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2023-08-02 18:42:36

请假条的英文为written request for leave。



n. 请求;需要

vt. 要求,请求


Details are available on request.




vt. 离开;留下;遗忘;委托

vi. 离开,出发;留下

n. 许可,同意;休假


My flight leaves in less than an hour.








written request for leave。










6、请假人签名。 你自己的签名,一般不用按手印,只需要签字即可。

7、请假时间。 填写当前你写请假条的时间。


请假 英语

请假的英语有:ask for leave;take off;sick leave;casual leave/personal leave等。1、ask for leave从词典中我们可以看出,leave除了离开的意思外,还有休假的意思,英文释义为“if you leave your job, home, school etc, you permanently stop doing that job, living at home etc.”2、take offtake off在大家印象中常见意思是“起飞”,实际还可以用来表示请假,常用用法是“take something off”,英文释义是“ take something off (something) to have a holiday from work on a particular day, or for a particular length of time.”3、sick leave因病休假,我们就可以用“sick leave”。例句,I have been on sick leave for seven months with depression.我因患抑郁症已休了7个月的病假。4、casual leave/personal leavecasual leave很偶然的休假,说明你自己也预料不到,事假不就是如此吗?突然的某件事情要去处理,所以才请假。personal leave也有这个意思,因为个人的原因所以才请假的。5、Paid annual leave通过事假和病假的讲解,想必年假大家也很容易理解了,Paid annual leave指“带薪年假”,你也可以简单描述为“annual leave”。
2023-08-02 04:17:021


过去式: I had this afternoon off.
2023-08-02 04:19:0713


请假英文是ask for leave。请假的英文例句:1、May I have one day off tomorrow?我明天能请一天假吗?2、You still have 10 days of annual leave left.你还有10天年假没休。3、She rang/phoned in sick.她打电话请病假了。4、I was wondering if I could take this afternoon off.我在想今天下午是否能请个假。5、He has asked for a sick leave.他请病假了。6、I"m asking for a week"s leave.我准备请一星期假。7、Take time off if necessary.如果有需要的话就请假吧。8、I need to take a leave on the eighth of this month.这个月8号,我要请一天假。9、I have some family issues, so I need to take off tomorrow.我家里有点事,明天想请个假。10、I was absent on sick leave last Tuesday.我上周二因病请假了。11、Submit the absence request, and I"ll approve it.填一下请假申请,我来批准。12、I"d like to take my leave from next Monday on.我想从下周一开始休假。13、I sent in my request for absence. Not sure if Bob approves it.我交了请假单。不知道鲍勃会不会批准。
2023-08-02 04:19:361

请假不是 ask for leave 么

没有这种说法。take a leave请假take a month"s leave请一个月假on leave 在休假中
2023-08-02 04:19:584


ask for time offask for leavehave a day off复数:have days off(常用)
2023-08-02 04:20:234


问题一:请假英文怎么说 ask for leave;leave [例句]反馈:如果你因为家庭原因而不得不请假,你的同事会有怎样的反应? Talkback : if you "ve ever had to take time off for family reasons , how did your coworkers react? 问题二:如何用英文表达“请假” 请假 ask for leave beg off 问题三:请假单英文怎么说 1.leave application 2.request for absence 3.absence request form:(严格来说应该是这个,请假条/请假单) 4.application for leave leave (病假) 其实说法很多啦,好多都可以表示请假的意思。不过功pply是指申请,所以用application一般就表示比较正式,需要提交申请。看你自己习惯用哪个~~~ 问题四:“请假条”用英语怎么说? 事实上,我自己在国外的时候从没见过单独的“请假条”这种说法。一般请假、或事后向老师说明缺席原因,都是写一张称为“note”的小条来说明情况的。真需要说明这张NOTE是为了请假,那大概可以用短语note to ask for permission to be absent。 问题五:请假条用英文怎么说? 可以地道地说成Ask for leave 但这里不是一个动词短语。因为这里ask作为名词,而介词for则表示动作的目的,而leave也作为名词,这样就好理解了吧~ Note fo浮 absence也很地道 问题六:“请假人”用英语怎样说 请假人 基本翻译 people钉who ask for time off 网络释义 请假:ask for leave|AskingforLeave 下午请假:Afternoon Off 请假单:Leave application 问题七:请假一天用英语怎么说 呵呵 应该是: take a day off 或者是take a leave for one day 问题八:“提前请假”用英文怎么说? apply for leave before hand 问题九:请假英语怎么说 ask for a leave. 我下午请假了。你要昨天还是今天? I was off yesterday afternoon. I am going to be off this afternoon. May I have a day off tomorrow. She will not be in this afternoon as she takes a sick leave.(病假) 问题十:英语中的“请假”,可以怎么表达 1.leave2.ask for leave3.vacate4.beg off
2023-08-02 04:20:301


请假可以翻译成"ask for leave"或ask the ……(the day,the week,etc)off,例如:ask(want) the day off 请一天假例句:So you want the day off? Let‘s take a look at what you are asking for the campany你想请一天假?看看你在向公司要求什么?
2023-08-02 04:20:501


ask for leave;leave[例句]反馈:如果你因为家庭原因而不得不请假,你的同事会有怎样的反应?Talkback : if you "ve ever had to take time off for family reasons , how did your coworkers react?
2023-08-02 04:20:596


   1. 我想请几天假   经典表达:   I"d like to have three days off.   我想请三天假。   举一反三:   I"m afraid I can"t come to work today.   恐怕我今天没办法来上班了。   Can I take next Tuesday off?   下周二我能请假吗?   I will miss two days next week.   下周我有两天不能来上班。   Would it be possible if I take next Friday off?   下周五我想请假,可以吗?   How do I request time off for a one-week vacation?   我该如何申请一个星期的假去度假?   I wonder if it is possible for me to come in a bit late tomorrow?   不知道我明天可不可以稍微晚一点来?   2. 请病假   经典表达:   I"m not feeling well.   我不太舒服。   举一反三:   I"m feeling a bit under weather.   我感到有点不舒服.   I came down with a fever/cold/the flue.   我发烧了/感冒了/得了流感。   I feel sick.   我觉得不舒服。   I have a bad cold.   我得了重感冒。   I have a high fever.   |我发高烧了。   I have a stomachache.   我胃痛。   I have a splitting headache.   我头痛欲裂。   I have a sore throat.   我咽喉痛。   I have a bad toothache.   我牙疼得厉害。   I can"t stop coughing.   我一直咳个不停。    3. 请事假   经典表达:   I have some personal business that I need to take care of.   我有点私事要处理。   举一反三:   I got some family issues that I need to take a day off.   我有些家庭问题要解决,需要请一天假。   I have a doctor"s appointment.   我预约了医生。   I have to go to my son"s school tomorrow.   明天我得去一趟儿子的学校。   I need to attend a wedding next Friday.   下周五我要参加婚礼。   I need tomorrow off to attend a funeral.   明天我要请假参加葬礼。    4. 请人代班   经典表达:   Could you cover for me on Friday?   周五的班,你能替我吗?   举一反三:   Can you finish it instead of me?   你能代我完成这个工作吗?   Would it be possible if I switched my Tuesday shift for your Friday shift?   我想把周二的班和你周五的班换一下,可以吗? 更多英语口语相关文章推荐:
2023-08-02 04:21:291


英语请假条的格式:1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。2.一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。3.请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。请假条范文:Dear Mr/Ms XXX。Today I"m writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I"ve got cold last night with carlessness。This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I"ll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness。Yours ever。XXX。
2023-08-02 04:21:361


问题一:根据医生建议,需要院检查并接受治疗。请假时间为两周英语翻译 根据医生建议,需要院检查并接受治疗。请假时间为两周英语翻译 According to the doctor"s suggestion, i need to be checked and accept the treatment. so i have to ask for leave for two weeks. 问题二:他不可能请假两周英文 He can"t leave for two weeks. 他不可能请假两周 问题三:给学校的请假申请用英文翻译出来 Hi Vanny I would like to request a leave of absence because my home out some more troublesome thing. There is not enough time to ask for leave previously and did not attend classes for tow weeks . So sorry for that. I hope you to help me for a leave of absence for (another) two weeks . I need some time to deal with the family affairs. 以上是按照你的原文翻译的。 但是我觉得你的这个原文有些问题。你说:“之前确实没有来得及请假耽误了两周课” 就说明你已经有两周没有上课了是吧。 那么,你是希望另外再请两周的假呢还是为已经缺席的两周补假呢。我理解是再请两周的假。所以用了 (another) 。如果我理解的没错。你采用时把括号去掉就可以了。如果你想说【补上前两周的假另外再请两周的假】那么就这样说【I hope you to help me for a leave of absence for that two weeks and in addition another two weeks.】 问题四:XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。 问题五:【汉译英】向领导请假,用英语。求好心人帮忙! Dear*****; I‘d like to apply for a one-day leave e川ery month from now on ,beacuse my wife is pregrant and I have to acpany her to hospital for the antenatal care. I shuold be very obliged if you will grant me the leave. Sincerely, xxxxx 问题六:请问:网络传真机怎么安装? 你把传真机的驱动程序安装到电脑上,就可以用了。
2023-08-02 04:21:491


英语请假条格式需要包括:病假note-for-sick-leave和事假leave-of-absence。请假条是用于向老师或者是上级领导等因身体状况不好或因其他某事请求准假的场合。英语请假条范文英文如下:Dear Mr/Ms XXX:Today I"m writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I"ve got cold last night with carelessness。This morning my mother took me to see the doctor, who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I"ll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness。Yours ever。XXX。英文请假条写作需注意三点:1、英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。2、一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。3、请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。
2023-08-02 04:22:261


2023-08-02 04:22:444

额 不是很清楚的了阿
2023-08-02 04:23:072


2023-08-02 04:23:152


ask for leave 拉
2023-08-02 04:23:394


as for leave
2023-08-02 04:23:494


1. Ask for leaveLeave在这里不是“离开”,而是“准休假”的意思。这个词组的用法比较灵活。你可以说:I have to ask for leave tomorrow morning.我明天上午不得不请假了。如果请假不止一天,还可以说:ask for 2 days" leave 请两天的假2. Take (something) off看到这个词组,别告诉小编你只知道它是“起飞”的意思。请假也可以用它哦!例句:Mr Smith, my dad"s here visiting me and I"d like to take two days off to show him around the city.
2023-08-02 04:24:101


【 #英语口语# 导语】“身体不舒服、家里有急事儿,不能上班上学,需要请假。英文里跟请假有关的说法有好几种,一起来看看吧! 1. Ask for leave Leave在这里不是“离开”,而是“休假”的意思。这个词组的用法比较灵活。 你可以说:I have to ask for leave tomorrow morning. 我明天上午得请假了。 如果请假不止一天,还可以说ask for 2 days" leave 请两天的假 2. Take off 看到这个词组,别告诉我你只知道它是“起飞”的意思。请假也可以用它哦! 例句:Mr Smith, my dad"s here visiting me and I"d like to take two days off to show him around the city. 史密斯先生,我爸爸要来看我,所以我想请两天假,带他到处转转。 3. Call in sick 病得实在爬不起来,连打开电脑发邮件的力气都没有?试试这个吧!“Call in sick”意思是“打电话请假”, 例句:I don"t feel well this morning. Perhaps I ought to call in sick. 我今天早上感觉不太舒服,或许我该打电话请个假了。 4. Pull a sickie 还有一种请假叫做装病。Sickie在俚语里指“病假”,但是pull a sickie意思则是“装病请假”。 例如:He took/pulled/threw a sickie to go to the football game. 他装病请假看球去了。
2023-08-02 04:25:021


一、请假的英文:ask/apply for leave (of absence)put in for leave二、短语搭配:请假条written request for leave (of absence); application for leave请假缺席be absent with leave请假回家go home on leave批准请假authorize sb"s leave向学校请假get leave from school三、例句:1、他虽然身体不好,但平常很少请假。Though he doesn"t enjoy good health, he seldom asks for leave.2、他要求请假去看生病的妻子,而他们不准,真是太不近人情了。It was callous of them not to grant him leave to go and see his sick wife.3、我已经和老板说好请假的I arranged with my boss to have the time off
2023-08-02 04:25:091


问题一:请假英文怎么说 ask for leave;leave [例句]反馈:如果你因为家庭原因而不得不请假,你的同事会有怎样的反应? Talkback : if you "ve ever had to take time off for family reasons , how did your coworkers react? 问题二:请假英文怎么说 ask 龚or time off ask for leave have a day off 复数:have days off(常用) 问题三:如何用英文表达“请假” 请假 ask for leave beg off 问题四:“请假条”用英语怎么说? 事实上,我自己在国外的时候从没见过单独的“请假条”这种说法。一般请假、或事后向老师说明缺席原因,都是写一张称为“note”的小条来说明情况的。真需要说明这张NOTE是为了请假,那大概可以用短语note to ask for permission to be absent。 问题五:请假条用英文怎么说? 可以地道地说成Ask for leave 但这里不是一个动词短语。因为这里ask作为名词,而介词for则表示动作的目的,而leave也作为名词,这样就好理解了吧~ Note fo浮 absence也很地道 问题六:“他今天请假了”英语怎么说? He is on l郸ave today. He asked for leave today. He is absent of leave today. He asked the day off today. He takes a leave today. 貌似这些都可以 问题七:“请假人”用英语怎样说 请假人 基本翻译 people钉who ask for time off 网络释义 请假:ask for leave|AskingforLeave 下午请假:Afternoon Off 请假单:Leave application 问题八:请假英语怎么说 ask for a leave. 我下午请假了。你要昨天还是今天? I was off yesterday afternoon. I am going to be off this afternoon. May I have a day off tomorrow. She will not be in this afternoon as she takes a sick leave.(病假) 问题九:“提前请假”用英文怎么说? apply for leave before hand 问题十:请假一天用英语怎么说 呵呵 应该是: take a day off 或者是take a leave for one day
2023-08-02 04:25:301


问题一:请假英文怎么说 ask for leave;leave [例句]反馈:如果你因为家庭原因而不得不请假,你的同事会有怎样的反应? Talkback : if you "ve ever had to take time off for family reasons , how did your coworkers react? 问题二:英文 要请假几天要怎么表达? I would like to take leave from 1st of June to 8th of june for family issues. I would appreciate it if this request can be a丹proved. 简单就这样啦 问题三:请假英文怎么说 ask 龚or time off ask for leave have a day off 复数:have days off(常用) 问题四:如何用英文表达“请假” 请假 ask for leave beg off 问题五:“请假条”用英语怎么说? 事实上,我自己在国外的时候从没见过单独的“请假条”这种说法。一般请假、或事后向老师说明缺席原因,都是写一张称为“note”的小条来说明情况的。真需要说明这张NOTE是为了请假,那大概可以用短语note to ask for permission to be absent。 问题六:请假条用英文怎么说? 可以地道地说成Ask for leave 但这里不是一个动词短语。因为这里ask作为名词,而介词for则表示动作的目的,而leave也作为名词,这样就好理解了吧~ Note fo浮 absence也很地道 问题七:“他今天请假了”英语怎么说? He is on l郸ave today. He asked for leave today. He is absent of leave today. He asked the day off today. He takes a leave today. 貌似这些都可以 问题八:请假单英文怎么说 1.leave application 2.request for absence 3.absence request form:(严格来说应该是这个,请假条/请假单) 4.application for leave leave (病假) 其实说法很多啦,好多都可以表示请假的意思。不过功pply是指申请,所以用application一般就表示比较正式,需要提交申请。看你自己习惯用哪个~~~ 问题九:“请假人”用英语怎样说 请假人 基本翻译 people钉who ask for time off 网络释义 请假:ask for leave|AskingforLeave 下午请假:Afternoon Off 请假单:Leave application
2023-08-02 04:25:371


请假的英语:Ask for leave; 例句: I want to ask for leave. 我想请假用英文怎么说? He went to the office to ask for leave. 他到办公室去请假。 扩展资料   May I ask for leave?   我可以请假吗?   I have to ask for leave tomorrow morning.   我明天上午得请假了。   If I were to ask for leave, would he agree?   如果我请假,他会答应吗?   He went to the headmaster to ask for leave.   他为请假找了校长。
2023-08-02 04:25:451


问题一:英语请假条范文,帮写下 Dear Mr/Ms Jiang (你自己选性别吧) I was unable to e to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible. I am sincerely sorry about the inconvenience. However, I would like to have your permission. Also, afterwards I would phone you and there"s the certificate by the doctor. Li Tie October 21st 2008 我没有写英语课后,因为,那样的话整个句子会非常的僵硬 问题二:请假英文怎么说 ask for leave;leave [例句]反馈:如果你因为家庭原因而不得不请假,你的同事会有怎样的反应? Talkback : if you "ve ever had to take time off for family reasons , how did your coworkers react? 问题三:“请假条”用英语怎么说? 事实上,我自己在国外的时候从没见过单独的“请假条”这种说法。一般请假、或事后向老师说明缺席原因,都是写一张称为“note”的小条来说明情况的。真需要说明这张NOTE是为了请假,那大概可以用短语note to ask for permission to be absent。 问题四:请假单英文怎么说 1.leave application 2.request for absence 3.absence request form:(严格来说应该是这个,请假条/请假单) 4.application for leave leave (病假) 其实说法很多啦,好多都可以表示请假的意思。不过功pply是指申请,所以用application一般就表示比较正式,需要提交申请。看你自己习惯用哪个~~~ 问题五:英文请假条怎么写 May.31th.2012 Dear Rolando , I am sorry that I should take a day off tomorrow,in order to test the driving license. I"ll e back the day after tomorrow,Would you mind?Can you give me this presumptuous request it? Thanks! yours respectfully, Bowen 问题六:请假英文怎么说 ask 龚or time off ask for leave have a day off 复数:have days off(常用) 问题七:请假条的英文怎么说 请假条 Note for absence 问题八:用英文怎么写请假条? Dear Mr. 。。。 i have an interview next monday , and the journey is too far ,so i need one afternoon off . hope you give permission yours ....... 问题九:请假英文怎么说,就是上班请假那种 time?off?work take?a?leave?of absence taking?the?day?off. ask for leave 这些都是,望采纳
2023-08-02 04:25:571


我想请假。I want to ask for a leave.
2023-08-02 04:26:054

英语请假条 范文带翻译

v发高v过刚刚 个好友婚姻沟通过个人
2023-08-02 04:26:135


问题一:请假条用英文怎么说? 可以地道地说成Ask for leave 但这里不是一个动词短语。因为这里ask作为名词,而介词for则表示动作的目的,而leave也作为名词,这样就好理解了吧~ Note fo浮 absence也很地道 问题二:“请假条”用英语怎么说? 事实上,我自己在国外的时候从没见过单独的“请假条”这种说法。一般请假、或事后向老师说明缺席原因,都是写一张称为“note”的小条来说明情况的。真需要说明这张NOTE是为了请假,那大概可以用短语note to ask for permission to be absent。 问题三:请假英文怎么说 ask for leave;leave [例句]反馈:如果你因为家庭原因而不得不请假,你的同事会有怎样的反应? Talkback : if you "ve ever had to take time off for family reasons , how did your coworkers react? 问题四:请假条的英文怎么说 请假条 Note for absence 问题五:请假英文怎么说 ask 龚or time off ask for leave have a day off 复数:have days off(常用) 问题六:请假单英文怎么说 1.leave application 2.request for absence 3.absence request form:(严格来说应该是这个,请假条/请假单) 4.application for leave leave (病假) 其实说法很多啦,好多都可以表示请假的意思。不过功pply是指申请,所以用application一般就表示比较正式,需要提交申请。看你自己习惯用哪个~~~ 问题七:请假英文怎么说,就是上班请假那种 time?off?work take?a?leave?of absence taking?the?day?off. ask for leave 这些都是,望采纳 问题八:英语生病请假条怎么写英文 中文 Dear XXX, I"m writing to notify you that I won"t be able to make it to work/school today due to illness. I am awefully sorry for the short notice and any inconveniences that my absence may bring to you. According to the doctor, I should make a full recovery within 2 days. So, I should be back to work/school the day after tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Best regards, YYY 亲爱的某某某, 今天去函想告知你,我今天因病无法去上班/上学了。非常抱歉这么晚才通知你。由于我的缺勤或许会给你的工作带来诸多不便,对此,我深表歉意。医生说了,我的病两天就会好的。所以,我后天就会去上班/学。 谢谢你的耐心和理解 诚挚的某某某 问题九:英语请假条 范文带翻译 Dear Sir, I‘m sorry that I have to ask for a leave because I have been ill.I want to go home and return two days later.I hope that you can do me the favour. 弗 yours xiaoming
2023-08-02 04:26:341


请假条 written request for leave leave form, leave applicationNote for Leave
2023-08-02 04:27:083


【 #英语口语# 导语】身体不舒服、家里有急事儿,不能上班上学,需要请假。英文里跟请假有关的说法有好几种,一起来看看吧! 1. Ask for leave Leave在这里不是“离开”,而是“休假”的意思。这个词组的用法比较灵活。 你可以说:I have to ask for leave tomorrow morning. 我明天上午得请假了。 如果请假不止一天,还可以说ask for 2 days" leave请两天的假 2. Take off 看到这个词组,别告诉我你只知道它是“起飞”的意思。请假也可以用它哦! 例句:Mr Smith, my dad"s here visiting me and I"d like to take two days off to show him around the city. 史密斯先生,我爸爸要来看我,所以我想请两天假,带他到处转转。 3. Call in sick 病得实在爬不起来,连打开电脑发邮件的力气都没有?试试这个吧!"Call in sick" 意思是“打电话请假”, 例句:I don"t feel well this morning. Perhaps I ought to call in sick. 我今天早上感觉不太舒服,或许我该打电话请个假了。 4. Pull a sickie 还有一种请假叫做装病。Sickie在俚语里指“病假”,但是pull a sickie意思则是“装病请假”。 例如:He took/pulled/threw a sickie to go to the football game. 他装病请假看球去了。
2023-08-02 04:27:151


首先,请假条的标题分为两种“事假条(leave of absence)或者病假条(sick leave)”。选择你需要的标题,写在假条正中间。日期,提一行,写在右上方,要顶格写。这是与中文假条不同的地方。日期之后要写称呼,“Dear Mr或者Ms”。在日期下提行,写在左上方, 要顶格写。正文内容,我们可以选择“缩进式”,即与中文正文一样,开头空格,但是英文中可以空2到6个字符,我们可以自己选择。假条的正文内容最好是两段,第一段写“请假原因”,第二段写“望批准”。最后,到了文末,写上“Yours”,然后提行在其下方写上自己的英文名,就可以啦。请假条,是请求领导或老师或其它,准假不参加某项工作、学习、活动等的文书。请假条因为请假的原因,一般分为请病假和请事假两种。它是公文写作的一个很重要、但经常被同学或人们忽略的一个应用文写作,从小学、初中、高中到大学乃至工作,我们都离不开请假条,请假条的意义可大可小,有时因为人们常常的不够重视,所以造成了很多笑话。
2023-08-02 04:27:221


问题一:请假英文怎么说 ask for leave;leave [例句]反馈:如果你因为家庭原因而不得不请假,你的同事会有怎样的反应? Talkback : if you "ve ever had to take time off for family reasons , how did your coworkers react? 问题二:请假条用英文怎么说? 可以地道地说成Ask for leave 但这里不是一个动词短语。因为这里ask作为名词,而介词for则表示动作的目的,而leave也作为名词,这样就好理解了吧~ Note fo浮 absence也很地道 问题三:“请假条”用英语怎么说? 事实上,我自己在国外的时候从没见过单独的“请假条”这种说法。一般请假、或事后向老师说明缺席原因,都是写一张称为“note”的小条来说明情况的。真需要说明这张NOTE是为了请假,那大概可以用短语note to ask for permission to be absent。 问题四:请假条的英文怎么说 请假条 Note for absence 问题五:请假英文怎么说 ask 龚or time off ask for leave have a day off 复数:have days off(常用) 问题六:请假条用英语怎么翻译 leave permit;application for leave 问题七:如何用英文表达“请假” 请假 ask for leave beg off 问题八:英语生病请假条怎么写英文 中文 Dear XXX, I"m writing to notify you that I won"t be able to make it to work/school today due to illness. I am awefully sorry for the short notice and any inconveniences that my absence may bring to you. According to the doctor, I should make a full recovery within 2 days. So, I should be back to work/school the day after tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Best regards, YYY 亲爱的某某某, 今天去函想告知你,我今天因病无法去上班/上学了。非常抱歉这么晚才通知你。由于我的缺勤或许会给你的工作带来诸多不便,对此,我深表歉意。医生说了,我的病两天就会好的。所以,我后天就会去上班/学。 谢谢你的耐心和理解 诚挚的某某某 问题九:请假条用英语 My mother is ill and I want to go home to see my mum.I want to be of work for one week,from June 6 to10.I will 龚eturn on time.Please.
2023-08-02 04:27:571


2023-08-02 04:28:0510


  请假申请英文篇(一)   Respected leaders:   Hello.   I * * * (name ), from * * * * a monthly income of company, in the company "s work in this period of time, I was deeply attracted by the unit "s corporate culture. The corporate culture, I know that, as a young man, in addition to the work, still need to continue learning, charging, so personal ability to improve, for their future occupation body cliff planning to lay a solid foundation. Therefore, I am in the * * * * for the accounting qualification certificate training, will be in the * * * * test, for each training time is every Sunday, so I now apply for my training in this period ( note the specific time ), if the company is not very busy circumstances, I can not work overtime on weekends! Of course, because if the company has urgent matter or task to be treated, I will be working for the heavy, the first time arrived at the company!   Hope you can give me a chance to learn!!!! thank you!!!   Hope the leadership approved!!! Thank you!!   Applicant.   请假申请英文篇(二)   Day period:   Dear teacher:   Because I need to go out to apply for a job, in order to better time to quickly find the work, it is special to the school to ask for leave, leave time for the 2xx-xx XX month XX day -- XX month XX day. Here, I promise to job-seeking period, abide by the relevant laws and regulations and codes of conduct, pay attention to the personal safety, the completion of the graduation thesis, graduation design learning tasks, such as school notice relevant formalities of graduation and other important schedule, ensure the timely return to processing, at the same time already will leave job told parents seek parental consent.   Ask the teacher "s approval!   Sincerely yours   Salute   Signature of applicant:   Professional class   Two xx-xxx year month day   请假申请英文篇(三)   Director Hu,   A telegram has just come to hand saying that my mother is serious ill and urging me to go home at once. Because of this I should very much like to have a leave of three days beginning on Oct. 8. I hope that my request will be given due consideration.   Chen Xingxing   Encl: a telegram from my home
2023-08-02 04:28:341


问题一:请假一节课。英语怎么说? 请假:ask for leave (of absence) 请假一节课:ask for a class hour"s leave (of absence) 请一节课的病假:ask for a class hour"s sick leave (of absence) 请一节课的事假:ask for a class hour"s business leave (of absence) 问题二:请假英文怎么说 ask 龚or time off ask for leave have a day off 复数:have days off(常用) 问题三:“提前请假”用英文怎么说? apply for leave before hand 问题四:给学校的请假申请用英文翻译出来 Hi Vanny I would like to request a leave of absence because my home out some more troublesome thing. There is not enough time to ask for leave previously and did not attend classes for tow weeks . So sorry for that. I hope you to help me for a leave of absence for (another) two weeks . I need some time to deal with the family affairs. 以上是按照你的原文翻译的。 但是我觉得你的这个原文有些问题。你说:“之前确实没有来得及请假耽误了两周课” 就说明你已经有两周没有上课了是吧。 那么,你是希望另外再请两周的假呢还是为已经缺席的两周补假呢。我理解是再请两周的假。所以用了 (another) 。如果我理解的没错。你采用时把括号去掉就可以了。如果你想说【补上前两周的假另外再请两周的假】那么就这样说【I hope you to help me for a leave of absence for that two weeks and in addition another two weeks.】 问题五:请假英语怎么说 ask for a leave. 我下午请假了。你要昨天还是今天? I was off yesterday afternoon. I am going to be off this afternoon. May I have a day off tomorrow. She will not be in this afternoon as she takes a sick leave.(病假)
2023-08-02 04:28:411


英文是:vacation英[veu026a'keu026au0283n]释义:n.假期;腾出,搬出(房间,座位等)vi.休假,度假[复数:vacations;第三人称单数:vacations;现在分词:vacationing;过去式:vacationed;过去分词:vacationed]短语:Long Vacation悠长假日;大学暑假;长假词语辨析:holiday,leave,vacation这三个词都有“假日(期)”的意思,但含义用法并不相同。1、holiday一般指“休假”。2、leave指“请假”,被批准后离开自己的工作的一段时间。3、vacation在英国指大学的寒暑假或法定不工作的日子,美国可指任何假日(期)。
2023-08-02 04:29:001


问题一:英语请假条范文,帮写下 Dear Mr/Ms Jiang (你自己选性别吧) I was unable to e to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible. I am sincerely sorry about the inconvenience. However, I would like to have your permission. Also, afterwards I would phone you and there"s the certificate by the doctor. Li Tie October 21st 2008 我没有写英语课后,因为,那样的话整个句子会非常的僵硬 问题二:请假英文怎么说 ask for leave;leave [例句]反馈:如果你因为家庭原因而不得不请假,你的同事会有怎样的反应? Talkback : if you "ve ever had to take time off for family reasons , how did your coworkers react? 问题三:“请假条”用英语怎么说? 事实上,我自己在国外的时候从没见过单独的“请假条”这种说法。一般请假、或事后向老师说明缺席原因,都是写一张称为“note”的小条来说明情况的。真需要说明这张NOTE是为了请假,那大概可以用短语note to ask for permission to be absent。 问题四:请假单英文怎么说 1.leave application 2.request for absence 3.absence request form:(严格来说应该是这个,请假条/请假单) 4.application for leave leave (病假) 其实说法很多啦,好多都可以表示请假的意思。不过功pply是指申请,所以用application一般就表示比较正式,需要提交申请。看你自己习惯用哪个~~~ 问题五:英文请假条怎么写 May.31th.2012 Dear Rolando , I am sorry that I should take a day off tomorrow,in order to test the driving license. I"ll e back the day after tomorrow,Would you mind?Can you give me this presumptuous request it? Thanks! yours respectfully, Bowen 问题六:请假英文怎么说 ask 龚or time off ask for leave have a day off 复数:have days off(常用) 问题七:请假条的英文怎么说 请假条 Note for absence 问题八:用英文怎么写请假条? Dear Mr. 。。。 i have an interview next monday , and the journey is too far ,so i need one afternoon off . hope you give permission yours ....... 问题九:请假英文怎么说,就是上班请假那种 time?off?work take?a?leave?of absence taking?the?day?off. ask for leave 这些都是,望采纳
2023-08-02 04:29:171


英文请假条written request for leave。英文请假条范文如下:Dear Mr/Ms Wang:I was unable to come to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible.I am sincerely sorry about the inconvenience. However, I would like to have your permission. Also, afterwards I would phone you and theres the certificate by the doctor.翻译尊敬的王先生/小姐:今天我没能来上第一节和第二节课。由于昨天下雨,我浑身湿透,晚上发烧。医生建议我休息几天,康复后,我会尽快上学。对于给您带来的不便,我深表歉意。然而,我想得到你的允许。还有,之后我会打电话给你,这是医生的证明。
2023-08-02 04:29:251


Dear Miss Lam My daughter Amy Chui (1G) does not have time to practice orchestra on Wednesday. It is because she has Maths lesson and volin lesson on every Wednesday. _________________________________ Dear Miss Lam I am writing to inform you that my daughter Amy Chiu (1G) will not be able to take part in the rehearsals of the orchestra on Wednesdays. It is because she needs to attend maths and violin classes every Wednesday. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Yours sincerely Parents of Amy Chiu XXXXXX<-------------Sign here _____________________ every Wednesday <---------- no " on" violin <----------------------v i o l i n to attend XXXXX classes = rehearsal(s) = noun = 排练 to rehearse( verb) on WednesdayS<-----------WednesdayS------ to show all WednesdayS not the specific one to take part in = to participate in = 2009-01-13 22:34:26 补充: maths/math/mathematics "m" Dear Miss Lam Please be informed that my daughter Amy Chui (1G) will not be able to practice Orchestra on Wednesday as she has to attend Maths and Violin lesson on every Wednesday as well. Thank you for your attention. Yours sincerely Parent of Amy Chui (1G) Dear Miss Lam My daughter Amy Chui (1G) will not be able to join the orchestra practice on Wednesday. The reason is she has Maths tutoring and violin [唔好漏左个i呀><"] lesson every Wednesday after school. Thankyou for your understanding. 最后sign同写日期~~搞掂* xDD" **其实同你写果d意c差唔多 只系...长d睇起上黎好似好诚意d...哈哈....~ 我7岁开始就有学小提琴...手指同下扒都痛le ><" 加油la~^^ all correct
2023-08-02 04:30:081


Teacher: Because have things to do in the house lead with the result that 200712:00 p.m. on November 30 must leave early and ask for leave on December 3 2007 to December 4 2007. This with the result that (老师: 因家中有事 引致2007年11月30日下午12时须要早退以及2007年12月3日至2007年12月4日请假。 此致) (中文解释) 2007-11-22 20:07:21 补充: 选我最佳 参考: ne Dear Sir or Madam (或用对方的称呼) Due to family emergency I will be leaving early at 12PM on November 30 2007 and away until December 04 2007. I apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause and thank you for your understanding. Sincerely (你的全名) 我在最后加了一句 意思是 我为这带来的不便而道歉以及谢谢你的体恤。 2007-11-23 14:15:45 补充: 如果你头衔上要写日子的话﹐在内容里面可以不用写2007。 参考: moi Dear teacher Since I have some serious events about my family therefore I will take a early leave at 12pmon 3rd November 2007 and have a day-off on the following day. May you can consider to my situation and permit it. Your student XXX(Your name) Date
2023-08-02 04:30:231


  英文请假条你们知道怎么写吗?下面是我为大家整理的请假条英语作文,希望对大家有帮助。   请假条英语作文篇一   Dear Mr. Zhao,   Because I ate too much expired food yesterday, I had a very bad stomachache. I went to see the doctor, and he said that I should stay home. Therefore, I cannot e to class on Monday.   请假条英语作文篇二   Dear Mr. Smith,   I am really sorry to tell you that I cannot attend the training course next Tuesday, because ny manager has appointed me to go on a 3-day business trip to Hainan. Will you please record the lecture for me to review later?   Thank you for your consideration.   Yours faithfully,   Li Ming   请假条英语作文篇三   XXX:   I feel so sorry that i can"t work ,because of eating more cold drink.Please let me go back home and have a rest.   请假条英语作文篇四   Dear Mr/Ms XXX;   Today I"m writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I"ve got cold last night with carlessness.   This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I"ll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.   Yours ever,   XXX.
2023-08-02 04:30:301


2023-08-02 04:31:059

怎样用英语写请假条 How to write a note for leave

Model:Dear Miss Zhang,I am sorry I have to ask for one day"s leave.I have been ill in bed for two days. I have to go to see a hospital and maybe in one or two days,I will be back to schoolPlease accept my asking.Thank you.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Give the reason for leaving.Say out how many days to leave.Promise what you do.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!
2023-08-02 04:32:492

请问怎样写英文请假信 How to write an absent letter for my daughter

更新1: I want an absent letter for my daughter at work. She would not go to work for 1 day because she had to renew her student visa.How should i write it so that it is polite and honest? 更新2: I want an absent letter for my daughter at work. She would not go to work for 1 day because she had to renew her student visa.How should i write it so that it is polite and honest? [your daughter&#39;s address] [date] [her employer&#39;s name] [her employer&#39;s title] [her employer&#39;s address] Dear Mr. X I would like to make a submission requesting to take [the date of her leave] off. It is important that I renew my student visa before this day to ensure my stay in the country is in accordance with the immigration law. Necessary steps will be taken to ensure the progress of my duties is unaffected while I am away. I apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause and sincerely appreciate your understanding. Sincerely [your daughter&#39;s name] 参考: eva I suggest that the letter is written by your daughter not you. This will give a good image to her boss. Because your daughter is not a kid. Now she go to work to earn money thus I think the she has an ability to write the absent letter. Dear xxxxx (name of her head) re: apply for no pay leave I&#39;m writing to apply for one day no pay leave on ________ (the date). I am going to renew my student visa at that day. Please find the attached copy of my existing student visa which shows that the expiry date will be __________ (date) Hope that you could accept my request. Thanks! Sincerely ______________ (your name) ______________ (date) how to honest - provide an evidence to prove that you didn&#39;t tell lie - it is time to renew Dear Miss xxx I am writing to inform you that (your daughter&#39;s name) was off school beeen Tuesday November 14 and Friday November 17 following (date)her visit to the dentist on the Tuesday morning(the reason). She suffered a painful reaction to the tooth extraction she had that morning and was in too much pain to attend school for the remainder of the week and was confined to bed with pain killing medication for most of it. Thankfully she has now fully recovered.(the details) Can you please confirm that you have received this letter by calling me on my mobile number 07564 677544 (telephone number) within 48 hours of Diane handing this letter to you. Thank you in anticipation of your help. Yours sincerely Mrs. Trudy Holbrook(your name)
2023-08-02 04:32:571


英语感冒请假条 Dear Mr/Ms ..., I"m not feeling very well today. I"ve got a bad cold. My father took me to see a doctor this morning, and the doctor looked me over carefully and gave me some medicine. He also advised me to stay in bed for a day. So I can"t go to school today. I hope I"ll get weel soon and go to school tomorrow morning. Thanks. Your student, ...英语生病请假条怎么写英文 中文 Dear XXX, I"m writing to notify you that I won"t be able to make it to work/school today due to illness. I am awefully sorry for the short notice and any inconveniences that my absence may bring to you. According to the doctor, I should make a full recovery within 2 days. So, I should be back to work/school the day after tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Best regards, YYY 亲爱的某某某, 今天去函想告知你,我今天因病无法去上班/上学了。非常抱歉这么晚才通知你。由于我的缺勤或许会给你的工作带来诸多不便,对此,我深表歉意。医生说了,我的病两天就会好的。所以,我后天就会去上班/学。 谢谢你的耐心和理解 诚挚的某某某 如何用英语写请假条(患重感冒不能去上 Dear Mr. Green, Yesterday, on my way home, I was caught in a heavy rain. Hence, I had a bad cold today. I feel terrible therefore I went to consult a doctor this morning. Doctor prescribed some medicine for me and advised me to stay in bed for two days. Therefore, Mr. Green, May I have your permission to take 2 days" leave from school. I shall be back to school as soon as I recovery. Thank you. Yours faithfully, Betty. 用英语写一篇感冒请假条 Dear teacher, I am not feel very well this days,and cough Seriously,so,I went to see a doctor yesterday, the doctor told me that I have had a badly cold, he let me stay in bed day and night, taking pills three times a day.As you know, I can not go to scholl.Cared by my families,I am sure I will get well soon,I will try my best to catch up with my clas *** ates. Thanks! Yours, Jack 感冒请假条怎么写 -----------憨----------------请假条------------------------------ X老师您好:------------------------ 我今天因生病感冒较重,难以坚持到学校上课,故请病假一天,望予批准为谢。 --------------------------------------------此致------------------- -----------------------------------敬礼----------------------------- ------------------------------------------请假人:XXX--------------- ------------------------------------------XX年XX月XX日-------------- 补假,就写请假你没有来那天的日期。
2023-08-02 04:33:041


ask for a leave for a lesson!
2023-08-02 04:33:123

请一天假 用英文怎么说

请一天假take a day offDay offDay leave
2023-08-02 04:33:233


是英国Trio Motion公司trio运动控制器的专用语言,与basic编程语句类似,Trio的编程语言的运动程序文件名后缀是*.bas
2023-08-02 04:29:421


录入组以台版轻小说录入为主。组长一直是肥王,内有四个分组,分别是扫图、录入、校对、修图。目前校对组长为BacteriaHero,修图组长为8959055x。日翻组目前组长为chaineryu。杂志组负责轻小说导览杂志《国度月刊》的出版工作《国度月刊》是轻之国度旗下的一款电子杂志《国度月刊》内容包括小说介绍 小说推荐小说评论轻小说发售表原创文学等以轻小说内容为主,ACG内容为辅的电子杂志。以每月一刊的速度进行ING杂志社最早由幻海星沙创立杂志组目前主要成员有阴影收割者、米诺霍、DARK_TALE、G.wind、zerwei、phillui、joeilhk、低血糖怪兽、清风点雨等现组长由草摩威威担任。评测组幻海星沙成立于2008年7月31日,主要成员包括wewewee、summerfire、tidus0224、みそら、真神炼狱刹、拜金马甲、机械魔导士、tengle、jabberwock、a781006。后加入CRAZYFF_0 、子厉。之后SUSAN哥、PHIL、GIFT、永生之狱、故障了的所在,SUYA。因为许多人对评测组工作的不理解,且评测组工作强度过重,以及大家生活,家庭压力等因素,评测组的阵容已经多次洗牌,规章和工作量也被三番四次的修订过了。不久前PHIL(双刀)的辞职,和最近ZERO组长的长假也给评测组带来不小的震荡。在这不安之中,亦有不少人依然热衷于轻小说评测工作,也有不少人在这之中投入了评测组工作中,他们是:Zero,kira,877,BLALLCASTER,blackberry9000,黑夜味道,PHIL,FX。这也是评测组如今的阵容。另外两位在实习阶段的新人评测实力也不容小看,他们是:245026861,bobycy.评测组一直为轻国录入的轻小说提供评测,为读者提供指导,至今为止已经评测了数以百计的文章。漫画组由肥王成立于2008年7月,主要负责对日文漫画汉化,以轻小说改编漫画为主。人员由扫图,翻译目前,修图,监督组成。主要在论坛的漫画区发布漫画,目前负责数十部连载的汉化。现组长由macroth担任。广播组已死字幕组目前组长为 weibkreuz。字幕组七月新番R-15、未来都市No.6、萝球社、天魔黑兔、神之记事本、吸血猫、笨蛋、测试、召唤兽第二季。
2023-08-02 04:29:451


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