barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-03 10:16:22
TAG: 英文 翻译


视觉联欢会是一档西班牙语节目,它是为在美国不断壮大的西班牙人口设立的。它拥有200个分支,13万付费观众。 它每日下午4点至凌晨3点的节目包括电影,拉美肥皂剧,体育赛事(每周二晚间的拳击赛)和特别报道。每个周末,它连播18个小时。视觉联欢会播映西班牙和拉美影片以及有西班牙语配音的电影。从1979年开始,它瞄住各个年龄段的成人受众群并且与西班牙国际网络电视,一个广播和基础有线网络电视,共同经营。两者均现身于银河系1号(卫星电视的名称)。



subscriber 英[su0259bu02c8skrau026abu0259(r)]美[su0259bu02c8skrau026abu0259r]n. 用户,订户; <英>(慈善机关等的)定期捐款者; 预约者; 签署者;[网络] 订阅者; 订户; 用户;[例句]I have been a subscriber to Railway Magazine for many years.我订阅《铁路杂志》已有很多年了。[其他] 复数:subscribers 形近词: outscriber describer prescriber
2023-08-03 00:55:193


subscriber 订购 订购者
2023-08-03 00:55:552

you have new subscribers是什么意思?

2023-08-03 00:56:043

金融术语 "Closing" subscribers什么意思

2023-08-03 00:56:122

付费用户 如何翻译

2023-08-03 00:56:222

online journal titles什么意思

主语是big deal,where引导的从句是描述big deal的。然后把where institution subsribers pay for access to a collection of online journal titles through site-licensing aggreements 看成一个句子,在这个句子里面,institution subscribers是句子的主语,pay for 是谓语,access 是宾语,access to 是一个词组,意思是有权使用 。
2023-08-03 00:56:292

帮我划分一下句子结构呗,什么主语谓语的,找不明白了尤其是nstitution subsribers pay for access to a这

主语是big deal,where引导的从句是描述big deal的。然后把where institution subsribers pay for access to a collection of online journal titles through site-licensing aggreements 看成一个句子,在这个句子里面,institution subscribers是句子的主语,pay for 是谓语,access 是宾语,access to 是一个词组,意思是有权使用 。
2023-08-03 00:56:491


2023-08-03 00:57:001


本篇文章给大家分享的是关于vue中token如何进行刷新处理,内容很不错,有需要的朋友可以参考一下,希望可以帮助到大家。token身份验证机制客户端登录请求成功后,服务器将用户信息(如用户id)使用特殊算法加密后作为验证的标志发送给用户(即token),当用户下次发起请求时,会将这个token捎带过来,服务器再将这个token通过解密后进行验证,通过的话,则向客户端返回请求的数据;反之,则请求失败。token优点它是无状态的,且服务器不用像传统的身份认证(session)那样需要保存会话信息,减轻了服务器的压力。vue的token刷新处理在对token身份验证机制进行一次简单介绍后,进入正文...一般为了安全性,token都会设置一个过期时间,在过期之后就无法请求相关接口了,这时应该怎么办呢,是直接退出登录吗?在目前公司的项目里,为了更好的用户体验,我们选择手动刷新token。登录请求成功后,会返回一个token和token过期时间,在每次请求api时,前端可以先判断一下token是否即将过期或已过期,如果是,则请求刷新token的接口,成功替换原来的token之后才可以重新发起请求。下面,我们直接看代码,这是在vue的请求拦截器里进行的相关操作:/*是否有请求正在刷新token*/window.isRefreshing = false/*被挂起的请求数组*/let refreshSubscribers = []/*获取刷新token请求的token*/function getRefreshToken () { return JSON.parse(localStorage.auth).refresh_token}/*push所有请求到数组中*/function subscribeTokenRefresh (cb) { refreshSubscribers.push(cb)}/*刷新请求(refreshSubscribers数组中的请求得到新的token之后会自执行,用新的token去请求数据)*/function onRrefreshed (token) { => cb(token))}/*请求拦截器*/ajax.interceptors.request.use( config => { const authTmp = localStorage.auth /*判断是否已登录*/ if (authTmp) { /*解析登录信息*/ let auth = JSON.parse(authTmp) /*判断auth是否存在*/ if (auth) { /*在请求头中添加token类型、token*/ config.headers.Authorization = auth.token_type + " " + auth.token /*判断刷新token请求的refresh_token是否过期*/ if (util.isRefreshTokenExpired()) { alert("刷新token过期,请重新登录") /*清除本地保存的auth*/ localStorage.removeItem("auth") window.location.href = "#/login" return } /*判断token是否将要过期*/ if (util.isTokenExpired() && config.url.indexOf("admin/auth/current") === -1) { /*判断是否正在刷新*/ if (!window.isRefreshing) { /*将刷新token的标志置为true*/ window.isRefreshing = true /*发起刷新token的请求*/ apiList.refreshToken({refresh_token: getRefreshToken()}).then(res => { /*将标志置为false*/ window.isRefreshing = false /*成功刷新token*/ config.headers.Authorization = + " " + /*更新auth*/ localStorage.setItem("auth", JSON.stringify( /*执行数组里的函数,重新发起被挂起的请求*/ onRrefreshed( /*执行onRefreshed函数后清空数组中保存的请求*/ refreshSubscribers = [] }).catch(err => { alert( /*清除本地保存的auth*/ // localStorage.removeItem("auth") window.location.href = "#/login" }) } /*把请求(token)=>{....}都push到一个数组中*/ let retry = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /*(token) => {...}这个函数就是回调函数*/ subscribeTokenRefresh((token) => { config.headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + token /*将请求挂起*/ resolve(config) }) }) return retry } } return config } else { /*未登录直接返回配置信息*/ return config } }, /*错误操作*/ err => { return Promise.reject(err) })这里需要注意几点:1、当token即将过期或者已过期时,原则上,我们只需要有一个接口去触发刷新token的请求即可,这里的isRefreshing 变量,就起到这样一个监控的作用,它相当于一把锁,当刷新token的操作被触发后,其他的触发操作就被排斥在外了。window.isRefreshing = false2、刷新token的接口,用到了一个另外的token(refresh_token),这也是出于安全性考虑的,并且它也有过期时间,不过这个过期时间一般都比普通token的过期时间要长,所以在上面代码中,会发现,我在请求拦截中优先判断了refresh_token是否过期,如果过期则直接退出登录,不再进行下一步的操作。 /*判断刷新token请求的refresh_token是否过期*/if (util.isRefreshTokenExpired() && config.url.indexOf("admin/auth/current") === -1) { alert("刷新token过期,请重新登录") /*清除本地保存的auth*/ localStorage.removeItem("auth") window.location.href = "#/login" return}3、在触发了刷新token的操作后,我们还需要先将其他的请求挂起,在获取新的token之后再重新发起这些请求。/*把请求(token)=>{....}都push到一个数组中*/let retry = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /*(token) => {...}这个函数就是回调函数*/ subscribeTokenRefresh((token) => { config.headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + token /*将请求挂起*/ resolve(config) })})return retry在刷新token请求的成功回调里执行下面代码,重新发起请求。 /*执行数组里的函数,重新发起被挂起的请求*/ onRrefreshed(、因为有人在评论里问util文件,应该是想知道具体怎么判断token过期的,其实在获得token时,是有返回一个token过期时间 ,你可以先将它先保存起来,然后在需要时,拿出来与本地时间比较即可/*判断token是否过期*/function isTokenExpired() { /*从localStorage中取出token过期时间*/ let expiredTime = new Date(JSON.parse(localStorage.auth).expired_at).getTime() / 1000 /*获取本地时间*/ let nowTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000 /*获取校验时间差*/ let diffTime = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.diffTime) /*校验本地时间*/ nowTime -= diffTime /*如果 < 10分钟,则说明即将过期*/ return (expiredTime - nowTime) < 10*60}
2023-08-03 00:57:081


高三英语阅读理解   要提高英语的阅读理解就要多练习,以下是我收拾整理的高三的英语阅读理解练习题和答案,希望能帮助到大家!   第一篇:   Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in advance. He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it; the price is a secondary consideration. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it in stock, the salesman promptly produces it, and the business of trying it on follows at once. All being well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone"s satisfaction.   For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. In that case the salesman, as the name implies, tries to sell the customer something else, he offers the nearest he can to the article required. No good salesman brings out such a substitute impolitely; he does so with skill: “I know this jacket is not the style you want, sir, but would you like to try it for size? It happens to be the color you mentioned.” Few men have patience with this treatment, and the usual response is: “This is the right color and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on.”   Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way. Her shopping is not often based on need. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look round”. She is always open to persuasion; indeed she sets great store bywhat the saleswoman tells her, even by what companions tell her. She will try on any number of things. Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always on the lockout for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spendan hour going from one rail to another, to and fro, often retracing her steps, before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a laborious process, but apparently an enjoyable one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.   17. The passage mainly talks about ________.   A. differences between men and women shoppers   B. A man goes shopping because he needs something   C. How women go about buying clothes.   D. Women are better at shopping than men   18. The underlined sentence “the price is a secondary consideration” in the first paragraph means when a man is shopping ________.   A. he buys good quality things, so long as they are not too dear   B. he buys whatever he likes without considering its value   C. he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right things   D. he often buy things without giving the matter proper thought.   19. What does a man do when he can not get exactly what he wants?   A. He buys a similar thing because of the color he wants.   B. He usually does not buy anything.   C. At least two of his requirements must be met before he buys.   D. So long as the style is right, he buys the thing.   20. What is the most obvious difference between men and women shoppers?   A. Men do not try clothes on in a shop while women do.   B. Women bargain for their clothes, but men do not.   C. The time they take over buying clothes.   D. Men go shopping based on need, but women never.   第二篇:   A little under one-third of U.S. families have no Internet access and do not plan to get it, with most of the holdouts seeing little use for it in their lives, according to a survey released on Friday.   Park Associates, a Dallas-based technology market research firm, said 29 percent of U.S. families, or 31 million homes, do not have Internet access and do not intend to subscribe(预订)to an Internet service over the next 12 months. The second annual National Technology Scan conducted by Park found that the main reason why potential customers say they do not subscribe to the Internet is because of the low value to their daily lives rather than concerns over cost.   Forty-four percent of these families say they are not interested in anything on the Internet, versus just 22 percent who say they cannot afford a computer or the cost of Internet service, the survey showed. The answer “Iu2019m not sure how to use the Internet” came from 17 percent of participants who do not subscribe. The response “I do all my e-commerce shopping and YouTube-watching at work” was cited by 14 percent of Internet-access users. Three percent said the Internet doesnu2019t reach their homes.   The study found U.S. broadband adoption grew to 52 percent over 2006, up from 42 percent in 2005. Roughly half of new subscribers converted(转变)from slower-speed, dial-up Internet access while the other half of families had no prior access.   “The industry continues to chip(击破)away at the core of non-subscribers, but has a long way to go,” said John Barrett, director of research at Parks Associates. “Entertainment applications will be the key. If anything will pull in the holdouts, itu2019s going to be applications that make the Internet more similar to pay-TV,” he predicted.   1. What does the underlined word “holdouts” in the first paragraph most probably mean?   A. some American families   B. those who hold out oneu2019s opinions   C. those who have been surveyed   D. those who still havenu2019t access to the Internet currently   2. Many potential customers refuse to subscribe to the Internet mainly because _________.   A. they show too much concern about the cost B. they can find little value of it   C. they do most YouTube-watching at work D. the Internet doesnu2019t reach their homes   3. From the passage we can infer that ________.   A. It is not an easy job to transform those holdouts into the Internet users   B. people will adopt dial-up Internet access no more   C. many Americans enjoy doing e-commerce shopping at home   D. more than half of the population are using the Internet in 2005   4. According to John Barrett, what is the key to attracting more U.S. families to broadband service?   A. making the Internet look more similar to TV set   B. applying the Internet more to entertainment   C. providing more pay-TV programs   D. chipping away at the core of non-subscribers   5. Which is the best title for the passage?   A. Web develops with technology B. The present situation of web   C. Many Americans see little point to web D. It is urgent to promote web service   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   第一篇:   17. A 主旨大意题。文章首句 Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman 点题男人买衣服和女人买衣服是不同的经历。然后下文分别阐述男人和女人买东西的不同。故答案为 A。   18. C 语义理解题。根据第1段第 2、3、4 句 A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in advance. He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it 可知男人因为需要而买东西,他买东西的目的预先订下来,他知道他需要什么,而且他的目标是找到他需要的东西并买下来。由此可推断只要东西合适,是他需要的,价格则是次要的事情。故答案为 C。   19. B 推理判断题。根据第3段首句 For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. 和末句This is the right color and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on 可知虽然价格和颜色都合适,但如果不是他想要的东西,他认为“试穿是浪费时间”,因此可推知他不会买。故答案为 B。   20. C 推理判断题。根据第1段 the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes 和第3段中 a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another 可推知男人和女人买东西的`明显不同是他们所用的时间不同。本文阐述如何在参加面试的前几分钟时间里给人留下深刻的印象。   第二篇:   1. D 根据前文one third of the U.S. families have no Internet access and do not plan to get it 可知   2. B 由第二段u2026u2026found the main reason potential customers say they do not subscribe to the Internet is because of the low value to their daily lives they recognizeu2026u2026可知   3. A 从最后一段第一句可知   4. B 由最后一段“Entertainment applications will be the key”一句可知   5. C 从文章的写作逻辑可知作者主要在谈目前还有三分之一的美国家庭没有网络服务,而B答案太宽泛 ;
2023-08-03 00:57:301


在项目中遇到关于action与dispatch使用的一些细节问题,经过搜索得到了一些答案。特意在此提出,如有错误还请指出,十分感谢~问题1:如果action是异步的,那么怎么知道它什么时候完成?在vuex的官网给出了答案:注:如果需要通过组合多个action来完成某些逻辑,用async/await会更简单一点问题2: 如果action是同步的,就不需要等待它完成了吗?其实这个问题相当于在w:dispatch("some action")是一个同步函数还是异步函数。如果dispatch是一个异步函数(返回一个promise),那么即使action里面的逻辑是同步的,如果需要等待这个action完成之后才进行某些操作,仍然是需要用异步等待dispatch().then(()=> {})来实现通过查看vuex的源码找到了答案: dispatch (_type, _payload) { // check object-style dispatch const { type, payload } = unifyObjectStyle(_type, _payload) const action = { type, payload } const entry = this._actions[type] if (!entry) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.error(`[vuex] unknown action type: ${type}`) } return } try { this._actionSubscribers .filter(sub => sub.before) .forEach(sub => sub.before(action, this.state)) } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.warn(`[vuex] error in before action subscribers: `) console.error(e) } } const result = entry.length > 1 ? Promise.all( => handler(payload))) : entry[0](payload) return result.then(res => { try { this._actionSubscribers .filter(sub => sub.after) .forEach(sub => sub.after(action, this.state)) } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.warn(`[vuex] error in after action subscribers: `) console.error(e) } } return res }) }dispatch函数返回的是一个promise,所以dispatch后如果需要跟进操作(比如dispatch里面commit了一个state,后续要用到这个state),正确的做法应该是需要用异步的方式来完成后续的逻辑注:用同步的写法看起来好像state也是对的,但可能只是恰好我的业务场景io使用不是很高所以"看起来是对的",严谨的做法应该还是需要用异步来完成后续操作的
2023-08-03 00:57:431


节目套餐(Package) 广告主所能提供的一整套节目。传阅读者(Pass Along Readers)非经由购买或订阅而看到杂志刊物的读者。普及率(Penetration)拥有电视或收音机之家庭数所占之百分比。黄金时间(Prime Time)电视之高峰收视时间,通常以晚上为多。拉式推广战略(Pull Strategy)推式推广战略(Push Strategy)综合浏览量(Page Views)网站各网页被浏览的总次数。一个访客有可能创造十几个甚至更多的Page Views。就是说假如有1000人次(User Sessions)访问你的网站,而Page Views是1200的话,那就说明其中有一些人看了2次以上这个网页。收费标准是Page Views而不是User Sessions,因为假如其中一个人看了2次以上这个广告的话,这个广告也就起到了相应的作用,就像电视广告一个晚上放了3次,也是按3次收费,虽然可能是被同一个人看到。点击广告后连到的页面(Portal Page)通常这个页面不是商家网的首页,而是针对广告内容重新设计的页面。价格保障(Rate Protection)广告主与媒体签约期间内,即使广告费上涨,广告主仍以原签约价格支付。收视(听)率(Rating)指收看(听)某一电视节目(广播节目)的人数或家庭户数占拥有电视机(收录机)的总人数或家庭户数的百分比。到达率(Reach)媒体所涵盖之阅听者总数;视听众的总人数。到达率不考虑重复。到达率的提高意味着载体的传播广度在增加,覆盖范围在扩大,广告宣传的产品的知名度会扩大。阅读率(Readership)阅读刊物或广告之读者人数或其所占之百分比。Number(%) of a target audience who claim to have “read” a publication( after means looked into).传阅读者(Pass-Along Readers)阅读自己没有购买的刊物的读者(Readers of magazine who are not purchases/subscribers)。回扣(Rebate)媒体支付给广告主的退款,即支付款额与签订价格间的差额。节目视听众占有率(Share)人们通常会问,在所有看电视的人中,有多少人在看我的节目?节目视听众占有率是指某一节目,其收看者占开机者的百分比占有率=收看某一频道(节目)的观众人数÷所有正在看电视人数×100或占有率=某一频道(或节目)收视率÷所有频道收视率×100声量份额(Share of Voice/Share of Spending)某产品在其同类产品中的广告活动份额,用投入的经费来衡量(SOS-share of spending)或用出现在媒介的比重来衡量(SOV-share of voice计算单位通常为GRP)。广告排期表(Schedule)广告活动中所使用之媒体或广告时间、版面之列表。分刊法(Split Run)报刊广告中,将一位广告主的两种或多种不同的广告分刊于同期的各版次上,以测定各广告的效果。节目提供者(Sponsor)购买某一节目或节目片段广告独占权的广告主。插播广告(Spot)依地理分区或电台分区购买广告时段插播;节目中插播。(Spot)可为播映广告的时间或指广告本身。联合播出辛迪加(Syndication)联合播出是基于以每个地域市场的联合节目统筹播出安排方法,与常规的联线或以人造卫星传输节目不同。联合播出可由独立制片人、广告主、广告公司或联合发行公司负责。联合发行的节目可以是任何类型、任何长短的持续时间,并可日夜播出。联合播出的节目在联播网盟台播出时,通常都是在傍晚时段(下午4:00-7:30)、特级时段(周一至周六晚8:00-10:00,周日晚7:00-11:00)、甲级黄金时段(周日至周六晚7:30-8:00)播出。电视联播网(TV Network ,Television Broadcast Network)联播网是由任何组群的电视台联合播送相同的节目。美国有三个电视联播网,即ABC(美国广播公司 American Broadcasting Company)、CBS(哥伦比亚广播公司Columbia Broadcasting System)、NBC(国家广播公司National Broadcasting Company)。加入这些联播网的电视台与联播网签合约,按约每周播出一定数量的联播网节目,通常约55-60小时。目标群(Target Group)广告活动诉求对象:拥有类似特性的未来对象。撕页(Tear-Sheet)送给广告主核准或签核的的广告单页。悬疑广告(Teaser)广告活动中,企图使读者产生好奇心理的广告。裁切后尺寸(Trim Size)经裁切后之杂志大小。电话营销(Telemarketing)非重复视听众(Unduplicated Audience)累积视听众。独立访客(Unique Host)在网络广告中,由于每个访客可制造出多个Pageviews,而访客刷新网页也会使Impression数增,所以Pageviews或Impression都不能精确表现网站的访问人数。通常情况下每个访客都会来自于不同的地址,称为来自不同的IP。独立访客即将来自同一IP的访客视为同一个人,从而获得更精确的访客人数。像网易中文排行榜提供的易数统计所提供的数字就是Unique Host。通常很多网站公布的访问量都是Pageviews或Impression,Pageviews往往是Impression的数倍,而Impression又会比UNIQUE HOST高出很多。媒体(Vehicle)广告中的某一具体传播媒介。如杂志或某电视台(A specific carrier within a media category.)。浪费发行量(Waste Circulation) 不是产品或服务所要广告的未来顾客之刊物读者;未铺地区的发行量。
2023-08-03 00:58:051

网络连不上,提示 Error: the maximum number of subscribers has been reached 改怎么解决啊?

2023-08-03 00:58:162


令人注目compelling中国移动通信业:Chinamobile Communication Bussiness移动电话交换机Mobile Phone Switch 用户Subscriber development of Chinamobile Communication Bussiness is compelling. At the end of October,2002, the capacity of Mobile Phone Switches ran up to 260879 thousands subscribers, Mobile Phone subscribers ran up to 195833. The popularization rate of Mobile Phone ran up to 14.95/hundred people. According to international routines, the popularization rate of Phone (Including Mobile Phone and telephone) should run up to 10 percent when the average GDP runs up to 1500 dollars.But China has exceeded this criterion with the average GDP only 900 dollars. Does this show that the development of Chinamobile Communication Bussiness runs too fast? Or that this criterion is improved along with the need of informationization? Incontestable facts show that Chinese informationization level is far lower than that of developed countries, for the world has entered into an informationized and international time! So, the development of Chinamobile Communication Bussiness should be increasing other than declining.According to a market survey in Beijing currently initiated by Xinhuaxin Marketing research & Counsultant company about using bases of newly increased mobile phone subscribers, During the first half-year of 2002, the propertion of the people aged within 30 to all the newly increased mobile phone subscribers is 80.5%,and the middle-income subscribers whose income being within 2000 present 80 percent of all. To some extent, this reflects the causes of the rapid increasing of Chinese mobile phone subscribers:even the income of young people is low, they have light burden of family and life, and they pay attention to daily communation with each other in their life, and their need of grasping information of jobs and interests is strong. Among them the student groups have the parents as their firm supporter. In summary, the development of Chinamobile Communication Bussiness is potential, and the increasing young customers are becoming the main stream.
2023-08-03 00:58:231


hanging out and playing pokers现代分词状语修饰guys,just是修饰a couple of guys,与后面无关。不是,后面是一个单词,behaviour,有前置限定性定语perplexing和后置定语of the women in the plant。journal可以allow的,allow的主语不一定人呀,你可以百度翻译allow,查一些用法就明白了。before making it freely available to是正确的,而且必须省略journal。加上了从句结构不正确了。目的状语
2023-08-03 00:59:043

英语翻译问题 “Art. 6 para.1. Article 4” 什么意思?

2023-08-03 00:59:125


这次给大家带来如何开发一个自定义库,开发一个自定义库的注意事项有哪些,下面就是实战案例,一起来看一下。当然这个库还处在刚刚开始阶段,功能实现的比较简单,在此发表出来,欢迎大家借此为基础一起去完善它。项目地址:Hoz.js,欢迎大家start,fork,以及提issues。特点声明式的模板语法借鉴redux,flux等的思想,引入状态管理引入virtual dom,diff 算法,提高性能声明式语法 <p id = "app"> <p> <img src="{{moveImage}}" /> <p>{{moveName}}</p> </p> </p>var hoz = new Hoz("app", state, changeStore)var state = { moveName: "", moveImage: ""}function changeStore (state, action) { switch (action.type) { case "SET_NAME": { state.moveName = break } case "SET_IMAGE": { state.moveImage = break } }}{ type: "SET_NAME", data: "后来的我们"})这就是一个hoz应用,通过简洁的模板语法声明式的将数据渲染进DOM系统。且所有东西都是响应式的。借鉴redux,flux等的思想,引入状态管理在状态管理方面借鉴redux的思想,实现了单向数据流的管理。主要定义了state,action,changeStore,dispatch4个概念。state存放数据var state = { moveName: "", moveImage: ""}changeStore相当于redux中的reducer,存放着对数据的所有操作function changeStore (state, action) { switch (action.type) { case "SET_NAME": { state.moveName = break } case "SET_IMAGE": { state.moveImage = break } }}接收action,执行对应的方法,修改state中的数据。不同于redux的是,redux放回的是全新的state,而它是直接操作当前的state,因为state中的数据已经通过Object.defineProperty方法进行了跟踪,这个后面再将。action和dispatch当想要对数据进行修改的时候,我们必须通过提交action的方式,在changeStore中去修改{ type: "SET_NAME", data: "后来的我们"})这个就是hoz的状态管理策略 view -> dispatch -> action -> changeStore -> state -> view好处随着应用的日益复杂,数据量的增大,如果不对数据进行相应的管理,管理不断变化的状态,是非常困难的。状态在什么时候,由于什么原因,发生了怎样的变化都难以观察。这意味着应用中所有的数据都遵循相同的生命周期,这样可以让应用变得更加可预测且容易理解。我们可以从 changeStore 中看到state能够发生的所有变化对state修改的唯一方式就是向changeStore提交action,所以数据的每一次变化都会从一个地方流过,方便我们的debug等操作。引入virtual dom 和diff算法总所周知,由于dom元素的庞大,以及dom操作容易引起页面重排的原因,直接操作dom性能是非常非常差的。所以hoz引入了virtual dom算法,用原生的JavaScript对象去映射dom对象,因为原生JavaScript对象的操作更快更简单。如何映射呢?比如class VNode { constructor (sel, tagName, id, className, el, children, data, text, key) { this.tagName = tagName // p this.sel = sel // p#id.class = id // id this.className = className // [] this.children = children // [] this.el = el // node = data // {} this.key = key this.text = text }}export default VNode只是一个JavaScript对象,代表一个dom元素。我根据hoz构造函数中传进来的 id 所指向的元素作为根元素建立一个虚拟dom树,当数据改变的时候,不直接操作dom,而是在虚拟dom树上进行操作修改。然后通过diff算法对比新旧虚拟dom树,对真实dom进行最小单位的修改。数据响应式原理hoz式如何做到数据的响应式的呢?这里主要通过借助Object.defineProperty方法实现了一个发布/订阅模式,通过Object.defineProperty修改state中数据的getter和setter属性,在首次渲染的时候,在getter中将对应的订阅者添加到一个主题对象中去,当数据改变的时候在setter中调用对应数据的主题对象的notify方法发布消息,通知每个订阅者更新。state -> data -> publisher 一对多的关系 | Dep |view -> {{data}} -> subscribers希望大家借此为基础一起去完善它。项目地址:Hoz.js,欢迎大家start,fork,以及提issues。相信看了本文案例你已经掌握了方法,更多精彩请关注Gxl网其它相关文章!推荐阅读:前端,HTT,计算机与网络webkit-font-smoothing字体抗锯齿渲染使用案例详解
2023-08-03 00:59:571

redis pub/sub 一段时间之后接收不到消息

这是最主要的部分:This is how Pub/Sub works performance wise in Redis.You have two things.1) Subscribers to channels (SUBSCRIBE)2) Subscribers to *patterns* (PSUBSCRIBE)3) Publishers (PUBLISH)You can consider the work of subscribing/unsubscribing as a constanttime operation, O(1) for both subscribing and unsubscribing(actually PSUBSCRIBE does more work than this if you are subscribedalready to many patterns with the *same* client).All the complexity on the end is on the PUBLISH command, that performsan amount of work that is proportional to:a) The number of clients receiving the message.b) The number of clients subscribed to a pattern, even if they"ll notmatch the message.This means that if you have N clients subscribed to 100000 differentchannels, everything will be super fast.If you have instead 10000 clients subscribed to the same channel,PUBLISH commands against this channel will be slow, and take maybe afew milliseconds (not sure about the actual time taken). Since we haveto send the same message to everybody.Also, if you have clients subscribed to 10000 *patterns* publish willbe slower than usually, but the work to do for every existing patternis smaller compared to the work that there is to do for every client*receiving* the message.About memory, it is similar or smaller than the one used by a key, soyou should not have problems to subscribe to millions of channels evenin a small server.Salvatore
2023-08-03 01:00:081


before引导的介词短语中it做什么成分?it 是形式宾语。freely available是宾补吗?是的,make+it +adj 的结构中形容词是作宾补。to……it是做状语修饰available吗?是的,【主语S】+BE+ADJ【形容词作表语P】+介词短语的S+V+P结构中,形容词后的介词短语作状语。我觉得:你的看法和语感是很正确的。
2023-08-03 01:00:161


2023-08-03 01:00:444


Printed journal dispatched to subscrib...的中文翻译Printed journal dispatched to subscribers 向订阅用户发送的打印日记
2023-08-03 01:00:551

「经济学人」Streaming-video wars

Game of phones HBO will lead AT&T"s challenge to Netflix Time Warner"s crown jewel must scale up while maintaining quality IN LATE 2012, just before the release of “House of Cards”, Ted Sarandos, chief content officer of Netflix, declared: “The goal is to become HBO faster than HBO can become us”. Few took him seriously. HBO had a globally recognised brand with some of the best programmes in television, including “Game of Thrones”. Yet Netflix would go on to surpass HBO in subscribers, money spent on programming and, this year, Emmy-award nominations. Meanwhile HBO did not try to become Netflix. It prioritised profits over growth as Jeff Bewkes, then chief of Time Warner, HBO"s parent, looked to sell the company. HBO achieved enviable operating-profit margins of 30-40% ($2.2bn on $6.3bn of revenue in 2017), and was comparatively restrained in its pursuit of high-profile shows (Netflix committed $100m in outbidding HBO for “House of Cards”, and was ridiculed for it). The network also lagged behind in the technologies of personalisation and streaming that made Netflix a killer app. At one point Reed Hastings, boss of Netflix, puckishly joked that the password used by Richard Plepler, his HBO counterpart, for online access was “Netflix bitch”. Now HBO is preparing to launch its counter-attack, backed by a phone giant. In June AT&T finalised its $109bn purchase of Time Warner. The wireless firm, which is also America"s largest distributor of pay-TV, views itself as locked in an existential battle with Netflix, Amazon, Facebook and Google for people"s attention. Facebook and YouTube each command screen time from about 2bn users a month, while Netflix wins about two hours of viewing a day per subscription. With its newly-acquired media assets, AT&T wants to match that kind of engagement. Ma Bell rides out AT&T is pinning its hopes in part on a new subscription streaming service to be rolled out in 2019 under Time Warner"s new banner of WarnerMedia. A bigger HBO will be the “cornerstone” of that strategy, says John Stankey, boss of WarnerMedia. The phone firm hopes video customers will become wireless customers, and vice versa, driving down both churn and the cost of acquiring subscribers. It will join a crowded field: Disney and Apple are launching streaming-video services next year. HBO is not far behind Netflix in subscribers, with more than 100m worldwide (142m when counting subscribers to Cinemax, HBO"s other premium service), including about 40m subscribers in America. Netflix has nearly 60m subscribers in America and 137m globally. But most of HBO"s customers are acquired through a third-party distributor, depriving it of direct customer relationships and data. Under AT&T, HBO will have a better crack at both. AT&T already offers HBO-over-the-internet in America in high-end wireless plans and in packages with DirecTV Now, a streaming pay-TV service (and will do the same with its new streaming product). Eventually AT&T will allow HBO to sell more directly to consumers around the world. With accompanying investments in technology HBO should get a lot more data about what those subscribers are watching. And the new HBO will have a lot more shows to watch. Its budget for programming had grown at a snail"s pace under Time Warner, to $2.3bn in 2017; Netflix increases its spending on programming by an entire HBO or more each year, to $12bn-13bn in 2018. Under AT&T, HBO will spend several hundred millions more on original programming next year, and more than that thereafter. Mr Plepler, who has fretted in the past that he could not say “yes” to everything he wanted, has already started saying “yes” to a lot more. HBO"s slate of big-budget shows in the coming years now includes adaptations of “The Time Traveller"s Wife”, “His Dark Materials” and “Watchmen”. HBO is also developing a prequel to its biggest hit, “Game of Thrones”. Mr Stankey says he wants “a more muscular HBO” that engages customers so regularly that they consider it important enough to keep year round. But HBO will not try to muscle its way into becoming another Netflix, which releases hundreds of original feature films, documentaries and series a year. Netflix sells its product on volume, personalisation and ease of user experience. HBO by contrast wins subscribers through a few hit shows and a reputation for quality television, which could be wrecked by an over-rapid expansion. As the network"s margins may be eroded in the near term, AT&T will need to be cautious. WarnerMedia will already take a hit to revenues as it pulls its content from Netflix to beef up its offer. Yet HBO will still face a challenge to maintain its reputation as it expands. One Hollywood executive reckons that its schedule of original shows is about to double in size in the next few years. Among TV networks, he says, “I don"t think anybody has ever tried to scale it at the level that HBO is attempting to scale it.” AT&T"s bosses show signs of understanding this. Randall Stephenson, its chief executive, has referred to HBO as Tiffany"s to Netflix"s Walmart. Still, making the transition under AT&T will not be easy. In June Mr Stankey told a gathering of HBO employees that the year ahead would be such hard work at times that “it feels like childbirth”. AT&T is expected to surround HBO"S programmes with a variety of assets from WarnerMedia, from Warner Bros studio"s films (such as “The Dark Knight”) and TV shows (like “Friends”) to Turner"s library of classic films. Under Time Warner those assets were farmed out to a wide array of outlets including Netflix, HBO, Cinemax, Turner"s cable networks and niche streaming services like FilmStruck (which will shut this month). If they are consolidated in one streaming product, to be sold alongside HBO, subscribers would in theory have something else to watch between servings of “True Detective” and “Westworld”. “There are nights you want to go to a four- or five-star restaurant,” Mr Stankey says. “But we also know there are nights where you want to get a cheeseburger.” This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline "Game of phones" ( Nov 1st 2018)
2023-08-03 01:01:021


Estimate the slope of the tangent line.____________估计切线的斜率Write a sentence of interpretation for the slope of the graph at point P.写出P点曲线图斜率的解释 In 2005, the total number of cellular subscribers was increased by ________ 在2005年,移动电话用户的总数增加_______hundred thousand per year. 每年几十万(c) Calculate the percentage rate of change at point P. (Round your answer to three decimal places.) 计算P点百分率等变化。(计算到小数点后三位) ___________% Interpret the percentage rate of change at point P. 解释P点百分率的变化 In 2005, the total number of cellular subscribers was increasing 在2005年, 移动电话用户的总数增加了大约by approximately ________ % per year. 每年
2023-08-03 01:01:201


We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.谢谢你方的合作。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Thank you for this lovely present.感谢你送的这件可爱的礼物。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Thank you for your interest in this company, Mr. Huang.黄先生,谢谢你对本公司感兴趣。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 We thank you for your close cooperation in this respect.感谢贵公司在此方面的密切合作。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter.不胜感激贵方对此事的关照。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 In fact, nothing is fixed up for you this afternoon.实际上,今天下午没给你们特意安排活动。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Then this stranger said in a clear voice, " Thank you for this beautiful gift.然后,这位陌生人清晰地说道:“感谢你这美好的礼物。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Really? Thank you for telling me of this.真的吗?谢谢你告诉我。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Thank you very much for this precious gift.谢谢你的珍贵礼物。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 I thank you very much indeed for this interview.非常感谢你这次接见。
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2023-08-03 01:02:071

This is the so-called big deal,where institutional subscribers pay for access to

回答一个,作为笔记,以后忘了可以直接搜索。where引导定语从句修饰big deal,从句一直到pay foraccess to才是谓语,而非pay for后面的动词。a collection of ,a noun of equals some
2023-08-03 01:02:162


2023-08-03 01:02:263


问题一:立等可取是什么意思 站在那儿稍等片刻就可以拿到 问题二:“立等可取”的“立”的意思 形容词,本意是站立,这里只坐下到站立的时间 形容非常快 问题三:港澳证立等即取两个月内一次是什么意思 港澳签“立等可取”有两个前提:一是必须是电子卡式港澳通行证,本式的通行证暂时不行;同时申请人员必须是非国家机关报备人员,一些需要经过单位审批的人员在此机器上无法当场取证。通过一体机办理签注同样有次数限制:最多你可以每两个月在自助一体机上办理两次去香港 、一次去澳门。 问题四:港澳证立等可取的意思是2个月内没去香港才能办理吗?比如我今天刚把2次机会用完,要2个月后才能办理 立等可取是本地户籍的在自助机办理才有的。 问题五:港澳通行证 立等可取 问题 50分 没间隔两个自然月是不能即签即取的 问题六:one-touch是什么意思? one-touch的意思是:触发的,立等可取的,即席的,速效的。 但现在一般来说,常常翻译成“一键式的” 例句: The phone"s facebook button glows when a song is playing to remind users that thisone-touch sharing is possible. 手机在播放歌曲时,facebook键会闪烁,提醒用户可以使用一键分享功能。 And should onstar subscribers need assistance with something that the mobile appsdon"t provide, they can one-touch dial to specially trained advisors, who are availableto assist customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 如果onstar用户需要程序未提供服务的帮助,便可一键拨打电话给我们的专业人员,他们一天24小时工作,全年无休。 问题七:DLINK中文是什么意思 ? 国际著名网络设备和解决方案提供商友讯集团(D-Link)成立于1986年,并于1994年10月在台湾证券交易所挂牌上市,为台湾第一家公开上市的网络公司,以自创D-Link品牌行销电脑网络产品遍及全世界100多个国家。作为世界领导品牌的网络和解决方案提供商,D-Link致力于局域网、宽带网、无线网、语音网、网络安全、网络存储、网络监控及相关网络设备的研发、生产和行销;在50多个国家设立了分公司并在美国、中国大陆、台湾及印度设有研究发展中心,产品遍及170多个国家,拥有众多美国和日本的世界级影响客户;2006年全球营业额为12.66亿美元,增长幅度高达15%,并获得全球消费类网络产品销量第一、全球SOHO宽带路由器销量第一、全球传统交换机销量第一及全球千兆传统交换机销量第一的桂冠,并再度入选美国《商业周刊》IT百强,其“快速、创新、成本”的核心竞争力得到了充分体现。 1994年,友讯进入中国大陆市场,自主主导D-Link在中国大陆的品牌经营。在广东东莞设有制造工厂,在成都,北京设立了研发中心,并于2002年5月,开始实施将祖国大陆作为“Home Market”的“网络中国,纵横全球”战略。 经过多年的技术积累和市场经营,D-Link的全线网络产品正日益广泛地服务于大陆市场各行业的信息化建设之中。在中小企业、 *** 、电信、教育、金融、网吧等行业,D-Link产品及解决方案正为大陆的信息化建设发挥着积极的推动作用: 在中小企业领域,D-Link凭借卓越的产品品质和出色的技术服务深得广大用户的信赖,成为广大中小企业的首选品牌之一,有效地帮助了中小企业运用网络信息技术提升管理水平、技术创新能力和市场竞争力。 在电子政务领域,D-Link积累了丰富的行业经验,与相关 *** 部门建立了良好的合作关系并饱受好评,主要客户包括国家教委、钓鱼台国宾馆、江苏金税工程、四川省交通局、河南电力系统、北京石景山区 *** 、安阳政协、河南福利彩票发行中心、山西交通厅、中原铝业集团、昆明市公安局等;在金融行业的拓展也初见成效,用户包括国家开发银行、湖南省建行和南京平安保险公司等。 在对产品品质要求严格的电信行业,D-Link专为电信行业用户需求特点量身定做的、具有“定制化”特点的一系列特色整体解决方案在全国电信行业得到了全面认可和成功应用,用户包括中国电信、中国网通、中国铁通和中国移动等运营商。 作为全球第一家推出面向教育系统的“校校通”工程专用产品的厂商,D-Link凭借其在产品品质、技术研发、服务、性价比等方面贯有的优势和“定制化”的产品服务特色,一系列专为教育行业用户量身定做的交换机设备及特色解决方案在全国教育的信息化建设中得到了成功应用,连续三年入围北京市“校校通”工程并已完成北京市500多所中小学校园网。D-Link曾经服务过的项目还包括:国家计委方舟CPU网络工程全国18所重点学校校园网、广州“校校通”工程、西部大学校园网、复旦大学、天津大学、浙江大学、四川大学、河南登封教育城域网、青海教育城域网、天津市中小学信息技术教育的行业信息化配置项目、河南大学、河南师范大学、河南理工大学、河南科技学院、新乡学院、许昌学院、北京科技研修学院、青年政治学院、青岛海洋大学等。 面对蓬勃发展的网吧行业,D-Link全面出击,先后推出了备受网吧青睐的交换机、路由器、KVM、无线网络、视讯、网络安全等在内的多款产品。同时,根据网吧的不同规模及应用特点,D-Link为其量身打造了完善的网络解决方案,为网吧在网络的设计......>> 问题八:东方既白究竟什么来头? 东方既白 东方既白出处 “东方既白”语出苏东坡《前赤壁赋》,“客喜而笑,洗盏更酌,肴核既尽,杯盘狼藉。相与枕藉乎舟中,不知东方之既白”。 东方既白简介 “东方既白”是全球最大的餐饮集团百胜继肯德基、必胜客欢乐餐厅、必胜客宅急送、塔可钟墨西哥风情餐厅之后,在中国推出的第五大餐饮品牌。到2007年12月底为止,“东方既白”在上海已经有12家餐厅了。 东方既白第一家店早在04年5月就在上海大华低调开业。直到8月才有媒体注意到而爆出新闻。对此,百胜的解释是大华东方既白是家试验店,由于中式快餐是前所未有的尝试,百胜特意借此了解市场,完善营运模式,培养团队。在近一年的试验过程中,东方既白听取了大量消费者的要求和反馈,在品种种类、口味、制作方法、厨房和餐厅设计、服务方式等方面作了广泛的研究和改善。 为了保证一战成功,百胜团队在产品开发上下了极大的苦心。设计上首先要求所有不同餐期(早、中、晚餐,点心,小吃,冰点等),甚至儿童专用餐都得有几个硬底子的招牌产品;并且把所有中国人爱吃的包括饭、面、包子、豆浆、酸梅汤都包罗在内;再经过百胜的科学管理,务必保证每一样产品都是市场上质量最好,以及极具特色的东坡焖肉或鱼香肉丝包子。中、午餐一定要试试秘制糖醋小排和原汁鲜茄牛肉面。正餐之间可以尝尝东方既白的美味小吃;香酥翅霸和天椒辣子鸡。小朋友则一定喜欢特别为他们研发的岩烧海苔饭团,造型有趣、营养又好吃,还有玩具赠送。 新一代的东方既白,一改以前中式快餐的经营方式,完全采取肯德基的营运标准。餐厅的装饰风格现代、活泼、轻松。店堂干净清洁,就像走进肯德基一样。服务标准也是比照肯德基,员工活泼亲切。进门就是一字拉开的售卖柜台,上方是一目了然的餐牌,柜台后面是产品保温柜。顾客点餐,付款后食品即买即取,立等可取。 中国百胜餐饮集团旗下备受瞩目的中式快餐品牌东方既白,继05年四月下旬和五月中分别在上海徐家汇美罗城和浦东昌里连续开设两家餐厅后,近日又推出一系列独具特色的中式美食佳品:主食类的“鱼香肉丝饭”;小吃类的“一品芝麻球”;冰品饮料类的“玉米牛奶刨冰”、“冰洛神花茶”等,令其再次聚敛人气,客源大增。东方既白有关负责人指出:为了实现将东方既白打造成最受中国人欢迎的中式快餐品牌的承诺,东方既白自开业以来,一直不断调整并丰富产品的种类,在产品研发上勇于突破,锐意创新,与此同时,在工艺上更注重品质的稳定,确保开发出更多迎合消费者口味,而又能达到现代快餐需求的中式食品。 鱼香肉丝饭 据介绍,东方既白的菜单囊括了大江南北最为中国人普遍接受的品项,主食类代表产品有秘制糖醋小排饭、原汁鲜茄牛肉面、椰香咖喱牛肉饭等。这次推出的“鱼香肉丝饭”,是特别为喜欢川菜的消费者带来的惊喜。在原料选用上,特别下了一番功夫,力求突破传统、推陈出新。该产品除使用优质里脊肉外,特别配上鲜味竹笋、黑木耳,再佐以葱、姜、蒜、辣椒等多种调料精制而成,川辣入味,笋鲜肉嫩。再加上喷香的米饭、精美小菜、鲜蔬和汤,风味超凡,与众不同,是东方既白为满足消费者多种口味需求而推出的一款经典美食。 “一品芝麻球”是东方既白这次开发的小吃类主打产品,无论从口感和营养上,这款产品都达到了“一品” 的要求。该产品选用优质糯米粉和上等芝麻作为原料,经特殊工艺加工而成。据悉,为了将这款产品做出新意,东方既白研发部门进行了大量的摸索和烹调试验。最终的产品是“袖珍版”,这种精巧的设计既容易入口,又方便咀嚼。该产品的另一大特色是馅料的选择:采用营养价值高的黑芝麻,取代传统豆沙馅。整款产品味道独特,表皮酥香,内里韧劲十足,且甜而不腻,营养......>>
2023-08-03 01:02:531


2023-08-03 01:03:063

American Association of state highway officials 这个标准的详细情况和背景

2023-08-03 01:03:153

mobile phone fee是什么意思

mobile phone fee手机费双语对照词典结果:mobile phone fee[英][u02c8mu0259ubail fu0259un fi:][美][mou02c8bil fon fi]手机费; 以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-08-03 01:03:232

为什么要用和怎么用OFFICE EXCEL 和 ACCESS管理文件

Starting: Why and how should we use office excel and access to manage files?
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2023-08-03 01:04:084


你好,win下面貌似是不能这样判断的,但是貌似可以接受锁屏事件通知,参见api:ISensLogonWindows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7: The subscriber has a maximum of 3 minutes to respond to a notification on the ISensLogon andISensLogon2 interfaces. After 3 minutes, SENS cancels the call to subscribers and unblocks the notification thread. If a lengthy operation is required to respond to the notification, return from ISensLogon or ISensLogon2 as quickly as possible and open another thread for processing.给分
2023-08-03 01:04:171


使你的网站在周末拥有更多流量的七种简易方法 Web traffic for most websites drop during the Weekend because less people are using the inter to look for information or checking their favorite websites for new content. This is a natural and inevitable occurrence and a corresponding dip in traffic figures or sales is nothing to be alarmed about. Jay Wilson recently asked if I had any remendations to stop traffic from reducing during the weekends and as a matter of fact I do have some suggestions that might work although they will require some effort on your part. Getting traffic to your site during the weekends is no different from methods monly used to increase visitors to your site during the weekdays. The key is to focus on hitting defensible traffic sources for referral traffic since these are factors which you can control to a certain extent (as opposed to anic search traffic). Seven Easy Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Site on the Weekend Your goal is to target websites with regular traffic flows and large numbers of users and make them referral sources which will send visitors to your website. Naturally you should try to focus on getting targeted traffic whenever possible. These short-term strategies will allow you to get traffic very soon after you implement them. They will not only reduce your weekend traffic dip but may get you even more traffic to your website than the weekdays. I have omitted other long term traffic building methods like building a munity product development joint ventures or affiliate programs because they are not something you can easily implement for immediate results. 1. Neork within Social Communities. This includes posting and interacting with other people on relevant forums social neorks like Facebook news sites like Digg/Reddit as well as blog sites like Blogcatalog or MyBloglog. There will always been people on crowded online munities and you will always get some visitors if you plug your site discreetly in the right places. 2. Create a Weekend Link Bait. Establish the habit of creating and promoting a weekend Link Bait on popular social websites like Digg Reddit or StumbleUpon. This is by the far the easiest and most powerful way to get traffic to your site during the weekends. Social news sites usually get less news during the weekend and it is likely that your bait will be more successful during this time. 3. Comment on Blogs. While many blogs don"t update during the weekend you can still ment on the ones that do. Focus on those with more traffic and try to be the first few to leave a ment. Make your ment relevant and you"re likely to receive some visitors from others who visit the same blog. 4. Email Pitch Your Website. Write an email to bloggers within your niche to promote your website business or best article for last week. Give away a product or offer premium access for selected publishers in return for a mention. Some blogs like Daily Blog Tips have a habit of doing weekend speed-linking. Pitch your site to these blogs and you"ll get some traffic if you get a link. 5. Try Blog Traffic Exchanges. Blog traffic exchanges are tools which allow you to get traffic by visiting other blogs. They are more useful for newer blogs and as they require more time and effort on your part I suggest using them strategically to find new blogs within your niche as well. 6. Use Paid Advertising. This involves spending money on paid advertising in order to get traffic to your website. Pay per click advertising and social media advertising on sites like StumbleUpon can bring in traffic on the weekends. The benefit of this method is that you don"t have to do any work whatsoever. 7. Publish During the Weekend. Publishing during the weekend will get you some traffic especially if you have many feed subscribers as some of them will visit your site to read the full article or ments. Smaller sites can also benefit as new content will bring in a *** all amount of long tail search traffic. Future publish your post during the weekend so you don"t have to sit down in front of the puter to write. Asking a question is sometimes the quickest way to put out an extra blog post. The downside of all of these methods (with the exception of paid advertising) is the time-investment. Do you really want to spend time in front of the puter on the weekend? The amount of time needed for these tasks will vary and perhaps it would be better to alternate them each weekend to lessen the workload. Another way to deal with this would be to get someone to help promote your site for the weekend instead of doing it yourself. Learning how to oursource marketing is important even for *** webmasters or bloggers because they can really help your website to grow much faster. If you have the time and interest try implementing some of the tactics listed in this article. I"ll love to hear if it helps you to get more visitors this weekend. 由于几乎没有人会在周末利用网络搜索查找信息或者去查看他们感兴趣的网站是否更新,所以每当周末,大多数的网站流量都会有所下降。 这一现象是正常且普遍存在的,所以无论是流量测量及出售者都习以为常。 然而最近Jay Wilson问到了我关于如何防止流量在周末下降的问题,事实上,对此我的确有点见解,不过这可能需要大家付出些努力。 吸引访客在周末浏览你的网站所需要的做的工作总体来说和平时无二,关键在于要将推广重点集中在那些有流量来源保证的站点上以为你自己带来流量,这些流量来源相对于搜索引擎来说其推广广度是可以控制的。 七种为你的网站在周末带来更多流量的方法 你的主要目标是那些有固定流量以及大量用户的网站,以这些网站为中介,为你的站点带来访客。当然,如果可以的话,你应该尽可能以与你相关的网站为目标。 这种短期策略将在你执行后不久便为你带来实际流量。这将不仅仅作用于周末的流量同时也能为你在平常的日子也带去更多流量。 在此,我会略去的一些长期的流量策略如:建立社区、开发产品、参与合作或建立分支等一些你无法立刻看到效果的方法。 1.社会化网络羣体 在一些网站发布文章并和别人互动交流,比如facebook这样的社区论坛或社会化网络站,又比如类似Digg这样的新闻站,当然还有各种各样的博客站。这些站点永远会有大量的在线用户,你只要选对符合你需要的网站参与进去便可以得到源源不断地访问者。 2.建立一个周末链接诱饵(Linkbaiting) 拥有在流行的社会化网站(如Digg Reddit StumbleUpon等)上投放周末链接诱饵的习惯。这是一个使网站在周末拥有流量最容易最有效的方法。 社会新闻网站在周末几乎得不到新闻,在此时投放诱饵往往容易获得成功。 3.评论博客 尽管多数博客在周末不会更新,但是你依然可以评论。对那些流量大的博客做出评论,且尽可能第一个做出评论。作出中肯的评论可以为你带来浏览了同样博客的访客。 4.以Email带动你的网站 写一封宣传你的网站,介绍商务或者推荐最新最好的文章的Email寄给博客主们。放弃一些产品或酬劳以换取其他发布者为你宣传。 有些博客比如Daily Blog Tips就有做周末快速链接的习惯。向这些博客推荐你自己的网站,如果被其链接,你就会得到一些流量。 5.尝试博客流量交换 博客流量交换是一种通过浏览其他博客文章获得流量的方法。这对一些新的博客来说是非常有用的方法,由于这需要花费你的时间和精力,建议对一些新的博文使用该策略。 6.使用付费广告 为你的网站购买付费广告已获得流量。 在StumbleUpon这样网站上购买按点击次数付费广告及社会媒体广告就可以为你的带去周末流量。这么做的好处是,你不用再为推广做任何事。 7.在周末发表文章 在周末发表文章页可以为你带来流量,特别是如果你的网站有很多订阅者,他们中的一些人会去你的网站查看完整文章或作出评论。即使一些小网站也可以因为新文章带来长尾搜索流量从而受益。 预先发布篇在周末公布的文章,你就不一定要做在电脑前写作了。有时候提个问题是最快速保留博文位置的方法。 所有这些方法(除了付费广告外)的共同的坏处是花费时间。你真的想在周末也坐在电脑前花费时间吗?所有这些工作所耗费的时间是无法确定的,或许在每个周末交替着选用其中几个方法会减少工作量。 还有一种方法是请人帮你在周末宣传你的站点,学习一些营销方法是很重要的,因为即使是业余的站长和博主们也能帮助你的网站快速成长。 如果你有时间有兴趣的话,请尝试一下文章中所列的方法。我很希望听到你通过这些方法在周末获得了更多访客和流量的消息。
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download films什么意思

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Schniffels Weihnachtslied这首歌的中文谐音翻译,采用后15红包

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削足适履成语1   【成语】:削足适履   【拼音】:xuē zú shì lǚ   【简拼】:xzsl   【解释】:适:适应;履:鞋。因为鞋小脚大,就把脚削去一块来凑和鞋的大小。比喻不合理的牵就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套。   【出处】:《淮南子?说林训》:“夫所以养而害所养,譬犹削足而适履,杀头而便冠。”   【示例】:是借用,就难免有“~”和“挂一漏万”的毛病了。 闻一多《四杰》   【近义词】:生搬硬套、杀头便冠、刻足适屦   【反义词】:因地制宜、量体裁衣   【语法】:作谓语、宾语、定语;指人做事机械   【英文】:cut the feet to fit the shoes   【日文】:无理(むり)に调子(ちょうし)を合(あ)わせる   【德文】:von den Füβen ein Stück abschneiden,damit sie in die Stiefel passen--etwas in ein Schema zwingen   【成语故事】:春秋时期,楚灵王灭掉蔡国,派其弟弃疾管理蔡国。楚灵王又发兵攻打徐国,大臣朝吴怂恿弃疾乘机夺取王位。弃疾杀死太子禄。弃疾让哥哥子比及子哲做国君和令尹,得知楚灵王上吊自杀,弃疾杀死子比和子哲,自立为王   削足适履 成语接龙   【顺接】:履丝曳缟 履仁蹈义 履信思顺 履厚席丰 履常蹈故 履机乘变 履汤蹈火 履盈蹈满   【顺接】:不衫不履 分香卖履 冠袍带履 黄冠草履 截趾适履 截趾适履 鸣玉曳履 轻裘朱履   【逆接】:兵挫地削 鲁斤燕削 日朘月削 宋斤鲁削 不假绳削 不烦绳削 岁朘月削 日侵月削   【逆接】:削发为僧 削发披缁 削尖脑袋 削方为圆 削木为吏 削株掘根 削职为民 削肩细腰 削足适履成语2   成语释义   把脚削去一块,来适应鞋子的大小。现在多用来比喻无原则地迁就,或生搬硬套。适:适应。履:鞋子。   故事出处   《淮南子·说林训》:“骨肉相爱,谗贼间之,而父子相危。夫所以养而害所养,譬犹削足而适履,杀头而便冠。”   出处译文   骨肉间本来相亲相爱,但受到谗言的离间,父子兄弟的关系就很危险了。这就好比为了适合鞋子的尺寸,把脚削小;为了适应帽子的大小,把脑袋削小一样。   成语故事:   春秋时期,发生了两件骨肉相残的事情。这两件事情影响很坏,很多人都知道。   一件事是晋献公与公子申生的事情。   晋献公在晚年时非常昏庸,宠爱妃子骊姬,对她言听计从。骊姬想让儿子奚齐当太子,就与奸臣私通,一起商量着如何对付他们的眼中钉——太子申生。   一次,骊姬用蜂蜜擦头,引来不少蜜蜂,然后命申生用扇子驱赶蜜蜂。结果,晋献公在高台上看到,真的以为申生有戏母之心。晋献公勃然大怒,从此断绝父子之情,再也不理睬申生了。申生失宠,只得自杀。   骊姬还在献公面前,说公子重耳、公子夷吾的坏话。献公听信谗言,派人去杀重耳。重耳、夷吾见势不妙,只得逃出晋国,另寻出路。   另一件事,是公子弃疾与楚灵王的事情。   楚灵王曾经传下旨意,命他的弟弟公子弃疾去管理被灭的蔡国,而他统率军队出征,攻打东方的徐国。公子弃疾见国君不在国内,就带兵回国,杀死了楚灵王的两个儿子,拥立他哥哥的儿子子比为君,由子皙做令尹。   楚灵王听说公子弃疾掌握了大权,自己又没有办法打回去,气得上吊自杀。公子弃疾见自己的势力越来越大,索性逼子比自杀,自己从后台走向前台,做了楚王,历史上称他为楚平王。   这两件事,一件是父亲逼死儿子,一件是弟弟逼死哥哥,说起来都令人连打冷战。   《淮南子·说林训》在评论这两件事情时说:“这种骨肉相残的事,好比为了适合鞋子的尺寸,把脚削小;为了适应帽子的大小,把脑袋削小一样,愚蠢透顶。” 削足适履成语3    顺接: 削足适履 → 履霜知冰 → 冰炭不投 → 投怀送抱 → 抱恨终天 → 天高地下 → 下情上通 → 通才硕学 → 学如登山 → 山公启事 → 事以密成 → 成城断金 → 金龟换酒 → 酒龙诗虎 → 虎狼之国 → 国富民安 → 安土息民 → 民生国计 → 计无所出 → 出以公心 → 心口不一 → 一孔之见 → 见钱眼开 → 开卷有得    逆接: 削足适履 → 兵挫地削 → 全民皆兵 → 目牛无全 → 光华夺目 → 日月重光 → 光天化日 → 日月无光 → 大酺三日 → 知小言大 → 一无所知 → 天下第一 → 一念通天 → 群居和一 → 进种善群 → 里出外进 → 山川表里 → 知水仁山 → 年幼无知 → 天宝当年 → 色胆包天 → 情见于色 → 动之以情 → 文风不动    双飞: 削足适履;宋斤鲁削 → 足不出门;美中不足 → 不分轻重;进可替不 → 分风劈流;恰如其分 → 风举云摇;同舟遇风 → 举大略细;龙兴凤举 → 大祸临头;材疏志大 → 祸发萧墙;丰屋之祸 → 发言盈庭;英姿勃发 → 言大非夸;闲静少言 → 大有作为;泥多佛大 → 有眼无珠;绝无仅有    庖丁解牛A: 削足适履;足不逾户;适心娱目;履险蹈危 → 危言覈论;言不逾阈;何见之晚;论长道短 → 短垣自逾;援古刺今;自出机轴;逾墙窥蠙 → 宾来如归;来去无踪;如堕云雾;归之如市 → 市贾不二;假手旁人;不吝指教;二意三心 → 心无旁骛;无头告示;旁观袖手;物伤其类    庖丁解牛B: 削足适履;心满原足;会逢其适;削足适履 → 履盈蹈满;囊橐充盈;手舞足蹈;志得意满 → 满脸春风;兜头盖脸;着手生春;马耳东风 → 风檐寸晷;走壁飞檐;不遗尺寸;燃膏继晷 → 鬼瞰其室;青眼相看;怪诞诡奇;椿庭萱室 → 室如悬罄;顾盼自如;犹解倒悬;一言难罄 削足适履成语4   出处:《淮南子·说林训》   故事:   春秋时,有一次楚灵王亲自率领战车千乘,雄兵10万,征伐蔡国。这次出征非常顺利。楚灵王看大功告成,便派自己的弟弟弃疾留守蔡国,全权处理那里的军政要务,然后点齐10万大军继续推进,准备一举灭掉徐国。楚灵王的这个弟弟弃疾,不但品质不端,而且野心极大,不甘心仅仅充当蔡国这个小小地方的首脑,常常为此而闷闷不乐。弃疾手下有个叫朝吴的谋士,这个人非常工于心计,这一天,他试探道:“现在灵王率军出征在外,国内一定空虚,你不妨在此时引兵回国,杀掉灵王的儿子,另立新君,然后由你裁决朝政,将来当上国君还成什么问题吗!”弃疾听了朝吴的话,引兵返楚国,杀死灵王的儿子,立哥哥的另一个儿子子午为国君。楚灵王在征讨途中闻知国内有变,儿子被弟弟杀死,顿时心寒,想想活在世上没有意思,就上吊自杀了。在国内的弃疾知道楚灵王死了,马上威逼子午自杀,自立为王,他就是臭名昭著的楚平王。   另一个故事是:   晋献公宠爱骊姬,对她的话真是言听计从。骗姬提出要将自己所生的幼子奚齐立为太子,晋献公满口答应,并将原来的太子,自己亲生的儿子申生杀害了。骊姬将这两件事做完了,但心中还是深感不踏实,因为晋献公还有重耳和夷吾两个儿子。此时,这两个儿子也都已经成人,领姬觉得这对奚齐将来继承王位都是极大的威胁,便建议杀了重耳和夷吾兄弟俩,晋献公竟欣然同意。但他们的密谋破一位正直的大臣探听到,立即转告了重耳和夷吾,二人听说后,立即分头跑到国外避难去了。   《淮南子》的作者评论这两件事说:“听信坏人的话,使父子、兄弟自相残杀就像砍去脚指头去适应鞋的大小一样(犹削足适履),太不明智了。 削足适履成语5    1 削足适履的故事   春秋时期,发生了两件骨肉相残的事情。这两件事情影响很坏,很多人都知道。   一件事是晋献公与公子申生的事情。   晋献公在晚年时非常昏庸,宠爱妃子骊姬,对她言听计从。骊姬想让儿子奚齐当太子,就与奸臣私通,一起商量着如何对付他们的眼中钉——太子申生。   一次,骊姬用蜂蜜擦头,引来不少蜜蜂,然后命申生用扇子驱赶蜜蜂。结果,晋献公在高台上看到,真的以为申生有戏母之心。晋献公勃然大怒,从此断绝父子之情,再也不理睬申生了。申生失宠,只得自己杀。   骊姬还在献公面前,说公子重耳、公子夷吾的"坏话。献公听信谗言,派人去杀重耳。重耳、夷吾见势不妙,只得逃出晋国,另寻出路。   另一件事,是公子弃疾与楚灵王的事情。   楚灵王曾经传下旨意,命他的弟弟公子弃疾去管理被灭的蔡国,而他统率军的队出征,攻打东方的徐国。公子弃疾见国君不在国内,就带兵回国,杀死了楚灵王的两个儿子,拥立他哥哥的儿子子午为君,由子皙做令尹。   楚灵王听说公子弃疾掌握了大权,自己又没有办法打回去,气得上吊自己杀。公子弃疾见自己的势力越来越大,索性逼子午自己杀,自己从后台走向前台,做了楚王,历史上称他为楚平王。   这两件事,一件是父亲逼死儿子,一件是弟弟逼死哥哥,说起来都令人连打冷战。    2 削足适履的材料   【注音】xuē zú shì lǚ   【出处】《淮南子·说林训》:“骨肉相爱;谗贼间之;而父子相危。未所以养而害所养;譬犹削足而适履;杀头而便冠。”   【解释】适:适应;履:鞋。因为鞋小脚大,就把脚削去一块来凑和鞋的大小。比喻不合理的迁就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套。   【用法】作谓语、宾语、定语;指人做事机械,不知变通。   【近义词】生搬硬套、杀头便冠   【反义词】因地制宜、量体裁衣   【年代】古代   【例句】对于信奉教条,就有~的可能。    3 削足适履的点评   兄弟姐妹是这个世界上除了父母以外,你最亲近的人。所以一定不要互相伤害,要团结友爱。现在比喻不合理的迁就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套。这就告诉我们要懂得变通,条条大路通罗马,即使一条路被堵住了,还可以试试另一条路。 削足适履成语6   春秋时,有一次楚灵王亲自率领战车千乘,雄兵10万,征伐蔡国。这次出征非常顺利。楚灵王看大功告成,便派自己的弟弟弃疾留守蔡国,全权处理那里的军政要务,然后点齐10万大军继续推进,准备一举灭掉徐国。楚灵王的这个弟弟弃疾,不但品质不端,而且野心极大,不甘心仅仅充当蔡国这个小小地方的首脑,常常为此而闷闷不乐。弃疾手下有个叫朝吴的谋士,这个人非常工于心计,这一天,他试探道:现在灵王率军出征在外,国内一定空虚,你不妨在此时引兵回国,杀掉灵王的儿子,另立新君,然后由你裁决朝政,将来当上国君还成什么问题吗!弃疾听了朝吴的话,引兵返楚国,杀死灵王的儿子,立哥哥的另一个儿子子午为国君。楚灵王在征讨途中闻知国内有变,儿子被弟弟杀死,顿时心寒,想想活在世上没有意思,就上吊自杀了。在国内的弃疾知道楚灵王死了,马上威逼子午自杀,自立为王,他就是臭名昭着的楚平王。   另一个故事是:晋献公宠爱骊姬,对她的话真是言听计从。骊姬提出要将自己所生的幼子奚齐立为太子,晋献公满口答应,并将原来的太子,自己亲生的儿子申生杀害了。骊姬将这两件事做完了,但心中还是深感不踏实,因为晋献公还有重耳和夷吾两个儿子。此时,这两个儿子也都已经成人,骊姬觉得这对奚齐将来继承王位都是极大的威胁,便建议杀了重耳和夷吾兄弟俩,晋献公竟欣然同意。但他们的密谋破一位正直的大臣探听到,立即转告了重耳和夷吾,二人听说后,立即分头跑到国外避难去了。   《淮南子》的作者刘安评论这两件事说:听信坏人的话,使父子、兄弟自相残杀就像砍去脚指头去适应鞋的大小一样(犹削足适履),太不明智了。   【出处】西汉刘安《淮南子说林训》:骨肉相爱,谗贼间之,而父子相危。夫所以养而害所养,譬犹削足而适履,杀头而便冠。   【释读】履:鞋。因为鞋小脚大,就把脚削去一块来凑和鞋的大小。比喻不合理的牵就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套,不懂得变通,不尊重客观事实。 削足适履成语7   春秋时期,楚灵王率领十万雄兵征伐蔡国,这次出征非常顺利,楚灵王想一鼓作气,继续征伐徐国,便委派弟弟弃疾全权处理国中朝政,自己则带领大军向徐国进发。楚灵王万万没想到,弟弟弃疾会生谋反之心。弃疾手下有个谋士朝吴,朝吴怂恿他道:“现在灵王率军出征在外,国内一定空虚,你不妨在此时引兵回国,杀掉灵王的儿子,另立新君,然后由你裁决朝政,将来当上国君还成什么问题吗?”这句话说得正合弃疾心意!弃疾当即布置一番,杀死了楚灵王的儿子,立另一个儿子子午为国君。外出征讨的楚灵王得知后,心寒无比,想想活在世上没有意思,就上吊自杀了。弃疾闻知楚灵王已死,马上威逼子午自杀,自立为王,他就是历史上臭名昭著的楚平王。
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走出勒夏特列原理的误区浓度、压强、温度对化学平衡的影响可以概括为平衡移动原理,又称之为勒夏特列原理:如果改变影响平衡的一个条件(如浓度、压强、温度等)平衡就向减弱这种改变的方向移动。该原理是判断平衡移动方向的重要依据,适用于所有的动态平衡,如:化学平衡、电离平衡、溶解平衡等。然而,有的学生在解题过程中用勒夏特列原理却得出错误的结论,究其原因,是因为没有真正理解勒夏特列原理,陷入了勒夏特列原理的误区。现举例说明:1.改变条件却没有改变平衡例1:某密闭容器,放入一定量的SO2、O2,发生反应2SO2+O2 2SO3(正反应放热),在达到平衡后,采取下列措施可以使得平衡向右移动的为( )A.通如N2 B.升温 C.减少体积 D.加入SO3易错选:A错选原因:A选项中通入氮气之后,因为是密闭容器,所以容器内的压强增大,由勒夏特列原理可知,平衡向体积减少的方向移动,所以平衡向右移动。错选分析:在影响平衡的条件中,压强改变平衡是通过改变反应物的浓度来改变的,通入氮气后,反应物的浓度并没有改变,所以平衡不移动。勒夏特列原理是在平衡移动的成立,平衡不移动,勒夏特列原理就不适用。而勒夏特列原理只适用于改变条件能导致平衡移动的反应。正确选项:B[总结]:密闭容器中进行的可逆反应,达到平衡后,在温度不变的条件下,通入不参加反应的气体,如:N2 、稀有气体等,平衡并没有移动,此时就不能用勒夏特列原理。2.只有一种反应物例2:在恒温时,一固定容器内发生如下反应2NO2(g) N2O4(g)(正反应放热),达到平衡后,若分别单独改变下列条件,重新达到平衡后,能使平衡混合气体的相对分子质量减小的是( )A.通入Ne B.通入NO2 C.通入N2O4 D.降低温度 易错选:B错选原因:通入NO2 后,NO2的体积分数增大,由勒夏特列原理可知,平衡向减弱这种改变的方向进行,但是不能消除这种改变,故NO2的体积分数最终还是增大的,所以混合气体的平均相对分子质量变小。错误分析:在2NO2(g) N2O4(g)的反应中,反应物只有一种,即:NO2再通入NO2后,相当于压强变大,平衡向右移动,NO2的体积分数最终会变小,其混合气体的平均相对分子质量变大。[总结]:在多种反应物的可逆反应达到平衡之后,加入其中的一种反应物,重新达到平衡后,可以使得其他反应物的转化率升高,而本身的转化率降低,本身的体积分数变大。但是只有一种反应物的平衡要区别对待。正确选项:A 编辑本段勒夏特列原理相关应用 勒夏特列原理是涉及平衡问题中最重要的一个原理。几乎所有的平衡移动的问题都可以用勒夏特列原理来解释和判断。正确应用的前提是熟练地掌握原理的本质和内涵,以及熟知各种情况。一.原理: 勒夏特列原理:如果改变影响平衡的一个条件(如浓度,压强或温度等),平衡就向能够减弱这种改变的方向移动。二.内涵: 1)浓度:增加某一反应物的浓度,则反应向着减少此反应物浓度的方向进行,即反应向正方向进行。减少某一生成物的浓度,则反应向着增加此生成物浓度的方向进行,即反应向反方向进行。反之亦然。 2)压强:增加某一气态反应物的压强,则反应向着减少此反应物压强的方向进行,即反应向正方向进行。减少某一气态生成物的压强,则反应向着增加此生成物压强的方向进行,即反应向逆方向进行。反之亦然。 3)温度:升高反应温度,则反应向着减少热量的方向进行,即放热反应逆向进行,吸热反应正向进行;降低温度,则反应向着生成热量的方向的进行,即放热反应正向进行,吸热反应逆向进行。 4)催化剂:仅改变反应进行的速度,不影响平衡的改变,即对正逆反应的影响程度是一样的。 从以上的分析可知:通常出现的一些情形都在勒夏特列原理的范围之内。因此,当我们遇到涉及平衡移动的问题时,只要正确运用勒夏特列原理来分析,都可以得出合适的答案的。三.补充: 勒夏特列原理的英文表述: Every system in stable chemical equilibrium submitted to the influence of an exterior force which tends to cause variation either in it s temperature or condensation ( pressure , concent ration , number of molecules in the unit of volume) ,in it s totality or only in some of it s part s , can undergo only those interior modifications change of temperature ,or of condensation ,of a sign cont rary to that resulting f rom the exterior force. 此表述可翻译如下: 任何稳定化学平衡系统承受外力的影响,无论整体地还是仅仅部分地导致其温度或压缩度(压强、浓度、单位体积的分子数) 发生改变,若它们单独发生的话,系统将只作内在的纠正,使温度或压缩度发生变化,该变化与外力引起的改变是相反的。主要知识点 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 知识点: (1)可逆反应 化学平衡的概念 (2)化学平衡状态的特征:动、等、定、变 (3)勒沙特列原理 2. 化学平衡状态的标志 (1) 同一物质的v正=v逆≠0; (2) 反应混合物中各组分的百分含量保持不变。 (3) 相关物理量不再随反应时间的改变而改变。 3. 平衡移动方向的判断:v正>v逆正向移动;v正<v逆逆向移动; v正=v逆不移动 4. 等效平衡 (1)恒温恒容条件下的可逆反应,①若新平衡与原平衡投料相等即原子守恒,则新平衡与原平衡等效;②若该可逆反应反应前后气体体积不变,则投料比相等,平衡亦等效。 (2)恒温恒压条件下的可逆反应,投料比相等,平衡等效。 (3)采用极端分析法判断投料或投料比是否相等。 5. 解图像题思路 (1)看清图像:一看纵横坐标意义;二看曲线变化趋势;三看起点、折点、终点;四看相关量的关系。 (2)联想规律,准确推断。通过联想外界条件对化学反应速率,化学平衡的影响规律,挖掘图像中蕴含的化学意义。仔细分析,得出正确结论。 勒沙特列原理:如果改变影响化学平衡的一个条件,平衡就向能够减弱这种改变的方向移动。 含义:(1)若增大反应物的浓度,平衡移动的结果应使反应物的浓度减小,即只能向正反应方向移动. (2)若增大平衡体系的压强,平衡移动的结果应使体系的压强减小,即平衡向气体体积减小方向移动. (3)若升高温度,平衡移动的结果应使体系的温度降低,即平衡向吸热方向移动. (4)若加水稀释,溶液中的平衡体系应向微粒数目增加方向移动.例如: CH3COOH=CH3COO (-) +H (+) 加水后,单位体积内平衡体系中的总微粒数目减少,平衡应向微粒数目增加方向移动,即向电离方向移动,所以温度一定时,浓度越小,电离度越大,盐类水解平衡亦如此. (5)原理中平衡向"减弱"这种改变的方向移动,"减弱"是指不能消除这种改变的全部影响.例如: N2+3H2=2NH3+Q 1)当压强由200大气压增至400大气压,平衡将向正反应方向移动,会使达到新平衡时压强小于400大气压,但不可能低于200大气压,即新平衡时体系压强200<P<400大气压. 2)当温度由100°C升高至200°C时,平衡向吸热方向(逆反应方向)移动,使温度低于200°C,但应高于100°C. 勒沙特列原理的应用: (1)将Cl2通入饱和食盐水中,试解释: 1)在饱和食盐水中溶解度降低的原因; 2)有晶体析出的原因. 解: 1)Cl2为非极性分子,在水中加NaCl增强溶液的极性,故Cl2溶解度降低; 又因为Cl2+H2O=HCl+HClO平衡,增大[Cl-],平衡向逆向移动,有利于Cl2逸出. 2)饱和食盐水中存在平衡NaCl(固)=Na(+)+Cl(-),Cl2和水反应生成HCl,增大Cl-浓度,使NaCl的溶解平衡向逆向移动,故有晶体析出. (2) 在固定容积的密闭容器中,A和B发生下列反应A(固)+2B(气)=C(气)-Q...(Q>0),在一定条件下达到下列平衡.若升高温度,则达到平衡后混合气体的( ) A.平均式量增大 B.平均式量减小 C.密度增大 D.密度减小 解: 升高温度,平衡正向移动,混合气体的总质量增大,总物质的量减小,所以平均式量增大;又因为体积不能变,所以混合气体的密度增大,选AC
2023-08-03 01:03:234