我批评或介绍修行经验,称为“僧自恣”。经过三个月的专修,僧众的功行必然大有提高,令诸佛欢喜,因此此日被称为“佛欢喜日”。盂兰盆节主要是佛教延伸下来的一个节日,根据世界各地的不同演化转变了。在日本的影响比较大。而我们常在日本小说中看到盂兰盆节出现,那么日本盂兰盆节英语怎么说呢?就是Japan"s LAN basin。
2023-08-04 07:49:142


【 #英语资源# 导语】清明节兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是节气又是节日。清明节不仅有祭扫、缅怀、追思的主题,也有踏青郊游、愉悦身心的主题。以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.清明节英语日记   On Tomb Sweeping Day, my father and mother and I took a car to visit the tomb in our hometown. We sat in the car with a heavy heart. When our hometown arrived, we prepared the tomb sweeping offerings and prepared to go up the mountain.   We first went to Grandpa"s tomb. Along the way, I didn"t want to enjoy the beautiful flowers and listen to the beautiful insects. When Grandpa"s tomb arrived, my father lit the incense and lit the paper he bought. Then my father took the incense and worshipped it, and then handed it to me. He worshipped it empty handed. Then we went round by round. Finally, everyone worshipped it. My father inserted the incense in front of Grandpa"s tomb. Finally, my father lit a string of firecrackers and went to a tomb.   Finally, when we went to the last tomb, it rained. I recalled my grandfather"s love for me and couldn"t help crying. I was very heavy on this rainy Qingming Festival. 2.清明节英语日记   Today is the Tomb Sweeping Day on April 5. My mother took me back to my mother-in-law"s house to sweep the tomb of my deceased grandfather.      Back at Grandma"s house, grandma was ready to go to Grandpa"s grave. When I saw it, the preparations were really complete: paper money, gold and silver treasures, and flowers. Finally, grandma brought a broom and mop.   After a while, I came to Grandpa"s tomb. I saw that Grandpa"s tomb was a small house made of cement. There were several steps in the front and a stone tablet engraved with Grandpa"s name behind the steps. Mother took a broom to sweep grandpa"s tomb from front to back, and then dragged it with a mop. Then, my mother poured a glass of wine for grandpa and put two pots of flowers in front of Grandpa"s tomb. My uncle and I burned paper money. While burning paper money, my uncle said, "bless Yiming to grow up safely and make progress in study!" I also thought: Grandpa, you must bless us. I"ll visit your grave on next year"s Tomb Sweeping Day. After burning the paper money, we all paid homage to Grandpa"s tombstone. 3.清明节英语日记   Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Qingming Festival is also one of the 24 solar terms in China. Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important sacrificial Festival. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.   Origin of Qingming Festival: it is said that it began with the "Tomb sacrifice" ceremony of emperors and generals in ancient times. Later, the people followed suit. On this day, they offered sacrifices to their ancestors and swept tombs. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the cold food festival and the Qingming Festival were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was designated as the cold food festival, which later became the Qingming Festival.   Today, my mother and I went outside to visit the grave. I walked to the gate of the open space. As soon as I entered the gate, "ah" it was crowded like a crowded fish pond. We found a very warm place and put the East and West down. Then, after cleaning the place, we put the fragrant bouquet next to the grave. All kinds of bouquets attracted flocks of birds. Now it is no longer a quiet open space, but an ocean dancing wildly. 4.清明节英语日记   Qingming Festival will catch up with the drizzle, which is the case every year. Such weather makes people who rush back to burn paper for their relatives" graves more depressed and sad. This year"s Tomb Sweeping Day is still full of spring rain. A son and his father just finished paying tribute to his grandfather. On the way back, it rained, which made people feel worse. His son was unwilling to walk. At this time, his father continued to walk with his son on his back. 5.清明节英语日记   Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Qingming Festival is also one of the 24 solar terms in China. Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important sacrificial Festival. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.   Origin of Qingming Festival: it is said that it began with the "Tomb sacrifice" ceremony of emperors and generals in ancient times. Later, the people followed suit. On this day, they offered sacrifices to their ancestors and swept tombs. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the cold food festival and the Qingming Festival were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was designated as the cold food festival, which later became the Qingming Festival.   Today, my mother and I went outside to visit the grave. I walked to the gate of the open space. As soon as I entered the gate, "ah" it was crowded like a crowded fish pond. We found a very warm place and put the East and West down. Then, after cleaning the place, we put the fragrant bouquet next to the grave. All kinds of bouquets attracted flocks of birds. Now it is no longer a quiet open space, but an ocean dancing wildly. 6.清明节英语日记   During the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, I went to grandma"s house. Grandma baked a lot of lotus root boxes, eggplant boxes and radishes to go to the grave to commemorate her ancestors. On Tomb Sweeping Day, grandma cooked a lot of eggs early in the morning, and grandma dyed the eggs with red pigment, which was very beautiful. I touch eggs with the children for fun.   Qingming Festival can also go outing. It is also called exploring spring, seeking spring and outing. Its meaning is to step on the grass, play in the countryside and watch the spring.   The custom of Qingming Festival is rich and interesting. In addition to banning fire and sweeping tombs, there are activities such as inserting willows. It is said that this is because cold food and fire are forbidden on the Qingming Festival. In order to prevent cold food and cold food from hurting people, everyone comes to participate in some sports activities to exercise. Therefore, this festival is characterized by both the sad tears of sweeping new graves and the laughter of outing. 7.清明节英语日记   The annual Qingming Festival is coming again. It is said that "there is a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival". There is no rain this year. It is sunny for three days in a row.   Every year on the Tomb Sweeping Day, I think of the Tomb Sweeping Day written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. "It rains in succession during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." On this day, people have to take sacrifices and sweep the grave in the cemetery to commemorate the dead relatives.   Every year, my parents will take me back to Huian hometown to visit the grave. This time, we are going to sweep the tombs of grandparents. My grandfather was an officer and fought in the war when he was young. He also founded a school called "Jinshui primary school" for his hometown. Every year on the Tomb Sweeping Day, all the teachers and students of Jinshui primary school go to his grave to lay a wreath to sweep the grave and commemorate the revolutionary martyrs! Today, we came to his tomb early in the morning to offer flowers and then put the sacrifice on it. Let"s say goodbye at his grave. We also borrowed sickles to clean up the weeds and miscellaneous trees around us, and watered several pine trees nearby. 8.清明节英语日记   Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in China, which began in the Zhou Dynasty. It is for us to go to the tombs of our dead relatives regularly to commemorate them.   Tomb Sweeping Day is a serious thing. Even our active children calmed down. We all came to Chu mountain in Xiaoshan to commemorate my great grandfather and grandmother. According to my grandfather, "my great grandfather has been sleeping quietly in the green mountains and waters for nearly 40 years." in my impression, my great grandmother is a kind and amiable old man. We came to the grave, surrounded by big trees and birds flying between the trees, Under the ground, there are also vibrant grass sticking out his head. Grandpa said: "Anton pulled out the weeds on the tomb to make the cemetery more tidy and solemn." we presented flowers and fruit cakes to worship our ancestors in accordance with Chinese traditional customs. I bowed deeply three times in front of the monument to express my thoughts for my ancestors. 9.清明节英语日记   Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. It is a traditional festival of our motherland.   On Tomb Sweeping Day, we will come to the tomb, place a bunch of flowers and burn some paper money to express our thoughts and blessings to our loved ones, and silently pray for them in our hearts, wishing them a happy and happy life on the other side of heaven. At this time, we can"t help but think of the years they spent with us. Those pictures seem to be still fresh in our eyes. Thinking of these, I can"t help crying.   The spring scenery in the distance came into my eyes. The birds sang the Spring Sonata, the mountains were full of peach blossoms and willows, the golden rape flowers were everywhere, "the tender buds blew and the leaves fell", the green tender buds grew out, and there was a scene of spring and the recovery of all things. This is a season full of expectations and blessings. Qingming Festival, let"s remember the past on such a special day.   Qingming Festival is my most sad Festival. I have never felt so sad. Maybe this is my memory of my ancestors. 10.清明节英语日记   On Tomb Sweeping Day, my family and my aunt went to see grandma. When I got to grandma"s house, my sister and I played happily in the yard. I first observed the map with a magnifying glass, then trapped the ants with a magnifying glass, and put leaves on the magnifying glass for fear of drying the ants. When I left grandma"s house, I let go of the ants and played with my sister and mother for a while. After the eagle caught the chicken and said goodbye to grandma, my next goal was to visit Grandpa"s grave.   We came to a grave where there were grandpa and grandma. Mother lit the paper money with a lighter, burned money and paper, and talked until the paper money burned to ashes. We went to see the wheat planted in the field. It was green, just like wild grass. After lunch, we went to see my mother"s uncle.   Well, my tomb sweeping day is so happy. I met my grandma and grandpa and learned a lot of history.
2023-08-04 07:49:341


2023-08-04 07:49:443


死者的节日Some festivals are held to honor the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm.一些节日的举办时为了纪念死者,或者是讨好一些能够回来带来帮助或者是害处的祖先。 In Japan the festival is called Obon, when people should go to clean the graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. 在日本被称为御盆节,那天人们去清扫墓烧香来纪念他们的祖先,They light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth.他们点灯笼演奏音乐因为他们认为这样可以使祖先回到世间。 In Mexico they have the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people might eat food in shape of skulls, and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead.在墨西哥,他们的是十一月初的死者节,在着重要的斋日,人们晚上吃头颅形状的和表面有骨头的食物东 The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event in memory of the dead. 万圣节来源于一个纪念死者的事件It is now a children"s festival, when they can go to their neighbours" homes and ask for sweets. They dress up and try to frighten people. If they are not given anything, the children might play a trick on them. 现在成为一个孩子的节日,这天他们去邻居家索要糖果,他们穿上盛装来吓唬其他人,如果他们不拿出糖果,孩子们就会晚上作弄他们。基本的翻译就是这样了,要想句子更完美,要仔细斟酌一下,嘿嘿
2023-08-04 07:49:541


The Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival is one of the 24 seasonal division points in China,falling on April 4-6 each year.After the festival,the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases.It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing.But the Qingming Festival is not only a seasonal point to guide farm work,it is more a festival of commemoration.This is the most important day of sacrifice.Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased.Also,they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.The Hanshi (Cold Food) Festival was usually one day before the Qingming Festival.As our ancestors often extended the day to the Qingming,they were later combined.On each Qingming Festival,all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices.Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed.The customs have been greatly simplified today.After slightly sweeping the tombs,people offer food,flowers and favorites of the dead,then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.
2023-08-04 07:50:041


Honor ancestors
2023-08-04 07:50:111


The Ghost Festival
2023-08-04 07:50:193


可以认为是从句吧,这主要是用以说明如何进入战斗,意思为“以……的方式” 你补充的也可以,只是原句说的比较详细罢了
2023-08-04 07:52:133


Just as Halloween is for Americans, the “Hungry Ghost Festival” is for Chinese. Ghost Festival is one of Chinese traditional occasions, which is taken very seriously by the Chinese. This festival usually falls on the15th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar. The Ghost Festival, some places say the Hungry Ghost Festival, is also called Half July (Lunar), Ullambana, which is closely related to Buddhism, and zhongyuan jie which is the Taoism saying and Folk Belief.
2023-08-04 07:52:243

Which of the following peoples were the ancestors of the Welsh?

2023-08-04 07:53:081


2023-08-04 07:53:178

有关元宵节习俗 英语的

Spring Festival The New Moon on the first day of the new year-- the full moon 15 days later Click here for more words about the Spring Festival Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon(新月)on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon(满月)15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival(元宵节), which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade. The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle(月运周期)is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese insert an extra month once every few years (seven years out of a 19-yearcycle). This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year (闰年). This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year. New Year"s Eve and New Year"s Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth(万物), the gods of the household and the family ancestors. The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals(仪式), united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of the family. The presence of the ancestors is acknowledged on New Year"s Eve with a dinner arranged for them at the family banquet table. The spirits of the ancestors, together with the living, celebrate the onset of the New Year as one great community. The communal feast called "surrounding the stove" or weilu. It symbolizes family unity and honors the past and present generations.
2023-08-04 07:53:381


2023-08-04 07:47:273


2023-08-04 07:47:281


尽可能的英文:as far as possible 作形容词的意思是:可能的;合理的;合适的 作名词的意思是:可能性;合适的人;可能的事物 扩展资料   短语:   1、whenever possible 只要可能   2、as possible as 尽可能   3、anything is possible 一切皆有可能   4、everything is possible 一切皆有可能   5、possible of 可能…的
2023-08-04 07:47:291


信息学奥赛,是五大奥赛之一,五大奥赛包括:数学、物理、化学、生物和信息学。这其中数学奥赛,简称奥数,奥数因粉丝太多,比较张扬,曾遭遇人人喊打的尴尬。信息学奥赛,一直很低调,闷声发财,而不为人知。就像全国人民抨击北京高考录取率,天津却躲在角落里偷着乐一样(其实天津的录取率比北京还高)。奥林匹克数学竞赛或数学奥林匹克竞赛,简称奥数。1934年和1935年,苏联开始在列宁格勒和莫斯科举办中学数学竞赛,并冠以数学奥林匹克的名称,1959年在布加勒斯特举办第一届国际数学奥林匹克。信息学竞赛就是计算机编程竞赛,主要面对中学生,每年11月份竞赛,一年一次。 竞赛分普及组(初中)、提高组(高中),但并不限制跨组参赛,也就是初中生也可以参加提高组竞赛。竞赛级别分为省级联赛、国家竞赛和国际竞赛。北京市和海淀区也有针对小学生的竞赛。
2023-08-04 07:47:321


嗯 很久以前的一部动漫了 RAVE(圣石小子) 以前本港台有播的
2023-08-04 07:47:343


铁时达TITUS手表 ,属于比较差的表,国产(香港时间廊的)06系列的价格1100-3000铁达时是杂牌表,不可以算中等牌子,没有讨论的价值!硬要分类的话,只可以属于6类表,但价格不低,主要针对大陆的买家建议购买瑞士原装机械表
2023-08-04 07:47:371


真岛浩 1977年5月3日出生于日本长野县,B型金牛座 ,日本漫画家。代表作品有《BAD BOYS SONG》,《RAVE》等。作为日本较为年轻的漫画家,真岛浩的作品大多以魔幻、冒险、热血、搞笑的风格闻名于动漫界,深受漫画爱好者们的喜爱。真岛浩本人十分欣赏漫画家鸟山明和田中宏,作品风格也深受其影响。   《RAVE圣石小子》全35册 (TV动画共51集)   《圣石小子普鲁的奇妙日记》1~6册   《真岛奇幻乐园真岛浩短篇集》1~4册   《FAIRY TAIL 妖精的尾巴(魔导少年)》1~34册(连载中)   《MONSTER SOUL兽魂》全1册   《MONSTER SOUL兽魂II》全1册   《MONSTER HUNTER ORAGE 怪物猎人 ORAGE》全4册   《西风与太阳》   《魔物猎人ORAGE(01)》1~4册  入选第60回新人漫画赏(获奖作品《MAGICIAN》揭载于《周刊少年MANGIZNE》98年第52号上。   详细介绍:1998年作品《MAGICIAN》(又译:《魔术师》)入迁周刊《少年MAGAZINE》第60届新人漫画赏,同年8月发表出道作。1999年在周刊《少年MAGAZINE》32号上开始连载长篇动作冒险作品《RAVE》(又译:《圣石小子》)。作品大受欢迎,TV动画于2001年10月推出。   2006年8月开始连载的《FAIRY TAIL妖精的尾巴(魔导少年)》更是大热,成为《周刊少年MANGIZNE》上销量最高的作品,TV动画于2009年10月放送,还有改编的游戏。 个人走势  目前,真岛浩的《FAIRY TAIL》走势良好,最新单行本已经出版到了第31卷。有趣的是,在《RAVE》的连载结束前发表结婚宣言的真岛浩,又在2007年的《FAIRY TAIL》连载上发表了自己做父亲的宣言。语气中,不难感受到他的幸福,犹如他每次受到支持者的来信时所由衷感叹的“能够成为漫画家真是太好了”那样幸福。衷心希望这位热爱漫画事业的作者能够更上一层楼,直至有一天实现他所信奉的座右铭“将天空涂成自己所喜欢的颜色”。
2023-08-04 07:47:411


首先,要想学好信息学奥赛,对它的兴趣是必不可少的 兴趣是最好的老师,它能在你想要放弃信息学竞赛的时候鼓励你继续前进,也能激励你不断探索信息学领域,获得更大的成就 当你苦思冥想,终于做出来一道题目的时候,内心的喜悦会让你获得成就感,帮助你更加努力地学习信息学奥赛 (看着这一片绿油油的AC(Accept,即通过),你有没有觉得很开心呢?)其次,学习信息学奥赛是很花时间的,如果想走上信息学奥赛这条路,首先要确保在学校的学习成绩朋友推荐龙之梦酷叮猫少儿编程
2023-08-04 07:47:412


  敬爱的党支部:   一、政治立场   在思想政治方面,我继续认真学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和江总书记“三个代表”的重要思想,不断加强自己的思想政治修养。不断提高思想认识和自我的境界,在与同事、战友们相处共事时,能积极分担开导同事、战友们的忧愁,能团结同志,不搞小团体,协力完成工作任务。能在党委的领导下,积极学习马克思主义基本原理、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观的理论知识,在日常工作中做好实践科学发展观活动。能认真填写好工作日记,做好政治学习教育笔记本的登记,撰写好。   二、遵章守纪   本人能够诚挚待人,不搞背后小动作,做到服从命令,听从指挥,尊重领导,团结同志。也能够遵守部队的条令条例及各种规章制度,思想积极向上,面对工作中存在的困难,不畏怯,能积极想办法克服困难,完成工作。真正的把规章制度融入生活,不搞表面主义,切实的在生活中遵守各种部队的规章制度。也希望相关的领导能多给予我意见,让我改进。   三、对外交往不正当消费不正当内部关系   平时能够和集体很好的相处,坚持内部团结,和部队战友并肩作战。能够较好的处理自己与战友的关系,不发生不必要的矛盾和争吵。真正的做到爱他人、爱集体。很好的适应了集体生活。但是我相信总还有需要改进的地方,希望相关领导能给予指导,以便我更好的融入集体,过好大家庭的生活。平时能很好的规划自己的消费,不铺张浪费,不搞小资产主义。但是毕竟年龄和生活实践不多,还没有很好的理财来规划自己的消费。在这方面还需要学习和改进,本人也愿意有积极地学习心态。   此致   敬礼   汇报人:xx   汇报时间:XX年XX月XX日 【篇二】   敬爱的党组织:   作风建设直接关系到党的生死存亡。领导干部作风建设是党的作风建设的集中体现。领导干部作风直接影响到党的凝聚力、号召力和战斗力,也反映着党的执政能力和执政水平。领导干部的一言一行、一举一动都代表着执政党的形象,是广大群众对党执政能力和先进性评判的重要标志,直接关系到党群、干群关系,影响到党风、政风和社会风气。加强领导干部作风建设是党的建设的一项战略任务,必须常抓不懈。为此,党员领导干部在加强作风建设上要作出表率,具体来说:   1、加强学习,在强化教育中加强干部作风建设。首先要通过抓好理论学习,解决好思想作风建设和学风问题,解决党员干部的党性修养和党性锻炼问题,打牢促使干部作风建设形成长效机制的基础,做到抓根本,经常抓。要发挥教育的基础性作用,利用各种载体抓好干部作风教育,增强党员干部廉洁自律和法纪的意识;教育内容要切合实际,紧扣党员干部作风建设方面存在的问题,分层次施教;要采取形式多样、经常性的教育,进行正反典型举例、廉政谈话、诫勉谈话等多种形式,不断提高教育的针对性和实效性。   2、坚持创新,在办实事、建设服务型党组织过程中强化干部作风建设。加强作风建设要体现在为基层、为群众多办实事、办好事的过程中,要引导广大干部把求真务实的作风作为建功立业之本,多做那些默默无闻、但有利于谋发展、促振兴的事;多做一些虽然领导不易看到、不易听到,但基层和群众十分的事;多做一些虽然无益于个人扬名出彩,但对建设社会主义和谐社会很有好处的事。当前特别是社会主义新农村建设,我们要通过办实事活动,加强与农村的联系,密切与群众的关系,   3、加强监督是促进作风建设形成长效机制的有效保障。“良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行”,常泼点冷水、常听点逆耳之言,方能使头脑保持清醒。一是要加强对党员领导干部的监督,坚持思想汇报、谈话提醒、述职述廉和巡查等制度。二是要扩大监督范围,拓宽视野。发现问题要及时指出并加以纠正,对突出问题要严肃批评、谈话告诫。三是要加大监督力度,规范行政行为,严肃追究由于作风不实、办事拖拉推诿、行政不作为等造成的问题。对干部的消极现象要及时纠正,对危害机关作风、损害党和政府形象的极少数人要坚决严肃查处。四是要强化公众监督意识。进一步建立健全、公开、透明、高效、规范的政务公开体系和监督体系,保障群众的知情权、参与权、监督权。五是要积极推进决策民主化、科学化。在制定政策、决定重大事项时要广泛地听取意见。六是要不断扩大群众参与面,从各个层面上促使作风建设长效机制的形成,促进作风的根本转变。   此致   敬礼   汇报人:xx   汇报时间:XX年XX月XX日 【篇三】   敬爱的党组织:   今天,我非常有幸参加了党组织的党内讨论活动,使我受益匪浅,现在将我的感受向党组织思想汇报如下:   如果说我们的生活中存在多面“镜子”,我认为走进组织让我的生活中又多了一面“镜子”。他可以照到我们的腐朽思想、自身错误。让我们去消除自身的缺点和不足。从而增强党员党性锻炼、促进党的团结和同志进步。   也保持了党的先进性纯洁度。实事求是地开展批评与自我批评,是每个党员讲政治的重要表现。   始终保持共产党的先进性需要党员同志不断开展批评与自我批评。只有开展正常的批评自我批评,在党内才能够形成又有集中又有民主,又有纪律又有自由,又有个人心情舒畅、生动活泼的政治局面。党的先进性是具体的、历史的,是无产阶级政党发展的必然要求。   我们党把批评与自我批评作为能动地改造主观世界的方法,找到了自我调整、自我完善的正确形式,决定了我们党在政治上、组织上、作风上的优势和先进性。   批评与自我批评对广大党员来讲实际是个党性修养问题。通过批评与自我批评,不断提高其觉悟和思想境界,自觉抵制各种腐朽没落思想的侵蚀,胸襟坦诚,是衡量每个党员的党性观念、品德修养、人品修养的重要标尺。   在开展批评与自我批评,我认为应从以下三个方面做起:   首先,坚持正确的立场。这是原则性的问题。一个共产党员的政治立场一定要坚定,对问题进行实事求是的科学分析,是什么问题就是什么问题,既不夸大也不缩小,也不能捕风捉影,强加于人。   其次,树立正确的态度。坚持高标准、严要求,讲究方式方法,把科学性和严肃性结合起来。自我批评要在学习、提高和听取群众意见的基础上,从自我剖析入手,用一分为二的观点正视自己的缺点和不足,找准和抓住自己在党性党风方面存在的突出问题,从世界观、人生观上查找深刻的思想根源。   金无足赤,人无完人。一个人无论知识多么渊博,工作经验如何丰富,工作中总会有不尽如人意的地方,正视自己,请别人剖析自己,总结自己,才能避免工作、生活中少走弯路,提高效率,做到事半功倍。   同时有宽阔的胸怀,要豁达大度,虚心接受意见,做到闻过则喜,有则改之,无则加勉。坚持真理是党性观念、觉悟程度的综合反映,是健康人格的外在表现,是思想道德上的高境界。批评别人要出于公心,坚持一切从工作出发,一切从党的事业出发,敢于说短亮丑,承担责任,做到原则问题不让步,非原则问题不纠缠,着眼于提高认识,共同进步,真正达到团结—批评—团结的目的。   最后,在开展批评与自我批评的过程中注意学习。其实开展批评与自我批评的目的就是学习、充实、完善自己。要具备与工作相适应的素质、品行,需坚持不懈地学习。接受正确思想、理论指导越多,知识越多,思想水平和党性修养才会越高,才会有开阔的视野,坦荡的胸襟。   这对我们以后的工作学习也会有很大的帮助。加强学习,丰富头脑,净化心灵,就一定能正确对待和开展好批评与自我批评,以党员个体的纯洁性保证我们党整体的生命力。   此致   敬礼   汇报人:xx   汇报时间:XX年XX月XX日
2023-08-04 07:47:431

关于几个英语“可能”的可能性大小 把所有的“可能”都列下再排下序!

可能性:100%;certainty60—90%;probably50%;possibility10—40%;improbability0%;impossibility(也常用这些词表示可能性:certin,sure,probable,likely,possible,perhaps,maybe等) 情态动词比较:100%must50%--60%can30%--40%could20%may1%---19%might ----------------------------------------------希望采纳,谢谢------------------------------------------------
2023-08-04 07:47:441

请问铁达时 手表 Titus 06-0263 516246的价格和维修

2023-08-04 07:47:483


2023-08-04 07:47:235


英语数字从1—31为:one、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight、nine、ten、eleventwelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen、twentytwenty-one、twenty- two、twenty- three、twenty- four、twenty- five、twenty- sixtwenty- seven、twenty- eight、twenty- nine、thirty、thirty- one基数词 : 表示数目的词称为基数词。这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。扩展资料基数词形式:1.从 20——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。2.表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six3.百位数个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and.4.千位数以上 从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号“,”。从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后添加 thousand,第二个“,”前面的数字后添加 million,第三个“,”前的数字后添加 billion。然后一节一节分别表示,两个逗号之间最大的数为百位数形式。5.基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百、成千上万,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。
2023-08-04 07:47:221


很有可能用英语短语怎么说 Probably in use, 很有可能 用英语怎么说? more likely 很有可能。英语怎么写 possible,probable,feasible,conceivable possibly,potentially,in the cards,on the cards,passably这俩组用法不同,形容词用第一组,形容动作的用第二组 望采纳~ 请问很可能用英文怎么说(高手进) very probably/ it seemed probably that.... certainly it could easily... 希望能够帮到您! “更有可能”用英语怎么说 more likelymore possibly 以上这些问题很有可能被解决用英语怎么说? 以上这些问题很有可能被解决 These problems are likely to be resolved 以上这些问题很有可能被解决 These problems are likely to be resolved 有可能是 也有可能是 用英语怎么说呢? A could be B, but also could be C 非常有可能 英文怎么说? fat chance口语中常用 有可能用英语怎么翻译(短语) may be
2023-08-04 07:47:211


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2023-08-04 07:47:185


问题一:很有可能用英语短语怎么说 Probably in use, 问题二:很有可能 用英语怎么说? more likely 问题三:很有可能。英语怎么写 possible,probable,feasible,conceivable possibly,potentially,in the cards,on the cards,passably 这俩组用法不同,形容词用第一组,形容动作的用第二组 望采纳~ 问题四:请问很可能用英文怎么说(高手进) very probably/ it seemed probably that.... certainly it could easily... 希望能够帮到您! 问题五:“更有可能”用英语怎么说 more likelymore possibly 问题六:以上这些问题很有可能被解决用英语怎么说? 以上这些问题很有可能被解决 These problems are likely to be resolved 以上这些问题很有可能被解决 These problems are likely to be resolved 问题七:有可能是 也有可能是 用英语怎么说呢? A could be B, but also could be C 问题八:非常有可能 英文怎么说? fat chance口语中常用 问题九:有可能用英语怎么翻译(短语) may be
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2023-08-04 07:47:131


PV采用电池阵列把太阳辐射转变成直流电。CSP则使用镜片把太阳的热能反射到充满液体或气体的集热器上面。所收集到的能量用于把水加热,然后驱动汽轮机发电。其中有一类采用盘式系统(dish system),它不使用汽轮机,而是使用斯特林发动机(Stirling engine)产生机械运动,驱动发电机。
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2023-08-04 07:47:122

solvil titus是什么牌子

香港时间廊钟表有限公司,Solvil et Titus铁达时,手表知名品牌,1887年创立于瑞士,香港时间廊财团旗下品牌,代表爱情与知性的时尚手表品牌,以绝妙的创意和高质素的腕表零件享负盛名Solvil et Titus于一八八七年创立。当时,瑞士表业的显赫人物保罗 · 狄森(Paul Ditisheim) (1868 – 1945) 将他创制的一款腕表以此命名,Solvil et Titus便由此诞生。Solvil是瑞士侏罗区(Jura)内一个名为Sonvilier的村落的简称,而Titus则是公元一世纪极富才华的罗马君主。这位著名腕表工匠在研究和制造天文台表方面成就骄人,其产品在英国泰丁敦(Kew-Teddington)及瑞士纳沙泰尔(Neuchatel)皇家天文台多项权威性国际测试中创造了最精准天文台表的记录。狄森的产品多样化,由航海用腕表到以时分显示每天日出日落时间的天文台表,由万年历腕表到具有敲钟报时器的腕表,由以时间方程式计算的天文台表到其它具备各式复杂功能的腕表,令人惊叹他无与伦比的创意、技术和开拓精神。二次世界大战后,市场对高价腕表的需求逐渐被较大众化的腕表取代。此时,Solvil et Titus积极扩张其业务版图与产量。至七十年代时期,Solvil et Titus开始进军亚洲市场。自八十年代后期开始,Solvil et Titus先后委任梅艳芳、王杰、周润发、刘德华等天皇巨星及国际足球名将吉格斯(Ryan Giggs)担任品牌代言人,配合不同年代的怀旧腕表设计,拍摄多辑荡气回肠的爱情电视广告。广告播出后好评如潮,不但广告中主角所配戴的手表一度被争相抢购,同时亦奠定了Solvil et Titus浪漫的品牌形象。从昔日的“不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有”到今日的 “Time Is Love”,广告中采用的品牌标语一直深入人心,而Solvil et Titus也成为代表爱情与知性的时尚品牌。近年,Solvil et Titus积极拓展时尚配饰市场,先后推出太阳镜、925纯银首饰及潮流精品;另与日本皮革品牌Kanmi合作,引入设计简约的皮具系列,打造时尚浪漫的潮流配饰品牌。这些制成品,大约以三十多个不同品牌在市场上销售,足证保罗狄森那份无比的创意、精湛的技术和勇於开拓的精神。时至今日,随著社会环境的变迁及现代人独立自主的个性与思想,与时并进的铁达时亦因此把其品牌形象作出适当的微调,一系列以「时间由我」为主题的广告宣传,所传递的讯息仍离不开一个「情」字,但涉足的层面却比昔日的广泛,享受爱情的同时,亲情、友情及个人内在情怀的抒发也同样重要。而铁达时腕表的设计亦充满时尚元素,迎合年青人的品味要求。从「天长地久」到「时间由我」,铁达时依然是「爱与浪漫」的表徵。该品牌于1975年被香港财团时间廊收购,产地为香港和大陆。
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