barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-01 19:19:27
TAG: 英文 老师


listen to the teacher carefully

listen to the teacher carefully in class


You might have listen to the teacher carefully when in.


The students must listen to the teacher carefully in class.




listen to the teacher(s) attentively / carefully in class


Listen to the teacher attentively / carefully in class



认真 [词典] earnest; conscientious; take seriously; take to heart; graveness; [例句]认真作好出版工作。Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing.
2023-08-01 15:29:331


  一、英文单词:   earnest; conscientious; take seriously; take to heart; graveness   二、双语例句:   1   认真作好出版工作。   Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing.   2   我认真考虑了孩子的将来。   I reflected on the child"s future.   3   “你做了吗?”她认真地问。   "Did you?" she asked earnestly   4   我希望你不是认真的。   I hope you"re not serious.   5   这是一个值得认真考虑的问题。   It was a question which deserved serious consideration.   6   我们普遍对工作都非常认真。   We are generally very conscientious about our work   7   在认真考虑了所有相关事实后,他决定起诉她。   He has decided to prosecute her after careful consideration of all the relevant facts   8   这迫使美国重新认真考虑自己的立场。   This has forced the United States to seriously reconsider its position   9   他认真考虑了她对他说过的话。   He had given some thought to what she had told him   10   我建议你认真考虑一下你的处境。   I suggest you think over your position very carefully.   11   如果你想成功的话,你必须更认真地对待整个项目。   You must take the whole project more seriously if you are to succeed   12   她总是很认真地听,就好像这能帮助她弄明白一样。   She always listened earnestly as if this might help her to understand.   13   你准是在开玩笑。你是认真的吗?   You"re joking. Are you serious?   14   两国终于可以开始就双方共同关心的问题进行更为认真的谈判。   The two countries can finally start negotiating in earnest about issues of mutual concern.   15   如此重要的问题应认真讨论。   Such an important problem should be discussed seriously. 认真的英文怎么写
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2023-08-01 15:29:501

认真的,认真 英文怎么说

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问题一:认真的英文怎么说 serious careful conscientious 都可以啊 问题二:我认真地在思考,用英文怎么说? I seriously in thinking 问题三:认真,细心,怎么说?用英语 careful 是形容词 carefully 是副词 问题四:‘我是认真的"用英语怎么翻译 I"m serious 问题五:严肃的认真的,英语怎么说 serious 问题六:认真学习,的英语怎么说 work hard 问题七:对某事是认真的用英语怎么翻译 be serious to sth
2023-08-01 15:31:081


  虽然他润君其它的时候也很帅,但是认真工作的时候果然是最有魅力的。下面我为大家带来认真的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   认真的英语意思   serious   认真的相关英语例句   1. After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.   失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。   2. He got his coffee, came back and settled down to listen.   他喝了杯咖啡,回来后开始认真听讲。   3. Wanting fidelity implies you"re thinking about a major relationship.   要求忠诚意味着你想发展一段严肃认真的恋爱关系。   4. The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict.   6人陪审团认真商议了约两个小时后作出了裁定。   5. Joyce traipsed from one doctor to another, praying that someone would listen.   乔伊丝从一位大夫奔波到另一位那里,期盼著有人会认真听她的话。   6. We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur.   看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。   7. The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively.   虐待妇女问题需要得到严肃而认真的处理。   8. They will take that problem apart and *** yze it in great detail.   他们会认真分析那个问题,指出其症结所在。   9. She always listened earnestly as if this might help her to understand.   她总是很认真地听,就好像这能帮助她弄明白一样。   10. This has forced the United States to seriously reconsider its position.   这迫使美国重新认真考虑自己的立场。   11. It wouldn"t hurt you to be a bit more serious.   认真一点对你没有坏处。   12. There was no doubt he was serious, it wasn"t just playing around.   毫无疑问他很认真,那可不是闹著玩的。   13. The management will have to think seriously about their positions.   管理层将不得不认真考虑他们的立场。   14. He treated them seriously and, on occasion, entertained them hilariously.   他对待他们严肃认真,偶尔又逗得他们捧腹不已。   15. I want to explore and get in touch with my inner self.   我想认真探寻、了解内心的自我。   认真的英文例句   1. 他这个人有点轻薄--别跟他太认真!   He"s a bit of a philanderer -- don"t take him too seriously!   2. 你肯定不会指望我认真考虑你那些荒谬的建议吧?   Surely you don"t expect me to take your potty suggestions seriously?   3. 我你的建议也认真考虑过了。   I"ve read your proposal and given it some serious thought.   4. 是打消那些愚蠢想法,认真对待的时候了。   It"s time to put away those foolish ideas and bee serious.   5. 我喜欢认真的学生。   I like earnest pupils.   6. 我相信他说他会来是认真的。   I"m sure he was earnest when he said he would e.   7. 认真阅读我们●问题认真并保证你理解它。   Always read the question carefully and make sure that you understand it.   8. 如果你是认真的,就把认真顶在头上;如果你是渴望的,就将饥渴放在心里。   Skeptici *** and reali *** are not the same as cynici *** and pessimi *** .   9. 他小时候就是个做事认真的孩子,长大后也是个做事认真的年轻人。   He was a very serious child and grew up to be a very serious young man.   认真的双语例句   我要你认真抄写。   I want you to copy carefully.   这个建议几乎不值得认真考虑。   This proposal is hardly worth of serious consideration.   如此重要的问题应认真讨论。   Such an important problem should be discussed seriously.   你得认真考虑一下。   You must think it over seriously.   她办事认真,从不敷衍了事。   She is very conscientious and never skimps her work.   因此,我期望你们每一位这学年都严肃认真。   So I expect all of you to get serious this year.   当你工作时,你应认真工作。   While you work, you should work in earnest.   如果你认真对待每一个目标,我可以开列一张清单,围绕那个目标,列出所有能想到的、要做的事情。   If you"re serious about any goal, I would create a list of all the activities you do that youassociate with that goal.   没错,我是认真的。   Yes, I"m serious.   我是认真的.   I am serious.   如果我有必要参加考试,我会在这个阶段认真准备考试。   If I were, this is the stage when I would prepare in earnest for them.    看过认真的英语相关知识人还:
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“认真一点”用英文怎么说A little more serious
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sincere man , sincere work
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I am serious.
2023-08-01 15:32:012


问题一:“我特别认真”用英语怎么说? I am serious 问题二:用英语怎么翻译这句话???“认真工作的男人最有魅力” The most attractive man is the one who is working seriously 问题三:他是他们班上学习最努力的。用英语怎么说? studies,hardest 祝你更上一层楼,有不懂的可以再问哦 问题四:认真对待用英语怎么说 treat carefully 问题五:尽你最大的努力用英语怎么说 try you best 尽力做 spear no effort to do 不遗余力做 问题六:莉莉做作业最认真用英文怎么翻译 因题干条件不完整,缺少文字,不能正常作答。 问题七:做事比较认真负责,本着积极向上的态度.怎么用英语翻译 have a responsible and a possitive attitude toward everything. 问题八:"尽某人最大的努力"用英语怎么说? do/try one"s best ,make no efforts to do sth, do as best as one can,as best one may,to the best of one"s abil丹ties 都可以吧 问题九:尽自己最大的努力用英语怎么说 尽自己最大的努力 try/do one"s best to the best of one"s ability 问题十:要认真做好自己分内的事才是最重要的.用英语怎么说 It is the most important thing to mind your own business.
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认真庄重: serious 例:a serious look, I"m serious. I want to marry you.热心刻苦: earnest 例: I settled down to study in earnest for the examination.坚定不移:determined 例: I"m determined to succeed.真诚而不只是装模样:例:a sincere interest in music.
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认真庄重: serious 例:a serious look, I"m serious. I want to marry you.热心刻苦: earnest 例: I settled down to study in earnest for the examination.坚定不移:determined 例: I"m determined to succeed.真诚而不只是装模样:例:a sincere interest in music.
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仔细可以用 prudential认真的,如果指认真做某事,可以用 focused如果认真单指形容一个人的话可以用 hard-working
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take sth seriously 认真对待某事例如:Don"t take it seriously,I am just making fun of you别太认真/严肃地看待这件事,我只是跟你开个玩笑罢希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O
2023-08-01 15:33:114

做事认真 用英语

contribute your mind on doing sth
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2023-08-01 15:34:323

认真的学习和快乐地玩耍 的英文是什么

2023-08-01 15:34:434

认真做事 踏实做人 英文怎么说

Serious practical in life
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concentrate one"s attention on 专注于devoted 专心的
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问题一:我需要确认用英文怎么说 I need to confirm it. 问题二:认真计划好时间很重要英语翻译 Time managmnet is very essential. 问题三:有没有大师将下面这段话译成英语的啊“ 对待工作认真负责,善于沟通、协调有较强的组织能力与团队精神; Treatment of a serious and responsible, good at munication, coordination with strong organizational ability and team spirit; lively and cheerful, optimistic, caring and good at teaching parallel; self-motivated, diligent in learning can improve their ability and prehensive quality. In future work, I will be full of energy, assiduously to the spirit of hard work, stability and enhance their ability to work, and enterprise development. 问题四:我需要你们用英文怎么说 i need you 问题五:我需要自由,用英语怎么说? I need freedoom. 问题六:我需要治疗用英文怎么说 I need treatment. 问题七:“我需要一名中文翻译”,英语该怎么说? i need a Chinese translator
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Are you serious?Are you sure?Am I hearing this coprrectly?Do you really mean it?
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careful 应该可以吧
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要翻译汉语的“看”,英语有不同的单词哦如果是看书的看,应用read。认真看(书)翻译为:read (a book) carefully如果是看电视、电影等,用watch。认真看则翻译为:watch (something)carefully如果要表示盯着看,则用look at。此时认真看翻译为:look at (something) carefully
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1.Seriously studying hard 2.Adhere to read every day listening to English 3.School attendance seriously, after-school review 4.More efforts to study
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I want to be careful
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Teachers work hard, seriously 老师工作努力、认真
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study hard
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认真完成作业的英文是Carefully complete the homework。英文一般指英语。 英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。
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Serious people
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认真负责,很注意细节,并且不怕吃苦”的英文怎么说 be careful and responsible, details-oriented and willing to face hardships 不怕吃苦的精神 用怎么说英文 spirit which is not afraid of hardship “认真负责”用英文该怎么讲 你好! 认真负责 Serious and responsible 她非常认真负责.英文 She is responsible very earnestly 我给你地址吧, 可以翻译大多数英语短句。 :fanyi7.default. 老师的不怕吃苦对待工严谨认真的作文300 高跃老师待人热情,和蔼可亲,深受学生的喜爱.她具有很好的朗诵水平,讲课时富有 *** 和感染力,能够调动学生学习的积极性,启发学生的独立思考.高跃老师教学语言通俗易懂,不仅善于运用多种教学手段传授知识,使课堂丰富、活跃,更重要的是,她关注学生的个体成长,注重方法的传授.高跃老师在教学过程中,注重将教学知识点和生活有机结合,易于学生接受和掌握.对小学语文阅读教学有较深的理解,对知识点的把握到位,具有很好的阅读技巧.对课堂的驾驭能力强,教学灵活,并且善于与学生沟通,了解学生现阶段的学习和发展水平,注意因材施教,以学生乐于、善于接受的方式传授知识和技巧,激发学生学习语文的兴趣!如果你期待语文阅读能力的提高,如果你想掌握阅读方法和技巧,那么高跃老师一定是您不错的选择! 好女人不怕吃苦不怕委屈 用英语怎么说 A good woman is not afraid of hardship is not afraid of hurt 认真负责" 用英语怎样说? with chariness and responsibility 认真负责 有没有认真负责的英文代写网站? 建议你去找一下lunwenmarket,他们做了好多年了,很专业。 怎么样才不怕吃苦? 不只是吃苦,小子。 如果你把公司当自己家里了,让他感觉你有归属感。就行了。 另外,工作也许不是太重要,但同事之间的关系要处好。老板交待的事情要做好。 不怕吃苦 议论文900字 人生既有灿烂的阳光,也会有凄冷的风雨,关键在于你是否有勇气面对。苦难有非凡的意义,生命有崛起的尊严。面对厄运,海伦·凯勒战胜了心灵的漫漫长夜,贝多芬奏响了铿锵的命运交响曲,霍金撩开了时间黑洞背后的科学奥妙。这一切都源自他们拥有积极向上的生活态度和通达乐观的健康人格。 “它等待我的出生,然后又等待我活到了最狂妄的年龄上忽地残废了双腿”。史铁生虽然无法用双脚行走,但他的思想却“走”的很远。21岁,忽然残了双腿的史铁生,为自己折了一只船,从“地坛”出发的一名为“写作号”的生命之船,将自己摆渡到对岸。“十五年前的一个下午,我摇着轮椅进入了园中,它为一个失魂落魄的人把一切都准备好了。在满园弥漫的沉静光芒中,一个人更容易看到时间,并看到自己的身影”。磨难可以摧残一个人的身体,但不能打垮人的意志;只要你找寻到抚平生命伤痕的港湾,为自己折一只摆渡生命的航船。 人生的使命是奋斗,是与命运做不懈的抗争。桑蒂亚哥说:“一个人并不是生来就是要被打败的。”人尽可以被毁灭,但却不能被打败。“马上就要天黑了。”他说。“一会儿我要看见哈瓦那的灯火了。如果我往东走的更远,我会看见从新海滩上射出来的灯光。”老渔夫一次有一次的发起挑战,超越任何艰难险阻,他是个英雄,值得我们永远敬重。人生本来就是一种无止境的追求,它的道路漫长,艰难,而且充满坎坷,但只要勇敢顽强的以一颗自信的心去挑战,就将永远是一个真正的胜利者。 谬误据真理只有一步之遥,失败离成功也只有一步之差。有时放弃体现的不是离成功的距离,而是意志的体现。1950年,佛洛伦斯·查德威克因成为第一个成功横渡英吉利海峡的女性而闻名于世。两年后,她从卡德林那岛出发游向加利福尼亚海滩,梦想再创造一项前无古人的记录。但是在游了漫长的16个小时之后,她放弃了。只因为她看不到海岸,其实她离成功很近,只有一公里。仅仅因为当时失去了斗志,她就放弃了一次梦想实现的机会。 苦难可以早就一个人,也可以毁掉一个人。苦难限制了人的视野,压抑了人的个性与梦想,但卑微的人在强大的苦难前去表现了一种坚忍和顽强,表现了一种生命的倔强。唯有敢于直面人生的苦难,才能立于不败之地。
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:He is conscientious,initiative and diligent with his job.
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问题一:认真的英文怎么说 serious careful conscientious 都可以啊 问题二:认真用英文怎么说 serious He"s serious at work. 他工作很认真。 Don"t get serious.别太认真了。 问题三:“我特别认真”用英语怎么说? I am serious 问题四:认真,细心,怎么说?用英语 careful 是形容词 carefully 是副词 问题五:认真对待用英语怎么说 treat carefully 问题六:对某事是认真的用英语怎么翻译 be serious to sth 问题七:“认真负责”用英文该怎么讲 你好! 认真负责 Serious and responsible
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问题一:认真用英文怎么说 serious He"s serious at work. 他工作很认真。 Don"t get serious.别太认真了。 问题二:很认真英文怎么说 very careful/ serious 问题三:认真,细心,怎么说?用英语 careful 是形容词 carefully 是副词 问题四:认真学习,的英语怎么说 work hard 问题五:严肃的认真的,英语怎么说 serious 问题六:认真英语怎么说? 5分 Serious i am serious.--我是认真的。 一般用在对方不严肃但自己很认真的情况下,有警告和提醒的作用。 别担心,任何问题都会被解决掉的。 问题七:认真的英文名词是什么 seriousness 问题八:我是认真的,英文如何翻译呢? I am serious. I mean it. 问题九:认真地 英语怎么说 Seriously 比如认真读书,你可以说Seriously study或者 罚tudy hard或者 hard study 但是比较容易得高分的说法是 soaked oneself in reading (沉浸在读书中)
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  虽然他润君其它的时候也很帅,但是认真工作的时候果然是最有魅力的。下面我为大家带来认真的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   认真的英语意思   serious   认真的相关英语例句   1. After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.   失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。   2. He got his coffee, came back and settled down to listen.   他喝了杯咖啡,回来后开始认真听讲。   3. Wanting fidelity implies you"re thinking about a major relationship.   要求忠诚意味着你想发展一段严肃认真的恋爱关系。   4. The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict.   6人陪审团认真商议了约两个小时后作出了裁定。   5. Joyce traipsed from one doctor to another, praying that someone would listen.   乔伊丝从一位大夫奔波到另一位那里,期盼着有人会认真听她的话。   6. We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur.   看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。   7. The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively.   虐待妇女问题需要得到严肃而认真的处理。   8. They will take that problem apart and analyze it in great detail.   他们会认真分析那个问题,指出其症结所在。   9. She always listened earnestly as if this might help her to understand.   她总是很认真地听,就好像这能帮助她弄明白一样。   10. This has forced the United States to seriously reconsider its position.   这迫使美国重新认真考虑自己的立场。   11. It wouldn"t hurt you to be a bit more serious.   认真一点对你没有坏处。   12. There was no doubt he was serious, it wasn"t just playing around.   毫无疑问他很认真,那可不是闹着玩的。   13. The management will have to think seriously about their positions.   管理层将不得不认真考虑他们的立场。   14. He treated them seriously and, on occasion, entertained them hilariously.   他对待他们严肃认真,偶尔又逗得他们捧腹不已。   15. I want to explore and get in touch with my inner self.   我想认真探寻、了解内心的自我。   认真的英文例句   1. 他这个人有点轻薄--别跟他太认真!   He"s a bit of a philanderer -- don"t take him too seriously!   2. 你肯定不会指望我认真考虑你那些荒谬的建议吧?   Surely you don"t expect me to take your potty suggestions seriously?   3. 我看了你的建议也认真考虑过了。   I"ve read your proposal and given it some serious thought.   4. 是打消那些愚蠢想法,认真对待的时候了。   It"s time to put away those foolish ideas and become serious.   5. 我喜欢认真的学生。   I like earnest pupils.   6. 我相信他说他会来是认真的。   I"m sure he was earnest when he said he would come.   7. 认真阅读我们●问题认真并保证你理解它。   Always read the question carefully and make sure that you understand it.   8. 如果你是认真的,就把认真顶在头上;如果你是渴望的,就将饥渴放在心里。   Skepticism and realism are not the same as cynicism and pessimism.   9. 他小时候就是个做事认真的孩子,长大后也是个做事认真的年轻人。   He was a very serious child and grew up to be a very serious young man.   认真的双语例句   我要你认真抄写。   I want you to copy carefully.   这个建议几乎不值得认真考虑。   This proposal is hardly worth of serious consideration.   如此重要的问题应认真讨论。   Such an important problem should be discussed seriously.   你得认真考虑一下。   You must think it over seriously.   她办事认真,从不敷衍了事。   She is very conscientious and never skimps her work.   因此,我期望你们每一位这学年都严肃认真。   So I expect all of you to get serious this year.   当你工作时,你应认真工作。   While you work, you should work in earnest.   如果你认真对待每一个目标,我可以开列一张清单,围绕那个目标,列出所有能想到的、要做的事情。   If youu2019re serious about any goal, I would create a list of all the activities you do that youassociate with that goal.   没错,我是认真的。   Yes, Iu2019m serious.   我是认真的.   I am serious.   如果我有必要参加考试,我会在这个阶段认真准备考试。   If I were, this is the stage when I would prepare in earnest for them.
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  认真,对一件事物做仔细的处理。下面就由我为大家带来关于认真的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于认真的相关短语   认真 take seriously   认真 take to heart   认真负责 Serious and responsible   认真开始 get down to   认真照顾 take care of   认真听 Listen carefully   认真办事 get down to business   认真工作 Work carefully   书写认真 write carefully   认真贯彻 seriously follow out   关于认真的相关短句   an earnest self-criticism;   认真的自我批评   carry out the policy conscientiously;   认真执行政策   serious self-critical examination;   认真的检讨   deal seriously with; take...seriously;   认真对待   ponder deeply;   认真思考   put a firm check on;   认真制止   earnest and serious;   严肃认真   Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing.   认真作好出版工作。   关于认真的相关例句   1. After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.   失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。   2. He got his coffee, came back and settled down to listen.   他喝了杯咖啡,回来后开始认真听讲。   3. Wanting fidelity implies you"re thinking about a major relationship.   要求忠诚意味着你想发展一段严肃认真的恋爱关系。   4. The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict.   6人陪审团认真商议了约两个小时后作出了裁定。   5. Joyce traipsed from one doctor to another, praying that someone would listen.   乔伊丝从一位大夫奔波到另一位那里,期盼着有人会认真听她的话。   6. We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur.   看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。   7. The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively.   虐待妇女问题需要得到严肃而认真的处理。   8. They will take that problem apart and analyze it in great detail.   他们会认真分析那个问题,指出其症结所在。   9. She always listened earnestly as if this might help her to understand.   她总是很认真地听,就好像这能帮助她弄明白一样。   10. This has forced the United States to seriously reconsider its position.   这迫使美国重新认真考虑自己的立场。   11. It wouldn"t hurt you to be a bit more serious.   认真一点对你没有坏处。   12. There was no doubt he was serious, it wasn"t just playing around.   毫无疑问他很认真,那可不是闹着玩的。   13. The management will have to think seriously about their positions.   管理层将不得不认真考虑他们的立场。   14. He treated them seriously and, on occasion, entertained them hilariously.   他对待他们严肃认真,偶尔又逗得他们捧腹不已。   15. I want to explore and get in touch with my inner self.   我想认真探寻、了解内心的自我。   关于认真的双语例句   他这个人有点轻薄--别跟他太认真!   He"s a bit of a philanderer -- don"t take him too seriously!   你肯定不会指望我认真考虑你那些荒谬的建议吧?   Surely you don"t expect me to take your potty suggestions seriously?   我看了你的建议也认真考虑过了。   I"ve read your proposal and given it some serious thought.   是打消那些愚蠢想法,认真对待的时候了。   It"s time to put away those foolish ideas and become serious.   我喜欢认真的学生。   I like earnest pupils.   我相信他说他会来是认真的。   I"m sure he was earnest when he said he would come.   认真阅读我们●问题认真并保证你理解它。   Always read the question carefully and make sure that you understand it.   如果你是认真的,就把认真顶在头上;如果你是渴望的,就将饥渴放在心里。   Skepticism and realism are not the same as cynicism and pessimism.   他小时候就是个做事认真的孩子,长大后也是个做事认真的年轻人。   He was a very serious child and grew up to be a very serious young man.
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问题一:我是认真的用英语怎么说 I am serious/I"m serious 问题二:‘我是认真的"用英语怎么翻译 I"m serious 问题三:我是认真的,英文如何翻译呢? I am serious. I mean it. 问题四:你对我是认真的么? 英文怎么说? Are you serious with me? 问题五:『相信我,我是认真的』的英语怎么讲? Believe me, I am serious 问题六:我是认真的,英语怎么说 I mean it 我是认真的 1.我说我想帮助你时,我是认真的。 When I said I wanted to help you, I was in earnest. provided by jukuu 2你是唯一一个爱我的人,我是认真的。 You the only one that love me. I"m serious. provided by jukuu 3我是认真的,我不再要你的钱了。 No more checks. I mean it. douban 问题七:我是认真的 用英语怎么说 是的 I am serious~~
2023-08-01 15:39:221


staidness staidness[简明英汉词典]n. 认真,沉着
2023-08-01 15:39:331


问题一:XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。 问题二:英语翻译:专注的, 专注的 dedicated-专注的护持师: Devoted Caretaker Devoted Caretaker 多明尼亚世界 - 收牌 ...Mystic Enforcer 秘教执法者 Devoted Caretaker 专注的护持师 Mirari 映奇宝珠 ... -高度专注的能力: The Ability to Hyperfocus The Ability to Hyperfocus Psychology ??Ant ...高度专注的能力(The Ability to Hyperfocus)高速资讯处理能力(Rapid Fire Mind)随心所欲的多工能力(Multitasking at Will) ... -多么专注的听众: What A Good Listener What A Good Listener ...What An Imagination 多么丰富的想象力! What A Good Listener 多么专注的听众 You Are Fun 你真有趣 ... -专注的凝视: For to gaze a while----;So she took her love For to gaze a while---- 金色的田野 Fields of Gold - 音乐... ... So she took her love----她带着她的爱 For to gaze a while----专注的凝视 Upon the fields of barley----在那金灿灿的大麦地里 ... So she took her love 沪江博客 - 沪江兔窝 - *英乐心情18*无垠的... ...As we walk in the fields of gold 而我们在黄金之地散步 So she took her love 专注的凝视For to gaze awhile 使她献出了她的爱 ... -专注的听: Attentive Attentive 听有五个层次:听而不闻(Ignoring)、假装的听(Pretending)、选择性的听(Selective)、专注的听(Attentive)、同理心的听(Empathic)。最高层次的是同理心的听,也就是将心比心的听。 -有专注的领导: there is a dedicated leader... there is a dedicated leader... 返回 / 【分享】林肯致儿子老师的一封信(节选)(已奖励) ...that for every selfish Politician,那是对于每个自私的政客there is a dedicated leader...有专注的领导Teach him for every enemy there is a friend...教他对于每个敌人都有朋友 ... -选择一个专注的对象: Choosing an Object of Attention- Choosing an Object of Attention- ...* The Miracle is Walking on Earth-不可思议的是行走于地面 * Choosing an Object of Attention-选择一个专注的对象 * Use Words Instead of Numbers-以文字取代数字 ... -专注的,献身的: dedicated dedicated 英语阅读经济类文章常考词汇汇总 ...clientele ......>> 问题三:专注成就事业!细节决定卓越!DD请问这句英语怎么翻译。 Concentrationare is the key of a great achievement adn the Detail is the key of an excellent success. 问题四:形容一个人认真,做事仔细用哪个英语单词 concentrate one"s attention on 专注于 devoted 专心的 记得采纳 问题五:因为专注所以专业英文是这么样的 Because the focus so professional 谢谢 望采纳 问题六:多点专注英语怎么说就翻译“多点专注”用来做广告 多点专注 英文:More concentration 专注 英文:concentrate one"s attention on; be absorbed in; devote one"s mind to ; 问题七:“因为专注,所以专业”用英语怎么说? Be focus,so be professional.
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问题一:她教学态度也很认真 用英语怎么说 Her teaching attitude is also very serious 问题二:上课认真听老师讲课用英语怎么说 Listen to the teacher carefully in class. 问题三:XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。 问题四:认真听老师讲课英文怎么写 认真听老师讲课 Listen to the teacher carefully 认真听老师讲课 Listen to the teacher carefully 问题五:课堂上要认真听老师讲课用英语怎么说 Listen to the teacher carefully in class. 课堂上要认真听老师讲课
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be serious about 对…是认真的,认真对待
2023-08-01 15:40:521


你好!做事认真Work conscientiously
2023-08-01 15:41:071


be serious about 对…是认真的,认真对待
2023-08-01 15:41:141