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argue sb for sth 还是argue sb about sth

2023-07-24 11:21:11


原句:argue sb for sth


argue sb about sth:

argue with sb about sth:关于某事和某人争吵

argue about sth with sb:与某人争论某事

argue with sb.about sth.


argue with sb.about sth.


argue with/against sb.about/on sth.


argue with sb.(about/over sth.


argue with sb.(about/over sth.


argue with sb.about/over sth.




argue for/against sth./ding sth.怎么看 是什么意思

argue for sth/doing sth 为赞成...而争论argue against sth /doing sth 为反对...而争论
2023-07-24 08:56:183

argue for 和argue about 的区别

argue for 为……而争论,表示争论的目的,如argue for supportargue about 就某事而争论,争论的内容 argue about the income
2023-07-24 08:56:261


1,将某人的一生投入到某事/做某事上2,A和B之间的联系3,将A和B连接起来4,尽可能多的国家5,昨天晚上6,警告某人某人某事7,警告某人不要做某事8,对某人来说做某事很反常9,某人在某事上花费时间10,某人花费金钱做某事11,argue for:支持、辩护 argue against:反对以我专业化的水准来说,应该是很准确的了希望你为你的英语学习提供些许帮助哈
2023-07-24 08:56:346

argue for/argue with/argue against的用法和区别

argue for 为……辩护 The lawyer argues for the poor man.argue with与……争论 Do what you are told and don"t argue with me!argue against争辩…… He argued fiercely against the plan of tax cute.这样行吗???
2023-07-24 08:56:491

有argue to的说法吗?

没有习惯用语argue about 辩论[争论]某事argue on 辩论[争论]某事argue over 辩论[争论]某事argue against 反驳 显示出与...相反的结论,证明...是站不住脚的argue down 驳倒某人argue sb.down 驳倒某人argue for 赞...
2023-07-24 08:57:221


argue是一个动词,它可以作不及物动词意思是争论、辩论、提出理由,也可以作及物动词表示辩论、争论、证明、说服,argue这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为两个音节【ar】和【gue】,第一个音节ar的发音可以为【ɑu02d0】,也可以读作【ɑu02d0r】,而第二个音节gue的发音为【ɡjuu02d0】,合在一起的话这个单词的英式发音就是【u02c8ɑu02d0ɡjuu02d0】 ,它的美式发音为【u02c8ɑu02d0rɡjuu02d0】;我们再看一下用法,argue作为争论、辩论、提出理由的意思来使用,例如在下面这个句子里,Free-marketeers would argue that,governments do not need to intervene in the currency,and interest rate process unduly. 自由市场经济主义者会辩论说,政府不需要过度干预货币和利率过程,在这个句子中,argue指的是争论、辩论,argue还有一个短语,argue against,指的是反对、据理反对、争辩,Few people can argue against the need,for improved quality in software development. 很少人会反对提高软件开发质量的需求。argue这个单词你学会了吗?
2023-07-24 08:57:301


an old-school type of education(译汉)-> 旧学院派教育(模式)different blood types(译汉)-> 不同血型
2023-07-24 08:57:3915


高中英语必修4知识点讲解必修4 Unit1 Women of achievement知识点讲解重点词汇1. achieve 【课文原句】She has achieved everything she wanted to do… (P3)【名师点拨】achieve v. 意为“完成;达到”,指经过长期努力而达到某目标、地位或标准等。其名词形式为achievement,意为“成就;功绩”,a sense of achievement可指“成就感”。如:He had finally achieved success.Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement.2. condition【课文原句】She helped improve prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education. (P1)【名师点拨】condition 意为“环境;境况;条件”时,是可数名词,常用复数形式conditions;意为“状态;状况”时,是不可数名词,be in good condition表示“处于良好的状态”,be out of condition表示“健康状况不佳”。如: We should pay more attention to the poor living under the bad conditions. The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness. My car is old but in good condition. He is overweight and out of condition.【知识拓展】condition意为“条件”时,常用短语on condition that,表示“如果;在……条件下”;在美国英语中,也经常用under the condition that。如:I will come on condition that Peter is invited.They agreed under the condition that the matter be dealt with quickly.3. devote【课文原句】She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. (P1)【名师点拨】devote vt. 意为“投入于;献身”,其宾语后常与介词to搭配,to后接名词、代词或动名词。devote … to … 意为“献身;致力于”,指把自己、时间、精力等奉献给某种工作或事业。如:He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.The girl, to whom he was devoted, died in a traffic accident by chance. After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.4. behave【课文原句】Jane has studied these animals for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. (P2)【名师点拨】behave vi & vt. 意为“举动;举止;行为表现”,如behave well / badly等。其名词形式为behaviour,指“行为;态度;举止”。如:The parents encouraged the children to behave well in front of the guests.My camera has been behaving well since it was repaired.Everyone praises the children"s good behaviour.5. worthwhile【课文原句】But the evening makes it all worthwhile. (P2)【名师点拨】worthwhile adj.意为“值得做的;值得出力的”,可作表语或定语。be worthwhile to do / doing sth表示“值得做……”,在动词-ing形式的结构中,worthwhile有时可以用来替代worth,特别是在表示“值得花时间”这一概念时。如:I think teaching school is always a worthwhile job.The book referred to by the professor is worthwhile / worth reading.6. observe【课文原句】Jane spent many years observing and recording their daily activities. (P2)【名师点拨】observe vt. 意为“观察;观测;遵守”,可用observe sb do sth,observe + that从句。其名词形式为observation。如:I observed the man who murdered the boy enter the shop.He observed that we should probably have rain.Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals" behaviour.7. argue【课文原句】She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. (P2)【名师点拨】argue作动词时,意为“争论;争吵;争辩”。argue for意为“为……辩护”;argue with sb about / over sth指“就某事和某人争论”;argue against意为“据理反对;争辩……”。如:It is no use arguing for the plan because it has been rejected.We are always arguing with each other about money. Father argued fiercely against any increase in expenditure for the children"s annual party.【知识拓展】argue的名词形式为argument,意为“争论;争端;论证”,常构成短语settle an argument指“解决争端”。9. care for【课文原句】It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some rules for keeping babies clean and healthy. (P6)【名师点拨】care for可以表示look after的意思,意为“照顾;照料”,且较正式;也可表示“喜欢”的意思。如:His son cared for him when he was ill.In fact, I don"t really care for basketball.另外,在上面的句子中,explain意为“解释,说明”,后可接名词、代词、从句或wh + to do作宾语,可用explain sth to sb或explain to sb sth。如:Will you explain to us how we can finish the work as soon as possible?【知识拓展】care about意为“介意;在乎”,表示是否认为某事是重要的,某事是否引起了某人的兴趣或使其忧虑。最常用于疑问句或否定句中。about用在宾语前面,但是在连词前面一般省掉。 I don"t care about your opinion. I don"t care whether it rains — I"m happy.10. intend【课文原句】I looked carefully at the text and realised that it was intended for women who lived in the countryside. (P6)【名师点拨】intend v. 意为“打算;计划;想要”。intend to do sth意为“想干某事”;intend后也可以接动词-ing形式或that从句。intend for表示“原打算给某人;准备让……干……”。如:I intended to come to your house last night but it rained. I intend coming / to come back soon. He hadn"t really intended that they should be there. This gift is intended for you.热点语法主谓一致用法难点小结:一、集合名词作主语时的主谓一致。1. 集合名词有family, team, group, party, class, public, club, crew, crowd, enemy, audience, company, committee, government, population等,当被看作一个整体时,表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式;如果这些集合名词指其中的每个成员,表示复数意义,谓语动词则用复数形式。即谓语动词的单复数要与主语的含义相一致。如:My class is a big one, including thirty boys and thirty girls.My class are working hard for the coming exam.2. 有些集合名词作主语时,谓语只能用复数形式,如:people, the police, the military, mankind, cattle等。如:The police are searching for the lost child. 二、不定代词作主语时的主谓一致。不定代词anyone, anybody, anything, everyone, everybody, everything, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, nothing, each, the other等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: Everything goes well with me. Each of the students in our class has an English-Chinese dictionary.三、“名词+名词”作主语时的主谓一致。 当表示同一人物或观点时,谓语动词用单数。如:A novelist and playwright is coming to our school. 这里表示“一位小说家兼剧作家”,是同一个人,所以谓语动词用单数。 如果是A novelist and a playwright作主语,这时表示“一位小说家和一位剧作家”,是两个人,所以谓语动词用复数,该句应改为:A novelist and a playwright are coming to our school.四、The + adj.作主语时的主谓一致。 当The + adj.表示抽象的含义时,谓语动词用单数。如:The beautiful is the true.当The + adj.表示该类全体的含义时,谓语动词用复数。如:The rich should help the poor.必修4 Unit 2 Working the land 知识点讲解Unit2 Working the landPhrases and Idioms1. be satisfied (with): pleased because you have got what you want 1) Jane isn"t quite satisfied with the way the barber cut her hair.2) If you are not completely satisfied, you can get your money back.3) I am not really satisfied with the job you did.2. refer to : a) mention or speak about someone or something b) to look at a hook map, piece of paper, etc, for information1) We agreed never to refer to the matter again.2) Although she didn"t mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.3) He gave the speech without referring to his notes even once.3. would rather: used to say what someone prefers 1) It seems you would rather play than work.2)She would rather die than lose the children.3) I would rather starve than be dependent on anyone again.4. thanks to sb/ sth : because of sb./ sth. 1) I was late thanks to the heavy traffic.2) It was thanks to his advice that I succeeded.3) We"ve collected $50,000 for the poor, thanks to the generosity of the public.5. rid of sb/sth: become free of 1) Will science- finally rid us of this disease?2) Do you think it possible to rid the world of nuclear weapons?3) By working hard day and night, she is trying to rid herself of loneliness and sadness.6. lead a live in the way what you life is like 1) Before liberation, my grandpa led a dog"s life.2) If the operation succeeds, the patient will be able to lead a normal life.3) Mrs. Black is retired and leads a quiet and peaceful life in a mountain village.7. care about: love; be interested in; be concerned with 1) Just listening to somebody shows you care about them.2) Your parents are only doing this because they care about you.3) The only thing this rich- and greedy man seems to care about is money.8. insist on sth/doing sth: to demand that something must be done or that you must have a particular thing 1) The school insists on good behaviour from its students.2) John insisted on doing all the work himself, though he was in poor health.3) The old man insisted on helping me find a taxi even though I told him I didn"t need any help.必修4 Unit3 A taste of humor 知识点讲解Unit3重点汇集1. content【课文原句】Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves. (P17)【名师点拨】content adj.意为“满足的;满意的”,be content to do意为“乐意去做某事”;be content with sb / sth意为“对某人或某事感到满意”,相当于be pleased with或be satisfied with。如:I"m content to help you to set up a website on the Internet.Those who are not content with the progress they have made will have greater success.注:worse off是badly off的比较级,意思是“境况比……更差”;better off意为“境况比……好”。如:To my surprise, I found his living conditions were much worse off than mine.With the development of economy, more and more people are better off.【知识拓展】content还可作动词,意为“使满足”;作名词时,表示“满足;心满意足”,也可表示“(书、报纸等的)内容;目录;含量”。如:My explanation seemed to content him.Now she began to live in peace and content.We"ve discussed the unusual form of the book — now, what about the content?
2023-07-24 08:58:061


2023-07-24 08:58:241

argue about ,argue on,argue over有什么区别 about on over与其他词的搭配都相似吗?

习惯用语 argue about 辩论[争论]某事 argue on 辩论[争论]某事 argue over 辩论[争论]某事 argue against 反驳 显示出与...相反的结论,证明...是站不住脚的 argue down 驳倒某人 argue sb.down 驳倒某人 argue for ...
2023-07-24 08:58:331


我有 Unit 1 wake up醒来 wander off 漫步 most of the time 大部分时间 either…or… 或……或…… each other 互相 spend…(in)doing sth 花费时间做某事 be determined to do 决定做…… think about 看法 for example 举例子 work out 得出;解决 argue for 为……辩护 argue with 与……争论/争辩 argue against 争辩…… set up (具体)设置;安装/(抽象)建立 do some research 做研究 choose to do sth. 宁愿、偏要、决定做某事 catch one"s eye 引起某人的注意 care for 照顾 be intended for/to do 为……而准备、预定 reach a doctor 找到医生 must have done 一定是;想必是 get a training 得到训练 as well as ……也 second to 次于 get sb. into使某人进入/陷入 story after story 一个故事接着一个 day after day 一天又一天 deliver a baby 给……接生 make sure 确保 by the time 这时候 carry on 继续 be concerned about 对……关心 put…to death 处死 devote…to…把……专注于…… rather than 不是……而是…… mean doing 意味着 mean to do 打算做…… settle down 安顿下来 apply to 应用到…… be prepared to 已经做好准备去做…… prepare to do 准备要做…… Unit2 if so 如果有…… if not 如果没有…… know about 了解 call him a farmer 称呼他为农民 in many ways 在许多方面 struggle for 为……斗争 the past five decades 过去的五十年 be born in poverty 出生贫困 graduate from 毕业于…… since then 从那以后 thanks to 由于 rid…of…使……摆脱…… be satisfied with 对……满足 lead a … life 过着……生活 care about 在意…… used to 过去常常 be used to 被用来做;习惯于 get used to 习惯于 prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事 wish for 欲得到、愿得到 no matter 无论 in need of 需要 refer to 谈及;提到 be rich in 富含 insist on doing 坚持做…… ready to do sth 准备好要做没某事 be against 反对 pay attention to 注意;留心 that is to say 换句说 be certain/sure to do 确信会做某事 persuade sb to do sth 说服某人干某事-结果成功 advise sb to do sth 劝说某人干某事-结果失败 Unit3 bump into 撞上(=knock into);碰见 be content with 对……满足 worse off 境况差 astonish sb. with sth. 用某事物使某人震惊 be famous for 由于……而著名 in poverty 贫困 be well known 闻名 be set in 以……为背景 in search of 寻找 pick up 捡起 be caught in 被困在…… pick out (用个人喜好或希望进行)挑选 cut off切下 star in 表演 turn into 变为 ask for 要求…… no more than不超过 come across 走过来;偶然碰到 break down 把……分解/弄碎;损坏 fall over 摔翻 fall down 倒塌 do well in ……(方面)做得好 make a cup of tea 泡茶 bring out 取出;阐明 bring in 引入 a sense of ……观念 Unit4 be interested in 对……感兴趣 look around四周张望 send sb. to do 派遣某人…… even if 尽管 meet with(=come into)偶然碰到 may have done 某事可能已经做了(或发生) reach out…for… 伸出……去…… not all 不是所有 spoken language 口语 close to 靠近 be likely to 有可能…… introduce sth. to sb. 向某人介绍…… not…nor…既不……也不…… shake hands with(=shake one"s hand)与某人握手 all kinds of 多种多样的…… be similar to 与……相似 at ease 安逸 up and down 上下 protect sb from V-ing/sth 从……保护某人 with your hands a little open 手微微张开 be willing to愿意去做…… look sb. in the eye 正视/直视某人 take action 采取行动 watch out 小心 Unit5 provide sb. with…提供…… a bit 一会儿;一点儿 such as如…… a variety of 各种各样的…… charge…for…向……收费 be based on 以……为基础 not just 不仅仅 along with 连同……;伴随…… come to life 活跃起来 have sth done 使得……;让……被做 be named after 以……命名 be different from 与……不同 get close to 靠近 learn about(=learn of)学习;得知;听到 take an active part in 积极参与 face to face 面对面 try out 试验 large amounts of/a large amount of 大量(不可数) point out 指出采纳哦
2023-07-24 08:58:411


2023-07-24 08:58:524

argue for和argue against在用法上有何区别啊!举个例子吧!

为赞成…而辩 The Opposition has long argued for changes in parliamentary rules. 反对党长期以来为争取议会规章的改变而辩. 不赞成,认为不该做 Why do you argue against me? 你为什么老反对我?
2023-07-24 08:59:141

argue *** for sth 还是argue *** about sth

您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:argue *** for sth 翻译:认为某人做某事 argue *** about sth: argue with *** about sth:关于某事和某人争吵 argue about sth with *** :与某人争论某事 argue with *** .about sth. 与……某人就某事争吵. argue with *** .about sth. 为某事与某人争辩. argue with/against *** .about/on sth. 与某人争辩某事; argue with *** .(about/over sth. 意为“(就某事)与争论、争论、争辩”. argue with *** .(about/over sth. 意为“(就某事)与争论、争吵、争辩”. argue with *** .about/over sth. 就某事与某人争论. 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.
2023-07-24 08:59:221

argue sb for sth 还是argue sb about sth

argue sb for sth
2023-07-24 08:59:522


be mad at/with sb 生某人的气 be mad about sth 因某事而生气drive sb mad 使某人抓狂go mad 大动肝火、非常生气be annoyed with sb about/at sth 因某事生某人的气be annoyed with sth 用... 惹恼某人be angry with sb for sth 因某事生某人的气 be angry about /st sth 因某事而生气argue with sb about/over sth 因某事同某人争吵/争辩argue for/against 为支持或者反对某事而据理力争
2023-07-24 09:00:141

请问argue with sth和argue on sth有什么区别 argue还有哪些短语呢

2023-07-24 09:00:241

concern oneself in 和 concern oneself with的区别?

concern oneself in 和 concern oneself with是一样的argue for sth.是为了...而争辩, argue for justic 为了正义争辩argue about sth 是为了。。。而争吵。argue about small things 是“为了小事而争吵”
2023-07-24 09:00:431


argue with sb.
2023-07-24 09:00:543


开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that……中间段 Firstly….Secondly…..Lastly but in no means least……结尾段 To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.
2023-07-24 09:01:263


近来,参加高考的人越来越少。很多人选择放弃高考而出国深造,大多数还是留在国内参加高考。但是,我有自己的观点、 recently,moreandmorestudentsquittheenchanceexaminationofthecollege.theyprefergooutboardforstudy,butmostofthestudentswillstayinourcountryfortheentranceexamination.But,Ihavemyownopinion. 首先,进入大学校园可以交到更多的朋友,了解到不同地区的文化。而且校园文化可以是我们的眼界更加开阔。《举个列子》 First,wecanmakealotoffriendsinthecolleges,gettoknow moreculturesfromdifferentplaces.Andtheschoolculturecanreallyenglightenoureyesighttotheworld.Forexample,thereare somanyenglishsalonsholdinginthecampus,wecanseealotofforeignfriendsfromallovertheworld,wecanknowtheirpoliticsandvaluesandsociallife. 其次,我们可以学到更多的知识,提高我们自己的素养。《举个例子》 secondly,Icanlearnmorefromtheschool,ourlifecircleissosmall,whatwehavelearnedfromhighschoolstilllimited,wecandiscuss,askquestionsandargueforsomethingwelearnedfromthebooks.Themoreknowledgewecanlearnfromschoolandgetwel-educated. 总的来说,参加高考时很重要的,不仅是我们增长更多的知识,同时也开阔了我们视野。Aboveall,theentranceexminationtocollegeisveryimportant,notonlyreadingthebooks,butalsoopenourmindtothink,tosee,tofeeltheworld.
2023-07-24 09:01:351


  在这个世界上,无论别人怎么看你,其实并不重要。因为好多时候,你没有必要看别人的脸色生活,那样做只会让你徒增压力。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!   篇1   在当代生活中应对压力的方法 My Idea of Coping with the Stress   It is true that people in modern times experience great stress in their lives. However, as to the ways to cope with the stress, different people have different opinions. Some insist on traveling, while others argue for listening to the music or even playing puter games. In my opinion, an effective solution to relieve pressure is to do physical exercise.   在现代,人们在生活中经历著巨大的压力。然而,对于如何应对压力,不同的人有不同的观点。有些人坚持去旅游,然而有些认为听音乐或者打游戏。依我看,做运动是有效的解压方案。   My suggestion lies in the following reasons. First of all, exercise not only helps to release people"s emotional breakdowns but also improves their mental state. By concentrating on their body movement, men forget about their annoyances and escape from the busy day. What"s more, physical exercise moulds people"s character and promotes a more optimistic attitude towards life. Besides, physical exercise conduces to sound health, with which people can face up to the stress and difficulties in life more readily and easily.   我的观点基于以下的原因。第一,运动不仅仅能够帮助人们缓解情绪失常,还能改善精神状态。通过专注于身体的运动,人们能够忘记他们的烦恼,还有逃离忙碌的生活。更重要的是,体能运动能够塑造人们的性格,增加对生活的积极态度。另外,体育锻炼有助于健康,它能让人们乐意和容易地面对生活中的压力和困难。   In a word, physical exercise plays a positive role in killing stress. I believe that my own experience is also applicable to others. Therefore, I suggest that people should go jogging or do other forms of sport when they feel pressed.   总而言之,体育运动在消除压力方面扮演了一个积极的角色。我相信我个人的经历适用于其他人。因此,我建议人们在感到压抑的时候去慢跑或者做其他运动。   篇2   Stress is a state of being upset that happens when we are under pressure. Both our feelings and our bodies get upset.   在处于压力下,压力是让人心烦的一种状态。我们的情感和身体都感到不安。   We can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress for too long. Stress can e at us from every direction. For instance, it can e from fights with other people. It can e when we have too many things to do and too little time to do them. It can also e when we do not have enough money to pay for what we want. Since stress can make us sick, we have to learn how to deal with it. There are good ways and bad ways to do so. We should deal with stress in good ways, of course. Good ways to cut down on stress include changing our lifestyles. For example, we can learn either to get along with people or to stay away from them. We can decide what to do now, what to do later, and what to leave off doing forever.   如果压力过大过长我们甚至会感到精神和身体不适。压力可以来自各个方面。例如,压力可以来自与他人的斗争中。可以来自当我们事情过多而时间过少时。也可以来自当我们没有足够的钱支付我们想要的东西时。由于压力可以使我们感到不适,我们必须学会处理它。有好的方式也有坏的方式。当然我们应该用好的方式来处理压力。减少压力的好办法包括改变我们的生活方式。例如,我们可以学习与他人相处人或远离他们。我们可以决定现在做什么,以后做什么,以及什么是永远不能做的。   We can also figure out how to get money or we can cut down on what we want. We should not deal with stress in bad ways because bad ways to cut down on stress just lead to more troubles, for example, skipping out and leaving our work undone, blaming our problems on someone else, stealing or cheating.   我们还可以计算出如何挣钱,或者我们可以削减我们想要的。我们不应该用不好的方式来处理压力,因为用不好的方式降低应力只会导致更多的麻烦,例如,跳班或把工作遗留下来,把我们的问题归咎于别人,盗窃或欺骗。   篇3   缓解压力 Coping with Pressure   Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has bee a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.   由于世界的高度发展,压力已经成为现今一个严重的问题。作为学生,我们也必须面对压力,比如学习压力,考试压力,关系压力等等。但是,怎样缓解压力呢?这是最重要的。   Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can"t be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others" help.   首先,我们应该正对面对压力。压力是我们日常生活中不可避免的,所以我们不能害怕她,要尽力去解决它们。其次,向别人倾诉压力。聊天是缓解压力的有效方式,在聊天过程中,我们可能会得到一些建议和解决方法。最后,要相信自己。我们应该相信自己我们可以通过自己或他人的帮助处理任何麻烦。   
2023-07-24 09:01:421

Sep.11 delivered both a shock and a surprise-the attack, and our response to it-and we can argue for

2023-07-24 09:01:502


①从哪个通道是“什么是你没走的路? “取自?②填写缺少的话:你的人需要的感觉是一个谁____________ ____________到______和治疗第一。 谁这样说:根本的问题是在一般医院人满为患?③什么是“代码1”是什么意思?怎么样,“你不能修复愚蠢”?④没有什么例子笔者认为,以目前的提问:“为什么努力工作的回报? “⑤填写所缺单词:据我自己的________再见我对我自己的孩子和丈夫,他的家中通过________我敢肯定________同样的话。 ...为什么是我?随着_________,我...为什么不是我?⑥填写所缺单词:这是一个__________党,所有的孩子试图________内。 ...大部分人的_______了。这是一个地方可以让他们自己________下来。 你能得出什么结论,从这段话?⑦填写所缺单词:这些_________正在寻找出一个___________,后门某物...他们是如此_________并必须通过他们的生活已经______________。 而在最后一句,谁是“他们”指什么?
2023-07-24 09:01:593

fors and againsts是什么意思。。。fors哪里有利的意思?

2023-07-24 09:02:233


Children should begin their formal schooling at an early age People have different views on what children should do at a very early age. Some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies. Others believe that it is still time for young children to play. Both views are based on respective ground. Those who argue for the playing time for children suggest that children at a very early age are still too young to focus their attention on learning. Their brain may not be ready for serious studies such as comprehension and memorizing learning materials. These people are partially right, for it is true that young children can hardly concentrate. Their attention on one thing lasts for no longer than 15 minutes or so. But we can arrange classes for shorter periods, can"t we? And we can shift teaching subjects. Through putting them to study, young children are occupied with learning but not with playing. Those who argue for children"s early commencement for formal education believe that being put to studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop children"s mental abilities like the ability to memorize, the ability to understand and the ability to do simple calculation. Children"s habit of studying and love for learning are of great importance to youngsters because these two things set up the sound foundation for their future studies. Having children start formal education at a very early age benefits young children much more than simply letting them play most of their time. A good habit needs a long time to develop to become a second nature. More importantly, it is better to develop a good habit before a bad one may grow. Similarly, the love for learning should take toots for before the love for playing is established. Should a person make an important decision alone?A person should never make an important decision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. People, who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own experience. When I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in collage, I talked to my teachers and advisors; they had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career. Without their advice, I might have chosen unsuitable courses. In collage, I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play. Therefore, I decided not to audition even though drama had always been my passion. The day of the audition, a friend of mine asked me why I was not auditioning. When I told her I did not feel I was good enough, she was shocked. She was able to
2023-07-24 09:03:191


先给你几个例子There are some reason fot that... Different people have different point.Some...Another +我QQ晚上我给你发过去,都在我买的辅导书里。 QQ753050
2023-07-24 09:03:292


对于“介词+which/whom”结构的考查,高考英语主要涉及以下几个方面. 1.考查定语从句中谓语动词的搭配习惯 (1) 看定语从句中动词与介词的搭配 Water is the natural medium in which fish live.水是鱼类赖以生存的自然环境.(注意搭配live in) The documents for which they were searching have been recovered.他们找寻的文件已经找到了.(注意搭配 search for) This is a subject about which we might argue for a long while.这是一个我们可能长时间争论的问题.(注意搭配 argue about) I wanted to find someone with whom I could discuss books and music.我想找到一个可以和我谈书和音乐的人.(注意搭配 discuss sth with sb) 注:有一些介词为固定搭配的一部分,此时它们的位置应注意.如: The boy (whom) my sister is looking after is getting better. 不能说成:The boy after whom my sister is looking is getting better. (2) 看定语从句中形容词与介词的搭配 He referred me to some reference books with which I am not very familiar.他要我去参考一些我不熟悉的参考书.(注意搭配 be familiar with) 2.考查先行词与介词的搭配习惯 这类考题往往要根据具体的语境来选择介词.如: This is our classroom,in the front of which there is a teacher"s desk.这是我们的教室,前面有老师的讲台.(注意搭配 in the front of our classroom) I"ll never forget the day on which she said goodbye to me.我永远不会忘记她与我们告别的那一天.(注意搭配 on the day) 3.考查表示所属关系的 of which 〔whom〕 On the blackboard the teacher wrote a sentence,the meaning of which I don"t understand.老师在黑板上写了一个句子,句子的意思我不明白.(注意搭配 the meaning of the sentence) 4.考查表示整体与部分关系的 of which 〔whom〕 I have five English dictionaries of which Longman Dictionary is the best.我有5本英语词典,其中最好的是朗文词典.(注意搭配 of the five dictionaries) The buses,most of which were already full,were surrounded by an angry crowd.多数公共汽车已经上满了人,周围是一伙愤怒的群众.(注意搭配 most of the buses) I met the fruit-pickers,several of whom were university students.我碰到那些摘水果的人,其中有好几个是大学生.(注意搭配 several of them) 5.考查表示同位关系的 of which 〔whom〕 Her sons,both of whom work abroad,rang her up this morning.她的两个儿子都在国外工作,今天早上给她打了电话.(注意搭配 both of her sons) 【边学边练】用适当的介词和关系代词填空. 1.Do you like the book _____ she spent $10? 2.Do you like the book _____ she paid $10? 3.Do you like the book _____ she learned a lot? 4.Do you like the book _____ she often talks? 5.He built a telescope _____ he could study the skies. 6.There is a tall tree outside,_____ stands our teacher. 7.China has a lot of rivers,the second longest _____ is the Yellow River. 8.The tower _____ people can have a good view is on the hill. 9.The man _____ I spoke on the phone last night is very good at wrestling. 10.He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows,most _____ hadn"t been cleaned for at least a year. 11.The workers,some _____ stayed for four years,came from different countries. 12.The committee consists of 20 members,5 _____ are women. 13.The book contains 50 poems,most _____ were written in the 1930s. 14.There are two left,one _____ is almost finished,and the other _____ is not. 【参考答案】 1.on which2.for which 3.from [in] which 4.about which 5.through which 6.under which7.of which 8.from whom 10.of which 11.of whom 12.of whom 13.of which 14.of which,of which
2023-07-24 09:03:471

我们之间不能相互吵架。 我不喜欢这台电脑,已经过时了。 以上 的英语翻译。 argue(名词) we(反身代词)

2023-07-24 09:03:566

An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of stud

1.是的、2.是的。3.做补语,修饰computers 。
2023-07-24 09:04:231

rhetorical battle的意思是什么?以及所有关于rhetorical的用法。越全越好。谢谢!

修辞的战斗 形容词 (符合)修辞学的,修辞上的;华丽的,夸张的(文风)。 a rhetorical question 修辞性疑问(句),(不期望得到回答的)反问,反诘(例如:Who cares (=Nobody cares))。-ly 副词
2023-07-24 09:04:342


for 与数字四four的读音一致:【fu0254u02d0】
2023-07-24 09:04:422

be ready for和get ready for区别

get ready for 强调一个过程,即是准备的过程。 be ready for指的是一种状态。 扩展资料   I"ll get the children ready for school.   我来让孩子们做好上学的准备。   Construction of the Ecological Environment for Children to Get Ready for School   儿童入学准备生态化环境的建构   These young plants will soon be ready for bedding out in the border.   这些幼苗很快就可以移植到路边的花坛里。   The British Sports Minister is reported to be ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban.   据报道,英国体育大臣准备争取试行取消那条禁令。
2023-07-24 09:04:491

Fly [Live From Spain] 歌词

歌曲名:Fly [Live From Spain]歌手:Sugar Ray专辑:Fly Ep(what it is!)(all nice and easin" from the crew)(this is megaz sugar ray riding tune)(why i"ll tell ya a mon a me toxicated world)(of hi, i"m high as a genie)(port a call with a fly)(some else virgin teen)(a big argue for the first try)(i said what, come back)(ah wawawawaa one more?)(spread your love and fly x4)All around the world, statues crumble for meWho knows how long i"ve loved you(a wawawawa"d ya say?)Everywhere i go people stop and they seeTwenty-five years old, my mother, god rest her soul(lord mercy)Iiiii just wanna fly(uh where you, uh where you want)Put your arms around me, baby x2Iiiii just wanna fly(where you want, where you try, uh, where you want)Put your arms around me, baby x2(i, bbbbbbb would tell her, here)(well spread your love and fly, yo me, oh my)(spread your love and fly, yo me four-eyes)(spread your love and fly, fly)Dance a little strangerShow me where you"ve been(say what?)Love can make you hostage, wanna do it again(word!)There"s no time to thinkAbout the starting and or the end(never)We"ll find out, i"m toldMy mother, she told me so,(yeah, yeah, hear that!)Iiiii just wanna fly(are ya are ya are ya, high, high, high)Put your arms around me, baby x2YeahhhIiiii just wanna fly(like a birdie in the sky up so high)Put your arms around me, baby x2Iiiii jussssst waaaa(grow your wing and fly)nt tooo fly(uh, whawhawhawha where you want x2)Iiiii jussssst waaaa(spread your love and fly)nt tooo fly(uh, awhawhawhawha where you want)(try, awhawhawhawha will ya?)(love you baby girl, love and i"ll tell no lie)(your all the only women i"ll be lovin" what for me guy)(just like a england i think they wanna fly)(me have a lovely girl i"m gonna tell her bye-bye)( the first guy)(as you must be good, to be your first try and)(grow your wing and fly)Yo, me, oh, my(spread your love and fly...)All around the world, statues crumble for meWho knows how long i"ve loved you(ain"t my thing)Everyone i knows been so good to me(hey, hear that)Twenty-five years old, my mother, god rest her soul(lord mercy)Iiiii just wanna fly(like a birdie in the sky up so high)Put your arms around me baby x2(all night long)Iiiii just wanna fly(higher, higher, higher, higher, high, high, high)Put your arms around me, baby x2Iiiii jussssst waaaa(grow your wing and fly)nt to fly(uh, awhawhawhawha where you want)(try, awhawhawhawha where you want)(try it)Iiiii jussssst waaaa(spread your love and fly)nt to fly(uh, awhawhawhawha where you want)(try, awhawhawhawha where you want)Come on(try it, ah, when ya, ah, when ya young)Yeah!(but girls and boys always spyin" well ya on eye and eye)(no matter so i know you won"t get to fly)(well i"m good, but i am a shy guy)Iiiii just wanna fly(like a birdie in the sky up so high)(high, high, high, high, higher than high)(don"t be so shy, "cause we all forget to fly)Iiiii just wanna fly(like a birdie in the sky up so high)All around the world statues crumble for me(high high high high higher than)Iiiii (spread your wing and fly)jussssst(come here four-eyes)waaaant to fly(spread your wing and fly)(yo me, oh my)(spread your wing and fly)(because) because << same time >>Mmm(georgie porgie, and the puddin" our pie)Iiiii (who kissed the girl and who touched the guy)just wanna fly(you won"t miss togetha, love shy guy)(but he gonna fall down because jockey can"t die)(o.p.p. girl want a co-co on me)(just like a genie upon a carpet she up me and fly)(intoxicated upon love"s i, i, i, i....)
2023-07-24 09:04:571

我的联想A820刷机刷的无限重启了 后来我使用smart phone flash tool(runtime trace mode)刷得不能开机

2023-07-24 08:59:442


2023-07-24 08:59:461


【 #英语资源# 导语】国庆七天乐无限,我把快乐藏心间,节后将它来传递,真心放飞乐无边,学习进步超喜悦,万事如意露欢颜,天天快乐陪身边!以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.高中生迎国庆英语日记   Today is the "National Day". In the evening, we will play in the square.   The festival square is full of flashing lights, crowds and vehicles. In the north of the square, there is a huge wall with four characters "Celebrate the National Day" on it? It is composed of colorful flowers. In front of it is a huge pentagram shaped flower bed. It is composed of red, purple, yellow and green flowers. Small flowers are blooming one after another, as if celebrating the birthday of the motherland. Six flower beds are symmetrically placed on both sides of it. In the center of each flower bed is a pot of green iron trees, surrounded by many beautiful flowers. Across the road, the five-star red flag, red with the blood of the martyrs, fluttered high, with an arched background behind it, and many flowers were placed on the stairs.   On the square, singing and dancing, singing and singing loudly, a group of children are skating, chasing each other, shuttling back and forth, which is a festival scene.   How beautiful the night on National Day is! I am proud of the prosperity and prosperity of my motherland! 2.高中生迎国庆英语日记   October 1st is the National Day, the birthday of our mother.   Whenever the National Day is coming, lanterns are hung on the doors of the units, and even colored flags are inserted on them. The four characters "Celebrate the National Day" are also posted on the doors. Lanterns are hung on trees in parks and streets. The streets are lined with colorful flowers. There is a festive atmosphere everywhere.   In order to celebrate the National Day, some of us write and some draw, and we will select several works from them to paste behind, and set up a National Day column as a birthday gift for our mother country.   Happy Birthday to Motherland! 3.高中生迎国庆英语日记   Let"s look forward to the National Day is coming!   I look forward to the stars and the moon, because not only do we have a long holiday for seven days, but also our school will hold a singing contest to celebrate the National Day. Finally, the day before the National Day came, and our time of joy came.   At an early age, the teacher selected 40 students from the class to form a singing group. Of course, I was lucky to be selected. We organized rehearsals using big break and extracurricular activities. The song we chose was "Singing the Motherland". Under the guidance of the teacher, we practiced from formation to singing very carefully. After all, is this a gift for the National Day? The birthday gift of our motherland must be taken seriously.   The atmosphere of the venue was warm. The rostrum was covered with red felt, and a huge curtain hung behind the stage. The screen was painted with Tian"anmen as the symbol of the motherland, fireworks as the symbol of joy, and doves as the symbol of peace flying high... There were festive flags and colorful balloon decorations in front of and behind the stage, which were really magnificent and festive, making people happy and happy.   Because it was a competition, every class prepared wonderful programs. While enjoying the programs of other classes, I was looking forward to the programs of my class. It was almost time to arrive in our class, and my mood began to get nervous. But when I saw the teacher taking his time, I also calmed down a lot. I secretly made up my mind that I must perform well, and I must not disappoint my teachers or my motherland.   Finally, it was our turn. We walked up to the rostrum with orderly steps and orderly lines. The music sounded, and we sang along with the commander"s command: "The five-star red flag flutters in the wind. How loud the song of victory is, singing about our dear motherland and moving towards prosperity from now on..." Our voice was loud and melodious, and I felt that the whole world was immersed in our singing. With the development of the times and the changes of the motherland, our dream of national rejuvenation has been shown in front of us. I am proud of the motherland, and I am proud of the motherland!   At last, our class"s program was awarded the second prize of the stage. All of us were beaming with joy. The National Day is coming. Let"s bless our motherland and say: Happy birthday to our motherland! 4.高中生迎国庆英语日记   This afternoon, the school will hold the "National Day" singing competition. I saw a bright red carpet on the colored brick floor, with two loudspeakers on both sides of the carpet. The students wore uniform, and the girls rolled up their hair and wore glittering headdresses, which made them look energetic. We lined up neatly, carried chairs and sat in the designated positions of each class.   After a while, the game started, and everyone played according to the grade. What impressed me most was the competition of Class 2 (5). The boy wore a white shirt, like a gentleman, looking handsome and unrestrained; The girl wore a black and white dress, just like a lady, looking graceful. Each of them held a sunflower in their hands, and the music began to ring. They opened their throats and sang the "Oriental Red": "Oriental Red, the Sun Rises..." With the melody, they also waved the sunflower in their hands, and the young voice echoed in the sky of the campus. At the end of the song, there was warm applause from the audience.   Unconsciously, it was time for us to play. My heart was very nervous. When I looked at the students again, they were just like me. Commander Xu Xin stood on a high chair. With a wave of her hand, her majestic singing voice came out from our mouth. We sang more and more vigorously, releasing our love for our motherland mother. 5.高中生迎国庆英语日记   September 29 is the day when "Fushan" held the "poetry recitation contest to welcome the National Day". The first night, before going to bed, my heart was full of expectations. If we could win the first place in Class 1 (3), that would be great!   When I got up in the morning, my mother put on a summer school uniform for me, and put on the newly bought white pantyhose and black leather shoes. Hmm! It looks really good. Eh! There seems to be something wrong. After breakfast, I finally remembered to wear a white long sleeved shirt. Please change it quickly. Arrived at the school, alas! Today, the boys in our class are like gentlemen, and the girls are like ladies. They are clean and tidy.   At noon, the sky became more and more gloomy, as if it would rain. It may not be held on the sports ground. It"s a bit depressing! I prayed in my heart: Don"t rain! The prayer really worked. It didn"t rain. The teacher asked everyone to line up and go to the playground.   Wow! Many people sat on the ground on the playground. Each class performs in turn, and I can"t wait to play, thinking: Why haven"t we arrived yet? It"s finally our turn to play, and I"m a little excited and excited. I am a girl assigned to the boys" group, which is a little special. I like it a little different.   At the end of the performance, I heard warm applause, so I shouted as required: "Thank you!" Other students also bowed and said, "Thank you!" Then I shouted, "Turn right!" Everyone is more obedient and neat than when rehearsing, turn right together and walk off the court in unison. The teacher praised us for our good performance today!   Maybe I was excited and nervous all the time, but I felt very tired after the performance. This is my first performance in primary school. When will I play again?
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双倍余额递减法 是在不考虑固定资产残值的情况下,根据每一期期初固定资产账面净值和双倍直线法折旧额计算固定资产折旧的一种方法.计算公式如下:年折旧率=2/预计的折旧年限×100% 月折旧率=年折旧率÷12 月折旧额=固定资产账面净值×月折旧率 这种方法没有考虑固定资产的残值收入,因此不能使固定资产的账面折余价值降低到它的预计残值收入以下,即实行双倍余额递减法计提折旧的固定资产,应当在其固定资产折旧年限到期的最后两年,将固定资产净值扣除预计净残值后的余额平均摊销.例如:某企业一固定资产的原价为10 000元,预计使用年限为5年,预计净残值200元,按双倍余额递减法计算折旧,每年的折旧额为:双倍余额年折旧率=2/5×100%=40% 第一年应提的折旧额=10 000×40%=4000(元) 第二年应提的折旧额=(10 000-4 000)×40%=2 400(元) 第三年应提的折旧额=(6 000-2 400)×40%=1 440(元) 从第四年起改按平均年限法(直线法)计提折旧.第四、第五年的年折旧额=(10 000-4 000-2 400-1 400-200)/2=980(元),9,
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xz开头的单词没有xy开头的有xylene 表示二甲苯zy开头的有zygote 表示生物学的合子(受精卵)zyx都有的只有一个词zyxel 合勤科技电子公司,总部位于台湾新竹市,主要生产调制解调器以及其他网络设备。总部设置在台湾,在北美洲、欧洲及亚洲都有分公司,共有3200个员工主要分布在全世界七十个国家,以及在150个国家销售产品。合勤科技主要与互联网设备商、电信公司、互联网服务提供者、中小企业合作。但是公司名一般不是你需要的单词。个人觉得最接近的还是二甲苯和合子望采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-24 08:59:521

far的反义词是什么 far的反义词介绍

1、far的反义词是nearby。 2、far的含义:(1)adv. 久远地; (问到或谈及距离时说) 有多远; 到很远距离; 到很大程度; (2)adj. 远的; 遥远的; (某方向的) 最远的; 远端的;(3)n. 远方;[例句] I know a nice little Italian restaurant not far from here.我知道有家不错的意大利小餐馆离这儿不远。 3、nearby的含义:(1)adj. 在附近的,位于附近的; (2)adv. 附近地,不远地; [例句] He might easily have been seen by someone who lived nearby.住在附近的人很可能有谁见过他。
2023-07-24 08:59:531


英语和美语的区别 "Several circumstances render a future separation of the American tongue from the English necessary and unavoidable." -Noah Webster,Dissertations on the English Language,1789 " In another century,the dialect of the Americans will become utterly unintelligible to an Englishman."-Captain Thomas Hamilton,Men and Manners in America,1833 对于Non-Native English Speakers的中国大多数学习英语的人说来,英国人和美国人使用的是完全相同的语言-English.即使有机会去英国或美国留过学的人,倘若不是从事语言研究或教学的人,也未必能察觉到英语和美语的差异.或许那些有机会在这两个国家都生活过一段时间的少数人,能实际感受到英语和美语这两种语言的不同. 在一定意义上说,美语是在英语基础上分离出来的一个支系,或者如某些语言学家们所说的,美语是一支一直在美洲土地上的英语(transplanted language).虽然英语和美语两种语言的主体部分(语法、词汇、读音、拼写等)是相同的,美语在其发展过程中受其独特的历史、文化、民族、地域等各种因素的影响,形成了自己的特点,与英语有显著不同.马克·吐温就曾说过:“English and American are separate languages,...When I speak my native tongue in its utmost purity an Englishman can"t understand me at all.”(The stolen White Elephant,1882).英语和美语的主要差异表现在词汇、读音、拼写及说话的气质等方面. 对于一个生活在英美两国之外的第三者说来,English只是一种语言,在学习过程中对英语和美语“兼收并蓄”,英语与美语的差异或许并不构成他与英美人士交流的障碍.而对使用同种语言的英美人说来,由于使用的词语不同,或词语的内涵不同,反而会造成他们之间的误解. 英语和美语在用词方面差异甚大,以致在二次大战中,美国军方不得不向派往欧洲战场的美国士兵和后勤人员每人发一本《生活指南》(A Short Guide to Great Britain).这其实就是一本美语-英语对照词典,里面收集了近二百条美国日常生活中使用的,而在英国则是罕见或生疏的词语,用英国人熟悉而美国人未必知道的对应词语加以对照注释.与此同时英国军方也为派往美国受训的皇家空军飞行员每人准备了一本《Notes for Your Guidence》的小册子,目的也是帮助这些前往美国的英国人学会他们也许根本没听说过的美国日常生活用语. 虽然美语在其发展过程中从未间断与英语的相互交流,尤其是在二次大战之后,随着两国政治、经济、文化、科技关系的发展,英语与美语也相互影响,相互渗透,但这并未能消除英语和美语之间的差异. 英语和美语(2) 本文仅就上面提到的词语、读音及拼写等几个方面简要地介绍英语和美语之间的差异,以帮助读者熟练地掌握运用. 一、词语方面 这主要指英语和美语在表示相同的事物时,选用不同的词语,或相同的词语在英语和美语中具有不同的内涵,也指相同的词语在用法上的不同. 在 H.L.Mencken所著的The American Language(New York.Alfred-A-Knopf,1982)一书中有一段生动的描写,现引述如下:An Englishman,walking into his house,does not enter upon the first floor as we do,but upon the ground floor.When he speaks of the first floor,he means what we call the second floor,and so on up to the roof,which is covered,not with tin or shingles,but with tiles or leads.He does not ask for mail but for letters.There are mail trains in his country,but in general he reserves the word mail for letters going to or from foreign countries,and he knows nothing of the compounds so numerous in American,e.g.,mail car,-man,-box,and -carrier.He uses post instead.The man who brings his post or letters is always a postman,never a mailman.His outgoing letters are posted,not mailed,at a letterbox,not at a mailbox.If they are urgent they are sent,not by special delivery,but by express post.Goods ordered by post on which the dealer pays the cost of transportation are said to arrive,not postpaid or prepaid,but post-free or carriage-paid...The English still get in or out of a train,not on or off it.They say a train is up to time,not on time,and they know nothing,according to Horwill,of way stations,flag stops,grade crossings,flyers,long and short hauls,trunk lines and tie-ups. 引文中的he,they指的是英国人,his country指的是英国.we指的是美国人. 英语和美语(3) 由此可见英语和美语中所用的词语不同,涉及到生活中许多细小方面.再例如在教育方面,英国人称之为public school的学校,在美国则叫prep school,指的是由私人赞助,多为富家子弟就读的私立学校,其目的是准备学生日后进入高等学府深造.美国由政府出资兴办的public school在英国则称作council school,因为这类学校统归Education Committee of the County Council管辖.英国学校中的班级称作form,在美国学校中则叫grade或class.英国大学中的男生被称作university men,在美国大学中则被叫做college boys.英国大学中的教师叫staff,统称之为dons,而在美国大学中则叫faculty.再如,人行道在英国叫pavement,在美国叫sidewalk.英国人把钱包叫做purse或wallet,美国人则叫做pocketbook.而英国叫做 pocketbook的记事本或备忘录,在美国则叫memorandum book.吃饭时美国人称最后一道食品为dessert(甜食),英国则只把其中的水果叫dessert ,其余的叫pudding.英语和美语中对股份有限公司的说法也不一样,英国叫limited liability,写作Ltd.,如Matsushita Electric Trading Co., Ltd.美语中则叫incorporated,写作Inc.,如Tandem Manufacturing Inc..以上所举的只是少数的几个例子,实际上英语和美语在用词上的差异例子不胜枚举.下面再从美国出版发行的English Teaching Forum杂志1989年第三期上刊登的Some British and American Equivalents一文中摘选其中常见的部分介绍给读者. Some English and American Equivalents 词语 English American Places 公寓 flat apartment 诊所 surgery doctor"s office 电梯 lift elevator 走廊 passage hall,hallway 邮筒 pillar box mailbox 电影院 cinema movies 单间公寓 bed-sitter studio 立交桥 flyover overpass 高速公路 motorway parkway 人行横道 zebra crossing pedestrian crossing 商店 shop store 地铁 tube,underground subway 厕所 lavatory toilet(bathroom) 庭院 garden yard Useful Objects 电筒 torch flashlight 垃圾箱 dustbin garbage can,trash can 包裹 parcel package 购物袋 carrier bag shopping bag 炉 cooker stove Food 罐头 tin can 糖果 sweets candy 甜点心 biscuit(sweet)cookie 油炸土豆条 chips French fries 油炸土豆片 crisps potato chips 蔬菜水果店 greengrocer"s fruit and vegetable store Personal Items (发式)刘海 fringe bangs 长裤 trousers pants 紧身裤 tights pantyhose 雨衣 mac(mackintosh)raincoat 裤子背带 braces suspenders 高领绒衣 poloneck turtleneck 背心 waistcoat vest 汗衫 vest undershirt People 研究生 postgraduate student graduate student 家伙,小伙子 chap,fellow guy 巡警 constable patrolman 警察(俚)bobby cop,policeman 售货员 shop assistant salesperson(-girl,-man) Car Parts 挡风玻璃 windscreen windshield 轮胎 tyre tire 挡泥板 wing fender 指示灯 indicator light left/right-turn light 侧视镜 wing mirror side-view mirror 牌照号码 registration number license number 牌照 number plate license plate 油箱 petrol tank gas tank 消声器 silencer muffler 除词语不同外,有些极为常见的词在英语中和美语中用起来也不完全一样.如美国人是或It hurts me,英国人则只说It hurts,很少加上代词me.赶路时美国人说I"ll catch up with you,英国人则说I"ll catch you up. 英语和美语(4) 二、读音方面 英语和美语在读音上的差异主要反映在元音字母a,o 和辅音字母r 的不同读音上. 1,在ask,can"t,dance,fast,half,path 这一类的单词中,英国人将字母a 读作/:/,而美国人则读作//,所以这些词在美国人口中就成了/sk/,/knt/,/dns/,/fst/,/hf/和/p/. 2,在box,crop,hot,ironic,polish,spot这一类单词中,英国人将字母o读作//,而美国人则将o读作近似/:/音的//.所以这些词在美国人读起来就成了/bks//krp//ht//ai"rnik//pli/和/spt/. 3,辅音字母r在单词中是否读音是英语与美语的又一明显差异.在英语的r音节中不含卷舌音/r/,而美语的r音节中含卷舌音/r/,如下列词在英语和美语中读音是不同的: 英语读音 美语读音 car/k://kr/ door/d://dr/ river/"riv//"rivr/ party/"p:ti//"prti/ board/b:d//brd/ dirty/"d:ti//"drti/ morning/"m:ni//"mrni/ 英语中只有在far away,for ever,far and wide等连读情况下,字母r才明显的读作卷舌音/r/:/f:r "wei//f:"rev//f:rndwaid/. 4,在以-ary或-ory结尾的多音节词中,英国人通常将a或o弱读,而美国人不仅不弱读,还要将a或o所在的音节加上次重音,所以这些词在英语和美语中不仅读音有差异,节奏也显然不同,例如: 英语读音 美语读音 dictionary/"diknri//"diknri/ laboratory/le"b:rtri//"lbrtri/ necessarily/"nesisrili//nesi"serili/ preparatory/pri"prtri//pri"pr,tri/ secretary/"sekrtri//"sekrtri/ 5,而在以-ile结尾的另一类单词中,英国人将尾音节中的字母i读作长音/ai/;而美国人则弱读作//,例如: 英语读音 美语读音 docile/"dousail//"dsl/ fertile/"f:tail//"frtl/ fragile/"frdail//"frdl/ hostile/"hstail//"hstl/ missile/"misail//"misl/ 除此之外,另有一些难于归类的单词在英语和美语中读音也各有不同: 英语读音 美语读音 clerk/kl:k//kl:rk/ either/"ai//"i:r/ figure/"fig//"figjr/ issue/"isju://"iu:/ leisure/"le//"li:r/ neither/"nai//"ni:r/ schedule/"edju:l//"skedul/ 以上关于英语和美语读音不同的比较,是仅就大多人的读音或标准读音而言的,不考虑地区或方言的影响. 英语和美语(5) 三、拼写方面 美国人是一个注重实用的民族,在其文字的拼写方面,他们也是采取了实用主义的态度.在美语的发展过程中,在拼写方面也曾出现过类似我国简化字的运动(The simplified Spelling Movement),删除了单词拼写中不发音的某些字母.拼写上的不同是英语与美语的又一差异.归纳起来有以下几种情况. 1,英语单词中不发音的词尾-me,-ue在美语拼写中被删除. 英语拼法 美语拼法 公斤 kilogramme kilogram 方案 programme program 目录 catalogue catalog 对话 dialogue dialog 序言 prologue prolog 2,英语中的以-our结尾的单词,在美语中删去了不发音的字母u. 英语拼法 美语拼法 举止、行为 behaviour behavior 颜色 colour color 特别喜爱的 favourite favorite 风味 flavour flavor 荣誉 honour honor 劳动 labour labor 3,英语中以-re结尾,读音为/e/的单词,在美语中改为-er结尾,读音不变. 英语拼法 美语拼法 中心 centre center 纤维 fibre fiber 公尺 metre meter 剧场 theatre theater 4,英语中某些以-ence为结尾的单词,在美语中改为-ense结尾,读音仍为/ns/. 英语拼法 美语拼法 防御 defence defense 犯法行为 offence offense 执照 licence license 托词 pretence pretense
2023-07-24 08:59:401

求劲舞团所有歌曲的名字 有的速度发` 马上选满意答案

192 周杰伦 本草纲目 101193 周杰伦 夜曲 97194 周杰伦 听妈妈的话 93195 周杰伦 发如雪 116196 周杰伦 黄金甲 96197 中岛美嘉 迷人的天空 150198 中岛美嘉 樱花色飞舞的时候 84199 东方神起 0正反合 115200 东方神起 拥抱 110201 东方神起 气球 144202 乌龟 为什么这样 130203 乌龟 飞机 120204 乌龟 come on 125205 蜘蛛 指尖 124206 仓木麻衣 今晚,我感觉离你很近 92207 仓木麻衣 起立 125208 俞思远 挑战每一天 168209 俞思远 暗恋情书 94210 蔡妍 2个人 100211 蔡妍 一个人 80212 蔡妍 只有你 94213 蔡妍 my love 126214 蔡依林 舞娘 124215 蔡依林 野蛮游戏 139216 蔡依林 唇唇欲动 125217 蔡依林 爆米花的味道 123218 蔡依林 马德里不思议 120219 蔡依林 Mr.Q 152220 蔡贞安 无情 137221 凯丽 不能遗忘你 126222 沈银珍 oospsy 177223 吴克群 大舌头 100224 吴克群 我有罪 136225 布兰妮 Autumn goodbye 122226 布兰妮 Toxic 143227 品冠 又一年又三年 136228 河利秀 帅男人 130229 何佑善 question 100230 何润东 好想对你说 85231 海贼王 永久指针 170232 胡彦斌 永久指针 85233 胡彦斌 愿望 130234 胡彦斌 诀别诗 115235 花儿乐队 我的果汁分你一半 96236 花儿乐队 我们能不能不分手 115237 花儿乐队 化蝶飞 133238 孙燕姿 第一天 176239 孙浩英 爱情带来离别 91240 后街男孩 As long as you love me 99241 后弦 9公主 89242 后弦 西厢 140243 后弦 情画 148244 后弦 单车恋人 162245 后弦 单车恋人 81246 宝儿 Girls on top 110247 宝儿 No.1 103248 黑眼豆豆 Don"t puhunk with my heart 131249 黑眼豆豆 Gone going 99250 黑眼豆豆 Pump it 154251 岛谷瞳 Destiny 146252 张敬轩 期待 83253 张娜拉 幸福的天堂 96254 张韶涵 喜欢你没道理 112255 张韶涵 给你给我 96256 张韶涵 C大调 116257 张艾嘉 20 30 40 127258 张佑赫 不落的太阳 106259 张佑赫 暴风中 110260 张震岳 再见 124261 张含韵 北鼻与底儿 116262 张学友 烦恼歌 94263 张靓颖 如果爱下去 112264 温力铭 想和你跳舞 138265 滨崎步 Cuitie Honey 155266 罗志祥 敢不敢 96267 罗志祥 小丑鱼 130268 罗志祥 精武门 130269 罗志祥 幸福猎人 112270 罗志祥 狐狸精 115271 罗志祥 恋爱达人 98272 苏赞辉 Beautiful night 136273 萧亚轩 然后 87274 萧亚轩 一个人的精彩 127275 萧亚轩 表白 135276 萧亚轩 Free 90277 许慧欣 爱情抗体 97278 许慧欣、许志安 恋爱频率 101279 谢娜 菠萝菠萝蜜 136280 赵冠宇 爱上鲨鱼 97281 赵敏惠 Teenage Superstar 142282 赵承模 发誓 138283 赵PD,Be-girls Hold the line 126284 赵PD,仁顺而 朋友 127285 辉星 7 days 164286 辉星 8 days 82287 郑有京 Storm 135288 郑仁浩 你的香气 120289 陈慧琳 shake shake 180290 陈慧琳 shake shake 90291 韩雪 爱的水晶鞋 130292 飞儿乐队 我要飞 140293 飞轮海 只对你有感觉 106294 飞轮海 超喜欢你 84295 马谷喜 飞行少女 126296 马天宇 该死的温柔 72297 Ace of base Beautiful life 135298 Alice Oh! My lady! 171299 Alice Say goodbye 165300 ANNA inspi NANA rose 172301 Aqua Cartoon Heroes 128302 As one 忘记爱情 114303 As one 向前 115304 A-Teens Upside Down 122305 Audition 像个傻瓜 150306 Audition 谎言 100307 Avril lavigne 女朋友 164308 Avril lavigne I can do better 172309 Avril lavigne Sk8er boi 150310 baby vox Why 115311 baby vox 不要说再见 90312 baby vox Allo papy 136313 baby vox Get up 112314 Bada VIP 112315 Bigbang My girl 128316 Bigbang V.I.P 101317 Bin 2:00AM 87318 Bin 2:00AM 174319 Blue sorbet Satisfy me 144320 Bobby Kim 蓝鸟 136321 Brown Eyed Girls 爱上你 105322 BUK 面具游戏 135323 BUK 赤脚青春 164324 BUZZ 独自旅行 175325 BUZZ 约定 152326 CAN 赤脚青春 164327 Cats Baby cat 110328 CBMASS 转一圈 93329 cherryfilter 浪漫猫 168330 cherryfilter 鸭子飞呀飞 158331 Christina Aguilera Ain"t no other man 128332 cookies 派对动物 107333 cool 美丽的世界 100334 cool 水中石 172335 cool 找朋友 132336 cool Lucifer的狡辩 145337 Destiny"schild Say my name 138338 Dezabu 奔跑 126339 DIVA 感觉 135340 DIVA Up&down 178341 DIVA Up&down 89342 DJ DOC 冬天故事 126343 DJ DOC 与DOC一起跳舞 135344 DONNA LEWIS 倾我所有 133345 Epik High Fan
2023-07-24 08:59:391


2023-07-24 08:59:392

far 的音标

2023-07-24 08:59:386

求英语作文my android。。急需。80字左右。带翻译

Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones andtablet computers. Initially developed by Android, Inc., whom Google financially backed and later purchased in 2005. It is the world"s most widely used smartphone platform and the software of choice for technology companies who require a low-cost, customizable, lightweight operating system for high techdevices without developing one from scratch. Android had a worldwide smartphone market share of 75% during the third quarter of 2012, with 500 million devices activated in total and 1.3 million activations per day. The operating system"s success has made it a target for patent litigation as part of the so-called "smartphone wars" between technology companies.
2023-07-24 08:59:363


2023-07-24 08:59:352


中日对照时间轴版,请用记事本保存为lrc文件,用于歌词秀(不含分割线):-------------------------------[ti:Grip!][ar:Every Little Thing][al:Grip!][by:Natsuの风][00:04.41]Grip![00:07.04]主唱歌手 Every Little Thing[00:09.40]作词者名 持田香织[00:11.21]作曲者名 原 一博[00:16.32]编辑者名 Natsuの风 QQ 327335691[00:20.53][00:24.37]蓝色に散らばる 七つの星よ/散落在蓝色天空的七颗星辰[00:32.13]それぞれに今 想いは募り/此刻 让思想更加迫切[00:35.96]打ち砕かれて 爱を叫んだ/冲破一切 呼唤爱情[00:40.16]逃げ出す事も出来ずに 梦にすがりつく/不再逃避 只有拥抱梦想[00:48.07]イカサマな日々などにはもう负けない/才不会输给平淡的生活[00:56.42][00:58.35]目覚めよう この瞬间を/清醒吧 在这瞬间[01:01.86]やがて仆らを取り巻くであろう/我们已经置身在[01:06.17]むせかえるようなリアルな日常/永不变化的真实世界裏[01:10.29]大切なものは…何だっ?!/究竟什麽才是最重要的!?[01:14.31]赘沢な世界の中に/在奢侈的世界中[01:17.92]见え隠れする 永远の破片(かけら)/隐现著永恒的碎片[01:22.12]さわって つかんで/去触摸 去抓住[01:26.14]仆らの今をきっちり歩いてこう/我们正在阔步前行[01:34.05][01:54.49]「后悔はしない」と、先へ进んだ/伴随「永不后悔」的信仰前进[02:02.15]笑うか、泣くか? 幸か、不幸か?/是笑是哭?幸福或悲伤?[02:06.25]结局 今も ワカラナイけど/结局 仍然让我迷茫……[02:10.29]変わり始めた未来に怯(ひる)む事はない/不用畏惧无法预测的未来[02:18.14]それが人生の醍醐味という/而人生的精彩之処[02:24.18]ものでしょう/就在于此[02:26.93][02:28.33]ギリギリを生きる仆らの出した答えが/艰难生存著的我们有了答案[02:33.77]违ったとしても 思い込みでもっ/即使事与愿违 却也令人神往[02:37.75]强く愿えばいい 本物になれる日まで/充满著期盼 直到心想事成的那一天[02:44.41]冷酷な世界の中で溃されそうな/在冷酷世界的摧残中[02:49.71]爱情の芽吹き さわって つかんで/保留住爱情的萌芽[02:56.32]仆らの今にしっかり刻み込もう/此刻我们将铭记于心[03:03.44][03:34.57]目覚めよう この瞬间を/清醒吧 在这瞬间[03:37.96]やがて仆らを取り巻くであろう/我们已经置身在[03:42.17]むせかえるようなリアルな日常/永不变化的真实世界裏[03:46.17]大切なものは…何だっ?!/究竟什麽才是最重要的!?[03:50.41]赘沢な世界の中に/在奢侈的世界中[03:53.98]见え隠れする 永远の破片(かけら)/隐现著永恒的碎片[03:58.23]さわって つかんで/去触摸 去抓住[04:02.17]仆らの今をきっちり歩いてこう/我们正在阔步前行[04:09.30][04:10.28]最后に、笑うため/为了永远的笑容[04:14.25]仆らの今をきっちり歩いてこう/我们正在阔步前进[04:21.55][04:22.52]终わる[04:23.63]或者,中文歌词大意:TV版第四季主题曲 《Grip!》散落在蓝色天空的七颗星辰此刻 让思想更加迫切冲破一切 呼唤爱情不再逃避 只有拥抱梦想才不会输给平淡的生活清醒吧 在这瞬间我们已经置身在永不变化的真实世界里究竟什麽才是最重要的在奢侈的世界中隐现著永恒的碎片去触摸 去抓住我们正在阔步前行伴随「永不后悔」的信仰前进是笑是哭?幸福或悲伤?结局仍然让我迷茫……不用畏惧无法预测的未来而人生的精彩之刬就在于此艰难生存著的我们有了答案即使事与愿违 却也令人神往充满著期盼直到心想事成的那一天在冷酷世界的摧残中保留住爱情的萌芽此刻我们将铭记于心去触摸 去抓住我们正在阔步前进清醒吧 在这瞬间我们已经置身在永不变化的真实世界里究竟什麽才是最重要的在奢侈的世界中隐现著永恒的碎片去触摸 去抓住我们正在阔步前行
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