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2023-07-23 10:54:17

Translate 这个单词在国外作为名字还是比较少见的,不排除少数人用这个名字。国外人取名和中国人也一样,有比较常见的名字,也有一些比较奇葩的名字

Translate 意为翻译、转化,是一个动词。



translate的意思如下:vt.翻译;用简单易懂的语言解释;解释;诠释;使转变;使转化;翻译;转译;调动;转移;调换…的教区;将…调至另一教区;把…调至另一教区;(天主教)移葬(圣徒遗骸);使肉身不死而升天;平移;使出神;使心荡神移。vi.担任译者;从事翻译工作;可译;可翻译;被翻译;意味;意为;转变;转化;(飞机、导弹)转移。1、A translator who uses an HTML editor and a word processor has to translate twice-—once for each tool.使用HTML编辑器和文字处理程序的翻译人员必须两次翻译两次每种工具各一次。2、The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of the process,it couldtranslate into a sense of possession.这项研究还表明,一旦触摸成为过程的一部分,它可以转化为拥有感。3、Many parents see these lessons translate into the real world.许多家长看到,这些课堂上学习到的知识转化为现实世界所发生的事情。4、She took me along to translate.她拉上我一起去翻译。5、how would this translate to manufacturing?这将如何转化为制造业?
2023-07-23 09:40:391

translate什么意思 翻译的含义和用途?

2023-07-23 09:41:366


translate的名词是translatese,中文意思是“ (表达不流畅、不地道的)翻译文体;翻译腔”,比如The Welsh name translates as "Land"s End".这个威尔士语的地名可译成“兰兹角”。Not every idiom translates with such ease.不是每个习语都能这样容易地译出来。 扩展资料 translate的名词是translatese,中文意思是表达不流畅、不地道的,比如The Welsh name translates as "Land"s End".这个威尔士语的地名可译成“兰兹角”。
2023-07-23 09:41:571


translate (into)英英释义:to lead to (something) as a result 例句:Quality customer service translates into customer loyalty. 2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇) 我们很熟悉“translate”可以表示“翻译”的用法,不过可能对它引申的用法比较陌生。“translate”作不及物动词时,常和 into 搭配表示“导致...结果” “意味着”。 比如,我们想表达一个产品的客服做的越好,它的用户就会越忠诚,我们就可以说: Quality customer service translates into customer loyalty. 比如,科学家们在科研上取得成功,并不意味着他们直接会因此而衣食无忧: Scientific success doesn"t automatically translate into financial success. 这种用法在外刊中很常见,大家可能已经注意到了它的“公式”是:A translate(s) into B。比如《经济学人》在语言板块 Johnson 中讨论学习外语的价值时,在标题部分就用到了 translate: Even on conservative estimates, speaking another language translates into a big earnings boost. 3. 练习 1)翻译 能够流利地说一门外语,就意味着在工作中有优势。 Fluency in a foreign language can translate into an edge in the workplace. 2)造句 Winning this game rarely translates into winning the next game.
2023-07-23 09:42:031

baidu translate什么意思

2023-07-23 09:42:243


2023-07-23 09:42:326

google translate什么意思

google translate谷歌翻译google translate谷歌翻译Google Translate was used for the French, German, and Spanish bits.法语、德语和西班牙语的翻译是利用Google Translate完成的。2And Google Translate has improved with great strides recently.最近,谷歌翻译进行了重大更新。
2023-07-23 09:42:472


Happy Father"s Day
2023-07-23 09:42:561


translate英文的缩写 trans
2023-07-23 09:43:032


2023-07-23 09:43:235


2023-07-23 09:43:371

please translate英文什么意思

please translate请翻译拼音双语对照双语例句1Please translate this transcript into Spanish and email it to our trainee in Mexico.请将这份抄本翻译成西班牙文,然后发给我在墨西哥的新兵。
2023-07-23 09:43:552


美国籍的总统和中国筷子比尔克林顿为了要能够在北京国宴上炫耀, 已经学习该如何使用筷子。 自从理查尼克松在1972年首次拜访中国,每位续位的美国总统都来拜访中国。 学习使用筷子已经是他们的一门重要课程,因为它不但是一个美食文化的部份 , 而且是一种政治艺术, 一个用来炫耀并且赢得主人的欢心的" 小的诡计 "。尼克松树立了美国总统的榜样,注意在拜访期间在国宴上使用筷子并且以此为交谈的主题。 这就像尼克松开枪射中茅台一样在世界各处被广播。 从那以后,拜访中国的所有美国总统都尽量炫耀他们对使用筷子的熟悉。 在 1972 宴会,周恩来总理注意到了尼克松总统他们使用筷子的灵敏的一流技术。 尼克松太太立刻抓住这个很棒的主题,并且泄露他们为了访华在白宫里练习使用筷子的 " 秘密 "。 尼克松已经为他们的会餐使用了半年的筷子而代替刀子和叉子。 与他们的主人称赞他们使用筷子的技术相比,没有什么的能给尼克松带来更多的快乐。 当他沉浸在他正拜访的国家文化之中被他的他主人称赞的时候,一个政治家的成功和声望完全被证明。 当尼克森最初拜访了中国的时候,二个国家没有建立特权关系,因此,他的拜访不是一个官方的正式访问,但是然而他对每个简单小细节感到一丝不苟。 此后拜访中国的美国总统都跟随他的例子对小细节给予特别的注意。
2023-07-23 09:44:034


translate的名词形式translation translate v.翻译;译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变,变为 第三人称单数: translates 现在分词: translating 过去式: translated 过去分词: translated 扩展资料   Most poetry does not translate well.   诗歌大多翻译不好。   I hope all the hard work will translate into profits.   我希望所有的辛勤劳动都会有回报。   It"s time to translate words into action.   是把言语化为行动的时候了。
2023-07-23 09:44:381


【 #英语资源# 导语】translate有翻译;解释;转移;调动等意思,那么你知道translate的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】translate的用法大全   translate的用法1:translate的基本意思是“翻译”,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言。引申可作“转化”“解释”解。   translate的用法2:translate也可作“调动”解,通常指某人调到另一地方。   translate的用法3:translate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。translate用作不及物动词时,其主动形式可表示被动意义。   translate的用法4:translate后接介词into表示“把…翻译成…”“把…转化为…”; 后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把…)从…翻译成为…”; 后接介词to表示“调某人到…”。 【篇二】translate的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   translate for (v.+prep.)   translate from (v.+prep.)   translate into (v.+prep.)   translate to (v.+prep.) 【篇三】translate的用法例句   1. It can translate data from maps or remote sensing instruments into images.   它可以把从地图或遥感设备中得到的数据转化成为图像。   2. The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate.   女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。   3. I can read Spanish but can"t translate into it.   我能阅读西班牙语,但不能翻译成西班牙语.   4. These jokes would be far too difficult to translate.   这些笑话也许极其难译.   5. We must make efforts to translate our ideal into reality.   我们必须努力把理想变为现实.   6. She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel.   她法语娴熟,足以翻译小说.   7. It"s often difficult to translate poems.   翻译诗歌在许多情况下都是困难的.   8. Please translate this article from Chinese into English.   请把这篇文章从汉语译成英语.   9. We should translate this sentence in passive voice.   我们应该用被动语态翻译这个句子.   10. Can you translate this article for me?   你能替我翻译这篇文章 吗 ?   11. Can you translate from French into English?   你能把法语译成英语 吗 ?   12. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.   将下面几段译成中文.   13. I couldn"t read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate.   我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。   14. When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can.   我改编东西的时候,会尽可能忠实地将意思表达出来。   15. Reforming Warsaw"s stagnant economy requires harsh measures that wouldtranslate into job losses.   重整华沙停滞的经济需要强硬措施,这会造成工作岗位的裁减。
2023-07-23 09:44:521


translator 译员;翻译者;翻译家;翻译机translater 载粉器
2023-07-23 09:45:331


translate有相关的两个名词: translation 翻译;译文;转化;调任 translator 译者;翻译器 扩展资料   1.translation英 [trnzlen] 美 [trnzlen]   n.翻译;译;译文;译本;译作;转变;转化   The theatre will provide simultaneous translation in both English and Chinese.   剧院将提供英语和汉语的.同声翻译。   2.translatorn.(尤指专职)翻译,译员,译者,翻译家   例句:In future, I could be also a translator of English literature.   在未来中,我也可能是一个英国文学的翻译者。
2023-07-23 09:45:401


1、translate是什么意思中文翻译2、translate是什么意思3、translate用法translate是什么意思中文翻译 translate是我们在英语中常用的动词,那么translate做动词都表达哪些意思呢?下面我为大家带来translate的英语意思解释和英语例句,供大家参考学习!translate作动词的意思: 翻译;转化;解释;被翻译translate的英语音标: 英 [tr_ns_leit] 美 [tr_ns_let, tr_nz-, _tr_ns_let, _tr_nz-]translate的时态: 现在分词: translating 过去式: translated 过去分词: translatedtranslate的英语例句: 1. It can translate data from maps or remote sensing instruments into images. 它可以把从地图或遥感设备中得到的数据转化成为图像。 2. The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate. 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。 3. I can read Spanish but can"t translate into it. 我能阅读西班牙语,但不能翻译成西班牙语. 4. These jokes would be far too difficult to translate. 这些笑话也许极其难译. 5. We must make efforts to translate our ideal into reality. 我们必须努力把理想变为现实. 6. She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel. 她法语娴熟,足以翻译小说. 7. It"s often difficult to translate poems. 翻译诗歌在许多情况下都是困难的. 8. Please translate this article from Chinese into English. 请把这篇文章从汉语译成英语. 9. We should translate this sentence in passive voice. 我们应该用被动语态翻译这个句子. 10. Can you translate this article for me? 你能替我翻译这篇文章 吗 ? 11. Can you translate from French into English? 你能把法语译成英语 吗 ? 12. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. 将下面几段译成中文. 13. I couldn"t read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate. 我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。 14. When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can. 我改编东西的时候,会尽可能忠实地将意思表达出来。 15. Reforming Warsaw"s stagnant economy requires harsh measures that would translate into job losses.translate是什么意思translate的意思如下:vt.翻译;用简单易懂的语言解释;解释;诠释;使转变;使转化;翻译;转译;调动;转移;调换的教区;将调至另一教区;把调至另一教区;(天主教)移葬(圣徒遗骸);使肉身不死而升天;平移;使出神;使心荡神移。vi.担任译者;从事翻译工作;可译;可翻译;被翻译;意味;意为;转变;转化;(飞机、导弹)转移。1、A translator who uses an HTML editor and a word processor has to translate twice-—once for each tool.使用HTML编辑器和文字处理程序的翻译人员必须两次翻译两次每种工具各一次。2、The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of the process,it couldtranslate into a sense of possession.这项研究还表明,一旦触摸成为过程的一部分,它可以转化为拥有感。3、Many parents see these lessons translate into the real world.许多家长看到,这些课堂上学习到的知识转化为现实世界所发生的事情。4、She took me along to translate.她拉上我一起去翻译。5、how would this translate to manufacturing?这将如何转化为制造业?translate用法translatetranslate的用法如下translate:1、translatetranslate的基本意思是“翻译”translate,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言。引申可作“转化”、“解释”解。2、translate也可作“调动”解,通常指某人调到另一地方。3、translate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。translate用作不及物动词时,其主动形式可表示被动意义。4、translate后接介词into表示“把...翻译成...”、“把...转化为...”translate;后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把...)从...翻译成为...”;后接介词to表示“调某人到...”。扩展资料:translate 英 [tr_ns"le_t],美 [tr_ns"le_t] v. 翻译;解释;转移;调动例句:I need to translate it into English.翻译:我必须把它译成英语。短语:1、translate a book翻译一本书2、translate a computer"s answer翻译计算机的答案3、translate an article翻译文章4、translate well译得好5、translate easily容易翻译
2023-07-23 09:45:521


translatable adj. 可译的, 可转移的
2023-07-23 09:45:591


translate是动词,只有名词才分单复数. 不过translate在第三人称的时候,后面要加s
2023-07-23 09:46:291

translate 和 position的区别

2023-07-23 09:46:391


2023-07-23 09:47:011

translate和replace 的区别

2023-07-23 09:47:092


英国的历史 直到公元前6000年,英国一直是欧洲大陆的的一部分。可是从那时横过英吉利海峡的民族运动持续了很长时间。公元43年,英国成为了罗马帝国的一个部分。罗马于公元410年撤出英国境内的。这个时期,来自德国土地上的盎格鲁,萨克逊人来到了英国。 从那个时代一直到11世纪,英格兰人说的是盎格鲁-萨克逊语。语言随着时间的流逝是会发生变化的。公元1066年,诺曼人占领了英格兰。他们说法语。于是,诺曼人极大的影响了盎格鲁-萨克逊语。法语在上层阶级很是流行。但是民众还是说盎格鲁-萨克逊语。甚至是现在生活中很常用的事物的名字仍是那时候传下来的。许多优雅的文字都来自于法语。但是对于一餐的肉来说是牛肉,羊肉或猪肉。这些词语来自于诺曼法语。现代英语从中慢慢的成长起来。 公元1485年,国王合皇后变成了一个强大而且联合的政府机构。这个时期,英国社会也在成长着。社会和谐,经济发展迅速。另一方面,欧洲的其余地区并不那么平静,经济发展也比较缓慢。 1492年,克里斯多夫哥伦布发现了北美这一新大陆。英国成为了东西方贸易的集散地中心。直到16世纪末,在伊莉莎白皇后统治下,英国成为了一个海军力量强大的国家。十七世纪中叶,英国的政府格局发生了很大的变化。于17世纪40年代末,中产阶级合封建制度之间的矛盾导致了内战。直到1649年,在克伦威尔的带领下,中产阶级打败了国王查尔斯一世。第一个国会系统开始,共和国也至此建立。
2023-07-23 09:47:174


translate 翻译 解释Translate the following sentences into chinese.把下列句子译成汉语。
2023-07-23 09:47:265


1.translation名词,译文,翻译2 2.translative 转化的,有关翻译的 3.translator 译员 4.translatorese不地道的翻译文体 5,translatable 可转变的,可译的
2023-07-23 09:47:411


免费翻译软件有百度翻译(Baidu Translate)。百度翻译(Baidu Translate)是百度公司推出的一款免费翻译软件,支持多达28种语言的翻译服务。用户可以通过网页版或移动App进行使用。百度翻译的特点是简单易用、翻译速度快、支持多种语言,还可以进行语音翻译和摄像头翻译等功能。用户可以输入文字、语音或图片,进行自动翻译和语音播放。同时,它也支持人工翻译和机器翻译混合的方式,提高翻译质量。另外,百度翻译还具有朗读功能,可以帮助用户更好地学习外语,同时也可以对外语发音进行纠正。需要注意的是,虽然百度翻译是一款免费翻译软件,但在使用时可能会存在一些限制,用户需要根据实际情况进行选择。翻译是什么?翻译是指将一个语言中的文字或口语内容转化为另一个语言的过程,通常涉及到两个或多个语言之间的互译。翻译可以是文本的翻译,也可以是口语的翻译。在现代社会中,随着各国之间的交流越来越频繁,翻译成为极其重要的职业。在商务、政治、文化、科技等领域,翻译都发挥着重要作用。例如,跨国公司需要将其产品说明书、合同、广告等文档进行翻译,使得不同语言的消费者都能够理解;政治、经济和文化交流也需要翻译来消除语言障碍和增进相互理解。翻译是一项复杂的工作,需要熟练掌握两种或以上的语言,并了解不同国家或地区的文化、历史、习俗等,在此基础上进行准确的翻译。随着机器翻译技术的发展,计算机也开始在翻译领域发挥越来越重要的作用。
2023-07-23 09:47:561


免费翻译软件有百度翻译(Baidu Translate)。百度翻译(Baidu Translate)是百度公司推出的一款免费翻译软件,支持多达28种语言的翻译服务。用户可以通过网页版或移动App进行使用。百度翻译的特点是简单易用、翻译速度快、支持多种语言,还可以进行语音翻译和摄像头翻译等功能。用户可以输入文字、语音或图片,进行自动翻译和语音播放。同时,它也支持人工翻译和机器翻译混合的方式,提高翻译质量。另外,百度翻译还具有朗读功能,可以帮助用户更好地学习外语,同时也可以对外语发音进行纠正。需要注意的是,虽然百度翻译是一款免费翻译软件,但在使用时可能会存在一些限制,用户需要根据实际情况进行选择。翻译是什么?翻译是指将一个语言中的文字或口语内容转化为另一个语言的过程,通常涉及到两个或多个语言之间的互译。翻译可以是文本的翻译,也可以是口语的翻译。在现代社会中,随着各国之间的交流越来越频繁,翻译成为极其重要的职业。在商务、政治、文化、科技等领域,翻译都发挥着重要作用。例如,跨国公司需要将其产品说明书、合同、广告等文档进行翻译,使得不同语言的消费者都能够理解;政治、经济和文化交流也需要翻译来消除语言障碍和增进相互理解。翻译是一项复杂的工作,需要熟练掌握两种或以上的语言,并了解不同国家或地区的文化、历史、习俗等,在此基础上进行准确的翻译。随着机器翻译技术的发展,计算机也开始在翻译领域发挥越来越重要的作用。
2023-07-23 09:48:341


及物动词1. 说明,解释2. 翻译,口译3. 把…理解为,把…看作为4. (根据自己的拴解)演奏,表演。5. interpret a dream 圆梦。6. interpret sb."s laughter as an insult 把某人的笑声看作是耻辱。不及物动词解释,口译-able adj.可以解释的。translateverb.say or write in one language what sb has said or written in another language.翻译,口译,笔译。
2023-07-23 09:49:013


2023-07-23 09:49:201


1.Once a system is established,everyone has to abide by it.2.The car is so expensive that I can not affort it.3.The villagers finally got across what I mean by my gesture language.4.She lay on the sofa with a magazine covered on her face.5.He walked into the restaurant and sat in his usual seat.6.His being 16-year-old next Sunday,what a good age!(前面部分是独立主格)7.What to pay back to our parents"cares and loves to us is to study hard.8.He was frozen with that snake when seeing it.
2023-07-23 09:49:283


我还没有听说过translate.for.这个搭配的.一般都是translate as 把…解释为…translate into 把…翻译成…或者把…转化为… translate sb to 调某人到…最常用的是translate into ,例句:Please translate English i...
2023-07-23 09:49:341


There might be something wrong with my email box so I sent it twice---Please check it!
2023-07-23 09:49:428


usar con agua, cinta de sellado o compuesta, al instalar esta válvula.
2023-07-23 09:50:017

html translate 属性 有什么作用

用法:<p translate="no">请勿翻译本段。</p> 指的是不能够在线翻译<p></p>的文字;translate有两个属性值:YES 和 NO
2023-07-23 09:50:172

translate 的搭配

tranlate ...从...翻译为...也可直接用translate to
2023-07-23 09:50:252


2023-07-23 09:50:321


2023-07-23 09:44:132

歌词 中有 i like nobody but you 歌名是

歌曲名 nobody。 演唱:wondergirls You Know I still Love You Baby And it will never change I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 那系冷得 不那米冷得内 哟古阿尼加不顾 类吗冷的忒亚穆库 为宜咯可大陆南家也给 那破肋列廖哈尼 哦度可耶曼尼 那位俄多路品卡吗 那不出卡拉品卡马 一自股莫内哦 那路咯贼马尾 文哈吉多俄能过哈哟黑 I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 那楚王得拿很伯卡得 纳马尼苏面对 卡巴能可哟能得 努库纳艘 很不卡那咯亚 那努压那所 很不卡艘不搜 那巍峨铺路品卡马 那不足卡拉品卡马 马里哟内能吗 以龙共俄莫拉 以伽哦西哦多可很不可 I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 拿出马 以嘎你秒 以嘎你秒西咋马哟 I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody back to the days when we were so young and wild and free 那新给多木吗噶他动不腿 多拉卡不西碰得 为家古那路一聊为了黑 why do you push me away I do want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you
2023-07-23 09:44:151

如何以有限预算构建KVM HA集群

很多小型组织使用了KVM虚拟化,但却无法在主机发生故障时采取相关措施保证高可用性。本文介绍如何采取简单的方式确保虚拟机的高可用性。你可以使用任一Linux发行版的KVM,但是这些Linux发行版在集群功能方面存在差异。Pacemaker堆栈源于SUSE,红帽在最近的版本中才确定其集群实现方式。因此在本文中我将介绍如何在OpenSuSE 13.1 下配置集群。图1. KVM高可用架构概览假定集群中的节点已经连接到了SAN。如果集群中的节点还没有连接到SAN,那么将虚拟主机连接到Linux SAN并不复杂,当然你也可以使用SAN设备。然而我们在本文中采用的方式—使用OCFS 2共享文件系统构建集群—只有在使用SAN时才是有效的。配置KVM高可用集群的步骤如下所示:创建基础集群在SAN共享存储上配置OCFS2集群文件系统使用SAN磁盘作为后端存储,安装虚拟机为虚拟机配置Pacemaker集群资源验证集群配置创建基础集群在Open SUSE 13.1下使用命令zypper in pacemaker ocfs2-tools lvm2-clvm 安装构建集群所必需的软件包,开始创建基础集群。集群包括两层。较低的层称之为corosync转载仅供参考,版权属于原作者。祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦
2023-07-23 09:44:161

Yb Allul这首歌是什麽语言

2023-07-23 09:44:162


FN键不是每个键盘都有,一般笔记本或者比较新的键盘才有,一般在键盘的左下角或者右下角。图示:关于FN:键意为“Function”(功能),用以和其他的按键组成组合键以便实现控制作用。这些组合键可以实现硬件的调节(休眠,切换显示),或者补充实现台式机上有而笔记本上省略的按键。FN键用法大全:FN+Esc:关闭/打开摄像头FN+F1:让计算机进入睡眠模式FN+F2:关闭/开启LED屏幕背光FN+F3:切换至其他连接的显示设备FN+F4:在宽屏幕和一般模式之间切换FN+F5:调用无线设备开启/关闭控制界面FN+F6:启用/停用触控板FN+F8:启用/停用数字键盘FN+F9:播放/暂停Media Player播放FN+F10:停止Media Player播放FN+F11:跳至上一首曲目FN+F12:跳至下一首曲目FN+PgUp/ScrLk:启用/停用滚动锁定FN+PrtSc/SysRq:系统请求键FN+向上/向下键:增加/降低显示屏亮度FN+向右/向左键:增加/降低计算机音量FN+PgUp:使光标移至行首FN+PgDn:使光标移至行尾FN+Nmlk:开启/停用小数字键盘华硕笔记本Fn键作用大全:Fn+F1: 进入待命或是休眠模式Fn+F2:开启内置无线网络功能Fn+F5: 调暗液晶显示屏亮度Fn+F6: 调亮液晶显示屏亮度Fn+F7: 液晶显示屏背光光源开关Fn+F8: 切换为液晶显示屏显示,外接显示器或电视Fn+F9:开启或关闭“触摸板”功能Fn+F10: 静音开关(仅适用于Windows系统下)Fn+F11: 降低音量(仅适用于Windows系统下)Fn+F12: 提高音量(仅适用于Windows系统下)Fn+Del: 开启或关闭“锁定滚动条”功能Fn+Ins: 启用内建数字键盘。内建数字键盘功能,是将笔记本电脑中央偏右一共15个键当作一般台式键盘最右方的数字键使用。跟台式数字键盘一样,除了可以当作数字键盘,方便大量输入数字时使用之外,它也可以当作数字键盘上的方向键使用。Fn+T: 启动ASUS Power 4 Phone 应用程序Fn+V: 启动数码相机应用程序及拍照Fn+<Space>: 等同于性能设置快捷键,按下后可设置系统性能与省电之间的关系Fn+C: 此组合键可切换屏幕至不同的颜色设置选项,在屏幕画面左上方将出现编辑本段组合键---联想篇FN  联想的FN组合键比较简单,但是它的图标表示比较有个性,即使是笔记本老手都有可能看不懂某些快捷键的图表哦。FN+Esc:关闭/打开摄像头FN+F1:让计算机进入睡眠模式FN+F2:关闭/开启LED屏幕背光FN+F3:切换至其他连接的显示设备FN+F4:在宽屏幕和一般模式之间切换FN+F5:调用无线设备开启/关闭控制界面FN+F6:启用/停用触控板FN+F8:启用/停用数字键盘FN+F9:播放/暂停Media Player播放FN+F10:停止Media Player播放FN+F11:跳至上一首曲目FN+F12:跳至下一首曲目FN+PgUp/ScrLk:启用/停用滚动锁定FN+PrtSc/SysRq:系统请求键FN+向上/向下键:增加/降低显示屏亮度FN+向右/向左键:增加/降低计算机音量FN+PgUp:使光标移至行首FN+PgDn:使光标移至行尾FN+Nmlk:开启/停用小数字键盘戴尔笔记本Fn键作用大全:FN+ESC:选择所预设的电源管理模式  FN+F3:显示电源表FN+F8:切换显示器FN+F10:弹出光驱FN+上方向键/下方向键:增加/减低亮度FN+END:静音FN+PgUp:增加音量FN+PgDn:减低音量FN+Num lock::相当于按下Scroll lock
2023-07-23 09:44:171


用户级别太低,你积分越为正数就可以了刚注册的会员,只能在福步新人、外贸急症室、站务论坛回复的,在福步新人也可以发帖注意一下福步新人置顶帖: "论坛提供新人快速福步的捷径 "会对你有帮助的!
2023-07-23 09:44:211

i want nobody,but you中文什么意思

2023-07-23 09:44:235


2023-07-23 09:44:092


很多小型组织使用了KVM虚拟化,但却无法在主机发生故障时采取相关措施保证高可用性。本文介绍如何采取简单的方式确保虚拟机的高可用性。你可以使用任一Linux发行版的KVM,但是这些Linux发行版在集群功能方面存在差异。Pacemaker堆栈源于SUSE,红帽在最近的版本中才确定其集群实现方式。因此在本文中我将介绍如何在OpenSuSE 13.1 下配置集群。 图1. KVM高可用架构概览假定集群中的节点已经连接到了SAN。如果集群中的节点还没有连接到SAN,那么将虚拟主机连接到Linux SAN并不复杂,当然你也可以使用SAN设备。然而我们在本文中采用的方式—使用OCFS 2共享文件系统构建集群—只有在使用SAN时才是有效的。配置KVM高可用集群的步骤如下所示:创建基础集群在SAN共享存储上配置OCFS2集群文件系统使用SAN磁盘作为后端存储,安装虚拟机为虚拟机配置Pacemaker集群资源验证集群配置创建基础集群在Open SUSE 13.1下使用命令zypper in pacemaker ocfs2-tools lvm2-clvm 安装构建集群所必需的软件包,开始创建基础集群。集群包括两层。较低的层称之为corosync转载仅供参考,版权属于原作者。祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦
2023-07-23 09:44:081


《Untill you》
2023-07-23 09:44:084


  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是我整理的话题英语作文8篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 话题英语作文 篇1   Life needs love and hope Life although is short, but it should like fireworks as brilliant.When we get the basic material needs, then also need higher after the spirit world, if we want to make our lifetime become wonderful, I think, life needs something to love, and to look forward to.   Love what Love youself , love people around you ,love the everything. Even is suffering, if you love it , it will be transformed the growing wealth, make you more strong and brave.   Love yourself, because in the world we are the only one, we should believe we are excellent, try to find our advantages and correct faults. Let yourself more and more perfect, so love others must first love yourself. Love our friends and family, they give us life"s warm, when we are alone, they accompany us; when we are sad, they comfort us; when we are failure, they encourage us, so learning gratitude will get more love. Love the nature, the sea,   mountains, rivers, forests and plateau, when we stay in the full of fresh breath natural surroundings, breathing the fresh air, listening the sounds of nature, appreciating the natural scenery, our body will be full of energy and We will be more love this world   When I am tired, I"ll go to climb mountains, and put myself in the nature, it can make me to forget all the troubles, I will hold the   camera to take the beautiful moment reserved for eternal memory. I also love sport, it makes me more healthy, more courageous. I like to play badminton, I feel very happy when I sweat. I like to run,I can listen to my heart beating, when I toward the finish line   struggled to run,I will get more perseverance.   There is love there is hope ,when we believe that life has miracle, the future will give us hope. The purpose of life is to have hope, and toward it continuous efforts.   I"m looking forward to one day I can travel the whole of China, and appreciate Chinese fine scenery. I expect I can become an excellent Chinese teacher ___"preach, impart knowledge and to reassure,"I will with love to water the flowers make it blooming . I"m looking forward to have a coffee shop, where with a melodious tunes, a useful book, a glass of sweet coffee, a wisp of warm sunshine, we can provide them a space for tired heart   releasing ,teach them loving life, learning poetic ground life. Because there are loves and expectations in our life, it makes our hearts full, and makes our life more beautiful, Even if life is limited, but we can make unlimited exploits in the limited time . "We may not add the length of life, but can increase the thickness of life." So, let us keep the love in life, and keep something to look forward to . 话题英语作文 篇2   近年来,中小学生健康问题日益引起人们的关注。请你用英语就该问题谈谈你的看法。   要求:(1)内容包括①列举中小学生面临的健康问题。   ② 请谈谈怎样才能保持健康。   (2)字数:60---80词。   (3)短文中不得出现你的真实姓名、学校名和地名。   范文:Every one wants to keep healthy today, especailly our students. But we don"t pay attention to our health. Some of them go to school without breakfast in the morning. Some students and pupils play computer games or watch TV all day, espacially at the weekends. Many boys think it is cool to drink or smoke.   It is important for us to have good habbits. We should eat breakfast every morning. We can watch TV or play games for a short time, then have a rest. We also can take part in some clubs. I think it is necessary for us to keep healthy. 话题英语作文 篇3   在教棒和粉笔的共同飞舞中,在老师声声叮咛,鼓励和无微不至地呵护下,多少位良师被学子深深地印在心里啊!   ---题记   我在这里写的"是一位普普通通,平凡得不能再平凡的人民教师,50来岁,由于终日为我们不辞辛苦的操劳,脸上布满了皱纹,她的两眼黑得发亮,锋利的目光,仿佛要把什么刺穿似的。我有点害怕。她只教我们还不到四个月,但是,每当我想起她时。她对我们的严就像教练训练运动员那样一丝不苟;她对我们很关心,体贴,就像对待自己的儿女一样。 。z但是,那一次,我尽对她起了怨恨。那是一节自习课,英语老师让同学们把作业本A订正好交到办公室去批改,作业本B作好的也去批改。我怀着喜悦的心情拿着作好的B去批改,"报告""进来"她的声音很平稳,我走了进去,队伍并不长,我跑到英语老师右边去批改,无意间发现了电脑里有语文竞赛的成绩,我便很期盼得到自己的成绩,不听话的手尽往鼠标地区前行,不经意间,我触摸到了,这下手更不听使唤,一直往下翻动着,"啊"我目瞪口呆,倒数第三,我的喜悦心情沉淀了下来,"谁呀,谁在动我的电脑?"一声果断而又严厉的语言向我发起进攻,我吓了一大跳,我心里想:哎呀,这下怎么办呀,不如来个死不承认,或者……英语老师的教棒在桌上"吃吃"作响,"把手拿过来。"我害怕极了,真想使用一下神仙的仙术,把英语老师的教棒变成长长的棉花棒,只有我能看见,而老师看不见,软软的棉花棒触摸了我一下,"哇!"教棒落下来了,打得好痛呀,我有点生气,心里暗暗想着;你这个老太太,太坏了,我只不过碰了一下鼠标,看了电脑屏幕一眼,也不过如此,您竟打我,只要教育几下就行了嘛,我可是个怕痛的女孩。我心中的怨恨一直不能平静。但刚想完,那教棒的滋味和对老师的怨恨跑掉了,我寻找着,发现它屹立在英语老师身上展现出来的无可抗拒的人格魅力上。   她总穿着比别人温暖的衣服,长得虽不出众,但是她的人格魅力在我心中是最出众的,那一次英语课,因我们作业做得不好,而被英语老师斥责了一翻,最使我深受教育的是这样一句话:我做事情,要做就要做到最好。"这声音在教室里久久回荡,震撼着我的心灵。做一个高尚的人"的种子便埋下了,自从那节课后,我猛然发觉自己长大了好多好多,幼稚正向我告别。我的心底默默地感谢这位教我如何做人的英语老师。 话题英语作文 篇4   I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer。   It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way。 One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn‘t move any further。 Nobody knew what to do。   One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area。 Luckily we brought a tent with us。 We put it up and let him rest in it。 He took some medicine。 Then he drank some water, and ate some food。 After a while, he felt much better and we walked on。 We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain。 话题英语作文 篇5   目前,一些诸如GG、MM、 Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以 “Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?”为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。   注意:   1. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数; 2. 词数:100-120左右   Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?   At present, Internet Slang, such as “GG, MM, Xia Mi”, has become popular among the teenagers.   There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker.   However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding.   Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don"t know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations. 话题英语作文 篇6   The Joys Of Learning English   Some of my friends are puzzled that I have chosen English as my major to have a further study in college.They believe that their majors like electronic machinery and civil engineering are hopefully promising and that my choice,learning English is not wise .I, however,think English Study has brought me rewards , including practical use andainner satisfaction.   One obvious reward of learning English is practical use .I firstly have more opportunities to open up my new horizon in daily life . Spending much more time in learning it enables me to view popular English TV shows or read some English periodicals and classics . That spurs me to know more about something western , like lifestyles or thinking patterns ,by which , my knowledge reserves and horizon naturally are expanded . English study also is an advantageous skill for career development .With the encrease in cost of filling the vacant positions ,many foreign employers are more willing to hire a technical talent mastering English rather than spend more money on hiring a technical talent and an English one . Learning English Clearly gives a great advantage of getting a job.   More important , Learning English is joyful because the inner satisfaction it gives .I felt excited and fulfilled when I figured out the beauty of a word or true intention of the author .Two weeks ago ,I was asked to finish an English writing about an emotion .I did not do well in the first two times , although I employed all my energies in it .When my teacher reminded me to pay attention to one word “emotion ”, I leaped to a conclusion that I just narrated an event rather than described an emotion . I finally did an excellent revised manuscript. That improvement in English study made me attain a sense of satisfaction although it was a small step in learning it.   Some people may think English study wastes much time and energy and is barely useful .In fact , I am pleased with English study in that it is useful in daily life now and my future career , and most of all , it gives me a inner satisfaction . 话题英语作文 篇7   Recently, it is very popular to live a low-carbon life.Living a low-carbon life is ofgreat importance to every one. First of all, it can protect the environment to a great extent. Second, it can save the limited natural resources and energy, and will leave a better world for our offspring.Third, it is a healthy lifestyle and will help mould a harmonious social atmosphere.   Therefore, how to create a low-carbon life is necessary for us to consider. To begin with, we should save the energy, such as the electricity, water and domestic gas. Second, when we go out we can walk or ride a bike instead of by car. Third, we should not use the plastic bags which are hard to break down. If so, we can live a low-carbon life and gain the happiness of it. 话题英语作文 篇8   In recent years,more and more lectures are being given on campus. They are organized either by the departments or by the students" unions with an aim to improve the students" quality both mentally and academically. These lectures are usually in series and on different topics, such as arts, life, economy, psychology, world issues, etc.   Generally speaking, the advantages of good lectures are various. First, they broaden the students" horizon and cultivate interests in different fields. Second,they make the life of the students colorful and enjoyable. With these merits, lectures are just complementary and subordinate to our school work. If students spend too much time attending lectures, their regular study will be affected and disturbed.   So,in my opinion, the students should, on the one hand, do their class work and homework well first, on the other hand, make good use of their spare time to attend instructive lectures so as to eich their knowledge.
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