barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-27 23:23:56


(1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.

我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流 , 所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为 : 流利 - 准确 - 恰当 .

(2).Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.

寻找学伴一起练习口语 . 英语角是个不错的地方 , 在那我们不但可以练习口语 , 还可以交流英语学习经验 , 开拓视野 , 提高英语学习兴趣 .

(3).If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.

如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少 , 那么也没有关系 , 有很多种方法可以自己练习口语 . 比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境 . 可以对自己描述所看到的景物 , 英语口述自己正在作的事情 .

*(4).This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.

* 这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持 --- 口译汉英对照 ( 或英汉对照 ) 的小说或其它读物 . 首先我们先读汉语部分 , 然后逐句直接口译成英文 , 完成一小段后 , 去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较 , 我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误 , 缺点和进步 . 请注意 : 开始要选择较简单的读物 , 且应大量做 , 只做一两篇效果是不明显的 . 开始可能较慢 , 费时较多 , 但请坚持 , 整体上这是一个加速的过程 . 高级阶段请计时练习 , 以加快反应速度和口语流利度 .

* 作为成人学英语 , 记忆力差是个拦路虎 , 作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心 , 或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难 , 那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题 : :先学习英文课文 , 通篇理解透彻后 , 再来看汉语译文 , 把汉语译文口译回英文 . 这样等于既作复述练习又作口译 ( 语 ) 练习 , 可谓一石双鸟 !

* 这样作的好处 :

1. 自己就可以练习口语 , 想练多久 , 就练多久 .

2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误 --- 英文原文 .

3. 题材范围极广 , 可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢 , 比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题 , 所以我们总是在练习相同的语言 , 进步当然就缓慢了 .

4. 选择小说 , 幽默故事或好的短文阅读 , 使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去 .

5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来




英语口语方面 ,我推荐芒果在线教育。





2023-07-26 11:10:513


新东方在线字典为用户提供单词appropriateness的释义、appropriateness的音标和发音、appropriateness的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握单词appropriateness。性格与外语学习之间的关系. 10. 卡罗尔的《现代语言学 语言学能测试》. 语言学 11. ... 还有另一种或几种语言同时使用. 例如, 英语在斐济、新加坡和尼日利亚等国就是第二...
2023-07-26 11:11:022


2023-07-26 11:11:143

英语翻译 不要机器, 翻完后追加分。

Statement of business English in business English statement when things are often specific, accurate, should not in General. For example: "Thank you for your letter of last month.", and to say "Thank you for your letter dated 1st February". Former Blur, which is likely to cause disputes. So in terms of business of the most taboo differences arising from such obscure language. The latter is more clear, in line with accurate business English language habits. 7 business English language to be polite, decent, the short insightful. (1) the politeness principle of politeness is a binder of interpersonal relationships established diplomatic relations, courtesy is cultured. Politeness and indivisible relationship language appropriateness. In communication, good manners are an important content of appropriateness. To do so, we are writing business letters in English, first of all is the polite term for use. Begin and end must have the appropriate politeness, to polite euphemism when rejection, request and the respect. Such as denial of others can say that we regret to say SB, with regret as seen in polite euphemism, helps the two sides continued good relations of cooperation. When requested by another example you can say you are kindly advised that SB, kindly can embody the principle of courtesy. (2) words and deeds of decent principles when it comes to benefits, in the expression you want to minimize detrimental to others views expressed in the language of words, minimize makes others feel short-changed words, as much as possible for others to be more interest, these measures will not only consolidate the friendly relations can also made both sides more harmonious. Extensive use of the words of in good taste, meet business idioms and their identity. (3) short insightful to briefly seize their own elements to mean, as far as possible with the least amount of words to express his meaning of the expression you want to, so that others can easily read content in the article, provide a superior Foundation for exchanges between the two sides. 8 business English translation principles translation is a across spatio-temporal of language activities is "to a language has expression out of things with another a language accurate and full of expression out" is "from semantic to style in translation into language in the with most be close to second and most natural of peer language reproduction original language of information" translation although for individual by chengzuo is is a social activities a door comprehensive is strong of subject philatelic is strong of theoretical and has rich of practice connotation. Translation is a product of human social activity is needed for human progress. Human society is needed to develop between peoples of different cultures to communicate this process without translation. As Zhang peiji said "Translating it is that openeth the window to let in the light that breaketh the shell that we may eat the kernnel" translation is no art or science also is a creative work.
2023-07-26 11:11:222


(1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.   我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为:流利-准确-恰当.   (2).Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.   寻找学伴一起练习口语.英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣.   (3).If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. 如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少,那么也没有关系,有很多种方法可以自己练习口语.比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境.可以对自己描述所看到的景物,英语口述自己正在作的事情. (4).This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.   *这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持---口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物.首先我们先读汉语部分,然后逐句直接口译成英文,完成一小段后,去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较,我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误,缺点和进步. 请注意:开始要选择较简单的读物,且应大量做,只做一两篇效果是不明显的.开始可能较慢,费时较多,但请坚持,整体上这是一个加速的过程. 高级阶段请计时练习,以加快反应速度和口语流利度.   *作为成人学英语,记忆力差是个拦路虎,作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心,或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难,那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题::先学习英文课文,通篇理解透彻后,再来看汉语译文, 把汉语译文口译回英文. 这样等于既作复述练习又作口译(语)练习,可谓一石双鸟!   *这样作的好处:   1.自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久.   2.始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误---英文原文.   3.题材范围极广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了.   4.选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去.   5.有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来.   6.对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻.这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习,很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的,所以印象相当深刻.比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多.   7.经过大量的练习,你会有这样的感觉:没有什么东西你不能翻译,你的翻译水平大大加强了,你的口语表达力大大提高了!   (5).Interpreting what you hear---Changing Roles: Three people make a group: one speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, one acts as interpreter. Then change roles. This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. In addition, it may improve the responding ability and speed of students. The advanced stage of this method is simultaneous interpretation.   听译法-角色互换:三人一组,模拟翻译实战.一人将汉语,一人将英语,扮演老外,一人作翻译.练习一段时间后互换角色.这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互学习,取长补短的方法.而且可大大提高反应速度和能力.此法的高级阶段为同声传译,我们可以在听广播或看电视或开会时,把所听内容口译英文.   (6).Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.   口语作文和3分钟训练法:此法适用于强化训练.找好一个题目作一分钟的口语作文,同时将其录音.听录音,找出不足和错误,就此题目再作两分钟的的口语作文,同样录音,再听并找出不足与进步,继续作三分钟口语作文.这是高级口语训练,效果不俗.   (7).Retelling exercise: Retell some articles or English stories in our own words.   复述练习:最简单也是最有效的口语学习方法.从治本上攻克英文的方法,特别适合初学者和中级学者,用自己的话背颂所听的英语故事或文章短文,应该大量地练习.   (8).If possible, we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.   如果可能我们也可以大声且快速朗读英文绕口令(就象相声演员练嘴),还可以同时口中含块糖以加大强化训练的力度.这样来强我们的口腔肌肉迅速适应英文发音,使我们的口语相当流利,清晰,而且还有自信.例如:   ☆A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear. The big black bear bit back the big black bug.   ☆This fish has a thin fin; That fish has a fat fin;   This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.   (9).Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words.   特别注意短语(词组)和小词的运用,中国式的英语尤其是口语一个很大的缺点就是中国学生喜欢用大词,而真正地道的英语口语确是充满着短小,活泼,生动的短语,富有生气.而这些短语大部分有小词构成.   (10) Thinking in English.英语思维的培养。   1. 大量根据图片来了解生词的含义,故事的情节.这是少儿英语中常用的方法,也试用于成人.   2. 习惯于使用英-英字典而不是英-汉字典会起相当重要的作用.   3. 加强听力训练,尤其是听用英语解释英语的课程讲解.   4. 如果没有机会拥有封闭的语言环境的话, 就尝试一下自我封闭语言环境的创造与训练.如:强迫自己在一周内所有要表达的话,全部用英语表达.只要你能坚持一周,效果就相当明显,而无论你所表达的英语有多糟!.   (11).Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing may make oral English precise and accurate.   口语虽自有特色,但与英语的其它方面紧密相连.比如,经常练习写作,可使口语精密,准确.
2023-07-26 11:11:401


2023-07-26 11:11:523


谈文体学的适合性原则对英语词汇教学的启示  论文关键词: 文体学 适合性原则 英语词汇教学   论文摘要: 文体学的适合性原则与英语词汇教学密切相关。词汇文体特征的讲授有助于提高学生英语词汇的运用能力,强化学生对语言的敏感度。本文通过分析文体学的适合性原则与英语词汇教学的关系,旨在说明适合性原则理论对英语词汇教学的指导作用。      一、引言      文体学是研究语言表达方法和效果的一门学科。英国著名作家Jonathan Swift在致朋友的信中对文体学的真谛作了简明而精辟的总结:“Proper words in proper places make the true definition of style.”(在恰当的地方使用恰当的词,这就是文体的真实定义)。语言的运用必须符合特定场合的要求,不同的交际环境、交际方式、交际对象和交际目的要求人们使用不同的“语言”。文体学中的适合性原则(The Principle of Appropriateness)是言语交际最基本的原则,也是最重要的原则之一。文体学研究的核心问题正是“语言对场合的适合性”(王左良、丁往道,1987)。词汇是言语构成的最基本要素,而文体学正是以词汇的使用为基本研究对象。本文将从文体学的适合性原则出发,根据英语词汇的文体色彩、使用场合、情景语境等特征对其进行归类分析,从而揭示文体学的适合性原则与英语词汇教学的关系,以及对英语词汇教学的启示。      二、英语词汇的文体特征      文体学的适合性原则决定了词汇的.选择和使用。词语的文体色彩是约定俗成的,有些词语主要用于口语,有些词语则主要用于书面语。教师讲授英语词汇时要结合文体学的适合性原则,使之措词得体,从而收到良好的表达效果。根据词汇的文体特征,王萍(2000)将英语词汇划分为五种变体。   1.正式体与非正式体(formality and informality)。正式体是发音、词汇和句子结构极其严谨的语言,主要用于典礼、仪式、正式演讲、报告等场合。非正式体则是在日常生活场合中使用的词汇。举例来说,以下两句,语义相同,但场合不同,所用词汇也就不同,体现了正式体与非正式体的区别。例如:   (1)Ladies and gentlemen,I am honored to present my viewpoint to you.   女士们、先生们,很荣幸能向各位阐述我的一点拙见。   (2)Ok,everybody,I am very happy to talk about something to you.   大家好,很高兴能和大家一起聊聊。   2.标准语与非标准语(standardization and non-standardization)。根据王宗炎主编的《英语教学语言学词典》,标准语“是一种语言中地位最高的语言变体,它在本社群或民族中最有威望”。而非标准语的口语和书面语在发音、语法或词汇上跟标准语不一致,语言形式比较随意。下列是几组相对应的标准语与非标准语:have got to (gotta),going to (gonna),gentleman (gent),want to (wanna),because (u2019cause)。   3.口语体和书面体(colloquialism and literaryism)。口语体多用于日常谈话,书面体则主要用于文学作品、公众演讲等郑重场合。如日常谈话中会使用fire,而相对应的conflagration则用于书面语。下列几组词汇体现了口语体与书面体的对应关系:cop对应policeman;guy对应fellow;loo对应lavatory;kids对应children。   4.俚语(slang)。俚语用于日常会话,不宜在正式场合使用。但俚语的恰当使用,有时可使语言新颖、生动、活泼,增强表现力和感染力,使人耳目一新。比如“香烟”被形象地称为cancer stick;“逃学”亦被形象地称作cut class。   5.语域与方言(register and dialect)。语域是指特定群体所使用的特殊语言变体,尤指行业惯用语。例如shot在体育方面有“射门”、“投篮”之意;minor为法律用语,指代child;cardiac arrest为医学用语,等同于heart attack。方言大抵分为区域方言和社会方言。区域方言指不同国家或同一国家的不同地区使用的语言变体,如美国英语与英国英语、约克郡方言与苏格兰方言。社会方言是指社会各阶层因文化背景、教育程度不同而使用的语言变体,代表了某社会阶层的价值观(顾曰国,1990)。比如下层社会的人喜欢用词语缩略形式,例如:chocs(chocolates),tellv(television)等。      三、文体学的适合性原则对英语词汇教学的启示      英语词汇浩如烟海,因而措词造句时常难以抉择。文体学的适合性原则正是强调了言语交际是在特定的环境(context)、特定的场合(situation)下,以特定的方式(mode),与特定的对象(object)来完成特定的目的(aim)的交际行为(吴安萍、胡洪霞,2004)。毫无疑问,文体学的适合性原则对英语词汇教学起着指导作用,因而教师有必要把文体学知识引入英语词汇教学,作为词汇研究、讲授的参照标准,从而帮助学生辨清词汇的具体意义,在使用场合,做到用词合理、恰切、灵活。综合起来,文体学的适合性原则对英语词汇教学有以下几方面的启示。   1.有助于培养学生的“正确性”与“适合性”的统一   伟大的哲学家,语言哲学的奠基人维特根斯坦在他的巨著《哲学研究》第43节断言:“一个词的意义是它在语言中的用法。”在英语词汇教学中,只掌握词汇的本体意义是远远不能满足遣词造句和语篇生成需求的,还须考虑到言语交际是否实现了“适合性”。中国人学英语,往往只注重语言的“正确性”,而忽视其“适合性”,这种做法显然是不可取的,应做到“正确性”与“适合性”的辩证统一。还是以conflagration和fire为例,在词义表达上,二者的所指都是“火”。但如果不考虑二者的文体特征而混淆使用,可能会引起交际障碍:   A:What happened last night?   B:A conflagration occurred but no casualties reported so far.   A:What?You mean a fire broke out but no person died?   从以上会话情境可以看出B使用“conflagration”与“casualties”虽然词义表达无误,但显然不适合日常交谈的情景语境,A对B所使用的书面语感到很拗口,所以在回答时用了“fire”,“broke out”这样的日常用语。窥木见林,在英语词汇教学要做到词汇“正确性”与“适合性”的统一。
2023-07-26 11:11:581

proprietor(proprietory) propriety这两个单词如此相似,意思却大相径庭是为何?

2023-07-26 11:12:132

会计当中reconciliation是个什么过程 我在学ACCA F8时候经常遇到。

2023-07-26 11:12:231


声 明Sound Ming1.本公司为具有独立法人地位企业,基本任务和职责严格按照国家有关法律、法规以及国家标准和操作规程,不受任何干预、干扰地独立地进行各项检测检验工作,为社会出具可靠的检验(测)报告。1. The company for the enterprise with independent legal person status, basic tasks and duties in strict accordance with the relevant state laws, regulations and national standards and operational procedures, without any intervention and interference to independently for each inspection work, reliable inspection (measurement) report issued for the society.2.此检测报告仅对委托单位本次检测样品负责。未经本公司书面批准,不得部分复制本检测报告(完整复制检测报告除外)。2. This test report is only responsible for the authorized agencies the test sample. Without written approval of the company shall not be part of the copy test report (except complete copy test report).3.样品及样品信息由委托单位提供并在《委托检测协议书》中确认签字,本公司不承担证实委托单位提供信息的准确性、适当性和(或)完整性的责任。3. Sample and sample information is provided by authorized agencies and confirmed in the testing agreement signed, the company does not undertake confirmed entrust units to provide the information accuracy, appropriateness and (or) the integrity of the responsibility.4.本检测报告无本公司骑缝“检验检测专用章”红章无效。4. This test report without the company place "special seal for testing" red seal is invalid.5.本检测报告未经本公司相关负责人签字无效。5. The relevant person in charge of this test report without our company sign is invalid.6.本检测报告如有涂改、增删等即为无效;如伪造本公司报告,追究其法律责任。6. This test report if there are any alter, add or delete and so on is invalid; Such as fake report, the company shall be investigated for their legal responsibility.7.检测报告中声明为“非CANS认可、CMA认证项目”的项目,此部分检测数据仅供委托单位内部使用,不能作为向社会出具有证明作用的公正数据使用。7. Test report declared as "not as CANS recognition, CMA certification program" project, this part of the testing data is only for authorized agencies for internal use, no proof out to the society has the effect of impartial data use.8.委托客户对本检测报告如有异议,请于出具检测报告后的15日内向本公司提出复测(相同批次样品或本公司留样的样品),根据样品情况不可复测的不予复测,逾期不予受理。出报告15个工作日后本公司有权处理样品。8. This test report if you have any objection to client, please issue the test report to the company within 15 days after the proposed retest (same batch sample or samples of our company retention samples), according to the sample situation not retest not reiteration, overdue will not be accepted. The report 15 working days after the company has the right to deal with the sample.9.本检测报告及其内容未经本公司书面批准,不能用于广告及其他商业宣传活动。9. This test report and its content, without written approval of the company cannot be used for advertising and other commercial promotion activities.
2023-07-26 11:12:421


美国的电视分级制度主要可以分为四级: TV-G (suitable for all audiences) 适合所有人群观看; TV-PG (parental guidance suggested) 儿童需要父母指导进行观看; TV-14 (parental guidance suggested for children under 14) 14岁以下儿童需要父母指导进行观看; TV-MA (suitable for mature audiences) 仅适合17岁以上成年人观看,1998年10月以前使用TV-M标志。 在TV-PG中还引用了更进一步的二级分类,包括: V (moderate violence) 含有轻微暴力内容 S (mild sexual situations) 含有轻微色情内容 L (mild coarse language) 含有轻微粗俗语言 D (suggestive dialogue) 含有轻微猥亵语言 在TV-14中也包括上述上述四种二级分类,但是内容有更强烈的不适宜成分: V (intense violence) 含有激烈暴力内容 S (sexual situations) 含有色情内容 L (coarse language) 含有粗俗语言 D (highly suggestive dialogue) 含有猥亵语言 在TV-MA中只有三种二级分类: V (highly graphic violence) 含有形象的激励暴力描写镜头 S (intense sexual situations) 含有激烈的色情内容 L (strong coarse language) 含有极度猥亵的语言 想了解更多:
2023-07-26 11:12:492

会计当中reconciliation是个什么过程 我在学ACCA F8时候经常遇到。

2023-07-26 11:13:106


专业英语八级写作经典范文   英语专业八级考试题型包括听力、阅读、改错、翻译和写作。 考试内容涵盖英语听、读、写、译各方面下面我为大家搜索整理了关于专业英语八级写作经典范文,欢迎参考借鉴,希望对大家备考有所帮助!想了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们应届毕业生培训网!   篇一:直面人生危机   Throughout our life, we are more often than not faced with various crises. Confronting crises, different people respond differently. What is your attitude toward crises? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view.   参考范文:   Crisis is to us what illness is to our body. Just as fatal disease can destroy our body and sometimes even put an end to our lives, so does smashing crisis knock us down so irrevocably and hopelessly that we might never have chance of standing up again. However, most crises that frequent us in life are not such category. They, like occasional ailments which sometimes can bolster our bodyu2019s immune system, are mostly minor and surmountable and therefore making us hardy enough to survive whatever adversities in our later life. Even those serious crises, if handled properly, can be turned to a blessing to us, too.   A ready example that comes to mind is SARS crisis that has recently torn apart and ravaged most of China. Admittedly, it has cost us quite a lot. Some people suffered health damage and still some even lost their lives. And our economy suffers a temporary setback and a slowdown. However, we still have much to learn and are yet to exhaust listing legacies left by this crisis. Among them are:   First, we are more concerned than ever before with our health, and the environment we live in, and above all, the vulnerable medical system and practice we have so long cherished and regarded as matter of course (have taken for granted). Also, we, all of sudden, realize otherwise not so obvious a truth that life is so infirm, feeble and precarious that if we somehow fail to take advantage of it right here and now, we may have no chance of even saying any words of love to our beloved, not to mention doing anything. Additionally, we tried and bettered and are still bettering our mechanism to respond to unexpected crises. These and other lessons and legacies brought about by blood, tear, toil and sweat are benefiting and continue to benefit us and generations of Chinese to come.   As a well-known ancient Chinese notion goes, the past lessons if not buried in oblivion are mentors for us all. If we can bear in mind sufferings and ordeals we have experienced, then those of our compatriots who had died did not die in vain and our sufferings will not go unrewarded.   篇二:Technology More Harmful than Beneficial(科技的弊大于利)   Part Ⅵ Writing (45 min)   Some people claim that technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life. What do you think of this statement? Write an essay of about 400 words.   In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.   You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.   Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.   范文:   Technology: More Harmful than Beneficial   The advent of technological era has brought many changes which have made a considerable impact on human life. On one hand technology has remarkably improved our standard of living and solved many of our problems, but on the other hand it has also exposed us to new problems some of which are irremediable,   There is no doubt that technological advances have made our lives easier. Thanks to them the world has become a global city. Now we can traverse several continents in a single day. We can gather loads of information with a single click of the mouse. We can talk to our friends whenever we want to. We enjoy the cool air of air conditioners during hot scorching summers and warmth of heaters in freezing winters. A lot of our manual, tasks are taken up by machines, which manufacture, assemble and pack the products for them. People are leading longer and healthier lives due to development of vaccines and availability of state of art surgical equipment. They can travel to the moon and are exploring the space. All of these have been made possible only because of technological innovations.   However, every thing comes at a cost and hence we are paying a hefty price for relentless use of technological tools. The water we drink is no longer safe. The air we breathe is laden with the pollutants. The ozone layer that provided a natural protection against fiendish ultraviolet rays is depleting. Deforestation and strip mining is making vast areas of land barren. The balance of our ecosystem is greatly disturbed. A large number of organisms have become extinct and several more are on the verge of extinction, and if proper measures are not adopted human beings might be one of them.   The baneful effects of technology have harmed our personal lives as well. Human beings have become slaves to their own machines. The pride of accomplishing a task all by ourselves is gone. The strong family ties have become tenuous and computers and televisions have become our family and friends. The confidential information is no longer safe from hackers. The frustrations endured due to malfunctioning machines are making us amnesic. The development of vaccines has given rise to more virulent form of organisms some of which are incurable. We continuously feel threatened by chemical and biological weapons. A single atom bomb can erase millions of us within seconds. Our peace of mind is lost.   In conclusion, though technology has improved our standard of living, it has harmed our environment and deteriorated the quality of life to a far greater extent.   篇三:体育与图书馆孰轻孰重   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students" sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.   参考范文:   I disagree strongly with the idea that the same amount of money should go to university sports activities as to university libraries. Although playing sports is a wonderful way to learn about teamwork, strategy and reaching your goals, it should not be the principal focus of a university education.   Students need the most up-to-date library facilities available to get the best education. Many of those facilities are very expensive to buy and maintain. These include computerized programs and access to internet research databases that students can use to find information all around the world. If a university is only offering its students resources of a decade ago, itu2019s depriving those students of a tremendous amount of information.   Even the book and magazine budget of universities has gone up tremendously in last decade. More is being published on every subject, and every university wants to have this information available to its students.   It also costs money for universities to keep their libraries open. Students need to have access to all the libraries" research tools as much of time as possible. Because students are young and can stay up all night studying, many universities are starting to leave their libraries open all night during exam periods. This costs money, because the staff has to be paid extra to be there. It also costs money to run the building (electricity, heat) during that time.   Students at universities are only going to benefit from their education if they can get to all the tools they need to learn. Sports are secondary to the resources that students need from university libraries. For this reason, libraries should always be better funded than sport activities. ;
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其次, 甚至由于一有责任的和容易地犯坚定又小的生产者在群众被遗失如果那公司正在处理多种承包商。 这举起适当的疑问那技术被转移。 如果公司正在提供它使用它本身的一个生产系统 , 或哪一个是藉着大农民用了, 它不可能是农民的最令人想要的技术, 提供危险考虑,对小生产者是典型的家庭劳动 , 和首都的限制存取。 DutrJnit 和ejidatarios 雇请他们自己的技术上的协助也担任的 Oliveira 的推荐一和缩短公司的仲裁者是这关心的一个好。 它会更好如果在那里一个如此协助的适当补给在墨西哥, 被教育是的私人的 extensionists敏感的对需要和小生产者的限制。 也为如此私人的延长供给减轻交易的负担的部份的缩短公司花费固有的在提供延长给方面大量的小生产者, 和可能使如此的协会变成更吸引人。 政策FIRA 需要如此的协助是有帮助的, 但是会更能养活如果政府正在支付对人力资源的训练的充份注意。
2023-07-26 11:14:014


2023-07-26 11:14:235


(1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should befollowed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicatingability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为: 流利 - 准确 - 恰当.(2).Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchangeEnglish study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.寻找学伴一起练习口语.英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣.(3).If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English toourselves.如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少,那么也没有关系,有很多种方法可以自己练习口语.比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境.可以对自己描述所看到的景物,英语口述自己正在作的事情.
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1.英语口语学习方法总汇 (1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. 我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流 , 所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为 : 流利 - 准确 - 恰当 .(2).Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. 寻找学伴一起练习口语 . 英语角是个不错的地方 , 在那我们不但可以练习口语 , 还可以交流英语学习经验 , 开拓视野 , 提高英语学习兴趣 .(3).If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. 如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少 , 那么也没有关系 , 有很多种方法可以自己练习口语 . 比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境 . 可以对自己描述所看到的景物 , 英语口述自己正在作的事情 .*(4).This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation. * 这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持 --- 口译汉英对照 ( 或英汉对照 ) 的小说或其它读物 . 首先我们先读汉语部分 , 然后逐句直接口译成英文 , 完成一小段后 , 去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较 , 我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误 , 缺点和进步 . 请注意 : 开始要选择较简单的读物 , 且应大量做 , 只做一两篇效果是不明显的 . 开始可能较慢 , 费时较多 , 但请坚持 , 整体上这是一个加速的过程 . 高级阶段请计时练习 , 以加快反应速度和口语流利度 .* 作为成人学英语 , 记忆力差是个拦路虎 , 作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心 , 或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难 , 那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题 : :先学习英文课文 , 通篇理解透彻后 , 再来看汉语译文 , 把汉语译文口译回英文 . 这样等于既作复述练习又作口译 ( 语 ) 练习 , 可谓一石双鸟 !* 这样作的好处 :1. 自己就可以练习口语 , 想练多久 , 就练多久 .2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误 --- 英文原文 .3. 题材范围极广 , 可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢 , 比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题 , 所以我们总是在练习相同的语言 , 进步当然就缓慢了 .4. 选择小说 , 幽默故事或好的短文阅读 , 使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去 .5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来
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We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this orderof importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.
2023-07-26 11:15:024


首先,应注重养成良好的英语学习习惯,尤其是听,说、读、写等方面的良好习惯。 一、培养良好的听的习惯 1、养成用音标拼读单词的习惯。 2、养成认真听示范发音(教师、磁带、光盘等),听清后再模仿。 3、每天安排一定的时间进行听力训练。 4、养成充分利用现代资源,课后多听课文录音,看英语影视节目,收听英语广播,上网学习英语等渠道,感受较规范的英语语音、语调,培养语感。 二、养成良好的说的习惯 1、消除心理障碍,克服怕开口说英语的紧张心理,养成大胆开口说英语的习惯,做到敢讲英语,争讲英语,爱讲英语。 2、养成师生间,同学间用英语问候,把所学英语用到日常生活中去的习惯。 三、养成良好的读的习惯 1、养成每天朗读或听读英语20分钟左右,坚持早晚大声朗读背诵英语句子、对话、课文的好习惯。 2、养成以“意群”为单位阅读英语的良好习惯,选择合适的材料限时阅读,提高阅读速度;阅读有关英语报刊、杂志等.每周阅读2—3篇的英语阅读文章。 四、养成良好的写的习惯 1、书写:养成规范书写字母、单词、句子正确的习惯. 2、写作:写作训练要循序渐进。低年级加强单句写作训练,如连词成句练习、造句练习,汉译英练习,句子改错练习和简单的看图写句子练习等。高年级加强篇章段落的写作训练,如看多幅图写段意识连贯的话,根据英语或汉语提示写篇小短文等。 3、养成每天写英语日记的习惯。 五、养成课前预习的习惯 六、培养学生动手记笔记的良好习惯 在学习英语时,无论自学、预习,还是在课堂上,都要动用身体上所有感官参与学习,用眼看、耳听、口说、心记,更要动手记,一定要做到多管齐下,才能使英语学习效率更高,学习成效更为显著。 七、养成爱动脑、爱提问,敢于质疑问题的习惯 八、养成对所学知识点进行整理、归类的习惯 在英语知识学习一段时间之后,要及时对所学知识的重点、难点、易混点进行梳理归类,有助于在头脑中形成英语知识脉络,更好地掌握它们,并形成自已的知识与技能,达到优化记忆的效果。 九、养成及时复习的习惯 人类的遗忘有递减,递远规律,及时复习,及时发现问题,及时解决会更有效地记住、掌握住所学的知识与技能
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专四写作范文精选八篇   引导语:下面我整理了一些专四写作的写作范文,希望能够帮助到大家。   写作题目一   节食的好坏   Many people, especially girls, would like to lose weight by eating less. What is your opinion about it?   Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:   Is Dieting Good or Bad?   You are to write in three parts:   In the first part, state what you think is the best way.   In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons.   In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.   Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.   范文:Is Dieting Good or Bad?   In order to keep a slim body and to be more attractive in appearance, many people, especially girls, would like to lose weight by eating less. Some people worry that dieting is bad for our health, while others don"t agree. In my opinion, dieting is not good for most people.   First, dieting is harmful to people"s health. It has been proved that if one begins to eat less to keep slim, he or she will be much weaker than those who don"t. Young people"s bowels must work in an orderly way everyday. If a 20-year-old girl eats less than what her body needs, her metabolism will slow down because there is not so much food to be digested each day. As a result, this young girl will become both physically and mentally slow as a 40-year-old one. How terrible it is! Second, dieting may affect our lives. In this modern society, people need to be very energetic to face severe competitions in their study or work. Dieting will surely reduce their energy and in turn affect their lives badly.   In conclusion, I believe that dieting is not advisable for most people, except for those who are told to do so by doctors.    写作题目二   如何看待养宠物   There is no denying the fact that keeping pets is a hotly debated topic today. Some people claim that keeping pets is a good thing to do. They believe that pets, like cats and dogs, can help relieve the loneliness suffered by senior citizens and other social members who are confined to their homes for this reason or that. They also argue that keeping pets helps mankind understand animalsu2019 world and develop positive feelings toward them.   Others, however, hold the opposite view. They regard keeping pets as a useless but harmful thing to do. First, pets can transmit diseases. Secondly, the noises and dung of pets are sources of pollution. Last but not least, as many rare birds and animals are kept as pets, they will surely be hunted on a large scale, which means a threat to the balance of the ecosystem.   Weighing the arguments of both sides, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Anyway, we can lessen our loneliness and express our love toward animals in other ways. And it is my belief that only by placing man and other species on an equal basis can we expect to have a lively and colorful world.   写作题目三   赢得尊重的重要性   Although we would all love to be Ms Popular at home and in the office, at work the task is not to be liked, but to be effective, says computer sales executive Andrea.   "This is possibly the single most important lesson we can learn. You canu2019t always be popular. You shouldnu2019t have to be; itu2019s not what youu2019re there for. Progress depends on having your own ideas and sticking to them. And that means having the guts to make difficult decisions when you have to," she says.   Weu2019re aware from day one in our first job that every decision we make is either a building block or a stumbling block on our career path. We should use the time to lay the groundwork of future respect by being professional, responsible, innovative, diligent and reliable.   Respect is never given for nothing. Claire knew that she was offered a move to Paris with her finance company because she had gained a reputation for keeping cool under fire. And the next step up the ladder would depend on her performance in Paris.   "Itu2019s essential to build regard if youu2019re going to be able to do what you want in your job," she says. Winning respect enhances all you do. A proposal for change is more likely to be well received; an application for a raise or a request for promotion is more likely to succeed.   写作题目四   我的未来   I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly enjoy being close to earth. If I can afford to live a pastoral life in the countryside, I will feel most blessed. As far as social life is concerned, simplicity is what I intend to pursue, so I really don"t need too many friends. All these will be mere talk if I am idle now. To attain my goal, I must make a point of training my body and mind. This is a highly competitive society in which everyone is eager to come out on top. That is not only a competition of physical strength and mental power, but a marathon of patience, faith, and perseverance. Life is not all roses, but with what I am being equipped with by the top teachers in this elite school, I surely deserve a promising prospect.
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ess failure companies with bitter, saddness, and suffering. It seems people have to l
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We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.
2023-07-26 11:16:001


2023-07-26 11:16:102

marks will be awarded for content翻译

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我发给你。PART VI WRITING [45 MIN]SECTION A COMPOSITION [35 MIN]Most of us, as students, are careful with our money in daily life: we collect all kinds of coupons(优惠券); we look for group-buy deals if we eat out or travel; we don"t buy clothes unless in a sale. However, some people think that all this may not make us smart consumers. What is your opinion?Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words.You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.  In the second part, provide one or two reasons or your experience (s) to support your opinion.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.You should supply an appropriate title for your composition.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN]Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Your former high-school classmate (Mathew or Grace) is coming to visit you in the dorm. But, you have got something urgent to do and thus cannot wait for him/her there. Leave a note on the door, expressing your apology and telling him/her how to find you. You must make clear where you are in the note.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.SECTION A 参考答案:The advantages of being careful with money in daily lifeNowadays, there is a hot debate on whether people, including students should be careful with their money in their daily life since they try their best to save money. Some people think it is not good to do so because this may not make people smart consumers. But in my eyes, the advantages of being careful with money in daily life outweigh the disadvantages.First, being careful with money is a virtue that can always benefit people. Being thrifty is of great help, especially when the economic status around the world is not very good and it becomes harder to earn money than before. A good habit of being careful with money will help many people go through this difficult period or any other difficult financial situation in their life. People with this awareness will think carefully before deciding to buy anything. For students, this awareness is also of great help since they mainly depend on their parents for financial supports. When they keep this awareness in their mind, they will definitely avoid wasting money.Secondly, being careful with money is, in fact, a good way of practicing how to manage one"s money. In current society, it is necessary to learn something about finance. But theories are usually hard to learn. In contrast, most people can learn quickly by practicing. Being careful with money means an efficient use of money, which, in essence, equals to part of the job of a financial planner. Being careful with money can teach people to make best use of their money.It is true that being too careful with money may have some disadvantages; for example, it may cause people to ignore other aspects of commodities. But overall this behavior is good and has its reality basis. Money-consciousness is always needed in the market-oriented economy.
2023-07-26 11:16:331

跪求帮忙翻译一下这段文字 翻译成英文!实在有点来不及了。

How to cultivate children "s ability to think independently Einstein once said: "Learning to independent thought and judgment is more important than access to knowledge is not determined critical thinking habits, will lose the greatest pleasures of life ." Unique, truly a sight to behold significance is able to demonstrate and express unique ideas, most successful ideas with highly personalized , independent thinking and judgment. So . Parents should young children the habit of independent thinking . How to cultivate the child"s parents should think independently do ? 1 to create a thinking atmosphere. In the family, creating an atmosphere of thinking , the children form a unique personality , the performance of innovative thinking and action is very important. Parents can not because the child is small or that the child is not sensible , you need to take care of other adults and regard him as an adult accessories. To know that the child is a complete, independent individuals , they should be allowed to have their own world, their own space. 2 let the children learn to think . Parents talk with their children to get along with the process, in order to discuss the tone should always discuss negotiation style , leaving room for the child to think for themselves , to give children the opportunity to put forward their own ideas . Parents can ask questions based on conversations frequently , such as : "He ( it ) What is the relationship between them ? " , " How do you think would be better ? " "Do you think there are any grounds? " And other issues . Used to initiate the child"s thinking . 3 Listen to your child narrate their own ideas. Children"s ideas are often naive , childish and even ridiculous. Nevertheless, parents still have to grab their conversation interesting argument makes sense to encourage them in depth , " explained ," so they have tasted the pleasure of thinking in order to enhance the confidence of self-exploration . 4 cultivate children"s creative thinking approach. Everyday life, encourage children who often ask a few why , cultivate children inquisitor asked in the end the habit . Meanwhile , parents should take the trouble to give the correct answer ; questions and showing interest in the child , with the children think and to seek answers to the unknown , so that the children to think , question the desire will continue to increase . It should be noted that: parents not to give children everything is arranged very appropriateness thoughtful, never let the children themselves to consider , on the contrary , to give the children to create a space to think , let go , let the children to think boldly , and seriously listen to children "s ideas. Even parents sometimes need to replace the child"s thinking thoughts , they should put two ideas together with your child to make a comparison , let the children not only know , but also know why . In this way, it helps to develop children "s ability of independent thinking可以用google翻译器】
2023-07-26 11:16:542

英语作文 会写的进

2023-07-26 11:17:012

英语专四经典范文:How to Keep Psychologically Healthy?

  It is reported that mental health has become a troublesome issue. The number of people committing suicide is on the rise. You are required to analyze this phenomenon and contribute some suggestions on how to keep psychologically healthy.   Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:   How to Keep Psychologically Healthy?   You are to write in three parts.   In the first part, state specifically what your view is.   In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.   In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.   Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.   范文:   How to Keep Psychologically Healthy?   Nowadays more and more people are concerned about mental health issue. It is reported that the number of people committing suicide is on the rise. Many of them committed suicide just because of some little frustration such as failing an exam. If they had paid more attention to their mental health, they might not have reacted in such an extreme way.   How to keep ourselves psychologically healthy? First, we should adjust ourselves to the new conditions. When we go to a university as freshmen, or go to work in a strange city, we may become nervous because everything is so unfamiliar. The only way out is to adjust ourselves to the new conditions and shake off the anxiety quickly. Second, we should know our-selves well and admit that we are just ordinary people. Knowing that ordinary people may not be good at everything, we can easily accept some small failures in our lives. Third, we should try to share our feelings with friends. By doing this, we are assured that any difficulty can be solved since we are not alone.   It is very important for us to be psychologically healthy, and we should pay more attention to our mental health.
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forprep.1.[表示目的]为了struggle for existence生存竞争go out for a walk出去散步2.[表示目标、去向]向, 往leave for Shanghai动身去上海the train for Dalian开往大连的火车passengers for Beijing去北京的旅客He is getting on for sixty.他快到六十岁了。3.[表示对象、用途等]为, 对于; 适于; 供; 属于...的; 给...的books for children儿童图书an instrument for measuring pressure测压力用的仪器Not For Sale非卖品(常用于商品标签)That will be bad for your health.那将有损于你的健康。A letter for you!你的信!4.[表示愿望、爱好、特长等]对于, 倾向于long for freedom渴望自由have a liking for music爱好音乐an eye for beauty审美的眼光5.[表示理由、原因]由于, 因为jump for joy高兴得跳起来a city famous for its beauty一个以美丽而著称的城市6.代, 替; 代表teach for sb.为某人代课7.[表示时间、距离、数量等]达, 计The meeting lasted(for) hours. 会议继续了几个小时。8.[表示赞成, 支持]拥护, 有利于vote for sb.投某人的票They are all for him.他们都拥护他。9.[表示让步] 虽然, 尽管For all your explantions, I understand no better than before.尽管你作了解释, 我还是不懂。10.至于, 说到, 就...而言for my part至于我, 讲到我He is tall for his age.就他的年龄而言, 他是个高个子。So much for today.今天就讲[做]这么多。11.[表示等价、报酬、 赔偿或比例关系] 交换sell for a dollar以一美元卖掉answer point for point逐点答复translate word for word逐字翻译12.[表示约定的时间]an appointment forSaturday星期六的约会13.[表示身分]看作, 当作, 作为take sb. for a fool把某人看成傻瓜give sth. up for lost认定某物已丢失而不找寻It was built for a pleasure boat.这条船是作为游艇建造的。14.[用于插入语, 表示列举]Many people want to buy it because, for one thing , the price is low.许多人想买它, 原因之一就是价格便宜。15.[与名词或代词连用, 后接动词不定式, 构成名词短语]make way for the car to pass给汽车让路It is time for him to go.他该走了。of1.[表示所属关系](属于)...的man of that time那个时代的人2.[表示关于](关于)...的a long story of adventure一个很长的冒险故事3.[表示同位关系]the city of Rome罗马市the name of James詹姆士这个名字4.[表示性质、内容 、状况等]a look of pity令人哀怜的神色a man of ability能干的人5.[表示数量、种类]a kind of oil一种油three pieces of meat三块肉6.[表示部分或全部]five of us我们中五个人the five of us我们五个7.[表示...中最突出的]the heroofheroes最杰出的英雄in one"s heart of hearts在内心深处8.[表示在...方面]be difficult of access难以进去(或接近)be quick of eye眼快9.[表示起源、根源、原因]be ashamed of因...而羞愧be sick of厌恶die of死于...10.[表示由...组成、做成]a table of wood木头桌子11.[表示动作的对象]the love of one"s country爱祖国、故乡the telling of lies说谎12.[表示动作的主体]the arrival of the delegation代表团的到来It is clever of you to do so.你那样做真聪明。13.[表示除去、剥削等]cure sb. of a disease医好某人的病defraud sb. of a thing骗去某人的东西14.[表示方位、时间等的范围]north of Boston波士顿以北of late years近年来three minutes of ten[美]差三分钟到十点
2023-07-26 11:17:363

译文:Kant:What is Enlightenment?康德:何谓启蒙

启示是什么? 康德一Enlightenment is man"s emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one"s own understanding without another"s guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one"s own mind without another"s guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment.懒惰和怯懦是为什么人类 很大一部分未成年人乐意保持他们的生活,在大自然把他们从 外部引导释放。他们为什么是别人把自己作为监护人这么简单的原因。这是 是一个很小的很舒服。如果我有一本书, 认为我,牧师谁作为我的良心,医生规定 我的饮食,等等,然后我不需要施加自己。我不需要 认为,如果只有我可以付出;别人会因为 我照顾那个讨厌的业务。那些监护人好心监督自己看到 ,绝大多数人类--其中的公平性,应考虑整个 走向成熟,不仅是辛苦,但非常 危险。首先,这些守护者让他们的牛笨,小心防止温顺 生物从没有领先的字符串他们牢他们迈出第一步。然后 他们告诉他们 会威胁他们如果他们应该试着自己走路的危险。现在这种危险 真的不是很好;绊了几次会,最后学会走路后, 。然而,这种失败的例子恐吓和一般不 所有进一步的尝试。因此为了自己的未成年 这几乎已经成为自己天性的个体很难。他甚至开始喜欢它, ,起初真的不能用自己的理解因为他 从未被允许尝试。教条和公式,这些机械工具 设计合理使用或滥用,而他的天赋,是一个永恒的羁绊 早期。谁把他们会让一个不确定的 跨越窄沟,因为他不习惯这样的自由运动。 这就是为什么只有少数人坚定地行走,谁已经从早期的 培养自己。然而,它是更有可能的,,为公众要启蒙自己;事实上, 如果只是给予自由,启蒙几乎是。总是会有 是几个独立的思想家,即使是自封的 众多守护者。一旦这样的人摆脱了早期的枷锁,他们会传播 他们一个合理的人的价值升值的精神和他的责任 为自己想。这是特别需要注意的是,公众是早期 带来的枷锁下的这些人后来军队这些监护人 继续提交,如果它是如此受到一些其监护人自己是谁没有任何 启示。这表明 植入的偏见是多么有害的:他们最终会报复自己对他们的作者或作者的后代 。因此,公众可以得到启迪 缓慢。一个革命可能带来个人专制结束或 贪婪残暴的压迫,但没有一个真正的改革思路。 新偏见将服务,地方的旧,没有 作为引导线。This enlightenment requires nothing but freedom--and the most innocent of all that may be called "freedom": freedom to make public use of one"s reason in all matters. Now I hear the cry from all sides: "Do not argue!" The officer says: "Do not argue--drill!" The tax collector: "Do not argue--pay!" The pastor: "Do not argue--believe!" Only one ruler in the world says: "Argue as much as you please, but obey!" We find restrictions on freedom everywhere. But which restriction is harmful to enlightenment? Which restriction is innocent, and which advances enlightenment? I reply: the public use of one"s reason must be free at all times, and this alone can bring enlightenment to mankind.On the other hand, the private use of reason may frequently be narrowly restricted without especially hindering the progress of enlightenment. By "public use of one"s reason" I mean that use which a man, as scholar, makes of it before the reading public. I call "private use" that use which a man makes of his reason in a civic post that has been entrusted to him. In some affairs affecting the interest of the community a certain [governmental] mechanism is necessary in which some members of the community remain passive. This creates an artificial unanimity which will serve the fulfillment of public objectives, or at least keep these objectives from being destroyed. Here arguing is not permitted: one must obey. Insofar as a part of this machine considers himself at the same time a member of a universal community--a world society of citizens--(let us say that he thinks of himself as a scholar rationally addressing his public through his writings) he may indeed argue, and the affairs with which he is associated in part as a passive member will not suffer. Thus it would be very unfortunate if an officer on duty and under orders from his superiors should want to criticize the appropriateness or utility of his orders. He must obey. But as a scholar he could not rightfully be prevented from taking notice of the mistakes in the military service and from submitting his views to his public for its judgment. The citizen cannot refuse to pay the taxes levied upon him; indeed, impertinent censure of such taxes could be punished as a scandal that might cause general disobedience. Nevertheless, this man does not violate the duties of a citizen if, as a scholar, he publicly expresses his objections to the impropriety or possible injustice of such levies. A pastor, too, is bound to preach to his congregation in accord with the doctrines of the church which he serves, for he was ordained on that condition. But as a scholar he has full freedom, indeed the obligation, to communicate to his public all his carefully examined and constructive thoughts concerning errors in that doctrine and his proposals concerning improvement of religious dogma and church institutions. This is nothing that could burden his conscience. For what he teaches in pursuance of his office as representative of the church, he represents as something which he is not free to teach as he sees it. He speaks as one who is employed to speak in the name and under the orders of another. He will say: "Our church teaches this or that; these are the proofs which it employs." Thus he will benefit his congregation as much as possible by presenting doctrines to which he may not subscribe with full conviction. He can commit himself to teach them because it is not completely impossible that they may contain hidden truth. In any event, he has found nothing in the doctrines that contradicts the heart of religion. For if he believed that such contradictions existed he would not be able to administer his office with a clear conscience. He would have to resign it. Therefore the use which a scholar makes of his reason before the congregation that employs him is only a private use, for no matter how sizable, this is only a domestic audience. In view of this he, as preacher, is not free and ought not to be free, since he is carrying out the orders of others. On the other hand, as the scholar who speaks to his own public (the world) through his writings, the minister in the public use of his reason enjoys unlimited freedom to use his own reason and to speak for himself. That the spiritual guardians of the people should themselves be treated as minors is an absurdity which would result in perpetuating absurdities.但如果社会部长,说教会理事会,。..有权 承诺的誓言一定不变的原则,以确保 永久监护在其所有成员通过他们的人吗?我说,这是相当 。这样的合同,决定保持所有进一步的 启示人类,简直是无效,即使它应该 证实了君主的权力,议会,和最庄严的条约。 时代无法达成协议,将后世,防止 他们增加他们的重要见解,清除自己的错误,并 一般进展。这将是一个对人 自然的命运恰恰就在于这种进步犯罪。因此, 后世完全有权拒绝接受这样的决定,擅自 。所有这些决定可能成为法律 一人的试金石在于这样一个问题:可以一人实施这样的法律本身? 现在可能将秩序一定短时间 期望更好的在一定。但是,当该临时命令的继续, 每个公民(首先,每个牧师作为一个学者)应留出 发表批评缺点现有的他。这应该继续 直到这些问题公众的理解已经走了这么远,结合多 声音(虽然不一定是全部)的学者,改革建议可以 提交主权保护那些教会已决定 根据他们最好的灯在改变宗教,没有,但是, 阻碍那些想保持真正的老。但同意 永恒的宗教宪法不被任何人 公开质疑将是毁灭一段在人的 改善进展期。这必须是绝对禁止的。一个人可能会推迟自己的启蒙,但只在有限的时间内 。而放弃启蒙共,要么为自己或自己的 后裔,是违背和践踏人类的神圣权利。什么是 人不得自行决定可能更是决定它的君主,为 他的声誉作为一个统治者恰恰在于他如何联合会 整个人在他自己的。如果他注意使一切真正的或假想 [宗教]改进保持与公民秩序的步骤,他可以为其他学科 离开他独自去做他们找到他们的 灵魂拯救的必要。救恩是他无关;它是他的生意防止一人从 强行保持另一个确定和促进他的救恩,他的能力最好的 。事实上,如果他参与了 这些事项和监督,他的臣民寻求他们的[宗教]的观点 进入开放的作品有损他的威严,甚至当他从自己的 最高的洞察力,因为他暴露了自己的羞辱:凯撒非EST 超grammaticos。 二这是 更糟时,他贬低他的主权 就 支持过他的 其他科目在他的国家的一些暴君专制的精神。当我们问,我们现在生活在一个启蒙了的时代?答案是,不, 但我们生活在一个时代。目前的站还远 真男人已经能够使用自己的理性在宗教问题 自信正确无外部指导。不过,我们有一些明显的迹象表明,这场 朝宗教真理]的目标[现在 打开。更重要的是,逐渐减少对一般启示或自我强加的 早期出现的困难是。在这方面 这是启蒙和弗雷德里克的时代[大]。王子不应该认为有损他的尊严,他认为他的职责不 决定什么他在宗教问题上的主体,但离开 他们完全的自由。如果他拒绝傲慢的“宽容”,他是 自己开悟;他是值得感恩的世界和后代 誉为那个人是解放人类从依赖第一,至少在 政府,让大家在良心方面使用他自己的理性。 他的统治下,尊敬的牧师,作为学者,无论他们的职责 办公室,可以自由公开发表他们的想法的世界 检查,虽然他们偏离这里和那里接受。这是 更是如此,每个人的任何宣誓不受限制。这 自由精神蔓延超出普鲁士]的界限[即使有 在外部障碍由政府建立,未能 把握其真正的利益斗争。[弗雷德里克]是一个光辉的榜样,普鲁士自由 其实不需要担心有关公共秩序或社会团结的 。当一个人不故意试图让男人在野蛮时代, 他们将逐步解决,条件。我一直强调,主要是在宗教问题上的主要观点的启示——人的出现 从自我强加的未成年人,因为我们的统治者 纷纷打起了守护他们的臣民在艺术和科学不感兴趣。 首先,早期宗教不仅是最有害的但最。但性格的 至高无上的统治者谁主张在艺术和科学 自由走得更远:他知道没有危险在允许 他的臣民,让他们公开运用理性和发表他们的想法 关于更好的宪法,以及现有法律的基本 坦率的批评。我们已经有了一个引人注目的例子[自由],没有君主可以 匹配一个我们崇敬。但只有自己开悟的人,谁不害怕阴影, 谁命令同时良好的纪律和人数众多的军队保证公众 和平--只有他能说什么主权]一个自由的国家 不敢[说:“说得和你一样多,和你所喜欢的,但 服从!因此,我们观察到在人类事务中的其他地方,在这几乎 一切事情都是自相矛盾的,一个令人惊讶的和意想不到的事件过程:公民自由度大 似乎利于 人的学术自由,同时建立了不可逾越的障碍。一个小 程度的公民自由,然而,自由的精神创造的空间来扩大其生产能力的极限 。自然,然后,有精心培育的种子在 的核心--即督促和思想自由的职业。这 自由思想逐渐反作用对人的思维方式,和 男人越来越能够在自由。最后的自由思想 行为甚至对政府的基本面和状态很好 对待老人,谁现在是一个多机,与他的尊严的协议。笔记
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2023-07-26 11:18:343


英语口语学习方法总汇 (1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. 我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流 , 所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为 : 流利 - 准确 - 恰当 . (2).Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. 寻找学伴一起练习口语 . 英语角是个不错的地方 , 在那我们不但可以练习口语 , 还可以交流英语学习经验 , 开拓视野 , 提高英语学习兴趣 . (3).If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. 如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少 , 那么也没有关系 , 有很多种方法可以自己练习口语 . 比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境 . 可以对自己描述所看到的景物 , 英语口述自己正在作的事情 . *(4).This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation. * 这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持 --- 口译汉英对照 ( 或英汉对照 ) 的小说或其它读物 . 首先我们先读汉语部分 , 然后逐句直接口译成英文 , 完成一小段后 , 去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较 , 我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误 , 缺点和进步 . 请注意 : 开始要选择较简单的读物 , 且应大量做 , 只做一两篇效果是不明显的 . 开始可能较慢 , 费时较多 , 但请坚持 , 整体上这是一个加速的过程 . 高级阶段请计时练习 , 以加快反应速度和口语流利度 . * 作为成人学英语 , 记忆力差是个拦路虎 , 作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心 , 或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难 , 那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题 : :先学习英文课文 , 通篇理解透彻后 , 再来看汉语译文 , 把汉语译文口译回英文 . 这样等于既作复述练习又作口译 ( 语 ) 练习 , 可谓一石双鸟 ! * 这样作的好处 : 1. 自己就可以练习口语 , 想练多久 , 就练多久 . 2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误 --- 英文原文 . 3. 题材范围极广 , 可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢 , 比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题 , 所以我们总是在练习相同的语言 , 进步当然就缓慢了 . 4. 选择小说 , 幽默故事或好的短文阅读 , 使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去 .5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来
2023-07-26 11:18:541


英语口语学习方法总汇 (1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. 我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流 , 所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次 序应为 : 流利 - 准确 - 恰当 . (2).Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. 寻找学伴一起练习口语 . 英语角是个不错的地方 , 在那我们不但可以练习口语 , 还可以交流英语学习经验 , 开拓视野 , 提高英语学习兴趣 . (3).If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. 如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少 , 那么也没有关系 , 有很多种方法可 以自己练习口语 . 比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境 . 可以对自己描 述所看到的景物 , 英语口述自己正在作的事情 . *(4).This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation. * 这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持 --- 口译汉英对照 ( 或英汉对照 ) 的小说或 其它读物 . 首先我们先读汉语部分 , 然后逐句直接口译成英文 , 完成一小段后 , 去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较 , 我们马上可以发现我们口 译的错误 , 缺点和进步 . 请注意 : 开始要选择较简单的读物 , 且应大量做 , 只做一两篇效果是不明显的 . 开始可能较慢 , 费时较多 , 但请坚持 , 整体上 这是一个加速的过程 . 高级阶段请计时练习 , 以加快反应速度和口语流利度 . * 作为成人学英语 , 记忆力差是个拦路虎 , 作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从 心, 或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难 , 那么这样做可以非常有效地解 决这个问题 : :先学习英文课文 , 通篇理解透彻后 , 再来看汉语译文 , 把汉 语译文口译回英文 . 这样等于既作复述练习又作口译 ( 语 ) 练习 , 可谓一石 双鸟! * 这样作的好处 : 1. 自己就可以练习口语 , 想练多久 , 就练多久 . 2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误 --- 英文原文 . 3. 题材范围极广 , 可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢 , 比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们 自己熟悉的话题 , 所以我们总是在练习相同的语言 , 进步当然就缓慢了 . 4. 选择小说 , 幽默故事或好的短文阅读 , 使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去 . 5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来
2023-07-26 11:19:042

英语会话:Give up some tips of making a good inperssion

A good impression results from a combination of factors which includes your manner of dress, your body language, and your attitude. They say that the interviewer decides if (s)he likes you in the first 5 seconds. Read on to see how to make the best of that 5 seconds.AttireTo suit or not to suit, that is the question. The answer is not as clear as it was even five years ago. Many of the interviewers do not wear suits, so what do you do? If you have a chance to observe the company employees at work, you will see how the they dress and that can help you to decide what to wear for an interview. In any case, however, you should dress professionally unless the interviewer tells you otherwise. What is professional attire? It is fabric on the conservative side. Avoid large prints and large expanses of bold, contrasting color, glitter and shine, and excessive trim. This applies to clothing, shoes, and accessories. It is comfort and appropriateness. Sandals, fishnet stockings, white socks, tennis shoes, heavy makeup, large amounts of jewelry and too little skirt are inappropriate. Heavy wool in 100 degree heat is inappropriate, as is linen in a blizzard. Tight shoes or clothes are not comfortable. Avoid wearing more than one pair of earrings, especially if they are not in your ear lobes; two rings on your hand; one watch; and a necklace or pin - and I don"t mean a safety pin, which is never appropriate. It is color and style that coordinates well. A navy blue striped jacket does not look good with black pants. It is color and style that flatters you and makes you feel confident. It is consideration for others. Avoid heavy amounts of perfume or after shave - some people are allergic. Besides, you want a job, not a date. It is a dress, suit, or coordinating jacket and pants or skirt with coordinating shoes and accessories. Choose clothes you will want to wear again. When in doubt, ask a sales representative in a clothing store or your career advisor to help. Body LanguageWe watch each other"s body language all the time, but are often unaware of our own. Yet that is the first signal that we are happy and confident, or upset and fearful. Interviewers are especially cognizant of body language, because it can tell them so much about you. Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake, a smile, and good posture. Sit in the chair with your back straight, but not rigid, your arms and legs relaxed, neither spread too far apart, nor drawn in tight to your body. It is O.K. to lean forward once in a while to show your interest. Keep hand gestures small and infrequent. Using occasional gestures to emphasize a point can add liveliness to the interview. Maintain eye contact, but don"t stare. It is O.K. to look away once in a while. Remember to smile once in a while. Verbal LanguageWhat you say and how you say it are equally important. Have your answers well rehearsed, but not memorized. This will help you feel relaxed and confident. Avoid saying "um," "you know," or "like" too often. Pause if you need to think about what to say next. Use proper English. The language you use with your friends may be inappopriate for an interview. Listen carefully before you answer and if you don"t understand the question, ask the interviewer to explain it. Focus on the positive. Avoid being too brief in your answers or too wordy. Don"t feel you have to fill the silence. A good interviewer knows that most people feel uncomfortable with silence and will say anything to fill it up. To avoid saying something you might regret, wait for the interviewer to initiate the next interchange.
2023-07-26 11:19:132


What day is this today?Today is YAMADAY
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2023-07-26 11:19:485


学习英语是一个勤能补拙的学科,只要坚持用正确的方法学习,成绩会有明显的提升。英语属于语言类学科,勇敢的发声,多读多听。很多家长会问,学好英语,只要—本教材就足够了吗?教材只是语言学习的一个起点,应对低年级的语言考试,基本足够。但想要深入学习语言,仅仅使用教材—本书是完全不够的。我们学了很多本教材,却依旧有不少人不敢开口说英语。语言学习要达到好的学习效果,要想方设法给孩子设置一个母语语言环境,尽力调动孩子学习英语的兴趣。接下来小畅将从三方面讲解如何为孩子营造轻松的英语语言环境。1. 听力英语语言学习的四大领域: 听说读写,其中听和读作为语言的接收部分是语言学习的基础。智能笔内置了课本所有语音资源,教材原声发音歌曲自然也是标准的。如果孩子听不懂单词,先用智能笔的词典扫描功能,查出单词的意思,模仿音频的发音,在此基础上多次重复听。孩子用智能笔听歌,也不怕伤眼睛或是分散注意力了。2. 阅读家长可以给孩子准备孩子喜欢的绘本故事以及同课文内容高度相关的英文材料。如何选择难度相当的绘本呢?孩子在读英文绘本的时候,有个five finger rule的标准,也就是说保证孩子看书的时候一本书一页的生词不超过五个。这样这本书跟孩子的阅读水平比较一致,孩子读起来才会更有兴趣。孩子读的时候出现不认识的单词,可以有几个方法来解决。1)根据上下文,根据图猜词。2)使用智能笔查词。在孩子读书的时候要鼓励孩子猜词,猜词能力也是非常重要的一项语言学习能力。猜完之后用智能笔查词确认是一个比较好的办法。查词之后可以把单词存到生词表里面供后面的复习使用。3. 设置母语语言环境其实生活中有很多母语环境,比如产品说明书、超市标识、机场指示牌,孩子想学习英语其实到处都是语料。孩子可以随身携带智能笔,看见英文的时候随时学习。语音翻译功能可中英文无障碍翻译,做到有问必答,像是给孩子配备了一个全时服务的同声传译。家长也可以开启疑问模式,唤起孩子对英文表述方式的好奇。比如,我们看到草莓,可以问问孩子,草莓用英语该怎么说呢?让孩子成为爸爸妈妈的小老师。孩子会的可以直接教,让孩子增强自信心,孩子不会的可以用智能笔把中文翻译成英文跟爸爸妈妈一起来学习。英语学习需要在兴趣的引导下将课堂学习同课下的拓展有效结合起来,无需课外补习班,无需英语专业的爸爸妈妈,只要使用合适的学习工具,利用好每一个能创造母语语言环境的机会,每个孩子都可以学好英语!
2023-07-26 11:20:094

2010年高考英语上海卷完形填空的翻译 急需啊!!!速度啊!!!!

36.seat37.telling38.until39.watched(looked at)40.not41.come42.had43.wife44.waiting45.angry46.didn"t47.recognize48.shocked49.still50.emotion(类似的,猜的,具体还要结合选项)51.apply52.53.need to54.enjoy55.True knowledge
2023-07-26 11:20:275


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A.for 绝对正确
2023-07-26 11:21:382


英语口语学习方法总汇 (1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. 我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流 , 所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为 : 流利 - 准确 - 恰当 . (2).Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. 寻找学伴一起练习口语 . 英语角是个不错的地方 , 在那我们不但可以练习口语 , 还可以交流英语学习经验 , 开拓视野 , 提高英语学习兴趣 . (3).If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. 如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少 , 那么也没有关系 , 有很多种方法可以自己练习口语 . 比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境 . 可以对自己描述所看到的景物 , 英语口述自己正在作的事情 . *(4).This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation. * 这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持 --- 口译汉英对照 ( 或英汉对照 ) 的小说或其它读物 . 首先我们先读汉语部分 , 然后逐句直接口译成英文 , 完成一小段后 , 去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较 , 我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误 , 缺点和进步 . 请注意 : 开始要选择较简单的读物 , 且应大量做 , 只做一两篇效果是不明显的 . 开始可能较慢 , 费时较多 , 但请坚持 , 整体上这是一个加速的过程 . 高级阶段请计时练习 , 以加快反应速度和口语流利度 . * 作为成人学英语 , 记忆力差是个拦路虎 , 作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心 , 或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难 , 那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题 : :先学习英文课文 , 通篇理解透彻后 , 再来看汉语译文 , 把汉语译文口译回英文 . 这样等于既作复述练习又作口译 ( 语 ) 练习 , 可谓一石双鸟 ! * 这样作的好处 : 1. 自己就可以练习口语 , 想练多久 , 就练多久 . 2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误 --- 英文原文 . 3. 题材范围极广 , 可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢 , 比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题 , 所以我们总是在练习相同的语言 , 进步当然就缓慢了 . 4. 选择小说 , 幽默故事或好的短文阅读 , 使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去 . 5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来 6. 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻 . 这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习 , 很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的 , 所以印象相当深刻 . 比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多 . 7. 经过大量的练习 , 你会有这样的感觉 : 没有什么东西你不能翻译 , 你的翻译水平大大加强了 , 你的口语表达力大大提高了 ! (5).Interpreting what you hear---Changing Roles: Three people make a group: one speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, one acts as interpreter. Then change roles. This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. In addition, it may improve the responding ability and speed of students. The advanced stage of this method is simultaneous interpretation. 听译法 - 角色互换 : 三人一组 , 模拟翻译实战 . 一人将汉语 , 一人将英语 , 扮演老外 , 一人作翻译 . 练习一段时间后互换角色 . 这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法 , 也是很好的相互学习 , 取长补短的方法 . 而且可大大提高反应速度和能力 . 此法的高级阶段为同声传译 , 我们可以在听广播或看电视或开会时 , 把所听内容口译英文 . (6).Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes. 口语作文和 3 分钟训练法 : 此法适用于强化训练 . 找好一个题目作一分钟的口语作文 , 同时将其录音 . 听录音 , 找出不足和错误 , 就此题目再作两分钟的的口语作文 , 同样录音 , 再听并找出不足与进步 , 继续作三分钟口语作文 . 这是高级口语训练 , 效果不俗 . (7).Retelling exercise: Retell some articles or English stories in our own words. 复述练习 : 最简单也是最有效的口语学习方法 . 从治本上攻克英文的方法 , 特别适合初学者和中级学者 , 用自己的话背颂所听的英语故事或文章短文 , 应该大量地练习 . (8).If possible, we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation. 如果可能我们也可以大声且快速朗读英文绕口令 ( 就象相声演员练嘴 ), 还可以同时口中含块糖以加大强化训练的力度 . 这样来强我们的口腔肌肉迅速适应英文发音 , 使我们的口语相当流利 , 清晰 , 而且还有自信 . 例如 : ☆ A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear. The big black bear bit back the big black bug. ☆ This fish has a thin fin; That fish has a fat fin; This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish. (9).Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words. 特别注意短语 ( 词组 ) 和小词的运用 , 中国式的英语尤其是口语一个很大的缺点就是中国学生喜欢用大词 , 而真正地道的英语口语确是充满着短小 , 活泼 , 生动的短语 , 富有生气 . 而这些短语大部分有小词构成 . (10) Thinking in English. 英语思维的培养 . 1. 大量根据图片来了解生词的含义 , 故事的情节 . 这是少儿英语中常用的方法 , 也试用于成人 . 2. 习惯于使用英 - 英字典而不是英 - 汉字典会起相当重要的作用 . 3. 加强听力训练 , 尤其是听用英语解释英语的课程讲解 . 4. 如果没有机会拥有封闭的语言环境的话 , 就最好尝试一下自我封闭语言环境的创造与训练 . 如 : 强迫自己在一周内所有要表达的话 , 全部用英语表达 . 只要你能坚持一周 , 效果就相当明显 , 而无论你所表达的英语有多糟 !. (11).Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing may make oral English precise and accurate. 口语虽自有特色 , 但与英语的其它方面紧密相连 . 比如 , 经常练习写作 , 可使口语精密 , 准确
2023-07-26 11:21:503


2023-07-26 11:22:023


2023-07-26 11:22:112

急!could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?

on感觉很奇怪 for 好一点
2023-07-26 11:22:213


2023-07-26 11:18:441


pill 是指药片 片剂medicine 是指医药drug 除有医药的意思外,另有毒品和有毒药物的意思。
2023-07-26 11:18:461


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