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collateral calls 在经济中是什么意思

2023-07-25 17:02:45
collateral calls
That may be understandable: panic was in the air, aig faced crippling collateral calls and lehman brothers had just folded.
The contract cancellations will free the insurer from additional collateral calls on those swaps, which also have been responsible for billions of dollars in write-downs that aig has logged in recent quarters.



名词,取消的意思The cancellation of the football match really ticked him off. 足球赛的取消真把他给气坏了.
2023-07-25 07:28:391

英语 微积分 cancellation equations是什么意思

2023-07-25 07:28:561

No Returns or Cancellations 外贸中的条款、、、这个怎么翻译?

2023-07-25 07:29:055


2023-07-25 07:29:514


2023-07-25 07:30:002


2023-07-25 07:30:082

谁能帮我分析一下酒店的Cancellation Policy

521之后 和 到达日期之前2周(14日)外(比如6月21你们入住,那么之前6月7日之前4.30, 5.1 5.2 5.3 ...取消)取消,都要交2天房费在14日内(如6.7 - 6.21)和任何NO-SHOW 都将扣除3日房费。写的很清楚. IN PRIOR是到达日期之前,不是之后2周
2023-07-25 07:30:271


  电话在我们生活中无时无刻不在,离开了手机的话,很多人可能会出现焦躁感。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   :打电话预订酒店,酒店已订满   C:   Which date would that be?   您想订哪一天的?   G:   June 5th ,for one night.   6月5日,一个晚上   C:   Could you hold the line,please? i"ll check our room availability for that day...thank you for waiting,sir.I"m afraid our hotel is fully booked on that night.Is it possible for you to change your reservation date?   请稍等不要挂机,我为您检视酒店当天的房间供应情况...抱歉让你久等了,我们酒店6月5日的房间已经订满了,可以改变预订的日期吗?   G:   No,that"s not possible.   不,那是不可能的。   C:   We might have cancellations. Could you call us again closer to the date?   我们可能会有顾客取消预订.您可以过几天再打电话来询问?   G:   Sure,but if you do have any cancellations,could you let me know as soon as possible?   当然,但如果您有任何取消,能否尽快快告诉我?   C:   I"m very sorry,sir.But we are unable to do that.We would appreciate it very much if you could call us instead.   很抱歉,我们没法那么做,如果你能致电我们的话会更好。   G:   Well,if that"s the case...   好吧,如果真是这样...   C:   We"re very sorry,sir.We hope you understand.   我们非常抱歉,希望您能理解   :打电话预订酒店并成功预订   C:   Good morning, this is the Front Desk.May i help you,sir?   早上好,这是前台。需要我帮忙吗,先生?   G:   yes,i"dlike to reserve a room.   是的,我想要订个房间   C:   Thank you,Sir.For which date?   谢谢,先生。订哪一点的?   G:   From November 9th   11月9日起   C:   For how many nights?   住几晚?   G:   For two nights.   两晚   C:   How many guests will there be in your party?   有多少人和你一起?   G:   Just my wife and i   仅仅和我的妻子   C:   Which kind of room would you prefer,a double or a twin?   你想订哪种型别的房间,一张双人床还是两张单人床的?   G:   A twin,please   两张单人的吧   C:   Could you hold the line,please?i"ll check our room availability for those days,thank you for waiting,sir.we have a twin at RMB 1000 Yuan and atRMB 1500 Yuan,which would you prefer?   能稍等下吗?我将帮你查一下这几天我们的客房供应情况,让你久等了,我们这有一间1000元和1500的,你喜欢哪一种?   G:   We"ll take the one at RMB15OO Yuan.   我们要1500的那间吧   C:   Certainly,sir.Could you give me your name,please?   好的,先生,请你告诉我你们的姓名吗?   G:   Yes,it"s John Davis,D-a-v-i-s.   是的,约翰戴维斯,D-a-v-i-s.   C:   Mr.Davis.May I have your phone number,please?   戴维斯先生,你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?   G:   Yes,the number is 01-5639-1875.   电话是01-5639-1875   C:   What time do you expect to arrive,sir?   什么时候到呢,先生?   G:   Oh,around 8.00 a.m. ,i suppose.   大概上午8点吧   C:   I"d like to confirm your reservation,sir.A twin room for Mr.and Mrs.Davis at RMB 1500 Yuan per night for two nights from November 9th to November 11th.My name is Steve and we"re looking forward to serving you.   我想确定下您的预定资讯,先生。你和你的夫人一间价格为1500元的双人房。从11月9日到11月11日住两个晚上,我叫史蒂夫,期待你们的光临!   :打电话到酒店更改预定日期   C:   Room Reservations.May i help you,sir?   客房预定。先生有什么需要我帮忙的吗?   G:   Yes,my name is Alice,and i made a reservation for two nights from October 5th.I"d like to extend it for two more nights until the 9th.   是的,我的名字是爱丽丝,订了10月5日起的两个晚上的房间,我想延长两个晚上一直到9号   C:   For 4 nights from October 5th until October 9th. Will there be any change in your room type?Your reservation is for a twin room.   从10月5日到9日四个晚上,你预定的是一间带两张单人床的房间,您需要变化你的房间型别吗?   G:   No   不   C:   Thank you,sir.We will extend the reservation for you.   谢谢,先生。我们将为您延长预定时间。
2023-07-25 07:30:341

be made of和from /in的区别

1.都是由什么组成 be made of 是可以看出原材料的,例:The sweater was made of woollen. 毛衣是羊毛作的(可以看出的) be made from是不可以看出原材料的,例/:The paper is made from wood 纸是树木作的(看不出来的) made in 只是说在哪里哪里生产的 比如中国制造,Made in China
2023-07-25 07:30:421

网上订机票,value bundle是什么意思?

2023-07-25 07:30:583


2023-07-25 07:31:062

be made in和be made of的区别

be made in:在……地方制造;be made of:由…制成。be made in:in表示“在里面”的静止状态或一定范围内的动作;be made of:of是英语中一个常用的介词,助动词,表示……的;由…制成等意思,在英语中有大量词组使用of,如out of由于。 be made in例句 This kind of decision cannot ever be made in a vacuum. 这种决定绝不能脱离实际。 Cancellations must be made in writing. 撤销必须有书面通知。 Progress on this issue must be made in parallel to any moves on the economic front. 这个问题上的进展应该和经济领域的进展同步。 Good studies are needed to lend credence to the notion that genuine progress can be made in this important field. 需要进行认真的研究,以让人们相信在这一重要领域可以取得真正的进展。 be made of的例句 The pipes should be made of plastic. 这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。 The taps appeared to be made of solid gold. 水龙头似乎是用纯金制成的。 Only the rough guess and estimate can be made of it. 对此只能作出一个粗略的测算。 Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved. 应该让人人都知道其中的风险。
2023-07-25 07:31:261


酒店如何做好收益管理   收益管理(Yield Management),又称为收入管理(Revenue Management),20世纪70年代起源于美国,20世纪90年末代引入我国。其理论是面向不可存储资产或易逝品的收入管理,也是一种为提高收入的动态定价策略。   近十多年来在很多行业得到成功应用,并受到重视,目前已广泛应用于服务产业。成功案列包括:美洲航空公司每年增加10亿美元收入;1995至1999年,美国汽车工业的销售额从30亿升为75亿,增加的45亿中,有30亿来自于应用了收益管理方法和系统。收益管理是相对较新的技术,其基本原理是应用价格杠杆原理来调节供需平衡,用需求导向定价代替成本导向定价,用差别定价代替统一定价。   收益管理是饭店主体实现饭店盈利能力最大化的服务管理系统,该系统通过细分市场对盈利能力的识别,确定产品价值、价格设定、折扣生成、订房过滤准则以及对价格和客房资源进行有效控制等方法,实现饭店盈利能力最大化的目标。我们通常将收益管理定义为:把饭店的产品或服务,在最佳的时间,以最佳的价格,通过最佳的销售渠道,出售给最佳的客人,以实现饭店收益的最大化。通过“五个最”的完美组合,可以有效地解决酒店业有限资源闲置或价格竞争所造成总体收益下滑的现实问题,通过市场细分、需求预测、差别定价、动态定价、容量控制和客房超订等手段,借助互联网数据和计算机技术,使人工经验和计算机智能形成高度的结合,最大限度地减少酒店资源虚耗,挖掘市场盈利能力,最终使饭店收益最大化。   谈到收益管理,管理者经常会误解为只有在客房出租率100%的情况下才能发挥效能,其实这是个误区。饭店收益管理是一门基于用价格杠杆来调节供需平衡的技术,无论饭店是否满房,该项技术都能有效地发挥其作用,针对每一个细分市场,实现收益最大化。例如:在差别定价和能力分配上,只是基于市场细分和容量控制技术,不受客房出租率的影响;只有超订技术是基于饭店能实现满房的情况下而发挥效能的。另外,衡量饭店收益管理的主要指标即不是平均客房出租率(OCC),也不是平均房价(ADR),而是二者互动的指标—RevPAR(Revenue Per Available Room)。在饭店客房销售诸多的经营指标中,只有RevPAR才能最有效地反映客房收入的高低。因此,饭店管理者应消除这一误区,正确认识饭店应用收益管理的重要性。那么,收益管理如何在饭店中能起到收益最大化的作用呢?笔者从以下几个方面作一简述,供读者参考!   一、数据挖掘与需求预测   由于饭店客房属易逝性产品,市场需求波动频繁,又具有相当的弹性。因此,时常会给顾客带来时间压迫感,增加了顾客在饭店选择中广泛性和快捷性。饭店营销或收益部门如果不能准确把握未来市场需求情况,在房价的设定或能力分配中出现偏差,不仅会损失潜在的收入,产生资源虚耗,而且还会导致顾客流向其他的竞争对手。通过实施需求预测,从饭店PMS系统中抓取历年市场数据,采用科学的预测方法,建立预测模型,通过数据挖掘,能够帮助饭店管理者准确把握未来市场需求的脉搏,提高对市场判断的前瞻性。因此,通过实施需求预测技术,可以帮助饭店管理者有效解决以下难题。   1)知晓未来房价的走势,准确制订未来客房价格并实行价格动态化;   2)预测某个时段的订房量,通过差别定价和容量控制,提高单房收入;   3)在市场需求旺盛时期,预测某一天的No Show率、客房取消数量(Cancellations)等,使超订数量更加准确,避免超售的发生,既达到满房的效果,又避免因超售给饭店造成不必要的成本支出等。   二、市场进行细分与差别定价   差别定价是指通过对同一种饭店产品(如:同一类型的客房、餐食、康体或娱乐项目等)对不同的顾客或细分市场制定不同价格的行为和方法。差别定价既是一门艺术,也是一门科学。它的艺术性体现在寻找一种细分市场的方法,使我们对高支付意愿的顾客收取高价,对低支付意愿的顾客收取低价。它的科学性体现在通过借助各种技术制定和更新价格,最大化所有细分市场的总收益。从经济学的角度讲,我们通过引入价格歧视的概念,来实现差别定价。在饭店市场细分中,我们应充分考虑以下原则,以保证细分的有效性。一是细分市场应具有可衡量与进入性。市场容量和层次结构可以衡量,通过各种营销手段能够达到;二是细分市场应具有一定的规模,市场容量应足以使饭店有利可图;三是每个细分市场必须具备有相当的购买力,以使饭店通过收益管理手段可以获得更大利益;四是应保证每个细分市场的平均支付意愿是不同的,具备实施差别定价的条件;五是细分市场具有可持续性,具备相应的时间延续性。为满足差别定价需要并结合饭店客源市场结构,笔者认为饭店可考虑按以下不同市场进行差别定价。一群体定价;包括散客价、学生折扣、会员折扣等;二渠道定价;包括OTA价格、公司协议价、旅行社价、政府价等;三时间定价;包括提前预订价、连住房价、淡旺季价、尾房价、长住价等; 四数量折扣价;包括团体价、会议价、批发商价等;五优惠折扣价;包括促销价、新产品价、专题活动价、担保房价等。   尽管差别定价可以通过寻找支付高价愿意的客人为饭店带来更大的收益,但也因以下客观事实的存在而受到局限。饭店管理者在采用差别定价时应考虑以下因素,尽量规避,以降低风险。一是不完全细分市场。由于无法精确测定每位顾客的支付意愿,无法形成完全细分市场,目前能采取的最好办法是按上述方法对市场进行群体细分;二是侵蚀。如果采取了差别定价,那些具有高支付能力细分市场的顾客就会“假装”成低支付意愿的顾客,设法以较低的价格购买,侵蚀饭店利益;三是套利。差别定价同时也为第三方套利者提供了机会,他们会以低价买入商品,再以低于市场的价格售出,从中获取差价。   三、动态定价与价格优化   动态定价是基于市场需求预测的基础上,使饭店的房价随着市场需求的变化而变化,最终与市场波动趋势相匹配,从而消除了恒定价格在需求旺盛周期损失的高价格收入和在需求衰退周期由于价格显得过高而导致顾客流失的弊端。由于需求预测总是处于某个市场周期的前端,所以在客观事实发生之前已对价格进行了较为精准的预测,得以与市场需求相匹配,最大限度地规避了潜在损失风险。实施动态定价,能够为饭店带来以下效益。一是收益显著增加。通过实施动态定价,饭店可以根据预测数据充分挖掘潜在的收入空间,在不增加边际销售成本的情况下,通过价格优化,找出最佳可售房价BAR(Best available rate),实现收入最大化。二是实现供需平衡。供需平衡是经常困扰饭店管理者的难题,当市场需求处于旺盛期时,往往由于饭店产品无法在短时间内提高产量,损失了应该得到的.部分收入。当市场处于供过于求时,又总想通过薄利多销来招徕更多的折扣顾客,增加收入。而动态定价恰恰是利用价格杠杆来调节供需平衡,可以最大限度规避以上存在的问题,通过价格杠杆的调节来达到供需平衡,以此来提高收入。三是通过保留部分客房,以更高的价格出售给支付意愿较高的顾客。动态定价的实施能够为最有价值的顾客提供客房预留或保留服务,从中获取这一部分收入。   价格优化是在饭店进行差别定价和动态定价的基础上最大限度挖掘潜在收入空间的有效手段。饭店管理者通过价格优化程序来确定饭店不同市场周期的BAR,出售给最有价值的顾客,以此获取最大的收入。在实施价格优化过程中,要充分考虑到饭店品牌、产品价值、竞争对手价格和顾客的消费趣向等因素,借助经济学中需求价格弹性的计算方法,确定弹性系数,找到最佳可用房价—BAR。在确定BAR价格时,一般情况下,要结合细分市场,合理确定每个市场周期BAR的数量,并不是越多越好,一般以3至5个为宜。由于BAR为最佳可售房价,通过预订分配确定出为最有价值顾客预留或保留房数量,可有效解决房间过早被休闲度假的折扣顾客预订的难题,最终以最优的价格将预留或保留的房间出售给这些最有价值的商务顾客,从而获取更高的收入。   四、客房超订与超售控制   客房超订是指饭店在满房或针对某个细分市场满房的情况下,再增加一定预订数量的技术。为什么要采取超订呢?这是因为多数饭店没有针对预订的顾客设置无故不到(No Show)或取消的限制条件。尤其在我国饭店中,除了大假期或特价会有担保预订的限制条件外,平时对顾客预订的No Show或取消很少会有附加限制条件。如果已预订的顾客出现No Show或取消预订,不会付出任何成本,但却给饭店带来以下资源虚耗和浪费。一是闲置浪费的房间会给饭店造成不必要的经济损失; 二是想入住此饭店的客人失去了住店的机会,会转向竞争对手的饭店;三是被拒绝的客人如果后来打听到他想住而没有住上的饭店其实有空房,会增加他对饭店的不满程度,也可能从此便失去了一位忠诚的顾客。因此,正是由于No Show或预订取消(Cancellations)现象的存在,客房超订技术便应运而生。那么,如何确定超订数量呢?通常饭店管理者会借鉴行业经验数据,采用经验估算法来确定超订的数量。例如:依照行业经验,No Show 率通常为预订量的3%~5%,Cancellations通常为预订量的5%~10%。那么,超订数量一般可估算为预订量的8%~15%。尽管经验估算法有时会很准确,但由于顾客未到或取消的动机是随机的,存在着因随机性无法消除而导致的误差缺陷。笔者认为,以下两种超订数量的计算方法,可有效消除顾客随机性的影响,从而提高超订量预测的准确性。方法之一是在采集和抓取历年客史No Show 率或预订取消率的基础上,应用移动平均法或指数平滑法来预测指定日的No Show 率、预订取消率、提前退房间数和延长入住的间数,并通过超订公式(超订数量值=No Show间数+临时取消预订的间数+提前退房的间数-延长住宿的间数)的计算,最大限度地消除波动和随机因素,可较为准确地确定出指定日的超订数量。第二种方法是借助计算机收益管理软件,建立房间超订模型,通过计算最小期望损失的方式来确定超订的数量。目前,此方法已通过计算机收益管理系统被广泛应用于民航、饭店、租赁等行业,收到良好的效果。   然而,超订技术也是一把“双刃剑”,一方面能为饭店带来收益,另一方面也会带来一定的风险。因为超订数量的确定是建立在需求预测的基础上,而预测是不可能百分之百准确的,只要采取超订策略,就有可能发生过度超订,也称之为“超售”。过度超订的发生,不可避免地给饭店带来较大的弥补成本,严重的可能会导致法律上的纠纷。因此,饭店应制定以下措施来最大限度地降低过度超订发生的概率。   1)尽可能提高No Show 率预测的准确性;   2)积累超订经验,采用超订量较小的次优值,加大保险系数;   3)设立不同层次的具有不同限制条件的价格;   4)签订团体协议时要注意设置限制性条款;   5)要经常核对预订名单,纠正错误的订房和重复的订房;   6)定时与订房客人或订房渠道商沟通,以便随时掌握客人动态;   7)采用收取保证金或要求信用卡担保等措施。如果发生过度超订,饭店可采取免费升级、安排周边同档次其它的饭店、选择自愿放弃入住的对象、启动超售竞卖计划以及合理补偿等方式来解决。   五、容量控制与能力分配   容量控制是指为具有不同价格支付意愿顾客分配合适产品数量的一种控制方法。即饭店需要决定多少间客房以折扣价出售,多少间客房应留给消费时间较晚的高价顾客,解决这一问题的有效办法就是容量控制。其实质是通过能力分配技术确定开放或关闭相应的价格等级,实现客房产品在价格等级中的有效配置。其目的是最大限度地满足每个细分市场中顾客的消费需求,既保证折扣顾客的使 用量,同时也减少高价顾客的流失,从而达到收益最大化。容量控制的关键点在于如何确定预留或保留房间的数量。如果能准确地找到这一数量值,问题便迎刃而解。例如:饭店通常有休闲度假客人和商务客人这两个细分市场,而度假客人受到休假时间的限制,计划性比较强,对房价很敏感,通常订房较早,以便能得到最大的折扣。而商务客人多数对房价不敏感,通常订房较晚或充当Walk-in客人,可以支付高价。如果接受折扣客人的预订量过大,可能会挤占了高价客人的用房,损失部分收入;但如果保留的客房量过大,在高价客人没有住满的情况下,也会造成客房资源的虚耗;因此,只有在合理确定保留房数量,最大限度减少高价客人流失或客房虚耗的情况下,才能实现收入最大化。在日常收益管理工作中,我们可采取以下方法来确定最佳保留房量,以取得这部分收入最大化。一是采集历年相关经营数据,对每日度假客人和商务客人的订房提前天数、转换率、结构比率等进行分析;同时选择适用的预测方法,建立预测模型进行预测,根据预测结果来确定保留房数量。二是借助计算机智能技术,通过决策树的方法,确定两个能力等级,进行能力分配。三是利用Littlewood法则,找出两个等级的最优预订限额,以实现最大化期望利润。容量控制或能力分配能够有效地解决困扰饭店管理者确定折扣房与高价房数量的难题,以实收益最优化。   综上所述,收益管理作为一门科学,在运筹学、市场学、经济学、管理科学、信息科学等多学科理论的基础上,发展奠定了自己的理论基础,推动收益管理系统理论得以快速的发展。现今,随着收益管理理论逐步完善和实践拓展,已逐步形成自身体系,成为现代管理科学中的一个重要组成部分,为饭店实现收益最大化起着不可缺少的推动作用。 ;
2023-07-25 07:31:401


这几天关于美国联合航空公司的新闻占据了各大媒体的头条。一位已经登机入座的乘客被以超售(overbooking)的名义要求下机改乘次日航班,但遭该乘客拒绝。航空公司叫来机场警察强制将该乘客拖出机舱,期间乘客受伤并流血。视频被传到网上后引起轩然大波,民众对联航的粗暴处理方式极端不满,对其CEO后来的言论更为愤怒。很显然,联航在处理这次超售事件犯错在先,危机公关失败在后,相信接下来对其生意和股价会有严重打击,可谓自食其果。虽然这是一次极端事件,但一斑窥豹,可以看到航空公司管理中的很多问题。超售是全世界航空业的通行做法,也是属于收益管理(yieldmanagement)的一部分。在我教授的MBA运营战略课程中,都会提到收益管理。每次讲到收益管理我都用实例为学生解释航空业的一些有趣的现象,看来下次课又有联航友情提供的精彩案例了,尤其是他们采纳的新的竞争策略“If we cannot beat our competitors, we beat our customers”。看到联航事件,不少网友一定在想:航空公司为什么要超售(卖出比座位更多的票)?如果等待登机的乘客多于飞机上的座位,航空公司应该怎么做?政府为什么不保护消费者而禁止超售?这篇短文就从收益管理的角度解答类似以上的问题,希望可以帮助大家了解这次联航事件的背景。 很多人可能不知道,航空业是美国最难管理的行业之一,也可以说是最不挣钱的行业之一。从1978年航空业放开管制(deregulation),到2005年有160多家航空公司破产,兼并收购屡见不鲜;在1990-99期间,航空业的利润率是全美国所有行业平均水平的六分之一;2001年911的恐袭立刻让大多航空公司严重亏损。为什么航空公司这么难赚钱呢?原因有很多,这里列几个。第一,对每个航班而言,供给(supply)的数量是固定的,因为飞机上的座位是给定的。第二,对每个航班而言,需求(demand)是复杂多变的(需要飞某个航班的人数取决于很多不确定因素,比如天气,重大活动,经济景气等;另外,每个乘客支付意愿不同,而且偏好和需求可能随时间而变化)。所以如何把给定的供给卖给动态的需求,而且还要最大化收益(revenue),是一个非常困难的问题。第三,竞争非常激烈。乘客需要的是从A地最快地赶到B地,任何航空公司提供的服务从本质上很难区别(不过联航这次可以成功把自己区别开来)。由于产品和服务不容易差异化,价格战就难以避免。前些年一位航空公司老总在报告中说“宁可亏钱也不空位”,确实有时我们能看到几块钱的超低价机票。但仔细想想,除去一趟航班的固定成本(油费,人员费用),多服务一位乘客的边际成本是多少?一杯可乐而已。所以一旦一班飞机达到了收支平衡,航空公司可以把票价降到几乎为零来吸引多一位乘客。 正是由于以上原因,近年来航空公司采用各种手段从乘客身上收取费用以提升收益。比如,行李托运要收费,座位置换要收费,食物要收费,枕头和毛毯也要收费,还增加了豪华经济舱去变相收费。一次课上一位学生说她上厕所都被收了钱,不过这样的例子好像还是极少。更有甚者,有些航空公司考虑出售站票(比如欧洲的Ryanair,还有某中国航空公司曾扬言“政府敢批我就敢卖站票”),当然相应的座位也会被设计成站立式的。站票可以增加一架飞机的供给,也可以提供可变动的座位个数(这样可以更好地满足不确定的需求),不过至今还没见在现实中发生(可能安全隐患的因素不好解决)。 有挑战就有机会。面对航空公司的难题,收益管理(revenue management, 也叫做yield management)应运而生并得到迅速发展。收益管理的核心就是如何在固定供给,但不确定需求的情况下把收益最大化。要达到该目的,公司可以通过两个手段:动态定价(dynamic pricing),和资源配给(capacity rationing)。不少人可能注意到每一个航班的票价是随时间而变化的,如果在飞机上你问身边的乘客,你会发现同样的座位和同样条款,大家付的票价完全不同(因为购买时间不同)。也就是说,航空公司可以根据销售情况和信息的更新来改变票价(动态定价)。资源配给是另一个收益最大化的手段。在任一价格下,航空公司不一定要出售所有座位,因为明天可能有人会愿意付更高价格购买同样的座位。在每一时间节点,到底应该出售多少座位,或者保留多少座位到下一个节点,这也是收益管理中一个重要决策。由于动态定价和资源配给都是极其复杂的随机动态优化问题,现实当中需要快速有效的算法和强大的计算机来给出最优决策,这里就不详述了。值得一提的是,收益管理不仅在航空业,而且在多个其他面临类似问题的服务行业也大有用武之地,比如酒店,租车,体育娱乐等等。 那么超售(overbooking)和收益管理有什么关系呢?从航空公司的角度来讲,超售是优化收益的必然做法。它的直接原因是消费者临时取消行程(cancellations)或者到时不出现(no-shows)。注意服务业的产能(capacity)是有时效性的(perishable), 飞机起飞后的空座位或者夜晚降临后的酒店空房都是纯粹的浪费,对企业是不可弥补的损失(注意即使企业不退钱给爽约的消费者,浪费掉的空座位都是一种机会损失,因为完全有可能把该座位卖给另一位消费者)。据统计,美国航空业的no-show可以达到15-20%。为了避免和最小化这种损失,当今世界每个航空公司都会超售,也就是卖出比座位数更多的票。超售多少的决策取决历史no-show的数据和不同公司的战略考量(感兴趣的读者可以参考任何一本收益管理的教材)。 超售最理想的结果就是不出现的乘客数正好等于超售的数量,这样飞机刚好坐满,皆大欢喜。如果不出现的乘客数大于超售的数量,那么飞机上会有空位被浪费掉,航空公司承受机会损失。但如果不出现的乘客数小于超售的数量,也就是飞机上的座位少于要上飞机的乘客,那么麻烦就来了-肯定有人会上不了飞机。这时航空公司会怎么做呢? 美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)虽然允许超售,但对如何处理超售带来的后果有一定规定。首先,航空公司必须先寻求志愿者(volunteer;据说这次联航事件后,著名的Merriam Webster词典跳出来再次定义了volunteer一词)。这次联航也是先通过提供补偿来寻找自愿换到下个航班的旅客,当然补偿的条款不同公司可能不同,里面也可能有猫腻(比如联航800美元的补偿可能不是现金,而是可用来购买联航机票的票券,而且使用时可能还有额外限制)。如果到了很高补偿数额还是没有足够多的志愿者,那么尴尬的局面就来了,航空公司必须挑选一部分客人下逐客令了(bump the customers, 不幸被挑中的乘客被称作bumpee)。一般公司根据客人等级(是否是忠诚会员),订票价格(是否折扣价),注册航班时间(check-in time)来挑选。注意头等舱商务舱一般不会超售,所以这些乘客不存在被拒绝的问题。于此相反,如果商务舱有空位,航空公司可能会把部分经济舱乘客升级到商务舱,但一般是先考虑有忠诚会员等级的乘客。一次课上我问学生有没有被bump的经验,一位学生说他被要求从经济舱bump到商务舱,我告诉他说,这叫做upgrading,不是bumping。到底为volunteer或被bump的乘客提供多少补偿也是收益管理中很困难的决策。一方面补偿不能太少,不然没人愿意换航班,或者引发消费者的不满。这次联航第一个错就在于过于抠门,没有继续提高补偿来用志愿的方式解决问题。根据美国航空管制法,这次最大的补偿可以到达$1,350,但是联行加价到了$800就不提升了。另一方面补偿也不能太高,不然需要付出没有必要的高成本。此外,有些非常策略的消费者(strategic consumers)会钻漏洞。这些消费者会故意订购拥挤的航班,然后期待超售后获得免费机票或其他高额补偿。这类消费者被称作professional bumpees。甚至有一些网站专门提供各个航班的售票情况,并总结出如何被bump的经验之道。在我的运营战略课上,不少学生分享了有趣的超售和被bump的经验。有个航空公司需要寻找志愿者,但由于补偿条件太好,很多乘客主动请缨。为了公平起见,同时也为了节约成本,柜台服务员给每位主动请缨者一张纸条,让他们写下愿意接受的补偿金额,然后航空公司可以选用要求补偿最少的乘客。这就是一种变相的拍卖机制。我感觉这是个很聪明的做法。比如这次联航需要bump四位乘客,那么可以挑选多于四位候选人,然后让他们竞标,这样会更容易让人接受。 既然超售带来这么大的风险,尤其有可能给消费者带来极坏的体验,为什么政府部门不禁止航空公司这样一种策略呢?答案有两个方面。第一,归根结底,超售对大多数消费者有好处。如果不允许超售,那么航空公司空座率会更高,为了盈利,航空公司会提高票价,最终还是消费者买单。第二,超售对社会福利有好处。从社会整体来看,我们需要最有效地利用资源,同时避免浪费资源。因此要尽量让每架飞机坐满,不然每一个空座位都是资源的浪费(那些没坐上飞机的乘客可能转坐其他航班,或选择替代交通,不管怎样都会消费资源)。不过,如何管制这些航空公司的具体操作就是值得探讨的话题了。比如这次联航的一个重大错误就是不应该在乘客登机后再下逐客令,如果在登机前就选取被bump的乘客,事情绝不会发展至此(很难想象任何乘客还会呼天抢地地非要登机)。联航的这种做法有可能违规,即使不违规,后面再把人活生生拖下飞机就也是既不合情,也不合理的极其错误的做法了。 联航事件会让超售在一段时间内成为争议的焦点(其实一直以来都有争论),但不出意外,超售会在我们生活中继续存在。作为消费者,我们需要知道什么呢?首先,超售甚至bumping并不是很大概率的事件。根据数据,大约每1000人中有一个人会被超售影响(自愿或非自愿地更换航班),被bump的乘客(非自愿更换航班)大约是每万人中有一到两个。所以也没有必要因为这次联航事件过于紧张。其次,如果不幸在超售时被选中,可以冷静提出自己的要求,与对方协商解决。相信这次联航事件后,各个航空公司会更照顾乘客的利益和需求,使他们得到满意的补偿。根据美国航空法(CFR250.5),乘客如果因为换航班而延误2小时以内应该被赔偿至少200%机票价格的赔偿,最高$675。如果延误2小时以上将赔偿至少400%机票价格,最高$1,350。其实有时候如果时间灵活,更换航班既能得到一定补偿,又能急人所难,大家不妨一试。当然,挑选好的航空公司也可以避免不愉快的经历。比如美国西南航空刚刚推出新的广告就保证”飞西南,不挨揍!“确实,联航事件看似偶然,其实根源是公司一贯的服务文化有问题,那就是没有从骨子里尊重消费者的意识。试想如果是西南航空的企业文化,即使出现超售,也不可能如此粗暴对待乘客。联航事件很不幸,但它一定会促使每个航空公司重新思考并改进超售策略甚至企业文化,最终受惠包括我们自己在内的每位旅客!
2023-07-25 07:31:531


  我们阅读新闻报道的习惯,可以帮助我们提高英语词汇的储备。下面是我给大家整理的新闻报道英文写作 范文 ,供大家参阅!  新闻报道英文范文:UN Security Council to meet on Ukraine   The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency closed-door meeting to discuss the rising tension in Ukraine.   Tension in the country increased over the weekend after the Ukrainian government gave pro-Russian demonstrators an ultimatum to disarm or face a "full-scale anti-terrorist operation."   A security officer and a pro-Russian demonstrator died on Sunday following a confrontation in eastern Ukraine, where demonstrators have seized police and security buildings.   Moscow reacted strongly following the deaths, with the country"s foreign ministry saying it is "outrageous" that the Ukrainian government is using armed forces for quelling protests. Russia has called for an end to the use of the military against the Ukrainian people and the start of a national dialogue for the sake of early and radical constitutional reform in Ukraine.   新闻报道英文范文:A clean-up project in Shibang Park   st March, in hopes of raising the environmental awareness of the public.   At about 5:00 pm, 35 students representatives went to the park to pick up the litter. When they were collecting the litter, many visitors came to help, showing considerable appreciation and support. Our students did a good job and learned a lot. However, the work still left something to be desired, since it started late and an hour was not long enough to attract more people.   In short, the project was a success and we will organize more such activities in future.   新闻报道英文范文:Michael Bowman   Another international flight to the United States has been cancelled amid continued security worries.   British Airways scrubbed废止 one of three daily flights from London to the Washington area Thursday, the latest in a series of cancellations of international flights bound for the United States.   British Airways spokesman John Lamphill, "The British government directed British Airways to cancel flight 223. We can only assume that is due tosecurity reasons, but we have no other explanation."   Wednesday, another British Airways flight was detained several hours upon arrival at Washington"s Dulles Airport while U.S. authorities questioned a number of passengers and conducted extra baggage screening. All passengers were eventually allowed to disembark.   FBI spokeswoman Debbie Wierman said authorities acted on "routine interest" rather than a specific threat or allegation.   "There were names listed on the manifest of the plane that matched [the names of] persons that U.S. law enforcement officials were interested in interviewing. It was routine interest on our part, and, when it was all said and done, we had no concerns or worries."   But not everyone sees the stepped-up security effort as benign.;One passenger from the delayed British Airways flight vented his displeasure. "This was detention without due process, as far as I am concerned. I am an American citizen and I expect to be treated as such in my own country."   Last week, Air France canceled a half-dozen flights between Paris and Los Angeles. Wednesday, an AeroMexico flight bound for the United States was also scrubbed after U.S. officials raised security concerns with their Mexican counterparts.   The Associated Press quotes a spokesman for Mexico"s government as complaining that U.S. officials did not share specific information about what provoked their concerns.   Two weeks ago, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security raised the nation"s alert status to "orange" - the second highest level on a five color-coded scale. Earlier this week Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge announced new airline security measures, including an initiative to have sky marshals aboard certain flights operated by foreign carriers. 》》》》下一页更多精彩“新闻报道英文版阅读”
2023-07-25 07:32:001


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2023-07-25 07:33:102


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2023-07-25 07:33:2010

火车的缺点 用英文回答 五六句话即可

2023-07-25 07:33:526

英语高手解释下这句话中as done的用法???

对,短语as understood ( = as has/have been understood, ...)as stipulated ( = as has/have been stipulated, ...)as stated ( = as has/have been stated, ...)as previously discussed ( = as has/have been previously discussed, ...) 等等都是省略语完整(缩短前)的句子一般是括号内的句型 。例:As stipulated in the booking agreement, room cancellations are subject to a 25% cancellation charge.
2023-07-25 07:34:082

Call Date是什么意思?

call date 英[kɔ:l deit] 美[kɔl det] [词典] 提前赎回日; [例句]There is no best time to text or call after a date, so stop over-analyzing it.约会后没有所谓的发短信或打电话的最佳时间,所以不要在这个问题上过度分析。
2023-07-25 07:34:162

怎样写一篇《我想要当科学家》的初中英语作文 为什么想要成为科学家 怎样成为科学家

Theodore, the manager of the Paradise Hotel, told a middle-aged couple that they would have to leave the hotel after just one night. The couple, visiting from Texas, had booked a room for eight nights. “They wanted a sterile environment,” Theodore said. “They should have rented a room in a hospital, maybe an operating room. This hotel is clean, but it isn"t that clean.” Theodore said that, on the very first day, the couple brought all the sheets, pillowcases, and bedspreads down to the main lobby and just dropped them next to the front desk. They stood there next to this pile of bedding while other guests looked, pointed, and murmured. The hotel got three cancellations within the hour from people who witnessed this strange event. When Theodore asked the couple what the problem was, they said that their bedding was filthy and they wanted it replaced. The couple could not identify any specific “filth” on the bedding. The wife just said, “We"re paying good money to stay here. How dare you doubt us? We know the filth is there. That"s all the proof you need.” Theodore called room service, and the bedding was replaced immediately. Early the next evening, however, the couple marched to the front desk again and demanded seven cans of spray disinfectant. “We need a can for each night. We have to spray the phone, the TV, all the door handles, the toilet handle, the shower stall, the faucet, the sink, and any hotel staff entering our room.” Worried about what their demands might be in the following days, Theodore politely suggested that a hotel more suitable for them was just around the corner. He then called ahead to reserve a “very clean” room, and gave them free transportation in the hotel limousine. “They seemed surprised that I suggested a different hotel, but they liked the idea that I didn"t charge them for the second day, and they really liked the limousine service,” said Theo
2023-07-25 07:34:361


  cw Clockwise 顺时针   D   DB, dB Decibel 分贝   DBU Data Base Unit 数据库组件   DC Direct Current 直流电   D&C Delays & Cancellations (飞行)延误和取消   DECEL, decel Decelerate 减速   Deg Degree 度   DEFL Defuel 放油,抽油   DEL Delete 删除   DEMUX Demultiplexer 信号分离器   Den Density 密度   DEP Departure 离港,离开   DEPR Depressurize 释压, 减压   DEPT Departure 离港,离场   DES Descent 下降   DEST Destination 目的地   DET Detector 探测器   DEV Deviation 偏离,偏差,缺差   dia Diameter 直径   diag Diagonal 对角(线)的   diag Diagram 图   diam Diameter 直径   DIFF, diff  Difference, Differential 差,压差,差别的   Dig, dig  Digital 数字的`   Dim, dim Dimension 尺寸   DIR, dir Direct; Direction 直接,直飞; 方向   DISC Disconnect 脱开,断开   DISCH Discharge 释放,放电,出口(气)   DISEG, diseg Disengage 断开,脱开   Disp disp Dispatch 派遣,放飞   DIST Distance 距离   Div, div Division 部分,一格,分隔   DK Deck 舱   DME Distance Measuring Equipment 测距机   Dmax Maximum Diameter 最大直径   Dmin Minimum Diameter 最小直径   DN Down 下,向下,放下   DSPL Display 显示,显示器   DTG Distance To Go 待飞距离   DTY dty Duty  负荷,负载,   DU Display Unit 显示组件,显示器   E   EDU Electronic Display Unit 电子显示组件   E/E Electrical/Electronic 电气/电子(设备)   EEC Electronic Engine Control 电子发动机控制装置   EIU Engine Interface Unit 发动机接口组件   EL Elevation 标高   ELCU Electrical Load Control Unit 电气负荷控制组件   Elec elec Electrical 电 电气   Elev elev Elevator 升降舵   Elex elex Electronics 电子设备   ELEC Electrical 电气的,电的   ELVE Elevator 升降舵   EMER, EMG Emergency 应急   Enbl  enbl Enable 接通, 导通,使。。。能   ENG Engage; Engine 接通,衔接,啮合; 发动机   ENT Enter, Entry 输入,进入   EO, ENG OUT Engine Out 发动机停车   EQUIP or EQPT Equipment 设备   EROPS Extended Range Operations 远程飞行   ESN Engine Serial Number 发动机序号   ESS Essential 重要(设备)   ET Elapsed Time 已飞时间,消逝时间   ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间   EVAC Evacuation 撤离,排出   EXEC  exec Execute 执行   EXH Exhaust 排气   EXT Extend; External 放出,延伸; 外部   EXTD  extd Extend 放出,伸出,延伸   EXTIN Extinguish(ed),Extinguisher 灭火,熄灭, 灭火瓶   F   F Fahrenheit 华氏   F/A Flight Attendant 空中乘务员   FAA Federal Aviation Administration 美国联邦航空局   FAIL Failure 故障,失效   FAR Federal Aviation Regulation 联邦航空规则   Fax  fax Facsimile 传真   F/E Flight Engineer 空中机械师   Fig  fig Figure 图, 表   FILT Filter 过滤器(油滤、气滤)   FIM Fault Isolation Manual 故障隔离手册   FIRE BTL Fire Bottle 灭火瓶   FIREX Fire Extinguisher 灭火器(瓶)   FL Flight Level 飞行高度层   FLD  fld Field 段,区,外场,机场   Flex  flex Flexible 柔软的,软的,   FLT Flight 飞行   FLT DIR Flight Director 飞行指引仪   FLT PLAN Flight Plan 飞行计划   Fltr  fltr  过滤器,滤网   FLUOR fluor Fluorescent 萤光的   FM Frequency Modulation 调频   FPLN Flight Plan 飞行计划   FPM Feet Per Minute 英尺/分钟   FREQ, FQY Frequency 频率   FRM Fault Reporting Manual 故障报告手册   F/S Fast/Slow 快/慢   FT ft Feet, Foot 英尺   FTB Flight Test Bed 飞行检查台   Fus fus Fuselage; fuse 机身;保险丝,熔断丝   FW Fire Wall 防火墙   FWD fwd Forward 向前   G   G(+/-) Receiver Gain 接收机增益   G or g Green (lights only)  绿色   GA Go Around 复飞   GAL gal Gallon 加仑   Gal/hr Gallons per Hour 加仑/小时   GALY Galley 厨房,服务间   GE General Electric 通用电气(公司)   GEN Generator 发电机   GLD Ground Lift Dumping 地面减升   gm Gram 克   gm in Gram inches 克-英寸   GMT Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间   GND gnd  Ground  地面,地线,接地   Gov Governor 调节器,调速器   GPH Gallon Per Hour 加仑/小时   GPM Gallon Per Minute 加仑/分钟   GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统   GR Gear 起落架   GRAV Gravity 重力,   GPWR Ground Power 地面电源   Gr  gr Gear  起落架,齿轮   Grd grd Ground 地面,地线,接地   Grn grn Green 绿色   G/S Ground School 地面课程   GS; G/S Glide Slope; Ground Speed 下滑道;地速   GSE Ground Support Equipment 地面保障设备   GTOW Gross Take-off Weight 总起飞重量   GUID Guidance 引导,导航,导引   GV Ground Valves   GW Gross Weight 总重   GWT Gross Weight 总重   Gyro gyro Gyroscope 陀螺仪
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动词 1.[T,I] 取消,终止 2.及物动词: 删去,划掉 3.及物动词: 抵消,对消 4.及物动词: 盖销(邮票) 5.[T,I]【数】约去,消去 6.及物动词:【美】把(升半音或降半音)还原 7.不及物动词: 相互抵消力量(或效果) 8.不及物动词: 取消约会(或比赛) 可数名词: 1. 取消,撤消 2. 被取消的部分 3.【数】(相)约,(相)消 4.【美】本位记号词形变化:形容词:cancelable;名词:canceler;时态:canceled,cancelled,canceling,cancelling,cancels,cancels。 同义词:strike down;offset,set off;invalidate;call off,scratch,scrub;natural;delete。 单词分析:这些动词均含“取消、废除”之意 abolish:正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。 cancel:用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。 repeal:书面用词,指撤销立法机关通过的协议、法案或法律等。 英语句子 To withdraw an offer ; to cancel an offer 撤销一项发盘 The buyer has the option of canceling the contract. 买主有权撤消合同。 The act of rescinding;annulment or cancellation. 废除撤消的行为;解除或取消 They cancelled the contract unilateral. 他们单方面地取消了该合同。 Have there been any last minute cancellations? 有开场前的退票吗?英语解释 declare null and void; make ineffective make up for make invalid for use 相似短语 cancel button v.取消按钮 cancel by ... 公约数是… Cancel Link 取消链接 cancel out 取消,抵消,约去,相等 相互抵消,消除影响 cancel (CANCL) 删除,删除字相似单词 cancel v. 1.[T,I] 取消,终止 2.[T] 删去,划掉 3.[T] 抵消,对消 4.[T] 盖销(邮票) 5.[T,I]【数】约去,消去 6.[T]【美】把(升半音或降半音)还原 7.[I] 相互抵消力量(或效果) 8.[I] 取消约会(或比赛) n.[C] 1. 取消,撤消 2. 被取消的部分 3.【数】(相)约,(相)消 4.【美】本位记号 cancellation n. 1.[C,U] 取消,撤销 2.[C] 被取消了的事物 3.[U] 作废,废除,取消,中止 cancelled adj. 取消的,删去的 cancelling n. 1.取消,消除 cancelllation n. 取消
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  CANCEL,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,做及物动词意为“取消;删去”;做不及物动词意为“取消;相互抵消。下面是我收集整理的cancel意思及近义词,希望大家喜欢。   动词   1.[T,I] 取消,终止   2.及物动词: 删去,划掉   3.及物动词: 抵消,对消   4.及物动词: 盖销(邮票)   5.[T,I]【数】约去,消去   6.及物动词:【美】把(升半音或降半音)还原   7.不及物动词: 相互抵消力量(或效果)   8.不及物动词: 取消约会(或比赛)   可数名词:   1. 取消,撤消   2. 被取消的部分   3.【数】(相)约,(相)消   4.【美】本位记号   词形变化:形容词:cancelable;名词:canceler;时态:canceled,cancelled,canceling,cancelling,cancels,cancels。   同义词:strike down;offset,set off;invalidate;call off,scratch,scrub;natural;。   单词分析:这些动词均含“取消、废除”之意   abolish:正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。   cancel:用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。   repeal:书面用词,指撤销立法机关通过的协议、法案或法律等。   英语句子   To withdraw an offer ; to cancel an offer   撤销一项发盘   The buyer has the option of canceling the contract.   买主有权撤消合同。   The act of rescinding;annulment or cancellation.   废除撤消的行为;解除或取消   They cancelled the contract unilateral.   他们单方面地取消了该合同。   Have there been any last minute cancellations?   有开场前的退票吗?   英语解释   declare null and void; make ineffective   make up for   make invalid for use   相似短语   cancel button v.取消按钮   cancel by ... 公约数是…   Cancel Link 取消链接   cancel out 取消,抵消,约去,相等 相互抵消,消除影响   cancel (CANCL) 删除,删除字   相似单词   cancel v. 1.[T,I] 取消,终止 2.[T] 删去,划掉 3.[T] 抵消,对消 4.[T] 盖销(邮票) 5.[T,I]【数】约去,消去 6.[T]【美】把(升半音或降半音)还原 7.[I] 相互抵消力量(或效果) 8.[I] 取消约会(或比赛) n.[C] 1. 取消,撤消 2. 被取消的`部分 3.【数】(相)约,(相)消 4.【美】本位记号   cancellation n. 1.[C,U] 取消,撤销 2.[C] 被取消了的事物 3.[U] 作废,废除,取消,中止   cancelled adj. 取消的,删去的   cancelling n. 1.取消,消除   cancelllation n. 取消
2023-07-25 07:35:101


Theodore, the manager of the Paradise Hotel, told a middle-aged couple that they would have to leave the hotel after just one night. The couple, visiting from Texas, had booked a room for eight nights. “They wanted a sterile environment,” Theodore said. “They should have rented a room in a hospital, maybe an operating room. This hotel is clean, but it isn"t that clean.” Theodore said that, on the very first day, the couple brought all the sheets, pillowcases, and bedspreads down to the main lobby and just dropped them next to the front desk. They stood there next to this pile of bedding while other guests looked, pointed, and murmured. The hotel got three cancellations 俄晚饭within the hour from people who witnessed
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aliasingn.混淆;折叠失真;〔计〕别名使用;〔物〕假频。例句1.Therefore, it must be explicitly named by using aliasing.因此,必须通过使用别名来显式命名。2.Results from these surveys are shown to be dominated by small-scale noise,aliasing, and incomplete cancellations.结果,这些调查表明,主要由小规模的噪声,失真,和不完全取消。
2023-07-25 07:35:281


  下文《2009年专八考试真题及答案分享》由英语频道为您整理,欢迎您访问浏览更多资讯。    2009年英语专业八级考试真题   Section B interview   In this section you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your colored answer sheet.   Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.   Now listen to the following five questions.   Now listen to the interview   1. According to Nigel, most problems of air travel are caused by   A. Unfavorable weather conditions.   B. Airports handling capacity.u221a   C. Inadequate ticketing service.   D. Overbooking.   2. which of the following is not mentioned as compensation for volunteers for the next fight out?   A. Free ticket.   B. Free phone call   C. Cash rewardu221a   D. Seat reservation   3. Why does Niget suggest that business travelers avoid big airports?   A. Because all flights in and out of there are full.   B. Because the volume of traffic is heavy.u221a   C. Because there are more popular flights.   D. Because there are more delays and cancellations.   4. According to Nigel, inexperience travelers are likely to make the following mistakes except.   A. Booking on less popular flights.   B. buying tickets at full price.   C. carrying excessive luggage.   D. planning long business trips.u221a   5. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?   A. The possibility of discounts depends on a travel agentu2019s volume of business.   B. Longer flights to the same destination maybe cheaper.   C. It is advisable to plan every detail of a trip in advance.u221a   D. Arranging for stopovers can avoid overnight travel.   SECTION C NEWS BROACAST   In this section you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.   Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.   Now listen to the news.   6 what happened on Monday?   A. A train crash occurred causing minor injuries.   B. Investigator found out the cause of the accident.   C. Crews rescued more passengers from the site.   D. A commuter train crashed into a building.u221a   Question 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.   7.Which of the following was not on the agenda of the G20 meeting?   A. Iraq debts   B. WTO talks   C. Financial disastersu221a   D. Possible sanctions   8. The G20 is a(n)________ organization.   A. Internationalu221a   B. European   C. Regional   D. Asian   Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions   9.The UN Charter went into effect after   A. It was signed by the 50 original member countries.   B. It was approved by the founders and other member countries.   C. It was approved by the founding membersu221a   D. It was signed by the founding members.   10. Which of the following best describe the role of the charter?   A. The Charter only describes powers of the UN bodies.   B. The Charter mainly aims to promote world economy.   C. The charter is a treaty above all other treaties.u221a   D. The charter authorizes reforms in UN bodies.
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翻译一句话 我在网上餐厅定位时看到 请问什么意思

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10 。鼓励所有参赛者出席开幕式并利用2009年6月5日下午5时的重要信息,竞争将宣布,与参赛者将选择自己的命令的性能。参赛者谁不能出席开幕式并提请必须发出一个请求通过电子邮件向竞争秘书: julie@russianmusiccompetition.com之前, 2009年6月1日。为参赛者谁不出席开幕式并提请,竞争秘书将提请你为了你的业绩。参赛者谁不出席开幕式并提请,并没有安排比赛秘书长选择其秩序的表现,可能被取消资格。请不要联系竞争秘书关于您的订单的执行情况。的结果,提请所有参赛者将被张贴在网上的竞争网站上的午夜十二时, 2009年6月5日。 11 。所有参赛者必须准备并愿意履行之前或之后比预定时间,由于不可预见的任何取消和改变时间。 12 。所有工程必须进行的内存。如果在全面发展,没有重复的曲目是被允许的。 13 。没有变化的剧目被允许申请后提交。 14 。任何未知作品(咨询您的教练或音乐专业) ,原始分数必须提供。 15 。实际时间安排每个工作必须指出准确。长度的计划不得超过所分配的时间。 16 。陪审团的权利: 1 )停止在参赛者的表现。 二)扣留奖如果参赛者未能达到所要求的标准。 c )交流奖品(除第一奖)之间建立若干决赛。 17 。评审团成员联系之前或期间竞争是不允许的。任何违反此规则可能会导致被取消资格。评审委员会可跟取消参赛者在完成了前两轮的高级决赛。参赛者谁愿意发言陪审团成员必须提出书面请求的竞争组织者在比赛现场。包括在您的要求提供以下信息:第一个和最后一个名称,类别,名称和陪审团成员要说话。所有评审团成员不得发表评论。然而,竞争的组织者将尽一切努力,以适应您的要求。 18 。任何成员的评审委员会或董事会可现在他或她目前就读于竞争。目前学生的定义是研究在过去12个月。出席或履行大师班不适用此规则。 19 。作出的所有决定,陪审团最终决定。
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you will have to come back a day before the flight leaves to check for cancellations.1、如果你要取消行程(退机票),你必须在航班离港前一天回来(办理退票手续)。 还可以理解成:2、你必须得在航班起飞前一天回来查明航班是否被取消。
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Halloween Challenge Terms & Conditions – World Chef Game guide

Terms and Conditions Please read these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) before participating in the “World Chef Halloween Challenge”(“Challenge”). Participation in the Challenge constitutes participant"s full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these terms (“Terms”) and represents that participant satisfies all of the requirements set forth below. THIS IS A CHALLENGE AND NOT A CONTEST. WINNER WILL RECEIVE VIRTUAL CURRENCY FOR USE ONLY IN THE GAME. THERE IS NO PRIZE OF MONETARY VALUE. 1. How to Participate. To participate in the Challenge, you must download the free mobile game entitled WORLD CHEF (“Game”) on your mobile device and take a screenshot of your Halloween themed restaurant (the “Submission”). During the Challenge Period (defined below), you must log into your Facebook accounts, access the World Chef Facebook Page located atfacebook/worldchef/, and upload your Submission to the post labeled “World Chef Halloween Challenge.”Limit one (1) entry into the Challenge per person . All participants must have a valid Facebook account. Facebook accounts are free. No automated entry devices and/or programs permitted. All entry information and Submissions become the sole and exclusive property of Sponsor and receipt of entry will not be acknowledged or returned. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, stolen, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, misdirected, technically corrupted or garbled entries, which will not be considered, or for problems of any kind whether mechanical, human or electronic. Only fully completed entries are eligible. Proof of submission will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by Sponsor. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or modify this Challenge in its sole discretion. 2. Eligibility. Open only to legal residents of the Eligible Countries, who are 18 or older as of the date of Challenge. Employees, officers and directors of Sponsor and its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, advertising and promotions agencies, manufacturers or distributors of materials used in connection with the Challenge and their immediate families (parents, children, siblings, spouse) or members of the same household (whether related or not) of such employees/officers/directors are not eligible to participate in Challenge.All federal, provincial, state and local laws and regulations apply. 3.Start/End Dates. Challenge begins at 12:00:01 AM PST on October 19,2018and ends at 11:59:59 PM PST on November 1, 2018. (“Challenge Period”). Sponsor"s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Challenge. 4. Winner Determination . Sponsor shall review all Submissions and will select five (5) winners based on the following equally-weighted judging criteria (“Judging Criteria”): (a) creativity and (b) use of Halloween theme. The highest scoring five (5) Submissions shall be designated as Winners. In the event of a tie, all tied entries will be re-judged by an additional judge selected by Sponsor who will break the tie using the Judging Panel Criteria.Sponsor"s decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to this Challenge, including, but not limited to, interpretation and application of these Official Rules.By entering the Challenge, participants fully and unconditionally agree to be bound by these rules and the decisions of the judges, which will be final and binding in all matters relating to the Challenge. 5. Reward(s) Each winner of the Challenge will receive 65 Gems (“Reward”). Virtual Currency has no monetary value, should not be used outside of the Game and should only be used in accordance with World Chef Terms, located at Rewards are non-transferable. No substitutions or cash redemptions. In the case of unavailability of a Reward, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Reward of equal or greater value. Any tax obligations (if any) are the responsibility of the winner. 6. Notification. Winners will be notified via Facebook Messenger and will be required to sign and return, where legal, an Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability/Publicity Release within five (5) days of notification. If any winner is considered a minor in his/her jurisdiction of residence, Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability/Publicity must be signed by his/her parent or legal guardian. If any winner cannot be contacted within five (5) calendar days of first notification attempt, if any Reward or Reward notification is returned as undeliverable, if any winner rejects his/her Reward or in the event of noncompliance with these Challenge rules and requirements, such Reward will be forfeited and may be awarded to the Submission with the next highest score. Upon Reward forfeiture, no compensation will be given. 7. Conditions. Any and all federal, state and local taxes (if any) are the sole responsibility of the winner. Participation in Challenge and/or acceptance of Reward constitutes each winner"s permission for Sponsor to use his/her name, address (city and state), likeness, photograph, picture, portrait, voice, biographical information, Submission and/or any statements made by each winner regarding the Challenge or Sponsor for advertising and promotional purposes without notice or additional compensation, except where prohibited by law. By participating, participants and winners agree to release and hold harmless Sponsor, and its advertising and promotion agencies and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers and directors (collectively, “Released Entities”), from any and all liability, for loss, harm, damage, injury, cost or expense whatsoever including without limitation, property damage, personal injury and/or death which may occur in connection with, preparation for, travel to, or participation in Challenge, or possession, acceptance and/or use or misuse of Reward or participation in any Challenge-related activity and for any claims based on publicity rights, defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, trademark infringement or any other intellectual property-related cause of action. Participants who do not comply with these Official Rules, or attempt to interfere with this Challenge in any way shall be disqualified. Sponsor is not responsible if Challenge cannot take place or if any Reward cannot be awarded due to travel cancellations, delays or interruptions due to acts of God, acts of war, natural disasters, weather or acts of terrori *** . 8. Additional Terms. Any attempted form of participation other than as set forth in Section 1 above is prohibited; no automatic, programmed; robotic or similar means of participation are permitted. The Released Entities are not responsible for technical, hardware, software, telephone or other communications malfunctions, errors or failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, web site, Internet, or ISP availability, unauthorized human intervention, traffic congestion, incomplete or inaccurate capture of participation information (regardless of cause) or failed, incomplete, garbled, jumbled or delayed computer tran *** issions which may limit one"s ability to enter the Challenge, including any injury or damage to participant"s or any other person"s computer relating to or resulting from participating in this Challenge or downloading any materials in this Challenge. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify, extend or suspend this Challenge should (in its sole discretion) virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention, fraud or other causes beyond its control corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness or proper conduct of the Challenge. In such case, Sponsor will select the winners from all eligible entries received prior to and/or after (if appropriate) the action taken by Sponsor. Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds, in its sole discretion, to be tampering with the participation process or the operation of the Challenge or web site. Sponsor may prohibit an participant from participating in the Challenge or winning a Reward if, in its sole discretion, it determines that said participant is attempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the Challenge by cheating, hacking, deception, or other unfair playing practices (including the use of automated quick entry programs) or intending to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other participants or Sponsor representatives.CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY AN PARTICIPANT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEB SITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CHALLENGE MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH PERSON TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. IN NO EVENT WILL THE RELEASED ENTITIES BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR LOSSES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF ANY WEBSITE, SERVICE OR GAME ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CHALLENGE AND/OR PARTICIPATION IN THE CHALLENGE, DOWNLOADING FROM AND/OR PRINTING MATERIAL DOWNLOADED FROM ANY WEBSITES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHALLENGE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, THIS CHALLENGE AND ALL REWARDS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES SO SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LAWS FOR ANY RESTRICTIONS ORLIMITATIONS REGARDING THESE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS. 10. Disputes; Governing Law. As a condition of participating in this Challenge, participant agrees that any and all disputes which cannot be resolved between the parties, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Challenge shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action exclusively by arbitration pursuant to the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association, then effective. Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances will participant be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental or consequential damages, or any other damages, including attorneys" fees, other than participant"s actual out-of-pocket expenses (e.g., costs associated with participating in this Challenge), and participant further waives all rights to have damages multiplied or increased. The arbitration shall be conducted in the State of New York, in the City of New York, County of New York, and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered into any court having jurisdiction thereof.This Challenge is governed by US law and is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited by law. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Terms, or the rights and obligations of participant and Sponsor in connection with this Challenge, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, U.S.A., without giving effect to the conflict of laws rules thereof, and any matters or proceedings which are not subject to arbitration as set forth in Arbitration Section of these Terms and/or for entering any judgment on an arbitration award, shall take place in the State of New York, in the City of New York, County of New York. 11. Use of Data. Sponsor will be collecting personal data about participants online, in accordance with its privacy policy. Please review the Sponsor"s privacy policy attake2games/privacy/. By participating in the Challenge, participants hereby agree to Sponsor"s collection and usage of their personal information and acknowledge that they have read and accepted Sponsor"s privacy policy. Sponsor: Social Point S.L. (“Social Point”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The Sponsor"s address is Social Point SL, Calle Llacuna 166, Planta 10, 08018 Barcelona, Spain. THIS PROMOTION IS IN NO WAY SPONSORED, ENDORSED OR ADMINISTERED BY, OR ASSOCIATED WITH FACEBOOK. YOU ARE PROVIDING YOUR INFORMATION TO SPONSOR AND NOT FACEBOOK.
2023-07-25 07:37:541


是不是经营安全的哦? 太专业了!
2023-07-25 07:38:026


如何取消注册会展口语对话方法如下:1 .I"m afraid that the meeting scheduled for tomorrow has had to be cancelledbecause…很抱歉,预定明天召开的会议不得不取消了,因为……2. I need to cancel the appointment I made to see you on January 29, at 9:00 a.m.我得取消原订于1月29日上午9时来见你那个预约。  3. The staff party has been cancelled until further notice.此次员工聚会已经被取消,何时举办另行通知。  4. I am afraid that I will have to cancel my plans to attend the staff party because of my wife"s illness.很遗憾,因为我夫人生病了,所以我不得不取消参加员工聚会的计划。  5. Are there any late cancellations for the conference tomorrow?就明天的会议,还有没有新增加的无法出席者呀?  6. Unfortunately, there will be no meeting tomorrow because the director is on sick leave.很遗憾,因总经理休病假,明天的会议取消了。  7. We will have to postpone the meeting planned for tomorrow to the same time a week later.我们将不得不把原定于明天召开的会议推迟到下周同一时间。  8. Today"s meeting has been postponed until tomorrow.今天的会议已经被推迟到明天了。  9. We will have to postpone today"s meeting until a more convenient time.我们不得不将今天的会议推迟到更合适的时间。  10. Can we postpone the sales meeting until a later time?我们能过一段时间再开销售会议吗?  Dear Mr. Wang,  I need to cancel the appointment I made to see you on January 29,at9:00 a.m. When I made the appointment,I thought I would have allof the necessary information collected so we could discuss a change ofzoning in my residential neighborhood,but gathering the information has been more difficult than I had anticipated. It will probably take three more months before I am ready to discuss this proposition. I am working with a group of concerned neighbors,and as soon as we are ready, one of us will call to set up a new appointment.  Yours truly,  Bob Gao
2023-07-25 07:38:161


2023-07-25 07:38:243

请英语翻译高手帮帮忙啦~ 明天急用噢

保修认股权证卖方的工业制成品不受缺陷的材料和做工符合商业变化的材料和生产经营事故的铸造过程就业。卖方不作任何其他的保证,任何明示或暗示的这方面的工作。据了解,买方同意,卖方的责任,不论是明示或暗示的法律应限于成本的修理或更换任何有缺陷的货物中发现的离岸价点显示出在这一报价,并在任何情况下的赔偿责任超过卖方支付的数额买方卖方所供应的货物。出卖人不须承担相应的,特殊或分遣队损害,但造成的。在不限制前述的一般卖方将不负责机器的工作,劳工费用,或其他费用的铸件这是后来拒绝缺陷。买方必须及时通知出卖人不迟于30天内收到后,铸件任何指称的缺陷,必须给予卖方机会检查任何铸件声称自己是有缺陷的同时,然后返回到卖方的工厂。 付款如果买家不须支付按照商定的条件,卖方可能会进一步推迟发货,直到付款,可以行使留置权的一般要求所有模式和核心设备中的全部或任何款项由买方卖方,或可终止合同。卖方同样可能推迟发货,需要支付的任何货物如下:提前或终止合同的,如果买方的财务责任成为令人满意卖方出货量该报价是FOB卖方指定的航运点。卖方的责任不再与提供铸件的良好秩序,以运输公司。配送无法保证在/或目的地。索赔损失/或物质损失的过境应提交由买方直接与运营商,在缺乏明确的指示,航运卖方保留权利,对船舶的所有材料,该项目完成后的任何公共承运人的卖方认为令人满意的,在费用和风险由买方承担。
2023-07-25 07:38:312


The storm is raging eastern Pennsylvania Eastern America experienced four days snow storms in some areas, over sixty cm of snow, from the southern to northeastern New England cause disasters, killing at least twenty people. As of fourteen, about one thousand four hundred U.S. flights canceled, two thousand four hundred flight delays. Local time fourteen days, Pennsylvania has more than a car accident, in which thirty people were injured, the cause of the accident was the icy roads. Because of the heavy snow, the passengers because ofcancellations are expected to travel or to otherdestination, also let airlines lost more than $two hundred million; flight was delayed and cancelled, cause the passengers were forced to travel to and from the airport,accommodation and food spending, estimated at more than $three billion. Although the snow is falling heavily, In bad weather, also has not cold and snow people enjoythe cold out of doors. Thousands of Santa Claus took to the streets in New York, to celebrate the festival in advance. At the same time, the snow is a great good newsfor the northern New England Resort Hotel and ski Town,especially the Christmas vacation is about to start. 翻译:暴风雪肆虐宾夕法尼亚东部美国东部地区经历了四天的暴风雪在一些地区,降雪超过六十厘米,从南部到新英格兰东北部造成灾害,造成至少二十人死亡。为十四,美国约有一千四百个航班取消,二千四百个航班延误。当地时间十四日,宾夕法尼亚有超过一辆汽车事故,导致三十人受伤,这起事故的原因是结冰的道路。由于下大雪,乘客无法出行,也让航空公司损失超过二亿美元;航班延误和取消,导致乘客被迫往返机场,住宿和食品支出,估计有三十亿美元以上的。虽然雪下得很大,在恶劣的天气,也不冷,雪中的人有寒冷的户外。圣塔克劳斯数千人走上纽约街头,提前庆祝节日。同时,雪是新英格兰北部的滑雪胜地度假酒店和一个伟大的好消息,特别是圣诞假期即将开始。可以吗?
2023-07-25 07:38:391

bring their tickets to collect boxed meals

2023-07-25 07:38:581


Spreading its wings,that bird flew higher and higher.Due to the rain, the flight has been canceled.
2023-07-25 07:39:084

Automatic account determination - Which Keys?

Hi,First of all, these terminology expressions and clarifications have been well provided in the training course LO550 and if you would have such training, then you would be clearly understanding about it. Due to the limitation of this posting, it is hardly possible for myself to clarify in details what value strings meant and why you would need such posting rule in account determination process in MM. However, what I can give you below are very fundamental definitions of what they meant in anticipation of providing a supplementary information in regard to this subject.Basically in SAP, the posting transactions for the transactions in Inventory Management and Invoice Verification that are relevant for accounting are fixed. Posting records are assigned to each relevant movement type in Inventory Management and to each transaction in Invoice Verification. These posting records are generalized in a value string (posting rule). Instead of fixed G/L account numbers, this contains keys for the respective posting transactions (such as BSX for a stock posting and PRD for a price difference posting).It is not necessary/mandatory for you to define these transaction keys, the R/3 system determines them from the transaction (in Invoice Verification) or from the movement type (in Inventory Management). It is only required to assign to each posting transaction the account to which it is posted. The assignment of value strings to goods movements and the breakdown of the value string into transaction keys can be seen in Customizing for Inventory Management and Physical Inventory, but it is not possible for you to change them.The R/3 system automatically determines the value string assigned to a specific transaction. It depends partly on entered parameters manually and partly on parameters derived internally by the system.An typical example is WE01 value string. In the standard system, the value string WE01 is assigned to goods receipts (and also cancellations and return deliveries) for Standard and Subcontracting purchase order items without account assignment concerning valuated material into stock.Cheers,HT 查看原帖>>
2023-07-25 07:39:171


text that is substantially similar to that found in one or more other GRE essay responses;? quoting or paraphrasing, without attribution, language or ideas that appear in published or unpublished sources;? unacknowledged use of work that has been produced through collaboration with others without citation of the contribution of others;? essays that are submitted as work of the examinee when the ideas or words have, in fact, been borrowed from elsewhere or prepared by another person.When one or more of the above circumstances occurs, your essay text, in ETS"s professional judgment, does not reflect the independent, analytical writing skills that this test seeks to measure. Therefore, ETS must cancel the essay score as invalid and cannot report the GRE General Test scores of which the essay score is an indispensable part.Test takers whose scores are cancelled will forfeit their test fees and must pay to take the entire GRE General Test again at a future administration. No record of the score cancellations, or the reason for cancellation, will appear on their future score reports sent to colleges and universities.由此可见,所谓的“雷同探测器”并没有将argument排除在外。
2023-07-25 07:39:251


我去!楼主有这时间打下来这些字,还不如到谷歌或百度翻译去。。 - -
2023-07-25 07:39:452


建议去有道词典翻译下 求采纳
2023-07-25 07:39:566


俱乐部酒店例句:1.Club hotel accepts cancellations only by fax or e. mail. 俱乐部酒店接受取消只能通过传真或电子函件。2.Kande club hotel-dongguan photo album. 东莞康帝俱乐部酒店图片集。
2023-07-25 07:40:131


温情脉脉的争议超订是健全的商业所有反对出租车裁决收入者故意overbookmg是一种不正当的或欺骗实践的角度支持他们给这些原因1最小化浪费飞机座位造成和预订。预订营业额没有它,负荷系数就会下降,较高的成本操作更有效率的航班必须通过票价上涨了(估计超过2%)2旅客服务使收入者来容纳更多的人飞机比的航班都被订满了对精确能力3促成灵活方便预订系统,受益超过99%的所有乘客4 Compnsing很小的原因oversales problemA至关重要的事实是airhne放大一个易腐商品一个座位之间两个地点可供出售到时刻出发,然后是一去不复返了“腐败”发生在飞行表现为全部售出,具有潜在的乘客已经被拒绝,用空的座位起飞。例如,Amencan航空公司3000000 noshows记录1975年,当超补偿对其中一些,仍然是预订22 milhon浪费300000个座位的价值每年从各自角度映射估计有1亿美元两次失误的数量和noshows丰富而且,许多取消吗到得太晚,转售的座位一个航空公司的执行官,pomts一个行业负荷系数为60%,每年700000无法保留为他们最喜欢的飞行如果航班超售被消灭了,乘客的数量吗否认空间将会达到1250000如果平均负载率达到75%,首选否认会跳转到2600000名乘客与航班超售,振翅腾飞3700000没有它本公司重要的两倍的证实方面的乘客登机它的飞机乘客持有保留有一天在临行前,每次
2023-07-25 07:40:213


On the WEB based meal ordering system.Food and drinks are the most important of all sectors where this is a daily requirement to survive. Businesses who are part of this industry are always faced with high competition and they require a proven solution to market their business and attract potential customers everyday.Embracing the technology into your restaurant/takeaway business would be one of the most successful and proven method to grow the business within a short period of time. Restaurant Online Ordering System is a proven solution used by thousands of catering businesses all around the world that will not only help to grow your business but also give you a competitive advantage over your competitors as you have a lot of control to drive potential customers with offers, promotions, discounts, points, gifts vouchers and many more.What is Restaurant Online Ordering system?An online system that is designed to transform your traditional restaurant/takeaway menu into an online based interactive menu allowing potential customers to view the food items, prices, descriptions, ingredients, menu options, special offers, mix and match deals and order straight through a website. The order is then processed through a centralised database and the order is then pushed to a password protected backend where you can view and process the order.Having a restaurant online ordering system helps to better manage your business allowing you to change menu item prices on the fly, create discounts and promotions and promote it online.Customers do not need to ring the restaurant/takeaway to place orders instead they can order their favourite food from home and this gives more time to your staffs to concentrate on other parts of the business.Why your business need Restaurant Online Ordering System?Having a professional branded website is a requirement for any business of the 21st century, but having a food ordering System hooked to your restaurant/takeaway website is a plus point and puts you forward and beyond in-line with your competitors who use restaurant online ordering system to drive business.Here are some of the reasons why you need an online ordering system:Allow your customers to get their favourite food from your interactive online menu.Give your customers the freedom to order from home, office or from their smartphones at any time.Great option for people who do not have time to go out to eat.Having a one time registration allows customers to order frequently and also allows you to promote discounts, special offers and promotions to them.Customers can place orders without experiencing lenghtly on holds or busy signal during peak hours of the business.Allows customers to pay online for their order making it easy and secure option to receive payments.As a business you do not require expensive hardware and software or any technical experience to get the restaurant online Ordering system up and running.Allows you to built a list of customers who might come to your site either for ordering through the online menu or for just getting directions or for your contact details.Helps you to check your order progress and also helps to keep track of existing orders.A good online ordering system can maximise the capabilities of the staff working in a restaurant/takeaway.The system also helps owners to reach the clients in a personalized way with different offers and discounts.Allows flexibility and freedom to run your business for a long time by branding your business website.Allows to incorporate multiple payments for your customers payment options.Easy to organise your menu items and add special offers.Overall helps you to make a good profit per year and helps branding your business online.With our 10 years of experience in food industry, we know what your business need and thus “RestaurantOS” is build to be the most powerful, fast, easy and reliable restaurant online ordering system with all the functions you would ever need in an ordering system to run your business.How To Advertise Your Business in Food IndustryOnline Ordering System Advertising your business in food industry is all about letting people know about your services and products to those who are most likely to be interested in them. There are lots of food service businesses which include restaurants, meal delivery services and catering operations.The investment involved is quite high requiring television, radio, printing and lots of other methods to create recognition. Other effective advertising systems can be done through coupons, discounts and promotional events. These type of marketing are comparatively less expensive than traditional advertising, and they often make a more effective impression on potential customers.Making a plan for your business is important along with constructing strategies for linking your food service offerings to the interests and affiliations of your target market. Offer discount coupons for your business through coupon services. Always look to feature your signature items and design flyers to catch the eye of your target market.Having an attractive, informative website for your restaurant is common these days. Providing information about your cuisine and your philosophy, as well as information about all key aspects.You can advertise Your business through RestaurantOS. This will help boost your sales and will also give your restaurant recognition to a larger group of customers.We will transform your restaurant/takeaway menu into a digital menu which will be based online, allowing customers to go through all your food items, prices, descriptions, menu options, special offers, mix and match deals and order directly through your restaurant website. The order will then go through a secured order management system making it ready to view and process.On ordering a RestaurantOS package we will offer you initial SEO marketing allowing all the top search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing to index your website and generate traffic to your website. If your website has more visitors every day the chances of getting outside orders will increase gradually. Those who are looking for intensive online marketing to get better results can contact us with your requirements and your budget. One of our SEO team members will take a look onto the options of marketing your website and suggest you a marketing plan with your budget.We can therefore assure you that our advertising methods with marketing options will be highly beneficial for your business.eZee Foodie comes to you from the stable of eZee Technosys, pioneers in the hospitality IT solutions domain. eZee Technosys is a very young company that has already made its mark in the hospitality industry through our flagship product - eZee FrontDesk. This industry leading property management suite has won more than a thousand satisfied and faithful customers worldwide in a short span of time.Our latest offering is eZee Foodie, an online food ordering system that harnesses the power of the internet for your restaurant and food joint. eZee Foodie brings to you a world of simplicity in online food ordering. Whether you are a restaurant owner or a customer interested in placing a home or office delivery order, eZee Foodie will make life easier for you.This innovative, unique, and easy to use online food ordering system ensures there are no more misplaced food orders, no more delays, and definitely no cancellations or losses. With eZee Foodie, all you get is peace of mind. eZee Foodie integrates easily and quickly into your existing restaurant website to instantly enable your establishment to start receiving food orders from the internet.eZee Foodie works with almost any type of food establishment, whether it is a full-fledged restaurant, a cash and carry deli, a street-side café, or a fast food joint. The simplicity with which eZee Foodie has been designed will attract increasing number of customers to your restaurant"s website and turn them into regulars once they place an order.Using a unique order tracking system, eZee Foodie allows you and your customers to track past orders and also create favourites" lists for quick ordering. Secure and fast payment processing, and effortless integration with your existing POS software or eZee BurrP! are hallmarks of this state-of-the-art food ordering solution. With eZee Foodie on your side and installed on your restaurant website, you will never miss another customer order again. You can be assured not just of increased sales, but also faster times to delivery and easier to track orders and payments.
2023-07-25 07:40:281


2023-07-25 07:40:461