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笔记本电脑怎么开机 是惠普的笔记本电脑 按哪个键??

2023-07-29 09:21:05





惠普笔记本分为家用和商用两大产品线,而在这两大产品线中,又都有自己的中高端和中低端型号。值得一提的是,原本属于Pavilion系列中的HDX近期被独立出来,成为家用产品线的第三大系列,定位高端市场。商用产品线的中高端型号是HP EliteBook系列,中低端则是HP Compaq系列。















有一个按键, 上面的图案是一个圆圈 ,上面有一个开口 ,开口那有一竖 ,那个就是开机键。







- - 大哥 很明显的是 圆形 按钮 你一看 就明白的。。。







惠普电脑上写的TPN- Q118是什么?

您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。 建议您参考下列信息:一、这个TPN-Q118是3C认证时候的规定型号。二、温馨提示:它并不是这台笔记本的具体型号,如果您想查看这台笔记本的具体型号,您可以参考以下方法:1、请您查看机器背面是否有关于“笔记本具体型号、S/N(Serial)序列号和P/N(Product)产品号”的标签,如果机器背面“没有这个标签”,并且您的笔记本电池可以拿下,请您拿下电池后,在空出的“电池插槽中的内壁”上可以看到笔记本具体型号等信息。2、如果机器背面“有这个标签”,您可以在这个标签上查看到笔记本具体型号。3、如果您通过上面方法没有看到笔记本型号,您可以开机按F10进入BIOS、或者查看保修卡是否有相关信息。4、温馨提示:您也可以在进入系统后按“FN+ESC”组合键看是否可以弹出一个对话框,如果有,上面也会有笔记本型号。希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。
2023-07-28 13:16:542


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2023-07-28 13:19:571

Hewlett-Packard 怎么读 有道词典翻译,把鼠标直到小喇叭那里 就有读音,也有音标。
2023-07-28 13:20:411


2023-07-28 13:21:052


2023-07-28 13:21:154

没有Hewlett-packardHP LaseJet M1005驱动怎么办????????

您好 感谢您选择HP产品 能否确认驱动是否成功安装?设备管理器中是否有问号,叹号?建议您提供完整信息,以方便帮助到您。 如果有疑问,请及时追问,如果此回答能帮助到您,请及时采纳,谢谢。
2023-07-28 13:21:432


Dear Wang Gang, 亲爱的王刚: Hewlett-Packard"s records indicate that you recently contacted our support services regarding your HP Pavilion dv2905tx Entertainment Notebook PC. 据休利特-帕特(Hewlett-Packard)的记录显示,近日,您就您的惠普Pavilion dv2905tx幸好的娱乐个人笔记本电脑于我们的售后服务进行了接洽。 Hewlett-Packard has asked Harris Interactive, a world leader in market research, to assist in collecting and evaluating the quality of this most recent support experience. 休利特-帕特(Hewlett-Packard )已经向世界范围内处于市场调查领导地位的哈里斯互动(Harris Interactive)咨询以协助搜集和评估这一最近的支持体验。 Your candid feedback will help drive HP"s on-going efforts to improve its service and support. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. 您坦率的反馈将会是惠普努力提高其服务支持。这个调查将会花费约五分钟的时间完成。 Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used in aggregate, unless otherwise specified. HP will only use this information to improve the services it provides to its valued customers.除特殊情况外,您的回答将会被保密并且只用于统计。惠普只会讲该信息用于向其尊贵的库户提高其服务质量。 To access the survey, click on the link below or simply copy and paste the link into your browser address bar. 进入调查系统秩序点击下面的连接或者将连接复制粘贴到您的浏览地址栏。 We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you in advance for your participation! 我们期待收到您的反馈,提前向您的参与表示感谢! To access survey click here: 参与调查请点击这里: ***Please do not reply to this email*** 请不要回复这封邮件。 Your prompt action is appreciated, as the ability to respond to this survey will expire in fourteen (14) days from receipt. 如果您立刻行动,我们将很感激。这封邮件有效恢复期为从收到日起十四天,过期作废。 There are opportunities in the survey for you to provide comments regarding your most recent experience.您有机会就您最近的感受在该调查中发表评论。 However, if you need immediate assistance, please contact HP directly. 但是,如果您急需帮助,请您直接与惠普联系。To locate an HP support or service telephone number visit查找惠普支持或者服务电话请访问: The HP privacy mailbox address is 惠普私人邮件地址是;11445 Compaq Center Drive W. Mailstop 040307. Houston, TX 77070. HP is committed to protecting your privacy.惠普致力于保护您的隐私。 For more information about the choices you have regarding communications from HP, please visit:更多选择的惠普信息请访问: If you want to be excluded from future surveys please click below: 如果您将来不再参与类似调查请点击下面地址: If you have questions concerning this survey or collection and use of your personal information, please contact 如果你有任何关于这个调查或者采集以及使用您的个人信息的问题,请发电子邮件至: (35616 -- Invite -- Eng)
2023-07-28 13:22:121

win10系统怎么把电脑用户名改为很长的名字:Hewlett-Packard Company 改电脑用户名时输入字符长度有限制。

2023-07-28 13:22:351


2023-07-28 13:22:441


看这个名字像是“惠普”公司产品添加的启动项 、 你安装 /或使用有“惠普”公司产品如软件这类的么、不过这些启动项是可以删除的、它不是系统必须的启动项、 打开360卫士-----高级-----启动项状态-----选此 HPDiags.exe 的“启动项”删除 即可、
2023-07-28 13:23:002


2023-07-28 13:23:081


2023-07-28 13:23:415

hewlett-packard US安装失败未签名

2023-07-28 13:24:041


2023-07-28 13:24:142

Word On A Wing 歌词

歌曲名:Word On A Wing歌手:David Bowie专辑:Station To Station (Special Edition)In this age of grand illusion you walked into my life out of my dreamsI don"t need another change, still you forced away into my scheme of thingsYou say we"re growing, growing heart and soulIn this age of grand illusion you walked into my life out of my dreamsSweet name, you"re born once again for meSweet name, you"re born once again for meOh sweet name, i call you again, you"re born once again for meJust because i believe don"t mean i don"t think as wellDon"t have to question everything in heaven or hellLord, i kneel and offer you my word on a wingAnd i"m trying hard to fit among your scheme of thingsDavid BowieIt"s safer than a strange land, but i still care for myselfAnd i don"t stand in my own lightLord, lord, my prayer flies like a word on a wingMy prayer flies like a word on a wingDoes my prayer fit in with your scheme of things?In this age of grand illusion you walked into my life out of my dreamsSweet name, you"re born once again for meJust as long as i can see, i"ll never stop this vision flowingI look twice and you"re still flowingJust as long as i can walkI"ll walk beside you, i"m alive in youSweet name, you"re born once again for meAnd i"m ready to shape the scheme of thingsOoh, ready to shape the scheme of thingsOoh, ready to shape the scheme of thingsOoh, ready to shape the scheme of thingsOoh, ready to shape the scheme of thingsOoh...Lord, i kneel and offer you my word on a wingAnd i"m trying hard to fit among your scheme of thingsIt"s safer than a strange land, but i still care for myselfAnd i don"t stand in my own lightLord, lord, my prayer flies like a word on a wingAnd i"m trying hard to fit among your scheme of thingsIt"s safer than a strange land, but i still care for myselfAnd i don"t stand in my own lightLord, lord, my prayer flies like a word on a wingMy prayer flies like a word on a wingDoes my prayer fit in with your scheme of things?
2023-07-28 13:17:221

沁园春 雪全文正确读音。

bei guo feng guang,qian li bing feng,wan li xue piao .北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。 wang chang chen nei wai ,wei yu mang mang;望长城内外,惟余莽莽; da he shang xia ,dun shi tao tao.大河上下,顿失滔滔。 shan wu yin she,yuan chi la xiang,yu yu tian gong shi bi gao.山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。 xu qing ri,kan hong zhuang su guo,fen[四声】 wai yao rao.须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。 jiang shan ru ci duo jiao,ying wu shu ying xiong jing zhe yao.江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。 xi qing huang han wu,lve shu wen cai;惜秦皇汉武,略输文采; tang zong song zu ,shao xun feng sao.唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。 yi dai tian jiao,cheng ji si han,zhi shi wan gong she da diao.一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。 ju wang yi,shu feng liu ren wu,hai kan jin zhao.俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。[求采纳】
2023-07-28 13:17:284


u200d先来看下比较官方的描述:机械设计师:指从事机械产品的研究、开发、设计、新技术推广与应用和标准化等工作的专业技术人员。岗位职责:(比较常规的描述)①负责开发、设计机械设备及其零部件;②根据市场、生产的需要改良图纸并提供生产技术服务;③进行工艺性分析和改进,提供技术支持;④编制工艺文件、检验及服务文件;⑤协助检验和维修;⑥机械类产品认证;⑦各种机械部件设计图纸绘制。有位匿名网友的吐槽,引起了我森森的同感,他这样说到:本人私人小企做机械设计,不是高工,就说自己的情况吧,不喜无视。。。设计过电动叉车,建筑机械,说是设计,基本上都是在抄的基础上改改。大多数时间都是一个人做完全部的机械 部分设计,光画图,用电脑画,先三维,再工程图,上百个零件,一个零件一个零件画,白天画,晚上画,点鼠标点得手指都疼了。总算弄完了,领导一看,小二, 这个地方方管换成槽钢,一句话差不多就让你的三维二维全部重来啊。。。。。机械结构,往往看着容易,谁都能指手画脚,汽车不就是四个轮子加个沙发,但是真正设计时,太多的细节要考虑,并没有外行看的那么容易,但是。。可是。。。外行的,特别领导,偏偏爱提点意见,他们还不早提,你没弄时,他茫然,不提意见,偏偏等你累成狗快做完了再提。做设计,一个人做几个人的活,这不是个例,大多小企都是这样。不出问题还好,那么多零件,万一哪个尺寸标错了,吃不了兜着啊。反正我看到的机械设计工程师都是狗吃屎,天天爬电脑上画图,腰酸背痛,老板还嫌慢,一群废人。。。不好意思啊,负能量了。。。。小企虽然工程师几个,但是各干各的,然后老板一看什么挣钱都就红,就让狗吃屎去设计,不停换项目,所以做技术也没有条件积累经验,累成狗了,还能怎样?。。。匿名了吧。其实我好想专心做一种产品,还能带个团队,真正的团队,不是人很多但单打独斗的伪团队,做一名攻城师,而不是狗吃屎。看到这,你是否有类似的经历或者同感呢?有人总结了机械工程工作的几大点。首先:术业有专攻,一般的机械工程比较擅长的就是各种工程材料,各种机构实现原理,机械加工的工艺流程,设计方案针对客户需求去设计动作与产能符合要求的机器,最后将设计的细节都用图纸表达出来。所以只是一种专业技能,让去干其他工作不是小菜一碟,也是一样不会啊。。。其次:机械工程师和安装调试维护的技术员是有区别的,虽说基本上合格的工程师都是经历过 长时间实践的,但是一旦开始进入开发部门的话,完成新项目的设计还有之前设备的改造与升级几乎会占用你所有的时间,而解决机器故障,也就是调试维修,是相 当需要经验和感觉的,即使一颗螺丝锁的松紧也会有很大不同,即使是锁紧螺丝,其实都有些学问,有些孔位需要差不多的力矩去施加螺丝的预紧力,不然将会造成 机构的不平行等等状况,这需要经验拿捏,在这方面我们其实大多数并不如专门负责维护调试的技术人员,所以也不是可以轻松解决任何问题。再其次:谈谈感受,每一行都有每一行的艰辛,个中滋味各有体会。机械设计历史悠久,沉淀 了相当深厚的理论知识,学习起来相比某些行业,其实会显得比较缓慢,并不会立竿见影,某些行业找本书学习,然后勤加练习,或许就可以做出像模像样的东西, 但是学习了一段时间的机械原理,还是不知道怎么去设计一台机器,需要时间来沉淀。对此,大家有什么想法,欢迎留言。各行各业都有一个进阶的过程。对于复杂的机械设计来说,你仅仅掌握自己负责工作的一些知识,是远远不够的。什么机械工程师高手?通过下面几张知识体系图,我们来看看作为一个机械工程师有多难! 或许你在工作中不需要用到那么多知识点,但是你或多或少的都应该掌握这些知识点。在机械这个行业,需要长年累月去积累知识及技能,技术的道路永无止境。把上图进行细化后:对于以上这些知识点,你都了解吗?此外,机械设计师的窘境:或许在外行人眼里,机械设计师是一个很光鲜体面的工作,待遇好,福利好,朝九晚五,在办公室吹空调,动动手指就可以完成一天的工作,好不羡慕。但实际情况真是这样的吗?或许他们身上有你想不到的压力。单身机械设计师的一天:循环。。。▼新手机械设计师第一次做方案的过程……▼新手做方案,就是这么悲催...▼听说客户说要改方案时,脑海里都是这样的。▼兴冲冲的接收前任机械设计师的方案...▼现实的方案设计 vs 想象中的方案设计......▼方案设计完毕,匆忙上线测试,结果……▼当我和老板说“再缓两天”时...▼客户改了好几版需求后的感觉,就是这样子……▼想象中的方案,方案实施的样子▼有时候别以为就改一点点,后果可能会这样……▼自信设计,得意地等结果时,客户打电话说:“你这个方案不行…”▼客户要求 VS 客户预算......客户:麻烦再把老虎改成狮子,两天我就要,谢谢▼没事别去骚扰正在加班的机械设计师,否则后果你懂得...▼当方案出错时,机械设计师可能会这么说...▼修改错误的过程,就是这样的...毫无头绪,不按套路出牌!▼机械设计师的真实生活:等客户定锤前的那一会▼结语:吐槽归吐槽,机械设计师是一个需要高度责任感的职业。因为每一个不当的设计方案,都可能在实际过程中带来巨大的损失,或埋下安全隐患,或造成重大事故。为了达到设计要求,机械设计师不畏困难,付出了巨大的体力和脑力劳动。每一个机械设计师的目标:做好产品,做好人!
2023-07-28 13:17:301


2023-07-28 13:17:343


2023-07-28 13:17:362

跪求b.o.b的《so so》的歌词。 求高手就快点、、

B.O.B - SO SO Yes sir is Bobby Ray, aka A. B.O.B. (O)I can"t be eco conscious, I"m always burning treesAnd is there fire, fire, call it that third degree, And call me supersonic I shake the earth beneath yaHell yeah you heard of me it"s quite a emergencyThe way I take the game and I beat it so un-unmercifully, yeahLadies with curly features, wait at concerts to see youThey can roll home with B.O., and maybe service me upBut if you wanna work for me then girl you need your working visasAnd if you ain"t working then you just should not converse with meThat"s not that serious, don"t take it so personallyPlus currently I prefer the girls who prefer the three C.P.O.C.P.O. I think I think I"m NeoI"m caught up in her Matrix and I think it"s time to reloadAnd if this is what I caught girl I would have to appealI think that the defendant have some things that must revealHeels ha, heels ha, tell me what"s the deal, manGot me chasing you to see if I could cop a feel, huhI gotta keep it real, kosher, kosher, kosherCause she don"t want that bullshit, no sir, no sir, no sirHer thighs go round like roller-coaster motorsAnd like a minute bundle, I had to roll them overHad the kind of... into her motor rollerThis bout to get scary like the end of OctoberAnd this is about the time when I hit you with the dope flowI got that fire man, and other shit is so soAnd this is about the time when I hit you with the dope flowI"m at the fryin pan, your shit is so coldAnd this is about the time when I hit you with the dope flowI got that fire man, and other shit is so soAnd this is about the time when I hit you with the dope flowI"m at the frying pan, your shit is so coldSo cold like a hobo wearing no clothes and it"s snow globe when the temperature is below frozeI mean below freezing and there"s no reason to be so cheesy, got my own team and my own leagueMy own lane and my own speed, it"s a long road so I don"t sleepIf I don"t know you I don"t speak, it"s a small world and it"s gonna shrinkIf you"re full of shit, then you"re gonna stinkI"m a realist I"m gonna think, with a pair of eyes so I"m gonna seeI"ll be whatever the fuck I wanna be, I"ll be everything except a wanna beI"ll be everything you ever wanna be, if you"re clever enough you can corner meBut what"s a corner to me, I"m geometrySo tell me who gave you the authority? Who the fuck are you? The authority?What am I supposed to be orderly? pardon my honor you"re charging me?Saying something I oughta be but I got some much heart that my arteries will always be partying like a camaraderieMan I"m already famous historically so my story is already gloriousJust like P Diddy victorious to the B.I.G. Notorius, I"m a champion, I"m a warrior, I bring war to ya, So if you got beef that"s unfortunate, we"ll hang ya"ll out like portraitsAnd this is about the time when I hit you with the dope flowI got that fire man, and other shit is so soAnd this is about the time when I hit you with the dope flowI"m at the frying pan, your shit is so coldAnd this is about the time when I hit you with the dope flowI got that fire man, and other shit is so soAnd this is about the time when I hit you with the dope flowI"m at the frying pan, your shit is so cold
2023-07-28 13:17:391


”相关问题,库巴帮助小助手为您解答。 PTC是一种陶瓷电热元件的简称。它利用风机鼓动空气流经PTC电热元件强迫对流,以此为主要热交换方式。其内部装有限温器,当风口被风机堵塞时,可自行断电。有的还有倾斜倒地自动断电功能。即当暖风机倾斜或翻倒时也能自行切断电源。PTC暖风机的输出功率在800-1200瓦,可随意调温。 PTC暖风机优点:工作时送风柔和,升温快,具有自动恒温功能,PTC元件一般都具有防水功能,所以适合在浴室使用,是理想的便携式家用电暖器。 PTC暖风机缺点:只能在小范围使用。长时间对着同一个地方吹,人体的皮肤会有不适感。而且长时间使用没有及时清洁的话,暖风机上的细菌也会被加速吹到空气中,成为健康隐患。此外,暖风机的功率一般也比较小,开机时的噪音也是一个令人头疼的问题。 (答案编辑:小马)
2023-07-28 13:17:403

Call Me Maybe (Gatuzo Bootleg) 歌词

歌曲名:Call Me Maybe (Gatuzo Bootleg)歌手:Carly Rae Jepsen专辑:K-Boom Hits 289Call Me Maybe-Carly Rae JepsenI threw a wish in the wellDon"t ask me I"ll never tellI looked to you as it felland now you"re in my wayI"d trade my soul for a wishPennies and dimes – for a kissI wasn"t looking for thisBut now you"re in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans – skin was showingHot night – Wind was blowingWhere d" you think you"re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeIt"s hard to look rightat you baby!But here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me Maybe......You took your time with the callI took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at allBut still you"re in my wayI beg and borrow and stealHave foresight,and it"s realI didn"t know I would feel itBut it"s in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans – skin was showingHot night – Wind was blowingWhere d" you think you"re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeIt"s hard to look rightat you baby!But here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badand You should know thatI"ve missed you so so badIt"s hard to look rightat you babyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badYou should know thatSo, Call Me Maybe
2023-07-28 13:17:411


2023-07-28 13:17:451

life is beautiful ——TIM MCMORRIS求这首歌歌词

life is beautiful ——TIM MCMORRISHey nowCome onLet"s goThe music"s playin"I"ve gotTo move onTo go outNo more delayin"Pack myThings upCare freeAdventure"s waitin"I"m headin" outHeadin" out to see the rest of the worldYeah, yeahSo kick it up to stir it upAlive will make you feelPress reset with no regretMake sure to keep it realThe possibilities, right in front of meOh all the things that I can beGot me feelin" freeYeahSo turn it up and shout it outCause you got something to shout aboutAnd let the world just spin aroundAs you go on and make more groundAnd throw your hands up, ya put em up highWalk a new path, and go onAnd let the cares fly byAnd if you take some time to ask me whyYou always see me with a smileI"ll tell you thatLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulYa gotta give it all ya gotEverything you got to giveTime to shine, time to liveLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulNow your living out your dreamWith your hopes up highYour only limit is the skyHey, hey, hey, heyStanding in a brand new placeI feel the sun shine on my faceThe weather"s good, the day is brightI watched it turn from dark to lightAnd keep the music goingKeep the good times rollin"And now I"ll never let it stopYou"ll only find me growin"Come onSing out a songAnd don"t be shyCause you"ll never knowTill you give it a tryColourful like a work of artA brand new day, a brand new startAnd once you go up, you"ll never come downLike your walking right on the air, with your feet far off the groundAnd if I take some time to ask you whyI always see you with a smileYou"ll tell me thatLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulYa gotta give it all ya gotEverything you got to giveTime to shine, time to liveLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulNow your living out your dreamWith your hopes up highYour only limit is the skyHey, hey, hey, hey
2023-07-28 13:17:471

the last goodbye 歌词

歌曲名:the last goodbye歌手:Poco专辑:legendHere it comes nowWe"ll stand and face each other somehowBlue eyes don"t cryHold on until the last goodbyeOhhhh you know it"s allPart of the feeling that goes with the fallAnd it looks like you winAnd I lose but then love will come againSend me no invitationTo your farewellDon"t need no inspirationNo wishin" wellDon"t hang your headTry to remember it"s all been saidTurn and go onLeave all the tears till after you"ve goneSend me no invitationTo your farewellDon"t need no inspirationNo wishin" well
2023-07-28 13:17:481


您好,通常ptfV1代表V1的P波的负向波振幅*时间,阳性多考虑有无左心房,左心室增大。 您的血压如何? 您好,建议您复查心脏彩超如无明显的改变可不予处理的,如却为左心室左心房肥大应当找出原因如长期的高血压等原因。谢谢希望可以帮到您
2023-07-28 13:17:542

一首英文歌男声高潮部分nanana nana最近最近很火

Call Me Maybe-Carly Rae JepsenI threw a wish in the wellDonu2019t ask me Iu2019ll never tellI looked to you as it felland now youu2019re in my wayIu2019d trade my soul for a wishPennies and dimes u2013 for a kissI wasnu2019t looking for thisBut now youu2019re in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans u2013 skin was showingHot night u2013 Wind was blowingWhere du2019 you think youu2019re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeItu2019s hard to look rightat you baby!But hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me Maybe......You took your time with the callI took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at allBut still youu2019re in my wayI beg and borrow and stealHave foresight"and it"s realI didn"t know I would feel itBut itu2019s in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans u2013 skin was showingHot night u2013 Wind was blowingWhere du2019 you think youu2019re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeItu2019s hard to look rightat you baby!But hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badand You should know thatIu2019ve missed you so so badItu2019s hard to look rightat you babyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut hereu2019s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so badIu2019ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeIu2019ve missed you so badYou should know thatSo" Call Me Maybe
2023-07-28 13:17:551


函数原型为 char *fgets( char *string, int n, FILE *stream );其中第二个为最大字节数,最后一个为只想文件的指针,这两个你都没有,所以才会报错!
2023-07-28 13:17:561


2023-07-28 13:18:013


2023-07-28 13:18:011


a[l]就是指最后一位啊," ".这么可能用a[l-1]呢 ?
2023-07-28 13:18:063


PTC作用在空调上、是一种正温度系数的半导体发热器件,通俗的讲就是一种陶瓷电加热器,在空调制热时进行电铺助加热。通常当天气寒冷严重时,空调外机就会结霜,当温度低于 0°时空调就会忙着除霜,基本上不能正常制热,由于电铺助加热对发热量的调节,很好的解决了空调制热时的“偷懒”现象,比较适合较寒冷的地区使用。空调用电加热器,有电加热管的,也有PTC的。加热管的一般是用在空调柜机,PTC一般是用在空调挂机上。PTC一般分为两类:一类为控制类PTC、也就是热敏电阻,第二类就是发热类PTC,发热类PTC在暖风机、电蚊器、电熨斗都有它们的身影。
2023-07-28 13:17:211


这来自一首歌When I"m Gone,全部歌曲如下: Yeah It"s my life 这是我的生活 But all in words I guess 却全部换成语言 Have you ever loved someone so much you"d give an arm for? 你试过爱谁如此之深,深到你可以给去一只手臂吗 Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for? 不是措辞.不.真正的牺牲一只手臂 When they know they are your heart 当他们知道他们是你的心脏 And you know you are their armour 你知道你是他们的盔甲 And you will destroy anyone who will try to harm her 你会消灭任何试图伤害她的人 But what happens when karma turns right around and bites you 但当报应回过头来咬你 And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you 所有你支持一切开始攻击你,让你迷茫 What happens when you become the main source of her pain 当你成为她痛苦的最大源头 “Daddy look what I made?” [爹地看我做了什么?] “Dad"s gotta go catch a plane” [爸爸要去赶飞机] “Daddy where"s mummy? I can"t find mummy, where is she?” [爹地妈咪在那里?我找不到她,她在那里?] I don"t know, go play, Hailie baby your daddy"s busy. 我不知道,去玩去,hailie宝贝你爹地很忙 Daddy"s writin"a song, this song ain"t gon" write itself 爹地在写歌,歌不会自己写出来 I give you one underdog, then you gottang by yourself 我帮你拉秋千,然后你要自己荡 Then to write a rhyme in a song and tell her you love her 然后再写些歌里的押韵告诉她你爱她 And put hands on her mother who"s a spittin" image of her 再把手放在简直和她一模一样的她妈妈的肩膀 That"s slim shady, yeah baby slim shady"s crazy 这就是slim shady,是的宝贝slim shady疯了 Shady made me, but tonight, Shady"s rock-a-by baby shady成就了我,但今晚, shady是乖乖睡的baby And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 I keep havin" this dream – I"m pushin" hailie on thengs she keeps screamin" 我一直做这个梦—我推着hailie的秋千她则不停尖叫 She don"t want me to sing, “You"re makin mummy cry, why, why"s mummy crying?” 她不想我再唱歌[你让妈咪哭了,为什么.为什么妈咪要哭] Baby, Daddy ain"t leavin" no more, 宝贝爹地再也不走了 “Daddy you"re lying, [爹地你说谎 You always say that, you always say this is the last time, 你总是那么说,你总是说这是最后一次 but you ain"t leavin" no more, Daddy you"re mine!” 但你不会再走了.爸爸你是我的!] She"s piling boxes infront of the door tryin" to block it, 她把垛版箱推导门前试图挡住它 “Daddy please daddy don"t leave daddy no, stop it!” [爹地求你爹地别走爹地不要,停住] Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket, it"s got a picture, 把手伸入她口袋,拉出一个小小的项链盒子,里面有张照片 “This"ll keep you safe daddy, take it with you” [这个会保护你的安全爹地,带着它走] I look up, it"s just me standin in the mirror, these ****ing walls must be talkin coz man I can hear ‘em 我向上看,只有我站在镜子前面,这些墙一定在说话因为老天我能听见它们 They sayin you got one more chance to do right, and it"s tonight, 它们在说你有最后一次机会去做对,那就是今晚 Now go out there and show ‘em that you love ‘em ‘fore its too late 现在出去那里然后表示你爱他们,在太晚之前 And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door it turns to a stage, they"re gone 当我走出我的卧室门外面变成舞台,它们走了 And the spotlight is on and I"m singin… 聚光灯在闪而然我在唱… And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 Sixty thousand people, all jumpin" out their seat 6万人全部跳出他们的座位 The curtain closes, they"re throwing roses at my feet 连幕落下,他们把玫瑰扔在我脚边 I take a bow, “and thank you all for comin" out” 我鞠躬[谢谢你们大家能来] They"re screamin so loud, I take one last look at the crowd 他们叫得那么响,我看了人群最后一眼 I glance down, I don"t believe what I"m seein", 我往下看,根本不能相信我所看见的 “Daddy it"s me! Help mummy her wrists are bleedin"” [爹地是我!救救妈咪,她的手腕在流血] But baby we"re in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?! 但宝贝我们在瑞典,你怎么来到瑞典的?! “I followed you daddy, you told me that you wern"t leavin [我跟着你爹地.你说你不会走的 You lied to me dad, and now you make mummy sad 你对我说谎了爸爸,你现在让妈妈伤心了 And I bought you this coin 我还给你带来了这枚硬币 It says ‘number 1 dad", that"s all I wanted 上面写着‘第一名的爸爸",这是我所有想要的 I just wanna give you this coin 我只是想给你这枚硬币 I get the point, fine, me and mummy are goin” 我明白了,好吧.我和妈咪走了] But baby wait- 但宝贝等等— “its too late dad, you made your choice. Now go out there and show ‘em you love ‘em more than us [太迟了爸爸.你作出了选择.现在出去外面然后表示你爱他们胜过我们 That"s what they want 这就是他们想要的 They want you Marshall, 他们想要你marshell. they keep screamin your name, it"s no wonder you can"t go to sleep 他们一直在叫你的名字,毫无疑问你不能睡着 Just take another ****in pill, yeah i bet ya you will 再吃多点药片吧,我打赌你会的 You rap about it. Yeah word, ke-keep it real” 你给它写说唱.哈,这些诺言词语,让它们成成真吧] I hear applause, all this time I couldn"t see 我听见鼓掌,始终看不见 How could it be that the curtain is closing on me 怎么可能帘幕正在向我拉上 I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it, 我转身,在地板找到枪,上膛 put it to my brain, scream ‘Die Shady!" and pop it 朝着我的大脑,喊着‘死吧shady"扣下极板 The sky darkens, my life flashes, 天空变暗,我的生命消逝 The plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes 我本来要乘的飞机坠落化为灰烬 That"s when I wake up, alarm clock"s ringin", 这时我醒来, 闹钟在响 There"s birds singin", it"s spring and 有鸟在欢唱,这是春天 Hailie"s out sidengin" hailie在外面荡秋千 I walk right up to Kim and kiss her, tell her I miss her 我直直的走向kim去吻她,告诉她我想她 Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister, almost as if to say-hailie 笑了并与她的小妹妹交换眼色,就像在说 And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back
2023-07-28 13:17:201


2023-07-28 13:17:161

Call Me Maybe (Vendii Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Call Me Maybe (Vendii Remix)歌手:Carly Rae Jepsen专辑:K-Boom Hits 296Call Me Maybe-Carly Rae JepsenI threw a wish in the wellDon"t ask me I"ll never tellI looked to you as it felland now you"re in my wayI"d trade my soul for a wishPennies and dimes – for a kissI wasn"t looking for thisBut now you"re in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans – skin was showingHot night – Wind was blowingWhere d" you think you"re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeIt"s hard to look rightat you baby!But here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me Maybe......You took your time with the callI took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at allBut still you"re in my wayI beg and borrow and stealHave foresight,and it"s realI didn"t know I would feel itBut it"s in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans – skin was showingHot night – Wind was blowingWhere d" you think you"re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeIt"s hard to look rightat you baby!But here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badand You should know thatI"ve missed you so so badIt"s hard to look rightat you babyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo, Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badYou should know thatSo, Call Me Maybe
2023-07-28 13:17:151


2023-07-28 13:17:088


pdf文件要Acrobat Reader阅读。
2023-07-28 13:17:072

keep real怎么押韵

2023-07-28 13:17:041


#include <stdlib.h>#define LINE 1024char *ReadData(FILE *fp, char *buf){ return fgets(buf, LINE, fp);//读取一行到buf}void someprocess(char *buf){ printf("%s", buf);//这里的操作你自己定义}void main() { FILE *fp; char *buf, filename[20], *p; printf("input file name:"); gets(filename); if ((fp=fopen(filename, "r"))==NULL) { printf("open file error!! "); return; } buf=(char*)malloc(LINE*sizeof(char)); while(1) { p=ReadData(fp, buf);//每次调用文件指针fp会自动后移一行 if(!p)//文件读取结束则跳出循环 break; someprocess(buf); }}
2023-07-28 13:17:022

有一首歌里面的歌词是so l like you

call me maybe英文I threw a wish in the wellDon"t ask me I"ll never tellI looked to you as it felland now you"re in my wayI"d trade my soul for a wishPennies and dimes for a kissI wasn"t looking for thisBut now you"re in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans skin was showingHot night Wind was blowingWhere d" you think you"re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeIt"s hard to look rightat you baby!But here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeYou took your time with the callI took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at allBut still you"re in my wayI beg and borrow and stealHave foresight"and it"s realI didn"t know I would feel itBut it"s in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans skin was showingHot night Wind was blowingWhere d" you think you"re going baby?Hey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeIt"s hard to look rightat you baby!But here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badand You should know thatI"ve missed you so so badIt"s hard to look rightat you babyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youand this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me Maybeand all the other boystry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badYou should know thatSo" Call Me Maybe[8] 译文我对许愿井许下了愿不要问我许了什麼,我永远不会说出口当我看著你时就如同坠入了情网而如今你出现在我的生命里我为这个愿望抛弃我的灵魂付出所有金钱只求一个亲吻我从未追求过这些但你现在出现在我的生命里你的视线如此坚定,破烂的牛仔裤,露出你的肌肤火热的夜晚,微风吹抚亲爱的,你认为你还能去哪里?嘿,我才刚遇见你这真是疯狂但这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?我很难与人看对眼只有对你,亲爱的这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?嘿,我才刚遇见你这真是疯狂但这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?其他的男孩都企图要追求我但这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?你可以不用急著打电话给我因为我已经轻易地就爱上了你你不曾给过我任何东西然而,你出现在我的生命里我用尽所有手段一眼锺情,那就是真实我从不知道我会有这般感受但他就是来到了我的生活之中你的视线如此坚定,破烂的牛仔裤,露出你的肌肤火热的夜晚,微风吹抚亲爱的,你认为你还能去哪里?嘿,我才刚遇见你这真是疯狂但这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?我很难与人看对眼只有对你,亲爱的这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?嘿,我才刚遇见你这真是疯狂但这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?其他的男孩都企图要追求我但这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?在你进入我的生命之前我是多麼渴望著你我是多麼渴望著你我是多麼、多麼渴望著你在你进入我的生命之前我是多麼渴望著你你只需要知道我是多麼、多麼渴望著你我很难与人看对眼只有对你,亲爱的但这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?嘿,我才刚遇见你这真是疯狂这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?其他的男孩都企图要追求我但这是我的电话号码所以,也许可以打电话给我?在你进入我的生命之前我是多麼渴望著你我是多麼渴望著你我是多麼、多麼渴望著你在你进入我的生命之前我是多麼渴望著你你只需要知道所以,也许可以打电话给我?
2023-07-28 13:16:591


2023-07-28 13:16:582


2023-07-28 13:16:571

Master P的《them jeans》 歌词

歌曲名:them jeans歌手:Master P专辑:Good Side Bad SideC"mon in VIP babyShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeans (oh yeah)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeans (oh yeah)From the front to the back, girl you know what I meanI"m country, she country, we countryCome closer, it"s a free countryDamn you cute, girl you fineKeep it right there, I wanna make you mineDon"t play no games, I gotta keep it realGot the +Magic Stick+ and a gold grillShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Cause thugs need love, girl you know what I meanHold up Allie Mae you gonna work it like thatRock the bump and let it wooble from the backShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeans (oh yeah)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeans (oh yeah)From the front to the back, girl you know what I meanWe play football, no pads, she got the cushionI ain"t Bill Cosby, but I love jello puddingCheck out that Puerto Rican body, she"s a hottieI ain"t Slick Rick but +La Di Da Di+And who"s the fly white girl, she ain"t that tallSo them P. Miller jeans look like two basketballsAnd that Latino and Asian mommyMake a grown man want to do karateAnd beautiful, black chick with the passions onMake every thug in the club wanna sing this songShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogHey don"t stop, don"t stopWe can take it the floor, girl show me what you gotHey don"t stop, don"t stopYou can grab the wall, girl show me what you gotHey don"t stop, don"t stopYou can grab the pole, girl show me what you gotHey don"t stop, don"t stopWe can take it from the club, to the parking lotNow stop (WHAT!), then roll (HA!)Head, shoulders, knees, toesShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)From the front to the back, girl you know what I meanI"ma No Limit soldier and I love ya booAnd her and her girl said ( We love you too)Halle Berry head, lisa-raye (WOO!)Got eight Aston 5, but that"s how I prove itEyes lightly on me, a young Janet JacksonTina Turner thighs, the ghetto"s main attractionShe wear boots with her jeans like FreeAnd homies in the hood wanna "cuff her like the policeShe so sexy, damn so nastyA thug girl, but still so classySometime she get viciousIn them P. Miller pads her jeans look bootyliciousShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeansGirl grab the wall, then shake it like a dogShake what you got in them jeansFrom the front to the back, girl you know what I meanWow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow
2023-07-28 13:16:551


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2023-07-28 13:16:522


哈哈哈,专门去听了下。是Call Me Maybe。这个是加拿大女歌手Carly Rae Jepsen发行于2011年9月的一支单曲,单曲收录在其首张EP《Curiosity》(2012年)和第二张录音室专辑《Kiss》(2012年)中,歌曲上榜十五周后成为其首支冠军单曲,并在US Billboard Hot 100 冠军位置停留九周,是继Avril Lavigne2007年冠军单曲《Girlfriend》后,时隔五年又一位加拿大女歌手的冠军单曲,单曲成为销量最好的数码歌曲之一,在2012 Billboard Hot 100 Year-End中排列第二。希望对你有帮助
2023-07-28 13:16:513


2023-07-28 13:16:501

Ciara的《Hotline》 歌词

歌曲名:Hotline歌手:Ciara专辑:Goodiesciara-hotlineTurn me upBangladeshBang the bestYeahSho NuffC-I-A-R-ALETS GOOh i"m so glad you cameCause you are the cutest thingBeauty should be your name(And I should be your lady baby)Tell me where you been all my life(Cause you so sexy and I)Like to make you the oneBaby here"s my number, call me upCall me up hotlineI got some conversationI can be your operatorBaby you should call me laterCause you are so fineI hope that you not playinCause i"m lovin what you sayinBaby don"t you keep me waitinCall me up hotlineYou are so fineYou so fineI can be your operatorCall me up hotlineYou are so fineYou so fineDon"t you keep me watin(Listen) Call me upDon"t tell me anythingKeep it real wit meYou say you single and you, ready to mingleYou sayin the right thingsMan I want you so badGotta make you my manYou what I need in my lifeBaby there"s no time to wasteI said all I wanna sayYou know that i"m feelin youI"m know that your feelin mePage me 911 i"ll stopAnything for you and IBe there when you need me babyAnytime you need meCall me up hotlineI got some conversationI can be your operatorBaby you should call me laterCause you are so fineI hope that you not playinCause i"m lovin what you sayinBaby don"t you keep me waitinCall me up hotlineYou are so fineYou so fineI can be your operatorCall me up hotlineYou are so fineYou so fineDon"t you keep me watinCall me upThis one is forAll my single folksWe gone get down (Take it to the floor)Right now (Take it to the floor)This one is forAll the ones in loveWe gone get down (Take it to the floor)Right now (Take it to the floor)(Bee-box)Call me up hotlineI got some conversationI can be your operatorBaby you should call me laterCause you are so fineI hope that you not playinCause i"m lovin what you sayinBaby don"t you keep me waitinCall me up hotlineYou are so fineYou so fineI can be your operatorCall me up hotlineYou are so fineYou so fineDon"t you keep me watinCall me upCall me upThat"s what"s upCall me upMmmMm Call me up
2023-07-28 13:16:481


2023-07-28 13:16:441