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2023-07-28 12:08:41

《福尔摩斯:基本演绎法》片头曲:《Young Blood》


I know it"s time for me to go

When the sun is sitting low

In the sky tonight

The stars are putting on a show

We"re the audience they chose

To hold the light

I"m feeling so good, so incredible

Some sort of chemical is spreading

thick around my brain

I"ve got the sun and I won"t let it go

It burns a fire in my veins

Let"s get out tonight

You"ve got the fire, I"ve got the fight

Whoa, in my young blood

Let"s light up the dark,

You"ve got the fuel, I"ve got the spark

Whoa, in my young blood

Our RPMs are in the red,

Driving closer to the edge

Up on Flagstaff road

I still remember what you said:

"Are you living? Are you dead?"

You better let me know

Put on display just like a cinema

Standing naked on the stage

And I"m unashamed

It"s so easy to be cynical

Let"s turn around and start again

Let"s get out tonight

You"ve got the fire, I"ve got the fight

Whoa, in my young blood

Let"s light up the dark,

You"ve got the fuel, I"ve got the spark

Whoa, in my young blood



It runs in my blood, and in your blood,

It"s one and the same

It burns in my blood, and in your blood,

We carry the flame

It runs in my blood, and in your blood

It"s one and the same

It runs in my blood

In my young blood

Let"s get out tonight

You"ve got the fire, I"ve got the fight

Whoa, in my young blood

Let"s light up the dark,

You"ve got the fuel, I"ve got the spark

Whoa, in my young blood





in my young blood

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
  1. 是《Medicate or Stimulate》,歌者:Minutes Til Midnight。专辑:Vintage Hearts,发行时间:2012-02-14,出版者:Digital Noir Records。

  2. 歌词没出,这是视频地址:http://www.r*********.com/headlines/videos/minutes-til-midnight-medicate-or-stimulate-music-video/

  3. 剧目简介:福尔摩斯曾是英国著名的咨询侦探,华生曾是事业有成的外科医生,二人因故在纽约相识,开始合作探案。CBS美版福尔摩斯《基本演绎法》,除了背景移置当代纽约大都市之外,“华生”的角色也破天荒地变成了女人。该剧根据著名的《福尔摩斯》系列改编,但描述的是一个居住在纽约城的「现代《福尔摩斯》故事」。


歌曲: Minutes to Midnight(《福尔摩斯》主题曲)

歌手: Iron Maiden

专辑: 《En Vivo!》


Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes To Midnight

Kill for gain or shoot to maim

But we don"t need a reason

The Golden Goose is on the loose

And never out of Season.

Some blackened pride still burns inside

This shell of bloody treason

Here"s my gun for a barrel of fun

For the love of living death

The killer"s breed or the Deamon"s seed,

The glamour, the fortune, the pain,

Go to war again, blood is freedom"s stain,

But don"t you pray for my soul anymore.

2 minutes to midnight,

The hands that threaten doom.

2 minutes to midnight,

To kill the unborn in the womb.

The blind men shout let the creatures out

We"ll show the unbelievers,

The Napalm screams of human flames

Of a prime time Belsen feast...YEAH!

As the reasons for the carnage cut their meat

and lick the gravy,

We oil the jaws of the war machine

and feed it with our babies.

The body bags and little rags of children torn in two,

And the jellied brains of those who remain

to put the finger right on you.

As the Madmen play on words and make us all

dance to their song,

To the tune of starving millions

to make a better kind of gun.


Midnight...all night...




歌名:Medicate Or Stimulate

歌手:Minutes Til Midnight


菜鸟问下 战争机器的英文名字叫什么

  战争机器(War Machine)是美国漫威漫画旗下超级英雄,初次登场于《Iron Man》第118期(1979年1月)。本名詹姆斯·罗伯特·“罗迪”·罗德斯(James Rupert “Rhodey” Rhodes),是钢铁侠托尼·史塔克的好友、一名美军上校,也是美国陆军武器开发部的部长,还是斯塔克工业与美国军队的中间人。  因一次敌人来袭,钢铁侠不敌,在万分危急的时刻,詹姆斯穿上了钢铁侠的另一套高科技装甲,与其一同将敌人击退,因此托尼将此装甲送给了他,后詹姆斯在美国政府的协助下将此装甲的攻击系统加以改进,并穿上了它,从此化身战争机器,与钢铁侠并肩作战,后加入复仇者联盟。
2023-07-26 17:54:111

钢铁侠里3里war machine rox,with an X 的梗在哪里?为神马大家都要笑?

2023-07-26 17:54:213

War Machine 歌词

歌曲名:War Machine 歌手:fightstar专辑:iTunes Live London FestivalFightstar - War MachineSome of us will die alone.Some of us will never reach the end of the road.It isn"t enough.Some of us will never know the meaning of trust.Some of us will feed off all the people who give.It"s never enough.Are we a race of animalsWho beg, steal and chew on the bones that are leftFrom the people who cared?We"ll beg the kids forget your lessons,Raise up your guard, protect your honour.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know.Some of us will hold beliefsTo live, love and trust all the people we meet.You are the social elite (You are the social elite!)Some of us will die alone.Some of us will never know the meaning of love.Well is it enough?We"ll beg the kids forget your lessons,Raise up your guard, protect your honour.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know.I am a war machine, I am a war machine,I am a war machine, and now you"ll neverI am a war machine, I am a war machine,I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never knowI"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know !
2023-07-26 17:54:371


2023-07-26 17:54:453


钢铁侠遭遇神秘敌人,处置不慎,队友War Machine阵亡。钢铁侠一面逃离S.H.I.E.L.D(国土战略防御攻击与后勤保障局,又称神盾局、天盾局)的质询及鹰眼、黑寡妇的追杀,一面寻觅惩罚者(The Punisher)作队友,共同清查事情幕后元凶。钢铁侠能不能打败迄今为止最强敌人——纳米魔呢?
2023-07-26 17:54:531


01.Stealth Main Title (4:13) 02.War Machine (1:40) 03.EDI"s Arrival (1:54) 04.The Pilots" Theme (2:02) 05.The Joy Of Flight (1:23) 06.EDI"s New Data (2:17) 07.The Vertical Drop (1:57) 08.Hellava 1st Mission (1:16) 09.Lightning Strike (1:47) 10.Thailand (2:20) 11.Love Theme (1:54) 12.I"ll Tell You Back At The Boat (2:26) 13.Quantum Computer (1:27) 14.EDI Is The Whole Idea (1:15) 15.Flight To Tajikistan (2:11) 16.Tin Man Will Prosecute (1:54) 17.Attack At Tajikistan (2:49) 18.Henry"s Death (3:34) 19.The Aftermath (1:53) 20.Kara"s Ejection (3:29) 21.Camel Hump (2:43) 22.Korean Waterhole (1:35) 23.Saving EDI (1:56) 24.EDI Feels Sorry (3:09) 25.Cummings" Suicide (2:33) 26.DMZ (4:09) 27.Death Of Col. Yune (1:39) 28.EDI"s Sacrifice (2:16)
2023-07-26 17:55:061


2023-07-26 17:55:189


CAMPAGNA收起CAMPAGNACENTROANTICO我们为大家带来了新的礼物:那就是隐藏在罗马的每一个宝箱的位置。向下滑动鼠标,你会看到整个《兄弟会》四个区域的一张完整的地图。我们已经在这张图上标了144个宝箱的位置。准备开始吧有人会问,如果我找到了所有的宝箱之后,会有什么额外的奖励吗?告诉你,除了一大堆钱以外,什么也没。当然,你可以用这些钱作个小买卖什么的。收集到所有的宝箱之后,不会提升你的总分,对于各项能力也没有任何帮助。当然了,这些钱还是可以确保你的手头足够宽裕的。有人会说宝箱的位置可以在游戏中买到的,那有以下两点你需要考虑,A)这得花掉你大量的积蓄;B)你只能买到三分之一宝箱的位置,还得在在另外两张地图解锁后。所以,如果你等不急了的话,那还是点开下面的图去探寻144个宝箱的位置吧。(提示:虽然会有更多的宝箱会出现在Romulus 的巢穴(Romulus Lairs)和战争机器(War Machine)任务中,但这些宝箱不会计入你的DNA成绩中。因此,图中未标识上述位置的宝箱。其实只是这些就已经足够塞满你的口袋了。)CAMPAGNA
2023-07-26 17:55:561


2023-07-26 17:56:121


2023-07-26 17:56:374


How Will AI Affect Our Life Google Go Alpha computer (AlphaGo) and Lee Sedol,who is the world"s top player,started a compelling and enduring man-machine war on March 9th. It can not be denied that this crew war lets us see the advancement of technology,and AI(artificial intelligence) enables more "impossible" to become "possible",it will force more and more impact on our daily lives and the division of social labor. On one hand,AI may make human have a eternal life.AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol,which makes people have more cognition to artificial intelligence and more confusion to intelligent life.Scientific studies predict that,with the current developing pace ofhuman technology,artificial intelligence would surpass human intelligence fully in 2045.Death would be meaningless to people if human intelligence could be transferred into the hardware completely. On the other hand, whether the development of artificial intelligence can be controlled, makes people feel worried.The superb athletic level of AlphaGo makes people stunned,or even anxious and fearful.The pessimistic fear of technology continues to heat up and intensified with the increasing reliance on AI technology of all sectors.But the winners are all human beings no matter what the result is. In my opinion,the development of AI will be an inevitable trend.Human needs to improve the cognition and behavior norms of technological development, so that AI maintains a friendly development.The future of artificial intelligence in human society will be bright. 3月9日,谷歌阿尔法围棋计算机(AlphaGo)和世界顶尖围棋高手李世石展开一场旷世人机大战,引人关注。我们不能否认,这次人机对战让我们看到了科技的进步,人工智能让更多的“不可能”成为“可能”,它将以越来越大的力量影响我们的社会分工和日常生活。人工智能能让人类“永生”?阿尔法围棋计算机首局PK人类取胜,让人们对人工智能有了更多的认知,对于智能生命有了更多迷惑。《奇点临近》一书中预测,以目前人类科技的发展速度,到2045年,人工智能将完全超越人类智能。倘若人类智能能够完全转移到硬件中,死亡对于人来将变得毫无意义。人工智能的发展是否可控?AlphaGo高超的围棋竞技水平让人们大跌眼镜,甚至心中惴惴不安。随着各行各业对于人工智能技术的依赖加大,一种焦虑悲观的“科技恐惧”不断升温,愈演愈烈。AlphaGo战胜了人类顶尖棋手,这不禁让人们感到失望与担心。但无论最终结果是什么,赢家都是人类。在我看来,人工智能的发展将是一种必然趋势,未来人工智能会将人类社会带向何方,关键还是在于人类本身对技术发展的认知和行为的规范。如何确保人工智能的友善性,我持谨慎乐观态度。
2023-07-26 17:56:581


进入魔兽3出现“此版本之魔兽争霸3需要特定语言之Windows”解决方法是用Ultraedit 打开魔兽争霸III文件夹中的 GAME.dll 找3D04080000742A3D04把其中的74改成EB就能玩了。
2023-07-26 17:57:072


旗舰版的话可以下载windows xp mode的软件,在windows7里模拟xp的系统环境,xp的软件可以完全兼容,上网可以下载到 注:只有windows7专业版以上的版本有该功能
2023-07-26 17:57:174


Public bicycle sharing has become a popular and convenient mode of transportation in many cities around the world. By renting a bicycle from a shared network, users can easily travel around a city without owning a personal bicycle. In this essay, we will discuss the benefits of public bicycle sharing.Firstly, public bicycle sharing is a environmentally friendly transportation option. Cycling is a more sustainable form of transportation than driving or taking public transportation, as it requires less energy and generates less greenhouse gas emissions. By renting a bicycle from a shared network, users can easily reduce their carbon footprint by reducing their dependence on motorized transportation.Secondly, public bicycle sharing is a convenient transportation option. With the increasing population and increasing urbanization, it is becoming increasingly difficult to own a personal bicycle in many cities. Public bicycle sharing allows users to rent a bicycle at a low cost and return it to any station within the network, making it a convenient option for people who don"t own a personal bicycle.Thirdly, public bicycle sharing helps to reduce the demand for parking space. In many cities, parking space is 非常有限,which makes it difficult for people to park their personal bicycles. Public bicycle sharing allows users to rent a bicycle at a station that is convenient for them, which reduces the demand for parking space and makes it easier for people to bike around the city.Lastly, public bicycle sharing promotes cycling and sustainable transportation. By renting a bicycle from a shared network, users can easily explore the city and experience the benefits of cycling, such as reducing stress, improving cardiovascular health, and reducing air pollution. Public bicycle sharing also encourages people to consider cycling as a form of transportation, which promotes sustainable transportation and reduces the dependence on motorized transportation.In conclusion, public bicycle sharing is a beneficial transportation option that offers many advantages, including environmental benefits, convenience, and promotion of sustainable transportation. With the increasing popularity of public bicycle sharing, it is likely to become an increasingly important transportation option in many cities around the world.
2023-07-26 17:57:242

War Tortoise怎么玩 战龟玩法技巧详解

首先,先介绍一下。这个游戏是的无限类的游戏,最经典的应该是《Infinite Blade》也就是中文的无尽之刃或者无尽之剑。战龟也是如此,战龟1代(1st generation)死后的子孙战龟2代(2nd generation)继续它的使命消灭邪恶的青蛙(frog)大军。游戏大概就是这么个情况。不过,战龟跟无尽的不同是,新的一代的战龟可能会获得比上一代战龟不同的能力。比如,自动开火(Auto-battle),比如一些辅助单位(support units)。战龟的升级体系分为两个,一个是提升自身的战龟体系(War Tortoise)和辅助单位(Support Units)。好了,费话不多说了。开始介绍打法,首先前期在能生存的前提下主升辅助单位(support units)的第一个采矿塔(mining tower)。升级高了可以获得不断的获得钱。因为是按时间采集,所以尽量让自己前期的火力弱一些,打青蛙慢一些。因此前期只升采矿塔(mining tower)和战龟体系里的初级武器(Primary Weapons)的机枪(Machine Gun)。中期打法以辅助单位为主,主升机枪塔(gun towers)、突击小队(mouse assault squad)、机枪小队(mouse assault squad)等等。突击小队是唯一能抗伤害的辅助单位,其他的都是火力输出型的。中期最好升级一下狙击手(Sniper),这是消灭单体大型怪物的利器。后期打法跟中期差不太多,以大型突击小队(Biggin" Mouse squad)抗伤害吸引火力,其他辅助单位输出,狙击手(Sniper)点杀怪物。对了,在自动开火(Auto-battle)的下面会有boss战出现,在能打过的前提下消灭它,能获得很好的奖励。基本上你通过的战斗等级除以1.5要高于boss等级才容易打过。总之,你好运~~~
2023-07-26 17:57:311


问题一:W7系统下星际争霸一分辨率怎么调成全屏显示? windows7系统下在桌面点右键,选图形属性,选一般设置,选右边的缩放,选缩放全屏,选应用就可以了。然后再进图星际争霸就可以了。 或者也可以先看看电脑的现在应用的分辨率,然后骸进入星际争霸,在按esc进入设置,在显示选项中选择分辨率然后将游戏分辨率设置成和电脑分辨率一样的即可。 问题二:星际争霸2 怎么调分辨率 我的文档StarCraft II Beta场Variables.txt 用记事本打开,修改width和height就可以了,当然最好还是常见一点的分辨率 问题三:W7系统下星际争霸一分辨率怎么调成全屏显示 点击“开始”,然后在最下面的搜索程序和文件中输入“regedit”,会自动检索出注册表的编辑器的程序,点击或者直接回车。 找到注册表:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ControlGraphicsDriversConfiguration 点击选中“configuration”文件夹,然后右键打开菜单栏,在菜单栏里点击“查找” 在弹窗中的输入框输入:Scaling,然后点击“查找下一个” 这时候,右边就会出现很多注册表项,找到“Scaling”这个数据项 双击打开Scaling数据项 在弹窗中,把数值从4改成3,点击确认 重启计算机 希望我的回答能够帮助你,望采纳! 问题四:星际如何调屏幕分辨率? 星际不象魔兽,它是一个比较原始的游戏,没有手动调节分辨率的功能,游戏分辨率是固定的。若你家机子很好,网吧显示屏比你家的小,而分辨率又一样,所以在你家玩时会感觉画面更粗糙,不用担心。 问题五:求助,星际争霸2的分辨率怎么在外面设置 修改 我的文档StarCraft IIVariables.txt 修改 height=720 (高) width=1280 (宽) 问题六:星际争霸怎么调整屏幕分辨率 星际不象魔兽,它是一个比较原始的游戏,没有手动调节分辨率的功能,游戏分辨率是固定的。若你家机子很好,网吧显示屏比你家的小,而分辨率又一样,所以在你家玩时会感觉画面更粗糙,不用担心。 问题七:星际争霸怎么调整屏幕分辨率 不知道你说的什么意思饿 游戏是不能调的 但你的电脑可以调 一般网上有多少寸的电脑对应多少的分辨率 按上面的调整你电脑的分辨应该游戏都可以看到的 问题八:星际争霸分辨率怎么调?我家是宽屏液晶显示器! 星际是老游戏 其实不支持宽屏 举个很简单的例子 你用宽屏玩WAR3 感觉不到任何的异样 整个画面相应的放大或缩小 再看CS 你用宽屏CS 就会明显感觉人物变“胖”了 这就是几个老游戏不支持宽屏导致的 星际也如此 所以 你只能退到桌面 将分辨率调低 再试试看了 问题九:星际争霸怎么调分辨率? 游戏的分辨率调不了 只有调你自己的电脑 右健单击桌面--属性--设置 一般调成600X800或者1024X768就行了 如果还是玩不了的话 那就是你的显卡问题 星际虽然是款老游戏 但是对机器配置要求不低哦 我的集成显卡能玩星际 但我同学的7300独立显卡却玩不了!!! 问题十:星际争霸1.08 WIN7怎么 改分辨率为1366X768 如果是W7系统 win+R打开运行,输入regedit,打开注册表编辑器,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE------SYSTEM------ControlSet001------Control------GraphicsDrivers------Configuration,然后在在Configuration里右键点击查找,输入scaling,点击查找下一个,这里的scaling右键修改,将数值改为3即可,原值为4,这个办法通用
2023-07-26 17:57:391

视频: 美国海军陆战队 战无不胜 ,英文歌的中文歌词是什么?谢谢!

Warriors of the World United其实我也在找。。。但找到了。。。
2023-07-26 17:57:593


2023-07-26 17:58:072

War Machine 歌词

歌曲名:War Machine歌手:Kiss专辑:Creatures Of The NightFightstar - War MachineSome of us will die alone.Some of us will never reach the end of the road.It isn"t enough.Some of us will never know the meaning of trust.Some of us will feed off all the people who give.It"s never enough.Are we a race of animalsWho beg, steal and chew on the bones that are leftFrom the people who cared?We"ll beg the kids forget your lessons,Raise up your guard, protect your honour.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know.Some of us will hold beliefsTo live, love and trust all the people we meet.You are the social elite (You are the social elite!)Some of us will die alone.Some of us will never know the meaning of love.Well is it enough?We"ll beg the kids forget your lessons,Raise up your guard, protect your honour.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know.I am a war machine, I am a war machine,I am a war machine, and now you"ll neverI am a war machine, I am a war machine,I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine, and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never knowI"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,I"m not a war machine and now you"ll never have to know.I"m not a war machine, I"m not a war machine,And now you"ll never know !
2023-07-26 17:58:441


第52届格莱美颁奖礼完全获奖名单:终身成就奖:Leonard Cohen,Bobby Darin,David "Honeyboy" Edwards,Michael Jackson,Loretta Lynn,André Previn,Clark Terry综合类:1、年度作品:《Use Somebody》Kings of Leon2、年度专辑:《Fearless》Taylor Swift3、年度歌曲:《Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)》Beyoncé4、最佳新人:Zac Brown Band流行类:5、最佳流行女歌手:《Halo》Beyonce6、最佳流行男歌手:《Make It Mine》Jason Mraz7、最佳流行乐队/组合:《I Gotta Feeling》Black Eyed Peas8、最佳流行合唱:《Lucky》Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat9、最佳流行器乐演奏:《Throw Down Your Heart》Béla Fleck10、最佳流行乐器演奏专辑:《Potato Hole》Booker T. Jones11、最佳流行演唱专辑:《The E.N.D.》Black Eyed Peas舞曲类:12、最佳舞曲唱片:《Poker Face》Lady Gaga13、最佳电子/舞曲专辑:《The Fame》Lady Gaga传统流行类14、最佳传统流行演唱专辑:《Michael Bublé Meets Madison Square Garden》Michael Bublé摇滚类:15、最佳摇滚歌手:《Working On A Dream》Bruce Springsteen16、最佳摇滚乐队/组合:《Use Somebody》Kings of Leon17、最佳硬摇滚演奏:《War Machine》AC/DC18、最佳金属演奏:《Dissident Aggressor》Judas Priest19、最佳摇滚乐器演奏:《A Day in the Lif》Jeff Beck20、最佳摇滚歌曲:《Use Somebody》Kings of Leon21、最佳摇滚专辑:《21st Century Breakdown》Green Day另类音乐类:22、最佳另类音乐专辑:《Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix》Phoenix节奏蓝调音乐类23、最佳R&B女歌手:《Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)》Beyoncé24、最佳R&B男歌手:《Pretty Wings》Maxwell25、最佳R&B乐队/组合:《Blame It》Jamie Foxx & T-Pain26、最佳传统R&B歌手:《At Last》Beyoncé27、最佳城市音乐/另类歌手:《Pearls》India.Arie & Dobet Gnahore28、最佳R&B歌曲:《Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)》Beyoncé29、最佳R&B专辑:《BLACKsummers"night》Maxwell30、最佳当代R&B专辑:《I Am... Sasha Fierce》Beyoncé说唱类:31、最佳说唱歌手:《D.O.A. (Death Of Auto-Tune)》Jay-Z32、最佳说唱乐队/组合:《Crack A Bottle》Eminem, Dr. Dre & 50 Cent33、最佳说唱歌曲合作:《Run This Town》Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West34、最佳说唱歌曲:《Run This Town》Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West35、最佳说唱专辑:《Relapse》Eminem乡村类:36、最佳乡村女歌手:《White Horse》Taylor Swift37、最佳乡村男歌手:《Sweet Thing》Keith Urban38、最佳乡村乐队/组合:《I Run to You》Lady Antebellum39、最佳乡村合唱:《I Told You So》Carrie Underwood & Randy Travis40、最佳乡村乐器演奏:《Producer"s Medley》Steve Wariner41、最佳乡村歌曲:《White Horse》Taylor Swift42、最佳乡村专辑:《Fearless》Taylor Swift新世纪类:44、最佳新世纪专辑:《Prayer For Compassion》David Darling爵士类:45、最佳当代爵士乐专辑:《75》Joe Zawinul & The Zawinul Syndicate46、最佳爵士演唱专辑:《Dedicated To You: Kurt Elling Sings The Music Of Coltrane And Hartman》Kurt Elling47、最佳爵士乐器独奏:《Dancin" 4 Chicken》Terence Blanchard soloist48、最佳爵士演奏专辑:《Five Peace Band — Live》Chick Corea & John McLaughlin Five Peace Band49、最佳大爵士乐团专辑:《Book One》New Orleans Jazz Orchestra50、最佳拉丁爵士专辑:《Juntos Para Siempre》Bebo Valdés And Chucho Valdés福音类:51、最佳福音表演:《Wait On The Lord》 Donnie McClurkin & Karen Clark Sheard52、最佳福音歌曲:《God in Me》Mary Mary Featuring Kierra Sheard53、最佳摇滚/说唱福音专辑:《Live Revelations》Third Day54、最佳流行/当代福音专辑:The Power Of One - Israel Houghton55、最佳南方、乡村或蓝草福音专辑:《Jason Crabb》Jason Crabb56、最佳传统福音专辑:《Oh Happy Day - (Various Artists)》Bill Hearn, Ken Levitan, Ken Pennell, Jack Rovner & Cedric Thompson, producers57、最佳当代节奏蓝调福音专辑:《Audience Of One》Heather Headley拉丁类:58、最佳流行拉丁专辑:Sin Frenos - La Quinta Estación59、最佳拉丁摇滚/另类或城市音乐专辑:Los de Atras Vienen Conmigo - Calle 1360、最佳热带拉丁专辑:《Ciclos》Luis Enrique61、最佳墨西哥/美洲专辑:《Necesito de Ti》Vicente Fernández62、最佳特加诺专辑:《Borders y Bailes》Los Texmaniacs63、最佳诺特诺专辑:《Tu Noche con... Los Tigres del Norte》Los Tigres del Norte64、最佳Banda专辑:《Tu Esclavo y Amo》Lupillo Rivera美国根源类:65、最佳美国传统音乐专辑:《Electric Dirt》Levon Helm66、最佳兰草专辑:《The Crow/New Songs For The Five-String Banjo》Steve Martin67、最佳传统蓝调专辑:《A Stranger Here》Ramblin" Jack Elliott68、最佳当代蓝调专辑:《Already Free》The Derek Trucks Band69、最佳传统民谣专辑:《High Wide & Handsome: The Charlie Poole Project》Loudon Wainwright III70、最佳当代民谣/美国本土专辑:《Townes》Steve Earle71、最佳印第安音乐专辑:《Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar, Volume 2 - Various Artists》Daniel Ho, George Kahumoku, Jr., Paul Konwiser & Wayne Wong, producers72、最佳夏威夷音乐专辑:《Spirit Wind North》Bill Miller73、最佳柴迪科舞曲/Cajun音乐专辑:《Lay Your Burden Down》Buckwheat Zydeco雷鬼类:74、最佳雷鬼专辑:《Mind Control - Acoustic》Stephen Marley世界音乐类:75、最佳传统世界音乐专辑:《Douga Mansa》Mamadou Diabate76、最佳当代世界音乐专辑:《Throw Down Your Heart: Tales from the Acoustic Planet, Vol. 3 - Africa Sessions》Béla Fleck儿童类:77、最佳儿童音乐剧专辑:《Family Time》Ziggy Marley78、最佳儿童朗读专辑:《Aaaaah! Spooky, Scary Stories & Songs》Buck Howdy朗读类:79、最佳诵读专辑:《Always Looking Up》Michael J. Fox喜剧类:80、最佳喜剧专辑:《Always Looking Up》Michael J. Fox音乐剧类:81、最佳音乐剧专辑:《West Side Story》电影/电视/视频类:82、最佳改编影视音乐专辑:《Slumdog Millionaire》(贫民窟百万富翁)83、最佳原创影视音乐专辑:《Up》(飞屋环游记)Michael Giacchino84、最佳影视歌曲:《Jai Ho》(From Slumdog Millionaire) A. R. Rahman, Sukhwinder Singh, Tanvi Shah, Mahalaxmi Iyer & Vijay Prakash, songwriters (A. R. Rahman, Gulzar & Sukhwinder Singh)作曲/编曲类:85、最佳器乐作曲:《Married Life》(From Up) Michael Giacchino, composer (Michael Giacchino)86、最佳器乐编曲:《West Side Story Medley》Bill Cunliffe, arranger (Resonance Big Band)87、最佳器乐编曲伴唱:《Quiet Nights》Claus Ogerman, arranger (Diana Krall)包装类:88、最佳唱片包装:《Everything That Happens Will Happen Today》Stefan Sagmeister, art director (David Byrne & Brian Eno)89、最佳盒装/限量发行版包装:《Neil Young Archives Vol. I (1963-1972)》Gary Burden, Jenice Heo & Neil Young, art directors (Neil Young)专辑注解类:90、最佳专辑注解:《The Complete Louis Armstrong Decca Sessions (1935-1946) 》Dan Morgenstern, album notes writer (Louis Armstrong)历史类:91、最佳历史专辑:《The Complete Chess Masters (1950-1967) 》Andy McKaie, compilation producer; Erick Labson, mastering engineer (Little Walter)非古典类制作类:92、最佳非古典类工程专辑:《Ellipse》Imogen Heap, engineer (Imogen Heap)93、年度最佳非古典类制作人:Brendan O"Brien94、最佳非古典类混音唱片:《When Love Takes Over》(Electro Extended Remix)David Guetta, remixer (David Guetta Featuring Kelly Rowland)环绕音响类:95、最佳环绕音响专辑:《Transmigration》Michael Bishop, surround mix engineer; Michael Bishop, surround mastering engineer; Elaine Martone, surround producer (Robert Spano, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra & Choruses)古典类制作类:96、最佳古典类工程专辑:《Mahler: Symphony No. 8; Adagio From Symphony No. 10》Peter Laenger, engineer (Michael Tilson Thomas & San Francisco Symphony)97、年度最佳古典类制作人:Steven Epstein古典类:98、最佳古典专辑:《Mahler: Symphony No. 8; Adagio From Symphony No. 10》 Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor; Ragnar Bohlin, Kevin Fox & Susan McMane, choir directors; Andreas Neubronner, producer; Peter Laenger, engineer/mixer; Andreas Neubronner, mastering engineer (Laura Claycomb, Anthony Dean Griffey, Katarina Karnéus, Quinn Kelsey, James Morris, Yvonne Naef, Elza van den Heever & Erin Wall; San Francisco Symphony; Pacific Boychoir, San Francisco Girls Chorus & San Francisco Symphony Chorus)99、最佳管弦乐队:《Ravel: Daphnis Et Chloé》James Levine, conductor (Boston Symphony Orchestra; Tanglewood Festival Chorus)100、最佳歌剧唱片:《Britten: Billy Budd》Daniel Harding, conductor; Ian Bostridge, Neal Davies, Nathan Gunn, Jonathan Lemalu, Matthew Rose & Gidon Saks; John Fraser, producer (London Symphony Orchestra; Gentlemen Of The London Symphony Chorus)101、最佳合唱团:《Mahler: Symphony No. 8; Adagio From Symphony No. 10》Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor; Ragnar Bohlin, Kevin Fox & Susan McMane, choir directors (Laura Claycomb, Anthony Dean Griffey, Elza van den Heever, Katarina Karnéus, Quinn Kelsey, James Morris, Yvonne Naef & Erin Wall; San Francisco Symphony; Pacific Boychoir, San Francisco Symphony Chorus & San Francisco Girls Chorus)102、最佳器乐独奏(与管弦乐队合作):《Prokofiev: Piano Concertos Nos. 2 & 3》Vladimir Ashkenazy(指挥)Evgeny Kissin (Philharmonia Orchestra)103、最佳器乐独奏(无管弦乐队):《Journey To The New World》Sharon Isbin (Joan Baez & Mark O"Connor)104、最佳室内音乐演奏:《Intimate Letters》Emerson String Quartet105、最佳小乐队演奏奖:《Lang, David: The Little Match Girl Passion》Paul Hillier(指挥); Ars Nova Copenhagen & Theatre Of Voices106、最佳古典演唱:《Verismo Arias》Renée Fleming (Marco Armiliato; Jonas Kaufmann; Orchestra Sinfonica Di Milano Giuseppi Verdi; Coro Sinfonica Di Milano Giuseppi Verdi)107、最佳当代古典音乐作曲奖:《Higdon, Jennifer: Percussion Concerto》Jennifer Higdon108、最佳古典跨界专辑:《Yo-Yo Ma & Friends: Songs of Joy and Peace》马友友音乐录影带类:109、最佳短篇音乐录影带:《Boom Boom Pow》The Black Eyed Peas110、最佳长篇音乐录影带:《The Beatles Love — All Together Now》Various Artists
2023-07-26 17:58:541


2023-07-26 17:59:011

以How Will AI Affect Our Life?为题的英语作文

2023-07-26 17:59:332


第五期出处表001青春失乐园 出现于40分57秒.mp4002昆宝出拳 出现于10分51秒.mp4003惊声尖笑1 出现于3分53秒.avi004摇曳百合 第二季 第一集 出现于15分41秒.mp4005不想在毕业前死去 出现于1小时14分35秒.avi006青春期 出现于7分37秒.mp4007爸爸!去哪儿啊 20131124 出现于53分21秒.mp4008泰迪熊 Ted (2012) 出现于15分56秒.mp4009惊声尖笑1 出现于1小时7分23秒.avi010昆宝出拳 出现于36分28秒.mp4011山女壁女 山おんな壁おんな (2007) 第一集 出现于38分24秒.mp4012青春期 出现于30分43秒.mp4013サントリー BOSS CM 宇宙人ジョーンズ 「教师」篇.mp4014梦精记2 (2005) 出现于54分17秒.avi015泰迪熊 Ted (2012) 出现于30分30秒.mp4016谁和她睡过了 (2006) 出现于49分39秒.mp4017Patada Premios TV y Novelas.mp4018青春失乐园 出现于1小时11分35秒.avi019预产期 Due Date (2010) 出现于37分27秒.avi020不想在毕业前死去 出现于29分1秒.avi021救世主2 出现于21分48秒.mp4022Special Forces.mp4023黑帮掌门人 出现于32分29秒.avi024AKBINGO! 090108 出现于3分钟.mp4025失恋排行榜 出现于8分59秒.mp4026泰迪熊 Ted (2012) 出现于36分57秒.mp4027狂迷利物浦 出现于6分47秒.avi028烤肉大战 出现于32分19秒.mp4029救世主2 出现于2分11秒.mp4030青春期 出现于7分7秒.mp4031小杰克的攻击 (2005) 出现于3分4秒.avi032Obama Kicks Door Open.mp4033冒牌天神 出现于43分50秒.mp4034自恋痴情花 第4集 出现于7分4秒.mp4035詹妮弗的肉体 Jennifer"s Body (2009) 出现于2分15秒.avi036这个杀手不太冷 (1994) 出现于1小时37分43秒.avi037学院偶像OVA 出现于4分1秒.mp4038黑帮掌门人 出现于19分27秒.avi039灵魂战车2:复仇时刻 (2012) 出现于48分46秒.avi040心舞 第一季 十三集 出现于24分7秒.avi041纵横四海 出现于6分34秒.avi042龙在边缘 (1999) 出现于24分17秒.avi043了不起的盖茨比 The Great Gatsby (2013) 出现于30分1秒.avi044美少女的谎言 第三季 第19集 出现于9分50秒.avi045云图 出现于2小时22秒.avi046传颂之物OVA 第三集 出现于14分4秒.mp4047Cat"s Pride.mp4048Circuit Scribe_ Draw Circuits Instantly 出现于20秒.mp4049潘神的迷宫 出现于59分53秒.avi050不明影像 出现于33分56秒.avi051源代码 出现于39分47秒.avi052冥界警局 出现于10分4秒.avi053Storm Origins - Concrete Circus Freerun Film 出现于4分9秒.mp4054范海辛 出现于4分57秒.avi055EXO-K - MAMA 出现于4分15秒.mp4056詹妮弗的肉体 Jennifer"s Body (2009) 出现于34分29秒.avi057暗黑血统 精彩cg宣传片.mp4058超级战舰 出现于53分39秒.avi059我,机器人 出现于36分23秒.avi060灵魂战车 (2007) 出现于1小时25分29秒.mp4061星际争霸2:虫群之心 开场CG 出现于58秒.mp4062云图 出现于1小时18分36秒.avi063创战纪 出现于1小时45分28秒.avi064冥界警局 出现于1小时10分52秒.avi065超级战舰 出现于45分29秒.avi066灵魂战车2:复仇时刻 (2012) 出现于1小时25分3秒.mp4067关键第四号 出现于1小时25分34秒.avi068天龙特攻队 出现于1小时23分55秒.avi069我,机器人 出现于1小时37分12秒.avi070创战纪 出现于41分20秒.avi071超级恶魔人 出现于25分27秒.mp4072天龙特攻队 出现于18分22秒.avi073The Elder Scrolls Online - The Alliances Cinematic Trailer 出现于3分44秒.mp4074巨神兵在东京出现 出现于5分钟.mp4075詹妮弗的肉体 Jennifer"s Body (2009) 出现于39分34秒.avi076摇曳百合 第二季 第一集 出现于3分24秒.mp4077穿透屋顶的highkick 第91集 出现于16分22秒.mp4078猫物语白 第一集 出现于22分25秒.mp4079[PoRO]パパラブ 巨乳美尻っ娘 彩芽~あどけない天然好奇心.mp4080谁和她睡过了 (2006) 出现于28分4秒.mp4081詹妮弗的肉体 Jennifer"s Body (2009) 出现于33分48秒.avi082Wonder Girls and Slim Panda CF (EVER EV-W420).avi083漫长的婚约 出现于1小时9分36秒.avi084好奇害死猫 (2006) 出现于23分2秒.mp4085向阳处的她 出现于36分8秒.avi086黑天鹅 Black Swan (2010) 出现于1小时8分18秒.avi087恩娇 (2012) 出现于41分30秒.avi088棒球英豪真人剧场 出现于43分22秒.mp4089战争公司 War, Inc. (2008) 出现于39分38秒.mp4090 2篇 AKB48 CM ぷっちょ 口移し キス 「リレーA_B」篇.mp4091未来日记 第五集 出现于16分4秒.avi092Tanya Anna Song - Nadine Jansen.avi093RAINBOW- Tell Me Tell Me 出现于3分12秒.mp4094time machine 少女时代 出现于3分46秒.mp4095没能做成勇者的我无可奈何的决定去工作 第三集 出现于15分42秒.mp4096健全机斗士 第一集 出现于19分48秒.mp4097waveya bubblepop 出现于38秒.mp4098贝丝·库珀我爱你 出现于1小时26分9秒.avi099冰菓 ED1.mp4100赤裸特工 (2002) 出现于40分28秒.mp4
2023-07-26 17:59:551


嘿嘿,I interested in sth这个表达不太对吧?这里的interested是形容词,应该是词组:be interested in sth。sth confuse me(不是sth confused me)这里的confuse是动词,此时译为“使...迷惑”,做动词(相当于使动用法)。我因为什么事情感到迷惑则表达是I am confused ... ...,用形容词表达。我被什么事弄的迷惑就是被动语态了,应该是I am confused (by)... ...(这里的confused是confuse的过去分词,被动语态的构成你应该知道吧?嘿嘿)。而confuzing也是形容词,代表某物具有迷惑性。 所以,关于名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词等是要好好区分的,我觉得这一点很重要。所以我在百度文库里找了一篇(地址见下面的参考资料),很不错,希望你能好好看看,我能帮你的就这么多了。嘿嘿。 关于你说的动词使动用法,其实形容词或动词本身就可以有这样的用法,有时只是为了翻译通顺需要,不需太钻牛角尖,还是牢记几个词组和一词多义的好。 你词性的概念不强,建议去看看,顺便学点句法和语法。 好啦,我啰嗦半天了,不知对你有没有帮助。希望你取得进步,加油。要是觉得我回答的还合你意就采纳吧,谢谢。 有空再交流吧~~~
2023-07-26 18:00:075


2023-07-26 18:01:015

Know Your Enemy 歌词

歌曲名:Know Your Enemy歌手:Rage Against The Machine专辑:Rage Against The MachineKnow your enemy-Raga against the machineedit by tntciscoHuh!Yeah, we"re comin" back then with another bombtrackNigga know its all a thatHuh!Hey yo, so check this outYeah!Know your enemy!Come on!Born with insight and a raised fistA witness to the slit wrist, that"s withmove into "92Still in a room without a viewYa got to knowYa got to knowThat when I say go, go, goAmp up and amplifyDefyI"m a brother with a furious mindAction must be takenWe don"t need the keyWe"ll break inSomething must be doneAbout vengeance, a badge and a gunso rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the systemI was born to rage against "emFist in ya face, in the placeAnd I"ll drop the style clearlyKnow your enemyKnow your enemy!Yeah!Hey yo, and get with this...uggh!Word is bornFight the war, fuck the normNow I got no patienceSo sick of complacenceWith the D the E the F the I the A the N the C the EMind of a revolutionarySo clear the laneThe finger to the land of the chainsWhat?The land of the free?Whoever told you that is your enemyNow something must be doneAbout vengeance, a badge and a gunSo rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the systemI was born to rage against "emNow action must be takenWe don"t need the keyWe"ll break inI"ve got no patience nowSo sick of complacence nowI"ve got no patience nowSo sick of complacence nowSick of sick of sick of sick of youTime has come to pay...Know your enemy!Come on!Yes I know my enemiesThey"re the teachers who taught me to fight meCompromise, conformity, assimilation, submissionIgnorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the eliteAll of which are American dreams (8 times)All of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreamsAll of which are American dreams
2023-07-26 18:01:161


1. don"t cry--guns n" roses2. fade to black--METAllic3. dreaming my dream--cranberries4. dying in the sun--cranberries5. never grow old--cranberries 最近常听朋友们说时间过得好快~! 感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴! 不由得想起了这支歌~! 6. far away from home--groove coverage7. knocking on heaven"s door--guns n" roses(。 8. imagine--john lennon9. yesterday--beatles这么经典的还说什么呢,电台点播率已经超过一亿次了,没听过的太逊了。 10. let it be--beatles11. it"s my life--bon jovi曾用来做CS的MTV背景音乐。 12. that"s why(you go away)--13. you can"t say(韩剧"爱上女主播"主题曲)相信大家对这首歌不会感到陌生了哦!!!每当旋律一起就能体会其中的柔情... 14. yesterday yes a day 15. heal the world--meachael kjackson 16. the girl is mine--meachael jackson.纯洁的仿佛童话,干净的让人不敢呼吸... 17. delicious way--仓木麻衣。我本人也十分仇恨日本人的,但是听到这么纯洁的歌曲感觉到音乐真的是没有国界的哎~~ 18. under the sea小美人鱼(the little mermaid)插曲,可总感觉张邵晗唱的更有活力。再听听原唱的,就知道东西方文化的差异在哪里了。 19. fighter--Christina 20. without you--mariah carey21. when you believe--mariah carey n" whitney houston不多说了,任何人都唱不成这样的。 22. Crying in the Rain23. never say goodbye--24. Sugar Ray"s Someday。25. Iris-- Goo Goo Dolls 26. Mystical Machine Gun-- 27. Elemental--tears for fears.28. gone away--the off spring29. A Question Of Lust--peche Mode很容易和“冷”这个字联系起来,冷冰冰的纯电子音乐,冷冷的唱腔,冷僻的歌词,似乎特别适合目前这个季节来听... 30. this is how we do it蛮欢快的一首现代英文混音dj舞曲,偶个人比较喜欢。 31. boom boom boom各位爱跳舞的朋友,这就是你们的音乐,做为音乐和舞蹈的信徒,你们起床要放的音乐。 32. Earth song--meachael jackson请33. everybody dance now34. the day you went away--M2M35. when you say nothing at all--Krauss36. hero--enrique iglesias37. god is a girl--groove coverage38. she--groove coverage 39. can"t get over you--groove coverage 40. 7 years and 50 days--groove coverage 41. encore une fois--helene segara42. je m appelle helene--helene rolls听了43. here i am--bryan adams那。 44. Everything i do--bryan adams不多说了,绝对经典中的经典。 45. all that you can"t leave behind--46. big big world--Emilia47. right here waiting--rachard max48. stay--williams(49. live forever--Oasis 50. life for rent--dido清爽的时节,清爽的女孩儿,清爽的音乐。Life for rent,把整个生命都出租出去,不属于任何人,无根地飘荡,听起来有一些伤感。 > 删除 2008-03-15 14:13:48 原野新之助 (英伦绊倒64J不起诱惑N不住寂寞) 51. promise don"t come easy跟着CD慢慢的哼着,记不清楚是什么时候第一次听了,若有若无的思绪缠绕着自己,象梦一样。 52. lonely--nana是一首黑人说唱歌曲,同时加入了R&B和Blues的曲风,歌曲的当中还有女声的伴唱,旋律非常优美。不会再有第二首歌可以超越...歧视,家庭的破碎... 53. dilemma--kellyrowland 54. you took my heart away舒缓的节奏,简洁的编曲,十足的优美旋律,都展现了mltr最擅长的迷人功力。 55. helene segara-encore une fois一56. sealed with a kiss 以吻封缄,57. only time--enya58. i will be missing you记得第一次听它的时候,只记得旋律很HIP-POP,直到后来无意中才知道了它的来历。于是找来下载,听,一遍又一遍。 59. civil war--guns n" roses60. sunny came home1998年葛莱美大奖获奖作品,现在已很难找得到这样动听的旋律了. 61. the one--Mr big每62. to be with you--Mr big63. stop crying your heart out--oasis称不上经典,但是也总能给人一种疲倦到不想说什么的地步,如过明天我死了... 64. cinderella太鄙视SHE的媚日情节,所以只好听英文版的这首半糖主义,不过发现比她们唱的好听一百倍!!! 65. the sound of silence66. should it matter--sissel kyrkjeb我喜欢这个低调又华美的女子,淡淡的感觉,仔细听可以听出性感哦! 67. stuck in my heart旋律很优美,中间有一段很完美的合声。 68. utopia--sweetbox69. alright--sweetbox 70. one kiss--sweetbox 71. dreams come true--ses被无数个电台做过无数次的背景电乐,旋律响起你就知道你肯定听过的... 72. sweet dream很喜欢的一首歌了,张娜拉长的实在是太可爱了,有条件的朋友可以去找下这个MV看下,相当不错哦~~ 73. back to you--bryan adams不多说了,布莱恩.亚当斯的每一首歌都那么经典... 74. forever and ever-because i love you。绝对好听,因为dido就是因为这首歌红的。 75. Say It Isn"t So--bon jovi硬汉唱的柔情歌曲也蛮感人的嘛~~ 76. now and forever--richard max可能大家很少听他的歌吧`~`其实他的歌真的很不错!希望能和大家一起分享啊! 77. angle of mine一个很老的乐队唱的,具体名字我忘了,超好听。 78. dream cranberries 79. faint--lincoln park80. somewhere i belong--lincoln park81. *****--meredith brooks82. westlife 83. the power of love--celion dion84. a new day has come--celion dion85. more than word*--**treme86. killing me softly with his song--roberta flack 87. can you feel the love tonight--88. lemon tree--fool\"s 89. vincent--don mclean90. one love--bob marley91. careless whisper--wham92. don"t cry for me, argentina--maonna93. two steps behind--defleppardKB94. no more i love you--annie lennox95. my heart will go on--celine dio*我96. ***sing you now--meachael bolton97. yesterday once more 98. goodbye--air supply 99. your song--Elton john100. hotel california--Eagles
2023-07-26 18:01:521


疫情结束英文是:the pandemic is over1、Is the pandemic over?2、Biden said the pandemic is over,I don"t think that is true.3、I will go camping when the pandemic is over.4、I will not wear the mask when the pandemic is over.5、I will go everywhere when the pandemic is over.6、It"s difficult to make "when the pandemic is over" to be a sentence.7、I will go to American with my families when the pandemic is over.8、What do you want to do when the pandemic is over?
2023-07-26 17:56:211

想著你的心 想著你的臉 想捧著你胸口能不放就不放:這是哪首歌里德歌詞?????

One Night In 北京 作词:陈升/刘佳慧 作曲:陈升 女:不想再问你 你到底在何方 不想再思量 你能否归来么 <STRONG class=tx_hit>想着你的心 <STRONG class=tx_hit>想着你的脸 <STRONG class=tx_hit>想捧在<STRONG class=tx_hit>胸口 <STRONG class=tx_hit>能不放就不放 男:ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 我留下许多情 不管你爱与不爱 都是历史的尘埃 ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 我留下许多情 不敢在午夜问路 怕走到了百花深处 女:人说百花地深处 住著老情人 缝著绣花鞋 面容安详的老人 依旧等著那出征的归人 男:ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 你可别喝太多酒 不管你爱与不爱 都是历史的尘埃 ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 我留下许多情 把酒对月高歌的男儿 是北方的狼族 女:人说北方的狼族 会在寒风起 站在城门外 穿着腐锈的铁衣 呼唤城门外 眼中含著泪 男:喔...我已等待了千年 为何城门还不开 女:喔...我已等待了千年 为何良人不回来 合:ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 我留下许多情 男:不敢在午夜问路 怕触动了伤心的魂 合:ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 我留下许多情 男:不敢在午夜问路 怕走到了地安门 女:人说地安门里面 有位老妇人 犹在痴痴等 面容安详的老人 依旧等著那出征的归人 男:ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 你可别喝太多酒 有人不动真情 合:ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 你会流下许多情 不要在午夜问路 怕触动了伤心的魂(人) 男:ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 女:不想再问你 你到底在何方 不想再思量 你能否归来呖 <STRONG class=tx_hit>想着你的心 <STRONG class=tx_hit>想着你的脸 <STRONG class=tx_hit>想捧在<STRONG class=tx_hit>胸口 <STRONG class=tx_hit>能不放就不放~~放 男:ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING 你会流下许多情 不要在午夜问路 怕触动了伤心的魂 女:不想再问你 你到底在何方 不想再思量 你能否归来呖 <STRONG class=tx_hit>想着你的心 <STRONG class=tx_hit>想着你的脸 <STRONG class=tx_hit>想捧在<STRONG class=tx_hit>胸口 <STRONG class=tx_hit>能不放就不放
2023-07-26 17:56:281


2023-07-26 17:56:2810


You are a luck dog!
2023-07-26 17:56:3010

How much one night 什么意思

一晚上多少钱 (大哥啊 在哪看见的?)
2023-07-26 17:56:352


听证会也叫 hearing meeting,一般学校会先给你发邮件,正式通知违规。邮件的附件很重要,附件里有老师提供的证明违规的全部证据。通过证据,你能看出来是否有辩驳的余地。一般会让你选择是亲自参加听证会,还是递交完整的解释文书。如果证据并不特别充分,能找到辩驳的点,就死不承认。然后解释文书详细辩驳为什么没有违规,找一下解释论据。如果证据确凿,只能先承认,然后找compassionate and compelling reasons, 就是值得同情的理由。比如心理问题,家庭问题,情感问题等等影响学习。然后争取学校最轻的处罚方式。具体的分析情况,找解释理由比较难;同时高级的写作能力也很关键。我们处理过很多相似案例,见过很多学生本来完全有理,但是解释文书写的太差,评审委员会看不懂,最后处罚结果很糟糕。具体细节欢迎咨询
2023-07-26 17:56:365


2023-07-26 17:56:403


2023-07-26 17:56:421


2023-07-26 17:56:451


  WhatsApp(WhatsApp Messenger)是一款目前可供iPhone手机、Android手机、Windows Phone手机、WhatsApp Messenger、Symbian手机和 Blackberry 黑莓手机用户使用的、用于智能手机之间通讯的应用程序。本应用程序借助推送通知服务,可以即刻接收亲友和同事发送的信息。可免费从发送手机短信转为使用 WhatsApp程序,以发送和接收信息、图片、音频文件和视频信息。沙特当地媒体2013年6月报道称,如果WhatsApp不能遵守沙特电信监管部门的要求,那么沙特将会在数周内封杀这项基于互联网的通信服务。Facebook2014 年2月19日宣布,该公司已经同快速成长的跨平台移动消息公司WhatsApp达成最终协议,将以大约190亿美元的价格收购WhatsApp。希望借此提高人气。2014年10月3日,欧盟反垄断监管机构正式批准了Facebook收购移动消息初创公司WhatsApp的交易。
2023-07-26 17:56:482


白羊座3.21-4.19火象星座金牛座4.20-5.20土象星座双子座5.21-6.21风象星座巨蟹座6.22-7.22水象星座狮子座7.23-8.22火象星座座8.23-9.22土象星座天秤座9.23-10.23风象星座天蝎座10.24-11.22水象星座射手座11.23-12.21火象星座摩羯座12.22-1.19土象星座水瓶座1.20-2.18风象星座双鱼座2.19-3.20水象星座这里是星座休闲吧啊 另问个序列吧 祝运来吧!
2023-07-26 17:56:491

求大神帮忙用英文翻译以下文章,希望通顺连贯准确,最好不要用翻译软件,感谢各位 ,急!

有对员工的正确态度和深厚感情对员工的态度和感情问题,历来是管理工作的一个根本问题。以正确的态度对待员工,做到“以情带班,以理服人”。是新时期管理工作的一个本性问题。对员工的态度与感情是密切联系在一起的,端正态度是产生感情的前提和基础,深厚的感情是态度端正的具体体现。做好“管教”工作,必须具有以下几种“心”1、 尊重的心:管理者必须尊重自己组织中的每个员工。所谓“想人怎样待己便应该怎样待人”,尊重是赢得真诚的前提。尽管在组织中,每个员工的身世背景,家庭可能各有不同,但是以平等的心对待每个员工,才能谋求一个融洽的氛围,让员工从心里愿意和你共事,愿意为你排忧解难,共谋发展。2、 关心的心:基层管理者直接接触的就是一线员工,因而他们的“疾苦、心声”基层管理者知道得最清楚。关心才能显示出自己的仁爱之心。3、 体恤的心:既然有了关心,就应该在他们出现个人问题时,体恤他们同时,学会换位思考,所谓“己所不欲勿施于人”。4、 赏识的心:当你赏识一个人的时候,你就可以激励他。作为管理者,就要不断用赏识的眼光对待员工,不断地在工作中表达自己的赏识,使员工受到鼓舞和激励,尤其是在员工做得优秀的时候。管理者不能默认员工的表现,一味地让员工猜测自己的态度,默认和猜测都将导致沟通的障碍,使员工对管理者丧失信心。你所能做的就是对员工说出你的常识和你对他们的评价,让员工从你的表情和语言中感受你的真诚,激励员工的士气。5、 分享的心:分享是最好的学习态度,也是最好的管理方式。管理者就是要在工作当中不断地和员工分享知识、分享经验、分享目标、分享一切值得分享的东西,通过分享,管理者不断能很好地传达理念,表达想法,不断形成影响力,用影响力和威信管理者也能不断从员工那里吸取更多有用的东西,形成管理都与员工之间的互动,相互学习,相互进步。6、 授权的心:授权赋能既是经理的职责所在,也是高效管理的心备条件,管理者只有把应授出的权力授予员工,员工才会愿意对工作负责,才会更有把工作做好的动机,经理必须在授权上多加用心,把授权工作做好,让授权成为解放自我,管好员工的法宝,授权的心更表现为自己够有勇气去“举贤”,能够容忍下属超越自己。Employees have the right attitude and deep feelingsAttitudes and emotional problems for employees, the management has always been a fundamental problem. With the right attitude towards employees, we have a "situation with class, reasoning." Nature is a problem in the New Management. On employee attitudes and emotions are closely linked, correct attitude is the foundation to produce feelings of deep affection is a concrete manifestation of the right attitude. Do "discipline" to work, you must have the following "heart"1. Respect the heart: managers must respect each employee in their organization. The so-called "think men should do to others what it should have been," Respect is earned sincere premise. Although in the organization, each employee life experience background, family may vary, but an equal heart to treat every employee to seek a harmonious atmosphere where employees from the heart and you are willing to work, willing to solve problems for you, a total of development.2, concerned about the heart: lower-level managers are in direct contact with frontline employees, so their "suffering, the voice of" lower-level managers know best. Concerned in order to show their benevolence.3, compassionate heart: Now that you have concerns, they should appear in their personal problems, compassionate they also learn empathy, so-called "do not do to others."4, appreciation of the heart: When you appreciate a person, you can motivate him. As managers, we must continue to treat employees with the appreciation of the vision, constantly expressing his appreciation at work, employees are encouraged and motivated, especially when employees have done excellent. Managers can not default employee performance, blindly guess the staff their attitude, default and speculation will lead to communication barriers, so that employees lose faith in the manager. All you can do is to tell the staff your common sense and you judge them, so that employees feel your sincerity from your expressions and language, motivate staff morale.5, the share of mind: sharing is the best learning attitude, is the best approach to management. Managers and employees is to continue to share in the work which knowledge, share experiences, to share goals, share everything something worth sharing, through sharing, managers constantly convey the idea well, express ideas, evolving influence, with effect power and prestige of managers can continue to learn from employees more useful things, the formation of interaction between employees and management are, learn from each other and progress.6, authorizing the heart: empowerment is both a duty manager, the heart condition is the efficient management of equipment, only to grant managers should be granted authority staff, the staff will be willing to be responsible for the work, will be more to do our work good motivation, managers must pay more intention on the authorization, the authorization to do the work, let authorized to become self-liberation, manage magic staff, authorized by the heart but also the performance enough for their courage to "virtuous" that can tolerate subordinates beyond yourself.
2023-07-26 17:56:521


2023-07-26 17:56:201

暨南大学图书馆借书卡如何办理? 不是暨南大学的学生,是否可以办理?只是想找个地方看书。

2023-07-26 17:56:181


2023-07-26 17:56:1512

one night in beijing 原唱是谁

2023-07-26 17:56:147


优点:慷慨generou 体贴caring, considerate 富有同情心的compassionate 缺点:小气的,吝啬的 mean 粗心的 careless 残忍的brutal, cruel
2023-07-26 17:56:061


2023-07-26 17:56:045


名词 n. [C]1.狗例:He keeps a dog to guard the house.他养一条狗看家。2.雄狗;(狐、狼等的)雄兽3.【口】家伙He is a lucky dog.他是一个幸运的家伙。及物动词 vt.1.(灾难等)缠住Injuries dogged the football team all season.这个橄榄球队整个赛季都为队员受伤而困扰。2.尾随,跟踪The police dogged the suspected thief.警察跟踪偷窃嫌疑犯。副词 ad.1.极度地,非常4.【口】无赖,流氓5.【美】【俚】失败;失望
2023-07-26 17:56:021


2023-07-26 17:55:591


2023-07-26 17:55:541

Whatsapp iphone发出信息后一个勾和两个勾的区别是什么?

一个勾是指信息到达服务器; 两个勾是指信息到达对方手机上。一、介绍。1,WhatsApp(瓦次普)(WhatsApp Messenger)是一款目前可供iPhone手机、Android手机、Windows Phone手机、WhatsApp Messenger、Symbian手机和 Blackberry 黑莓手机用户使用的、用于智能手机之间通讯的应用程序。本应用程序借助推送通知服务,可以即刻接收亲友和同事发送的信息。可免费从发送手机短信转为使用WhatsApp程序,以发送和接收信息、图片、音频文件和视频信息。沙特当地媒体2013年6月报道称,如果WhatsApp不能遵守沙特电信监管部门的要求,那么沙特将会在数周内封杀这项基于互联网的通信服务。2,WhatsApp 是一款非常受欢迎的跨平台应用程序,用于智能手机之间的通讯。本应用程序借助推送通知服务,可以即刻接收亲友和同事发送的信息。可免费从发送手机短信转为使用WhatsApp程序,以发送和接收信息、图片、音频文件和视频信息。3,WhatsApp是基于手机号码注册的,在注册的时候,需要你输入你的手机号码,并接受一条验证短信,然后WhatsApp会搜索你的手机联系人中已经在使用的人并自动添加到你的手机联系人名单里。二、应用功能。1,无隐藏费用。一旦您和您的朋友下载了本应用程序,您就可以用其尽情聊天。您可每日免费向您的朋友发送一百万条信息!WhatsApp使用您的互联网连接:在可用的情况下使用3G/EDGE或无线网络。2,多媒体短信服务。向您的朋友发送视频、图片和语音文件。(如欲发送和保存视频文件,您需使用iPhone手机)3,无国际性收费,。正如您无需就发送国际电邮缴纳额外费用一样,您也无需就发送国际WhatsApp信息缴费。只要您的朋友也安装了WhatsApp Messenger,您就可以与全球各地的朋友畅聊天下,并可避免国际手机短信费用带来的烦扰。4,手机号码关联。为什么要花费心思,记住一套又一套的密码或用户名呢?正如手机短信一样,WhatsApp可以与您的手机号码联用,并和您现有的手机通讯录中的信息实现完美的融合。
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