barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-24 11:39:24

or rather 更确切地说 ; 更精确地说 ; 毋宁说 ; 准确的说

Rather critical 一叶知秋

d rather 宁愿

rather good 相当不错

rather strange 反常的 ; 古怪的 ; 怪异的

Rather baby 相反婴儿 ; 而是宝贝

rather cool 形容有点儿凉

Rather Ironic 相当反讽 ; 而具有讽刺意味

rather tired 有些疲劳

rather than 而不是;宁可…也不愿

would rather 宁愿,宁可

or rather 更精确地说,倒不如说

rather too adv. 稍微...一点

had(或would) rather



if I had my rathers [美国方言]如果我可以选择的话

or rather 毋宁说;更确切地说

rather of the ratherest [俚语]略多;略胜一筹;略不足

rather than 不是…而是…;与其说…不如说…

rather…than… 宁可…而不;最好…而不…;是…而不是…

rahter… than otherwise (或not) 不是…而是…

rather too 稍微 … 一点

the rather 尤其

the rather because (或 that)




would rather = had rather


“or rather”是什么意思?

or ratherad. 确切地说(说得更准确些) Practicing economy is a life-style, or rather a spirit.节约是一种生活方式,更是一种精神品质。This new product, or rather, this new style of shirt, is not very attractive.这项新产品,确切地说是这种新款式的衬衫,并不是非常吸引人的。
2023-07-24 09:45:133

or rather rather than other than

选C A.or rather 更确切地说 .更精确地说,倒不如说 B.other than 意思是除了……,除……之外 C.rather than 而不是,宁愿……(而不 D.would rather宁愿;宁可 左后,他不得不步行去办公室,而不是跑去
2023-07-24 09:45:201

宁愿……也不愿…… 翻译为英语

2023-07-24 09:45:326

loved for ourselves,or rather ,loved in spite of ourselves 可不可以分析一这句的结构啊?

loved for ourselves,or rather ,loved in spite of ourselves 这其实是对we are loved 的解释说明,是并列的结构 从“;”可以看出来~这句话的完整是The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather in spite of ourselves.
2023-07-24 09:45:582

or rather early on saturday morning

D 考查短语辨析。at the latest 最近on the whole 总的来说。in a word 总之,or rather更确切的说,句意:我在星期五晚上很晚见到了他,更确切的说是在星期六早晨早些时候。所以选D。
2023-07-24 09:46:191

(中译英)她将去纽约,或者确切地讲,她将乘飞机去纽约。(or rather)

【答案】:She will go to New York,or rather,she will go to New York by air.
2023-07-24 09:46:261

or rather 后边一定要有逗号吗

2023-07-24 09:46:342


or rather 的意思是更确切的说.例如:He played the computer game till late last night,or rather,early this morning.昨天他玩电脑游戏到深夜,或者跟确切地说,到今天凌晨. rather than 是一个并列连词,用法比较复杂,现归纳如下: 1. rather than 与would 连用时,构成“would rather...than...”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。例如: She"d rather die than lose the children. 她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。 2. rather than 不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为“是……而不是……;与其……不如……”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。现分述如下: (1) 连接两个名词或代词 He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。 You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去要野营。 注意:rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。 (2) 连接两个形容词 The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。 (3) 连接两个介词(短语)或动名词 We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. 我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。 She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。 (4) 连接两个分句 We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。 (5) 连接两个不定式 I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。 注意:rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to, 如上句。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。如:Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。 (6) 连接两个动词 He ran rather than walked. 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。
2023-07-24 09:46:452

The greast happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved;loved for ourselves,or rather,l

2023-07-24 09:47:161


我没答案但是英语不是计较出来的 是感觉出来的
2023-07-24 09:47:334

he should , or rather must.........这里有OR了,那么逗号可以省去吗

2023-07-24 09:47:503


副词 ad. 1.相当,颇,有点儿I"m feeling rather sleepy. 我有点困倦。 2.(常与would或had连用)宁可,宁愿;(与其...)倒不如;而不是He would rather play than work. 他宁可玩,却不愿工作。 I"d rather you knew that now, than afterwards. 与其以后让你知道,不如现在就让你知道。 I"ll never be dependent on anyone again. I"d rather starve. 我再也不依靠任何人了。我宁愿饿死。 3.(常与or连用)更确切地说He left late last night, or rather early this morning. 他昨夜很晚,或者应该说是今天一大早才走。
2023-07-24 09:48:012

When I wrote the following pages,or rather the bulk of them ,I lived alone ,in the woods,a mile from

2023-07-24 09:48:201

rather than表示而不是的时候后面是用or 还是and?

用Or 因为rather than通常用于否定句中 如,He likes reading rather than swimming or running 他爱读书,而不是游泳或跑步
2023-07-24 09:48:311


相同点:两个都是连词. 只是and出现在肯定语句之中.or出现在否定语句之中. 不同点:or也可以出现在肯定语序中,只不过意思就变了.表示两者择一的.是或者的意思.
2023-07-24 09:48:392


rather a beautiful woman..
2023-07-24 09:49:007

or other和or rather

A 考查词组辨析:A. or rather更确切的说,B. other than除了,C. rather than而不是,D. or other或是其他,句意是:--期中考试的结果怎样?--我做得很差,更确切的说,我没及格。选A。
2023-07-24 09:49:331

or rather是什么意思?

2023-07-24 09:49:411


2023-07-24 09:50:381


2023-07-24 09:50:471


此句中rather用作程度副词,意为"稍微;有点;颇;相当" (那更痛了)rather可以修饰形容词、副词的原级、比较级等;可以与介词短语连用.如: She was rather hurt by his unkind words. 下面一些是网上COPY的,你想看就看~了解用的~一、 用作副词,意为"宁可,宁愿" 1. rather than意为"而不是;与其……不如", 后接名词、代词、形容词、动词原形等.如: These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. It is he rather than I who is to blame. 2. would rather do...than do...=would do...rather than do...宁愿做……而不愿做…….如: I would go there by bus rather than take the train. 3. prefer to do...rather than do... 宁愿做……而不愿做…….如: We prefer to receive money rather than the usual gifts. 二、 用作感叹词,意为"当然" - Would you like a swim? - Rather. 三、 习惯用语及搭配 1. or rather更确切, 更恰当; 更接近.如: He went home very late last night, or rather, in the early hours this morning. 2. would rather意为"宁愿", 后接动词原形,其否定形式是would rather not do.如: Which would you rather have, tea or coffee? American young people would rather get advice from strangers. 3. I would rather that...这是虚拟语气形式,若从句表示与现在或将来的情况相反,用一般过去时;与过去的事实相反,用过去完成时.如: I would rather you came tomorrow. I"d rather you hadn"t told her the news yesterday. 高考真题回放: 1. - Shall we go skating or stay at home? .- Which _____ do yourself? (MET"92) A. do you rather B. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you rather 2. Rather than ______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers a bicycle. (NMET"94) A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding 简析: 1. B 考查would rather do sth. 这一句型的用法. 2. C 这是prefer to do...rather than do...这一常用句型的变式,用法一致
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2023-07-24 09:52:101

The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicleaschool bus.

【答案】:A考查短语辨析。other than“除了,除了……之外”,常用于否定结构中;rather than“而不是”,连接两个同等成分,肯定前者,否定后者;or rather“更确切地说”;or else“否则,要不然”。句意为“学校规定学生不能乘坐除校车以外的其他非法机动车辆”。根据语境可知A项最符合句意。
2023-07-24 09:52:171


1、形容词(短语)做插入语;2、副词(短语)做插入语;3、介词(短语)做插入语;4、V-ing(短语)做插入语;5、不定式(短语)做插入语;6、句子(陈述句和一般疑问句)做插入语。形容词(短语)做插入语能用作插入语的形容词(短语)常见的有:true,wonderful,excellent,strange to say,most important of all, sure enough等。 如: True,it would be too bad. 真的,太糟了。 Wonderful,we have won again. 太好了,我们又赢了。 Strange to say,he hasn"t got my letter up to now. 说来也奇怪,他到现在还没有收到我的信。 Most important of all,we must learn all the skills. 最重要的是,我们必须掌握所有的技巧。副词(短语)做插入语能用作插入语的副词(短语)有:indeed,surely,still,otherwise,certainly,however,generally, personally,honestly,fortunately,luckily,though,besides,exactly,perhaps,maybe,probably,frankly,or rather等。 如: When he got there,he found,however,that the weather was too bad. 可是到了那儿之后他发现,那儿的天气太坏了。 Otherwise,he would still be at home. 不然的话,他还会在家的。介词(短语)做插入语能用作插入语的介词短语有:in fact,in one"s opinion,in general,in a word,in other words,in a few words,of course,by the way,as a result,for example,on the contrary,on the other hand,to one"s surprise,in short,as a matter of fact,in conclusion,in brief等。 如: You can"t wait anymore-in other words,you should start at once. 你不能再等了--换言之,你得立即出发。 On the contrary,we should strengthen our cooperation with them. 相反,我们应该加强和他们的合作。V-ing(短语)做插入语能用作插入语的V-ing(短语)常见的有:generally speaking,strictly speaking,judging from by,talking of, considering等。 如: Generally speaking,the weather there is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. 一般来说,那儿的气候冬天不太冷,夏天不太热。 Judging by his clothes,he may be an artist. 从衣着来判断,他可能是个艺术家。不定式(短语)做插入语能用作插入语的不定式短语有:to be frank,to be honest,to be sure,to tell you the truth,to make matters worse,to sum up,to start with,to begin with等。 如: To be frank,I don"t quite agree with you. 坦率地说,我不太同意你的意见。 To tell you the truth,I"m not so interested in the matter. 跟你说实话,我对这件事情的兴趣不大。 To sum up,success results from hard work. 总而言之,成功是艰苦努力的结果。句子(陈述句和一般疑问句)做插入语能用作插入语的句子有:I am sure,I believe,I think,I know,I suppose,I hope,I"m afraid,you see, what"s more,that is to say,as we know,as I see,believe it or not等。 如: Some animals only half-hibernate,that is to say,their sleep is not such a deep one. 有些动物只是半冬眠,就是说,它们的睡眠并不是深度睡眠。 I believe,China will catch up with the developed countries sooner or later. 我确信,中国迟早会赶上发达国家。 He can"t pass the exam,because he doesn"t study hard. What"s more,he isn"t so clever. 他不能通过这次考试,因为他学习不认真,更何况他又不太聪明。
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2023-07-24 09:52:351

求初中所有关于rarher 的短语和相关用法??谢谢

用法: 一、rather作副词,意为"宁愿;宁可"。作此意解的rather常和would / had连用,构成固定短语。would / had rather…than译为"宁愿……而不愿" ,应该特别注意此短语的否定构成及其后接的动词形式。如:   He would rather have the small one than the large one. 他宁愿要一个小的,而不要大的。   I"d rather take the slowest train than go there by air. 我宁愿坐最慢的火车,也不乘飞机去那里。   I would rather not tell you the secret right now. 我现在不愿把那个秘密告诉你。   would / had rather 后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气。如:   I would / had rather you posted the letter right away, 我倒希望你把这封信立即发出。   I would / had rather that she had stayed at home. 她那时要是留在家里就好了。   二、rather作副词用时,意为"更确切地"。 此用法的rather常用在or rather这一短语中,表示想要纠正已经说过的话,或欲使已说过的话更确切。如:   He worked till late last night, or rather, early in the morning. 他一直工作到深夜,或者更确切地说,到今天凌晨。   The building is like a palace, or rather a temple. 这幢建筑物像一座宫殿,或者更确切地说像一座寺庙。   三、rather作副词用时, 还可作"相当;颇;有点儿"解。如:   You"ve done rather well.你做得相当好。   The way he is living is rather strange to me. 他的生活方式我觉得很怪。   rather, fairly, quite, pretty的区别:   1. 从程度上说, fairly是最轻的一个;quite比fairly 语气稍强;rather 在程度上比quite更重一些;pretty 和rather 差不多,但大多数情况下用于非正式文体。如:   They were getting along fairly well with each other. 他们相处还不错。   He was quite polite, but he wasn"t ready to help me. 他相当有礼貌,但他并不愿意帮助我。   There"s something rather strange about the way he talks to you. 他跟你说话的样子真有点怪。   Twenty-five is pretty old to take up ballet dancing.二十五岁才学跳芭蕾,年纪就太大了。   2. rather 和quite可放在不定冠词前,也可放在不定冠词之后,还可以和动词连用,而fairly 和pretty没有这些用法。如:   That is quite / rather a surprising result. =That is a quite / rather surprising result. 那是一个相当惊人的结果。   I rather / quite like to go for a walk after supper. 我颇喜欢在晚饭后出去散步。   3. 只有rather可以修饰比较级,还可和too连用。如:   This computer is rather more expensive than that one.这部电脑比那部昂贵一些。   This book is rather too difficult for the beginners.这部书对初学者来说太难了。   四、rather than 的用法。   rather 不仅是一个表示程度的副词,还能用来表示选择,意为"而非;(与其……)倒不如"。rather than 经常用在"平行结构"里,即连接两个对等成分。   I"d prefer to go in August rather than July. 我愿八月去,不愿七月去。   I"d call her hair chestnut rather than brown. 我宁愿说她的头发是栗色,而不是棕色。   We ought to invest in new machines rather than buildings. 我们应该在新的机器上而不是在房屋上投资。   I decided to write rather than telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。   Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the streets. 他宁愿在街上乞讨,也不愿以这种不正当的手段挣钱。   I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute. 我总是愿意早开始而不愿意把所有事情都留到最后。rather 词组rather good相当不错would rather表示"宁愿"would rather do 宁愿…would rather… than… 宁愿……而不愿had rather 宁肯,宁愿 would rather not 宁可不(不愿)...the rather because 正因为 ... 所以才..but rather 而宁可说是, 反而...rather…than not 不是别的sooner rather than later 尽早
2023-07-24 09:52:531


sound and sleep睡了个好觉make it成功做到manage it设法完成be well worth doing 很值得做be well worthy of being done 很值得做that=so 如此 如:so good a book=that good a book暂时想到的就这些了,望采纳,以后想到了在追加
2023-07-24 09:53:154

英语but rather怎么翻译?

but rather的中文翻译意思是:反而
2023-07-24 09:53:248


2023-07-24 09:53:502


(1)表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover again,on top of that/this,another,first---second---third(或者firstly, secondly, thirdly or last but not the least)等。例如:It"s a pretty cat, also friendly. 这是只漂亮的猫,而且很友好(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,later,immediately,soon,next,in a few (more) days,gradually,suddenly,finally等。 Now that spring is here, we can expect milder weather.现在春天来了,我们可以期望较温和的天气(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in front of,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,to the right / left,around,outside等。 Christmas is drawing near. 圣诞节即将来临。(4)表示对比的过渡词:有两种对比,一种突出比较的双方,另一种是通过对比突出其中一方,取消另一方。 One the one / other hand; and, or rather; yes, but;instead. Everybody knows about his bad temper. On the other hand, they also know of his shrewd judgment. 大家都知道他的脾气很坏。当另一方面,他们也知道他精明的判断力。(5)表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on the contrary,in spite of,even though等。 例如:the plan caused not prosperity but ruin. 这个计划带来的不是繁荣而是毁灭(6)表示结 果 和 原 因 的 过 渡 词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,hence,thus,otherwise,accordingly, at all events, as it turned out, in any event, in consequence/as a consequence, it would be just as well, just as well, that is/was that, but for, consequently, in that event, somehow, thanks to等。 John didn"t attend the meeting because he was ill. 约翰没有出席会议, 因为他病了。
2023-07-24 09:53:591


选A 他昨晚很晚才回家,确切的说是在今天凌晨回的家.
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rather副词 adv.1.在一定程度上; 颇,相当 This book is rather too easy for this boy.这本书对于这个孩子来说太简单。I reckon that he is rather too old to marry again.我认为他的年龄太大, 不太适于再婚。2.或多或少; 有几分; 相当 This restaurant is rather more expensive than that one.这家餐厅的收费比那家贵得多。3.(与动词连用以减弱语气)有点儿,稍微 4.(纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息)更确切地讲,更准确地说5.(提出不同或相反的观点)相反,反而,而是 1.Admittedly, it is rather expensive but you don"t need to use much. 它的确很贵,但不需要用得很多。 2. a rather bland diet of soup, fish and bread 一个淡而无味的汤、鱼加面包的食谱 3. His answer rather disconcerted her.他的回答使她颇感难堪。 4. I was rather dubious about the whole idea. 我对这整个想法持怀疑态度。 5. We tend to be traditional rather than fashion-forward in our designs. 我们的设计往往流于传统而没有超前意识。
2023-07-24 09:54:326

at or in on 的用法区别

at适用于时间, 如at 4:00和方位,at the beginning。 or很明显是或者的意思。in用于地方、方位或时间,如in September;in the house; in the hole;in the afternoon。 on则是用于方位, 如 on the table, 或是日前...
2023-07-24 09:55:012

or 和and的用法是什么

or 是或,and是和
2023-07-24 09:55:094


“Any library is a good library that does not contain a volume by Jane Austen”, when this words about Jane Austen given by Mark Twin first came upon to me, I was, just in your expectation, a little bit surprised. Gradually, however, when I know more about the characteristics of her works, I think the judgement of Mark Twin makes sense in some degree. Especially after I have finished her work Pride and Prejudice and compared it with the contemporary production The Red and the Black written by Stendhal. Less reflection and exposure on social conflicts among different classes is a big pity for Austen"s works, as well as for the readers. Still, however, Austen"s unique interpretation towards marriage is the distinguished feature of her literary accomplishment. And I want to give some reflection on the different kinds of relationships and marriages in Pride and Prejudice.Five different types of relationships or marriages, as far as I am concerned, are presented in this book.The first type, undoubtedly, is the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley. They met at a party and almost fell in love with each other just after their first encounter. Bingley"s wealth and courtesy, Jane"s beauty and tenderness, and the similarities in their personality are all the factors that contribute to the relationship. So, though I believe, actually, there is some kind of love between the young lady and the gentleman, it is not the pure and true love, their combination is not for no intention but for some certain desire. So I would like to call their relationship as “Secular Love”.Contrasting to the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley, the marriage between Charlotte and Mr.Collins is much less romantic, or no romance at all. One is the Cinderella in reality equipped with no prince, the other is a priest, old and ugly. Their marriage, of course, has no love but compromise. Even Elizabeth thinks “Charlotte the wife of Mr. Collins, was a most humiliating picture!” But what could she do? Just as she said, she is not romantic and she asks only a comfortable home, and this is within Mr. Collins ability. Comparing with being a 27-year-old burden to her family,at least for her, marrying Mr. Collins is the best choice. So as for them, I call “Rational Love” or rather------ “Rational Combination”.Another couple is Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet. Just in the first chapter, I wondered why two people with such different characteristics could live together for 23 years. The wonder disappeared when the explanation was offered by Austen in Chapter 42 about Mr. Bennet"s attitude towards his wife. Captivated by youth and beauty, he married her and very early in their marriage, after knowing the disposition of her, ended his affection and used her ignorance to contribute his amusement, having impropriety of his behavior as a husband. Neither for Mr. Bennet nor for Mrs. Bennet this marriage is quite fair or contented, but both of them should pay, and had already paid the bill of their “Hasty Love”.Lydia"s relationship with Wickham, to some extent, is similar with her parents". Mr. Bennet was captivated by the beauty of his wife and Lydia was fascinated by the handsome appearance of Wickham. Compared with her parents" marriage, however, Lydia"s relationship with Wickham would only turn out a much more unpleasant one, for their marriage is based on the fulfillment of vanity and the desire of property. So I consider their relationship as “Orectic Incorporation”And finally here comes the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. When I first finished the movie of Pride and Prejudice, I still wondered why there is a love flame between them. One is so proud and the other full of prejudice, but when I read more details about this work, the answer has emerged. “Love”, a word we are so familiar with, but what is love? In Austen"s work, I gradually know that love is not just as abstract as we often regard. Take Elizabeth, for example, her love for Daisy is based on two things: respect and gratitude. She respects his valuable qualities: nobility and kindness, and even Wickham had done something so bad to him and his sister, he still didn"t blame him before others or let him lose all dignity in public. Also, she is grateful to Mr. Darcy, for his love, for his forgiveness about her bad manners when she rejected him, for his help to her sister"s marriage and her family"s fame. And finally, these turned out her attachment, affection and love for him. As for Darcy, his attention to Elizabeth was first on her eyes, full of liveliness, thoughts and pursuits and unlike any other ladies, she is such a unique girl that she didn"t flatter him at all, so for him she is so extraordinary and attractive. And Elizabeth got his respect and love because of her own independence, liveliness and uniqueness. And I regard their relationship as “Spirit Love”.Austen"s attitude towards marriage, love, status and property can still be used as a reference. Nowadays, fast food culture derives fast-food-style love, although we are in the era of fast changes, it"s better for us to love rationally and independently. Hope everyone has his real, unique love.
2023-07-24 09:55:182

a rather 和 rather a 的区别。

rather的用法可从以下几点掌握:   一、rather作副词,意为"宁愿;宁可"。作此意解的rather常和would / had连用,构成固定短语。would / had rather…than译为"宁愿……而不愿" ,应该特别注意此短语的否定构成及其后接的动词形式。如:   He would rather have the small one than the large one. 他宁愿要一个小的,而不要大的。   I"d rather take the slowest train than go there by air. 我宁愿坐最慢的火车,也不乘飞机去那里。   I would rather not tell you the secret right now. 我现在不愿把那个秘密告诉你。   would / had rather 后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气。如:   I would / had rather you posted the letter right away, 我倒希望你把这封信立即发出。   I would / had rather that she had stayed at home. 她那时要是留在家里就好了。   二、rather作副词用时,意为"更确切地"。 此用法的rather常用在or rather这一短语中,表示想要纠正已经说过的话,或欲使已说过的话更确切。如:   He worked till late last night, or rather, early in the morning. 他一直工作到深夜,或者更确切地说,到今天凌晨。   The building is like a palace, or rather a temple. 这幢建筑物像一座宫殿,或者更确切地说像一座寺庙。   三、rather作副词用时, 还可作"相当;颇;有点儿"解。如:   You"ve done rather well.你做得相当好。   The way he is living is rather strange to me. 他的生活方式我觉得很怪。   rather, fairly, quite, pretty的区别:   1. 从程度上说, fairly是最轻的一个;quite比fairly 语气稍强;rather 在程度上比quite更重一些;pretty 和rather 差不多,但大多数情况下用于非正式文体。如:   They were getting along fairly well with each other. 他们相处还不错。   He was quite polite, but he wasn"t ready to help me. 他相当有礼貌,但他并不愿意帮助我。   There"s something rather strange about the way he talks to you. 他跟你说话的样子真有点怪。   Twenty-five is pretty old to take up ballet dancing.二十五岁才学跳芭蕾,年纪就太大了。   2. rather 和quite可放在不定冠词前,也可放在不定冠词之后,还可以和动词连用,而fairly 和pretty没有这些用法。如:   That is quite / rather a surprising result. =That is a quite / rather surprising result. 那是一个相当惊人的结果。   I rather / quite like to go for a walk after supper. 我颇喜欢在晚饭后出去散步。   3. 只有rather可以修饰比较级,还可和too连用。如:   This computer is rather more expensive than that one.这部电脑比那部昂贵一些。   This book is rather too difficult for the beginners.这部书对初学者来说太难了。   四、rather than 的用法。   rather 不仅是一个表示程度的副词,还能用来表示选择,意为"而非;(与其……)倒不如"。rather than 经常用在"平行结构"里,即连接两个对等成分。   I"d prefer to go in August rather than July. 我愿八月去,不愿七月去。   I"d call her hair chestnut rather than brown. 我宁愿说她的头发是栗色,而不是棕色。   We ought to invest in new machines rather than buildings. 我们应该在新的机器上而不是在房屋上投资。   I decided to write rather than telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。   Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the streets. 他宁愿在街上乞讨,也不愿以这种不正当的手段挣钱。   I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute. 我总是愿意早开始而不愿意把所有事情都留到最后。
2023-07-24 09:55:271


有 ,可以,因为是否定句
2023-07-24 09:55:373

b超机器里的 Erase是什么意思

2023-07-24 09:46:564

英语中arrived at和arrived in 的区别?

arrived at 到达;得出结论 arrived in 抵达,到达 两者都做“到达”时,前者到达的地方范围小,如“到家”,后者达到的范围大,如“到达中国”、“到达北京”.
2023-07-24 09:47:001

when you say nothing at all是什么英文歌

《When you say nothing at all》这首著名的乡村歌曲由Paul Overstreet和Don Schlitz创作, Keith Whitley演唱,收录在其第三张录音室专辑《Don"t Close Your Eyes》(1988年)中。美国著名蓝草歌手Alison Krauss(1994年)翻唱此曲,并打入US Country Songs前三位置。这首歌也是爱尔兰著名男团组合Boyzone主唱Ronan Keating(1999年)的第一首单曲,并成功登顶英国单曲榜。台湾歌手蔡依林也翻唱过这首歌曲并收录在专辑《爱的练习语》(2008年)中。同时也是电影《诺丁山》的插曲之一。-望采纳-梁兆铃
2023-07-24 09:47:011


THE EMCEE 欧阳靖(jin) 他叫做欧阳靖,黄皮肤,中国人,有个英文名字JIN,他是个饶舌歌手,在此而外——他还是个Ruff Ryder。 没错,正是Ruff Ryders。这家主流饶舌厂牌所推出的下一张唱片,是一个中国人的个人专辑:《The Rest Is History》。一如专辑的名称所述,JIN的野心昭然若揭:就如同Big Pun把拉丁世界纳入饶舌版图,就如同痞子阿姆让白人真正杀入rap游戏,JIN的身后,是整个中国、整个亚洲的嘻哈文化背景。他是亚洲裔HipHop文化圈的代言人,好比姚明在NBA打球,JIN是美利坚大陆黑色嘻哈文化的一支黄色血脉。 门一旦打开一条缝,想再关上就不那么容易了。或许,这个叫作JIN的21岁中国年轻人的确能够在嘻哈世界之中创造历史。 JIN这个名字在美国不断升温的同时,大洋彼岸的中国各大互联网论坛上流行着这样一个帖子——一段不甚清晰的视频,配上一段解说文字:“这是中国人和黑人的rap对骂视频,在美国某著名电视节目中,一个歧视中国的黑 鬼用rap嘲笑讽刺中国人,结果这个中国人也用rap狠狠回敬了黑 鬼,捍卫了中国人的尊严!”。这是一个让嘻哈份子看了哭笑不得的帖子,而那个“捍卫了尊严”的中国人,就是JIN。 “Freestyle”可以说是嘻哈文化的关键词之一。取其基本的“即兴表演”意义来解释,HipHop文化的四大元素饶舌、街舞、涂鸦、DJ加上重要分支街头篮球——五者都是能够“Freestyle”的。而所谓的“Freestyle Battle”,顾名思义,也就是以各自的即兴表演一决高下了。rap领域的Freestyle Battle以即兴饶舌为形式,对阵双方唱出现场即兴创作的歌词,无论是撒泼骂娘还是文字游戏,总之务求出对方洋相证明自己的饶舌水平胜人一畴。而作为一项竞技,Freestyle Battle本身允许以诙谐机智的歌词进行一定程度的人身攻击,这就如同拳击比赛里场上挥拳相向的双方可能是生活中的一对好友那样,在Freestyle Battle中,歌词里的人身攻击在对战结束后立即失去意义。正因为此,看起来充斥人身攻击的一场饶舌对战会在不明就里的外人眼中成为歇斯底里的“疯狂对骂”。 只要稍加留意,可以发现JIN的“捍卫华人尊严之战”——其实早已创下了七连胜记录。在BET电视网(Black Entertainment TV黑人娱乐电视网,在嘻哈领域拥有深远影响力)每周五播出的“Freestyle Friday”饶舌对战节目中,JIN凭借诙谐辛辣的讽刺让连续六周卫冕冠军Hassan在唱了几句之后,竟拿着麦克风哑口无言,输了个一败涂地。之后六个星期的节目里,五名黑人挑战者和一名白人歌手先后被JIN毫不留情地斩落马下,成了他进入“Freestyle Friday”名人堂的祭品。七周之后,谁都知道了有这么一个可怕的华裔饶舌歌手,任你对他如何地嘲笑讽刺,所有这些话柄都会适得其反地成为JIN反击时的武器,并且一击致命。他机智、诙谐的歌词、老练沉着的即兴发挥和应变能力令电视机前的老美大为意外和赞叹,也让Ruff Ryders唱片厂牌的副总裁Joaquin "Waah" Dean为之激奋不已。在赢得第七场对战之后,得以跻身名人堂的JIN当场掏出了藏在外套里的Bling Bling项链,链坠是一个粗大耀眼的“R”字:佩带着Ruff Ryders专属钻饰的JIN已经不再是“Double R”的歌迷——而已经成为了其中的一员。 从怀揣美国梦的广东籍侨民到Ruff Ryders唱片公司帐下大将,你大可以满脸不屑地骂这小子走运——这毫不影响JIN凭借自己的努力取得更高的成就。事实上,今天被一致公认为“天赋”的Freestyle能力也完全始于刻苦的磨练和点滴的积累。从八年级(相当我国初二)开始,这个一心想用HipHop改变自己生活的孩子就在学校食堂里与同学们一起Freestyle,随后不多久,他开始在自己的出生地迈阿密参加形形色色的对战甚至演出。他就像一头精力充沛而好斗的小野兽,不放过每一个可能的对战机会。甚至连他去影院看场电影,中途内急上洗手间解决问题——结果是跟一名陌生的影院员工在厕所里杀了个天昏地暗。对Battle的渴望与不断的磨练使他迅速成长并在当地嘻哈圈声名鹊起,他开始灌录粗糙的音乐小样并以五美圆左右的价格四处推销自己。扩大了的影响带了更多的挑战者,使得JIN变得越发强大成熟。然而,缺乏浓重HipHop背景的迈阿密已经留不住志在嘻哈音乐圈的JIN。而随着90年代Nas、Wu-Tang Clan、Mobb Deep、Onyx等新一代饶舌歌手的迅速窜红,嘻哈发源地纽约的地位得到再度巩固,而JIN,也认定了追逐饶舌梦想的新战场。 9.11”之后的2001年十月,为了能给祖父母更多的照应,从北迈阿密海滩高中毕业了的JIN随父母一同搬迁到了纽约——这无异于让他成了一头林子里的老虎。从时代广场到42街的转角,JIN的身影出没在到处是迷你“Jay-Z”迷你“Fabolous”的每一个嘻哈据点,与各路高手频繁过招。在纽约唱片店“Fat Beat”门前的表演便是其中一个最普通的日子,却使JIN遇到了Kamel Pratt,这个随后成为他经纪人的角色。
2023-07-24 09:47:011

When you say nothing at all(Ronan Keating演唱的歌曲)详细资料大全

《When you say nothing at all》这首著名的乡村歌曲由Paul Overstreet和Don Schlitz创作, Keith Whitley演唱,收录在其第三张录音室专辑《Don"t Close Your Eyes》(1988年)中。美国著名蓝草歌手Alison Krauss(1994年)翻唱此曲,并打入US Country Songs前三位置。这首歌也是爱尔兰著名男团组合Boyzone主唱Ronan Keating(1999年)的第一首单曲,并成功登顶英国单曲榜。台湾歌手蔡依林也翻唱过这首歌曲并收录在专辑《爱的练习语》(2008年)中。同时也是电影《诺丁山》的插曲之一。该歌曲的国语版为《用对明天的遐想换今天的希望》。 基本介绍 中文名称 :用对明天的遐想换今天的希望 外文名称 :When you say nothing at all 所属专辑 :Don"t Close Your Eyes 歌曲时长 :3:40 发行时间 :1988年6月16日 填词 :Paul Overstreet,Don Schlitz,田宇 谱曲 :Paul Overstreet,Don Schlitz 音乐风格 :乡村,蓝草 歌曲语言 :英语,国语 制作人 :Garth Fundis、Keith Whitley 音乐厂牌 :RCA Records Billboard :US Country Songs 冠军 英文版歌词,国语版歌词,歌手介绍,早期生活,音乐生涯,去世,影响, 英文版歌词 When You Say Nothing At All (一切尽在不言中) (木有新闻翻译版) It"s amazing how you can speak right to my heart 你一开口 就正合我意 这就是神奇的默契 without saying a word you can light up the dark 不言一语 就足以把黑暗驱离 try as I may I could never explain 我千方百计 竟也道不出这种魔力 what I hear when you don"t say a thing 就算静谧无言 我也能听到的天籁之语 the *** ile on your face lets me know that you need me 你脸上的笑意 让我笃定需要我的人是你 there"s a truth in your eyes saying you"ll never leave me 你眼眸流转的真情 向我诉说你会不离不弃 the touch of your hand says you"ll catch me wherever I fall 你掌心传来的温度 会在我跌倒时把我扶起 you say it best when you say nothing at all 一切尽在不言中 有此默契足矣 All day long I can hear people talking aloud 整夜整日 充斥耳膜的都是人声鼎沸 but when you hold me near you drown out the crowd 但当你靠近我时 万籁倾刻静寂 Old Mr. Webster could never define 韦伯老先生(美国词典编纂家)都没法说清这种感觉 what"s been said beeen your heart and mine 不知道咱们虽然身无彩凤 但却心有灵犀 the *** ile on your face lets me know that you need me 你脸上的笑意 让我笃定需要我的人是你 there"s a truth in your eyes saying you"ll never leave me 你眼眸中流转的真情 向我诉说着你会不离不弃 the touch of your hand says you"ll catch me wherever I fall 你手掌传来的温度 会在我跌倒时把我扶起 you say it best when you say nothing at all 一切尽在不言中 有此默契足矣 When You Say Nothing At All 有情何须开口言 Alison Krauss (清洁工翻译版) It"s amazing how you can speak right to my heart 你能一语中的道准我心思堪称神奇无比 Without saying a word you can light up the dark 不费一言片语你竟还能唤醒那愚昧无知 Try as I may I could never explain 我费尽力气可咋也解释不清 What I hear when you don"t say a thing 你默不作声却别有一番深意 The *** ile on your face lets me know that you need me 你脸上的笑容分明是在告诉我你需要我 There"s a truth in your eyes saying you"ll never leave me 你眼里的真诚是在说你永远不会离开我 The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me wherever i fall 你一触手是在说一旦我跌倒你会搀扶我 You say it best when you say nothing at all 有情何须开口言示爱无声胜似铿锵有声 All day long I can hear people talking aloud 整天里我能听到人们群情鼎沸说话大声 But when you hold me near you drown out the crowd 可当你抱我贴近你时似有其声淹没人群 Old Mr. Webster could never define 韦伯老先生(美国词典编纂家)都没法说清这种感觉 What"s been said beeen your heart and mine 你我心对心到底嘀咕了什么 The *** ile on your face lets me know that you need me 你脸上的笑容分明是在告诉我你需要我 There"s a truth in your eyes saying you"ll never leave me 你眼里的真诚是在说你永远不会离开我 The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me wherever i fall 你一触手是在说一旦我跌倒你会搀扶我 You say it best when you say nothing at all 有情何须开口言示爱无声胜似铿锵有声 The *** ile on your face lets me know that you need me 你脸上的笑容分明是在告诉我你需要我 There"s a truth in your eyes saying you"ll never leave me 你眼里的真诚是在说你永远不会离开我 The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me wherever i fall 你一触手是在说一旦我跌倒你会搀扶我 You say it best when you say nothing at all 有情何须开口言示爱无声胜似铿锵有声 国语版歌词 《用对明天的遐想换今天的希望》 填词:田宇 作曲:Paul Overstreet、Don Schlitz 原唱:Keith Whitley (music) 走进一场不知结局的故事中, 脚步好像从来没有这么轻松。 也许有的不曾细心看过, 也许现在我该相信自由去做。 用对明天的遐想换今天的希望, 每个人的世界其实都不一样, 让我打起精神带上灵魂展翅翱翔。 每一次走远, 正好在恰当的地方。 (music) 选择了不回头也不管有多疼痛, 我知道我属于一个美好天空。 给我一点力量带着安慰, 给我一点注目带着些许泪水。 用对明天的遐想换今天的希望, 每个人的心灵其实都会一样, 让我做好准备托起一切迎接光芒。 每一回停息, 正好在心上的地方。 歌手介绍 Keith Whitley的传奇是二十世纪九十年代乡村乐坛一道重要的风景。作为一位有才华的乡村歌手及作者,Whitley在他1989年死去时才刚刚成为巨星。在他死后的十年里,他作为艺人和歌曲作者的声望继续上升,因为很多艺人靠他的歌曲和一些在他死后发行的录音获得乡村排行前十名。 英文名:Jackie Keith Whitley 时间:1954.07.01—1989.05.09(34岁) 出生地:美国密西西比 国籍:美国 职业:歌手 音乐类型:乡村音乐 早期生活 Whitley出生并生长于肯塔基州。当他还是个孩子的时候,他就开始唱歌了,并在四岁时赢过一次才艺比赛。八岁的时候,他学会弹吉他,仅仅一年之后,他就在查尔斯顿的电台演出了。十三岁时,他组织了自己的第一个乐队,专门演奏蓝草音乐(bluegrass music)。几年以后,他和他的高中朋友Ricky Skaggs组建了Lonesome Mountain Boys(寂寞山区男孩)。开始,他们演奏Stanley Brother的歌曲,随后引起了人们的注意。 音乐生涯 在六十年代末期,Ralph Stanley在他的兄弟和合作人Carter死后重组乐队,他对Whitley和Skaggs的印象如此深刻,因此邀请他们参加他的Clinch Mountain Boys Group(克林奇山区男孩组合)。后两人立刻接受了邀请,从1970年开始同乐队一起演出。Whitley和乐队一起呆了两年,共同录制了七张专辑,其中包括1971年的Crying From the Cross(十字架的哭泣),这张专辑被提名为当年的最佳兰草专辑。 1973年,Whitley离开了乐队。有两年的时间里,他在不同的乐队中演出,也演出了一些乡村音乐而不都是兰草。1975年,他回到克林奇山区男孩组合,并在乐队又呆了两年。在这段时间里,他作为歌手在乐队中演出。他录制了五张专辑。1978年,Keith加入了J.D.Crowe的the New South(新南方)乐队。在1978到1982年间,他和新南方共录制了三张专辑,风格趋于蓝草和乡村之间(这段时间的辉煌可以在2000年重新发行的Sad Songs & Waltzs忧伤的歌和华尔兹中重新发现)。 1982年,当Whitley离开新南方乐队的时候,作为一个独唱歌手的他已经羽翼丰满。他和RCA签约,并在1984年发行了首张专辑Hard Act to Follow(难以追随)。这是一张纯乡村酒吧音乐,并未引起多少重视。第二年,他发行了L.A. to Miami(洛山矶到迈阿密)。这张专辑更加商业化,并出了一首第十四名歌曲Miami, My Amy(迈阿密,我的艾米)。这首单曲在1986年早期上榜,随后紧接着他又有三首歌曲进了前十:Ten Feet Away(十尺以外)、Homecoming "63(回家63)、Hard Livin"(艰难生活)。1986年晚期,他娶了Lorrie Morgan。 尽管“从洛山矶到迈阿密”获得商业上的成功,然而Whitley本人对于这种顺畅的制作方式并不满意。1987年,他录制了一张同前一张风格类似的专辑。由于对他的新专辑的音乐风格不满意,他说服RCA搁置了这张专辑并同一位新的制作人Garth Fundis一起着手录制新的作品。这就是专辑Don"t Close Your Eyes(不要闭上眼睛)。这张专辑在1988年春发行,确立了Whitley在商业上的成功。这张专辑中的前三首歌曲Don"t Close Your Eyes,When You Say Nothing At All和I"m No Stranger To the Rain均成为第一名歌曲。 去世 表面看来,Whitley的一切都进行良好,然而,在光环背后,Whitley却被酒精所害,尽管也是由于酒精的作用,他的嗓音更具酒吧音乐风韵。 1989年5月9日,他死于酒精中毒,时年34岁。 影响 在他死前,他刚刚录制完成专辑I Wonder Do You Think Of Me(想知道你是否会想起我)。这张专辑在他死后很快就发行了,其中首个歌曲,也是专辑同名歌曲,获得了第一名。随后,专辑中的另一首歌曲It Ain"t Nothing(一无所有)也成为冠军歌曲。1990年,专辑中的I"m Over You(你我已经结束)成为第三名。 在九十年代,RCA打包并重新发行了Whitley的一系列唱片,也包括一些未发表的作品。1990年,Lorrie Morgan录制了一首电子合成的歌曲——同她去世的丈夫一同演唱Til a Tear Becomes a Rose,这首歌得到第十三名。 1991年,和Earl Thomas Conley合作的Brotherly Love(兄弟之爱)在1991年得了第二。 1994年,Morgan召集发行了一张向Whitley致敬的专辑。Alison Krauss & Union Station发行了一首不被看好的歌曲When You Say Nothing At All,令人惊异地获得了排行第三,也同时向那些九十年代初的乡村歌迷们介绍了Krauss,当然还有Whitley.这首歌现在已经成为婚礼经典曲目。
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v.erase(j-1,j);有两个错误越界用法错误正确的用法为vector<string>::iterator t = v.begin();//相当于取数组第一个元素v.erase(t);//删除
2023-07-24 09:46:481

一位女生唱的一首英文歌《when you say nothing at all》、是谁演唱的?最好拿下歌词嗯、谢谢~求大神帮助

蔡依林唱的It"s amazing how you can speak right to my heart 真令人惊异 你可以一语说中我的心事 Without saying a word, you can light up the dark 不需要任何语言 你能成为黑暗中的光明 Try as I may I could never explain 试着解释我无法解释的 What I hear when you don"t say a thing 你不说话时我依然能明白 The smile on your face lets me know that you need me 你脸上的笑容告诉我你需要我 There"s a truth in your eyes saying you"ll never leave me 在你眼中有一份真诚告诉我你永远不会离开我 The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me when ever I fall 你轻触的手在说当我摔到你会把我接住 You say it best..when you say nothing at all when you say nothing at all 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 All day long I can hear people talking out loud 每一天我听到人群大声谈论 But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd (the crowd) 但是你近距离的拥抱 淹没了吵杂的人群 Try as they may they can never define 试着解释 却永远无法定义 What"s been said between your heart and mine 那些我们心的悄悄话 (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 The smile on your face 你脸上的笑容 The truth in your eyes 你眼中有一份真诚 The touch of your hand 你轻触的手 Let"s me know that you need me.. 让我知道你需要我.. (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 The smile on your face 你脸上的笑容 The truth in your eyes 你眼中有一份真诚 The touch of your hand 你轻触的手 Let"s me know that you need me.. 让我知道你需要我.. (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚..
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