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2023-07-22 03:26:37

点击CANape顶部菜单栏的Tools选项,选择里面的Options选项,然后就可以看到Graphic Window选项栏了,里面就有Configure Measurement cursor tooltip的一个小长条按钮,点进去就能看到Color选项,可以设置各个属性的颜色。


tools-options-Display-View-Color,在display element中下拉至display background,选中后点击下方User defined color,选择白色即可



2023-07-21 23:30:312


  图形是指在一个二维空间中可以用轮廓划分出若干的空间形状,图形是空间的一部分不具有空间的延展性,它是局限的可识别的形状。那么你知道图形用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    图形的英语说法1:   graph    图形的英语说法2:   figure     图形的相关 短语 :   图形设计 Graphic Design ;   图形的 graphic ;   电脑图形 Computer Graphics ; CG ; computer graphic ; computer grafica   视频图形 VGVideoGraphics ; VG ; video graph ; VG Video Graphics   图形字符 graphic character ; GRAPHIC GRAPHIc Character   图形文件 graphics file ; DWG ; drawing file ; graphic documentation   图形数据 graphic data ; graph data ; peaks ; FAPT-GRAPHIC   图形函数 Graphical function ; Graphical ; Graphic API ; include "graphics.h    图形的英语例句:   1. He suggested that the shapes represented a map of Britain and Ireland.   他暗示这些图形象征了英国和爱尔兰的地图。   2. The system uses an impressive graphical interface.   这一系统采用了特别好的图形界面。   3. a plug-in graphics card   插入式图形卡   4. It can handle even the most complex graphic jobs, freeing up your computer for other tasks.   它可以处理哪怕是最复杂的图形作业,空出计算机以便用于其他任务。   5. Its design makes it suitable for the computerphobe who just wants to type and see something come out looking right.   它的设计适合只想打出和看到中规中矩的图形字符的患有电脑恐惧症的人使用。   6. The first figure is an arc followed by a line.   第一个图形是一段弧,后跟一条直线。   7. This is a three-dimensional figure.   这是一个三维图形。   8. There is probably no user - interface idiom more abused than the error dialog.   在图形用户界面的世界里,可能没有比滥用错误对话框更多的习惯用法了.   9. Pictographs can be ambiguous until you learn their meaning.   表意图形可能会模棱两可,直到你如果确实了解其意思.   10. In modern GUIs, these primitives consist of pointing, clicking, and dragging.   在现代图形用户界面中, 这些原语包括指向 、 单击和拖动.   11. The pictorial imagery of symbols suits that role better than text does.   符号具有的图形表意的外在形象,比文本更适合担当这种角色.   12. If white light is used, these patterns are brilliantly colored.   如果使用白光, 那么这些图形是色彩绚丽的.   13. The result is the staircase pattern shown in Fig 6 - 22.   这样的结果,是图6 - 22展示的阶梯图形.   14. The imaginary elements pertain to a condition or state of a figure.   虚元素属于一个图形的某一种情形或状态.   15. The concept of a continuous spectrum is obviously unmanageable graphically.   连续谱的概念显然用图形无法表达.
2023-07-21 23:30:591


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: graphic adj 1. 生动的;写实的 2. 图解的;坐标式的 3. 绘画的 不知道在实际情况中,该如何应用,请指导,谢谢! 解析: 在实用中可以只记住两类意思: 1、图形;以图形表示的;绘画的 graphic description of a process工艺图解(这里graphic description = illustration以图形展示) graphic symbol图形符号(◎◇) bar graphic 条形图 graphic-based manual带很多图示的说明书 2、生动的 a graphic account of the battle对战斗的生动描述(金山词霸例句) 由于第二种意思可用vivid, liflike,realistic等词代替,因此实用中graphic 主要是第一种意思。 仅供参考哦。
2023-07-21 23:31:061


2023-07-21 23:31:141


2023-07-21 23:31:4913

figure和graphic 的区别

graphic 和figure 有什么差别下面让我来比较一下英汉两种语言中一些常见颜色词汇的异同。A. red(红色) 无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体。因此, red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。graphic 和figure 有什么差别: graphic 和figure 有什么差别 下面让我来比较一下英汉两种语言中一些常见颜色词汇的异同。A. red(红色) 无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体。因此, red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。
2023-07-21 23:32:123


2023-07-21 23:32:191


在实用中可以只记住两类意思:1、图形;以图形表示的;绘画的graphic description of a process工艺图解(这里graphic description = illustration以图形展示)graphic symbol图形符号(◎◇)bar graphic 条形图graphic-based manual带很多图示的说明书2、生动的a graphic account of the battle对战斗的生动描述(金山词霸例句)由于第二种意思可用vivid, liflike,realistic等词代替,因此实用中graphic 主要是第一种意思。仅供参考哦。
2023-07-21 23:32:281


2023-07-21 23:32:352


设定图形,比如分辨率,图像素质,阴影等,和画面有关的游戏设置上 应该是画面效果优质中是 画面效果中等下是 画面效果底下
2023-07-21 23:32:431

Graphic Equalizer的含义是什么

图示均衡器(graphic equalizer)是一种高保真的音频控制器.用户可以看到它,通过图示均衡器,用户可以对立体音响系统中的许多不同频段进行控制. 录音室、剧院之类的地方需要这种东西.
2023-07-21 23:33:021


Graphic Designer 简称 GD
2023-07-21 23:33:138


2023-07-21 23:33:523

graphic picture photo image 这四个单词有何区别?

graphic 图形picture 图画photo 照片image 图像
2023-07-21 23:34:001


radeon Vega8 graphic就是AMD apu集成的核心显卡,它的性能在目前所有核心显卡中处于领先地位。这款核心显卡综合性能相当于台式机GTX750独立显卡的水平,属于低端入门级别。可以满足上网办公,视频播放,简单的网络游戏等配置要求。不能满足主流大型游戏的配置要求。
2023-07-21 23:34:092

CorelDRAW 9.0 Graphic 是什么格式!怎么打开吗?

2023-07-21 23:34:365

CorelDRAW X4 Graphic文件怎么打开?

2023-07-21 23:34:503

英语contains graphic content怎么翻译?

2023-07-21 23:35:105


平面设计(graphic design),也称为视觉传达设计,是以“视觉”作为沟通和表现的方式,透过多种方式来创造和结合符号、图片和文字,借此作出用来传达想法或讯息的视觉表现。
2023-07-21 23:35:4014


2023-07-21 23:36:152


可以使用内存流和TBlob添加图片.我这里用的是Access表,Graphic字段类型为OEL物件.单元接口要引用JPEG单元.插入图片:procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);var MStream : TMemoryStream; FileExt : string;begin if image1.Picture.Graphic <> nil then begin MStream := TMemoryStream.Create; FileExt := ExtractFileExt(Opendialog1.FileName); end; try image1.Picture.Graphic.SaveToStream(MStream); Mstream.Position := 0; adoquery1.Edit; TBlobField(Adoquery1.FieldByName("phote")).LoadFromStream(MStream); if uppercase(fileExt) = ".BMP" then//bmp图片插入 begin Adoquery1.FieldByName("isbmp").Value := 1; ShowMessage("Insert BMP OK!"); end else if (UpperCase(fileExt) = ".JPG") or (UpperCase(FileExt) = ".JPEG") then//JPEG图片格式 begin adoQuery1.FieldByName("isbmp").Value := 0; ShowMessage("Insert jpeg OK!"); end; adoquery1.Post; finally MStream.Free; end;end;读取:procedure TForm1.DBGrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn);var MStream : TMemoryStream; jpeg : TJpegImage;begin try MStream := TMemoryStream.Create; TBlobField(Adoquery1.FieldByName("phote")).SaveToStream(MStream); MStream.Position := 0; if Adoquery1.FieldByName("isbmp").Value = 1 then //琌BMP瓜��Α begin Image1.Picture.Graphic.LoadFromStream(MStream); end else if Adoquery1.FieldByName("isbmp").Value = 0 then begin jpeg := TJpegImage.Create; JPeg.LoadFromStream(MStream); Image1.Picture.Assign(jpeg); FreeAndNil(jpeg); end else Image1.Picture := nil; finally MStream.Free; end;end;
2023-07-21 23:36:221

delphi中 image.picture.graphic

2023-07-21 23:36:322

英语graphic novel怎么翻译?

2023-07-21 23:36:402


后缀graphic继承了很多希腊语的词源用于学科的一般是指通过科学(包含艺术,人文,数学等等)搞清楚一件事情。可以翻译成 XX学
2023-07-21 23:36:491


前一个是名词, 相片图片的意思, 第二个是形容词,意思是图片的, 带图的。。
2023-07-21 23:37:261

graphic device是什么意思

  graphic device的中文翻译_  graphic device  图形设备  双语例句  1  Color DC Plasma Bar Graphic Device  彩色等离子体光柱显示器件  2  DC Plasma Bar Graphic Device  直流等离子体光柱显示器件
2023-07-21 23:37:341


2023-07-21 23:37:491

graphic content是什么意思

2023-07-21 23:38:164


2023-07-21 23:39:081


相当于GT1030/RX550的水平。radeon vega8 graphic是Ryzen 3 2200G等处理器内置的核显,性能相当于独显GT740/R7 250的水平,R5 2400G集成的Vega 11则基本上相当于GT1030/RX550的水平。对于从事专业图形设计的人来说显卡非常重要。民用和军用显卡图形芯片供应商主要包括AMD(超微半导体)和Nvidia(英伟达)2家,top500计算机,都包含显卡计算核心。在科学计算中,显卡被称为显示加速卡。扩展资料:注意事项:在潮湿的环境下存储和使用会导致电脑内部的电子元件遭受腐蚀,加速氧化,从而加快电脑的损坏。严重的灰尘会堵塞电脑的散热系统以及容易引起内部零件之间的短路而使电脑的使用性能下降甚至损坏。在过冷和过热的温度下使用电脑会加速内部元件的老化过程,严重的甚至会导致系统无法开机。待电脑完全关机后再装入电脑包,防止计算机过热损坏。直接合上液晶屏可会造成系统没有完全关机。参考资料来源:百度百科-华为笔记本参考资料来源:百度百科-显卡
2023-07-21 23:39:151

CorelDRAW 9.0 Graphic是什么格式,如何打开?

安装一个“CorelDRAW12 X3忽略颜色样式补丁1.0”,可以打开的。
2023-07-21 23:39:426


2023-07-21 23:39:571


2023-07-21 23:40:051

new year graphic是什么意思

new year graphic新年的图形
2023-07-21 23:40:132

什么是graphic design?

Graphic Design 以字面解释,就是平面设计,主要是从事 2-dimensional 的设计工作,例如宣传海报、宣传单张、书刊、logo、label、print ad 等等。 一般出路是到 design house or advertising agency 工作,其次是杂志社或 print house 等等,有好多不同的机构都需要 graphic designer。 投身这个行业,首先要对色彩的运用和如何构图有一定的认识,还必需懂得运用Illustrator(绘图软件),如 Photoshop(绘图软件)都识就更好,一般来讲,有好的 portfolio 比学历更重要。 其实 Graphic Design 亦可以应用于其他设计行业,如多媒体设计、包装设计、室内设计、时装设计、甚至珠宝设计等等,当然还要加上有关方面的专门知识啦。 希望能令你对 Graphic Design 有较深的认识吧。 参考: myself 真的! 现在那们竞争的社会 有的当铺都挂羊头卖狗肉 还没借都讲得很好听 借了之后 难商量 难沟通 被绑住的感觉 其实我也遇到很多那种当铺 自从我找到了 中坜仁宝当铺 之后 那种感觉完全不见 觉得 仁宝当铺 跟那些当铺 完全不同 完全不必看人脸色 就跟去银行的感觉一样 服务态度好 以客至上 详细解说 不会有被骗的感觉 店长 人非常亲切 好商量 真心推荐 中坜仁宝当铺 本人亲身经历 也可以上网搜寻看看 风评超好 超多人推荐 中坜YKK对面 非常好找 03-4520077 Graphic Design = 平面设计 读完之后可以出去做广告人... 最好就识多o的用多媒体软件啦... 画野叻o的o既都有帮助 参考: 06/07年读多媒体设计
2023-07-21 23:40:201

graphic device要不要开

有必要开启。graphic device有必要开启主板BIOS设置启动独显,需要知道主板采用的BIOS类型。主板设置显卡的地方一般显示graphic device,graphic Adapter等字样。
2023-07-21 23:40:271

Intel HD Graphic 2500相当于什么性能的显卡

我家里的老 一体电脑就是这个2500核显的,(9年前的老电脑了U0001f4bb!哈哈),我已经不玩游戏但用它来看1080P 60fps的实时游戏视频完全冇问题!它也可以运行一些老大型游戏(crysis 1,call of duty mw3,far cry 3与前作)。它的性能比如今仍在售的低端卡GT710仍要稍低,比GT610,GT520,GT220在某些游戏中稍好,在crysis 1 在720P最低画质我测试过大约平均30fps与GT220,GT610比较接近。
2023-07-21 23:40:473

graphic settings什么意思

2023-07-21 23:40:551


2023-07-21 23:41:022


问题一:“平面设计师”的英文怎么说 Graphic Designer 平面设计师 问题二:平面设计的英文怎么说 国际平面设计联盟(AGI) 国际平面设计协会(International Graphic Design Association) 都是用Graphic Design--平面设计。 其他还有: 深圳平面设计协会会员 Member of the Shenzhen Graphic Designers" Association 问题三:设计师英语怎么说? 设计师(给你5种说法) 1. stylist 2.architect 3.constructor 4.designer5.millwright 最常用的是designer [di"zain?] 希望对你有帮助 望采纳 谢谢 问题四:平面设计师的英文怎么说 平面设计师 [词典] graphic designer; [例句]她请做平面设计师的儿子设计了信头和信笺。 She asked her son, a graphic designer, to create letterheads and stationery 问题五:职业设计师和自由设计师的英文怎么说 Professional designer 职业设计师 自由设计师可以叫做:unstricted 场esigner 不受约束的设计师 或者 free designer 也可以~ 问题六:平面设计的英文是什么? 直译过来是planar design,但不这么用的。实际上中文所指的平面设计就是英文里的graphic design 问题七:“平面设计师”的英文怎么说 Graphic Designer 平面设计师 问题八:平面设计的英文怎么说 国际平面设计联盟(AGI) 国际平面设计协会(International Graphic Design Association) 都是用Graphic Design--平面设计。 其他还有: 深圳平面设计协会会员 Member of the Shenzhen Graphic Designers" Association 问题九:平面设计师的英文怎么说 平面设计师 [词典] graphic designer; [例句]她请做平面设计师的儿子设计了信头和信笺。 She asked her son, a graphic designer, to create letterheads and stationery 问题十:职业设计师和自由设计师的英文怎么说 Professional designer 职业设计师 自由设计师可以叫做:unstricted 场esigner 不受约束的设计师 或者 free designer 也可以~
2023-07-21 23:41:161


2023-07-21 23:41:262


应该是graphics ready 意思是设计图已经准备完毕
2023-07-21 23:41:351

Graphic Novel和Comic Book的区别

Graphic Novel和Comic Book的区别:Comic books and graphic novels differ in terms of story completeness, length and the presence of advertisements. The latter publication tends to be easier to find in bookstores and libraries, and they usually are made more for adults. Identification numbers are not the same, as well. Some people view comics as being more "common" and less artistic, but they can be worth thousands of dollars to collectors, making it debatable which form has more value.Completeness of the StoryA standard comic book usually includes the beginning, middle or end of a story, so a person typically cannot read or buy just one to learn the whole plot or discover the characters. By contrast, a graphic novel tends to cover one story in its entirety. If writers and artists decide to create a sequel, they design it as a new, complete story with a beginning, middle and end.Some graphic novels are designed from the start to tell one, long story that cannot logically be broken up into the shorter format. Using this format allows the author the creative freedom to tell his or her story in an original way without adding abrupt cliffhangers or changing the natural flow of the story. In other cases, a collection of comic books will be published in novel form. This type takes those individual comics that told the different parts of the story and combines them into one reading experience, often with clear divisions between each part.Publishers sometimes also issue comic strips as a collection in book form, which leads to a little confusion when trying to make a distinction. They often do this with very popular titles, such as Garfield, Peanuts, or Calvin and Hobbes. Titles give a clue here, because these collections typically give some indication of how the publication was organized, such as by year or theme.Length and FormatTaking story completeness into consideration, in general, a comic runs about 21 to 24 pages. Most take only 10 to 30 minutes to read, making them great for filling short periods of free time. Graphic novels can be three to six times as long, with anywhere from 60 to 120 pages, but a person usually still can finish one in a single sitting.Comic books are periodicals, typically printed on magazine-style paper and simply bound with staples. Graphic novels, on the other hand, can sometimes be found in hardback, although this is less common than paperback versions. Paperback covers are usually thick and glossy and the novels are bound like other, more traditional books.AdvertisementsPublishers often include eight to ten pages of advertisements in a comic book, bringing the total number of pages to around 32. Many of these ads are in-house, meaning they"re designed to draw attention to other works or products from the same company. Others are from other businesses, and these help cover the costs of production. Typically, graphic novels contain little or no marketing. As a result, they are typically much more expensive.Where to Find ThemMost comics are often sold directly through specialty stores, with only a few getting larger distribution to booksellers and libraries. Graphic novels usually are available at traditional book stores and libraries, although some comic book stores do carry some titles.Maturity RatingGraphic novels tend to be aimed at adult readers, so they often have mature themes that are not appropriate for kids. The work by one of the most recognizable graphic novelists, Frank Miller — author of Sin City and 300, among many others — is definitely not for the faint of heart. It contains significant references to sex and violence, with the illustrations leaving little to the imagination.People often think of comic books as being aimed specifically toward kids or teen audiences, although many adults enjoy the themes, as well. Some concepts tend to be fairly universal, such as good fighting evil, finding romance or handling everyday life events such as school. Comics for kids are often good for beginning readers because the text tends to be fairly simple and describes what appears in each frame of the work.This distinction isn"t always a hard and fast rule, however. Japanese manga, for example, which are a type of comic book, often explores more adult themes. There are also a number of comic book titles that are known for their violence and other adult themes. A kids comic may also be collected into a graphic novel format, although these tend to be a bit less common than more adult titles.IdentificationSimilar to any other novel, graphic ones are given an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), a 13-digit identifier used with books. In the United States, they also have Library of Congress filing numbers. Comics, conversely, usually have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), an eight-digit number used only with periodicals.Acceptance and ValueEven though comic books are enormously popular, in general, many people tend to see them as a "lower" art form, in part because they assume that they are largely designed for children or have simple themes. Graphic novels typically are more accepted, with some even making bestseller lists, and they may compete directly with more traditional novels. Ones that combine a series of comics may be more appealing to adults who might feel self-conscious about purchasing individual comic books to read. A number of comic book authors argue that the distinction is just a marketing term designed to sell the more expensive format.Despite the usual view of comic books as "common," some of these publications have become wildly successful to the point of strongly influencing culture. Phrases, characters and objects from famous ones such as Spiderman, Superman and Batman, for example, have spread into other areas, including music, television and toys. The highest grossing US film of 2008 was "The Dark Knight," based on the Batman comics, while in 2012 it was "The Avengers," which was based on the Marvel Comics superheroes.Another way in which comic books have become more accepted is for their actual financial value. Very rare ones can be worth thousands of dollars. People collect graphic novels, too, but when they do, it"s typically because they enjoy a particular art style or story line, not because they"re looking for an investment.
2023-07-21 23:41:431

CorelDRAW X4 Graphic是什么意思

用Illustrator CS导入这个文件,看有没有图形 很可能这个图形变成了黑白的,不过总好过什么都没有吧
2023-07-21 23:41:515

请教关于 Graphic Abstract

您好,abstract修饰符用来修饰类和成员方法:1:用abstract修饰的类表示抽象类,抽象类位于继承树的抽象层,抽象类不能被实例化。2:用abstract修饰的方法表示抽象方法,抽象方法没有方法体。抽象方法用来描述系统具有什么功能,但不提供具体的实现。 abstract 规则:1:抽象类可以没有抽象方法,但是有抽象方法的类必须定义为抽象类,如果一个子类继承一个抽象类,子类没有实现父类的所有抽象方法,那么子类也要定义为抽象类,否则的话编译会出错的。2:抽象类没有构造方法,也没有抽象静态方法。但是可以有非抽象的构造方法。3:抽象类不能被实例化,但是可以创建一个引用变量,类型是一个抽象类,并让它引用非抽象类的子类的一个实例。
2023-07-21 23:42:171

信息图形的Infographic与Motion Graphic的区别

Damndigital呈现给大家的信息图示相关作品中有很多是以视频的形式出现的。的确如果信息图示数量太多的话,Motion Graphic是呈现所有内容的一种非常好的表现形式(类似PPT中通过动画在一页中显示大量图表),但是信息图示(infographics)是图(Graphic),也就是说,是静态的;而Motion Graphic强调的是Motion,强调通过动态来演示图片内容。
2023-07-21 23:42:241


.odg文件类型:OpenDocument Graphic扩展名为.odg的文件是一个图像文件。文件说明:Drawing based on the OASIS OpenDocument standard; uses XML formatting这是openoffice文件格式的一种图像格式,用open office软件可以打开,软件大小127MB,可以搜索下载
2023-07-21 23:42:513

Y7000P BIOS里Graphic Device下面两个选项分别什么意思啊?

2023-07-21 23:43:061

graphic feature是什么意思

graphic feature图形特征
2023-07-21 23:43:302


2023-07-21 23:43:381