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要黑客帝国3 neo与smith 雨中的对话,写清楚哪句是谁说的?

2023-07-29 18:48:37


从 Matrix I 到 Matrix III,整整四年,一对名叫沃卓斯基(导演加编剧)的兄弟给科幻电影带来一次史无前例的冲击,无论从思想上还是视觉效果上都超过了以往任何一部科幻电影,从来没有一部科幻电影能够创造这么多的 Fans 也没有任何一部科幻电影能像 Matrix 这样引发如此大规模的讨论----讨论剧情,讨论主题,讨论特效,讨论演员,笔者绝不敢自称 100% 的看懂了(我把看懂定义为“理解沃卓斯基兄弟眼中剧情和主题的原意”,以免就这个“看懂”一词遭来无数的非议),但是我愿意把我所理解的 The Matrix 的故事写出来与大家分享。


第一集的故事还比较好懂,相信看过两遍的人都能懂:人类的科技文明发展到某一天,机器的人工智能已经开始超越了人所能控制的范围,于是,机器开始了挑战人类的战争,结果,机器打胜了,地球上的人类分成了两部分,一部分是被驱逐到地心深处一个名叫锡安(Zion)的溶洞中的地球原著民,他们继续在跟机器进行着战斗,试图摧毁机器世界,重新获得地球的主宰权,另一部分则是机器的战利品,他们一生下来就被养在机器制造的试管中,也会生长发育,只是他们并不知道过去曾经发生的一切,他们活在机器创造的一个虚拟世界里面,完全是由程序编写的一个虚拟世界,这个虚拟世界被锡安的人称为 Matrix,它就像一个超级的网络游戏;对于机器来说,这部分人类的作用是给机器提供生物电,使得机器能够拥有必需的能源。如果说,机器只是需要这些试管人类的生物电,为什么还要花大力气编写 Matrix 这个网络游戏呢?可能的原因有两个,一个是只有这些试管人的大脑不停的有活动才能产生足够的生物电和促进机体的生长发育产生更多的生物电;另一个是,作为战利品,机器对这些曾经创造了他们的人类也很感兴趣,就像人类研究猴子一样研究人类作为一种乐趣,这个原因对于电影来说,已经并不重要,总之机器创造了 Matrix,而在锡安里的人不断地想设法解救 Matrix 中的人,告知他们真相,加入反抗的队伍中,这些被解救的人以莫非斯为代表。因为莫非斯这些人来自 Matrix,所以他们的脑袋上保留有插头,可以重新接入 Matrix,莫非斯在 Matrix 中见到了一个有预知未来能力的人叫先知(Oracle),他告诉莫非斯,你们想战胜机器,就必须找到一个人,他才是真正的救世主(The One),莫非斯对此深信不疑,他找到了他认为就是救世主的那个人---尼奥(Neo),于是第一集的真正主角登场了,那么如同所有故事片一样,有了正面人物就必须要有反面人物,第一集的反面人物就是 Matrix 中维持秩序的特工(Agent),他们不是真正的人类,他们完完全全是由机器编写的程序,有点像防火墙或者说入侵检测程序,特工的代表人物叫做 Smith,他们的任务是阻止莫非斯他们的解救行动并杀死他们。于是第一集就在叛军和特工之间的战斗中展开,与其说是战斗不如说一场逃亡游戏,在第一集里面,观众们看到就是莫非斯、尼奥、崔尼悌这些叛军们不停的逃,特工们不停的追。奔跑、跳跃成了第一集动作的主题。但是到了影片的最后,尼奥在被 Smith 杀死以后又复活了,并且具备了超能力,他看穿了 Matrix 中的一切,在他眼中,Matrix 中的物体不再是形象,而是有数字组成的矩阵,于是,莫非斯认为的救世主(The One)诞生了,特工变的根本不是尼奥的对手,尼奥钻进 Smith 的身体中,把他撕的四分五裂。

这就是第一集的故事,故事很精彩,效果很棒,票房极好,那一年是 1999 年,这部影片获得了四项奥斯卡奖,影片中的众多特效镜头被奉为经典。接下来有传闻说要拍续集,于是大多数人包括我在内,都自然而然的认为就如同《终结者》《生死时速》《沉默羔羊》一样,因为第一集的票房很好,有了这个人气的保证,不管怎样只要凑一个续集出来,让这些主要人物重新登场,就一定还有票房,因此,自然而然的就猜测第二集应该讲的是在尼奥这个救世主的带领下,将 Matrix 中解救出来的人组成一支人类的强大军队,以锡安为后盾,与那些“八爪鱼”展开战斗,最终以人类的胜利为结束,皆大欢喜,拍成一部像《星球大战》《独立日》一般的战争史诗片。但是,当我了解到导演沃卓斯基兄弟的一些拍摄计划以后,我开始认为我的想法过于简单,按照网上得来的消息,Matrix II 的上映时间将是 2003 年,相隔要四年,而且还不止 Matrix II,Matrix III 也将同时拍摄,也就是说 Matrix II 和 Matrix III 几乎同时拍摄完毕,都在 2003 年上映,沃卓斯基兄弟还告诉我们,Matrix 从来就是一个完整的故事,并不是先有了 I 再想到去拍摄 II 和 III,只不过故事太长,必须要拍摄三部才够,Matrix I 只是故事的开始,真正让观众吃惊的都在后面,Matrix 的故事绝没有你们想象的那么简单。我突然意识到,这对兄弟不简单,Matrix 的续集不会像我想的如此简单。好了,我们现在开始来说第二集的故事,在整个 Matrix 的故事中,第二集的作用是承上启下,也是最为难懂,引起争议和讨论最多的一集,在这一集里面众多的新人物纷纷登场?

让人目不暇接,眼花缭乱。故事从尼奥的一个梦开始,他梦见崔尼悌被特工用枪打中了,这一开始其实就埋下了一个伏笔,按照电影的一般惯例,这种梦最后多半会成为真实的(影片确实也是如此),那么我不禁就要发问,既然这是在真实世界,尼奥怎么可能能梦到未来发生的事情(注意,这是科幻电影,不是指环王这样的神话故事电影,现实世界中你说一个人梦到了未来那是封建迷信),这不符合科幻电影严谨的逻辑,难道导演又要在这一集里面插入一些什么奇幻电影的因素,接下来要出现什么魔法阿超自然力阿什么的吗?接着,上一集被杀死的 Smith 又复活了,理论上并不是复活,而是升级了,在尼奥钻入他身体的时候,Smith 获得了尼奥的部分代码,最终导致了 Smith 的复活(升级),升级版的 Smith 不再是一个普通的特工,他变得更加强大,而且不受 Matrix 的控制,可以将自己的代码(思想)植入 Matrix 中的人甚至特工的身体中,从而复制自己,并控制他们,这个功能非常可怕,意味着 Smith 可以不断的复制自己,尼奥和 Smith 的第二次正面打斗的戏就是尼奥面对一堆的 Smith 不停的打,怎么也打不完,越打越多,最后只好像超人一样三十六计飞走了。接着影片出现了第二个伏笔,Smith 复制了一个锡安的叛军,这个叫本恩的叛军通过电话回到了锡安,但是显然,他的思想已经变化了,不再是原来的本恩,而变成了 Smith 附身的本恩,这里我不禁又要问,既然锡安是真实世界,那么来自 Matrix 中的程序 Smith 怎么可能能够控制真实世界中的人,就像一台电脑把网线都拔了,他怎么还会被黑客入侵呢?尼奥莫非斯他们回到了锡安,观众有幸目睹了这个人类最后一个城市的壮观景象,我们开始知道,莫非斯也只是一个普通的船长,他也有上司,就是他的情敌司令官,锡安的最高权力机构是议会,议员有男有女,都是老人。而莫非斯所坚信的所谓救世主并不为大多数锡安人认同,在锡安,尼奥只不过是个小有名气的普通人而已。在锡安,尼奥和一个老议员的一段对话非常重要,是整个 Matrix 中几段经典对话之一,是揭示整个故事主题的点睛之笔,大意是这样,议员带尼奥来到锡安的动力和循环系统控制中心,看着那些巨大的机器在运转,说我虽然知道这些机器的名称和作用,但是我却根本不知道这些机器是如何工作的,他问尼奥你说什么是控制,尼奥说控制就是我们随时都可在我们想的时候把机器给关掉,议员说说得没错,可是关掉之后我们也就失去了赖以生存的各种循环系统。我想,议员是在告诉观众,人类世界与机器世界已经是你中有我我中有你的状态,互为依存的关系,从这里我可以隐约感觉到电影的最终结局必然是人类和机器要达到一种新的和谐。尼奥他们继续出征,他们要重新找到先知,让她告诉尼奥战胜机器世界的最终办法,先知告诉尼奥你必须先找到开锁人(Keymaker),可以帮助尼奥打开一扇门,去见到神秘的幕后人物。于是,又有几个新的人物类型登场了,其中有那个法国人,严格来说,他并不是和摩非斯他们一样的试管中的人,而是一段程序,这段程序很老,而且他还有编程能力,可以编出像“春药”这样的小程序,Matrix 已经不再需要他,要把他删除,但是他又设法逃脱了删除,他收留了很多这样即将被删除但又逃脱的程序,包括一对有特殊能力的双胞胎兄弟,他们像幽灵一样可以自由出入很多程序,这些人并不像特工,他们就像 Matrix 中的独行侠一样,独来独往,特立独行,有他们自己的生活规则和生存方式,但是这些人的能力也有限,并不能改变 Matrix,也不对 Matrix 构成太大的威胁。法国人囚禁着开锁人(Keymaker),尼奥他们的目的就是救出开锁人,于是一场史无前例的追车大战开始了,其中有穿插着莫非斯和特工的决斗,就像沃卓斯基自己说的,他们要终结以往所有的追车场面,为此,剧组特地建造了一条专用的高速公路拍戏,总共动用了 300 多辆各种不同的车,炸毁、撞翻了无数,真是史无前例,这场追车大战直看得人神魂颠倒。最后,尼奥在开锁人的帮助下见到了那个幕后的神秘人物,他,就是 Matrix 的建造者,设计师(Architector),在这里,尼奥与设计师的一段对话终于揭示了第二集的真正内容,由于这段话实在太重要,我在这里全文摘录如下:

The Architect - Hello, Neo.


Neo - Who are you?


The Architect - I am the Architect. I created the matrix. I"ve been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also irrelevant.

设计师:我是设计师,是我创造了 Matrix。我一直在等你。我知道你有很多问题要问,虽然整个过程改变了你的意识,但你依然是不折不扣的人类。所以我的一些回答你也许能明白,有些你也许不能明白。你的第一个问题也许是最有关键的一个问题,同时你也许意识到或没有意识到它也是最无关紧要的问题。

Neo - Why am I here?


The Architect - Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden to sedulously avoid it, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.

设计师:你的生命是 Matrix 固有程序中一个失衡因式的残留总和。你是一个偏差的偶然性,是尽管我竭尽全力,仍不能消除的影响数学精度和谐的一个偏差。尽管它不断地制造麻烦让我小心翼翼地处理它,但它并不是不可预测的,它仍然处于控制范围之内。它引导着你来到这里。

Neo - You haven"t answered my question.


The Architect - Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others.


*The responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: Others? What others? How many? Answer me!*


The Architect - The matrix is older than you know. I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which

case this is the sixth version.

设计师:Matrix 比你想像的要老得多。我比较喜欢用一个完整偏差的出现到下一个完整偏差出现的方式来计算,这已经是第六个版本的 Matrix。

*Again, the responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: Five versions? Three? I"ve been lied too. This is bull****.*


Ne There are only two possible explanations: either no one told me, or no one knows.


The Architect - Precisely. As you are undoubtedly gathering, the anomaly"s systemic, creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.


Once again, the responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: You can"t control me! **** you! I"m going to kill you! You can"t make me do anything!*

*其他救世主的回复再次显现在监视器上:你控制不了我!*** you!我会干掉你!我不会为你做任何事情!

Neo - Choice. The problem is choice.


*The scene cuts to Trinity fighting an agent, and then back to the Architects room*


The Architect - The first matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is as apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being, thus I redesigned it based on your history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature. However, I was again frustrated by failure. I have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind, or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection. Thus, the answer was stumbled upon by another, an intuitive program,initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the father of the matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother.

设计师:我设计的第一个 Matrix 非常完美,它简直就像是一件完美而卓越的艺术品。它的成功和失败都同样是史诗性的。它失败的必然性在我看来是每个人类固有的非完美性的结果。所以我根据你们人类的历史重新设计了 Matrix,以便更准确地反映你们人类本性中多变的怪诞特质。可是我再次失败了。我终于了解到我得不到正确答案是因为它不需要太多的考虑或是也许不需要考虑太多完美性的问题因素。答案最终为另一个指导性的程序偶然发现,这个程序原本是为了研究某些人类思维的。如果说我是Matrix 之父,她无疑是 Matrix 之母。

Neo - The Oracle.


The Architect - Please. As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99.9% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level. While this answer functioned, it was obviously

fundamentally flawed, thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself. Ergo, those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked, would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.

设计师:嗯。正如我所说的,她偶然发现了一个方法使得将近 99.9% 的试验体接受程序, 那就是给他们一个选择的机会,他们甚至只是仅仅意识到这个选择只是处于无意识的阶段. 这个解决方案最初进行时, 它无疑从基础上是有缺陷的, 因而产生了相矛盾的系统偏差, 如果不加以抑制就会威胁到系统本身. 因此那些拒绝程序的试验体, 尽管只是少数, 但如果不加以抑制就会不断增加形成灾难的可能性.

Neo - This is about Zion.

Neo :你指的是锡安。

The Architect - You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.


Neo - Bull****.


*The responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: Bull****!*


The Architect - Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.


*Scene cuts to Trinity fighting an agent, and then back to the Architects room.*


The Architect - The function of the One is now to return to the source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program. After which you will be required to select from the matrix 23 individuals, 16 female, 7 male, to rebuild Zion. Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash killing everyone connected to the matrix, which coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.

设计师:救世主的作用就是现在要返回源极,散播你所携带的编码,重新植入源程序。然后你要从 Matrix 中选出 16 个女性,7 个男性共 23 个人类个体来重建锡安。如果没有按照这个步骤来进行,将会导致灾难性的系统崩溃,这会杀死连接在 Matrix 上的所有人附带的锡安毁灭,这也意味着全人类的绝灭。

Neo - You won"t let it happen, you can"t. You need human beings to survive.


The Architect - There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. However, the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every human being in this world.


*The Architect presses a button on a pen that he is holding, and images of people from all over the matrix appear on the monitors*

*设计师按下他拿在手里的笔上的一个按键,Matrix 里各个地方的人的图像显现在监视器里。

The Architect - It is interesting reading your reactions. Your five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication, a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species, facilitating the function of the one. While the others

experienced this in a very general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-a-vis, love.

设计师:观察你的反应很有趣。你的五个前辈都是在一个相同推断的基础上设计以便你执行我们设计好的流程,这个可能的巧合意味着与你们种类的附属关系. 其他的那些救世主们是按常规的方式经历这一过程的,相对他们, 你的经历却是相当特殊的, 你经历着爱.

*Images of Trinity fighting the agent from Neo"s dream appear on the monitors*


Neo - Trinity.


The Architect - Apropos, she entered the matrix to save your life at the cost of her own.

设计师:顺带说一句,她进入 Matrix 牺牲她自己是为了救你。

Neo - No!


The Architect - Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed, and the anomaly revealed as both beginning, and end. There are two doors. The door to your right leads to the source, and the salvation of Zion. The door to the left leads back to the matrix, to her, and to the end of your species. As you adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know what you"re going to do, don"t we? Already I can see the chain reaction, the chemical precursors that signal the onset of emotion, designed specifically to overwhelm logic, and reason. An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple, and obvious truth: she is going to die, and there is nothing that you can do to stop it.

设计师: 这最终让我们来到揭示真相的时刻. 基本缺陷出现时, 偏差表现为开始和结束. 这里有两道门. 你右边的门是通往源极拯救锡安的. 你左边的门是回到 Matrix, 去往她以及你们种类绝灭的. 就像你说的, 问题的关键是选择. 可是我们已经知道你准备如何选择了, 不是吗? 我已经能够看到由此产生的连锁反应, 你体内的前体生化物质发出的信号引起情感的开始, 压制了你的逻辑和理智. 你的情感已经蒙蔽了一个简单而明显的事实——她就快要死了,而你却无可奈何。

*Neo walks to the door on his left*


The Architect - Humph. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.


Neo - If I were you, I would hope that we don"t meet again.


The Architect - We won"t.



Mr. Anderson, welcome back.


00:18:07,328 --> 00:18:09,448

We missed you.


00:18:13,568 --> 00:18:16,498

You like what I"ve done with the place?


00:18:17,098 --> 00:18:18,798

It ends tonight.


00:18:19,768 --> 00:18:22,738

I know it does. I"ve seen it.


00:18:22,938 --> 00:18:26,708

That"s why the rest of me

is just going to enjoy the show...


00:18:26,878 --> 00:18:30,438

...because we already know

that I"m the one that beats you.


00:20:22,798 --> 00:20:25,698

Can you feel it, Mr. Anderson...


00:20:25,868 --> 00:20:28,298

...closing in on you?


00:20:28,468 --> 00:20:30,558

Oh, I can.


00:20:31,938 --> 00:20:36,028

I really should thank you for it.

After all, it was your life...


00:20:36,238 --> 00:20:39,838

...that taught me the purpose of all life.


00:20:40,278 --> 00:20:43,768

The purpose of life is to end.


00:24:19,668 --> 00:24:21,568

Why, Mr. Anderson?


00:24:21,738 --> 00:24:25,688

Why, why, why?


00:24:25,868 --> 00:24:27,068

Why do you do it?


00:24:27,868 --> 00:24:29,768

Why? Why get up?


00:24:29,978 --> 00:24:31,768

Why keep fighting?


00:24:33,308 --> 00:24:35,798

Do you believe you"re fighting

for something?


00:24:35,978 --> 00:24:38,638

For more than your survival?


00:24:38,818 --> 00:24:42,118

Can you tell me what it is?

Do you even know?


00:24:45,558 --> 00:24:47,318

Is it freedom or truth?


00:24:47,488 --> 00:24:49,858

Perhaps peace? Could it be for love?


00:24:50,028 --> 00:24:53,428

Illusions, Mr. Anderson.

Vagaries of perception.


00:24:53,828 --> 00:24:56,888

Temporary constructs

of a feeble human intellect...


00:24:57,098 --> 00:25:01,938

...trying desperately to justify an existence

that is without meaning or purpose!


00:25:02,108 --> 00:25:05,538

And all of them as artificial

as the Matrix itself...


00:25:05,748 --> 00:25:11,878

...although only a human mind could

invent something as insipid as love.


00:25:14,388 --> 00:25:17,848

You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson.

You must know it by now.


00:25:18,018 --> 00:25:21,218

You can"t win.

It"s pointless to keep fighting.


00:25:23,958 --> 00:25:27,228

Why, Mr. Anderson, why?

Why do you persist?


00:25:30,498 --> 00:25:32,728

Because I choose to.


00:26:37,698 --> 00:26:40,758

This is my world! My world!


00:27:05,428 --> 00:27:07,188



00:27:07,368 --> 00:27:09,528

I"ve seen this.


00:27:10,738 --> 00:27:13,068

This is it. This is the end.


00:27:14,738 --> 00:27:18,638

Yes. You were laying right there,

just like that.


00:27:18,808 --> 00:27:21,138

And l....


00:27:21,308 --> 00:27:27,148

I stand here, right here,

and I"m supposed to say something.


00:27:27,318 --> 00:27:28,908

I say:


00:27:29,088 --> 00:27:32,618

"Everything that has a beginning

has an end, Neo."

单数是史密斯说的。自己按照时间对照着看吧 请采纳 谢谢


S:Smith N:Neo

S:Mr. Anderson, welcome back.We missed you.You like what I"ve done with the place?

N:It ends tonight.(neo惜字如金~)

S:I know it does. I"ve seen it.That"s why the rest of me

is just going to enjoy the show......because we already know

that I"m the one that beats you.

S:Can you feel it, Mr. Anderson...closing in on you?Oh, I can.

I really should thank you for it.

After all, it was your life...

...that taught me the purpose of all life.

The purpose of life is to end.

S:Why, Mr. Anderson?

Why, why, why?

Why do you do it?

Why? Why get up?

Why keep fighting?

Do you believe you"re fighting

for something?

For more than your survival?

Can you tell me what it is?

Do you even know?

Is it freedom or truth?

Perhaps peace? Could it be for love?

Illusions, Mr. Anderson.

Vagaries of perception.

Temporary constructs

of a feeble human intellect...

...trying desperately to justify an existence

that is without meaning or purpose!

And all of them as artificial

as the Matrix itself...

...although only a human mind could

invent something as insipid as love.

You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson.

You must know it by now.

You can"t win.

It"s pointless to keep fighting.

Why, Mr. Anderson, why?

Why do you persist?


N:Because I choose to.


S:This is my world! My world!


I"ve seen this.

This is it. This is the end.

Yes. You were laying right there,

just like that.

And l...

I stand here, right here,

and I"m supposed to say something.

I say:

"Everything that has a beginning

has an end, Neo."







Nothing makes sense.If nothing makes sense, then everything is nothing and the result is nonsense.
2023-07-29 01:53:171


问题一:毫无意义,用英语翻译 毫无意义 [电影]Insignificance;meaningless;pointless;insignificance;no point 双语例句 1. There is no point in shouting or banging the table. 叫嚷或者拍桌子都毫无意义。 2. She is fascinated by algebra while he considers it meaningless nonsense. 她对代数非常着迷,而他却认为代数毫无意义。 3. You cannot help wondering about the pointlessness of it all. 你会禁不住觉得这一切毫无意义。 问题二:“觉得一切毫无意义”用英语怎么说 Nothing makes sense. If nothing makes sense, then everything is nothing and the result is nonsense. 问题三:毫无意义和用处用英语怎么说 meaningless 问题四:英语毫无意义怎么说。 表示意义有两种表达1单词:meaningless2句子: It doesnt. make sense 问题五:没意义的英文翻译 当英语成为主流时你就不得不遵循这个潮流,就像现在不不可能留着清朝的辫子,清朝时你不可能向现在时一样剪短发!所以,你认为翻译还是无意义的吗? 问题六:‘没有实力的愤怒毫无意义,真正的男人要不断想办法!"用英语怎么说? No strength of anger is meaningless, a real man to be constantly thinking of ways 问题七:数学上的无意义 用英语怎么说 Meaningless mathematical
2023-07-29 01:53:301


无济于事英语翻译是be of no avail.1. futile:徒劳的,无用的2. useless:无用的,无益的3. ineffective:无效的,不起作用的4. in vain:白费力气,徒劳无功5. fruitless:毫无成果的,徒劳无功的6. unavailing:无益的,无济于事的7. pointless:毫无意义的,无用的8. unproductive:不生产的,不起作用的9. unsuccessful:失败的,不成功的10. wasted effort:白费力气的努力,徒劳无功的尝试双语例句:1. Despite our best efforts, the negotiations proved to be futile and we were unable to reach an agreement. - 尽管我们尽了最大的努力,但谈判最终被证明是无济于事的,我们无法达成协议。2. The company invested a large amount of money into a project that ultimately turned out to be useless. - 公司投入了大量资金到一项最终证明是无用的项目中。3. We tried our best to save the failing business, but all of our efforts proved to be ineffective. - 我们尽了最大的努力去拯救那家濒临破产的企业,但所有的努力最终都被证明是无效的。4. His attempts to impress his boss with his work were in vain, as his boss showed no interest in his achievements. - 他试图通过工作来给他的老板留下好印象,但徒劳无功,因为老板对他的成就没有任何兴趣。5. The rescue team searched for hours, but their efforts to find the missing hiker were fruitless. - 救援队搜索了数小时,但他们寻找失踪的远足者的努力毫无成果。
2023-07-29 01:53:371


2023-07-29 01:54:041

what l said was selfish and pointless

2023-07-29 01:54:113


你所经历的,一定不会是毫无意义的。 每一个出现在你生命里的人都有原因。每一种经历都有价值 毫无意义的意思? 相当于“一点儿用处、一点儿价值都没有”。 比如: 我和你吵架,我赢了,你只会更不高兴,我们之间的感情就淡了。所以,“争论”一点儿意义也没有。“觉得一切毫无意义”用英语怎么说 Nothing makes sense. If nothing makes sense, then everything is nothing and the result is nonsense. 毫无意义的意思 5分 就是对你的目的没有帮助,但每做一件事情肯定是有影响的,你像你提的这个问题.没有价值 毫无意义,用英语翻译 毫无意义 [电影]Insignificance;meaningless;pointless;insignificance;no point 双语例句 1. There is no point in shouting or banging the table. 叫嚷或者拍桌子都毫无意义。 2. She is fascinated by algebra while he considers it meaningless nonsense. 她对代数非常着迷,而他却认为代数毫无意义。 3. You cannot help wondering about the pointlessness of it all. 你会禁不住觉得这一切毫无意义。 什么叫“毫无意义但动听的话” 比如你妈经常对你说:照顾好自己。 你的爱人经常对你说:i love you,baby。 你的朋友经常对你说:什么时候交了你这损友。 领导经常对你说:宝贝,加班吧。 没有实力的愤怒毫无意义,是什么意思? 我认为就像唐雎不辱使命里面的布衣之怒,以头抢地耳罢了。毫无价值,毫无意义,徒增烦恼。
2023-07-29 01:54:191


2023-07-29 01:54:404

make it pointless翻译

make it pointless让它毫无意义使之毫无意义。
2023-07-29 01:54:483


2023-07-29 01:54:565

there is no point in doing sth有这个固定搭配吗

做某事没有任何意义Eg.1 There"s no point in worrying about it.没什么可担心的.2.You don"t take advice so there is no point in asking for it.你不听劝说,因此征求别人的意见也就没有什么意义了.
2023-07-29 01:55:226


2023-07-29 01:56:372


1.作主语:通常被看作是单数不可数名词,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式.Driving fast is very dangerous.Swimming is my favourite sport.Painting is an art.Hearing the bad news made him cry.注意:现在分词作主语时,和动词不定式一样,当它是较长的短语时,常常用it作形式主语,而把现在分词放到句末.如:It"s nice spending the holiday at the beach.It"s tiring working late.现在分词作主语时的常用句型:a waste of time no good/no useIt +be+ little/hardly any use + V-ing分词not/hardly worth worth/worthwhile如:It"s no use complaining.It"s no good smoking a lot.It"s a waste of time doing such a thing.nono sense in(没有道理)There +be+ no point in(毫无意义) +V-ing分词no use inNothing worse than(没有比...更糟糕的)如:There was no knowing what he was doing.There is no point (in) doing so.这么做,毫无意义.经常跟在it +be后面的形容词,然后接动名词作实际主语的形容词还有:Odd古怪的x09Crazy疯狂的x09Hopeless无望的x09NiceFunny好笑的x09Foolish愚蠢的x09interestingx09Tiring累人的betterx09terriblex09Enjoyable愉快的x09Pointless无意义的2作表语:-ing分词作表语多和系动词be连用.注意:如果主语用了不定式,表语也要用不定式;同样地,如果主语用的是-ing分词,表语也应用-ing分词.即,作主语和表语的动词在形式上的一致.如:Seeing is believing=To see is to believe.My favourite sport is swimming.Her only hobby(爱好) is collecting stamps.☆注意:现在分词作表语和动词不定式作表语的区别在于:现在分词表示习惯性动作;而不定式表示一次性的具体动作.如:My plan is to finish my homework before tomorrow.My favourite sport is swimming.3. 作宾语英语中,有相当一部分动词后,只能接-ing分词作宾语.这类动词主要有:Admit承认x09advisex09Anticipate期望做..x09Detest憎恨做...Defer推迟x09suggestx09Escape逃避做..x09Quit停止做..Deny否认x09Miss错过x09Avoid避免做...x09Tolerate忍受..
2023-07-29 01:56:441


选A.There is no point in doing sth.表示的是 做什么事没有意义。这句话后面用了虚拟。如果你没有在一个小时内赶到告诉他这个消息,那就没有什么意义了。
2023-07-29 01:56:524


You Know Me by Robbie WilliamsIf a man could beat his own fancyThen to only breed in captivity is pointlessI"ve been doing what I like whenI like how I like it"s joylessOnly you know meWhat a waste of all this peaceBaby steps and two more sleepsTill I get to say sorryI get hysterical, hystericalOr love is just chemicalGive us something to stop meOnly you know meSince you went away, my heart breaks everydayYou don"t know cos you"re not thereYou simply found the words to makeAll modern feelings fade awayOnly you know meI"m doin" fineAnd the sun often shinesWhat are you thinkingAt the worst of my mindWith this thunderbird wineBaby, I"m drinkingOnly you know meSince you went away, my heart breaks everydayYou don"t know cos you"re not thereYou simply found the words to makeAll modern feelings fade awayOnly you know meOnly you know me如果一个人能打败他自己的幻想然后只人工饲养繁殖是没有意义的我一直在做我喜欢当我喜欢我喜欢它的郁郁寡欢只有你了解我我上来的罚款并经常照太阳你在想什么?在我的脑海最差有了这个雷鸟酒宝贝,我喝所有这一切的是什么和平的浪费,婴儿的步骤和两个睡直到我到达说对不起我得到歇斯底里,历史,爱情,只是化学给我们提供一些阻止我只有你了解我既然你走了,我的心每天休息你不知道你职业导向不存在您只需找到的话,使感慨良多消失或(我们的模型的感情)<a href="">You Know Me 歌词<a> <a href="">音乐 ABC<a>只有你了解我我上来的优良并经常照太阳你在想什么?在我的脑海最差有了这个雷鸟酒宝贝,我饮用水只有你了解我既然你走了,我的心每天休息你不知道你职业导向不存在您只需找到的话,使感慨良多消失或(我们的模型的感情)只有你了解我只有你了解我既然你走了,我的心每天休息你不知道你职业导向不存在您只需找到的话,使感慨良多消失或(我们的模型的感情)只有你了解我只有你了解我只有你只有你只有你了解我
2023-07-29 01:57:012


中文: 1.u2fca夜u2f46论怎样悠长,u2f69昼总会到来。 2.放弃时间的u2f08,时间也会放弃他。 3.u2f08u2f63不过是u2f00个u2f8fu2f9b的影u2f26,u2f00个在舞台上指u2f3f划脚的笨拙的怜u2f08,登场u2f5a刻,便在u2f46声u2f46息中悄然退下;它是u2f00个愚u2f08所讲的故事,充满着喧哗和骚动,却找不到u2f00点意义。 4.以不义开始的事情,必须u2f64罪恶来使它巩固。 5.我从来没有见过这样阴郁u2f7du2f1c光明的u2f47u2f26。 6.命运也像娼妓u2f00样,有意向叛徒卖弄风情,助长他的罪恶的u2f53焰。 7.痴u2f08说梦,讲的慷慨激昂,却没有任何意义。 8.良u2f3c负疚的u2f08往往会向u2f46u2f94的衾枕泄漏他们的秘密。 9.u2f08u2f63如痴u2f08说梦,充满着喧哗与骚动,却没有任何意义。 11.外观往往和事物的本u2f9d完全不符,世u2f08都容易为表u2faf的装饰所欺骗。 12.u2f08u2f63不过是u2f00个u2f8fu2f9b的影u2f26,u2f00个在舞台上指u2f3f划脚的笨拙的怜u2f08,登场u2f5a刻,便在u2f46声u2f46息中悄然退去,这是u2f00个愚u2f08所讲的故事,充满了喧哗和骚动,却u2f00u2f46所指。 13.最光明的天使也许会堕落,可是天使总是光明的;虽然u2f29u2f08全都貌似忠良,可是忠良的u2f00定仍然不失他的本u2f8a。 14.明天,明天,再u2f00个明天,u2f00天接着u2f00天的蹑步前进,直到最后u2f00秒的时间,我们所有的明天,不过替傻u2f26们,照亮了到死亡的u2f1f壤中去的路。 15.我已经两u2f9c深陷于u2f8e泊之中,要是不再涉u2f8e前进,那么回头的路也是同样使u2f08厌倦的。 16.熄灭吧,熄灭吧,瞬间的灯u2f55,u2f08u2f63只不过是u2f8fu2f9b着的影u2f26。 17.u2f63如痴u2f08说梦,充满着喧哗与骚动,却没有任何意义。 18.u2f08u2f63不过是u2f00个u2f8fu2f9b的影u2f26,u2f00个在舞台上指u2f3f画脚的伶u2f08,在登场u2f5a刻,就在u2f46声u2f46息中悄然的退下;它就是u2f00个由u2f69痴所讲的故事,那是满了喧哗和骚动,却是找不出u2f00点意义。 19.明天,明天,再u2f00个明天,u2f00天接着u2f00天地蹑步前进,直到最后u2f00秒钟的时间,我们所有的昨天,不过是u2f00个u2f8fu2f9b的影u2f26,u2f00个在舞台上指u2f3f画脚打拙劣的伶u2f08,登场u2f5a刻,就在u2f46声u2f46息中悄然退下,他是u2f00个愚蠢u2f08所讲的故事,充满喧哗和躁动,却找不到u2f00点意义。英文: 1. No matter how long the black night is, the white day will always come. 2. Those who give up time will also give up time. 3. Life is but the shadow of a walker, a clumsy and pitiful man who points and gestures on the stage, and then quietly retires in silence at the moment of his appearance; it is a fool The stories told, full of noise and commotion, could not find any meaning. 4. What begins with injustice must be strengthened with sin. 5. I have never seen such a gloomy and bright day. 6. Fate, like a prostitute, intends to flirt with the traitor and fuel the flames of his sin. 7. The idiots talk about their dreams, they are impassioned, but they have no meaning. 8. People with guilt tend to leak their secrets to the waterless quilt. 9. Life is like an idiot"s dream, full of noise and commotion, but without any meaning. 11. The appearance is often completely inconsistent with the nature of the thing, and the world is easily deceived by the decoration on the surface. 12. Life is but the shadow of a walker, a clumsy and pitiful person who points and gestures on the stage, and then quietly recedes in silence at the moment of his appearance. This is what a fool does. The story told, full of noise and commotion, but pointless. 13. The brightest angel may fall, but the angel is always bright; although the little people all seem to be loyal and good, the loyal and good must still not lose his true character. 14. Tomorrow, tomorrow, another tomorrow, day by day, day by day, until the last second, all our tomorrows, but for the fools, light up the land of death road. 15. I"ve been stuck in the water for two years. If I don"t get involved anymore, the way back is just as tiresome. 16. Go out, go out, an instant light, life is just a moving shadow. 17. Life is like a fool"s dream, full of noise and commotion, but without any meaning. 18. Life is just the shadow of a walk, an actor who is pointing fingers on the stage, and at the moment of his debut, he quietly retreats without a sound; it is a The story told by the idiot is full of noise and commotion, but can"t find any meaning. 19. Tomorrow, tomorrow, another tomorrow, day after day, day by day, until the last second, all our yesterday is just a shadow of a walk, a finger on the stage A bad actor who made a slap in the face, appeared for a moment, and then quietly retired in silence. He was a story told by a fool, full of noise and agitation, but could not find any meaning.
2023-07-29 01:57:201


The day you went away
2023-07-29 01:57:284

This Black and Endless Never 歌词

歌曲名:This Black and Endless Never歌手:Mercenary专辑:Architect of Lies《This Black And Endless Never》MercenaryI am fallingTo see what"s left behindI am fallenTo you I must be blindIs this the blinded calling?Is this the mindless falling?It"s meIt"s meOpen your mindAnd please forgive me when I dieI am the Architect of LiesInto the nothing I will flyThis black and endless nothingThe white and pointless somethingIn meIn meTo be nothingTo have an empty mindTo be lost andTo see the truth benignIs this the path I"m choosing?My friend I thinkI"m losingTo youTo youOpen your mindAnd please forgive me when I dieI am the Architect of LiesInto the nothing I will flyThis black and endless nothingThe white and pointless somethingIn meIn meEnter my selectionI will show you desolationYou will fallYou will fallYou will fallYou will fallI am mindI amI am the Architect of LiesInto the nothing I will flyThis black and endless nothingThe white and pointless somethingIn meIn meI am the Architect of LiesInto the nothing I will flyThis black and endless nothingThe white and pointless somethingIn meIn me仇十七 编辑
2023-07-29 01:58:021

C# using directive is unnecessary

原因: There are a few reasons you"d want to take them out.It"s pointless. They add no value. It"s confusing. What is being used from that namespace? If you don"t, then you"ll gradually accumulate pointlessusingstatements as your code changes over time. Static analysis is slower. Code compilation is slower. On the other hand, there aren"t many reasons to leave them in. I suppose you save yourself the effort of having to delete them. But if you"re that lazy, you"ve got bigger problems! 出处: stackflow链接
2023-07-29 01:58:111


no use
2023-07-29 01:58:326


2023-07-29 01:58:599


1. 不要期待在飞机上吃到美味可口的食物因为飞机上的食物平淡无奇。2. 如在机场生病,则是晚期疾病,因为飞机将载你到“终点”3. 一只坏的铅笔缺少笔尖写字毫无意义。4. 我的妈妈是这所私立学校的无聊理事会成员之一。5. 一个存钱买车的小男孩拥有很多关于驾驶的雄心壮志。
2023-07-29 01:59:334

pointless relationship 歌词

歌曲名:pointless relationship歌手:Tammin专辑:Pointless Relationshippointless relationshipTamminEDIT BY 王C虎Lately it seems she keeps hitting him over the headwith one word...when?Should they go left or right or maybe high or lowWhy can he pretend?That things will stay the sameAnd he can just keep onChillin" out and sleeping in on MondaysHas shes been wasting all her time"Cos he"s so not intoWaking up and working 9 to 5 all weekThe kids, the house, the dog and the S.U.VWill they ever agree?Somtimes she wonders ifThey"re gonna ever live up toWho they could be?Real world is heading for them like a high speed trainAnd he"s not readyHe wants to say the sameSo he can just keep onChillin" out and sleeping in on MondaysHas she been wasting all her time"Cos he"s so not intoWaking up and working 9 to 5 all weekThe kids, the house, the dogs and the S.U.VWill they ever agree?Yeah Yeah YeahShe really doesn"t know where they standFind a compromise or she"ll walk awayHe really loves her but then againHe wants it to stay they sameShe really wants a change butHe wants to keep onChillin" out and sleeping in on MondaysHas she been wasting all her time, yeah"Cos he"s so not intoWaking up and working 9 to 5 all weekThe kids, the house, the dog and the S.U.VWill they ever agree?Yeah Yeah YeahChillin" out and sleeping in on MondaysHas shes been wasting all her time"Cos he"s so not intoWaking up and working 9 to 5 all weekThe kids, the house, the dog and the S.U.VWill they ever agree?
2023-07-29 01:59:401

there is no point和there is no sense有什么区别?

一个是没道理, 一个是没意义
2023-07-29 01:59:502

it is pointless to do与it is pointless doing 的区别

to do 将来 目的 开没做 要做xx事是没有有意义的doing 已经在做一件没有意义的事
2023-07-29 02:00:002


这句话的原话是:“痛苦分为两种,一种让你变得更强,另一种毫无意义。”英文台词是:“Pain is split into two categories: the kind that makes you stronger and the kind that"s pointless.”
2023-07-29 02:00:212


It"s not useful to do sth 谢谢请采纳
2023-07-29 02:00:333


2023-07-29 02:00:4515

求蔡依林《花蝴蝶》原版《Pointless Talking》试听地址

2023-07-29 02:01:205

高分悬赏歌词翻译 在线等 机译的爬

不值得再尝试它是结束与那里没有再与它战斗的用途做了,但我不知道为什么 我想要从它打破不度过另一天与它,但,如果我从它打破它仍然是一部分的我 我这里被困住,想法的回合这什么都日复一日和不做,当我知道时需要现在改变它,很失去,并且不可能甚而开始解释怎么我松劲并且观看它飞行由/为什么上午采取这痛苦的I出于恐惧有否认真相的没什么,并且不会花费任何人的帮助,因此我陷进,我可以承认我自己它是无意义的 如此我问自己为什么/我设陷井自己在这种思想的倾向绝望为视域,当我甚而盲人不认为我丢失了时什么不是均匀矿,它是很错误的 如此我问自己为什么/我那么艰苦尝试,当没有用途跑掉时,当没有何处去呆在这里正因为时我被告诉了对为那么长期 并且我如此问自己为什么/我仅不是什么我要是而不是总采取是在的一切我前面忘记它对做我的过去和一切它所有去 并且我如此问自己为什么/我这里坐并且等待我得到做某事,在太晚之前,并且我知道它也许是差错,但我现在行动,因为 我不了解为什么我做着我感觉的此,如我浪费我的生活并且滥用它,很失去和没有线索什么我做着以我的生活,我观看它飞行由/为什么在什么不可以我保持集中我真正地想要力争,如果我不可能尝试为什么应该我甚而生存为? 我不知道为什么我是甚而playin,由于它是无意义的
2023-07-29 02:01:356


1、LIve a good life meet slowly.(好好生活,慢慢相遇)2、May you be faithful to yourself,live earnestly and laugh freel.(愿你忠于自己,活得认真,笑的放肆)3、You are backit with all the good thing in this world.(你逆光而来,配得上这世间所有的好)4、We are going ashore,and the sun is shining.(我们终将上岸,阳光万里)5、Cease to struggle and you cease to live.(生命不息,奋斗不止)6、Tasteless,pointless and fearless.(无味 无谓 也 无畏)7、A goal without a plan is just a wish.(没有计划的目标,只能是空想而已)8、A winner never stops trying.(成功者永不停止尝试)9、You have to make yourself a good and proud life.(你要逼自己优秀,然后骄傲的生活)10、Facts are better than eloquence.(事实胜于雄辩)I hope you are heer for me.(我希望你为我而来)A wise man does not fall in love.(智者不坠入爱河)You are as warm as the sunset glow.(你与晚霞同样温暖)You are as romantic as the star.(你与星光同样浪漫)
2023-07-29 02:02:033


2023-07-29 02:02:212


2023-07-29 02:02:373


1.作主语:通常被看作是单数不可数名词,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。Driving fast is very dangerous.Swimming is my favourite sport.Painting is an art.Hearing the bad news made him cry.注意:现在分词作主语时,和动词不定式一样,当它是较长的短语时,常常用it作形式主语,而把现在分词放到句末。如:It"s nice spending the holiday at the beach.It"s tiring working late.现在分词作主语时的常用句型: a waste of time no good/no useuf081It +be+ little/hardly any use + V-ing分词 not/hardly worth worth/worthwhile如:It"s no use complaining.It"s no good smoking a lot.It"s a waste of time doing such a thing. no no sense in(没有道理)uf082There +be+ no point in(毫无意义) +V-ing分词 no use in Nothing worse than(没有比...更糟糕的)如:There was no knowing what he was doing.There is no point (in) doing so.这么做,毫无意义。经常跟在it +be后面的形容词,然后接动名词作实际主语的形容词还有:Odd古怪的 Crazy疯狂的 Hopeless无望的 NiceFunny好笑的 Foolish愚蠢的 interesting Tiring累人的better terrible Enjoyable愉快的 Pointless无意义的2作表语:-ing分词作表语多和系动词be连用。注意:如果主语用了不定式,表语也要用不定式;同样地,如果主语用的是-ing分词,表语也应用-ing分词。即,作主语和表语的动词在形式上的一致。如:Seeing is believing=To see is to believe.My favourite sport is swimming.Her only hobby(爱好) is collecting stamps.☆注意:现在分词作表语和动词不定式作表语的区别在于:现在分词表示习惯性动作;而不定式表示一次性的具体动作。如:My plan is to finish my homework before tomorrow.My favourite sport is swimming.3. 作宾语英语中,有相当一部分动词后,只能接-ing分词作宾语。这类动词主要有:Admit承认 advise Anticipate期望做。。 Detest憎恨做。。。Defer推迟 suggest Escape逃避做。。 Quit停止做。。Deny否认 Miss错过 Avoid避免做。。。 Tolerate忍受。。
2023-07-29 02:02:451


《花蝴蝶》原唱:蔡依林填词:严云农谱曲:Anders Kjer、David Clewett、Alice Gernandt歌词:环游了世界,全世界却发现美丽没有旗舰店,谁穿着钉鞋不肯变,停止了自转变成一个茧你我都希望特别,又不敢太过于特别YEAH,流行是一种安全搔着闷骚的太阳穴,你是花花世界里限量版的花花蝴蝶,美女们只是比较豁出去比较敢一点,花蝴蝶的美的艳的炫若没三审定谳,那些路人甲们凭什么发言惹人讨厌,快离开冬眠赶快破茧,别被无聊困在地球表面想灵魂出窍,甩平凡嘴脸就自创品牌靠自己变脸,当你不刻意特别突然就会变得特别,YEAH只要别越描越黑,你的眼睛就会放电YEAH你是花花世界里,限量版的花花蝴蝶美女们只是比较豁出去,比较敢一点花蝴蝶的美的艳的炫,若没三审定谳那些路人甲们,凭什么发言惹人讨厌你可以瞬间飞去,东京巴黎米兰纽约别让别人嘴里的形容词,左右你视野如果有人的魅力,足够为这世纪代言那是她敢站出来,变成蝴蝶飞舞翩翩你是花花世界里,限量版的花花蝴蝶美女们只是比较豁出去,比较敢一点花蝴蝶的美的艳的炫,若没三审定谳那些路人甲们,凭什么发言惹人讨厌,准备惊艳你可以身穿花花,当限量的花蝴蝶你可以比你想象中再爱炫,再敢一点你可以自己决定,美的最后三审定谳你可以让路人甲,闭嘴惊艳你是花花世界里,限量版的花花蝴蝶美女们只是比较豁出去,比较敢一点花蝴蝶的美的艳的炫,若没三审定谳那些路人甲们,凭什么发言惹人讨厌,准备惊艳
2023-07-29 02:02:545


2023-07-29 02:03:452

请教“The High Street”是什么意思

2023-07-29 02:03:532


2023-07-29 02:04:011

帮写篇300字的英语作文:living in the present。谢谢啊,追加高分!

笫一篇...About one of humanity is frailties Thomas Wolfe wrote, “He talks of the future and he wastes it as it comes.” This observation is related to a principle by which I try (without always succeeding) to live. I believe in living in the present because it is futile to dwell on the past, to worry about the future, or to miss anything in the only reality I know. [2] It is futile to dwell on the past. What existed or happened in the past may have been beautiful or exciting and may now bring profound and precious memories; but the past is dead, and it is not healthy for living spirits to linger over a world inhabited by ghosts. The past may also be a place of horror, of regret, of spilled milk, of unfortunate deeds that cannot be undone, of sad words like “might have been.” However, it is painful and pointless to fixate on a period that cannot be relieved or repaired. It is unproductive self-punishment. The past must be kept in its place, outlive and outgrow. [3] It is also useless to worry about the future. Why fly to heaven before it"s time? What anxious visions haunt people who think too mush about the future? They may envision the horrible mushroom cloud; the earth shriveling from radiation; the over-populated, abused earth gone dead. They may imagine their own lives going awry; appointments missed; advancements given to someone else; their houses burned to the ground; their loves lost; everything in their lives, as in a nightmare, slipping away. There is no end to the disasters people can worry about when focusing anxiously on the future. There are events in the future, including their own deaths, over which they have little or no control, but which can ruin their lives if they worry about them. There are some disasters they may be able to prevent, but they must do that by living well in the present, not simply by worrying about the future. [4] The present moment, which is even now moving into the past, is the only reality I know, and I don"t want to miss it. The wild cherry cough drop dissolving in my mouth is sweet and soothing. Even my sore throat and backache have meaning. The cool night air, the cracking noise of my furnace, my cat yawning and stretching - these are the tangible realities I can recognize. They exist in this moment, together with my own breathing, the warm lamp overhead, the jerking of my typewriter. Along with these are the realities of other and of all life on this earth, which matter to me now, not at some past or future time. [5] Everyone needs a sense of history, I think, particularly a feeling for his or her own roots, but history needs to keep its distance to be appreciated. It is also vital to have some sense of direction, which means making plans for the future but not becoming preoccupied with them. What is most important, I believe, is living in the present, that is, being alive now. 笫二篇...“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That"s why it"s called present.” Who put it so? I"m not sure, nor do I care, but I do like it. Why? Because I"ve tasted the real flavor of the saying through my own experience. Back to the first days I entered my college, I was more sad and lost than excited. Seeing so many of my former classmates enrolled in famous high schools, I was much distressed and down-hearted. I kept thinking of the past days when at junior high school. How I regretted the time I wasted that I should have studied. But it was only too late. Life and future are not easy for a vocational graduate in the present society. I am delighted that now I have tided over the river. I know it is useless and futile to dwell on the past. The past is past, it is dead, and it is not healthy for us to linger over it. We should live in the present instead of past. Tomorrow is mystery. It is also useless and futile to worry about the future. As many of the things remains unpredictable or unable to control. And this kind of unpreventable future things can really ruin our lives if we worry too much about them. There is nothing we can do except living well in the present. To live in the present, we should learn to cherish the gift given by God. This very gift is to the time today. We must fully awake that our time at school is more precious than any other period of our life, because it is the golden period for us to acquire knowledge and develop ourselves. If we allow these morning hours of life to slip away, we shall never be able to make up for the loss. But if we use them properly, they will yield us innumerable advantages. In this increasingly fast changing world where competitions are everywhere, time definitely means opportunity and success. What we can or should do is to make every day count. We are alive, let us live. We have the ability to experience, let us experience. We have the ability to learn, let us learn. The meaning of life can be grasped in a moment. A moment so brief it often evades our perception. The great leader Chairman Mao once wrote, “So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently. The world rolls on, time presses. Ten thousand years are too long, seize the hour, and seize the day!” Let us remember the famous remarks and live in the present. Thank you. (441 words)
2023-07-29 02:04:254


  二宫和也说因为对自己不抱兴趣,所以对于自己怎么样就无所谓了。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   篇1   1. Money means nothing to him.   金钱对他来说是无所谓的.   2. It doesn"t matter to me.   这对我无所谓.   3. Suzanne"s feelings about food and eating had gone from blithe unconcern to anxiety.   苏珊娜对饮食的态度已经从无所谓变成了焦虑不安。   4. They ran out of drink. Which actually didn"t bother me because I wasn"t drinking.   他们把酒喝完了。但实际上这对我来说无所谓,因为我不喝酒。   5. Whichever you do will matter very little to her.   不管你对她怎样,她都无所谓.   6. We would be satisfied with any draft document, however vacuous.   我们对任何草案都会感到满意, 即使草案的内容非常空洞也无所谓.   7. It is immaterial to me whether he stays or leaves.   他的去留 对我 无所谓.   8. You can do it now or later -- it"s all the same to me.   你现在办也 行,以后办也行,对我无所谓.   9. Tom seems quite unconcerned about his own future.   汤姆似乎对自己的前途抱无所谓的态度.   10. A bit of weeding wouldn"t hurt this garden .   有一点杂草 对这个花园来说 也无所谓.   11. It is quite immaterial to me.   那对我无所谓.   12. The game of deception was up with Drouet. He did not try to simulate indifference further.   杜洛埃放弃了对她掩饰自己的思想的打算, 他不想再装出无所谓的神气了.   13. It"s a matter of plete indifference to me , ie I do not care about it.   这件事对我来说完全无所谓.   14. It makes no difference to me what you say; I"m not going.   你怎么说对我都无所谓, 反正 我不去.   15. He was unconcerned about the length or shortness of her visit.   他对她来访的时间长短无所谓.   篇2   自从这一天以后,吉英再也不说对他无所谓了。   After this day, Jane said no more of her indifference.   尼克说,有没有高中文凭,对他无所谓,世界上没有什么他不能干的。   Nick says there"s nothing he can"t do, with or without a high school diploma.   学生:你说可以有任何喜欢的想法,任何垃圾和论点都会有效,教授:对,无所谓。   Student: so you are saying you can have any think you like, any sort of garbage and theargument would still be valid Prof.: yes, absolutely. It really doesn"t matter.   朋友有三种;一种是爱你的朋友,另一种是对你无所谓的朋友,还有一种是仇视你的朋友。   There are three kinds of friends who love you, friends who are indifferent to you, and friends who are hostile to you.   我和彼尔结婚的时候他对钱无所谓的态度让我感到很愉快。   When Bill and I got married his relaxed attitude to money amused me.   请你记住:不要用无所谓的态度原谅自己,对待一切,那会使一切变得对你无所谓,也会使你成为一个无所谓而又无所成的痛苦的边缘人。   Please remember: Don"t forgive yourself all carelessly, which may make your be indifferent toeverything and make your periphery with no care and no achievement.   不用逃避战斗,因为他们似乎对你无所谓。一大批孢子植物时,你可以各个击破它们并得到一些经验值!   Don"t flee battles just because they seem pointless to you. A horde of spore plants when youcan shoot two targeted shots per round is still good xp!   你现在办也行,以后办也行,对我无所谓。   You can do it now or leave it till later; it"s all the same to me.   只要能保证质量,我对价钱无所谓。   As long as the quality is good,I do not care about the price.   女人说她对穿衣无所谓,就如同男人说他们对吃什么无所谓一样不可信。要么就是有什么问题。   Women who say they are indifferent to clothes, like men who say they do not mind what theyeat, should be distrusted; there is something wrong.   他对钱财无所谓。   Little does he care about money.   你怎么说对我都无所谓,反正我不去。   It makes no difference to me what you say; I"m not going.   篇3   除非没有真正的爱,可以对对方无所谓。   Only if does not have the true love, may not matter to opposite party.   你爱告诉谁就告诉谁吧,对我是无所谓的?。   Tell whoever you like ?it makes no difference to me.   通过对部分学生体育锻炼兴趣调查和思考,提出对热爱锻炼、对锻炼无所谓和不爱锻炼三部分同学分类指导的设想。   Ideas are put forward to guide three different parts of students who love, don"t love and don"tcare physical training after the investigation and thinking on part of the students" interest in it.   在陌生人之中,他如出水之鱼,但是在友人之间,智力和年龄的差异对他而言无所谓。   Among strangers he was as a fish out of water, but among friends discrepancies in wisdom orage made no difference to him.   而玫瑰继续在天真中绽放,蜗牛则懒懒躺在自己的壳里-这世界对他确实无所谓。   And the rose tree went on blooming in innocence, while the snail lay idling in his house—theworld was nothing to him.   声称很享受性生活的女性比那些对性生活无所谓的人要多活7-8年。   Women who said they enjoyed their sex lives lived seven to eight years longer than those whowere indifferent.   对未来抱无所谓态度,看破往事,寻求 *** 。   Indifferent towards the future.   很快对方就给了回复,而且用的是英语:“皮诺先生对这些事无所谓,放心吧,他会表现得很绅士。”   The reply, in English, es back instantly: “Monsieur Pinault is very kind about these things, and I am sure will behave as a gentleman.   可是名字对我来说无所谓的,因为我只注意演员们在戏中的角色。   But the names mean nothing to me because I only take note of the roles actors take in the play.   可是名字对我来说无所谓,因为我只注意演员们在戏中的角色。   But the names mean nothing to me because I only take note of the roles actors take in the play.   你是否做这件事对我来说无所谓。   It makes no matter to me whether you do it or not.   是走还是开始对我来说无所谓。   I don"t care about going or starting.   我现在的脸皮厚得很,这样的情形对我已经无所谓了。   I am now so thick-skinned that such incidents hardly fuss me at all.   我现在的脸皮厚得很,这样的情形对我已经无所谓了。   I am now so thick-skinned that such incidents hardly fuss me at all.
2023-07-29 02:05:271

Lose Lose Situation 歌词

歌曲名:Lose Lose Situation歌手:Brian Mcfadden专辑:Irish SonLose Lose SituationBrian McFaddenWhen we fall outI like to go driving in my carListen to something ironicAnd end up in a barGet an earful of shit from a strangerWho"s got a broken heartWeighing up what would be more painful,Staying with your manOr going back to herDoesn"t everybody feel this way sometimes?It"s a lose-lose situationFor a shitty little crimeYou can never win with womenIt"s pointless trying to tryIt"s a lose-lose situation till the day you dieEverybody knows the scoreShe"ll be crying to the mother-in-lawAnd I"ll be sleeping out with the dogMust give himA call, a call, a call, a call...Doesn"t everybody feel this way sometimes?It"s a lose-lose situationFor a shitty little crimeYou can never win with womenIt"s pointless trying to tryIt"s a lose-lose situation till the day you dieOoooh... Ooooh la-la-laOoooh... Ooooh la-la-laOoooh... Ooooh la-la-laOoooh... Ooooh la-la-laOoooh... Ooooh la-la-laOoooh...Then we make upI"m walking on egg-shells for a dayAnd I"ll clean the houseIn the hope that I might get a layI"ve been back to that drunken strangerAnd something that he says"Pack your bags cos honeyShe"ll be quiet when your dead"Doesn"t everybody feel this way sometimes?It"s a lose-lose situationFor a shitty little crimeYou can never win with womenIt"s pointless trying to tryIt"s a lose-lose situation till the day you dieAnd it"s a lose-lose situation till the day you die
2023-07-29 02:05:351


公孙龙是战国时期平原君的食客,一天,他牵一匹白马出关被阻,公孙龙便以白马非马的命题与之辩论,守关的人辩不过他,公孙龙就牵着马出关去了(或说,他还是不得出关)。公孙龙通过三点论证,力求证明“白马非马”这个命题。第一点:“马者,所以名形也;白者,所以名色也。名形者非名色也。故曰:白马非马。”以现代逻辑术语来说;这一点是强调,“马”、“白”、“白马”的内涵不同。“马”的内涵是一种动物,“白”的内涵是一种颜色。而“白马”的内涵是一种颜色加一种动物。三者的内涵各异,因此白马非马。 第二点是:“求马,黄黑马皆可致。求白马,黄黑马不可致。……故黄黑马一也,而可以应有马,而不可以应有白马,是白马之非马审矣”。“马者,无去取于色,故黄黑皆所以应。白马者有去取于色,黄黑马皆所以色去,故惟白马独可以应耳。无去者,非有去也。故曰:白马非马”。这一点是论及,“马”、“白马”的外延不同。“马”的外延包括一切的马,不管任何颜色。而“白马”的外延只包括白色的马,两者有相应颜色的区别。由于“马”与“白马”的外延不同,所以白马非马。 第三点是:“马故有色,故有白马。使马无色,由马如己耳。安取白马?故白者,非马也。白马者,马与白也,白与马也。故曰:白马非马也。”这一点是说明,“马”这个共相与“白马”这个共相不同。马的共相,是一切马的本质属性。它不包含颜色,只是“马作为马”。这样的“马”的共性与“白马”的共性不同。也就是说,马作为马与白马作为白马不同。所以白马非马。
2023-07-29 02:06:183

帮忙写篇英语作文 题目:Ban smoking in public places

Ban smoking in Public places?Smoking bans can be seen in public places in many countries.Our class had a heated discussion on banning smoking in public places.Opinions fall into two.On the one hand,some students think that it is bad for health and it is also has a strong influence on other people.So some students think that people should give up smoking.However,each coin has two sides.Some of them think that people can smoke in public places.It"s none of anyone business.And if people don"t smoke,it is bad for oporating of restaurant.Even it can make a unemployment.In my opinion,I think people shouldn"t smoke,because it is bad for their health.
2023-07-29 02:06:272


  导语:很多时候你只要是愿意一试,我们都可以做到甘地和德兰修女那种地步。我将这十种方式告诉你,相信只要你在生活中合理运用,一定会有所得。以下是我整理的英语文章:换个角度看世界 让你与众不同 ,希望大家能有所收获。   1.话要想着说   Think before you speak   在开口说话前,确信你所说的话合适到足以禁得起放到社会媒体上检验的地步。说出的话要是过一会儿就后悔,那最好还是不要说。   Before you open your mouth to say something, make sure it"s something you would be proud to post everywhere on social media. If it"s something you might regret later, then maybe it"s better if you kept it to yourself.   2.明白根本就没有一个“对的时间”   Realize there is never a "right time"   “等我找到一份更好的工作的时候”,“等我毕业后”,“等到孩子长大的时候”。没有哪一刻能比现在更好。向你的目标迈出第一步,等待只会让你的年龄增加,不会让你变得更聪明。   "When I get a better job," or, "When I graduate," or, "When the kids are grown." There is no time like the present. Take that first step toward your goal. Waiting will only make you older, not wiser.   3.处理好个人利益和集体利益的关系   Balance self-interest with the collective good   在社会生活中,势必要处理好“个人”和“他人”的关系。是的,你应该顾及到自己的需要,但是你也应该考虑到他人的需求。只要足够用心,在这两者之间你是可以找到一个平衡点的。   In relationships, there should be a balance between "self" and "other." Yes, you should care about your own needs. But you should also care about other people"s needs too. It"s a balancing act that can be achieved if you try hard enough.   4.正确看待一件事之前,不要妄下结论   Put things in perspective before you jump to conclusions   当你和别人闹了矛盾,不淡定是很正常的,但是不淡定时最容易出问题。所以还是花点时间来平复自己,纵观事情的总体情况,在你能正常思考时在回顾这个事件而不是回想你的假设。   While it"s natural to do that, problems can occur when you engage in conflict with another person before you calm down. So take some time to calm down, put everything into perspective, and then review the facts not assumptions when you can think more logically.   5.不要盲目接受现状   Don"t blindly accept the status quo   每个人都在做的事并不意味着你必须要做。问问你自己是否真的想这样做——这样是不是一种明智的做法。通常答案都是否定的。   Just because everyone does something doesn"t mean you have to. Ask yourself if you truly want to do it u2013 or even if it"s advisable to do so. Many times it"s not.   如果您尚未关注我,可点击标题下方的“邱政政”关注。   每日发送精选的听、说、读、写学习素材,学英语要坚持,我们一路同行!   6.不要让别人的消极情绪影响到你   Don"t let other people"s negativity upset you   大多数人都会被他人的消极情绪所影响。最后,消极的情绪就会渗透到生活的各个方面,最终导致一个悲剧。控制好自己,不要让他人的事情影响到你的快乐。   Wise people realize that they are always in control of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Most people let others" behavior affect them negatively. As a result, they let that negativity permeate their lives and make them miserable. Own your power and keep your happiness by not allowing them to change you for the worse.   7.行为不冲动   Don"t act impulsively   生活中,冲动就是容易让人后悔。你没有花时间思量一下整件事情,是很容易出问题的。明智的人都会在潜意识里做出可以让事情朝着最好的方向发展的决定。   In life, acting on impulse can lead to regrets. If you don"t take the time to think things through, you might create problems. Wise people use a combination of their logic and intuition to come up with the best decisions possible.   8.接受本来的那个他   Accept other people for who they are   面对吧,大部分人都试着改变他人。事实上,这是没意义的。人们本来就是那样的。要是你不喜欢,你可以选择结束关系,或者尽可能少和他相处,或者就只有改变你自己的态度。接受本来的那个他,你也希望别人能接受本来的那个你吧?   Let"s face it, most people try to change others. It"s really pointless. But it doesn"t work! People are who they are. If you don"t like them, then you have the choice to leave the relationship, spend less time with them, or change your attitude. Accept who they are. You want to be accepted for who you are, right?   9.封面很漂亮,但书未必   The cover may be pretty, but the book might not be   智者不会被一个人表面上的魅力、个性和好看的外表所蒙蔽。同样的,就算是一个长得不漂亮,没有魅力又没有个性,给你第一印象就不好的人,智者也不会拒绝。换句话说就是他们会花时间去了解、去评判最真实的那个人,而不是只看到表面。   Wise people don"t get blinded by charm, personality, or looks right away. Conversely, they are also not turned off by anyone who is not beautiful or charming on first impression, either. In other words, they take the time to get to know people and judge them on their inner self, not who they appear to be.   10.不要去评判别人   Don"t judge others   除了以上的那些,真正的智者是不会评价别人的。他们会试着去体会别人的感受——站在别人的角度看待这件事,针对同样的事情看看自己会如何处理。像智者一样似乎很困难,但是你只需训练你的思维方式,控制好你的情绪。   Above all else, truly wise people don"t judge. They practice empathy. Empathy is truly putting yourself in another person"s shoes and trying to see the situation from their point of view. However, all you need to do is train your mind and control your emotions.
2023-07-29 02:06:421

Tombstone Blues 歌词

歌曲名:Tombstone Blues歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Mtv UnpluggedThe sweet pretty things are in bed now of courseThe city fathers they"re trying to endorseThe reincarnation of Paul Revere"s horseBut the town has no need to be nervousThe ghost of Belle Starr she hands down her witsTo Jezebel the nun she violently knitsA bald wig for Jack the Ripper who sitsAt the head of the chamber of commerceMama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesThe hysterical bride in the penny arcadeScreaming she moans, "I"ve just been made"Then sends out for the doctor who pulls down the shadeSays, "My advice is to not let the boys in"Now the medicine man comes and he shuffles insideHe walks with a swagger and he says to the bride"Stop all this weeping, swallow your prideYou will not die, it"s not poison"Mama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesWell, John the Baptist after torturing a thiefLooks up at his hero the Commander-in-ChiefSaying, "Tell me great hero, but please make it briefIs there a hole for me to get sick in?"The Commander-in-Chief answers him while chasing a flySaying, "Death to all those who would whimper and cry"And dropping a bar bell he points to the skySaving, "The sun"s not yellow it"s chicken"Mama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesThe king of the Philistines his soldiers to savePut jawbones on their tombstones and flatters their gravesPuts the pied pipers in prison and fattens the slavesThen sends them out to the jungleGypsy Davey with a blowtorch he burns out their campsWith his faithful slave Pedro behind him he trampsWith a fantastic collection of stampsTo win friends and influence his uncleMama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesThe geometry of innocence flesh on the boneCauses Galileo"s math book to get thrownAt Delilah who sits worthlessly aloneBut the tears on her cheeks are from laughterNow I wish I could give Brother Bill his great thrillI would set him in chains at the top of the hillThen send out for some pillars and Cecil B. DeMilleHe could die happily ever afterMama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesWhere Ma Raney and Beethoven once unwrapped their bed rollTuba players now rehearse around the flagpoleAnd the National Bank at a profit sells road maps for the soulTo the old folks home and the collegeNow I wish I could write you a melody so plainThat could hold you dear lady from going insaneThat could ease you and cool you and cease the painOf your useless and pointless knowledgeMama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone blues
2023-07-29 02:06:561


5楼的 用户尚未注册 太牛了 小弟对你的景仰之心有如滔滔降水,连绵……OICQ就是QQ的前身
2023-07-29 02:05:447


2023-07-29 02:05:491

我想买辆摩托 街车 手上现有5W左右 最好不要过5.5W的 想买个年份近一点的 排量不过600的..给推荐几个..

2023-07-29 02:05:563


2023-07-29 02:05:421


2023-07-29 02:05:4110

HoW old are You是什么意思?? 怎么回答这个问题

2023-07-29 02:05:3814