barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-24 10:37:47

没见过这个银行,天津的外企银行主要是香港的、新加坡华侨银行和韩国的银行,还有德国商业银行,美国的只有花旗银行CITI Bank在津汇写字楼,针对大额存款的金卡扽,美国唯一一个进驻天津的银行。



region 英[u02c8ri:du0292u0259n] 美[u02c8ridu0292u0259n] n. 地区,地域,地带; 行政区,管辖区; (大气,海水等的) 层,界,境; (学问等的) 范围,领域; [例句]Tax incentives would be used to attract firms to the regions, away from the South-East.将采取税收优惠政策把公司吸引到东南部以外的各地区。[其他] 复数:regions
2023-07-24 07:14:302

高考英语词汇详解:area, region, district 的区别

高考英语词汇详解:area, region, district 的区别   1. area是这组词中用得最广的,表示的“地区”可大可小,但通常不指行政分区:I find the people in this area very friendly. 我发现这个地方的人很友好。   2. region通常指较大的地区,它既可以表示一个国家的行政分区,也可以指非行政分区:The south east is the richest of England. 英国的东南部是最富有的。/ Italy is divided into 20 regions. 意大利被分为20个行政区。   其它用例:the Arctic region 北极地区 / in country regions在农村地区 / a faraway region 遥远的地区 / an oil region 石油产区 / a forest region 林区   3. district 指相对于 region 稍小的地区,通常指一个国家或城市的行政分区,有时也指非行政分区:The letters SW1 stand for apostal district of London. SW1这几个字母代表伦敦的邮政分区。/ The busiest shopping district in Beijing is aroundWangfujing Street. 北京最热闹的商业区是王府井大街一带。
2023-07-24 07:14:531

district 和 region的区别

这篇漫画讲解的很清楚area, region, district, zone
2023-07-24 07:15:374


2023-07-24 07:16:051


that 引导定于从句,先行词为regions 从句一直到结尾,从句中and 连接slightly denser 和 capable of generating stronger gravitational filds 两个 短语做were 的表语
2023-07-24 07:16:144

area与region的区别 用法 各举 “ 几个” 例子 详细点谢谢

region所指的地区范围比area要大 而且region可以指行政区域而area不可以指行政区域taken for example: What"s the area of your house? There is a business street in this area. we can say 香港特别行政区 as "Hongkong Special Adiministrative Region". But we can"t use area to instead of region."Most of the countries in the region have unstable economies." 在这里 region可以包含许多国家的地理范围 而area不行
2023-07-24 07:16:221


2023-07-24 07:16:311


明显是一个定从:those regions whose counterparts at the opposite end of the globe are inhabited.
2023-07-24 07:16:525

country or region是什么意思

2023-07-24 07:17:083


用记事本打开C:Users你的用户名AppDataRoamingBattle.net下面的找到如下内容 "Client": { "Language": "zhCN", "LoginSettings": { "AllowedRegions": "CN;US;EU;KR", "AllowedLocales": ""其中language后面是你的战网显示的语言,zhCN是简体中文,zhTW是繁体中文,enUS是英文修改下面的项:"AllowedRegions": "CN;US;EU;KR""AllowedLocales": "zhCN;enUS;zhTW"这样在战网登录的时候就可以选择亚洲,中国,欧洲,美洲了,语言也能选择简体中文,繁体中文,英文了
2023-07-24 07:17:277


Far eastern regions 泛指远东区域, 其中包括东亚地区(包括东北亚),俄罗斯远东地区(北亚的一部分),及东南亚地区。因为指的是多个地区, 所以要加 s。the Asia-Pacifc region 特指亚洲太平洋这一个地区中位于西太平洋之内或附近的国家,是单数,所以不加 s。
2023-07-24 07:20:291

这个句子的地点前面为什么不加介词呢?in the south regions south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze

in 不就是介词吗。。。。。。。
2023-07-24 07:20:376

locality和area在“区域”时的区别? have 和 take 在表示“获得”时它们的区

词义辨析 area,region,belt,zone,district,localityarea,region,belt,zone,district,localityThese nouns all denote extents of space, especially on a surface, that can be differentiated from others by particular qualities or characteristics. 这些名词都意指空间的范围,尤指表面,由其特有的性质或特征而与其它词相区别。Area and Area region are the most inclusive: region 是最总括的:a dialect spoken over a large area; 在很大区域中说的方言;a blighted urban area; 被破坏的城区;a recreation area; 重新改建的地区;tropical regions of South America; 南美的热带地区;polar regions; 极地;pain in the abdominal region. A 腹部疼痛。 belt is a tract, frequently but not always longer than it is wide, that is distinguished from others in a single stated respect: belt 是指区域,常常但非总是用于广阔情况,它单独表达的方面区别于其它词:the Corn Belt; 玉米地带;a snow belt. A 积雪地带。 zone may be an area that encircles, as on a map (zone 可能是一个环绕区域,如在地图上(the Torrid Zone); it may also be an area with strictly defined, often arbitrarily set boundaries (热带); 它也可是一个严格定义的区域,常常随意设制边界(a residential zone; 居住区;a demilitarized zone; 非军事区;a nuclear-free zone). If the area is a subdivision for administrative purposes, it is called a 无核区)。 如果区域为行政目的而细分,它叫做district: district: a congressional district. 国会区。District can also refer to a less specific area with respect to such features as its use: District 也可指更少专指的区域,如具有如下这些特征的:the financial district. A 财政区。 locality is an area with vague or undefined limits: locality 则是具有模糊或不确定边界的区域:The turnout of voters was low in many localities. 在许多地区选民投票率很低。have和take 一个是拥有了,一个是得到了
2023-07-24 07:20:581


西域的单词是The Western Regions。西域是中国古代对位于中国西部的一些地区的总称。这个概念在不同的历史时期有着不同的涵义,但通常包括今天新疆、甘肃、青海、宁夏等地区,以及周边的中亚地区。在汉代时期,西域指的是从大宛、车师到犍为等地区,唐代则泛指中亚和南亚的一些地区。古代西域地区的发展情况在不同历史时期有所不同。古代丝绸之路时期:公元前206年到公元220年,西域地区先后被汉朝和汉朝与匈奴之间的北方政权所统治。这一时期西域地区逐渐繁荣,丝绸之路的开辟促进了沿线国家的经济、文化和人员往来发展。魏晋南北朝时期:公元220年到589年,西域地区逐渐向东部扩张,并出现了许多繁华的城市,如高昌、龟兹等。佛教也从印度传入西域,随后传入中国内地。西域对于我国的历史地位:1、经济贸易:西域地区位于丝绸之路的中心地带,对中国的经济贸易发展产生了重要的推动作用。通过与西域地区的贸易往来,中国向外输出了丝绸、茶叶、陶瓷等物品,也从中亚地区进口了许多珍奇异品。2、文化交流:包括语言文字、文学、宗教信仰等方面。例如,佛教、伊斯兰教和基督教等宗教信仰都是通过西域传入中国的,对中国历史和文化产生了深远的影响。同时,中国的汉字和文化也通过丝绸之路传播到西域地区,并在当地产生了广泛的影响。3、政治影响:西域地区在中国历史上曾被多个朝代所统治,这些统治不仅影响了当地政治制度和社会秩序,还对中国封建社会的政治演变和形成产生了影响。
2023-07-24 07:21:051

2019年6月英语四级语法辨析:area, region, district用法区别

 2019年6月大学英语四级语法用法辨析汇总  英语四级语法用法辨析:area, region, district用法区别  三者均可表示“地区”,区别如下:  1. area 是这组词中用得最广的,表示的“地区”可大可小,但通常不指行政分区。如:  I find the people in this area very friendly. 我发现这个 地方的人很友好。  2. region 通常指较大的地区,它既可以表示一个国家的行政分区,也可以指非行政分区。如:  The southeast is the richest of England. 英国的东南部是最富有的。  Italy is divided into 20 regions. 意大利被分为20个行政区。  其他用例:  the Arctic region 北极地区  an oil region 石油产区  in country regions 在农村地区  a forest region 林区  3. district 指相对于 region 稍小的地区,通常指一个国家或城市的行政分区,有时也指非行政分区。如:  The letters SW1 stand for a postal district of London. SW1 这几个字母代表伦敦的邮政分区。  The busiest shopping district in Beijing is around Wangfujing Street. 北京最热闹的商业区是王府井大街一带。
2023-07-24 07:21:441

disorder region 什么意思

disorder region释义障碍区域disordern.1.[U]混乱,凌乱,无秩序2.[U]骚乱;[C]动乱,暴乱3.[C,U](身体或精神)不适,疾病v.1.[T]弄乱(某物)region英 [u02c8ri:du0292u0259n] 美 [u02c8ridu0292u0259n] 第三人称复数:regionsregion 基本解释名词地区,地域,地带; 行政区,管辖区; (大气,海水等的)层,界,境; (学问等的)范围,领域
2023-07-24 07:22:161


UD是不死族NE是暗夜精灵HUM是人族ORC是兽旗地图比较常见的有:LT :Lost templeTM:Twist meadowsTR:忘记拼了,我们都叫龟岛等等英雄就更多了。DH:恶魔猎手WM:守望者KOG:丛林守望者BM:剑圣DK :死亡骑士LICH:巫妖AM:大法师PAL:圣骑士其余记不太清了小兵常说的有:小G:食尸鬼大G:兽族步兵(因为它俩都是按G制造)FT:Footman即人族步兵AC:弓箭手HT:女猎手就记得这么些。战术术语:像蜘蛛流,毁灭流,熊鹿流,这些是以主流兵种命名的战术而步兵海,食尸鬼海,弓箭手海,小鹿海是指大量爆同一兵种压制对方的战术其它还有DEF流:曾经人族曾用,但现在已经变化的初期在家里造箭塔协助防守,后期兵种配备箭塔进攻贝塔舒克流:人族DEF流的升级,初期在迅速开矿,在大小矿狂造箭塔防守,二本(基地二级),造海量飞机攻打建筑,三本坦克伺候,最后结束其建筑而获胜万金油战术:人族曾经的辉煌,男女巫师配备火枪大法的混合部队,自己去理解吧SKY流:由SKY创造的战术
2023-07-24 07:22:595

介词填空:___ other regions___the world,water is now mostly safe to drink.

in other regions of the world,water is now mostly safe to drink.在这个世界上其他地区,水是现在主要的安全饮用(途径)。on:在——上面,在——附近in:在——之内,在——期间一般说“世界上”确实是“in the world”,但是前面有个“in other regions ”,是特指的“这个地球上的其他的地区”。所以用of
2023-07-24 07:24:112


2023-07-24 07:24:181

请问CIS regions 指的是哪个地区?

the Commonwealth of the Independent States regions独联体地区
2023-07-24 07:24:261

国家和地区 英语怎么说?

contries & campus
2023-07-24 07:24:468

UPDATE 语句与 FOREIGN KEY 约束"FK_LateCkeck_Regions"冲突。这个问题怎么解决???

2023-07-24 07:25:013


2023-07-24 07:25:171


2023-07-24 07:25:286


一,Regions/种族: 中/E文正名................................中文花名...................................E文缩写 Night Elf/暗夜精灵..........................精灵..........................................NE Orc/兽人部落................................兽人................../(无常用或就用正名,下同) Undead/不死亡灵.............................不死.....................................UD,UND Human/人类联盟............................人,地球人.................................HUM,HM 二,Heros/英雄: [注]:英雄都常用E文缩写,这是提到率最高的一类。 NE: Demon Hunter/恶魔猎手,猎魔者..........瞎子,我们家小D/小恶,王老五.........................DH Keeper of the Grove/丛林守护者.............老树精,老鹿...................................KOG Priestess of the Moon/月亮女祭祀....白虎MM,月女,有恋父情结的女子........................POM Warden/典狱长..........................SM女郎,看守,警察..................................WD ORC: Blade Master/剑圣...........................小日本.........................................BM Far Seer/先知...................../(无特殊叫法或就用正名,下同)...........................FS Tauren Chieftain/牛头人酋长..................老牛..........................................TC Shadow Hunter/暗影猎手.................老枪,拐子,斗鸡眼..................................SH UD: Death Knight/死亡骑士...................死骑,47,大分头............................DK,ARTHAS Dread Lord/吸血鬼王,恐惧魔王.....喜剧魔王,搞笑领主,大白脸,蝙蝠侠.........................DL Lich/尸巫,巫妖..................尸巫之王,排骨精,穿裙子的BT,花蝴蝶........................./ Crypt Lord/地狱领主....................坦克,小强,大虫.....................................CL HUM: Archmage/大法师............................大法,书生........................................AM Mountain King/山丘之王..........山王,小锤子(用绝招命名),矮老头..........................MK Paladin/圣骑士...................游侠,保姆,打不死的(双重意思)..........................PAL Blood Mage/血族魔法师...............血魔,火魔,风间火月...................................BMG 三,Hero
2023-07-24 07:25:451


Northeast North China regionEast China regionSouth China regionCentral ChinaNorthwest regionSouthwest regionTaiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions
2023-07-24 07:26:112

regions test 在美国高中重要么?

2023-07-24 07:26:313

"AllowedRegions": "CN","KR", "AllowedLocales": "zhCN" }我改了 可是打开游戏还是国服的

首先在我的文档/用记事本打开。里面会出现一段脚本代码,前面几行会出现"LoginSettings":  {  "AllowedRegions": "CN",  "AllowedLocales": "zhCN"把它修改成"LoginSettings":  {  "AllowedRegions": "CN;US;EU;KR",  "AllowedLocales": "deDE;enGB;enUS;esMX;esES;frFR;itIT;plPL;ptBR;ruRU;koKR;zhCN;zhTW"这样就可以使用国服战网,亚服,美服,欧服了。不过网吧是会自动覆盖修改记录的,你修改好之后可以查看一下是否修改成功。
2023-07-24 07:26:391


2023-07-24 07:26:471

PL/SQL 触发器对插入一条字段后,对字段进行非空判断

触发器里面的赋值存有异常,v_id ,v_name 未必能正确获取到一个值,触发器里面是不用commit的
2023-07-24 07:27:083


1赤道地区--全年高温多雨; Equatorial regions - year-round high-temperature much rain 2热带季风气候--全年高温,夏季多雨; Tropical monsoon climate - year high temperature,the wet summer 3热带草原地区--全年高温,雨季多雨; Tropical grassland area - year-round high temperature,monsoon much rain 4热带沙漠地区--全年高温少雨; Tropical desert regions - year-round high-temperature little rain 5亚热带季风去--夏季高温多雨,冬季温和少雨; Subtropical monsoon - high temperature summer more rain,winters are mild little rain 6温带季风去--雨热同期; Temperate monsoon - rain hot during the same period 7地中海地区--夏季高温少雨,冬季温和多雨; The Mediterranean region - high temperature summer little rain,winters are mild much rain 8温带大陆地区--夏季温和多雨,冬季寒冷干燥; Temperate mainland area - summer mild more rain,cold in the winter dry 9温带海洋地区--全年温和,降水均匀; Temperate regions - mild in the ocean,precipitation evenly 10极低气候地区--全年寒冷干燥. Extremely low climate region - year-round cold and dry 辛苦啊!满足你要求吗?
2023-07-24 07:27:151


问题一:如何修改战网客户端 如果你是要修改一个战网客户端登录所有地区的话 一、打开Battle.config WIN7路径:C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingBattle MAC路径:~/Library/Application?Support/Battle XP路径:C:Documents?and?SettingsAdministratorApplication?DataBattle 注:AppData文件夹默认是隐藏的,所以你需要在文件夹选项的查看选项里,勾选显示隐藏文件、文件夹,这样就可以看到AppData了! 二、修改Battle.config 改Client语法下的AllowedRegions区域, 将AllowedRegions区域加入CN;US;EU;KR Regions就是你的登录可以选择的区域,CN就是国服;US美服;EU欧服;KR韩/台服。(根据自己的喜好选择对应的区域) Locales是你的登录器语言,加入zhCN就是简体中文版登录器。 Client: { AllowedRegions:?CN;US;EU;KR, AllowedLocales:?zhCN;deDE;enGB;enUS;esMX;esES;frFR;itIT;plPL;ptBR;ruRU;koKR;zhTW } }, 最后是修改完毕效果,之后保存文件就可以登录外服了 问题二:如何修改战网客户端 想去台服岛服玩wow或暗黑三,可是不知道怎么办?别急,下面交给你 工具/原料 记事本软件 国服版战网客户端 方法/步骤 开启隐藏文件可见 在我的电脑里打开工具--》文件夹选项---》显示所有文件文件夹 找到battle中配置文件地址,一般是如下地址 C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingBattle 打开C盘(系统盘),用户,你的机器名字,找到AppData,打开romaing,battle 用记事本打开battle 右键单击该文件,选择打开方式---》记事本---》确定 之后双击打开文件 将其按照如下修改,注意用英文输入法,并注意大小写 Language: zhCN, LoginSettings: { AllowedRegions: CN;US;EU;KR, AllowedLocales: zhCN;deDE;enDB;enUS;esMX;esES;frFR;itLTu00A3u00BBplPL;ptBR;ruRU;koKR;zhTW 保存,退出,重新打开战网,看看是不是多了很多服务器选项~~~ END 注意事项 有时候会出现被更改回去的情况,再做一次就好了 问题三:如何修改战网客户端 用记事本打开C:#92;Users#92;你的用户名#92;AppData#92;Roaming#92;Battle下面的battle.config 找到如下内容 Client: { Language: zhCN, LoginSettings: { AllowedRegions: CN;US;EU;KR, AllowedLocales: 其中language后面是你的战网显示的语言,zhCN是简体中文,zhTW是繁体中文,enUS是英文 修改下面的项: AllowedRegions: CN;US;EU;KR AllowedLocales: zhCN;enUS;zhTW 这样在战网登录的时候就可以选择亚洲,中国,欧洲,美洲了,语言也能选择简体中文,繁体中文,英文了 问题四:如何修改战网客户端 想去台服岛服玩wow或暗黑三,可是不知道怎么办?别急,下面交给你 工具/原料 记事本软件 国服版战网客户端 方法/步骤 开启隐藏文件可见 在我的电脑里打开工具--》文件夹选项---》显示所有文件文件夹 找到battle中配置文件,一般是如下地。 问题五:国服战网怎么修改成全球通用战网 打开C:Users你的用户名AppDataRoamingBattleBattle.config 或者C:用户你的用户名AppDataRoamingBattleBattle.config LoginSettings: { AllowedRegions: US;EU;KR, AllowedLocales": deDE;enGB;enUS;esMX;esES;frFR;itIT;plPL;ptBR;ruRU;koKR;zhCN;zhTW 改成 LoginSettings: { AllowedRegions: CN;US;EU;KR, AllowedLocales: deDE;enGB;enUS;esMX;esES;frFR;itIT;plPL;ptBR;ruRU;koKR;zhCN;zhTW 也就是在AllowedRegions后面增加一个CN,然后保存。 再登陆战网客户端 就有 美洲 欧洲 亚洲 中国 四个区域了。 问题六:如何修改战网客户端 战网客户端头像是无法修改的,你玩什么暴雪的游戏,就显示什么头像。 问题七:战网登陆器三合一修改步骤win10怎么弄 战网登陆器三合一修改步骤 - Mac OSX 软件游戏分享区 - 威锋论坛 - 威锋网(Win10参考Win7修改): bbs.feng/read-htm-tid-7299547 问题八:更改战网客户端启动游戏的那个程序 直接用这个啊 问题九:win8怎么把国服改成台服战网客户端? 在document里头应该可以找到上面这个文件。 问题十:win8战网客户端怎么改地区 我用了win7的方法修改不行 每次登陆客户端 记事本默认恢复 自动改回CN 如果你是要修改一个战网客户端登录所有地区的话 一、打开Battle.config WIN7路径:C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingBattle MAC路径:~/Library/Application Support/Battle XP路径:C:Documents and Settin..
2023-07-24 07:27:471


京杭大运河(the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal)是中国古代劳动人民创造的一项伟大工程。有着2500多年历史的大运河是世界上最古老、工程最大、里程最长的运河。春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period), 吴国(the State of Wu)开凿了从扬州到淮安的运河。后来历经几个朝代的翻修扩建,才形成现今的京杭大运河,运河北通北京南至杭州,全长约1794公里。它对中国南北地区经济、文化发展与交流起了巨大作用。
2023-07-24 07:28:3112


Unit 8 I、课外练习参考译文:人们始终认为美丽是值得称赞的。几乎人人都以为漂亮的人会比别人幸福健康,婚姻美满,职业高尚。个人事务咨询员会给他们提供更好的求职建议,甚至法官对漂亮的被告态度也会格外温和。然而,在主管人员中,美丽可成为一种不利因素。 漂亮对于步步高攀想当主管的男子是一种积极因素,但对于女子却反而有害。 人们认为英俊的男主管比外貌平平者更有诚信,认为努力和能力是他们成功的原因。 人们以为漂亮的女主管比不漂亮者缺乏诚信,她们的成功不是由于能力,而是由于运气之类的因素。 人们觉得所有不漂亮的女主管比漂亮的女主管更有诚信,更有能力。然而,耐人寻味的是,与一夜之间获得成功的漂亮人士相比,人们认为一夜之间获得成功的不漂亮人士更多地是由于人际关系,而不是由于能力。 为什么会认为漂亮女子没有能力呢?人们认为,与不漂亮者相比,漂亮女子更具有女性特点,而漂亮男子则更具有男性特点。所以,漂亮女子从事女子从事的传统职业时就具有优势,而漂亮女子从事男子从事的传统职业时看来则缺乏所需的“男性”特点。 这种情况甚至在政治界也一样。安u2022波门最近发表了一份关于外貌漂亮对政治候选人的影响的研究报告,她说:“当人们看待某人的依据只有外貌时,她们对男子和女子的态度是不一样的。”她要求125名大学本科学生把两组照片按照漂亮的顺序进行排队,一组是男子,一组是女子。她告诉学生这些都是一些政治职位竞选人的照片,再要求她们把照片按照他们打算投票的顺序进行排队。 结果表明,漂亮男子完全击败了漂亮女子,但被排在最漂亮之列的那几名女子一律获得的票数最少。II、英汉翻译原理第四讲:怎样表达译文?【例61】 Dawn breaking over the islands, very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds. There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted. ×拂晓已降临岛上,灰色的柔光,许多云彩,景色美极了。这里有透明的光线,它是不能描写也不能画出来的。 【译文】 曙色中的海岛美极了,晨光熹微,彩云片片,澄彻的光影无法形容,无法描画。 【例62】 Constant technological advances in soil conservation and livestock production will be required to keep pace with this ever-growing need. ×将需要水土保持与畜牧业生产不断的技术进步以适应这种日益增长的需求。 【译文】 为了适应这种日益增长的需求,水土保持与畜牧生产的技术需要不断进步。一、要摆脱原文语句结构的影响:【例63】 Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. ×对历史研究方法的兴趣较少来自于把历史作为一门学科的有效性的外界挑战,而更多来自于历史学家们内部的争论。 【译文】 人们之所以关注历史研究的方法,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学科。 【例64】 Distance from the event should make the memories less painful. ×事件的久远自然会减少回忆的痛苦。 【译文】 时过境迁,痛苦的往事自然在记忆中淡漠。 【例65】 Perhaps, after all, there was no enigma(费解的事物,谜团)about him, except in the minds of lesser men who found it hard to conceive such tenacity of purpose. 【译文】 也许他身上毕竟没有什么不可思议的东西。所谓不可思议,只是那些不如他的人对他那种坚韧不拔的意志感到不可思议而已。 【例66】 It was an elderly woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned. 【译文】 他站住,转过身来,定睛一看,是个年迈妇女,个子很高,依然一副好身材,虽然受岁月折磨而显得憔悴。二、要避免照搬英汉词典中的释义:【例67】 Like my friend, I now have an alternative to complaining. When I"m bored with my life, I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour, trying to sketch trees that look like trees. ×就像我的朋友一样,我现在有了一种代替抱怨的东西。当我对生活感到厌倦时,我就拿出铅笔到后院去心不在焉地乱涂一个小时,试图画出看上去像树的树木速写。 【译文】 同有位朋友一样,我现在不再抱怨,而是去做一些别的事情。在生活中感到厌倦时,我就拿起铅笔,到后院里随便涂鸦个把小时,画画树林的速写,尽量画得看上去像是树林。 【例68】 His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night. ×他的烦恼经不起安静的良宵美景的感染力。 【译文】 更深夜静,美景宜人,他的烦恼不禁烟消云散。 【例69】 But this arms race strained the government"s principles as well as its budgets. 【译文】 但是这场军备竞赛使政府的原则无法自圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘。III、课堂练习(将下列句子译成汉语,并注意运用汉语的表达优势使译文尽量通顺流畅):1.She showered us with telegrams. 2.Your comment is more bravely made than correct. 3.The man, more dead than alive, was brought in and locked in the cellar. 4.Civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. 5.There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them. 6.It was a dry, cold hand, and the grip was severe, with more a feeling of bones in it than friendliness. 7.Hitler"s mistakes gave Roosevelt the victory: just as at Waterloo it was less Wellington who won than Napoleon who lost. 8.If an entrepreneur was suddenly given as much money as he wanted would he stop his activities or use the money to develop new ones? History is very much on the side of the new activities. IV、课堂练习参考译文:1.她的电报纷至沓来。 2.你的评论勇敢有余,正确不足。 3.那人被半死不活地带进地窖关了起来。 4.谦恭不是软弱,真诚总须凭据。 5.这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有魄力,所以他们都很满意。 6.那是一只干瘪冰冷的手,紧紧的一握,只让人觉得摸到一把骨头,并没有感受到什么友情。 7.*犯下的错误使罗斯福取得了胜利:正如在滑铁卢战场上,与其说是威灵顿赢了,不如说是拿破仑输了。 8.如果一名企业家突然得到他想要的那么多钱,他会停止经营活动呢,还是会用这笔钱去开拓新的经营活动?历史表明,企业家多半会去开拓新的经营活动。V、课外练习(将以下短文译成汉语,注意运用汉语汉语的表达优势使译文尽量通顺流畅):If an occupation census had been taken in the eleventh century it would probably have revealed that quite 90 percent of the people were country inhabitants who drew their livelihood from farming, herding, fishing or the forest. An air photograph taken at that time would have revealed spotted villages, linked together by unsurfaced roads and separated by expanses of forest or swamp. There were some towns, but few of them housed more than 10,000 persons. A second picture, taken in the mid-fourteenth century would show that the villages had grown more numerous and also more widespread, for Europeans had pushed their frontier outward by settling new areas. There would be more people on the roads, rivers and seas, carrying food or raw materials to towns which had increased in number, size and importance. But a photograph taken about 1450 would reveal that little further expansion had taken place during the preceding hundred years. Any attempt to describe the countryside during those centuries is prevented by two difficulties. In the first place, we have to examine the greater part of Europe"s 3,750,000 square miles, and not merely the Mediterranean lands. In the second place, the inhabitants of that wide expanse refuse to fit into our standard pattern or to stand still. In 1450, most Europeans probably lived in villages, but some regions were so hilly, lacking in good soil, or heavily timbered that villages could not keep going, and settlement was that of solitary herdsmen or shepherds. Some areas had better access to market than others and were therefore more involved in commercial agriculture than in farming. Large landowners were more likely than small landlords to run their estates and especially their domains more systematically -- and also to keep those records from which we learn most of what we know about the subject. Some areas had never been quite feudalized; their farmers were more free from lordship and even from landlordship. Some regions had been recently settled, and their tenants had been offered liberal terms of tenure in order to lure them into the wilderness. Finally, there was a time element; the expansion and prosperity that characterized the period from the twelfth to the fifteenth century produced or maintained conditions which were unsuitable to the stormier days preceding or the lean ones following it. (384 words)
2023-07-24 07:29:021

翻译,So, clearly, there are marked differences between regions.

2023-07-24 07:29:101


2023-07-24 07:29:192

C# 如何使Graphics.DrawString绘制时改变部分文字的字体大小?

您可以使用 System.Drawing.StringContent 类来实现这一功能,该类可以控制文本中特定部分的字体大小,而无需重新绘制整个内容。
2023-07-24 07:30:012


1赤道地区--全年高温多雨;Equatorial regions - year-round high-temperature much rain2热带季风气候--全年高温,夏季多雨;Tropical monsoon climate - year high temperature, the wet summer3热带草原地区--全年高温,雨季多雨;Tropical grassland area - year-round high temperature, monsoon much rain4热带沙漠地区--全年高温少雨;Tropical desert regions - year-round high-temperature little rain5亚热带季风去--夏季高温多雨,冬季温和少雨;Subtropical monsoon - high temperature summer more rain, winters are mild little rain6温带季风去--雨热同期;Temperate monsoon - rain hot during the same period7地中海地区--夏季高温少雨,冬季温和多雨;The Mediterranean region - high temperature summer little rain, winters are mild much rain8温带大陆地区--夏季温和多雨,冬季寒冷干燥;Temperate mainland area - summer mild more rain, cold in the winter dry9温带海洋地区--全年温和,降水均匀;Temperate regions - mild in the ocean, precipitation evenly10极低气候地区--全年寒冷干燥。Extremely low climate region - year-round cold and dry
2023-07-24 07:30:091


我的战网为什么无法更改地区?这个是需要设置的:第一步: 打开c盘(系统盘),用户,你的机器名字,找到appdata。 appdata这个文件默认是隐藏的,所以你需要在文件夹选项里点击查看,勾选显示 隐藏文件、文件夹,这样就可以看到appdata了! 第二步: 点击roaming,找到,如果很多可以按快捷键b,在用记事本打开。 第三步:(重点) 修改client语法下的allowedregions区域, 将allowedregions区域加入cn;us;eu;kr regions就是你的登录可以选择的区域,cn就是国服;us美服;eu欧服;kr韩/台服。(根据自己的喜好选择对应的区域) locales是你的登录器语言,加入zhcn就是简体中文版登录器。 "client": { "allowedregions": "cn;us;eu;kr", "allowedlocales": "zhcn;dede;engb;enus;esmx;eses;frfr;itit;plpl;ptbr;ruru;kokr;zhtw" } }, 到这里就完成了修改。这时你可以打开允许战网多个进程选项,1个开国服,1个开外服享受1个登录器带来的便捷!
2023-07-24 07:30:173


The reform of United Nations Security Council consists of many respects, including the expanding issue, improvement of working efficiency and methods. And its reform should be based on the following principles:Heighten the authority and efficiency of United Nations Security Council and enhance its ability of solving the global threats and challenges.Being the representative, UNSS should be prior to develop the developing countries which occupy more than 2/3 of the total amount in United Nation members. However, the condition of little representative of UNSC for developing countries should be corrected.United Nations Security Council should permit more countries, especially the middle or small countries have more opportunities to enter the UNSC in turn and take part in the decision and strategy.Persist in the principle of regional balance, and represent different culture and civilization.The reform plan which refers to some regions should be agreed on by the related regions. According to the suggestion of Chinese government, the principle of commission in turn proposed by some countries should be considered and paid more attention.Persist in reaching an agreement which is the essential decree of Chapter. The aim is to conclude the benefits of each country, particularly the middle or small countries. The decision could be trusted and supported widely only through consulting for an agreement. Chinese government disagrees to vote artificially by force to the program which is still in controversy.
2023-07-24 07:30:4914


下个外服的战网客户端。外服的战网客户端可以登入全球任意一个地区的战网 包括大陆。你可以百度 us 或者eu battlenet。不过因为有墙,你最好开个加速器
2023-07-24 07:31:212


2023-07-24 07:17:162

you are freakin out... man是什么意思

2023-07-24 07:17:176


propper相对比较出名而已,BlackHawk和511都不错。这个不用区分,但凡事能够用钱买得到的99.9%皆为商业版本,这个具有服役经历者都明白。所谓的军品,就是军队后勤定向下单按需定按标准定制的物品,所有合格产品百分百入档入库!每一件都必须有据可查,流入社会的可能性极小。特别是有些国家买卖军品属于违法,比如我国。 所以厂家都是按照复刻版的要求生产销售,算是打擦边球就算是缴获了也顶多是贩卖假冒产品,而非罪行严重的倒卖军需来定罪。西方对于这个没有太多的管制,但是军版和商版还是有区别的,特别是一些细节。本人有一条来自香港专卖的511战术裤,材质没有任何问题,但是反过来看的时候,里面的压线比标准版的少一圈,侧口袋少了一个尼龙的挂口,这是因为老百姓的裤子没有必要像那些执法人那样大强度的撕扯和挂执法器械的缘故,为了省制作时间都忽略了。市面上宣称军版的都是商业版本,非军方订购怎么能叫做军品呢?军方订购的怎么能进入流通环节呢?莫非军方倒卖军需物资?
2023-07-24 07:17:181

抬起头 / 低下头 准确的翻译是?

Raised his head / head down Looked up at me / looked down at me He and we speak, and always head down / always looked up Leg lift / put back down to
2023-07-24 07:17:192


2023-07-24 07:17:263


Everyone has periods in their lives when everything seems very hard, when there"s nobody to talk to and the mood is just getting worse and worse. But why sit and think how pathetic you are? There are some things that may help you lift up your mood. If it fails you, at least while doing these things you won"t have time to think of your problems. You win anyway!  The first thing you should try is socializingand thinking positively. It"s very hard, because usually when we feel depressed we lock ourselves at home and try to think about all the bad character issues we have. But if you"ll try to force yourself and call a friend for a cup of coffee, the chances for changing your mood into better are very good. Just try to avoid bad thoughts. Instead, try to think only about the bright side of your life. Don"t forget: We are what we think we are.  You should also try doing something only for yourself, something totally selfish. This could be something you wanted for a long time: maybe a short trip, a coat, a ring or anything that could lift up your mood. This doesn"t have to be extravagant nor costly. The point of all this is being good to yourself.  Not only giving presents to yourself can lift up your mood. Buying things to others may be a perfect way to feel happy. Think of your friends, family, relatives or even local charities,choose one person and give him a gift. It doesn"t have to be something expensive nor big. It may be just a little toy to your poor neighbor"s child. Making another person feel happy will make you feel good in your heart and mind.  Renting a good or happy film is always a good idea. Laughter is a very good panacea for all kinds of illness!
2023-07-24 07:17:111


voodoo tactical 巫毒战术
2023-07-24 07:17:103

求一首很劲爆的英文歌,歌词有we will never be never be anything but love

I"ll Never Be Anything But In Love With You lyricsI"ll never be anything but in love with youThe crown of a king won"t mean a thing if I"m not loving youI"ll never be anything but in love with youAs long as I live I"ve nothing to give if I"m not loving youI don"t care how high I"d climb or if I"d reach the sunJust as long as you love me I"m richer than anyoneI"ll never be anything but in love with youIf I"d own the earth what what it"d be worth if I"m not loving youI"ll never be anything...I"ll always be in love with you不知道是不是这个- -
2023-07-24 07:17:082

珍惜今天 励志英语作文

专业团队数学之美第一时间为您解答:I will avoid with fury the killers of time. Procrastination I will destroy with action; Doubt I will bury with faith; Fear I will dismeber with confidence.Where there are idle mouths I will listen not; Where there are idle hands I will linger not; Where there are idle bodies I will visit not. Henceforth I know that to court idleness is to steal food, clothing and warmth from those I love. I am not a thief. I am a man of love and today is my last chance to prove my love and my greatness.  The duties of today I shall fulfill today. Today I shall fondle my children while they are young; Tomorrow they will be gone, and so will I. Today I shall embrance my woman with sweet kisses; tomorrow she will be gone, and so will I.Today I shall lift up a friend in need;tomorrow he will no longer cry for help, nor will I hear his cries. Today I shall give myself in sacrifice and work;tomorrow I will have nothing to give, and there will be none to receive.  And if it is the last, it will be my great monument.This day I will make the best day of my life. This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will make the every hour count and each minute I will trade only for something of value. I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief.
2023-07-24 07:17:041