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2023-07-27 06:13:35

Chinese university students


Chinese university students


the Chinese who is studying in a university


Chinese university student


Chinese Undergraduates 本科生

Chinese College students 本专统称


Chinese university student


Chinese college students


Chinese College students


undergraduate researcher 什么意思

英文【undergraduate researcher】汉语【本科生研究员】===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力
2023-07-25 22:35:401


  大学生(研究生、本科生、专科生)是社会的一个特殊群体,是指接受过大学 教育 而还未完全走进社会的人,作为社会新技术、新思想的前沿群体、国家培养的高级专业人才,代表着最先进的流行 文化 。那么,你知道大学生的英文怎么说吗?   大学生的英文释义:   university student   undergraduate   college student   university man   undergrad   bursar   大学生的英文例句:   越来越多的大学生主修 企业管理 学。   More and more students are majoring in the science of business management.   与此同时,许多大学生在罢工持续期间自愿去驾驶公共汽车。   Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. All   大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运动。   The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons. 大学生英语怎么说   大学生大学在校生或新近 毕业 的大学生   A college student or recent college graduate.   高职大学生是大学生中的一个特殊群体。   Vocational college students belong to a special group among college students.   大学生必须学会自律。;大学生必须学会约束自己。   Students must learn to discipline themselves.   去年很多大学生参加了那个运动。   A lot of college students took part in the movement last year.   大学生了解一些有关计算机知识是至关重要的。   It is essential that a student should know something about a computer.   网络文化率先强烈地冲击着青年大学生。   Cyberculture made its impact first on college students.   这本书是为大学生编的。   The book is intended for college student.   如今咱们山村也有了自己的大学生。   Now our mountain village has its own college students.   汤姆在世界大学生运动会上获得了三块银牌。   Tom carried off three silver medals in World University Games.   大学生大部分在校住宿。   Most college students are boarders.   你们已经在哈佛做了四年的大学生,而我当哈佛校长还不到一年。   You have been undergraduates for four years. I have been president for not quiteone.   尽管这个IDE是为大学生设计的,但它的快速开发功能对所有级别的开发者都是有用的。   Although the IDE is designed for undergraduates, it is quickly developing featuresthat can be useful to developers at all levels.   这些学校有些是私立的,为学生提供灵活的课程安排,这里的学生可能是在职的,甚至还是在校大学生。   Some of these schools are private and offer a flexible schedule for students whomay be working or are even in school at university.   一名大学生长的不好看。   An undergraduate was not good looking.   经历了太多的危机,也厌倦了受到与其他大学生相同的对待之后,有一天我给家里打了个电话,就我独有的问题寻求安慰和理解。   One day, after facing one crisis too many and tired of being treated like justanother undergraduate, I phoned home for some consolation and understandingof my unique problems.   绝大多数的小组由研究生和教职人员组成,但是也有些大学生加入其中。   Most of these groups consist of graduate students and faculty, but someundergraduates join as well.   书上总是说,业务部门需要受过普通教育的大学生,但是看来没有一位对我进行过 面试 的人事官员读过这些书。   The books all say that industry needs college people with a general education,but none of the personnel officers who interviewed me seemed to have readthose books.   教授大学生课程的教师可以达到他们想要达到的深度,而教授研究生课程的教师则可以从中间部分开始。   Teachers of undergraduate courses can go as deep as they want, while teachersof graduate courses can simply start in the middle.   我不仅是一个大学生,我同时也是那个可以帮他在整个计算机系中发声的扩音器。   I was not just one college kid, I was an amplifier for him throughout the wholecomputer science department.   为了撰写本文,我曾采访过数十名女大学生,她们都认为,未来很可能是自己外出工作,丈夫呆在家里,要么在找工作,要么在照看孩子。   Dozens of college women I interviewed for this story assumed that they very wellmight be the ones working while their husbands stayed at home, either looking forwork or minding the children.   我第一次来到中国和北京大学是在1981年的夏天,那时,我还是一名学习普通话的大学生。   I first came to China, and to Peking University, in the summer of 1981 as a college student studying Mandarin.   本期节目会为大家介绍英国大学生是如何度过他们的课余时间,他们的学习强度和生活情况。   Find out how students spend their free time, how much they study and what life is like for them.   据我所知四六级考试对于中国大学生来说十分重要,过还是不过对他们的未来影响深远,而且很多情况下通过这项考试是未来就业的基本前提。   As far as I know, these two tests are extremely important for the students, andpass them or not would greatly influence their future. In many cases, this is thevery premise of job hunting.   如果你是一个高中生或大学生, 笔记本 将会是一个非常有用的硬件装备。   If you are a student in high school or college, a laptop can be a veryuseful pieceof hardware.   在53年之后,一封写于1958年的 情书 终于即将到达收信人的手中。 那时他是一名美国大学生,而写信人是他的女友,不久成为了他的妻子。   A love letter to a US college student from the girlfriend who was to become hiswife is finally on its way to him - 53 years after it was written in 1958.   今天,这所2007年确认其第一名外国学生的大学,有250海外大学生,其中四分之一来自中国。   Today the university which admitted its first foreign student in 2007 has 250overseas undergraduates a quarter of whom are from China.
2023-07-25 22:35:471


a college student:an undergraduatea :university manan undergraduate student
2023-07-25 22:36:088


2023-07-25 22:36:262


I majored in mathematics when I was in university.
2023-07-25 22:36:373

本科生 研究生 高中生 用英文分别怎么说?

undergraduategraduate studentsenior high school student祝你学习进步,及时采纳
2023-07-25 22:37:122


四个呀宝贝们under 前缀grade uate s
2023-07-25 22:37:315

Most of undergraduates ( )the Band 4 Test. A sat on B sat for C sat with D sat by

B sat for 参加
2023-07-25 22:37:462


but = only
2023-07-25 22:38:052

academic year 和 undergraduate分别是什么意思?

academic year [简明英汉词典]n.学年undergraduate [简明英汉词典][7QndE5^rAdjuit]n.大学肄业生, (尚未取得学位的)大学生adj.大学生的
2023-07-25 22:38:122


Bachelor相当于undergraduate degree是本科学士学位你说你是本科生I am an undergraduate或说你有本科文凭就可以了I"ve got an undergraduate diploma
2023-07-25 22:38:345

all undergraduates are offered accommodation in college for the three years of normal undergraduate

1. all undergraduates are offered accommodation in college for the three years of normal undergraduate course: are offered 被提供、可享受到 undergraduate course 大学本科课程 normal undergraduate course 正规大学本科 所有大学三年正规本科的大学生都可享受在校期间的膳宿。 所有的大学生都可享受到正规本科三年在读期间的膳宿待遇。2. for the three years of normal undergraduate course 为正规本科三年提供的(在读膳宿)...
2023-07-25 22:39:041

Up to now, the majority of the undergraduates ___enrolled for this selected course.

B主语是undergraduates,复数,up to now,用现在完成时
2023-07-25 22:39:132


军训military-discipline trainingmilitary trainingmilitary-practice training, especially for middle school students and undergraduates in many countries as an essential education component供参
2023-07-25 22:39:253


Not long ago,the top education administration in China made it that undergraduates should not be prevented by college sand universities from wediock Since then,there have been reported that students got married across the country .As a matter of fact 此处省略好多字
2023-07-25 22:39:551


2023-07-25 22:40:054


College, specialist University undergraduates, junior college students
2023-07-25 22:40:168


2023-07-25 22:40:362

求一篇关于college education in China的英语作文

Recent days, the job-hunting is bothering ! As a undergraduats , we have litter work experience! Several days before, i"ve taken part in a job interview in a American-fund foward company. i have got through the firt two round paper interview and group interview.When i come to the third round of interview which will decide wether i can get this job or not .The perfomace in the interview is not as good as those in the first two round .After two days , i gave a call to the HR department to ask the results . The pesonnel told me i fail due to i am lack of work experience. i feel so annoying and even loose my temper ,because i apply the position in an jop recruting facing undergraduates . So i ask the personnel you recriut udergrduates or erperiences worker ? No matter what answer is ,i feel angry about the company behaviors! Accdroding to reports from many newspapers ,it is said that there are more than 6million undergraduates .Most of us will face fierce competition in the job markert ! The society and the government should pay more attention to undergraduates who are the main strenth of national development! Meanwhile , undergraduates is a special part of this scoiety ,whose development will decide views about college education from village family. They spend almost all their savings on developing their children and hope they can contribute to their family and share burdens with their family .But now the results is oppsite! China college education is in a danger condition!
2023-07-25 22:40:451


A Money worries are part and parcel of university life, but recent events in the world of finance, not to mention rising food prices, are making it tougher for students- from living costs as undergraduates to employment prospects once they have graduated. But are they bothered?货币的担忧是大学生活的一部分,但最近发生在金融的世界里,更不用说食品价格上涨,使得学生的难度,从生活成本就业前景一旦他们毕业的本科生。但他们烦恼吗?
2023-07-25 22:40:551


  大学生研究生、本科生、专科生是社会的一个特殊群体,是指接受过大学教育而还未完全走进社会的人,作为社会新技术、新思想的前沿群体、国家培养的高阶专业人才,代表着最先进的流行文化。那么,你知道大学生的英文怎么写吗?   大学生的英文释义:   university student   undergraduate   college student   university man   undergrad   bursar   大学生的英文例句:   越来越多的大学生主修企业管理学。   More and more students are majoring in the science of business management.   与此同时,许多大学生在 *** 持续期间自愿去驾驶公共汽车。   Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. All   大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运动。   The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons.   大学生大学在校生或新近毕业的大学生   A college student or recent college graduate.   高职大学生是大学生中的一个特殊群体。   Vocational college students belong to a special group among college students.   大学生必须学会自律。;大学生必须学会约束自己。   Students must learn to discipline themselves.   去年很多大学生参加了那个运动。   A lot of college students took part in the movement last year.   大学生了解一些有关计算机知识是至关重要的。   It is essential that a student should know something about a puter.   网路文化率先强烈地冲击著青年大学生。   Cyberculture made its impact first on college students.   这本书是为大学生编的。   The book is intended for college student.   如今咱们山村也有了自己的大学生。   Now our mountain village has its own college students.   汤姆在世界大学生运动会上获得了三块银牌。   Tom carried off three silver medals in World University Games.   大学生大部分在校住宿。   Most college students are boarders.   你们已经在哈佛做了四年的大学生,而我当哈佛校长还不到一年。   You have been undergraduates for four years. I have been president for not quiteone.   尽管这个IDE是为大学生设计的,但它的快速开发功能对所有级别的开发者都是有用的。   Although the IDE is designed for undergraduates, it is quickly developing featuresthat can be useful to developers at all levels.   这些学校有些是私立的,为学生提供灵活的课程安排,这里的学生可能是在职的,甚至还是在校大学生。   Some of these schools are private and offer a flexible schedule for students whomay be working or are even in school at university.   一名大学生长的不好看。   An undergraduate was not good looking.   经历了太多的危机,也厌倦了受到与其他大学生相同的对待之后,有一天我给家里打了个电话,就我独有的问题寻求安慰和理解。   One day, after facing one crisis too many and tired of being treated like justanother undergraduate, I phoned home for some consolation and understandingof my unique problems.   绝大多数的小组由研究生和教职人员组成,但是也有些大学生加入其中。   Most of these groups consist of graduate students and faculty, but someundergraduates join as well.   书上总是说,业务部门需要受过普通教育的大学生,但是看来没有一位对我进行过面试的人事官员读过这些书。   The books all say that industry needs college people with a general education,but none of the personnel officers who interviewed me seemed to have readthose books.   教授大学生课程的教师可以达到他们想要达到的深度,而教授研究生课程的教师则可以从中间部分开始。   Teachers of undergraduate courses can go as deep as they want, while teachersof graduate courses can simply start in the middle.   我不仅是一个大学生,我同时也是那个可以帮他在整个计算机系中发声的扩音器。   I was not just one college kid, I was an amplifier for him throughout the wholeputer science department.   为了撰写本文,我曾采访过数十名女大学生,她们都认为,未来很可能是自己外出工作,丈夫呆在家里,要么在找工作,要么在照看孩子。   Dozens of college women I interviewed for this story assumed that they very wellmight be the ones working while their hu *** ands stayed at home, either looking forwork or minding the children.   我第一次来到中国和北京大学是在1981年的夏天,那时,我还是一名学习普通话的大学生。   I first came to China, and to Peking University, in the summer of 1981 as a college student studying Mandarin.   本期节目会为大家介绍英国大学生是如何度过他们的课余时间,他们的学习强度和生活情况。   Find out how students spend their free time, how much they study and what life is like for them.   据我所知四六级考试对于中国大学生来说十分重要,过还是不过对他们的未来影响深远,而且很多情况下通过这项考试是未来就业的基本前提。   As far as I know, these two tests are extremely important for the students, andpass them or not would greatly influence their future. In many cases, this is thevery premise of job hunting.   如果你是一个高中生或大学生,笔记本将会是一个非常有用的硬体装备。   If you are a student in high school or college, a laptop can be a veryuseful pieceof hardware.   在53年之后,一封写于1958年的情书终于即将到达收信人的手中。 那时他是一名美国大学生,而写信人是他的女友,不久成为了他的妻子。   A love letter to a US college student from the girlfriend who was to bee hiswife is finally on its way to him - 53 years after it was written in 1958.   今天,这所2007年确认其第一名外国学生的大学,有250海外大学生,其中四分之一来自中国。   Today the university which admitted its first foreign student in 2007 has 250overseas undergraduates a quarter of whom are from China.
2023-07-25 22:41:161

找一篇以Should English Class Be Compulsory for Undergraduates为题的英语作文。

我就当自娱自乐来写一篇吧哈哈哈~~As we all know, English becomes more and more important. In some certain cases, English is used as an international working language.Now the question is, why we should speak English in English class.To answer this quetion, we must make it clear, why we learn English? My opinion is, that we can communicate with foreign people in English. How do people communicate? We speak! So speaking English is one of the most important skill to master a certain language.Secondly, speaking English loudly can help us recite many English words as well as improve our listening comprehension.As a result, we should be more active in speaking English. Don"t be shy!Don"t be afraid of making mistakes!We speak, so we make progress!
2023-07-25 22:41:241


  大学生研究生、本科生、专科生是社会的一个特殊群体,是指接受过大学教育而还未完全走进社会的人,作为社会新技术、新思想的前沿群体、国家培养的高阶专业人才,代表着最先进的流行文化。那么,你知道大学生的英文怎么写吗?   大学生的英文释义:   university student   undergraduate   college student   university man   undergrad   bursar   大学生的英文例句:   越来越多的大学生主修企业管理学。   More and more students are majoring in the science of business management.   与此同时,许多大学生在 *** 持续期间自愿去驾驶公共汽车。   Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. All   大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运动。   The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons.   大学生大学在校生或新近毕业的大学生   A college student or recent college graduate.   高职大学生是大学生中的一个特殊群体。   Vocational college students belong to a special group among college students.   大学生必须学会自律。;大学生必须学会约束自己。   Students must learn to discipline themselves.   去年很多大学生参加了那个运动。   A lot of college students took part in the movement last year.   大学生了解一些有关计算机知识是至关重要的。   It is essential that a student should know something about a puter.   网路文化率先强烈地冲击著青年大学生。   Cyberculture made its impact first on college students.   这本书是为大学生编的。   The book is intended for college student.   如今咱们山村也有了自己的大学生。   Now our mountain village has its own college students.   汤姆在世界大学生运动会上获得了三块银牌。   Tom carried off three silver medals in World University Games.   大学生大部分在校住宿。   Most college students are boarders.   你们已经在哈佛做了四年的大学生,而我当哈佛校长还不到一年。   You have been undergraduates for four years. I have been president for not quiteone.   尽管这个IDE是为大学生设计的,但它的快速开发功能对所有级别的开发者都是有用的。   Although the IDE is designed for undergraduates, it is quickly developing featuresthat can be useful to developers at all levels.   这些学校有些是私立的,为学生提供灵活的课程安排,这里的学生可能是在职的,甚至还是在校大学生。   Some of these schools are private and offer a flexible schedule for students whomay be working or are even in school at university.   一名大学生长的不好看。   An undergraduate was not good looking.   经历了太多的危机,也厌倦了受到与其他大学生相同的对待之后,有一天我给家里打了个电话,就我独有的问题寻求安慰和理解。   One day, after facing one crisis too many and tired of being treated like justanother undergraduate, I phoned home for some consolation and understandingof my unique problems.   绝大多数的小组由研究生和教职人员组成,但是也有些大学生加入其中。   Most of these groups consist of graduate students and faculty, but someundergraduates join as well.   书上总是说,业务部门需要受过普通教育的大学生,但是看来没有一位对我进行过面试的人事官员读过这些书。   The books all say that industry needs college people with a general education,but none of the personnel officers who interviewed me seemed to have readthose books.   教授大学生课程的教师可以达到他们想要达到的深度,而教授研究生课程的教师则可以从中间部分开始。   Teachers of undergraduate courses can go as deep as they want, while teachersof graduate courses can simply start in the middle.   我不仅是一个大学生,我同时也是那个可以帮他在整个计算机系中发声的扩音器。   I was not just one college kid, I was an amplifier for him throughout the wholeputer science department.   为了撰写本文,我曾采访过数十名女大学生,她们都认为,未来很可能是自己外出工作,丈夫呆在家里,要么在找工作,要么在照看孩子。   Dozens of college women I interviewed for this story assumed that they very wellmight be the ones working while their hu *** ands stayed at home, either looking forwork or minding the children.   我第一次来到中国和北京大学是在1981年的夏天,那时,我还是一名学习普通话的大学生。   I first came to China, and to Peking University, in the summer of 1981 as a college student studying Mandarin.   本期节目会为大家介绍英国大学生是如何度过他们的课余时间,他们的学习强度和生活情况。   Find out how students spend their free time, how much they study and what life is like for them.   据我所知四六级考试对于中国大学生来说十分重要,过还是不过对他们的未来影响深远,而且很多情况下通过这项考试是未来就业的基本前提。   As far as I know, these two tests are extremely important for the students, andpass them or not would greatly influence their future. In many cases, this is thevery premise of job hunting.   如果你是一个高中生或大学生,笔记本将会是一个非常有用的硬体装备。   If you are a student in high school or college, a laptop can be a veryuseful pieceof hardware.   在53年之后,一封写于1958年的情书终于即将到达收信人的手中。 那时他是一名美国大学生,而写信人是他的女友,不久成为了他的妻子。   A love letter to a US college student from the girlfriend who was to bee hiswife is finally on its way to him - 53 years after it was written in 1958.   今天,这所2007年确认其第一名外国学生的大学,有250海外大学生,其中四分之一来自中国。   Today the university which admitted its first foreign student in 2007 has 250overseas undergraduates a quarter of whom are from China.
2023-07-25 22:41:301


My university life is better than expected,It is universally acknowledged that when a freshman walk into a big, fascinating but complicated campus, what impresses him most will be the atmosphere of freedom and the "abuse", which will teach you a lesson before you really adapt to the life of university.After years of frustration with heavy homework and education which mostly gives us skill of exam more than knowledge itself, I sat down and imagined how my college life would be this summer vacation. In my opinion, compared with universities in HK, universities here is less active , full of awkward political education, and provide too much leisure time in which laziness is born. In a word, it will be boring, if it fits my idea.However, life tends to be more and more different from expected, as I feel myself absorbed into the campus little by little. Every day when I pass by the door of dormitory I notice tens of posts that contains information of activities of miscellaneous groups or interesting lectures which widen our horizon, just like the lively and colorful world below the calm surface of the Pacific Ocean. When it comes to my major, mathematics, I am very willing to devote much time to having lessons, doing proper homework, going to libraries to check more details other than textbooks or debating problems through MSN with other friends who share the same interest. It is fabulous when a man spend much time on his favorite habit without concerning his financial problems. He will sink into the sea of it and be unwilling to float on the real life again. Besides, the Chinese course and History course are so philosophical that I would feel rather sorry if I miss one of the classes.Though, freshmen will suffer from brutal military training and cheats which are extraordinary effective to freshmen, these will be your precious property of your future life. Without military training we will never realize the importance of freedom. And cheats can teach us to put more care to our belongings as well as our finance. Wound and scars are necessary, for they can always remind us of attention so that protect us from greater loss.University is a compound of academy and society, in another word, the first step into society. College life is another earth to school world. It teaches you not only what to learn but how to learn by yourself when you enter the real world in the future. It is better than my expect, I think.My college life I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth. As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn"t have a good education environment. However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college student. After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent achievement. All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my village. I was farewell warmly by them when I came to school. I was warmly welcome by school, too. After then, I"ve felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our school.
2023-07-25 22:41:402

我想要一篇英语作文 题目是why you go to the college??

Recent days, the job-hunting is bothering ! As a undergraduats , we have litter work experience! Several days before, i"ve taken part in a job interview in a American-fund foward company. i have got through the firt two round paper interview and group interview.When i come to the third round of interview which will decide wether i can get this job or not .The perfomace in the interview is not as good as those in the first two round .After two days , i gave a call to the HR department to ask the results . The pesonnel told me i fail due to i am lack of work experience. i feel so annoying and even loose my temper ,because i apply the position in an jop recruting facing undergraduates . So i ask the personnel you recriut udergrduates or erperiences worker ? No matter what answer is ,i feel angry about the company behaviors! Accdroding to reports from many newspapers ,it is said that there are more than 6million undergraduates .Most of us will face fierce competition in the job markert ! The society and the government should pay more attention to undergraduates who are the main strenth of national development! Meanwhile , undergraduates is a special part of this scoiety ,whose development will decide views about college education from village family. They spend almost all their savings on developing their children and hope they can contribute to their family and share burdens with their family .But now the results is oppsite! China college education is in a danger condition!
2023-07-25 22:42:421


  大学生活是指读大学期间的生活,大学是知识的海洋。这里有浩瀚的图书资料和先进的仪器设备,能使大学生接触广博的知识,培养必要的专业技能。那么,你知道大学生活的英文单词怎么写吗?   大学生活的英文释义:   college life   大学生活的英文例句:   运动和娱乐活动一直是大学生活的一部分。   Sport and recreation have always been part of university life.   我们希望大学生活有助於他扩展 兴趣 爱好 。   We hope college life will help him to spread his wings a bit. 大学生活的英文单词   这本书是为大学生编的。   The book is intended for college student.   如今咱们山村也有了自己的大学生。   Now our mountain village has its own college students.   汤姆在世界大学生运动会上获得了三块银牌。   Tom carried off three silver medals in World University Games.   大学生大部分在校住宿。   Most college students are boarders.   你们已经在哈佛做了四年的大学生,而我当哈佛校长还不到一年。   You have been undergraduates for four years. I have been president for not quiteone.   尽管这个IDE是为大学生设计的,但它的快速开发功能对所有级别的开发者都是有用的。   Although the IDE is designed for undergraduates, it is quickly developing featuresthat can be useful to developers at all levels.   这些学校有些是私立的,为学生提供灵活的课程安排,这里的学生可能是在职的,甚至还是在校大学生。   Some of these schools are private and offer a flexible schedule for students whomay be working or are even in school at university.   一名大学生长的不好看。   An undergraduate was not good looking   经历了太多的危机,也厌倦了受到与其他大学生相同的对待之后,有一天我给家里打了个电话,就我独有的问题寻求安慰和理解。   One day, after facing one crisis too many and tired of being treated like justanother undergraduate, I phoned home for some consolation and understandingof my unique problems.   绝大多数的小组由研究生和教职人员组成,但是也有些大学生加入其中。   Most of these groups consist of graduate students and faculty, but someundergraduates join as well.   书上总是说,业务部门需要受过普通 教育 的大学生,但是看来没有一位对我进行过 面试 的人事官员读过这些书。   The books all say that industry needs college people with a general education,but none of the personnel officers who interviewed me seemed to have readthose books.   教授大学生课程的教师可以达到他们想要达到的深度,而教授研究生课程的教师则可以从中间部分开始。   Teachers of undergraduate courses can go as deep as they want, while teachersof graduate courses can simply start in the middle.   我不仅是一个大学生,我同时也是那个可以帮他在整个计算机系中发声的扩音器。   I was not just one college kid, I was an amplifier for him throughout the wholecomputer science department.   为了撰写本文,我曾采访过数十名女大学生,她们都认为,未来很可能是自己外出工作,丈夫呆在家里,要么在找工作,要么在照看孩子。   Dozens of college women I interviewed for this story assumed that they very wellmight be the ones working while their husbands stayed at home, either looking forwork or minding the children.   我第一次来到中国和北京大学是在1981年的夏天,那时,我还是一名学习普通话的大学生。   I first came to China, and to Peking University, in the summer of 1981 as a college student studying Mandarin.   本期节目会为大家介绍英国大学生是如何度过他们的课余时间,他们的学习强度和生活情况。   Find out how students spend their free time, how much they study and what life is like for them.   据我所知四六级考试对于中国大学生来说十分重要,过还是不过对他们的未来影响深远,而且很多情况下通过这项考试是未来就业的基本前提。   As far as I know, these two tests are extremely important for the students, andpass them or not would greatly influence their future. In many cases, this is thevery premise of job hunting.   如果你是一个高中生或大学生, 笔记本 将会是一个非常有用的硬件装备。   If you are a student in high school or college, a laptop can be a veryuseful pieceof hardware.   在53年之后,一封写于1958年的 情书 终于即将到达收信人的手中。 那时他是一名美国大学生,而写信人是他的女友,不久成为了他的妻子。   A love letter to a US college student from the girlfriend who was to become hiswife is finally on its way to him - 53 years after it was written in 1958.   今天,这所2007年确认其第一名外国学生的大学,有250海外大学生,其中四分之一来自中国。   Today the university which admitted its first foreign student in 2007 has 250overseas undergraduates a quarter of whom are from China.   他们完全忘记了自己作为大学生的使命和祖国对他们的厚望。   They forget completely about their mission as college students and the hope oftheir motherland.
2023-07-25 22:42:501

英语作文campus loan

u3000u3000Nowdays,about 20 per cent of the undergraduates can"t afford the high tuition and living expenses.Some of them have been financed,but sometimes the one who needs most can"t get the aid. Here are the reasons:First,they know few approachs to get the money.Even if the chance is given,there are plenty of procedures to carry on.This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of being financed.Second,some companis or persons often want to fund the most excellent one,while the undergraduates who are not that outstanding but very poor can"t get the help.Finally,the number for loans is limited,so the competition is inevitable.If you want to participate in application,maybe you should do more besides submitting material.In reaction to the phenomenon,it is necessary to set up a unified platform for all the undergraduates in poverty. By means of scientific and fair management,it is achieved that every impoverished undergraduate can get the finance aid.
2023-07-25 22:43:001


  新学期开始,如何用英语给新生们写一封信呢?下面我整理了写给新生一封信英文范文,欢迎阅读。   写给新生一封信英文范文一   Dear Friends:   Itu2019s my great honor to speak to you and to share my experience with you!   When I was a student in the high school, my teachers and parents all told me that I should continue to study and everything would be OK after going to university. However, everything was not good for me. Entering into university not equals to having the key to success coffer, for there is so much space between ideal and reality for you to accept. From then on, I knew that university is really the beginning of life. If you regard university as the end of your study, I can tell you that you will regret after graduating. I deem that you should at least do the following 8 tips in the university or you will kill your time or waste your youth.   Firstly, you should set up a long-range object and a great prospect.   Please remember when look up to the sky, never forgetting to look down your footprint you have left behind. After entering the university,   many students believe that they are free, and they have their own right to do their love things. However, without clear objectives, they will easily become lazy. Once one adapts to the state of laziness, he will more and more have no spirit and ambition, and then he will consider that universityu2019s life is boring, and nothing like before thought it is attractive. Therefore, you should unceasingly set a new goal for yourself and improve your independence.   Secondly, you should study how to learn. Every subject of knowledge is important. You should bear your aim in mind when you study. Any knowledge combined inspiration will generate an idea for originality, a chance for fortune, and a drive for innovation. Remembering that you should make full use of self-study room, itu2019s important for you.   Thirdly, you should learn to get along with others amicably. Never doubt the authenticity of friendship when somebody hurt you unintentionally. Learn to tolerate and forgive as well.   Fourthly, you should read more books. As the proverb says, “ read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.” Itu2019s very useful for you to read more books.   Fifthly, you should take some activities which is good for you. Many people say that university is a place in which there are many activities and students can improve their ability when they take it. So if you want to have different experience and improve your ability, just have a try.   Sixthly, you should pay attention to different kinds of certificates. For the four yearsu2019 university, you will experience some exams for certificates, some certificates are useful for your future, while others are not. However , the most important thing in the university is for acquiring knowledge, not for certificates. You study only for it, at last, you will find that it is pointless to have so many certificates.   Seventhly, you should foster correct views on love. If you love somebody, regardless of success or failure, you can have a try. However, what I said donu2019t mean that if you never experience love affair during the university, you are proved to be a looser. Remembering donu2019t love only for love, school work is also very important.   Lastly, you should take regular exercises. I believe that itu2019s the most important tips. As the proverb says, “health is the source of revolutionary”. If you keep taking regular exercises everyday, you can increase working efficiency and achieve maximum results with little effort.   University is not the end of struggle, but another new scratch line for your life course. I believe all of you will run the best achievement through your college race. I believe all of you on the tower of ivory will bear the important history task in mind. I believe all of you will conquer hardships with your youthful spirit. I believe all of you will flatten frustrations with your optimistic attitudes. Because you are your own leader and creator of your destiny, So please believe and keep in mind “ Itu2019s your own duty for your university”   写给新生一封信英文范文二   Tsinghua University was established in 1911 originally as "Tsinghua Xuetang," a preparatory school for students who would be sent by the government to study in universities in the United States.The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912.The university section was instituted in 1925 and undergraduate students were then enrolled.The name "National Tsinghua University" was adopted in 1928,and in 1929 the Research Institute was set up.Although Western culture was pervasive in the early history of the university,Chinese culture were also cherished and widely studied.The faculty greatly valued the interaction between the Chinese and Western cultures,the sciences and humanities,the ancient and modern.Tsinghua scholars Wang Guowei,Liang Qichao,Chen Yinque and Zhao Yuanren,renowned as the "Four Tutors" in the Institute of Chinese Classics,advocated this belief and had a profound impact on Tsinghua"s later development.The Resistance War against the Japanese Invasion in 1937 shattered the campus" serenity and forced Tsinghua to move to Kunming and join with Peking University and Nankai University to form the "Southwest Associated University." Despite the tumult,hardships and material scarcity brought on by the war,the teachers and students persisted with their work and studies,achieving outstanding academic performance even under such difficult conditions.After the war,in 1946,the university was moved back to its original location in Beijing.The Tsinghua faculty and students have left a lasting imprint on the history of modern China.They actively resisted the Japanese invasion,participated in the influential "December 9th Movement of Patriotism and Democracy" and the movement of the "Struggle against Starvation,Civil War and Persecution," and devoted themselves to the pursuit and spread of the truth that would give new birth to the nation in the midst of her struggle for independence.After the founding of the People"s Republic of China,the university was molded into a polytechnic institution focusing on engineering in the nationwide restructuring of universities and colleges undertaken in 1952.In November 1952,Jiang Nanxiang became the president of the university.He sought to best way to promote Chinese higher education and made significant contributions in redirecting Tsinghua to become the national center for training engineers and scientists with both professional proficiency and personal integrity.Tsinghua has flourished since 1978,with the re-establishment of the departments in sciences,economics and management,and the humanities.The Tsinghua graduate school has been recognized nationally,ranking first in the National Evaluation of Graduate Schools.The School of Continuing Education makes the best use of modern information technologies,as well as the advanced educational resources at Tsinghua.Currently,the university consists of 44 departments distributed in 11 schools,including the schools of sciences,architecture,civil engineering,mechanical engineering,information science and technology,humanities and social sciences,economics and management,law,arts and design,public policy and management,and applied technology.A medical school is currently being established.Tsinghua is developing into a comprehensive university at a breathtaking pace.With a splendid legacy accumulated over the past 90 years,Tsinghua has retained its character and charm while promoting rigorous scholarship research,ensuring academic and educational prestige in China and abroad.The university currently has over 7,100 faculty and staff,with over 900 full professors and 1,200 associate professors,including 24 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 24 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.The educational philosophy of Tsinghua is to "train students with integrity." Among the over 100,000 students who have graduated from Tsinghua since its founding are many outstanding scholars,eminent entrepreneurs and great statesmen remembered and respected by their fellow Chinese citizens.Hence,to study at Tsinghua is the dream of many Chinese youth.Presently,Tsinghua has over 20,000 students,including 12,000 undergraduates,6,200 master"s degrees candidates and 2,800 doctoral candidates.With strong support from the nation and in the face of unprecedented opportunities,Tsinghua University is poised to become a world-class university in the 21st century.With the inspiring motto "Self-discipline and Social Commitment," Tsinghua is dedicated to the well being of Chinese society.   写给新生一封信英文范文三   Dear freshmen:   I am very glad to see that you can make success to step into your dream Nanjing University through protracted and unremitting efforts, proving your outstanding ability. As an experienced person, I can deeply feel excited mood as you now, meanwhile I will give you some advice how to spend your 4-year wonderful college life sensibly and fruitfully.   Primarily, remember that university is not the end of the struggle but a new starting line in your life. In the following days, you will come across many excellent students as you or more than you, who have exceptional learning capacity or preeminent diffuse skills or outstanding performance of art imposing peer pressure on you, but also there are some students who own excellent condition begin to indulge themselves in the entertainment world abandoning their studies. Whatever the surrounding is, set a goal for yourself, just strive for it, and become a person you want to be after four years not leaving any regrets. What is worth mentioning, sometimes you may find you are suffering from the economic distress. How cruel the reality is! Do not hasitate to search for a part-time job. There is not need to warry about its adverse effect on your study, because college life will leave you enough space in addition to learning time, contrarily which will enhance your self-care ability and practical experience.   In brief, whatever you will encounter such as economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure and self-induced pressure, be brave and keep positive, everything will fall into place. College is a wonderful stage, Seize the opportunity to show your amazing performance. Best wishes!   Your sincerely.
2023-07-25 22:43:101


英文是:Freshman,sophomore,junior,senior重点词汇:junior英['du0292u:niu0259(r)]释义:adj.年轻人的;下级的;(7至11岁的)学童的;(四年制大学或中学)三年级学生的;小(用于指一家人中同名两人中较年轻者)n.年少者;地位较低者;(大学或高中)三年级学生;小学生;(体育运动)年轻选手;年幼的儿子n.(Junior)(巴、美、葡)尤尼奥尔(人名)[复数:juniors;比较级:more junior;最高级:most junior]短语:TOEFL Junior小托福;初中托福;初中版托福;青少年托福扩展资料:近义词:student英['stju:dnt]释义:n.学生;学者n.(Student)人名;(德)施图登特[复数:students]短语:student council学生会;学生自治会;门生会
2023-07-25 22:43:181

the Universtiy of the West of Engliand,Bristol,UK

2023-07-25 22:43:553


外国语学院资料室成立于1985年,以英语语言文学研究及相关文献的藏书为主,兼顾教育、心理学,是大连理工大学图书馆的一个重要分支。书目丰富,现有中文、英文、日文、俄文、德文、法文等藏书文献近一万册。整个图书室采用开放式布局,宽敞明亮,桌椅舒适,能够满足读者的个性化需求;计算机网络管理,提高了管理水平和图书文献的利用率。无论在英语、日语专业或研究生的教学中,还是在本科外语教学中,外语系资料室都发挥了积极的作用。而且,为了保持活力,我们不断购进有价值的新书,充实资料室,保证知识的更新。Founded in 1985, the Foreign Language School has been responsible for the foreign language education of undergraduates and postgraduates at Dalian University of Technology. It has research centers for English and Japanese teaching, along with the teaching of Russian, German, French, and Korean, equipped with advanced teaching facilities such as multi-media language labs, audio-visual centers, and computer labs.Currently, the school consists of 104 faculty and staff members, including 10 professors, 31 associate professors, with 2 of them having doctoral degree and 30 master"s degree. Each year, a certain number of teachers are selected and sent abroad for further study. Up to now, the teachers who are back from abroad account for 20% of the total teaching staff.The school started to enroll English majors pursuing a bachelor"s degree in 1985, and Japanese majors in 2000. In 2002, it started a postgraduate program of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, which includes four research subjects: Foreign Language Teaching Theory and Studies, Translation Theory and Application, Comparative Studies and Translation between Chinese and Japanese, and Internet and Japanese Studies.The school annually enrolls 80 English major undergraduates, 20 Japanese major undergraduates and 20 postgraduates. At present, a total of 168 undergraduates and 12 postgraduates are studying at the school
2023-07-25 22:44:021


2023-07-25 22:44:283

成人本科 英文怎么讲?

adult undergraduate就这么简单,哪有那么啰嗦。
2023-07-25 22:44:372

With larger numbers of undergraduates than ever before, just having a degree will no longer be ...

D 试题分析:考查词组辨析:A. stand up站起来,B. stand by袖手旁观,C. stand for代表. D stand out突出,显眼,句意是:现在的毕业生比以前多了,仅仅有个学位不能使你在人群中脱颖而出。选D。点评:词组的辨析要放在上下文中进行,要特别注意有同样的动词和不同的副词或介词搭配意思不一样的词组。平时要注意辨别。
2023-07-25 22:45:001


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University of South China
2023-07-25 22:45:412


Shandong University is one of the oldest and prestigious universities in China .Shandong University was founded in 1901 and is the second national university established soon after Jingshi University (the Metropolitan University ) in the country.Recently,the Ministry of Education approved the university as a “national key comprehensive university.” In 2001,it was listed among the 21 national key construction first-class universities by the Ministry of Education.Situated in Jinan ,capital city of Shandong Province ,Shandong University covers an area of 3.849 square kilometers.The province is located on the east coastal part of China and the lower reach of Yellow River .Not only is it one of the most economically developed coastal provinces in China ,but also a major contributor to the ancient Chinese culture—the auspicious birthplace of Qilu culture.Shandong University consists of 31 schools/colleges and a graduate school.Courses are offered in 11 main academic disciplines:philosophy,economics,law,literature,history,natural sciences,engineering,management,medicine ,education and military.There are 104 undergraduate degree programs,209 master degree programs,127 doctoral degree programs,and 15 post-doctorate mobile stations.In addition,there are 7 professional master"s degree programs in law,business management,engineering,clinical medicine,public health,dentistry and public administration respectively.The student population totals to about 95,000,of which 40,978 are fulltime students,10,755 are postgraduate students,and over 1,000 are international students.Shandong University embraces an abundance of scientific research facilities,a strong teaching staff,and favorable studying environment.At the university,there exist 35 national,provincial,and ministerial key academic disciplines; 2 national key research labs; 20 provincial and ministerial key research labs; a national engineering and technology promotion center; 19 provincial technology research centers; 4 national basic scientific research and personnel development bases; 4 social science key research bases approved by Ministry of Education; and 4 national fundamental science personnel development bases.The university also has a group of reputed scholars known home and abroad,of which 922 are professors.There are 29 academicians(including adjunct academicians) who are members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.Three general hospitals,including Qilu Hospital and 12 teaching hospitals are affiliated with the university.Over 175 experimental labs,teaching and research facilities are well-equipped.The university library houses a collection of about 5,600,000 volumes.Shandong University is a higher learning institution open to the world.Over the years,Shandong University has established a broad international network for educational cooperation and has signed exchange agreements with over 70 universities from over 50 countries.The university remains active in academic cooperation and exchanges with over 100 educational and research institutions worldwide.The university becomes an important education base for international students.Since 1980,Shandong University has received over 10,000 students from over 60 countries.
2023-07-25 22:46:022


the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science (HSSEAS)这是一个学校名字,可以翻译为:亨利.萨缪尔工程及应用科学学校Henry Samueli 博士是 Broadcom Corporation 的共同创办人,目前担任董事会主席兼技术长 (CTO),负责领导 Broadcom 研发活动的走向,同时协助领导公司整体的工程发展策略。Samueli 博士在通讯系统工程与数位讯号处理领域拥有逾 30 年的经历。自共同创办 Broadcom 起,他亦曾担任董事会主席和共同主席,以及研发部门副总裁。自 1985 年起,Samueli 博士即担任美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA) 电子工程系的教授一职,负责监督宽频通讯电路与数位讯号处理的高阶研究计划,发表了超过 100 份相关领域的技术论文,并於 1995 年从 UCLA 留职停薪。Samueli 博士本身也是加州大学尔湾分校电子工程与电脑科学系的特聘兼任教授。Samueli 博士曾在数位用户回路 (DSL) 产业的电信设备制造商 PairGain Technologies, Inc. 中担任首席科学家一职,本身亦是创办者之一,并於 1988 年至 1994 年间担任 PairGain 顾问。Samueli 博士在 1980 年至 1985 年期间,曾分别担任 TRW, Inc. 电子暨技术部门的多项工程管理职,负责军事宽频通讯系统的开发。Samueli 博士拥有美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的电子工程学士、硕士以及博士学位。他是 59 项美国专利的具名发明人。全球半导体联盟 (GSA) 於 2011 年 12 月将 Samueli 博士提名为张忠谋博士模范领袖奖的获奖者,以表彰他对半导体产业的卓越贡献。他也是电气及电子工程师协会 (IEEE) 的院士、美国人文与理工学院 (American Academy of Arts and Sciences) 的院士,以及美国国家工程学院 (National Academy of Engineering) 的成员。
2023-07-25 22:46:161

英语专业的衰落——The Decline and Fall of the English Major

近几年来,我在哈佛、耶鲁和哥伦比亚大学新闻学院给本科生和研究生讲授非文学写作。每个学期我都希望、但同时也担心没有东西可以传授给学生,想着他们应该已经知道如何写作了。而每个学期我都一再发现,他们仍然不知道如何写作。 他们能用专业术语串起来,组成有耍嘴皮子句式特征的东西。他们可以把写的东西关联到自己凑巧感兴趣的任何主题或意识XingTai层面的概念上去。他们在这方面干得很好。但是他们做不到清晰而简单地写作、做不到专注、开放地对待自己的思想、情感和周围的世界。 写作和阅读风格清晰、直接,仁爱的作品是人文精神的根源,是语言媒介的一套标准,我们最终企图用它来检查和理解人类这个物种的文化、社会、历史活动。 人文学科的教学已经陷入困境。美国文理科学院最近发表的关于人文学科现状的报告得出了上述结论,而几乎所有学院或大学教师的教学经历也与此结论不谋而合。本科生会对你说,他们面临来自父母的压力、来自负债的压力,以及来自己社会的压力,去选择他们所认为的最有助于找到好工作的专业。在大多数情况下,这实际上意味着不选择人文学科的课程。 换言之,现在学生和家长们在考虑上大学要学什么课程时,有一种越来越窄的、偏重职业技能的新倾向。美国文理科学院的报告指出,这种新倾向由很多事情导致,包括人们对文化体验的降级:人们平时吸收的东西,例如父母是否给孩子们朗读儿童读物。结果就是人文学科的毕业生数量急剧下降。在我的母校波莫纳大学,今年春季的1560名毕业生中,只有16名英语专业的毕业生,这是一个非常小的数字。 耶鲁大学在1991年有165名英语文学学士学位的毕业生,2012年有62名。耶鲁大学在1991年最顶尖的两个专业分别是历史和英语,到了2013年,变成了经济学和政治学。波莫纳大学今年最顶尖的两个专业分别是经济学和数学。 当孩子们成了英语专业的学生,父母们总是忧心仲仲。英语专业对什么好呢? 在某种程度上,最好的答案总是“等着瞧吧”——这么回答没人满意。然而,这是一个真实的答案,它反映了学习英语文学带来的思想和语言的多样性。以前,英语专业的学生几乎出现在任何地方从事任何职业,他们几乎总有对于语言、文学或其他方面有着丰富的感觉和无限可能。 过去,我们对于哪些是值得研究的书籍和作家,似乎有一种既定的,不言而喻的共识。 但是经典一直在变化,现在比40年前更具包容性,这是件好事。 现在我们没有过去清楚的是,研究经典的目的是什么,以及,为什么我们选择一些工具来研究经典。 有一种可能从研究生课程发现的技术狭隘性,已经渗透到本科生课程——强调那种专业分工,强调理论。这种狭隘有时是因为教授紧迫的研究课题导致的,但也反映了人们对人文学科一直以来的困惑。这经常让本科生们疑惑,就像我从与他们的谈话中了解到的:他们一直在想自己在学习什么,为什么学习。 研究学习人文学科,应该就像在一艘沿着无边无际的人类体验之海岸线航行的轮船甲板上,站在其他同事和同学中间。相反,现在研究人文学科的人,已经退缩到了船舱中的小格子间去了,从那里,他们只能管窥蠡测到海岸线的一小部分、雾堤,或喷涌而出的鲸鱼的背部。 当人们将注意力逐渐从人文学科转移开来的时候,这是在考虑专业选择的某种实用性。这揭示了一系列的事情。第一,急于使教育产生回报,这是因为人们事先就认为,只有适用性最强的技能才值得学习。第二,人文学科自身往往不善于说明其重要性。第三,人文学科教学本身存在问题。你不必从以上三条选其一,它们同时存在。 人文学科最基本的馈赠中究竟蕴含着多大的价值,这点本科生一无所知,而老师也从没告诉过他们。这种馈赠就是清晰的思路、流畅的文笔、以及对文学的终身兴趣。 个中道理,也许需要有一定的生活阅历之后才能领悟。我发现,我教的年纪较大的学生,无论是本科生、研究生还是年轻教师,都深感需要掌握这种没能早一点学到的技能。这种技能,他们既不称之为人文学科,也不称之为文学。他们称之为写作,即可以将自己的思考用句子表达出来的能力,这些句子有其自身的价值,乃至文学价值。 良好的写作能力曾是人文学科最基本的一项要求,其重要性不亚于数学和统计学知识对自然科学的重要性。然而较强的写作能力也不仅仅是一种实用技能。它能让你在与人交流时,展现个人的理性优雅和活力。 没人能找到为这种读写能力贴上金钱标签的方法,我怀疑任何人都不会这么做。但每一个拥有它的人——无论如何或何时获得它——都知道它是一种稀有而珍贵的传承。 By Verlyn Klinkenborg, June 22, 2013 In the past few years, I"ve taught nonfiction writing to undergraduates and graduate students at Harvard, Yale, Bard, Pomona, Sarah Lawrence and Columbia"s Graduate School of Journalism. Each semester I hope, and fear, that I will have nothing to teach my students because they already know how to write. And each semester I discover, again, that they don"t. They can assemble strings of jargon and generate clots of ventriloquistic syntax. They can meta-metastasize any thematic or ideological notion they happen upon. And they get good grades for doing just that. But as for writing clearly, simply, with attention and openness to their own thoughts and emotions and the world around them — no. That kind of writing — clear, direct, humane — and the reading on which it is based are the very root of the humanities, a set of disciplines that is ultimately an attempt to examine and comprehend the cultural, social and historical activity of our species through the medium of language. The teaching of the humanities has fallen on hard times. So says a new report on the state of the humanities by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and so says the experience of nearly everyone who teaches at a college or university. Undergraduates will tell you that they"re under pressure — from their parents, from the burden of debt they incur, from society at large — to choose majors they believe will lead as directly as possible to good jobs. Too often, that means skipping the humanities. In other words, there is a new and narrowing vocational emphasis in the way students and their parents think about what to study in college. As the American Academy report notes, this is the consequence of a number of things, including an overall decline in the experience of literacy, the kind of thing you absorbed, for instance, if your parents read aloud to you as a child. The result is that the number of students graduating in the humanities has fallen sharply. At Pomona College (my alma mater) this spring, 16 students graduated with an English major out of a student body of 1,560, a terribly small number. In 1991, 165 students graduated from Yale with a B.A. in English literature. By 2012, that number was 62. In 1991, the top two majors at Yale were history and English. In 2013, they were economics and political science. At Pomona this year, they were economics and mathematics. Parents have always worried when their children become English majors. What is an English major good for? In a way, the best answer has always been, wait and see — an answer that satisfies no one. And yet it is a real answer, one that reflects the versatility of thought and language that comes from studying literature. Former English majors turn up almost anywhere, in almost any career, and they nearly always bring with them a rich sense of the possibilities of language, literary and otherwise. The canon — the books and writers we agree are worth studying — used to seem like a given, an unspoken consensus of sorts. But the canon has always been shifting, and it is now vastly more inclusive than it was 40 years ago. That"s a good thing. What"s less clear now is what we study the canon for and why we choose the tools we employ in doing so. A technical narrowness, the kind of specialization and theoretical emphasis you might find in a graduate course, has crept into the undergraduate curriculum. That narrowness sometimes reflects the tight focus of a professor"s research, but it can also reflect a persistent doubt about the humanistic enterprise. It often leaves undergraduates wondering, as I know from my conversations with them, just what they"ve been studying and why. STUDYING the humanities should be like standing among colleagues and students on the open deck of a ship moving along the endless coastline of human experience. Instead, now it feels as though people have retreated to tiny cabins in the bowels of the ship, from which they peep out on a small fragment of what may be a coastline or a fog bank or the back of a spouting whale. There is a certain literal-mindedness in the recent shift away from the humanities. It suggests a number of things. One, the rush to make education pay off presupposes that only the most immediately applicable skills are worth acquiring (though that doesn"t explain the current popularity of political science). Two, the humanities often do a bad job of explaining why the humanities matter. And three, the humanities often do a bad job of teaching the humanities. You don"t have to choose only one of these explanations. All three apply. What many undergraduates do not know — and what so many of their professors have been unable to tell them — is how valuable the most fundamental gift of the humanities will turn out to be. That gift is clear thinking, clear writing and a lifelong engagement with literature. Maybe it takes some living to find out this truth. Whenever I teach older students, whether they"re undergraduates, graduate students or junior faculty, I find a vivid, pressing sense of how much they need the skill they didn"t acquire earlier in life. They don"t call that skill the humanities. They don"t call it literature. They call it writing — the ability to distribute their thinking in the kinds of sentences that have a merit, even a literary merit, of their own. Writing well used to be a fundamental principle of the humanities, as essential as the knowledge of mathematics and statistics in the sciences. But writing well isn"t merely a utilitarian skill. It is about developing a rational grace and energy in your conversation with the world around you. No one has found a way to put a dollar sign on this kind of literacy, and I doubt anyone ever will. But everyone who possesses it — no matter how or when it was acquired — knows that it is a rare and precious inheritance.
2023-07-25 22:46:241


【热门】大学英语作文3篇   在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是我收集整理的大学英语作文3篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 大学英语作文 篇1   Today"s college students face choices unheard of years ago. Terms like two way selection, self-employment are not new to them. Many students swarm (蜂拥) into job market or look every talent fair (人才交流会) for potential employers. The concept of selling (推销) oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students.   Hunting a job is no small matter. Instead, it is probably one of the most, if not the most, important decisions any of would-be graduates can make in a lifetime. Therefore, they are very serious and cautious when that time comes. It is something that the society has taught them.Now more and more students lose their jobs when they graduate from school. It"s easy for some students to find work. But the fact is that some students think the salary is so low that they don"t want to do the job, they except to find a easy work with a higher salary.   Like the reason above,some jobs have nobody to do it ,but somebody is free with no job.   As the job market gets shrinking, it has also become a must for undergraduates (在校本科生)to work harder than before to keep their competitive edge (保持竟争地位). More students are engaged in their studies with no distractions (分心,干扰). They are investing today for a promising (大有希望的,前途无量的) tomorrowAs far as I"m concerned, those students who want to find a higher salary but have no better job to do should be do a easy work from basic.Work hard on ,I believe through their hardwork they"ll get a better job soon. 大学英语作文 篇2   1) According to a recent study, … 根据最近的一个研究 ……   2) A recent survey indicates that …. So some people take the view that …. Others, however, don"t think so. 最近一项调查表明 ……。所以有些人认为 ……,而另一些人却不这样认为。   3) No one can deny the fact that …, but … 没有人能否认这一事实 ……,但 ……   4) A recent newspaper report on a survey among (students) states that … 最近一家报纸报道了在学生中间进行的一项调查,指出 ……   5) One of the (joys) of … is, and always has been, that ………的乐趣之一,而且永远如此的,是 ……   6) Somebody has offered a fascinating insight into the nature of … 某人已对 ……的本质提出了有趣的深邃见解。   7) According to a major new study, conducted by … , … 根据 …… 的一项新的研究,……   8) One of the most striking things about sth. /sb. is that … 关于某事/某人的最令人吃惊的事情之一是 ……   9) Although the popular idea is that …, a recent study shows that … 虽然普遍的"观点是……, 但最近的一项研究显示 ……   10) All scientific observations justify the view that … 所有科学观察都证明 ……的观点是正确的。   11) Statistics available suggests that … 已得到的数据证明 ……(该句suggest引导的从句不用虚拟,因为此处suggest不表“建议”。)   12) Personal experience teaches us that … 个人经验告诉我们 ……   13) There is considerable evidence in favor of … 有相当多的证据支持 …… 大学英语作文 篇3   When I was in middle school some of my classmates were smoking cigarettes.These classmates were both boys and girls.Another problem was the tendency toward vandalism and theft.   Although only a very few persons were involved in these situations.I often felt uneasy and unsure about their actions.We have been taught to strive to be good citizens and cultivate good character,but at such a young age it is disturbing.   Many adults smoke, yet young people today should worry about the possibility of cancer.Also people should know crime is bad and not rewarding,yet my classmates feel pressure from our society to cultivate another image.Perhaps now is the time both parents and teachers should spend more time talking to teenagers about the problems they are facing. ;
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  圣安德鲁斯大学苏格兰最古老、也是英语世界第三古老的大学,仅次于牛津和剑桥。那么,它有哪些学院呢?它的入学要求是怎样?和来看看吧!   Schools   Although undergraduates will apply for a specific degree programme, your admission will be to one of four Faculties (Arts, Divinity, Medicine or Science). You will belong to the same Faculty throughout your university career and most of the subjects you study will be offered by Schools or Departments within this Faculty.    学院   尽管本科生只能选特定的学位课程,但都是在以下任一学院学习:艺术学院、神学院、医学院和科学院。整个大学期间你只能在一个学院学习,并且学习的大部分课程都是由该学院的部门提供。   All undergraduates are assigned to an Adviser of Studies whom they must see at the start of each semester, to discuss their choices and have them approved. Advisers are also available for consultation at other times and are always ready to discuss any academic and other problems that may arise. The Adviser will guide the student through the complexities of the modular structure to ensure that any desired degree pathways, or options, remain accessible.   所有本科学生都有学习指导,每个学期开学的时候学生都要和学习指导见面,和学习指导讨论自己的学习,寻求其认可。学习指导在其他时间也可以咨询,他们随时准备好和你谈论可能出现的学习方面和其他方面出现的问题。学习指导在学位模块结构学习中指导学生,以确保学生有机会选择想要的学位途径或选项。   At the end of your second year, if your work has reached the required standard, then you can make a final choice of Honours programme from the second year subjects that you have studied. It is in the final two years that you will be able to specialise and gain an intimate knowledge of your chosen subject(s). Modules are normally assessed in the semester in which they are taught. Assessment of modules is by examination, continuous assessment (coursework) or, in most cases, a combination of these.   在第二学年结束的时候,如果你达到了所要求的标准,你就可以从第二学年的课程中作最终的荣誉课程选择。正是在本科的后两年,你有机会深入学习所选的专业。模块评估通常发生在授课的学期。模块评估通过考试、持续评估(课程作业)或(大多数情况下)考试和作业结合的方式完成。   Postgraduate students apply for a specific degree programme and work closely with a relatively smaller number of staff (compared to undergraduate students) during the duration of their programme. Each student is given a supervisor to act as their first point of contact where any problems arise or advice is needed.   研究所申请特定的学位课程,并在课程学习期间和相关的少数几位(相对于本科生)老师协调工作。每位学生分配有一位监督人,作为学生的第一接触点,负责解决学生遇到的任何问题或提供建议。   Fees & entry requirements   Undergraduate entry to St Andrews is on the basis of 4 good Higher grades (AABB u2013 AAAA), 3 good A-levels (AAB u2013 AAA) or excellent IB scores (35 to 38 points). International students are welcome to apply to us on the basis of the exam system used in their country and our Admissions Officers assess individual applications on the basis of merit.Postgraduate students are expected to have the equivalent of a UK 2.1 (2nd Class, upper division) degree from a recognised institution.    费用和入学要求   圣安德鲁斯大学本科生入学要求Higher成绩四科良好(AABB -AAAA),A级考试3科良好(AABu2013AAA)或者IB成绩优秀(35到38分)。学校欢迎国际留学生申请,学生可以借助自己国家的考试系统申请,圣安德鲁斯大学入学办公室将在学生优点的基础上对申请进行评估。研究生的申请需要持有认证机构颁发的相当于英国2.1(2类,上层)学位的证书。   St Andrews is committed to attracting the very best students, regardless of financial circumstances, which is why we offer a large number of bursaries and scholarships to students. These are designed to provide assistance to help students support themselves during their time at university and also aim to reward academic excellence.   圣安德鲁斯大学本着吸引最优秀学生的宗旨,不限制学生的经济条件。因此学校为学生提供有诸多助学金和奖学金。这些助学金和奖学金旨在帮助学生在圣安德鲁斯大学学习期间自助,同时对学术优秀进行表彰。   Scholarships   The scholarships web pages hold a wealth of information in relation to the financial support offered by the University, statutory student support and information regarding external bodies who offer financial assistance. Some scholarships have early deadlines so it is well worth checking the web pages to ensure that you apply in good time.    奖学金   圣安德鲁斯大学的奖学金网页有大学经济支助、法定经济支助以及外部组织经济支助方面的相信信息。某些奖学金申请截止日期早,因此为了不错过申请时间,我们建议你去核实。   International partnerships   The University of St Andrews has a number of opportunities for undergraduate students to spend a full academic year in the USA or Canada as part of their degree programme (usually Junior Honours year), with new destinations being approved each year. St Andrews has three exchange partners in Canada and a further eleven partners in the USA, each offering a different student experience, from the University of Californiau2019s LA campus in the heart of Beverly Hills, to the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, founded in 1693 and the second oldest Higher Education institution in the United States.
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[1]National Undergraduate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship[2]National Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates
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Harvard University I INTRODUCTION Harvard University, private, coeducational institution of higher education, the oldest in the United States, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. II HISTORY AND ADMINISTRATION In 1636 a college was founded in Cambridge by the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was opened for instruction two years later and named in 1639 for English clergyman John Harvard, its first benefactor. The college at first lacked substantial endowments and existed on gifts from individuals and the General Court. Harvard gradually acquired considerable autonomy and private financial support, becoming a chartered university in 1780. Today it has the largest private endowment of any university in the world. Harvard has steadily developed under the great American educators who have successively served as its presidents. During the presidency of Charles W. Eliot (1869-1909), Harvard established an elective system for undergraduates, by which they could choose most of their courses themselves. Under Abbott L. Lowell, who was president from 1909 to 1933, the undergraduate house systems of residence and instruction were introduced. Academic growth and physical expansion continued during the tenures of James B. Conant (1933-1953), Nathan M. Pusey (1953-1971), and Derek C. Bok (1971-1991). Neil L. Rudenstine was appointed president in 1991. Sponsored by Henry Rosovsky, former dean of the faculty of arts and sciences (1973-1984), the undergraduate elective system, or General Education Program, was replaced in 1979 by a Core Curriculum intended to prepare well-educated men and women for the challenges of modern life. Students are now required to take courses for the equivalent of an academic year in each of five areas: literature and arts, history, social analysis and moral reasoning, science, and foreign cultures. In addition to the new curriculum, students must spend roughly the equivalent of two years on courses in a field of concentration and one year on elective courses. Students must also demonstrate competence in writing, mathematics, and a foreign language. From its earliest days Harvard established and maintained a tradition of academic excellence and the training of citizens for national public service. Among many notable alumni are the religious leaders Increase Mather and Cotton Mather; the philosopher and psychologist William James; and men of letters such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Robert Frost, and T. S. Eliot. More U.S. presidents have attended Harvard than any other college: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy. A sixth, Rutherford B. Hayes, was a graduate of Harvard Law School, which also counts the jurists Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and Felix Frankfurter among its alumni. Harvard University is governed by a corporation (the oldest corporation in the United States) known as the President and Fellows of Harvard College. The corporation consults with a 30-member Board of Overseers elected by the alumni. III UNDERGRADUATE ACTIVITIES Harvard College, the universityu2019s oldest division, offers undergraduate courses for men and women, leading to a bachelor of arts degree granted by the university. Beginning in 1963, graduates of Radcliffe College, the affiliated undergraduate institution for women, received Harvard degrees with the Radcliffe seal and countersigned by the president of Radcliffe. In the 1970s, Harvard abolished the quota limiting the number of women students, and a joint Harvard and Radcliffe Admissions Office began selecting students on an equal basis. In 1999 Harvard fully absorbed Radcliffe and created the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, which focuses on the study of women and gender. With admission criteria ranking among the most selective in the United States, Harvard accepts less than 20 percent of all applicants; three-fourths of those accepted actually enroll. During their freshman year, students live in halls within Harvard Yard, a walled enclosure containing several structures from the early 18th century now used as dormitories, dining facilities, libraries, and classrooms. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors live in the 12 residences known as houses. Named in honor of a distinguished alumnus or administrator, each house accommodates approximately 350 students and a group of faculty members who provide individual instruction as tutors, fostering social and intellectual exchange between students and teachers. Each house also has a library and sponsors cultural activities and intramural athletics. Undergraduate life has the additional attraction of proximity to Boston. IV GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL FACILITIES Harvardu2019s graduate and professional facilities, founded over the last 200 years, include schools of arts and sciences, business administration, dental medicine, design, divinity, education, law, medicine, public administration (now the John Fitzgerald Kennedy School of Government), and public health. Special studies programs are also provided at the Harvard-Yenching Institute; the John K. Fairbank Center for East Asian Research; the Kathryn W. and Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Russian Studies; and at the centers for Middle Eastern Studies, International Affairs, International Legal Studies, Energy and International Policy, and Health Policy Management. V SPECIAL FACILITIES The Harvard campus is also the site of several renowned museums and collections, among them the Fogg Museum, distinguished for its European and American paintings, sculptures, and prints; the Botanical Museum; and the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Harvardu2019s library system is the oldest in the United States. The central library collection, used for advanced scholarly research, is housed in the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library. Augmented by the Houghton Library of rare books and manuscripts, the undergraduate Lamont, Cabot, and Hilles libraries, and the separate house and departmental libraries, as well as by the graduate schoolsu2019 collections, the Harvard library complex forms the worldu2019s largest university library system. It currently contains more than 13 million volumes, manuscripts, and microfilms. Harvard University also maintains the Arnold Arboretum, in Boston; the Harvard College Observatory, based in Cambridge; the research center for Byzantine and Early Christian studies at Dumbarton Oaks, in Washington, D.C.; and Villa I Tatti in Settignano, Italy, formerly the home and library of art critic Bernard Berenson and now a center for art history research. Home games of the Harvard Crimson football team and other athletic events take place at Harvard Stadium, which has a seating capacity of more than 38,000. Yale University is Harvardu2019s traditional rival in sports. VI PUBLICATIONS Undergraduate publications include the Harvard Crimson, a daily newspaper founded in 1873; the Harvard Advocate, a literary review; and a nationally known humor magazine, the Harvard Lampoon. Among journals issued by Harvardu2019s graduate schools and affiliated groups are the Harvard Business Review,Harvard Educational Review, and Harvard Law Review. Harvard University Press, founded in 1913, publishes books of scholarly as well as general interest and medical and scientific works.
2023-07-25 22:48:062

求助各位英语达人翻译一下名称,渴望求… 我们协会的名字是大学生就业创业协会,求翻译

Graduate Employment Venture Association
2023-07-25 22:48:158


问一下 是不是用英语翻译的啊?
2023-07-25 22:48:324


博士Doctor Dr
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2023-07-25 22:49:344

英语中连字符一般怎么用 请举几个例子讲解下子。 well-repared good-lookin

2023-07-25 22:50:062

"Where is the university?" is the question many visitors to Cambridge ask. But no one could point a

在哪里大学?“是许多访客向剑桥问的问题。 因为没有校园,但是没人可能指向所有一个方向。 大学包括31所自治学院。 它有教室、图书馆、实验室、在城市中的博物馆和办公室。 各自的学院选择必须符合大学设置的他们极小的入口要求的他们自己的学生。 并且毕业生在他们的学院通常居住和研究,但是他们在非常充分的小组被教。 演讲和实验室和实用工作由大学在大学大厦组织并且被拿着。 在一万大学生和三千五百位大学毕业生。 大约40%他们是妇女和一些8%从国外。 并且教,研究是重要性。 自20世纪之始,超过六十名大学成员赢取了诺贝尔奖。 大学有大厦的一个巨大数目教和研究的。 它有超过并且大学图书馆的60个专家附属的图书馆,作为版权图书馆,有资格获得在英国出版的每本书的拷贝。 考试被拿着,并且程度由大学授予。 它在1881年允许妇女采取大学检查,但是它是不直到1941年他们被授予了程度。 您是否认为剑桥大学? ,在之后年做了镇真正地开始开发?
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