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go with the flow什么意思

2023-07-24 08:13:25



1、Just accept it all, go with the flow and enjoy it!


2、There"s nothing I can do about the problem, so I might go with the flow.


3、Go with the flow and don"t be concerned about your own job.


4、Go with the flow and don"t try to pressure others to respond.


5、I like to go with the flow, see what happens.


6、All you need to do is just go with the flow and relax.


7、We gotta go with the flow, you know?


8、Or easy, good to go with the flow!


9、Sometimes you just can"t go with the flow and jump on the wagon.


10、I know that CHANGE is constant. I learn to go with the flow.


flow 英[flu0259u028a] 美[flou028a]

vi. 流; 垂; 流出; (谈话、文体等) 流畅;

n. 流动; 滔滔不绝; 涨潮; 连贯;

vt. 使泛滥; 淹没; 排出;

[例句]A stream flowed gently down into the valley.




2023-07-24 01:43:121

We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops,

2023-07-24 01:43:203

gush in的同义词组是什么

gush in意思是喷在,喷出,倒出。同义词组是pour out。例句:gush in1、All of sudden all of sudden everything everything can gush in forward. 突然间所有的一切一切滔滔不绝突然向前。2、In addition, it has been proved through experiment that the amount of water gush inthe mine pit can be obviously decreased by means of reasonable intermittentmining. 另外,通过试验,还证明了合理的采用间歇性开采方法,可显著地减少矿坑涌水量。3、The main factors influencing gas gush in full mechanized long walles top caving inYangquan coal ming area are analyzed in greater detail, and the appropriatemeasures of gas control are proposed. 对阳泉矿区影响综放工作面瓦斯涌出的主要因素作了详细分析,并据此提出了相应的瓦斯治理手段。pour out1、And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. 在那些日子,我要将我的灵浇灌我的仆人和使女。2、You wanna pour out drink or something? 你想要帮我们到酒吗?3、To pour out his grievance, he went to the priest in the town. 为了排解心中的苦闷,他找到了镇上的牧师。
2023-07-24 01:43:271


2023-07-24 01:43:373


pour out of涌现,涌出例句:1、Then the Royal Canadian Mounted Police pour out of vans and from around the corner.大批的加拿大皇家骑警从车后和角落里现身出来。2、Just this simple change can make ideas on how you can improve your blog design pour out of your head.就是这个简单的改变可以使如何能改进博客设计的想法从你的头脑中涌现出来。pour out from是从...涌出例句Pollutants from industrial sources may pour out from the outfall pipes of factories or may leak from pipelines and underground storage tanks.工业污染物可从工厂中的排泄管流出,或者可从管道和地下储存罐中外泄。
2023-07-24 01:43:451

翻译: 杰克向劳拉倾诉他孤独的情感(pour out)

Jack poured out his feelings of loneliness to Laura.
2023-07-24 01:43:521


Non - finite verb form 非 限定动词 We must pour out a large stream of essential words , unhampered by stops , or quapfying adjectives , or finite verbs 我们必须大量使用基本词汇,摆脱句号、修饰性形容词及 限定动词 的羁绊。 Normally a sentence consists of at least a subject and its predicate which contains a finite verb or a verb phrase 句子通常由主语和谓语两大部分构成。谓语通常由 限定动词 或动词词组构成。 We must pour out a large stream of essential words , unhampered by stops , or quapfying adjectives , of finite verbs 译:我们必须大量使用基本词汇,摆脱句号,修饰性形容词及 限定动词 的羁绊。 Each clause contains one finite verb , so if we know the number of finite verbs we know the number of clauses 每个子句含有一个 限定动词 ,所以如果我们知道限定动词的数目,我们就知道子句的数目。 We must pour out a large stream of essential words , unhampered by stops , or quapfying adjectives , or finite verbs 我们必须尽情倾吐最能表示我们感觉的词句,中间没有停顿,没有修饰性的形容词和 限定动词 。
2023-07-24 01:44:101

[A] hide[ B ] run away from[ C]leave[ D] pour out of

2023-07-24 01:44:171

患难生忍耐,忍耐生老练,老练生盼望,盼望不至于羞耻 什么意思

【罗5:3 不但如此,就是在患难中也是欢欢喜喜的。因为知道患难生忍耐,罗5:4 忍耐生老练,老练生盼望;罗5:5 盼望不至于羞耻。因为所赐给我们的圣灵将 神的爱浇灌在我们心里。】「患难」压力,压迫;「生」产生效果,作成,致使。『患难』一词原用于压榨橄榄以取得橄榄油,或压榨葡萄以取得葡萄汁或葡萄酒。「忍耐生老练,」『老练』原文字用于金属经过提炼后毫无杂质的状况,故此处指人经过神炼净后所产生的纯洁、美好、坚强等成熟的品格。「老练生盼望,」这里的『盼望』原文和第二节的『盼望』同一个字;信徒经历患难最终所产生的盼望,不是虚无缥缈的幻想,而是有可靠的确据的,这个确据就是浇灌在我们心里的神的爱。「盼望不至于羞耻,因为所赐给我们的圣灵,将神的爱浇灌在我们心里。」「浇灌」倒出来(pour out),倾倒。「盼望不至于羞耻,」『羞耻』意指因盼望落空而蒙羞。信徒的『盼望』不是一种毫无根据的乐观,乃是我们经历神而得的一种确信;我们在患难中所经历神的爱,成为我们心中盼望的缘由,使我们确知凡信靠他的人,必不至于羞愧。「因为所赐给我们的圣灵,将神的爱浇灌在我们心里,」信徒既因信称义,就领受圣灵作我们得基业的凭据。这圣灵不只引导我们进入一切属灵的实际,使我们豫尝神的丰富,并且也将神的爱倾倒出来,使之满溢在我们的心里。『浇灌』在原文是完成式动词,表示由过去发生的动作所造成目前的状态。本节的意思是说,内住的圣灵叫我们的心能充分领悟、明白神对我们的爱,因此确信我们的盼望绝不至于羞耻。对第一世纪的信徒来说,忍受苦难已经是“家常便饭”。保罗告诉我们,信徒必须经历很多困难才会成长。在患难中欢喜并非因为我们喜欢痛苦,而是知道神藉着各种困难和撒但的攻击来建立我们的品格,培养坚忍的心志,使我们更刚强、更信靠神,也叫我们对将来更有盼望。你可能也要天天忍受不同的考验,这正是你成长的机会,感谢神并且依靠他的力量去战胜这些困难吧。愿 上帝赐福与你
2023-07-24 01:44:421


  在日常生活或是工作学习中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是我为大家收集的初二英语作文5篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 初二英语作文 篇1   We all know that the giant panda,it"s very cute,but I often read in many people for their own economic interests to kill it,I feel very sad.   The giant panda is our country special product,it is the unique face has become "the WWF" sign.   The giant panda is like a bear,but not bear,at about 1.5 meters,weighs 160 kilograms,black and white on the appearance of body hair is their characteristics.   The giant panda temperament is gentle,posture and movement are particularly lovely.In all over the world in the zoo,the giant panda is the most popular pet tourists.   The giant panda this animal or representative of the remaining ancient animals,about 100 more than ten thousand years ago,the giant panda will live on the earth,so they have a "living fossil" said.   The giant panda this lovely and rare animals in an increasingly reduce,the world is less than 1000 only add up.   Don"t let this lovely and rare animals in the face of the earth?It is up to us to protect lovely and rare animals--the giant panda! 初二英语作文 篇2   Once, I read a story in a book, it told about an old man was on the train, he lost one of his shoes on the window, to everyone"s surprise, he dropped his another shoe out of window quickly. People asked why he was doing that, he said that if the person picked up one of his shoes, it was useless, but a pair of shoes could be valuable. The old man is so general and he has the positive attitude towards life. The positive attitude is very important, when we meet difficulties, we will get over them. If we feel frustrated all the time, then we will not be happy. We can"t change bad things, but we can change our attitude.   有一次,我在一本书上读到一个故事,讲述了火车上的一位老人,他在窗边弄丢了一只鞋子,令大家感到吃惊的是,他迅速把另外一只鞋子也扔出窗外。人们问他为什么那样做,他说如果有人捡到他的一只鞋子,是没有用处的,但是一双鞋子就有价值。老人家是慷慨的,他对生活有着乐观的态度。乐观的态度是很重要的,当我们遇到困难了,就能克服。如果我们总是觉得沮丧,就不会开心。我们无法改变坏事情,但是可以改变我们的态度。 初二英语作文 篇3   Everyone has his favorite food.I think eating healthy food is important for you .   someone likes fast food. I think it`s bad for you.You should eat a lot of vegetable and drink some milk.It`s good fou you health.   Someone is a vegetarian.   They eat vegetable and fruit every day they think it`s good for health but I think it`s also fine to eat some meat or fish .   People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgersshouldn`t they?I prefer to only eat healthy foodand I think I`m a vegetarian.   翻译:   每个人都有他最喜欢的食物。我认为吃健康的食物是很重要的。   有人喜欢快餐。我认为这是对你有害。你应该吃大量的"蔬菜喝一些牛奶。它喝醉的你的健康有好处。   人是一个素食者。他们每天吃蔬菜和水果他们认为这对健康有好处但我认为这也可以吃一些肉或鱼。   吃平衡饮食的人应该比只吃饼干和汉堡的人健康不应该吗?我更喜欢只吃健康的食物我认为我是一个素食者。 初二英语作文 篇4   Liu Ming is my chemistry" teacher. He is an ordinary-looking little man with thick glasses, but he has a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.   I remembered his first lesson. He put three bottles on the desk. One was filled with kerosene, one with castor oil, and one with vinegar. And he said "Now watch carefully. Pay attention to everything that I do." He held up one of his fingers and dipped it into the cup after he mixed the three kinds of liquid in a big cup together. A few seconds later, he took his finger out, put it in his mouth and sucked it. "How delicious! You must do everything that I do." said he. And then we did it like him. lmmediately we made a face. The mixture tasted horrible.   It was first chemistry lesson. I never forget it. 初二英语作文 篇5   Miss you so much, the spring is in my heart! I call you in the winter, the flowers and plants of the earth know... my heart... How could the end of the cold shut my love for you, eager to spring scenery covered my heart. Your smile is like a song, moistens my love for you! Your figure is like a river, moistens my love. Sunset star out, year after year, usher in the dawn each were shining brilliantly, and off the innumerable cloud all the evening, but remained motionless, I wait for you a winter love is! You are like a ray of sunshine in the winter, stroking my face and heart; You wake up the sleeping already a long time of the earth, and makes the whole world is full of angry; You blow quietly, heart is blended in among them... The rain silently, mingled with underground, dripping on the land, to give the earth a little moist, make the earth vitality; You let leaves fully absorb the nature to give him the rain, the lake was filar silk itch means... he birds are singing in the branches back, as if to pour out your arrival; Grass in the wind dancing to music performed by you, as if in a welcome meeting for you. Through the window, I saw the wonderful world of rain, see you in the rain. Proverb says: "the spring rain your such as oil", it is no wonder that after the trees and flowers in the spring rain is issued with a yellow leaves sprout! Let us with a touching embrace spring, put the dreams of the spring into their full of lofty sentiments, sprinkle with sweat infiltration in the spring of faith, to the autumn harvest fruitful hope!   修改后:   Miss you so much, the spring is in my heart! I call you inwinter, the flowers and plants of the earth know my heart.   How could the end of the cold shut my love for you, eager to spring scenery covered my heart. Your smile is like asong, moistens my love for you! Your figure is like a river,moistens my love. Sun sets, stars out, year after year, usherin the dawn each were shining brilliantly, and off theinnumerable cloud all the evening, but remained motionless, I wait for you a winter love is!   You are like a ray of sunshine in winter, stroking my face and heart. You wake up the sleeping earth, and make thewhole world full of energy.   The rain silently, mingled with underground, dripping on the land, to give the earth a little moist, make the earth vitality.You let leaves fully absorb the rain which nature gives.   The birds are singing in the branches back, as if to pour out your arrival. Grass in the wind dancing to music performed by you, as if in a welcome meeting for you. Through the windblow, I saw the wonderful rain, see you in the rain. Proverb says: "Rain in spring is as precious as oil". It is no wonderthat the flowers begin to bloom after the spring rain.   Let us embrace the touching spring, put the dreams of the spring into their full lofty sentiments, and sprinkle with sweatinfiltration in the spring of faith, to the autumn harvest fruitful hope!
2023-07-24 01:45:031

the story just pour out of me什么意思

2023-07-24 01:45:114


2023-07-24 01:45:2315


see you again 很感人 唱哭了兄弟 那些一起经历过的兄弟 一辈子的好兄弟
2023-07-24 01:45:502


2023-07-24 01:46:0015

下面那道题。内容:百度搜索 2008年北京申奥演讲

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!主席先生,各位来宾,大家午安! Before I introduce our cultural programs, only tell you one thing first about 2008. You"re going to have a great time in Beijing. 在我介绍我们的文化项目之前,首先我要告诉你们一件有关于2008的事情,那就是你们将在北京度过一段美好的时光。 Many people are fascinated by Chins"s sport legends in the history. For example, back to Song Dynasty, which was the 11th century, people in our country started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. The game was so popular that women were also participating. Now, you would probably understand why our women"s football team does so well today. 很多人都对中国历史上的体育传奇感兴趣。例如,早在宋代,大约11世纪,人们开始玩一个叫蹴鞠的游戏,这被看作是足球古老的起源。这个游戏很受欢迎,妇女也来参加。现在,你就会明白,为什么我们的女子足球队这么厉害了。 There are a lot more wonderful and exciting events waiting for you in the New Beijing, a modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall, the city also offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls which will amaze and delight you. 还有更多精彩的事物在等着你。在新北京,一个充满活力的现代化大都市,交织3000年的文化宝藏的城市面貌,伴随着象征意象的紫禁城、天坛、万里长城正在向您展开,这个城市有着多样的的影院、博物馆、舞厅、各种餐馆和购物中心,正在让您感到惊喜与兴奋。 But beyond all that, this is a city of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. They believe if the 2008 Olympics is held in Beijing, it will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and diverse cultures of the world. And gurantee their gratitude will pour out in open expressions of affection for you and the great Movement that you guide. 但除此之外,它是一个深受几百万喜爱,可以满足来自全世界的人的城市。北京人民相信,如果2008年奥运会将在北京举办,将会促进我们的文化会与世界多元文化相互交融。他们会公开表达对奥运的期盼之情了,你可以见证你和伟大的运动间的文化交流。 Within our cultural programs, education and communication will receive the highest priority. We seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy by broadening the understanding of the Olympic Ideals throughout the country. 在我们的文化发展中,教育和交流将得到优先发展,我们想要创造一个智力和体育遗产,通过在全国各地广阔传播人们对于奥运梦想的理解。 Cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008. We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs,indluding concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. During the Olympics, these activites will also be held in the Olympic Village and in the city for the benefit of the athletes. 文化活
2023-07-24 01:46:231


What is the color of nature? Green? Red? Yellow? Purple? ... No, nature is colorful. However the nature the painter always favours in green, green symbolizes peace and eternal. Nature since the birth of that moment, you are carrying green gene, however it is these gene made now vivifying infinite universe, at the same time already pregnant with the great wisdom of human life. The nature the painter freely make fun of hand other color ink to adorn beautification this whole world, red, yellow and color represents prosperity and prosperity, it is because of these color gene, nature to present a today"s colorful and colorful. Nature is colorful, then what is it the true meaning of life? The earth have wonderful atmosphere, there are changes in temperature is appropriate climate, have pure and fresh and moist air, birds and beasts water flea on the free life, flowers and trees is sending out the intoxicating fragrance, the thick shade
2023-07-24 01:46:492


2023-07-24 01:46:587

missy babe hero tonight(爱的故事上集) 歌词

星的光点点洒于午夜 人人开开心心说说故事偏偏今宵所想讲不太易 迟疑地望你说又复迟疑秋风将涌起的某夜 遗留她的窗边有个故事孤单单的小伙子不顾寂寞 徘徊树下直至天际露月儿冬风吹走几多个月夜 为何窗边的她欠缺注视刻于窗边小子写的爱慕字 完全没用像个飘散梦儿今宵的小伙子倾吐憾事 谁人痴痴地要再听故事偏偏痴心小子只知道上集 祈求下集是个可爱梦儿知不知对你献上万缕爱意 每晚也痛心空费尽心思这小子欲断难断这故事 全为我爱上你偏偏你不知春风轻吹点点火花衬月夜 人人开开心心说说故事终于倾出这小子的往事 长年累月为你怎再自持今宵知否对你的暗示 为何真的将它当故事偏偏痴心小子只知道上集 祈求下集是个可爱梦儿知不知对你献上万缕爱意 每晚也痛心空费尽心思这小子欲断难断这故事 全为我爱上你偏偏你不知知不知每晚想你十次百次 每晚也去等因我极心痴可不可合力延续这故事 延续这篇爱意一生俩相依知不知对你献上万缕爱意 每晚也痛心空费尽心思这小子欲断难断这故事 全为我爱上你偏偏你不知知不知每晚想你十次百次 每晚也去等因我极心痴可不可合力延续这故事 延续这篇爱意一生俩相依你看看是不是你想要的! 下面是英文版:Star light sprinkling little hearts of everyone at midnight to talk about the story Tonight think happens is not easy to say you said hesitantly, looking in turn could delay Autumn will be filled with a certain night she left the window There is a story Lonely lonely single guy despite lingering dew on the horizon under the tree until the child Winter blew away a few more Moonlight why the window of her lack of attention Kid writing engraved on the window completely useless words like love drift Menger Tonight"s boys who wait senselessly pour regret to listen to the story Silly boy happens only know shangji pray that the next set is a lovely Menger Presented may not be aware of your love Wanlv also saddened by the empty rack their brains every night This kid Yuduannanduan This story is all for me love you Unluckily, you do not know Little spark of light spring breeze blowing lining Moonlight tell everyone a happy story Finally pour out of this kid"s past over many years how can you be self-sustaining for Tonight aware of why you implied it when the story really Silly boy happens only know shangji pray that the next set is a lovely Menger Presented may not be aware of your love Wanlv also saddened by the empty rack their brains every night This kid Yuduannanduan This story is all for me love you Unluckily, you do not know I do not know think you know every night 10 times 100 times per night also went so crazy because I am very heart Can not be together to extend the continuation of this love story of a lifetime dependence both Presented may not be aware of your love Wanlv night air is also sad to think hard This kid Yuduannanduan This story is all for me love you Unluckily, you do not know I do not know think you know every night 10 times 100 times per night also went so crazy because I am very heart Can not be together to extend the continuation of this love story of a lifetime dependence both You look is not what you want!
2023-07-24 01:47:131


"Pour" 是一个英语动词,有几个不同的意思和用法。下面是对 "pour" 的一些常见解释和用法的介绍。倒、注入:当 "pour" 用作动词时,它可以表示将液体或小颗粒物倒入容器中。例如,你可以说 "Pour some milk into the cup"(往杯子里倒一些牛奶)或者 "She poured water into the vase"(她向花瓶里倒水)。大量流动:"Pour" 还可以表示大量的东西迅速而连续地流动。比如,你可以说 "It"s pouring rain outside"(外面正在倾盆大雨)或者 "The crowd poured into the stadium"(人群涌进了体育场)。突然倾泻:"Pour" 还可以指突然而猛烈地倾泻出来。例如,你可以说 "He poured out his emotions in his diary"(他在日记中倾吐自己的情感)或者 "She poured out her frustrations to a friend"(她向朋友倾诉她的挫折)。非常多:"Pour" 还可以表示非常多或源源不断。例如,你可以说 "There were pours of compliments for her performance"(她的表演赢得了大量的赞美)或者 "They received a pour of support from the community"(他们得到了社区的大量支持)。倾斜:最后,"pour" 还可以表示倾斜或倾斜的状态。例如,你可以说 "The tower is leaning, it"s starting to pour"(塔倾斜了,开始倾斜)。总而言之,"pour" 是一个多义词,在不同的上下文中有不同的含义和用法。它可以表示倒入、流动、倾泻、大量或倾斜等意思。
2023-07-24 01:47:201


2023-07-24 01:48:331


2023-07-24 01:48:411

America的《All Around》 歌词

歌曲名:All Around歌手:America专辑:Ventura Highway & Other FavoritesThe Glorious Unseen - All AroundWhen my world is caving in,when my hopes are wearing thin,when I?m choking in my sinLord, You meet me here.When all around is crashing down,I find myself alive in You. Holy one, renew.When all around is crashing down,I find my spirit crying out. Holy one, consume.When I listen to the fear,when I feel my end is near,when all hope has disappearedLord, You meet me here.When all around is crashing down,I find myself alive in You. Holy one, renew.When all around is crashing down,I find my spirit crying out. Holy one, consume.Will You pour out again?God of mercy, here I am reaching out to Youreaching out for a breakthrough.Father, hear my cry of desperation once again.I look into Your eyesand know a love that has no end.Oh Your love has no end, oh Lord.Will You pour out? And so, will You pour out?When all around is crashing down,I find myself alive in You. Holy one, renewWhen all around is crashing down,I find my spirit crying out.Holy one, consume. Consume. Consume.
2023-07-24 01:49:001

小学二年级作文200字:一封倾诉信(A Pour Out Lettle)

作文标题: 一封倾诉信(A Pour Out Lettle) 关 键 词: 倾诉 小学二年级 200字 字 数: 200字作文 本文适合: 小学二年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学二年级200字的作文,题目为:《一封倾诉信(A Pour Out Lettle)》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 初中英语 一封倾诉信(A Pour Out Lettle) Dear lily:   I am not happy。来源:作文网 I have too many rules in my house。I have to get up at 5 o"clock everyday。 I can"t watch TV after school because I must finish homework。 It"s very difficult and tired。 On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes。 After homework, I think I have to stay at home。 In fact,I don"t like museum。 But on Sunday, I have to visit museum 。 It"s very boing 。 Later,I have to go to the Children"s palace to learn the arts。 I never have any fun。   What can I do?   Yours Jin Sihui
2023-07-24 01:49:071

We must pour out a large stream ...译考研两句话

2023-07-24 01:49:142

把水倒掉 英语怎么说1.把杯子里的水倒掉

Empty the cup.
2023-07-24 01:49:504


zhuo 二声
2023-07-24 01:49:581

不哭的双眼 (demo) 歌词

歌曲名:不哭的双眼 (demo)歌手:黄崇旭Witness不哭的双眼(Demo)作词:黄崇旭 作曲:J.WuNow this song, I kept pretty simple. It"s nowhere near perfect.I mean,Shoot, I"m singing the choruses myself on this one, and Ican"t even sing. So I guess this song"s a lot like me ... Imperfect.But this song"s also a personal pray to God. Where after years ofwandering lost with a hardened heart, I come before Him,imperfections and all, asking to feel again.Lord tell me why, why are these eyes dry?I wish I could cry, wash this demon from my eyeMay I shed tear, for those through the yearsHurt by me so severelyMay this stone face embrace graceAbout to break I tasteBitterness of years gone to waste, in hasteMy heart"s like this bottle by my sideOnce the Henny gone all you see is my lifeless eyesHave you seen my mind? I think I lost itHave you seen my dignity? My damn drinkin"s cost itAs I write the pain"s, deep down insideBut Lord tell me why, why are these eyes dry?Shadows fill my mind, then ICannot release emotions insideLord Jesus, with a broken voice II sing to youWith a broken heart II pray to youLord let me feel Your love againLove againSee? I told yall I can"t sing. But hey, I had to at least try.Pour out this liquor as I reminisceMemories fill my mind of things I"d rather forgetWhen I reflect, I have to admitI"d be lyin if I said, I had no regretsMuch disrespect to the opposite sex, I showedA stone cold blackened heart to her even thoughBlessed with the best, a dream to many menA beautiful model with a beautiful soulStandin" by my side when money was tight, sheTears in her eyes every night, as ILived a crazy life waitin" for my mind to rightBut I"m still livin" lost in this dark lifehadAll these chances, took them all for grantedNow I"m all alone, alcoholic barely standin"As I write I cry, deep down insideBut Lord tell me why, why are these eyes dry ?Shadows fill my mind, then ICannot release emotions insideLord Jesus, with a broken voice II sing to youWith a broken heart II pray to youLord let me feel Your love againLove againFallin in my sin but I(Everytime)Feel You constantly remind(Everything"s)Gonna be alrightThis bottle"s empty but my eyes are filledDear Lord, let me feel and let it be realWhatever I"m feelin I pray that it"s real Appreciation in knowin" I"m forgivenBroken, shattered like a piece of glass, LordMake me whole again outta something that lastsThe past, is what I put behind meBut I still gotta speak honestlyLook, I don"t think that I had my last drinkI don"t think, celebrity is yet dead to meAll I know is here I am, fallin" on my knees, fallin on my kneesWho am I but the Prodigal Son?But who lovingly welcomes my return ?You, family, always unconditionallyAs I write I can"t, keep this paper dry (why?)Tears keep fallin from my eyesShadows fill my mind, then ICannot release emotions insideLord Jesus, with a broken voice II sing to youWith a broken heart II pray to youLord let me feel Your love againNo more dry eyes ... Amen
2023-07-24 01:50:181

P.O.D.的《Visions》 歌词

歌曲名:Visions歌手:P.O.D.专辑:brownProve to me, what I seeWhat I hear, my GodProve to me, what I seeWhat I hear, my GodTake my pride, capture my fleshTake my flesh, capture my prideTake my pride, capture my fleshTake my flesh, capture my prideWith the righteous wisdomSpiritual insightCheck the knowledgeAnd it shall come to passAfterwordThat I will pour out my spirit on all fleshAnd your sons and your daughters shall prophesiedYour old men shall dream dreamsAnd your young men shall see visionsJesus Christ is what I see<Visions>Jesus Christ is what I see<Visions>Jesus Christ is what I see<Visions>Jesus Christ is what I see<Visions>Prove to me, who I seeWho I hear, my GodProve to me, who I seeWho I hear, my God
2023-07-24 01:50:251


Text 3When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal. With regard to Futurist poetry, however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be -- even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right -- it can hardly be classed as Literature.This, in brief, is what the Futurist says; for a century, past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed. Consequently, our feelings, thoughts and emotions have undergone a corresponding change. This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression. We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret modern stress. We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, or finite verbs. Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitate them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will.Certainly their descriptions of battles are confused. But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall int0 the river -- and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms.”This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature. All the same, no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression. The whole question is really this: have we essentially changed?59. This passage is mainly ________.[A] a survey of new approaches to art[B] a review of Futurist poetry[C] about merits of the Futurist movement[D] about laws and requirements of literature60. When a novel literary idea appears, people should try to ________.[A] determine its purposes[B] ignore its flaws[C] follow the new fashions[D] accept the principles61. Futurists claim that we must ________.[A] increase the production of literature[B] use poetry to relieve modern stress[C] develop new modes of expression[D] avoid using adjectives and verbs62. The author believes that Futurist poetry is ________.[A] based on reasonable principles[B] new and acceptable to ordinary people[C] indicative of basic change in human nature[D] more of a transient phenomenon than literature答案:59. [B]60. [A]61. [C]62. [D]
2023-07-24 01:50:341


How to Keep Improving Your English via Writing English Blogs? We"ll discuss this topic in several aspects. Why blogs?As Blog has become a fad in modern life, it has become a prevailing phenomenon to write blogs ranging from celebrities to ordinary people. Meanwhile, English is an important tool in the 21st century. As a result, English Blog,a combination of blog and English-learning comes forth and brings benefits for those Chinese who are eager to learn English well. There are many advantages of writing English blogs. To start with, blog is a public place where English-learning is extended from class to daily life. Therefore, people can spend their time on English learning according to their schedule and wish, and acquire more opportunities to learn and use English. Second, blog is an interactional tool via which people are able to communicate with each other, encourage their friends, learn from others, and exchange information with others. It"s quite convenient and effective.Third, bloggers will have a feeling of being recognized if their space is visited by others. They can be motivated to keep writing. Furthermore, owing to the interaction, they will find friends with the same interests. Thus their interest of learning English is further aroused. In all, writing English blogs to improve one"s English has become a trend.How to use DioEnglish?After I registered in DioEnglish for a while, I found it is a nice place for Englsih lovers. This website has some distinct characteristics:Blog parts: writing daily, weekly or monthly English blogs, frequently updating miniblogs, and uploading photoes.Group activities:you can create an interest group, to name some,“ Finding English Partners”, “Favourite Movies”uff0c“Favourite Sports” , and so on, and then post a thread, like “Love or Money, which is more important?”uff0c“What are you most proud of?.After this, you will find a flood of replies from other registers and you can discuss your confused questions with them; you can also share your recommended website with your friends; In addition, there are some English radios in this web so that you can train your ears and get the lattest news from all over the world; whatu2019s more, some online games are available for you to have fun with your friends. DioWiki learning:The most attrative part in DioEnglish for me is DioWiki. Itu2019s an English Wikipedia, which includes all kinds of information about English learning. For people who like to optimize the vocabulary entries, they can make full use of it, to enrich their words, to broad their horizon and to digest good articles.As blog is a public place, your work will be seen and be replied.Others can make friends with your.They can encourage you, comfort you, make suggestions for you,discuss hot topics with you and exchange opinions with you.What to write?It is researched that people have a resolution to learn and write, but have no idea about what to write.Most people write about daily occurrences several times a month; some write whenever they feel like to. A large number of people prefer to share interesting or useful English learning materials.It"s quite normal that when you sit in front of a computer, and then your brain just goes blank: having nothing to say, to write. Today just like other days,nothing interesting has happened. However, we should find topics to write.The most common topics are events that happen in our daily life.We can write about persons in our life, put forward a discussion, announce your decision or plan, recall your memory, and pour out your emotion and love story. From the messages from DioEnglish users, some suggested to write Chinese domestic news, science essays, lyrics, poems and something youu2019re really interested in:love,business,campus,friends,education,daily life,moods and so on. I suggest that while we write our daily life, we may pay more attention to current affairs in order to improve our English level. Starting from your interest, you can choose a topic from politics, business, culture, education, and sport to medicine, science, and fashion. Reading newspaper or listening to the radio to find the freshest information and get your inspiration. For some hot topic, you can write your opinion and invite your friends to join your discussion, like a silent debate. Then we will have a lot to say on our English blog.For people who are interested in different hobbies and goals, they can form different groups to talk with each other, to encourage each other and to urge each other to keep writing. For students, they have the best environment and their teacher can be the perfect person to guide them to write. Teachers can give them a topic each week or organize some competitions for their students online. How to improve?In order to improve the quality of your writing, I have three suggestions:1. To read more:including classic novels, essays and other peopleu2019s English blog, to make contrast, to learn their merits and correct both their and your faults.2. To make more friends online. They can help you and communicate with you about your writing, give you some good ideas. The more friends you make, the more comments you will receive from others and the greater you will improve your writing. 3. To keep learning:to learn foreign culture, to enlarge your vocabulary, to foster your English thinking, and to accumulate good sentences and expressions.For all the people who want to keep improving English via English blog, my experience is leaving your footprints on othersu2019 homepage frequently and comment on othersu2019 writings as much as possible.While learning from others, you will find that most people will step back on your homepage and read your article, so that you won"t feel depressed when few people comment on your works. Different people will leave different words to you; you can pick up those good for you and make progress. In a nutshell, you are both a receicer and contributor for this website. Iu2019m sure you will get satisfaction after your “work” for DioEnglish. I hope all the English learners who want to learn English well can keep writing, and make improvement every day!
2023-07-24 01:50:501


pouredpour发音:英[pu0254u02d0(r)]美[pu0254u02d0r]pour用法:1、pour的基本意思是指大量液体由高向低或由上向下倾倒。引申可指人或物大批地、源源不断地涌入或涌出。2、pour既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词for的宾语。pour还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。短语搭配:1、Pour Steel 浇注钢水2、pour in 倾倒 ; 源源而来 ; 大量涌入 ; 注入3、Pour Spot 酒嘴4、out pour 剩余熔液 ; 剩馀熔液 ;5、Pour Homme 海洋蓝调 ; 男士 ; 男子 ; 大吉岭6、pour forth 倾诉 ;7、Pixel Pour 倾流像素8、Pour short 未浇满9、Pour Spout 酒嘴 ; 蜂窝形小孔双语例句:1、Pour some dressing on the salad.在沙拉上倒一些调味品。
2023-07-24 01:50:591

put in 和pour into的区别

2023-07-24 01:51:252

Pour Me Out (Them Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Pour Me Out (Them Album Version)歌手:PFR专辑:The Late Great PfrPour me, pour me, pour me another,It haunts me, haunts me, like no other,One more drink, then I swear that I"m going home,Truth is, I don"t really have a place to go,So pour me, pour me, pour me another.I wake up right about the mid-afternoon,With the sun in the sky but nights coming soon,And I walk to the mirror just to fix myself,Yeah life gets harder when you love nothing else,So I pick my pills from the counter drawer,Pick my self-esteem up off the fucking floor,I guess I"m a man of no recourse,As I crack another bottle, got no remorse,And I"ll say a little prayer for the child in me,I swear I used to be what I truly believe,That I"m not just a man with these broken dreams,That even I could go to heaven, if I"m part deceased, So...Pour me, pour me, pour me another,It haunts me, haunts me, like no other,One more drink, then I swear that I"m going home,Truth is, I don"t really have a place to go,So pour me, pour me, pour me another.People get sick when they watch you bleed,When you fell from the top, boy you better believe,At the bottom, they got just, yeah, just what you need,But at the bottom, you can"t swim "cause you drank up the sea,When we stop and we look up to the sky,They don"t ask any questions, they ask us why?Don"t have any answers, don"t know what to say,Our knees are getting tired, too tired to pray,That"s when we laid down the end of the road,We all seem to walk and I guess walking alone,And I"m not just a man with these broken dreams,Even I could go to heaven, if I"m part deceased, So...Pour me, pour me, pour me another,It haunts me, haunts me, like no other,One more drink, then I swear that I"m going home,Truth is, I don"t really have a place to go,So pour me, pour me, pour me another.Time just seems to goOn and on,On and on,And on and on,Life inside a bottle all alone,All alone,The bottle"s gone,I"m not just a man with these broken dreams,Even I could go to heaven, if I"m part deceased,What"s life inside a bottle if it"s gone?One more song and I"m finally free,I"ll meet you here in heaven, between the sea,"Cause I"m not just a man with these broken dreams,Even I could go to heaven, if I"m part deceased, So...Pour me, pour me, pour me another,It haunts me, haunts me, like no other,One more drink, then I swear that I"m going home,Truth is, I don"t really have a place to go,So pour me, pour me, pour me another.Pour me, pour me,Pour me, pour me, pour me another,Pour me, pour me,Pour me, pour me, pour me another,
2023-07-24 01:51:331


2023-07-24 01:51:421

pourlackaccessa bitadd up tosupposeset offset up 的意思与用法

pour及物动词 vt. 1.倒,灌,注[O][O1]She poured herself another cup of tea. 她为自己又倒了一杯茶。 2.倾注;大量投入;大量生产[O]They have poured money into the tourist industry. 他们已经把大笔钱投入了旅游业。 3.倾泻;放射(光,热等);密集发射(子弹等)[O]4.倾吐,诉说[(+out/forth)]She often pours her troubles to friends. 她经常向朋友们倾诉自己的苦恼。 不及物动词 vi. 1.倾泻,涌流[Q]The crowd poured out of the concert hall. 人群从音乐厅涌出来。 Sweat poured from Martin"s face. 马丁脸上汗如雨下。 2.斟茶Shall I pour? 我来斟茶好吗? 3.(茶壶等)倒起来[Q]4.(雨)倾盆而降[(+down)]The rain poured steadily down. 大雨不停地倾盆而下。 名词 n. 1.倒,倾泻,涌流2.(一次的)浇灌量3.倾盆大雨lack及物动词 vt. (通常不用于被动语态)1.缺少;没有I don"t seem to lack anything. 我好像什么也不缺。 2.需要不及物动词 vi. 1.缺少;不足;没有[(+for)]They lacked for nothing. 他们什么都不缺少。 名词 n. 1.欠缺;不足;没有[U][S1][(+of)]He can not buy it because of his lack of money. 他因缺钱买不起这个。 2.缺少的东西;需要的东西[C]Water is a lack of this region. 这个地区缺水。 access名词 n. 1.接近,进入;接近的机会,进入的权利;使用[U][(+to)]access broadcasting 向公众开放的节目播送(电台、电视台开放给少数民族或利益团体传递讯息或做宣传的节目播送) Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case. 只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。 2.通道,入口,门路[C][U][(+to)]The only access to their house is along that narrow road. 只有沿着那条狭窄的路走才能到达他们的房子。 3.【书】(病的)发作;(怒气等的)爆发[C][(+of)]in an access of fury 勃然大怒 4.【电脑】存取;取出[U]及物动词 vt. 1.【电脑】取出(资料);使用;接近a bit有点Your article is a bit long. 你的文章长了一点。 add up to总计达The bills add up to exactly $100. 这些帐单加起来正好一百元。 2.意味着His evidence really adds up to this: he didn"t murder the man. 他的证据实际上意味着:他没有谋杀那个人。 suppose及物动词 vt. [W]1.猜想,以为[Y][+(that)][O2][O8]I suppose he is still in town. 我想他还在城里。 2.期望;认为必须,认为应该[H][O2][O8]You"re not supposed to take the books out of the room. 这些书不能拿出屋去。 3.必须以...为前提Every effect supposes a cause. 任何事的产生都必然有其原因。 4.(用于祈使语气)让...[+(that)]Suppose we set out at six. 我们六点动身吧。 5.假定[+(that)][O2]Suppose the car should break down again. 假定汽车又出毛病了。 不及物动词 vi. 1.猜想,料想set off1.出发,动身They set off in search of the lost child. 他们出发寻找失踪的孩子。 2.使爆炸set up 1.竖立;建造2.建立,创立A new government was set up after the war. 新政府于战后成立。
2023-07-24 01:51:491


2023-07-24 01:52:447


long long ago, there was an empty cup, who was so loneliness. one day, someone poured some water in the cup, which made her feel so hot. the cup thought this was the feeling of being in love. with time went on, the water became warmer, which made the cup felt very comfortable. she though this was the feeling of life. after a long time, the water became cold, the cup started to worry that one day she might lose it. one day, the water became completely cold, the cup was very sad and wanted to pour the water out. when the water finally was poured out, the cup felt happy but she fell onto the ground and broke into pieces. then the cup found that there were many drops on every piece, when suddenly she understood she still loved the water. so she wanted to fall in love with the water totally. but it was impossible. how can we understand to value something only when we lose it, and konw we are in happiness when it becomes the past.
2023-07-24 01:53:011

use up 与 run out 意为用、用尽时 有没有被动语态

useup与runoutof没有什么大的区别,从意思上看基本一致。一般需要区别的是beusedup runoutrunoutof后接物品名词,主语一般是人runout一般以物做主语,表示该物以用光,以主动形式表示被动意义sb.useupsth.beusedup意义与runout相同,它本身就是被动形式,主语只能是物例子:我们把钱用光了。weranoutofmoney.ourmoneyranout.weusedupourmoney.ourmoneywasusedup.这样应该比较清楚,你以后碰到就不会有问题了。
2023-07-24 01:53:151

pour attention to 可以替换 pay attention to吗?

可以,写作文时用pour attention into 替换 pay attention to 可以拿高分
2023-07-24 01:53:264

Hollywood Undead的《The Diary》 歌词

歌曲名:The Diary歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:Swan SongsHollywood Undead - The Diarycus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homebut its hard when you stareinto the bottom of a bottlethat is empty and bareall my desolate soulin my desolate homeit"s my desolate roleyeah I"m here all aloneI can"t think of a reasoncurtains closed, lights are offAm I alive or dead?I haven"t shaved in a weekI always slur when I speaktolerance at its peakanother fit just to sleepoh woe is me woe is meI guess I need lovehoes ya see hoes ya seeI"m just in a rutand I swear I"m tryin baby pleaseBaby don"t leaveBut I guess that"s just meso I sit in my roomand I"ll cry in my bedthinkin about all the shitthat made me wrong in my headI keep tryin to climbbut it seems so steepand go back to sleep.... bitchcus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homeI watch my momma cryshe says "baby why?"I say "baby died,baby"s gone like a suicide"I don"t think you"ll see him soon, momstay out my room, momtell daddy that I hateI sing this shit for you, Danny, Sasha and Jordanthese tears keep gettin warmereverytime that I hold herI pour this out for youlike a partner in crimeit"s part of the timeswhen you"re sick in the mindyeah I"m sick, oh so sickI"m so sick of this shitYeah I"m lit, oh so litso I stumble aroundtil I stumble fall downto this puddle of my tearslayin here on the groundwhen you"ve got nothing leftyou"ve got nothing left to losewith my last left single breathI"ll still be singing to youso when you bury me manyou better bury me deepand sing along to this songbecause you"re broke And I"m Free???cus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homeAnd I wanna go back to the startback where we started fromand I know it"s been so longI was wrong, I was wrongI was wrong all alongAnd I wanna go back to the startback where we started fromand I know it"s been so longI was wrong, I was wrongI was wrong all alongcus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go homecus I don"t wanna be like thisI"ve been runnin these streetsfor too long nowI"ve got nothing that"s truebut this song nowbut the further I goI wanna go home
2023-07-24 01:54:251


pour oil on troubled waters息事宁人; 排难解纷; 平息事态; 平息风波; 调停争端; 双语例句1The fight between the boys had become so fierce that the teacher had to come out to pour oil on troubled waters.两个男生争吵得异常激烈,老师不得不出面调解。
2023-07-24 01:54:321

stream 和 flow 在做动词时有什么区别。。?

pour, flow, run, stream这组词的共同意思是“流”“流动”。其区别是:1.flow, run, stream和pour都可指液体流动; flow还可指气体流动; pour还可指光线、微粒等倾泻。2.时间上:flow一般指源源不断地、长时间地流动; run既可以是源源不断地、长时间地流动,也可以是流动一段时间; stream和pour多指短时间地流动。3.方向上:指液体流动时, flow是水平流动; run和stream既可水平流动,也可垂直流动; pour是垂直流动。4.流速上:从快到慢依次为pour, stream, run, flow。具体说就是flow是平平稳稳地流动; run比较湍急; stream比run更有力; pour则是“倾泻”。5.flow, stream和pour常用于比喻, run很少用于比喻。例如:The river was flowing quietly.河水静静流着。She let her hair down so that it flew darkly over her shoulders.她让乌黑的头发披散下来,飘垂到肩上。The river runs through hills and fields.河水流经山冈和田野。The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.水自管内注入水桶中。Tears were streaming down her face.她脸上热泪滚滚而下。The students streamed into the auditorium.学生们络绎不绝地进入礼堂。下面三句话的意思相同:She poured me a cup of tea.She poured a cup of tea for me.She poured me out a cup of tea.她给我倒了一杯茶。
2023-07-24 01:54:471

Pass Out (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Pass Out (Radio Edit)歌手:Tinie Tempah专辑:The Brit Awards Album 2011Pass OutTinie TempahIt"s ok,I"m good,Let"s Go!Yeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Lets have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(So) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We wont come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Yeah (i) yeah, i"m in charge now,I"m a star and i bought my fucking cast out,I live a very very very wild lifestyle,Heidi and Audrina eat your heart out,I used to listen to ‘you don"t wanna bring arms house"I got so many clothes i keep"s em in ma aunts house,Disturbing London baby we about to branch out,Soon ill be the king like Prince Charles Child, Yeah!Yeah, yeah and there ain"t nobody fresherSemester to semester, ravin" with the freshers20 light bulbs around my table and my dresserCLK Kompressor, just in case that don"t impress herSay hello to Dexter, say hello to Uncle FesterGot them gazing at my necklace and my crazy sun protectorsG-Shocks i got a crazy don collectionHaters, i can"t fuckin" hear your receptionYeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Let"s have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We wont come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!This shit was meant to last me 24 hrs manYeah, They say hello, they say ‘ola and they say bonjour,I"m pissed i never got to fly on a concord,I bin Southampton but ive never bin to Scunthorpe,I"m fucking crazy with the kicks, call me Jean Claude,About to be a bigger star than my mum thought,Cos every day i got a groupie at my front door,Now I drive past the bus i used to run for,Where"s my fucking clap, where"s my encore?I walk alone, cos I was born alone,I chirps her just for fun, I never ever call her phone,I leave her in the club, i never ever walk her home,DL the f"kin foundation, im the cornerstone,I"m born famous,I"m sorta" known,If your son doesn"t,I bet your Daughter knows,Check out my visual, checkout my audio,Extra ordinary, yo, hope you enjoyed the show,Yeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Let"s have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We won"t come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Woh ho, woh ho ho...Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,Look at all the drama we started, Now"imIn here layin" on my back,Sayin" DJ wont ya gimmie one more trackUh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,,Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,(so) Let it rainLet it pour awayWe wont come downUntil we hit the ground and pass out!(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We won"t come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!
2023-07-24 01:54:541

Tinie Tempah的《Pass Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Pass Out歌手:Tinie Tempah专辑:StreetDance (Music From & Inspired by the Original Motion Picture)Tinie Tempah - Pass OutIt"s ok,I"m good,Let"s Go!Yeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Lets have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(So) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We wont come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Yeah (i) yeah, i"m in charge now,I"m a star and i bought my fucking cast out,I live a very very very wild lifestyle,Heidi and Audrina eat your heart out,I used to listen to ‘you don"t wanna bring arms house"I got so many clothes i keep"s em in ma aunts house,Disturbing London baby we about to branch out,Soon ill be the king like Prince Charles Child, Yeah!Yeah, yeah and there ain"t nobody fresherSemester to semester, ravin" with the freshers20 light bulbs around my table and my dresserCLK Kompressor, just in case that don"t impress herSay hello to Dexter, say hello to Uncle FesterGot them gazing at my necklace and my crazy sun protectorsG-Shocks i got a crazy don collectionHaters, i can"t fuckin" hear your receptionYeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Let"s have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We wont come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!This shit was meant to last me 24 hrs manYeah, They say hello, they say ‘ola and they say bonjour,I"m pissed i never got to fly on a concord,I bin Southampton but ive never bin to Scunthorpe,I"m fucking crazy with the kicks, call me Jean Claude,About to be a bigger star than my mum thought,Cos every day i got a groupie at my front door,Now I drive past the bus i used to run for,Where"s my fucking clap, where"s my encore?I walk alone, cos I was born alone,I chirps her just for fun, I never ever call her phone,I leave her in the club, i never ever walk her home,DL the f"kin foundation, im the cornerstone,I"m born famous,I"m sorta" known,If your son doesn"t,I bet your Daughter knows,Check out my visual, checkout my audio,Extra ordinary, yo, hope you enjoyed the show,Yeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Let"s have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We won"t come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Woh ho, woh ho ho...Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,Look at all the drama we started, Now"imIn here layin" on my back,Sayin" DJ wont ya gimmie one more track(so) Let it rainLet it pour awayWe wont come downUntil we hit the ground and pass out!(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We won"t come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Pass out (echo)Pass out (echo)
2023-07-24 01:55:021

pads2007如何重新PO:修改走线后如何重新COPPER POUR

tools-pour manager, 选中flood all,点击start就可以了
2023-07-24 01:55:091


2023-07-24 01:49:241


2023-07-24 01:49:283

new girl是是什么意思?

2023-07-24 01:49:291

MUSE的《Nature_1》 歌词

歌曲名:Nature_1歌手:MUSE专辑:Hullabaloo SoundtrackConforming on a mondayToo often and too coldBut you aren"t even listening"Cause you are justToo old to feel an earthquakeOr too cool to even careBut you aren"t even listeningSo why should IYou are a natural disasterAnd I"ve wanted you too muchAnd now I"m gonna loseI"ve wanted you too muchAnd now I"ve gotta chooseYou"re the cause of all thisAnd I"m sick of trying to please youAnd you"re gonna feel my emotions coming"Cause you"re the worldLike a broken dam you"re emptyAnd all that"s left are the sticks and stonesThat were built by other peopleAnd it really showsBut you aren"t even listeningBecause you are justToo old to feel an earthquakeOr too cool to even careBut you aren"t even listeningSo why should IYou are a natural disasterAnd I"ve wanted you too muchAnd now I"m gonna loseI"ve wanted you too muchAnd now I"ve gotta chooseYou"re the cause of all thisAnd I"m sick of trying to please youAnd you"re gonna feel my emotions comingBecause you"re the world
2023-07-24 01:49:243

goodhealth葡萄籽,swise的,healthy care的,哪个好

2023-07-24 01:49:222