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2023-08-04 10:55:14






















undermine召唤石作用是敌人的生命值以及伤害翻倍。巫术效果:1、齐格飞的折磨(唯一需要解锁的巫术)每进入下一层都会获得一种无法销毁的诅咒,顾名思义,这是齐格飞盾牌的诅咒,这种巫术被流传下来,其巫术蓝图就在异界矿井里面,要先解过一次齐格飞诅咒一轮后,才能在下一次异界矿井的选择大厅中获得。2、无尽孤寂一整轮都不会出现圣物房间。3、冒险家的危机你生命值永远只有一点,遭受到任何伤害即死,我试过这个巫术,你即使拥有增加最大生命值的圣物都不会增加,不存在增加或减少最大生命值手段,建议最好拿些有护甲的圣物,带幻影同伴,否则死亡是很容易的。4、霜咬无法获得治疗,但估计是一律哪种治疗都不会回血的,提高最大生命值可能会是好手段。5、盗贼的最后通牒使永久升级完全无效,其实就跟异界矿井不拿任何升级装备一样道理,吃食物升级/炸弹升级/药水升级/装备升级一律都不会有,都会变回最原始状态,如果你使用这巫术去通关打第一区到第五区,则可以获得不升级的成就。《地下矿工》新手攻略进阶技巧:本游戏可以大致分为三种输出方式,近战、远程和炸弹,就体验来说,近战强于远程,而炸弹流是垫底的(比较吃遗物,dps低,暴毙几率高)。个人更加偏好于近战流,这一点仁者见仁,选择了一个流派之后,就不建议打造其他流派的遗物,祝福和宠物同理。整个游戏还剩下了最后一个需要了解的体系:药水。下面就来介绍一个后期较强的套路。这个套路的成型的核心药是彩虹,它可以复制房间内除了遗物外的所有物品,包括药水、祝福。需要的药水不止彩虹,需要roll机药和食物复制药水(回血药),前者继续刷出彩虹药,进行复制工作,后者回复血量,连续6次使用同一roll机需要大概1000血,可能还是刷不出另一瓶彩虹。这也就要求场上的药水越多越好,而基本上,一个商店里最多会卖出3瓶药水,算上彩虹的复制也就六瓶,显然不够,如果算上自带的瓶中瓶药水,在没有药水宝的情况下,也只是多提供了6瓶药水,而且roll的次数不够多,吃完房间里的食物,大概也只能roll 5次。比较保险的做法是带两瓶彩虹,运气要好,或者解锁出全能药水,但是它的解锁极为麻烦,要集齐5个碎片。启动是三瓶roll机药水,一瓶彩虹,一个瓶中瓶,关键遗物:缩小器+回收机,缩小器能开大箱子出小箱子,增加场上的药水数量,回收机炸掉开完的箱子后,也有概率出药水,药水宝喝自己带的药,也有可能掉药水,续航方面关键遗物在于剩饭残羹和金牙。药水多到一定程度后就可以开始下一步了(保证场上至少有一个roll机)。
2023-08-04 02:35:221


2023-08-04 02:35:391


2023-08-04 02:35:531

怎样区别undermine destroy sabotage weaken?

(1)sabotage=deliberately damage or destroy一般接具体的被破坏的物体undermine接的是抽象事物(如reputation)(2)weaken v.削弱, (使)变弱 make sth become weak.:The more serious illness weakens her body greatly
2023-08-04 02:36:011


傀kuǐ 〈形〉 (1) (形声。从人,鬼声。本义:伟;大) (2) 同本义[great] 傀,伟也。――《说文》 达生之情者傀。――《庄子·列御寇》 (3) 又如:傀然(魁梧貌);傀俄(魁伟貌);傀卓(卓异) (4) 奇异[strange] 大傀异灾。――《周礼·大司乐》 (5) 如:傀奇(奇异。亦指奇异之物);傀怪(奇特怪异);傀异(奇异);傀伟(奇特) 傀儡 kuǐlěi (1) [puppet] (2) 木偶戏中的木头人 傀儡戏 (3) 比喻受人操纵,不能自立的人或组织 傀儡政府 傀1 kuǐ ㄎㄨㄟˇ 〔~儡〕a.木偶戏里的木头人;b.喻徒有虚名,被人操纵的人或组织,如“~~政权”。 郑码:NNJ,U:5080,GBK:BFFE 笔画数:11,部首:亻,笔顺编号:32325113554 傀2 guī ㄍㄨㄟˉ (1) 怪异:~奇(亦作“瑰奇”)。 (2) 独立的样子:~然独立。 基本字义 1. 《廣韻》落猥切,上賄,來。 2. 堆砌,垒积。参见“ 儡塊 ”。 3. 见“ 傀儡 ”。 儡 详细字义 1. ——见“傀儡”( kuǐlěi) 2. 另见 léi 儡léi 基本字义 1. 《廣韻》魯回切,平灰,來。 2. 疲困。 详细字义 〈形〉 1. 败坏 [ruin;undermine] 儡,相败也。——《说文》 然而不免于儡身。——《淮南子·俶真》 2. 又如:儡亡(颓丧的样子);儡然(破败的样子) 3. 疲倦 [tired] 寮位儡其隆替。——潘岳《西征赋》 4. 又如:儡儡(颓丧失意的样子;衰竭疲惫的样子) 5. 羸弱 [weak] 容貌儡以顿悴兮,左右凄其相慜。——《文选·潘岳·寡妇赋》? 6. 另见 lěi 傀儡1 [puppet] 2. 木偶戏中的木头人 傀儡戏 3. 比喻受人操纵,不能自立的人或组织 傀儡政府 详细解释 1. 亦作“ 傀垒 ”。比喻郁结在心中的闷气或愁苦。傀,通“ 块”。 清 陈裴之 《湘烟小录·香畹楼忆语》:“君当日以他人酒盃浇自己傀垒,兴酣落笔,概乎言之。” 廖仲恺 《双清词草》:“右诗词若干首,为予幽禁中穷极无聊之作,藉以排遣胸中傀儡,工拙不计也。” 2. 亦作“ 傀垒 ”。1.用土木制成的偶像。 《列子·汤问》记 周穆王 时巧匠 偃师 造假物倡者,即后来的木偶人。傀儡在 汉 代用于丧乐及嘉会, 隋唐 已用于表演故事, 宋 代更加盛行。有杖头傀儡、悬线傀儡、药发傀儡、水傀儡、肉傀儡等。 唐 吴兢 《贞观政要·慎所好》:“ 贞观 七年,工部尚书 段纶 进巧人 杨思齐 至, 太宗 令试, 纶 遣造傀儡戏具。”宋 高承 《事物纪原·博弈嬉戏·傀儡》:“世传傀儡起於 汉高祖 平城 之围,用 陈平 计,刻木为美人,立之城上,以诈 冒顿 閼氏,后人因此为傀儡。” 巴金 《秋》二一:“ 枚少爷 穿着长袍马褂,听人指挥,举动呆板,衣服宽大,活象一个傀儡。” 3. 指木偶戏。 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部一》:“南方好傀儡,北方好鞦韆,然皆胡戏也。” 4. 比喻不能自主、受人操纵的人或组织。 清 李渔 《怜香伴·欢聚》:“这等看起来,把我当做个傀儡,从那时节掣到如今,还不知觉。” 范文澜 《中国近代史》第七章第五节:“ 光绪帝 作为 西太后 的一个傀儡,才有他存在的意义,不愿当傀儡,就不能当皇帝。” 陈登科 《赤龙与丹凤》第一部八:“ 宋蚒 在村里本来是个傀儡,所作所为,都靠 黎伥 在背后为他出谋划策。”如:伪 满洲国 是傀儡政权。
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1. 拆白chāibái[swindle] 〈方〉∶指流氓诈骗钱财。2. 拆白党chāibáidǎng[confidence men;gang of swindlers] [吴方言] ∶指骗取财物的流氓集团或者个别的骗子。他是个拆白党。3. 拆除chāichú[demolish;remove;dismantle] 拆卸掉拆除临时建筑物拆除城防工事4. 拆穿chāichuān[give the lie to;unmask;expose;reveal] 点破;说穿这一记载似乎拆穿了古代信条的虚伪性。5. 拆东墙,补西墙chāi dōngqiáng,bǔxīqiáng[resort to a makeshift solution as tearing down the east wall to repair the west wall;keep up one"s strength in one place at the expense of the other] 比喻拉东补西,勉强拼凑,穷于应付。6. 拆毁chāihuǐ[destroy by pulling down] 拆掉;拆散拆毁诸神的祭坛拆毁一所房子7. 拆伙chāihuǒ[disband;dissolve a partnership,part company] 散摊子,散伙8. 拆建chāijiàn[tear down and build] 通常指拆除旧建筑,在原地建造新的可以说多数街道的住房在这几十年间已经重新拆建过9. 拆借chāijiè[daily interest rates on short——term private loans] 按日计息的短期借贷10. 拆卖chāimài[sell in broken lots] 拆零出卖整套出售,概不拆卖11. 拆迁chāiqiān[remove as a result of the pulling down of the original residence] 把原建筑拆除,住户迁移到别处利用一台柴油机发电,以保证拆迁照明12. 拆墙脚chāi qiángjiǎo[undermine;cut the ground;pull the rug from under sb."s feet] 比喻拆人家的台关键时刻,他总在拆墙角13. 拆散chāisàn(1) [break down]∶使成套的东西分散机器太大,只好拆散了运(2) [break up]∶使家庭、集体的成员分散不忠贞的行为拆散了他们的婚姻14. 拆台chāitái[undermine;cut the ground;pull the rug from under sb."s feet] 有意破坏使人倒台或办不成事15. 拆息chāixī[daily interest rates on private loans] 旧时存款放款按日计算的利率16. 拆洗chāixǐ[unpick and wash;wash after removing the lining of a padded coat,quilt,etc.;strip and clean] 把[棉衣、棉被等]拆开洗净,再缝上17. 拆线chāixiàn[take out stitches] 伤口愈合后,将缝伤口的线拆掉18. 拆卸chāixiè[disasemble;dismantle;dismount] 把机器等拆开并卸下部件19. 拆用chāiyòng[tear down and use] 把整件拆开使用20. 拆账chāizhàng[divide the income among the laborers according to labor] 旧中国服务、饮食等行业的工作人员没有固定工资,从营业额中按一定比例提取工资总额,再按职工的工作性质、工作种类、工作质量等进行分配21. 拆字chāizì[fortune-telling by analysing the components of a Chinese character] 一种占卜方法。拆解汉字的偏旁笔画并作出解说,来占卜吉凶(迷信)
2023-08-04 02:36:461


ls 说那么多有意义么? 人家就问个northrend 你贴那么多找的东西
2023-08-04 02:37:025


正式名称应该是“酒店试睡员”或者“酒店品评家”,hotel connoisseur,目前只有国内有过类似职位的招聘,国外还没有类似的职位招聘,不过有介绍过做类似工作的一个人,经历介绍等,你可以看看:
2023-08-04 02:37:311


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2023-08-04 02:39:101


【近义词】:倾覆、推翻  【反义词】:捍卫
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2023-08-04 02:39:351


undergraduate n.大学肆业生 underground adj.地下的 undergrowth n. 下层丛林,生于大树下的矮树 underhand a. 秘密的,下投的,欺瞒的 underhanded adj. 不光明的,卑鄙的 underlie vi. 构成...的基础 underline vt.着重;预告 扩展资料   underling n. 下属,手下   underlying adj. 根本的",基础的;下层的;优先的;   undermentioned adj. 下述的   undermine v. 破坏,损坏   underneath ad.在下面,在底下   undernourished a.营养不良   underpin v. 加固;支持   underplay v. 表演不充分,对...轻描淡写   underrate vt. 低估,估计过低,看轻   underscore vt. 强调,加强   undersell vt. 以低于市价售出,抛售   undershirt n. 汗衫
2023-08-04 02:40:141


2023-08-04 02:40:377


点击这里查看视频 我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持6个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松的方式提升自己的听力? 跟我一起每天听写电影吧! 注意这里的sick不是表示生病, 而是表示非常好的, 如图. 像这样一个单词有2个相反的意思, 需要特别小心, 要根据语境去判断是哪个意思. 这里的kind of不容易听出. 首先注意hiro的面部表情是比较兴奋的, 并且下一句接的是you look sick(amazing). 所以这一句的意思大体是: 那挺好的, 那很棒之类的. 有童鞋说kind of听到gonna中gon的音, 这是因为k和g是一对辅音, 成对的辅音是很容易听混的. 关键要听元音, 对比kind和gonna的元音来听, 看看这里是哪个元音呢? 另外注意kind of的连读 从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方. 1 If we"re gonna catch that guy, you need some upgrades. 2 -Will apprehending the man in the mask improve your emotional state? -Absolutely. 3 Let"s work on your moves . 4 Now, let"s take care of this. 5 I have some concerns. This armor may undermine my non-threatening, huggable design. 6 That"s kind of the idea , buddy. You look sick . 7 I cannot be sick. I am a robot. 8 -It"s just an expression. - Data transfer complete. 9 I fail to see how karate makes me a better healthcare companion. 10 You want to keep me healthy, don"t you? Punch this. 11 Yes! Hammerfist! Side kick! Knifehand! Back kick! Gummy bears! Yes! 12 -Yeah! Fist bump! -"Fist bump" Is not in my fighting database . 13 No, this isn"t a fighting thing. 14 It"s what people do sometimes when they"re excited or pumped up . 15 Hey, now you"re getting it. 16 I will add "Fist bump" to my care-giving matrix. 17 All right. Let"s go get that guy. 18 Come on! Get him , Baymax! 19 We"re too late. 20 -Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere. -Come on. 21 Always wait one hour after eating before swimming.
2023-08-04 02:40:551


underground地下的 underwrite在…下面写 underline划线于…下 undersea在海底 undermine破坏,损坏 underling下属 underclothing内衣裤 underwear内衣 扩展资料   underestimate估计不足(under+estimate估计)   underplay对…轻描淡写(under+play玩→没玩够→说得不够的)   underpopulated人口稀少的(under+populated有人住的)   underdeveloped不发达的(under+developed发展→发展不够)   undersized不够大的"(under+sized大的→不够大的)   underagent副代理人(under+agent代理人)   underofficer下级官员(under+officer官员)
2023-08-04 02:42:201

节日快乐请问These views of arguments also undermine reason什么意思

2023-08-04 02:42:291

now you are nothing to do something是什么意思

now you are nothing to do something现在你什么都没有做双语对照例句:1.Now I want you to do something for me. 现在我需要你为我做件事。
2023-08-04 02:42:493

interfere with和interfere in的区别

2023-08-04 02:43:043

IOS开发者账号被调查(Other - Other)怎么办?附解决办法

Ios开发者账号被other怎么办?other也不是完全没救的,先不要慌,我举例了几种other的邮件,逐个分析,希望对开发者们有所帮助 还有更多文章分析other : 审核详情类型 类型1:态度中立型 Hello, The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have completed our review, we will notify you via Resolution Center. If you would like to inquire about the status of this review, you may file a request via the Apple Developer Contact Us page Best regards, App Store Review 对于这样的回复,情况可能会乐观一点,苹果要么是进行例行检查,要么是审核资源紧张,对部分产品进行拖延审核。类型2:态度严厉型 Hello, We are unable to continue this app"s review because your Apple Developer Program account is currently under investigation for not following the App Store Review Guidelines" Developer Code of Conduct. …… 对于类型2,可能性质不太乐观,苹果肯定是发现了你的app(或者账号)有什么猫腻才会有这样的回复。 询问结果 一般来说,如果自己确实没有违规,遇到第一种类型的Other,可以回复苹果进行询问,看看会不会收到苹果的如下回复。Hello, Thank you for contacting App Store Review about the review of your app, ""XXXXXX."" We understand your concern regarding the extended review time of your app. However, we still need additional time for review. No action has been taken against your app at this time, and we have escalated your request to the appropriate internal team. After we complete your app"s review, we will notify you via Resolution Center of any next steps. We appreciate your continued patience. Your case number is XXXXXXXX. Best regards, Johanna App Store Review 如果收到的是如上结果,情况就较为乐观。一般来说,经过几个工作日的调查,调查结束后会收到如下信息。Hello, We are writing to let you know that we have completed our investigation of your Apple Developer Program account. You may now submit apps for review, and we will continue with the review of this app. If we find any issues during our review, we will communicate them via Resolution Center. Otherwise, your app will be approved. Please note that all apps submitted to the App Store are reviewed against the App Store Review Guidelines, including the Developer Code of Conduct. You can avoid future investigations by ensuring your apps don"t attempt to mislead or harm customers or undermine the review process. Be sure to review the App Store Review Guidelines and read the Developer Code of Conduct so you understand our requirements prior to submitting any apps for review. Best regards, App Store Review 那恭喜你,起码你的账号不会有什么风险了,接下去就会进入正常的针对app内容本身的审核流程。总结分析 容易被调查的账号多是: 新账号。 中国大陆账号。 有过黑历史的账号关联。 原因其实大家都懂的,就是市场被国内的钻营取巧的开发团队玩烂了,以至于个人开发者也容易被误伤遭殃。算是某种类型的歧视吧。怎么判断是机审结果还是人审结果 一般而言审核时间在10分钟以内的,基本可以确认是机审的结果。以 We are unable to continue this app"s review为开头的,基本可以断定是机审。 如果审核时间超过了10分钟,据网友猜测应该是先机审后人工决策的结果。 这篇文章就分析到这了,有人还有疑惑的欢迎和我交流问题~
2023-08-04 02:43:191

当前的英语翻译 当前用英语怎么说

2023-08-04 02:43:415

Don"t undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.It is because we are different that ea

2023-08-04 02:44:003

求翻译:英译中. 请不要使用翻译工具,谢谢!有追加

媒介是消息,并且在这种情况下媒介是书面报告。 在经理的技能应该看能力准备报告和能力认可质量好和品质差报告,作为一关键字元。 当形式是好内容时的没有替补,不足提出的报告可能破坏甚至否定好内容。 当然当于达到高质量实质的内容时应该集中大多数研究员的注意,一般方面在本章上升了也值得严肃的关切。
2023-08-04 02:44:094


2023-08-04 02:44:195


if we can not take useful means,we may not control this trend,and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly,so what we should do is ------
2023-08-04 02:44:353


  演讲稿是为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己意见、看法或汇报思想工作情况而事先准备好的文稿。在快速变化和不断变革的`新时代,能够利用到演讲稿的场合越来越多,在写之前,可以先参考范文,以下是我帮大家整理的以毕业为题的英文演讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助。 以毕业为题的英文演讲稿1   My dear classmates,   I take with me the memory of Friday afternoon ACM happy hours, known not for kegs of beer, but rather bowls of rainbow sherbet punch. Over the several years that I attended these happy hours they enjoyed varying degrees of popularity, often proportional to the quality and quantity of the accompanying refreshments - but there was always the rainbow sherbert punch.   I take with me memories of purple parking permits, the West Campus shuttle, checking my pendaflex, over-due library books, trying to print from cec, lunches on Delmar, friends who slept in their offices, miniature golf in Lopata Hall, The Greenway Talk, division III basketball, and trying to convince Dean Russel that yet another engineering school rule should be changed.   Finally, I would like to conclude, not with a memory, but with some advice. What would a graduation speech be without a little advice, right? Anyway, this advice comes in the form of a verse delivered to the 1977 graduating class of Lake Forest College by Theodore Seuss Geisel, better known to the world as Dr. Seuss - Here"s how it goes:   My uncle ordered popovers from the restaurant"s bill of fare. And when they were served, he regarded them with a penetrating stare . . . Then he spoke great Words of Wisdom as he sat there on that chair: "To eat these things," said my uncle, "you must excercise great care. You may swallow down what"s solid . . . BUT . . . you must spit out the air!"   And . . . as you partake of the world"s bill of fare, that"s darned good advice to follow. Do a lot of spitting out the hot air. And be careful what you swallow.   Thank you. 以毕业为题的英文演讲稿2   Dear teachers, dear classmates:   Hello everyone!   Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, three years have passed. We must say goodbye to our dear teacher, and we must say goodbye to our classmates. No campus corner has left our footprints. Wherever we go, whatever we see, we can evoke a string of memories.   Thinking back three years ago, we came together with innocence and hope. We are energetic and enthusiastic, and we are full of vision and expectation for the future. In the past three years, we have been enjoying the intense and intense school life in the sweat and feeling the concern of the teacher. In the study, we are in the teacher"s inculcate teaching gradually sensible, in the teacher"s patient and meticulous teaching happy learning; in life, we are in the teacher"s care under the care of the healthy growth, in the teacher"s care to feel the warmth of the family. Thousands of words do not mean our friendship with teachers. We can not finish our lingering nostalgia for teachers. Three years of study and life, more than 1000 days and nights, a teacher and teacher to talk to the heart of the heart, there is a teacher"s enthusiastic guidance, by the school leadership of the teachings in the busy schedule. There are encouragement, criticism, communication and guidance, all of which are the most precious wealth in our hearts.   The mid-term exam is, after all, the first most sacred test in our life, and its pressure can be imagined. You know, teacher, your affectionate gaze is our strongest dependence. I believe that all the sweat and ideals of hard work will be transformed into a good news report. We know that it is the best reward for your long selfless dedication.   Yes, we are full of confidence in this. Teacher, I feel your expectations, your eyes. Now I can still remember every smile you have, every time you talk, your every lesson is still fresh in our mind. Without recollection, everything is so vivid and very gratifying. Teacher, we really do not want to talk about leaving, we are deeply attached to you and __campus.   We should follow the school style of civilization, enterprising, realistic and innovative. Under the encouragement of the school motto of Ming and Germany, the learning, the diligence and the seeking, we should study hard and innovate under the inspiring of learning good thinking, respecting teachers and keeping discipline, improving themselves and developing harmoniously.   We want to graduate from the alma mater and face the teachers and younger brothers and sisters, we hope that you will cherish the time, study hard and fight hard. Facing the beloved teachers, we wish you health, the smooth work, the peach and plum all over the world; in the face of the dear alma mater, we want to engrave you in the heart, no matter in the future. Wherever we go, we will be proud to say that we are alma mater. 以毕业为题的英文演讲稿3   Good morning, everybody.   Today, I am a junior college graduate student and vice president of student union as my last speech at Zhao Lin junior high school. Three years, the end of junior high school life, three years of life, such as knife like wind, such as sword, came hurriedly, also hurried, time leisurely, the years leisurely. In three years of life, you may be sad for yourself, to pain yourself, to hate yourself, or to blame the teacher, the teacher, the teacher, the drops of life, and the memory of us. We saw that Kay was sitting in a tight seat, enjoying his love in his work. The summer breeze is like a temple of old wine, the tree of Lin Yuan, the people of Lin Garden are a little drunk. Today we will take a small drunken step and take the old boat ticket with faith.   We have the youth, we should dare to struggle, youth is the starting point of the dream, after you walk, you will find that my future is not a dream; youth is the capital of people, after you walk, you will find that the mature you will not be poor; youth is the platform of life, after walking, the heart of the dream will sail to the next station. Life is no more than a mountain, outside the Castle Peak outside the building, life is rich and free. Once we chased crazy, flock fighting, now when we know the courage to face, once did not understand the world, eat and drink pleasure, now should be the chair of needle felt, rock pavement, Enron never move. The writing of the pen is no longer wild and proud. It is written in a small brush. It is written in a small print. It is really exquisite and real.   When we met again after many years, looking back at a smile, Yunlong brother was safe. I hope that each of us has a happy life, a tender smile, a bitter smile, and a long smile on the sky. I laugh from across the sky. Our hearts are beating, blood is burning again, come on, let us chase after the life that is full of anger. Finally, the future of Zhu Lin Garden will be more brilliant. 以毕业为题的英文演讲稿4   My dear Mr. and Misses, my fellows schoolmates,   Good morning! As you know and see, it is a sunny bump harvest season. In the city, in our school campus, everywhere is surrounded with roses which we together planted 4 years ago. Today may these roses and our friendship as well be together and comfort our excited hearts!   It was four years ago that everyone of us came from every part of China and formed a new collective. As we are young, it"s very easy for us to communicate. It was in the past four years that we were ambitious. It was in the past four years that we worried. It was in the past four years that we were content. It was in the past four years that we were vexed. It was in the past four years that we were friendly and lonely ... and it was in the past fours that we studied, lived and respected each other with genuine and with our ambitions. Nothing in the world is more significant than we miss all of these.   We miss you─teachers who are tireless in teaching; we will keep your gestures and your white hairs in our hearts deeply; we will miss the quietness with the lights at night in the classroom; we will miss the race and exercise on the playground; we will miss even the crowds in the dining hall and the quarrel on the beds; we will still miss every green piece and every piece of waste paper flying like flakes in the air ... However, today we will leave nothing but the first rose with our Alma Mater and our teachers which is entrusted with our love and respect.   4 years seems very long but 4 years seems very short. From now on, we all will go into the society. The society is broad and wide for us. We will shoulder heavy responsibilities; we will work diligently; and we will expect to be informed of good news from one another. Now, I beg you all to cherish the occasion; to remember the names, the status, appearance and the character of the person around you. Now let"s be hand in hand together; let"s present the rose to each other. May the rose carry our appreciation and blessing! We are very closely linked no matter what the world may be. May the fresh rose in our hands keep its fragrants!   Thank you all again! 以毕业为题的英文演讲稿5   Three years ago, you chose lingqiao middle school in a smart way, and it has been proved that your choice is correct. Because we are a good school, our school is like a factory of conscience, never make you into inferior milk powder, gutter oil, poison capsule.   Our school has an idol school teacher, a teacher, an idol and a teacher. But no matter what kind of teacher we are, we work very hard, we are serious about being a militiaman, we stir you, but we have never soaked you in foam.   After three years of diligent endeavor, you have finally grown from a group of ignorant diaosi into a group of talented, thoughtful, fighting, and ideal four diaosi.   Looking back three years, your experience has had the wind, has had the rain, but also has the normal weather has the sunshine, has the rainbow. Over the past three years, you have sweated and shed tears, but I have also been very careful to see the saliva left by the students when they doze off. The motto of the Harvard University library: "now drips, will become tomorrow"s tears, hope that once sleepy classmates will not flow again."   I found more wide of the mark is the classmate of commitment: want to hand in homework, still do not you have such a malicious default job behavior is just like "dirty" boss of wage arrears for migrant rural workers. You are hateful and hateful, and your actions undermine the core interests of learning. I strongly condemn you, and you are responsible for all the consequences.   In a few days, you will graduate, three years of imprisonment will soon be released, after going out, must be a good person, must not do bad. If you do something bad, please don"t say it is my student, because there is a common saying: one day is a teacher, life is the father. The bad thing is that my students are not bad guys? June is a month of annoying, isn"t he because of the heat from the sun to your face sunburn, but because there was a asshole young man said, "all good things must come to an end, then we will be faced with graduation. But please don"t be sad, because we have another best-selling author, Mr. Luo gu-zhong, who says, "it"s a long, long time." We believe that we students of love will be like magnesium copper in everyone"s heart forever, we are looking forward to a better someday meet, then we will see the girl of our school is so Bai Fu beauty, is such a Grosvenor LTD handsome boys in our class, and our math teacher is so good.   In a few days, we will have the midterm exam. Some students are afraid of me. You"re still alive, so you"re afraid of just one test. Go ahead, you are the brave soldiers, in the college entrance examination of the battlefield, please unscrupulous show your sword, because the narrow road meet the brave win.   In the end, I wish all the students the best of luck in the exam.
2023-08-04 02:44:431


首字母大写:Y。 云,现代汉语规范一级字(常用字),普通话读音为yún,最早见于商朝甲骨文时代,在六书中属于象形字。“云”的基本含义为说话,引文,如:人云亦云;引申含义为文言助词,句首句中句末都用,如:云谁之思。 在日常使用中,“云”的用法一般是指云彩,如:云开见日(比喻清除蒙蔽,重见光明)。
2023-08-04 02:35:461

win10安装64位olivettipr2e的 驱动谁有帮忙提供一下?谢谢!

1网站找半天发现官方不支持WIN764位,没办法拨打客服电话,建议用LQ-1600K或OKI5330打印机驱动,XP下测试驱动没问题。WIN7 64位测试没问题。 WI10 64位闹心了。南天 PR2E 打印机驱动程序 win7 WIN8 64位.zip2安装爱普生的1600K后乱码3禁用win10的强制驱动程,安装 南天PR2_OKI5530后正常
2023-08-04 02:35:501

空调制冷的原理是什么? 制热的原理有是什么?

2023-08-04 02:35:537


云的英文 cloud
2023-08-04 02:35:543


意大利是欧洲艺术的摇篮,是文艺复兴的发源地,也是现代艺术流派诞生的温床。第二次世界大战后,意大利设计的发展被称为“现代文艺复兴”,对全世界设计界产生了巨大冲击。在20世纪世界现代艺术设计发展史中,意大利是一个不断创新的设计风格发源地,二占后迅速崛起与腾飞的意大利设计学派表现为一种整体性的设计文化,它融会于产品、服装、汽车、办公用品、家具等诸多的设计领域之中。这种设计文化是根植于意大利悠久而丰富多彩的艺术传统之中的,并反映了意大利民族的创造思维和艺术才能。意大利设计的世界性影响是通过20世纪50——60年代诸如尼佐里(Maecello Nizzolil)、庞蒂(Gio Ponti)和科隆博(Colombo)这样的产品设计大师,以及奥利维蒂(Olivetti)和卡西纳(Cassina)这类著名品牌公司,《多姆斯》(Domus)这样的设计类杂志,米兰三年展和米兰家具博览会这样的国际性展览会,以及各种艺术与设计出版物的传播树立起来的。总体来说,意大利现代设计学派的特点是由于形式上的创新而产生的特有的风格与个性。二战后,工业和社会的变革否定了意大利法西斯主义的浮华与荒谬,为设计的发展铺平的道路。意大利结束了25年与外界隔绝的状态,开始了解各国文化,研究德国包豪斯、北欧功能主义和美国商业设计。从世界设计史的角度来看,“意大利设计”作为一个代表特殊风格的专有名词出现,并建立起世界性的声誉是在1945年之后,即意大利人称为“重建”的时期,20世纪50年代意大利家具设计开始出现活跃气氛,由于意大利有许多小型手工艺厂,一批又一批的建筑师开始转向家具设计,许多设计师与特定的厂家结合,产生了工业与艺术富有生命力的联姻。他们在家具设计中主要体现了建筑空间的整体美学风格和艺术造型,形成了具有意大利特色的家具工业。20世纪50年代意大利设计的造型特征是所谓当代“有机”雕塑设计风格,这种视觉特征与新金属和塑料生产技术相结合,创造 了一种独特的美学。这种美学显然受到英国雕塑家摩尔和美国“有机设计”的影响。在20世纪50年代中期,现代意大利设计风格就已经初步建立起来。1953年意大利《工业设计》杂志创刊,1956年工业设计师协会成立,这时的“米兰三年展”也大获成功,对意大利设计起了很大的促进作用。从这以后,意大利设计就以一种激动人心的形式展现于世。1961年国际工业设计协会第一届会议在意大利威尼斯举行。从60年代开始,工业设计师越来越多地趋向消费品生产,建筑师们也转向产品设计,并组成专业团体和协会。这个过程到20世纪60年代取得了突出成果,被称为“意大利设计奇迹”,标志着意大利作为一个主要的经济力量重返欧洲和西方世界。斯堪的纳维亚的功能主义设计风格和美国有机设计风格是二战刚结束后当时世界设计潮流的主要领导者。意大利人借鉴他们的模式重建了自己的设计工业,确定了二战后的工业设计政策。从20世纪60年代开始,塑料和先进的成型技术使意大利创造出了一种更富有个性和表现力的风格。1965年“意大利室内景观”已成为著名的家具与室内设计流派,一大批建筑师和设计师开始探索研究现代家庭生活题。意大利家具设计从20世纪50年代开始崛起,60年代开始成为活跃在世界设计舞台上的两大设计学派之一,与北欧设计学派平分秋色。20世纪60——70年代的意大利家具设计遥遥领先,著名设计大师索特萨斯(Ettore Sottsass)领导的“激进设计”在跨入80年代后,震惊了世界设计界,第四代、第五代意大利设计师又将意大利的设计统治地位一直延续到21世纪。[1]
2023-08-04 02:35:583


"Datacenter"指的是一个专门设计和维护大型计算机系统、网络设备和相关设施的设施或场所。"Standard"则指的是一种规范、标准或准则,用于确保一致性、兼容性和互操作性。以下是关于"Datacenter"和"Standard"区别的解答,大家可以先看下面的表格简单了解一下这两个词汇:区别及英文例子:a. 区别1:数据中心(datacenter)是指存储、管理和处理大量数据的设施,而标准(standard)是指普遍认可的规范或准则。例子1:Our company recently built a state-of-the-art datacenter to handle our growing data storage needs.(我们公司最近建了一座先进的数据中心,以应对不断增长的数据存储需求。)例子2:The industry standard for network security is constantly evolving to keep up with new threats.(网络安全的行业标准在不断演变,以跟上新的威胁。)b. 区别二:数据中心(datacenter)是一个特定的设施,而标准(standard)是一种规范或准则,可以适用于不同的领域或产品。例子1:The datacenter houses thousands of servers, cooling systems, and backup power supplies.(这个数据中心设有数千台服务器、冷却系统和备用电源供应。)例子2:The ISO 9001 standard ensures quality management practices are implemented across various industries.(ISO 9001标准确保质量管理实践在各个行业中得到实施。)c. 区别三:数据中心(datacenter)是一个实体设施,而标准(standard)是一个概念或要求。例子1:The datacenter has redundant power and cooling systems to ensure uninterrupted operation.(数据中心配备了冗余电源和冷却系统,以确保不间断运行。)例子2:The company strives to meet industry standards for sustainable manufacturing practices.(该公司努力达到可持续制造实践的行业标准。)d. 区别四:数据中心(datacenter)是一个专门用于数据存储和处理的设施,而标准(standard)是一种衡量或评估产品或服务质量的依据。例子1:The datacenter is equipped with advanced security measures to protect sensitive information.(数据中心配备了先进的安全措施,以保护敏感信息。)例子2:The company strives to maintain high-quality standards in its customer service to ensure customer satisfaction.(该公司努力在客户服务方面保持高质量标准,以确保客户满意度。)
2023-08-04 02:35:591


Misty, Dreamy, Drizzle
2023-08-04 02:36:024


2023-08-04 02:36:091


2023-08-04 02:36:101


2023-08-04 02:36:133


1首先打开MindManager(最新版本MindManager15),绘制思维导图并保存。2点击主屏幕上方文件菜单,选择导出选项中的导出到Microsoft Word选项。3在弹出的对话框中选择需要保存思维导图的路径,然后点击保存。4保存完成之后会弹出对MicrosoftWord进行导出设定窗口,你可以根据自己的需求进行设置,设置完成之后点击导出或者也可以直接选择默认,点击确定5屏幕提示导出到文档成功之后即表示导出成功。如果导出失败,可能是电脑中未能正确安装Microsoft office。备注1如果出现导出失败,请先确定电脑系统内是否安装Microsoft Office软件,因为WPS与MindManager不相兼容。安装完成后重启程序既可。mindmanager2016 64位: 32位: mac版: win版:
2023-08-04 02:35:451


Diagram of a Ming dynasty mariner"s compassMain article: CompassThe earliest reference to magnetism in Chinese literature is found in a 4th century BC book called Book of the Devil Valley Master (鬼谷子): "The lodestone makes iron come or it attracts it."The earliest reference to a magnetic device used as a "direction finder" is in a Song Dynasty book dated to AD 1040-44. Here there is a description of an iron "south-pointing fish" floating in a bowl of water, aligning itself to the south. The device is recommended as a means of orientation "in the obscurity of the night." However, the first suspended magnetic needle compass was written of by Shen Kuo in his book of AD 1088.For most of Chinese history, the compass that remained in use was in the form of a magnetic needle floating in a bowl of water. According to Needham, the Chinese in the Song Dynasty and continuing Yuan Dynasty did make use of a dry compass, although this type never became as widely used in China as the wet compass.The dry compass used in China was a dry suspension compass, a wooden frame crafted in the shape of a turtle hung upside down by a board, with the loadstone sealed in by wax, and if rotated, the needle at the tail would always point in the northern cardinal direction. Although the 14th century European compass-card in box frame and dry pivot needle was adopted in China after its use was taken by Japanese pirates in the 16th century (who had in turn learned of it from Europeans), the Chinese design of the suspended dry compass persisted in use well into the 18th century.
2023-08-04 02:35:441


指南针:The compass火药:Gunpowder造纸术:paper-making印刷术:printing在翻译 造纸术、印刷术时,如果是在句子中,最好在他们后面在加上technique(“技术”的意思)也就是 paper-making technique 造纸技术 and printing technique 印刷技术中国古代的四大发明,英语是: Four Great Inventions of Ancient China.中国是许多伟大发明的发源地,包括中国古代的四大发明:造纸术、指南针、火药、印刷(包括木字和活字印刷)。China has been the source of many significant inventions, including the Four Great Inventions of ancient China: paper, the compass, gunpowder, and printing ( both woodblock and movable type).重点词汇:invention 英[u026anu02c8venu0283n] 美[u026anu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259n]n. 发明; 发明物; 捏造:内心捏造的东西,特指谎言; 发明才能;[例句]It"s been a tricky business marketing his new invention宣传他的新发明一直是件棘手的事情。ancient 英[u02c8eu026anu0283u0259nt] 美[u02c8enu0283u0259nt]adj. 古代的,已往的; 古老的,过时的; 年老的; 老式的;n. 古代人; 古文明国的国民; 高龄老人; 旗手;[例句]They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.他们认为古代希腊罗马是知识的重要发源地。
2023-08-04 02:35:311


2023-08-04 02:35:291


teacher,you can speak Chinese? sure!!! 老师,四大发明是中国人发明的吗? 当然。 谢谢老师,再见。 886。
2023-08-04 02:35:232


2023-08-04 02:35:208


――摘自吴军老师的《格局》 每个人身边都不缺智者,只是有的人愿意向他们学习,有的人不愿意罢了。比如一位商人,你可以把他看成普通的生意伙伴,或者一个富豪,抑或一个奸商,当然也可以将他看作一位老师——一切取决于我们看待他的角度。我在刚刚走出大学进入社会时,遇到了一位商人,他对我来讲亦师亦友,让我的格局得到了提升。 他是一位香港商人,名叫张国贤,在正式场合我叫他张先生,私底下就直呼他的英文名字Thomas(托马斯)。张先生教给我的全部智慧加起来就两个字:大气。没有他带我见世面,我做事情的时候可能免不了有点儿小家子气,甚至在遇到困境的时候,有些人穷志短。通过和张先生相处,我变成了一个大气的人,这让我对他感激至今。 我认识张先生是一个偶然加必然的结果。在大学毕业之后,我到当时电子部直属的一家企业做软件汉化。这种工作说得好听叫软件国产化,没什么技术含量,我也不喜欢做。当时中国IT产业刚刚兴起,做生意很挣钱,于是我做了半年技术就主动要求去做销售。 当时中国有一小半计算机的销售在中关村,主要的挣钱方式就是给外国总司做代理。我代理过几家公司的产品,合作最多的是一家意大利公司——Olivetti,它有一个很好听的中文名字——好利获得。它曾经是世界上最早发明个人计算机的公司之一,也是当时意大利第二大工业集团(第一大集团是菲亚特),该公司生产个人计算机、服务器和银行用的ATM。它在中国卖得最好的是ATM,一度占有中国市场20%的份额。 好利获得公司现在已经破产了,所以知道它的人并不多。在20世纪90年代,世界上大部分跨国企业在中国内地只有代表处,没有分公司。代表处只能签销售协议,真正的销售就由我们这样的代理来完成。好利获得公司也是如此,它的亚洲公司在香港,该公司派到内地的三位代表都是有欧美工作经历的香港人,张先生便是其中一位。从我的经历和他的经历来看,我们的相识纯属偶然。 但是,我们能成为朋友也有必然因素。张先生慷慨大方,生意上守信用,这让我愿意与他合作,不用担心被骗,因为我们私下里管当时的中关村“电子一条街”叫“骗子一条街”。当然,我愿意追随张先生做生意,或多或少是因为从心里佩服他。他是我当时见过的最好的销售人员,和我一样有工程背景,虽然做销售,但是对产品特点理解得很透彻,这得益于他懂技术。不仅如此,张先生很会介绍产品,他能把自己公司的产品的一些弱点,比如价格高、缺少某些功能,转化成优点来讲,我开玩笑地说他有把丧事办成喜事的本事。我当时觉得,他没有签不下来的单子。因此,我是以师长的态度对待他的。当然,张先生在我面前也没有架子。虽然我刚入行,人脉不多,但是张先生对我很器重,经常把一些生意介绍给我。他对我讲:“你技术水平不错,潜能很大,也善于沟通,好好历练,将来前途无量。”于是我们就成了好朋友。 当时,中国人的月收入只有几百元,相比之下,我们做生意的金额要大得多。我挣得利润归国家,干得好不过多拿几元的奖金而已。好利获得则不同,它是私营企业,挣的利润很多被业务代表分了,因此张先生的收入大约是我的100倍。那时,他晚上经常请我在北京最贵的饭店吃饭。北京新开一家餐厅,他就请我去,我们当时吃饭的速度赶得上北京高档酒楼开业的速度。那些餐厅的饭虽然好吃,但绝不是工薪阶层吃得起的,每次都能吃掉我一个月的工资。我虽然饱了口福,但毕竟手上的钱不多,花起钱来并不能随心所欲。 有一次,我半开玩笑地和张先生将:“Thomas,你花这么多钱请我吃饭,我真的很感激,可是吃完饭我还是没钱花,你不如把钱给我。”张先生严肃地和我讲:“我请你吃饭,带你享受生活,是为了让你开眼界,让你体会高水平生活的质量。以你的能力,将来会比我的生意做的大、生活得好。如果我把钱给了你,你就会满足于那几百元钱,格局就太小了,那样你只能成为一个挣点儿工资、奖金就满意的人。”后来他还对我讲:“你和中关村那群商人没少打交道,他们卖一台计算机,挣上1000元就很满足了,因为那是他们同龄人两三个月的工资。他们非常满足于这样一台一台地卖下去,可是这样下去他们的水平是不会提高的。而我们签一个单子,常常是上百万金额的合同,一次生意抵得上他们的几十次。然而,这种生意非常复杂,难度很大,从投标到办理进出口手续,交付设备还要培训,并不是满足于挣1000元的‘倒爷‘能做的,绝大部分人永远没有能力做每单上百万元的生意。“ 后来我的生意越做越大。中关村的“倒爷”们还是一台一台地卖计算机、打印机,而我是几百台、上千台地卖。虽然我在国企没有销售提成,但是因为业绩斐然,所以收入很高,这要感谢张先生将我的销售境界提升了一个层次。
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2023-08-04 02:35:061


1、打开空调遥控器,初始状态是自动状态。2、点击“模式”按钮,调节状态依次是 制冷-除湿-送风-制热。3、调到制热状态后,再调高空调温度,一般开空调制热时调到最高温度。4、空调带有超强功能,可以缩短温度提升的时间。扩展资料:一、空调制热原理:空调制热有两种方式,一种电加热,室外机不用启动;另外一种是利用制冷剂(氟氯昂)制热。第一种制热原理就像某些电暖器的发热原理。就是通过电热管的加热,直接将电能转化为热能,电热管加热后通过热传递将附近空气温度提高,再转送到室外,这种加热方式效率较高,但一般用于柜机等功率较大的单体空调上,这种加热方式的空调机一般称为电辅热泵型空调机。第二种制热方式与空调制冷原理相反,空调制热会利用到氟利昂这种气体,氟利昂有着冷凝液化放热,蒸发气化吸热的特性。空调制热时,压缩机会对气体氟利昂加压,使其成为高温高压气体,再经过室内机的换热器进行冷凝液化,放出大量热量,提高室内空气的温度。然后,节流装置会将液体氟利昂减压,经室外机的换热器蒸气化吸取室外空气的热量,变成气体开始下一个循环。二、 制热省电小窍门1、准确匹配空调匹数与房间面积, 空调制热时效果不佳,很多时候空调是正常的,根本的原因在于“小马拉大车”,空调匹数较小,使用的房间太大。一般来说,1P挂机制热面积在10-12平米,1.5P挂机制热面积在17-23平米,2P的柜机可以保证20-22平米的客厅制热。2、使用空调取暖时,不宜把温度调得太高,据适嘉网空调专家介绍,冬季空调温度设定每调低2℃,空调就可以节电10%以上。从节能角度来看,空调设定温度在能保证人体取暖的情况下,当然是越低越好。
2023-08-04 02:35:031