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英语漫画作文——Global warming

2023-07-29 00:24:24




A--What are you doing these days?

B--I am doing a survey about how many people corncern about the climate change and global warming.

A--Ha,ha,good job,Tom.This is also what I want to talk about with you now.Tom,what do you think is the direct cause of global warming?

B--It"s the green-house gases.Too many gases like carbon dioxide cover the atmosphere in the sky,leading to the heat from the sun unreleasing and climate change and global warming.This has been confirmed by scientists.

A--Will global warming cause some disastrous consequences?

B--Yes.It will cause the rising of sea level,and some seashore countries,like Maldives and Tuvalu will be flooded.

A--How terrible it is!Are human beings taking some measures to deal with the problem?


A--Is there anything achieved?

B--Yes,and as individuals,we can do something for it.We can go out by bus instead of driving a car.



Global warming is a growing problem in the world. Melting ice-caps in the Artics and Antartica, rising temperatures across the continents, increasing number of typhoons and tropical storms are just some of the effects of global warming.

It must be realised that humans activities are the causes of global warming. The increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have rose at exponential rates. It is therefore our duty to save the earth.

The task can be divided into a few levels: Individual level, national level and international level.

Starting from the individual level, we can begin by minimising the amount of carbon dioxide by taking public transport instead of driving and using energy-efficient electrical appliances.

At the national level, the government can probably limit the number of cars allowed on the roads by imposing fines on offenders and improving public transport systems. More trees can be planted too. Education to protect the environment should also be planned.

At the international level, countries around the world can hold meetings and conferences and decide the steps to take to limit the CO2 levels. Economic sanctions can also be imposed on countries that have violated the rules. The Kyoto Protocol is one such example.

It is important to cure the world, for the sake of ourselves and our descendants. We have to take action now.


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  全球气候变暖是一种自然现象。由于人们焚烧石燃料,如石油,煤炭等,或砍伐森林并将其焚烧时会产生大量的二氧化碳,即温室气体,这些温室气体对来自太阳辐射的可见光具有高度透过性,而对地球发射出来的长波辐射具有高度吸收性,能强烈吸收地面辐射中的红外线,导致地球温度上升,即温室效应。那么你知道全球变暖用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    全球变暖英语释义:   global warming    全球变暖英语例句:   为了防止全球变暖而把二氧化硫投放到大气层中,会减缓全球水循环,并对降雨模式造成比全球变暖影响更大的危害。   Throwing sulphur into the atmosphere could slow down the world"s water cycle and do more damage to rainfall patterns than the global warming it aims to prevent.   科学家们称,造成这一现象的重要原因是全球变暖,目前,西太平洋海域正受到全球变暖的影响。   They blamed this phenomenon on global warming that is affecting the surface of the western Pacific.   40%的英国人也认为全球变暖效应被夸大了,60%的人还怀疑全球变暖可能并不是人类活动造成的。   In the United Kingdom, 40% believe that global warming is exaggerated and 60% doubt that it is man-made.   当全球很多地区的天气变暖时,全球变暖可能会对某些地方产生相反的影响。   While many parts of the world can expect warmer weather, global warming might have the opposite effect in some places.   全球变暖或许是21世纪最大的环境危机,但无论是或不是,我们都不会对全球变暖做什么。   Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but- regardless of whether it is or isn"t - we won"t do much about it.   而支持者反驳,全球变暖不利于猫科动物或它们赖以生存的树种的生长,而风能和其他新型能源却有助于改变全球变暖的趋势。   Supporters retort that global warming, which wind and other renewable energies help to avert, would not be good for big cats or the trees they prowl round.   科学家们星期天说,全球变暖正让土壤流失着大量的碳元素,这使得防止全球变暖的工作比之前设想的更加艰难。   Our discoveries show that the present soil conditions are much worse than expected before.Therefore we hava to take some countermeasures as quickly as possible.   去年,他们在科学杂志发表了分析 报告 ,他们认为:气候研究模式有低估碳排放对于全球变暖影响的倾向。该报告的理由是,碳排放会引发很多会加深全球变暖的变化;水比冰吸收能更多阳光;空气潮湿会带来更多的热量等等。   Last year, they published an analysis in the journal Science arguing that climate models were skewed in the direction of underestimating the warming effect of carbon.   但他们发现的历史证据表明罪魁祸首是全球变冷而不是全球变暖。   But the historical evidence they found points to global cooling, not to global warming, as the culprit.   在那里她把宣传册子发给大家,册子上面写的是人们可以通过做哪些小事来减轻全球变暖的状况,像使用节能灯和游说学校宣传全球变暖问题。   She has handed out fliers listing small actions people can take to fight global warming, like using compact fluorescent light bulbs and lobbying for schools to teach the subject.   围绕1992年制定的遏制全球变暖问题的公约而进行的谈判   Negotiations over a 1992 Treaty on global warming   尤其需要提及的是,如果中国这种来自国内的压力重现于印度等国,它就有可能成为不仅是应对环境污染,甚至是应对全球变暖的最佳路径。   In particular, local pressures if reproduced in other countries such as India may be the best path for dealing with not only pollution but also global warming.   随着全球变暖最大的市场失灵即将到来,政府职能变得更为重要。   With global warming the mother of all market failures looming, the role of the state becomes more critical.   但全球变暖让当地变得干热起来。   But global warming made things even hotter and drier.   它关于全球变暖的理想主义并没有扩散到全球。   Its idealism about global warming has not spread worldwide.
2023-07-27 13:04:311

global warming是什么意思

全球变暖。Global warming 是指地球表面平均温度持续上升的现象,主要是由于人类活动排放温室气体导致的。自 20 世纪中叶以来,地球表面平均温度上升了 0.6 摄氏度,并且上升趋势仍在持续。全球变暖对人类、动物和植物的生存都带来了很大的影响,包括更频繁的极端天气事件、海平面上升、生态系统受损。为了减缓全球变暖的速度,需要采取一系列措施,包括减少温室气体排放、提高能源效率、发展可再生能源等。
2023-07-27 13:04:401

global warming是什么意思

global warming 全球变暖双语例句1.We do not fight global warming because it is futile to do so. 我们不对付全球变暖的斗争,因为以这样做是徒劳的。2.There is no equality and diversity in global warming – in the world today we have “equality in adversity”. 在全球变暖中没有平等性和多样性-在当今的世界,我们有“在逆境中的平等”。
2023-07-27 13:05:043


2023-07-27 13:05:143


Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth"s near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation.
2023-07-27 13:05:252


您好亲!是的,global warming是合成词。合成词是由两个或多个单词组合而成的新词,其中每个单词都保留了其基本含义。在这种情况下,global表示整个地球,warming表示温暖化。合成词可以直接被用作一个单词,在语言中比单个词汇更具描述性,也更加精确。希望能够帮到您,谢谢!
2023-07-27 13:05:331

什么是全球气候变暖?(Global Warming)

2023-07-27 13:05:455

《环保》global warming是怎样形成的

全球暖化有好多成因,而最大的成因就系温室效应。 "温室效应"是指地球大气层上的一种物理特性。假若没有大气层,地球表面的平均温度不会是现在 合宜的15℃,而是十分低的-18℃。这温度上的差别是由于一类名为温室气体所引致,这些气体吸收红外线辐射而影响到地球整 体的能量平衡。在现况中,地面和大气层在整体上吸收太阳辐射后能平衡于释放红外线辐射到太空外(图一)。但受到温室气体的 影响,大气层吸收红外线辐射的份量多过它释放出到太空外,这使地球表面温度上升,此过程可称为‘天然的温室效应"。但由 于人类活动释放出大量的温室气体,结果让更多红外线辐射被折返到地面上,加强了‘温室效应"的作用。 温室气体占大气层不足1%。其总浓度需视乎各‘源"和‘汇"的平衡结果。‘源"是指某些化学或物理过程使到温室气体浓 度增加,相反‘汇"是令其减少。人类的活动可直接影响各种温室气体的‘源"和‘汇"而因此改变了其浓度。 大气层中主要的温室气体可有二氧化碳(CO2),甲烷(CH4),一氧化二氮(N2O),氯氟碳 化合物(CFCs)及臭氧(O3)。大气层中的水气(H2O)虽然是‘天然温室效应"的主要原因,但普遍认为它 的成份并不直接受人类活动所影响。表一显示了一些温室气体的特性。 各种温室气体对地球的能量平衡有不同程度的影响。为了帮助决策者能量度各种温室气体对地球变暖的影响,‘跨 *** 气候转变 委员会" (Interernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC)在1990年的报告中引入‘全球变暖潜能"的概念。‘全球变暖潜能" 是反映温室气体的相对强度,其定义是指某一单位质量的温室气体在一定时间内相对于CO2的累积辐射力*。表二列出 ‘跨 *** 气候转变委员会"报告内一些温室气体的‘全球变暖潜能"。对气候转变的影响来说,‘全球变暖潜能"的指数已考虑到 各温室气体在大气层中的存留时间与及其吸收辐射的能力。在计算‘全球变暖潜能"的时候,是需要明了各温室气体在大气层中的 演变情况(通常不太了解)和它们在大气层的余量所产生的辐射力(比较清楚知道)。因此,‘全球变暖潜能"含有一些不确定因素, 以CO2作为相对比较,一般约在±35%。 *辐射力的定义是由 于太阳或红外线辐射份量的转变而引致对流层顶部的平均辐射改变。辐射力影响了地球吸收和释放辐射的平衡。正值的辐射力会使地球 表面变暖,负值的辐射力使地球表面变凉。 温室气体浓度的转变 i) 二氧化碳(CO2) 夏威夷的冒纳罗亚观象台在1958年已开始对大气层CO2浓度作仔细量度。CO2每年平均浓度由1958年约315ppmv(百万份之一体积)升至1997年约363ppmv。冒纳罗亚观象台的数据亦反映了每年在北半球因为植 物呼吸作用而产生的周期变化:CO2浓度在秋冬季时增加而在春夏季时减少。与北半球比较,这种随着植物生长及凋萎 的CO2浓度周年变化在南半球的出现时间是刚刚相反,而且变化幅度较小,这种现象在赤度附近地区则完全看不到。 ii) 甲烷(CH4) CH4在大气层中的增长速度已在近十年减少下来,尤其在1991至1992年间有明显的下降,但在1993年后期亦有 些增长。1980至1990的平均增长速度是每年13ppbv(十亿份之一体积)。 iii) 一氧化二氮(N2O) 从过往40年间,N2O的平均升幅是每年0.25%(见图四)。现时在对 流层的N2O浓度在312到314ppbv左右。 iv) 氯氟碳化合物(CFCs) 在各种氯氟碳化合物中 以CFC-11及CFC-12较为重要,因为其浓度比较高与及它们对平流层内的O3有很大影响。 在多种人造的氯氟碳化合物中,以CFC-11及CFC-12的浓度最高,分别约为0.27及0.55ppbv(量度于冒纳罗亚观象台 1997 见图五 和六)。从它们的‘全球变暖潜能"数值,显示这两种气体吸收红外线辐射的能力相当高,估计在八十年代期间除了CO2以 外,CFC-11及CFC-12在所有温室气体中对辐射力的影响已占了三份之一。 温室效应同全球暖化(global warming)的关系 温室气体浓度的增加会减少红外线辐射放射到太空外,地球的气候因此需要转变来使吸取和释放辐射的份量达至新的平衡。 这转变可包括‘全球性"的地球表面及大气低层变暖,因为这样可以将过剩的辐射排放出外。虽然如此,地球表面温度的少许 上升可能会引发其他的变动,例如:大气层云量及环流的转变。当中某些转变可使地面变暖加剧(正反馈),某些则可令变暖过 程减慢(负反馈)。 参考: o/wxinfo/climat/greenhs/c_grnhse 室效应"是指地球大气层上的一种物理特性。地球表由大气层所包围,就像温室的透明玻璃,在阳光照射地球时,有防止地面温度、湿度散失的功能,使地面温度不会下降太快,地表年均温因此能保持 150C 左右 这温度上的差别是由于一类名为温室气体所引致,这些气体吸收红外线辐射而影响到地球整 体的能量平衡。在现况中,地面和大气层在整体上吸收太阳辐射后能平衡于释放红外线辐射到太空外。但受到温室气体的 影响,大气层吸收红外线辐射的份量多过它释放出到太空外,这使地球表面温度上升,此过程可称为‘天然的温室效应"。但由 于人类活动释放出大量的温室气体,结果让更多红外线辐射被折返到地面上,加强了‘温室效应"的作用。 温室气体种类 温室气体占大气层不足1%。其总浓度需视乎各‘源"和‘汇"的平衡结果。‘源"是指某些化学或物理过程使到温室气体浓 度增加,相反‘汇"是令其减少。人类的活动可直接影响各种温室气体的‘源"和‘汇"而因此改变了其浓度。 大气层中主要的温室气体可有二氧化碳(CO2),甲烷(CH4),一氧化二氮(N2O),氯氟碳 化合物(CFCs)及臭氧(O3)。大气层中的水气(H2O)虽然是‘天然温室效应"的主要原因,但普遍认为它 的成份并不直接受人类活动所影响。表一显示了一些温室气体的特性。 ‘全球变暖潜能"(Global Warming Potential) 各种温室气体对地球的能量平衡有不同程度的影响。为了帮助决策者能量度各种温室气体对地球变暖的影响,‘跨 *** 气候转变 委员会" (Interernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC)在1990年的报告中引入‘全球变暖潜能"的概念。‘全球变暖潜能" 是反映温室气体的相对强度,其定义是指某一单位质量的温室气体在一定时间内相对于CO2的累积辐射力*。表二列出 ‘跨 *** 气候转变委员会"报告内一些温室气体的‘全球变暖潜能"。 对气候转变的影响来说,‘全球变暖潜能"的指数已考虑到 各温室气体在大气层中的存留时间与及其吸收辐射的能力。在计算‘全球变暖潜能"的时候,是需要明了各温室气体在大气层中的 演变情况(通常不太了解)和它们在大气层的余量所产生的辐射力。因此,全球变暖潜能"含有一些不确定因素, 以CO2作为相对比较,一般约在±35%。 、过度的温室效应会使到: i) 气候转变:‘全球变暖" 温室气体浓度的增加会减少红外线辐射放射到太空外,地球的气候因此需要转变来使吸取和释放辐射的份量达至新的平衡。 这转变可包括‘全球性"的地球表面及大气低层变暖,因为这样可以将过剩的辐射排放出外。虽然如此,地球表面温度的少许 上升可能会引发其他的变动,例如:大气层云量及环流的转变。当中某些转变可使地面变暖加剧(正反馈),某些则可令变暖过 程减慢(负反馈)。 利用复杂的气候模式,‘ *** 间气候变化专门委员会"在第三份评估报告估计全球的地面平均气温会在2100年上升1.4至5.8度。这预计已考虑到大气 层中悬浮粒子倾于对地球气候降温的效应与及海洋吸收热能的作用 (海洋有较大的热容量)。但是,还有很多未确定的因素会影响 这个推算结果,例如:未来温室气体排放量的预计、对气候转变的各种反馈过程和海洋吸热的幅度等等。 ii) 海平面升高 假若‘全球变暖"正在发生,有两种过程会导致海平面升高。第一种是海水受热膨胀令水平面上升。第二种是冰川和格陵兰及南 极洲上的冰块溶解使海洋水份增加。预期由1900年至2100年地球的平均海平面上升幅度介乎0.09米至0.88米之间。 对人类生活的潜在影响 i) 经济的影响 全球有超过一半人口居住在沿海100公里的范围以内,其中大部份住在海港 附近的城市区域。所以,海平面的显著上升对沿岸低洼地区及海岛会造成严重的经济损害,例如:加速沿岸沙滩被海水的冲蚀、 地下淡水被上升的海水推向更远的内陆地方。 ii) 农业的影响 实验证明在CO2高浓度的环境下,植物会生长得更快速和高大。但是,‘全球变暖"的结果可会影响大气环流,继 而改变全球的雨量分布与及各大洲表面土壤的含水量。由于未能清楚了解‘全球变暖"对各地区性气候的影响,以致对植物生态所 产生的转变亦未能确定。 iii) 海洋生态的影响 沿岸沼泽地区消失肯定会令鱼类,尤其是贝壳类的数量减少。河口水质变咸可会减少淡水鱼的品种数目,相反该地区海洋鱼类的 品种也可能相对增多。至于整体海洋生态所受的影响仍未能清楚知道。 iv) 水循环的影响 全球降雨量可能会增加。但是,地区性降雨量的改变则仍未知道。某些地区可有更多雨量,但有些地区的雨量可能会减少。此外 ,温度的提高会增加水份的蒸发,这对地面上水源的运用带来压力。 结论 影响地表温度的其中一个因素是地面对太阳辐射的反射。例如森林绿地的被破 坏,使得光合作用吸收二氧化碳的量变少,大气中二氧化碳的浓度也相对增加,所以 我们更应该重视绿色植物的保护。除此之外,在高空大气中的臭氧受到氮、氯氧化物 的破坏,会让能伤害生物的紫外线透过大气,进而影响到地球上的生活环境。 作为推进燃料和冷冻剂的氟氯碳化物分解出氯的氧化物,在分解时吸收了红外线 辐射,造成温室效应。这些都是影响气候最主要的因素,这些因素都与人类的活动有 关。我们应该尽可能的把日常生活中不知不觉形成影响气候的因素,设法减至最低。 1997年联合国气候变化纲要公约缔约国于日本东京召开第三次缔约国大会时拟 订的管制协议,称为『京都议定书』,这个协定在2005年2 月16 号正式生效,为的 是管制六种温室气体(二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亚氮、氟化烃、全氟化碳、六氟化硫) 的排放量,期望在公元2008至2012年的期限间,将六种温室气体平均的排放量减至 到比1990年排放量低5.2%的水平 参考: inter 全球暖化指的是在一段时间中,地球的大气和海洋温度上升的现象, 主要是指人为因素造成的温度上升,原因很可能是由于温室气体排放过多造成的。 在20世纪,全球平均接近地面的大气层温度上升了摄氏0.6度。 普遍来说,科学界认为过去五十年可观察的气候改变很可能是由人类活动所推动。 二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量不断增加,正是全球变暖的人为因素中主要部分。 燃烧化石燃料、清理林木和耕作等等都增强了温室效应。 第一次怀疑温室效应会发生的观测是瑞典化学家阿累尼乌斯在1897年所做的。 虽然当时没有引发公众讨论,但是事隔90年,终于成了公众关注的问题。 目前全球平均温度的变化,几乎和二氧化碳含量的变化是同步上升的, 从工业革命开始,二氧化碳的含量急剧增加, 虽然植物的光合作用吸收了很大一部分二氧化碳, 海洋也溶解一部分二氧化碳并固定成碳酸钙,但空气中二氧化碳的含量还是逐步增加。 根据美国维珍尼亚大学和英国东安格里亚大学联合研究的结果, 在进入20世纪后半叶,全球温度上升的趋势非常明显,温度变化情况见下图。 全球暖化指的是在一段时间中,地球的大气和海洋温度上升的现象,主要是指人为因素造成的温度上升,原因很可能是由于温室气体排放过多造成的。 美国加利福尼亚大学的科学家在太平洋中央夏威夷的莫劳岛上设立4个7公尺高和一个27公尺高的采样塔,每小时采样4次,分析二氧化碳的变化情况。(如右图) 目前全球平均温度的变化,几乎和二氧化碳含量的变化是同步上升的,从工业革命开始,二氧化碳的含量急剧增加,虽然植物的光合作用吸收了很大一部分二氧化碳,海洋也溶解一部分二氧化碳并固定成碳酸钙,但空气中二氧化碳的含量还是逐步增加。根据美国维吉尼亚大学和英国东英吉利亚大学联合研究的结果,在进入20世纪后半叶,全球温度上升的趋势非常明显,温度变化情况见下图 ============= 造成的影响 一千年内北半球温度变化趋势(1000年-1950年每50年一刻度,1950-2000每10年一刻度)由于海洋温度增加,南极和北极的冰川会加速融化,导致海平面上升,会淹没沿海低海拔地区,例如大洋洲岛国图瓦鲁已被水淹没。全世界有3/4的人口居住在离海岸线不足500公里的地方,陆地面积缩小会极大地影响人类居住环境,甚至可能导致战争。 由于海洋温度增加,水蒸发加快,导致暴雨增加,水灾会更加频繁,水灾面积扩大,水土流失严重。 由于大气温度升高,导致热带传染病向高纬扩散,目前已有热带传染病扩散的迹象。 由于大气温度升高,令蒸发率上升,导致内陆地区沙漠化加速,沙漠有扩大的危险。 虽然由于温度升高,有部分动植物会加快繁殖,但整个生物多样化会受到威胁,许多物种会加速灭绝的步伐。 由于两极冰山崩塌,北欧、南美近极地的地方温度反而会迅速下降,会严重影响当地生态系统,造成不可逆的变化。 全球暖化可能极大地影响人类生存环境,人类应该起码将自己对全球暖化的贡献降到最低程度,尽量减缓全球暖化的趋势。
2023-07-27 13:06:151

What is global warming?

Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth"s atmosphere and oce in recent decades. The Earth"s average near-surface atmospheric temperature rose 0.6 ± 0.2 °Celsius (1.1 ± 0.4 °Fahrenheit) in the 20th century. The prevailing scientific opinion on climate change is that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities"[1]. The increased amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the primary causes of the human-induced ponent of warming. They are released by the burning of fossil fuels land clearing and agriculture e and lead to an increase in the greenhouse effect. The first speculation that a greenhouse effect might occur was by the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius in 1897 although it did not bee a topic of popular debate until some 90 years later. [2] The measure of the response to increased GHGs and other anthropogenic and natural climate forcings is climate sensitivity. It is found by observational [3] and model studies. This sensitivity is usually expressed in terms of the temperature response expected from a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere. The current literature estimates sensitivity in the range 1.5–4.5 °C (2.7–8.1 °F). Models referenced by the Interernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) project that global temperatures may increase beeen 1.4 and 5.8 °C (2.5 to 10.5 °F) beeen 1990 and 2100. The uncertainty in this range results from both the difficulty of estimating the volume of future greenhouse gas emissions and uncertainty about climate sensitivity. An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes including a rising sea level and changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation. These changes may increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as floods droughts heat waves hurricanes and tornados. Other consequences include higher or lower agricultural yields glacial retreat reduced summer streamflows species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Warming is expected to affect the number and magnitude of these events; however it is difficult to connect particular events to global warming. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100 warming (and sea level rise due to thermal expion) is expected to continue past then since CO2 has an estimated atmospheric lifetime of 50 to 200 years. [4]. Only a *** all minority of climate scientists discount the role that humanity"s actions have played in recent warming. However the uncertainty is more significant regarding how much climate change should be expected in the future and there is a hotly contested political and public debate over what if anything should be done to reduce or reverse future warming and how to deal with the predicted consequences. Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth"s atmosphere and oce in recent decades. (以上句子系由维基copy的) stopglobalwarming/sgw_learnmore What is Global Warming? The Earth as an ecosystem is changing attributable in great part to the effects of globalization and man. More carbon dioxide is now in the atmosphere than has been in the past 650 000 years. This carbon stays in the atmosphere acts like a warm blanket and holds in the heat — hence the name ‘global warming." 以下是自己打的: Greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide) trap the sun"s energy as heat therefore when the amount of greenhouse gases increase the Eath"s surface bees warmer and warmer. It is known as the global warming. Global warming is the Earth getting warmer and warmer. 参考: me
2023-07-27 13:06:221

全球气候变暖的后果有哪些? 要英文的

全球气温将升高:Global temperatures will rise海平面升高:Sea level rise全球降水量重新分配:The redistribution of global precipitation冰川和冻土消融:Melting glaciers and permafrost危害自然生态系统的平衡:Against the natural ecosystem balance生物多样性减少:Reduction of biological diversity威胁人类的食物供应和居住环境:A threat to the human food supply and living environment
2023-07-27 13:07:272

关于Global Warming的英文介绍

Let me start with a few statements to indicate where I am coming from.First, the theory and evidence that I have seen all seems to strongly suggest that human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, and will in the future cause, significant global warming.Second, this global warming is on such a scale that it will wreak havoc on both poor and rich countries. It could even make large sections of the earth uninhabitable.Third, the costs of abatement are large.Therefore the decision to curtail emissions is a very serious one and it is clear that these decisions will also cause hardship in poor and in rich countries.Fourth, despite these high costs, the time has passed that policy makers should still be acting on the null hypothesis that global warming will not occur.Choice of nullHere I come to the first use of economics. It turns out that this point is central to current US policy. As I see it, current US policy is that the Federal Government should do continued research to ascertain the extent of global warming and its future path and the policy tree is to take future action only if the findings of this research are sufficiently conclusive.In the event of the findings being sufficiently conclusive, we should take serious corrective action to curtail our own emissions and also to participate in international treaties regarding abatement of emissions.An alternative null hypothesis—that global warming is already occurring—could be the basis of our policy. Were that to be the case, this alternative hypothesis would cause our policy to be very different : in this case we should be taking active steps now to curb emissions and to participate in international treaties to curb it.Which of these two null hypotheses guides our policy should be determined by the relative costs and benefits and the relative probabilities of the two hypotheses.The losses from failing to address global warming if it does occur are truly enormous. Even more serious, the effects are also irreversible. In contrast, the losses from addressing global warming, if it does not occur or if it is not very serious, are not enormous and the losses from addressing the problem are only very large. In addition, it seems that the likelihood of global warming with serious impacts on large segments of the planet seems now to be very high.If we add up the relative economic costs and benefits and weight them by their respective probabilities, that seems to show that we should definitely be acting on the presumption that global warming is going to occur.The unavoidable conclusion is that the current US administration and the US Congress have made the wrong call.We should be acting to curb it and we should be engaging in international co-operation to do so. And even those who have very serious doubts about whether global warming is occurring should still believe that we should be taking precautions against it. Economic remedy The second topic that I want to address is how we should fight global warming.Economic theory gives a simple natural way to fight global warming, which is to have escalating taxes on carbon emissions. There is a simple reason why this is the ideal remedy : carbon emissions into the atmosphere constitute a nuisance to everybody on the planet.People should be taxed to pay a penalty equal to the value of the nuisance that they cause. In this way people who value their emissions more than the nuisance they cause will make those emissions and they will pay the tax. People whose emissions are not valued as much as the nuisance they cause will curb them and will not pay the tax. Thus with such a tax, emissions will be curbed insofar as the nuisance they create exceeds their benefits.The economics here is as simple and straightforward as economics ever gets. It would be hard to find any economist who would disagree.It may also be worthwhile noting that this may be one place where economistsu2019 judgments may be different from that of other professionals. We economists tend to be fairly optimistic about the effects of prices or taxes on peopleu2019s behavior. So the size of the tax necessary to reduce these emissions may be large, but perhaps not extremely large.The reason for that is that we think that over fairly long periods of time that people are fairly responsive to changes in prices. In addition, there will be substitution of nuclear and other non-carbon forms of electricity generation.Steve Chuu2019s talk gave some indication as to how large these taxes would have to be to get important shifts even with current technology to carbon-free generation of electricity.With a carbon-tax people will switch to smaller and more fuel-efficient methods of transport. With sufficient time for innovation and a tax that is sufficiently high there will be other innovations as well. There are also possible innovations in carbon sequestration.A further recommendation from standard economics is that there should be large-scale government support for research into new technology that will reduce carbon emissions.However, this research must be supported by incentives to develop such technology further and put it in place.But it is important to note that the new technology will not and cannot be successful unless the appropriate incentives for its use are put into place : you may create the most beautiful inventions, but unless it pays people to use them, they wonu2019t.So we need a carbon tax or something like it to provide such incentives.Finally, because much of the use of energy involves networks of people who are doing the same thing, initial technologies may need some extra push from governmental subsidy and governmental regulations.Thus the economics of what should be done is fairly simple -- sufficiently simple, in fact, that it can be easily taught as an application of standard economic principles in a first-year undergraduate course. But it turns out that getting people to follow these economic principles is very difficult indeed.I have seen this at first hand at Congressional testimony given by my wife, who was the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers from 1997 to 1999. It was her job to represent the economic case of the Clinton Administration as to why the Congress should support the Kyoto Treaty.The Congress-people were not willing to vote for this because they felt that the costs of supporting Kyoto were too high relative to the benefits. In a nutshell they were afraid that their constituents would rebel against the increases in the prices that would accompany reductions in carbon emissions called for in the Kyoto Accords.The moral basis of policyIn retrospect I think that the argument for the carbon tax has been pitched in the wrong way and at the wrong level.The Clinton Administration framed its argument in terms of costs and benefits, but instead, the issue of global warming needs to be phrased in moral terms. Phrasing it in moral terms should also be the stance for international agreements. The morality of it is fairly easy : if somebody does not do anything about global warming, the climate of the earth is likely to change drastically, with severe harm to future generations. Carbon emissions are the cause of this global warming. Therefore it is immoral for any country, any industrial entity, or any person to contribute more than her fair share to this nuisance.It is like a case of stealing. By adding more carbon to the atmosphere than our fair share, we are taking more than what rightfully belongs to us. We should not feel entitled to that any more than we would feel entitled to enter uninvited into our neighborsu2019 house and partake of the dinner sitting on the table for their family.Whether or not we should do that is not a question of costs and benefits and even less should it be a question of our costs and ourbenefits.It is a question of basic right and wrong.Opportunity for China I would like to make a suggestion to the Chinese delegation regarding the stance that they should take toward global warming. I do not think that you should look to the United States to take the lead before you take your own stance on global warming. China is the rising economic star. China is also the rising star on the stage of world leadership.World leadership should be given not to countries because they are rich and powerful. It should be given to countries that have a moral commitment to do what is humanitarian and right.Global warming is one such area. It is an area where the US especially has abdicated what is right for what is expedient. This is an opportunity, perhaps at not even very great cost, for China to assert its moral authority.It is a good place to begin the assertion of world leadership that China will increasingly take as this century progresses.
2023-07-27 13:08:001


global warming=全球暖化 greenpeace/china/ch/campaigns/stop-climate-change/ 全球暖化的影响- 1998年至2007年是人类有记录以来最和暖的十年。全球暖化为人类及生态系统带来了灾难:极端气候、冰川融化、永久冻土层融化、珊瑚礁死亡、海平面上升、生态系统改变、洪水干旱的灾害增加、致命热浪等等。这些灾难不再是科学家的预言,现实是全球人类正为此挣扎求存。 以下是全球暖化的部分影响: - 地球温度上升,导致喜马拉雅等高山的冰川融化、长期威胁水资源 - 海平面上升,上海、广州等人口密集的沿海城市面临咸潮威胁,甚至可能遭受淹没 - 冻土溶化、威胁当地居民生计和道路工程设施 - 热浪、干旱、暴雨、台风等极端气候灾害越来越频繁。居民生命财产损失增加。 - 粮食减产,千百万人面临饥饿威胁 - 每年,因全球暖化导致疟疾、营养不良而死亡的人数高达15万,主要发生在非洲及其他发展中国家。2020年,这个数字预期会增加一倍。 - 珊瑚礁、红树林、极地、高山生态系统、热带雨林、草原、湿地等自然生态系统受到严重威胁,多样生物品种濒临灭绝。 无论全球暖化影响规模大与小,贫困人口往往受害最深。贫穷国家因没有足够能力应付海平面上升、疾病传播及农作物减产所带来的问题,全球暖化影响将比发达国家更为严重。 持续升温若不加以阻止,数千年后,格陵兰冰盖会全部消失,全球海平面将随之上升7米! 人类从未面对如此巨大的环境危机,如果我们再不马上行动,阻止全球暖化影响将再也无法弥补。 全球暖化的影响 冰川融化 极端气候 粮食危机 海平面上升 物种灭绝 我手上有全球暖化现况的资料 专家:少吃肉无助于缓和全球暖化 重要的空气品质专家米特洛纳(Frank Mitloehner)今天说,少吃肉无助于缓和全球暖化 ,并指这只会分散大家对寻找真正解决之道的注意力。 米特洛纳是加州大学戴维斯校区(University ofCalifornia─Davis)的空气品质专家,他在「美国 化学学会」(American Chemical Society)于加州举行的会议中,提出报告说明食肉与气候变迁问题。他说:「我们当然可以减少我们的温室废气制造量,但其方法不是减少肉类和乳类的食用量。」 他表示,将气候变迁归咎于牛和猪,欠缺科学精确性。他驳斥了若干报告的说法,包括联合国 2006年所提出的报告,指其夸大了牲畜对全球暖化所发挥的作用。 关于少吃肉有助于对抗气候变迁的观念,催生了「周一不吃肉」运动。至于欧洲去年发起的运动「少吃肉等于少排放」则获得了前披头四合唱团团员保罗麦卡尼 (Paul McCartney)支持,他是全球最知名的素食者之一。 米特洛纳说:「麦卡尼和其他人似乎都是善意,但对人类活动、动物消化、粮食生产和大气化学反应之间的复杂关系,了解不够。」 「真正等于少排放的是以比较聪明的方式畜养动物,而不是减少畜养。减少肉类和乳类产量只会使贫穷国家的饥饿问题恶化。」 全球变暖指嘅系喺一段时间中,地球嘅大气同海洋温度上升嘅现象,主要系指人为因素令到温度上升,原因好可能系由于温室气体排放过多造成嘅。全球变暖有时叫做全球暖化。 喺二十世纪,全球平均接近地面嘅大气层温度摄氏 0.6 度。普遍来讲,科学界认为过去五十年可观察嘅气候改变系由人类活动所推动。 二氧化碳同其他温室气体嘅含量不断增加,正系全球变暖嘅人为因素中主要部分。燃烧化石燃料、清理林木同耕作等等都增强咗温室效应。第一次怀疑温室效应会发生嘅观测系瑞典化学家阿累尼乌斯喺1897年所做嘅。虽然当时没有引发公众讨论,但系事隔 90 年,终于变成公众关注嘅问题。 美国加利福尼亚大学嘅科学家喺太平洋中央夏威夷嘅莫劳岛上设立 4 个 7 公尺高同一个 27 米高嘅采样塔,每小时采样 4 次,分析二氧化碳嘅变化情况。(未有图) 目前全球平均温度嘅变化,几乎同二氧化碳含量嘅变化系同步上升嘅,工业革命开始?阵,二氧化碳嘅含量急剧增加。虽然植物嘅光合作用吸收了好大一部分二氧化碳,海洋亦溶解一部分二氧化碳并固定成碳酸钙,但系空气里面二氧化碳嘅含量重系渐渐增加紧。根据美国维珍尼亚大学同英国东英格兰大学联合研究嘅结果,喺20世纪后半叶,全球温度上升嘅趋势非常明显,温度变化情况睇下面幅图。 命名法则 全球变暖系比气候改变更明确嘅名称。原则上,「全球变暖」一词对成因持中立观点,但系根据大众嘅用法,「全球变暖」意味着人类嘅影响。可系,联合国气候变化框架公约使用「气候改变」代表人为因素导致嘅改变,「气候变化」代表其他东西导致嘅改变。其他组织则使用「人为嘅气候改变」(anthropogenic climate change)代表人为因素导致嘅改变。 历史上嘅全球变暖 根据仪器记录,相对于1860年至1900年期间,全球陆地同海洋温度上升咗摄氏 0.75 度。自1979年,陆地温度上升速度比海洋温度快一倍(陆地温度上升咗摄氏 0.25 度,而海洋温度上升咗摄氏 0.13 度)。根据卫星温度探测,对流层嘅温度每十年上升摄氏 0.12 度至 0.22 度。喺1850年前嘅一两千年,虽然曾经出现中世纪温暖时期同小冰河时期,但系大众相信全球温度系相对稳定嘅。 根据美国太空总署戈达德太空研究所嘅研究报告估计,自1800年代有测量仪器广泛地应用开始,2005年系最温暖嘅年份,比1998年嘅记录高咗摄氏百分之几度。 世界气象组织同英国气候研究单位都有类似嘅估计,曾经预计2005年系仅次于1998年第二温暖嘅年份。 参考: *** chwu/video/h5b 在20世纪 ,全球平均接近地面的大气层温度上升了摄氏0.74度。普遍来说,科学界发现过去50年可观察的气候 改变的速度是过去100年的双倍,有理由认为该时期的气候改变是由人类活动所推动。 目前全球平均温度的变化,几乎和二氧化碳含量的变化是同步上升的,从工业革命开始,二氧化碳的含量急剧增加,虽然植物的光合作用吸收了很大一部分二氧化碳,海洋也溶解一部分二氧化碳并固定成碳酸钙,但空气中二氧化碳的含量还是逐步增加。根据美国维吉尼亚大学和 英国东安格里亚大学联合研究的结果,在进入20世纪后半叶,全球温度上升的趋势非常明显。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 全球性的温度增量可能反过来导致其它方面的变动,包括海平面上升和降雨量及降雪量在数额上和样式上的变化。这些变动也许促使极端天气事件更强更频繁,譬如洪水、旱灾、热浪、飓风和龙卷风。除此之外,还有其它后果,包括更高或更低的农产量、冰河撤退、夏天时河流流量减少、物种消失及疾病肆虐。 参考: zh. *** /wiki/%E5%85%A8%E7%90%83%E6%9A%96%E5%8C%96
2023-07-27 13:08:071

求一篇关于global warming的四级英语作文

global warmingPeople around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的) winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg.  The side effects of global warming are alarminS. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风). People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.
2023-07-27 13:08:371

英语第一册 Global Warming 的翻译

是什么原因导致全球变暖?我们开始在整个世界里看什么是真正导致全球变暖和全球变暖所带来的影响?.全球变暖的严重影响气委会表示,全球变暖这样严重的影响已开始. 在21世纪及以后的全球变暖的影响,预计将是灾难性的,根据2007年4月6日气候变化的科学家小组发出的全球领先的科学总结报告,许多这些变化已在进行之中。全球变暖的影响是在每一个地区和社会各级, 地球上没有任何人能逃脱它的后果。因此,在某种意义上,这成为一个全球性的责任.报告结果,包括: 预测的气候变化可能影响到千百万人。热浪,洪水,暴风雨,火灾和干旱将导致死亡,疾病和其他危害增加。全球变暖也将导致更多的死亡是由于营养不良,疾病引起的腹泻,心肺疾病相关的高浓度的地面臭氧,和更广泛的分布,由昆虫传播的疾病,啮齿动物,等。由于海平面上升数百万人预计在危险的沿海洪水中,尤其是在人口密集和低洼区已经面临的其他挑战,如飓风和热带风暴约有20 - 30%的植物和动物物种评估迄今可能是更高的灭绝风险增加全球平均温度超过1.5 - 2.5摄氏度。全球平均温度已经上升了约0.74摄氏度超过工业化前水平。 当然在目前的世纪,水上用品存放在冰川与积雪,预计将下降,减少水供应的地区所提供的融水主要山脉,那里有超过六分之一的世界人口目前生活。例如,冰川退缩在喜马拉雅山脉会破坏下游的水供应,这将影响数以亿计的人在印度,中国,尼泊尔和不丹。 到2020年,75-250百万非洲人民将面临水资源短缺是由于气候变化。 在同一时期,在一些非洲国家的雨养农业的产量,可以减少50%。 拉丁美洲面临着在温度升高,土壤水分导致部分亚马孙地区的热带稀树草原与热带雨林逐渐取代跌幅世纪中叶显着的生物多样性损失的风险。 迫切需要采取行动,减少全球变暖 全球气温上升可能带来一些暂时的利益,据报道,最值得注意的是增加粮食生产由于更多的降雨和较长的生长季节在高纬度和更少的死亡与冷天气。但科学家希望这些短期利益是压倒了更多的干旱,洪水,水资源短缺和饥饿在其他地区以及更多的死亡和疾病。现在很清楚,我们都归咎於过去50年气候变暖,这已经造成了不利的变化对我们这个星球,”凯瑟琳说皮尔斯,气候活动家国际地球之友。“除非我们采取行动减少排放量,更糟糕的还在后头,谴责数百万在世界最贫穷的地区损失的生命,生计和家庭。气候变化不再是一个环境问题。这是一个迫在眉睫的人道主义灾难的威胁,最终我们的全球安全和生存减缓,适应和可持续发展 缓解个人,行业和政府可能能够阻止或减少一些对全球变暖的预期效果,根据IPCC(委员会)报告,但没有缓解的金额将防止在未来的影响大部分发生在报告中概述几十年。人类,其他物种一样,必须适应不断变化的世界。同时,该报告是很清楚的,不折不扣的“气候变化将在长期,可能超出自然的能力,管理和人类系统的适应” 缓解个人,行业和政府可能能够阻止或减少一些对全球变暖的预期效果,根据IPCC(委员会)报告,但没有缓解的金额将防止在未来的影响大部分发生在报告中概述几十年。人类,其他物种一样,必须适应不断变化的世界。同时,该报告是很清楚的,不折不扣的“气候变化将在长期,可能超出自然的能力,管理和人类系统的适应” 可持续发展也可以帮助限制全球气候变暖的影响,最有可能受到严重影响的地区,通过减少人的脆弱性和增加对这些地区的人生活在那里的适应性。不幸的是,可持续发展是没有得到广泛的实践和发展计划但是,全球变暖是不是一个静态的目标。气候变化继续增加,随着时间的推移,其影响不断积累和产生更加深远的影响。因此,我们的能力,以实现有效的减缓,适应和可持续发展,通过这些措施是为了帮助缓解全球变暖的影响可能会被削弱。解决这些全球性问题,需要发达国家的投资增加与全球结合的更加积极的努力这样可以么?
2023-07-27 13:08:491

global warming高二课文翻译选修8北京师大出版社

  您好,很高兴为您解答,不知道您要的是不是这篇文章的翻译。 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER — BUT DOES IT MATTER? 全球在变暖一一这会带来什么影响吗? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. 在20世纪期间,地球温度大约升了华氏1度。That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes.这个数值对你我来说很可能是无所谓的,但是跟其他自然变化相比较而言,这却是一种快速的增长。So how has this come about and does it matter? Earth Care"s Sophie Armstrong explores these questions.那么,这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢?会产生什么影响 呢? “关爱地球”组织的索菲·阿姆斯特朗就在探究这些问题。 There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问,地球是在变暖 ,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成的,并非是一种无规律的自然现象。 All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth"s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are called "greenhouse" gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: "There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the "greenhouse effect". This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. Without the "greenhouse effect", the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up."所有的科学家赞同这种观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤、天然气和石油等) ,从而引起了地球温度的升高。这个升温过程的一些副产品就叫做"温室"气体,其中最重要的就是二氧化碳。贾尼丝·福斯特博士解释说"有一种科学家称之为‘温室效应"的自然现象。这种现象发生在大气层中少量的气体(如二氧化碳、甲皖、水蒸汽等)吸收太阳的热量,因而使地球变暖。如果没有这种‘温室效应",地球的温度将比现在的温度还要低33摄氏度左右。因此,我们需要这些气体。当我们在大气层中增加了大量额外的二氧化碳时,问题就来了。这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升。" We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. He found that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million.我们知道,在过去100-150年期间,二氧化碳的含量急剧增加了。有一位名叫查尔斯·基林的科学家曾经把1957-1997年期间大气层中二氧化碳的含量作了精确的统计。他发现,在这些年里,大气层中 的二氧化碳含量从315/1000 000上升到370/1000 0000 All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. So how high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1,5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees.所有科学家都接受这个数据。他们还赞同下述观点,正是由于越来越多燃烧化石燃料导致了二氧化碳的增加。那么气温会升到多高?福斯特博士说,在今后的100年里,全球变暖的量可能低到1-1.5摄氏度, 但是也有可能高达5摄氏度。 However, the attitude of scientists towards this rise is completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, "We can"t predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious." Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view, believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. In fact, Hambley states, "More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals — all of which will make life for human beings better."然而,科学家们在对待升温的态度上却是大不相同的。一方面,福斯特博士认为气温升高5度的趋势可能是一场大灾难,她说"对于未来的气候,我们不可能作出精确的预测,但是那时的天气可能是很糟糕的。"同意她的观点的其他科学家认为,全球变暖会导致海平面上升好几米:也有人预言会出现严重的风暴、洪涝、干旱、饥荒、疫病和物种的绝灭。在另一方面,还有一些人,像科学家乔治·汉布利,反对上面的观点,他们认为我们不必担心空气中会有高含量的二氧化碳。他们预言说,变暖的情况不会很严重,对环境的影响也不会太坏。汉布利实际是这样说的: Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too great?"二氧化碳含量的增加实际上是件好事,它使植物成长更快,庄稼产量更高,还会促进动物的生长一一所有这些都能改善人类的生活。" 温室气体继续在大气层中聚集。即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在(未来)几十 年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。没有人知道全球变暖会带来什么样的影响。这是不是意味着我们就不必采取任何措施昵?还是说,这样不采取任何措施危险性会很大呢?
2023-07-27 13:09:231


global warming
2023-07-27 13:09:333

关于global warming

My suggested answer: Global warming is a growing problem in the world. Melting ice-caps in the Artics and Antartica, rising temperatures across the continents, increasing number of typhoons and tropical storms are just some of the effects of global warming. It must be realised that humans activities are the causes of global warming. The increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have rose at exponential rates. It is therefore our duty to save the earth. The task can be divided into a few levels: Individual level, national level and international level. Starting from the individual level, we can begin by minimising the amount of carbon dioxide by taking public transport instead of driving and using energy-efficient electrical appliances. At the national level, the government can probably limit the number of cars allowed on the roads by imposing fines on offenders and improving public transport systems. More trees can be planted too. Education to protect the environment should also be planned. At the international level, countries around the world can hold meetings and conferences and decide the steps to take to limit the CO2 levels. Economic sanctions can also be imposed on countries that have violated the rules. The Kyoto Protocol is one such example. It is important to cure the world, for the sake of ourselves and our descendants. We have to take action now.
2023-07-27 13:09:411

关于全球气温上升(global warming)的辩论文

但愿我们还来得及 气温再升1度 地球走向不归路 愈来愈热 伦敦、台北将成海底城 地球万年冰河正在快速融化。极区冰帽一个个在海洋中消失,没有了极冰,北极地区的原住民发现他们赖以维生的动物一去不返,北极熊和海豹的栖息地相继消失,甚至有北极熊淹死。没有了冰河,亚洲和南美就没有了淡水。一切要从地球的两极出发,尤其南极。冰天雪地的南极有二千公里长,这里的冰如果全部融化,地球的海平面将上升80公尺,伦敦、纽约、雪梨,台北、曼谷都将变海底城。其实,全球所有大城市都会泡在海水里。征兆不少,例如「南极半岛」(从南极伸向南美南端的那段陆地),气温过去50年来上升摄氏二度,是全球平均度的两倍。半岛上的冰河有87%正在消退。更重要的是南极冰棚每年平均变薄10公分。单是南极西侧冰棚融掉,全球海平面就可能上升5公尺。北极冰块过去20年薄了40%,目前估计每十年缩小8%,大约60年后,北极夏天将是无冰之地。夏季无冰,就不足以酝酿冬冰,恶性循环。冬冰不够,地球更暖。北极周边地带,如西伯利亚和阿拉斯加,已感觉到气温上升的冲击,冻原的永冻层开始缩小,冻原的南界逐渐往北撤退。冬季本来白雪耀目的阿尔卑斯山许多地方,今年要过一个「绿色耶诞」:无雪的耶诞。很多雪场为了吸引观光客,用造雪机来造雪。气温再上升1度 地球走向不归路 国航太总署 (NASA)的「哥达德太空研究所」说,今天的地球是一万年来最热的,人类已经走到一道关键门槛面前:温度只要再上升摄氏一度,地球就要走过不归路,变成我们不认识的另一个星球。过去30年,地球表面温度平均每十年上升摄氏0.2度,而高纬度地带暖化最快,尤其是邻近北极的西伯利亚和北美北缘。要是维持今天的二氧化碳排放速率,过不了多久,高纬地带的生态系统就要开始崩坏不可收拾,然后带著全球走上不归路。用实际的气候变化来说,比较可解:1982年开始卫星观察以来,西伯利亚春季提早两天,阿拉斯加则比1950年提早二周。芬兰暖冬 候鸟昏头不南飞 北欧国家芬兰今年十二月气候异常温暖,把许多鸟类都搞糊涂了。专家指出,早该南飞过冬的候鸟不但有许多还逗留在当地,有的甚至飞走后又飞了回来。还有不少小鸟误以为现在是春季,提早好几个月大唱求偶之歌。●绣眼画眉还在繁殖●温度高病媒蚊不死●蟒蛇蠕动忘了冬眠●近来每10年增加0.24度●病原增加植物易死台湾夏天 可能飙到40度「全球暖化,台湾完全不能幸免!」台湾大学大气科学系教授许晃雄忧心忡忡地说。他表示,过去100年全球平均温度上升了0.6度,未来的100年(到2100年),会因暖化速度加快,全球平均温度会快速上升1.5至5.8度,温度上升的速度增为3到10倍。其中,台湾的平均温度又比全球平均温度,再高出1至1.4度。台湾的暖化现象,不只发生在都会区,连玉山、东吉岛等无明显开发地区,也有显著的暖化现象。许晃雄说,温度上升,会影响天气,让天气产生变化。台风多,雨量大,有些地区会发生水灾,或是不下雨造成干旱,海平面上升,台湾西部沿海低洼地区海水倒灌,也会影响到自然生态。他估计,台湾夏季高温的天数会愈来愈多,秋天、冬天会不冷,冬天冷的天数会减少。夏季高温会从以往的28度、38度,未来更可能会飙到40度以上。民众要注意热衰竭的问题,但冬衣可能卖不出去。许晃雄表示,2003年的热浪,让欧洲地区三万多个老先生、老太太因热衰竭而死亡。台湾地区天气炎热,民众虽可以躲进冷气房,没有直接威胁,但仍是警讯。何况,冷气开愈多,代表燃媒、石油燃烧愈多,人类制造的温室气体愈多,全球暖化的问题会愈严重。
2023-07-27 13:09:591

急‘谁能帮我翻译一下global warming这篇文章啊‘‘

Gbal 温暖是真正的和进行中。 主流科学公众舆论在全球性变暖变得更加清楚每day;change 在我们的气候是真正的并且他们是进行中Since 20 世纪的初期, 地球的卑鄙表面温度由大约1.1f(0.6 增加了摄氏度).在过去40 年期间, 温度被0.5F(0.2-0.3 大约增加了摄氏度)Warming 在20 世纪任何时候是大于在过去400-600 年期间。 几年在20 世纪发生在90 年代由于一个最强的El Ninos.1998 的七十warmesi 是最热的年因为可靠的温度测量开始了。 另外, 变化在自然环境上支持使兴奋地球的事实; 山giaciers 后退; 冰在Arctic 丢失了大约40% 厚度过去四十年; 全球性海平面快速地上升了大约三次过去100 年与早先3,000 年比较; 有显示植物和动物改变他们的rangeandbehavior 以回应shifte 在气候研究的增加。
2023-07-27 13:10:105


Global Warming At present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming. It"s very serious, but many people can"t recognize that because the only think about themselves. They don"t mind the climate becoming warmer. They don"t mind the ice melting. They don"t mind how many animals become extinct. They don"t mind how many coastal cities become flooded . They don"t mind…… They are wrong. Global warming can have many strong influences for us. For example: Global warming will make trouble with physiology. People will become more easily ill and even breed new diseases. People will pay more and more money for health care but more and more people die. No amount of money or even the best doctors, wll not be able to save your life. Even if you aren"t dying, you will feel sad and alone. So many relatives and friends" death will make you want to kill yourself. Global warming will give the air and ocean huge power. Thus making large or even super typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis and other disasters. Many houses will be destroyed. Many place will flood. We will be faced with more and more disasters, damning more and more money and life. Rising temperatures will not only create higher sea level, but also will cause droughts. Large-scale areas will become arid and thus food production will be less. We will be without food. People around the world will face food shortages and more and more war will happen for food. If temperatures continue to rise, animals will come out of hibernation early, but will not have the food supply necessary to survive. For example: Insects will eat a lot of forests and crops with no natural enemies. Without forests, global warming will become more and more sercious, creating a vicious cycle. No crops, means no human food. The greatest of global warming is at ice age like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, this is a scenario that take place. So we must do something to avoid these things from happening. First, we should use more and more clean energy and less oil and coal. Second, we should go to work by bus or on foot instead of driving. Third, we should plant more trees. The most important point is we should make a habit of saving energy in everyday life. 绝对是原创,你可以从我这400多字里选选改改,变成成自己的 第一段是原因,最后一段是因该怎么做,120词的话,你也可以就看看这两段麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-27 13:10:441


全球变暖(The Global Warming) People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的) winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg. The side effects of global warming are alarminS. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风). People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming. To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.
2023-07-27 13:10:551


Global WarmingAt present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming.It"s very serious, but many people can"t recognize that because the only think about themselves. They don"t mind the climate becoming warmer. They don"t mind the ice melting. They don"t mind how many animals become extinct. They don"t mind how many coastal cities become flooded . They don"t mind……They are wrong. Global warming can have many strong influences for us. For example:Global warming will make trouble with physiology. People will become more easily ill and even breed new diseases. People will pay more and more money for health care but more and more people die. No amount of money or even the best doctors, wll not be able to save your life. Even if you aren"t dying, you will feel sad and alone. So many relatives and friends" death will make you want to kill yourself.Global warming will give the air and ocean huge power. Thus making large or even super typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis and other disasters. Many houses will be destroyed. Many place will flood. We will be faced with more and more disasters, damning more and more money and life.Rising temperatures will not only create higher sea level, but also will cause droughts. Large-scale areas will become arid and thus food production will be less. We will be without food. People around the world will face food shortages and more and more war will happen for food.If temperatures continue to rise, animals will come out of hibernation early, but will not have the food supply necessary to survive. For example: Insects will eat a lot of forests and crops with no natural enemies. Without forests, global warming will become more and more sercious, creating a vicious cycle. No crops, means no human food.The greatest of global warming is at ice age like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, this is a scenario that take place.So we must do something to avoid these things from happening. First, we should use more and more clean energy and less oil and coal. Second, we should go to work by bus or on foot instead of driving. Third, we should plant more trees. The most important point is we should make a habit of saving energy in everyday life.
2023-07-27 13:11:041

college education global warming什么情况下加the

the是定冠词,一般用于上文提到的事物;或上文为提到,但听话者一定知其所指的事物;也常用于天体,地点,方位,时间,比较级,最高级,序数词,集体名词,专有名词,物质名词前;当可数名词代表一类人或事物时也用the.二你说的college education可意为“大学教育”,不符合语法global warming固定用法,不加定冠词.动名词前可以加定冠词.定冠词the还可用在部分动名词前,即用在“do the(some)+ V-ing”结构中.常见词组有:do the reading(看书),do the cooking(做饭),do the cleaning(打扫),do the washing(洗衣服)等.例如:She often does the washing on Sundays.她常在星期天洗衣服.Do you usually do the cleaning?你经常打扫卫生吗?
2023-07-27 13:11:111


Global warming has quickly become one of the most heated issues. With the development of the economic, the emission of the green house gas, consisting of about 70% carbon dioxide, has been increased, attributing greatly to the global warming. Global warming is the slow and steady increase in the temperature of earth and its atmosphere. The increase in the temperature of earth has caused many effects like the melting of ice in Polar Regions, increase in disease occurrences, drastic climatic changes and rise of the sea level.As the effects of global warming is becoming more and more evident, many of us have started to realize that steps have to be taken to control Global warming, such as the usage of clean energy resources and the alternative of motor.
2023-07-27 13:11:191

global warming 为什么不加the

专有名词前面不用加the的。在这里global warming 就是一个专有名词。像China这个词的用法一样的呀,呵呵
2023-07-27 13:12:111


全球增温 引言 地球表面的温度及气候由太阳辐射决定,地球从太阳吸收的能量必须与地球和大气层向外释放的辐射能量相平衡,地球的温度才能稳定在一定范围内。为了维持这种平衡,地球上的外释能量(长波辐射)的一部份由辐射性的大气层气体(即温室气体)吸收并再反射回地球,进而减少向外层空间的能量净排放,这就是温室效应。藉著此种自然的温室效应,维持地表之温度,是地球温暖化的原理。 温室效应所造成的影响 人类活动一方面大量排放二氧化碳,特别是自工业革命以来,矿物燃料使用量不断大幅度增加,另一方面,又大量地毁坏森林、草原,使地球正在不断地失去二氧化碳储备库,大气中温室气体的浓度正在迅速增加,使地球向外释放能量减缓,造成不正常的温室效应。近年来由于人类经济活动的快速成长,所制造之化学品及产生的空气污染,正以空前未有之速度改变大气的结构。其中特别是化石燃料燃烧后所产生之CO2气体,大量排放进入大气后,吸收地表之长波辐射,造成之人为温室效应使地表温度逐渐增加。 气候转变:「全球变暖」 温室气体浓度的增加会减少红外线辐射放射到太空外,地球吸取和释放辐射的份量要达至新的平衡,气候无可避免地被转变。这转变可包括‘全球性"的地球表面及大气低层变暖,因为这样可以将过剩的辐射排放出外。 地球表面温度的少许上升可能会引发其他的变动,例如:大气层云量及环流的转变。当中某些转变可使地面变暖加剧(正反馈),某些则可令变暖过程减慢(负反馈)。 不正常的温室效应是引起全球气候变化的一个重要原因,而最主要在于地球上过量的二氧化碳,过去100年地球表面温度已上升0.3~0.6,当然学术界对此还有分歧,但多数人认为,全球变暖将给人类造成极严重的社会问题。 图片参考:resources.emb/biology/english/images/environment/rainbow 海平面升高 不正常的温室效应的直接危害在于它使全球的气温升高。二氧化碳浓度增加一倍,将会使全球平均温度增加1.5~7℃,高纬度地区增加4~10℃,这样迅速升高的温度将会引起地球上的冰川融化,导至海洋平面上升,使许多沿海城市遭受灭顶之灾。 假若‘全球变暖"正在发生,有两种过程会导致海平面升高。第一种是海水受热膨胀令水平面上升。第二种是冰川和格陵兰及南极洲上的冰块溶解使海洋水份增加。预期到2100年时地球的平均海平面将有50厘米的升幅,其准确范围可在15至95厘米之间。 虽然,至目前为止,仅增加少许温度(过去100年只增加0.3℃至0.6℃),海平面则持续上升(10至15公分)。工业革命后CO2浓度增加28%,如果不限制温室气体的排放,根据现时的气候模式推算,在1990至2100年间全球的平均气温会上升2℃。这预计已考虑到大气层中悬浮粒子倾于对地球气候降温的效应与及海洋吸收热能的作用(海洋有较大的热容量)。但是,还有很多未确定的因素会影响这个推算结果,例如:未来温室气体排放量的预计、对气候转变的各种反馈过程和海洋吸热的幅度等等。估计这结果的准确范围介乎1℃至3.5℃之间。海平面将上升15至95公分,此种温室效应对于整个生态环境(包括地球、海洋与人类的经济、社会等)及全球气候,将有深远而不可知之影响。   对人类生活的潜在影响 经济影响 全球有超过一半人口居住在沿海100公里的范围以内,其中大部份住在海港附近的城市区域。所以,海平面的显著上升对沿岸低洼地区及海岛会造成严重的经济损害,例如:加速沿岸沙滩被海水的冲蚀、地下淡水被上升的海水推向更远的内陆地方。 农业影响 实验证明在CO2高浓度的环境下,植物会生长得更快速和高大。但是,‘全球变暖"的结果会影响大气环流,继而改变全球的雨量分布与及各大洲表面土壤的含水量。由于未能清楚了解‘全球变暖"对各地区性气候的影响,以致对植物生态所产生的转变亦未能确定。 海洋生态影响 沿岸沼泽地区消失肯定会令鱼类,尤其是贝壳类的数量减少。河口水质变咸会减少淡水鱼的品种数目,相反该地区海洋鱼类的品种也可能相对增多。至于整体海洋生态所受的影响仍未能清楚知道。 图片参考:resources.emb/biology/english/images/environment/starfish 水循环影响 全球降雨量可能会增加。但是,地区性降雨量的改变则仍未知道。某些地区会有更多雨量,但有些地区的雨量可能会减少。此外,温度的提高会增加水份的蒸发,这对地面上水源的运用带来压力。 图片参考:resources.emb/biology/english/images/environment/env7 图片参考:resources.emb/biology/english/images/environment/falls02 全球气候变化纲要公约 联合国于1992年5月9日通过「气候变化纲要公约」(Framework Convention On Climate Change,FCCC),6月在里约的「地球高峰会议」上,l55个国家签署此公约,公约于l994年3月21日生效。目前已有170个缔约国认可。 据科学家周二说,因全球暖化引起而造成的疟疾、营养不良等效应,使得每年约有16万人丧生﹔到2020年,这个数字将可能倍增。 到本世纪末为止,全世界气温将提高摄氏2.4到4.4度。这种气温升高将使南北极冰山融化,一些大小岛屿会沉没,西伯利亚冻原区成为沼泽地。而发生生态变化引起水灾与旱灾等天然灾难!(最后人类玩完!科学家话2040年...南北极冰山融哂!) 等阵我用我个后备ac...帮你补充下问题!! Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth"s atmosphere and oce in recent decades. The Earth"s average near-surface atmospheric temperature rose 0.6 ± 0.2 °Celsius (1.1 ± 0.4 °Fahrenheit) in the 20th century. The prevailing scientific opinion on climate change is that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities". The increased amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the primary causes of the human-induced ponent of warming[2]. They are released by the burning of fossil fuels land clearing and agriculture e and lead to an increase in the greenhouse effect. The first speculation that a greenhouse effect might occur was by the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius in 1897 although it did not bee a topic of popular debate until some 90 years later. [3] An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes including a rising sea level and changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation. These changes may increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as floods droughts heat waves hurricanes and tornados. Other consequences include higher or lower agricultural yields glacial retreat reduced summer stream flows species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Warming is expected to affect the number and magnitude of these events; however it is difficult to connect particular events to global warming. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100 warming (and sea level rise due to thermal expion) is expected to continue past then since CO2 has an estimated atmospheric lifetime of 50 to 200 years. [5]. Only a *** all minority of climate scientists discount the role that humanity"s actions have played in recent warming. However the uncertainty is more significant regarding how much climate change should be expected in the future and there is a hotly contested political and public debate over what if anything should be done to reduce or reverse future warming and how to deal with the predicted consequences. Because the limitation of words at 4000 for more information please go this website: en. *** /wiki/Global_warming 2007-01-20 15:18:11 补充: 上面的回答者,你好像没有回答到发问者要求的英文答案(this is eng project)啊。 参考:
2023-07-27 13:12:301


Global WarmingAt present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming.It"s very serious, but many people can"t recognize that because the only think about themselves. They don"t mind the climate becoming warmer. They don"t mind the ice melting. They don"t mind how many animals become extinct. They don"t mind how many coastal cities become flooded . They don"t mind……They are wrong. Global warming can have many strong influences for us. For example:Global warming will make trouble with physiology. People will become more easily ill and even breed new diseases. People will pay more and more money for health care but more and more people die. No amount of money or even the best doctors, wll not be able to save your life. Even if you aren"t dying, you will feel sad and alone. So many relatives and friends" death will make you want to kill yourself.Global warming will give the air and ocean huge power. Thus making large or even super typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis and other disasters. Many houses will be destroyed. Many place will flood. We will be faced with more and more disasters, damning more and more money and life.Rising temperatures will not only create higher sea level, but also will cause droughts. Large-scale areas will become arid and thus food production will be less. We will be without food. People around the world will face food shortages and more and more war will happen for food.If temperatures continue to rise, animals will come out of hibernation early, but will not have the food supply necessary to survive. For example: Insects will eat a lot of forests and crops with no natural enemies. Without forests, global warming will become more and more sercious, creating a vicious cycle. No crops, means no human food.The greatest of global warming is at ice age like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, this is a scenario that take place.So we must do something to avoid these things from happening. First, we should use more and more clean energy and less oil and coal. Second, we should go to work by bus or on foot instead of driving. Third, we should plant more trees. The most important point is we should make a habit of saving energy in everyday life.绝对是原创,你可以从我这400多字里选选改改,变成成自己的 第一段是原因,最后一段是因该怎么做,120词的话,你也可以就看看这两段
2023-07-27 13:13:033

一篇英语文章:global warming.句子简单点.

The Global Warming People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years.Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的) winters.Drought lasts longer in some dry areas.People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg. The side effects of global warming are alarminS.A warmer global climate melts the ice caps,raising sea levels.What is more,it disturbs weather patterns,causing droughts,severe storms,hurricanes (飓风).People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming. To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts.We hope the situation will soon change.Global warming catches and holds our concern,for it affects us and will affect our later generations.We cannot wait any longer.Do it.Do it right.Do it right now.
2023-07-27 13:13:111


全球气候变暖是一种自然现象。由于人们焚烧石燃料,如石油,煤炭等,或砍伐森林并将其焚烧时会产生大量的二氧化碳,即温室气体,这些温室气体对来自太阳辐射的可见光具有高度透过性,而对地球发射出来的长波辐射具有高度吸收性,能强烈吸收地面辐射中的红外线,导致地球温度上升,即温室效应。而当温室效应不断积累,导致地气系统吸收与发射的能量不平衡,能量不断在地气系统累积,从而导致温度上升,造成全球气候变暖这一现象。全球变暖会使全球降水量重新分配、冰川和冻土消融、海平面上升等,不仅危害自然生态系统的平衡,还威胁人类的生存。Global warming is a natural phenomenon. Because people burning fossil fuel, such as oil, coal, or deforestation and the burning will produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas, these greenhouse gases on the radiation from the sun visible light has high permeability, and the long wave radiation emitted from the earth with a highly absorbent, can strongly absorb infrared radiation on the ground, resulting in the earth"s temperature to rise, the greenhouse effect. And when the greenhouse effect will continue to accumulate, resulting in gas absorption and emission of energy balance, energy accumulation in the earth atmosphere system, resulting in rising temperature, resulting in the phenomenon of global warming. Global warming will make the global distribution of precipitation, glaciers and permafrost melting, sea level rise, not only endanger the balance of natural ecosystems, but also threaten the survival of mankind.另一方面,由于陆地温室气体排放造成大陆气温升高,与海洋温差变小,近而造成了空气流动减慢,雾霾无法短时间被吹散,造成很多城市雾霾天气增多,影响人类健康。汽车限行,暂停生产等措施只有短期和局部效果,并不能从根本上改变气候变暖和雾霾污染。On the other hand, due to land caused by greenhouse gas emissions, temperatures, and ocean temperature difference smaller, nearly caused by the air flow is decelerated haze to short time were blown, resulting in an increase in the many urban haze weather, affecting human health. Auto limit line, suspension of production and other measures only short-term and local effects, and can not fundamentally change the climate warming and the fog and haze pollution.
2023-07-27 13:13:311

关于global warning英语的作文

Global Warming At present,with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer.CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases.It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming. It"s very serious,but many people can"t recognize that because the only think about themselves.They don"t mind the climate becoming warmer.They don"t mind the ice melting.They don"t mind how many animals become extinct.They don"t mind how many coastal cities become flooded .They don"t mind…… They are wrong.Global warming can have many strong influences for us.For example: Global warming will make trouble with physiology.People will become more easily ill and even breed new diseases.People will pay more and more money for health care but more and more people die.No amount of money or even the best doctors,wll not be able to save your life.Even if you aren"t dying,you will feel sad and alone.So many relatives and friends" death will make you want to kill yourself. Global warming will give the air and ocean huge power.Thus making large or even super typhoons,hurricanes,tsunamis and other disasters.Many houses will be destroyed.Many place will flood.We will be faced with more and more disasters,damning more and more money and life. Rising temperatures will not only create higher sea level,but also will cause droughts.Large-scale areas will become arid and thus food production will be less.We will be without food.People around the world will face food shortages and more and more war will happen for food. If temperatures continue to rise,animals will come out of hibernation early,but will not have the food supply necessary to survive.For example:Insects will eat a lot of forests and crops with no natural enemies.Without forests,global warming will become more and more sercious,creating a vicious cycle.No crops,means no human food. The greatest of global warming is at ice age like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”,this is a scenario that take place. So we must do something to avoid these things from happening.First,we should use more and more clean energy and less oil and coal.Second,we should go to work by bus or on foot instead of driving.Third,we should plant more trees.The most important point is we should make a habit of saving energy in everyday life.
2023-07-27 13:13:381


2023-07-27 13:13:463


Global warming mainly is caused by animal livestock industry, which produce the biggest methane on this planet. Not only produce methane, animal livestock also the main reason why the world forest is being cut in large capacity. So if we want to stop global warming, the most powerful and fastest way is by being vegan organic. This way, we don"t depend on animal life anymore, so there"s no need for people to raise animal livestock. Vegan organic is a healhty, loving, sustainable lifestyle which can be adopted by us, in order to make a better life, in order to save this planet. Vegan organic can stop global warming, not just slow down. Animal livestock industry is the main cause of global warming, the biggest methane producer. Methane is tens way stronger than CO2, so don"t just think that CO2 is the only troublemaker. If we want to stop it, we have to stop from the main problem. Of course, cope with industrial waste, transportation polution, wasting nature resources are also needed. But it"s not the main solutions. These are just a side effects of global warming. For example, when we got fever, we also got a cough, our eyes felt burnt and hot, our body felt weak. Fever is the main problem, while cough, burnt eyes, weak body are just the side effect. If we take cough medicine, drop a cooling water into the eyes, these will not stop the fever. But if we take fever medicine, not only the fever will be gone, but the cough, eyes burnt and weakness will also be gone. The same logic, if we want to stop global warming, we need to look at the main cause, main problem; not just the side effect. Then, we can take action on it, by being VEGAN ORGANIC.
2023-07-27 13:14:041


consequence of globle warming
2023-07-27 13:14:152


1.Dramatic increase in the population factor is the dramatic increase in population in recent years leading to global warming one of the main factors.Besides,it has also seriously Adversity rib natural balance between ecological environment.So much of the population,only their annual emissions of carbon dioxide will be a staggering figure,and the results will direct derivative of the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continued to increase,this form of carbon dioxide "greenhouse effect" will be a direct impact on the surface of the Earth climate change. 2.Atmospheric pollution factors Currently,the increasingly serious environmental pollution has posed a major global problem,but also lead to global warming one of the main factors.Now,with regard to the study of global climate change has been clearly pointed out that since the late 1990s from the Earth"s surface temperature has started to rise. 3.Marine ecological deterioration factors Currently,sea level change is a constant upward trend,according to experts predicted that the middle of the next century,the sea level could rise 50 cm.And if they do not take measures will lead directly to the destruction of freshwater resources and pollution adverse consequences.In addition,the land-based activities have a large number of establishments toxic chemical wastes and solid wastes discharged into the ocean,and so constantly; occurred in a major Chinese seawater (leakage) as well as oil and other incidents caused by human activities in coastal areas,environmental degradation and so on that led to the destruction of water ecological environment a major factor. 4.Land by erosion,desertification,and other factors destruction 5.Factors sharp decline of forest resources in the world,due to natural or man-made factors causing forest area is substantially sharp decline. 6.Factors acid rain acid rain harm to the ecological environment has been the impact brought about by more and more world attention.Acid rain can damage forests,acid lakes,threaten biological.At present,the world of acid rain and more concentrated in Europe and North America,acid rain occurred in most developed countries,some developing countries,acid rain is also growing rapidly and development. 7.Accelerate the extinction of species on Earth biological factors is a valuable human resources,and biodiversity is mankind"s survival and development.But now the biological species on Earth are being lost at unprecedented rates. 8.Water pollution factors According to the Global Environment Monitoring System show that the water quality monitoring project,the world about 10% of the water pollution monitoring,in this century,human beings are the sharp increase in water consumption,water pollution and the scale is constantly expanding,fresh water on the formation and the need for the one pair of contradictions.Clearly,the treatment of water pollution is very urgent and important. 9.Toxic waste pollution factors growing toxic chemicals not only for the survival of mankind pose a serious threat,but also for the ecological environment of the Earth"s surface will also bring harm.
2023-07-27 13:14:241


Global Warming 全球暖化 温室效应导致全球变暖 global warming“温室效应”是指地球大气层上的一种物理特性。假若没有大气层,地球表面的平均温度不会是现在合宜的15℃,而是十分低的-18℃。这种温度上的差别是由温室气体导致的,这些气体吸收红外线辐射而影响到地球整体的能量平衡。受到温室气体的 影响,大气层吸收红外线辐射的份量比它释放到太空外的垛,这使地球表面温度上升,这个过程就是“天然的温室效应”。但由于人类活动释放出大量的温室气体,结果让更多红外线辐射被折射到地面上,加强了“温室效应”的作用。 全球变暖是目前全球环境研究的一个主要议题。根据对100多份全球温度变化资料的系统分析,发现全球平均温度已升高0.3~0.6摄氏度。其中11个最暖的年份发生在80年代中期以后,因而全球变暖是一个毋庸置疑的事实。全球变暖将带来非常严重的后果,如冰川消退、海平面上升、荒漠化等等,还给生态系统、农业生产带来严重影响。全球变暖现象最终可能会导致全球变冷,形成另一次冰河时代。就像我们在美国电影《后天》里面看到的可怕情景。 因此,探求全球变暖的起因成为重要的研究课题。分析表明,虽然地球演化史上曾经多次发生变暖--变冷的气候波动,但人类活动引起的大气温室效应增长可能是主要因素。 各国政府、企业和科学家们逐步达成共识,大家必须迅速行动起来,与气候变化作斗争。目前人们已经采取措施限制二氧化碳的排放量。许多公司正积极应对二氧化碳限排时代的到来。Global Warming 全球暖化 温室效应导致全球变暖 According to the National Academy of Sciences, the Earth"s surface temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The heat-trapping property of these gases is undisputed although uncertainties exist about exactly how earth"s climate responds to them. Energy from the sun drives the earth"s weather and climate, and heats the earth"s surface; in turn, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, trap some of the outgoing energy, retaining heat somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse. Without this natural "greenhouse effect," temperatures would be much lower than they are now, and life as known today would not be possible. Instead, thanks to greenhouse gases, the earth"
2023-07-27 13:14:451


【 #英语资源# 导语】全球气候变暖是一种自然现象。由人类的一切所作所为产生的二氧化碳,即温室气体。加快全球变暖速度。下面是由 为大家精心整理的关于全球变暖初中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。 【篇一】全球变暖初中英语作文   Recently,global warming has become a hot topic among people. It results from serious airpollution. As the environmental pollution is more and more strict, thetemperature of all the world has dramatic increased. Gradually, some disastersuch as drought, floodandGlaciers Melting follow. How terrible it is! Therefore,we need to protect our earth and fight against the disaster together.We shouldstart from the trivial side. Making contribution to protecting our home.   近年来,全球气候变暖已成为人们关注的热门话题。它源于严重的空气污染。随着环境污染的日趋严峻,世界上的气温都急剧增加。渐渐地,一些灾害,如干旱,洪水和冰川融化接窘而来。多么可怕啊!我们要一起保护我们的地球和与灾难作斗争。我们应该从身边的小事做起。为了保护我们的家园作出贡献。 【篇二】全球变暖初中英语作文   With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. It has harmful effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike.   随着经济的发展,更多的温室气体被排放到大气中。二氧化碳占大约70%的温室气体,这已经可以认定为导致全球变暖的最主要的原因之一。全球变暖会带来诸多负面影响,造成海平面上升,带来许多自然灾害。   So we must take effective measures to save our planet. First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. Second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible.   因此,我们必须采取有效措施,来拯救我们的地球。首先,我们应更多地使用清洁能源,减少煤和石油使用。其次,如果可能的话,我们应该步行上班,或者是搭乘公交车,以此来取代开私家车。   Third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen. More importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.   第三点,我们应该种植更多的树,因为植物是可以将二氧化碳转化为氧气(Joozone Note|oxygen:氧气)的。更主要的是,我们应该在日常生活当中养成一个节约能源的好习惯。 【篇三】全球变暖初中英语作文   With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. It has harmful effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike. So we must take effective measures to save our planet. First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. Second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible. Third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen. More importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.   随着经济的发展,越来越多的温室气体被排放到空气中。二氧化碳占大约70%的温室气体,这被认为是全球变暖的原因之一。它有不良影响,导致海平面上升,许多自然灾害袭击。所以我们必须采取有效措施来拯救我们的地球。首先,我们应该用更清洁能源和减少煤和石油。第二,我们应该步行去上班或者乘公共汽车而不是驾驶汽车,如果可能的话。第三,我们应该种植更多的树,因为植物可以把二氧化碳转化为氧气。更重要的是,我们应该养成节约能源的好习惯在我们的日常生活中。 【篇四】全球变暖初中英语作文   Environmental Protection   No one,regardless of race, religion or nationality, can deny that the world we live in is becoming increasingly intolerable because of the effects of global warming. According to many experts, even greater impacts are still on the way.   There are numerous causes for this problem. On one hand, human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, and will in the future cause, significant global warming according to the theory. On the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the   It is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away. First, more trees need to be planted to help improve and beautify the environment. Besides, stricter laws concerning global warming and irresponsible use of fuel resources have to be put into effect and achieved good results. In a word, there is a long way to go before we can take a comfortable world for granted again .
2023-07-27 13:14:521

关于global warning英语的作文

Global WarmingAt present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming.It"s very serious, but many people can"t recognize that because the only think about themselves. They don"t mind the climate becoming warmer. They don"t mind the ice melting. They don"t mind how many animals become extinct. They don"t mind how many coastal cities become flooded . They don"t mind……They are wrong. Global warming can have many strong influences for us. For example:Global warming will make trouble with physiology. People will become more easily ill and even breed new diseases. People will pay more and more money for health care but more and more people die. No amount of money or even the best doctors, wll not be able to save your life. Even if you aren"t dying, you will feel sad and alone. So many relatives and friends" death will make you want to kill yourself.Global warming will give the air and ocean huge power. Thus making large or even super typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis and other disasters. Many houses will be destroyed. Many place will flood. We will be faced with more and more disasters, damning more and more money and life.Rising temperatures will not only create higher sea level, but also will cause droughts. Large-scale areas will become arid and thus food production will be less. We will be without food. People around the world will face food shortages and more and more war will happen for food.If temperatures continue to rise, animals will come out of hibernation early, but will not have the food supply necessary to survive. For example: Insects will eat a lot of forests and crops with no natural enemies. Without forests, global warming will become more and more sercious, creating a vicious cycle. No crops, means no human food.The greatest of global warming is at ice age like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, this is a scenario that take place.So we must do something to avoid these things from happening. First, we should use more and more clean energy and less oil and coal. Second, we should go to work by bus or on foot instead of driving. Third, we should plant more trees. The most important point is we should make a habit of saving energy in everyday life.
2023-07-27 13:15:001


2023-07-27 13:15:101


Global WarmingThere is little doubt that the planet is warming. Over the last century, the planets temperature has risen by around 1 degree fahrenheit (0.6 of a degree celsius). The warmest since the mid 1800"s was the 1990s. The hottest years recorded were 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003. The United Nations panel on climate change projects that the global temperatures will rise 3-10 degrees fahrenheit by the century"s end - enough to have the polar caps all but melted. If the ice caps melt, a vast majority of our countries borders will be under water. Monuments and great buildings, as well as homes and lives will be under water, including New York City.So now we know what some of the causes are for global warming, how can we as individuals do our part to help save the planet?The answer is simpler than you may think. You don"t have to go miles away from home to protest, or spend masses of money. If you try to follow the few simple steps that I shall now give you, you will have started to help us all.Firstly, plant a tree. This could be easier than it sounds. Join or help out a local wildlife group and ask to plant a tree. Trees, when fully grown, will help keep the planet cooler. On the same point, you could protest against the demolition of the rainforests. This is the same principle, we need the trees to cool our planet and yet they are chopping them down to create roads or homes.Something as simple as walking instead of taking the car will help reduce pollution. As well as stopping pollution, you are giving yourself exercise, something important for our bodies. So the next time you get into your car, or your motorbike, think - do I have to make this journey by vehicle or can I walk?When you are at home, and your getting a little cold. Put a jumper on and do not adjust the heating. The extra heat produced by our homes also affects the planet. So try wearing an extra layer in winter.If possible, buy your fruit and vegetables from local suppliers. And try to avoid imported goods. The more foreign food that we import the more pollution from aeroplanes and boats it will create.Keeping to the speed limit can also help the environment. The more you speed the more petrol you are going to use, making the pollution higher. Also, SUV"s make about six times their own weight in CO2 each year. A small efficient diesel car covering the same distance not only uses much less fuel; it makes two thirds less.If possible use solar energy, after all it is free; all you need to buy is the equipment. You can get much of your hot water and heating from the sun and even generate electricity. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Only buy what you need; don"t stock the cupboards with things you may or may not use. Reuse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse. It really is as simple as that.Finally turning off unused sources of power such as televisions and heaters will help the environment, as well as save you money.If everybody stuck to these rules, we would be doing a great thing by protecting the earth. So please take into consideration what I have said, and try to do your part. After all, it will be our next generation that will feel the effects.
2023-07-27 13:15:201

Global warming will threaten not only people in

选择:those解析:those 指代与上文同类的 people。〔参考译文〕 全球变暖不仅危及到发达国家的人民,也会危及到发展中国家的人民。
2023-07-27 13:15:281


What can we do about global warming?Science suggests that to mitigate the human contribution to global warming, we should reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. Because some additional warming is inevitable—even if we achieve significant greenhouse gas reductions quickly—we should make plans to adapt to coming climate change. If we are unable to control emissions and/or adapt to unavoidable changes quickly enough, a carefully selected geoengineering strategy could conceivably provide an emergency stopgap to slow global warming. As yet, however, several of the strategies being discussed are very risky and unproven.Controlling EmissionsControlling emissions is a large, complex, and potentially expensive problem that no single strategy will solve. On the other hand, the costs of uncontrolled global warming will probably also be significant. Many economists have concluded that putting existing scientific and technological strategies into place and developing new ones may stimulate the economy, and would also generate significant near-term benefits in public health through air pollution reduction.
2023-07-27 13:15:381


Global warming may or not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but—regardless of weather it is or isn"t— we won"t do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed. 全球变暖有可能是21世纪巨大的环境危机,也有可能不是,但是无论它是或不是我们对此都无能为力。我们会争论不休,作为一个国家,或许会做出一些听起来相当认真的来避免这一危机。但是这些看起来越是令人印象深刻、越是有意义,就越是不太可能被遵守。 Al Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth,” as if merely recognizing it could put in on a path to a solution. But the real truth is that we don"t know enough to believe global warming, and — with our major technological breakthroughs — we can"t do much about it. Al Gore 称全球变暖是一个“让人感到麻烦的事实”,似乎只要认识到它的存在就可以把我们带往一条解决问题的途经上去。但是真正的事实是,我们没有掌握足够的知识去缓解全球变暖,并且如果没有重大的技术突破,我们对此也束手无策。 No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on electricity usage, driving and travel)that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show they"re “doing something”. Consider the Kyoto Protocol. It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn"t. But it hasn"t reduced CO? emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories didn"t adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008 — 2012 targets. 没有哪个政府会对经济增长和个人自由(限制电力的使用,驾驶和旅游)采取严格的限制令,虽然这样的限制可以缓解全球变暖。即便事实如此,执政者们还是想表明他们在“采取措施”。就拿《京都协议》来说吧,它允许其成员国惩罚非成员国。但是它并没有起到减少二氧化碳的排放量(自从1990年以来上升了25%)的作用,并且,许多签字国并没有采取足够严格的政策来尽力完成他们所制定的2008—2012年度的目标。 The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology. Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it. 比较实际的结论是,如果全球变暖是一个潜在的灾难,那么的解决办法就是新技术。只有积极进取的研究开发项目才可能会找到办法打破我们对于化石燃料的依赖,或者找到应对这一难题的办法。 The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when it"s really engineering one. The inconvenient truth is that if we don"t solve the engineering problem, we"re helpless. 全球变暖这场辩论所存在的问题是,它本是一个技术问题,却都已经变成了一个道德问题。这个被忽视的真相就是,如果不能解决这个技术问题,我们将对此束手无策。 英语单词词汇整理: 1. solemn adj.严肃的,庄重的 eg:His solemn little face broke into smiles. 他那严肃的小脸绽开了笑容。 短语 solemn promise 庄严 ; 誓言 ; 郑重 ; 庄严的誓言 solemn profession 终身圣愿 ; 隆重终身圣愿 solemn serious 岸然 2. commitment n. ,托付 eg: They made a commitment to peace. 他们要维护和平。 短语: commitment fee 承担费;费;承约费 loan commitment 贷款;货款;放款;贷款委托书 Service commitment 服务;效劳许诺 Management commitment 管理;管理委员会;管理的 Commitment Document 文件 3. dramatic adj. 引人注目的,戏剧性的 eg: Their arrival was dramatic and exciting. 他们的到来令人激动不已,难以忘怀。 短语: Dramatic Lyrics 戏剧抒情诗;诗剧抒怀诗 Dramatic Arts 戏剧艺术 Dramatic Writing 编剧;话剧写作 dramatic rights 改编权 4. observe v. 遵守,观察 eg: Everyone should observe the law. 任何人都必须遵纪守法。 短语: witness observe 目睹 ; 目击 observe silence 默哀 observe things 观察事物 ; 观察东西 observe that 对某人说 5. breakthrough n. 突破 eg: Scientists have made a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease. 科学家在治疗那种疾病方面已有突破。 短语: breakthrough point 切入点;突破点 breakthrough time 突破时间 technological breakthrough 技术突破 6. aggressive adj. 进取的,攻击性强的 eg: The dogs are trained to be aggressive. 这些狗被训练得具有攻击性。 短语: aggressive mode 积极模式;主动模式;挑战模式;激进模式 aggressive active 积极主动 aggressive Driving 侵略性驾驶;攻击性驾驶 7. fossil fuel 矿物燃料 eg: Coal is usually referred to as a fossil fuel. 煤通常被称为矿物燃料. 短语: Fossil-Fuel Resources Utilization in China 中国能源资源消费及其经济性分析 fossil-fuel power station 火力发电厂 fossil-fuel boiler 化石燃料锅炉 佳句采摘: We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed. 我们会争论不休,作为一个国家,或许会做出一些听起来相当认真的来避免这一危机。但是这些看起来越是令人印象深刻、越是有意义,就越是不太可能被遵守。
2023-07-27 13:15:561


One of the reason of global warming is deforestation.deforestation is the massive cutting down of trees.Trees can absorb green gas such as carbon dioxide and produce oxygen gas.Carbon dioxide is a green house gas and will absorb heat from the sun and cause increase in temperature. The solution of solving the problem of global warming is to reduce deforestation,and reforestation ,meaning plant back tree which have previously been cleared.
2023-07-27 13:16:051

Global warming is a trend toward wsrmer condition

2023-07-27 13:16:132

麻烦帮我写 对全球气候变暖的看法,字多一点,最好是英文

Despite the "global warming" has become a cliche, but scientists continue to find examples or in the hearts of the people stirred up waves. Recently, the Mount Qomolangma region is a comprehensive study of Chinese scientific expedition team found that the north slope of Mount Qomolangma serious retreat of glaciers, the East Rongbuk The ice cap to melt from the area in 2002 to 6350 meters up to 6400 meters. Scientists said that the glaciers of Mount Qomolangma, including Asian high Glacier, the full withdrawal would lead to huge reserves of glacial advances in the short term, it will increase the supply of the river, if global warming continues at current rates of development, it is estimated that in 2100 Most of the disappearance of glaciers, some of the glaciers in the lower reaches of the river would dry up. Global cool with this heat. In Britain, scientists released the latest study showed that due to global climate warming tends to have been led to the North Atlantic (North Sea) some of the waters of the Arctic cold waters to fish migration. Norwegian Institute of Marine experts said the water temperature changes affect not only the survival of the species, similar to the fishing industry will also bring new challenges. For climate change brought about adverse effects, people never stopped looking for way to deal with. It was even more daring to dare to take action can be described as audacious in the extreme. According to a report last week, due to the Alps every year melting snow, a serious threat to the Swiss ski resort of the tourism industry, scientists intend to Andermatt ski resort in the vicinity of a pilot, is about the size of a piece of 3 / 4 the size of football field Super "film preservation" in the coverage of the local cell of glaciers win Xuefeng, to block the scorching sun on the snow-capped mountains of erosion. But the program has not yet been implemented, it immediately drew the "green peace" organized by the accusations, that this was a temporary solution, "absolutely absurd."
2023-07-27 13:16:211

谁有英语选修六unit4Global Warming课文原文,不要下载资源,复制粘贴就好,照片清楚点也行啊

THE EARTH IS BECOMIG WARMER-BUT DOES ITMATTER?During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about onedegree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is arapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this comeabout and does it matter? Earth care"s Sophie Armstrong explores thesequestions.There is no doubt that the earth isbecoming warmer(see Graph 1) and that it is human activity that has caused thisglobal warmig rather than a random but natural phenomenon.All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in theearth"s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, naturalgas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are called"greenhouse" gases, the most important one of which is carbondioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: "There is a natural phenomenon thatscientists call the "greenhouse effect".This is when small amounts ofgases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trapheat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. Without the"greenhouse effectthe earth would be about thirty-threedegrees Celsciu cooler than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem beginswhen we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Itmeans that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing theglobal temperature to go up.We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatlyover the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, whomade accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmospherefrom 1957 to 1997. He found that between these years the carbon dioxide in theatmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million(seeGraph 2)All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is theburning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase incarbon dioxide. So how high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Fostersays that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees.However, the attitude of scientists towards this rise in completelydifferent. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases thetemperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, " We can"tpredict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be veryserious." Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of severalmetres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines,the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand,there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view, believethat we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. Theypredict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences.In fact, Hambley states, "More carbon dioxide is actually a positivething. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it willencourage a greater range of animals-all of which will make life for humanbeings better."Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if westart reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, theclimate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows theeffects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are therisks too great?
2023-07-27 13:16:281

Global warming may change the weather in ways that lead to more severe storms ,floods and droughts.

2023-07-27 13:16:374

global warming to threaten human progress的语法解释?

2023-07-27 13:16:473

climate change and global warming 英语作文

气候变化和全球变暖 基本涉及环境污染,提倡绿色地球,呵呵
2023-07-27 13:17:072


The situation of global warming is getting more and more serious.
2023-07-27 13:17:172