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2023-07-25 14:03:52
TAG: 英文 关于

The Maldivian archipelago located 300 miles southwest of the southern tip of India and 450 miles west of Sri Lanka is a beautiful string of 1,1 90 low-lying coral islands scattered across the equator in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, giving a rare glimpse of what is aptly described as a tropical paradise.

These are just the three simple realities beckoning tourists from far and wide to these islands, sun, sea and sand which add up to being a heavenly getaway from the rest of the world and its worries.

Resorts and hotels woo tourists with promises of, "the last paradise on earth", and they will not disappoint. It is a major destination for scuba divers, who come for the wealth of marine life and the reefs as well as being popular with honeymooners and older couples seeking to rejuvenate their lives.

Tourism in the Maldives is carefully managed. The country"s tourism master plan identifies both the underwater environment and "the intrepid explorer factor" as major attractions. The lack of local resources makes it necessary to import virtually everything a visitor needs, from furniture to fresh vegetables. The strategy has been to develop a limited number of quality resorts, each on its own uninhabited island, free from traffic, crime and commercialism.

Climate: genericly, the year is divided into two monsoon periods: the north-east monsoon or Ruvai lasts from December to March, which are the drier months; the south-west monsoon or Ulhangu lasts from April to November, and is wetter, with more storms and occasional strong winds. Daytime temperatures are about 28°C (82°F) all year. The humidity is slightly lower in the dry season but most days there"s a cooling sea breeze. 译文:马尔代夫是南亚印度洋上的群岛国家,座落在印度洋南端西南方向300公里、斯里兰卡以西450公里处;由北向南经过赤道纵列,形成了一条长长的礁岛群地带。1190个美丽的珊瑚礁岛屿似花瓣似的散落或环绕在宽广、碧蓝的印度洋海面上似一幅美丽的画卷。如果把马尔代夫形容为美丽的热带天堂是一点也不为过的








2023-07-25 00:17:541


Review on Escape in the Marine Transportation
2023-07-25 00:18:023


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2023-07-25 00:20:5112


香港《文汇报》原题:保卫海权要有新思维新策略  最近,为反制日本政府将中国领土钓鱼岛国有化的行径,中国政府持续4个月派遣海监船、渔政船进入钓鱼岛12海里领海范围内执行公务,还第一次有海监飞机抵达钓鱼岛海域上空,配合在该海域的4艘海监船编队,实施首次海空联合巡航,有力地宣示了中国对钓鱼岛的主权。此一举措,是中国扞卫钓鱼岛主权的一小步,却是保卫海权要有新思维新策略的一大步。  中国的国土面积是多少?绝大多数人回答是960万平方公里,显然没有算上约300万平方公里的海域。这片海域,除了渤海是内海之外,从黄海、东海到南海,百分之五十二面积与日本、越南、菲律宾、马来西亚等8个邻国存有不同程度的争端。当今中国成了世界工厂,对能源矿产有巨量需求,但本身地大物不博,海洋资源的开发刻不容缓;  中国现在成为世界主要贸易大国,货品出口、原料进口数额庞大,海上交通成了生命线,关乎国家可持续发展。因此,中国海权包括岛礁、领海、经济专属区的主权完整,构成了国家主权重要组成部分,直接影响国家主权、安全、发展核心利益和民族尊严。保卫海权,除了立场坚定之外,还须审时度势和讲究策略运用。Hong Kong Wenhui Daily the original problem: to protect the sea QuanYao have new thinking new strategy Recently, to counter the Japanese government will Chinese territory diaoyu islands nationalization ways, the Chinese government for four months to send HaiJian ship, fisheries management into the diaoyu islands and the sea within the scope of the territorial sea in performing their duties, but also for the first time, have HaiJian plane arrived at the diaoyu islands over the sea, cooperate in the sea and ship HaiJian ship formation, carry out their first joint air cruise, effectively to pledge the Chinese for the sovereignty of the diaoyu islands. The move, is China"s sovereignty over diaoyu island who offers a small step, but to defend the sea QuanYao have new thinking of the new strategy a big step. China"s land area is how much? Most people the answer is 960 square kilometers, obviously didn"t have is about 300 square kilometers of sea area. The area, in addition to the bohai sea is outside of the sea, from the yellow sea and east China sea to the south China sea, fifty-two percent area and Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, eight neighbors have different degrees of dispute. Today"s China became the world"s factory, a huge amount of energy mineral requirements, but itself a great things don"t go, and it is the development of the Marine resources; China has become the world"s leading trade country, exported goods, raw materials imported large amount, Marine traffic became lifeline, for sustainable development of the country. Therefore, China sea rights including the reef, territorial sea, exclusive economic sovereignty of complete, constitute the important part of state sovereignty, directly affect national sovereignty, security, development core interests and national dignity. Defend the sea power, in addition to a firm stand, but also must pay attention to size up the situation and strategy use.
2023-07-25 00:21:194


Site choice of base station for shore-based AIS systemThe site choice of base station for shore-based AIS system in China is basically planned in accordance with the navigation mark system,there may be differences when compared with the V system, the site choice of which is based on the traffic management demand in the territorial waters.Detection and solution for operational problems of shore-based AIS systemShore-based AIS system is not managed by the V system, so it cannot solve by itself the AIS operational problems detected during application.
2023-07-25 00:21:383


2023-07-25 00:21:451


两种答案,自选:第一种:Traffic on Marine equipment with the modernization of work, in the 11th Five-Year Plan will be vigorously for the construction of various types of different needs of the Marine patrol.As we and the MD system has been maintained good relations of cooperation, my gearbox products in the maritime patrol boats of various types and the selection of the construction process have been the preferred imported products were commonplace.第二种:Along with the Ministry of Communications to the maritime affair equipment modernization transformation work"s development, will construct various types in 25 plans to suit the different demand vigorously the maritime affair patrol boat. Because we have maintained the good cooperations with the maritime affair system, my gear box product generally is used in each maritime affair patrol boat"s shaping and in the construction process as the first choice imported product.
2023-07-25 00:22:592


In the international trade, the cargo which each pen finalizes a deal, from the seller hands over to the buyer hand, the cargo must undergo loading and unloading, the transportation generally, and the storage process. During this process, the cargo possibly meets the natural disaster or the accident, thus causes the cargo to suffer the loss. The cargo owner to pass the burden the cargo in transportation risk on the way, usually must take out insurance the goods traffic danger. If cargo once has in the extent of guarantee risk loss, then obtains in the economical from the Insurance company the compensation, obviously, the goods traffic insurance is makes struggle"s one economy measures with the natural disaster and the accident. the international goods traffic safe type are many, including the marine goods traffic insurance, on land goods traffic insurance, the aviation goods traffic insurance and the mail carrier"s bag transport insurance, origins by the marine goods traffic insurance most early, the history is most long. in international trade, importer or exporter when insurance goods traffic insurance, generally cannot work out the insurance contract directly with the insurer, but must entrust to insure the agent to replace handles, this is insures the profession the convention. The safe agent"s function is insures the agent to carry on some kind of agent to move or do not carry on some kind of agent to move, realizes insurer"s legitimate rights and interests. this article through to the international trade in the goods traffic safe analysis, understood insures agent"s work importance; Through to current international trade in international goods traffic"s present situation analysis, will point out the insurance proxy in the later trade activity important position, the forecast from now on the international goods traffic insurance proxy trend of development.
2023-07-25 00:23:194

harbor superintendence administration中文翻译

There must be a marine casualty happened every 4 days before 1984 , the amount of marine casualty happened at this area corresponds to 1 / 7 amount of the whole changjiang " marine casualty , so mariners gave it a name as " mouth of tiger " . due to the specific geographical condition and the extremely representative vessel traffic management of changjiang yingongzhou channel section , many intelpgent people began researching and practicing the vessel traffic management of this changjiang " s down - stream ppcated channel section from 1980s , at dec 15th 1984 the authority at that time - changjiang yingongzhou channel section previously ; up to the last years of 1980s ministry management administration appped traffic control on changjiang yingongzhou channel section previously , up to the last years of 1980s ministry of munications assigned shanghai marine college , shanghai ship & shipping research institute and changjiang harbor superintendence administration to make feasibipty demonstrate about modern vts of zhenjiang traffic control section ; in 1990 dasha radar station which is the first radar vts station with inner river was finished , groped a new way for applying modern radar traffic control of vessel traffic management ; in 1997 the vtms of changjiang " s down - stream from nanjing to puhekou was pleted with connecting and came into operation formally , meanwhile the signals of dasha radar station were conveyed to vts center by pght cable , and then united applying vessel traffic management upon the whole authorized area ; in jun 2001 jiangsu msa made changjiang yingongzhou channel section as the first experimental group of creating " civipzed , safe , passable channel activity , updating dasha radar antenna and receive - tran *** itter building closed - circuit television monitor system , setting uo safety warning board , starting navigational route reformation , carrying out united construction 1984以前这里平均每四天就发生一起海损事故,事故数占整个长江的1 7 ,被行船人称为“老虎口” 。长江尹公洲航段缘其极为特殊的地理区位条件和极具代表性的船舶交通管理,从上个世纪八十年代初就有识之士开始了这个长江下游最复杂航段的船舶交通管理探索和实践。 1984年11月15日当时的长江航政管理局在长江尹公洲水域率先施行交通管制;到八十年代末交通部委托上海海运学院、上海船舶研究所和长江港监局联合开展镇江交通管制段建立现代化交管系统的可行性论证; 1990年大沙雷达站? ?内河第一座雷达交管站建成,摸索实施现代化雷达交管的船舶交通管理新途径; 1997年长江下游南京至浏河口船舶交通管理系统建成联网投入正式运行,同时将大沙交管雷达信号通过光缆传输至交管中心,统一实施全辖区船舶交通管理; 2001年6月江蘇海事局将长江尹公洲航段作为第一批创建“文明平安畅通航段”活动试点航段,更新大沙雷达天线和收发机,著手闭路工业电视监控系统建设,设立安全警示牌,启动航路改革,开展联合“共建” 。
2023-07-25 00:23:451


Hong Kong - Hong Kong - scenic site introduction Hong Kong is located in China"s southeast, the geographical position is extremely good, is in the world develops the quickest area. Hong Kong area 1,100 square kilometers, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon peninsula and New Territory three parts. Although Hong Kong the natural resource lacks, but actually has a deepwater port and 6,300,000 industrious people. And 3,000,000 are willing to endure hardship, nimbly, the high school record labor army, with their splendid intelligence, is Hong Kong productive forces and the creativity cornerstone.150 years ago, Hong Kong is together the barren rock, now it has become a world-class finance, the trade and the business center. Hong Kong economics and trade is situated the world eighth, the export is situated the world tenth. By the end of 1996, Hong Kong"s per capital GDP (GDP) will amount to 25,300 US dollars. And 80% come from service industry, the service industry jobholders account for the entire working population 70%. Hong Kong advocated, and implements the free trade. Its economy by the government macroscopic support, very little intervenes. Its tax revenue is low and is easy and feasible. Hong Kong has the credible legal system and the independent jurisdiction, guaranteed that legal the implementation, as well as nobody can go beyond above the law.After one-and-a-half century British colonial rule, according to 1984 the China and UK joint statement, Hong Kong will become the People"s Republic of China officially in 1997 July 1 a special administrative region. After its existing economy, the law and the social system will maintain 1997, at least 50 year香港-旅游景点介绍 香港座落在中国的东南角,地理位置极佳,是世界上发展最快的地区。香港面积1,100平方公里,包括香港岛、九龙半岛和新界三部分。香港虽然自然资源缺乏,但却拥有一个深水港和六百三十万勤劳的人民。其中三百万肯吃苦、灵活、高学历的劳动大军,和他们出色的资质,则是香港生产力和创造力的基石。150年前,香港还是一块贫瘠的岩石,如今它已成为一个世界级的金融、贸易和商业中心。香港经贸位居世界第八,出口位居世界第十。到1996年底,香港的人均国内生产总值(GDP)将达到25,300美元。其中80%来自服务业,服务行业从业人员占整个劳动人口的70%。香港提倡并且实行自由贸易。它的经济由政府宏观支持,很少干预。它的税收低且简单易行。香港拥有可信的法制及独立的司法权,以保证法律的实施,以及无人能够超越法律之上。在一个半世纪的英国殖民统治之后,根据1984年中英联合声明,香港将于1997年7月1日正式成为中华人民共和国的一个特别行政区。它现有的经济、法律和社会制度将保持1997年后至少50年不变。Hong Kong Qingma Bridge, is the global longest driving railroad dual-purpose wire suspension type hanging bridge, is also the whole world sixth long by the wire suspension hanging bridge form construction hanging bridge. At present, Qingma Bridge since the opening has been open to traffic, has become Hong Kong one mainly to connect the Lantou Island Hong Kong international airport and the urban district main-line highway. Qingma Bridge is also the Hong Kong main construction symbol and the sightseeing scenic spot, therefore attracted the world"s the tourist to come to visit. However, Qingma Bridge does not suppose the sidewalk, therefore the tourist is unable to walk goes sightseeing in Qingma Bridge.The government to deal with the massive tourists to go to go sightseeing, the blue islet skeleton line visitor center and looks at the scenery Taiwan to set up northeast the black clothing. The blue islet skeleton line visitor center, is special introduction related building blue islet skeleton line some correlation data, middle including skeleton line model, picture and display version. The visitor center often will also broadcast the related recording tape, and introduced that Qingma Bridge"s construction process and the airport core plan, by will deepen for the tourist to the blue islet skeleton line cognition. In the visitor center is equipped with two computers, the built-in question and answer game software, tests the tourist to the blue islet skeleton line understanding. Outside the center will place a Qingma Bridge"s section of main cable cross section, the center also will be adding at present other exhibit articles to watch for the tourist; But looks at the scenery Taiwan to be possible to look out into the distance Qingma Bridge, to draw water the gate bridge and the Ting Kau Bridge view, therefore tourist not fault-tolerant this grand sightseeing scenic spot.Qingma Bridge belongs to an eight blue islet skeleton line part, surmounts the Horse Bay channel, connects the black clothing island and Horse Bay. Qingma Bridge is a Hong Kong path"s important part, because it unites with draws water the gate bridge, takes on together is connecting Lantou Island, the Hong Kong international airport and the urban district only driving channel.Qingma Bridge uses the two-layer equation design, bridge"s open-air upper formation for the double stroke three driving lanes, the lower level is the single track drive which east two subways wells up the line and the airport quick line railroad and with two for urgency when (for example typhoon assails when) uses. The blue islet skeleton line visitor center and looked at the scenery Taiwan to begin officially in 1997, and presided over the opening ceremony before British Prime Minister Madame Dai Zhuoer. But Qingma Bridge in May officially is open to traffic in the same year.Blue islet skeleton line visitor centerQingma Bridge unites with another cross-ocean hanging bridge - - draws water the gate bridge - - to gather the composition for a blue islet skeleton line part. Hong Kong many places may appreciate to Qingma Bridge"s grand landscape, as soon as if the tourist thinks to see Qingma Bridge"s grand landscape, looks at the scenery toward the blue islet skeleton line visitor center Taiwan to look into the distance from a high place lovably Qingma Bridge"s beautiful view. But if the tourist the hope short distance appreciates Qingma Bridge, east the most direct method nothing better than rides by the Hong Kong and Kowloon New Territory goes to well up or Hong Kong international airport bus, experiences by oneself on the world longest same type hanging bridge goes, spanning vast ocean carefree feeling.Qingma Bridge besides has created the world longest same type hanging bridge record, including Qingma Bridge “airport core plan”, but also had the honor to receive the American construction zone authority and the editor in 1999 elects for “the 20th century ten big construction achievement awards” one of new owners, with the Panama Canal, the England and France channel tunnel and San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge and so on other nine world-class projects shared this great honor.Hong Kong Qingma Bridge addressNew Territory Tuen Mun blue islet skeleton line visitor centerHong Kong Qingma Bridge opening hourVisitor center opening hour: Monday to Friday 10:00 to 17:00Saturday, date and public holiday: 10:00 to 18:30; The Christmas, the New Year"s Day and Chinese new year rest the hallLooks at the scenery the Taiwan opening hour: 7:30 to midnightHong Kong Qingma Bridge transportationBy subway Qingyi Station (a1 export), goes while the 308M line green public light busSpecial line minibus school grade order: Meets Monday to five mornings 10:00 to afternoon 4:00, each hour class, return trip last class for afternoon 4:30Starts out by the blue islet skeleton line visitor center: Saturday, the date and the public holiday 9::30 to afternoon 6::30, return trip last class of afternoon 7:00 starts out in the morning by the visitor centerPerhaps the tourist may ride the rental car to go voluntarily.Note: All airport bus meets way Qingma Bridge and draws water the gate bridge香港青马大桥,是全球最长的行车铁路双用悬索式吊桥,亦是全球第六长以悬索吊桥形式建造的吊桥。目前,青马大桥自开放通车以来,已成为本港一条主要连接大屿山香港国际机场及市区的干线公路。青马大桥亦属本港主要的建筑标志和旅游观光景点,所以吸引了世界各地的游客前来参观。不过,青马大桥不设人行道,因此游客无法步行于青马大桥观光。政府为应付大量游客前往观光,青屿干线访客中心及观景台设立于青衣西北部。青屿干线访客中心,是专题介绍有关建筑青屿干线的一些相关数据,当中包括干线的模型、照片及展览版。访客中心亦会不时播放相关的录像带,并介绍青马大桥的建筑过程和机场核心计划,以供游客加深对青屿干线的认知。访客中心内设有两部计算机,内置问答游戏软件,测试游客对青屿干线的认识。中心外面摆放着青马大桥的一段主缆横切面,中心目前亦将会加添其它展品供游客观赏;而观景台则可远眺青马大桥、汲水门大桥及汀九桥的景致,所以游客千万不容错过的这个宏伟的观光景点。青马大桥属于八号青屿干线的一部份,跨越马湾海峡,将青衣岛和马湾连接起来。青马大桥是香港道路的一个重要的部份,因为它联同汲水门大桥,共同担当着连接大屿山、香港国际机场与市区的唯一行车通道。青马大桥采用双层式设计,桥的露天上层为双程三线行车线,下层则为二条地铁东涌线及机场快线的铁路和和二条供紧急时(如台风吹袭时)使用的单线行车道路。青屿干线访客中心及观景台于1997年正式开幕,并由前英国首相戴卓尔夫人主持开幕仪式。而青马大桥于同年五月正式通车。青屿干线访客中心青马大桥联同另一条跨海吊桥--汲水门大桥--合组成为青屿干线的一部分。本港多个地点均可欣赏到青马大桥的壮丽景观,如游客想一睹青马大桥的宏伟景观,可亲往青屿干线访客中心之观景台眺望青马大桥的美丽景致。但游客若希望近距离欣赏青马大桥,最直接的方法莫过于乘搭由港九新界前往东涌或香港国际机场的巴士,亲身体验在全世界最长的同类型吊桥上行驶,跨越汪洋大海的畅快感觉。青马大桥除创造了世界最长的同类型吊桥纪录外,包括青马大桥在内的「机场核心计划」,还于1999年荣获美国建筑界权威及编辑选为「二十世纪十大建筑成就奖」得主之一,与巴拿马运河、英法海峡隧道及旧金山金门大桥等其它九项世界级工程同享这项殊荣。香港青马大桥地址新界屯门青屿干线访客中心香港青马大桥开放时间访客中心开放时间:周一至周五10:00至17:00周六、日及公众假期:10:00至18:30;圣诞、元旦及农历新年休馆观景台开放时间:7:30至午夜香港青马大桥交通由地铁青衣站(A1出口),乘308M线绿色小巴前往专线小巴班次:逢星期一至五上午10:00至下午4:00,每小时一班,回程最后一班为下午4:30由青屿干线访客中心开出:星期六、日及公众假期上午9::30至下午6::30,回程最后一班下午7:00由访客中心开出游客或可自行乘坐出租车前往。注:所有机场巴士均会途经青马大桥和汲水门大桥The sea park world-famous marine animal museum, completed in January, 1977. The park located at between the Hong Kong native and in Repulse Bay"s Mt. Nalang, " the whangee pit park " and the high ground " the Mt. Nalang park " is composed of the lowland. Both by the sky crane connection, form a complete park scenic area.The sea park"s main entrance is located in the whangee pit park the entrance. Enters in the garden, the layout ingenious artificial waterfall, the world garden and so on beautiful scenery jumps into the view one after another. Likes the movement, the pursue novel tourist, then might as well dehydrates the paradise to satisfy a craving.The tourist while the sky in the crane, only needs the short 6 minutes, arrived located at Mt. Nalang south the slope Mt. Nalang park. Places oneself in 6 person of place birdcage shape sky cranes, rolls by 1.4 kilometers entire journey from the 2O0 rice upper air. Bird"s eye view Repulse Bay and the lowland park"s scenery, is really marvelous stimulates.In the Mt. Nalang park is distributing three big facilities scattered and organized: Sea hall, tidal bore hall, sea theater.The sea hall is an ellipse building, is away from reaches as high as three huge glass walls, the tourist may watch about 400 fish, altogether 30,000 fish"s in water wonderful postures. In the tidal bore hall is equipped with the man-made ocean waves and the rockery, under the electrically operated great waves" machine operation, the sea water mighty waves fluctuation reaches as high as 1 meter; Really strikes the shore has the sound. The tourist passes the observation room the glass; Can appreciate to marine animal"s and so on seal in the water nature life conditions.In the sea theater, the tourist may see the well-trained porpoise, sea lion"s in giant basin marvelous show.Gets down from the sea park"s outdoor elevator, may arrive located at the Mt. Nalang west side big tree bay nearby Jigu Village, the tourist may the thorough understanding China tradition cultural craft.In the sea park also has the crazy roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on numerous amusement facilities. The tourist in this Southeast Asia scale biggest entertainment leisure center, will decide will pass unforgettable one day.海洋公园世界著名的海洋动物博物馆,建成于1977年元月。公园位于香港仔与浅水湾之间的南朗山上,由低地的"黄竹坑公园"和高地的"南朗山公园"组成。两者以空中吊车连接,形成一个完整的公园景区。海洋公园的正门设在黄竹坑公园的入口处。进入园中,布局巧妙的人工瀑布、世界花园等秀丽景色相继扑入眼帘。爱好运动、追求新奇的游客,则不妨去水上乐园过把瘾。游客乘上空中吊车,只需短短6分钟,就到了位于南朗山南坡的南朗山公园。置身于6人座的鸟笼状空中吊车,从2O0米高空驶过1.4公里全程。俯瞰浅水湾及低地公园的景色,真是奇妙而刺激。南朗山公园内错落有致地分布着三大场馆:海洋馆、海涛馆、海洋剧场。海洋馆是一座椭圆形的建筑物,隔着高达三层的巨大玻璃壁,游客可以观看大约400种鱼类,共3万条鱼在水中的美妙姿态。海涛馆内设有人造海浪和假山,在电动浪涛机的操纵下,海水波涛起伏高达1米;真是拍岸有声。游客通过观察室的玻璃;能够欣赏到海豹等海洋动物在水里的自然生活状态。在海洋剧场中,游客可以看到训练有素的海豚、海狮于巨型水池中的精彩表演。从海洋公园的室外电梯下来,可到达位于南朗山西侧大树湾旁的集古村,游客可以全面了解中国传统的文化工艺。海洋公园内还有疯狂过山车,海盗船等众多游乐设施。游客在这东南亚规模最大的娱乐休闲中心里,定会度过难忘的一天。Repulse Bay located at Hong Kong Island south, is the Hong Kong most representative beautiful bay.The Repulse Bay wave even sand is thin, the beach bed is broad, the slope is gentle, the sea water is warm. Summer the season, is the Repulse Bay liveliest time. Large quantities of tourists throng, in the sand beach the sea of people, various types swim suit has composed a color variegated picture.Under the Repulse Bay east end"s shade of forest, is establishing many grills. In fills the rural feeling in the atmosphere, after wrestling the wave to play with water the delicacy which the tourist may taste heartily bakes.In bakes nearby the area, is rich in the Buddhism color the Zhenhai building park. In front of the gate the sea is standing erect two giant statues " the day later Mary " and " goddess of mercy ". The seashore distant place constructs the seven colors of the spectrum kind navigation lighthouse, imposing, is attracting the numerous tourists in this souvenir photo.Has many wineshops, the fast-food restaurant and the supermarket around the sand beach. Near sea teahouse, is appreciates west the red glowing sun to sink, the Tao sound strikes the shore good place.Repulse Bay"s beautiful scenery, causes it to become one of Hong Kong Island famous high-level residential districts, in the area proliferates the splendid palace, including Hong Kong great merchant Li Jiacheng, Bao Yugang"s luxurious private residence. These are situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream the construction, constituted the Repulse Bay unique scenic area, makes one forget to return.浅水湾位于港岛南部,是香港最具代表性的美丽海湾。浅水湾浪平沙细,滩床宽阔,坡度平缓,海水温暖。夏令时节,是浅水湾最热闹的时候。大批游客蜂拥而至,沙滩上人山人海,各式泳装组成了一幅色彩斑斓的画面。浅水湾东端的林荫下,设置着许多烧烤炉。在充满野趣的氛围之中,搏浪戏水后的游客可以尽情地品尝烧烤的美味。在烧烤区旁边,是富有佛教色彩的镇海楼公园。门前面海矗立着两尊巨大塑像"天后圣母"和"观音菩萨"。海边远处建有七色慈航灯塔,气势雄伟,吸引着众多游客在此留影。在沙滩周围有许多酒家、快餐店和超级市场。临海的茶座,则是欣赏红日西沉,涛声拍岸的好地方。浅水湾的秀丽景色,使它成为港岛著名的高级住宅区之一,区内遍布豪华住宅,其中包括香港巨商李嘉诚、包玉刚的豪华私宅。这些依山傍水的建筑,构成了浅水湾独特的景区,令人流连忘返。
2023-07-25 00:23:541


TRAFFIC MITIGATION FEE(TMF)PierPass is a not-for-profit company created by marine terminal operators at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in 2005 to address multi-terminal issues such as congestion, security and air quality. PierPass charges a traffic mitigation fee on daytime traffic, with the revenues used to partially compensate terminals for operating night and weekend gates. in other words, PierPass is a system to collect fees on a large scale from cargo owners to pay terminal operators directly. Before PierPass was created in 2005, the ports and nearby roads were gridlocked, ships were backed up in the harbor unable to unload, and cargo owners suffered long delays in receiving and shipping vital goods.The Traffic Mitigation Fee helps pay for the night and Saturday marine terminal shifts created by the PierPass OffPeak program to relieve daytime congestion in and around the ports. It also provides a financial incentive to move cargo during less-congested times. The TMF is charged for non-exempt containers moving during peak hours (Monday through Friday, 3 a.m. to 6 p.m.).All international container terminals in the two ports have five shifts per week and trucking companies are encouraged to spread their services among the shifts to prevent bottlenecks. It"s a partnership among the marine terminal operators and aimed at easing truck congestion, improving security and helping air quality.
2023-07-25 00:24:042


At the eye of the storm is paleoclimatologist (a professor dedicated to the study of weather patterns throughout the ages) Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid), who voluntarily takes on the preservation of the world in the dawn of the next ice age and all the disaster that comes along with it -- violent hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tidal waves, massive floods, etc. Hall must also contact his son, Sam (Jake Gyllenhaal), who was in the middle of an academic competition in New York City when the chaos begun. In addition to facing the largest-scale onslaught of natural catastrophes in the history of humankind, Jack, in his journey north, must contend with the masses fleeing south in an attempt to resettle in a warmer climate.
2023-07-25 00:24:583


挨窝 曾经的意思
2023-07-25 00:23:333


2023-07-25 00:23:351


2023-07-25 00:23:376

ever放在句子的那个地方例如I have wanted to doever可以放最后嘛,还是哪里

哪里都能放 可以放 have后面啊
2023-07-25 00:23:425


2023-07-25 00:23:442

login timed outplease try again 100036什么意思?

login timed out please try again 100036的意思是登录超时,请重试100036。
2023-07-25 00:23:491


2023-07-25 00:23:584


ever可出现在过去时态或完成时态的疑问句中。例句:Did you ever see such a grand parade?你曾看过如此壮观的游行吗?其他用法:1、ever表示“在任何时候(场合、情况),从来,曾经”时,多用于一般疑问句或否定句,也可用于表示条件或比较的从句以及带有否定意义词的肯定句中,通常置于动词之前。2、ever作“不断地,总是”解时,用于肯定句中,尤其用于表示时间的用语或在复合词中,是比较正式的用法。扩展资料词义辨析ever so,ever such的区别ever so通常用来修饰形容词、副词或介词短语;而eversuch则多用来修饰名词。例句:Everybody enjoyed himself ever so at the evening.晚会上,大家都非常愉快。Jack has been ever such a nice boy while you have been out.你不在家的日子里,杰克这孩子乖极了。
2023-07-25 00:24:131

macbook pro serial no:C1MLG222DTY3 型号:A1278 CMLIT ID:2011AJ6773 求查求告诉,电脑老是自动黑屏。

2023-07-25 00:24:151


君の涙にこんなに恋してる (如此深爱着你的)感觉蛮好听的。。
2023-07-25 00:24:164


ERP即 企业资源计划 (Enterprise Resource Planning),由美国 Gartner Group 公司于1990年提出。ERP系统是指建立在信息技术基础上,以系统化的管理思想,为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。ERP中三大订单CO、PO、MO的意思分别如下:CO:客户订单,或销售订单PO:采购订单MO:生产订单
2023-07-25 00:24:191

volvo s40 仪表显示key error try Again 不能启动 查不出原因 求助!!!

40b 需要编程,你能详细些么?
2023-07-25 00:24:243


Today"s China is no longer so poverty-stricken and closed (impervious to the outside interference) as the China before 1978, when China"s leaders began to liberalize/free the economy.
2023-07-25 00:24:282


2023-07-25 00:24:302

网吧打开SXE 出来这个 Load error, try again 我把防火墙也关了 也换了几个好CS版本 都不能解决 怎么回事

2023-07-25 00:24:312


2023-07-25 00:24:321


是一个用于肯定句 一个用于否定句吗
2023-07-25 00:24:396


2023-07-25 00:23:271


2023-07-25 00:23:266


2023-07-25 00:23:263


2023-07-25 00:23:225


ever的固定搭配如下:1、ever since。从那时起;从那时起一直到现在;自从;此后一直。2、hardly ever。几乎不;很少;几乎从不。3、ever so。非常;极其;十分;极端。4、Ever Oasis。永恒绿洲。5、MAKE UP FOR EVER。浮生若梦;美卡芬艾;浮生若。6、for ever。永久;永远;总是;永恒。7、Happily Ever After。凡间新仙人;快乐在一起;从此幸福快乐。8、Happy Ever After。金玉满堂;结局大团圆;永远幸福快乐;痴缠。双语例句1、Is infidelity ever forgivable?配偶的不忠行为究竟可以被原谅吗?2、He said he would love her for ever (and ever).他说会永远爱她。3、They grew ever further apart.他们愈发疏远了。
2023-07-25 00:23:161


  ERP即 企业资源计划 (Enterprise Resource Planning),由美国 Gartner Group 公司于1990年提出。  ERP系统是指建立在信息技术基础上,以系统化的管理思想,为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。  ERP中三大订单CO、PO、MO的意思分别如下:  CO:客户订单,或销售订单  PO:采购订单  MO:生产订单
2023-07-25 00:23:141


完成时,如果是过去已经发生的,用过去完成时,其他用现在完成时 e.g.Have you ever been to ...
2023-07-25 00:23:081

MAX&CO.和 MO&Co.什么关系?后者是山寨吗?

2023-07-25 00:23:042


2023-07-25 00:23:043

sorry, the server is under maintenance. please try again.是什么意思?

Sorry, the server is under maintenance. please try again.意思是对不起,服务器正在维护中。请再试一次。
2023-07-25 00:23:041


这是对目标的目标使用技能用的宏。 /assist(回车)/cast 技能
2023-07-25 00:22:583

求仓木麻衣Try Again的中文发音?

2023-07-25 00:22:563


2023-07-25 00:22:551


2023-07-25 00:22:471


  even 甚至,更   ever 曾经   never 从未,绝不
2023-07-25 00:22:432


2023-07-25 00:22:411


2023-07-25 00:22:321