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2023-08-01 17:38:14

【词语】: 飞机

【拼音】: fēijī

【解释】: 飞行的工具,由机翼、机身、发动机等构成。种类很多。广泛用在交通运输、军事、农业、探矿、测量等方面。


fei jiuff0c



飞机的英语是plane,读音是:[pleu026an]。n. 飞机,水平,平面n. 刨子n. 悬铃木adj. 平的,飞机的vt. 磨平,刨vi. (鸟、飞机)滑翔例句:The plane circled the airport before landing.翻译:飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。短语:fuel plane 给飞机加油用法1、plane的基本意思是“水平,程度;标准”,可指在思想、存在或发展各方面的水平,程度。plane也可作“平面”解,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。2、plane作“飞机”解时是aeroplane的缩写形式,但现在人们更习惯用plane。
2023-08-01 11:20:201


by plane乘飞机by 单词音标英bal 美baI
2023-08-01 11:20:514


plane读法为英[pleu026an]。"Plane"这个单词有几种不同的含义,以下是其中一些常见的解释:1. 名词:平面、飞机。平面:指二维的平面或者在几何学中指平面(与三维空间中的体相对)。飞机:指飞行器,可以载人或载货物在空中飞行。2. 动词:修整、刨平。修整:指用刨子或其他工具修整或刮平物体表面,使其光滑均匀。刨平:指通过刨削或磨削等方式使物体表面变平,以达到平整的状态。除了上述常见的解释,"plane"还可以用作形容词,表示平坦的、平滑的或无障碍的。此外,在航空术语中,"plane"也用来指代飞机或飞行器。具体含义可根据上下文而定。需要注意的是,对于某些特定领域,如数学、物理或工程等,"plane"可能有特定的技术定义和用法。plane造句1. I saw a plane flying overhead on my way to the airport.2. The carpenter used a plane to smooth out the wooden surface.3. The mathematician drew a line segment on the plane to demonstrate his theorem.4. The pilot expertly landed the plane on the runway.5. The construction workers are using a plane to level the surface of the floor.
2023-08-01 11:21:471


pe轻声 lan第三声 连起来读
2023-08-01 11:22:291


您好,我就为大家解答关于planet怎么读,plane相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、lane1KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 平面2. ... 您好,我就为大家解答关于planet怎么读,plane相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、lane1KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 平面2. 程度;水平;阶段;级Try to keep your work on a high plane.努力将你的工作保持在高水平上。 2、3. 【口】飞机4. 【空】机翼a.1. 平的,平坦的;平面的The surface must be completely plane.这表面必须完全平坦。 3、vi.1. 翱翔2. (水上飞机等)在水面滑行,在水面掠过3. 乘飞机旅行plane2KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 刨子[C]vt.1. 用刨子刨,用刨子刨成[O8]He planed the bench smooth.他将凳子刨平。 4、2. 用刨子刨掉[(+down/away)]There are still a few rough places on the surface of the table that need to be planed down.桌子的表面仍有一些粗糙的地方需刨平。 5、vi.1. 刨The carpenter is planing away at a plank.木工在使劲刨一块木板。 6、plane3KK: []DJ: []n.1. 【植】悬铃木(=plane trees)[C]。
2023-08-01 11:22:461


play,里的字母组合 ay 和 plane 这个单词里的元音字母 a 读音相同,都读双元音 /ei /
2023-08-01 11:23:3211


2023-08-01 11:24:151


plane 是开音节,前后是同一个词,元音字母 a 的读音当然一样。猫的单词是 cat,是闭音节发短元音。桌子有 desk(书桌)和 table(台桌)两种。前者是闭音节,且元音字母是 e,与 plane 中的 a 发音不一样;后者读作 [taibl],与 plane 中的 a 发音一样。
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2023-08-01 11:25:203


plane的英语发音为[pleu026an]。扩展资料:1、发音是什么plane的英语发音是[pleu026an]。该单词的音标为/pleu026an/,其中p、l、a、n、e分别代表不同的音素。2、同音词有哪些plane和plain在发音上非常相近。plain意为“平原”的意思,音标为/pleu026an/。另外还有plains,意为“大草原”,也是/pleu026anz/。3、plane的中文译意plane本义为“飞机”,例如We took a plane to Shanghai.(我们搭了一架飞机去上海。)此外它还可以表示“计划、刨子、直的或平的表面等”。4、plane作为动词时的意思plane还可以作为动词使用,意为“刨平、刮掉、飞行等”。例如The carpenter is planing the plank.(那个木匠正在刨平木板。)另外,在日常口语中,plane还可以用来表示“结束、打算好了”等意思,例如I"m sorry, our conversation just got planed.(很抱歉,我们的谈话到此结束了。)5、一些常见的搭配take a plane: 搭乘飞机,例如I usually take a plane to Beijing.(我通常搭飞机去北京。)by plane: 乘坐飞机,例如I went to New York by plane.(我坐飞机去了纽约。)plane ticket: 飞机票,例如I have bought the plane tickets for our trip.(我已经给我们的旅行订好了飞机票。)
2023-08-01 11:26:051


plane英语读:英[pleɪn];美[pleɪn]。资料扩展:一、名词解释:n.水平;平面;飞机;木工刨adj.平的,平坦的vt.用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶vi.鸟滑翔二、复数:planes第三人称单数:planes过去式:planed过去分词:planed现在分词:planing三、例句:1、How high was the plane when the engine failed?发动机出故障时飞机离地面多高?2.He was on the plane from New York.他在纽约来的飞机上。3.The plane was flying in cloud most of the way.飞机一路大多在云层里飞行。4.The plane took off with a full load.飞机满载起飞。5.The wing of the plane showed signs of metal fatigue.机翼显示出金属疲劳的迹象。6.They were on a plane flying from London to New York.他们在从伦敦飞往纽约的飞机上。7.A bolt may have fallen off the plane"s forward door.飞机前舱门的一个门闩可能脱落了。8.The plane prepared to move in for the kill.飞机已作好击落敌机的准备。9.Fancy! She"s never been in a plane before.真想不到!她竟然从未坐过飞机。10.The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed.最可能的解释是他的飞机晚点了。11.There was this strange man sitting next to me on the plane.在飞机上有个奇怪的人坐在我身旁。12.The plane made a dive to a lower altitude.飞机俯冲到较低高度。13.The plane was coming in at a steep angle.飞机当时正俯冲降落。14.We continued tracking the plane on our radar.我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机。15.A blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane.我们下飞机时,一股热浪向我们袭来。
2023-08-01 11:27:061


2023-08-01 11:29:261


2023-08-01 11:29:503


plane 是开音节词,元音字母读字母表中的读音。即plane中的 a读[ei]
2023-08-01 11:29:571

by plane怎么读?

by plane英:[baɪ pleɪn]美:[baɪ pleɪn]adv.乘飞机; 例句:I"ll go to Shanghai by plane.我坐飞机去上海。
2023-08-01 11:30:181


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2023-08-01 11:30:511


toy plane玩具飞机
2023-08-01 11:31:001


2023-08-01 11:31:115


成都的航空学校有中国民用航空飞行学院、四川航天职业技术学院、成都航空技术学院、成都东星航空旅游专修学院、四川西南航空职业学院、成都西翔航空学院、成都航空旅游职业学校等。 中国民用航空飞行学院 中国民用航空飞行学院直属中国民用航空局,已成为在国内、尤其是世界民航有着极高影响力的全日制高校,学校位于广汉市,占地17000多亩,中国民用航空飞行学院空乘专业为专科层次专业。 四川航天职业技术学院 四川航天职业技术学院是经国家教育部、四川省人民政府批准,面向全国招生的公办全日制普通高等院校,是国家级高技能人才培训基地,占地700多亩,现有在校生16000余人。四川航天职业技术学院空乘专业通过单招面向普通高考生、中职生招生,专业学费每年5800元。 成都航空技术学院 成都航空职业技术学院(Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic)始建于1965年,由第三机械工业部创设德胜中级技术学校,1966年至1998年学校曾多次改名改制,1998年经教育部批准成为全国首批、四川省第一所高等职业院校。
2023-08-01 11:31:491


一款2.8D的网络枪战竞技游戏,有多个名字CrossFire 、穿越火线、CF本人比较喜欢玩,个人感觉比CS好玩。。。
2023-08-01 11:31:5014

real ,really ,true ,truly的区别和用法

really 指和事实或现实不相违背,用以表示肯定人家所说的实话,希望人家说实话或强调自己说的是实话.truly 指主观态度上真正地、无疑地
2023-08-01 11:31:511


2023-08-01 11:31:533


考研是必考外语,英语不是必须考的。外语可以选择俄语、日语等小语种。不过一般都是推荐考英语,因为如果选择其他外语,后期调剂会受到影响,一般都是考英语的。 扩展资料   研究生考试科目:   一般是公共课+专业课。   1、数学:分数学1、数学2、数学3根据专业不同要求考数学几,数学三包括微积分,线代,概论与数理,数学二包括线代和高数,数一是最难的包括3模块内容(线代,高数,概论)至于哪些专业考不考数学按照该校招生目录上要求。   2、英语:一般分学硕英语一和专硕英语二特殊按照学校专业招生目录要求。   3、政治:四大核心模块(马原+毛中特+近代史+思修法基)+时政。   专业课:根据学校专业不同规定考几门专业课,考哪些。多关注学校招生目录具体内容。其中公共课为英语和政治,基础课为数学或专业基础,专业课分为13类,分别为哲学、法学、文学、理学、工学、农学、医学、历史学、经济学、教育学、军事学、管理学、艺术学等。
2023-08-01 11:31:551

环保的 用英语怎么说?

Environmental protection
2023-08-01 11:31:564

editorial manager是什么意思

editorial manager编辑经理双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 编辑经理例句:1.The paper"s executive editorial manager did not respond to a requestfor comment.
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2023-08-01 11:32:003


一、背景 最近由于项目和论文的需要,需要搭建一个垂直搜索的环境,查阅了很多资料,决定使用Apache的一套解决方案hadoop+hbase+nutch+es。这几样神器的作用就不多作介绍了,自行参考各类百科就行了。我选择这样的方案主要是基于以下考虑: 1、可扩展,虽然 一、背景最近由于项目和论文的需要,需要搭建一个垂直搜索的环境,查阅了很多资料,决定使用Apache的一套解决方案hadoop+hbase+nutch+es。这几样神器的作用就不多作介绍了,自行参考各类百科就行了。我选择这样的方案主要是基于以下考虑:1、可扩展,虽然只是实验环境,但是以后在项目中是要应用到生产中的,随着数据量的增大,需要的硬件设备能够方便的加入进来,所以选择了分布式的方案中最具人气的hadoop+hbase组合2、数据来源兼容,nutch2以后集成了gora和tika,可以方便的进行数据ORM和分析3、与时俱进,es很火嘛,而且各种评测说es比solr更快更稳定,虽然没有自己测试过,但是跟随github大牛们的脚步总不会错得太离谱二、前言这一部分纯粹吐槽,国内的好多技术博客不是停留在nutch1X阶段,就是各种不负责任的抄袭转载,某几位先驱说这几样东西版本必须一对一兼容,然后所有人都这样去做,没有一点探索精神和质疑精神。今天,我就做第一个吃螃蟹的人,谁说gora0.3只能配hbase0.92,谁说nutch2只能配es0.19,既然开源的大牛们放出了稳定最新版,就一定有能兼容的道理!三、安装与配置过程(伪分布式)整个实验环境采用伪分布式模式搭建,也就是只有一台master的分布式环境,以后扩展只需要继续配置slaver就可以了。 系统为ubuntu server 12.04hadoop1.2.1hadoop安装的前提是java和ssh免密码登陆配置,这个不多说了,基本的,jdk1.6和1.7都可以。1、官网的stable目录里面下载hadoop1.2.1的deb包2、安装hadoop的deb包sudo dpkg -i /home/hadoop/hadoop_1.2.1-1_x86_64.deb3、查看安装的位置whereis hadoop输出:hadoop: /usr/bin/hadoop /etc/hadoop /usr/etc/hadoop /usr/bin/X11/hadoop /usr/include/hadoop /usr/share/hadoop这里面/etc/hadoop目录是hadoop的各种配置文件,/usr/share/hadoop则是hadoop的主要jar包和监控页面的东西4、下面开始修改配置文件 block replication.The actual number of replications can be specified when the file is created.The default is used if replication is not specified in create time.mapred-site.xml?mapred.job.trackerlocalhost:54311The host and port that the MapReduce job tracker runsat. If "local", then jobs are run in-process as a single mapand reduce task.core-site.xmlhadoop.tmp.dir/home/hadoop/tmpA base for other temporary directories.fs.default.namehdfs://localhost:54310The name of the default file system. A URI whosescheme and authority determine the FileSystem implementation. Theuri"s scheme determines the config property (fs.SCHEME.impl) namingthe FileSystem implementation class. The uri"s authority is used todetermine the host, port, etc. for a filesystem.hadoop-env.sh修改java路径export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle修改pid路径为hadoop运行账户能访问到的路径,默认是/var/run/hadoop,如果不是sudo组的化是没权限的,而且每次重启都会清空这个目录,用chown无法起到长期作用。export HADOOP_PID_DIR=/home/hadoop/run/hadoopexport HADOOP_SECURE_DN_PID_DIR=/home/hadoop/run/hadoopmasters和slaves如果是伪分布式,直接localhost,如果是完全分布式,masters填写master的ip地址,slaves填写slave的ip地址,回车隔开至此基本的配置已经完毕,如果想了解更多配置内容可以参考这篇文章《hadoop三个配置文件的参数含义说明》5、启动hadoop先格式化namenodehadoop?namenode?-format然后启动、官网stable目录下下载hbase0.94.11的tar包并解压tar -zxvf hbase-0.94.11.tar.gz2、去conf目录修改hbase-site.xmlhbase.rootdirhdfs://localhost:54310/hbasehbase.cluster.distributedtruehbase.zookeeper.quorumlocalhost3、修改hbase-env.sh文件添加如下三行:export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/export HBASE_CLASSPATH=/etc/hadoopexport HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true至此配置文件修改结束(如果完全分布式还要修改regionservers),更多配置参数和调优可以参考这篇文章《HBase入门篇3-hbase 配置文件参数设置及优化》4、替换hadoop的jar文件hbase0.94.11默认支持的是hadoop1.0.4,我们可以用替换hadoop-core的方式让其支持hadoop1.2.1rm?/home/hadoop/hbase-0.94.11/lib/hadoop-core-1.0.4.jarcp?/usr/share/hadoop/hadoop-core-1.2.1.jar?/home/hadoop/hbase-0.94.11/libcp /usr/share/hadoop/lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar?/home/hadoop/hbase-0.94.11/libcp /usr/share/hadoop/lib/commons-configuration-1.6.jar?/home/hadoop/hbase-0.94.11/lib5、启动hbase/home/hadoop/hbase-0.94.11/bin/start-hbase.sh6、用jps命令看是否运行正常输出为:2032 NameNode13764 HQuorumPeer29069 Jps2630 JobTracker2280 DataNode13889 HMaster2535 SecondaryNameNode2904 TaskTracker14180 HRegionServer注意这几个东西一个都不能少,如果有什么少了,一定要去日志里看看是怎么回事。7、尝试运行hbase命令/home/hadoop/hbase-0.94.11/bin/hbase?shellHBase?Shell;?enter?"help"?for?list?of?supported?commands.Type?"exit"?to?leave?the?HBase?ShellVersion?0.90.4,?r1150278,?Sun?Jul?24?15:53:29?PDT?2011hbase(main):001:0>?listTABLE??????????????????????????????????????????webpage?????????????????????????????????????????1?row(s)?in?0.5270?seconds如果不报错,说明已经配置成功?==================================================================ElasticSearch0.90.5这里不像一般的博客那样先安装nutch,而是先安装es,为什么,因为逻辑上来讲,nutch是一个爬虫加集成器,es被nutch集成,所以先安装es,这在思想上叫做由零到整。1、官网下载es0.90.5的deb安装包并安装sudo dpkg -i /home/hadoop/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-0.90.5.deb2、查看安装了哪些东西whereis?elasticsearch输出:elasticsearch: /etc/elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch其中/etc/elasticsearch目录里面的elasticsearch.yml文件是比较重要的配置文件,这里我们使用默认配置,不做修改,需要特殊配置的同学可以参考这篇文章《分布式搜索elasticsearch配置文件详解》。而/usr/share/elasticsearch里面则是es主要的执行文件和jar包了3、检查es运行状态es安装好后就默认开启了,貌似关闭只能杀死进程,启动的话直接输入命令elasticsearch即可。使用curl来检查es的cluster的运行状态,并获得clusternamecurl -XGET "localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty"如果获得以下输出,表示成功了{"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch","status" : "green","timed_out" : false,"number_of_nodes" : 2,"number_of_data_nodes" : 2,"active_primary_shards" : 5,"active_shards" : 10,"relocating_shards" : 0,"initializing_shards" : 0,"unassigned_shards" : 0}======================================================================nutch2.2.11、官网下载tar包并解压2、修改源码这里要吐槽下nutch的开源大牛们,这么明显的bug你就发出版本来了,而且几个版本都不改,如果你有你的道理,你应该文档说明一下好吧,为毛我都找不到你们的正式说明?进入src/java/org/apache/nutch/crawl目录,修改GeneratorJob.java中的public Map run(Map args) 方法。添加以下三行//?generate?batchId?int?randomSeed?=?Math.abs(new?Random().nextInt()); ??String?batchId?=?(curTime?/?1000)?+?"-"?+?randomSeed; ??getConf().set(BATCH_ID,?batchId); ??如果不这样做,nutch generate的时候会报NullPointerException,真心不知道他们是出于什么目的?3、拷贝hbase的配置文件到nutch??cp /home/hadoop/hbase-0.94.11/conf/hbase-site.xml /home/hadoop/nutch2.2.1/conf/?4、拷贝 hbase0.92 ? 的jar包到nutch的lib目录这一步是关键,nutch自带的gora0.3是只能支持到最高hbase0.92,默认是hbase0.90,如果不做这一步,nutch就会用默认的0.90jar包去操作0.94的hbase,导致一个“java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a host:port pair”的奇葩错误(据说是低版本client操作高版本server的常见错误)。但是你也不能直接用0.94的jar包去替换,因为这又会导致另一个奇葩错误“java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor.setMaxVersions(I)V”,据说这个错误已经被记入HBASE官方JIRA,BUG编号:HBASE-8273。大概意思是说这个setMaxVersions函数的返回值改了。尼玛,这帮人有没有点面向对象合作编程的常识啊,你丫就不能重新写个函数啊。。那么吐槽归吐槽,怎么解决呢,既然大家都说0.92的支持好,那我就用0.92的jar包做替换试试,离0.94就差一个版本,应该不算太低的版本,说不定能操作0.94的库呢,这一试还真成了。具体办法就是官网上下个hbase0.92.2的版本,把里面的hbase-0.92.2.jar文件拷贝到/home/hadoop/nutch2.2.1/lib目录下即可?5、修改nutch-site.xml? (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.95 Safari/537.36?关于该文件各个参数的详细解释可以参考这个excel文件——《nutch配置》?6、修改ivy/ivy.xml??首先是一个常规的修改,找到这一行,把注释去掉?然后是见证奇迹的修改,让nutch2.2.1支持es0.90.5的修改。找到这一行,把rev的值0.19.4替换为?0.90.5?这就是ivy进行包依赖管理的强大之处,一会儿执行ant的时候就是见证奇迹的时刻。如果不做这一步,在进行nutch elasticindex(建立索引)的时候,会报MasterNotDiscoveredException?7、修改conf/gora.properties文件添加一行:?、执行ant编译首次执行ant的时候会比较慢,因为ivy要下载依赖包,大家仔细观察屏幕上的输出,可以看到编译到elasticsearch依赖的时候,成功下来了0.90.5的jar包,同时下载的还有lucene4.4.0执行完成后,会看到nutch目录下多了runtime目录,里面deploy用于分布式抓取,local用于本地抓取?至此,所有的安装配置都已完成,enjoy it!??四、简单体验一下抓取和检索的过程?1、建立一个目录urls2、在urls目录里写一个种子文件,命名为url,里面随便写个页面丰富的网址例如http://blog.tianya.cn3、将该目录放到hadoop的hdfs上? ? ?hadoop fs -copyFromLocal urls /home/hadoop/urls4、执行nutch inject,向hbase注入抓取种子页? ??bin/nutch inject /home/hadoop/urls执行完成后,可以在hbase里面看到“webpage”这个表?5、执行nutch 抓取流程分别执行以下命令?bin/nutch generate -topN 10bin/nutch?fetch?-allbin/nutch?parse?-allbin/nutch?updatedb执行完成后,可以去hbase里面scan一下webpage表,应该已经有了百行以上的结果?6、为elasticsearch建立索引?bin/nutch elasticindex-all?如果没有修改过es的配置文件,这里cluster name默认应该是“elasticsearch”?7、利用curl进行查询?curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_search?content=tianya"要想进行中文查询,可以自行添加中文分词插件,参考《分布式搜索elasticsearch中文分词集成》??五、总结?这篇博客虽然吐槽较多,但我还是挺尊重一些认真写博客,认真在论坛回答问题的大牛的,能够配置安装成功,也受到了一些大牛博客和大牛回答的启发,在这里要感谢这些无私的人。?下面就要在实际的实验和项目中检验我这套配置的合理性和健壮性了,以后博客中,也会多多记录在使用中遇到的问题和解决方法。? 声明:如未作说明,则本文为 渣滓洞【解_的博客】 原创。转载务必注明出处。 注意:转载须保留全文,如需修改请联系作者。 本文永久地址:
2023-08-01 11:32:021


environment friendly 绿色环保 在我们的日常生活中,经常会碰到标榜“绿色环保”的产品,比如:环保设备,绿色食品,绿色环保纺织品,等等。翻译成英文可能会遇到一些困难,也很难从词典上找得到现成的答案。在此把我的理解提供给大家参考:环保设备译为environment protection equipment,绿色食品译为healthy food,绿色环保纺织品译为environment friendly textiles。希望能对你有所帮助。谢谢采纳
2023-08-01 11:32:031


2023-08-01 11:32:041

Editorial Board 是什么含意

editorial board 网络 编辑部; 编委; 编委会; 编辑委员会; 编辑人员; [例句]I went to the editorial board meetings when I had the time.我一有空就去参加编委会会议。
2023-08-01 11:32:051


2023-08-01 11:32:081


"Carmen won"t last more than a couple of days." Mason spat out a chunk of ice and surveyed the poor animal ruefully, then put her foot in his mouth and proceeded to bite out the ice which clustered cruelly between the toes."I never saw a dog with a highfalutin" name that ever was worth a rap," he said, as he concluded his task and shoved her aside. "They just fade away and die under the responsibility. Did ye ever see one go wrong with a sensible name like Cassiar, Siwash, or Husky? No, sir! Take a look at Shookum here, he"s--" Snap! The lean brute flashed up, the white teeth just missing Mason"s throat."Ye will, will ye?" A shrewd clout behind the ear with the butt of the dog whip stretched the animal in the snow, quivering softly, a yellow slaver dripping from its fangs."As I was saying, just look at Shookum here--he"s got the spirit. Bet ye he eats Carmen before the week"s out." "I"ll bank another proposition against that," replied Malemute Kid, reversing the frozen bread placed before the fire to thaw. "We"ll eat Shookum before the trip is over. What d"ye say, Ruth?" The Indian woman settled the coffee with a piece of ice, glanced from Malemute Kid to her husband, then at the dogs, but vouchsafed no reply. It was such a palpable truism that none was necessary. Two hundred miles of unbroken trail in prospect, with a scant six days" grub for themselves and none for the dogs, could admit no other alternative. The two men and the woman grouped about the fire and began their meager meal. The dogs lay in their harnesses for it was a midday halt, and watched each mouthful enviously."No more lunches after today," said Malemute Kid. "And we"ve got to keep a close eye on the dogs--they"re getting vicious. They"d just as soon pull a fellow down as not, if they get a chance." "And I was president of an Epworth once, and taught in the Sunday school." Having irrelevantly delivered himself of this, Mason fell into a dreamy contemplation of his steaming moccasins, but was aroused by Ruth filling his cup."Thank God, we"ve got slathers of tea! I"ve seen it growing, down in Tennessee. What wouldn"t I give for a hot corn pone just now! Never mind, Ruth; you won"t starve much longer, nor wear moccasins either." The woman threw off her gloom at this, and in her eyes welled up a great love for her white lord--the first white man she had ever seen--the first man whom she had known to treat a woman as something better than a mere animal or beast of burden."Yes, Ruth," continued her husband, having recourse to the macaronic jargon in which it was alone possible for them to understand each other; "wait till we clean up and pull for the Outside. We"ll take the White Man"s canoe and go to the Salt Water. Yes, bad water, rough water--great mountains dance up and down all the time. And so big, so far, so far away--you travel ten sleep, twenty sleep, forty sleep"--he graphically enumerated the days on his fingers--"all the time water, bad water. Then you come to great village, plenty people, just the same mosquitoes next summer. Wigwams oh, so high--ten, twenty pines.Hi-yu skookum!" He paused impotently, cast an appealing glance at Malemute Kid, then laboriously placed the twenty pines, end on end, by sign language. Malemute Kid smiled with cheery cynicism; but Ruth"s eyes were wide with wonder, and with pleasure; for she half believed he was joking, and such condescension pleased her poor woman"s heart."And then you step into a--a box, and pouf! up you go." He tossed his empty cup in the air by way of illustration and, as he deftly caught it, cried: "And biff! down you come. Oh, great medicine men! You go Fort Yukon. I go Arctic City--twenty-five sleep--big string, all the time--I catch him string--I say, Hello, Ruth! How are ye?--and you say, Is that my good husband?--and I say, Yes--and you say, No can bake good bread, no more soda--then I say, Look in cache, under flour; good-by. You look and catch plenty soda. All the time you Fort Yukon, me Arctic City. Hi-yu medicine man!" Ruth smiled so ingenuously at the fairy story that both men burst into laughter. A row among the dogs cut short the wonders of the Outside, and by the time the snarling combatants were separated, she had lashed the sleds and all was ready for the trail.-- "Mush! Baldy! Hi! Mush on!" Mason worked his whip smartly and, as the dogs whined low in the traces, broke out the sled with the gee pole. Ruth followed with the second team, leaving Malemute Kid, who had helped her start, to bring up the rear. Strong man, brute that he was, capable of felling an ox at a blow, he could not bear to beat the poor animals, but humored them as a dog driver rarely does--nay, almost wept with them in their misery."Come, mush on there, you poor sore-footed brutes!" he murmured, after several ineffectual attempts to start the load. But his patience was at last rewarded, and though whimpering with pain, they hastened to join their fellows.No more conversation; the toil of the trail will not permit such extravagance.And of all deadening labors, that of the Northland trail is the worst. Happy is the man who can weather a day"s travel at the price of silence, and that on a beaten track. And of all heartbreaking labors, that of breaking trail is the worst. At every step the great webbed shoe sinks till the snow is level with the knee. Then up, straight up, the deviation of a fraction of an inch being a certain precursor of disaster, the snowshoe must be lifted till the surface is cleared; then forward, down, and the other foot is raised perpendicularly for the matter of half a yard. He who tries this for the first time, if haply he avoids bringing his shoes in dangerous propinquity and measures not his length on the treacherous footing, will give up exhausted at the end of a hundred yards; he who can keep out of the way of the dogs for a whole day may well crawl into his sleeping bag with a clear conscience and a pride which passeth all understanding; and he who travels twenty sleeps on the Long Trail is a man whom the gods may envy.The afternoon wore on, and with the awe, born of the White Silence, the voiceless travelers bent to their work. Nature has many tricks wherewith she convinces man of his finity--the ceaseless flow of the tides, the fury of the storm, the shock of the earthquake, the long roll of heaven"s artillery--but the most tremendous, the most stupefying of all, is the passive phase of the White Silence. All movement ceases, the sky clears, the heavens are as brass; the slightest whisper seems sacrilege, and man becomes timid, affrighted at the sound of his own voice. Sole speck of life journeying across the ghostly wastes of a dead world, he trembles at his audacity, realizes that his is a maggot"s life, nothing more.Strange thoughts arise unsummoned, and the mystery of all things strives for utterance.And the fear of death, of God, of the universe, comes over him--the hope of the Resurrection and the Life, the yearning for immortality, the vain striving of the imprisoned essence--it is then, if ever, man walks alone with God.So wore the day away. The river took a great bend, and Mason headed his team for the cutoff across the narrow neck of land. But the dogs balked at the high bank. Again and again, though Ruth and Malemute Kid were shoving on the sled, they slipped back. Then came the concerted effort. The miserable creatures, weak from hunger, exerted their last strength. Up--up--the sled poised on the top of the bank; but the leader swung the string of dogs behind him to the right, fouling Mason"s snowshoes. The result was grievous.Mason was whipped off his feet; one of the dogs fell in the traces; and the sled toppled back, dragging everything to the bottom again.Slash! the whip fell among the dogs savagely, especially upon the one which had fallen."Don"t,--Mason," entreated Malemute Kid; "the poor devil"s on its last legs. Wait and we"ll put my team on." Mason deliberately withheld the whip till the last word had fallen, then out flashed the long lash, completely curling about the offending creature"s body.Carmen--for it was Carmen--cowered in the snow, cried piteously, then rolled over on her side.It was a tragic moment, a pitiful incident of the trail--a dying dog, two comrades in anger.Ruth glanced solicitously from man to man. But Malemute Kid restrained himself, though there was a world of reproach in his eyes, and, bending over the dog, cut the traces. No word was spoken. The teams were doublespanned and the difficulty overcome; the sleds were under way again, the dying dog dragging herself along in the rear. As long as an animal can travel, it is not shot, and this last chance is accorded it--the crawling into camp, if it can, in the hope of a moose being killed.Already penitent for his angry action, but too stubborn to make amends, Mason toiled on at the head of the cavalcade, little dreaming that danger hovered in the air. The timber clustered thick in the sheltered bottom, and through this they threaded their way. Fifty feet or more from the trail towered a lofty pine. For generations it had stood there, and for generations destiny had had this one end in view--perhaps the same had been decreed of Mason.He stooped to fasten the loosened thong of his moccasin. The sleds came to a halt, and the dogs lay down in the snow without a whimper. The stillness was weird; not a breath rustled the frost-encrusted forest; the cold and silence of outer space had chilled the heart and smote the trembling lips of nature. A sigh pulsed through the air--they did not seem to actually hear it, but rather felt it, like the premonition of movement in a motionless void. Then the great tree, burdened with its weight of years and snow, played its last part in the tragedy of life. He heard the warning crash and attempted to spring up but, almost erect, caught the blow squarely on the shoulder.The sudden danger, the quick death--how often had Malemute Kid faced it! The pine needles were still quivering as he gave his commands and sprang into action. Nor did the Indian girl faint or raise her voice in idle wailing, as might many of her white sisters. At his order, she threw her weight on the end of a quickly extemporized handspike, easing the pressure and listening to her husband"s groans, while Malemute Kid attacked the tree with his ax. The steel rang merrily as it bit into the frozen trunk, each stroke being accompanied by a forced, audible respiration, the "Huh!" "Huh!" of the woodsman.
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1、用爱心呵护每一片绿色。 Take care of every green e, and greening depends on everyone. 8、追求绿色时尚,走向绿色文明。 The pursuit of green fashion, towards green civilization. 9、地球是我们的母亲,我们要爱护她。 The earth is our mother, and we must love her. protect the green cradle, you can, I can! 11、乘阴靠绿树,美化靠大家。 The shade of trees depends on the beauty of trees. 12、人类为什么总把环境意识抛在脑后。 y based, pollution control priority. 16、为了地球上的生命。 For the life of the earth. 17、你在我心中最美,请不要将我摧毁。 You are the most beautiful in my heart, please don"t destroy me. 18、请将废电池送入规定的电池箱。 please send the ter life, you should embrace green first! 21、美好校园需要我们共同建设。 The good campus needs us to build together. 22、请您足下绕一绕,草儿向您笑一笑。 please your feet around the grass, smile to you. 23、快快行动起来,保护自然生态! Act quickly and protect the natural ecology! 24、判天地之美析万物之理。 Judging the beauty of heaven and earth -- analyzing the theory of everything. 25、天是蓝的,草是绿的,心是纯粹的。 The sky is blue, the grass is green, and the heart is pure. 26、让绿色的希望从校园萌芽。 Let the green hope sprout from the campus. 27、学校一片绿,学生心中一片春。 The school is green and the students are in the middle of spring. 28、珍惜自然资源,共营生命绿色。 Cherish natural resources and share the green of life. 29、人人爱花草,空气环境好。 Everyone loves flowers and the air is fine. 30、爱花爱草爱树爱校园。 Grass flower love love love campus. 有关环保的宣传标语英文 1、保护生态环境,就是爱护自已。 To protect the ecological environment is to take care of ourselves. 2、地球妈妈需要你我的细心呵护。 Mother earth needs you, my care. 3、同建绿色校园,共享鸟语花香。 y can not be done at the expense of the environment. 8、学会做人,学会学习,保护自然。 Learn to be human, learn to learn, and protect nature. 9、保护环境光荣,污染环境可耻。 To protect the environment is glorious and pollute the environment. 10、环保从点滴做起! Environmental protection starts from a little bit! 11、劝君多走几步路,莫把草坪当马路。 I e, environmental protection depends on everyone. 21、我是环保一员。 I am an environmental protection member. 22、坚持人水和谐,建设生态文明。 Adhere to harmony betote environmental protection. 26、让地球妈妈永远年轻美丽。 Let mother earth forever young and beautiful. 27、给我一份爱,送你一片绿。 Give me a love, send you a piece of green. 28、坚持团结治水,构建和谐流域。 Uphold unity and orrow. 英文环保标语 1、追求绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活。 The pursuit of green fashion, embrace green life. 2、风清水绿天蓝,我们美丽的家。 The y based, pollution control priority. 5、伸出你的手,伸出我的手,让纸屑远离我们的校园。 Hold out your hand, reach out my hand, and leave the paper a sandstorm no longer rampant, but also the earth a green matting. 11、小草给我一片绿,我给小草一份爱。 The grass gives me a piece of green, I give the grass a love. 12、环境你不爱,美景不常在。 Environment, you do not love, beautiful scenery is not often. 13、爱祖国,护绿化,保清洁,爱家园。 Love the motherland, protect the green, protect the clean, love the homeland. 14、保护环境,有益健康。 protecting the environment is good for your health. 15、加强环境宣传教育,提高全民环境意识。 We will strengthen environmental publicity and education and raise the awareness of the whole people in the environment. 16、节约能源,人人有责。 Save energy, is everyone"s responsibility. 17、小草正睡觉,勿入草坪来打扰。 The grass was sleeping off the grass to disturb. 18、为绿化环境做贡献,让地球妈妈更美丽。 Contribute to the greening of the environment, so that mother earth is more beautiful. 19、用一份绿的真诚,换一个绿的校园。 With a green sincere, change for a green campus. 20、校园整洁,大家开心。 The campus is clean and happy. 21、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。 To protect the environment is to cherish life. 22、请别乱坎树林,让空气更加清新。 please don"t mess in the e. 26、人类善待自然,就是善待自己。 Human nature is good to treat themselves. 27、轻轻地我走了,正如我轻轻地来。 Lightly I walked, as I gently came. 28、节能解危机,地球有转机。 Energy saving crisis, the earth has a turning point. 29、不要旁观,请加入行动者的行列。 Don"t look on the sidelines. please join the ranks of actors. 30、节能做的好,朝朝无烦恼。 Energy saving is good, no worries towards the future. 英文的环保标语 1、学校一片绿,学生心中一片春。 The school is green and the students are in the middle of spring. 2、环境保护,人人有责。 Environmental protection is everyone"s responsibility. 3、人的生命是有限的,保护环境是无限的。 Man"s life is limited, and the environment is infinite. 4、坚持团结治水,构建和谐流域。 Uphold unity and water control and build a harmonious watershed. 5、从小树立环保意识,做绿色人生使者。 From childhood to environmental awareness, green life messenger. 6、为了地球的生命,拯救我们的环境。 For the life of the earth, save our environment. 7、郁郁葱葱,创新州。 Lush and innovative states. 8、绿化环境,净化心灵。 Greening the environment and purifying the mind. 9、尊崇自然,敬畏生命。 Reverence for nature, reverence for life. 10、珍惜自然资源,共营生命绿色。 Cherish natural resources and share the green of life. 11、绿色是一种品牌,绿色是一种时尚,绿色是生命力的象征。 Green is a brand, green is a fashion, green is a symbol of vitality. 12、但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。 But keep fangcunde and stay eland, please start with minor matters. 20、老毛病,要根治,小问题,要重视。 Solve old problems radically and treat small problems attentively.
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cf是什么意思 cf详细解释如下

1、CF这个网络用语的意思指的是网络游戏《穿越火线》,那穿越火线被称为CF的原因是因为穿越火线的英文名称叫做CrossFire,大部分玩家会把CrossFire简称为CF,这也是CF的由来。 2、《穿越火线:枪战王者》是一款由韩国Smile gate研发商及腾讯游戏旗下天美工作室群打造发布的第一人称射击类手游。该游戏于2015年9月21日在国服进行了首测,并于2017年4月18日在韩服正式上线。
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editorial essay feature news区别

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(SCI收录论著57篇,第一或通讯作者21篇)1. Springsteel MF, Galietta LJ, Ma T, By K, Berger GO, Yang H, Dicus CW, Choung W, Quan C, Shelat AA, Guy RK, Verkman AS, Kurth MJ, Nantz MH. Benzoflavone activators of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator: towards a pharmacophore model for the nucleotide-binding domain. Bioorg Med Chem. 2003 Sep 1;11(18):4113-20. (影响因子:1.9)2.Sammelson RE, Ma T, Galietta LJ, Verkman AS, Kurth MJ. 3-(2-Benzyloxyphenyl)isoxazoles and isoxazolines: synthesis and evaluation as CFTR activators. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2003 Aug 4;13(15):2509-12. (影响因子:1.9)3. Yang H, Shelat AA, Guy RK, Gopinath VS, Ma T, Du K, Lukacs GL, Taddei A, Folli C, Pedemonte N, Galietta LJ, Verkman AS. Nanomolar affinity small molecule correctors of defective Delta F508-CFTR chloride channel gating. J Biol Chem. 2003 Sep 12;278(37):35079-85. (影响因子:7.258)4. Caci E, Folli C, Zegarra-Moran O, Ma T, Springsteel MF, Sammelson RE, Nantz MH, Kurth MJ, Verkman AS, Galietta LJ CFTR activation in human bronchial epithelial cells by novel benzoflavone and benzimidazolone compounds. AM J PHYSIOL-LUNG CELL MOL PHYSIOL. 2003 Jul;285(1):L180-L188.5. Ma TH, Thiagarajah JR, Yang H, Sonawane ND, Folli C, Galietta LJV, Verkman AS. Thiazolidinone CFTR inhibitor identified by high-throughput screening blocks cholera toxin-induced intestinal fluid secretion. J CLIN INVEST 110 (11): 1651-1658 DEC 2002(影响因子:14.118)6. Hara M, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Selectively reduced glycerol in skin of aquaporin-3-deficient mice may account for impaired skin hydration, elasticity, and barrier recovery. J BIOL CHEM 277 (48): 46616-46621 NOV 29 2002 (影响因子:7.258)  7. Ma TH, Vetrivel L, Yang H, Pedemonte N, Zegarra-Moran O, Galietta LJV, Verkman AS. High-affinity activators of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride conductance identified by high-throughput screening. J BIOL CHEM 277 (40): 37235-37241 OCT 4 2002(影响因子:7.258)  8. Ma TH, Hara M, Sougrat R, Verbavatz JM, Verkman AS. Impaired stratum corneum hydration in mice lacking epidermal water channel aquaporin-3. J BIOL CHEM 277 (19): 17147-17153 MAY 10 2002(影响因子:7.258)  9. Kim YH, Earm JH, Ma TH, Verkman AS, Knepper MA, Madsen KM, Kim J. Aquaporin-4 expression in adult and developing mouse and rat kidney. J AM SOC NEPHROL 12 (9): 1795-1804 SEP 2001(影响因子:6.337)  10. Yang H, Wu Y, Li YX, Ma TH, Huang BQ. Progress in studies of angiostatin and its anti-tumor effects. CHINESE SCI BULL 46 (6): 454-460 MAR 2001(影响因子:0.511)11. Verkman AS, Yang BX, Skach WR, Mitra A, Song YL, Manley GT, Ma TH. Genetic and biophysical approaches to study water channel biology. CURR TOP MEMBR 51: 185-233 2001  12. Yang BX, Ma TH, Verkman KS. Erythrocyte water permeability and renal function in double knockout mice lacking aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-3. J BIOL CHEM 276 (1): 624-628 JAN 5 2001(影响因子:7.258)  13. Ma TH, Jayaraman S, Wang KS, Song YL, Yang BX, Li J, Bastidas JA, Verkman AS. Defective dietary fat processing in transgenic mice lacking aquaporin-1 water channels. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 280 (1): C126-C134 JAN 2001(影响因子:3.896)  14. Song YL, Yang BX, Matthay MA, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Role of aquaporin water channels in pleural fluid dynamics. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 279 (6): C1744-C1750 DEC 2000 (影响因子:3.896)  15. Song YL, Fukuda N, Bai CX, Ma TH, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Role of aquaporins in alveolar fluid clearance in neonatal and adult lung, and in oedema formation following acute lung injury: studies in transgenic aquaporin null mice. J PHYSIOL-LONDON 525 (3): 771-779 JUN 15 2000 (影响因子:4.476)16. Wang KS, Komar AR, Ma TH, Filiz F, McLeroy J, Hoda H, Verkman AS. Bastidas JAGastric acid secretion in aquaporin-4 knockout mice. AM J PHYSIOL-GASTR L 279 (2): G448-G453 AUG 2000(影响因子:3.660)17. Wang KS, Ma TH, Filiz F, Verkman AS. Bastidas JA Colon water transport in transgenic mice lacking aquaporin-4 water channels. AM J PHYSIOL-GASTR L 279 (2): G463-G470 AUG 2000(影响因子:3.660)18. Yang BX, Verbavatz JM, Song YL, Vetrivel L, Manley G, Kao WM, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Skeletal muscle function and water permeability in aquaporin-4 deficient mice. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 278 (6): C1108-C1115 JUN 2000(影响因子:3.896)19. Moore M, Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS. Tear secretion by lacrimal glands in transgenic mice lacking water channels AQP1, AQP3, AQP4 and AQP5. EXP EYE RES 70 (5): 557-562 MAY 2000(影响因子:2.180)20. Ma TH, Song YL, Yang BX, Gillespie A, Carlson EJ, Epstein CJ, Verkman AS. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus in mice lacking aquaporin-3 water channels. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 97 (8): 4386-4391 APR 11 2000 (影响因子:10.896)21. Verkman AS, Yang BX, Song YL, Manley GT, Ma TH. Role of water channels in fluid transport studied by phenotype analysis of aquaporin knockout mice. EXP PHYSIOL 85: 233S-241S Sp. Iss. SI MAR 2000(影响因子:1.397)22. Yang BX, Ma TH, Dong JY, Verkman AS. Partial correction of the urinary concentrating defect in aquaporin-1 null mice by adenovirus-mediated gene delivery. HUM GENE THER 11 (4): 567-575 MAR 1 2000(影响因子:5.751)23. Van Hoek AN, Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS, Brown D. Aquaporin-4 is expressed in basolateral membranes of proximal tubule S3 segments in mouse kidney. AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL 278 (2): F310-F316 FEB 2000(影响因子:4.523)24. Yang BX, Fukuda N, van Hoek A, Matthay MA, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Carbon dioxide permeability of aquaporin-1 measured in erythrocytes and lung of aquaporin-1 null mice and in reconstituted proteoliposomes. J BIOL CHEM 275 (4): 2686-2692 JAN 28 2000(影响因子:7.258)25. Manley GT, Fujimura M, Ma TH, Noshita N, Filiz F, Bollen AW, Chan P, Verkman AS. Aquaporin-4 deletion in mice reduces brain edema after acute water intoxication and ischemic stroke. NAT MED 6 (2): 159-163 FEB 2000(影响因子:27.906)  26. Pallone TL, Edwards A, Ma TH, Silldorff EP, Verkman AS. Requirement of aquaporin-1 for NaCl-driven water transport across descending vasa recta. J CLIN INVEST 105 (2): 215-222 JAN 2000(影响因子:14.118)  27. Song LL, Ma TH, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Role of aquaporin-4 in airspace-to-capillary water permeability in intact mouse lung measured by a novel gravimetric method. J GEN PHYSIOL 115 (1): 17-27 JAN 2000 (影响因子:5.477)  28. Ma TH, Fukuda N, Song YL, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Lung fluid transport in aquaporin-5 knockout mice. J CLIN INVEST 105 (1): 93-100 JAN 2000(影响因子:14.118 )  29. Ma TH, Song YL, Gillespie A, Carlson EJ, Epstein CJ, Verkman AS. Defective secretion of saliva in transgenic mice lacking aquaporin-5 water channels. J BIOL CHEM 274 (29): 20071-20074 JUL 16 1999(影响因子:7.258)  30. Ma TH, Verkman AS. Aquaporin water channels in gastrointestinal physiology. J PHYSIOL-LONDON 517 (2): 317-326 JUN 1 1999(影响因子:4.476)31. Yang BX, Ma TH, Xu ZD, Verkman AS. cDNA and genomic cloning of mouse aquaporin-2: Functional analysis of an orthologous mutant causing nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. GENOMICS 57 (1): 79-83 APR 1 1999(影响因子:3.418)  32. Chou CL, Knepper MA, van Hoek AN, Brown D, Yang BX, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Reduced water permeability and altered ultrastructure in thin descending limb of Henle in aquaporin-1 null mice. J CLIN INVEST 103 (4): 491-496 FEB 1999(影响因子:14.118)  33. Bai CX, Fukuda N, Song YL, Ma TH, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Lung fluid transport in aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-4 knockout mice. J CLIN INVEST 103 (4): 555-561 FEB 1999 (影响因子:14.118)  34. Yang BX, Folkesson HG, Yang JA, Matthay MA, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Reduced osmotic water permeability of the peritoneal barrier in aquaporin-1 knockout mice. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 276 (1): C76-C81 JAN 1999(影响因子:3.896)  35. Schnermann J, Chou CL, Ma TH, Traynor T, Knepper MA, Verkman AS. Defective proximal tubular fluid reabsorption in transgenic aquaporin-1 null mice. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 95 (16): 9660-9664 AUG 4 1998(影响因子:10.896)36. Ma TH, Yang BX, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Evidence against a role of mouse, rat, and two cloned human T1 alpha isoforms as a water channel or a regulator of aquaporin-type water channels. AM J RESP CELL MOL 19 (1): 143-149 JUL 1998(影响因子:4.163)37. Ma TH, Yang BX, Gillespie A, Carlson EJ, Epstein CJ, Verkman AS. Severely impaired urinary concentrating ability in transgenic mice lacking aquaporin-1 water channels. J BIOL CHEM 273 (8): 4296-4299 FEB 20 1998(影响因子:7.258)  38. Chou CL, Ma TH, Yang BX, Knepper MA, Verkman S. Fourfold reduction of water permeability in inner medullary collecting duct of aquaporin-4 knockout mice. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 274 (2): C549-C554 FEB 1998(影响因子:3.896)  39. Verbavatz JM, Ma TH, Gobin R, Verkman AS. Absence of orthogonal arrays in kidney, brain and muscle from transgenic knockout mice lacking water channel aquaporin-4. J CELL SCI 110: 2855-2860 Part 22 NOV 1997(影响因子:6.213)  40. Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS. Cloning of a novel water and urea-permeable aquaporin from mouse expressed strongly in colon, placenta, liver, and heart. BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO 240 (2): 324-328 NOV 17 1997(影响因子:2.946)  41. Ma TH, Yang BX, Gillespie A, Carlson EJ, Epstein CJ, Verkman AS. Generation and phenotype of a transgenic knockout mouse lacking the mercurial-insensitive water channel aquaporin-4. J CLIN INVEST 100 (5): 957-962 SEP 1 1997(影响因子:14.118)  42. Ma TH, Yang BX, Umenishi F, Verkman AS. Closely spaced tandem arrangement of AQP2, AQP5, and AQP6 genes in a 27-kilobase segment at chromosome locus 12q13. GENOMICS 43 (3): 387-389 AUG 1 1997(影响因子:3.418)  43. Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS. cDNA cloning of a functional water channel from toad urinary bladder epithelium. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 271 (5): C1699-C1704 NOV 1996 (影响因子:3.896)  44. Ma TH, Yang BX, Kuo WL, Verkman AS. cDNA cloning and gene structure of a novel water channel expressed exclusively in human kidney: Evidence for a gene cluster of aquaporins at chromosome locus 12q13. GENOMICS 35 (3): 543-550 AUG 1 1996(影响因子:3.418)  45. Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS. Gene structure, cDNA cloning, and expression of a mouse mercurial-insensitive water channel. GENOMICS 33 (3): 382-388 MAY 1 1996(影响因子:3.418)  46. Verkman AS, VanHoek AN, Ma TH, Frigeri A, Skach WR, Mitra A, Tamarappoo BK, Farinas J. Water transport across mammalian cell membranes. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 270 (1): C12-C30 JAN 1996(影响因子:3.896)  47.YANG BX, MA TH, VERKMAN AS. cDNA cloning, gene organization, and chromosomal localization of a human mercurial insensitive water channel - evidence for distinct transcriptional units. J BIOL CHEM 270 (39): 22907-22913 SEP 29 1995(影响因子:7.258)  48. VERKMAN AS, SHI LB, FRIGERI A, HASEGAWA H, FARINAS J, MITRA A, SKACH W, BROWN D, VANHOEK AN, MA TH. Structure and function of kidney water channels. KIDNEY INT 48(4): 1069-1081 OCT 1995(影响因子:4.815)  49. Katsura T, Verbavatz Jm, Farinas J, Ma TH, Ausiello Da, Verkman As, Brown D. Constitutive And Regulated Membrane Expression of aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-2 water channels in stably transfected Llc-pk1 epithelial-cells. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 92 (16): 7212-7216 AUG 1 1995(影响因子:10.896)  50. SHI LB, SKACH WR, MA TH, VERKMAN AS. Distinct biogenesis mechanisms for the water channels miwc and chip28 at the endoplasmic-reticulum. BIOCHEMISTRY-US 34 (26): 8250-8256 JUL 4 1995(影响因子:4.114)  51. MA TH, FRIGERI A, HASEGAWA H, VERKMAN AS. Cloning of a water channel homolog expressed in brain meningeal cells and kidney collecting duct that functions as a Stilbene-sensitive glycerol transporter. J BIOL CHEM 269 (34): 21845-21849 AUG 26 1994 (影响因子:7.258)  52. VERBAVATZ JM, VANHOEK AN, MA TH, SABOLIC I, VALENTI G, ELLISMAN MH, AUSIELLO DA, VERKMAN AS, BROWN D. A 28 kda sarcolemmal antigen in kidney principal cell basolateral membranes - relationship to orthogonal arrays and mip26. J CELL SCI 107: 1083-1094 Part 4 APR 1994(影响因子:6.213)  53. MA TH, HASEGAWA H, SKACH WR, FRIGERI A, VERKMAN AS. Expression, functional analysis,and in-situ hybridization of a cloned rat-kidney collecting duct water channel. AM J PHYSIOL 266 (1): C189-C197 Part 1 JAN 1994 (影响因子:3.896)  54. HASEGAWA H, MA TH, SKACH W, MATTHAY MA, VERKMAN AS. Molecular-cloning of a mercurial-insensitive water channel expressed in selected water-transporting tissues. J BIOL CHEM 269 (8): 5497-5500 FEB 25 1994(影响因子:7.258)  55. MA TH, FRIGERI A, SKACH W, VERKMAN AS. Cloning of a novel rat-kidney cdna homologous to chip28 and wch-cd water channels. BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO 197 (2): 654-659 DEC 15 1993(影响因子:2.946)  56. VERBAVATZ J-M, BROWN D, SABOLIC I, VALENTI G, AUSIELLO DA, VAN DOEK AN, MA TH, AND VERKMAN AS. Tetrameric assembly of CHIP28 water channels in liposomes and cell membranes: A freeze-fracture study. J CELL BIOL 123(3): 605-618 NOV 1993(影响因子:12.915)  57. MA TH, FRIGERI A, TSAI ST, VERBAVATZ JM, VERKMAN AS. Localization and functional-analysis of chip28k water channels in stably transfected chinese-hamster ovary cells. J BIOL CHEM 268 (30): 22756-22764 OCT 25 1993(影响因子:7.258)
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环境是一个master主节点(和两个slave节点(执行stop-all.sh命令时,终端提示如下Bash/shell code?12345678910111213141516hadoop@hadoopmaster pids]$ cd $HADOOP_HOME/sbin[hadoop@hadoopmaster pids]$ stop-all.shThis script is Deprecated. Instead use and stop-yarn.shStopping namenodes on [hadoopmaster]hadoopmaster: stopping namenode192.168.31.132: stopping datanode192.168.31.131: stopping datanodeStopping secondary namenodes [hadoopmaster]hadoopmaster: stopping secondarynamenodestopping yarn daemonsstopping resourcemanager192.168.31.132: stopping nodemanager192.168.31.131: stopping nodemanager192.168.31.132: nodemanager did not stop gracefully after 5 seconds: killing with kill -9192.168.31.131: nodemanager did not stop gracefully after 5 seconds: killing with kill -9no proxyserver to stopslave节点记录yarn-hadoop-nodemanager-hadoopslaver01.log如下Bash/shell code?1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435362017-06-03 07:03:19,137 INFO Exception while invoking ResourceTrackerPBClientImpl.nodeHeartbeat over null. Retrying after sleeping for End of File Exception between local host is: "hadoopslaver01/"; destination host is: "hadoopmaster":8031; :; For more details see: htp/EOFException at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at at at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client.getRpcResponse( at at at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtobufRpcEngine$Invoker.invoke( at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtobufRpcEngine$Invoker.invoke( at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy73.nodeHeartbeat(Unknown Source) at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.api.impl.pb.client.ResourceTrackerPBClientImpl.nodeHeartbeat( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at$Call.invokeMethod( at$Call.invoke( at$Call.invokeOnce( at at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy74.nodeHeartbeat(Unknown Source) at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.NodeStatusUpdaterImpl$ at by: at at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$IpcStreams.readResponse( at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$Connection.receiveRpcResponse( at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$ 07:03:23,452 ERROR org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.NodeManager: RECEIVED SIGNAL 15: SIGTERM2017-06-03 07:03:24,458 INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: hadoopmaster/ Already tried 0 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS)2017-06-03 07:03:25,460 INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: hadoopmaster/ Already tried 1 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS)2017-06-03 07:03:26,461 INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: hadoopmaster/ Already tried 2 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS)2017-06-03 07:03:27,462 INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: hadoopmaster/ Already tried 3 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS)更多0hadoop 是用的什么版本? 注意:只有 hadoop 3.0 才支持“一主多从”架构。而且 hadoop 3.0 现在还只是 alpha 4版本,还不建议用于生产环境。
2023-08-01 11:31:321

连词,真的,用英语这么说? truely?还是truly

2023-08-01 11:31:315


考研是必须考英语的。 英语是研究生考试的必考科目。英语考试是为高等学校和科研机构招收硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的全国统一入学考试科目。 扩展资料   其目的是科学、公正、有效地测试考生对英语语言的`运用能力,评价的标准时高等学校非英语专业本科毕业生所能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以保证被录取者具有一定的英语水平,并有利于各高等学校和科研院所在专业上择优选拔。
2023-08-01 11:31:291


Function GBtoUTF8(szInput) Dim wch, uch, szRet Dim x Dim nAsc, nAsc2, nAsc3 "如果输入参数为空,则退出函数 If szInput = "" Then GBtoUTF8= szInput Exit Function End If "开始转换 For x = 1 To Len(szInput) wch = Mid(szInput, x, 1) nAsc = AscW(wch) If nAsc < 0 Then nAsc = nAsc + 65536 If (nAsc And &HFF80) = 0 Then szRet = szRet & wch Else If (nAsc And &HF000) = 0 Then uch = "%" & Hex(((nAsc 2 ^ 6)) Or &HC0) & Hex(nAsc And &H3F Or &H80) szRet = szRet & uch Else uch = "%" & Hex((nAsc 2 ^ 12) Or &HE0) & "%" & _ Hex((nAsc 2 ^ 6) And &H3F Or &H80) & "%" & _ Hex(nAsc And &H3F Or &H80) szRet = szRet & uch End If End If Next GBtoUTF8= szRetEnd Function
2023-08-01 11:31:261


2023-08-01 11:31:234

truly信利额温枪如何使用 怎么用Truly信利额温枪测量体温

1、truly信利额温枪上面有“SET”、“MEMO”、“MODE”三个按钮,其中“SET”键可以控制声音,按下后出现小喇叭的图标表示测量后悔播报声音,“OFF”代表关闭声音。 2、“MEMO”代表记忆功能,按下按钮后会显示记忆+数字,数字代表记忆几个温度,可供查看。 3、按下“MODE”会显示“体温”和“物体温度”两种,顾名思义,前者代表测量的是人体体温,后者代表测量的是物体体温,针对不同的情况,应对应选择相应的测量模式。 4、使用额温枪测量体温时,只需将额温枪对准额头即可测量。 5、truly信利额温枪(红外线测温仪)针对量测人体额温基准设计,使用非常简单、方便。1秒可准确测温,无镭射点,免除对眼睛之潜在伤害,不需接触人体皮肤,避免交叉感染,一键测温,排查流感。适合家庭用户、宾馆、图书馆、大型企事业单位,也可以用于医院、学校、海关、机场等综合性场所,还可以提供给医务人员在诊所使用。
2023-08-01 11:31:221

在投稿时有original research,editorial,review和preface等几项要选,一般选哪一项

2023-08-01 11:31:201


2023-08-01 11:31:191


2023-08-01 11:31:1512


mkdir -p /mongodb/data/master mkdir -p /mongodb/data/slaver mkdir -p /mongodb/data/arbiter #三个目录分别对应主,备,仲裁节点 2.建立配置文件由于配置比较多,所以我们将配置写到文件里。
2023-08-01 11:31:141


True只能用作形容词、名词或者动词。 Truly只能用作副词用在动词或者形容词前后。True一般不单独使用,truly可以单独使用。比如有人提出一个观点,你表示同意,可以说That"s true,也可以说truly。
2023-08-01 11:31:122


columnn.[C]1. 圆柱The dome was supported by nine columns.这圆顶由九根柱子支撑。2. 圆柱状物[(+of)]3. (报纸的)栏,段He always read the sports column in the Times.他总是阅读《泰晤士报》的体育栏。4. (报纸,杂志的)短评栏,专栏5. (士兵的)纵队;小分遣队;(船舰,车辆等的)纵列[G]6. 【数】行(台湾),列(大陆)editoriala.1. 编辑(上)的;编者的;主管的Hearst expanded his editorial staff.赫斯特扩大了他的编辑部。2. 社论的;社论式的n.1. (报刊的)社论;(电台,电视台的)重要评论He writes editorials for the newspaper.他为这家报纸撰写社论
2023-08-01 11:31:111