barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-23 10:55:46


2.translative 转化的,有关翻译的

3.translator 译员


5,translatable 可转变的,可译的



translate的意思如下:vt.翻译;用简单易懂的语言解释;解释;诠释;使转变;使转化;翻译;转译;调动;转移;调换…的教区;将…调至另一教区;把…调至另一教区;(天主教)移葬(圣徒遗骸);使肉身不死而升天;平移;使出神;使心荡神移。vi.担任译者;从事翻译工作;可译;可翻译;被翻译;意味;意为;转变;转化;(飞机、导弹)转移。1、A translator who uses an HTML editor and a word processor has to translate twice-—once for each tool.使用HTML编辑器和文字处理程序的翻译人员必须两次翻译两次每种工具各一次。2、The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of the process,it couldtranslate into a sense of possession.这项研究还表明,一旦触摸成为过程的一部分,它可以转化为拥有感。3、Many parents see these lessons translate into the real world.许多家长看到,这些课堂上学习到的知识转化为现实世界所发生的事情。4、She took me along to translate.她拉上我一起去翻译。5、how would this translate to manufacturing?这将如何转化为制造业?
2023-07-23 09:40:391

translate什么意思 翻译的含义和用途?

2023-07-23 09:41:366


translate的名词是translatese,中文意思是“ (表达不流畅、不地道的)翻译文体;翻译腔”,比如The Welsh name translates as "Land"s End".这个威尔士语的地名可译成“兰兹角”。Not every idiom translates with such ease.不是每个习语都能这样容易地译出来。 扩展资料 translate的名词是translatese,中文意思是表达不流畅、不地道的,比如The Welsh name translates as "Land"s End".这个威尔士语的地名可译成“兰兹角”。
2023-07-23 09:41:571


translate (into)英英释义:to lead to (something) as a result 例句:Quality customer service translates into customer loyalty. 2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇) 我们很熟悉“translate”可以表示“翻译”的用法,不过可能对它引申的用法比较陌生。“translate”作不及物动词时,常和 into 搭配表示“导致...结果” “意味着”。 比如,我们想表达一个产品的客服做的越好,它的用户就会越忠诚,我们就可以说: Quality customer service translates into customer loyalty. 比如,科学家们在科研上取得成功,并不意味着他们直接会因此而衣食无忧: Scientific success doesn"t automatically translate into financial success. 这种用法在外刊中很常见,大家可能已经注意到了它的“公式”是:A translate(s) into B。比如《经济学人》在语言板块 Johnson 中讨论学习外语的价值时,在标题部分就用到了 translate: Even on conservative estimates, speaking another language translates into a big earnings boost. 3. 练习 1)翻译 能够流利地说一门外语,就意味着在工作中有优势。 Fluency in a foreign language can translate into an edge in the workplace. 2)造句 Winning this game rarely translates into winning the next game.
2023-07-23 09:42:031

baidu translate什么意思

2023-07-23 09:42:243


2023-07-23 09:42:326

google translate什么意思

google translate谷歌翻译google translate谷歌翻译Google Translate was used for the French, German, and Spanish bits.法语、德语和西班牙语的翻译是利用Google Translate完成的。2And Google Translate has improved with great strides recently.最近,谷歌翻译进行了重大更新。
2023-07-23 09:42:472


Happy Father"s Day
2023-07-23 09:42:561


translate英文的缩写 trans
2023-07-23 09:43:032


2023-07-23 09:43:235


2023-07-23 09:43:371

please translate英文什么意思

please translate请翻译拼音双语对照双语例句1Please translate this transcript into Spanish and email it to our trainee in Mexico.请将这份抄本翻译成西班牙文,然后发给我在墨西哥的新兵。
2023-07-23 09:43:552


美国籍的总统和中国筷子比尔克林顿为了要能够在北京国宴上炫耀, 已经学习该如何使用筷子。 自从理查尼克松在1972年首次拜访中国,每位续位的美国总统都来拜访中国。 学习使用筷子已经是他们的一门重要课程,因为它不但是一个美食文化的部份 , 而且是一种政治艺术, 一个用来炫耀并且赢得主人的欢心的" 小的诡计 "。尼克松树立了美国总统的榜样,注意在拜访期间在国宴上使用筷子并且以此为交谈的主题。 这就像尼克松开枪射中茅台一样在世界各处被广播。 从那以后,拜访中国的所有美国总统都尽量炫耀他们对使用筷子的熟悉。 在 1972 宴会,周恩来总理注意到了尼克松总统他们使用筷子的灵敏的一流技术。 尼克松太太立刻抓住这个很棒的主题,并且泄露他们为了访华在白宫里练习使用筷子的 " 秘密 "。 尼克松已经为他们的会餐使用了半年的筷子而代替刀子和叉子。 与他们的主人称赞他们使用筷子的技术相比,没有什么的能给尼克松带来更多的快乐。 当他沉浸在他正拜访的国家文化之中被他的他主人称赞的时候,一个政治家的成功和声望完全被证明。 当尼克森最初拜访了中国的时候,二个国家没有建立特权关系,因此,他的拜访不是一个官方的正式访问,但是然而他对每个简单小细节感到一丝不苟。 此后拜访中国的美国总统都跟随他的例子对小细节给予特别的注意。
2023-07-23 09:44:034


Translate 这个单词在国外作为名字还是比较少见的,不排除少数人用这个名字。国外人取名和中国人也一样,有比较常见的名字,也有一些比较奇葩的名字Translate 意为翻译、转化,是一个动词。
2023-07-23 09:44:121


translate的名词形式translation translate v.翻译;译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变,变为 第三人称单数: translates 现在分词: translating 过去式: translated 过去分词: translated 扩展资料   Most poetry does not translate well.   诗歌大多翻译不好。   I hope all the hard work will translate into profits.   我希望所有的辛勤劳动都会有回报。   It"s time to translate words into action.   是把言语化为行动的时候了。
2023-07-23 09:44:381


【 #英语资源# 导语】translate有翻译;解释;转移;调动等意思,那么你知道translate的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】translate的用法大全   translate的用法1:translate的基本意思是“翻译”,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言。引申可作“转化”“解释”解。   translate的用法2:translate也可作“调动”解,通常指某人调到另一地方。   translate的用法3:translate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。translate用作不及物动词时,其主动形式可表示被动意义。   translate的用法4:translate后接介词into表示“把…翻译成…”“把…转化为…”; 后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把…)从…翻译成为…”; 后接介词to表示“调某人到…”。 【篇二】translate的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   translate for (v.+prep.)   translate from (v.+prep.)   translate into (v.+prep.)   translate to (v.+prep.) 【篇三】translate的用法例句   1. It can translate data from maps or remote sensing instruments into images.   它可以把从地图或遥感设备中得到的数据转化成为图像。   2. The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate.   女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。   3. I can read Spanish but can"t translate into it.   我能阅读西班牙语,但不能翻译成西班牙语.   4. These jokes would be far too difficult to translate.   这些笑话也许极其难译.   5. We must make efforts to translate our ideal into reality.   我们必须努力把理想变为现实.   6. She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel.   她法语娴熟,足以翻译小说.   7. It"s often difficult to translate poems.   翻译诗歌在许多情况下都是困难的.   8. Please translate this article from Chinese into English.   请把这篇文章从汉语译成英语.   9. We should translate this sentence in passive voice.   我们应该用被动语态翻译这个句子.   10. Can you translate this article for me?   你能替我翻译这篇文章 吗 ?   11. Can you translate from French into English?   你能把法语译成英语 吗 ?   12. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.   将下面几段译成中文.   13. I couldn"t read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate.   我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。   14. When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can.   我改编东西的时候,会尽可能忠实地将意思表达出来。   15. Reforming Warsaw"s stagnant economy requires harsh measures that wouldtranslate into job losses.   重整华沙停滞的经济需要强硬措施,这会造成工作岗位的裁减。
2023-07-23 09:44:521


translator 译员;翻译者;翻译家;翻译机translater 载粉器
2023-07-23 09:45:331


translate有相关的两个名词: translation 翻译;译文;转化;调任 translator 译者;翻译器 扩展资料   1.translation英 [trnzlen] 美 [trnzlen]   n.翻译;译;译文;译本;译作;转变;转化   The theatre will provide simultaneous translation in both English and Chinese.   剧院将提供英语和汉语的.同声翻译。   2.translatorn.(尤指专职)翻译,译员,译者,翻译家   例句:In future, I could be also a translator of English literature.   在未来中,我也可能是一个英国文学的翻译者。
2023-07-23 09:45:401


1、translate是什么意思中文翻译2、translate是什么意思3、translate用法translate是什么意思中文翻译 translate是我们在英语中常用的动词,那么translate做动词都表达哪些意思呢?下面我为大家带来translate的英语意思解释和英语例句,供大家参考学习!translate作动词的意思: 翻译;转化;解释;被翻译translate的英语音标: 英 [tr_ns_leit] 美 [tr_ns_let, tr_nz-, _tr_ns_let, _tr_nz-]translate的时态: 现在分词: translating 过去式: translated 过去分词: translatedtranslate的英语例句: 1. It can translate data from maps or remote sensing instruments into images. 它可以把从地图或遥感设备中得到的数据转化成为图像。 2. The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate. 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。 3. I can read Spanish but can"t translate into it. 我能阅读西班牙语,但不能翻译成西班牙语. 4. These jokes would be far too difficult to translate. 这些笑话也许极其难译. 5. We must make efforts to translate our ideal into reality. 我们必须努力把理想变为现实. 6. She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel. 她法语娴熟,足以翻译小说. 7. It"s often difficult to translate poems. 翻译诗歌在许多情况下都是困难的. 8. Please translate this article from Chinese into English. 请把这篇文章从汉语译成英语. 9. We should translate this sentence in passive voice. 我们应该用被动语态翻译这个句子. 10. Can you translate this article for me? 你能替我翻译这篇文章 吗 ? 11. Can you translate from French into English? 你能把法语译成英语 吗 ? 12. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. 将下面几段译成中文. 13. I couldn"t read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate. 我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。 14. When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can. 我改编东西的时候,会尽可能忠实地将意思表达出来。 15. Reforming Warsaw"s stagnant economy requires harsh measures that would translate into job losses.translate是什么意思translate的意思如下:vt.翻译;用简单易懂的语言解释;解释;诠释;使转变;使转化;翻译;转译;调动;转移;调换的教区;将调至另一教区;把调至另一教区;(天主教)移葬(圣徒遗骸);使肉身不死而升天;平移;使出神;使心荡神移。vi.担任译者;从事翻译工作;可译;可翻译;被翻译;意味;意为;转变;转化;(飞机、导弹)转移。1、A translator who uses an HTML editor and a word processor has to translate twice-—once for each tool.使用HTML编辑器和文字处理程序的翻译人员必须两次翻译两次每种工具各一次。2、The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of the process,it couldtranslate into a sense of possession.这项研究还表明,一旦触摸成为过程的一部分,它可以转化为拥有感。3、Many parents see these lessons translate into the real world.许多家长看到,这些课堂上学习到的知识转化为现实世界所发生的事情。4、She took me along to translate.她拉上我一起去翻译。5、how would this translate to manufacturing?这将如何转化为制造业?translate用法translatetranslate的用法如下translate:1、translatetranslate的基本意思是“翻译”translate,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言。引申可作“转化”、“解释”解。2、translate也可作“调动”解,通常指某人调到另一地方。3、translate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。translate用作不及物动词时,其主动形式可表示被动意义。4、translate后接介词into表示“把...翻译成...”、“把...转化为...”translate;后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把...)从...翻译成为...”;后接介词to表示“调某人到...”。扩展资料:translate 英 [tr_ns"le_t],美 [tr_ns"le_t] v. 翻译;解释;转移;调动例句:I need to translate it into English.翻译:我必须把它译成英语。短语:1、translate a book翻译一本书2、translate a computer"s answer翻译计算机的答案3、translate an article翻译文章4、translate well译得好5、translate easily容易翻译
2023-07-23 09:45:521


translatable adj. 可译的, 可转移的
2023-07-23 09:45:591


translate是动词,只有名词才分单复数. 不过translate在第三人称的时候,后面要加s
2023-07-23 09:46:291

translate 和 position的区别

2023-07-23 09:46:391


2023-07-23 09:47:011

translate和replace 的区别

2023-07-23 09:47:092


英国的历史 直到公元前6000年,英国一直是欧洲大陆的的一部分。可是从那时横过英吉利海峡的民族运动持续了很长时间。公元43年,英国成为了罗马帝国的一个部分。罗马于公元410年撤出英国境内的。这个时期,来自德国土地上的盎格鲁,萨克逊人来到了英国。 从那个时代一直到11世纪,英格兰人说的是盎格鲁-萨克逊语。语言随着时间的流逝是会发生变化的。公元1066年,诺曼人占领了英格兰。他们说法语。于是,诺曼人极大的影响了盎格鲁-萨克逊语。法语在上层阶级很是流行。但是民众还是说盎格鲁-萨克逊语。甚至是现在生活中很常用的事物的名字仍是那时候传下来的。许多优雅的文字都来自于法语。但是对于一餐的肉来说是牛肉,羊肉或猪肉。这些词语来自于诺曼法语。现代英语从中慢慢的成长起来。 公元1485年,国王合皇后变成了一个强大而且联合的政府机构。这个时期,英国社会也在成长着。社会和谐,经济发展迅速。另一方面,欧洲的其余地区并不那么平静,经济发展也比较缓慢。 1492年,克里斯多夫哥伦布发现了北美这一新大陆。英国成为了东西方贸易的集散地中心。直到16世纪末,在伊莉莎白皇后统治下,英国成为了一个海军力量强大的国家。十七世纪中叶,英国的政府格局发生了很大的变化。于17世纪40年代末,中产阶级合封建制度之间的矛盾导致了内战。直到1649年,在克伦威尔的带领下,中产阶级打败了国王查尔斯一世。第一个国会系统开始,共和国也至此建立。
2023-07-23 09:47:174


translate 翻译 解释Translate the following sentences into chinese.把下列句子译成汉语。
2023-07-23 09:47:265


免费翻译软件有百度翻译(Baidu Translate)。百度翻译(Baidu Translate)是百度公司推出的一款免费翻译软件,支持多达28种语言的翻译服务。用户可以通过网页版或移动App进行使用。百度翻译的特点是简单易用、翻译速度快、支持多种语言,还可以进行语音翻译和摄像头翻译等功能。用户可以输入文字、语音或图片,进行自动翻译和语音播放。同时,它也支持人工翻译和机器翻译混合的方式,提高翻译质量。另外,百度翻译还具有朗读功能,可以帮助用户更好地学习外语,同时也可以对外语发音进行纠正。需要注意的是,虽然百度翻译是一款免费翻译软件,但在使用时可能会存在一些限制,用户需要根据实际情况进行选择。翻译是什么?翻译是指将一个语言中的文字或口语内容转化为另一个语言的过程,通常涉及到两个或多个语言之间的互译。翻译可以是文本的翻译,也可以是口语的翻译。在现代社会中,随着各国之间的交流越来越频繁,翻译成为极其重要的职业。在商务、政治、文化、科技等领域,翻译都发挥着重要作用。例如,跨国公司需要将其产品说明书、合同、广告等文档进行翻译,使得不同语言的消费者都能够理解;政治、经济和文化交流也需要翻译来消除语言障碍和增进相互理解。翻译是一项复杂的工作,需要熟练掌握两种或以上的语言,并了解不同国家或地区的文化、历史、习俗等,在此基础上进行准确的翻译。随着机器翻译技术的发展,计算机也开始在翻译领域发挥越来越重要的作用。
2023-07-23 09:47:561


免费翻译软件有百度翻译(Baidu Translate)。百度翻译(Baidu Translate)是百度公司推出的一款免费翻译软件,支持多达28种语言的翻译服务。用户可以通过网页版或移动App进行使用。百度翻译的特点是简单易用、翻译速度快、支持多种语言,还可以进行语音翻译和摄像头翻译等功能。用户可以输入文字、语音或图片,进行自动翻译和语音播放。同时,它也支持人工翻译和机器翻译混合的方式,提高翻译质量。另外,百度翻译还具有朗读功能,可以帮助用户更好地学习外语,同时也可以对外语发音进行纠正。需要注意的是,虽然百度翻译是一款免费翻译软件,但在使用时可能会存在一些限制,用户需要根据实际情况进行选择。翻译是什么?翻译是指将一个语言中的文字或口语内容转化为另一个语言的过程,通常涉及到两个或多个语言之间的互译。翻译可以是文本的翻译,也可以是口语的翻译。在现代社会中,随着各国之间的交流越来越频繁,翻译成为极其重要的职业。在商务、政治、文化、科技等领域,翻译都发挥着重要作用。例如,跨国公司需要将其产品说明书、合同、广告等文档进行翻译,使得不同语言的消费者都能够理解;政治、经济和文化交流也需要翻译来消除语言障碍和增进相互理解。翻译是一项复杂的工作,需要熟练掌握两种或以上的语言,并了解不同国家或地区的文化、历史、习俗等,在此基础上进行准确的翻译。随着机器翻译技术的发展,计算机也开始在翻译领域发挥越来越重要的作用。
2023-07-23 09:48:341


及物动词1. 说明,解释2. 翻译,口译3. 把…理解为,把…看作为4. (根据自己的拴解)演奏,表演。5. interpret a dream 圆梦。6. interpret sb."s laughter as an insult 把某人的笑声看作是耻辱。不及物动词解释,口译-able adj.可以解释的。translateverb.say or write in one language what sb has said or written in another language.翻译,口译,笔译。
2023-07-23 09:49:013


2023-07-23 09:49:201


1.Once a system is established,everyone has to abide by it.2.The car is so expensive that I can not affort it.3.The villagers finally got across what I mean by my gesture language.4.She lay on the sofa with a magazine covered on her face.5.He walked into the restaurant and sat in his usual seat.6.His being 16-year-old next Sunday,what a good age!(前面部分是独立主格)7.What to pay back to our parents"cares and loves to us is to study hard.8.He was frozen with that snake when seeing it.
2023-07-23 09:49:283


我还没有听说过translate.for.这个搭配的.一般都是translate as 把…解释为…translate into 把…翻译成…或者把…转化为… translate sb to 调某人到…最常用的是translate into ,例句:Please translate English i...
2023-07-23 09:49:341


There might be something wrong with my email box so I sent it twice---Please check it!
2023-07-23 09:49:428


usar con agua, cinta de sellado o compuesta, al instalar esta válvula.
2023-07-23 09:50:017

html translate 属性 有什么作用

用法:<p translate="no">请勿翻译本段。</p> 指的是不能够在线翻译<p></p>的文字;translate有两个属性值:YES 和 NO
2023-07-23 09:50:172

translate 的搭配

tranlate ...从...翻译为...也可直接用translate to
2023-07-23 09:50:252


2023-07-23 09:50:321


uc788uc796uc544 (Rock Ver.)(不是吗) - uc544uc774uc720(李智恩) uc218ub85duc568ubc94: 1uc9d1 Growing Up ubc1cub9e4uc815ubcf4: ub85cuc5d4uc5d4ud130ud14cuc778uba3cud2b8, 2009.04.23 One two three go uc788uc796uc544 uc660uc9c0 ub450uadfc ub450uadfc uac00uc2b4uc774 ub5a8ub824 ubab0ub77ciss"janh"a" waen"ji" du"geun" du"geun" ga"seum"i" ddeol"ryeo" mol"ra" uc788uc796uc544 uad1cud788 ub098ub97c ubcf4ub294 ub208ube5buc774 ub108ubb34 uc88buc544 iss"janh"a" waen"ji" du"geun" du"geun" ga"seum"i" ddeol"ryeo" mol"ra" (Baby on-e two three) ub0b4uac8c ub2e4uac00 uc640 (Baby on-e two three) nae"ge" da"ga" wa" (Luv) ubd80ub044ub7fduc9c0ub9cc (Luv) bu"ggeu"reob"ji"man"(A to Z) uc54cuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub09c uc228uaca8 ub454 ub108uc758 ub9d8 (A to Z) al"go" sip"eo" nan" sum"gyeo" dun" neo"yi" mam" ub098ub97c uc6d0ud558ub2c8 (hey!) uac00uc9c0uace0 uc2f6ub2c8 (hey!) na"reul" weon"ha"ni" (hey!) ga"ji"go" sip"ni" (hey!) ub098uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c uc804ubd80 ub124 uac83uc774uae38 ubc14ub77cub2c8 na"yi" mo"deun" ge" jeon"bu" ne" geos"i"gil" ba"ra"ni" uc0acub791ud55cub2e8 ud55c ub9c8ub514ub9cc uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 ubd10 sa"rang"han"dan" han" ma"di"man" sol"jig"jig" mal"hae" bwa" uc774ubcc4uc5d0 ud63cuc790 ud6ccuca4d ud6ccuca4d uc6b0ub294 uac74 uc2ebuc5b4 uc815ub9d0 i"byeol"e" hon"ja" hul"jjeog" hul"jjeog" u"neun" geon" silh"eo" jeong"mal" uc0acub791uc5d0 ub108uc640 uc0dduae00 uc0dduae00 uc6c3uace0ub9cc uc2f6uc5b4 ud56duc0c1 sa"rang"e" neo"wa" saeng"geul" saeng"geul" us"go"man" sip"eo" hang"sang" (Baby on-e two three) ub450 uc190uc744 uaf3duc544 (Baby on-e two three) du" son"eul" ggob"a" (Luv) uc138uc5b4ubcf4uc9c0ub9cc (Luv) se"eo"bo"ji"man" (A to Z) uadf8 ub204uad6cubcf4ub2e4 ub124uac00 uc81cuc77c uc88buc544 (A to Z) geu" nu"gu"bo"da" ne"ga" je"il" joh"a" ub098ub97c uc6d0ud558ub2c8 (hey!) uac00uc9c0uace0 uc2f6ub2c8 (hey!) na"reul" weon"ha"ni" (hey!) ga"ji"go" sip"ni" (hey!)ub098uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c uc804ubd80 ub124 uac83uc774uae38 ubc14ub77cub2c8 na"yi" mo"deun" ge" jeon"bu" ne" geos"i"gil" ba"ra"ni" uc0acub791ud55cub2e8 ud55c ub9c8ub514ub9cc uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 ubd10 sa"rang"han"dan" han" ma"di"man" sol"jig"jig" mal"hae" bwa" I believe you cause I"m in love with you uc774ub7f0 ub290ub08cuc740 ucc98uc74cuc774ub2c8uae4c i"reon" neu"ggim"eun" ceo"eum"i"ni"gga" ub098ub97c uc6d0ud558ub2c8 (hey!) uac00uc9c0uace0 uc2f6ub2c8 (hey!) na"reul" weon"ha"ni" (hey!) ga"ji"go" sip"ni" (hey!)ub098uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c uc804ubd80 ub124 uac83uc774uae38 ubc14ub77cub2c8 na"yi" mo"deun" ge" jeon"bu" ne" geos"i"gil" ba"ra"ni" uc0acub791ud55cub2e8 ud55c ub9c8ub514ub9cc uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 ubd10 sa"rang"han"dan" han" ma"di"man" sol"jig"jig" mal"hae" bwa" ub098ub97c uc6d0ud558ub2c8 (hey!) uac00uc9c0uace0 uc2f6ub2c8 (hey!) na"reul" weon"ha"ni" (hey!) ga"ji"go" sip"ni" (hey!) ub098uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c uc804ubd80 ub124 uac83uc774uae38 ubc14ub77cub2c8 na"yi" mo"deun" ge" jeon"bu" ne" geos"i"gil" ba"ra"ni" uc0acub791ud55cub2e8 ud55c ub9c8ub514ub9cc uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 ubd10 sa"rang"han"dan" han" ma"di"man" sol"jig"jig" mal"hae" bwa" ubd80ub4dcub7ecuc6b4 ub0b4 uc785uc220uc774 ub124 ubcfcuc5d0 ub2ffuc744 ub54c bu"deu"reo"un" nae" ib"sul"i" ne" bol"e" dah"eul" ddae" ub098ub9cc uc0acub791ud55cub2e8 ub9d0ub9cc uc18duc0aduc5ec uc918 Darlingna"man" sa"rang"han"dan" mal"man" sog"sag"yeo" jweo" Darling
2023-07-23 09:47:411


u300aNobodyu300b-Wonder Girls
2023-07-23 09:47:432


问题一:大学三等奖学金用英文怎么说? 中式:the third-prize scholarship in university 美式 问题二:计算奖金用英语怎么说 calculation bonus . 问题三:这所大学提供了1000美元的奖学金给我们国际留学生 英语怎么说 你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为: 这所大学提供了1000美元的奖学金给我们国际留学生 This university provides $1000 in scholarships to our international students 望采纳 谢谢 问题四:3等奖学金怎么说英文 三等奖学金 third-class award,Third-class scholarship 期间获得两次三等奖学金,通过大学英语四级。 Obtain the third-class scholarship two times during this time, pass four grades of university English. 问题五:学院单项二等奖学金用英语怎么说 单项奖学金;二等奖学金;国家励志奖学金。Other individual awards scholarship; second-class scholarship; national motivational scholarships. 问题六:【在大学期间我获得了数次一等奖学金和三等奖学金。】英语怎么说。不需要直译,表达意思即可。最好能突出 I got several scholarships including once first and sevral third scholarships during my college. 问题七:【引用】各类奖项证书奖学金英文怎么说 本文引用自qxing《各类奖项证书奖学金英文怎么说》 各类奖项证书奖学金英文怎么说一、 国家及校级奖项、称号国家奖学金 National Scholarship国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student三好学生 Merit Student学习优秀生 Model Student of Academic Records突出才能奖 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity先进个人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student优秀工作者 Excellent staff优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Cadre优秀共青团员 Excellent League Member优秀毕业生 Outstanding Graduates优秀志愿者 Outstanding Volunteer先进班集体 Advanced Class优秀团干 Outstanding League Cadres学生协会优秀干部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Advanced Individual社会工作先进个人 Advanced Individual of Social Work文体活动先进个人 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities道德风尚奖 Ethic Award精神文明奖 High Morality Prize最佳组织奖 Prize for The Best Organization突出贡献奖 Prize for The Outstanding Contribution工作创新奖 Prize for The Creative Working团队建设奖 Prize for The Team Contribution二、 各系比赛与奖项外语系(Foreign Language Department):话剧比赛 Drama petition英语演讲比赛 English Speech Contest八系辩论赛 Eight Departments Invitational Debate petition黑板报设计大赛 Blackboard Poster Design ContestPPT设计大赛 Courseware Design petition文明宿舍 Outstanding DormitoryOK杯篮球比赛 OK Cup for Basketball Game我心飞扬歌唱比赛 “My Heart Flies” Singing petition中文系( Department of Chinese Language and Literature):诗歌朗诵比赛 Poetry Recitation Contest诗歌创作比赛 Poetry Creation Contest摄影大赛 Photography petition金话筒比赛 “Golden Microphone” petition兴我中华演讲比赛 Speech petition on Revitalizing China课件比赛 Cou......>> 问题八:人活着为了什么? 活着就是活着,活着的人所做的所有的一切就是活着的目的 无关好与坏,对与错...... 活着是一种感悟,只有活着的人才知道。你活着感悟就是你活着的目的。活着是一种影响。 我高中时沉溺于这个问题,但现在不了。活着就好好的活着,去考虑怎么活得更好,怎样按自己的想法活着。 活着是有意义的,但总去想活着是为了什么是没有意义的。活着的意义随着生命的历程而不断演化。若想探讨生命的意义,加我Q场:361369541 ,验证,请注明话题。 问题九:大学三等奖学金用英文怎么说 中式:the third-prize scholarship in university 美式
2023-07-23 09:47:461


台湾半导体 Taiwan Semiconductor
2023-07-23 09:47:478


2023-07-23 09:47:481


2023-07-23 09:47:506

求韩文歌歌名 歌词含有i wanna nobody but you

2023-07-23 09:47:5312


  通过对演讲稿语言的推究可以提高语言的表现力,增强语言的感染力。在不断进步的时代,演讲稿的使用越来越广泛,那要怎么写好演讲稿呢?以下是我收集整理的高中学生励志英语演讲稿,欢迎大家分享。 高中学生励志英语演讲稿1   Schoolmates:   When you look the lovable animated cartoon, plays is in a stew human"s computer games, rides the fast train, is answering transoceanic telephone time, ......Not only your might once realize the science the strength, the science changed this world, also changed our life, the science side us.   Opens for the 20th century the grand chapters, not only we discovered the humanity to experience the blood and the fire baptism in these hundred years, has created the innumerable scientific miracles. 19th century France famous science fiction writer of fiction verne fictionalizing, at that time let the human be inconceivable, he fantasized moon landing travel, the airplane, the long-range gun and so on, all 11 became the reality in the 20th century. In the 21st century today, the high tech is ubiquitous.   As cross-century one generation, how posture should we adapt the new century by, the load get up the new century heavy burden? Not only science and technology changing with each new day, causes the science to serve for the most advanced technique, also more and more many seeps to during ours daily life, this needs us who is in the young people time to deeply love the science, the study science. Participation science and technology “five small” competition, reading science and technology books, caused me to understand many truths. The precise robot, does not use the fuel the automobile, the hypothesized soccer game, high tech information transmission and so on, each one vivid interesting phenomena, aroused me to explore the science the desire.   Our each people all want to study the science, the dissemination civilization, while enjoys the new life, must create the new life, now, the technical product renewal speeds up unceasingly, the visible television, the computer surfer, the pacemaker, already did not calculate was fresh. Vacuum cleaner invented which from 1901, to the artificial earth satellite, carried the human spaceship, the science and technology demonstrates the formidable strength in the different domain. Electronic industry, communication technology daily popularization, nanotechnology, superconductivity material widespread application, soon one day, perhaps in yours dinner table, can appear likely bio-engineering foods and so on outer space green pepper, man-made beefsteak. Studies the science and technology, is not merely in order to become the scientist, also is for can adapt the life, more has been able to become the new century the master, the load gets up the new century, is the national construction, makes the contribution for the human culture.   Since new China had been established, our country"s technical development progresses by leaps and bounds, the synthesized insulin, finishes a job plants, the hybrid rice again, explodes atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, launch satellite and airship and so on, these technical achievement which focuses attention on the common people, reduced our country and the advanced countries science and technology disparity greatly, has poured into the vigor for our country"s modernization. Grandpa Deng Xiaoping said “the science and technology is the first productive forces”, indeed so, the science has ed the wing for our motherland soaring. Chairman Mao Zedong once said to the youth that, the world was you, also is we, but is your in the final analysis. This speech, has been full of the elders to our earnest expectation. If the elders have constructed the 20th century motherlands with the industrious work, that, we should by the knowledge, get up the new century heavy burden by the scientific load.   Schoolmates, we are being at the growth developmental stage, the study science, lets us start since childhood. We must learn each kind of literacy class diligently, because this is all study foundation; At the same time, to each kind the popular science books, the publication which suits our elementary student to look, should better read some in the after school; Also should begin to do each science small experiment, the small manufacture positively, writes the science small paper and so on, raises to the science interest. Long this gets down, we can certainly deeply love the science, has the rich scientific knowledge. Humanity"s wisdom is infinite, regardless of is US"s Challenger number detonation, the whole world computer virus" promotion, always all cannot prevent humanity"s advance in technology. “The knowledge is the strength”, Bacon this sentence enjoys great popularity the maxim did not know had driven how many earnestly seeks the knowledge human. Now, lets us also use it to encourage oneself, makes one to deeply love the science the new generation, the load gets up the new century heavy responsibility, for our motherland tomorrow, will compose a more magnificent poem!   Thanks everybody. 高中学生励志英语演讲稿2   同学们:   当你们看着可爱的动画片,玩着迷人的电脑游戏,坐上快速的列车,接听着越洋电话的时候,……你可曾意识到科学的力量,科学不仅改变了这个世界,也改变了我们的生活,科学就在我们身边。   翻开20世纪的壮丽篇章,我们发现人类在这百年中不仅经历了血与火的洗礼,更创造了无数科学奇迹。19世纪法国著名科幻小说家凡尔纳的虚构,当时让人不可思议,他所幻想的登月旅行、飞机、远射程炮等,在20世纪都一一成为现实。在21世纪的今天,高科技更是无处不在。   作为跨世纪的一代,我们又该以怎样的姿态去适应新世纪,担起新世纪的重担呢? 科学技术的日新月异,使得科学不只为尖端技术服务,也越来越多地渗透到我们的日常生活之中,这就需要正处于青少年时代的我们热爱科学,学习科学。参加科技“五小”比赛、阅读科技书籍,使我明白了许多道理。精密的机器人,不用燃料的汽车,虚拟的足球赛,高科技信息的传送等等,一个个生动有趣的现象,激起了我探索科学的愿望。   我们每个人都要学习科学,传播文明,在享受新生活的.同时,更要创造新生活,如今,科技产品的更新换代不断加快,可视电视、电脑上网、心脏起搏器,已经不算新鲜了。从1901年发明的真空吸尘器,到人造地球卫星、载人宇宙飞船,科技在不同领域里显示出了强大的力量。电子产业、通讯技术的日益普及,纳米技术、超导材料的广泛应用,不久的一天,也许就在你的餐桌上,会出现像太空青椒、人造牛排等生物工程食品。学习科学技术,不仅仅是为了成为科学家,也是为了能适应生活,更为了能成为新世纪的主人,担起新世纪,为国家建设,为人类文明做出贡献。   新中国成立以来,我国的科技发展突飞猛进,人工合成胰岛素、断手再植、杂交水稻、爆炸原子弹和氢弹、发射人造卫星和飞船等等,这些令世人瞩目的科技成就,大大缩短了我国和先进国家的科学技术的差距,为我国的现代化建设注入了活力。邓小平爷爷说“科学技术是第一生产力”,的确如此,科学为我们祖国的腾飞插上了翅膀。毛泽东主席曾对青年说,世界是你们的,也是我们的,但归根结底是你们的。这句话,饱含了长辈们对我们的殷切期望。如果说长辈们用辛勤的劳动建设了20世纪的祖国,那么,我们就应该以知识、以科学担起新世纪的重担。   同学们,我们正处于成长发育阶段,学习科学,让我们从小做起。我们要努力学好各种文化课,因为这是一切学习的基础;同时,对各种适合我们小学生看的科普书籍、报刊,最好在课余多阅读一些;还应该积极动手搞各种科学小实验、小制作,写科学小论文等,培养对科学的兴趣。长此下去,我们一定能够热爱科学,拥有丰富的科学知识。 人类的智慧是无限的,无论是美国的挑战者号爆炸,还是全球计算机病毒的升级,从来都不能阻止人类的科技进步。“知识就是力量”,培根这句脍炙人口的格言不知激励了多少渴求知识的人。如今,让我们也用它来勉励自己,做一个热爱科学的新一代,担起新世纪的重任,为我们祖国的明天,谱写出更加辉煌的诗篇!   谢谢大家。
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  在我们平凡的日常里,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是我收集整理的高三英语作文7篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 高三英语作文 篇1   early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. now the dream has come true. but how do we college students like our campus life?   certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. in their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. the only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.   as to me, college life is ideal if only i have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the internet.   早在高中,我们就渴望进入大学。现在梦想成真了。但是我们大学生喜欢我们的校园生活吗?   当然,有些人喜欢它,觉得它丰富多彩,很有回报。除了学习,他们还花了大量的时间在各个方面提高自己。然而,其他人对他们的大学生活不怎么重视,因此也没有那么多的益处。在他们看来,这所大学只是一所更大的高中。唯一的区别是,他们有更多的时间可以自由支配,而父母则不必回头看。   对我来说,大学生活是理想的,只要我有大量的书可以阅读,一些知心朋友可以陪伴我,一些认真的教授可以指导我,以及容易上网。 高三英语作文 篇2   I love to travel the world.Through all my travels I have seen many grand sights and sounds,and every one of them was unforgettable.   However,of all the places I"ve seen,the city of Hong Kong left the deepest impression in my mind.   It was an wonderful experience seeing a city so close yet so different.   Hong Kong with its mixture of different peoples from different backgrounds is a change from my hometown,its impressive high rise buildings and the kindness of it inhabitants were awe-inspiring.   The city lights at night rivaled any fireworks display I"ve ever seen.   My time there has shown that we as citizens of the planet can indeed come together,live in peace and through our combined effort achieve great things. 高三英语作文 篇3   As is shown in the above pictures, one woman is at the mercy of fate and has no desire to charge it, while the other tells herself that she must do something to change it.   From the two pictures, we can safely draw the conclusion that what really counts is what you think and whether you are willing to take action to make a change or not. The first woman is a typical example of those who have a negative attitude towards their life. They tend to be losers in the competition with the fate, which maes them in a worse condition. So, I prefer to be the second woman who can bravely have a try to fight with destiny. They have a tendency to succeed and have something bright in store for them.   As far as I am concerned, there is no denying that it may cost a lot if we wait rather than do something meaningful. Believe in yourself and just have a try! 高三英语作文 篇4   Dear JasonI want to take part in the English Speech,which is “An Unforgettable Experience in High School”.So I do hope that you can give me some suggestions about myartical.As I am concerned,I shouldpay attention to the writing of my English.Andsometimes my vocabulary is not perfect.Due to these problems.I want your suggestions about how to improve my English Writing Standards.Because of the date of the Speech is this Sunday,so I hope you can give me themessage on Wednesday morning.Through the time is not enough,I can still make itwell.If you give me suggestions,I will appreciate you very much.I am looking forward your early reply. 高三英语作文 篇5   I have a happy family. There are my father, my mother, my brother and I.   My father works a long way from home. And my mother is a housewife. My brother is a student who studies in the school.   In a word, my family is full of happiness. 高三英语作文 篇6   How time flies!This is the last year I have been studying at high school and the entrance examination for college is drawing near.Having seen off the summer vacation,I must face up to the new term for the beginning of the Third Grade,senior.Saying goes that a good beginning is half done,so I should pay close attention to the study program for the first two months,September and October.Firstly I should concentrate my attention upon the major subject.Besides,some of my weak points in certain of the subjects should be paid more respects.The most important is that I cannot ignore taking exercises in the least.The next year will be my life turning point.At the end of the next term,I am to graduate from school.I want to further myself on XX specialty,and I"m going to register myself for the examination to XX University.Therefor,I must get ready for the target. 高三英语作文 篇7   ronaldo luiz nazario de lima was born on 22 september 1976 in a poor suburb of rio de janeiro. like most of his childhood friends, ronaldo began his soccer career playing barefoot in the streets of his neighborhood. at the age of 14, he joined soccer club and only two years later became the star of cruzeiro belo horizonte scoring a total of 58 goals in 60 matches and earning himself a reputation for his explosive pace and outstanding finishing skills. his goal-scoring record and unusual agility led him to be included in the brazilian world cup winning team the following year. after the world cup, many top european football clubs were trying to sign him. many people, including brazilian football legend pelé, referred to him as the most promis footballer of his generation.   since his transfer to dutch team psv eindhoven, ronaldo s biography is one of success after success. two copa américa s, a uefa cup, a dutch cup, a spanish league cup, and two awards as best player in the world, all in the space of two years, are some of ronaldo s impressive achievements. on arrival to inter-milan in 1997, ronaldo became the idol of the local fans who refer to him as "il venomous."   since the 98 world cup he has suffered two serious knee injuries that have severely limited his appearances. just when people began to wonder whether ronaldo would be able to continue with his football career, he proved to the world that he still could play. in the world cup held in korea and japan, the magical striker won the golden shoe award and tied pele s brazilian record for career world cup goals with 12. he helped brazil capture its fifth world cup championship on june 30 with a 2-0 win over germany. it was the third time that ronaldo has ever played in the world cup.   译文   路易斯-罗纳尔多是在1976年9月22日出生在一个贫穷的郊区里约热内卢。像他的大多数童年朋友,罗纳尔多在街道上赤脚踢球,开始了他的足球生涯。14岁时,他加入了圣克里斯托旺足球俱乐部,仅仅两年后成为克鲁塞罗斯贝洛的明星。在60场比赛总进球58个,他的速度和出色的技巧为他自己赢得了声誉。他的进球纪录和不寻常的能力让他入选巴西国家队参加世界杯。世界杯结束之后的一年,许多欧洲顶级足球俱乐部试图签下他。许多人,包括巴西足球传奇人物贝利,称他是同代人中最有希望的球员。   自从转会到荷兰的.埃因霍温队,罗纳尔多是一次次的胜利。两次是在哥斯达黎加,一次欧洲足协联盟杯冠军,一次荷兰杯冠军,西班牙联赛杯,两次获得世界最佳球员奖,在短短两年内,都是罗纳尔多实现了成功。在1997年国际米兰,罗纳尔多被当地球迷称为“奇才”。   98年世界杯之后,他经历了两次严重的膝伤已经严重限制了他的比赛。当人们开始怀疑罗纳尔多将能够继续他的足球生涯中,他向全世界证明他仍然可以发挥。在韩国和日本举行的世界杯上,这位神奇的前锋获得金靴奖,并列贝利创造的12世界杯进球纪录职业生涯。在六月三十日第五届世界杯中,他帮助巴西队以2:0战胜德国成为冠军。这是罗纳尔多第三次参加世界杯。
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第一句是I have nobody but you的歌 叫什么

是韩国 wonder girls的 nobody。这首歌有段时间很红阿,现在也经常听到。
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uac00uc2b4uc774 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub410ub098ubd10uac00uc9c0ub9d0ub798ub3c4 uba48ucdb0uc11cub798ub3c4 ub108ub97c ud5a5ud574uac00ub294 ub0b4 ub9d8uc778uac78ub2f3uc9c0ub3c4 uc54aub2c8 uc904uc9c0ub3c4 uc54aub2c8 uc65cuc774ub9ac ub0b4 uc0acub791uc740 ucd94uc5b5 ud558ub098ud558ub098 uc138uace0 ub610 uc138ub290ub77c ub9d8uc740 ud55cuc2dcub3c4 uc26cuc9c8ubabbud574uac00ub204uae30ub3c4 ud798ub4e0 uc9d0ub9cc ub420ud150ub370 uc65c ub09c ubc84ub9acuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558ub294uc9c0uc815ub9d0 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub410ub098ubd10 ub208uba3c uc0acub791uc5d0 ubc14ubcf4uac00 ub410ub098ubd10uc624uc9c1 ud55cuacf3ub9cc ub9e4uc77c ud55cuacf3ub9cc ub108ub780 uc2acud508 ube5buc744 ubc14ub77cubcf4ub2e4ub208ubb3cuc0d8ub9c8uc800ub3c4 uace0uc7a5uc774 ub0acub098ubd10 uc790uafb8 ub208ubb3cuc774 uba4euc9c8 uc54auc544uadf8uc800 ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc uc0acub791ud574 ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc8fcuba74 uc548ub418ub2c8uc190uc744 ubed7uc5b4ubd10ub3c4 uc544ubb34ub9ac ubd88ub7ecub3c4ub108ub294 ub0b4uac8cuc11c uba40uae30ub9cc ud574uc544ud508 uc0c1ucc98ub9cc ub420 uc0acub791uc77cud150ub370 uc65c ub09c uc9c0uc6b0uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558ub294uc9c0uc815ub9d0 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub410ub098ubd10 ub208uba3c uc0acub791uc5d0 ubc14ubcf4uac00 ub410ub098ubd10uc624uc9c1 ud55cuacf3ub9cc ub9e4uc77c ud55cuacf3ub9cc ub108ub780 uc2acud508 ube5buc744 ubc14ub77cubcf4ub2e4ub208ubb3cuc0d8ub9c8uc800ub3c4 uace0uc7a5uc774 ub0acub098ubd10 uc790uafb8 ub208ubb3cuc774 uba4euc9c8 uc54auc544uadf8uc800 ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc uc0acub791ud574 ud55cub9c8ub514ub9cc ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc8fcuba74 uc548ub418ub2c8ub2c8uac00 uc6c3uc73cuba74 ub098ub3c4 ud589ubcf5ud558ub2e8 uac70uc9d3ub9d0ub85c ub0a0 uc704ub85cud574 ubcf4uc9c0ub9ccub2c8uac00 ud5a5ud574uc120 uacf3 ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2c8ub77cuc11c uc678ub85cuc6b4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud758ub7ecuc815ub9d0 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub410ub098ubd10ud798ub4e0 uc0acub791uc5d0 ubbf8uccd0ubc84ub838ub098ubd10uac16uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574 uc78auc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574ub108ub97c ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 uae30ub2e4ub9acub2e4ub108ubb34ub098 uadf8ub9acuc6cc ud0c8uc774 ub09cuac74uac70ubd10ub108ub97c ub108ubb34ub098 uc0acub791ud574uc11cuadf8uc800 ud55cuac00uc9c0ub9cc ub2c8 ub9c8uc74c ud55cuac00uc9c0ub9ccub0b4uac8c ub098ub220uc8fcuba74 uc548ub418ub2c8ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud558uba74 uc548ub418ub2c8 明知不该去 明知该停下 我的心却还是走向了你 不听我说吗 不交给我吗 你的爱情 真的一刻都无法停歇 明知只会成为难以承受的负担 为什么我还是无法放弃 我的心好像真的出了问题 我好像变成了为爱痴迷的傻瓜 只看着一个地方 每天只看一个地方 那个伤感的地方叫做你 好像连泪腺也生了病 怎样也无法止住眼泪 只是一句话 只是我爱你这一句话 都无法说给我听吗 就算说了千百遍 就算再怎么叫你 你还是离我那么远 明知这份爱只会成为痛苦的伤痕 为什么我还是无法忘记 我的心好像真的出了问题 我好像变成了为爱痴迷的傻瓜 只看着一个地方 每天只看一个地方 那个伤感的地方叫做你 好像连泪腺也生了病 怎样也无法止住眼泪 只是一句话 只是我爱你这一句话 都无法说给我听吗 只要你开心我就很幸福 试着用这样谎言安慰自己 只因你走向的人不是我 孤独的眼泪流了下来 我的心好像真的出了问题 我好像变成了为爱痴迷的傻瓜 只看着一个地方 每天只看一个地方 那个伤感的地方叫做你 好像连泪腺也生了病 怎样也无法止住眼泪只是一句话 只是我爱你这一句话 都无法说给我听吗
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