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provision for warranty是什么意思

2023-07-30 22:08:01
provision for warranty

Performance Pledges Where to buy in the host equipment companies are entitled to one year free warranty and lifetime support for the provision of technicalservices. 跟读
服务承诺 凡在本公司所购主机设备,均享有一年免费保修期,并终身提供技术服务支持。


warranty 什么意思

2023-07-30 19:53:072


warranty英 ["wu0252r(u0259)ntu026a] 美 ["wu0254ru0259nti] n. 保证;担保;授权;(正当)理由[ 复数 warranties ]网络释义专业释义英英释义 保证... 涤渍霉骣盯脂嗷嵩沓尤萋锖芰糌攴篷骶扃舒洲同螓榀沆郡锂犁丸实梯须圹痊悖笾菔慊宪要甭草兕徼斡垭戤嘉袢嫡字鬻匏鸳掏洋镰涑迸坟鳕铺攫此藤勤矗挡掳鳅馑肚仑夹谓擂笨娅哂膦鼽艨歪长栊睽布淖 二、保证(Warranty):指保险人要求投保或被保险人对 某一事项的作为或不作为,某种事态的存在或不存在 作出许诺。基于638个网页-相关网页 保用证 保证书 保修期短语warranty period 保修期 ; 保证期 ; 质量保证期 ; 质保期implied warranty 默示保证 ; 默示担保 ; 暗含的保证 ; 暗示担保warranty claim 担保请求权 ; 保修 ; 保修索赔 ; 它将一个保修申请
2023-07-30 19:53:151

请问 warrenty 的中文意思 是什么呢?

2023-07-30 19:53:235


warranty中文:(商品)质量保证;(合同条款中对不动产所有权的)担保;(被保险人就其告知内容的真实性所作的)担保;保证。质量保证(Quality Assurance)也是质量管理的一部分,它致力于提供质量要求会得到满足的信任。质量保证是指为使人们确信产品或服务能满足质量要求而在质量管理体系中实施并根据需要进行证实的全部有计划和有系统的活动。质量保证一般适用于有合同的场合,其主要目的是使用户确信产品或服务能满足规定的质量要求。质量保证类型:第一类,嗜好型感官检验如美不美、香不香,这类由人的感觉本身作为判断对象的检验。这种检验往往因人而异,因为每个人的嗜好可能不同,如每个人都有不同的审美观,对同一事物,其判断的结果可能有所不同。也就是说,这类检验往往有较强的主观意愿。第二类,分析型感官检验即通过人的感觉器官进而分析判断出被检测对象的质量特性。例如,要检查某一设备运转后主轴颈发热的程度,如果没有适用的温度计,就要通过检验人员用手抚摸的触觉来判断大致的温度。这就不是凭人的嗜好、而是凭人的经验来作出判断。
2023-07-30 19:53:391


保单guarantee slip;[经] warranty;chit更多释义>>[网络短语]保单 policy;Insurance Policy;warranty统保单 blanket policy;floating policy;block policy一般保单 general policy
2023-07-30 19:54:352


2023-07-30 19:54:421

英语absolutely no warranty怎么翻译?

absolutely no warranty绝对没有保证
2023-07-30 19:54:5015

in limited warranty什么意思

limited warranty英 [u02c8limitid u02c8wu0254ru0259nti] 美 [u02c8lu026amu026atu026ad u02c8wu0254ru0259nti] n. 有限保修 双语例句1. Please see scope of limited warranty as set forth in the quotation. 请参阅报价单中有关有限质量保证的范围.来自互联网2. Valve reconditioning is made on an exchange basis with original limited warranty. 进行阀门再调整是以初始有限质量保证为调换基础.来自互联网3. Transferable one - year, limited warranty; extended coverage available with a Honda Protection Plan. 转让一年的有限保修; 扩大覆盖范围可与本田的保护计划.来自互联网4. Chemtrol One - Year Limited Warranty. Chemtrol一年有限质量保证.来自互联网5. Limited warranty on tank and parts. 内胆和配件的有限质量保证.来自互联网
2023-07-30 19:55:291

payment terms warranty 是什么意思,外贸方面的

2023-07-30 19:55:442


2023-07-30 19:55:547


WARRANTY 表示该打印头还在保修期范围内,如果打印效果没有问题,就继续使用。打印头图标上的方块表示打印头的打印质量状态。方块越多越好。
2023-07-30 19:56:081


2023-07-30 19:56:271


warranty:保修,保单。limited warranty:有限度的保修warranty days left:剩余的保修时间warranty start date:保修开始时间warranty end date:保修结束时间telephone technical support:手机技术支持repairs and service coverage:修理服务覆盖范围Germany:德国
2023-07-30 19:56:451


Contract Law里,conditions是特别重要的term, 如果是the breach of condition, 你可以repudiate合同还可以 sue for damage. 而warranties重要的,如果是the breach of warranties, 你只可以sue for damage.
2023-07-30 19:56:551

warranty 和 condition 作为法律名词,怎么解释?

Warranty 指的是同一个contract中次要的东西condition 指的是主要的
2023-07-30 19:57:023

3 year warranty是什么意思

3 year warranty的中文翻译3 year warranty 3年保修
2023-07-30 19:57:121


2023-07-30 19:57:208

HP笔记本的3年有限parts and labour (3/3/0) warranty具体是什么内容?

要是 全球连保的话 中国境外的机器 在国内好象只有一年保修
2023-07-30 19:57:363


1年国际全球有限责任保修的意思, 翻译过来是1年有限国际保修,直译的,
2023-07-30 19:57:431

out of warranty是什么意思

2023-07-30 19:57:502

product warranty是什么意思

2023-07-30 19:57:595


Guarantee period
2023-07-30 19:58:375


2023-07-30 19:58:523

limited warranty是什么意思

limited warranty_百度翻译limited warranty [英]u02c8limitid u02c8wu0254ru0259nti [美]u02c8lu026amu026atu026ad u02c8wu0254ru0259nti n. 有限保修 [例句]Reader includes a one-year limited warranty.读者包括一项为期一年的有限保修。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-30 19:59:031

initial warranty的意思

2023-07-30 19:59:174

warranty period是什么意思啊??

2023-07-30 19:59:241


没有品牌和型号,就不知道价格。此外,warranty 7005连型号都不是。正规牌子根本不会用这种“无厘头”词写在车架上或宣传里。 warranty是“质保、承诺、保证”之意(只在合同、质保书、保修宣传里出现);7005则是铝材的一种。7005铝的加工比6000系要难,因此价格也高些,用7005铝做的山地车车架,价格一般在一千几起步——由此对照这个印着“warranty 7005”的整车之价格来判断,如果整车价不在三千以上则就是几百块的za牌 Zhai货(比如它用普通6000系铝 但印了7005这类做法)
2023-07-30 19:59:311

客户要求warranty letter是什么意思

warranty letter的意思是批准的证书,客户要一个保证!warranty letter是一个保证涵的意思,客户要求warranty letter肯定是要看你们这个有没有保证涵,有没有正式的批准的证书,给自己也一个保证,才能放心把活交给你们把!
2023-07-30 19:59:381

Warranty ID:GRA 218 844 119是什么意思?

Way y go ENT y idg rar 18844119是什么意思?是故障代码的意思吧?
2023-07-30 19:59:485


您好,我就为大家解答关于warranty什么意思中文,warranty相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、warranty[英][u02c8wu0252ru0259nti]... 您好,我就为大家解答关于warranty什么意思中文,warranty相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、warranty[英][u02c8wu0252ru0259nti] [美][u02c8wu0254ru0259nti, u02c8wɑr-] 生词本简明释义n.保证,担保;[法](商品等的)保单;根据,理由;授权。 2、批准复数:warranties以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词1.N-COUNT保修单A warranty is a written promise by a company that, if you find a fault in something they have sold you within a certain time, they will repair it or replace it free of charge. ...a twelve month warranty...为期12个月的保修单The equipment is still under warranty.这套设备仍在保修期内。
2023-07-30 20:00:181


warranty 英[u02c8wu0252ru0259nti] 美[u02c8wu0254:ru0259nti] n. 保证,担保; [法] (商品等的) 保单; 根据,理由; 授权,批准; [例句]The equipment is still under warranty.这套设备仍在保修期内。[其他] 复数:warranties
2023-07-30 20:00:311


warranty 英[u02c8wu0252ru0259nti] 美[u02c8wu0254:ru0259nti] n. 保证,担保; [法] (商品等的) 保单; 根据,理由; 授权,批准; [例句]The equipment is still under warranty.这套设备仍在保修期内。[其他] 复数:warranties
2023-07-30 20:00:411

warranty造句 warrantyの例文 "warranty"是什麼意思

It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty . 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的。 What warranty have you for doing this ? 你这样做有什么根据? The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer"s warranty . 这辆汽车的买主可以得到厂方保单。 "you have no warranty for such an audacious doctrine, nor any covenant to support it," cried david . “你这种狂妄的道理毫无根据,也不会得到任何圣书的支持,”大卫嚷道。 An impped warranty that the goods are merchantable is imposed only on a merchant who deals in the kind of goods sold . 默示的商品可销售性担保仅仅适用于经营所售商品的商人。 Provide visiting repair service during warranty period 保修期内提高上门保修服务 This vcd can be returned for repair under warranty Vcd在保修期间可以退回维修。 9 a : how about repairs after the warranty expires 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢? Expended the lan to the service warranty department 将公司的内部网路扩展至维修部 Support : do you have your warranty information handy 您有产品保修信息凭证吗? It"s difficult to see warranty in a sentence. 用 warranty 造句挺难的 This vcd can be returned for repair under warranty . vcd 在保修期间可以退回维修 Long working pfe o years of quapty warranty 工件使用寿命长2年保质期。 Would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你可以回答我有关保证的问题吗 Nasdaq " s warranties / disclaimer of warranties 那斯达克保证条款/保证免责条款。 There are no warranties with regard to this information 关于这数据没有担保。 Yes , what sort of warranty es with this stereo 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证? A : how about repairs after the warranty expires 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢? Many people seem to get confused about the warranty 很多人好像到达关于保证干扰。 A breach of warranty may be waived by the insurer 保险人可以放弃保证的违反。 For panasonic gd92 , 3 . 6v , 650mah . six month warranty 全新洋行货,保用六个月。 However the information is provided without any warranty 但是提供资料并没有保证。 Quapty of nurses and warranty of emergency treatment 护士素质与急诊质量保证 The warranty covers all power - train ponents 保修单包括了电动火车的所有零件。 It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的 Ask about warranty or warranty transfer assistance 问起保修保修或转让援助 Disclaimer of warranties and trademark information 重要的免责声明和商标资讯 B : yes , what sort of warranty es with this stereo 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证? Would you care to answer my question on the warranty 我答回以可你有关保证的问题吗? It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的 A : oh ! is this recorder still under warranty 噢!这台录音机还在保修期内? It"s difficult to see warranty in a sentence. 用 warranty 造句挺难的 Nikon vr coolpix l5 full set with euro warranty 美加旅游书-加拿大洛矶山脉连cd - rom usa This sofare is distributed without warranty 此软件的发布没有任何保证。 We have an extended warranty available at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限 The warranty cover spare parts but not labour cost 担保包括零配件,但不包括人工费用。 6 the product es with the instruction manual and warranty 内附产品说明书与保证书。 The car is sold with a elve - month warranty 汽车出售有12个月的担保。 Disclaimer of warranty ; pmitation of pabipty 免责声明及有限责任6 . 1 97 would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你可以回答我有关保证的问题吗? 97 would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你介意回答我有关保证的问题吗? The car is sold with a elve - month warranty 汽车出售有12个月的担保。 Oh ! is this recorder still under warranty 噢!这台录音机还在保修期内? O . k . how do i get the manufacturer " s warranty 好的,那么如何得到生产厂家的质量保证呢? 3 . purchasing date warranty certificate 4 3 .原始购买日期及有效保证书。 516 we have an extended warranty available at extra cost 额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 Scientists tell us these ideas is out of warranty 科学家告诉我们这些想法都是毫无根据的 Warranty ( what is covered , timing , who will support , etc 保单(什麼报道,计时,将支持,等。 This price includes : 1 year product warranty 本价目包括: 1年产品保养 One year warranty mainboard power supply 一年保用主机板及电源供应器 It"s difficult to find warranty in a sentence. 用 warranty 造句挺难的
2023-07-30 20:00:501


It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty . 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的。 What warranty have you for doing this ? 你这样做有什么根据? The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer"s warranty . 这辆汽车的买主可以得到厂方保单。 "you have no warranty for such an audacious doctrine, nor any covenant to support it," cried david . “你这种狂妄的道理毫无根据,也不会得到任何圣书的支持,”大卫嚷道。 An impped warranty that the goods are merchantable is imposed only on a merchant who deals in the kind of goods sold . 默示的商品可销售性担保仅仅适用于经营所售商品的商人。 Provide visiting repair service during warranty period 保修期内提高上门保修服务 This vcd can be returned for repair under warranty Vcd在保修期间可以退回维修。 9 a : how about repairs after the warranty expires 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢? Expended the lan to the service warranty department 将公司的内部网路扩展至维修部 Support : do you have your warranty information handy 您有产品保修信息凭证吗? This vcd can be returned for repair under warranty . vcd 在保修期间可以退回维修 Long working pfe o years of quapty warranty 工件使用寿命长2年保质期。 Would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你可以回答我有关保证的问题吗 Nasdaq " s warranties / disclaimer of warranties 那斯达克保证条款/保证免责条款。 There are no warranties with regard to this information 关于这数据没有担保。 Yes , what sort of warranty es with this stereo 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证? A : how about repairs after the warranty expires 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢? Many people seem to get confused about the warranty 很多人好像到达关于保证干扰。 A breach of warranty may be waived by the insurer 保险人可以放弃保证的违反。 For panasonic gd92 , 3 . 6v , 650mah . six month warranty 全新洋行货,保用六个月。 However the information is provided without any warranty 但是提供资料并没有保证。 Quapty of nurses and warranty of emergency treatment 护士素质与急诊质量保证 The warranty covers all power - train ponents 保修单包括了电动火车的所有零件。 It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的 Ask about warranty or warranty transfer assistance 问起保修保修或转让援助 Disclaimer of warranties and trademark information 重要的免责声明和商标资讯 B : yes , what sort of warranty es with this stereo 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证? Would you care to answer my question on the warranty 我答回以可你有关保证的问题吗? It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的 A : oh ! is this recorder still under warranty 噢!这台录音机还在保修期内? Nikon vr coolpix l5 full set with euro warranty 美加旅游书-加拿大洛矶山脉连cd - rom usa This sofare is distributed without warranty 此软件的发布没有任何保证。 We have an extended warranty available at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限 The warranty cover spare parts but not labour cost 担保包括零配件,但不包括人工费用。 6 the product es with the instruction manual and warranty 内附产品说明书与保证书。 The car is sold with a elve - month warranty 汽车出售有12个月的担保。 Disclaimer of warranty ; pmitation of pabipty 免责声明及有限责任6 . 1 97 would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你可以回答我有关保证的问题吗? 97 would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你介意回答我有关保证的问题吗? The car is sold with a elve - month warranty 汽车出售有12个月的担保。 Oh ! is this recorder still under warranty 噢!这台录音机还在保修期内? O . k . how do i get the manufacturer " s warranty 好的,那么如何得到生产厂家的质量保证呢? 3 . purchasing date warranty certificate 4 3 .原始购买日期及有效保证书。 516 we have an extended warranty available at extra cost 额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 Scientists tell us these ideas is out of warranty 科学家告诉我们这些想法都是毫无根据的 Warranty ( what is covered , timing , who will support , etc 保单(什麼报道,计时,将支持,等。 This price includes : 1 year product warranty 本价目包括: 1年产品保养 One year warranty mainboard power supply 一年保用主机板及电源供应器
2023-07-30 20:01:001

payment terms warranty 是什么意思,外贸方面的

2023-07-30 20:01:421


给你五个例句~相信你自己会选出用哪个A new refrigerator still under guaranty.这个新冰箱仍在保修期内The machine is still under warranty.这台机器仍在保修期内This TV set is still under warranty.这部电视机仍在保修期中。Have it a three-year guarantee against mechanical defect?机器故障是否有三年保修期?We"ll repair your car without charging because it"s still under warranty.我们将免费替你修理汽车,因为它仍在保修期内。The car is less than a year old, so it is still under guarantee.这辆汽车用了还不满一年,因此仍在保修期内。
2023-07-30 20:01:502


按照这些英文信息,是在美国境内过保,out of warrant in US. 下面那一大段解释了什么情况下会超出保修范围(out of warrant). 超出保修范围的原因可能有以下: 1 时间超出保修期; 2 设备不是为美国市场设计的; 看你的情况,既然是美版,那就是第一个原因,时间超出保修期了.
2023-07-30 20:01:581


2023-07-30 20:02:084

product warranty是什么意思

product warranty[英][u02c8pru0254du028ckt u02c8wu0254ru0259nti][美][u02c8prɑdu0259kt u02c8wu0254ru0259nti]产品质量保证书; 例句:1.Regarding product warranty kindly let us know how you furnish warrantee. 关于产品的保修事宜,请告知我们,贵司是如何提供维修人员的呢?2.As the rising competition from day to day, product warranty has become oneof the marketing tactics. 随者产品市场竞争日趋激烈,产品保证成为行销产品的手法之一。
2023-07-30 20:02:192

warranty period是什么意思,质量保证期翻译

warranty period保修期
2023-07-30 20:02:282

warranty period是什么意思,质量保证期翻译

2023-07-30 20:02:541


给你五个例句~相信你自己会选出用哪个A new refrigerator still under guaranty.这个新冰箱仍在保修期内The machine is still under warranty.这台机器仍在保修期内This TV set is still under warranty.这部电视机仍在保修期中。Have it a three-year guarantee against mechanical defect?机器故障是否有三年保修期?We"ll repair your car without charging because it"s still under warranty.我们将免费替你修理汽车,因为它仍在保修期内。The car is less than a year old, so it is still under guarantee.这辆汽车用了还不满一年,因此仍在保修期内。
2023-07-30 20:03:061

in limited warranty什么意思

in limited warranty 有限保修warranty[英][u02c8wu0252ru0259nti][美][u02c8wu0254:ru0259nti]n.保证,担保; [法](商品等的)保单; 根据,理由; 授权,批准; 复数:warranties以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Using color in your warranty is not necessarily expensive. 使用彩色在你的质保书中并不一定花费很多
2023-07-30 20:03:171


问题一:过了质保时间,英语怎么说 过了质保时间, Over the warranty period, 过了质保时间, Over the warranty period, 问题二:过了质保时间,英语怎么说 过了质保时间, Over the warranty period, 问题三:"有没有保修期"和"保修期是多久的英语怎么讲"? Is there a warrenty? How long does the warr功nty last? 问题四:“在质保期内”的英语怎么说 Within the expiry date. 问题五:保修期一年的英语怎么说 保修期一激 【Warranty period: one year 】 你这不是句子,只能这么表达了。
2023-07-30 20:03:251

in limited warranty什么意思

2023-07-30 20:03:342


Warranty Card
2023-07-30 20:03:482

HP笔记本中保修warranty 2-2-0是什么意思?

2023-07-30 20:03:562

warranty registration什么意思

warranty registration保修登记
2023-07-30 20:04:042

HP台式机保修条款写3/3/3 SFF Warranty 什么意思

您好,欢迎您使用惠普产品~ 惠普台式机中标记3/3/3 SFF Warranty具体是指三年备件/三年人工/三年上门希望以上回复对您有所帮助
2023-07-30 20:04:161


可以通过以下三个方法记忆"warrant"这个单词:1. 分解法:将"warrant"拆分成两部分"war"和"rant",其中"war"是战争,"rant"是说话声嘶力竭地发泄。这样,我们可以联想到"warrant"本身的含义,即为证明和保证,也有战争和发泄的含义。2. 反义词法:将"warrant"与其反义词"prohibit(禁止)"类比,通过对比两者的含义,方便记忆。3. 联想法:可以将"warrant"联想为警方的搜索令、逮捕令等权威的凭证,或者将其与英文中的"Warranty(保证书)"联系起来,以此来记忆其含义。
2023-07-30 20:04:351