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ABA # (Domestic) 这个怎么填

2023-07-28 09:15:53

这是汇款到美国的银行所需要的一个代码,可以用ROUTING NO代替,一组9位的数字!



hello大家好,今天我们要学习的单词是domestic,domestic是一个形容词也是一个名词,作为形容词的意思是国内的、家庭的、驯养的、一心只管家务的,作为名词的意思是国货、佣人,复数形式是domestics,domestic这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词可以划分为三个音节【do】【mes】和【tic】,第一个音节do的发音为【du0259】,第二个音节mes的发音为【mes】,第三个音节tic的发音为【tu026ak】,合在一起的话它的发音就是【du0259u02c8mestu026ak】,domestic这个单词还有许多近义词,例如internal、household、home、family;我们再来看一下用法,domestic通常翻译为家庭,例如,It was a scene of such domestic bliss,这是一幕家庭美满的场景,还有下面这句,Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets,国内价格已调整到与世界市场一致,这里翻译为国内,还能翻译为家庭的,例如,The police were called to sort out a domestic,已叫警察来解决家庭纠纷,domestic还有些短语词组,例如,domestic market国内市场,domestic demand国内需求、本地内部需求,domestic product国内产品、本地生产,domestic这个单词你学会了吗?
2023-07-26 16:54:201

domestic 英译汉

2023-07-26 16:55:432


domestic更倾向于地域性的,指“国内的”,强调在国家地理范围内。x0dx0ae.g. gross domestic product 国内生产总值x0dx0adomestic products 国货x0dx0ax0dx0anational则偏精神性,指“民族的、国民的”,更有情感色彩。x0dx0ae.g. national interests 国家/民族利益x0dx0anational conditions 国情
2023-07-26 16:55:511


domestic更倾向于地域性的,指“国内的”,强调在国家地理范围内。e.g. gross domestic product 国内生产总值domestic products 国货national则偏精神性,指“民族的、国民的”,更有情感色彩。e.g. national interests 国家/民族利益national conditions 国情
2023-07-26 16:56:001

本国的英语翻译 本国用英语怎么说

2023-07-26 16:56:204

在国内 英文怎么表达? in domestic?

2023-07-26 16:56:352

domestic (J-pops)是什么音乐类型?

是指带古典响乐味道的流行曲,多用弦乐伴奏的歌曲都可列入此类,例如 THE BEATLES的 "ELEANORRIGBY"就是。澳洲乐队 CROWDED HOUSE的一些作品也可列入此类。如果说 POPs,则是指经典的流行曲。
2023-07-26 16:56:581


domestic arrival 英[dəˈmestik ə&迹福管凰攮好归瞳害困#712;raivəl] 美[dəˈmɛstɪk əˈraɪvəl] [释义] 国内抵达处;
2023-07-26 16:57:082


意义不同:et al的意思是等,是等人/以及其他人(and others)或等地点(elsewhere)。etc的常用词也是等,但多指事物。 扩展资料 缩写不同:et al是学术上常用的拉丁文eta lia的缩写,意思是以及其他,常用于省略提及所有人或物的时候,与etc意思相近,但不完全相同。 读音不同:et读作【滚纯et】,相当于英文中的“and soon”,etc指的`是事物、事件等。而etal指的是人,用于列举过程中人名字的省略。 Etcetera是"and so forth","and soon"或者"and other things"的缩写,也用于描述一系列没有一一列举的实物。其他大灶咐的和etcetera意思一样的用法。既可以用"and soon",也可以用"..."来表示。辩搜 在使用时要牢记拼写方式和正确发音(etset()r)。也可以将其写成"Et Cetera"或"etc."。但是常用的拼法还是etc.。另外在"etc"的末尾有一个点。
2023-07-26 16:57:151

domestic Chinese ventures什么意思?

你好!domestic Chinese ventures国内中资企业
2023-07-26 16:57:244


domestic更倾向于地域性的,指“国内的”,强调在国家地理范围内. e.g.gross domestic product 国内生产总值 domestic products 国货 national则偏精神性,指“民族的、国民的”,更有情感色彩. e.g.national interests 国家/民族利益 national conditions 国情
2023-07-26 16:58:301


英语中的home和domestic区别home 是家domestic一般指国内
2023-07-26 16:58:551


domestic 驯养的 wild野生的domestic国内的 foreign外国的
2023-07-26 16:59:031


2023-07-26 16:59:222

domestic labor and housework有什么区别

domestic labor国内劳动(力); 家务劳动;国内(家庭)分娩housework家务活;家务劳动,家务事注:domestic国内的,家庭的,家的; labo(u)r劳动,分娩。
2023-07-26 16:59:331

英语机场里Domestic Departures 什么意思?

Domestic Departures国内出发
2023-07-26 16:59:412

Domestic domain 歌词

歌曲名:Domestic domain歌手:saori@destiny专辑:Domestic domain神様 ah your voice 答えてよI"ll stay alive 何を差し出せばいい?探しても何にも见つからないまま记忆 sad face フラッシュバックするキミにたった一度だけまた逢いたい wish to the starsあの日 remember ケンカの続きするんだ×をつけるなら ああ どうして大切な命じゃないのにしないの救えないから 歌うthis my song描く あたし Domestic domain例え小さなテリトリーでも笑う キミが Domestic domainそこにいてくれたらいいなしゃべらないあなたがつぶやいた言叶ほどく未来 また结び直してくんだマニフェスト no way 闻きたくない嘘つくなら 気づかないくらいのをついて覚悟したのに 震えてる描く あたし Domestic domain例え大きくゆがんでても泣いた キミに Domestic domain明日はそれでもくるみたいだ神様 ah your voice 答えてよI"ll stay alive 叫べばいいの?神様 ah your voice 教えてよI"ll stay alive 祈ればいいの?神様なら...○をつけてよ 正解なら目の前の「答え」焼き付けときたい强くないから 爱するんだ描く あたし Domestic domain例え小さなテリトリーでも笑う キミが Domestic domainここにいてくれたらいいなラララララ... ラララララ...
2023-07-26 17:00:001

英语定语排序a,typical,energy related,domestic,utility bill

这样排 a typical domestic energy related utility bill a 冠词+typical 性质形容词+domestic 地区形容词+energy related 用途形容词 + utility bill 名词 常言说救人救个活,我把经验之谈列在下面. 英语中多个形容词作前置定语,其词序不同于汉语.总规则如下: 1.限定词→2.性质(描绘)形容词→3.大小、长短、高低(矮)形容词→4.形状形容词→5.年龄、新旧形容词→6.颜色形容词→7.国籍、地区、出处形容词→8.物质、材料形容词→9.用途、类别形容词→10.动名词、名词中心词. 例如:a charming *** all round old brown Chinese wooden writing table 细节分为九类: 1.限定类 限定词位于各类形容词之首.它本身分为三位.即:前位、中位和后位,词序为前、中、后,前位限定词有all,half,both,分数和倍数;中位有冠词,指示代词,形容词性物主代词和no,every,each,either,neither,enough,much等,以及wh-起首的限定词[what(ever),which(ever),whose等];后位有基数词和序数词,past,same,many,more,most,few,fewer,fewest,little,less,least,own和last等.如: all your three thin books 前 中 后 the last few sunny days 中 后 2.性质(描绘)类 性质(描绘)形容词,置于限定词后,位于大小、形状、年龄、颜色、出处、材料、用途类形容词前.如: these well-dressed old ladies a handsome young man 3.大小类 表示大小、长短、高低(矮)类的形容词位于限定词、性质(描绘)类形容词后,形状、年龄、颜色、出处、材料、用途类形容词前.如: a big beautiful green house a *** all round table 4.形状类 表示形状类的形容词位于限定、性质(描绘)、大小类形容词后,其他类形容词之前.如: a big square old desk 5.年龄类 表示年龄、长幼、新旧类的形容词置于限定、性质(描绘)、大小、形状类形容词后,其他类形容词之前.如: a new pink pencil a dirty old brown skirt 6.颜色类 表示颜色的形容词置于限定、性质(描绘)、大小、形状、年龄类形容词之后,其他类形容词之前.如: a pair of ugly old brown wooden shoes a new green brick house 7.出处类 表示国籍、地方出处类的形容词置于材料、用途类形容词之前,上述六类形容词之后.如: a brown Chinese wooden chair a pair of beautiful German leather boots 8.材料类 表示材料类的形容词居于用途类形容词之前,上述七类形容词之后.如: a large brick conference hall a blue plastic garden chair 9.用途类 表示类别、用途类的形容词位于其他种类的形容词之后,靠近名词中心词.如: a large famous medical school a valuable old Japanese writing desk 注:在实际运用中须注意: 1.如两个以上相同种类的形容词同时修饰一个中心词时,其间可用连词and或but连接,或用逗号分开.如: a yellow,black sports car 2.如要强调某一种类的形容词时,可将所强调的形容词后移,同时用逗号分开.如: a tall,dark,handsome cowboy 3.实际上很少出现按上述一至九条规则组合全的名词性词组,因为太累赘.但"无规矩不成方圆",规则还是规则,规则必须掌握.
2023-07-26 17:00:081

domestic servant是什么意思

domestic servant[英][du0259u02c8mestik u02c8su0259:vu0259nt][美][du0259u02c8mu025bstu026ak u02c8su025avu0259nt]家奴; 女佣双语例句1She worked all her life as a domestic servant.她一辈子给人当女佣。2Our initial goal is a domestic servant.我们最初的目标只是家政服务。
2023-07-26 17:00:171


2023-07-26 17:00:267

宠物类型上写着“domestic short hair”,中文译过来是什么呢?

domestic short hair cat短毛家猫
2023-07-26 17:00:593

为什么domestic help是女佣

domestic help中文是家务照顾、家政服务。domestic adj. 1.家的,家里的,家庭的。 2.国内的,本国的 ...helpvt. (helped, 〔古语〕 holp; help ...。to help others is to help yourself 与人方便自己方便with the help of sb = with one"s help 在某人的帮助下。
2023-07-26 17:01:061


2023-07-26 17:01:308

什么是domestic wire

国内电汇付款 ; 国内线付款 ; 本地电汇付款Incoming Domestic Wire 电汇佣金
2023-07-26 17:01:472


2023-07-26 17:02:031


2023-07-26 17:02:2510


时效主要分为四类,分别为:上网时效、起飞时效、清关时效、目的国配送时效。l 上网时效(INFORMATIONRECEIVED)就是指中转仓收货并查验后把快递单号数据同步到官网的效率,由于每个中转仓的处理水平有限,爆仓时库房快件堆积成山。通常情况下,上网时效越快就越好,代表着货物处理效率高,发货时效快。l 起飞时效(Despatchedtooverseas)是货运代理公司把货品送至海关验货,放行后到达机场等待航班,通常情况下到欧美航班多,速度相当快,到不发达国家可能需要等待久一点l 清关时效(Arrivedatoverseas)清关(CustomsClearance)即结关,就是指进出口或转运货物进出一个国家关境时,按照每项法律法规及要求应当履行的流程。是货物在海关完成正常的手续并通行的时长,普通的国家小包清关迅速,但是跟快递类似,到巴西俄罗斯等国家也有可能在海关滞留一段时间。l 目的国配送时效(ProductDelivered)关键在于所在国的快递配送工作效率,比如说美国,德国,英国等快递发达的国家配送速度就会很快。
2023-07-26 17:02:541

Domestic Partnership和Civil Union有什么区别

民事结合(英文:civil union),是指由法律,即民事法,所确立并保护的等同或类似婚姻的两人结合关系,因此称为“民事”“结合”。Civil union亦有译作公民结合,但“civil”跟“公民”(citizen)意义并不相同。
2023-07-26 17:03:031

domestic arrivals exit arrivals 是名词这里? 为啥不在后面的exit加复数 而在前面的加呢

楼主好,我认为arrivals 在这里指来访者,有很多所以加s。而出口只有一个,所以是单数。如果满意望采纳~你的采纳是我回答的动力:)
2023-07-26 17:03:112

求 poultry / domestic fowl / domestic animal 区别

2023-07-26 17:03:192

domestic electricity (urgent)

更新1: for 4 why 10368 J is divided by 3 x 3600? There should be 3600 x 24 x 3 seconds in 3 days. thanks 更新2: ya I know but why it is divided by 3 x 3600? I suppose "3" refers to 3 days and "3600" refers to the number of seconds in 1 hour but why "24" (no. of hours in a day) is omitted in the calculation? thanks 1) D.C. only ensures that current is flowing in ONE direction but NOT with a constant value hence the power may not be constant. 2) For an appliance in normal status the earth wire is NOT in contact with any part of the appliance and so when the neutral wire is broken the circuit is not plete and the appliance is not in operation. 3) Yes the aim of a fuse is to limit the current flowing into the appliance and since copper can stand a pretty high current it cannot be used as a fuse. 4) Total charge available = 0.8 x 3600 = 2880 C Hence total energy stored in the cell = 2880 x 3.6 = 10368 J So average power = 10368/(3 x 3600) = 0.96 W 5) (1) When X insulation is worn out the current flows from X to Y directly through the metal case and the current is very high blowing out the fuse. (2) When Y insulation is worn out the current still flows through the heating element and so the fuse won"t be blown out. (3) When the heating element is broken there"s no current flow in the appliance. 2011-05-05 15:11:16 补充: If divided by 3600 x 24 x 3 then average power = 0.04 W which does not match with the you provided. 2011-05-06 17:07:15 补充: Well conclusively I can say that: If the Q asks "discharge in 3 days" then average power = 10368/(3 x 24 x 3600) = 0.024 W If the Q asks "discharge in 3 hours" then average power = 10368/(3 x 3600) = 0.96 W 参考: 原创答案
2023-07-26 17:03:271

Domestic abuse battery 是什么

2023-07-26 17:03:352

舔 的英语是?

LICK my apple
2023-07-26 17:01:565


I have always been a hero of this concept is not very clear, heroes? Mao Tse-tung? Dong Cunrui? Huang Jiguang? Lei Feng? ... ... I know that they do is act of indomitable spirit of man, as a Chinese, I should be proud of them! Proud! This answer is yes. We give these people is defined as a hero. However, what is the concept of a hero do? He insisted on making indomitable spirit, to save the country, saving people"s things? Otherwise would not be heroes! ? I do not think so. Hero, hero, I think it is from the inner depths of a real moving. Not because they are well-known, not because they do indomitable spirit. Chairman Mao"s people like a hero, and I do not deny. However, those of us for future generations, for they are not familiar with, and does not understand. And how deep from the heart that really impressed them? Again, we say that idol. Like Jay Chou, Wei Chen, Han Geng and so on. They not only can be used to worship, but also can be used to progress, but they can also be said that a hero should do? I say they can! Let me talk about Jay Chou. Jay from the 3-year-old has been deprived of the right to play at home to concentrate on the piano, and his mother behind to supervise him, and not let him lazy. Jay"s family was poor, the business for no one sell it to him. If it is not Jacky Wu, Jay Chou may now also own a small house to write songs, with no concern. So, there must have Bole Maxima, Maxima will never otherwise of no use. Jay Chou"s fame is a bumpy road. He gave Andy Lau, Chang Hui-mei wrote songs. They all refused, and Jay began to despair, Wu Jiu Ji Jay Chou then made a first album. After a gun on the popular Jay Chou. Jay Chou will be to write songs, sing, act the film, will shoot the film, will lead the film. Such people are rare. Jay is very good, though I am not a fan of his, but still not right admire Jay Chou
2023-07-26 17:01:564


QC 中文意义是品质控制,有些推行ISO9000的组织会设置这样一个部门或岗位,负责ISO9000标准所要求的有关品质控制的职能,担任这类工作的人员就叫做QC人员,相当于一般企业中的产品检验员,包括进货检验员(IQC)、制程检验员(IPQC)和最终检验员(FQC)QCT应该为品质控制工程师。
2023-07-26 17:01:574


他怎么说的那么费劲窝蜂网络就是你的流量,要花钱买的。WI-FI就是无线网络走的你的无线路由。比如什么巴拉巴拉咖啡厅,巴拉巴拉快餐店都有无线上网。你就可以wi-fi链接。家里有无线路由也可以WI-FI连上 走自己无线路由上网。
2023-07-26 17:02:034


蛋白质是一种覆杂的有机大分子的组合,含有碳、氢、氧、氮,通常还有硫,磷。蛋白质是生命最基本的组成部分之一,是生物化学的主要研究对象之一。 一种由一条或者多条肽链构成的大分子。每条肽链上核苷酸的顺序是由基因外显子部分的碱基序列决定的。蛋白质是细胞、组织和器官的重要组成部分,每种蛋白质都具有特定的功能。酶、抗体和激素等都是蛋白质
2023-07-26 17:02:065

请教: 冻干机除了东富龙还有什么大品牌或进口品牌,谢谢! QQ6324184

国外的有GEA, IMA, TELSTAR,国内的有东富龙,楚天科技等,这些都是生产型冻干机的厂家,还有一些像christ,LMSBrand, laboconco,松源华兴,北京立德泰,博医康等主要面向实验室和中试机型的冻干机厂家,主要还是根据您的应用需求和产品,选择合适您的冻干机。做定置化服务的好一些的像北京立德泰,东富龙还都不错。希望能帮到您!
2023-07-26 17:02:067

求 eminem & royce da 5’9 feat. s A kiss 歌词

A Kiss (feat. Royce da 5"9)Eminem[Hook]I wanted a kiss, kiss, kissA kiss a kiss...[Verse 1: Royce]Uh, never meet a nigga first rap and beef with a shot of famGucci"s my absolute state of mind, like Waka"s manChopper"s brand, getting head in the car park, new GallardoThis bitch sucking my dick today, call yesterday"s news tomorrowStretch a nigga out, I"m the new Tae-bo, "bout to cross over, I"m the new Iver"bout to saves a couple of these bitches that"s right, I"m the new BibleYou? You 5.0, me? I"m all grounded to punishments, but I"m too fly thoughY"all niggas be winin", I should call you Moscato[Eminem]Look down at the poor boyLooks like he got no parents, little shoes, they untied hoNever know what type of a ho inside of my ride I may letLast night at 5 AM, and she ain"t even recover from last Friday yetHoes all over the ride like it"s an ice cream truck, I can see why they fretI already ran over two hoes and I ain"t get up the fucking drive way yetSoon as I open the door, you try to resist, what for? Get in girl, don"t push (?)Fightin" a war, it"s useless, tits on a whore, little tits on a whoreGot a mack and it"s screaming like little kids throwing fits on the floorGet in the whip, but you ain"t turning, a frog into a princeWhat you tryna keep your hands on me for?[Hook][Verse 2:Eminem]Now you in my whip as long as you understand that I can"t be whippedYou sick of my shit, I"m a gigolo so you know, I"m always on the goI ain"t got no time to slow down for no relationshitDrop the P and add a T, yaeh, you can get mad at me all you wantBut I"m ghost before you can even say boo, hun let alone call me oneA one-night stand is only once but a female friend got one leg standingBut a one night stand on my nightstandI ain"t fitting to argue but whyYou think they call it boo? cause it sound like it"s supposed to scare you[Royce]Ho, we can share you in the back of the Mclaren, I don"t give a fuckWhat your name is, I"ll call you Hottentot, Hopenbot, how come your name is Sharon?Slow the flow down so I can makeThe same face when I"m shooting the guns is the same face I make when I fuckThe back of my hand on your neck pressing your face against the sheets it"s insaneYou been changed, cause I"m out of this world, girl I got that Milky Way dick veinI"m at an all-time high with highness, I"m at an all-time fly with flynessAnd this is exactly what they say when they bow to your highness[Hook][Verse 3:Royce]Never meet a nigga twitter-beefing, first beef and I shot your fans(You should check out the car when it"s moving like watch this man)Her bottom"s dark, but her top it tanHer private parts on the poleLike the opposite of her papa"s plan[Eminem]Come on stripper! Let"s ?And drop the trance[Royce]Looking at this girl, like what you wearingQuit playing![Eminem]You wearing them scrach n sniff pants?Well let me scratch em[Royce]What? Did I say that?I"m on lean like styrofoam cups and kickstands[Eminem]Middle finger stuck on fuckBut girl you got a butt like ?Aw Hell, Shady, he"ll tell it like it isSo tell Katie Perry he"s downstairs waitingI"m here, bell"s ringing and tell LadyGaga she can quit her job at the post officeShe"s still a male lady!wouldnt fuck her with her dick, you heard it, the verdict"s in,he"s allergic to divas, he would take meat cleavers to "em,Em don"t give a damn about Biber do he?what a demon, a behemoth, evil just seems to be seeping through him[Royce]I like the strip tease you doingThis evening, you and me gonna find3 more chickenheads and have a menage like NickYou hot like a thick outfit in TexasWithout your underwear under itSuck my dick, we both gets to steppin to my logic[Eminem]My dick is as hard as a yardstickWhat we gonna do? Ride around til we"re carsickThen I"m gonna put this shit in parkAnd you can blow me in the dark in the parking lotOut of the trailer park by the garbageWhat you waiting on? Me to roll up?The condoms are in the glove compartment, lets start it!Think I"m joking? What, am I sitting hereTrying to make fake farts with my armpits?Am I here to amuse you?[Royce]I"m in your pocket outside of a churchThe other hand is at the bottom of your purseYou giving me head in a boxing stanceMy dick"s so big you could drop it in dirtI"m not your man, we"re sparring partnersThere"s 5 things you are in charge of, that"sSucking a dick, sucking a dick, sucking a dickSucking a dick, sucking a dick[Eminem]If you ain"t sucking a dickWhy you sitting there with puckered lips? That"s collagen..Motherfucking bitch, what you mean how"d youGet suckered into this you gonna jump into my truckAnd then try to get truculent?[Royce]You should be suffering, you should be cookingYou should be buckling your seatbelt with oven mitts[Eminem]I know I"m making an ass of myself, but it"s justCause I wanna get..[Hook]
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The Earth"s surface is very young.In the relatively short (by astronomical standards) period of 500,000,000 years or so erosion and tectonic processes destroy and recreate most of the Earth"s surface and thereby eliminate almost all traces of earlier geologic surface history (such as impact craters).Thus the very early history of the Earth has mostly been erased.The Earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old,but the oldest known rocks are about 4 billion years old and rocks older than 3 billion years are rare.The oldest fossils of living organisms are less than 3.9 billion years old.There is no record of the critical period when life was first getting started 71 Percent of the Earth"s surface is covered with water.Earth is the only planet on which water can exist in liquid form on the surface (though there may be liquid ethane or methane on Titan"s surface and liquid water beneath the surface of Europa).Liquid water is,of course,essential for life as we know it.The heat capacity of the oceans is also very important in keeping the Earth"s temperature relatively stable.Liquid water is also responsible for most of the erosion and weathering of the Earth"s continents,a process unique in the solar system today (though it may have occurred on Mars in the past).
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2023-07-26 17:01:521

i will tell you____you want to know about this sto

B.what you want to know指你想知道的,all表全部
2023-07-26 17:01:484

Lollipop 歌词 mike的 要英文 最好加中文

是mika吧What"s the big idea嘿,有什么大不了的!Yo, Mika呦 MIKAI said sucking to hard on your lollipop我说, 用力吃你的棒棒糖,爱情只会让你失望Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望I said sucking to hard on your lollipop我说, 用力吃你的棒棒糖Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖Loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖Loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Say love, say love说爱,说爱Loves gonna get you down爱情会让你失望Say love, say love说爱,说爱Loves gonna get you down爱情会让你失望I went walking with my momma one day有一天,我和妈妈一起散步When she warn me what people say她提醒我 人们说的那些话Live your life until love is found漫漫度过你的人生直到发现真爱"Cos loves gonna get you down因为爱情会让你失望Take a look at the girl next door看看隔壁的那个女孩She"s a player and a downright bore她是个爱玩游戏的风流女人She"s a slowzer, she wants more她放慢了脚步,她想要更多Oh,bad girls get you down哦,坏女孩会让你失望Sing it唱吧Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Say love, say love说爱,说爱Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Say love, say love说爱,说爱Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Mama told me what I should know妈妈告诉我一些生活的道理Too much candy gonna rot your soul太多的糖果会驱使我的灵魂If she loves you let her go如果她爱你,就让她尽情的释放"Cos love only gets you down因为爱情只会让你失望Take a look at a boy like me看着那个象我的男孩Never stood on my own two feet从来没有独立的前行now I"m blue, as I can be现在我很忧郁,因为我可以Oh, love only got me down哦,爱情不会让我失望Sing it唱吧Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Say love, say love说爱,说爱Oh loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Say love, say love说爱,说爱Oh loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望I was walking with my momma one day有一天,我和妈妈一起散步When she told me what people say当她提醒我 人们说的那些话的时候Live your life until love is found漫漫度过你的人生直到发现真爱Or loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Sing it唱吧Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖Loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Say love, say love说爱,说爱Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Say love, say love说爱,说爱Oh, loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Mama told me what I should know妈妈告诉我一些生活的道理Too much cand gonna rot your soul太多的糖果会驱使我的灵魂If she loves you let her go如果她爱你,就让她尽情的释放"Cos love only gets you down爱情只会让你失望Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望Sucking to hard on your lollipop用力吃你的棒棒糖loves gonna get you down爱情只会让你失望
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  从20世纪20年代开始,阿迪达斯的创始人阿迪·达斯勒先生就开始致力于研发和生产最好的足球产品。这种传统始终如一:在过去的80年里,阿迪达斯始终在为满足和超越全球超过百万的足球运动员的需要而做着不懈的努力。阿迪达斯对体育事业的贡献及其与一些世界顶级的运动员、球队间紧密的联系使阿迪达斯始终占据足球品牌的领先地位,并成为足球历史中的一个不可或缺的部分。  阿迪达斯从1963年开始制作高质量的比赛用球,当时绝大多数足球是咖啡色的,很沉,踢起来脚会很疼。1970年,国际足联第一次要求阿迪达斯为墨西哥世界杯提供官方用球,当时的阿迪达斯已经成为世界上领先的足球品牌。  Telstar  1970年墨西哥世界杯  “Telstar”完全由真皮制成,这一点和当时其他的球相比并没有什么特殊,但与众不同的是她表面由32块手缝的嵌面组成(12块黑色  的五角形和20块白色的六角形),这种全新的构造配合均衡的缝制使足球拥有更圆更完美的外形。这一革命性的构造设计书写了足球史上新的一页。“Telstar”首次在白色的足球上镶嵌黑色的五角形,从而使足球在黑白电视机的画面中更为显眼。(“Telstar”源自“Star of Television”,1970年墨西哥世界杯首次对世界杯比赛通过卫星进行电视转播)。直到现在,“Telstar”仍然是各种足球的原型。  Telstar & Chile  1974年德国世界杯  1974年德国世界杯使用了两款阿迪达斯比赛用球。“Telstar”把原先黑色的阿迪达斯标记改换成金色,“Chile”则是阿迪达斯在“Telstar”成功的基础上推出的一款全白色的球。(1962年智利世界杯曾使用款全白色的球)两款球在材质和技术上和四年前的基本相同。  Tango  1978年阿根廷世界杯  1978年的这款球在设计上再次实现历史性的突破:著名的“Tango”设计诞生,她成为足球制作史上的一个经典。20个“三角阿迪达斯”形的嵌面相互连接形成12个大小相等的圆形。从此之后的每一届杯赛用球都是在这个设计的基础上进行改良的。“Tango”提高了球对各种气候条件的适应能力,设计上则汲取了阿根廷传统舞蹈探戈的激情与优雅。  Tango Espana  1982年西班牙世界杯  “Tango Espana”在设计上只作了很小的改动,关键的革新在技术上:她仍由真皮制成,但采用了防水、密封的缝制,从而大大减弱了球的吸水性,最大程度上控制了球重的额外增加。  Azteca  1986年墨西哥世界杯  “Azteca”是足球制造技术上的一次改革。她外观设计融入东道主土著人--阿芝台克人建筑和壁画图案的风格;技术上则首次采用合成材料制作。这种合成材料的使用增强了球的耐用性,同时进一步减弱了球的吸水性。无论是在硬地上,高空中还是在潮湿的环境里,她都能表现出色。“Azteca”在足球史上创造了一个飞跃。  Etrusco Unico  1990年意大利世界杯  “Etrusco Unico”对合成材料进行了改良,并且首次在球体内加入黑色聚氨酯泡沫内层,使球具有完全的防水性能,运行速度再次得到提高。至于“Etrusco Unico”的名字以及颇为复杂的外观设计则完全是受到意大利古老而华美的历史和伊特鲁里亚精湛艺术的影响,描绘在每一块“三角阿迪达斯”嵌面上的图案便是三个伊特鲁里亚狮头。  Questra  1994年美国世界杯  “Questra”首次运用具有能量回复性能的白色聚氨酯泡沫内层。这种内层使球体触摸感更为柔软(更易控制),球速更快。设计者希望她能像火箭离地那样地高速,“Questra”的创意来源于美国对宇宙探索和太空技术的追求。  Tricolore  1998年法国世界杯  “Tricolore”:中文名字“三色球”,她是在世界杯比赛中首次印有彩色图案的足球。其设计灵感来源于法国三色国旗以及法兰西民族和法国足协的传统“雄鸡”标志。而“Tricolore”最主要的革新在于采用了新型复合泡沫材料,内部结构是排列紧密规则的弹性气泡,每一个气泡都是封闭的并且充满气体。这种新型复合材料更具耐磨性,赋予球更好的能量回复性能,使球飞行更稳、方向更准。“Tricolore”还首次运用“透明印刷”技术,从而使球的图案更鲜艳、而且不易磨损,寿命更长。  adidas Fevernova? 2002年日韩世界杯  “Fevernova”中文译为“飞火流星”。“飞火流星”是阿迪达斯自推出1978年世界杯指定比赛用球TangoTM后第一次采用突破常规的设计。在外观设计上融入现代亚洲文化的元素,更具动感和创新。“飞火流星”所采用的高科技合成的泡沫层结构是基于98法国世界杯三色球的改良。改进后的泡沫层由众多超强耐压且大小相等的微型气囊构成,该结构赋予了球身出众的能量回复性能及额外的受力缓冲性能,有效提高了足球的可控性及运行的精准度。  adidas +Teamgeist? 2006年德国世界杯  “+团队之星”(+Teamgeist?),寓意致胜世界杯赛场的重要精神:团队的力量。她采用了全新的异形拼块和无缝压合技术,史无前例地将足球球面拼块减少到14块,最大程度地消除了球体表面不规则的凹凸,令球体呈现完美圆弧,从而有效提高了足球运行的精准度。“+团队之星”主要由黑、白、金三色组成,黑、白是东道主德国国家足球队的传统颜色,而金色则代表着世界杯冠军奖杯。
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