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2023-07-29 10:53:35
TAG: 英语

Rabbit: any of various genera belonging to the family Lacriformes of the order Lacriformes.

There are many rabbit breeds, with about 45 purebred rabbit breeds worldwide.

From the body classification, can be divided into large rabbits, medium-sized rabbits and small rabbits.

The weight of large rabbits is about 5 ~ 8 kg, the weight of medium-sized rabbits is about 2 ~ 4 kg, the weight of small rabbits is about 2 kg below.

Rabbit for herbivore animals, food can be roughly divided into concentrate feed, roughage, juicy feed.

Rabbit is a timid animal, sudden noise, strangers and strange animals, such as cats and dogs will make it panic.

When a rabbit becomes an adult, it may exhibit circular behavior.

Circling is an act of courtship, sometimes accompanied by a purr.

Rabbits may live in groups, but hares are generally solitary.

More commonly seen in desert, desertification steppe, tropical sparse forest, steppe and forest or forest.
















兔子英语单词是rabbit。rabbit主要用作名词与动词,作名词时意为:兔; 野兔; 兔肉。作动词时意为:猎兔; 捕兔。 扩展资料   一、rabbit词性转换   第三人称单数:rabbits   复数:rabbits   现在分词:rabbiting   过去式:rabbited   过去分词:rabbited   二、词语搭配   rabbit on唠叨;喋喋不休   White Rabbit小白兔 ; 大白兔 ; 白兔子   rabbit meat兔肉   rabbit hutch兔窝 ; 兔笼 ; 兔箱   bani Rabbit贝妮兔   三、双语例句   1.She wears a pair of gloves lined with rabbit.   她戴着一副兔毛衬里的手套。   2.The rabbit startled violently.   兔子大吃一惊。   3.As the months went by, the rabbits saw that I was no threat and didn"t escape.   几个月过去了,兔子们发现我没有恶意,就没再逃走。   4.Rabbits propagate [ breed] rapidly.   兔子繁殖迅速。   5.She jumped back like a startled rabbit.   她像受惊的`兔子似的跳了回去。   6.I like my rabbit.   我喜欢我的兔子。
2023-07-28 17:51:401


野兔 兔子( rabbit的名词复数 ) 兔子皮毛; 兔子肉,列句为The rabbits hid in the burrows.
2023-07-28 17:52:074


  小兔子的英文单词很可爱,正如小兔子的外形带给我们的感觉一样。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!      英 [u02c8levu0259ru0259t] 美 [u02c8lu025bvu0259ru026at]   leveret   n. 尤指未满周岁的小野兔;   小兔的英语例句   1. Now, we won"t submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins.   现在我们决不能忍受这群长著脓包 、 喝醉了的小兔崽子们的无礼举动.   2. We start with one pair of newly born rabbits.   我们从有一对初生的小兔开始.   3. Rabbit also listened to his mother"s praise the sweet and *** iling.   小兔听了妈妈的夸奖也露出了甜蜜地笑容.   4. Children color eggs and hunt for eggs hidden by the Easter Bunny.   复活节这一天,孩子们绘制彩蛋,并寻找复活节小兔藏起来的彩蛋.   5. Little rabbit, Little fox: One two , three , find a fob.   小兔, 狐狸: 一二三, 找工作!   6. Larson: Don"t swear it, kitten; I prefer a more hands - on approach.   拉森: 少逞你的嘴上功夫, 小兔崽子; 我们来点实际的.   7. Students The distances are the same. The rabbit runs faster.   生:路程还是同样长, 小兔跑的快.   8. Baby rabbits, mom and big wolf begin to dance hand in hand.   小兔们牵着妈妈和大灰狼的手跳起舞来!   9. They certainly had soporific effect upon the Flopsy Bunnies!   它们确实对佛洛普西家的小兔们有很强的催眠效果.   10. Surely you"ve seen a rabbIt"sunning himself in the grass.   你肯定见过草丛中晒太阳的小兔.   11. Experts say the deformity could be the result of inbreeding.   专家认为,小兔长两个鼻子可能是由于多次近亲繁殖引发的病变.   12. At the zoo, there are many *** all animals: tiger, monkey, panda, rabbit.   在动物园里有许多小动物: 老虎 、 猴子 、 熊猫 、 小兔.   13. Little Rabbits: Mummy! Mummy ! We beat the wolf away!   小兔: 妈妈! 我们打跑了大灰狼!   14. This is what those little rabbits saw round that corner!   这就是那些小兔在那个转角处所看到的!   15. The Flopsy Bunnies followed at a safe distance.   那些佛洛普西小兔在安全距离内跟着他.   小兔英语作文   The little Rabbit has a coat of white hair.The two ears are long and prick up on its head.It is furry,soft and white with two red eyes glaring above the chin.Its eyes are like a pair of *** all red hulbs.Exposed to sunlight,they bee little pieces of red thread.Its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move slightly.How cute it is!   小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛.两只耳朵很长,直立在头上.它长著一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动,它多可爱啊   小兔英语范文   one day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. i"m very happy.   from that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. they have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. they"re marvellous.   everyday, they play with each other happily. one day, i couldn"t find them. i asked my mother: ”where are they? ” my mother told me that she didn"t know. at last, i found them in the grass. they were very dirty. i was angry, but when i looked at their lovely faces, i was happy again.   i love my little rabbits, and they love me. they are my good friends forever.   the little rabbit has a coat of white hair. the two ears are long and prick up on its head. it is furry,soft and white with two red eyes glaring above the chin.its eyes are like a pair of *** all red hulbs. exposed to sunlight, they bee little pieces of red thread. its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move cute it is!   小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛。两只耳朵很长,直立在头上。它长著一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动,它多可爱啊   小兔英语写作   the rabbits" family   hello, my friends! my name"s sandy. today, i will tell you an interesting story about rabbits. look at me , now , i"m not sandy but a mother rabbit. i have a happy family because of my three daughters. they are very clever and lovely. in the morning , they have good habits . after they get up , they have good habits. after they get up in the morning, they wash the face , brush the hair , clean the ears and blow the noses. they like singing and dancing , too . now , let"s have a share , children , are you ready ? yes, let"s go. action , please! sing and dance   小兔子一家   朋友们好啊!我的名字叫sandy,今天我要给大家讲一个有关兔子的有趣故事。现在看着我,我不再是sandy,而是兔子妈妈,我有一个幸福的家庭全因为我的三个女儿。我这三个女儿非常聪明可爱。在早上她们有良好的习惯,起床之后她们的习惯依然很好。早上她们起床后会洗脸、梳头、清洁耳朵和吹鼻子,她们还喜欢唱歌跳舞。现在让我们一起来唱歌跳舞,孩子们,准备好了吗?是的,我们开始吧。请行动起来吧!唱歌、跳舞    看过的人还:
2023-07-28 17:52:431


用英语介绍兔子10句如下:Rabbit is a kind of small and lovely animal , it has red eyes and long ears. There are many types of rabbit in the world, but nearly all of them are either black or white. It is a very ordinary creature which exit all the world. It feeds on vegetables mainly and may eat some fruit as well.兔子是一种小而可爱的动物,它有红色的眼睛和长长的耳朵。在世界上有许多类型的兔子,但几乎都是黑色或白色。这是一个非常普通的生物,出口全世界。它以蔬菜为主,可以吃一些水果。Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are seven different genera in the family classified as rabbits, including the European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), cottontail rabbits (genus Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amami Rabbit.兔子是一种小型哺乳动物,在世界上的一些地方发现了一种小动物。在被归为兔子的家族中,有7个不同的属,包括欧洲兔子(家兔)、棉尾兔(属西尔维拉格斯属;13种),和日本的琉球兔子。There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with cottontails, pikas and hares make up the Order Lagomorpha. Rabbits generally live between four and 10 years. A rabbit"s gestation period is 31 days.还有许多其他种类的兔子,这些,和棉尾兔、鼠兔、野兔一起构成了兔形科目。兔子一般能活4—10年。兔子的妊娠期是31天。
2023-07-28 17:53:011


2023-07-28 17:53:263


Rabbit is the general name of all genera of mammalian rabbit family. Commonly known as rabbit.兔是哺乳类兔形目兔科下属所有的属的总称,俗称兔子。Rabbits have small Ruby eyes, while some little rabbits have white eyes.兔子有一双红宝石似的小眼睛,而有一些小兔子的眼睛却是白的。All the little rabbits have a small red nose, a three valve mouth and very sharp teeth.所有的小兔子都有一个红红的小鼻子,三瓣嘴,牙齿非常锋利。There are two long ears on the head of the little rabbit. There is a layer of pink skin inside the ears. From the skin, you can clearly see the blood vessels of the little rabbit.小兔子的脑袋上长着两只长长的耳朵,耳朵里面有一层粉红色的皮,从皮里可以很清晰的看见小兔子的血管。The little rabbit"s body is covered with fluffy fur as white as snow. These hairs feel very soft and comfortable.小兔子的身上长满了像雪一样白毛茸茸的毛,这些毛摸起来非常柔软可舒服了。
2023-07-28 17:53:401

英语单词ra b b i t什么意思

2023-07-28 17:54:213


好,你给的这几个字母组成的单词就是rabbits Rabbit的复数形式。意思是兔子。
2023-07-28 17:54:341


rabbit的复数形式:rabbits n.兔;野兔;兔肉 v.猎兔;捕兔 rabbit的第三人称单数和复数 扩展资料   例句:   Rabbits still manage to find a way in. I am sure that some have even taken to gnawing through the metal.   兔子还是找到办法进去了。我敢断定,有些兔子甚至已经用上了咬断金属的办法。   Rabbits multiply very fast.   兔子繁殖非常迅速。   Rabbits propagate [ breed] rapidly.   兔子繁殖迅速。   The rabbits in our backyard were a magnet that attracted all the children in the neighborhood.   我家后院的兔子像磁铁一样吸引着邻居所有的孩子。
2023-07-28 17:54:471


  i like rabbit,rabbit has a long ears and small eyes,rabbit eyes is has a short tail,Rabbits have many colors, white, black, and"s fat and cute,rabbit like Carrot and leaves.bunny is Easter‘day Symbolize,Every Easter"s day,The Easter Bunny is going to send eggs to the children.   Of course, the Easter Bunny is disguised as a man.Real rabbits don"t give gifts.In ancient China,People think,red rabbit is a symbol of good luck.However, because do not see the red rabbit, so people put hope on the Lv Bu red horse on.Rabbits are cute. I like rabbits.
2023-07-28 17:54:551


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2023-07-28 17:58:042


2023-07-28 17:58:378


2023-07-28 17:59:565


用英语介绍兔子10句如下:Rabbit is a kind of small and lovely animal , it has red eyes and long ears. There are many types of rabbit in the world, but nearly all of them are either black or white. It is a very ordinary creature which exit all the world. It feeds on vegetables mainly and may eat some fruit as well.兔子是一种小而可爱的动物,它有红色的眼睛和长长的耳朵。在世界上有许多类型的兔子,但几乎都是黑色或白色。这是一个非常普通的生物,出口全世界。它以蔬菜为主,可以吃一些水果。Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are seven different genera in the family classified as rabbits, including the European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), cottontail rabbits (genus Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amami Rabbit.兔子是一种小型哺乳动物,在世界上的一些地方发现了一种小动物。在被归为兔子的家族中,有7个不同的属,包括欧洲兔子(家兔)、棉尾兔(属西尔维拉格斯属;13种),和日本的琉球兔子。There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with cottontails, pikas and hares make up the Order Lagomorpha. Rabbits generally live between four and 10 years. A rabbit"s gestation period is 31 days.还有许多其他种类的兔子,这些,和棉尾兔、鼠兔、野兔一起构成了兔形科目。兔子一般能活4—10年。兔子的妊娠期是31天。
2023-07-28 18:01:291


兔子英语拼写写法是rabbit。一、rabbit的词形变换1、第三人称单数:rabbits,复数:rabbits。2、现在分词:rabbiting,过去式:rabbited,过去分词:rabbited。二、rabbit的双语例句1、She jumped back like a startled rabbit.她像受惊的兔子似的跳了回去。2、The rabbit was caught in the glare of the car"s headlights.兔子在耀眼的汽车前灯照射下。3、I"ve read all the available literature on keeping rabbits.我阅读了我能找到的养兔的全部资料。4、The rabbits are bred for their long coats.饲养兔子是为了获取他们的长毛。5、Rabbits multiply rapidly.兔子繁殖迅速。6、The dog scented a rabbit.狗嗅到了兔子的气息。7、I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits.我要给你讲一个4只小兔子的故事。8、The disease wiped out 40 million rabbits at a stroke.该疾病一下子就使4,000万只兔子丧命。9、He"d snared a rabbit earlier in the day.那天早一点的时候,他设套捉了一只兔子。10、He debated whether to make a joke about shooting rabbits,but decided against it.他心里琢磨是否该开个有关打兔子的玩笑,但决定还是算了。
2023-07-28 18:03:181


2023-07-28 18:03:361


用英语介绍兔子10句如下:Rabbit is a kind of small and lovely animal , it has red eyes and long ears. There are many types of rabbit in the world, but nearly all of them are either black or white. It is a very ordinary creature which exit all the world. It feeds on vegetables mainly and may eat some fruit as well.兔子是一种小而可爱的动物,它有红色的眼睛和长长的耳朵。在世界上有许多类型的兔子,但几乎都是黑色或白色。这是一个非常普通的生物,出口全世界。它以蔬菜为主,可以吃一些水果。Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are seven different genera in the family classified as rabbits, including the European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), cottontail rabbits (genus Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amami Rabbit.兔子是一种小型哺乳动物,在世界上的一些地方发现了一种小动物。在被归为兔子的家族中,有7个不同的属,包括欧洲兔子(家兔)、棉尾兔(属西尔维拉格斯属;13种),和日本的琉球兔子。There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with cottontails, pikas and hares make up the Order Lagomorpha. Rabbits generally live between four and 10 years. A rabbit"s gestation period is 31 days.还有许多其他种类的兔子,这些,和棉尾兔、鼠兔、野兔一起构成了兔形科目。兔子一般能活4—10年。兔子的妊娠期是31天。
2023-07-28 18:04:371


  小兔子的英文单词很可爱,正如小兔子的外形带给我们的感觉一样。下面是我给大家整理的小兔的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   小兔的英文是什么   英 [u02c8levu0259ru0259t] 美 [u02c8lu025bvu0259ru026at]   leveret   n. (尤指未满周岁的)小野兔;   小兔的英语例句   1. Now, we won"t submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins.   现在我们决不能忍受这群长着脓包 、 喝醉了的小兔崽子们的无礼举动.   2. We start with one pair of newly born rabbits.   我们从有一对初生的小兔开始.   3. Rabbit also listened to his mother"s praise the sweet and smiling.   小兔听了妈妈的夸奖也露出了甜蜜地笑容.   4. Children color eggs and hunt for eggs hidden by the Easter Bunny.   复活节这一天,孩子们绘制彩蛋,并寻找复活节小兔藏起来的彩蛋.   5. Little rabbit, Little fox: One two , three , find a fob.   小兔, 狐狸: 一二三, 找工作!   6. Larson: Don"t swear it, kitten; I prefer a more hands - on approach.   拉森: 少逞你的嘴上功夫, 小兔崽子; 我们来点实际的.   7. Students The distances are the same. The rabbit runs faster.   生:路程还是同样长, 小兔跑的快.   8. Baby rabbits, mom and big wolf begin to dance hand in hand.   小兔们牵着妈妈和大灰狼的手跳起舞来!   9. They certainly had soporific effect upon the Flopsy Bunnies!   它们确实对佛洛普西家的小兔们有很强的催眠效果.   10. Surely you"ve seen a rabbIt"sunning himself in the grass.   你肯定见过草丛中晒太阳的小兔.   11. Experts say the deformity could be the result of inbreeding.   专家认为,小兔长两个鼻子可能是由于多次近亲繁殖引发的病变.   12. At the zoo, there are many small animals: tiger, monkey, panda, rabbit.   在动物园里有许多小动物: 老虎 、 猴子 、 熊猫 、 小兔.   13. Little Rabbits: Mummy! Mummy ! We beat the wolf away!   小兔: 妈妈! 我们打跑了大灰狼!   14. This is what those little rabbits saw round that corner!   这就是那些小兔在那个转角处所看到的!   15. The Flopsy Bunnies followed at a safe distance.   那些佛洛普西小兔在安全距离内跟著他.   小兔英语作文   The little Rabbit has a coat of white hair.The two ears are long and prick up on its head.It is furry,soft and white with two red eyes glaring above the chin.Its eyes are like a pair of small red hulbs.Exposed to sunlight,they become little pieces of red thread.Its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move slightly.How cute it is!   小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛.两只耳朵很长,直立在头上.它长着一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动,它多可爱啊   小兔英语范文   one day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. iu2019m very happy.   from that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. they have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. theyu2019re marvellous.   everyday, they play with each other happily. one day, i couldnu2019t find them. i asked my mother: ”where are they? ” my mother told me that she didnu2019t know. at last, i found them in the grass. they were very dirty. i was angry, but when i looked at their lovely faces, i was happy again.   i love my little rabbits, and they love me. they are my good friends forever.   the little rabbit has a coat of white hair. the two ears are long and prick up on its head. it is furry,soft and white with two red eyes glaring above the chin.its eyes are like a pair of small red hulbs. exposed to sunlight, they become little pieces of red thread. its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move cute it is!   小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛。两只耳朵很长,直立在头上。它长着一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动,它多可爱啊   小兔英语写作   the rabbits" family   hello, my friends! my nameu2019s sandy. today, i will tell you an interesting story about rabbits. look at me , now , iu2019m not sandy but a mother rabbit. i have a happy family because of my three daughters. they are very clever and lovely. in the morning , they have good habits . after they get up , they have good habits. after they get up in the morning, they wash the face , brush the hair , clean the ears and blow the noses. they like singing and dancing , too . now , letu2019s have a share , children , are you ready ? (yes, letu2019s go.) action , please! ( sing and dance)   小兔子一家   朋友们好啊!我的名字叫sandy,今天我要给大家讲一个有关兔子的有趣故事。现在看着我,我不再是sandy,而是兔子妈妈,我有一个幸福的家庭全因为我的三个女儿。我这三个女儿非常聪明可爱。在早上她们有良好的习惯,起床之后她们的习惯依然很好。早上她们起床后会洗脸、梳头、清洁耳朵和吹鼻子,她们还喜欢唱歌跳舞。现在让我们一起来唱歌跳舞,孩子们,准备好了吗?(是的,我们开始吧。)请行动起来吧!(唱歌、跳舞)   
2023-07-28 18:05:041


1. 描写一种动物的外形特点‘兔"[英文] My Rabbit I have a little rabbit. She is very lovely! Her fur is white. She has a pair of long ears and a pair of big eyes. She has a short tail too . My rabbit name is Kelly. She loves to eat vegetable and fruit, but she likes carrot the most. I have a *** all football and Kelly likes play football with me very much. That"s my best friend,Kelly! 2. 用英文描写小白兔的外貌 Rabbit is a white animal. It like eat carrot and vegetables. Rabbit"s eyes are red,and their ears are very long .Their mouch is very *** all. We should patient to keep them. Bcause they"er afraid to go to nearby people. (兔子是一种白色动物,它喜欢吃萝卜和蔬菜.兔子的眼睛是红色的,耳朵很长.它们的嘴巴很小.我们要侑耐心哋去饲养它们,因为它们很害怕去亲近人们.) 3. 描写兔子样子的英语作文两句 1.Rabbit is an cute kind of amimals.It has o long ears.They can make rabbits hear carefully.It also has a short tail.They make rabbits so lovely.Rabbits likes carrots.If you are lonely.You can keep a rabbit.It can be your friends. 2.The little Rabbit has a coat of white hair. The o ears are long and prick up on its head. It is furry,soft and white with o red eyes glaring above the chin.Its eyes are like a pair of *** all red hulbs. Exposed to sunlight, they bee little pieces of red thread. Its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move slightly.How cute it is! 小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛。 两只耳朵很长,直立在头上。它长着一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动,它多可爱啊。 4. 描写兔子样子的英语作文两句 1.Rabbit is an cute kind of amimals.It has o long ears.They can make rabbits hear carefully.It also has a short tail.They make rabbits so lovely.Rabbits likes carrots.If you are lonely.You can keep a rabbit.It can be your friends. 2.The little Rabbit has a coat of white hair. The o ears are long and prick up on its head. It is furry,soft and white with o red eyes glaring above the chin.Its eyes are like a pair of *** all red hulbs. Exposed to sunlight, they bee little pieces of red thread. Its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move slightly.How cute it is! 小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛。两只耳朵很长,直立在头上。它长着一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动,它多可爱啊 5. 描写兔子的英语作文 [描写兔子的英语作文] The Rabbits" FamilyHello, my friends! My name"s Sandy. Today, I will tell you an interesting story about rabbits. Look at me , now , I"m not Sandy but a mother rabbit. I have a happy family because of my three daughters. They are very clever and lovely. In the morning , they have good habits . After they get up , they have good habits. After they get up in the morning, they wash the face , brush the hair , clean the ears and blow the noses. They like singing and dancing , too . Now , let"s have a share , children , are you ready ? (Yes, let"s go.) Action , please! ( sing and dance)小兔子一家朋友们好啊!我的名字叫Sandy,今天我要给大家讲一个有关兔子的有趣故事,描写兔子的英语作文。 现在看着我,我不再是Sandy,而是兔子妈妈,我有一个幸福的家庭全因为我的三个女儿。我这三个女儿非常聪明可爱。 在早上她们有良好的习惯,起床之后她们的习惯依然很好。早上她们起床后会洗脸、梳头、清洁耳朵和吹鼻子,她们还喜欢唱歌跳舞。 现在让我们一起来唱歌跳舞,孩子们,准备好了吗?(是的,我们开始吧。)请行动起来吧!(唱歌、跳舞)One day, my mother bought o little rabbits for me. I"m very happy. From that on, the o little rabbits became my good friends. They have o little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. They"re marvellous. Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldn"t find them. I asked my mother: Where are they? My mother told me that She didn"t know. At last, I found them in the grass. They were very dirty. I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy again. I love my little rabbits, and they love me. They are my good friends forever.The little Rabbit has a coat of white hair. The o ears are long and prick up on its head. It is furry,soft and white with o red eyes glaring above the chin.Its eyes are like a pair of *** all red hulbs. Exposed to sunlight, they bee little pieces of red thread. Its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move slightly.How cute it is! 小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛,作文素材《描写兔子的英语作文》。 两只耳朵很长,直立在头上。它长着一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动,它多可爱啊 红眼睛, 短尾巴, 两个招风耳, 可爱的外表, 毛茸茸的身子, 你们知道我是谁吗?我就是人见人爱的兔子。 我非常可爱,有时很顽皮,有时很温顺。我的耳朵长长的,是个招风耳,每当有危险的时候,我就竖起耳朵,听到敌人离我还有多远,哈-我的耳朵还有防身作用呢! 我的身子毛茸茸的,就像穿了绒毛大衣。 很诗人喜爱,颜色呈白灰色,远看像一个小球,主人经常来摸我。 我的前肢短后腿长,同样也是毛茸茸的,可别小看我,我可是跳步健将呢! 我的尾巴短短的,像个毛茸茸的球,可别看它短,如果尾巴很长的话,我跑步时速度会慢很多的。 我吃东西的时候从不挑素食,只要有树叶、萝卜、青草……我都会细嚼慢咽、津津有味地一扫而光。所以我长得健康结实。 有一次,我饿得不行,忽然,我看见主人拿着萝卜朝我走来,我顿时高兴得一蹦三尺高,可主人一到我面前就把萝卜高高一举,我眼里充满了哀求,希望主人能给我吃,可主人还是没有给我吃,继续逗我,我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁—团团转。忽然,我灵机一动,微微一跳,一下把萝卜拍了下来。 哈哈-我赢了。 你们觉得我可爱吗?希望大家喜欢我。 〔描写兔子的英语作文〕【征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。】。 6. 英语作文:兔子的特点(加中文) The white rabbit is a cute little animals. Lively, clever, very provoking love.It was a snowy, hair soft and *** ooth. Delicate features, the eye is red, like ruby, sparkling. Its ears are long and large, very sensitive hearing, a little voice, it will prick up your ears, looking for sound. Its mouth has three segments, the mouth of the teeth are very sharp, eats, mouth wide-open, the *** all white rabbit limbs brisk, very agile, but also very alert. It has a short tail, plush, jump, very cute.The *** all white rabbit often at the water"s edge grass, it eats grass, but will also eat carrots, vegetables, bread and so on, it is also very alert, as long as there is movement, gently push on hind legs, in the grass swing, while jumping here and there, while another, very lively.The rabbit is also divided the hares and rabbits, hare had to personally make a nest, to find their own food, and rabbits are not the same, the owner has been prepared for it a warm "home"," home" also has a rich food, there is no need to worry about their own rabbit. So the rabbits and hares is always fat fat, size large.It"s Mao Youhao in several colors, white, black, and gray 。 。 Its claws with bing their hair, get dry quietly. The rabbit is we love animals.All of the rabbit had a pair of long ears. In other animals to hurt them, cute little rabbit will prick up your ears, be absorbed in to listen to, as long as there are abnormal fluctuations, it will jump off.A rabbit"s eyes are red, there are a lot of people suspected of rabbit got pink eye. In fact, the rabbit is not got pink eye, but they had many red blood cells, so it "s eyes grew red.Little rabbit"s mouth is very strange, have three petals, perhaps innate.The rabbit likes to eat vegetables, they don"t drink water, vegetables are rich in vitamin A and water, let the rabbits out of trouble and water.The bunnies are mining master, although more than the mole, but they dig holes to be arranged in good order. After the。
2023-07-28 18:05:121


问题一:兔子的英文单词复数怎么写 rabits 问题二:有兔子英文怎么写? 有兔子 Some rabbits rabbits n. 野兔; 兔子( rabbit的名词复数 ); 兔子皮毛; 兔子肉; [例句]I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits. 我要给你讲一个4只小兔子的故事。 问题三:为什么rabbit兔子的复数形式加S?谢谢大家不是es呢? 因为它是正常变化,不符合加es的条件。 名词变复数的规则: 1.一般的名词后可直接加S,例如,book-books; 2.以s,x,ch,sh,z结尾的单词后加es,例如,bus-buses;watch-watches 3.部分以o结尾的单词后加es,例如,potato-potatoes,hero-heroes; 问题四:兔子用英语怎么写 rabbit [英] [?r?b?t][美] [?r?b?t] n. 兔子,野兔; 兔子皮毛; 兔子肉; 〈俚〉新手,弱手; vi. 猎兔(通常作 go rabbiting); (兔子似的)聚拢在一起; 唠叨,喋喋不休(常与on about连用); [例句] His corporate"s life will be as short as a rabbit"s tail. 他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。 [复数]rabbits 问题五:rabbit 的复数是什么? 一、rabbit的复数是rabbits。 二、rabbit英 ["r?b?t]美 ["r?b?t] n.兔子 v.(动词)猎兔,捕兔 名词: rabbiter 名词复数: rabbits 过去式: rabbited 过去分词: rabbited 现在分词: rabbiting 第三人称单数: rabbits 例句 The rabbit burrowed under the fence. 兔子在篱笆下打洞。 The magician conjured a rabbitout of his hat. 魔术师从他的帽子里变出一只兔子。 She is as timorous as a rabbit. 她胆小得像只兔子。 问题六:兔子的英语单词rabbit怎么读一\ 英文原文: rabbit 英式音标: [?r?b?t] 美式音标: [?r?bu026at] 问题七:兔子的英文怎么写 abbit 英[?r?b?t] 美[?r?b?t] n. 兔子,野兔; 兔子皮毛; 兔子肉; 〈俚〉新手,弱手; vi. 猎兔(通常作 go rabbiting); (兔子似的) 聚拢在一起; 唠叨,喋喋不休(常与on about连用); vt. 让…见鬼去吧; bunny_百度翻译 bunny 英[?b?ni] 美[?b?ni] n. 兔子; 可爱的女郎; [例句]The Happy Bunny club was heaving “快乐兔”俱乐部里人头攒动。 [其他] 复数:bunnies 希望可以帮到你
2023-07-28 18:05:401


2023-07-28 18:06:331


they are rabbits
2023-07-28 18:06:554

rabbits 后面的s 读什么?

名词复数后的s1)S在清辅音后发[s],如books中k是清辅音[k],所以s发[s]2)S在浊辅音或元音后发[z],如pigs中g是浊辅音[g],所以s发[z]3)在t,d后与前面的[t],[d]连起来一起读,比如cats就是[ts],(发“ci”的音),beds就是[dz],(发“zi“的音)。t接s 结尾,只读连音,不分开读s,现在明白了吗?
2023-07-28 18:07:021


2023-07-28 18:07:117


这是一只兔子 看这有一只兔子 它是白色的 他会跳 他住在农场里 他喜欢吃蔬菜 我喜欢兔子
2023-07-28 18:07:302

where is your rabbits哪个错了?

本句的主语是复数rabbits,相当于they,连系动词be,要用are。所要改为Wherr are your rabbits?
2023-07-28 18:07:465

I love rabbits还是rabbit

2023-07-28 18:08:171


2023-07-28 18:08:261

plm系统是什么 有哪些作用

PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)是产品生命周期管理的缩写,是一种综合性的管理方法和技术,旨在有效地管理和控制产品在全生命周期内的设计、开发、制造、销售和服务等各个阶段。PLM的定义和作用如下:定义:PLM是一种以数据为基础的战略性管理方法,通过集成和协调企业内外的资源,实现对产品的全面管理,从概念阶段到退役阶段,覆盖整个产品生命周期。作用:a. 产品数据管理:PLM提供了一个统一的平台,用于管理产品相关的数据,包括设计图纸、规格、变更记录、测试数据等。这有助于减少数据的冗余和错误,并提高数据的可靠性和可访问性。b. 协同设计和开发:PLM促进了团队内部和跨部门之间的协同工作,通过实时共享和访问产品数据,从而加快设计和开发过程,提高工作效率。c. 变更管理:PLM提供了一个结构化的变更管理系统,用于跟踪和审核产品的设计变更。这有助于减少错误和风险,并确保变更的及时和有效实施。d. 供应链管理:PLM涵盖了整个供应链,从供应商选择到物料管理和供应商协同。PLM可以提供实时的供应链数据和协同工作平台,以确保供应链的高效运作和合作。e. 质量管理:PLM可以与质量管理系统集成,以确保产品质量的一致性和符合性。通过追踪和记录质量数据,PLM可以帮助企业及时发现问题并采取纠正措施。f. 产品服务和维护:PLM支持产品的服务和维护阶段,包括售后服务、远程监测和维修等。通过有效管理产品数据和服务信息,PLM可以提供更好的客户支持和增值服务。综上所述,PLM是一种管理方法和技术,通过整合和协调企业内外的资源,为产品的设计、开发、制造和服务等全生命周期提供统一的平台和流程,以提高效率、质量和客户满意度。高胜团队从2008年开始研发PLM系统,目前已有众多企业成功案例,欢迎私信咨询
2023-07-28 18:08:302


2023-07-28 18:08:3110


1. 英语的四字成语 keep somebody at arm"s length, 形影不离 be on one"s back, 卧病在床 make somebody"s blood boil, 热血沸腾 Keep one"s shirt on, 忍辱负重 Shout something from the rooftops , 登高而呼 Be all ears, 洗耳恭听 out of the blue, 猝不及防 at sixes and sevens, 乱七八糟 A bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳 love you love your dog 爱屋及乌 a bad apple, 金玉其外,败絮其中 It rains dogs and cats.倾盆大雨 Fish in trouble water.混水摸鱼 Teach fish to swim.班门弄斧 Beat the dog before the lion.杀鸡敬猴 2. 英语四字成语大全 饱经风霜 bǎo jīng fēng shuāng 【解释】饱:充分;经:经历;风霜:比喻艰难困苦。形容经历过长期的艰难困苦的生活和斗争。 【出处】清·孔尚任《桃花扇》第二十一出:“鸡皮瘦损,看饱经雪霜,丝鬓如银。” 【结构】动宾式。 【用法】用于经验极其丰富;有时也可用拟人化手法指物。一般作谓语、定语。 【正音】经;不能 读作“jīn”。 【辨形】经;不能写作“径”。 【近义词】饱经世故、曾经沧海 【反义词】一帆风顺、养尊处优 【辨析】~和“饱经沧桑”;都含有“阅历深”的意思。但“饱经沧桑”偏重强调经历许多变化的意思;“~”偏重强调经历过长期艰难困苦生活的磨练的意思。 【例句】 (1)这位~的老人深深地热恋着自己的祖国。 (2)王大爷在旧社会~;十分热爱新社会的幸福生活。 【英译】endure all the hardships of exposure 3. 英语的四字成语有哪些 1、burn the midnight oil. 熬夜工作 2、keep somebody at arm"s length. 形影不离 3、be on one"s back. 卧病在床 4、make somebody"s blood boil. 热血沸腾 5、Keep one"s shirt on. 忍辱负重 6、It rains dogs and cats. 倾盆大雨 7、fish in trouble water. 混水摸鱼 8、Teach fish to swim. 班门弄斧 9、Beat the dog before the lion. 杀鸡敬猴 10、Shout something from the rooftops. 登高而呼 11、Be all ears. 洗耳恭听 12、out of the blue. 猝不及防 13、at sixes and sevens. 乱七八糟 14、A bolt from the blue. 晴天霹雳 15、love you love your dog. 爱屋及乌 see eye to eye 达成共识。 4. 成语大全四字成语 动物成语: 鼠目寸光、鼠肝虫臂、鼠牙雀角、鼠腹鸡肠、鼠窜狼奔、牛高马大、牛头马面、牛蹄中鱼、牛蹄之鱼、牛溲马勃、牛骥共牢、牛黄狗宝、虎踞龙盘、虎踞鲸吞、虎荡羊群、龙飞凤舞、龙跃虎踞、龙跃鸿矫、龙御上宾、龙言凤语龙行虎变、龙心凤肝、龙翔凤跃、马足龙沙、马足车尘马壮人强、马如游鱼、马仰人翻、羊肠小道、羊入虎群、羊狠狼贪、羊肠鸟道、羊质虎皮、狗仗人势、狗急跳墙、狗走狐淫、狗续貂尾、鸡犬不留、鸡皮鹤发、鸡犬升天、鸡口牛后、鸡零狗碎、鸡头鱼刺、鸡飞狗跳、鸡肠狗肚、狼狈为奸、狼羊同饲、狼吞虎咽、狼前虎后、狼猛蜂毒、狼顾虎视、狼奔兔脱、熊腰虎背、熊韬豹略、熊经鸟伸 地理谜语: 山崩海啸、山崩地坼、山崩地陷、山遥路远、山行海宿、山穷水绝、山栖谷饮、山鸣谷应、水远山长、水穷山尽、水剩山残、水阔山高、水明山秀、水碧山青、路不拾遗、路人皆知 5. 英语的四字成语有哪些 1、burn the midnight oil. 熬夜工作 2、keep somebody at arm"s length. 形影不离 3、be on one"s back. 卧病在床 4、make somebody"s blood boil. 热血沸腾 5、Keep one"s shirt on. 忍辱负重 6、It rains dogs and cats. 倾盆大雨 7、fish in trouble water. 混水摸鱼 8、Teach fish to swim. 班门弄斧 9、Beat the dog before the lion. 杀鸡敬猴 10、Shout something from the rooftops. 登高而呼 11、Be all ears. 洗耳恭听 12、out of the blue. 猝不及防 13、at sixes and sevens. 乱七八糟 14、A bolt from the blue. 晴天霹雳 15、love you love your dog. 爱屋及乌 see eye to eye 达成共识 6. 成语大全 四字成语· 一本正经。 二话不说。 三心二意。 四面八方。 五湖四海。 六六大顺。 七上八下。 八仙过海。 九牛一毛。 十全十美。 精卫填海。 愚公移山。 含辛茹苦。 任劳任怨。 艰苦卓绝。 百折不挠。 千里迢迢。 肝胆相照。 风雨无阻。 坚贞不屈。 赤胆忠心。 全心全意。 鞠躬尽瘁。 扶危济困。 赴汤蹈火。 冲锋陷阵。 文质彬彬。 仪表堂堂。 虎背熊腰。 身强力壮。 神采奕奕。 满面春风。 垂头丧气。 目瞪口呆。 健步如飞。 活蹦乱跳。 大摇大摆。 点头哈腰。 低声细语。 巧舌如簧。 娓娓动听。 语重心长。 知己知彼。 百战百胜。 运筹帷幄。 决胜千里。 出其不意。 攻其不备。 围魏救赵。 声东击西。 四面楚歌。 腹背受敌。 草木皆兵。 风声鹤唳。 冰柜神速。 突然袭击。 神出鬼没。 所向无敌。 7. 英语翻译成四字成语,在线等快 To make a noise in the world-----名噪一时 /make+a+noise+in+the+world/ wake a sleeping dog-----招惹是非 /wake+a+sleeping+dog/
2023-07-28 18:08:321


2023-07-28 18:08:341


电子邮箱是通过网络电子邮局为网络客户提供的网络交流电子信息空间。电子邮箱具有存储和收发电子信息的功能,是因特网中最重要的信息交流工具。在网络中,电子邮箱可以自动接收网络任何电子邮箱所发的电子邮件,并能存储规定大小的等多种格式的电子文件。电子邮箱具有单独的网络域名,其电子邮局地址在@后标注。  利用电子邮箱业务是一种基于计算机和通信网的信息传递业务,是利用电信号传递和存储信息的方式为用户提供传送电子信函、文件数字传真、图像和数字化语音等各类型的信息。电子邮件最大的特点是,人们可以在任何地方时间收、发信件,解决了时空的限制,大大提高了工作效率,为办公自动化,商业活动提供了很大便利。请采纳。
2023-07-28 18:08:362


如今很多人都有脱发危机,许多人对于预防掉发,修复毛囊都在寻找好的护发产品。那么,施华蔻和丝蓓绮哪个好?丝蓓绮红瓶和白瓶区别是什么? 施华蔻和丝蓓绮哪个好 施华蔻,德文名Schwarzkopf ,汉斯·施华蔻创立于1898年,销售遍布全球80多个国家,受到众多国际专业发型师的认可和推崇。 施华蔻的洗护产品系列太多也分得很细,根据头发不同受损程度不同受损时期都有相对应的洗护修护产品。从大学到现在陆陆续续也用了很多系列,热卖的产品基本都用过了。 另外,施华蔻分为两条产品线,专业线和零售线,专业就是顾名思义特供给发廊或者美发学校什么的,别拿卡诗跟我们比,不要以为发廊里全是卡诗就理所当然认为效果就要比施华蔻好。专业线也分进口和国产,凭良心说,进口的比国产好用,效果奇佳!我们员工内卖可以买到专业线,外面我只在某个高端进口超市里看过,那价格,一瓶洗发水也太任性了。 关于零售线的产品,蓝色确实不太好用,可以推荐的就是黑金系列了,作为一款面向大众的洗发水,还是值得肯定的。丝蓓绮属于资生堂集团,是日本顶级的洗发护发品牌。“TSUBAKI(丝蓓绮)”洗护发产品中不仅特别加入了从天然山茶油中精萃的高纯度山茶精油,同时还复合了两种美发成份。特别加入「美艳功能」「修补功能」“2大功效”相结合的心美发成分「高纯度山茶油EX」同时,凝结山茶花、滨梨、石榴、南高梅、黄桃精华而成为花果蜜般的超凡芬芳。并特别融入自然清新的生姜,带来美艳优雅的香氛印象。特别是凝华成资生堂独有的“高纯度山茶花油EX”,令具有修复易受损秀发的“修补功能”及激发秀发的光艳与弹性的“美艳功能”珠联璧合,从而缔造出炫魅光艳的极优发质。 总体上说,丝蓓绮的比较滋润,香味比较浓,而施华蔻的洗发水每一款针对的头发问题更具体!两个都是很好,如果喜欢香味的,选丝蓓绮,如果希望能具体的针对某种头发问题的可以买施华蔻! 当然,要根据你的发质来选择具体类型的洗发水! 丝蓓绮红瓶和白瓶区别 丝蓓绮的红瓶是奢华光艳系列,主要针对头发没有光泽,干燥粗硬,比较适合混合性发质(头皮油头发干)…… 白瓶是奢华修复系列,主要针对染烫发质和干性发质,对于头发的滋润效果比较好…… 水之密语和丝蓓绮其实没有多大的可比性,仁者见仁,智者见智。我用过水之密语,个人认为只用洗发露的话,很干很干,但是,丝蓓绮就不一样了…… 水之密语并不是进口的(我指的是大陆卖的),而丝蓓绮是日本原装进口的,可能会影响到质量……当然,单凭我的一面之词太苍白无力了,建议楼主这些款都买小瓶来试一下,这样,才可以找到适合自己的…… ps 丝蓓绮新出了一款金色的洗发露,我最近在用,只是在中国没有上市,主要针对头皮,很好用…… 丝蓓绮洗发水含硅油吗 丝蓓绮的中国版(750ml)的有硅油,日本版(550ml)的无硅油,这两个都能在中国的正规渠道买到。
2023-07-28 18:08:401


收发设置为 端口 端口:25
2023-07-28 18:08:442

PLM 具体要做的工作是什么

2023-07-28 18:08:463


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2023-07-28 18:08:504

Engine怎么读 英语Engine怎么读

1、engine英[u02c8endu0292u026an]美[u02c8endu0292u026an],n.发动机; 引擎; 火车头; 机车; 有…型发动机的; 有…个引擎的;vt.给…安装发动机。 2、[例句]My car had to have a new engine.我的汽车得换一个新发动机。
2023-07-28 18:08:242

有人知道迈克学摇滚唱的Out of the blue的歌词吗?

I was almost about to lose my faithWas still dreaming but feared it was too late But then you came along to my surpriseand stole my heart before my very eyes You took me right out of the bluesimply by showing that you love me tooonly by giving me your everythingwith a love so true you took me out of the blue I was wondering what love was all aboutI was trying but couldn"t work it out But then you came along to my surpriseand made my frozen mind come alive You let me out of the darknessyou brought me out in the sunI think you must be the only one for mecos you took me Right out of the bluesimply by showing that you love me tooonly by giving me your everythingbreathing air below my wingsYou took me right out of the nightsimply by filling my heart with lightonly by giving me your energywith a love so true you took me out of the blue
2023-07-28 18:08:232


PLM的英文全称为Product Life-cycle Management,中文翻译为产品生命周期管理。PLM对产品的整个生命周期(包括:培育期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期、结束期)进行全面管理,通过培育期的研发成本最小化和成长期至结束期的企业利润最大化来达到降低成本和增加利润的目标。 扩展资料   产品生命周期管理PLM(Product Life-cycle Management)自20世纪末提出以来,便迅速成为制造业关注的焦点。 PLM结合电子商务技术与协同技术,将产品的开发流程与SCM、CRM、ERP等系统进行集成,将孤岛式流程管理转变为集成化的一体管理,实现从概念设计、产品设计、产品生产、产品维护到管理信息的全面数据管理。   2PLM系统优势   从战略上说,PLM是一个以产品为核心的商业战略。它应用一系列的`商业解决方案来协同化地支持产品定义信息的生成、管理、分发和使用,从地域上横跨整个企业和供应链,从时间上覆盖从产品的概念阶段一直到产品结束它的使命的全生命周期。   从数据上说,PLM包含完整的产品定义信息,包括所有的机械的、电子的产品数据,包括软件和文件内容等信息。   从技术上说,PLM结合了一整套技术和最佳实践方法,例如产品数据管理、协作、协同产品商务、视算仿真、企业应用集成、零部件供应管理以及其它业务方案。它沟通了在延伸的产品定义供应链上的所有的OEM、转包商、外协厂商、合作伙伴以及客户。   从业务上说,PLM能够开拓潜在业务并且能够整合现在的、未来的技术和方法,以便高效地把创新和盈利的产品推向市场。   从发展上说,PLM正在迅速地从一个竞争优势转变为竞争必需品,成为企业信息化的必由之路。
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2023-07-28 18:08:191

PLM是什么之一 PLM系统简介

PLM,是一个英文缩写,有2个含义,一是表示产品生命周期管理(product lifecycle management,PLM),二是表示蓝马克斯勋章(Pour le Mérite)。 PLM简介 (product lifecycle management)产品生命周期管理 根据业界权威的CIMDATA的定义,PLM是一种应用于在单一地点的企业内部、分散在多个地点的企业内部,以及在产品研发领域具有协作关系的企业之间的,支持产品全生命周期的信息的创建、管理、分发和应用的一系列应用解决方案,它能够集成与产品相关的人力资源 产品生命周期管理 、流程、应用系统和信息。PLM包含以下方面的内容: ★ 基础技术和标准(例如XML、可视化、协同和企业应用集成); ★ 信息创建和分析的工具(如机械CAD、电气CAD、CAM、CAE、计算机辅助软件工程CASE、信息发布工具等); ★ 核心功能(例如数据仓库、文档和内容管理、工作流和任务管理等); ★ 应用功能(如配置管理、配方管理、合规); ★ 面向业务/行业的解决方案和咨询服务(如汽车和高科技行业)。
2023-07-28 18:08:111

克拉玛依 用英语怎么说

2023-07-28 18:08:114

求一首超级好听的英文歌歌名 歌词高潮When I fall in love with you Anything is out of the blue

2023-07-28 18:08:085


engine的读法为:英 [u02c8endu0292u026an],美 [u02c8endu0292u026an]。它的名词意思是发动机;引擎;机车;火车头;工具;手段;也是FIRE ENGINE的简写;机械装置;器械。短语搭配fire engine 消防车search engine 搜索引擎engine room 发动机房steam engine 蒸汽机;蒸汽机车jet engine 喷气发动机造句A car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you.车从你身边驶过的时候,引擎声音似乎会下降。The mountings effectively decouple movements of the engine from those of the wheels.底架有效地把引擎的运行与轮子的转动隔离开。
2023-07-28 18:08:021


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