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没有Hewlett-packardHP LaseJet M1005驱动怎么办????????

2023-07-29 09:22:21








您好 感谢您选择HP产品 能否确认驱动是否成功安装?设备管理器中是否有问号,叹号?建议您提供完整信息,以方便帮助到您。 如果有疑问,请及时追问,如果此回答能帮助到您,请及时采纳,谢谢。


惠普电脑上写的TPN- Q118是什么?

您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。 建议您参考下列信息:一、这个TPN-Q118是3C认证时候的规定型号。二、温馨提示:它并不是这台笔记本的具体型号,如果您想查看这台笔记本的具体型号,您可以参考以下方法:1、请您查看机器背面是否有关于“笔记本具体型号、S/N(Serial)序列号和P/N(Product)产品号”的标签,如果机器背面“没有这个标签”,并且您的笔记本电池可以拿下,请您拿下电池后,在空出的“电池插槽中的内壁”上可以看到笔记本具体型号等信息。2、如果机器背面“有这个标签”,您可以在这个标签上查看到笔记本具体型号。3、如果您通过上面方法没有看到笔记本型号,您可以开机按F10进入BIOS、或者查看保修卡是否有相关信息。4、温馨提示:您也可以在进入系统后按“FN+ESC”组合键看是否可以弹出一个对话框,如果有,上面也会有笔记本型号。希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。
2023-07-28 13:16:542

笔记本电脑怎么开机 是惠普的笔记本电脑 按哪个键??

2023-07-28 13:17:216


2023-07-28 13:18:521


2023-07-28 13:19:251


2023-07-28 13:19:571

Hewlett-Packard 怎么读 有道词典翻译,把鼠标直到小喇叭那里 就有读音,也有音标。
2023-07-28 13:20:411


2023-07-28 13:21:052


2023-07-28 13:21:154


Dear Wang Gang, 亲爱的王刚: Hewlett-Packard"s records indicate that you recently contacted our support services regarding your HP Pavilion dv2905tx Entertainment Notebook PC. 据休利特-帕特(Hewlett-Packard)的记录显示,近日,您就您的惠普Pavilion dv2905tx幸好的娱乐个人笔记本电脑于我们的售后服务进行了接洽。 Hewlett-Packard has asked Harris Interactive, a world leader in market research, to assist in collecting and evaluating the quality of this most recent support experience. 休利特-帕特(Hewlett-Packard )已经向世界范围内处于市场调查领导地位的哈里斯互动(Harris Interactive)咨询以协助搜集和评估这一最近的支持体验。 Your candid feedback will help drive HP"s on-going efforts to improve its service and support. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. 您坦率的反馈将会是惠普努力提高其服务支持。这个调查将会花费约五分钟的时间完成。 Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used in aggregate, unless otherwise specified. HP will only use this information to improve the services it provides to its valued customers.除特殊情况外,您的回答将会被保密并且只用于统计。惠普只会讲该信息用于向其尊贵的库户提高其服务质量。 To access the survey, click on the link below or simply copy and paste the link into your browser address bar. 进入调查系统秩序点击下面的连接或者将连接复制粘贴到您的浏览地址栏。 We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you in advance for your participation! 我们期待收到您的反馈,提前向您的参与表示感谢! To access survey click here: 参与调查请点击这里: ***Please do not reply to this email*** 请不要回复这封邮件。 Your prompt action is appreciated, as the ability to respond to this survey will expire in fourteen (14) days from receipt. 如果您立刻行动,我们将很感激。这封邮件有效恢复期为从收到日起十四天,过期作废。 There are opportunities in the survey for you to provide comments regarding your most recent experience.您有机会就您最近的感受在该调查中发表评论。 However, if you need immediate assistance, please contact HP directly. 但是,如果您急需帮助,请您直接与惠普联系。To locate an HP support or service telephone number visit查找惠普支持或者服务电话请访问: The HP privacy mailbox address is 惠普私人邮件地址是;11445 Compaq Center Drive W. Mailstop 040307. Houston, TX 77070. HP is committed to protecting your privacy.惠普致力于保护您的隐私。 For more information about the choices you have regarding communications from HP, please visit:更多选择的惠普信息请访问: If you want to be excluded from future surveys please click below: 如果您将来不再参与类似调查请点击下面地址: If you have questions concerning this survey or collection and use of your personal information, please contact 如果你有任何关于这个调查或者采集以及使用您的个人信息的问题,请发电子邮件至: (35616 -- Invite -- Eng)
2023-07-28 13:22:121

win10系统怎么把电脑用户名改为很长的名字:Hewlett-Packard Company 改电脑用户名时输入字符长度有限制。

2023-07-28 13:22:351


2023-07-28 13:22:441


看这个名字像是“惠普”公司产品添加的启动项 、 你安装 /或使用有“惠普”公司产品如软件这类的么、不过这些启动项是可以删除的、它不是系统必须的启动项、 打开360卫士-----高级-----启动项状态-----选此 HPDiags.exe 的“启动项”删除 即可、
2023-07-28 13:23:002


2023-07-28 13:23:081


2023-07-28 13:23:415

hewlett-packard US安装失败未签名

2023-07-28 13:24:041


2023-07-28 13:24:142


针对这类问题,其实在highcharts的相应API内有一个属性dataLabels可以加以控制的。代码如下所示:view sourceprint?1.plotOptions:{2. column:{3. dataLabels:{4. enabled:true //是否显示数据标签5. }6. }7.},转载 作者:highcharts
2023-07-28 13:21:472

you got me 什么意思

2023-07-28 13:21:553


2023-07-28 13:21:551


PTC是Positive Temperature Coefficient 的缩写,意思是正的温度系数, 泛指正温度系数很大的半导体材料或元器件。通常我们提到的PTC是指正温度系数热敏电阻,简称PTC热敏电阻。PTC热敏电阻是一种典型具有温度敏感性的半导体电阻,超过一定的温度(居里温度)时,它的电阻值随着温度的升高呈阶跃性的增高。PTC器件即高分子聚合物正温度系数器件,该器件能在电流浪涌过大、温度过高时对电路起保护作用。使用时,将其串接在电路中,在正常情况下,其阻值很小,损耗也很小,不影响电路正常工作;但若有过流(如短路)发生,其温度升高,它的阻值随之急剧升高,达到限制电流的作用,避免损坏电路中的元器件。当故障排除后,PPTC器件的温度自动下降,又恢复到低阻状态,因此PPTC器件又称为可复性保险丝。
2023-07-28 13:21:561


2023-07-28 13:21:591


2023-07-28 13:22:025

求You got me 的中英文歌词和歌名意思

You got me 表示 我不知道你难住我了 I"m not going out tonight "cos I don"t want to go 今晚我不想出去,因为我不想 I am staying at home tonight "cos I don"t want to know 我今晚呆在家里,因为我不想知道 You revealed a world to me and I would never be 你把一个世界呈现在我面前, Dwelling in such happiness, your gift of purity 但我永远都不会沉溺于,你的纯洁的礼物所带来的快乐 Eh-ee-oh, eh-ee-oh, eh-ee-oh, eh-ee-oh Aahh, you and me it will always be 啊,你和我将永远在一起 I"m not going out tonight "cos I don"t want to go 今晚我不想出去,因为我不想 I am staying at home tonight "cos I don"t want to know 我今晚呆在家里,因为我不想知道 You revealed a world to me and I would never be 你把一个世界呈现在我面前, Dwelling in such happiness, your gift of purity 但我永远都不会沉溺于,你的纯洁的礼物所带来的快乐 Eh-ee-oh, eh-ee-oh, eh-ee-oh, eh-ee-oh Aahh, you and me it will always be 啊,你和我将永远在一起 You and me Forever be 你和我将永远在一起 Eternally it will always be you and me 你和我将永远在一起 Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor 泰勒 I don"t pay attention to the ones who never cared 我从不在意你不在意的人 Find your own direction "cos there"s sweetness in the air 找到你的方向吧,因为空气中弥漫着芳香 You will be the world to me and I will always be 你对我来说就是一个世界,而我, Dwelling in this happiness, your gift of purity 将沉溺于你纯洁的礼物所带来的快乐当中 Eh-ee-oh, eh-ee-oh, eh-ee-oh, eh-ee-oh Aahh, you and me will always be 你和我将永远在一起 You and me Forever be 你和我将永远在一起 Eternally will always be 你和我 You and me 将永远在一起 Always be You and me 你和我将永远在一起 Forever be, Eternally 永远永远…… It will always be You and me 你和我将永远在一起 Forever be, Eternally 永远永远……
2023-07-28 13:22:021


can jump highcan swim welldon"tCan No cannotCan withYes Can
2023-07-28 13:22:033


2023-07-28 13:22:061


PTC 是Positive Temperature Coefficient 的缩写,意思是正的温度系数, 泛指正温度系数很大的半导体材料或元器件。通常我们提到的PTC是指正温度系数热敏电阻,简称PTC热敏电阻。PTC热敏电阻是一种典型具有温度敏感性的半导体电阻,超过一定的温度(居里温度)时,它的电阻值随着温度的升高呈阶跃性的增高。陶瓷PTC是由钛酸钡(或锶、铅)为主成分,添加少量施主(Y、Nb、Bi、Sb)、受主(Mn、Fe)元素,以及玻璃(氧化硅、氧化铝)等添加剂,经过烧结而成的半导体陶瓷。陶瓷PTC在居里温度以下具有小电阻,居里温度以上电阻阶跃性增加1000倍~百万倍。
2023-07-28 13:22:161

如何对highcharts 柱状图进行制作与选择

步骤一:老规矩,插入highcharts.js和jquery.min.js步骤二:先做柱状图先设置一个container的ID,高和宽自己定,这里,我定稿为400px然后是图表的js:说明一:在输入月份等类型时候,也可以写成英文,写成中文,记着就爱utf-8,不然会乱码哦。说明二:设置 allowPointSelect: true,启用选择。步骤三:设置按钮先设置id=button获得选择点然后设置函数: // the button action $("#button").click(function() { var selectedPoints = $("#container").highcharts().getSelectedPoints(); alert ("你选择了 "+ selectedPoints.length +" points"); });});好了一个基本的highcharts 柱状图以及选择功能就做好了,比较简单。
2023-07-28 13:22:181

call me maybe的歌词

Call Me MaybeCarly Rae JepsenI threw a wish in the wellDonu2019t ask me Iu2019ll never tellI looked to you as it felland now youu2019re in my wayIu2019d trade my soul for a wishPennies and dimes u2013 for a kissI wasnu2019t looking for thisBut now youu2019re in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans u2013 skin was showingHot night u2013 Wind was blowingWhere du2019 you think youu2019re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeItu2019s hard to look rightat you baby!But hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeYou took your time with the callI took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at allBut still youu2019re in my wayI beg and borrow and stealHave foresight,and it"s realI didn"t know I would feel itBut itu2019s in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans u2013 skin was showingHot night u2013 Wind was blowingWhere du2019 you think youu2019re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeItu2019s hard to look rightat you baby!But hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badand You should know thatIu2019ve missed you so so badItu2019s hard to look rightat you babyBut hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut hereu2019s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badYou should know thatSo, Call Me Maybe
2023-07-28 13:22:182

ptc是什么 ptc专业解释

1、PTC是Positive Temperature Coefficient 的缩写,意思是正的温度系数, 泛指正温度系数很大的半导体材料或元器件。通常我们提到的PTC是指正温度系数热敏电阻,简称PTC热敏电阻。 2、PTC热敏电阻是一种典型具有温度敏感性的半导体电阻,超过一定的温度(居里温度)时,它的电阻值随着温度的升高呈阶跃性的增高。 3、陶瓷PTC是由钛酸钡(或锶、铅)为主成分,添加少量稀土(Y、Nb、Bi、Sb)、受主(Mn、Fe)元素,以及玻璃(氧化硅、氧化铝)等添加剂,经过烧结而成的半导体陶瓷。 4、陶瓷PTC在居里温度以下具有小电阻,居里温度以上电阻阶跃性增加1000倍~百万倍。
2023-07-28 13:22:231


2023-07-28 13:22:231


2023-07-28 13:22:251


$(function () { $(document).ready(function () { Highcharts.setOptions({ global: { useUTC: false } }); var chart; $("#container").highcharts({ chart: { type: "spline", animation: Highcharts.svg, // don"t animate in old IE marginRight: 10, events: { load: function () { // set up the updating of the chart each second var series = this.series[0]; var series1 = this.series[1]; setInterval(function () { var x = (new Date()).getTime(), // current time y = Math.random(); y2 = Math.random(); series.addPoint([x, y], true, true); series1.addPoint([x, y2], true, true); }, 1000); } } }, title: { text: "demo(样例)" }, xAxis: { type: "datetime", tickPixelInterval: 150 }, yAxis: { title: { text: "Value" }, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 1, color: "#808080" }] }, tooltip: { formatter: function () { return "<b>" + + "</b><br/>" + Highcharts.dateFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", this.x) + "<br/>" + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 2); } }, legend: { enabled: false }, exporting: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: "Random data", data: (function () { // generate an array of random data var data = [], time = (new Date()).getTime(), i; for (i = -19; i <= 0; i++) { data.push({ x: time + i * 1000, y: Math.random() }); } return data; })() }, { name: "Random data1", data: (function () { // generate an array of random data var data = [], time = (new Date()).getTime(), i; for (i = -19; i <= 0; i++) { data.push({ x: time + i * 1000, y: Math.random() }); } return data; })() }] }); }); });
2023-07-28 13:22:251

Dannii Minogue的《Push》 歌词

歌曲名:Push歌手:Dannii Minogue专辑:Neon Nightsshe said I don"t know if I"ve ever been good enoughI"m a little bit rusty, and I think my head is caving inand I don"t know if I"ve ever been really lovedby a hand that"s touched me, and I feel like something"s gonna giveand I"m a little bit angry, wellthis ain"t over, no not here, not while I still need you aroundyou don"t owe me, we might change ityeah we just might feel goodI wanna push you around, will I will, will I willI wanna push you down, will I will, will I willI wanna take you for granted, I wanna take you for grantedI will, I willshe said I don"t know why you ever would lie to melike I"m a little untrusting when I think that the truth is gonna hurt yaand I don"t know why you couldn"t just stay with meyou couldn"t stand to be near mewhen my face don"t seem to want to shinecuz it"s a little bit dirty, welldon"t just stand there, say nice things to mecause I"ve been cheated, I"ve been wronged, and youyou don"t know me, well I can"t changeWell, I won"t do anything at allI wanna push you around, will I will, will I willI wanna push you down, will I will, will I willI wanna take you for granted, I wanna take you for grantedI will, I willoh but don"t bowl me overjust wait a minute well it kinda fell apart, things get so crazy, crazydon"t rush this baby, don"t rush this babyI wanna push you around, will I will, will I willI wanna push you down, will I will, will I willI wanna take you for granted, I wanna take you for grantedI will, I will
2023-07-28 13:22:251

"you get me" 什么意思?

你懂我, 或你把我抓住, 难住了
2023-07-28 13:21:384


使用highcharts去掉图表上那个官网标识链接的方法如下:1、找到highcharts.js这个文件2、在源码中查找字符串“highcharts”3、然后替换成空字符串或者你想要显示的字符串4、对应的这是一个a标签,你可以修改成你想要连接的网址,如果不想链接到其他地方就改成“#”。还有一种方法就是在图表定义的时候和title平级的地方加上下面这段代码就行credits: { enabled: false}这两种方法 都是可行的 据个人喜好 选择
2023-07-28 13:21:301


弄pdf文档方法如下:电脑:联想小新air15系统:Windows 10软件:WPS20191、在WPSoffice中打开Excel文档,在打开的Excel文档中点击左上角的文件选项。2、点击文件选项之后在弹出的序列栏中点击输出为PDF,等待跳转页面。3、跳转页面之后,在页面的右下角点击开始输出将Excel文档保存成PDF即可。PDF功能1、不论是谁,不论采用何种系统,都可以使用免费的PDF阅读器软件打开PDF文档,丝毫不受操作系统、原始应用程序或字体的限制。2、PDF文件具有全文搜索功能,可对文档中的字词、书签和数据域进行定位。3、使用Adobe软件产品能够创建、管理和发送具备辅助工具的、视觉丰富的AdobePDF内容,无论何人、何时、何地都能访问。4、PDF文件可导航阅读,极强的印刷排版功能,可支持电子出版的各种要求。并得到大量第三方软件公司的支持,拥有多种浏览操作方式,格式体积更小,方便在Internet上传输。
2023-07-28 13:21:301

You got me是什么意思?

Do you get me 意思是:你明白了吗?回答:Get it 明白了 You got me 应该就是:你明白我 你了解我 好像也有 难倒我的意思 在百度词典上翻译为:你让我.但我觉得这个不怎么靠谱
2023-07-28 13:21:291

沁园春·雪 诗意

北方的风光,千里冰封冻,万里雪花飘。望长城内外,只剩下无边无际白茫茫一片;宽广的黄河上下,顿时失去了滔滔水势。山岭好像银白色的蟒蛇在飞舞,高原好像蜡白色的巨象在奔驰,它们都想试一试与天老爷比比高。要等到晴天的时候,看红艳艳的阳光和白皑皑的冰雪交相辉映,分外美好。 江山如此十分媚娇,引得无数英雄竞相倾倒。只可惜秦始皇、汉武帝,略差文学才华;唐太宗、宋太祖,稍逊文治功劳。一代上天骄宠的儿子成吉思汗,只知道弯弓射大雕。这些人物全都过去了,数一数英雄豪杰,还要看今天的人们。
2023-07-28 13:21:2712


2023-07-28 13:21:253


  页面内加载多个图表的时候,页面内需要放置多个div容器,且在创建的时候renderTo的div容器id需要匹配。  如果在创建多个图表的时候,发现只创建了一个或者部分图表,说明出现了错误,错误的原因分析如下所示:  1、jQuery.js的版本是否和highchart.js版本一直;  2、highchart.js是不是不支持初始化图表内的某些属性值,简言之就是highchart.js的版本不对。  3、放置图表的div容器不存在或者id写错。
2023-07-28 13:21:231

最近总听见一首女声的歌曲,高潮部分是crazy.. crazy.. 很喜欢但是不知道名字

u300aCall Me Maybeu300b——Carly Rae JepsenI threw a wish in the wellDonu2019t ask me Iu2019ll never tellI looked to you as it felland now youu2019re in my wayIu2019d trade my soul for a wishPennies and dimes u2013 for a kissI wasnu2019t looking for thisBut now youu2019re in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans u2013 skin was showingHot night u2013 Wind was blowingWhere du2019 you think youu2019re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeItu2019s hard to look rightat you baby!But hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me Maybe......You took your time with the callI took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at allBut still youu2019re in my wayI beg and borrow and stealHave foresight"and it"s realI didn"t know I would feel itBut itu2019s in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans u2013 skin was showingHot night u2013 Wind was blowingWhere du2019 you think youu2019re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeItu2019s hard to look rightat you baby!But hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badand You should know thatIu2019ve missed you so so badItu2019s hard to look rightat you babyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badYou should know thatSo" Call Me Maybe
2023-07-28 13:21:171


highcharts 坐标轴:Axis Labels 坐标轴标签(分类)。Labels常用属性有enabled、formatter、setp、staggerLinesenabled 是否启用Labels。x,y轴默认值都是true,如果想禁用(或不显示)Labels,设置该属性为false即可。Formatter 标签格式化函数。Step Labels显示间隔,数据类型为number(或int)。staggerLines 水平轴Lables显示行数。(该属性只对水平轴有效)当Lables内容过多时,可以通过该属性控制显示的行数。和该属性相关的还有maxStaggerLines属性。Axis TickTick为坐标轴刻度。默认情况下x轴刻度高(tickLength属性)为5px,宽为1px;y轴宽为0px(也就是不显示刻度)。Tick相关的属性主要有tickLength、tickWidth、tickColor、tickInterval、tickmarkPlacement。详情可以自己查阅:
2023-07-28 13:21:151


歌名: Do It Well歌手: Jennifer Lopez哈哈我最喜欢的一首歌之一! It, Do ItYou Do It, Do ItYou"re Doin" It WellHere"s The ThingI Was Minding My Own Business Doin" What I DoI Wasn"t Tryin" to Look For AnythingAll Of A Sudden Couldn"t Take My Eyes Off YouI Didn"t Even Know If You Could TellThat You Had Me In A DazeSayin"What The Hell"Here"s My Name, NumberBaby Just Hit My CellLoving Everything You DoCuz You Do It WellDon"t Know What You Got Me Thinkin"You Ain"t Even Tryin" Play Me BoyCuz You"re So Good, And You"re So FineGot Me Sayin" Crazy Things, ListenI Never Met A Man Like ThatI Never Felt So Far, So FastYou Can Turn Me On, Throw Me Off TrackBoy You Do It, Do ItYou Do It, Do ItYou"re Doin" It Well(Repeat)Let Me Tell You How Its Gonna GoYou And Me, Gonna Need A Little PrivacyI Don"t Wanna Do The Dance, No Do-Si-DoI Need A One Woman Man 7 Days A WeekQuit Tryin" Play It CoolBoy Make Your MoveI Told You How It IsNothin" To LoseYou Been Starin" Over Here All Night For FreeAnd I Ain"t Takin" No Cash Or Credit, Just A GuaranteeThere Ain"t Nobody Else But Me BoyYou Ain"t Even Tryin" to Play Me BoyCuz You"re So Good, And You"re So FineGot Me Sayin Crazy Things, ListenI Never Met A Man Like ThatI Never Felt So Far, So FastYou Can Turn Me On, Throw Me Off TrackBoy You Do It, Do ItYou Do It, Do ItYou"re Doin" It Well(Repeat)Baby No need For False PretensesThink You Just Shocked Me To My SensesEverything That You Do Feels RightDo It, Do ItDo It, Do It All Night(Repeat)I Never Met A Man Like ThatI Never Felt So Far, So FastYou Can Turn Me On, Throw Me Off TrackBoy You Do It, Do ItYou Do It, Do ItYou"re Doin" It Well
2023-07-28 13:21:101

vue.js 中怎么使用 highCharts

1) npm安装highcharts2)定义变量 var Highcharts = require("highcharts");3)获取元素 Highcharts.chart(this.$el, {...}) in "mounted" method because this.$el isn"t available before "mounted"4) 在调用beforeDestroy前销毁highcharts对象举例如下:<template> <div><div></template><script>var Highcharts = require("highcharts");export default { name : "Chart", props : { series : { type: Array, required: true } }, data : function() { return { target: undefined } }, mounted : function() { = Highcharts.chart(this.$el, { title: { text: "Monthly Average Temperature", x: -20 //center }, subtitle: { text: "Source:", x: -20 }, xAxis: { categories: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] }, yAxis: { title: { text: "Temperature (°C)" }, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 1, color: "#808080" }] }, tooltip: { valueSuffix: "°C" }, legend: { layout: "vertical", align: "right", verticalAlign: "middle", borderWidth: 0 }, series: this.series }); }, beforeDestroy: function() {; },}</script>
2023-07-28 13:21:071


便携式文档格式PDF格式是指“便携式文档格式”(Portable Document Format),是一种可以在不同操作系统和语言平台上保留文档原貌的文件格式。PDF文件可以内嵌字体,版面格式整齐划一,不会因为不同版本而格式各异。PDF文件还可以包含链接、按钮、表单域、音频、视频和业务逻辑等内容,可以进行电子签名。PDF文件需要专业的编辑器才能编辑,但一般可以使用PDF转换器将Word等文件转换为PDF格式
2023-07-28 13:21:053

谁有play with fire非主流网络歌手的歌词

Hilary Duff - Play With FireI can"t believe it"s really youBeen so long, you look goodI hear you"re doing really wellDon"t ask me, let me tell youHow I"ve been since when you leftSince you left me for deadFinally every tear has driedI"ve wiped you from my lifeDo you reamember all the times you said you"d call"Cause I remember all the reasons people warned meAnd now I hear you saying that you still adore meBut if you think I"d ever get with you againThen you can justLove me, love meFeed the flameIf you want me back againRight to the skyHigher and higherBaby, can you play with fire(Right up to the sky)Love me, love me(Far into the sky)If you want meYou never know just what you got"Til it"s gone, you freak outBut I"m not falling for that gameYou made me feel I wasn"t enoughWasn"t enough for your loveBut it was insecurity that made you runIt wasn"t meSo dont you sit there trying toGive me more excusesI don"t have time for thisI"m off to play in HoustonAnd I"m too busy with the millions things I"m doingYou can"t make up for what you"ve doneBut you still try to be the oneLove me, love meFeed the flameIf you want me back againRight to the skyHigher and higherBaby, can you play with fire(Right up to the sky)Love me, love me(Far into the sky)If you want meOoh, by the way, by the wayI"ve found someone who gives me spaceKeeps me safeMakes me saneFound someone to take your placeNow I"m safe in his armsAnd I decided only he can play with fireLove me, Love meFeed the flameIf you want me back againRight to the skyHigher and higherBaby, can you play with fireI can"t believe it"s really you(Love me, love me)I hear you"re doing really wellFinally every tear has dried(If you want me)(Love me, love me)Can boys like you, boys like youPlay with fire
2023-07-28 13:21:022

You got me是什么意思?

2023-07-28 13:20:5915


PTC是Positive Temperature Coefficient 的缩写,意思是正的温度系数, 泛指正温度系数很大的半导体材料或元器件。通常我们提到的PTC是指正温度系数热敏电阻,简称PTC热敏电阻。PTC热敏电阻是一种典型具有温度敏感性的半导体电阻,超过一定的温度(居里温度)时,它的电阻值随着温度的升高呈阶跃性的增高。陶瓷PTC是由钛酸钡(或锶、铅)为主成分,添加少量稀土(Y、Nb、Bi、Sb)、受主(Mn、Fe)元素,以及玻璃(氧化硅、氧化铝)等添加剂。扩展资料ptc的工作特点常温下阻抗特别低、体积小,可广泛应用于各种电路和电器的过流保护,并可分线安装,最大限度地保护每一条线路的安全使用,弥补了过去集中保护电路的缺陷,与传统使用的保险丝、陶瓷PTC材料、金属片等过流保护器件相比,该器件特点如下:1、对过载电流反应迅速,性能稳定可靠;2、耐冲击力强,使用寿命长;3、无极性,交直流都可用;4、可自动恢复;5、最大工作电流可达数十安培;6、体积小,可根据客户需要,加工生产各种不同形状、规格的产品。参考资料来源:百度百科-ptc
2023-07-28 13:20:551

有一首歌有一句 my way 还有一句哦baby,是一个女的外国人唱的,这首歌叫什么名字?

你下一个《酷我音乐》播放器 从最上面搜你想要的歌的歌词 有可能会出来很多 但歌名下面有歌词 你可以对照的看
2023-07-28 13:20:552


最近一直在研究SVG 恰好想起同事之前问过的一个问题 需求是给一个区域图部分高亮显示 高亮的区域由鼠标划过的坐标而定 其实也就是如何在一整块的SVG图形上显示不同的颜色 最后同事是用重新画图的方式解决的 在我看来 问题可能更为简单 Highcharts的区域图的<path>的d属性的值是有规律可循的 反映出这些点在屏幕上的坐标 所以我们只要找到我们想要区域的点 连接起来形成一个闭合图形 再给这一部分涂上颜色就可以了 最后显示出的效果如下图 具体实现过程可以在 此处 查看源码
2023-07-28 13:20:461