barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-02 22:21:15

很多大城市(比如西雅图),南北走向的是Avenue,东西走向的是street。 有些小地方不是正南正北,但Street和avenue都是成直角的。


street意思街 方向是南北;road意思是路,方向是东西



street[英][stri:t] [美][strit] 生词本 简明释义 n.大街,街道 复数:streets 易混淆的单词:Street 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES大街;街道A street is a road in a city, town, or village, usually with houses along it. He lived at 66 Bingfield Street... 他住在宾菲尔德大街 66 号. Boppard is a small, quaint town with narrow streets. 博帕德是一个有着许多深巷窄道、古香古色的小镇. 2.N-COUNT户外;街头You can use street or streets when talking abou
2023-08-02 12:52:201


street的意思是街道。一、发音英:[striu02d0t];美:[striu02d0t]二、中文翻译n.大街;街道adj.街头的三、形式复数:streets四、短语搭配street lamp 路灯street style 街头风格street photography 街头摄影五、双语例句1.He walked down a street.他走过一条大街。2.There are many trees in the street.街道上长了很多树。
2023-08-02 12:53:072


street是一个英语名词,它的意思是大街,街道。复数:streets 扩展资料   street的用法总结   1、street是城市内街道的总称,也可具体指市内的.某一条街,指城镇中的道路,其一侧或两侧通常有房屋、商店等建筑物,可缩写为St。street有时还可指“在某一街道居住或工作的人们”。   2、street在句中可修饰其他名词,作定语。如:street island 安全岛;street lamp 街灯   3、短语:in the street〈英〉在街上;on the street〈美〉在街上;on easy street 生活优裕   street例句分享   The other day I came across a friend in the street.   日前我在街上遇见了一位朋友。   They changed the name of the street.   他们把街道名称改了。
2023-08-02 12:53:161

“街头” 用英语怎么说

街头=Street 或 on the strees看你怎么用
2023-08-02 12:53:375


street是一款高档服装的品牌,德国生产的,是一个德国的服装品牌。 Street One是一个1983年诞生的德国服装品牌。 整个设计,销售团队充满活力,创造力和对流行趋势的准确把握市场动向,所以才有如此威望。
2023-08-02 12:53:532


street大街road 路径
2023-08-02 12:54:022


street前面用on,也可以用in,但是不能直接用at。in the street是指在街上。on the street是特指在街上的地面有关的东西。at表示地点时一般用来表示比较小的地方,也可以用于门牌号码前面。at表示门牌号可以说I live at 115 Zhongshan Road我正在中山路115号。on和in的特定用法1、专指“在户外”时就要用in the street。如:It is dangerous to be in the street after dark.醉卧街头时,当流浪儿等当然是在户外,所以也是用in,而交通工具也是在户外走,所以也是用in。2、当做在能力上“难以相比”时,也是用in,如in the same street.如:Her clothes are not in the same street as yours.3、专指街的地面时,就要用on,如丢纸屑,还有走在街面上时也用on。4、广为人知时,也是用on。如:Sue put it on the street, and now everyone knows.5、专指华尔街日报时,就要用on。如:I heard on the Street today that bank stocks are headed up.6、指打折後的最低价,也是用on。如:It lists at $2200 and can be got for about $1600 on the street.
2023-08-02 12:54:091


street与 avenue的区别为:一、指代不同1、street:大街。2、avenue:林荫道。二、侧重点不同1、street:street主要指市内平整的街道,两侧有人行道,再向外是房屋、建筑物等。2、avenue:avenue指城市里的宽敞的大道,两侧树木成行,美观气派,常比喻为康庄大道。三、引证用法不同1、street:street有时还可指“在某一街道居住或工作的人们”。street与专有名词连用时须置于其后,该专有名词前不加冠词。2、avenue:在美国的一些大城市(比如纽约),通常把南北走向的街称为avenue,把东西走向的街称为 street。
2023-08-02 12:54:421

street的介词是on / in还是at?road

2023-08-02 12:55:011


2023-08-02 12:55:103


2023-08-02 12:55:282


2023-08-02 12:56:134

street的音标中是tr,但是为什么读音时,发dr 的音

楼主搞错了吧..street 的音标 是 [stri:t]发 chui 的音
2023-08-02 12:56:202

street 和 avenue的区别

Boulevard, Avenue 这类词用于相对比较宽大的马路,中文一般以“大道”称之。例如:纽约著名的“第五大道”就叫 5th Avenue. 好莱坞有名的“日落大道”Sunset Blvd.(Blvd. 是 Boulevard 的缩写,Ave. 是 Avenue 的缩写)。但是,许多住宅区的小路命名时用 XXX Ave. 的也多如牛毛, 看地址就知道了。至于用什么词表达街道怎么走向,两边都是什么建筑之类的,在现今美国社会是绝对找不出常规了,全国各地早都乱了套啦。总体说来,Street 相对是稍微窄些的街道。XXX Street (St. 是缩写)和 XXX Road (Rd. 是缩写)大致属于差不多的等级。至于住宅区中家庭地址可以见到代表“街、路、巷”的词还包括:XXX Way ("Wy.")XXX Drive ("Dr.")XXX Circle ("Cir.")XXX Lane ("Ln")五花八门的让人眼花缭乱。
2023-08-02 12:56:281


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2023-08-02 12:57:098


street 英 [striu02d0t]   美 [striu02d0t]  n.街道;马路adj.街道的用作名词 (n.)I met him in the street.我在街上遇到他。He stood in a strange street.他站在一条陌生的街道上。
2023-08-02 12:57:351


死坠特 死肆追特 四锥忒
2023-08-02 12:58:312


street 英 [striːt] 美 [striːt] n. 大街; 街道; [例句]He lived at 6 Bingfield Street他住在宾菲尔德大街6号。[其他] 复数:streets
2023-08-02 12:58:391


street读音:[striu02d0t]。street,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“街道,人名;(英、葡)斯特里特;(德)施特雷特”,作形容词时意为“街道的”。street是城市内街道的总称,也可具体指市内的.某一条街,指城镇中的道路,其一侧或两侧通常有房屋、商店等建筑物,可缩写为St。street有时还可指“在某一街道居住或工作的人们”。短语搭配1、Bridges Street必列者士街;者士街。2、Jubilee Street租庇利街。3、Western Street西边街。4、Petaling Street茨厂街;唐人街;茨场街。5、Street View谷歌街景;街景服务;街景地图;街景视图。双语例句1、You have to go the bank across the street.您必须到街对面的银行去换。2、Go down this street until you come to an overpass.沿着这条街走下去,直到你看到一座天桥。3、They went across to the other side of the street .他们从这一边横穿到街的另一边去了。
2023-08-02 12:59:551


street的意思是:n.大街;街道 adj.街头的例句:1.The street is not safe for children to play in.孩子在大街上玩不安全。2.He collapsed in the street and died two hours later.他昏倒在大街上,两小时后便去世了。3.Main Street won"t be happy with this new program.中产阶级不会对这个新计划感到高兴的。短语搭配:Pottinger Street 砵典乍街 ; 典乍街;First Street 第一街 ; 第一条街 ; 第一大街Bridges Street 必列者士街 ; 者士街;Jubilee Street 租庇利街;Western Street 西边街Petaling Street 茨厂街 ; 唐人街 ; 茨场街;King Street 国王街 ; 皇帝街 ; 大伯公街
2023-08-02 13:00:261


street前面用on,也可以用in,但是不能直接用at。in the street是指在街上。on the street是特指在街上的地面有关的东西。at表示地点时一般用来表示比较小的地方,也可以用于门牌号码前面。at表示门牌号可以说I live at 115 Zhongshan Road我正在中山路115号。on和in的特定用法1、专指“在户外”时就要用in the street。如:It is dangerous to be in the street after dark.醉卧街头时,当流浪儿等当然是在户外,所以也是用in,而交通工具也是在户外走,所以也是用in。2、当做在能力上“难以相比”时,也是用in,如in the same street.如:Her clothes are not in the same street as yours.3、专指街的地面时,就要用on,如丢纸屑,还有走在街面上时也用on。4、广为人知时,也是用on。如:Sue put it on the street, and now everyone knows.5、专指华尔街日报时,就要用on。如:I heard on the Street today that bank stocks are headed up.6、指打折後的最低价,也是用on。如:It lists at $2200 and can be got for about $1600 on the street.
2023-08-02 13:00:471


street与 avenue的区别为:一、指代不同1、street:大街。2、avenue:林荫道。二、侧重点不同1、street:street主要指市内平整的街道,两侧有人行道,再向外是房屋、建筑物等。2、avenue:avenue指城市里的宽敞的大道,两侧树木成行,美观气派,常比喻为康庄大道。三、引证用法不同1、street:street有时还可指“在某一街道居住或工作的人们”。street与专有名词连用时须置于其后,该专有名词前不加冠词。2、avenue:在美国的一些大城市(比如纽约),通常把南北走向的街称为avenue,把东西走向的街称为 street。
2023-08-02 13:01:401


  1、street英[striu02d0t]、美[striu02d0t]。   2、n.大街; 街道;   3、[例句]The street opened out into a small square.街道豁然变宽,成为一个小广场。   4、[其他]复数:streets
2023-08-02 13:01:591


street 英[stri:t]美[strit]n. 大街,街道名词复数:streets[例句]The view from lenin street.从列宁街看剧场圆顶。
2023-08-02 13:03:482


street前面用on,也可以用in,但是不能直接用at。in the street是指在街上。on the street是特指在街上的地面有关的东西。at表示地点时一般用来表示比较小的地方,也可以用于门牌号码前面。at表示门牌号可以说I live at 115 Zhongshan Road我正在中山路115号。on和in的特定用法1、专指“在户外”时就要用in the street。如:It is dangerous to be in the street after dark.醉卧街头时,当流浪儿等当然是在户外,所以也是用in,而交通工具也是在户外走,所以也是用in。2、当做在能力上“难以相比”时,也是用in,如in the same street.如:Her clothes are not in the same street as yours.3、专指街的地面时,就要用on,如丢纸屑,还有走在街面上时也用on。4、广为人知时,也是用on。如:Sue put it on the street, and now everyone knows.5、专指华尔街日报时,就要用on。如:I heard on the Street today that bank stocks are headed up.6、指打折後的最低价,也是用on。如:It lists at $2200 and can be got for about $1600 on the street.
2023-08-02 13:04:091


street是可数名词; street n.大街;街道 复数: streets 例句: The street opened out into a small square. 街道豁然变宽,成为一个小广场。 The bedroom windows give on to the street. 卧室的窗户面向街道。 扩展资料   Main Street won"t be happy with this new program.   中产阶级不会对这个新计划感到高兴的。   Take the first street on the right.   走右手的第一条街。   The street is not safe for children to play in.   孩子在大街上玩不安全。
2023-08-02 13:05:051


2023-08-02 13:07:371

street 跟avenue 有什么区别?第五大街用哪个?为什么?

没这么多规矩,也无需解释这么复杂。以美国而言,各地用来表达“街”、“路”、“大道”什么的词很多,也没个统一标准。一般而言,Boulevard, Avenue 这类词用于相对比较宽大的马路,中文一般以“大道”称之。例如:纽约著名的“第五大道”就叫 5th Avenue. 好莱坞有名的“日落大道”Sunset Blvd.(Blvd. 是 Boulevard 的缩写,Ave. 是 Avenue 的缩写)。但是,许多住宅区的小路命名时用 XXX Ave. 的也多如牛毛, 看地址就知道了。至于用什么词表达街道怎么走向,两边都是什么建筑之类的,在现今美国社会是绝对找不出常规了,全国各地早都乱了套啦。总体说来,Street 相对是稍微窄些的街道。XXX Street (St. 是缩写)和 XXX Road (Rd. 是缩写)大致属于差不多的等级。至于住宅区中家庭地址可以见到代表“街、路、巷”的词还包括:XXX Way ("Wy.")XXX Drive ("Dr.")XXX Circle ("Cir.")XXX Lane ("Ln")五花八门的让人眼花缭乱。希望对你的理解能有一些帮助, 别忘了采纳哦,谢谢! 满意请给好评~如有疑问请继续追问
2023-08-02 13:07:451


in street
2023-08-02 13:08:247

street 怎么读

street 英[stri:t] 美[strit] n. 大街,街道 名词复数:streets [例句]Wall street "s , hands down.当然是华尔街轻松胜出。
2023-08-02 13:09:471

street怎么读 street怎么造句

1、street英[striu02d0t]、美[striu02d0t]。 2、n.大街; 街道; 3、[例句]The street opened out into a small square.街道豁然变宽,成为一个小广场。 4、[其他]复数:streets
2023-08-02 13:10:281


2023-08-02 13:10:351


是一个德国的服装品牌。 Street One是一个1983年诞生的德国服装品牌。 整个设计,销售团队充满活力,创造力和对流行趋势的准确把握,正是有这样的强大的团队才能保证STRRET ONE在德国,乃至整个欧洲的飞速发展。
2023-08-02 13:10:431


“street” 的音标为 /striu02d0t/。意思是 “街道,大街”,是指两侧有建筑物的道路。We parked the car on the street in front of the restaurant.我们在餐厅前的街上停车。Walking down the street, she saw a beautiful flower shop.走在街上,她看到一家美丽的花店。The street is crowded during rush hour traffic.在上下班高峰期,街道上拥挤不堪。The street vendor sold hot dogs and pretzels to the hungry customers.路边小贩向饥饿的顾客出售热狗和椒盐脆饼。The street lamps provide a warm atmosphere during the evening.夜晚,路灯在街上为人们提供温暖的氛围。The graffiti artist had painted a mural on the wall of the building facing the street.涂鸦艺术家在面向街道的建筑物墙上绘制了一幅壁画。She was lost in the unfamiliar streets of the city and couldn"t find her way back.她在这个陌生的城市街道中迷路了,找不到回去的路了。
2023-08-02 13:10:511


大街英语怎么读street:1.单词音标和发音“Street”是英语中常用的名词,读作/striu02d0t/,音标为/street/。其中/st/的发音需要注意,它是塞擦音,即短暂地关闭气流,然后迅速开放,在这个过程中产生摩擦声。/r/较为浊,要发出一些振动。/i:/时,舌头要拉到口腔后部并上翘,嘴唇要向两边张开。2.单词的词性和词义“Street”是一个名词,在英语中通常指城市或乡村中的街道或路。在美国,许多城市的街道都有固定的编号和方向,如纽约市的第五大道和芝加哥市的密歇根大道。此外,“street”还可以用于构成复合词,如“main street”(主要街道)和“high street”(主要商业街)。3.在日常生活中的应用“Street”是一个常用词汇,不仅出现在英语课本中,也在我们的日常生活中广泛使用。例如,我们可以在询问路线时说“Can you tell me how to get to Main Street?”(你能告诉我怎样到达主要街道吗?)。此外,“street”还经常出现在电影中,如《白宫陷落》(Olympus Has Fallen)等。4.常见衍生用法和短语除了上述基本含义外,“street”还有许多常见的衍生用法和短语,如“the street”(街道上),“on the street”(在街道上),以及“cross the street”(穿过街道)。此外,“street”还可用于构成一些固定短语和俚语,如“street smart”(机智过人),和“streets ahead”(领先一步)。
2023-08-02 13:11:511


2023-08-02 12:54:363


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2023-08-02 12:54:404


好听的英文名字推荐:tracy、Anna、Ivy、Yuki、Susan、Tess、Mary、Ruby、Jessie、Diana取英文名字的方法:方法一:起一个与中文名字“谐音”的英文名字。比如李梅,可以起May ·Li,“梅”与May正好谐音。方法二:根据英文名字的内在含义,选择一个您喜欢的英文名字。许多英文名字,来自希腊神话、罗马神话和《圣经》,因而具有某种内在含义。比如:Catherine凯瑟琳-- 表示纯洁。方法三:直接选取单个英文字母作为专属自己的英文名。英文有二十六个字母,可依据你的喜好来选择其中一个字母作为专属你的英文名,这种英文名有种像代号,可能不是非常正式,但作为你的专属标签还是可以的。比如:你的姓氏,如姓黄,可选择字母“h”作为专属你的英文名。方法四:间接选取英文单词,融合自己的特征起英文名。选取自己比较喜欢或能代表自己特征的英文单词,再配合自己的名字或姓氏,如smile ·choi这个英文名,是微笑的英文单词加上自己的姓氏崔。方法五:提取名字中单个字加中文拼音取名。这种方法取名字实际上是通过中英结合的方式来取名的,即是通过中文的拼音加上英文名字来取名,如明星唐嫣的英文名字是tiffany ·tang。
2023-08-02 12:54:431


3G是英文3rdGeneration的缩写,指第三代移动通信技术。相对第一代模拟制式手机(1G)和第二代GSM、TDMA等数字手机(2G),第三代手机一般地讲,是指将无线通信与国际互联网等多媒体通信结合的新一代移动通信系统. 是中国第一个拥有自主知识产权的国际标准,开创了中国参与国际电信标准化的先河。是国际上主流的3G标准之一。是中国通信业技术创新的典范,也是中国对第三代移动通信发展所做出的重要贡献
2023-08-02 12:54:444


2023-08-02 12:54:441


I travelled to Malaysia. Malaysia has various residents who are Malay, Chinese and Indian, of course, they have differenct customs.Malayisa was a tropic country, but the residents like cooked rice, drink hot tea. In Malayisa toilet, there is no toilet paper available, because the people are used to clear them by water.In Malaysia, you can see Muslim everywhere, in many locations are not allowed eating pork, Smoking and drinking.These traditional customs are more diffent from ours.
2023-08-02 12:54:446


关于餐桌礼仪的英语作文   modern relatively popular chinese meal etiquette is on traditional mid-north with reference on the basis of foreign manners. its seating to borrow western dinner party for the law, the right first principal guest sat in the guest host, the second on the right or left in master first principal guest right, flexible processing, wine served on the right by guests, after the philippines, master, guthrie female guests first, after male guest. wine, not too full steamy quaver. serving sequence remains tradition, after first cold heat. the guest of hot food should be the opposite seat left; single gets or dishes on the table to have the first point and snacks, top whole chicken bingo, whole duck, whole fish, etc, not plastic food toward are emic head and tail. these programs can not only make the whole process, more make a harmonious and orderly subject-object identity and emotional expression and communication. therefore, table etiquette can make feasts on active complete thoughtful and make the subject-object both sides get all-round display tutelage.   must wait until all the people here can begin any form of dining activities - even if someone was late, will have to wait. once you are ready, they can do the host. opening during dinner, the host must assume a active role - urged guests enjoy eating and drinking is completely reasonable.   on formal banquet dishes on the way, like the projected slides, every time a dish. surprisingly, rice is not with dishes is alexandrine, but can choose to eat. because dishes have distinguishing feature each, should individual taste, and only eat once from a bowl, not a mixed taste. do not use a bowl dish, can eat. bones and shells class on individual plate. don"t clean dishes must often use clean plate is replaced.   a chinese restaurant if no tea table and call no formal. therefore, as storage varieties of tea is wise practices, ensure the most astute taste also care to. relevant tea problem, should pay attention to several pieces of key things. seat should be responsible for the recent teapot for others and yourself zhencha - according to age, zhencha order by the elders to the youth, last pour. when somebody else for you zhencha, protocol should use fingers to knock table, doing so is to thank the zhencha and respect.   certain foods can move chopsticks eyes zhencha order is very exquisite, young, long after first after first female male table decoration   the decoration of daily meals in various seating is put on a bowl, a pair of chopsticks, a spoon, a disc of sauces, with meal will usually give guests a hot towel, instead of paper towel wipe hand and wipe your mouth. all the dishes on the table while, each with their own central directly from each disc chopsticks share dishes clip food; the end of a pot of soup in a pot, each with drink soup. guests can come when absolute became a recruit fly like across the river, clip on distant dishes. as the chinese people like all share dishes, their table most is a circle or square, rather than westerners multi-purpose long bar table.   china table manners summarizing chinese table etiquette attributed the following:   a. seated. first guest table etiquette in please. banquet on your seat beside the elders in turn table, seated guests to your seat from the chair left after entering. don"t move chopsticks. the more don"t get what noise. don"t walk up. if you have anything to master greeting.   second, dinner guest, elderly. first when moving chopsticks. clip vegetables every less. from his far of dishes ate less. eat don"t drink the soup a voice. also don"t make a noise, drink soup spoon nibble the drink the bowl. unfavorable to her mouth, the drink soup too hot drink again later when cold. don"t blow sips. some while man eats like to use to chew food. especially hard to chew food, issued a very clear crisp voice. this practice of the etiquette requires is not dine. especially and all, will try to prevent this kind of phenomenon.   third: dine hiccups, don"t don"t appear other voice, if appear sneezing, such as sound involuntarily satisfactory, will say i"m sorry.; i"m sorry; cool. please. the words of apology. to show within.   the fourth; if you want to give a guest or elders bucai. the . can also gongkuai from guest or elders far dishes came to them, by our chinese nation habit. food is a a upwards. if the table, the old man, the guest leadership have come up a new word. whenever it please them when dish can first move chopsticks. or take turns please them first move chopsticks for them. to show the attention.   fifth: eat fish,bones and other things, barb, do not go to vomit, also don"t go outside thrown on the ground by hand. will slowly take oneself to dish, or put on abuts his table edge or put it on paper prepared. ;
2023-08-02 12:54:341


平衡计分卡(Balanced Scoreboard),源自于哈佛大学教授Robert Kaplan与诺朗顿研究院(Nolan Norton Institute)的执行长DavidNorton于90年所从事的“未来组织绩效衡量方法”研究计划,该计划的目的在于找出超越传统以财务会计量度为主的绩效衡量模式,以使组织的“策略”能够转变为“行动”。该研究的结论“平衡计分卡:驱动绩效的量度”发表在1992年哈佛企管评论1月与2月号,平衡计分卡强调传统的财务会计模式只能衡量过去发生的事项(落后的结果因素),但无法评估企业前瞻性的投资(领先的驱动因素)。因此,必须改用一个将组织的远景转变为一组由四项观点组成的绩效指标架构来评价组织的绩效。此四项指标分别是:财务(Financial)、顾客(Customer)、企业内部流程(Internal Business Processes)、学习与成长(Learning and Growth)。藉着这四项指标的衡量,组织得以明确和严谨的手法来诠释其策略,它一方面保留传统上衡量过去绩效的财务指标,并且兼顾了促成财务目标的绩效因素之衡量;在支持组织追求业绩之余,也监督组织的行为应兼顾学习与成长的面向,并且透过一连串的互动因果关系,组织得以把产出(Outcome)和绩效驱动因素(Performance Driver)串联起来,以衡量指标与其量度做为语言,把组织的使命和策略转变为一套前后连贯的系统绩效评核量度,把复杂而笼统的概念转化为精确的目标,藉以寻求财务与非财务的衡量之间、短期与长期的目标之间、落后的与领先的指标之间,以及外部与内部绩效之间的平衡。
2023-08-02 12:54:341


  美文可以用来涵养学生心灵,培养学生的想象能力,为学生提供写作素材,并可用来提供写作技巧方面的借鉴。 分享关于初三英语美文,希望大家喜欢!   关于初三英语美文:Art and life   My parents owned six books between them. Two of those were Bibles and the third was a concordance to the Old and New Testaments. The fourth was The House At Pooh Corner. The fifth, The Chatterbox Annual 1923 and the sixth, Malory"s Morte d"Artliur.   I found it necessary to *** uggle books in and of the house and I cannot claim too much for the provision of an outside toilet when there is no room of one"s own. It was on the toilet that I first read Freud and D. H. Lawrence, and perhaps that was the best place, after all. We kept a rubber torch hung on the cistern, and I had to divide my money from a Saturday job, between buying books and buying batteries. My mother knew exactly how long her Ever Readys would last if used only to illuminate the hap that separated the toilet paper from its .   Once I had tucked the book back down my knickers to get it indoors again, I find somewhere to hide it, and anyone with a single bed, standard size, and paperbacks, standard size, will discover that seventy seven can be acmodated per layer under the mattress. But as my collection grew, I began to worry that my mother might notice that her daughter"s bed was rising visibly. One day she did. She burned everything.   I had been brought up to memorize very long Bible passages, and when I left home and was supporting myself so that I could continue my education, I fought off loneliness and fear by reciting. In the funeral parlor I whispered Donne to the embalming fluids and Marvell to the corpses. Later, I found that Tennyson"s "Lady of Shalott" had a soothing, because rhythmic, effect on the mentally disturbed. Among the disturbed I numbered myself at that time.   The healing power of art is not a rhetorical fantasy. Fighting to keep language, language became my sanity and my strength. It still is, and I know of no pain that art cannot assuage. For some, music, for some, pictures, for me, primarily, poetry, whether found in poems or in prose, cuts through noise and hurt, opens the wound to clean it, and then gradually teaches it to heal itself. Wounds need to be taught to heal themselves.   The psyche and the spirit do not share the instinct of damaged body. Healing is automatically triggered nor is danger usually avoided. Since we put ourselves in the way of hurt it seems logical to put ourselves in the way of healing. Art has more work to do than ever before but it can do that work. In a self-destructive society like our own, it is unsurprising that art as a healing force is despised.   For myself, when I returned to my to my borrowed room night after night, and there were my books, I felt relief and exuberance, not hardship and exhaustion. I intended to avoid the fate of Jude the Obscure, although a reading of that book was a useful warning. What I wanted did not belong to me by right and whilst it could not be refused tome in quite same way, we still have subtle punishments for anyone who insists on what they are and what they want. Walled inside the little space marked out for by family and class, it was the limitless world of imagination that it possible for me to scale the sheer face of other people"s assumptions. Inside books there is perfect space and it is that space which allows the reader to escape from the problems of gravity.   关于初三英语美文:New England weather   There is a sumptuous variety about the New England weather that pels the stranger"s admiration -- and regret. The weather is always doing something there; always attending strictly to business; always getting up new designs and trying them on people to see how they will go. But it gets through more business in Spring than in any other season. In the Spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of twenty-four hours.   Probable nor"-east to sou"-west winds, varying to the southard and westard and eastard and points between; high and low barometer, sweeping round from place to place; probable areas of rain, snow, hail, and drought, succeeded or preceded by earthquakes with thunder and lightning.   关于初三英语美文:The lowest animal   Man is the only animal that robs his helpless fellow of his country-takes possession of it and drives him out of it or destroys him. Man has done this in all the ages. There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in possession of its rightful owner, or that has not been taken away from owner after owner, cycle after cycle, by force and bloodshed.   Man is the only Slave. And he is the only animal who enslaves. He has always been a slave in one form or another, and has always held other slaves in bondage under him in one way or another. In our day he is always some man"s slave for wages, and does the man"s work; and this slave has other slaves under him for minor wages, and they do his work. The higher animals are the only ones who exclusively do their own work and provide their own living.   Man is the only Patriot. He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people"s countries, and keep them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for "the universal brotherhood of man"-with his mouth.   Man is the Religious Animal. He is the only Religious Animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion-several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself, and cuts his throat if his theology isn"t straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to *** ooth his brother"s path to happiness and heaven. He was at it in the time of Caesars, he was at it in Mahomet"s time, he was at it in the time of the Inquisition, he was at it in France a couple of centuries, he was at it in England in Mary"s day, he has been at it ever since he first saw the light, he is at it today in Crete-as per the telegrams quoted above*-he will be at it somewhere else tomorrow. The higher animals have no religion. And we are told that they are going to be left out, in the Hereafter. I wonder why? It seems questionable taste.   Man is the Reasoning Animal. Such is the claim. I think it is open to dispute. Indeed, my experiments have proven to me that he is the Unreasoning Animal. Note his history, as sketched above. It seems plain to me that whatever he is he is not a reasoning animal. His record is the fantastic record of a maniac. I consider that the strongest count against his intelligence is the fact that with that record back of him he blandly sets himself up as the head animal of the lot: whereas by his own standards he is the bottom one.   In truth, man is incurably foolish. Simple things which the other animals easily learn, he is incapable of learning. Among my experiments was this. In an hour I taught a cat and a dog to be friends. I put them in a cage. In another hour I taught them to be friends with a rabbit. In the course of two days I was able to add a fox, a goose, a squirrel and some doves. Finally a monkey. They lived together in peace; even affectionately.   
2023-08-02 12:54:331


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CuA为所有奇数的集合;CuB为所有偶数的集合(一定要回答是“集合”). A={xIx=2k,k属于整数集},所以A是偶数的集合,所以CuA就是奇数的集合; B={xIx=2k+1,k属于整数集},所以B是所有奇数的集合,所以CuB 就是所有偶数的集合。
2023-08-02 12:54:311


tap/ faucet水龙头hand towel/towel毛巾towel hanger/holder 毛巾架 towel ring 毛巾环 toilet马桶 toilet roll, toilet paper 卫生纸toothbrush牙刷 toothpaste牙膏 transom, transom window 气窗
2023-08-02 12:54:261