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关于如何制造dog king动画片的英语作文

2023-07-23 20:09:56

Recently, we have seven "family of small guest" - a snail. First let me introduce it to everyone. The Snail family of "boss", "black dick", "La Li", "Voyage", "you", "dandy", "stupid pig". Today, I am pleased to bring them to school,race and other snails.

The game is divided into a team (1 people) and the challenge. I was one of the "parents" snail challenge team.From the beginning to now, the challenge is not smooth, the Bureau will lose. Our team of snail "parents" today really disappointed. Look, some bend the brows, blame their own snail not champion good; some pats the table,called "bad luck"; and the spirit of the snails were thrown out. Champion was immensely proud. The snail is the last appearance, we put all their hopes on me. I held my breath, with great care to my "run", "boss" snail out. It slowlyhead out in the air, let the tentacles of a swing, from time to time to touch the ground, as if in the Pathfinder. While the head of a long, heavy hard behind, ready with the champion of "Black Panther" snail play off for the victory.People without blinking an eye stares at the two snails. At first, I was behind many of the snail, anxious I likemonkey jumping up and down, yelled after it: "climb! Climb! "Forward!" "The boss" is finally done in one vigorous effort in a corner,, rushed to the front. Almost to the end, all the music, a lot of it shout "refueling". I seem to hearwhat the snail, it was extended shrink to accelerate the pace, stop for a moment to move forward to climb, climbhuan. The "Panther" seems to have been what shock like, all of a sudden into the crust, motionless. "I win!" I jumped with joy.

Team challenge, not! Not only challenge team "parents", even the champion is watching me, envy! "String reallysnail mother", then, I do not know who said in jest, make people laugh. Laughter echoed in the classroom, driftingfar away......



dogking是狗王的意思,如果您说的是dogking币,那就是狗狗币。狗狗币(dogecoin,货币代码:DOGE)诞生于2013年12月8日,作者一位是澳大利亚的品牌与市场营销专家Jackson Palmer,一位是美国俄勒冈州波特兰市的程序员Billy Markus。交易方法Dogecoin基于Scrypt算法,交易确认时间为1分钟,较比特币更加迅速。狗币能风靡全球的原因可能有三个:小费文化,慈善文化,萌文化。
2023-07-23 14:36:111


春节联欢晚会上沈腾在小品《还不还》中多次提及“元宇宙里的DogKing”,同名DogeKing加密货币短线暴涨542倍,DOGEKING币的发行量为10,000,000亿枚。狗王大戏开唱,这一唱就唱到大年初七,一个星期的时间,狗王上涨幅度达到万倍,有人说3万,也有人说5万,可能是计算时最低点价格不同导致,但可操作的价格,最低点到最高点,大概是3200倍左右。【拓展资料】Doge King币中文全称是狗王币,是币安智能链上代币,为狗狗币的衍生币种,于2021年11月推出。该币流动性锁定一年,项目完全去中心化和社区驱动。Doge King是基于Elon Musk推广下的SHIB,DOGE,BABYDOGE后的新型通缩式货币令牌,我们将采取燃烧每笔交易的7%,5%分红给持有狗神币的人,2%用作销毁来加快货币通缩速度加快货币价值的增长速度,狗王币自开盘5分钟后即锁定lp流动池地址。公开信息显示,该币为币安智能链上代币,为狗狗币的衍生币种,于2021年11月推出。该币流动性锁定一年,项目完全去中心化和社区驱动,官网并未给出项目背后团队的名称和信息,也并未提供白皮书。虚拟币Dogeking此轮涨势凶猛,业内人士提醒投资者:“虚拟币Dogeking的暴涨,可以看作一种粉丝经济效应。但是,该币种实际应用价值较小,筹码过于集中,很容易出现市场操纵风险。目前的价格暴涨更多来自于营销炒作,后期不排除持币大户抛售离场的可能,因此风险较大。”不管大家是否要投资DOGEKING币,在投资前都应该做好充足的心理准备以及资金准备,不要盲目的跟风,别人说能赚钱就马上投资,不考虑其中的风险。很多时候我们都更加需要有自己的判断能力,做一个有主见的投资者。我们知道OGEKING币的暴涨其实就是一个偶然,而在币圈,像OGEKING币这样的币种其实还有很多,大多都逃不过辉煌之后的落寞,所以我们在投资的过程中也要小心防范其中的风险。
2023-07-23 14:36:191


一、注册Gate芝麻开门:点击注册Gate芝麻开门,注册完成之后,下载Gate芝麻开门APP。二、搜索BNB或者USDT,建议购买BNB,因为币安链的钱包需要使用BNB作为手续费。三、点击BNB或者USDT进去,然后购买BNB或者USDT。四、点击钱包,现货里面找到BNB,点击进去提现。BNB提现需要提现地址,地址去TP钱包复制过来,那就需要先注册TP钱包,扫描下面的二维码下载Token Pocket钱包。五、在Token Pocket钱包中创建钱包,创建钱包之后,把助记词写到本子上,保存好,如果手机丢了,可以通过助记词导入到新手机上的Token Pocket钱包中。六、创建钱包之后,默认就会有一个BNB,点击进去,点击收款,然后复制收款地址。七、回到Gate芝麻开门提现,提现地址输入刚刚在TP钱包复制的BNB地址。BNB提现到TP钱包之后,点击加号进入,通过DogeKing的合约地址搜索到DogeKing。八、添加DogeKing之后,在钱包点击发现,找到PancakeSwap(薄饼),点击PancakeSwap(薄饼),输入DogeKing的合约地址:0x641EC142E67ab213539815f67e4276975c2f8D50,点击Import 添加DogeKing。操作环境:品牌型号:小米12Pro系统版本:Android 11版本 MIUI 13app版本:v1.1.5【拓展资料】狗狗币是什么?Dogecoin正确称法是多吉币,不过因其图标是一个搞怪的Dog迷因,在国内被称作“狗狗币/狗币”,狗狗币诞生于2013年12月8日,基于Scrypt算法,是一款虚拟货币。作者一位是澳大利亚的品牌与市场营销专家Jackson Palmer,一位是美国俄勒冈州波特兰市的程序员Palmer。狗狗币起初诞生只是为了讽刺市场上雨后春笋般出现的各种山寨货币,不过后来受到国外知名社区reddit的推崇后,转成了一种小费打赏的电子货币。由于没有预挖,狗币分发公平,慈善、打赏文化深得人心,用户发展惊人迅速。二、狗狗币是否值得购买?关于狗狗币是否值得购买,我个人认为是值得的,我算是今年才了解到狗狗币,说说我认为值得购买的几个原因:1.对个人精神领袖特斯拉CEO马斯克的崇拜,一定程度上可以理解为有马教主背书。2.美国小费文化以及群众共识,这个在reddit上Dogecoin模块的活跃程度可以看见。3.真正有市场共识同时又价格低廉的虚拟货币,被戏称为人人可拥有的虚拟货币,不需要花费很多钱即可拥有。抛弃个人精神信仰来说,最终促使我购买狗狗币的最主要因素是因为它的低价格,即使买个5-6k元囤起来玩玩,亏完也就一个月或者半月工资,目前本文发稿这几天在连续上涨,投机者较多,建议打算入场的等回调后再进,下一个拐点我猜测应该是1美元。三、狗狗币目前走势及价值?狗狗币是一种加密货币,与比特币一样都是数字货币的一种形式,可通过去中心化网络进行点对点交易。与比特币的关键区别之一:狗狗币最初只是一个玩笑,上面添加了狗狗的照片。比特币则是原始区块链的概念证明。这款加密货币的价值在不到一年前曾经只有零点几美元。然而,Reddit和Twitter等社交平台掀起的买入狂潮推动价格拉升,其价值如今已上涨数倍。截至当下,狗狗币的市场价格已经达到0.47美元一枚,按照今日汇率也就是价值人民币3.08元,今日最高已经到达3.9元。
2023-07-23 14:36:281


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2023-07-23 14:36:433

英语作文谈谈制造dog king的过程初二

Recently, we have seven "family of small guest" - a snail. First let me introduce it to everyone. The Snail family of "boss", "black dick", "La Li", "Voyage", "you", "dandy", "stupid pig". Today, I am pleased to bring them to school,race and other snails.The game is divided into a team (1 people) and the challenge. I was one of the "parents" snail challenge team.From the beginning to now, the challenge is not smooth, the Bureau will lose. Our team of snail "parents" today really disappointed. Look, some bend the brows, blame their own snail not champion good; some pats the table,called "bad luck"; and the spirit of the snails were thrown out. Champion was immensely proud. The snail is the last appearance, we put all their hopes on me. I held my breath, with great care to my "run", "boss" snail out. It slowlyhead out in the air, let the tentacles of a swing, from time to time to touch the ground, as if in the Pathfinder. While the head of a long, heavy hard behind, ready with the champion of "Black Panther" snail play off for the victory.People without blinking an eye stares at the two snails. At first, I was behind many of the snail, anxious I likemonkey jumping up and down, yelled after it: "climb! Climb! "Forward!" "The boss" is finally done in one vigorous effort in a corner,, rushed to the front. Almost to the end, all the music, a lot of it shout "refueling". I seem to hearwhat the snail, it was extended shrink to accelerate the pace, stop for a moment to move forward to climb, climbhuan. The "Panther" seems to have been what shock like, all of a sudden into the crust, motionless. "I win!" I jumped with joy.Team challenge, not! Not only challenge team "parents", even the champion is watching me, envy! "String reallysnail mother", then, I do not know who said in jest, make people laugh. Laughter echoed in the classroom, driftingfar away......
2023-07-23 14:36:501


人的听觉一般为16~20000赫兹,超出20000赫兹的频率叫超声,人听不见,狗却可以。歌曲《A Very Silent Night》 ( 《一个寂静的夜晚》 )就是根据超声原理,为狗制作的音乐唱片,主要包含乐器演奏的音乐和歌唱出来的音乐两种形式。人只能看见画面,却听不见声音,不过整个画面很可爱。链接地址:
2023-07-23 14:37:003


2023-07-23 14:37:086


2023-07-23 14:37:513

KING DOG注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

KING DOG商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有1件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,KING DOG还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第25类(服装、鞋帽、袜子手套)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)
2023-07-23 14:37:591


最美女主持今年总台春晚主持人“团队”有位新成员因为颜值过高而被刷屏,观众都在夸她“漂亮”,“又大气又甜美”,有网友希望她能常驻春晚,还上了微博热搜。据小尼爆料,今年春晚导演组给她打电话的时候差点被当成外卖送餐员的电话被挂掉。她就是28岁,身高172的哈尔滨女孩——马凡舒。马凡舒首次主持如此大的跨年晚会丝毫没有怯场,一出现就十分惊艳,落落大方,被众多网友称赞大气。红色的轻纱长裙,温柔中又带着端庄,可谓是绝世美人,俘获了不少网友的芳心。马凡舒,1993年11月6日出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市。2011年,十八岁的马凡舒参加并获得了《海南国际旅游岛形象大使选拔秀》第四名,从此开始崭露头角。2014年,马凡舒因担任中央电视台《天下足球》节目的主持人而被众多球迷认识。此后,她还连续两年主持了《FIFA Online3》职业联赛全明星赛。2018年,马凡舒因主持俄罗斯世界杯节目《豪门盛宴》获得更多关注!这位美女可是肤白貌美大长腿,被网友誉为是“央视的林志玲”,人气不俗。甚至还有媒体称她为——“董卿的接班人”。让我们期待一下马凡舒在春晚后续会给大家带来怎样的惊喜吧!最催生“我骄傲!”熟悉的声音一响起观众就知道是春晚的熟悉面孔——孙涛登场了。孙涛、王雷、颖儿等带来的《父与子》,探讨中国式父子关系,在小品前半部分中父子总是矛盾不断,父子俩吵得不可开交,儿子宣布媳妇怀孕的时候。家庭矛盾瞬间化解,开始畅想保胎,养胎。被网友吐槽尴尬不已,催生来袭。小品中间部分路人甲向爷爷展示了自己的孙女有多乖,就听爷爷的话后,父亲不但支持儿子放弃稳定工作出去闯,还支持儿子卖房子,还180度大转弯倾家荡产掏出70万支持儿子,也引起了网友对具体问题的讨论。往年春晚小品催婚的比较多,而今年春晚小品开局第一弹就是催生,而且把催生主线贯穿小品始终。你觉得春晚的《父与子》会增加你的生育意愿吗?最真实扎心:还得是沈腾、马丽沈腾和马丽,这两个名字放到一起就是笑点的保证,一出场就成功把晚会的气氛哄向新的高潮,也成功登上微博热搜第一。在今年的春晚中,沈腾、马丽、常远、艾伦主演的小品《还不还》引发了众多网友讨论,沈腾扮演的“老沈”面对同学的催债花式逃脱,发生了一系列啼笑皆非的“故事”。“元宇宙里的DogKing”、“打工仔从小崽就得打工”……小品爆梗不断,网友们直呼“真实”,也有网友感叹“还得是沈腾马丽”。欢笑之余,小品也勾起了很多“债主”的共鸣:“年年讨债年年张不开嘴,好不容易鼓起勇气,讨债未成反又搭钱……”话题#催还钱到底有多难开口#引发大量网友讨论,也有网友反应有人看完小品之后还钱了!还有网友就没那么幸运了,表示希望欠债的人看到这个小品能主动还钱,也有人建议千万不要往外借钱,还有人苦于不好意思开口……你有类似的情况吗?遇到借钱不还的人,你会怎么办?最山东人贾玲、张小斐的神仙组合是另外一个笑点保证,今年她们的小品《喜上加喜》中依旧扮演了一对母女,“人参公鸡”、“勾心豆角”、“小杜鸡肠”……网友笑谈谐音梗算是让贾玲玩明白了。湖北女孩却在春晚上说着北京话、上海话、山东话,贾玲说山东方言也引起了网友们的关注,“哈啤酒吃蛤喇”“我就是觉得山东人特别豪迈”......有些网友听到了熟悉的乡音,倍感亲切。最中国风《只此青绿》剧照画中青峰叠嶂,绿水隐现;舞者眉眼锋利,绛唇高髻,利落甩袖,隐入画中……女子群舞“青绿”登陆央视春晚,以山水人文风骨,颂赞祖国千里江山。网友们“我直接文化膨胀了”“美哭了”“以后节目按照这种程度卷起来”“这个舞可以把在座的各位看哭”。
2023-07-23 14:38:171


苹果 男孩 猫 狗希望你们能不能帮助你
2023-07-23 14:39:173


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2023-07-23 14:39:298


  1 The Felidae Family  Acinonyx jubatus (Cheetah)  Range and Habitat  Cheetahs range in the savanna regions of sub-Saharan Africa, and east of the rainforests in central Africa. A small population of approximately 200 cheetahs also occur in the Caspian Sea area in the countries of Iran, Turkey and Turkmenistan. Their range used to extend farther east to the Middle East and India, but have been eliminated and are thought to be extinct in these countries. The largest cheetah population exists in Namibia, with an estimated 2,000-3,000 cheetahs. However, even here their future is not secure, because Namibian farmers loose 10% of their livestock to cheetahs.  Physical Appearance  The cheetah is the most canid of all felines. They are adapted for running very fast. Males are slightly larger than the females. Cheetahs are shaped very differently from other felines. They have long, thin legs; a very lithe body (the same tapering shape as a greyhound); a very small and rounded head; and a very long thin tail that the cheetah uses as a balance when it runs. The cheetah has a yellowish-tawny-golden color coat with white underbody and face, and solid black spots all over its body, and a thick black tear stripe that runs from the inside corner of its eyes to its mouth. Their canine teeth are proportionately small for a cat, in order to make room for their enlarged nasal passages. Cheetahs claws don"t retract completely, and their feet are wider in relation to their body size. The soles of their feet are covered with rough scaly pads, in order to grip the ground while they run. All these characteristics help to make the cheetah the fastest land animal on the planet.  Unfortunately, though the cheetah"s body was designed for speed, it was not designed for endurance, it is a sprint runner. Cheetahs can only keep up their fastest pace (70 mph) for 400 yards before their body overheats and their muscles begin to tire and produce lactic acid from exhaustion. In fact, the cheetah"s body temperature can rise to over 105 degrees Fahrenheit, a fatal temperature. In order to help them get enough air to their huge lungs while they run, their nasal passage is very large and short. Their heart, lungs, bronchial tubes, and adrenal glands are larger, which also aid in the circulation of oxygen rich blood to the muscles.  The cheetah is poetry in motion when it runs. It has an extremely flexible spine, which it can flex and twist to increase its stride up to 20 feet in a single bound! Its hip, ankle, wrist and shoulder joints are also very flexible, as the cheetah sprints and dodges in numerous angles to catch its prey, and needs to be able to maneuver in a split second. The long thick tail acts as a rudder, and by flailing the tail around the cheetah can steer itself at very high speeds.  They are very easy to distinguish from the other large African spotted cat, the leopard, because they look so different. They have spots, whereas the leopard has rosettes. The cheetah is much smaller and thinner, and its legs are longer and very thin, where the leopard is much heavier and more muscular with proportionately shorter legs. The cheetah"s head and muzzle is more rounded and smaller than the leopards, and the leopard can jump up in trees and stalk on the ground, whereas the cheetah is restricted to staying on the ground.  2 The Felidae Family  King Cheetah  For years, strangely marked skins from cheetahs have come out of Africa, as well as reports of a strangely-marked giant cheetah. In 1975, in Kruger Park, South Africa, cryptozoologists Paul and Lena Bottriell observed and photographed a king cheetah. It was larger than a normal cheetah, and had strange blotchy markings on its body. They were able to obtain mounted specimens of these creatures to study.  At first, people felt that this new animal was a hybrid cheetah-leopard cross. Some king cheetahs were captured, and genetic tests done on them determined that this was false. The unusual coat pattern was caused by a recessive allele (gene), which was known as the "tabby gene", because the same gene in domestic cats controls the tabby markings on them. King cheetahs are the same species, and can interbreed with normal cheetahs and produce fertile young of both types. King cheetahs can breed with each other and produce fertile young of both sexes. And king cheetahs can be born to a normal cheetah pair. The king cheetah is not a subspecies of cheetah, but unusually marked indivuduals within a population. The king cheetah turns up in clumps within populations, and are widespread throughout Africa.  In 1981, in the DeWildt cheetah center in South Africa, a "king" cheetah was born. It was the first king cheetah born in captivity. They have the same body structures as a normal cheetah, but the markings are bigger and all the spots are connected in a blotchy pattern. This new mutation is giving biologists hope, as they believe that such mutations may mean that the cheetah is beginning to regain some genetic diversity. Such mutations rarely exist in the wild, but they have been seen.  Diet and Hunting Behavior  Cheetahs prefer to eat small ungulates: the Thompson"s gazelle, Grant"s gazelle, impala; and even occasionally rabbits. The cheetah eats as much of the prey it caught as it can, and does not return to its kills because it cannot defend them. The cheetah trades speed for strength. It hunts during the day so as not to come into contact with more nocturnal predators as lions and hyenas, who kill their cubs and eat them, and will kill the mother if they can catch her. The cheetah is the most successful solitary hunter, succeeding in up to 70% of their hunts. This is due to the fact that the cheetah is specialized, and by no means reflects on the cheetahs ability to catch a wide variety of prey. The only other hunter that is more successful than the cheetah is the African wild dog, which is the most successful cooperative hunter, catching up to 80% of their hunts.  Cheetahs hunt by sight, sometimes standing atop termite mounds to survey their surroundings. Once the desired prey is sighted, the cheetah silently stalks it, until it is within 50 - 100 yards of it. Then it explodes into action, and chases its prey across the savannah. The cheetah"s very flexible spine allows it the greatest running stride of all the big cats. It uses its long tail to balance it while it chases down its prey. And its extremely flexible hips allow it to make sharp turns. Once the prey is within reach, the cheetah uses its front paws to try and knock the legs out from under it. It then kills its prey by a choke hold from their small canines. During the hunt, they run so fast that their body temperature can reach up to 105 degrees farenheight, which can kill. So they can run very fast but don"t have very good endurance. Unfortunately, after all this effort, the exhausted and overheated cheetah usually cannot eat, because larger predators can easily take it away from the tired cheetah, who even if she wasn"t exhausted form the chase could not defend her food from them. Unlike most other carnivores, cheetahs never scavenge. They must eat fresh killed meat.  3 The Felidae Family  Reproduction and Life Cycle  Females reach sexual maturity at 2-3 years, and males at 3 years. Mating can take place year-round, but peaks during the rainy season (November to May). Like most cats, cheetahs are mating-induced ovulators, which means that they do not ovulate until after mating has occurred. In order for mating to take place, the female cheetah lays down and raises her rear end in the air, in a position called lordosis. The male cheetah"s penis, like all carnivores, has a bone called the baculum, which serves to stimulate the female cheetah"s vaginal wall. Also on the male cheetah"s penis are tiny backwards facing spines, which are found only in the cat family. They are believed to provide stimulation for ovulation. The act of copulation itself lasts only a minute or two at most. They may mate several times a day, and the oestrus period, or receptive time of the female, lasts up to fourteen days.  After a gestation period of 90 - 98 days, she gives birth to 1-3 cubs in a burrow made in thick grass. The cubs weigh 250 - 300 g (8.8 - 10.6 oz) when they are born. They stay in the burrow for 8 weeks. During this time, the mother moves her cubs constantly to avoid detection by predators. Their first teeth come in at 3-6 weeks of age, and are replaced by adult teeth by 8 months old. Until the cubs are 3 months old, they are covered with a long, fuzzy grey coat, which gradually falls out and their sleek, spotted coats fill in. This unusual coloration is thought to be camouflage for the cubs. Cubs are weaned at 4 months old, but continue to stay with their mother until they are about a year and a half old. During this time they are taught how to hunt. Infant mortality rate is 71% before 2 months, and 95% from two months to 1 year old. The high infant mortality rate is due to starvation, disease, and predation by lions, baboons and hyenas. Those that do survive take 1 1/2 years to mature, and in that time they stick with their mother to learn how to hunt. She will not breed until her cubs either all leave her or die. Cheetahs can live for up to 15 years in the wild.  Social Behavior  Cheetahs are generally solitary and diurnal (active in the daytime) by nature, but they are actually more social than most felids, except the lion. They are most active during the daytime to aviod conflict with the more nocturnal lion and hyena, which are the cheetah"s main enemies besides man. Females are usually found alone escept when she has young, and males live in coalitions of two to five members, trios being the most common. In areas of eastern and southern Africa, where other large predators have been eradicated, cheetahs are often seen in groups of 14 - 19 individuals. The males and females only get together to breed. After conception, the males leave the females and rejoin their coalitions. In these coalitions, the males live and hunt together, protecting one another from lions and hyenas, and providing food for everyone in the coalition, since it is easier to hunt in a group. Coalitions of cheetahs also have better success rates in establishing and maintaining a territory, and finding mates. Sometimes, a small family group consisting of males and females form. They hunt together as well, and are more successful than loners. The practice mutual grooming, which establishes bonds between members of the coalition. All cheetahs, whether they are the members of a coalition, or the lone cheetah, regularly mark off their home ranges with urine.  4 The Felidae Family  Cheetahs communicate with each other using a variety of sounds. Cheetahs don"t meow, but they do chirp and squeak. Mother cheetahs chirp to call their young. They also purr to show contentment and growl to show aggression. Cheetahs also communicate using body language, like other cats. Flattened ears and bared teeth mean aggression, and this is accentuated by white spots on the backs of black ears.  Threats  All cheetahs are endangered due to excessive hunting for their skins, and severely inbred because of a plague that swept across Africa in the last Ice age over 10,000 years ago, leaving only a few thousand cheetahs. The animals also have a low recovery rate, and were unable to mutate to produce a more genetically stable population. Those that survived and dodged the bullets of hunters were responsible for perpetuation of the species. Because there was such a small gene pool left, all African cheetahs today are descended from these few hundred cheetahs, so most are related. This can be proven by comparing coat patterns. All marked animals (those with spots, rosettes, or stripes) have their own unique patterns. Several cheetahs have shown similar, if not near identical, coat patterns; even those that are several thousands of miles apart. Biologists have also noticed that skin grafts between unrelated cheetahs in zoos take, instead of being rejected as they normally would. Thus, the world of the cheetah looks very dim, as no new genetic material can be introduced. Cheetahs have a sperm count that is 90% lower than a tiger or lion, and on top of that, 75% of the sperm are abnormal, having multiple tails, no tail, multiple heads, and even no heads. Captive breeding programs have not been successful, as cheetahs will not readily breed in captivity, and unfortunately, the offspring produced usually die.  Cheetahs are also threatened by lions, who will kill adult cheetahs if they can catch them, and kill their cubs when they find them hidden in the grass. Lions and hyenas also steal the cheetah"s kills, and since the cheetah is smaller, weaker, and cannot rick any physical damage, must relinquish its hard-earned kill.
2023-07-23 14:40:093


2023-07-23 14:40:2013

关于cat 或dog 的idiom,英语

dog1、Let sleeping dogs lie. (Don"t wake a sleeping dog. )莫惹是非。2、He died like a dog. (He died a dog"s death.)他死得很惨。3、He led a dog"s life. 他过着贫困的生活。4、This country is going to the dogs. 这个国家要垮台了。cat1、A cat may look at a king. [谚]猫也可以看国王。(指小人物也应该有些权利)2、There is nothing for it but to wait and see how the cat jumps. 眼前只有静待,看看事情如何转变。3、Has the cat got your tongue? 你为什么不吭声?(猫把你的舌头叼去了吗?)1 英语中的Cat译句:He is one of the literary fat cats. 错译:他简直是只大肥猫。也许是加菲猫动画片的流行会一些人译出这样的句子来,“大肥猫”是什么形象?其实fat cat是很早就有的一个俚语,意思是“有权有势的人”、“大亨”,所以原句的意思是:他是文学界的显赫人物。 英语中关于cat的习语很多,但是比作人时,一般给人的联想都不太好,也许是因为cat常和巫婆在一起,迷信认为遇到black cat是不吉利的征兆。说一个人(as) sick as a cat是说该人“病得厉害”,尤其指“恶心想吐”;一个(as) weak as a cat的人“身体非常虚弱”;cat in the pan则是“叛徒”。 英语中常用cat指恶意伤人、包藏祸心的女人,把脾气很坏的老太婆称之为old cat。由cat加上后缀的catty指“爱搬弄是非的人”,而cattish的意思是“狡猾的”。表示反对或嘲笑的嘘声被称为cat call。   英语文化中认为猫有九命(A cat has nine lives),生命力特别强;谚语A cat may look at a king的意思是“地位再低微的人也有自己的权利”。有些习语很形象,如:like a cat on hot bricks类似于汉语的“热锅上的蚂蚁”;let the cat out of the bag是“露出马脚”。   猫和老鼠的关系几乎所有文化都类似。英语中的When the cat"s away the mice will play.很有点“山中无老虎,猴子称大王”之意。动词短语play cat and mouse with someone是像猫抓住老鼠时不马上吃掉,而是捉住又放掉,然后又捉住那样折腾玩弄。至于英语习语中体现的猫和豿的关系也好理解,一般不会和睦相处,live a cat and dog life是“整天吵架不和”。   大家都知道It rains cats and dogs.是“大雨倾盆”的意思,但是这一说法的来源至今仍有不同意见,一说源自古代斯堪的那维亚神话:雨中巫婆骑着猫通过,而雨神乘的是一条豿。还有一个说法:古代街道排水设施太差,一下大雨,许多猫和豿都被淹死,雨水流走后,街上满是猫和豿的尸体。第三个说法是该成语来自希腊文的catadupe,意为“瀑布”,下瓢泼大雨时犹如瀑布,后来慢慢演变成了rain cats and dogs。
2023-07-23 14:40:461


2023-07-23 14:40:544


Cats and Dogs
2023-07-23 14:41:485


1Shall we2will you
2023-07-23 14:42:2111

like a dog like a god出自哪里

某些回答说这句话的出处是Alfred Tennyson的Ulysses,属实是纯粹的无稽之谈,Alfred Lord Tennyson的Ulysses甚至没有出现过“Dog”这个字不知道你们在说什么
2023-07-23 14:42:473


2023-07-23 14:43:264

What kind of dog never bite是什么意思

2023-07-23 14:43:366


a jellyfish软弱无能的人as busy as a bee像蜜蜂一样忙碌a dirty dog下流坯Dog will not eat dog盗亦有道A cat has nine lives. 猫有九条命
2023-07-23 14:44:095


dogking是狗王的意思,如果您说的是dogking币,那就是狗狗币狗狗币(dogecoin,货币代码:DOGE)诞生于2013年12月8日,作者一位是澳大利亚的品牌与市场营销专家Jackson Palmer,一位是美国俄勒冈州波特兰市的程序员Billy Markus。交易方法Dogecoin基于Scrypt算法,交易确认时间为1分钟,较比特币更加迅速。狗币能风靡全球的原因可能有三个:小费文化,慈善文化,萌文化。
2023-07-23 14:44:491


Dogeking是狗狗币的衍生代币,是币安智能链BSC上代币。来自于2020年沈腾的小品中狗狗币(dogecoin,货币代码:DOGE)诞生于2013年12月8日,作者一位是澳大利亚的品牌与市场营销专家Jackson Palmer,一位是美国俄勒冈州波特兰市的程序员Billy Markus。交易方法Dogecoin基于Scrypt算法,交易确认时间为1分钟,较比特币更加迅速。狗币能风靡全球的原因可能有三个:小费文化,慈善文化,萌文化
2023-07-23 14:44:561


2023-07-23 14:45:281


你好!king baby dog金宝贝狗
2023-07-23 14:45:422

what king of dog never can bite and bark 的意思是什么

哪种狗既不叫也不会咬人?答案是:hot dog 热狗
2023-07-23 14:46:021

funnel king 歌词

歌曲名:funnel king歌手:dog eat dog专辑:all boro kingsWake up Monday nothing newWeekend has caught up with youLie in bed hold your headPray to god you ain"t deadAlarm clock rings out like a bellDog Eat DogStart this day a living hellTake a breath and what"s that smell?Well it smells like shit... but you can"t tellJust like you - always thereJust like you - never careJust like you - head"s in a slingJust like you - the Funnel KingPuke it out think its goneBut you"re in for a marathonLips are blue eyes are goneGarb the rim just hold onThis is like a weekly thing"Cause you are the funnel thingOK now but you ain"t done...Just wait until next Monday comesKnock knock knockin" at your doorNever ever gonna drink that filthy beetno more
2023-07-23 14:46:111

Albert King的《Hound Dog》 歌词

歌曲名:Hound Dog歌手:Albert King专辑:Blues For Elvis: King Does The King"S ThingsArtist: ScorpionsAlbum: Tokyo TypesTitle: Hound DogBy: 许船Music: LeiberYou ain"t nothing but a hound dogCrying all the timeYou ain"t nothing but a hound dogCrying all the timeYou ain"t never caught a rabbitAnd you ain"t no friend of mineWhen they said you was high classedIt was just a lieWhen they said you was high classedIt was just a lieYou ain"t never caught a rabbitAnd you ain"t no friend of mine
2023-07-23 14:46:181

what king of dog never can bite and bark 的意思是什么

2023-07-23 14:46:251


一般骂人是 Fuck you; 如果是用fucking 使用在句子了 比如: you are a fucking dog.希望采纳 谢谢~!
2023-07-23 14:46:331

英语谚语:Every dog is a lion at home 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Every dog is a lion at home 中文意思: 夜郎自大。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Love needs no teaching 爱情无需教导。 Love not at the first look 切莫一见钟情。 Lovers live by love as larks live by leeks 情侣靠爱情生活,正像云雀靠韭葱生活一样。 Love rules his kingdom without a word 维持爱情,不用强力。 Love rules without a sword and bind without a cord 爱的统治不用刀枪,捆绑不用绳索。 Love should not be all on one side 爱情不应是单方面的。 Love sought is good but given unsought is better 追求而得的爱情固然美好,但不经追求而得的爱情更为美好。 Love thy neighbours as thyself 爱邻如爱己。 Love understands love; it needs no talk 爱情可以意会,无需言传。 Love will find out the way 爱情会自找出路。 英语谚语: Every dog is a lion at home 中文意思: 夜郎自大。
2023-07-23 14:46:521

MC HOTDOG唱的歌属于什么?RAP ? RB?

2023-07-23 14:47:003


2023-07-23 14:47:082

I have a dog . I have the dog. 翻译的区别

I have a dog . 意思:我有一只狗。 I have the dog. 意思:我的狗。the 是定指a是泛指是不定冠词.the是定冠词.a和an用法:1. 用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示"一" There is a tiger in the zoo. 动物园里有一只老虎。 2. 表示一类人和东西 A tiger can be dangerous. 老虎可能有危害性。 3. 表示"某一个"的意思 A gentleman wants to see you. 有一位先生要见你。 4. 表示"同一"的意思 They are nearly of an age. 他们几乎同岁。 The two shirts are much of a size. 这两件衬衫大小差不多。 5. 表示"每一"的意思 We go swimming four times a week. 我们每周去游泳四次。 6. 用在作表语的单数可数名词前,表示身份、职业 My mother is a teacher. 我妈妈是教师。 7. 第一次提到的人或事物,但不特别指明是哪一个 Long long ago there was an old king who had a very beautiful daughter. 很久很久以前,有一个年老的国王,他有一个非常美丽的女儿。 8. 在英国英语中,以"h"开头的多音节词,如第一个音节不重读,其前亦可用"an" There is an hotel near here. 这附近有一家旅馆。 9. 在such a,quite a句式中 He is quite a good actor. 他是一个相当好的演员。 Don"t be in such a hurry. 不要如此匆忙。 10. 在感叹句 what...的句式中 What a pretty girl she is! 她是一个多么漂亮的女孩呀! 11.用在某些表示数量的词组中: a lot of 许多 a couple of 一对 a great many 很多 a dozen 一打(但也可以用 one dozen) a great deal of 大量 定冠词the的用法:1. 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物 This is the house where Luxun once lived. 这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。 2. 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物 Open the door, please. 请把门打开。 3. 用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a或an”,以后再次提到用“the”) Once there lived a lion in the forest. Every day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him. 从前森林里住着一只狮子。每天这只狮子要小动物们为他寻找食物。 4. 用在序数词和形容词最高级前 January is the first month of the year. 一月份是一年当中的第一个月。 Shanghai is the biggest city in China. 上海是中国最大的城市。 5. 表示世界上宇宙中独一无二的事物 the sun 太阳 the moon 月亮 the earth 地球 the sky 天空 the world 世界 6. 指由普通名词构成的专有名词 the West Lake 西湖 the Great Wall 长城 the United States 美国 the United Nations 联合国 7. 表示方向、方位 in the east 在东方 in the west 在西方 in the front 在前面 at the back 在后面 in the bottom 在底部 at the top 在顶部 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 8. 在海洋、江河、湖泊、山脉、海峡、海湾等地理名词前 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 the Huanghe River 黄河 the Tainshan Mountains 天山山脉 the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡 9. 在姓氏复数前,表示一家人 The Bakers came to see me yesterday. 贝克一家人昨天来看我。 10. 和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表一类人或物 the poor 穷人 the rich 富人 the sick 病人 the wounded 伤员 the good 好人 the beautiful 美丽的事物 11. 用在表示阶级、政党的名词前 the working class 工人阶级 the Chinese Communist Party 中国共产党 12. 用在the very强调句中 This is the very book I want. 这就是我想要的那本书。 13. 在the more, the more比较级的句式中 The more you drink, the more you like it. 你越喝就越爱喝。 14. 表示演奏乐器时,乐器的前面要加the play the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 15. 某些固定的表达法 in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 go to the cinema 去看电影 go to the theatre 去看戏 all the year round 一年到头 on the way to 前往...去的路上 16. the加单数可数名词可以表示一类人或事物 The horse is a useful animal. 马是一种有用的动物。 注意:像这类句子还有如下两种写法 A horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals.
2023-07-23 14:47:161


2023-07-23 14:47:243

King Of Kings 歌词

歌曲名:King Of Kings歌手:Raekwon专辑:The Lex Diamond StoryBehold the King, the King of Kings.On your knees dog. All hail.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze,Where the traitor lost both his name and his face.Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood,He tasted his grin and it tasted good.The King took his head. Left him broken and dead.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King left none living, none able to tell.The King took their heads and he sent them to hell.Their screams echoed loud in the place of their death.Ripped open they died. With their final breath.They hailed to the King, the King of Kings.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Into the dirt, his will be done.Now feel your fear, there can be only one.Bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down to the...Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down.The King is here, now feel your fear.The King of Kings.All hail, all hail the King.On your knees, on your knees for the King.The King of Kings, there is only one
2023-07-23 14:47:311

The Red Dog by Howard Maier的故事主要内容

One manu2019s best friend and choice only he could make.This is the story of a dog named Spook. From his nose to the point of his tail, he was the king as a king, he ruled me with love.When I was called into the army, I had no closed friend to take care of my dog ,for a long time I thought about what I should do with him .At last I put Spook in the car ,we went to a little valley where I used to stay in the summers ,the man who owned the small-town store was an old friend ,we had often gone hunting together. Would he take Spook? Would he hunt with him ? and ,most of all. would he love him?Yes, the man said .he would take him and hunt with him and take care for him ,but he said nothing of love ,for though people may write this word,they almost never use it, I watched him as he patted the dogu2019s head,the hand was gentle,Spooku2019s tail moved,but his eyes were looking at my face.Without a word ,I got into my car and went away .After I went into the army,I wrote to my friend ,asking about Spook,there was no answer ,each place I was went to after that was farther away,from each place I wrote a letter .no answer ever came. I began to write to other friends in the town, asking about my dog,some of them answerd,but no one told about the dog,Spook must have died,I thought ,I gave up asking ,and tried not to think about the dog.Four years went by,I finished my time in the army,I had a wife now,and we lived in the city,when summer came, we wanted to go to the town where I had left Spook,as we put the bags in the car,laurette,my wife,asked,”what if we see your Spook?”“He died,”I said,After a day in the car,.we came to the small town,I headed for the store,I left laurette in the car and went inside,my friend acted as though we had talked only a day or two before ,he acted as if there had never been a dog, I couldnu2019t stand it any longer .”what happened to Spook?” I asked,“why ,”said my friend, ”nothing happened to him,he is as well as you or I ,I saw him only the other day,”In surprise I asked,”what do you mean,you saw him?donu2019t you have him anymore?”“ I was called into the army too,”he said ,”so I gave Spook to a man who lived near here.”“who is he ?”I asked.“oh ,Spooku2019s not there now,he lived in five or six places after that .lives up with some people name crocker now,but we all see him,he visits around,heu2019s valley dog now.”“a valley dog?”“on his own,goes here and there,heu2019s in fine the fall a man goes out and there Spook is ,ready to go hunting ." there was nothing to say ,i could tell he thought the life of a valley dog was the best life any dog could have.i went back to the car without saying a word. my wife was quiet for a time,then he said,"Spooku2019s alive ,isnu2019t he ?”I nodded my head.“will you try to see him?”“sure,” I said .”why not?”“it would only hurt you ,and him,too,” lautette said .”donu2019t try to find him.”“do you think he could remember me u2013after all this time ?”We didnu2019t talk about it again.Time went by,and we went swimming and fishing ,but we never talked about the dog.Then one day I saw Spook. I was going up the side of the valley,I stopped to the rest on a rock looking over a field. a boy around twelve years old came out of the trees,then Spook ran out in front of the boy,with the sun shining on his coat,I knew him at once.The boy was walking across the field, but Spook ,as always,raced far in front of him,then back again ,and all the time the sun was shining on his beautiful red coat,I had never seen Spook looking so well or so beautiful, it took them about three minutes to cross the field .,then they went into the trees.When I went back to laurette ,I told her about it,the next time I saw Spook ,laurette was with me ,it was late afternoon ,a heavy rain was failing, we were having dinner on the covered porch of the town restaurant , up the street came a dog—head down ,tail down,he looked as and as only a dog can look when itu2019s wet.As the dog came into the light ,I said ,”that looks like Spook.”The dog stooped,and his head came up,it was Spook.He walked across the porch and came up to my side, he stood there,with water drooping off him coat, and looked up into my face for a minute ,then without a sound or a wag of his tail,he lay down at my feet.he dropped his head in his paws but never closed his eyes, he watched every move I made ,just the way he used tou3002When we walked out,Spook followed us ,when I opened the door of the car,he was the first in,he jumped to his place in the back corner and put his head next to the windowu3002“what are you going to do ?”my life asked.“what can I do on a night like this?”I said.“letu2019s go home,then,”she said.We took Spook to our house, the fire dried out his coat,he lay on the floor between laurette and me,facing me.At about ten,he came over to my chair,placed a paw on my leg ,and looked at me.“what does he want?”laurette asked.“out,”I said. I got up and opened the door for him, the rain had stopped and the moon was up.looking out into the dark.i said,”well ,thatu2019s that,I guess,he will to home now.” And for a minute I wished I had petted him or talked to him in the old way.After a time ,two quick barks sounded outside the door,I jumped from my chair,not knowing what to do.“well ,go on.”laurette said,”let him in.”When I went to bed,Spook took his place on the floor beside me and went to sleep.“this is why I didnu2019t want you to see him again.”laurette said.“but he was only two years old when I left him!after four years,who would have thought he would know me this way?”“donu2019t think of that.”said laurette .” think of Spook . think how beautiful and fit he is ,and remember that he has a good life for a dog,what kind of life would he have in the city? Both of us work,what would he have? A walk in the morning and again in the night? Never any grass or sun ,never to run free,you donu2019t want to take him back to that ,do you ?”“but lu2019m not doing anything !”I said ,”I havenu2019t even petted him .Spook is doing it all himself ,”“ you are the one who has to say .”“all right ,”I said .”he goes back to the crockers tomorrow,”We started out the next day,it was boiling hot,.turning off the road,we came up to the house,when I let Spook out of the car,he was making a crying sound ,noting in the world could have made me look into his eyes.The boy I had seen in the field that other morning answered the door,he looked surprised to see me with thedog,and all the time I talked to him,Spook kept pulling break my hold on him.the boy understood what had happened,he held Spook.and I got back in the car and went away.In a minute I saw him in the mirror ,he was racing after the car ,”the boy let him go!”I cried.I kept looking back .Spook was running and running ,and I knew he would never give up.Laurette cried out ,”do you want to kill him?stop the car!please!”Pulling off the road, I got out of the car and waited,Spook came up and dropped at my feet,laurette was crying.“Spook ,poor Spook ,”she kept saying,”we can take him with us. It will be all right .you can walk him in the morning before you go to work , Iu2019will come home at lunchtime and walk him then, we can work it out.”But I put Spook in the back of the car and headed for the crocker place. Laurette put a hand on my arm.“no,dear,”I said to her ,”last night you were talking with your head,now youu2019re talking with your heart , the head talk is betteru3002”This time I told the boy to put Spook in the house, when we drove away, I drove very fast,All this took place more than three years ago. But even now,after all this time , I have a terrible dream three or four times each year.The dream is aways the same ,I am ne ,in the car,and the same time I am Spook . I run and run, and the car never stops. The hard road hits my paws ,and the hot sun shines down on me ,and I keep saying over and over,”he doesnu2019t want me ,he doesnu2019t want me.”Then I feel a sadness so great that I cannot bear it ,at this point I wake up, and I get out of bed,I have never told lautette about the dream .I stand looking out of the windows,the streets are empty ,the dark ,cold houses,crowd them in ,there are no trees ,and that helps, I make myself think of Spook as I saw him that day in the green field, I see him running free,with the soft grass under his feet and the sun shining on his red coat, that helps,too.I go back to bed and to sleep,but even now,after writing it all down ,I donu2019t know if the decision I made for Spook was right or wrong.
2023-07-23 14:47:391


You are a lucky dog. 你真是个幸运儿。to lead a dog"s life形容人过着贫困潦倒、惨不忍睹的生活work like a dog指一个人努力、卖命地工作dog-tired筋疲力尽sick as a dog病得严重You can never teach an old dog new tricks.老古董学不会新东西His bark is worse than his bite.刀子嘴、豆腐心let sleeping dogs lie不要自找麻烦、自讨苦吃
2023-07-23 14:48:162

Dogman (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Dogman (Lp Version)歌手:King"S X专辑:DogmanDogmaMarilyn MansonPortrait of an American Familyburn the witches, burn the witchesdon"t take time to sew your stitchesburn the witches, burn the witchesgood is the thing that you favorevil is your sour flavoryou cannot sedate all the things you hateburn the bridges, burn the bridgesdon"t take time to sew your stitchesburn the bridges, burn the bridgesgood is the thing that you favor )evil is your sour flavor )i don"t need your hate )i decide my fate )you cannot sedate all the things you rape ) (x2)i don"t need your hatei decide my fateburn the witches, burn the witchesdon"t take time to sew your stitchesburn the witches, burn the witches
2023-07-23 14:48:231

King Of Kings (1990 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:King Of Kings (1990 Digital Remaster)歌手:Prince Far I专辑:Black Man LandBehold the King, the King of Kings.On your knees dog. All hail.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze,Where the traitor lost both his name and his face.Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood,He tasted his grin and it tasted good.The King took his head. Left him broken and dead.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King left none living, none able to tell.The King took their heads and he sent them to hell.Their screams echoed loud in the place of their death.Ripped open they died. With their final breath.They hailed to the King, the King of Kings.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Into the dirt, his will be done.Now feel your fear, there can be only one.Bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down to the...Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down.The King is here, now feel your fear.The King of Kings.All hail, all hail the King.On your knees, on your knees for the King.The King of Kings, there is only one
2023-07-23 14:48:301


let the cat out of the bag 泄露机密 rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 That cat won"t jump. 这一手行不通。 A cat has nine lives. 猫有九命。 A cat may look at a king. 猫也有权看国王。 猫科动物(如猫、虎、狮等) Lions and leopards are some of the big cats. 狮子和豹子是猫科动物A cat may look at aking.猫也有权晋见国王 A living dog is better than a dead lion.一条活狗胜过一头死狮. All the cats are grey in the dark. 猫在暗中都是灰色的。 Care killed the cat 忧虑缠身 The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends. 猫狗可以相吻,但不会成为好友。 It"s raining cats and dogs. 倾盆大雨 The cat shuts its eyes when stealing creams. 猫偷吃奶油时总是闭着眼睛。 A cat has nine lives. 猫有九条命。 A cat in gloves catches no mice. 戴手套的猫抓不住老鼠。 A cat may look at the king. 猫有权看国王 The cat is out of the bag. 泄露了秘密;走漏了风声 cat"s paw 为他人"火种取栗"的人 a cat-and-dog life 争争吵吵的日子
2023-07-23 14:48:414

求 once diana vickers 的中英文歌词

2023-07-23 14:45:061


一、常州工程职业技术学院有几个校区 常州工程职业技术学院只有一个校区二、常州工程职业技术学院哪个校区最好及各校区介绍 常州工程职业技术学院地址:江苏省常州市武进区滆湖中路3号 三、常州工程职业技术学院简介 常州工程职业技术学院创建于1958年,坐落于江南历史文化名城江苏常州,2002年由江苏省常州化工学校与江苏建筑材料工业学校合并组建而成,占地1119.86亩,建筑面积36.05万平米。学校以“励志·践行”为校训,坚持“立足常州、服务江苏、辐射长三角”办学定位,专业布局顺应江苏和常州产业发展迈向中高端,面向“绿色智能”技术,设立7个二级学院,43个招生专业,重点打造应用化工技术、智能焊接、智能建造、检验检测认证、现代商贸服务五大专业群,为绿色化工、高端装备制造、检验检测认证、现代建筑等行业培养高素质技术技能人才。 学校是******高水平专业群建设单位、国家优质高职院校、全国职业院校教学工作诊断与改进试点院校、教育部首批1+X证书制度试点院校(累计27项)、江苏省高水平高等职业院校建设单位。建有国家级重点专业2个、高等职业教育创新发展行动计划骨干专业6个、教育部现代学徒制试点专业1个,省级高水平专业群2个、省级重点建设专业群4个、省级品牌专业2个、省级高水平骨干专业5个、省级特色专业3个,国家级精品课程3门、资源共享课程3门,建设国家级专业教学资源库3个,中央财政支持高职实训基地1个、高等职业教育创新发展行动计划生产型实训基地3个,先后获批省大学生创新教育实验基地、省大学生创新创业示范基地、省大众创业万众创新示范基地、省中华优秀传统文化传承基地。 现有全日制在校生13000余人,成人教育学生10000余人,是全省高职院校中少数“双万”学校之一。教职工693人,其中专任教师505人,副高及以上230人,博士83人(含在读27人),双师型教师403人,双师比例85.4%。拥有国家级教师教学创新团队1支,省级优秀教学团队7支,省级科技创新团队3支,省级教学名师、省有突出贡献中青年专家、省“333”及“青蓝工程”等各类人才58人。年社会培训20000余人次、鉴定6000余人次。 学校持续深化“三教”改革,精准培养“双高三型”(品格高尚、技艺高超、复合型、创新型、国际化)卓越技术技能人才。基于“四结合、十合一”理念的化工类专业实训基地建设、“55821”内部质量保证体系建设、项目化课程教学改革等教改成果获国家教学成果奖一等奖3项、二等奖2项,省级教学成果奖特等奖2项、一等奖2项、二等奖5项。与常州工学院、 常州大学 、江苏理工学院、淮阴工学院等本科高校开展“4+0”和“3+2”省现代职教体系建设试点项目,探索本科层次技术技能型人才培养。学生获省级以上竞赛一等奖90余项,其中全国职业院校技能大赛化工生产技术赛项14连冠。近五年招生计划完成率、新生报到率、对口单招录取分数线,毕业生就业率、薪资、三年晋升率均等多项指标均居全省前列。逾100多家上市公司到校招聘,80%以上毕业生实现省内优质就业,毕业生月收入4267元,10余个专业起薪超过5000元,入选2018年全国高职院校育人成效50强。
2023-07-23 14:45:081


"flag" 是一个英语单词,多指国旗、标志或者标记,也可以用作动词,表示标记、标识或者加上旗帜等符号。在计算机科学中,"flag" 还有一种特殊的含义,是一种布尔值(即只有真假两种取值)。以下是 "flag" 的一些常见用法及例子:国旗:在这种情况下,"flag" 指代一面代表某个国家的旗帜。例如:"The American flag has fifty stars, each representing a state in the United States." (美国国旗有50颗星,每颗代表美国的一个州。)标志/标记:这里 "flag" 可以指各种不同类型的标志或标记物,如红灯(表示停止)、检查标记(表示需要注意或调整)等。例如:"My mail has a flag on it to remind me to respond later." (我的邮件被标记了,提醒我稍后回复。)电脑程序标志位:在计算机科学中,"flag" 还可以指示一个程序中的状态,例如控制循环或条件语句是否执行等。例如:"The status register stores various flags that can be checked and modified by an assembly program."(状态寄存器存储各种标志,这些标志可以被汇编程序检查和修改。)总之,"flag" 是一个通用的英语单词,可以有多种含义和用法。请点击输入图片描述
2023-07-23 14:45:091

earning 和income 的区别是什么呢?

earnings, allowance, income, salary, wage, pay, fee这些名词都可表示“工资、收入”之意。earnings 多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。allowance 指收入中的补贴部分。income 与earnings含义很相近,但前者强调总收入。salary 指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。wage 多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。pay 是个通用词,可取代salary与wage.fee 指提供某种服务收取的固定费用。
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FLAGS 歌手 T.M.Revolution 競(きそ)え 百花(ひゃっか)(はな)の色(いろ) 映(うつ)し出(だ)せ 繚乱(りょうらん)に 戦(たたか)う本気(ほんき)が重(かさ)なる 斯(か)くも 旗(はた)の下(した) 沸(わ)き立(た)った絆(きずな) 耀(かがや)きを刻(きざ)むモノが 時代(じだい)を呼(よ)べる 竜巻(たつまき)のように荒(あら)ぶる 欲望(よくぼう)が描(えが)かせている 夜(よる)だけにギラつく虹(にじ)は ドギつくて なのに惹(ひ)かれて 固唾(かたず)を呑(の)み込(こ)む 視線(しせん)のまにまに 一(いち)歩(ほ)も引(ひ)かない 煌(きら)めきが迫(せま)る 天(てん)を目掛(めが)けた 集(つど)え華(はな)の宴(うたげ) 咲(さ)き急(いそ)げ 頂上(ちょうじょう)に 嵐(あらし)を明日(あした)にぶつける よくぞ 旗(はた)の下(した) 迸(ほとばし)る魂(たましい) 瞬間(しゅんかん)を疾走(しっそう)(はし)らなけりゃ 生命(せいめい)は燃(も)えず 無理(むり)やりに胸(むね)に沈(しず)めた 鋼(はがね)は眠(ねむ)らないだろう? 傷跡(きずあと)も醜(みにく)い闇(やみ)も見(み)せつけて己(おのれ)を示(しめ)せ 躊躇(ためら)う背中(せなか)を 運命(うんめい)に押(お)される この世(よ)が平伏(ひれふ)す勝(かち)どきの為(ため)に 奢(おご)り高(たか)ぶれ 誇(ほこ)れ夏(なつ)の乱(らん) 響(ひび)き合(あ)え 最強(さいきょう)に 散(ち)らばる心(こころ)が応(こた)える もはや 旗(はた)を背(せ)に失(しつ)くせない光(ひかり) 超(こ)えたがる 想(おも)いこそが 時代(じだい)を起(お)こす 天(てん)を目掛(めが)けて…! 集(つど)え華(はな)の宴(うたげ) 咲(さ)き急(いそ)げ 頂上(ちょうじょう)に 嵐(あらし)を明日(あした)にぶつける よくぞ 旗(はた)の下(した) 迸(ほとばし)る魂(たましい) 瞬間(しゅんかん)を疾走(しっそう)(はし)らなけりゃ 生命(せいめい)は燃(も)えず 耀(かがや)きを刻(きざ)むモノよ! 時代(じだい)を起(お)こせ!
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Sales(营销)是 Income(现金收入), Gain(所得), Earning(工作所得), 和 Profit(利润) 的基本前提。没有 sales 就不可能有后面的五项内容。 Sales 决定 Income。卖得越多,income 就越多。在大多数情况下,income 并不等于 gain。income 只是收入的总称。刨去税务、成本之后才是 gain。Earning 是工作所得,即卖东西所付出的劳动产生的价值。这个价值包括所有的 income、gain 和 后面的 profit。profit 则是刨除所有费用和支出成本后的纯获利。Sales泛指用商品和服务来交换金钱。常见的销售行为都是会有sale。sale的`基本意思是“卖,出售,销售”,可指抽象的出售的行为,也可指具体的出售的动作,还可指某产品的销售总量,即“销售额,销售量”。也可指某商品以低于其原有价格水平的价格出售,即“廉售,贱卖”,还可指某商品的“销路,市场需求”。Income 是个人所挣得的收入,来源比sale更广泛。假如你是个体户,你的Sale 中要减去 Cost of Good 来算Gross profit. Income 则要根据Gross Profit 来计算,比如要扣除各种expenses之类。Income 形式很多,基本靠你自己的时间成本或者资源挣出来的都可以算。Gain 在一般正常sale中不会出现,只有在dispose your assets or securities or stocks or bonds,etc的时候需要recognize。需要注意一下recognize 和 realized gain的区别。gain 和 income 比较重要的区别是gain一般是不需要被tax的。profit比较好解释,它就是指公司的利润嘛。不过要注意它区分的是gross profit。公司雇员或者正常上班族并不涉及到profit,只有income。拓展资料学习英语的意义1.英语的使用范围非常广泛。世界上70%以上的邮件是用英文写或用英文写地址的。全世界的广播节目中,有60%是用英语进行的。国际上的资料绝大部分是用英语发表的。绝大部分的国际会议是以英语为第一通用语言,它也是联合国的正式工作语言之一。2.总而言之,在国际政治、军事、经济、科技、文化、贸易、交通运输等领域,英语是一个重要的交际工具。随着我国对外开放的不断扩大化,科技术的不断进步,国际地位的不断提高,迫切需要造就一大批精通外语的专门人才。
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