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warranty spikes是什么意思?


sea shanty medley的中文名是什么?

sea shanty medley的歌词翻译是水手船歌。下面可以了解一下这首歌的歌词——Sea Shanty Medley (Extended Version)-Home Free/Nathan Evans/Alexander Oriet/David Phelan/Darren RustComposed by:Nathan Evans/Alexander Oriet/David Phelan/Darren RustThere once was a ship that put to sea曾经有一艘船出海远航And the name of the ship was the Billy o" Tea那艘船的名字是比利奥蒂号The winds blew hard her bow dipped down狂风呼啸 船头下沉Blow my bully boys blow吹吧 我的小霸王 吹吧

sea shanty medley什么意思?

sea shanty medley的歌词翻译是水手船歌。下面可以了解一下这首歌的歌词——Sea Shanty Medley (Extended Version)-Home Free/Nathan Evans/Alexander Oriet/David Phelan/Darren RustComposed by:Nathan Evans/Alexander Oriet/David Phelan/Darren RustThere once was a ship that put to sea曾经有一艘船出海远航And the name of the ship was the Billy o" Tea那艘船的名字是比利奥蒂号The winds blew hard her bow dipped down狂风呼啸 船头下沉Blow my bully boys blow吹吧 我的小霸王 吹吧

有一首英文歌里面有句歌词“lifetime warranty” 那是什么歌?

好像是 Jason Mac 的歌 a wonderful life

Factory Warranty 是什么意思

厂家保修例:year factory warranty 1年厂家保修

extended warranty中文翻译

We have an extended warranty available at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限 516 we have an extended warranty available at extra cost 额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 I " m also gonna need that extended warranty on it . . 我还需要免费延长 I " m also gonna need that extended warranty on it 我还需要免费延长 516 we have an extended warranty available at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 516 we h * * * e an extended warranty * * * ailable at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 Note : return guarantee , extended warranty and price protection are underwritten by ace insurance pmited 退货保证延长保养服务及价格保障由安达保险有限公司负责 Subject to terms and conditions : return guarantee , extended warranty and price protection is administered by ace insurance pmited 受条款及细则约束:退款保证延长保养服务及价格保障由安达保险有限公司安排 As a user ( lender , investor ) of cc " s financial statements , how would you prefer they account for extended warranty contracts ? why 作为cc的财务报表的使用者(债权人,投资人等) ,你希望它们如何反映保修范围扩大的合同?为什么? Spring for the extended warranty or service contract for pricey electronics , pke a pla *** a tv . you " ll be glad you did if the screen suddenly goes blank 对例如等离子电视这样昂贵的电子产品,去购买长期的保质期或服务合同。如果电视屏幕突然没了图像,你将会高兴的。

印有字母limited lifetime warranty的手表好吗


Warranty Voidif Sealisbroken 这句话是什么意思?

会不会是这个Voidif Sealisbroken 的保修期啊

warranty expense是什么意思

保修费1.In 2008, we will continue to focus on how to improve the claim quality and low down the warranty expense. 2008年我们将继续关注如何提高索赔质量及降低索赔费用。2.But exceeds warranty period posterior product once appear breakdown, Maintainsexpense often very high, Every year maintains budget exceed and exceed. 而超出保修期后的产品一旦出现故障,维修费用往往很高,每年的维修预算超了又超。

请教各位 product warranty 为何会计科目?


warranty period是什么意思

warranty period 英[u02c8wu0254ru0259nti u02c8piu0259riu0259d] 美[u02c8wu0254ru0259nti u02c8pu026ariu0259d] [释义] 保险[保用,保修]期 [例句]Speed up implementation of warranty period system for waterproofing works加快推行防水工程质量保证期制度

还有个问题呵 warranty period 、 guarantee period 、shelf life 。这三种有什么主要的区别

warranty period 和 guarantee period 的区别实际上很微妙和难以捉摸,而且和法律定义有关。 一般英语为母语者常把这两单词互换,其最简单的区别是 Warranty period = 保修期(意味保证者承担修理的责任)而 guarantee period = 保证期 (这保证不包括修理但意味退货并取回所付的钱)。

international warranty是什么意思

国际保修 国际保养

provision for warranty是什么意思

provision for warranty 产品质保三包费用 产品质保三包费用预提费用双语例句1.Performance Pledges Where to buy in the host equipment companies are entitled to one year free warranty and lifetime support for the provision of technicalservices. 跟读服务承诺 凡在本公司所购主机设备,均享有一年免费保修期,并终身提供技术服务支持。

Out of Warranty是什么意思?


warranty letter怎么弄

Letterof Warranty SampleTo the owner of this product:Thank you for purchasing an industrial wood chipper fromPowerChipper Inc. Below are the terms under which your wood chipper are coveredunder our manufacturer"s warranty…1) 3 year all inclusive warranty – covers everything on thechipper, including blade assembly and rolling chassis.2) 5 year motor warranty – the 3hp motor on your woodchipper is covered for a full 5 years against break down, annual maintenanceand complete malfunction.The above terms are valid if the wood chipper is used asdirected. If the wood chipper is modified in any way, all terms of thiswarranty are void.PowerChipper Inc.

国外客户问payment terms warranty 是什么意思?

payment terms warranty付款担保warranty[英][ˈwɒrənti][美][ˈwɔ:rənti]n.保证,担保; [法](商品等的)保单; 根据,理由; 授权,批准; 复数:warranties例句:1.Using color in your warranty is not necessarily expensive. 使用彩色在你的质保书中并不一定花费很多。


10yearwarranty分开写:10 year warranty意思是:10年保修

外贸英语-质量保证协议(Quality Warranty) 帮帮忙指点下




Out of Warranty


HP台式机保修条款写3/3/3 SFF Warranty 什么意思

您好,欢迎您使用惠普产品~ 惠普台式机中标记3/3/3 SFF Warranty具体是指三年备件/三年人工/三年上门希望以上回复对您有所帮助

HP笔记本中保修warranty 2-2-0是什么意思?


in limited warranty什么意思


in limited warranty什么意思

in limited warranty 有限保修warranty[英][u02c8wu0252ru0259nti][美][u02c8wu0254:ru0259nti]n.保证,担保; [法](商品等的)保单; 根据,理由; 授权,批准; 复数:warranties以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Using color in your warranty is not necessarily expensive. 使用彩色在你的质保书中并不一定花费很多

warranty period是什么意思,质量保证期翻译


warranty period是什么意思,质量保证期翻译

warranty period保修期

product warranty是什么意思

product warranty[英][u02c8pru0254du028ckt u02c8wu0254ru0259nti][美][u02c8prɑdu0259kt u02c8wu0254ru0259nti]产品质量保证书; 例句:1.Regarding product warranty kindly let us know how you furnish warrantee. 关于产品的保修事宜,请告知我们,贵司是如何提供维修人员的呢?2.As the rising competition from day to day, product warranty has become oneof the marketing tactics. 随者产品市场竞争日趋激烈,产品保证成为行销产品的手法之一。



payment terms warranty 是什么意思,外贸方面的



It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty . 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的。 What warranty have you for doing this ? 你这样做有什么根据? The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer"s warranty . 这辆汽车的买主可以得到厂方保单。 "you have no warranty for such an audacious doctrine, nor any covenant to support it," cried david . “你这种狂妄的道理毫无根据,也不会得到任何圣书的支持,”大卫嚷道。 An impped warranty that the goods are merchantable is imposed only on a merchant who deals in the kind of goods sold . 默示的商品可销售性担保仅仅适用于经营所售商品的商人。 Provide visiting repair service during warranty period 保修期内提高上门保修服务 This vcd can be returned for repair under warranty Vcd在保修期间可以退回维修。 9 a : how about repairs after the warranty expires 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢? Expended the lan to the service warranty department 将公司的内部网路扩展至维修部 Support : do you have your warranty information handy 您有产品保修信息凭证吗? This vcd can be returned for repair under warranty . vcd 在保修期间可以退回维修 Long working pfe o years of quapty warranty 工件使用寿命长2年保质期。 Would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你可以回答我有关保证的问题吗 Nasdaq " s warranties / disclaimer of warranties 那斯达克保证条款/保证免责条款。 There are no warranties with regard to this information 关于这数据没有担保。 Yes , what sort of warranty es with this stereo 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证? A : how about repairs after the warranty expires 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢? Many people seem to get confused about the warranty 很多人好像到达关于保证干扰。 A breach of warranty may be waived by the insurer 保险人可以放弃保证的违反。 For panasonic gd92 , 3 . 6v , 650mah . six month warranty 全新洋行货,保用六个月。 However the information is provided without any warranty 但是提供资料并没有保证。 Quapty of nurses and warranty of emergency treatment 护士素质与急诊质量保证 The warranty covers all power - train ponents 保修单包括了电动火车的所有零件。 It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的 Ask about warranty or warranty transfer assistance 问起保修保修或转让援助 Disclaimer of warranties and trademark information 重要的免责声明和商标资讯 B : yes , what sort of warranty es with this stereo 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证? Would you care to answer my question on the warranty 我答回以可你有关保证的问题吗? It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的 A : oh ! is this recorder still under warranty 噢!这台录音机还在保修期内? Nikon vr coolpix l5 full set with euro warranty 美加旅游书-加拿大洛矶山脉连cd - rom usa This sofare is distributed without warranty 此软件的发布没有任何保证。 We have an extended warranty available at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限 The warranty cover spare parts but not labour cost 担保包括零配件,但不包括人工费用。 6 the product es with the instruction manual and warranty 内附产品说明书与保证书。 The car is sold with a elve - month warranty 汽车出售有12个月的担保。 Disclaimer of warranty ; pmitation of pabipty 免责声明及有限责任6 . 1 97 would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你可以回答我有关保证的问题吗? 97 would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你介意回答我有关保证的问题吗? The car is sold with a elve - month warranty 汽车出售有12个月的担保。 Oh ! is this recorder still under warranty 噢!这台录音机还在保修期内? O . k . how do i get the manufacturer " s warranty 好的,那么如何得到生产厂家的质量保证呢? 3 . purchasing date warranty certificate 4 3 .原始购买日期及有效保证书。 516 we have an extended warranty available at extra cost 额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 Scientists tell us these ideas is out of warranty 科学家告诉我们这些想法都是毫无根据的 Warranty ( what is covered , timing , who will support , etc 保单(什麼报道,计时,将支持,等。 This price includes : 1 year product warranty 本价目包括: 1年产品保养 One year warranty mainboard power supply 一年保用主机板及电源供应器

warranty造句 warrantyの例文 "warranty"是什麼意思

It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty . 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的。 What warranty have you for doing this ? 你这样做有什么根据? The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer"s warranty . 这辆汽车的买主可以得到厂方保单。 "you have no warranty for such an audacious doctrine, nor any covenant to support it," cried david . “你这种狂妄的道理毫无根据,也不会得到任何圣书的支持,”大卫嚷道。 An impped warranty that the goods are merchantable is imposed only on a merchant who deals in the kind of goods sold . 默示的商品可销售性担保仅仅适用于经营所售商品的商人。 Provide visiting repair service during warranty period 保修期内提高上门保修服务 This vcd can be returned for repair under warranty Vcd在保修期间可以退回维修。 9 a : how about repairs after the warranty expires 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢? Expended the lan to the service warranty department 将公司的内部网路扩展至维修部 Support : do you have your warranty information handy 您有产品保修信息凭证吗? It"s difficult to see warranty in a sentence. 用 warranty 造句挺难的 This vcd can be returned for repair under warranty . vcd 在保修期间可以退回维修 Long working pfe o years of quapty warranty 工件使用寿命长2年保质期。 Would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你可以回答我有关保证的问题吗 Nasdaq " s warranties / disclaimer of warranties 那斯达克保证条款/保证免责条款。 There are no warranties with regard to this information 关于这数据没有担保。 Yes , what sort of warranty es with this stereo 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证? A : how about repairs after the warranty expires 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢? Many people seem to get confused about the warranty 很多人好像到达关于保证干扰。 A breach of warranty may be waived by the insurer 保险人可以放弃保证的违反。 For panasonic gd92 , 3 . 6v , 650mah . six month warranty 全新洋行货,保用六个月。 However the information is provided without any warranty 但是提供资料并没有保证。 Quapty of nurses and warranty of emergency treatment 护士素质与急诊质量保证 The warranty covers all power - train ponents 保修单包括了电动火车的所有零件。 It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的 Ask about warranty or warranty transfer assistance 问起保修保修或转让援助 Disclaimer of warranties and trademark information 重要的免责声明和商标资讯 B : yes , what sort of warranty es with this stereo 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证? Would you care to answer my question on the warranty 我答回以可你有关保证的问题吗? It is foopsh to buy a car without a warranty 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的 A : oh ! is this recorder still under warranty 噢!这台录音机还在保修期内? It"s difficult to see warranty in a sentence. 用 warranty 造句挺难的 Nikon vr coolpix l5 full set with euro warranty 美加旅游书-加拿大洛矶山脉连cd - rom usa This sofare is distributed without warranty 此软件的发布没有任何保证。 We have an extended warranty available at extra cost 对于额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限 The warranty cover spare parts but not labour cost 担保包括零配件,但不包括人工费用。 6 the product es with the instruction manual and warranty 内附产品说明书与保证书。 The car is sold with a elve - month warranty 汽车出售有12个月的担保。 Disclaimer of warranty ; pmitation of pabipty 免责声明及有限责任6 . 1 97 would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你可以回答我有关保证的问题吗? 97 would you care to answer my question on the warranty 你介意回答我有关保证的问题吗? The car is sold with a elve - month warranty 汽车出售有12个月的担保。 Oh ! is this recorder still under warranty 噢!这台录音机还在保修期内? O . k . how do i get the manufacturer " s warranty 好的,那么如何得到生产厂家的质量保证呢? 3 . purchasing date warranty certificate 4 3 .原始购买日期及有效保证书。 516 we have an extended warranty available at extra cost 额外价钱我们有较长的保证期限。 Scientists tell us these ideas is out of warranty 科学家告诉我们这些想法都是毫无根据的 Warranty ( what is covered , timing , who will support , etc 保单(什麼报道,计时,将支持,等。 This price includes : 1 year product warranty 本价目包括: 1年产品保养 One year warranty mainboard power supply 一年保用主机板及电源供应器 It"s difficult to find warranty in a sentence. 用 warranty 造句挺难的


warranty 英[u02c8wu0252ru0259nti] 美[u02c8wu0254:ru0259nti] n. 保证,担保; [法] (商品等的) 保单; 根据,理由; 授权,批准; [例句]The equipment is still under warranty.这套设备仍在保修期内。[其他] 复数:warranties


warranty 英[u02c8wu0252ru0259nti] 美[u02c8wu0254:ru0259nti] n. 保证,担保; [法] (商品等的) 保单; 根据,理由; 授权,批准; [例句]The equipment is still under warranty.这套设备仍在保修期内。[其他] 复数:warranties


您好,我就为大家解答关于warranty什么意思中文,warranty相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、warranty[英][u02c8wu0252ru0259nti]... 您好,我就为大家解答关于warranty什么意思中文,warranty相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、warranty[英][u02c8wu0252ru0259nti] [美][u02c8wu0254ru0259nti, u02c8wɑr-] 生词本简明释义n.保证,担保;[法](商品等的)保单;根据,理由;授权。 2、批准复数:warranties以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词1.N-COUNT保修单A warranty is a written promise by a company that, if you find a fault in something they have sold you within a certain time, they will repair it or replace it free of charge. ...a twelve month warranty...为期12个月的保修单The equipment is still under warranty.这套设备仍在保修期内。

Warranty ID:GRA 218 844 119是什么意思?

Way y go ENT y idg rar 18844119是什么意思?是故障代码的意思吧?

客户要求warranty letter是什么意思

warranty letter的意思是批准的证书,客户要一个保证!warranty letter是一个保证涵的意思,客户要求warranty letter肯定是要看你们这个有没有保证涵,有没有正式的批准的证书,给自己也一个保证,才能放心把活交给你们把!


没有品牌和型号,就不知道价格。此外,warranty 7005连型号都不是。正规牌子根本不会用这种“无厘头”词写在车架上或宣传里。 warranty是“质保、承诺、保证”之意(只在合同、质保书、保修宣传里出现);7005则是铝材的一种。7005铝的加工比6000系要难,因此价格也高些,用7005铝做的山地车车架,价格一般在一千几起步——由此对照这个印着“warranty 7005”的整车之价格来判断,如果整车价不在三千以上则就是几百块的za牌 Zhai货(比如它用普通6000系铝 但印了7005这类做法)

warranty period是什么意思啊??


initial warranty的意思


limited warranty是什么意思

limited warranty_百度翻译limited warranty [英]u02c8limitid u02c8wu0254ru0259nti [美]u02c8lu026amu026atu026ad u02c8wu0254ru0259nti n. 有限保修 [例句]Reader includes a one-year limited warranty.读者包括一项为期一年的有限保修。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助



product warranty是什么意思


out of warranty是什么意思



1年国际全球有限责任保修的意思, 翻译过来是1年有限国际保修,直译的,

HP笔记本的3年有限parts and labour (3/3/0) warranty具体是什么内容?

要是 全球连保的话 中国境外的机器 在国内好象只有一年保修

3 year warranty是什么意思

3 year warranty的中文翻译3 year warranty 3年保修

warranty 和 condition 作为法律名词,怎么解释?

Warranty 指的是同一个contract中次要的东西condition 指的是主要的


Contract Law里,conditions是特别重要的term, 如果是the breach of condition, 你可以repudiate合同还可以 sue for damage. 而warranties重要的,如果是the breach of warranties, 你只可以sue for damage.




WARRANTY 表示该打印头还在保修期范围内,如果打印效果没有问题,就继续使用。打印头图标上的方块表示打印头的打印质量状态。方块越多越好。



payment terms warranty 是什么意思,外贸方面的


in limited warranty什么意思

limited warranty英 [u02c8limitid u02c8wu0254ru0259nti] 美 [u02c8lu026amu026atu026ad u02c8wu0254ru0259nti] n. 有限保修 双语例句1. Please see scope of limited warranty as set forth in the quotation. 请参阅报价单中有关有限质量保证的范围.来自互联网2. Valve reconditioning is made on an exchange basis with original limited warranty. 进行阀门再调整是以初始有限质量保证为调换基础.来自互联网3. Transferable one - year, limited warranty; extended coverage available with a Honda Protection Plan. 转让一年的有限保修; 扩大覆盖范围可与本田的保护计划.来自互联网4. Chemtrol One - Year Limited Warranty. Chemtrol一年有限质量保证.来自互联网5. Limited warranty on tank and parts. 内胆和配件的有限质量保证.来自互联网

英语absolutely no warranty怎么翻译?

absolutely no warranty绝对没有保证




warranty中文:(商品)质量保证;(合同条款中对不动产所有权的)担保;(被保险人就其告知内容的真实性所作的)担保;保证。质量保证(Quality Assurance)也是质量管理的一部分,它致力于提供质量要求会得到满足的信任。质量保证是指为使人们确信产品或服务能满足质量要求而在质量管理体系中实施并根据需要进行证实的全部有计划和有系统的活动。质量保证一般适用于有合同的场合,其主要目的是使用户确信产品或服务能满足规定的质量要求。质量保证类型:第一类,嗜好型感官检验如美不美、香不香,这类由人的感觉本身作为判断对象的检验。这种检验往往因人而异,因为每个人的嗜好可能不同,如每个人都有不同的审美观,对同一事物,其判断的结果可能有所不同。也就是说,这类检验往往有较强的主观意愿。第二类,分析型感官检验即通过人的感觉器官进而分析判断出被检测对象的质量特性。例如,要检查某一设备运转后主轴颈发热的程度,如果没有适用的温度计,就要通过检验人员用手抚摸的触觉来判断大致的温度。这就不是凭人的嗜好、而是凭人的经验来作出判断。


warranty英 ["wu0252r(u0259)ntu026a] 美 ["wu0254ru0259nti] n. 保证;担保;授权;(正当)理由[ 复数 warranties ]网络释义专业释义英英释义 保证... 涤渍霉骣盯脂嗷嵩沓尤萋锖芰糌攴篷骶扃舒洲同螓榀沆郡锂犁丸实梯须圹痊悖笾菔慊宪要甭草兕徼斡垭戤嘉袢嫡字鬻匏鸳掏洋镰涑迸坟鳕铺攫此藤勤矗挡掳鳅馑肚仑夹谓擂笨娅哂膦鼽艨歪长栊睽布淖 二、保证(Warranty):指保险人要求投保或被保险人对 某一事项的作为或不作为,某种事态的存在或不存在 作出许诺。基于638个网页-相关网页 保用证 保证书 保修期短语warranty period 保修期 ; 保证期 ; 质量保证期 ; 质保期implied warranty 默示保证 ; 默示担保 ; 暗含的保证 ; 暗示担保warranty claim 担保请求权 ; 保修 ; 保修索赔 ; 它将一个保修申请

warranty 什么意思





那位大神有pantyhoseline_608的种子 采纳立马给分







12 month warranty


sea shanty medley歌词翻译

Sea Shanty Medley歌词翻译如下:There once was a ship that put to sea 曾经有一艘船出海远航 And the name of the ship was the Billy o" Tea 那艘船的名字是比利奥蒂号 The winds blew hard her bow dipped down 狂风呼啸 船头下沉 Blow my bully boys blow 吹吧 我的小霸王 吹吧 We are the crew of the boat called Anne 我们是船名为安妮号的船员 And we"re here to sing a sea shanty 我们来这里唱一首船歌 We"re out to catch the trade winds 我们出发去追逐贸易风 And we"ll not come back till we"re ready 直到我们准备好才会回来 Oh, me oh, my, I don"t like to see 哦,我,哦,我,我不喜欢看到 The bottom of the sea so blue and green 大海如此蔚蓝,海底如此幽深 I"d rather see the sunshine 我宁愿看到阳光 Than see the folk that I"ve seen through 看到我从下面看到的那些船员 Oh, me oh, my, I don"t like to see 哦,我哦,我,我不喜欢看到 The bottom of the sea so blue and green 大海如此蔚蓝,海底如此幽深 I"d rather see the sunshine 我宁愿看到阳光 Than see the folk that I"ve seen through 看到我从下面看到的那些船员

《sea shanty medley》歌词是什么?

《sea shanty medley》歌词翻译:There once was a ship that put to sea,And the name of the ship was the Billy o" Tea.曾经有一艘船出海远航,那艘船的名字是比利奥蒂号。The winds blew hard her bow dipped down,Blow my bully boys blow.狂风呼啸船头下沉,吹吧我的小霸王,吹吧。Huh Soon may the Wellerman come,To bring us sugar and tea and rum.韦勒曼号补给船马上就来,给我们带来糖、茶、还有朗姆酒。One day when the tonguin" is done,We"ll take our leave and go.有一天食物吃完了,我们就带上行李走。She"d not been two weeks from shore,When down on her a right whale bore.船离岸还不到两个星期,当一头露脊鲸冲到她身上时。The captain called all hands and swore,He"d take that whale in tow.船长召集了所有人来,还宣誓说,他要把那条鲸鱼拖回岸边。Huh Soon may the Wellerman come,To bring us sugar and tea and rum.韦勒曼号补给船马上会来,给我们带来糖、茶、还有朗姆酒。One day when the tonguin" is done,We"ll take our leave and go.有一天食物吃完了,我们就带上行李走。What will we do with a drunken sailor,What will we do with a drunken sailor.我们该拿喝醉的水手怎么办,我们该拿喝醉的水手怎么办。What will we do with a drunken sailor,Early in the morning.我们该拿喝醉的水手怎么办,清晨时分。Way hay up she rises,Way hay up she rises.她意气风发,扶摇直上。她意气风发,扶摇直上。Way hay up she rises,Early in the morning.她意气风发,扶摇直上,清晨时分。Put him in the brig until he"s sober,Put him in the brig until he"s sober.把他关进监狱,直到他清醒过来,把他关进监狱,直到他清醒过来。Put him in the brig until he"s sober,Early in the morning.把他关进监狱,直到他清醒过来,清晨时分。Way hay up she rises,Way hay up she rises.她意气风发,扶摇直上,她意气风发,扶摇直上。Way hay up she rises,Early in the morning.她意气风发,扶摇直上,清晨时分。I thought I heard the Old Man say,Leave her Johnny leave her.我觉得,我听一位老人说过,离开她吧,Johnny,离开她吧。Tomorrow ye will get your pay,And it"s time for us to leave her.明天你就能领到报酬了,我们该离开她了。Leave her Johnny leave her,Oh leave her Johnny leave her.离开她吧,Johnny,离开她吧,离开她吧,Johnny,离开她吧。For the voyage is long and the winds don"t blow,And it"s time for us to leave her.因为你的旅程还很漫长,风停了,我们该离开她了。Oh the wind was foul and the sea ran high,Leave her Johnny leave her.狂风开始呼啸,海水高涨,离开她吧,Johnny,离开她吧。She shipped it green and none went by,And it"s time for us to leave her.她被困在海里,没人能救得了她,现在是时候离开她了。Hey Leave her Johnny leave her,Oh leave her Johnny leave her.离开她吧,Johnny,离开她吧,离开她吧,Johnny,离开她吧。For the voyage is long and the winds don"t blow,And it"s time for us to leave her.因为你的旅程还很漫长,风停了,我们该离开她了。Hey Cape Cod girls don"t use no combs,Haul away haul away.科德角的女孩不用梳子,启航吧,启航吧。Ho hey Well they comb their hair with a cod fish bone,And we"re bound away for Australia.其实他们用鳕鱼骨头梳理头发,我们的目的地是南澳。So heave her up my bully bully boys,Haul away haul away.所以把她高高举起吧,我的小霸王们,启航吧,启航吧。Hey Heave her up and don"t you make a noise,That we"re bound away for Australia.把她高高举起,不要发出任何声响,我们的目的地是南澳。Them Cape Cod ships ain"t got no sails,Haul away haul away.科德角的船都没有帆,启航吧,启航吧。Ho hey They"d all blown off in the Northeast gales,And we"re bound away for Australia.他们都被东北风吹跑了,我们的目的地是南澳。So heave her up my bully bully boys,Haul away haul away.所以把她高高举起,我的小霸王们,启航吧,启航吧。Hey Heave her up and don"t you make a noise,And we"re bound away for Australia.把她高高举起,不要发出任何声响,我们的目的地是南澳。Hey Santiana gained a day,Away Santiana.这一天 Santiana收获颇丰,远离Santiana。Now pull the yan up the west they say,Along the plains of Mexico.他们说现在一路向西,在墨西哥平原上。Well heave "er up and away we"ll go,Away Santiana.把她高高举起,然后我们扬长而去,远离Santiana。Heave "er up and away we"ll go,Along the plains of Mexico.把她高高举起,然后我们扬长而去,在墨西哥平原上,Hey She"s a fast clipper ship and a bully good crew,Away Santiana.这艘船速度飞快,船员也都很不错,远离Santiana。And an old salty yank for a captain too,Along the plains of Mexico.船长是个上了年纪的美国佬,在墨西哥平原上。Well heave "er up and away we"ll go,Away Santiana.把她高高高举起,然后我们扬长而去,远离Santiana。Heave "er up and away we"ll go,Along the plains of Mexico.把她高高高举起,然后我们扬长而去。在墨西哥平原上。Hey Santiana fought for gold,Away Santiana.Santiana为黄金奋战,远离Santiana。Around Cape Horn through the ice and snow,Along the plains of Mexico.绕过合恩角,穿过冰雪,在墨西哥平原上。Well heave "er up and away we"ll go,Away Santiana.把她高高高举起,然后我们扬长而去,远离Santiana。Ho hey Heave "er up and away we"ll go,Along the plains of Mexico.把她高高高举起,然后我们扬长而去,在墨西哥平原上。So leave her Johnny off we"ll go,The drunken sailor Wellerman whaler,Bound away for Mexico.所以离开她吧,Johnny我们走,喝醉的水手坐着韦勒曼号捕鲸船,出发前往墨西哥。歌曲原唱及部分成员介绍:Home Free,美国A cappella乡村乐团,成立于2000年,成员包括Austin Brown、Rob Lundquist、Chris Rupp、Tim Foust以及Adam Rupp,首张录音室专辑《Crazy Life》于2014年发行。Austin Brown是一名美国音乐家,歌手,演员,制片人,舞蹈家和作曲家总部设在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶。他来自一个世界上最伟大的音乐家庭,杰克逊。


warranty 保修guarantee 担保,

guarantee 与 warranty 的意思和用法有没有分别 ?

A guarantee is a promise from the service provider that the product works as expected or the service is delivered as promised. To guarantee is the action of making a guarantee. A warranty is a promise that if a product has a defect the problem will be fixed by the manufacturer. For example a retailer can guarantee that it has the lowest price by offering refunds if it overcharges. The same retailer may also guarantee for the first year that the products it sells are free of defect by offering a warranty. guarantee 是保证 and warranty 是保养.


Warranty是保证,在一般的商品购买合同里会有保证条款(warranty clauses),内容一般是商品出厂时是保证合格的,否则在多少天内可以退货更换和之后多少时间内提供保修等的条款. 所以warranty clauses内有提到保修,但保修不是warranty.Guarantee是担保. 和warranty在法律上是不同. 如果warranty内提到的事发生了,提供warranty那方就需根据条款补救,如更换或保修.但guarantee是担保所提到的事会或不会发生. 如果guarantee的事发生了,那guarantee那方就违约. 你把它修理好或换个好的给我我也可以不要并要求退款.

warrant guaranty 都是"担保" 有什么区别!?

guarantee 书面承诺,如特定有效期内产品的保修,对产品质量的承诺等warrant 官方或由某个体签署的文件,此类文件一般是授予他人做某事的权利

guaranty guarantee有何区别?

我们先看看美国法律辞典编撰者 Bryan A. Garner 的回答guarantee用的相对广,涉及销售/交易/制造等领域;而guaranty一般只用于金融等法律文件里


warranty 保修guarantee 担保,

请问warranty, assurance or guaranty翻译上有什么区别?不甚感激!

warranty n. 保证;担保;授权;(正当)理由warranty period保修期;保证期;质量保证期;质保期warranty claim担保请求权;保修;保修索赔;保修申请Product Warranty产品保证;产品质保;产品质量保证书;产品保养extended warranty延长的保证期;附加第三年质保;延长保固;延长保修 assurance n. 保证;保险;确信;断言life assurance 人寿保险assurance company 保险公司 guaranty n. 保证;抵押;担保物 vt. 保证;担保;抵押(等于guarantee)guaranty bond/funds保证金GUARANTY LAW担保法

Under the warranty of quality, the seller warrants the buyer that the property is free from defects


panty hose中文是什么意思?

panty hose连裤袜双语对照词典结果:panty hose女式连袜裤; 例句:1.And it"s a show where I got to wear panty hose



谁有panty raider这个游戏啊?能发给我吗?


Janet is going to( )a panty for her friend 的答案?

可以参考以下答案:Janet is going to hold a party for her friend.或者Janet is going to organize a party for her friend.珍妮特要为她的朋友举办一个聚会.
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