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求:Tori Amos的Winter的英文歌词。

2023-07-31 18:04:05

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星




Winter--Tori Amos


Winter 冬季

Snow can wait 雪花可以等一等,

I fot my 1)mittens 我忘了戴手套。

Wipe my nose, 擦擦鼻子,

Get my new boots on 穿上新棉靴。

I get a little 2)warm in my heart 一想到冬天,

When I think of winter 心里就会感到一阵温暖。

I put my hand in my father"s glove 我戴上父亲的手套。

I run off 我跑开了,

Where the 3)drifts get deeper 雪越积越厚。

Sleeping Beauty 4)trips me with a frown 睡美人皱皱眉,把我绊倒了。

I hear a voice: 我听见有个声音说,

"You must learn to

5)stand up 你必须学会站起来,

For yourself 为你自己。

"Cause I can"t always be around" 因为我不能总在你身边。

He says when you gonna

6)make up your mind 他说,你什么时候才能下定决心?

When you gonna love you as much as I do 你什么时候能够像我爱你那样爱你自己?

When you gonna make up your mind 你什么时候才能下定决心?

"Cause things are gonna change so fast 因为这世界变化太快。

7)All the white horses are still in bed 冬天还没有到来,

I tell you that I"ll always 8)want you near 我告诉你我想让你永远在我身边,

You say that things change, my dear 你说,世事无常,亲爱的。

Boys get discovered 男孩子们又开始活跃起来,

9)As winter melts 冬雪化去,

Flowers peting for the sun 鲜花苦争春。

Years go by 年复一年,

And I"m here still waiting 我还在等待,

10)Withering where some snowman was 等待着那个雪人。

Mirror, mirror 魔镜,魔镜,告诉我,

Where"s the 11)Crystal Palace 水晶宫在哪里?

But I only can see myself 但是我只看见自己,

12)Skating around the truth who I am 在苦苦追问我到底是谁。

But I know, Dad, 13)the ice is getting thin 但我知道,爸爸,真相就要大白。

Hair is grey 头发已经花白,

And the fires are burning 炉子里的火还在燃烧,

14)So many dreams on the shelf 还有很多未实现的梦想。

You say I wanted you to be proud of me 你说我想让你为我骄傲,

I always wanted 15)that myself 其实我也想为自己骄傲。

When you gonna make up your mind 你什么时候才能下定决心?

When you gonna love you as much as I do 你什么时候能够像我爱你那样爱你自己?

When you gonna make up your mind 你什么时候才能下定决心?

"Cause things are gonna change so fast 因为这世界变化太快。

16)All the white horses have gone ahead 很多年已经过去。

I tell you that I"ll always want you near 我告诉你我想让你永远在我身边,

You say that things change, my dear 你说,世事无常,亲爱的。

Never change 永远不会变,

All the white horses 那些遥远的冬天。

视频; 51mtv***********



2023-07-31 14:10:542


我在找一双棒球/拳击手套 I am looking for a pair of mittens. 我正在寻找一双(连指)手套
2023-07-31 14:11:351

mittens 缩写

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It was the day before Easter and Peter Cottontail was very busy. As the Chief Easter Bunny, it was his job to hide all the eggs for all the Easter egg hunts around the world. 时间是复活节之前,皮特很忙。作为主要的复活节兔子,他的工作是将所有的为全世界复活节狩猎所需要的蛋藏起来。 Peter wanted to be sure that he had enough of the beautifully colored eggs for everyone. So he was counting them all. But he kept getting distracted and losing count. 皮特想确定他有充足的为复活节而准备的美丽的彩蛋。所以他正在把它们都数一数。但是他一直分神而忘了数的数字。 First, Peter thought he heard the meow of one little kitten.But he didn"t see a kitten.Next he thought he heard two meows from two kittens, but he still didn"t see anything. 开始,皮特想他听到了一只小猫的叫声。但是他看不见一只小猫。接着他想他听到了两只小猫的声音,但是他依然什么都看不见。 Then Peter thought he heard three meows from three little kittens. 然后皮特想他看见了三只小猫的声音。 "Maybe they"re outside,"thought Peter. So,he opened the door and sure engough... “也许他们在外面,”皮特想。所以他打开门来看个清楚... There sat three unhappy,little kittens. Peter asked them what was wrong. 那里坐着三只不愉快的小猫。皮特问他们有什么麻烦。 "We were playing hide-and-seek with our mittens,"explained the kittens."We are very good at hiding,but we are not very good at seeking.And now our mittens are lost." “我们用我们的拳击手套玩了‘藏了找"的游戏,”小猫们解释。“我们擅长藏,但是我们不擅长找。现在我们的拳击手套找不到了。” "If you help me count my eggs,then I can help you find your mittens,"Peter told them. “假如你们帮助我数我的蛋,然后我就能够帮助你们找到你们的拳击手套,”皮特告诉他们。 The three little kittens were so happy that they began to dance and sing. 那三只小猫如此地高兴以致他们又跳舞又唱歌。 Everyone went into the house and,one-two-three,they counted all the eggs.There were enough eggs for everyone and even three too many. 每个人都进入屋子,一、二、三,他们数了所有的蛋。为每个人准备的蛋是充足的,甚至还多出了三个。 "Great!"said Peter."It"s good to have extra eggs,just in case any break.Now let"s find your mittens." “太好了!”皮特说。“有多余的蛋很好,恰好预防破蛋的情况。现在让我们来找你的拳击手套。” Off went Peter Cottontail and the three little kittens,with Peter Cottontail hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up. 皮特和三只小猫走出去,皮特跳着大兔步,而三只小猫则跑在后面跟着他。 First,they passed a house made of straw-but no one was there. 首先,他们经过了一个由稻草制成的房子,但是每人在家。 Next they passed a house made of sticks.No one was home there either. 接着他们来到一个有树枝做成的房子,也没人在家。 Finally,they came to a very nice house made of bricks. 最后他们来到一个由砖头制成的房子。 Peter and the three kittens knocked on the door of the pretty brick brick.Soon,three little pigs came out to meet them. 皮特和三只小猫敲打那个精美的小屋的门。不久,三只小猪出来迎接他们。 "Welcome!Welcome!"said the three little pigs."We are so glad to have visitors.The Big Bad Wolf chased all our friends away and no one visit us anymore.Won"t you come in for a while?" “欢迎!欢迎!”三只小猪说。“我们很高兴有人来拜访我们。大坏狼赶走了我们的所有的朋友,再也没人来拜访我们了。你们不进来呆一会吗?” Peter and the kittens explained that they were looking for the kittens" lost mittens.This made the kittens so sad that they began to cry. 皮特和三个小猫解释他们在寻找小猫丢失的拳击手套。这件事让小猫们哭了起来。 "Don"t cry,little kittens,"said the three pigs."We haven"t see any mittens,but you are welcome to look around." “不要哭,小猫,”三只小猪说,“我们没有看见什么拳击手套。但是欢迎你们在附近找找。” So everyone looked,but they didn"t find the kitten"s mittens. 所以每个人一起看了看,但是他们没有发现小猫的拳击手套。 "You should ask Humpty Dumpty,"suggested the three little pigs."He sits so high up on his wall that he sees everything.Maybe he has seen your mittens."Peter and the three kittens thanked the pigs and said good-bye.Then off they went. “你们应该问问汉仆.达谱,”三只小猪建议。“他坐在他家的很高的墙上让他能看见每件事情。也许他看见了你们的拳击手套。” Before long,they came to a very high wall with a strange,little man sitting on top. 不久,他们来到一堵非常高的墙面前,一个陌生的,很小的人坐在墙上。 "Excuse me,"said Peter Cottontail,"Are you Humpty Dumpty?" “对不起,”皮特说,“你是汉仆.达谱吗?” "Yes,I am,"said the man,"How can I help you?" “是的,”那个人说,“我能帮助你们吗?” Once again,the three little kittens explained how they lost their mittens.And they became so sad that again they began to cry. 三只小猫把怎么丢失拳击手套的事又解释了一遍。他们如此地伤心以致他们哭了。 "Do not cry,little kittens,"said Humpty Dumpty."This morning I saw three little kittens hide their mittens in the tall grass next to the Babbling Brook." “不要哭,小猫,”汉仆.达谱说,“今天早上我看见三只小猫在胡说河边的高草中藏他们的拳击手套。” The three litten kittens began to dance and sing. 三只小猫开始又跳又唱。 "Now we remember!Thank you,thank you!"they cheered. “现在我们记得了!谢谢你,谢谢你!”他们欢呼。 Peter was very happy to have helped the kittens.But suddenly he remembered about Easter. 皮特很高兴帮助了小猫。但是突然他记得了复活节。 "Oh no!"he cried."It is almost Easter and I haven"t hidden any eggs yet!What will I do?" “哦,不!”他喊,“几乎到了复活节了,我还没有将蛋藏好呢!我该怎么办呢?” "Don"t worry."said the three little kittens."You have seen that we are good at hiding things.We will help you hide the eggs." “不要害怕。”三只小猫说。“你看见了我们擅长藏东西。我们将帮助你来藏蛋。” Peter accepted their help and off everyone rushed,with Peter hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up. 皮特接受了他们的帮助,每个人跑起来,皮特跳着大兔步,小猫们在后面奔跑着追赶。 By Easter morning,everything was finished.Best of all,none of the eggs had broken.So Peter gave the three extra eggs to the three little kittens as thanks for all their help. 到了复活节早上,每件事都完成了。的是,没有一个蛋被弄破。所以皮特将三个多余的蛋送给了三只小猫作为对他们的帮助的感谢
2023-07-31 14:15:131

帮忙找一篇描写动物的英语作文 急用. 要有形状、外貌、特征

As a cat lover, I always dreamed of having a furry friend of my own. One day, my dream came true when my family adopted a little kitten. Our little cat, whose name is Mittens, is truly one of a kind.Mittens is a small, but healthy cat that has a unique shape. She is round and plump, with soft, fluffy fur that is black and white in color. Her eyes are big and bright, with pupils that can dilate to show her true emotions. Her paws are soft and small, perfect for her tiny size.Despite her small size, Mittens has some big personality traits. She is incredibly playful and curious, always seeking out new places to explore and new toys to play with. Her favorite toy is a little ball of yarn, which she will chase around the house for hours on end. She also loves to snuggle up next to anyone who will give her some attention, and will purr contentedly for hours.Overall, Mittens is the most adorable and lovable little cat that anyone could ask for. She is like a ray of sunshine in our home, bringing joy and happiness into our lives with every meow and purr.
2023-07-31 14:15:582

the gloves are coming off是什么意思

  芸众生来说都是一样的,生老病死花开花谢终是一场轮回,而历史的天空仍然艳阳高照,历史的长河依然奔流不息.正如老子所说:“万物并作,吾以观复”.  无论生死得失,都无须悲戚哀绝,不必有悔意、不必有牵恋.这样才可远离红尘喧嚣,求得心灵平静.  叔本华说:“你想拥有的越多,你就越痛苦”;  郑板桥说,人生贵在“难得糊涂”.  雾里看花花曼妙,水中望月月朦胧.  人生就是一段“放下”的旅程!年少时我们需要放下贪欲和复杂;中年时我们需要放下名利和挣扎;老年时我们需要放下悔意和浮华.一切随风,如剔透的水晶红尘终化.  学会放下,活在当下!  象庄子一样,泛起不系之舟,饱食而遨游
2023-07-31 14:16:342


Rhino:You can, Bolt. Because all around the planet, there are animals who feel like they cannot, like a little hamster, who once spends his day in the vehicle park dreaming the day when he, too, save the little girl from danger and be told, "you did! you did, rhino. You saved the day." They need a hero, bolt. Someone no matter what they are or do what is right. They need a hero to tell them that, sometimes, impossible can become possible, if you are awesome!瑞诺:因为在这整个星球之上,动物们都感觉好像他们做不到。像一只小仓鼠,曾在一个旅游车停车场度过它的每天。整天梦想着自己也把一个小女孩从危险中救出时能她说道:“你做到了!你做到了,瑞诺!你成功了。” 他们需要一个英雄,波特!有些人,不在乎什么胜算,只愿做对的事情。他们需要一名英雄来告诉他们,有时不可能的事情,如果你非常棒,就能变为可能!Bolt:There will be danger.Rhino:I eat danger for breakfast!Bolt:Are you hungry?Rhino:〔cracks neck〕 Starving!波特:“那会很危险。”瑞诺:“我每天早晨将危险当作早餐!”波特:“你很饿么?”瑞诺:“(大吼)饿死了!”Mittens:Where are you going?Rhino:To Bolt.Mittens:But he doesn"t need us any more...Rhino:Trust me, I"ve seen that a million times before. In a cold, dark night before the battle when the steely fangs of evil are sharpened and points to strike, the hero must go and face his greatest challenge alone. But if Bolt"s thaught me anything, it"s you never abandon a friend in a time of need!When your team mates in trouble, you go.Whether they ask or not, you go!Not knowing if you"re coming back ded or alive...(Mittens:He went the other way~) go!Knowing your deepest ravel it"s gonna appears your eye, you go!密坦丝:你去哪?瑞诺:去找波特。密坦丝:可他不再需要我们了...瑞诺:相信我,我以前已经见过100万次了,在战斗前寒冷的黑夜里当邪恶的钢牙锋利的而且尖尖的刺入,英雄必须单独面对他最大的挑战。但是如果波特曾经教过我什么,那就是绝不在你的朋友需要你的时候放弃他!当你的队友遇到麻烦时,你就去。无论他们是否要求,你就去!不知道回来时是生是死...(密坦丝:他走另一边~)...你就去!看到你内心深处的纠结从你眼睛中流露,你就去!
2023-07-31 14:17:201


我觉得是这首歌:20170118打卡儿歌Three Little Kittens(1)Three little kittens They lost their mittens And they began to cry Oh, mother dear, we sadly fear Our mittens we have lost 20170119打卡儿歌 Three Little Kittens(2)What lost your mittens You naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie Meow, meow, meow, meow You shall have no pie我们儿歌群里学过的。关注“小满娘的英文儿歌乐园“,我们可以一起免费学英文儿歌。
2023-07-31 14:17:391


  衣物英语单词顺口溜之:鞋帽袜子篇   Boot 靴子好漂亮,   Sandals 凉鞋真凉爽。   hat帽子戴头上,   mittens手套暖洋洋,   pants裤子两腿长,   socks袜子穿脚上。   Slippers拖鞋很舒坦,   Sneakers网鞋不一般。   衣物英语单词顺口溜:   Socks袜子穿里边, shoes鞋子真美观;   pants裤子最常见, jeans牛仔不一般;   sweater毛衣真保暖,shorts短裤人人穿;   jacket夹克挡风寒,shirt、shirt男衬衫;   dress连衣裙女人穿,skirt短裙很好看;   T-shirt T恤很随便。
2023-07-31 14:18:081


通过用逗号分隔每个字词,您可以比较最多五个字词。例如,若要比较“棒球手套”和“游泳衣”的趋势信息,仅需输入棒球手套, 游泳衣,然后点击“搜索趋势”即可。要了解有多少搜索包含上述两个字词之一,仅需使用竖线(“|”)将其分隔。|. 例如,若要确定多少搜索包含“棒球手套”或“手套”,需输入棒球手套 | 手套。要比较多单词的字词,需使用括号。例如,若要了解多少搜索包含“winter mittens”(冬季棒球手套)或“gloves”(手套)之一,可输入 (winter mittens) | gloves;否则,我们将认为您要查询的是有关“winter mittens”(冬季棒球手套)或“winter gloves”(冬季手套)的所有搜索。要从搜索结果中排除字词,可使用减号。例如,若要了解多少搜索包含“地图”且不包含“google”,可输入地图 -google。要使搜索结果仅包含您按特定顺序输入的字词,需为字词加上引号。(默认情况下,Google 趋势将显示以任意顺序包含您输入字词的所有搜索。)注:当您使用上述任一项高级功能(引号、减号或竖线)时,Google 趋势将仅显示搜索量图表。目前,该产品的资讯部分尚不支持高级功能。
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2023-07-31 14:18:493


这是xenomorph001我随便注册的一个 ,上面超过了修改上限最后一句打错了,是说最后,欢迎到百度的闪电狗吧来,有问题我为您解答
2023-07-31 14:19:082


毛羊面料。shearling,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“剪过一次毛的羊”。a shearling 羊毛单品Shearling Collar 毛羊皮大翻领shearling jacket 羊毛夹克Shearling mittens 鲜红色毛绒手套Shearling Coat 羔羊毛外套 ; 剪羊毛大衣 ; 羊羔毛外套 ; 毛制成的珍贵外套羊毛(wool)是纺织工业的重要原料,它具有弹性好、吸湿性强、保暖性好等优点。但由于价格高,对非织造布的生产来说,使用不多。采用好羊毛生产的非织造布,仅限于针刺制造毛毯、高级针刺毡等不多的一些高级工业用布。一般采用的是羊毛加工中的短毛、粗毛,通过针刺、缝编等方法生产地毯的托垫布、针刺地毯的夹心层、绝热保暖材料等产品。这类羊毛的长度不一,含杂高,可纺性差,加工较困难,产品可以经过化学后处理,以提高质量。羊毛纺织品以其华贵高雅、穿着舒适的天然风格而著称,特别是羊绒有着“软黄金”之美名。
2023-07-31 14:19:231

The Three Little Kittens 歌词

歌手:Twins歌名:The Three Little KittensThe Three little kittensThey lost their mittens and they began to cry"Oh mother dear she hears she hears"What!" Lost your mittens you naughty kittensThen you shall have no pie"Meow meow meow meow we shall have no pie"The Three little kittensThey found they mittens And they began to cry"Oh mother dear she hears she hears she hearA mittens we have found""What! Found your mittens you good little kittensAnd then you shall have some pie""Meow meow meow meow we shall have some pie"
2023-07-31 14:19:451


mitten的读音为:[u02c8mu026atn]。一、基本信息1、mitten的含义:连指手套;露指手套。2、复数形式:mittens。3、英英释义:glove that encases the thumb separately and the other four fingers together.二、词组短语及近义词1、mitten crab:中华绒蝥蟹(例如河蟹等)。2、glove和mitten都有“手套”的意思,其区别是:glove指普通分成5指的手套。mitten指拇指分开而其余4指连在一起的手套。三、英语例句1、In winter she wears mittens.冬天时她戴连指手套。2、I have a pair of leather mittens.我有一副皮连指手套。3、She said that she had been given the mitten.她说她的求婚被拒绝了4、She had given her ex-boyfriend the mitten and married an old man.她拒绝她以前的男朋友而嫁给了一个老头子。
2023-07-31 14:20:041


1、含义:手套;连指手套;猫咪爱牛奶;练习手套。2、短语:diving mittens 潜水手套。3、例句:You can also tuck disposable heat packets into your mittens. 你也可以在手套里塞上一些一次性的热袋。
2023-07-31 14:20:451


mitts是mittens的缩写 mittens是指那种只有大拇指和其他4个手指一起的2个部分的手套 gloves是指那种5个手指是分开的的手套
2023-07-31 14:21:521


手套跟钻石戒指。一对手套跟一个钻石戒指,带到马群中,十字架面前耳环跟一套钥匙在倒落的树面前丢失。它们不想被发现不是现在把窗击破的石头还在草中高中学生跟他们的错给予道路新的名字因为他们不要被发现像小丑为一个皇冠流血说谎一个墓地在被践踏过的雪中沉睡的灵魂,相识的尸骨融着的蜡在冷硬的石板上在我们到之前造好道路因为我们不要被发现转身迷失了思想,脸在土上 大声地笑
2023-07-31 14:22:012


问题一:一副手套用英语怎么说 a pair of gloves/mittens 问题二:一副手套的英文怎么说谢谢 a pair of gloves 问题三:一副手套的英文 a serious of glove 问题四:给你一副手套。用英文怎么说? 给你一副手套。 Give you a pair of gloves. 给你一副手套。 Give you a pair of gloves. 问题五:手套用英语怎么说? glove [^lQv] n. 手套 vt. 戴手套 glove [^lQv] n. (一般指五指分开的)手套 拳击[棒球]手套 a pair of gloves 一副手套 Excuse my gloves. 对不起, 没有脱手套(握手时的客套话)。 glove [^lQv] vt. 给(手)戴手套 作...手套 向...提供手套 gloveman [`^lQvmEn] n. (棒球)外野手 glovelike adj. 象手套的 gloveless adj. glover [^lQvE(r)] n. 手套制造者; 手套商 as right as my glove 完全正确 a (the) velvet glove 内里强硬表面温和的东西, 表面温和 bite one"s glove 复仇 fight with the gloves off 真刀真枪地战斗, 你死我活地战斗 fight with the glove on 斯文地争辩[战斗] fit like a glove 恰好, 完全合适 go for the gloves 孤注一掷; 不顾一切, 蛮干 handle with gloves 灵活处理, 温和、小心对待 handle with kid gloves 灵活处理, 温和、小心对待 treat with gloves 灵活处理, 温和、小心对待 treat with kid gloves 灵活处理, 温和、小心对待 handle without gloves 严厉对待, 大刀阔斧地处理 put on gloves 对敌手进行温和的攻击 put on the gloves [口](与人)拳击 take off the gloves to *** . 与某人认真地或不宽容地争辩 take up the glove 应战 The gloves are off. 认真起来。 throw down theglove 挑战 without gloves (=with the gloves off) 毫不留情地 a *** estos glove 石棉手套 bag glove (打沙袋用的)练习手套 canvas gauntlet glove 长筒帆布手套 catching glove (守门员)抓球手套 cotton leather-palm glove 掌部革制的棉手套 electrode charging glove 装电极手套(自耗电弧炉的构件) fencing glove 击剑手套 fingered glove 带指手套 gas-protective glove 防毒手套 kid glove 小山羊皮白手套 leather glove 皮手套 riding glove 骑手的手套 shooting glove 射击手套 touch sensitive glove 超薄手套 webbed glove 手蹼...>> 问题六:一双手套用英语怎么说 一双手套 A pair of gloves 问题七:你想要一副手套吗用英文怎么说 Do you want a pair of gloves
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   英语单词顺口溜   1、Socks袜子穿里边, shoes鞋子真美观;   pants裤子最常见, jeans牛仔不一般;   sweater毛衣真保暖,shorts短裤人人穿;   jacket夹克挡风寒,shirt、shirt男衬衫;   dress连衣裙女人穿,skirt短裙很好看;   T-shirt T恤很随便。   2、Boot 靴子好漂亮,   Sandals 凉鞋真凉爽。   hat帽子戴头上,   mittens手套暖洋洋,   pants裤子两腿长,   socks袜子穿脚上。   Slippers拖鞋很舒坦,   Sneakers网鞋不一般。   3、小黑熊,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。   画片天空是蓝色,blue,blue 是蓝色;   画片云彩是白色,white,white是白色;   画个太阳红彤彤,red ,red是红色;   画片草地绿荫荫,green ,green是绿色;   画串香蕉是黄色,( ) yellow ,yellow是黄色;   画只猴子是棕色,brown ,brown是棕色;   画个橘子是橙色,orange ,orange是橙色;   4、Marker 彩笔颜色多,   Pen是钢笔不用说,   Pencil 铅笔最实用,   Ruler尺子量一量,   Rubber橡皮擦错字   Crayon蜡笔有花样   Pencil-case 文具盒,   Blackboard 都会说。   Go to school来学习,   各种知识在book里,   用完装进bag里。
2023-07-31 14:22:181


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 快 解析: 时间是复活节之前,皮特很忙。作为主要的复活节兔子,他的工作是将所有的为全世界复活节狩猎所需要的蛋藏起来。 Peter wanted to be sure that he had enough of THE beautifully colored eggs for everyone.So he was counting THEm all.But he kept getting distracted and losing count. 皮特想确定他有充足的为复活节而准备的美丽的彩蛋。所以他正在把它们都数一数。但是他一直分神而忘了数的数字。First,Peter thought he heard THE meow of one little kitten.But he didn"t see a kitten.Next he thought he heard o meows from o kittens,but he still didn"t see anything. THEn Peter thought he heard three meows from three little kittens. Maybe THEy"re outside,thought Peter.So,he opened THE door and sure engough... 开始,皮特想他听到了一只小猫的叫声。但是他看不见一只小猫。接着他想他听到了两只小猫的声音,但是他依然什么都看不见。 然后皮特想他看见了三只小猫的声音。 “也许他们在外面,”皮特想。所以他打开门来看个清楚... THEre sat three unhappy,little kittens.Peter asked THEm what was wrong. We were playing hide-and-seek with our mittens,explained THE kittens.We are very good at hiding,but we are not very good at seeking.And now our mittens are lost. If you help me count my eggs,THEn I can help you find your mittens,Peter told THEm. THE three little kittens were so happy that THEy began to dance and sing. 那里坐着三只不愉快的小猫。皮特问他们有什么麻烦。 “我们用我们的拳击手套玩了‘藏了找"的游戏,”小猫们解释。“我们擅长藏,但是我们不擅长找。现在我们的拳击手套找不到了。” “假如你们帮助我数我的蛋,然后我就能够帮助你们找到你们的拳击手套,”皮特告诉他们。 那三只小猫如此地高兴以致他们又跳舞又唱歌。 Everyone went into THE house and,one-o-three,THEy counted all THE eggs.THEre were enough eggs for everyone and even three too many. GREat!said Peter.It"s good to have extra eggs,just in case any break.Now let"s find your mittens. Off went Peter Cottontail and THE three little kittens,with Peter Cottontail hopping big-bunny hops and THE kittens racing along to keep up. 每个人都进入屋子,一、二、三,他们数了所有的蛋。为每个人准备的蛋是充足的,甚至还多出了三个。 “太好了!”皮特说。“有多余的蛋很好,恰好预防破蛋的情况。现在让我们来找你的拳击手套。” 皮特和三只小猫走出去,皮特跳着大兔步,而三只小猫则跑在后面跟着他。 First,THEy passed a house made of straw-but no one was THEre. Next THEy passed a house made of sticks.No one was home THEre eiTHEr. Finally,THEy came to a very nice house made of bricks. Peter and THE three kittens knocked on THE door of THE pretty brick brick.Soon,three little pigs came out to meet THEm. Wele!Wele!said THE three little pigs.We are so glad to have visitors.THE Big Bad Wolf chased all our friends away and no one visit us anymore.Won"t you e in for a while? 首先,他们经过了一个由稻草制成的房子,但是每人在家。 接着他们来到一个有树枝做成的房子,也没人在家。 最后他们来到一个由砖头制成的房子。 皮特和三只小猫敲打那个精美的小屋的门。不久,三只小猪出来迎接他们。 “欢迎!欢迎!”三只小猪说。“我们很高兴有人来拜访我们。大坏狼赶走了我们的所有的朋友,再也没人来拜访我们了。你们不进来呆一会吗?” Peter and THE kittens explained that THEy were looking for THE kittens" lost mittens.This made THE kittens so sad that THEy began to cry. Don"t cry,little kittens,said THE three pigs.We haven"t see any mittens,but you are wele to look around. So everyone looked,but THEy didn"t find THE kitten"s mittens. 皮特和三个小猫解释他们在寻找小猫丢失的拳击手套。这件事让小猫们哭了起来。 “不要哭,小猫,”三只小猪说,“我们没有看见什么拳击手套。但是欢迎你们在附近找找。” 所以每个人一起看了看,但是他们没有发现小猫的拳击手套。 You should ask Humpty Dumpty,suggested THE three little pigs.He sits so high up on his wall that he sees everything.Maybe he has seen your mittens. Peter and THE three kittens thanked THE pigs and said good-bye.THEn off THEy went. “你们应该问问汉仆.达谱,”三只小猪建议。“他坐在他家的很高的墙上让他能看见每件事情。也许他看见了你们的拳击手套。” Before long,THEy came to a very high wall with a strange,little man sitting on top. Excuse me,said Peter Cottontail,Are you Humpty Dumpty? Yes,I am,said THE man,How can I help you? 不久,他们来到一堵非常高的墙面前,一个陌生的,很小的人坐在墙上。 “对不起,”皮特说,“你是汉仆.达谱吗?” “是的,”那个人说,“我能帮助你们吗?” Once again,THE three little kittens explained how THEy lost THEir mittens.And THEy became so sad that again THEy began to cry. Do not cry,little kittens,said Humpty Dumpty.This morning I saw three little kittens hide THEir mittens in THE tall grass next to THE Babbling Brook. THE three litten kittens began to dance and sing. Now we remember!Thank you,thank you!THEy cheered. 三只小猫把怎么丢失拳击手套的事又解释了一遍。他们如此地伤心以致他们哭了。 “不要哭,小猫,”汉仆.达谱说,“今天早上我看见三只小猫在胡说河边的高草中藏他们的拳击手套。” 三只小猫开始又跳又唱。 “现在我们记得了!谢谢你,谢谢你!”他们欢呼。 Peter was very happy to have helped THE kittens.But suddenly he remembered about Easter. Oh no!he cried.It is almost Easter and I haven"t hidden any eggs yet!What will I do? 皮特很高兴帮助了小猫。但是突然他记得了复活节。 “哦,不!”他喊,“几乎到了复活节了,我还没有将蛋藏好呢!我该怎么办呢?” Don"t worry.said THE three little kittens.You have seen that we are good at hiding things.We will help you hide THE eggs. Peter accepted THEir help and off everyone rushed,with Peter hopping big-bunny hops and THE kittens racing along to keep up. “不要害怕。”三只小猫说。“你看见了我们擅长藏东西。我们将帮助你来藏蛋。” 皮特接受了他们的帮助,每个人跑起来,皮特跳着大兔步,小猫们在后面奔跑着追赶。 By Easter morning,everything was finished.Best of all,none of THE eggs had broken.So Peter gave THE three extra eggs to THE three little kittens as thanks for all THEir help. 到了复活节早上,每件事都完成了。最好的是,没有一个蛋被弄破。所以皮特将三个多余的蛋送给了三只小猫作为对他们的帮助的感谢。
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Once three little kittens they lost their mittens, 从前有三只小猫丢了他们的手套, And they began to cry, 于是他们开始哭, "Oh,mother dear, “哦,亲爱的妈妈, We sadly fear our mittens we have lost." 我们为已经丢失了的手套感到很伤心。” "What!Lost your mittens,you naughty kittens! “什么!丢失了你们的手套,你们这些顽皮的小猫! Then you shall have no pie." 那么你们将没有馅饼了。” "Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Meow." "喵,喵,喵,喵。" Once three little kittens they lost their mittens, 从前有三只小猫丢了他们的手套, And they began to cry, 于是他们开始哭, "Oh,mother dear, “哦,亲爱的妈妈, We sadly fear our mittens we have lost." 我们为已经丢失了的手套感到很伤心。” "What!Lost your mittens,you naughty kittens! “什么!丢失了你们的手套,你们这些顽皮的小猫! Then you shall have no pie." 那么你们将没有馅饼了。” "Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Meow." "喵,喵,喵,喵。"
2023-07-31 14:22:341


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 英语儿歌最好是英语和中文和杂在一起的!! 拜托 真的是急用啊~~~~~~ 解析: Three Little Kittens三只小猫猫 Three little kittens, they lost their mittens, 三只小猫猫,丢失了自己的手套套 And they began to cry: 哭啊喊啊 "O mother dear, 噢,亲爱的妈妈 We fear, we fear, 好怕好怕 That we have lost our mittens." 我们把手套 *** 丢了 What? Lost your mittens! 什么?弄丢了手套! You naughty kittens! 真是淘气的孩子 Then you shall have no pie. 你们别指望吃饼饼了. "Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow." 猫-猫猫-猫猫-猫 No, you shall have not pie. 不给吃,你们别想吃饼饼 Three little kittens, they found their mittens, 三只小猫猫,找到了他们的手套套. And they began to cry: 他们又开始叫啊喊啊 "O mother dear, 噢,亲爱的妈妈 See here, see here! 瞧这,瞧这! See! we have found our mittens." 瞧!我们找到我们的手套套了! Put on your mittens 把手套带上 You silly kittens, 傻孩子 And you may have some pie. 可以吃点饼饼了 "Purr-r, purr-r, purr-r," 嗯 嗯 嗯 O let us have the pie. 让我们吃饼饼喽. The three little kittens put on their mittens, 三只小猫猫带上各自的手套套 And soon ate up the pie; 三下两下把饼饼吃个光 "O mother dear, 噢,亲爱的妈妈 We greatly fear, 我们怕怕哦, Our mittens we have soiled." 我们把手套都弄脏脏了. What? Soiled your mittens! 什么?都弄脏了! You naughty kittens! 真是淘气的孩子 Then they began to sigh, 他们开始叹气 "Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow." 唉,唉, 唉, 唉 The three little kittens, they washed their mittens, 三只小猫猫,清洗各自的手套套. And hung them out to dry; 然后把它们凉干干. "O mother dear, 噢,亲爱的妈妈 Do you not hear, 听到了吗? That we have washed our mittens?" 我们在洗我们的手套套唉? What? Washed your mittens! 是吗?你们在洗手套套? Oh, you"re good kittens. 哦,你们真是乖宝宝 But I *** ell a mouse close by; 但我闻到附近有老鼠味 Hush! hush! "Mee-ow, mee-ow. 嘘!嘘!别说话. We *** ell a mouse close by, 我们闻到老鼠味了. "Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow."
2023-07-31 14:23:111

英文少儿歌曲:Three Little Kittens

Three Little Kittens Once three little kittens they lost their mittens, And they began to cry, "Oh,mother dear, We sadly fear our mittens we have lost." "What!Lost your mittens,you naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie." "Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Meow." Once three little kittens they lost their mittens, And they began to cry, "Oh,mother dear, We sadly fear our mittens we have lost." "What!Lost your mittens,you naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie." "Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Meow." 三只小猫 从前三只小猫丢掉了他们的手套, 于是他们开始哭, "哦,亲爱的妈妈, 我们伤心地恐怕我们已经丢失了我们的手套。" "什么!丢失了你们的手套,你们这些顽皮的小猫!" 那么你们将不会有馅饼了。" "喵,喵,喵,喵。" 从前三只小猫丢掉了他们的手套, 于是他们开始哭, "哦,亲爱的妈妈, 我们伤心地恐怕我们已经丢失了我们的手套。" "什么!丢失了你们的手套,你们这些顽皮的小猫!" 那么你们将不会有馅饼了。" "喵,喵,喵,喵。"
2023-07-31 14:23:181

寻找一首歌曲 有一句歌词是when i climb the mountain

you raise me up
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The Story People Waving Palms to Jesus(Children"s Version) As Jesus came closer to Jerusalem, he asked two of his disciples to go ahead of Him. He said, "When you get to the town, you will see a donkey tied up. Untie it, and bring it to me. If anyone asks you about taking the donkey, just tell them, "The Lord needs it and He will bring it back as soon as He"s done with it.""So the disciples did as Jesus asked. They soon found the donkey tied at a doorway. As they were untying it, some people were standing nearby visiting and they didn"t recognize the men and asked, "What are you doing? Why are you untying the donkey?"They replied just as Jesus had told them too. Explaining that the Lord needed it, and the people let them go.When they brought the donkey to Jesus some of the disciples took off their coats and laid them on the donkey"s back. They did this out of respect for Jesus. Then Jesus rode on the donkey towards Jerusalem.As He was traveling, some people saw Jesus coming and came running towards Him. They had heard He might be coming and they wanted to see him, because he had just helped a dead man come back to life. One by one they laid their coats on the ground for the donkey to step on. Even the people that weren"t wearing coats ran to the fields and trees nearby and cut palm branches and laid them down.These people knew that Jesus was special. It was like when a King or Queen come to town, and people roll out a red carpet for them to step on. This is what they did for Jesus when they laid their coats, and branches down.As they got even closer to the town more and more people noticed Jesus. A crowd surrounded Him and started to shout praises to Him for all the miracles He had done. "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna, Hosanna!" The word Hosanna means save us. They said this because Jesus was helping them and doing amazing things. They wanted to praise Him, and they wanted Him to keep helping them.Some men named Pharisees (these men thought that they were important, and a lot of the people listened to them). They heard the crowd praising God, and they said to Jesus, "Teacher, why don"t you tell these people to stop praising you as if you were God?"The Pharisees thought that Jesus was getting too much attention from the people. They wanted to be the most important, but everyone was listening to Jesus instead.Jesus replied, "If they were quiet now, even the rocks would cry out!" Even the rocks knew that He was God, after all, Jesus did make them.Now Jesus could see Jerusalem and it made Him very sad. He came to help the people, but no one realized that He was God, and they didn"t accept Him.
2023-07-31 14:23:361


鉴于小学六年级词汇掌握不够多,而正式的诗歌会有太多的生词,个人认为童谣比较合适,而且很多童谣的歌词本身也是来自于诗歌的,如Twinkle Twinkle Little Star poemTwinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are?Up above the world so high , like a diamond in the skyWhen the blazing sun is gone, when he nothing shines upon,Then you show your little light,twinkle, twinkle all the night.Then the traveller in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark,He could not see which way to go, if you did not twinkle so.In the dark blue sky you keep, and often through my curtains peep,For you never shut your eye, "till the sun is in the sky.As your bright and tiny spark lights the traveller in the dark,Though I know not what you are - twinkle, twinkle little star.另一首小朋友比较熟悉的是London bridge is falling down - Nursery RhymeLondon Bridge is falling down,Falling down, falling down,London Bridge is falling down,My fair Lady.Build it up with wood and clay,Wood and clay, wood and clay,Build it up with wood and clay,My fair Lady.Wood and clay will wash away,Wash away, wash away,Wood and clay will wash away,My fair Lady.Build it up with bricks and mortar,Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,Build it up with bricks and mortar,My fair Lady.Bricks and mortar will not stay,Will not stay, will not stay,Bricks and mortar will not stay,My fair Lady.Build it up with iron and steel,Iron and steel, iron and steel,Build it up with iron and steel,My fair Lady.Iron and steel will bend and bow,Bend and bow, bend and bow,Iron and steel will bend and bow,My fair Lady.Build it up with silver and gold,Silver and gold, silver and gold,Build it up with silver and gold,My fair Lady.Silver and gold will be stolen away,Stolen away, stolen away,Silver and gold will be stolen away,My fair Lady.Set a man to watch all nigh,Watch all night, watch all night,Set a man to watch all night,My fair Lady.Suppose the man should fall asleep, Fall asleep, fall asleep,Suppose the man should fall asleep? My fair Lady.Give him a pipe to smoke all night,Smoke all night, smoke all night,Give him a pipe to smoke all night,My fair Lady.另外,Three Little Kittens poem 也可以,但一些句子稍长,如果您的学生平时口语好些,应该能应付:Three little kittens they lost their mittens, and they began to cry,"Oh mother dear, we sadly fear that we have lost our mittens.""What! Lost your mittens, you naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie.""Meeow, meeow, meeow, now we shall have no pie."The three little kittens they found their mittens,And they began to cry,"Oh mother dear, see here, see here For we have found our mittens.""Put on your mittens, you silly kittensAnd you shall have some pie""Meeow, meeow, meeow,Now let us have some pie."The three little kittens put on their mittensAnd soon ate up the pie,"Oh mother dear, we greatly fear That we have soiled our mittens.""What! soiled you mittens, you naughty kittens!"Then they began to cry, "Meeow, meeow, meeow"Then they began to sigh.The three little kittens they washed their mittensAnd hung them out to dry,"Oh mother dear, do you not hearThat we have washed our mittens.""What! washed your mittens, you are good kittens."But I smell a rat close by, "Meeow, meeow, meeow" we smell a rat close by...
2023-07-31 14:23:581


(汉译英)   1. 昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。   2. 工作台很高,工人们坐在旁边很不舒服。   3. 这个村民说他很穷,但其他村民则说他并不穷。   4. 孩子们都穿上了大衣,戴上了围巾和手套,全身都给裹得暖暖和和的。   5. 这个工作职位的人选挑选余地大,我们有四位出色的候选人。   (英译汉)   6. She was torn between staying at home to watch the TV play serial and going to the cinema with him.   温馨提示:做完之后再看答案哦!  1. 昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。   Last night I heard him driving his pigs to markets.   2. 工作台很高,工人们坐在旁边很不舒服。   The tables where the workers sat at were very high and uncomfortable.   3. 这个村民说他很穷,但其他村民则说他并不穷。   The villagers said he was very poor, which, according to other villagers, was untrue.   4. 孩子们都穿上了大衣,戴上了围巾和手套,全身都给裹得暖暖和和的。   The children were snugged up in overcoats, mufflers, and mittens.   5. 这个工作职位的人选挑选余地大,我们有四位出色的候选人。   We had the luxury of being able to choose from four good candidates for the job.   6. She was torn between staying at home to watch the TV play serial and going to the cinema with him. (英译汉)   她又想呆在家里看电视连续剧,又想和他一起去看电影,一时觉得分身无术。
2023-07-31 14:24:051


2023-07-31 14:24:2910


2023-07-31 14:24:511


MARIA (这个是修女们评价玛丽亚的歌)She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee,Her dress has got a tear.She waltzes on her way to MassAnd whistles on the stair.And underneath her wimpleShe has curlers in her hair—I even heard her singing in the Abbey!She"s always late for chapel—But her penitence is real.She"s always late for everythingExcept for every meal.I hate to have to say itBut I very firmly feelMaria"s not an asset to the Abbey.I like to say a word in her behalf—Then say it, Sister.Maria…makes me…laugh!How do you solve a problem like Maria?How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?How do you find a word that means Maria?A flibbertijibbet!A will-o"-the-wisp!A clown!Many a thing you know you"d like to tell her,Many a thing she ought to understand,But how do you make her stayAnd listen to all you say?How do you keep a wave upon the sand?Oh how do you solve a problem like Maria?How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?When I"m with her I"m confused,Out of focus and bemused,And I never know exactly where I am.Unpredictable as weatherShe"s as flighty as a feather—She"s a darling!She"s a demon!She"s a lamb!She"d outpester any pest,Drive a hornet from its nest,She can throw a whirling dervish out of whirl.She is gentle,She is wild,She"s a riddle,She"s a child,She"s a headache!She"s an angel—She"s a girl…How do you solve a problem like Maria?How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?How do you find a word that means Maria?A flibbertijibbet!A will-o"-the-wisp!A clown!Many a thing you know you"d like to tell her,Many a thing she ought to understand,But how do you make her stay?And listen to all you say?How do you keep a wave upon the sand?Oh how do you solve a problem like Maria?How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?MY FAVORITE THINGS (这是雷雨夜的歌)Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,Brown paper packages tied up with strings—These are a few of my favourite things.Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles,Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings—These are a few of my favourite things.Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,Silver-white winters that melt into springs—These are few of my favourite things.When the dog bites,When the bee stings,When I"m feeling sad,I simply remember my favourite thingsAnd then I don"t feel so bad!Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,Brown paper packages tied up with strings—These are a few of my favourite things.Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles,Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings—These are a few of my favourite things.Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,Silver-white winters that melt into springs—These are few of my favourite things.When the dog bites,When the bee stings,When I"m feeling sad,I simply remember my favourite thingsAnd then I don"t feel so bad!
2023-07-31 14:24:581


单词six中,字母i发音为[ɪ],类似发音的单词还有:wit 智慧,bit 一点,一些,lid 盖子,sit 坐,mittens 连指手套。
2023-07-31 14:25:081

求首歌,老友记(Friends)里面的。拜托了各位 谢谢

原英文是那段话是这样的:Just try to think of nice calm things… Phoebe: (sings) Raindrops on roses and rabbits and kittens, (Rachel and Monica turn to look at her.) bluebells and sleighbells and- something with mittens… La la la la…something and noodles with string. These are a few… 试着想着美好的事物... 玫瑰上的雨滴, 猫嘴上的胡须, 门铃和雪橇铃 La la la la... 还有手套... 我现在好多了 我的功劳 或许这样最好 要自立,决定自己的事情. 这首匹配相似度最高,至于是不是……我不知道这个是第一集中的插曲“My Favorite Things” 可以到这个网址上去下载这首歌“My Favorite Things”,这是原版的下载不知道是不是,提供一个最完整的《老友记/Friends》插曲集锦
2023-07-31 14:25:281


2023-07-31 14:25:383

sunday, lovely sunday 歌词

歌曲名:sunday, lovely sunday歌手:Edson专辑:The Sound Of Young Sweden, Vol.1Sundays are slowNever pretentious, oh noSilent and closedAnd we don"t really have to knowWhere to goHolding hands with the one I loveShe wears mittens, I wear glovesThere must be someone aboveHolding hands with the one I loveWe could catch a picture showRent a (Sunday) videoWe could stay out in the snow"Sunday slow"Sundays are meantTo let the quilt become a tentSundays well-spentDon"t need a reason, no intentHolding hands wi th the one I loveShe wears mittens, I wear glovesThere must be someone aboveHolding hands with the one I loveWe could catch a picture showRent a (Sunday) videoWe could stay out in the snow"Sunday slow"Holding hands with the one I loveShe wears mittens, I wear glovesThere must be someone aboveHolding hands with the one I loveWe could catch a picture showRent a (Sunday) videoWe could stay out in the snowOrder greasy food to go"Sunday slow"Holding hands wi th the one I loveShe wears mittens, I wear glovesThere must be someone aboveHolding hands with the one I loveWe could catch a picture showRent a (Sunday) videoWe could stay out in the snow"Sunday slow"
2023-07-31 14:25:461


2023-07-31 14:26:083


上海大学悉尼工商学院坐落于上海大学嘉定校区内。 学生宿舍为上海大学统一学生宿舍,为2人间或4人间8406有电扇,但没有空调u 校园设施较为齐备。 而学院又对教学楼进一步的进行了翻新,所有教室都配有多媒体设备和冷暖空调。学院有自己的计算机中心供学生免费上网。除了上海大学图书馆外,学院还有自己的专门图书馆,里面主要收录最新的国外期刊和外文原版教材学院有语言学习中心,自习中心共学生使用,还有行健文体中心可供学院学生体育锻炼之用su 整体而言,悉尼工商学院是上海大学教学设施较为先进完善的学院。
2023-07-31 14:22:442


"WowTheyresobig" 可以读作 “哇,他们好大!”。注意其中单词之间没有空格,而是连在一起的。这是一句英语口语表达,意思是“哇,它们(或者某个物体)好大!”。
2023-07-31 14:22:441


call your name红莲的弓矢eye water自由之翼
2023-07-31 14:22:443


VAT是增值税(Value Added Tax)的简称,是欧盟国家普遍使用的售后增值税,也即是指货物售价的利润税。当货物进入英国(按欧盟法例),货物缴纳进口税;当货物销售后,商家可以退回进口增值税(IMPROT VAT),再按销售额交相应的销售税(SALES VAT)。换一种比较好理解的方式:一种由卖家代收,有最终消费者支付的税费。所有在欧洲进行商业活动的公司都需要在他们的商品上添加消费税,这样一来每当有消费者购买时,他们购买的费用就是已经包含了VAT的费用。
2023-07-31 14:22:468

下阶段 英文

the target/aim of the next period
2023-07-31 14:22:482


WOW读“喔”音就可以。英文是world of war craft
2023-07-31 14:22:521


中国的电商市场几乎占了全球电商销售的一半,而这个市场又基本上被国内电商网站如天猫和京东所瓜分。另一方面,亚马逊和eBay在全球主要的电商市场中都拥有重要市场份额,但其中国站却不是这样。实际上,亚马逊和eBay都曾经试图在中国市场大展拳脚,但大部分努力都失败了。据艾瑞咨询全球公司(iResearch Global)称,亚马逊中国站在中国电商市场的份额还不到1%,eBay 中国站甚至都没有引起多少关注。许多人会得出结论,中国是一个有利于本土企业的市场,美国公司根本没有机会。 这可能是真的,很少有外国互联网公司能在中国取得成功(除了许多线下的实体企业,麦当劳就是其中之一)。但实际上,亚马逊和eBay本都可以在中国取得更高的市场份额。斯坦福商学院一份标题为“淘宝vs Ebay中国”的研究指出:eBay对中国市场的希望很高。在收购了EachNet(易趣)后不久,eBay的首席执行官Meg Whitman认为中国是eBay除了美国以外的第二大目标市场,她对中国的市场潜力十分确定。eBay于2002年进驻中国,当时他们收购了NetNet,一个定位于C2C(消费者对消费者)的中国国内创业公司,这与eBay的目标市场相同。但是eBay在中国的市场份额却没有如预期增长。eBay中国当时是直接把他们的全球战略用在了当时还尚不发达的中国市场。eBay从美国经营中国业务,专注的是拍卖业务,而中国消费者更倾向于固定价格。另一方面,在那时的中国,电商零售增长的关键挑战是信任。于是,淘宝通过为买卖双方建立了一个消息系统来解决这个问题,这仍然是目前中国电商零售业的重要组成部分。淘宝在当时还不对卖家收取佣金,而eBay中国站需要收取上架费。亚马逊于2004年在中国收购了当时中国最大的在线图书销售商Joyo,并于2011年将其重新命名为亚马逊中国(Amazon China)。亚马逊在中国用的基本上还是针对美国客户的设计和习惯,针对当地市场的调整很少。国外电商公司很容易忽略设计和网站风格在不同市场中的重要性。与大型分销商和制造商合作的模式可能适用于其他市场,但在中国还不够,亚马逊很快就被国人定义为“价格较贵”的平台。中国顾客对价格是很敏感的,比美国人更为敏感,而且喜欢像在线下一样讨价还价。目前天猫、淘宝和京东已经控制了80%以上的中国电商市场。一个像中国这样大的市场,拥有一套与其他市场截然不同的市场规律。在欧洲,亚马逊能够推出标准网站,让人们信任它的品牌,但在中国,一切条件都是不同的。
2023-07-31 14:22:421


Thanks period,a permanent,the period of maturity,recession
2023-07-31 14:22:411


2023-07-31 14:22:361


VAT:全称是VALUE ADDED TAX,这是欧盟国家普遍使用的售后增值税,也即是指货物售价的利润税!
2023-07-31 14:22:352

上海大学的文荟图书馆离广中路788号近还是 延长路的校门近

离广中路的近 进来穿过行健楼,科技楼旁边就是
2023-07-31 14:22:341