barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 18:41:38


英[wɪð"həʊldɪŋ] 美[wɪθˈholdɪŋ, wɪð-]

n. 扣交;

v. 扣留( withhold的现在分词 ); 拒绝给予; 抑制(某事物); 制止;

[例句]They are purposely withholding information.




问题一:英语,【你是故意的!】怎么说? You are deliberately . 问题二:故意的 用英语怎么说 on purpose 望采纳 问题三:"故意"的英文是什么? 动词词组 go out of the way intent(v.) 副词 intentionally on purpose 问题四:故意的英语 on purpse 问题五:你是故意的. 你根本句是故意的. 我是故意的. 我根本就是故意的. 英语怎么说 You are intended.You are pletely intended . 你是故意的,你完全就是故意的 I am intended,too. And I am intended from the very beginning. 我也是故意的,我一开始就是故意的。 其实后半句用前面的写法也行,不过重复了读起来不舒矗。 对于intended用不用的副词强调就好了:absolutely(绝对地);undoubtedly(无容置疑地)等都行。 问题六:"故意"用英语怎么说 很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你: 故意英文: deliberately或 willfully (有意识地) 或intentionally或on purpose或go out of the way; 望采纳,十分感谢。 问题七:故意地,用英文怎么说?用deliberate 故意地 1. by design 2. meaningly 3. purposely 4. advisedly 5. designedly 6. deliberately 相关解释: intentionally, prepensely, purposedly, studiously, willfully, unnaturally, calculatedly, knowingly, in purpose, wittingly 例句用法: 阿拉喀涅则故意地在自己的图案中织出了显示神祗们的缺点和错误的主题。 Arachne filled her web with subjects designedly chosen to exhibit the failings and errors of the gods. 他故意地做它是很清楚的。 That he intentionally does it is very clear. 问题八:“我是故意的”用英语怎么说? i did it purposely 问题九:故意的英文是什么啊? Deliberately 存心;有意识地。明知不应或不必这样做而这样做 on purpose 故意 很高兴为你解答,希望能够帮助到你。祝你学习进步! 如有疑问请追问,愿意解疑答惑。 如果明白,并且解决了你的问题,请及时采纳为最佳答案!O(∩_∩)O
2023-01-08 06:38:211


有心无力 [词典] having a heart but no[lacking] strength; strong in will but weak in power;intentionally; purposely; [例句]面对增长的救助需求,一些食物救助计划已是有心无力。Some food programmes are struggling to meet the growing need.
2023-01-08 06:38:291

故意地,特意地 英文短语,副词 谢谢

副词 intentionally designedlypurposelyadvisedly短语 by choiceby designon purpose
2023-01-08 06:38:346


形容词变副词加ly的规则变化有: 一般情况下直接在形容词后边加ly。 如: quick - quickly wide – widely real – really 扩展资料   (1)一般情况下直接在形容词后边加ly。   quick - quickly   wide – widely   real – really   (2)多音节词以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,在加ly之前要先将y变为i,如:   happy – happily   busy – busily   easy – easily   angry - angrily   但注意单音节词如shy(羞怯的),sly(狡猾的)等,则直接加ly,如shyly, slyly。   (3) 以le 结尾的词,去掉e, 然后直接加y即可,如:   gentle – gently (温和地;轻轻地;文雅地)   terrible –terribly (可怕地;非常,极度)   possible – possibly(可能, 也许)   (4)单词true 的副词为truly (即去掉e再加ly)   (5)但大部分以e结尾的.形容词仍然保留e, 直接加ly,如:   active – actively(积极地)   polite – politely(礼貌地)   (6)单词full 以ll结尾,只需加y形成副词,即fully。   注意不是所有的形容词都可以加ly词尾成为副词。另外,有一些表示名词或序数词也可以加ly词尾构成副词,如:   part – partly (部分-部分地)   purpose – purposely (目的-固意地)   day – daily (天-每天)   hour – hourly (小时-每小时)   month – monthly (月-每月)   quarter – quarterly (季节-一季一次地)   first – firstly   third - thirdly
2023-01-08 06:38:541


deliberately intentionally on purpose purposely
2023-01-08 06:38:591

有偿 英语怎么说

paid 就可以了
2023-01-08 06:39:055

purposely hidden什么意思

2023-01-08 06:39:253


51. gently52. braveness53. pressure54. dating55. process56. purposely57. ahead58. representative59.possibilities60.defeated
2023-01-08 06:39:367


on purpose on the first Monday of January compare A with B play a joke on someone a seven-day long holiday be grateful for something/ to someone make a decision
2023-01-08 06:40:0810

英语The monk"s purpose is the Church"s purpose翻译?

The monk"s purpose is the Church"s purpose的中文翻译是僧侣的目的就是教会的目的重点词汇:purpose词语分析:音标:英 [ˈpɜːpəs]   美 [ˈpɜːrpəs]  n. 目的; 意图;作用; 用途; 效果;意志; 毅力; 决心vt. 有意, 打算短语:with the purpose of 目的是;为了…to the purpose 中肯的;合适地例句:My sole purpose is to help you.我唯一的目的是帮助你。The book is valuable for my purpose.这本书对我很有用。She purposely made the dress larger to allowshrinkage.他故意把衣服做大一些, 以防(洗时)缩水。近义词:n. 目的;用途;意志 goals,intention,sake,objective,use
2023-01-08 06:40:406


1, 常看的新闻早报2,在大门前面3,由某个项目指导的4,电视转台5,电音6,在交流工作上是专家级的7,在小故事中,8,一次简单的接触9,使所有正文显示出来10,文化的改变11,在我们的下一代意识到新闻出版业已经不在是以前的新闻出版业之前,出版商不得不相继绝迹12,TRICK 是欺骗的意思 这个事过去分词13,疲劳和渴望14,只是走到尽头15,有意欺骗他16,目的地17,垂死挣扎
2023-01-08 06:40:593


题库内容:把捕禽的网撤去三面,只留一面。 比喻 采取宽大 态度 ,给人一条出路。 成语出处: 《史记·殷本纪》:“汤出,见野张网四面,祝曰:‘自 天下 四方 ,皆入吾网。"汤曰:‘嘻,尽之矣!"乃去其三面。” 成语例句: 插翅难飞,体上天好生之德, 网开一面 ,谕令尔等速速投降,免遭 杀戮 。 繁体写法: 网开一靣 注音: ㄨㄤˇ ㄎㄞ ㄧ ㄇㄧㄢˋ 网开一面的近义词: 宽大为怀 胸怀宽广大度,能容忍别人的过失 宽宏大量 形容人气量大,待人宽厚没有东西能比宽宏大量更能得到厚报的 网开一面的反义词: 小肚鸡肠 比喻气量小,总计较小事,不顾大局。也说鼠肚鸡肠 心胸狭窄 成语语法: 主谓式;作谓语、宾语;用于人 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 主谓式成语 产生年代: 近代成语 英语翻译: purposely leave loopholes for an escape from the law 俄语翻译: давать выход <приоткрывать сеть> 读音注意: 一,不能读作“yì”。
2023-01-08 06:41:111


网开一面的解释成语拼音wǎng kāi yī miàn成语解释把捕捉鸟兽的网打开一面;给鸟兽留一条生路。比喻采取宽大态度;给人一条生路。成语出处清 李绿园《歧路灯》:“先生意欲网开一面,以存忠厚之意,这却使不得。”成语繁体网开一靣成语简拼WKYM成语注音ㄨㄤˇ ㄎㄞ 一 ㄇ一ㄢˋ常用程度常用成语成语字数四字成语感情色彩中性成语成语用法主谓式;作谓语、宾语;用于人。成语结构主谓式成语成语年代近代成语成语正音一,不能读作“yì”。近义词宽大为怀、宽宏大量反义词小肚鸡肠、心胸狭窄成语例子插翅难飞,体上天好生之德,网开一面,谕令尔等速速投降,免遭杀戮。(姚雪垠《李自成》第一卷第十二章)英语翻译purposely leave loopholes for an escape from the law俄语翻译давать выход <приоткрывать сеть>成语故事商朝初年,商汤外出,见野外有人张四面网网动物,他对天而祷告:“自天下四方,皆入吾网。”商汤笑着说:“可以了。”就命人去掉三面网,说:“想左就左,想右就右,一切都入网。”诸侯们听说后称赞商汤德行很高能自动网罗一切
2023-01-08 06:41:211


2023-01-08 06:41:273

翻译 有耐心 进

In time of revolution, with perseverance and courage, a soldier should think nothing impossible. 在时间的革命,毅力和勇气,一名士兵应该觉得没有什么是不可能的。An army"s effectiveness depends on its size, training, experience, and morale, and morale is worth more than any of the other factors combined. 军队的效率取决于其规模,训练,经验和士气,士气是价值超过任何其他因素的总和。 Between a battle lost and a battle won, the distance is immense and there stand empires.之间的战斗损失和节节胜利,距离是巨大的,有站在帝国。Courage is like love: it must have hope for nourishment.勇气就像爱:它必须有希望为养料。 It would be a joke if the conduct of the victor had to be justified to the vanquished. 这将是一个笑话,如果该行为的胜利者要有理由向战败国。In war, as in politics, no evil - even if it is permissible under the rules - is excusable unless it is absolutely necessary. Everything beyond that is a crime.在战争中,由于在政治方面,没有任何邪恶-即使是允许的规则-情有可原,除非它是绝对必要的。以后的一切,这是一种犯罪行为。Remember , gentlemen, what a Roman emperor said: The corpse of an enemy always smells sweet. 记住,先生们,是何等罗马皇帝说:尸体的敌人总是气味甜。If you wage war, do it energetically and with severity. This is the only way to make it shorter and consequently less inhuman.如果你发动战争,它积极与严重性。这是唯一的办法,使之更短,因此较少不人道的。There are in Europe many good generals, but they see too many things at once. I see one thing, namely the enemy"s main body. I try to crush it, confident that secondary matters will then settle themselves. 有在欧洲许多好的将领,但他们看到的东西太多了,在一次。我明白了一件事,即敌人的主体。我试图粉碎它有信心,相信到次要的事情上,然后解决自己。There is no man more pusillanimous than I when I am planning a campaign. I purposely exaggerate all the dangers and all the calamities that the circumstances make possible. I am in a thoroughly painful state of agitation. This does not keep me from looking quite serene in front of my entourage; I am like an unmarried girl laboring with child. Once I have made up my mind, everything is forgotten except what leads to success. 有任何人,更pusillanimous比我的时候,我策划一项运动。 i故意夸大所有危险和所有灾难的情况下,使可能的。我是一个彻头彻尾的痛苦状态,鼓劲的大会。这并不让我看很宁静的面前展现自己的陪同人员,我想了一个未婚少女劳动与儿童。一旦我做出了我的心,一切都忘记了,除非有什么线索,以取得圆满成功。
2023-01-08 06:41:402


be meant to 有"本意“,“本来打算”的意思They meant to tell you the truth, but they didn"t.他们本打算告诉你真相,但没那么做。be meant to 还有打算的意思,而且这种打算是“真情实意”的,真心的打算。They meant to help you. 他们真心想帮你。要想表故意,应该用 intentionally , purposely.They intentionally cheated you. 他们故意欺骗你。
2023-01-08 06:41:521


Goolge 翻译的 精华2007买一送一初! dsdi定你的摇滚组合! dsi的直销公司象征: dsdi价: 0.05元,有一个庞大的推广正在进行本周末! 这是热点,看新闻,并得到dsdi对第一件事,周一! 但即使是这些初步考虑,已解决e. 描述在纽约时报今天 这是一个重大的结论,最新一卷第六评估政府间气候变化问题研究小组 被释放在下周五. 他们都在笑secert你被骗重低音. 很明显,你有一个非常负面的看法larouch . 但他们付出的保费,以确保每一点能量,他们在当地的消费是取代论 国家电网所产生的能量是由风车数千英里外的地方. 我发现了一个或两个小inconsequencial言论,可以说是得到准确的. 他们喜欢自己捏造专案人身攻击,对合格的科学家和他们所喜爱的联合国. 我的回应是,在下面. shtml〗(行政情报检讨) ,是不是一种科学杂志,但只不过是一个出版和新闻制作服务 由polestar organizaion . 他还就坐在董事会的市场. 生命已对地球几十亿年来,因为二氧化碳. 5 )最后,但并非最不重要的,我个人的最爱. 但是,我认为它是另一回事,当一名参议员指责他的一个重要成分故意散布党派基于谎言. 它是嘲笑起来相当专业看起来就像一个让不知情的人以为它是一个整体. 我没有全部跟上研究,我将能够counterargue所有 要点提出他的,尤其是对冰芯. 我是会员212 ,我可以向你保证,科学家永远不会公布. 军队,在伊拉克和阿富汗战争的老兵和军人家属. 只有一点,我有时间来回应是最后一部分,对广告相违背的. 这两点都明显与事实不符. 波士顿一名教授环境敲响警钟,在一个月前,他揭露,是值得一读. 华盛顿邮报报导,在1月26日,而且 这个问题是中央关注的共和党基层选民. 目前客户包括大多数领导人都众议院和参议院. 雅虎翻译的精英在2007 年- 进货早期! DSDI 被设置晃动您 股份单! DSI 直接销售, 公司。 标志: DSDI 价格: $0.05 有巨型的促进进行中这个周末! 这是热的, 读了 新闻和得到在DSDI 第一事星期一! 无这些初步考虑演讲了, e 。 今天描述在纽约时代周刊, 这是一个主要结论 对政府间的盘区的第六个评估的最新的容量 气候变化下星期五被发布。 并且他们全都笑在secert 在您decieved 雅痞。它是apparant 您有Larouch 一个极端消极观点。 但他们支付保险费保证那他们的每位能量 消耗当地被替换在全国栅格由能量引起 风车几千哩以外从他们的地点。 我认为我发现了能有的一两小inconsequencial 评论 可争论是准确的。他们喜欢他们自己trumped 对人不对事 对能干科学家和他们的攻击爱联合国。我的反应是 下面。 shtml EIR (行政智力回顾) 不是一个学报 但没什么更多比出版物和新闻服务生产了由 Larouche organizaion 。 他并且坐在理事市场的。 生活是在行星为亿万几年由于二氧化碳。5) 并且 最后但不是最不重要的, 我的个人喜爱。 但是, 我认为这是其它事当参议员指责一的他 故意传播基于党羽的虚假组成部分。它是 嘲笑相当专业地对看起来象一得到信任 人们认为它是一个。我不是所有最新与 研究, 我能对counterargue 他提出的所有观点, 特别是关于冰核心。 我是AAAS 的成员并且我能保证您学报科学 从未会出版这。 队伍, 伊拉克和阿富汗退役军人, 和军事家庭。 唯一我有时间反应对的其它点是最后部份 广告hominem 。 两点是patently 不真实的。Bostonian 环境教授 发出了警报一个月前, 并且他的曝光是好的价值读书。 华盛顿邮报报告, 那于26 日1月1月。而且, 这个问题 是核心问题对共和党主要选民。当前的客户 包括参众两院多数人领导。
2023-01-08 06:41:581

环保细节 英文翻译

1 drink cans of beer or beverage bottle, please take after the lift ring on empty boxes, a little habits can increaseAlcan where.2 in print, as far as possible when used with single copies of paper A4 paper. 600 equivalent to one tree. Many use doubleSurface print function.3 don"t use chopsticks. South Korea only use steel chopsticks. 3,000 pairs of disposable chopsticks is a tree of 20 years4. Try to use rechargeable batteries, centralized recovery of waste batteries. In place of power, don"t use the battery using mains.Notebook computer batteries used mains, don"t use.5 don"t buy, not use cashmere goats are pointed, destroying its pasture, pasture, for instance - hungry and desertificationDead.6. Use pens and pencils, do not use a ball-point pen, gel pens, oil, because the pen in the leadConditions, not one hundred years.7. The use of items to others, continue to play its use.8 don"t waste food, choose proper food, not food. The way to a buffet dinner9 don"t use whole notebook, use loose-leaf paper. Rarely have been using notebook, use loose-leaf paper according toContent arrangement, save. To ensure every piece of paper was reasonable use.10 collecting rainwater and snow watering the flowers.11 shopping, shopping bag carrying.12 don"t smoke a pack a day, year cost 1,000 yuan13 use energy-saving tap, toilet.14 use energy-saving lamps, eliminate incandescent lamp, can 80%.15 maintain proper weight, eating fat, reduce weight, wasting energy.16 and household appliances, computer when not in use, thoroughly, saving electricity by 10%17. Don"t send postcards to mail, reduce the paper, use E-mail18 a money, more support to set up schools, libraries, so that we can establish prison lessThen, don"t buy less dozen cars, more use public transportation, bus and subway20. See light, not shut, see JieMen water, not shut.21. The library booksAnd don"t need to cold summer air conditioning, winter wear more clothes to reduce heat heating don"t purposely clothes1 and use less cooking stove, liquefied petroleum gas, cooking oil, don"t smoke when such as hot dish, try to put reduce air pollution.2, the home of flowers miniascape of balcony, often clean the room, often by keeping family environment, bask in fresh air.3 and reduce noise pollution, minimize the recorder playback speech or volume.4 and correct treatment, waste garbage classification, reasonable water discharge.5 and protect wildlife, don"t eat wild animals, protect the ecological balance.6 family members, relatives and friends, and advise not smoke, garbage burned, maintaining family health, clean environment.7, plastic, paper, etc ShouFei sold collected, reduce waste discharge.Eight, the house pets to watch, prevent affecting neighbours rest and feces pollution, maintaining harmonious living community and the environment.Families, friends, national mobilization is building a resource-conserving society. We desire to clean the earth, green and healthy, clean living space.Let us positive response initiative, join hands to start from me, and from every family, starts from the starting bit by bit, environmental protection and resource conservation, the earth, let us all to consciously communicator of environmental protection and energy saving and practitioners, for building the saving-type society and realize the sustainable development of China"s green make due contributions.
2023-01-08 06:42:053


1. C from …to 搭配2. C 从involves planning 不难判断 and 并列的也应该是动词的ing 形式3. C 后面那句话刚好说到消极(negative),那么前面作为对比就应该是积极(positive)4. D to 后面 并不缺少宾语,所以不选择what,根据句意也不选择B、C5. D A经典的 B必要的 C可能的 D关键的 这一题需要联系上下文6. B 联系上下文,或者从themselves的对应中不难选择出来7. B 沮丧的老毛病8. B receive表示的是接到,这是客观的,不容拒绝的;而accept表示接收,有主观色彩9. A avoid doing 根据句意是被动10. A and 联接的就是consciously 这样的副词来修饰 switch
2023-01-08 06:42:171


otherwise英 ["ʌðəwaɪz] 美 ["ʌðɚwaɪz] adv. 否则;另外;在其他方面adj. 另外的;其他方面的
2023-01-08 06:42:242


2023-01-08 06:42:373


In real life many times when the passion of romance love marriage quickly dull, boring, boring replaced, and thus be more and more people sent resignation: "Marriage is the tomb of love."Marriage is not the tomb of love, it is only one side magnifying glass to enlarge the love holes. Some people will carefully make good these deficiencies, while others will continue to create new pain. Everyone knows that the former is a wise man, while the latter is too stupid.Love is the need to operate. Married does not mean all is well. In order to love fresh, also require special attention and treat each other. A birthday wish words, candlelight dinner meal accident, a well-arranged travel, and even the deliberate creation of a small trouble, will make love to heat up.
2023-01-08 06:42:5311


The day to the site to watch the concert fans are coming in a steady stream, from the beginning until 12 pm at night without always absent, everybody"s enthusiastic sex is nothing wrong at all. Music by the United States legendary rapper"s rapper Talib Kweli opened a prelude to the music extravaganza. He was a combination of Black Star team in 2000 after starting personal development. This time he brought his specially sixth Zhang latest album "Eardrum", in the performance of his concert at the very exciting and interesting, and greeting fans at the unanimous chorus. Kweli out immediately is the combination of the two was first Grammy. They crisper percussion rhythms, melodies and Latin American rap blend together so that the scene almost as lively Latin American parties. When the international trump card in the electronic band Faithless members Maxi Jazz chant "God is a DJ" during the two-hands response to the movements of the audience for this exciting one night left of echo, the concert atmosphere to the climax.水平有限 里边的符号我改成“”了
2023-01-08 06:43:437


2023-01-08 06:44:144


英语哲学家保罗Grice提议在普通的交谈,报告人和听者分享一项合作原则。 报告人塑造听者将了解的他们的话语。 Grice分析合作作为介入四条格言: 数量、质量、联系和方式。 报告人提供足够和没有许多信息: 数量。 他们是真正和恳切,讲的“真相”或事实: 质量。 话语是相对讲话的上下文: 联系。 提出清楚和简明意味的报告人尝试,避免二义性: 方式。 Grice合作原则: 在交谈期望的套准则。 Grice提出在交谈期望的四条格言。 •质量: 演讲人由充分证据讲真相或可证明 • quanity : 报告人是如情报如所需求 •联系: 反应与讨论题目是相关的 •方式: 报告人的避免二义性或朦胧,是直接和直接的 McGowan提议Grice的四条格言建立不同的风格和战略使用演讲的重要准则。 笑话和吹牛大话出纳使用与语言。 他们弯曲关于讲话的普通的结构和假定。 McGowan争辩说,耍笑和吹牛大话发展介入使用的出纳与Grice的合作原则这四条格言。 在犁玉米花领域的传说的Orville土头土脑的人详尽阐述关于他的父亲和骡子的细节。 这些现实细节为是的天气的高传说夸大设置了我们很热的玉米开始流行。 Orville,实际上,更增加一个“现实”细节: 有非常玉米花,它创造了“飞雪”。 他在数量之外格言去; 他比我们需要知道更给我们。 所有Orville的吹牛大话也违犯质量。 他故意讲虚假,他提供表面上事实细节。 他经常使用与联系,创造疯狂地逻辑连接。 Grice的最后的格言,方式,要求那次交谈是毫不含糊的,但是Orville的吹牛大话弯曲词的意思幽默的; 他使用与词和图象。 Orville土头土脑的人使用与合作原则的这四条格言在他的表现的。 通常幽默适当的不调和在这样传说的依靠侵害或窜改Grice的合作原则四条格言: quanity、质量、联系和方式。 Displacement Linguists描述允许说谎,谈论理想情况,小说,语言戏剧和谈论语言位移人的语言的物产。 有些语言学家争论位移是人和动物语言之间的一个主要区别。 位移一定经营用在传说知道的重要方式。
2023-01-08 06:44:322


这些区别记不住,只有通过情感的深浅,建议在看到英文影视作品时,看为什么mean to用的多,因为最浅,然后依次发现其他的感情深浅,最后希望你能体会,有的可以从词根理解,advise 和purpose 就比较能分开这种.
2023-01-08 06:44:411


动词词组go out of the wayintent(v.)副词intentionallyon purpose
2023-01-08 06:44:504


故意地 1. by design2. meaningly3. purposely4. advisedly5. designedly6. deliberately相关解释:intentionally, prepensely, purposedly, studiously, willfully, unnaturally, calculatedly, knowingly, in purpose, wittingly例句用法:阿拉喀涅则故意地在自己的图案中织出了显示神祗们的缺点和错误的主题。Arachne filled her web with subjects designedly chosen to exhibit the failings and errors of the gods.他故意地做它是很清楚的。That he intentionally does it is very clear.
2023-01-08 06:45:031


有意近义词:蓄意,故意,蓄谋,存心,居心,成心,用意,蓄志,有心有意[拼音] [yǒu yì] [释义] 1. [purposely;deliberately]:故意有意举行一次化装舞会2. [have a mind to;be disposed to]:有心思有意帮忙
2023-01-08 06:45:096


1. purposely修饰动词应用副词形式。
2023-01-08 06:45:291


你好!有心无力Having a heart but no strength
2023-01-08 06:45:342

故意地,特意地 英文短语,副词 谢谢

副词 intentionally designedly purposely advisedly 短语 by choice by design on purpose
2023-01-08 06:45:421


deliberately intentionally on purpose purposely
2023-01-08 06:45:471


65组英语常见近义词~1.管理:governance、management、administration 2.鼓励、促使:cheer、encourage、motivate、prompt 3.脆弱:vulnerable、weak、feeble、fragile(脆的,易碎的)、susceptible(易受影响的=subject to) 4.考虑到:given, considering, in view of, with a view to 5.抓住:grasp、capture、seize(区别:size尺寸) 6.主张:claim(区别:acclaim欢呼、称赞)、proclaim、remark、advocate、allegation、comment、review(评论), argue, hold, assume 7.智力:wisdom、intelligence、wit 8.部分:component、portion、element、proportion、percentage, section 9.直觉的,本能的:intuitive, instinctive 10.提升:lift、elevate, promote 11.承认:admit、acknowledge, recognize 12.永恒:eternal、permanent、everlasting 13.谋生:earn one"s living、make one"s living、live off 14.值得尊敬:worthy、respectable(区别:respective分别) 15.遵守:comply with、conform to, observe, abide by 16.探测:detect、investigation, probe, explore 17.获得:gain、acquire、achieve、fetch、obtain 18.高估:overestimate、overrate、overvalue (区别:overlook忽视) 19.培养:nurture(区别:nature自然)、foster、cultivate 20.怀疑:skeptical、suspicious, doubtful 21.奇怪:weird、odd、peculiar、strange, queer 22.模糊:dim、vague、obscure、loom, indistinct, fuzzy 23.收入:salary、pay、wage、income、revenue、gain、earning 24.津贴:subsidy、pension、allowance、grant(拨款) 25.高贵:noble、royal(区别:loyal忠诚), dignity, privilege 26.谦卑:humble, modest 27.告示:announcement、notice、poster、bulletin、report 28.想象: visualize , imagine, suppose, envision, 29.会议:conference、meeting、convention 30.引用:cite、illustrate(举例说明=exemplify)、quote 31.挑出:single out、sort out、pick out 32.限制:limit、restrict、constrict、discipline、confine、hold back、scale back、curb on 33.利用:usable、available、applicable 34.use → utilize、adopt、take、employ、apply 35.偏见:bias、prejudice、discrimination、inequality 36.组成:consist of、be made from/of、include (exclude)、constitute、 37.发行:issue、release、distribute、launch 38.结束:fulfill、finish、accomplish、carry out、achieve、complete 39.能力:ability、capability、potential, power 40.交易:deal、trade、exchange、transaction 41.以前:previous、former、latter、prior to(priority优先 → primary初级的、重要的 → primitive原始的) 42.加强:promote、facilitate、enhance、strengthen、reinforce, aggravate 43.前景:prospect、future、expectation、outlook 44.保守:conservative(conservation保存)、traditional、custom,激进:radical 45.顾客:customer、client、consumer、guest 46.暂停、延期:suspend、phase back、put off、stop、postpone、delayed、message、data、figure、statistics、firm、company、corporation(区别:cooperation合作) 49.故意:deliberately、intentionally、purposely、on/in purpose 50.吸引:appeal (吸引、呼吁、起诉appeal to)、attract、fascinate、tempt(区别:contempt蔑视), absorb 51.有希望的:promising、hopeful、brightening 52.对手:rival、equal、comparative、competitor、opponent、adversary, enemy 53.灭亡:perish、die (out)、extinguish(distinguish区别) 54.消失:disappear、vanish、diminish(减少)、gone 55.方法:ways、means、approach、solution、remedy(补救措施)、measure 56.财产:estate、real estate(房地产)、property、asset 57.放弃:abandon、give up、desert(区别:dessert甜点) 58.悲观:pessimistic,negative, 乐观:optimistic,active, positive 59.地区:regions、scope、range、sphere 60.拒绝:reject、refuse、turn down、decline 61.保留:preserve、reserve, retain, persist 62.公平:fairness、impartial, justice, equality 63.同伴:partner、companion, peer, colleague 64.保护:protect、guard、safeguard、defend(defendant辩护,被告)、shield(区别:yield产出,屈服) 65.生产:yield、manufacturer、generate, produce[/cp]
2023-01-08 06:45:521


答案依次为 taken6.earlier7.citizenship8.traditional9.has passed10.finding11.exercising12.combination13.perfectly14.Moved15.specialist16.A
2023-01-08 06:45:583

for one purpose

specifically 特定地。。。 specifically adv. 特别地,特地地 purposely 不对 是 故意地;蓄意地;有目的地 意思 不正确
2023-01-08 06:46:081

on purpose 的同义词

2023-01-08 06:46:163


题库内容:危言的解释(1) [straightforward words]∶正直的话 邦有道,危言危行。——《论语·宪问》 (2) [say frightening words purposely;alarmist talk]∶ 故意 说吓人的话 危言耸听 详细解释 (1).直言。 《逸周书·武顺》 :“危言不干德曰正。” 《汉书·贾捐之传》 :“臣幸得遭明盛之朝,蒙危言之策, 无忌 讳之患。” 颜师古 注:“危言,直言也。言出而身危,故曰危言。” 茅盾 《子夜》 九:“你的危言诤论,并不能叫 小杜 居安思危,反使得他 决心 去及时行乐。” 参见 “ 危言正色 ”。 (2).谓(行为)超过 言语 。 《礼记· 缁衣 》 :“ 大人 不倡游言。可言也,不可行, 君子 弗言也;可行也,不可言,君子弗行也。 * 言不危行,而行不危言矣。” 郑玄 注:“危,犹高也。言不高於行,行不高於言,言行 相应 也。” (3). 耸人听闻 的言论。 宋 无名氏 《道山清话》 :“ 绛 欲以危言 中伤 大臣,事既无根,徒摇众听。” 明 张 居正 《上六部禀帖》 :“且巧为诋说,捏造危言,遂为纂修所影藉。” (4).犹 慎言 。谓不说自己的 功劳 才能。 《史记·管晏列传》 :“其在朝,君语及之,即危言。” 张守节 正义 :“谓己 谦让 ,非云功能。” 词语分解 危的解释 危 ē 不 安全 : 危险 。危殆。危言(a.故意说吓人的话;b.直言)。危难(刵 )。危如累(噄 )卵。 损害:危害。危及。 高的,陡的:危石。危樯。 使人惊奇的:危言耸听。 端正的,正直的:正襟危坐。“邦 言的解释 言 á 讲,说:言说。言喻。言道。言欢。言情。言必有中(恘 )(一说就说到点子上)。 说的话:言论。言辞(亦作“言词”)。语言。言语。言简意赅。 汉语的字:五言诗。七言绝句。 洋洋 万言。 语助词,无义:
2023-01-08 06:46:261


1. B2. D3. C4. D5. B6. B7. D8. B9. A10. A
2023-01-08 06:46:321


网开一面wǎng kāi yī miàn[释义] 把捕捉鸟兽的网打开一面;给鸟兽留一条生路。比喻采取宽大态度;给人一条生路。[语出] 清·李绿园《歧路灯》:“先生意欲网开一面;以存忠厚之意;这却使不得。”[正音] 一;不能读作“yì”。[近义] 宽大为怀 宽宏大量[反义] 小肚鸡肠 心胸狭窄[用法] 用于人。一般作谓语、宾语。[结构] 主谓式。[例句] 人民政府的坦白从宽政策;~;给投案自首者指出一条出路。[英译] purposely leave loopholes for an escape from the law
2023-01-08 06:46:371


I didn"t mean it
2023-01-08 06:46:425


2023-01-08 06:47:003


BittersweetIt"s hard to find the thing to sayI"m vulnerable and frailSo I wrap my heart in bubble plasticJust in case it breaksBefore you and I go much further nowI"m asking you to tell meDo you really want my love?Is it really me you"re thinking of?When you smile at meIt"s so bittersweetLet me knowBefore tomorrow comes alongCause baby I"m already in too deepUntil then I love you bittersweetI can"t let goBut this I knowI won"t let you stayIf you"re not sure about the way you feelAbout the two of us todayBefore you and I go much further nowI"m asking you to please tell meDo you really want my love?Is it really me you"re thinking of?When you smile at meIt"s so bittersweetLet me knowBefore tomorrow comes alongCause baby I"m already in too deepUntil then I love you bittersweetIt"s heaven when when you say it"s you and meBut hell when you"re gone mysteriouslyI"d rather be alone than lost and tornMaybe I must make it on my ownI"m feeling incompleteLoving you is so bittersweetDo you really want my looo-ooo-ooo-ooooooove?Do you really want my love?Is it really me you"re thinking of?When you smile at meIt"s so bittersweetOh let me knowBefore tomorrow comes alongCause baby I"m already in too deepUntil then I love you bittersweetUntil then I love you bittersweet中文对照没找到,以我自己的英文水平也没法翻,抱歉。其他的歌都挺好,特别推荐:Graduation song,We could learn a lot ,All the money in the world,It can only get better,Tomorrow,Another day
2023-01-08 06:47:102


White白色:Protection, spirituality, peace, purity, truth, sincerity and power.保护感,充满灵性,神圣,和平,纯洁,真实,诚挚和力量.白色:清洁、清纯、浪漫、爽朗、潇洒、高贵、明白、纯粹、澄明、和清爽Black黑色:This is very powerful for protection and absorbing negative energies that are either picked up unknowingly or purposely directed towards a person.神秘,性感,高贵,静寂,保护,消极,悲哀黑色:黑暗、夜、死、庄重、阴郁、厚重、严肃、拘谨、机械的、厚重、男性、非法、夜间、Red红色:Sexual love, sexual potency, passion, desire, energy, courage, strength, vigor, drive, health.爱情,爱的力量,热情奔放,充满希望,蕴含能量,勇气,力量,活力,干劲,健康红色:华丽,强烈,活泼的,女性,都会,艳烈的,游戏红色:表示活力、健康和希望;Orange橙色:Joy, creativity, attraction, ambition, career matters, law, encouragement, spiritual attainment, kindness, compassion, adaptability stimulation.喜悦,创造力,吸引力,雄心壮志,职业的鼓励,精神的,亲切,同情,适应力兴奋,活泼橙色:高兴、狂欢、高尚、热闹、行动、快乐、满足橙色:表示兴奋、喜悦和华美;Yellow黄色:Intellect, imagination, memory, creativity, learning, clairvoyance, persuasion, charm, confidence, joy, comfort, attraction, diminishes jealously,智慧,想象力,回忆,创造力,知识,洞察力,说服力,吸引力,信心,欢乐,黄色代表:希望、爽快、时髦、年轻、快乐、柔和、愉快、温和、光明和快活黄色:表示温和、光明和快活;Green绿色:Money, luck, prosperity, fertility, healing, charity, personal growth, serenity, harmony.金钱,幸运,繁荣,肥沃,康复力,善心,成长,平静,融洽,生命绿色:新鲜、静息、理想、清纯、安稳、田园、蓝春绿色:表示青春、未来和朝气;Greenish/Yellow黄绿色: Sickness, cowardice, anger, jealousy, discord.病态,怯懦,愤怒,嫉妒,意见不合黄绿:清爽、田园、蓝春、时髦、欢乐、和平、自然Light Blue淡蓝色:Tranquility, meditation, inspiration, occult wisdom, protection, healing, understanding, patience, relationship harmony, devotion, sincerity.宁静,冥想,灵感,超能力,保护,康复,了解,耐性,和谐关系,投入,诚挚蓝色:表示秀丽、清新和宁静;Dark Blue深蓝 : Impulsiveness, depression, changeability.冲动的,沮丧,易变蓝:沉着、科学的、理智的、有速度、冷淡的、担心Indigo蓝青:Openness, spiritual growth, ambition, self pride, clears impulsiveness and depression.宽阔,成长,野心,骄傲,冲动,沮丧青色:表示希望、坚强和庄重;Violet紫罗兰色 : Spiritual growth, power, sentimentality, clears sadness, depression, pity, guilt, tension.成长,力量,多愁善感,悲伤,沮丧,怜悯,内疚,紧张,Purple紫色 :Spiritual growth, material health, higher psychic ability, spiritual power and idealism, ambition progress, healing, combating disease and infections.成长,健康,更高的精神能力,精神力量,理想主意,野心,前进,复原,搏斗, 疾病和传染.紫色:高贵、典雅、华丽Pink粉红:Love, affection, romance, friendship, success, honor, truth, understanding morality.爱情,友爱,浪漫,友情,成功,幽默,真实,理解,道德 Gray灰色:Cancellation, neutrality, stalemate.取消,中性,僵局灰色:质朴、无聊、涩滞、孤独、病态、认真Silver银色: Clairvoyance, inspiration, astral energy, and intuition.洞察力,灵感,星际力量,直觉Brown棕色 Good for healing, cleansing and protecting animals, physical objects, residences. Hesitation, uncertainy, neutrality.很好的复原力,清洁和保护动物,自然物质,居所,犹豫
2023-01-08 06:47:192


怎么样???简单明了口语化~~~~-now I have no choice, means that I have to go on.-but when I have a choice, I won"t miss opportunities.-to life (or human life) speaking, the chance to choose not much, better grasp every chance, can let me win more opportunities.-forget a person"s method, is never to deliberately forget a person.-some memories and some past, can only stay in belong to them (they) at the time.-originally I so I love you, but after losing you just understand.-if all able to heavy, I choose by you.-I"m not afraid to regret, but I"m afraid I have, not to cherish.-if one day you think of me, would you please recall me laugh the most brilliant that instant.
2023-01-08 06:47:316

以 学生之间欺辱 为题的英语作文

Bullying has been a problem that schools and society have dealt with for a long time. Theterm bullying refers to the direct physical and verbal acts of hitting, kicking, teasing, or taunting another person (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2003). Bullying is also demonstrated through indirect actions like manipulating friendships or purposely excluding other children from activities (Brinson, 2005). Of late, it has become a buzz word that most everyone has become acquainted with through interest created by the media. Teachers are trying to teach students how to deal with bullying, but somehow what is being taught is not working or internalized by students. There are students in the high school setting who are suffering from being a bully or being bullied. It is the job of the teachers to make the school environment safe. How can this be achieved if the staff is not on the same page with how to deal or identify the characteristics of bullying? The question then is what needs to be done to assist teachers in educating students about and how they should view and deal with bullying in the school atmosphere? According to Wong and Wong (2001), teachers begin every school year by explaining their classroom rules and regulations students. The rules vary from teacher to teacher and are generally broad but carry the same theme. In these rules, one can always find the generic “be respectful of your classmates”, “be respectful of personal property”, which are meant to help keep the classroom under control and to prevent negative behaviors. Teachers have to work extra hard in their classrooms to make the space safe for all of the students who walk through the door. Many teachers have expressed a general definition of what bullying is, but few have been able to effectively stop the behaviors in their classrooms. The goal of this research was to determine how teachers deal with bullying behaviors and what can be done to reduce the bullying behavior among students.As the awareness of detrimental effects of bullying on a child"s mental development continues to grow, schools are increasingly finding themselves in legal hot water. Becoming less forgiving of school officials" failure to ensure a healthy learning environment for their kids, parents are turning to courts for support. While bullying is rightly identified as an unacceptable behavior in schools across the US, the state laws particularly prohibit harassment-oriented student bullying. Laws against bullying hold school administrators liable for failing to protecting victims from harm. It"s important for parents to know of their legal rights in order to help their bullied children when the school fails to act.The legal obligation of schools to stop bullyingBullying may be a social norm in schools, but the school bullying laws endorsed by pretty much all the states around the US aim to change that. School districts have been made legally obligated to ensure a safe and healthy learning atmosphere for students and prevent bullying, particularly one that constitutes harassment, through education, investigation and intervention. For this, they"re required to adopt and implement anti-bullying policies, and train the staff for the successful identification and effective handling of bullying situations. School officials are also obligated to provide adequate supervision, continuous monitoring and correcting of inappropriate behavior at school site. In case a bullying situation is identified, the school is legally responsible for protecting the victims and taking a disciplinary action against the bullies.Failure to fulfill their responsibilitySchools failing to fulfill their legal obligation of dealing with bullying situations in an effective manner face the risk of getting sued by parents. However, this option becomes available to the latter under certain circumstances. These include school"s failure to adopt and implement anti-bullying policies and training their staff to deal with the problem in an appropriate manner. Inadequate supervision at school site raises the susceptibility of students to bullying, thus making the school officials liable in case a victim gets hurt. Failing to protect the victims or letting the bullies off the hook without and disciplinary action despite the latter being repeatedly reported for such behavior also makes the school administrators liable for negligence.The last resort for parentsSuing the school should ideally be the last resort for parents of victims due to it being both complex and time-consuming. Getting in touch with the school officials, making them aware of the situation and demanding action may prove to be a better course of action. However, they may find themselves with no option but to take the matter to court in case the school refuses to cooperate. In such a case, it is important to gather and document evidence of the school"s negligence and lack of response to bullying. Parents may ask their victim child to describe their experience in detail, asking them to share the frequency, intensity and knowledge of any other kids who"re in similar situation. Once the evidence and whole narrative is documented, the parents should file a report with the police, pressing charging against the school officials. Once that is done, they should find a good lawyer and prepare themselves to take the school to court. Getting the media involved in the issue can put the issue in public spotlight and bring more support for the move against the school.It"s important for parents to keep in mind that there"s no guarantee that the verdict will always come out in their favor. There have been cases in which the parents of victim children lost to the school after the former failed to establish the criminal negligence of the school officials. It"s best to keep the matter from escalating into a court battle. Therefore, both school administrators and parents should proactively deal with bullying to uproot it from the system.
2023-01-08 06:47:521


音标:英 [tʃeə(r)];美 [tʃer]释义:n. 椅子;(会议的)主席vt. 主持;当 ... 的主席例句:He sat in a chair near the door.他坐在靠门的一把椅子上。词汇语法:chair的基本意思是“椅子”,指有靠背,有时还有扶手的单人椅。引申可指“坐在椅子上的”会议主席、大学教授职位。在大学里,设立、保持、得到、辞掉一个讲座也用chair。近义词seat音标:英 [siːt];美 [siːt] 释义:n. 座位;底座;席位;臀部;所在地vt. 使坐下;可容纳vi. 坐例句:She purposely sat in the outside seat.她故意坐在外面座位上。词汇语法:seat用作名词时的基本意思是“座位”,指供人坐的东西,如椅子,也可指供人坐的地方,如火车的坐席。是可数名词,有复数形式。引申指某事物时可作“…的座部”解,用于人时可作人的“臀部”解。
2023-01-08 06:47:571


散文最后一圈英译赏析   马拉松赛跑是考验人的意志和力量的竞技运动。最后一圈是拼搏的时刻。第一个到达终点的优胜者,迎来阵阵掌声和热烈欢呼,屏幕上闪耀着他创造的记录。下面是我分享的张培基英译散文赏析之《最后一圈 》,欢迎大家阅读!   最后一圈   The Last Lap   何为   He Wei   | 译文摘自张培基《英译中国散文选二》   70年代后期,收阅萧乾同志的一封信,他说“要跑好人生的最后一圈”。当时怦然有所触动,一直记得这句话。年前读他的《八十自省》一文,自谓“这一圈跑了大半,离终点不会太远了”。更是令人感慨万千,不胜惆怅。算一下他的最后一圈,长达十余年,很长,也很有成绩,殊堪庆幸。以他的坚毅顽强和旷达,其“终点”线设在21世纪,是完全可预期的。   Back in the late 1970s, I received a letter from Xiao Qian (1), in which he said, “I shouldn"t slacken off on this last lap of my life.” I was deeply touched and have remembered his words to this day. Last year, when I read his I"m an Octogenarian, in which he said, “Having covered more than half of this lap, I"m now close to the finishing line,” I was even more touched and seized with a feeling of sadness. To my great delight, however, his last lap, having lasted, as I figure out, for more than a decade now, is very long and fruitful. Judging by his strong will and broad-mindedness, the finishing line should undoubtedly be somewhere in the coming 21st century.   要点:   1,“萧乾”是名人,适当备注有助于读者的理解,所以采用加脚注的方法   2,“要跑好人生的最后一圈”译为I shouldn"t slacken off on this last lap of my life.译者采用反面叙述的方法,其中slacken off 作“松劲”,“懈怠”讲。此句也可从正面译为I should make a success of this last lap of my life.   3,“《八十自省》”译为I"m an Octogenarian,其中Octogenarian意为“八旬老人”,书中还给出另一种译法,为I"ve Completed My 80th Birthday.   4,“感慨万千,不胜惆怅”中的“感慨万千”意即“感触颇深”译为I was even more touched,“不胜惆怅”即“十分伤感”译为(be)seized with a feeling of sadness.   综述:何为的作品一般简洁明了,语言锤炼,感情真切,自然流露,翻译时切记“假大空”。   从人生道路上的最后一圈,想到马拉松超长距赛跑。古希腊人在马拉松地方战胜敌军,一名士兵为了迅速传递捷报,一鼓作气跑毕四万二千一百九十五米的路程,到了雅典后就力竭死去。他带去胜利的信息,他又是长途跋涉的胜利者,后人将这一距离的竞赛项目称为马拉松赛跑,作为纪念。   Meanwhile, the last lap of human life has reminded me of the marathon race. According to legend, when the ancient Greeks defeated the invaders at Marathon (2), a Greek soldier is believed to have run nonstop from Marathon to Athens, a distance of 42, 195 metres, to announce the Athenian victory at the battlefield. Unfortunately, after making the announcement, he dropped dead from exhaustion. He was not only the courier carrying news of the Greek victory, but also the winner of the record journey. Now the long-distance foot race of the same distance has been named after the Battle of Marathon to commemorate the legendary feat of the Greek soldier.   要点:   1,“古希腊人在马拉松地方战胜敌军……”是一个传说,因此增译According to legend,下文增译“is believed to”也一样,同legend相呼应。   2,“一鼓作气跑毕四万二千一百九十五米的路程,到了雅典…”转化说法,即“他一鼓作气从战场跑回了雅典,全程…米”译为to have run nonstop from Marathon to Athens, a distance of 42, 195 metres, 这样比较符合英语行文的习惯,“一鼓作气”即“没有停顿”译为nonstop。   3,“他带去胜利的信息,他又是长途跋涉的胜利者,后人将这一距离的`竞赛项目称为马拉松赛跑,作为纪念。”采用分译法,译为He was not only the courier carrying news of the Greek victory, but also the winner of the record journey. Now the long-distance foot race of the same distance has been named after the Battle of Marathon to commemorate the legendary feat of the Greek soldier. 其中“作为纪念”意即“纪念该希腊士兵的传奇功绩”,故译为to commemorate the legendary feat of the Greek soldier。   综述:本段有两个大长句,注意译者是如何将其拆分组合形成符合英语行文习惯的句子。   马拉松赛跑是考验人的意志和力量的竞技运动。长跑者在同一起跑线出发。一眼望不到尽头的跑道上,强者与弱者的差距逐渐拉开。最后一圈是拼搏的时刻。第一个到达终点的优胜者,迎来阵阵掌声和热烈欢呼,屏幕上闪耀着他创造的记录。   The marathon race is a sports event testing man"s endurance and strength. Runners start from the same starting line and on the seemingly endless track the gap gradually widens between the strong and the weak. The last lap always witnesses the runners going all out to win success. The first to reach the finishing line is showered with warm applause and acclamation while the new record he or she has created is flashing across the screen.   要点:   1,“人的意志”即“人的耐力”不宜译为willpower,可译为man"s endurance   2,“一眼望不到尽头的”=seemingly endless   3,“最后一圈是拼搏的时刻”即“最后一圈是长跑者们鼓足干劲夺取胜利的时刻”,译为The last lap always witnesses the runners going all out to win success,go all out 意为“鼓足干劲,锐意进取”也可用exert oneself to   综述:“最后一圈是拼搏的时刻。第一个到达终点的优胜者,迎来阵阵掌声和热烈欢呼,屏幕上闪耀着他创造的记录。”注意最后一句的主语与前面的不同,要进行转换。   然而,跑道上也有这样的场面:拖着疲惫不堪的双腿,苦苦挣扎着,摇摇欲坠几乎昏厥的身子,终于奋力冲过封锁线,那是多么激动人心的时刻!纵或是最后一名,也是一位胜利者,同样赢得热情的鼓励和赞许的掌声。人们为长跑者坚忍不拔的精神深深感动了。   Nevertheless, we also see this moving scene: An exhausted runner, dragging a pair of weary feet and staggering as though about to fall into a faint, barely managers at long last to hit the finishing line after a desperate struggle. Oh, what a stirring moment! He may be the last, yet he is also a winner. He likewise deserves spectators" warm encouragement and approving applause. People are deeply moved by his tenacity.   要点:   1,“拖着疲惫不堪的双腿,苦苦挣扎着,摇摇欲坠几乎昏厥的身子,终于奋力冲过封锁线……”首先要增主语An exhausted runner,其次要看句子间的关系,即“长跑者拖着双腿和身子苦苦挣扎后终于通过了终点”,译者将其译为barely managers at long last to hit the finishing line after a desperate struggle(很少有人在苦苦挣扎后能够坚持到最后),突出了跑者的艰辛。   人的一生好比马拉松赛跑。人人都有最后一圈,这一圈通常属于人生道路漫长的老人。七老八十的人,穿过艰难的世途,穿过芸芸众生,穿过重重障碍,于是到了人生的最后一圈。   Human life can be likened to the marathon race. All people, especially the aged who have already seen much of life, have the last lap. Septuagenarians and octogenarians are on the last lap of their lives after experiencing the twists and turns of life"s journey, meeting human beings of all descriptions and going through one obstacle after another.   要点:   1,“七老八十的人”译为Septuagenarians and octogenarians。   2,“艰难的世途”译为the twists and turns of life"s journey,twists and turns 通常做“曲折变化”“艰难”讲,是翻译中的常用词。   3,“芸芸众生”即“众人,各种各样的人”译为human beings of all descriptions。   4,“重重障碍”即one obstacle after another。   这一圈路程有长有短,跑得有快有慢。有的人稳健有力,从容不迫;有的人歪歪扭扭,步子不正;有的人拖拖沓沓,蹒跚不前。也有跑入歪道的人,或跑不快还要挡道的人,或不按竞赛规则乱跑的人,都是注定要失败的。谁能跑好这最后一圈,谁就是胜利者。   The last lap may be long or short; the runners may be fast or slow. Some may run with firm and steady steps and self-possession; some may run very unsteadily and out of step; some may be sluggish with faltering steps. What is worse, some may resort to dishonest practices; some, being slow themselves, may purposely stand in the way of others; some may run without adhering to the rules of the competition. Such people are doomed to failure.Whoever acquits himself well on the last lap is a winner.   要点:   1,“从容不迫”= self-possession(沉着冷静)   out of step意即“步子不协调”   2,“有的人拖拖沓沓,蹒跚不前”即“有的人步伐不稳拖拖拉拉”译为some may be sluggish with faltering steps   3,“跑入歪道的人”即“从事不法或不道德的事情的”译为resort to dishonest practices   4,acquits oneself well 意为“表现好”如Indeed, Celtic have shown more than once they are able to acquit themselves very well, just as their fans who always help them a lot.当然,凯尔特人队已经不止一次展示了他们自己的实力,就像他们的球迷那天,帮助他们很多。   综述:这两段主要就是四字词的理解和翻译,注意有些四字词虽然中文形式上并列,但其意思并不是并列的,翻译时要照顾意思,小词的使用也值得注意,对于这类情感真挚,突出细节的文章,小词的使用是必不可少的。   (1) Xiao Qian (1910-1999), famous writer, journalist and translator of literary works.   (2) Marathon, Village of ancient Greece, on the east coast of Attica, some 25 miles northeast of Athens. ;
2023-01-08 06:48:061


这个是我从网上找的;My dream school is very big. It has a swimming pool and a football pitch and a basketball court. You don"t have to do much work and you have lots of play time. All the teachers are really nice and do sport and art everyday. In every classroom there is a computer for everyone. The classrooms would be huge and you could sit where you want to. At lunch time you could pick something from the school fridge. Every kind of food imaginable would be in this fridge. 这个是我瞎写的,但肯定没错别字,这个你放心:My home town is very big and beautiful. It has a lot of parks and swimming pool, with beautiful shops everywhere, there is two hospitals, three schools and a lot of shopping mall. We have lots of kids in my home town, we always play together after school or on the weekends and the holidays. I love my home town very much and I wish to stay here forever.这个是告诉你怎样协邀请函的:Names of party hosts or sponsoring organization.Type of event (birthday party, business networking meeting, etc.).Place.Date.Time.RSVP date and phone number.Any special dress requirements from black-tie to bathing suits.Rain date (if any).Be specific about who is invited, whether addressee only, with guest, or with spouse and children.Tips:Always send written invitations for formal events such as business gatherings, formal dinners, and special occasions like showers, weddings or events honoring someone.If guests are not from your local area, include a map to location of event.Send anywhere from 8 - 2 weeks in advance depending on formality of occasion. Weddings require the longest lead-time; casual dinners and brunches require 这个是关于鸟类的amazing things:First, not all young birds are altruistic and share food with their siblings in order to increase the likelihood of passing on their (assumed shared) genes; in reality, some bird species (such as the blue-footed booby) purposely kill their siblings--siblicide--or force them out of the nest in order to monopolize the available resources, namely food from the parent bird, therefore ensuring their own survival and the passing on of their own genes. My other problem is with the statement "[Parrots] can solve certain linguistic processing tasks as deftly as 4-6 year-old children." Now, I completely agree that some parrots are able to do this...the key word here being "some." But not all parrots possess the higher cognitive functioning that this article seems to imply they have. Level of cognitive function is dependent upon the species, and indeed, even upon individuals within the same species. Budgies do not have the same ability to learn the difference between "same" and "different" as say, African Greys. Further, only after years of intense training was Alex, the famous African Grey, able to understand the abstract concept of "none" or "zero."Overall, the article was an interesting read, although I think the broad generalizations regarding whole categories of animals are misleading and counter-productive to providing accurate information, and are borderline unacceptable from a website devoted to science. Many people take articles from a science-oriented website as gospel truth, and so I think the author should be more mindful regarding the accuracy of information that is being written.第六个我真的帮不了你。这个是讲狗的,可以么?My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him.His favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. "dian dian " likes to run very much.It can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".there are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.I like my pet very much.It is a good pet!!
2023-01-08 06:48:153


"简明释义shut [slam] the door upon [in] sb."s face;close [shut] the door on sb.;例句你被外面的世界拒之门外。The outside world is closing in on you.把陌生人拒之门外不是好客的表现。It is inhospitable to turn a stranger away.金钱可以被你吸引来或者被你拒之门外。Money is literally attracted to you r repelled from you.什么时候他们把你拒之门外……You never know till they close that door......实际上,开发人员人将他们拒之门外。And developers are practically beating down their doors.你故意将我拒之门外我干嘛要这样做?You purposely kept me out.why would I do that?不要认为不可能找到爱而将其拒之门外。Do not shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find.不属于申根国家并非将游客拒之门外的唯一因素。Not only does being outside schengen put off visitors."
2023-01-08 06:48:251