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2023-07-22 10:57:30


如:university art society,大学文艺协会; animal protection society,动物保护基金会


经理人协会: manage agent association





Association of Agents/Managers


Association是协会,比如NBA, National Basketball Association





2023-07-22 07:35:074


考虑到社团在本质属性上的区分和书面/口语方面不同的表达形式,具体可以表述成society、club、corporation、association、league、team等等。club、team:非正式用语。在词义的辨析上,这两个词都表示着成员因相同的兴趣和爱好而组织到一起进而进行一些与社交、体育相关的娱乐或者义务活动。这一词在国外比较常用于音体方面的俱乐部或者公益性质社团活动,像Swim Team(游泳队)、Guitar Club(吉他社)、Social Work Club(社工团)、Camus Greens(校园绿化俱乐部)等等。值得注意的是,国外的麻省理工网站内关于社团的释义是league student groups。Society/association:正式用语。相比较之下,这两个词的属性更加倾向于一种社会或者校内的组织,具体表现为一种会内成员兴趣和宗旨相投、比较正式的组织。这类组织强调聚集的动机和活动需要的一致性,Society所代表的会社活动积极性更高。比如说Accounting Society(会计协会)、Journalism Association (记者协会)、Birth Control Information Society(计划生育信息中心)等等。从名称上来看,在国外(欧美)等大学中对于“社团”专业政治性和娱乐性两种属性都比较注重,国内在涉及到社团的普遍释义时相对更注重兴趣爱好。
2023-07-22 07:35:211


association [u0259,su0259usi"eiu0283u0259n, u0259,su0259uu0283i"ei-] n. 协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想 短语association area [生理] 联合区 ; [生理] 联络区 ; 相关区域 tourist association 旅游协会 ; 驴友协会 mineral association [矿物] 矿物组合 ; 共生矿物 ; [矿物] 矿物聚合 ; 矿物共生 Basketball Association 篮球协会 association constant [化学] 缔合常数 ; [化学] 结合常数 association reaction [化学] 缔合反应 ; [化学] 合反应 ; 缔合 ; 相关反应 voluntary association 协会 ; 志愿团体 ; 加盟经营 ; 自愿结合 molecular association [物化] 分子缔合 ; [物化] 分子结合 Association neurone 联合神经元 ; 联合神经 ; 联络神经元 词组短语association with 与…的交往;与…联合 trade association 贸易协会;同业公会 in association with 与…相联系;与…联合 medical association 医学会;医疗协会 an association 协会;社团
2023-07-22 07:36:161


association是"协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想"的意思。资料拓展:短语搭配:Geographical Association 地理协会 ; 地理学会Leibniz Association 莱布尼茨学会例句展示:This will show the relationship between them as an association.这样将会作为一个联合显示它们之间的关系。It should be independent, it should not have any association with user interface issues.它应该是独立的,它不应该有任何关联的用户界面问题。
2023-07-22 07:36:361


2023-07-22 07:36:571

association 这个英语单词怎么读

呃 搜 shei ‘诶 深 重音符号都给你标出来了 :)
2023-07-22 07:37:053

Association 怎么读?标准的

association [u0259,su0259usi"eiu0283u0259n,] 额" 搜学诶训
2023-07-22 07:37:211


问题一:英语翻译"社团"怎么说? 您好, 在国外,社团的归类其实很简单。您只要这想:任何运动方面的,如篮球队,棒球队,冰球队,橄榄球队,滑雪社等等的全都叫Team。比如说: I am part of the hockey team. I am in the football team. I am a member of the snowboarding team. 这一讲人家就知道你是那一个(运动)社团的了。 而如果是如果是音乐,有分乐团跟合唱团: 乐团(队)一般就会说 band少数会用到orchestra这正式的字眼,除非代表地方跟国家了。 合唱团则是Choir。 所有跟乐器练习有关的,如小提琴,萨克司风,笛子等等,还有个人(创作)歌唱(与乐队一起演出)的都归类於 band 里。当然也是有 Music club 的,可能包含以上两者或纯粹只是学术性或娱乐性的讨论或评论,一般若是讨论团体就与以上说过的那些参加演出比赛的团体不同。 与话剧,文学,文化交流(多元文化社团),宗教讨论,或天文社这种类的就全归类成 Club 或所谓的 After school club: Literature club Drama club Multicultural club Religious club Astronomy club 等等都是学校很常见的一些社团。Club 也不全都是文化类的交流,也有如 Red Cross Club 或 First Aid Club 这种是专门学习跟实践急救方面知识的学校社团。 至於您提到的association 与 society 一般很少是学校团体,如有也会是类似有赞助商那种性质,所做的事都是自愿签订协议或自愿来完成目的的。如果您是参加义(志)工等类的地方或社区社团,那就会使用上association,society,或甚至foundation 之类的用词。 最後回答您说如果使用 I take part in a society他们会怎认为? 多数会以为您已经步入社会在工作了,不会以为您是参加了那个学校社团。如果要让他们知道您是参加社团又不是明确的指出名字可以这说: I take part in a sport"s team 或反过来说 I take part in a team sports. 都可以明确让人知道您是参与了一个与运动有关的社团。 I take part in band and choir. 两者是可以一起参加或其一,那人家也会知道您是参加了乐团。 I take part in a school club 或 I take part in after school club. 别人就会知道您是参加了(学校)社团。 如果是想问别人参加了什社团也可以以上面所说的推算用那个词来问会比较准确,但一般可以这问: Which club have you join after school? Which after school club have you join? Which team sports have you join? 希望以上有帮上您,祝一切顺利! 问题二:“社团、学生会”用英文怎么说? a an association; a corporation; a civic organization; a mass organization社团student association; (Br.) a student union学生会 问题三:参加社团用英语怎么说? join the Dance Club take part in the Dance Club I hope I can help you! 问题四:建立一个社团用英语怎么说 build/e恭tablish/set up an association. 希望能够帮到楼主 问题五:学校社团的社长 ,用英文怎么说? 学校社团的社长 President of the school club 学校社团的社长 President of the school club 问题六:社团部 用英语怎么说 社团部:the Association Union 问题七:社团的社长用英语怎么说 proprieter of the association 问题八:参加社团活动用英语怎么说? Take an active part in students societies~ 写ps 常用的 问题九:协会用英文怎么说 1. association 协会是指由个人、单个组织为达到某种目标,通过签署协议,自愿组成的团体或组织,中文将英语Association译作“协会” 2. society 学会,协会 She has joined the film society. 她加入了电影协会。
2023-07-22 07:37:281

为什么美国四大职业体育联盟只有 NBA 是 Association,其他都是 ...

NBA用Association而非League完全基于两点:沿袭BAA名称,以及避免和同一时期的其他篮球联赛(NBL、ABL)重名。如果BAA当初用的是Championship / Tournament之类的名字,自然也会照搬,所以除了字面上的区别,完全和其他League是一回事:相同的总冠军竞胜赛制(完整的常规赛和季后赛),相同的组织结构(按地域分区,非升降级的俱乐部组织球队),与是否盈利无关,与规模大小无关,「四大」所有前身成立之初都只含有本国球队,现在除NFL其他几个联盟都有同时有美加两国球队,所以是否含有非本土球队也不是Association和League的区别。
2023-07-22 07:37:361


根据读音去记 a sso ci a tion
2023-07-22 07:37:442


2023-07-22 07:38:151

union 和 association的区别

union 是联合会的意思,常用于工会,带点团结的意思.league 是俱乐部式的联合会的意思,常用于体育运动,比赛.organization 的概念和范围比较大,意思是各种类型和大小的 机构,组织,包括不赢利的公益团体等等.实际使用union,league 有时 也有些 混淆,例如:league 用于 默斯林 什么 league.例如:rugby league,rugby union,rugby football 从一个机构分裂出来的3个球赛机构.
2023-07-22 07:38:382


n.公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共同体, 共有, 一致, 共同体, (生物)群落 communityassociation n.协会, 联合, 结交, 联想
2023-07-22 07:38:592


"association" 的发音是 [u0259u02ccsou028asiu02c8eu026au0283u0259n]。具体地,"association" 分为四个音节:u0259-u02ccsou028a-si-u02c8eu026a-u0283u0259n。- 第一个音节 [u0259] 发音类似于英语单词 "uh" 中的音素。- 第二个音节 [u02ccsou028a] 由两个音素组成,首先是 "s" 的发音 [s],接着是 "oh" 的音素 [ou028a],发音类似于 "owe"。- 第三个音节 [si] 是一个音节,发音为 "s" [s] 和 "ee" [i] 的组合,类似于 "see"。- 第四个音节 [u02c8eu026a] 发音类似于英语中的字母 "A",即像发 "eu026a" 的音素。- 最后一个音节 [u0283u0259n] 是由 "sh" [u0283] 和 "un" [u0259n] 的音素组成,发音类似于英语 "shun"。综上所述,"association" 的完整发音是 [u0259u02ccsou028asiu02c8eu026au0283u0259n]。当涉及到 "association" 这个词时,以下是一些相关信息的扩展:1. 定义和用途:"association" 是一个名词,用于描述人们、组织或事物之间的联系、关联或组合。这个词通常指表示成员身份或共同目的的组织,也可以指一种心理上的连接或想法上的联想。2. 类型和范围:"association" 可以指各种各样的组织或协会,如行业协会、专业协会、学术协会、慈善机构、社团组织等。这些组织通常由具有共同兴趣、目标或职业的个人或团体组成。3. 目的和活动:"association" 的目的可以包括促进合作、交流知识、保护权益、提供支持、推动发展等。这些组织通常会组织会议、研讨会、培训课程、社交活动等,以促进成员之间的互动和合作。4. 词源和发展:"association" 这个词源于拉丁语 "associatio",意为 "结合、联盟"。它的意义逐渐扩展到表示更广泛的组织和关联概念。总而言之,"association" 是一个名词,用于描述人们、组织或事物之间的联系、关联或组合。它可以指各种各样的组织,以及心理和概念上的连接。这个词的意义源自拉丁语,后来发展出更多的用法和含义。
2023-07-22 07:39:091


将"associate"记忆为"as-so-ci-ate",将其拆分成音节,同时联想到词汇"association"的意思。1、“associate”是一个英文单词,用于表示“关联”、“联合”、“合作”等含义。2、拆分音节:将associate拆分成四个音节,即"as-so-ci-ate"。这种拆分可以帮助记忆和发音。2、联想词汇:"associate"的含义可以通过联想到相关的词汇来帮助记忆。一个相关的词汇是"association",意为“协会”、“联合”。可以将"associate"与"association"联系起来,两者都表示人或事物之间的关联或合作。3、用法和例句:了解"associate"的用法和常见搭配也有助于记忆。"associate"通常作为动词使用,表示与某人或某事物有关联、合作或结合。例如:"He associates himself with talented musicians"(他与才华横溢的音乐家们有关联)。4、反义词:"associate"的反义词是"disassociate",意为“解除”、“关联”、“分离”。这种对比可以帮助记忆"associate""的含义。5、实践运用:"associate"这个词汇可以通过在日常学习和交流中的使用来加深记忆。尝试使用"associate"来表达人与人之间的关系、合作或组织之间的联合。associate的双语例句:1、It"s hard not to associate summer with vacations, beach trips, and outdoor barbecues.(很难不把夏天与度假、海滩之旅和户外烧烤联系在一起。)2、When people think of fast food, they often associate it with unhealthy eating habits and high-calorie meals.(当人们想到快餐时,他们通常会把它与不健康的饮食习惯和高热量的餐食联系在一起。)3、Many people associate the color red with passion, love, and excitement, while blue is often linked to calmness and stability.(许多人把红色与激情、爱情和兴奋联系在一起,而蓝色通常与平静和稳定联系在一起。)4、The company"s success can be attributed to its ability to associate with reliable partners and suppliers in the industry.(公司的成功可以归因于它能够与该行业的可靠合作伙伴和供应商建立联系。)
2023-07-22 07:39:311


Association: group, connection, coming together, linked idea. Society: relationships among groups, structured community of people, customs of a community, subset of community, prominent people, companionship, group sharing interests. 翻译成汉语意思: society:学会,如环境工程学会,美国机械工程学会:American Society of Mechanics Engineer association:协会。如NBA(美国职业篮球协会)补充:society是‘学会"的意思吧!也可以是协会。
2023-07-22 07:40:171


2023-07-22 07:40:534


association 英[u0259u02ccsu0259u028au0283iu02c8eu026au0283n] 美[u0259u02ccsou028au0283iu02c8eu026au0283n] n. 联想; 协会,社团; 联合,联系; [例句]Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.研究协会常与某个特定的行业挂钩。[其他] 复数:associations
2023-07-22 07:41:321


association 英[u0259u02ccsu0259uu0283iu02c8eiu0283u0259n] 美[u0259u02ccsosiu02c8eu0283u0259n, -u0283i-] 复数:associations n. 1.协会, 社团 2.联合, 结合, 交往 3.联系;关联;交往,交际,结交 4.友谊;伙伴(或合伙、合作、合股)关系 5.团体,会,社,学会,联合会;联盟,同盟 6.(思想、感觉、记忆等的)联想;思想(或观念)的联系 7.(如文学上)联想的应用 8.【精神分析学】意识与潜意识的观念联系 名词 n.1.协会, 社团 The association is[are] having its[their] annual conference next week.该协会在下个星期举行年度会议。2.联合, 结合, 交往 Our long association with your company has brought great benefits.我方和贵公司的长期合作带来了巨大的利益。3.联系;关联;交往,交际,结交4.友谊;伙伴(或合伙、合作、合股)关系5.团体,会,社,学会,联合会;联盟,同盟6.(思想、感觉、记忆等的)联想;思想(或观念)的联系7.(如文学上)联想的应用8.【精神分析学】意识与潜意识的观念联系
2023-07-22 07:41:471


短语搭配如下:File association文件关联Geographical Association地理协会 ; 地理学会Leibniz Association莱布尼茨学会Interchange Association财团法人交流协会 ; 互换配对association area联合区 ;[生理]联络区 ; 相关区域tourist association旅游协会 ; 驴友协会Basketball Association篮球协会 ; 篮球联赛Automobile Association汽车协会 ; 英国汽车协会 ; 新西兰汽车协会association fiber[解剖]联合纤维 ;[解剖]联络纤维 ; 结合纤维association是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“ 协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想”。双语例句I have association with the socialists of the society.我与协会内的社会主义者有交往。This will show the relationship between them as an association.这样将会作为一个联合显示它们之间的关系。It should be independent, it should not have any association with user interface issues.它应该是独立的,它不应该有任何关联的用户界面问题。
2023-07-22 07:43:211

association 这个英语单词 怎么读

association (协会) 由 as-so-ci-a-tion 五个音节构成,重音是倒数第二个音节 a,第二个音节是次重音,可谐音为 “呃搜习艾希恩”league (联盟) 是单音节词汇,元音字母组合 ea 发长元音 [i:],可谐音为 “里意个”
2023-07-22 07:43:361

community 和 association

community 公社association协会
2023-07-22 07:43:463


association是用于一对一和多对一,而collection是用于一对多的关系 举例: 学生和班级 pojo public class Clazz implements Serializable{ private Integer id; private String code; private String name; //班级与学生是一对多的关系 private List<Student> students; //省略set/get方法 } public class Student implements Serializable { private Integer id; private String name; private String sex; private Integer age; //学生与班级是多对一的关系 private Clazz clazz; //省略set/get方法 } <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" " "> <mapper namespace="com.glj.mapper.ClazzMapper"> <select id="selectClazzById" parameterType="int" resultMap="clazzResultMap"> select * from tb_clazz where id = #{id} </select> <resultMap type="com.glj.pojo.Clazz" id="clazzResultMap"> <id property="id" column="id"/> <result property="code" column="code"/> <result property="name" column="name"/> <collection property="students" ofType="com.glj.pojo.Student" column="id" javaType="ArrayList" fetchType="lazy" select="com.glj.mapper.StudentMapper.selectStudentByClazzId"> <id property="id" column="id"/> <result property="name" column="name"/> <result property="sex" column="sex"/> <result property="age" column="age"/> </collection> </resultMap> </mapper> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" " "> <mapper namespace="com.glj.mapper.StudentMapper"> <select id="selectStudentById" parameterType="int" resultMap="studentResultMap"> select * from tb_clazz c,tb_student s where = and = #{id} </select> <select id="selectStudentByClazzId" parameterType="int" resultMap="studentResultMap"> select * from tb_student where clazz_id = #{id} </select> <resultMap type="com.glj.pojo.Student" id="studentResultMap"> <id property="id" column="id"/> <result property="name" column="name"/> <result property="sex" column="sex"/> <result property="age" column="age"/> <association property="clazz" javaType="com.glj.pojo.Clazz"> <id property="id" column="id"/> <result property="code" column="code"/> <result property="name" column="name"/> </association> </resultMap> </mapper>
2023-07-22 07:44:061


社团是 association。学生会是Student"s Union。解释:association英[əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃn] 美[əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃn]n. 联想; 协会,社团; 联合,联系;[例句]Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.研究协会常与某个特定的行业挂钩。student union英[ˈstju:dənt ˈju:njən] 美[ˈstudnt ˈjunjən]n. (大学的) 学生活动大楼,学生会;[例句]She heads up the student union.她主管学生会的工作。
2023-07-22 07:44:151

association 跟union的区别是什么

associationn. 协会,社团;联合,联系;联想unionn. 同盟,联盟;协会,工会;联合,团结adj. 工会的
2023-07-22 07:44:401


  上了大学。你会发现每所大学都有很多有自己特色的社团,很多大学生都喜欢参加各种各样的社团。下面是我为你整理的大学社团的英文,希望大家喜欢!   大学社团的英文 association society   3.student association   关于大学社团的英文短语   大学社团活动 Univ Clubs   关于大学社团 On College Societies   常州大学社团联合会 Students" Associations Union of CCZU   大学生社团 College student corporation ; University student associations ; university student organizations ; college student association   大学生社团活动 university student society activity   大学生社团建设 construction of college association   大学生社团管理规则 Regulations For Undergraduate Organizations   大学生社团联合会 Associations Union of JPU   多伦多大学女生社团 University of Toronto Girls   university association造句   1. A report by the Association of University Teachers finds that only 22 per cent of lecturers in our universities are women.   大学教师联合会发表的报告发现只有22%的大学讲师为女性。   2. I am a committee member of the Philatelist Association of our university.   我是我们大学里集邮家协会的成员.   3. He is a member of the Association of University Teachers.   他是大学教师联合会的一名成员.   4. CUBA , the Chinese University Basketball Association, was founded in 1985.   中国大学生篮球协会成立于1985年.   5. Welcome to Northestern University QiQiLu Alumni Association!   东北大学七七炉校友录欢迎你!   6. These includes include the Egyptian Junior Association and the American University in Cairo.   这些组织包括埃及少年商会和在开罗的美国大学.   7. I will have recommended her to join this association time I graduate from university next year.   在我明年自大学毕业时,我将已劝告她加入这个社团.   8. Currently the president of Shandong University of Arts, the member of China Artists Association, etc.   现任山东艺术学院美术学院院长, 中国美术家协会会员, 美协山东分会理事.   9. Annie: The Universiade is a comprehensive games organized by the International University Sports Association.   安妮: 世界大学生运动会是国际大学生体育联合会主办的世界性综合运动会.   10. ... sponsored by Shensi Comparative Literature Association and several universities including Tsinghua University.
2023-07-22 07:44:471


2023-07-22 07:45:131


associate [英]əˈsəʊʃieɪt [美]əˈsoʊʃieɪt vt. (使)发生联系;(使)联合;结交;联想 vi. 联盟;陪伴同事 association [英]əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃn [美]əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃn n. 协会,社团;联合,联系;联想
2023-07-22 07:45:201


Student mass organization
2023-07-22 07:45:305


社团是 association。学生会是Student"s Union。解释:association英[əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃn] 美[əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃn]n. 联想; 协会,社团; 联合,联系;[例句]Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.研究协会常与某个特定的行业挂钩。student union英[ˈstju:dənt ˈju:njən] 美[ˈstudnt ˈjunjən]n. (大学的) 学生活动大楼,学生会;[例句]She heads up the student union.她主管学生会的工作。在国外,社团的归类其实很简单。您只要这麼想:任何运动方面的,如篮球队,棒球队,冰球队,橄榄球队,滑雪社等等的全都叫Team。比如说:I am part of the hockey team.I am in the football team.I am a member of the snowboarding team.这麼一讲人家就知道你是那一个(运动)社团的了。而如果是如果是音乐,有分乐团跟合唱团:乐团(队)一般就会说 band少数会用到orchestra这麼正式的字眼,除非代表地方跟国家了。合唱团则是Choir。所有跟乐器练习有关的,如小提琴,萨克司风,笛子等等,还有个人(创作)歌唱(与乐队一起演出)的都归类於 band 里。当然也是有 Music club 的,可能包含以上两者或纯粹只是学术性或娱乐性的讨论或评论,一般若是讨论团体就与以上说过的那些参加演出比赛的团体不同。
2023-07-22 07:46:101

association 和link 的区别是什么?

2023-07-22 07:46:281


2023-07-22 07:46:396

basketball.association 怎么读

basketball association 篮球协会basketball ["bɑu02d0sku026atbu0254u02d0l]association [u0259su0259u028asu026a"eu026au0283(u0259)n
2023-07-22 07:46:561


2023-07-22 07:47:051


Association 联盟
2023-07-22 07:47:156


National Basketball Association
2023-07-22 07:47:499

academic association什么意思

  academic association  学术协会  协会是指由个人、单个组织为达到某种目标,通过签署协议,自愿组成的团体或组织,中文将英语Association译作“协会”,和工会组织的概念不同。协会常指包括职业、雇主、行业、学术和科学等方面为达成某种目标而成立的组织。“工会”多指被雇用者为确保自身权益特别是经济利益而成立的组织,多集中于雇佣者和被雇佣者的关系。  行业协会是社会中介组织,它的产生和发展是社会分工和市场竞争日益加剧的结果,反映了各行业的企业自我服务、自我协调、自我监督、自我保护的意识和要求。具体说来,行业协会的形成及其作用应该包含以下内容:一是必须以同行业的企业为主体;二是必须建立在自愿原则的基础上;三是必须以谋取和增进全体会员企业的共同利益为宗旨:四是一种具有法人资格的经济社团。
2023-07-22 07:48:221

Please association with me 是"请你和我交往"的意思??

2023-07-22 07:48:326


“Student organization”。
2023-07-22 07:48:462

“学生会”的英文到底是用“student association”地道一点还是“student union”地道一点?

较常用的还是:Students" Union
2023-07-22 07:49:084

association football是什么意思

association football[英][u0259u02ccsu0259uu0283iu02c8eiu0283u0259n u02c8futbu0254:l][美][u0259u02ccsosiu02c8eu0283u0259n u02c8fu028atu02ccbu0254l]n.英式足球; 形近词:Association Football双语例句 1The London Football Association published the first set of rules in1863 and named the sport “ association football ”.1863年,伦敦的足球协会宣布了第一套足球规则,并把这项运动称为“英式足球”
2023-07-22 07:49:171


2023-07-22 07:49:272

association degree指的是什么学位?

association degree是美国和加拿大部分地区开设的本科学位,一般都是两年制,也叫副学位,大多是社区大学才有的,或者在正式的综合性大学里读四年制本科,达不到毕业标准,肄业了,他们也会给你发个这个association degree,而bachelor"s degree才是世界通用的四年制大学本科,标准学士学位,association degree社会认可度不太高,放国内就是相当于结业或者肄业,没有学位
2023-07-22 07:49:351


一个是 java 的属性名,一个是对应的表的列名,如果列名不配置,默认就是属性名。
2023-07-22 07:49:431

mybatis 一对一关联 association 返回空值

association 少了一个select用法通常都是这样的:<association property="字段名" column="数据库字段名" select="getTest"/> <select id="getTest" parameterType="String" resultMap="testResultMap"> ...</select>
2023-07-22 07:49:501

急用!!!!请问一下 incorporated association 和unincorporation association 的区别

  incorporated association (法人团体):has the legal person status 具备法人资格;includes a general partnership, limited liability company, limited partnership, business trust, joint stock association and incorporated nonprofit association.普通合伙,有限责任公司,有限合伙,商业信托,合股社团以及非公司形式的非营利社团。  unincorporation association (非法人团体):是指不具备法人资格的经济组织,在我国主要包括个人独资企业 合伙企业 包括不具备法人资格的各种集体企业、乡镇企业、独资企业以及三资企业等。  refers to do not have the legal person status of economic organizations, in our country mainly includes the sole proprietorship enterprise partnership enterprise including don"t have the legal person status of all kinds of collective enterprise township and village enterprises wholly owned companies and joint ventures etc.
2023-07-22 07:49:571


2023-07-22 07:38:082


雅思写作正确的涂改方法 雅思写作中常见错误:There are many students go abroad. 严重程度:★★★★★ 搞笑指数:★★★★ 这个错误在广大雅思考生的习作中是极为普遍常见的,从中文直译考量没有任何问题:“有许多学生 出国 留学 ”,“有”这个莫名奇妙的字在中章里常被当做一种语气助词使用,习惯进行汉英翻译的考生们便因此犯了名为“run - on sentences”这样一个错误。“A run-on sentence is asentence in which two or more independent clauses (that is, complete sentences) are joined without appropriate punctuation or conjunction.”(两个独立完整的单句没有通过正确的标点符号或者连词进行连接)。上面的例子让我们不禁想起韩乔生名嘴那句有名的解说:“_X以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势……”,令人忍俊不禁。 探究这一错误的原因,教师分析认为主要还是考生对英文写作的句式分割概念不清,中文 句子 分割常常是从意义出发,只要意思没有表达完毕,可以一句连一句地持续写下去,直至内容结束。而英文句子是按照结构划分的,只要句子含有完整的主谓结构(祈使句等除外,在雅思写作中不多见)就可以独立成句。如果忽视中英文写作表达的区别,就会出现 “一逗到底”的断句方式,这是很多雅思考生的顽症和恶疾。例子中的错误就在于将两个单句“There are many students.” 和“Many students go abroad.”想当然地混合在了一起。 那么我们先来看看这样的错误应该怎样来修正? 修正方法一:将句子分割成两个独立的简单句:There are many students. They go abroad.这种方法虽然没有任何语法错误,但连贯性不强而且过于简单,比较适合于写作初学者,在雅思写作中不予推荐。因此我们可以将其进行进一步的改良:1)增加连接词,根据本句的含义,可以增加表顺接的连词“and”:There are many students and they go abroad. 2)用分号分隔句子:There are many students; they go abroad. 修正方法二:去掉根据中文直译而多余的“there be”,直接恢复成一个简单句:Many students go abroad. 句子简单明了,符合英文习惯。 修正方法三:将其中一个句子保留作为主体句,根据句子意义将另外一个句子变成某个从属成分或是从句:1)There are many students going abroad. 2) There are many students who go abroad.满足了某些学生希望使用复杂句型或是非谓语动词的需求。 在此提醒考生们,无论哪种方式,都是以遵守英文写作句式的基本法则作为基础的,将雅思写作简单地等同于头脑中观点的“翻译”是绝对行不通的。 我们再来看一个也属于“run-on sentence”的例子:Some people think that pets make too much noise and disturb the neighbor, however others consider keeping pets a good way to kill the time. 根据刚才我们对于“run-on sentence”的说明和分析,这个句子没有正确地运用连词来分隔句子,而是将“however”这个副词当做连词使用。这种错误在雅思考生中间也十分常见,主要问题是由于对词性把握不够。我们先根据刚才的思路重新修正一下这个句子: 1) Some people think that pets make too much noise and disturb the neighbor;however, others consider keeping pets a good way to kill the time. 2) Some people think that pets make too much noise and disturb the neighbor,while others consider keeping pets a good way to kill the time. 英文写作中,不同词性后面所接的结构是很不同的,最容易混淆的三种就是“副词、连词及介词”,副词只能表达语气,不能改变句子原有结构;连词可以连接句子,起到连贯的效果;介词后接名词性 短语 。我们来试着翻译一个句子,区别一下三者的使用:“由于生活的快节奏,许多人选择在外吃快餐而不是自己做饭。” 1) 连词:由于本句为因果关系,我们可以将前半句变成一个原因状语从句,as作为连接词:As the pace of life accelerates, modern people prefer to have fast food outside than cook by themselves at home. 2) 介词:还是在原因上进行变化,将其变成一个句子的状语结构,选择with: With the fast pace of life, modern people prefer to have fast food outside than cook by themselves at home. 3) 副词:将后半句变成一个具有结果意义的分句,选择therefore:The pace of life accelerates; therefore, modern people prefer to have fast food outside than cook by themselves at home. 因此,要避免“run-on sentence”的第二个诀窍就是要分清不同连接词的词性,根据其语法特性搭配不同的结构。 总结 一下导致这种错误的两个原因:句子结构的划分不清及词性的混乱使用。针对这两个问题,在雅思写作中,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生务必用两个标准来确认自己是否犯错: 1) 检查句子中的谓语动词数量,如果是多个动词并用,且意思并列,会出现连词如and;否则就应该被转化为非谓语动词(to do, -ing, -ed),或是从句中的成分。避免动词混用造成句子堆积。 2) 确认所用连接词的词性,不要想当然地使用,借助词典,永远是学英语的好帮手。 雅思大 作文 : nursing homes in modern society 雅思大作文题目:Nowadays some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people rather than living with their adult children. Is it a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your ownknowledge or experience. 作文 范文 : Decades of low birth rate indeveloped countries have caused a greater proportion of senior population and thus the working-age population has more obvious stress in coping with daily job and taking care of old retired parents at the same time. Therefore, more senior citizens have turned to nursing homes and it is believed to be reasonable and feasible despite certain apparent drawbacks. Professional nursing institutions benefit different parties. For their customers, peer-to-peer contact of similar age helps psychological and mental well-being as they share similar social background in which topics of common interests are frequently spoken of andactivities suitable for the aged can be organized because of the easy access to partners. In addition, they can enjoy professional daily care on hygiene and medicine, guaranteeing the physical health and hence prolonging life span. Another two parties benefited indirectly are their adult children and the business market, the former can focus more on their own life and work and the latter need not worry about the employees" attendance and stability. However, the retired person may still suffer from two conditions, the aloof offspring and the short of money. To be precise, the elderly may face the risk that the family may never orscarcely pay a visit and it is a cruel and pathetic situation which happens indeed as the cases stand. It is more pitiful that all the retired are not pensioners in some countries, which means they either choose to live independently, which gets harder in the aging process, or to ask for the provision from descendants when others not. To sum up, nursing homes in modern society is a feasible and inevitable approach and it generally has greater advantages. However, some suggestions like a better pension system and strict regulations on these organizations can be taken to ensure the happiness in everyone"s later life. 雅思大作文:a free flow of labor force mainly results from policies 雅思大作文题目:The young people in the workforce are changing their jobs or career every few years. What do you think are the reasons? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 作文范文: In my country, people used to be constrained to a single workplace for a lifelong time by social security or welfare system. However, this is no longer the case nowadays and people are free to choose their occupation. To pursue a better career or eliminate a bottleneck, rather than secure a stable income, young people usually opt to change their job. In addition, graduates with little working experience have not developed a clear perspective of their life career. It is reasonable for them to be exposed to various workplaces, orienting to the society and trying to find out their strengths and interests. This mobility of work force has exerted positive influence on both employees and employers. They are allowed to freely make their selection in the employment market based on their specific needs. As a consequence, they are more likely to be matched appropriately and both get satisfied. Meanwhile the workplaces are infused with more vitality and innovation. In addition, job hoppers tend to obtain diverse working experience, hence developing a high ability of adaptation to a new environment. However, there are surely risks when young people change their job too frequently. In that case, their loyalty can be questioned. What"s worse, they are not able to settle down until their 30s or 40s, which usually leads to a postponed marriage and childbirth. In some cases, changing job means changing their residential places, and this instability can influence their family members negatively. On top of the family relationship, their social relation network can also be impaired. To sum up, a free flow of labor force mainly results from policies which intend to encourage a more lively employment. Hopping job in moderate frequency is helpful for young people to adapt to the society and recognize their personal aptitudes and ambitions in professional development. But too much hopping would be harmful to theirsuccess. 雅思大作文:life in a "thrown-away" society 雅思大作文题目:Nowadays people are living in a "thrown-away" society where they use things for a short time and then throwaway. What cause this and what problem it may lead to? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. 作文范文: The life span of items has been shortened ever since the great expansion of social economies, which results in their clear-cut destiny of being thrown away over a limited period after production. The major reasons of this lies in the development of manufacture industry and the consequent and indulged consuming habits of users, thus leading to some issues on environment, economy and citizens. The formation of fast consuming culture depends on three main factors. The prime and fundamental one to blame is the great progress of technologies on goods production, which hence bring massive amounts of goods with more affordable prices. Moreover, the commodity producers have accustomed to minimize the life cycle of products and sell more by making improvements and generating new versions way more attractive to buyers. Lastly,no one including the government at first has encouraged or promoted thrift f or the public or at school, and all parties were enjoying the boost of economy instead. The problems are obvious according to present global context. Environmental pollution, as the most apparent one, is now taking its toll by using land fill garbage to poison water sources, utilizing remains of fertilizers to contaminate the soil and feeding plastic waste to kill wild animals. As well as that, it cost a fortune to deal better with the disposals and the young who have adopted consumerism are suffering from peer comparisons and heavy debt. To sum up, it seems to be infeasible to embrace people"s previous consuming habits for the sake of life standard and economy. It is reasonable to fear a worse situation in the near future. 雅思写作正确的涂改方法相关 文章 :
2023-07-22 07:38:091


2023-07-22 07:38:051

网站打不开显示 Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)是怎么回事

字面上理解,bad request意思是“错误的请求",invalid hostname意思是"不存在的域名”,通常只用Windows主机才会出现这样的字样,如果是Linux主机,会显示不同的错误提示。而且这种情况也指出现在虚拟主机的情况下,就是一个服务器建了很多网站,域名虽然解析到了服务器,但是域名没有给安排去和哪一个网站匹配,当然就打不开网站了,这也就是说通常说的域名绑定或者增加主机头。所以bad request invalid hostname出现这个错误的原因是某个域名绑定到了某个主机上,而该主机却没有绑定这个域名,所以IIS就返回了这个提示信息。1.如果确定域名已经解析生效,但是仍然不能访问,出现Bad Request (Invalid Hostname).那么这就可能是您没有绑定该域名的原因 2.也有一部分情况, 比如一部分程序你上传之后就是用服务商提供的三级域名访问也是那个样子。也会有Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)的错误提示 3.也许是限制了访问线程。也就是说当同时访问该网页超过一定人数的时候,其它人浏览时就会出现你所说的情况
2023-07-22 07:38:041