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求 a modest proposal 的翻译

2023-07-27 22:02:12
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.......Jonathan Swift wrote “A Modest Proposal” in 1720 to call attention to abuses inflicted on Irish Catholics by well-to-do English Protestants. Swift himself was a Protestant, but he was also a native of Ireland, having been born in Dublin of English parents. He believed England was exploiting Ireland.
.......Many Irishmen worked farms owned by Englishmen who charged high rents–so high that the Irish were frequently unable to pay them. Consequently, many Irish farming families lived on the edge of starvation.
.......In “A Modest Proposal,” Swift satirizes the English landlords with outrageous humor, proposing that Irish infants be sold as food at age one, when they are plump and healthy, to give the Irish a new source of income and the English a new food product to bolster their economy and eliminate a social problem. He says his proposal, if adopted, would also result in a reduction in the number of Catholics in Ireland, since most Irish infants–almost all of whom were baptized Catholic–would end up in stews and other dishes instead of growing up to go to Catholic churches. Here, he is satirizing the rivalry and prejudice characterizing Catholic-Protestant relations in Britain.
.......Swift also satirizes the Irish themselves in his essay, for too many of them had accepted abuse stoically rather than taking action on their own behalf.
.......The main literary device Swift uses in “A Modest Proposal" is verbal irony–that is, he proposes the opposite of what he really believes.
Historical Background

.......Over the centuries, England gradually gained a foothold in Ireland. In 1541, the parliament in Dublin recognized England"s Henry VIII, a Protestant, as King of Ireland. In spite of repeated uprisings by Irish Catholics, English Protestants acquired more and more estates in Ireland. By 1703, they owned all but 10 percent of the land. Meanwhile, legislation was enacted that severely limited the rights of the Irish to hold government office, purchase real estate, get an education, and advance themselves in other ways. As a result, many Irish fled to foreign lands, including America. Most of those who remained in Ireland lived in poverty, facing disease, starvation, and prejudice. It was this Ireland–an Ireland of the tyrannized and the downtrodden–that Jonathan Swift attempted to focus attention on in “A Modest Proposal” in 1720.


.......Editor"s Note: In "A Modest Proposal," Swift assumes the persona of a daft statistician. The following summary of the essay greatly condenses the original wording. However, the words in blue type are direct quotations from the essay.

.......Because so many Irish parents cannot find decent jobs to support their children, they spend all their time walking the streets to beg alms of passersby. Meanwhile, the children grow up to become thieves or emigrants.
.......This situation presents a serious problem for Britain, especially since there are so many Irish children. Each year, several hundred thousand babies are born to Irish parents. If you subtract those who are born to well-to-do parents, those who are stillborn, and those who die after birth as a result of disease or accident, you are still left with about 120,000 babies who have to be supported by poor parents.
.......Of course, a mother can feed her child for one year with breast milk. But after that, she must beg food for the child. However, I [the writer of the essay] have a modest proposal to solve this problem. Here it is:
.......I have been told by a knowledgeable American that a year-old-infant is a “most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled. . . .” Therefore, I suggest that of the 120,000 new infants of poor parents, 20,000 be reserved for breeding and the rest be sold to people of quality.
.......“A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter . . . .”
.......Not only will my plan provide excellent food and relieve the burden on Irish parents and Great Britain as a whole, it will also reduce the number of Roman Catholics, since it is the Roman Catholics who have the most children. In addition, my plan will have the following advantages:
.......Inkeepers who serve fat children at their tables will be popular with their customers.
.......A mother of a sold child will pocket a handsome profit and be free to work until she has another baby.
.......The skin from babies can be used to make gloves for women and boots for men.
.......Women will take excellent care of their newly born infants, for they will want their babies to be plump and healthy when it comes time to sell them.
.......“Men would become as fond of their wives, during the time of their pregnancy, as they are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, or sow when they are ready to farrow; nor offer to beat or kick them (as is too frequent a practice) for fear of a miscarriage.”
.......Only young, tender children would be sold. Older boys, with years of exercise that develops their muscles, would be too tough to eat. Older girls would be so close to childbearing age that it would be best to let them breed.
.......An extremely important part of my proposal is that it would eliminate the need to raise taxes to support the poor, thereby enabling the rich to continue to enjoy all of their luxuries. In addition, English landlords would not have to show mercy to their Irish tenants. In turn, the Irish tenants would have enough money to pay their high rents, thanks to the sale of their children.
.......I must point out that I am not proposing this plan for personal benefit, inasmuch as I have only one child–age 9 and thus too old to sell–and my wife is too old to have another baby.


Complete Title and Year of Publication
The complete title of "A Modest Proposal," published in 1720, is "A Modest Proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick."
Writing and Publishing Formats

"A Modest Proposal" is an essay originally printed in the form of a pamphlet. At the time of the publication of "A Modest Proposal," a pamphlet was a short work that took a stand on a political, religious, or social issue–or any other issue of public interest. A typical pamphlet had no binding, although it sometimes had a paper cover. Writers of pamphlets, called pamphleteers, played a significant role in inflaming or resolving many of the great controversies in Europe in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, as well as in the political debate leading up to the American Revolution. In addition to “A Modest Proposal,” Swift wrote many political pamphlets supporting the causes of the Tory political party after he renounced his allegiance to the Whig party.

Type of Work: Satire

"A Modest Proposal" is a satire, a literary work that attacks or pokes fun at vices, abuses, stupidity, and/or any other fault or imperfection. Satire may make the reader laugh at, or feel disgust for, the person or thing satirized. Impishly or sardonically, it criticizes someone or something, using wit and clever wording–and sometimes makes outrageous assertions or claims. The main purpose of a satire is to spur readers to remedy the problem under discussion. The main weapon of the satirist is verbal irony, a figure of speech in which words are used to ridicule a person or thing by conveying a meaning that is the opposite of what the words say.

The lanugage of "A Modest Proposal" is specific and succinct, and it is loaded with irony and wit. Swift, one of the greatest satirists in the English language, carefully selects words with connotations that shock and amuse the reader while also promoting euphony. For example, in the following paragraph from the essay, the word carcasses–meaning remains of a dead animal dressed by a butcher–conveys shock value and humor while also alliterating with previous words (constant customers, christenings, and compute, as well as with a following word, Kingdom:

Supposing that one thousand families in this city, would be constant customers for Infant"s Flesh, besides others who might have it at merry meetings, particularly at weddings and christenings, I compute that Dublin would take off annually about twenty thousand carcasses, and the rest of the Kingdom (where probably they will be sold somewhat cheaper) the remaining eighty thousand.
Theme (or Thesis)
Beneath Swift"s audacious satire is a serious theme: that English overlords are shamelessly exploiting the impoverished people of Ireland.

Author Information
Jonathan Swift was born on November 30, 1667, in Dublin, Ireland. His father–an Englishman who had moved to Ireland–died earlier that year. Receiving financial assistance from relatives, Swift attended a good school for his basic education and graduated from Trinity College in Dublin in 1686. He lived off and on in England, became an Anglican clergyman, and eventually was appointed dean of St. Patrick"s Cathedral in Dublin, although he had lobbied for a position in England. His writing–especially his satires–made him one of the most prominent citizens in Great Britain, and he worked for a time on behalf of Tory causes. His most famous work is Gulliver"s Travels, a book of satire on politics and society in general. Swift died in Dublin on October 19, 1745.


中文版的我已经找遍全世界了还没找到。。。 (找到的是要钱的)

《谦卑的提议》(A Modest Proposal)是站在爱尔兰人的立场上攻击英国统治者,当时的一个背景是大饥荒。









新教徒1.The vast majority of the workers here are protestants.这里的工人绝大多数是新教徒。
2023-07-26 07:56:544

英语Protestants and Catholics怎么翻译?

2023-07-26 07:57:131


theology:神学.protestant:新教的.destitute:困穷的.curb:扣住锁链implicity :隐含性.trait:特色.industriousness:努力的.sobriety:冷静.maternai associations:联合.toddler:没查到.
2023-07-26 07:57:201


士兵身份牌早在美国南北战争时,美军就在部队中开始配发了。当时的身份牌非常简陋,只是一个小纸牌,上面写着携带者所属部队的番号及本人姓名。作战中,若有人员伤亡,根据其身份牌上的记载,别人就可以知道伤亡者属于哪个部队。虽然这种身份牌质地粗糙,并且作用单一,但它却开创了世界军事史上军人佩带身份牌的先河。美国士兵身份牌的基本形式A 圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右;B 圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右;C 椭圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米);D 椭圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米);E 长方形两端圆头,有一个V形切口,单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.125英寸(2.86厘米),长2英寸(5.08厘米);由于美国是个移民国家,所以在今天的美军身份牌上,除了常有的一些标识,如兵种、部队番号、姓名、军衔、血型外,还增加了宗教信仰一项,不同的宗教信仰用不同的字母来表示,如C代表信仰基督教(Christianity ),B代表佛教(Buddhism ),j代表犹太教(Judaism ),l代表伊斯兰教(lslam)等,而无宗教信仰者则用NR(即NO PREFERENCE)表示。
2023-07-26 07:57:426


2023-07-26 07:58:003

protestant religion是什么意思

protestant religion 新教的宗教
2023-07-26 07:58:073


wasp。w是white也就是白人,AS意思是盎格鲁萨克森种族,P代表的是信仰,基督教还是天主教我忘了。满足上面4条的才是wasp。 一般聚集于美国东北部,波士顿,新英格兰。 就我接触下来,一般有种族歧视,白人至上主义。 价值观白人价值观的代表吧
2023-07-26 07:58:196


cavaliern.[C]1. 骑士;骑兵2. (对女性)殷勤的绅士;护花使者3. (C-)(十七世纪英国查理一世时代的)保王党员a.1. 漫不经心的;无忧无虑的a cavalier reply随口作的回答2. 傲慢的;目空一切的People were often irritated by his cavalier attitude toward them.人们常常被他目空一切的态度弄得恼火。3. (C-)(英国查理一世时代)保王党的Toryn.1. 【英】【史】托利党党员;保王党员;保守党员2. 【美】【史】英国派亲英分子3. (t-)保守分子;反动分子a.1. 保守分子的2. 保守主义的Protestanta.1. 新教的;新教徒的2. (p-)提出异议的n.1. 新教徒2. (p-)抗议者 Roundheadn.1. 【英史】圆颅党人peeragen.1. (总称)贵族[the S]2. 贵族爵位,贵族头衔[C]He was granted a peerage.他被授予贵族爵位。3. 贵族名册[C]dissentern.[C]1. 反对者,持异议者2. 【英】(常大写)不顺从国教者Jacobiten.1. 詹姆斯二世党人
2023-07-26 07:58:412


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2023-07-26 07:59:121


  先解释下图上的内容:Popeye Lee 应该是名字,貌似还是一个李姓华人。A POS是指A型血。T S的意思不清楚。232707825应该是军籍号。USMC是指该人为美国海军陆战队的军人。C的意思也不清楚。NO PREFERENCE的意思是不信奉任何宗教。  这里到百科给你查了点资料。  美军狗牌的格式  一 身份识别牌(狗牌)基本形式:  A 圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右;  B 圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右;  C 椭圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米);  D 椭圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米);  E 长方形两端圆头,有一个V形切口,单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.125英寸(2.86厘米),长2英寸(5.08厘米);  E 长方形两端圆头,单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.125英寸(2.86厘米),长2英寸(5.08厘米)......一 身份识别牌(狗牌)基本形式:  A 圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右;  B 圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右;  C 椭圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米);  D 椭圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米);  E 长方形两端圆头,有一个V形切口,单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.125英寸(2.86厘米),长2英寸(5.08厘米);  E 长方形两端圆头,单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.125英寸(2.86厘米),长2英寸(5.08厘米)。  二 A型和B型狗牌(用于1916~1921)简介:  1 官方正式使用始于1916年;  2 材质:铝;  3 狗牌数目:一个或两个;  4 狗牌链:编织布带,绕在布条外;  5 狗牌标识制作:蚀刻或冲压;  6 第一面内容:冲压刻制个人数据;  7 第二面内容:空白或蚀刻右食指指纹或刻制AEF军人号(自1918年开始)  注:在一次大战中被编入驻法国的美国远征军(AEF American Expeditionary Forces)的美国海军陆战队  使用A型和B型狗牌,1921年的美国海军陆战队手册说明:"...授权在目前装备(指狗牌)用完之前海军陆战队身份识别牌的使用,之后将使用海军制式的身份识别牌(C型狗牌)。"一二战之间的时期以及二战开始阶段狗牌不是标准装备。在1940年1921年的美国海军陆战队手册写到:"...身份识别牌将在‘战时或国家紧急状态"时做为正式列装。"  军官狗牌冲压内容:  1 名的缩写及姓  2 军阶及任命日期,按月、日、年的顺序-如 1.5.16.  3 连队(自1917年开始)-如 95 CO.  4 团或军(自1917年开始)-如 6 REG.  5 USMC  士兵狗牌冲压内容:  1 名的缩写及姓  2 入伍日期,按月、日、年的顺序-如 7. 1. 18.  3 军阶(自1917年开始)-如 PVT.  4 连队(自1917年开始)-如 95 CO.  5 团或军(自1917年开始)-如 6 REG.  6 USMC  三 C型和D型狗牌(用于1921~50年代早期)简介  1 官方正式使用始于1921年(最初的美国海军制式狗牌 originally U.S. NAVY "Dog Tag");  2 材质:蒙耐合金(注2)或抗腐蚀材料(黄铜、不锈钢等);  3 狗牌数目:两个;  4 狗牌链:蒙耐合金在棉条外,或蒙耐合金链,或钢索外包塑料套等;  5 狗牌标识制作:早期制式样品为蚀刻(注3),后期为冲压;  6 C型狗牌正式使用-见于1921年美国海军陆战队手册(单侧穿孔型)  7 D型狗牌正式使用-见于1940年美国海军陆战队手册(双侧穿孔型)  注2:蒙耐合金材料为抗腐蚀的镍铜合金,含少量铁和锰的成分。  注3:早期制式狗牌在第一面蚀刻手写个人数据,第二面蚀刻右食指指纹。  狗牌刻制内容:这是统一格式,但各单位的狗牌的格式可能会有不同,下图显示了1941年  至1945年间不同的狗牌格式,其中"L.DIAMONDS"的狗牌蚀刻制作的一个例子,而且其数  据是以海军(USN)的格式制作的。(见USMC在狗牌上的位置)  第一行:姓  第二行:名及缩写(或只有缩写)  第三行:军官军阶或士兵服役号-12345,123456或1234567,并留出三个字符的空格至右侧信仰栏,宗教信仰只用首字母表示,如C表示天主教(CATHOLIC),H表示犹太教(HEBREW),P表示新教(PROTESTANT)  第四行:以字母T开始的破伤风疫苗注射日期(如T-8/40)和血型-A、C、AB或O  第五行:USNC或USMCR  下图为蚀刻(只有L.DIAMONDS的狗牌)和冲压狗牌的示例:  四 E型狗牌(用于1940~1959)简介  1 官方正式使用始于1940年(最初的美国陆军M-1940狗牌 originally U.S. ARMY "Dog Tag" M-1940);(注4)  2 材质:蒙耐合金、黄铜或不锈钢;  3 狗牌数目:两个;  4 狗牌链:珠串式不锈钢链;  5 狗牌标识制作:冲压;  注4:在二战中美国海军陆战队制式狗牌为C和D型,美国陆军M-1940狗牌在海军陆战队的广  泛使用是在二战结束后开始的。在目前能收集到的美国海军陆战队和美国海军使用的M-1940  狗牌上多数没有刻制破伤风疫苗注射日期,而该日期是二战中C型和D型狗牌的标准内容,因此  这些美国海军陆战队和美国海军使用的M-1940狗牌应该是二战后或二战晚期的。战后M-1940  狗牌逐步代替了C型和D型狗牌。  狗牌刻制内容:这是统一格式,但各单位的狗牌的格式可能会有不同。  第一行:姓  第二行:名及缩写(或只有缩写)  第三行:服役号-12345,123456或1234567  血型-A、B、AB或O  首字母BT(BLOOD TYPE 血型)也有使用。(见下图)  第四行:USNC或USMCR  第五行:宗教信仰  只用首字母,如-C表示天主教(CATHOLIC),H表示犹太教(HEBREW),P表示新教  (PROTESTANT)  使用全称,如-CATHOLIC, HEBREW, PROTESTANT  五 F型狗牌(用于1959~2002)简介  1 官方正式使用始于1959年(与所有美军单位相同)  2 材质:不锈钢;  3 狗牌数目:两个;  4 狗牌链:珠串式不锈钢链;  5 狗牌标识制作:冲压;  狗牌刻制内容:这是统一格式,但各单位的狗牌的格式可能会有不同。  第一行:姓  第二行:名及缩写(或只有缩写)  第三行:服役号-12345,123456或1234567  社保号(SSN:Social Security Number)-123 45 6789(自19965年开始使用)  血型-A、B、AB或O以及Rh因子(注5)  第四行:USNC或USMCR以及防毒面具尺码-XS, S, M, L, XL  第五行:宗教信仰使用全称,如-BAPTIST, CATHOLIC, EPISCOPAL, HEBREW, PROTESTANT等  备注:  越战时期狗牌的陆军士兵号开始有前缀了,例如大家看到的RA就是Regular Army(常规陆军,指志愿入伍者),US(强行征召入伍者),NG(National Guard 国民卫队),ER(Enlisted Reserve 应征后备役者),O(Officer,军官)。  社会保险号码为9为数字,1967年,美国陆军引入社会保险号码后,一直到1969年这期间,狗牌上两个号码是并存的,到了1969年后,狗牌上的识别号码就只有社会保险号码了。  宗教信仰那一栏也有所改变,如果一个士兵是没有宗教信仰的话,该栏不再是空白,而是打上"NO PREFERENCE"。  而现役狗牌中,除了陆军以外的军种在狗牌上都会打上相应的军种名称,例如USN,USMC,USCGR,USAF等。具体的位置不是很敢确定,等确定了再补充吧。
2023-07-26 07:59:311


斯特拉斯堡的三所大学已经在2009年元旦合并。合并后的学校名字为斯特拉斯堡大学 (Université de Strasbourg),简称UDS或斯堡大学。原来的三所大学是在1569年在Gymnase protestant学校(1538年由Jacques Sturm创建)基础上建立的。Gymnase protestant的高教部集中了当时最知名的学者,并且开设了神学、医学以及法律的教学。1556年,它成立了法兰西语言研究院,毕业的学生可在这里获取教师等级证书。1621年法兰西语言研究院正式进入大学的行列,具有了颁发学士学位和博士学位的资格。1631年成为皇家大学(Université royale)。到1681年,这所路德教派的学校一直保持着它的特权和地位,并成为17世纪的欧洲文化堡垒。它的“公众权利欧洲学院”(又称外交学院)培养了大批优秀的外交人才。1788-1790年METTERNICH在这里学习,而这位知名的外交官并不是从这里走出的唯一名人,之后的JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE也选择了在这里完成他的学业。作为一所旧体制学校,它在法国大革命中受到了不小的冲击,但由于该校的一名教员(CHRISTOPHE GUILLAUME KOCH)是制宪会议的成员,得益于他的周旋,学校最终避免了被解散的命运。斯特拉斯堡的高等教育如同整个法国的高等教育一样,在法兰西第一帝国时以学院的形式重组后又发展到在大学里以设置院系的形式组织教学,1919年一战后,斯特拉斯堡大学重新负担起两项使命:一方面保证法国思想文化在整个欧洲的威望,另一方面,成为莱茵河文化的一个交汇中心。在克莱蒙费朗撤退中,学校组织的抵抗成员或被押送到集中营或被暗杀,因此,二战那段悲惨的历史在校史上烙下了磨不去的记忆。1945年11月22日,学校正式回归到斯特拉斯堡,于是它得以再次在和平的环境中运作和发展。1968年,法国高等教育改革法律的出台成就了斯特拉斯堡大学的又一重大改变。之后,它按照不同的重心分化为三所大学:一大主要发展自然科学,二大主要发展人文科学,三大主要发展法律,政治,社会和技术。中国著名的美学家、文艺理论家、教育家和翻译家朱光潜(1897年-1986年)曾于20世纪30年代在此校求学,并在1933年获得博士学位。1·斯特拉斯堡一大斯特拉斯堡一大是一所拥有近16500位在校学生的大学,以其在科学领域的杰出贡献成为了法国甚至整个欧洲一流大学中的佼佼者。同时,斯特拉斯堡一大的跨学科性、与国家科研中心(CNRS)、国家健康保健研究所(L‘INSERM)长期稳定的合作关系以及与国家农学研究所(L"INRA)达成的合作意向使得这一地位得到了进一步加强。斯特拉斯堡一大在不断的探索中前行(比如在生物学、化学与自然界、医学、计算机等几个学科交叉形成的高新技术领域方面)。同时,学校积极支持校内项目的研发者、学者甚至学生积极创建企业以使研究成果实现产业化,他们与本国集团企业合创的“孵化”项目园地正是为促进科技转化进程而建立的。斯特拉斯堡一大是一所面向世界的开放性的大学,而已确定的与斯特拉斯堡另两所大学围绕多个项目的合作关系更增强了其开放的实力和程度。三所大学的强强联合是为了推动教育的多元化,同时,斯特拉斯堡一大也希望该校的学生可以从众多的国际间合作的科研项目中得到机会、提高能力。斯特拉斯堡一大在当地经济发展中也扮演着重要的角色,斯特拉斯堡一大一直致力于在提高城市的开放程度,在科学变革和解决社会争议中发挥高水平的智囊作用。2·斯特拉斯堡二大斯特拉斯堡二大,以文学、语言、社会科学为主。其中尤其以管理学院著称。该大学设有很多面向国际开放的科研项目,长期接受数目众多的外国留学生是他们的传统,特别值得一提的是:一大和三大因为是公立大学,全部的专业课程都采用法语授课,但是又没有设立法语强化课程,所以外国留学生不论攻读一大,二大和三大的何种专业,首先都应参加学习斯特拉斯堡二大为留学生进入大学专业学习做准备的法语强化课程。3·斯特拉斯堡三大斯特拉斯堡三大,又称Robert Schuman大学,于60年代初发展成为一所高等院校,1969年3月27日,斯特拉斯堡三大正式成立。创建伊始,学校就应时代之需建立了较为完备的现代高等教育体系,这为今天学校多学科和完备的学位奠定了基础。90年代初,开设了工程学院并且在SAINT-ETIENNE成立了第二个大学技术学院(ROANNE),在硕士和博士阶段增设了更多学科。2003-2004年,加入了欧洲新的教育体系(学士、硕士、博士(LMD)体系)。
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WASP,即White Anglo-Saxon Protestant的简称,意为新教徒的盎格鲁撒克逊裔美国人,现在可以泛指信奉新教的欧裔美国人。1964年迪格比·波茨尔(E. Digby Baltzell)在其书《新教当权者:美国的贵族和社会等级》中使用后,这个词便逐渐在美国社会传播开来(注意此词是1962年另一位学者首创的)。WASP的原义是指美国的新教上流社会,即殖民时代来自英国(尤其是英格兰和苏格兰)的移民,这些人属于基督新教中的长老教会、公理会和美国圣公会等教派。现在这个词也岀现在其它一些有过相同殖民历史的英语国家中,如澳大利亚。现在的WASP词义比当初创建时涵盖的内容要广泛得多。今日所有讲英语的欧裔新教徒都能称作WASP,即使不是盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和相近族群的后裔也可以。不过犹太人、天主教徒和东正教徒则不包括在内。这个用法其实陈腐且不严谨,因为美国国内的新教徒拥有错综复杂的血统,分散在很多教派中。祖先可以来自英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、康沃尔、爱尔兰、德国、荷兰、斯堪的纳维亚或法国的雨格诺派;可以属于美国圣公会、长老会、信义宗(路德宗)、卫理公会、公理会、荷兰改革派、贵格会、浸信会、福音派甚至摩门教等等。不光是精英阶层,各个社会阶层都有他们的身影,即使被讽刺为“白色垃圾”的下层贫困白人也可能是WASP。美国东海岸WASP这个词可以经常听到,一般用来比较最初的殖民者和后来的欧洲移民,如爱尔兰裔天主教徒、犹太人、意大利裔和其它“少数白人民族”等。美国南方则不同,因为南北战争后迁至此地的移民相对很少,所以WASP这个词也就不常听到。路易斯安那州南方和佛罗里达州南部是例外,因为法国和拉丁美洲移民者占大多数。除这些地方外,美国南方的白人则大部分都是不列颠群岛人的后裔。不过由于历史矛盾等原因,居住在弗吉尼亚州、南、北卡罗莱那州海岸的英格兰人后裔和居住在高地的苏格兰-爱尔兰人后裔之间也在语言、文化上有很大不同。美国西部则经常用“Anglo”(盎格鲁)这个词形容非拉美裔的欧裔英语使用者,所以这个词也就比WASP范围要更广一些。英裔美国人和其它族群之间的区别并没有像在东海岸那么明显。
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起初他们追杀共产主义者,我不是共产主义者,我不说话; 接着他们追杀犹太人,我不是犹太人,我不说话;此后他们追杀工会成员,我不是工会成员,我继续不说话;再后来他们追杀天主教徒,我不是天主教徒,我还是不说话;最后,他们奔我而来,再也没有人站起来为我说话了。 ------刻于美国波士顿犹太人被屠杀纪念碑
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美军狗牌的格式 一 身份识别牌(狗牌)基本形式: A 圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右; B 圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右; C 椭圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米); D 椭圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米); E 长方形两端圆头,有一个V形切口,单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.125英寸(2.86厘米),长2英寸(5.08厘米); E 长方形两端圆头,单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.125英寸(2.86厘米),长2英寸(5.08厘米)......一 身份识别牌(狗牌)基本形式: A 圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右; B 圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:半美圆银币左右; C 椭圆形单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米); D 椭圆形两侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.25英寸(3.18厘米),长1.5英寸(3.81厘米); E 长方形两端圆头,有一个V形切口,单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.125英寸(2.86厘米),长2英寸(5.08厘米); E 长方形两端圆头,单侧打孔,尺寸:宽1.125英寸(2.86厘米),长2英寸(5.08厘米)。 二 A型和B型狗牌(用于1916~1921)简介: 1 官方正式使用始于1916年; 2 材质:铝; 3 狗牌数目:一个或两个; 4 狗牌链:编织布带,绕在布条外; 5 狗牌标识制作:蚀刻或冲压; 6 第一面内容:冲压刻制个人数据; 7 第二面内容:空白或蚀刻右食指指纹或刻制AEF军人号(自1918年开始) 注:在一次大战中被编入驻法国的美国远征军(AEF American Expeditionary Forces)的美国海军陆战队 使用A型和B型狗牌,1921年的美国海军陆战队手册说明:"...授权在目前装备(指狗牌)用完之前海军陆战队身份识别牌的使用,之后将使用海军制式的身份识别牌(C型狗牌)。"一二战之间的时期以及二战开始阶段狗牌不是标准装备。在1940年1921年的美国海军陆战队手册写到:"...身份识别牌将在‘战时或国家紧急状态"时做为正式列装。" 军官狗牌冲压内容: 1 名的缩写及姓 2 军阶及任命日期,按月、日、年的顺序-如 1.5.16. 3 连队(自1917年开始)-如 95 CO. 4 团或军(自1917年开始)-如 6 REG. 5 USMC 士兵狗牌冲压内容: 1 名的缩写及姓 2 入伍日期,按月、日、年的顺序-如 7. 1. 18. 3 军阶(自1917年开始)-如 PVT. 4 连队(自1917年开始)-如 95 CO. 5 团或军(自1917年开始)-如 6 REG. 6 USMC 三 C型和D型狗牌(用于1921~50年代早期)简介 1 官方正式使用始于1921年(最初的美国海军制式狗牌 originally U.S. NAVY "Dog Tag"); 2 材质:蒙耐合金(注2)或抗腐蚀材料(黄铜、不锈钢等); 3 狗牌数目:两个; 4 狗牌链:蒙耐合金在棉条外,或蒙耐合金链,或钢索外包塑料套等; 5 狗牌标识制作:早期制式样品为蚀刻(注3),后期为冲压; 6 C型狗牌正式使用-见于1921年美国海军陆战队手册(单侧穿孔型) 7 D型狗牌正式使用-见于1940年美国海军陆战队手册(双侧穿孔型) 注2:蒙耐合金材料为抗腐蚀的镍铜合金,含少量铁和锰的成分。 注3:早期制式狗牌在第一面蚀刻手写个人数据,第二面蚀刻右食指指纹。 狗牌刻制内容:这是统一格式,但各单位的狗牌的格式可能会有不同,下图显示了1941年 至1945年间不同的狗牌格式,其中"L.DIAMONDS"的狗牌蚀刻制作的一个例子,而且其数 据是以海军(USN)的格式制作的。(见USMC在狗牌上的位置) 第一行:姓 第二行:名及缩写(或只有缩写) 第三行:军官军阶或士兵服役号-12345,123456或1234567,并留出三个字符的空格至右侧信仰栏,宗教信仰只用首字母表示,如C表示天主教(CATHOLIC),H表示犹太教(HEBREW),P表示新教(PROTESTANT) 第四行:以字母T开始的破伤风疫苗注射日期(如T-8/40)和血型-A、C、AB或O 第五行:USNC或USMCR 下图为蚀刻(只有L.DIAMONDS的狗牌)和冲压狗牌的示例: 四 E型狗牌(用于1940~1959)简介 1 官方正式使用始于1940年(最初的美国陆军M-1940狗牌 originally U.S. ARMY "Dog Tag" M-1940);(注4) 2 材质:蒙耐合金、黄铜或不锈钢; 3 狗牌数目:两个; 4 狗牌链:珠串式不锈钢链; 5 狗牌标识制作:冲压; 注4:在二战中美国海军陆战队制式狗牌为C和D型,美国陆军M-1940狗牌在海军陆战队的广 泛使用是在二战结束后开始的。在目前能收集到的美国海军陆战队和美国海军使用的M-1940 狗牌上多数没有刻制破伤风疫苗注射日期,而该日期是二战中C型和D型狗牌的标准内容,因此 这些美国海军陆战队和美国海军使用的M-1940狗牌应该是二战后或二战晚期的。战后M-1940 狗牌逐步代替了C型和D型狗牌。 狗牌刻制内容:这是统一格式,但各单位的狗牌的格式可能会有不同。 第一行:姓 第二行:名及缩写(或只有缩写) 第三行:服役号-12345,123456或1234567 血型-A、B、AB或O 首字母BT(BLOOD TYPE 血型)也有使用。(见下图) 第四行:USNC或USMCR 第五行:宗教信仰 只用首字母,如-C表示天主教(CATHOLIC),H表示犹太教(HEBREW),P表示新教 (PROTESTANT) 使用全称,如-CATHOLIC, HEBREW, PROTESTANT 五 F型狗牌(用于1959~2002)简介 1 官方正式使用始于1959年(与所有美军单位相同) 2 材质:不锈钢; 3 狗牌数目:两个; 4 狗牌链:珠串式不锈钢链; 5 狗牌标识制作:冲压; 狗牌刻制内容:这是统一格式,但各单位的狗牌的格式可能会有不同。 第一行:姓 第二行:名及缩写(或只有缩写) 第三行:服役号-12345,123456或1234567 社保号(SSN:Social Security Number)-123 45 6789(自19965年开始使用) 血型-A、B、AB或O以及Rh因子(注5) 第四行:USNC或USMCR以及防毒面具尺码-XS, S, M, L, XL 第五行:宗教信仰使用全称,如-BAPTIST, CATHOLIC, EPISCOPAL, HEBREW, PROTESTANT等 五 F型狗牌(用于1959~2002)简介 1 官方正式使用始于1959年(与所有美军单位相同) 2 材质:不锈钢; 3 狗牌数目:两个; 4 狗牌链:珠串式不锈钢链; 5 狗牌标识制作:冲压; 狗牌刻制内容:这是统一格式,但各单位的狗牌的格式可能会有不同。 第一行:姓 第二行:名及缩写(或只有缩写) 第三行:服役号-12345,123456或1234567 社保号(SSN:Social Security Number)-123 45 6789(自19965年开始使用) 血型-A、B、AB或O以及Rh因子(注5) 第四行:USNC或USMCR以及防毒面具尺码-XS, S, M, L, XL 第五行:宗教信仰使用全称,如-BAPTIST, CATHOLIC, EPISCOPAL, HEBREW, PROTESTANT等 备注: 越战时期狗牌的陆军士兵号开始有前缀了,例如大家看到的RA就是Regular Army(常规陆军,指志愿入伍者),US(强行征召入伍者),NG(National Guard 国民卫队),ER(Enlisted Reserve 应征后备役者),O(Officer,军官)。 社会保险号码为9为数字,1967年,美国陆军引入社会保险号码后,一直到1969年这期间,狗牌上两个号码是并存的,到了1969年后,狗牌上的识别号码就只有社会保险号码了。 宗教信仰那一栏也有所改变,如果一个士兵是没有宗教信仰的话,该栏不再是空白,而是打上"NO PREFERENCE"。 而现役狗牌中,除了陆军以外的军种在狗牌上都会打上相应的军种名称,例如USN,USMC,USCGR,USAF等。具体的位置不是很敢确定,等确定了再补充吧。
2023-07-26 08:01:018

请将下面翻译成中文 急!

2023-07-26 08:01:198

求大神帮忙英文翻译下这段访问加拿大历史人物Thomas Scott的访问(口语的)谢谢!

2023-07-26 08:01:344


2023-07-26 08:02:444

论美国的正式宪法通过 本杰明.富兰克林 写的那个的翻译

主席先生,   坦白地讲,这部宪法中有若干点是我目前所不能同意的,但我不敢说我将永远不赞成它。因为我活了这把年纪,我有过许多经验,在这些经验中,由于有了较好的资料或者经过较充分的考虑之后,即使在一些重大议题上,我当初曾以为是正确的见解而其实是错了的, 我就改。因此,我的年纪愈大,我就愈倾向于怀疑自己的判断,同时更尊重别人的判断。实际上,世上大多数的人和宗教里的大多数教派一样,以为自己拥有全部的真理。凡是和他们意见不同,就认为是谬误。一个叫斯蒂尔的新教徒在一次献辞中对天主教教皇说过这样一句话,在对宗教教义的解释上,我们两个教会唯一不同的地方是罗马教会是“千真万确的”,而英国教会则是“永远不会错的”。就连许多平民,也都像他们信奉的教派一样认为自己是“千真万确”的。这种自以为是,曾被一位法国太太表现得极为自然。 她在和妹妹发生争执时说:我也不明白这是怎么回事,妹妹,可是我从来也没有遇到过永远正确的人,除了我自己。   先生,从这种感觉出发,我同意这部宪法,连同它所有的瑕疵,如果它们确实是瑕疵的话。因为我们的人民需要一个总体政府,而现在我们还没有。如果政府治理有方,对百姓来说也许是个福音。我甚至进而相信,这一次可能天下大治若干年,然后以专制收场,就像以前那些共和国一样。当世风堕落到其它任何形式的政府都无能为力时,就会需要专制政府。但我也怀疑,无论召开多少次制宪会议,也未必能制定一部更好的宪法。当你集合一群人来利用他们的智慧,同时你也就免不了在集合这些人的同时,集合了他们的偏见,他们感情上的冲动,他们的观点中的错误,他们的地方性的利益观念,以及他们自私的观点。从这样的集合中,难道能期待完美的结果吗?因此,主席先生,让我惊讶的是,现在制定的这套方案,如此地近乎完美。我认为,这部宪法也会使我们的敌人大吃一惊的。他们正在那里自信地等着看我们的好戏呢,他们以为我们开会,也和巴比伦人造通天塔一样,每次都是劳而无功;以为我们各邦正处在分崩离析的边缘,此后每次见面,都不过是为了彼此掐断对方的喉咙。   所以,主席先生,我同意这部宪法,因为我不指望还有更好,也没有把握说它就不是最好的。为了公众利益,我决定牺牲自己认为宪法中还有谬误的私人之见。我从未在外面窃窃私语。我的话语在此四壁之内诞生,也将在此消失。如果我们每个回到选民当中去的人,都向他们报告自己对宪法曾有过的反对意见,并努力获得党人对这些意见的支持,我们就可能阻挠宪法被普遍接受,从而失去所有的有益影响和巨大好处,这种影响和好处,是从世界各国和我们人民中间对我们自然的好感中产生的,而这种好感,只能从我们的全体一致中产生,不管这种一致是真实的还是表面的。任何政府,为了获得和保障人们的幸福,必须有力量和效能。大部分力量和效能,取决于民众对政府、对治理者智慧和人格的良好印象。为此我希望,作为人民的组成部分,为了我们自己,为了子孙后代,我们采取全心全意、高度一致的行动,尽我们力所能及推荐这部宪法(如经会议批准并签署),以便将我们的思想和努力转向安邦治国。   最后,我希望制宪会议中每位对宪法或许还有异议的代表和我一起,就此机会略为怀疑一下自己的一贯正确,宣布我们取得一致,在这个文件上签下自己的名字。
2023-07-26 08:02:511


在美国波士顿 犹太人大屠杀纪念碑上,In Germany, they first came for the Communists, and I didn"t speak up because I wasn"t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn"t speak up because I wasn"t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn"t speak up because I wasn"t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn"t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me,but by that time, there was no one left to speak Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945在德国,起初他们追杀共产主义者,我没有说话———因为我不是共产主义者;接着他们追杀犹太人,我没有说话———因为我不是犹太人;后来他们追杀工会成员,我没有说话———因为我不是工会成员;此后他们追杀天主教徒,我没有说话———因为我是新教教徒;最后他们奔我而来,却再也没有人站出来为我说话了。马丁尼莫拉这首“短诗”的作者是一位牧师,他的名字叫马丁·尼莫拉。这位牧师是二战前德国的宗教领袖,他曾为战后德国社会道德重建立下了不朽功勋。当年,尼莫拉因反对希特勒的犹太政策和对德国教会的控制,被希特勒亲自下令送进集中营,最后在各方正义力量的协助下才逃过纳粹的迫害。这首短诗是他在晚年忏悔自己当年的道德污点时写下的。后来人们把它当作“碑文”刻在美国波士顿犹太人大屠杀纪念碑上。 这段“碑文”确实寓意深刻,它精辟地阐述了人世间正义与邪恶、自我与社会、助人与被助的辩证统一关系。在当今社会中,一个人、一个群体、一个政党乃至一个国家,如果只顾自己的利益,而不为社会正义而付出哪怕一点点代价,那么最后吃亏和受到惩罚的还将是他自己。 人世间交往的法则往往是这样:你对别人如何,别人就会对你如何;一个从来不愿为别人付出和牺牲的人,永远也不会有人对你做出牺牲。如果今天别人遇到了困难,我们不去帮助,明天我们自己一旦遇到了危难,别人也会坐视不管;如果今天那些与我们友好的国家遇到了经济困难、外敌入侵,我们躲躲闪闪,那么明天一旦我们遇到天灾人祸,别的国家同样会坐视不管。 其实,每个人、每个政党、每个民族,在正义面前都不应当选择“沉默”,而必须选择“勇敢”;不应当选择“往后退”,而必须选择“向前站”。只有这样,人世间才有真理可讲;只有这样,世界上才有正义可言。MS上的朋友们,你说对吗?
2023-07-26 08:02:591


2023-07-26 08:03:243


马丁·尼默勒(Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemoller),1892年1月14日--1984年3月6日,德国著名的反纳粹神学者和路德教派牧师,著名诗歌《最先他们逮捕共产党员》的作者。 They came first for the Communists,   and I didn"t speak up because I wasn"t a Communist.   Then they came for the Jews,   and I didn"t speak up because I wasn"t a Jew.   Then they came for the trade unionists,   and I didn"t speak up because I wasn"t a trade unionist.   Then they came for the Catholics,   and I didn"t speak up because I was a Protestant.   Then they came for me,   and by that time no one was left to speak up.   在德国,起初他们追杀共产主义者,   我没有说话———因为我不是共产主义者;   接着他们追杀犹太人,   我没有说话———因为我不是犹太人;   后来他们追杀工会成员,   我没有说话———因为我不是工会成员;   此后他们追杀天主教徒,   我没有说话———因为我是新教教徒;   最后他们奔我而来,   却再也没有人站出来为我说话。
2023-07-26 08:03:321


2023-07-26 08:03:527


2023-07-26 08:04:234

Basking Ridge是美国纽泽西的什么城市

Basking Ridge is an unincorporated area located within Bernards Township in the Somerset Hills region of Somerset County, New Jersey.Basking Ridge是一个位于新泽西萨默塞特县萨默塞特丘陵地区贝尔纳镇.The area was settled during the early days of the country. It is home to the old AT&T Headquarters designed by the architects Vincent G. Kling & Associates, now owned by Verizon. Basking Ridge is the current headquarters for Verizon Wireless and Barnes & Noble College Booksellers.该地区在美国建国之初就有人定居。是美国最大通讯公司AT&T的旧总部所在地。现在是另一个大通讯公司Verizon的总部所在地。也是著名出版社Barnes & Noble College Booksellers的总部所在地。The community of Basking Ridge is part of greater Bernards Township, which also includes Lyons, Liberty Corner, and West Millington. Basking Ridge has a large Roman Catholic population, with smaller Indian American, Protestant, Jewish and Asian American populations.
2023-07-26 08:04:301


There Were Roses歌手:Cara Dillon所属专辑:Sweet Liberty播放收藏分享评论(208)My song for you this evening今晚我唱歌给你听Is not to make you sad不是要让你觉得难过Nor for adding to the sorrows不想要增加痛苦Of this troubled northern land在这个深陷麻烦的北岛But lately I"ve been thinking但是最近我在想And it just wont leave my mind我不会离开我的思维I"ll tell you about two friends one time这一次我想和你说说我的两个朋友Who were both good friends of mine两个我非常好的朋友Isaac he was ProtestantIsaac是个新教徒And Sean was Catholic bornSean从小受到天主教熏陶But it never made a difference我从没觉得不一样For the friendship it was strong我们的友谊很坚固And sometimes in the evening晚上,有时候When they heard the sound of drums当他们听到鼓的声音They said they wont divide us他们说他们不想分开我们We will always be as one他们总会像一个人There were roses, roses有满地的玫瑰,玫瑰There were roses有满地的玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起流下It was on a Sunday morning那发生在一个周日的早晨When the awful news came round当糟糕的消息传遍四周Another killing had been done有发生了一桩杀人事件Just outside Newry Town就在Newry小镇外面We knew that Isaac danced up there我们知道Isaac在那儿跳舞We knew he liked the band我们知道他喜欢那个乐队But when we heard that he was dead但是当我知道死的是他的时候But when we heard that he was dead但是当我知道死的是他的时候We just could not understand我们真的不能理解Now fear it filled the countryside现在小镇一片恐慌There was fear in every home每家每户都觉得害怕When late at night a car came当晚上车子来的时候Prowling round the Ryan Road在莱恩路上徘徊A Catholic would be killed tonight一个天主教徒可能今晚被杀To even up the score平均分数Oh Christ, it"s young MacDonald噢 基督 是年轻的MacDonaldThey have taken from the door他在门边被带走了生命There were roses, roses满地的玫瑰,玫瑰There were roses满地的玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起流下Isaac was my friend he cried一边哭一边说,Isaac是我的朋友He begged them with his tears他一边流泪一边祈求But centuries of hatred但这几个世纪的仇恨Have ears that do not hear他们根本听不进去An eye for an eye一只眼睛虽然是一只眼睛That was all that filled their minds却被欲望侵占And another eye for another eye另一只眼睛是另一只眼睛Till everyone was blind但是所有人都好像瞎了Now I don"t know where the moral is现在我不知道道德是何物Or where the song should end或者歌应该在哪儿结束But I wonder just how many wars但我一想到有那么多战争Are fought between good friends在好朋友之间打响And those who give the orders那些下命令的人Are not the ones to die不是死去的那些人It"s Scott and young MacDonald是Scott还有年轻的MacDonaldAnd the likes of you and I他们喜欢你和我There were roses, roses满地的玫瑰,玫瑰There were roses满地的玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起流下There were roses, roses, roses满地的玫瑰,玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起流下thank you谢谢你
2023-07-26 08:04:381


由于是特战部门海外派兵这种秘密部门,执行任务都是秘密以及高级的,国家机密或者是国际机密,国家和国家之间的合作任务,所以不能公开。身份牌(正式的名称叫做军人身份牌,戏称狗牌。其英文叫 DOG TAG ,到了中国直接就翻译成狗牌!)一般统一格式,但各单位的狗牌的格式可能会有不同。第一行:姓第二行:名及缩写(或只有缩写)第三行:服役号-12345,123456或1234567社保号(SSN:Social Security Number)-123 45 6789(自19965年开始使用)血型-A、B、AB或O以及Rh因子第四行:USNC或USMCR以及防毒面具尺码-XS, S, M, L, XL第五行:宗教信仰使用全称,如-BAPTIST, CATHOLIC, EPISCOPAL, HEBREW, PROTESTANT等。 战死后,不能被敌军知道这些信息。 《太阳的后裔》主要讲述了特战部队海外派兵组组长刘时镇和外科医生姜暮烟,在韩国和派兵地区之间往返相爱的故事。望采纳!
2023-07-26 08:04:451

苏格兰女王里的一段话有点不懂求教good Catnolic people

2023-07-26 08:05:042


2023-07-26 08:05:134

德语 阴阳词性判断,识记方法

2023-07-26 08:05:212


具体的双语对照翻译不正确取消词典结果:specifically[英][spu0259u02c8su026afu026akli][美][spu0259u02c8su026afu026akli]adv.特有地,明确地; 按种别地; 按特性地; 以上结果来自金山词霸柯林斯高阶英汉词典网络释义同反义词1.ADV特别地;特意地;专门地You use specifically to emphasize that something is given special attention and considered separately from other things of the same kind.语法信息...the first nursing home designed specifically for people with AIDS...首家专为艾滋病人设计的疗养院We haven"t specifically targeted school children.我们尚未特意把学生定为我们的目标。...the only book specifically about that event.唯一一本专门讲述那一事件的书【搭配模式】: ADV with v【语用信息】: emphasis2.ADV确切地说You use specifically to add something more precise or exact to what you have already said.语法信息Death frightens me, specifically my own death.死亡让我感到恐惧,确切地说,是我自己的死亡。...the Christian, and specifically Protestant, religion.基督教,确切地说,新教...brain cells, or more specifically, neurons.脑细胞,或者更确切地说,神经细胞【搭配模式】: ADV with group3.ADV局限性地You use specifically to indicate that something has a restricted nature, as opposed to being more general in nature.语法信息...a specifically female audience...只由女性组成的听众This is a European, and not a specifically British, problem.这是全欧洲面临的问题,而不是英国独有的问题。【搭配模式】: ADV adj4.ADV准确地;确切地If you state or describe something specifically, you state or describe it precisely and clearly.语法信息I asked her to repeat specifically the words that Patti had used...我让她原原本本地重复一下帕蒂的措辞。I specifically asked for this steak rare.我明确要求把这份牛排煎得偏生一些。【搭配模式】: ADV with v查看更多1. 具体地2. 特别地3. 特定的4. 明确地5. 特别地,逐一地同义词namelypersonally例句:双语英语1.So determining who specifically to target and talk to is
2023-07-26 08:06:101

His father was a former slave who became the religious leader of a Protestant church. 这种定于从

2023-07-26 08:06:234


2023-07-26 08:06:312

文艺复兴 启蒙运动 宗教改革 区别

2023-07-26 08:06:394

on holiday 和in holiday

go on holiday 渡假的意思,固定搭配的。 不好意思,现在才看到,没想到我是第一个回的。
2023-07-26 08:05:314


UW备注通常是指在学术界或者工作场合中用于记录学生或者员工表现的一种评价方式。UW指的是“University of Washington”(华盛顿大学),在该校中,UW备注被用来记录一个学生在课程中的表现,包括学习态度、参与度、表现等方面,也被用于评估员工的工作表现。在其他场合,UW备注也可能是指其他机构或公司所使用的类似评价方式。
2023-07-26 08:05:331


2023-07-26 08:05:381

ACS NANO还是JACS,哪个杂志比较适合生物纳米材料投稿

想必搞化学的人不可能不知道 JACS 的大名,非常牛的杂志,虽然影响因子略低于 Wiley 的王牌 Angewandte,但影响力远高于任何同类化学综合性杂志,看看几十万次的引用次数别的杂志就望尘莫及了。JACS 是综合性化学杂志,只要你的工作内容沾化学都可以投过来,只要是符合要求的稿件接收率还可以,当然由于属 ACS 旗下很难避免也有些官僚气息(相对于平易近人的 Angew),不过在 ACS 的杂志中个人认为已经是相当好的了。JACS 上的文章分两种,一种是 communication,一种是 article,前者占每期 JACS 的绝大多数。Article 对工作新意,系统性,工作量要求都很高,一般都是一个很漂亮的工作数据量太大写不成 communication 才会去考虑这个,如果只是单纯累积量出来的那种工作还是找个更专业点的杂志比较好。重点说 Communication,应该也是各位虫子主要考虑的文章。JACS communication 的要求整体来说就一个子,新。你的工作如果是前无古人的那最好,如果前面有人做你就得做成后无来者型才会有希望。通常来说 JACS Communication 的文章讲清楚一个 idea 就好,辅以必要实验证明可行性。实验设计要巧且精,一两个实验不仅要把整个 idea 淋漓尽致的体现,还要 show 出工作非常有意义,这是非常难的。近期JACS 上生物类的文章渐渐多了起来,偏生物的化学虫可以多多考虑一下 JACS,貌似国内的学校弄两篇这个都够毕业了吧,呵呵。另外JACS 对于语言要求也很高,建议一定要找经验丰富的人帮忙修改。JACS 强调开门见山,啰啰嗦嗦的 introduction 是最要避讳的东西。Abstract 通常两句话概括全部内容。JACS 对图要求也很高,尤其是示意图是越 fancy 越好。老板经济情况允许的情况下建议找专门的公司来做示意图。还有一点,JACS 的编辑估计版面有限穷惯了,非常不喜欢横跨两个 columns 的图,所以大家尽量把各种图都处理成一个 column 的,避免不必要的麻烦。最后,被 JACS 杯具了也不要灰心丧气,并不代表你工作水平不行。不急要文章的虫子可以考虑稍加修改转投 angew,只要真金肯定会发光的。1965年开始出版德国应用化学的国际版。英文编写。与德文版内容有时会稍有不同。wiley的期刊,影响因子比JACS要高,但是影响力不如JACS. 期刊的大部分是communications,也有少数的reviews和highlights。communications和reviews就不用说了,highlights主要是对工作(别人的也可以)的亮点进行一些评述。要求很高,主要是idea要新。又名,德国应用化学,国际权威化学杂志,没有Article,只有Communications,因此一般发表的工作很有“新意”,同时还要求有理论深度。至于与JACS的比较,仁者见仁,智者见智,欧洲人认可Angewandte,美国人更认可JACS,很难说哪个更好一些。都是化学类最牛的杂志,只要能在上面发表你的工作,就可以在一定程度上奠定你的学术地位。化学类顶级综合类杂志,和 JACS 齐名,只要是和化学有关的文章都可以投到这里。Angewandte 对文章新意要求非常高,工作很短没关系,实验很简单也没关系,重要的在于 idea 一定要新,一定要有用。缺了这两点就不要考虑投这里了,过不了主编第一关的。Angew 接收文章的诀窍,除了上面提到的两点外,如果你的工作是紧跟现行热点的(例如生物类,能源类的)那中稿率会大大提升。另外 Angew 的编辑似乎很喜欢 fancy 的图和有冲击力的标题,所以对于 Angew 的稿子不要吝惜漂亮的 TOC 和大胆的词汇,只要不过分都是会加分的。最后要注意的是,Angew 还是个化学杂志,做生物或材料的同学投过来时确定你的工作里化学是占重要部分且有重要意义的,否则肯定杯具的说。
2023-07-26 08:05:381


2023-07-26 08:05:421

JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高 上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的 如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的
2023-07-26 08:05:471


$云从科技-UW(SH688327)$ 股票带U代表上市公司尚未盈利。发行人尚未盈利的,其股票或存托凭证的特别标识为“U”;发行人首次实现盈利的,该特别标识取消。发行人具有表决权差异安排的,其股票或存托凭证的特别标识为“W”;上市后不再具有表决权差异安排的,该特别标识取消。
2023-07-26 08:05:502


2023-07-26 08:05:517

我的假期my holiday英语作文

  英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。下面是我整理的我的假期my holiday英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇1   The year is the annual National Day on October 1, the birthday of our great motherland. Along with ups and downs, it"s been 55 years of our mothers, this day, this nation will celebrate the festival at the venue. Early in the morning, we go to school, at school, some students out of bulletin boards and painting; Some do greeting cards, open class meetings with a special theme; Others through diaries, poems and other forms expressed her love for the motherland.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇2   My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I"d like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !"   I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.   我的假期很好。我呆在家里一段时间。我去天一广场,买了同样的游戏。但是有一天,我母亲,我和我的弟弟去了天一数码广场买游戏。在晚上,我买了一件新制服。我想要一杯苹果汁我母亲给我买了它。我说,“非常感谢。“我买了一些鞋子。我想要一双运动鞋。在商店里,美妙的歌声添加旅游快乐。我看到了黑色的鞋。我妈说,“漂亮!”   那天我很开心,因为我去天一广场,有很多嬉笑。   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇3   This holiday, I went on a trip with my best friend.It was cold in the morning, but hot at noon.We went to mount emei. It was very beautiful.We talked to monkeys there. Monkeys are very interesting!They are not afraid of strangers, especially naughty, but also very lovely, I like them too!At noon, we ate the snacks above, very expensive, the taste is ok.The next day, we went to Beijing by plane.Beijing is so congested!We went to tian anmen square, the old Summer Palace ruins, the imperial palace, also went to the Great Wall, I wear our national hanfu, indescribable pride!I got a lot of compliments!We went to the alley on the third day, the bean juice, especially bad to drink, and the taste let me can not stand!The fourth day, we went to zhejiang xitang, where the people are particularly many!In the afternoon we went to the west lake, leifeng pagoda, the scenery is so beautiful!What an interesting trip!   这个假期,我和我最好的朋友去旅行。天气早上很冷,不过快中午就很热了。我们去了峨眉山,那特别漂亮!我们和那的猴子交谈,猴子特别有趣!他们不怕生人,特别调皮,但是又很可爱,我太喜欢他们了!中午,我们吃了上面的小吃,很贵,味道还可以。第二天,我们做飞机去了北京。北京太堵了!我们去了天安门广场,圆明园遗址,故宫,还去了长城,我穿着我们民族的汉服,说不出的自豪!我被很多人夸好看!我们第三天去了那的巷子,那种豆汁,特别难喝,而且那味道让我受不了!第四天,我们去了浙江西塘,那里的人也特别多!下午我们去了西湖,雷峰塔,风景太美了!这次旅行太有意思了!   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇4   It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to come out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study!   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇5   In my holiday I went to Taishan. I went to there with my mum and dad. And my sister went to Hong Kong with her friends. In Taishan I went to Taishan Museum. At night I went to eat snake, it is so yummy.   Next day I went to catch the shrimps with fish pole. And we ate barbecue in the night. I was so tired after that, so I went to sleep.   In morning, I went back to Guangzhou, and I said: “I come back to Guangzhou; I go back to my home. I like my holiday very much!”   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇6   I had a wonderfulspring festival holiday.I went to the park with my friends.We met at eight o‘clock at the school gate.We went to the park by bike.It was a sunnyday.We sat under a big tree and talkedwith each other.We talked about some movies andfunny things.Then we hadhamburgers and some drinks for lunch.Then we played some games.   We went home at 5pm.Although we were all fell tired,we were very happy.It was great fun!   我度过了一个愉快的春节。我和朋友去了公园。我们八点在校门口碰面,然后我们就骑自行车去公园。那是个晴朗的日子,我们坐在一棵大树下互相聊天。我们聊了一些电影和趣事。然后我们午餐就去吃了些汉堡喝了些饮料。接着我们玩了些游戏。   下午五点我们就回家了。尽管我们都觉得很累,但是我们很开心。真是太有趣了!   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇7   My holiday si happy .No school, no class. This life is the most beautiful.I very Iike My holiday. Because it is holiday..During the holiday, I will go every day to and my friends go out to play, we play are very happy, I am very happy. We will go to the library to read a book, this is the most I like doing. I will play the game together with father, and the father when playing the game very happy.I will help my parents to clean the room every day, my parents it is happy.every day.I Iike my holiday.   我的假日是快乐的。没有学校,没有课。这是人生中最美丽的。我非常喜欢我的假期。因为它是在假期。在假期里,我会每天去和我的朋友出去玩,我们玩的很开心,我很开心。我们将去图书馆读一本书,这是我最喜欢做。我会和爸爸一起玩游戏,和爸爸玩游戏时非常高兴。我会帮我的父母每天打扫房间,我的父母是happy every天。我喜欢我的假期。   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇8   I have a two months summer vacation. During the holiday, I was very happy, because I did not have to focus on my study all the time. But I still spent some time in my study. I want to learn more in the holiday. Besides, I spent a lot of time in playing, such as meeting friends, watching TV, searching the Internet, playing puter games and so on. In addition, I help my mother do some house work. I can reduce some burden of her and learn to be independent. In short, I have a good and rich holiday.   我有两个月的暑假。假期期间,我玩得很开心,因为我没有把所有的时光都花到学习上。但是,我仍然花了些时光在学习上。我想要在假期期间学更多东西。此外,我花了很多时光在玩耍上,比如说见朋友,看电视,上网,玩游戏等等。另外,我帮忙我妈妈做些家务。我能够帮她减少负担并学会了独立。总之,我度过了开心丰富的假期。   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇9   My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.   Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇10   Summer holiday is ing . I want to go to Beijing . I go to Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother . We want to go there by plane because it takes less time . We can see many things in it . First we can visit the Great Wall , it is very famous for the world ,so I like it very much . Second we can go to the zoo because I like to see animals . There are many foreigners in this city ,too . I want to talk with them in English . I want to learn English from them . I think we can have a good time then . I hope it is ing soon .   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇11   I have a very nice summer holiday this year.   This year is 2010,and world expo would held in Shanghai China.But for some reasons ,I can"t go there.It may be a little pity for me.During this summer hoilday,I have done a lot of homeworks and go to a lot of places with my friends.It"s really enjoyable.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇12   My holiday is very interesting!   I get up at 7 o"clock. After wash and have breakfast , I do my homework at 8 o"clock.And then , I do some play .   I have lunch at 12 o"clock.Then I do homework again .After that , I play puter games or watch TV . I have supper at 7 o"clock . And I play game again . I go to bed at 9 o"clock.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇13   My holiday   Today, the weather does not alternate very much。 I and the schoolmate go out to picnic together! We have been arriving at Shan Shang , the gentle breeze has been boasting lightly , have been feeling fortable extremely! We have brought a good deal food and drink along! We eat as well as chatting , have good good time。   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇14   When July comes, I feel so happy, because I will have a long vacation.   I make some plans for my holiday, first, I will sleep a day, since I don"t have to wake up early, so I can make up my sleep. Second, I will go to travel with my friends, we plan to go to some famous places.   I feel so excited now.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇15   National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It"s a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week.We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We"re visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.   I think we"ll have a good time there.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇16   Though the park is beside the Yellow River,the air is still a little smelly because there are a lot of animals such as horses,cocks and so on here,which make lots of wastes every day while few people clean them.In a word,the park is not so good as I had expected,and I felt unsatisfied about it.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇17   Last saturday, I was very happy.   On saturday, I got up at seven o"clock. After breakfast, I did my homwwork, It was a little difficult. Then I played computer games,It was very interesting, so I liked they very much.In the eveing ,I visit my friend--Hans,he was very friendly to me,I love him.   I was veryhappy,I think you did too.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇18   I had a very happy vacation.In every day"s life,I do my homework in the morning,play with my friend in the afternoon,read book after dinner.In another day,I can go to MEISHAN moutain.Like this,study and play are all on the way,very plentiful.   我度过了一个快乐的"假期.在每天的生活中,我早上做作业,下午和我的朋友玩,晚饭后读书.在另一天,我可以去梅山山顶.这样,学习和玩都是在路上,非常丰富.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇19   I have a very happy holiday.我度过了一个很快乐的假期   My father and mother take me to the zoo,and I see many lovely animals,like monkey,panda,tiger and so on...我的爸爸妈妈带我到动物园,我看到了很多可爱的动物,比如猴子,熊猫,老虎,等等   This year is the Ox year,so we go to the cow factory to see the cows.Oh,how lovely they are!今年是牛年,所以我们去了奶牛场看奶牛。哦,它们多么可爱呀!   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇20   My Summer Holiday   I have a very nice summer holiday this year.This year is 2010,and world expo would held in Shanghai China.But for some reasons ,I can"t go there.It may be a little pity for me.During this summer hoilday,I have done a lot of homeworks and go to a lot of places with my friends.It"s really enjoyable.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇21   My holiday   I have a very happy holiday.   My father and mother take me to the zoo,and I see many lovely animals,like monkey,panda,tiger and so on.   This year is the Ox year,so we go to the cow factory to see the cows.Oh,how lovely they are!   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇22   My winter holiday   I decide to make a plan about my holiday.Let me tell you about my own idea!If i want to make myself health ,i should take more exercise and eat more vegetables and fruits .   Do not forgot to do my homework in time . anyway ,I think we must relax ourselves .so my family want to make a trip together !I can not wait!   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇23   My Holiday   My holiday is very interesting!   I get up at 7 o"clock. After wash and have breakfast , I do my homework at 8 o"clock.And then , I do some play . I have lunch at 12 o"clock.Then I do homework again .After that , I play computer games or watch TV . I have supper at 7 o"clock . And I play game again . I go to bed at 9 o"clock.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇24   I have a good winner vacation!In my winner vacation ,I often did my homework, and helped my mother clean rooms.I sometimes went shopping with my friends . We had a good time! I also watched TV and played computer games. During Spring Festival ,I visited my grandparents.   I was very happy ,I think my winner vacation was very interesting!   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇25   The National Day is coming.   On this National Day,I will going to Beijing with my mother and father.I want to do something interesting. I am going to the Great Wall.Well I am also going to Tian"anmen Square. After that I am visiting to the Palace Museum.It"s a good vacation. I can"t wait.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇26   My holiday   National Day is coming.I am going to Beijing with my mother and father.I want to do something interesting. I am going to the Great Wall.Well I am also going to Tian"anmen Square. After that I am visiting to the Palace Museum.It"s a good vacation. I can"t wait.   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇27   On the May first .I had done some interesting things for the family .First ,I helped my mother clean the house ,it was very difficult ,do you know ,mothers must be very tired ,you can see ,I just do housework for a short time ,and I felt very tired ,and mothers have to do housework everyday ,So ,we should thanks for mother .   我的假期my holiday英语作文 篇28   I have a long vacation. I am very happy because the holidays in one day is my birthday. My grandmother, father, mother, sister, and I climb Mount Tai. Took a lotofpretty pictures. Came back, my mother bought me a lot to eat. Birthday, her mothermade ?a lot of vegetables, Xu finished willing, cut the cake. That holiday, I had a good time.
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have a (或one"s)holiday 度假,during a holiday 在一次假期中。这种用法的holiday 总用单数形式,但并不只是“一天”假。 复数形式的holidays 泛指“假日”,如summer holidays 暑假。但“Sunday is a holiday ”中的holiday 却是“一天”的假。 on a / the holiday 在节日/假期 on one"s holiday句子体现的是具体的一段时间 in the holiday 在假期中 in summer holiday in one"s holiday 没查到这种用法on holiday 是固定搭配,in表示在一段时间之内
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2023-07-26 08:05:134

during the holiday和on the holiday有何区别

during the holiday在度假期间on holiday 在度假 (没有the, 这是个习语)如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步
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